v for momentoception

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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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  • 8/8/2019 V for Momentoception


    Still, she remembered Adeles voice whispering, Think of the

    Children; think of them. She meant to think of them; that

    determination had driven into her soul like a death wound but not

    tonight. Tomorrow would be time to think of everything.

    Robert was not waiting for her in the little parlor. He was nowhereat hand. The house was empty. But he had scrawled on a piece of

    paper that lay in the lamplight:

    I love you. Good-by because I love you.

    Edna grew faint when she read the words. She went and sat on the

    sofa. Then she stretched herself out there, never uttering a sound.

    She did not sleep. She did not go to bed. The lamp sputtered and

    went out. She was still awake in the morning, when Celestine

    unlocked the kitchen door and came in to light the fire.


    Only a year before, on November the 5th

    was the Old

    Bailey destroyed to the tune of the 1812 Overture. A revolution

    without dancing is a revolution not worth having.And so, Ellen T.

    Operandi and her husband Leonard Lenny were dancing away

    again, to the tune of the 1812 Overture and exhilarating explosions

    of the parliament building. They were both still masked by the Guy

    Fawkes faceplate that everyone else was wearing, yet Ellen knew

    who Lenny was as did Lenny. With the corruption of the

    totalitarian government uncovered and the High Chancellor Adam

    Sutler disposed of, England could start anew.

    Edna remembered that she not slept all night, yet the sky was

    filled with moonlight. She assumed that exhaustion had

    consumed her and that she had fallen asleep, dead to the word.

    Yet, her surroundings had change. The familiar,affable sight of sea

    was nowhere to be seen. The letter her dear Robert had written

    to her was missing from the table. No, it was no longer a table,

    there was no table. But not all was gone, in fact, there sat

    something in the chair in the next room, but not a thing, a man.

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    It was only a month ago that a vaudevillian veteran had

    vowed to vanquish the venal and virulent vermin van guarding

    voracious violation of volition and succeeded. But it was far from

    victory. The old government, if one could call it that, had crumbled

    and without a leader, several fractions fought for the platform.

    Both Edna and Leonard fervently supported the V party, one that

    envisioned a government that the old pilgrims had sought, one by

    the people, a free, independent world.

    Ellen, do you remember me? Who is Ellen? Edna conjectured in

    her mind. Maybe the man was in the wrong room. Her puzzled

    look disdained the man, and he pushed a button on the side of

    the bed. Edna could see from the tiny slits that could not be

    covered by blinds movement- it was white and it was getting


    Both Leonard and Ellen had worked with technology in

    their vocations before the 5th

    of November. As they were young

    and filled with vigor, the V party had chosen them as top

    candidates to become extractors. A new technology that the

    secretive government, under High Chancellor Sutler, allowed men

    to go within others dreams and pull out information, or extract. It

    was what was needed to bring about the rise of the V party- to

    achieve a peace.

    Men in white rushed in as the door abruptly flung open. Referring

    to the mysterious man who had called Edna, Ellen, the men in

    white started talking with him. Edna thought she heard the men

    in white call him Lonce, but realized they had said Leonard, an

    unfamiliar name.

    Leonard and Ellen became the most successful of extractors.

    Within half a year, the V party dominated England and became the

    sole government. While freedom, what Leonard and Ellen had

    always dreamed of for their three daughters, has been gained,Lenny noticed subtle changes in his beautiful Ellen- as if she was

    possessed by the very thing she came to control- dreams.

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    Edna was silent as the men in white, doctors they seemed like,

    and this man called Leonard talked for several minutes. Finally,

    Leonard turned around, just silently staring at Edna. Then he

    called her Ellen once again. You must remember Ellen, you must!

    Youve been unconscious for a month now. Now that youve

    awaken, you must remember!

    Gradually, the subtle changes Leonard had so noted turned

    into titanic problems. Ellen kept trying to convince Leonard that

    they were living inside a dream, and that they Ellen and Leonard,

    and their three daughters, Adriadne, Dolores, and Evey needed to

    escape such false world.

    I dont know what youre talking about Mr. Leonard, my name is

    Edna Pontellier, and where am I? Look your name is Ellen. Ellen

    T. Operandi and we are married. Edna could say nothing, do

    nothing, she was bewildered by such atrocious statements. After

    perplexing thought she quietly whispered, Im sorry, but my

    husband is Lonce. Ellen, look, I dont have much time to

    explain, but think about it. The similarities of Lonce and my

    name Leonard, or your name! Edna Pontellier is just your real

    name rearranged.

    Leonard was coming home, alone, as Ellen has been

    recently commissioned unfit for work temporarily. It always gavehim great pleasure to come home and see his little girls. It seemed

    that they grew a month older everyday he came back home from

    work. Knowing his precious Ellen and his girls would be sleeping;

    he quietly unlocked the door and walked in spotting three

    corpses, drenched in sanguine ooze.

    I, II. No. No. NO!! Leonard and the doctors looked surprisingly;

    they spotted signs of realization in the screams of agony in Ednas,no Ellens voice. When Ellen finally stopped screaming, she cried.

    Weeping, she asked Leonard. What have I done? Full knowing

    what she had done.

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    Leonard frantically yelled Ellen! Evey! Dolores! Adriadne!

    He could not believe it, and then he saw a shape, being rendered

    from the darkness deep within the house. It was Ellen, smiling; she

    held the scourged object which had taken the innocent lives of his

    precious jewels. Lenny, lets go home to them.

    Ellen, do you remember now? We were extractors, our three

    daughters you... Then Leonard began sobbing with Ellen.

    It was apparent that Leonard had sent Ellen to be instituted. For

    some time Ellen was still convinced that they were all living in a

    dream. However, like the awakenings she had as Edna, Ellen awoke

    from such thought. Subsequently Ellen was unable to live with the

    fact that she had killed her three own daughters. With her

    experience as an extractor, she unconsciously built a new world. A

    perfect husband, a perfect society, from Ellen T. Operandi, she gaveherself the name Edna Pontellier, no she did more than give herself

    a name, she became Edna.

    What awoke her was not her volition to awake from such a world,

    but her desire to be free and independent, the thing she had so

    desperately wanted with Leonard on that most beautiful of nights,

    when the new age began. V had taught the vox populi that words

    retained power, that power of government, of an oppressing force

    should not be exploited. Freedom, Forever!

    It was ironic, what she had thought to be perfect, a world of peace,

    was just what she had hated. She had awoken from a dream where

    she could not stay but could not die and could not live in, into a

    world where she could not live in but could not die in the ultimate


    Now she could, with Leonard, face the facts as they were. They were

    still together, for reason. It was their desire for freedom and

    individualism that brought them together and held them so.

    The Tragic tears of Ellen and Leonard turned into one of pure bliss

    an excitement that could not be contained. The three men in

    white walked out, leaving the two to enjoy their lives.

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