vegapuls 68r

Operating Instructions Radar sensor for continuous level measurement of bulk solids VEGAPULS SR 68 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire Document ID: 38295

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Page 1: vegapuls 68R

Operating InstructionsRadar sensor for continuous level measurement of bulk solids

VEGAPULS SR 684 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire

Document ID: 38295

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VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire


Contents1 About this document

1.1 Function ........................................................................................................................... 41.2 Target group ..................................................................................................................... 41.3 Symbolism used ............................................................................................................... 4

2 For your safety2.1 Authorised personnel ....................................................................................................... 52.2 Appropriate use ................................................................................................................ 52.3 Warning about incorrect use ............................................................................................. 52.4 General safety instructions ............................................................................................... 52.5 CE conformity ................................................................................................................... 62.6 NAMUR recommendations .............................................................................................. 62.7 Radio license for Europe .................................................................................................. 62.8 Radio license for USA/Canada ......................................................................................... 62.9 Environmental instructions ............................................................................................... 7

3 Product description3.1 Configuration .................................................................................................................... 83.2 Principle of operation........................................................................................................ 93.3 Packaging, transport and storage ..................................................................................... 93.4 Accessories and replacement parts ............................................................................... 10

4 Mounting4.1 General instructions ....................................................................................................... 124.2 Mounting preparations - Horn antenna ........................................................................... 124.3 Mounting preparations - Parabolic antenna .................................................................... 134.4 Mounting instructions ..................................................................................................... 14

5 Connecting to power supply5.1 Preparing the connection ............................................................................................... 275.2 Connection ..................................................................................................................... 285.3 Wiring plan, double chamber housing ............................................................................ 295.4 Switch-on phase............................................................................................................. 31

6 Set up with the display and adjustment module6.1 Insert display and adjustment module ............................................................................ 326.2 Adjustment system ......................................................................................................... 336.3 Parameter adjustment .................................................................................................... 336.4 Saving the parameter adjustment data ........................................................................... 47

7 Setup with PACTware7.1 Connect the PC .............................................................................................................. 487.2 Parameter adjustment .................................................................................................... 497.3 Saving the parameter adjustment data ........................................................................... 50

8 Set up with other systems8.1 DD adjustment programs ............................................................................................... 518.2 Field Communicator 375, 475 ........................................................................................ 51

9 Diagnosis, asset management and service9.1 Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 529.2 Measured value and event memory ............................................................................... 529.3 Asset Management function ........................................................................................... 53

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VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire





9.4 Rectify faults ................................................................................................................... 569.5 Exchanging the electronics module ................................................................................ 609.6 Software update ............................................................................................................. 609.7 How to proceed if a repair is needed .............................................................................. 60

10 Dismounting10.1 Dismounting steps.......................................................................................................... 6210.2 Disposal ......................................................................................................................... 62

11 Supplement11.1 Technical data ................................................................................................................ 6311.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................................... 70

Safety instructions for Ex areasPleasenotetheEx-specificsafetyinformationforinstallationandop-eration in Ex areas. These safety instructions are part of the operating instructions manual and come with the Ex-approved instruments.Editing status: 2014-01-28

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1 About this document

VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire


1 About this document

1.1 FunctionThis operating instructions manual provides all the information you need for mounting, connection and setup as well as important instruc-tionsformaintenanceandfaultrectification.Pleasereadthisinforma-tion before putting the instrument into operation and keep this manual accessible in the immediate vicinity of the device.

1.2 Target groupThis operating instructions manual is directed to trained specialist personnel. The contents of this manual should be made available to these personnel and put into practice by them.

1.3 Symbolism usedInformation, tip, noteThis symbol indicates helpful additional information.Caution: If this warning is ignored, faults or malfunctions can result.Warning: If this warning is ignored, injury to persons and/or serious damage to the instrument can result.Danger: If this warning is ignored, serious injury to persons and/or destruction of the instrument can result.

Ex applicationsThis symbol indicates special instructions for Ex applications.

• ListThe dot set in front indicates a list with no implied sequence.

→ ActionThis arrow indicates a single action.

1 Sequence of actionsNumbers set in front indicate successive steps in a procedure.

Battery disposalThis symbol indicates special information about the disposal of bat-teries and accumulators.

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2 For your safety

VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire





2 For your safety

2.1 Authorised personnelAll operations described in this operating instructions manual must be carried out only by trained specialist personnel authorised by the plant operator.During work on and with the device the required personal protective equipment must always be worn.

2.2 Appropriate useVEGAPULS SR 68 is a sensor for continuous level measurement.Youcanfinddetailedinformationabouttheareaofapplicationinchapter "Product description".Operational reliability is ensured only if the instrument is properly usedaccordingtothespecificationsintheoperatinginstructionsmanual as well as possible supplementary instructions.

2.3 Warning about incorrect useInappropriate or incorrect use of the instrument can give rise to application-specifichazards,e.g.vesseloverfillordamagetosystemcomponents through incorrect mounting or adjustment.

2.4 General safety instructionsThis is a state-of-the-art instrument complying with all prevailing regulations and guidelines. The instrument must only be operated in a technicallyflawlessandreliablecondition.Theoperatorisresponsiblefor the trouble-free operation of the instrument.During the entire duration of use, the user is obliged to determine the compliance of the necessary occupational safety measures with the current valid rules and regulations and also take note of new regula-tions.The safety instructions in this operating instructions manual, the na-tional installation standards as well as the valid safety regulations and accident prevention rules must be observed by the user.For safety and warranty reasons, any invasive work on the device beyond that described in the operating instructions manual may be carried out only by personnel authorised by the manufacturer. Arbi-traryconversionsormodificationsareexplicitlyforbidden.The safety approval markings and safety tips on the device must also be observed.Depending on the instrument version, the emitting frequencies are in the C or K band range. The low emitting frequencies are far below the internationally approved limit values. When used correctly, there is no danger to health.

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2 For your safety

VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire


2.5 CE conformityThedevicefulfillsthelegalrequirementsoftheapplicableECguide-lines.ByaffixingtheCEmarking,weconfirmsuccessfultestingoftheproduct.YoucanfindtheCECertificateofConformityinthedownloadsectionof our homepage.

Electromagnetic compatibilityInstruments in four-wire or Ex-d-ia version are designed for use in an industrial environment. Nevertheless, electromagnetic interference from electrical conductors and radiated emissions must be taken into account, as is usual with class A instruments according to EN 61326-1.Iftheinstrumentisusedinadifferentenvironment,theelectromag-netic compatibility to other instruments must be ensured by suitable measures.

2.6 NAMUR recommendationsNAMUR is the automation technology user association in the process industry in Germany. The published NAMUR recommendations are acceptedasthestandardinfieldinstrumentation.ThedevicefulfillstherequirementsofthefollowingNAMURrecom-mendations:

• NE 21 – Electromagnetic compatibility of equipment• NE 43 – Signal level for malfunction information from measuring

transducers• NE53–Compatibilityoffielddevicesanddisplay/adjustment

components• NE107–Self-monitoringanddiagnosisoffielddevicesFor further information see

2.7 Radio license for EuropeThe instrument is approved according to EN 302372-1/2 (2006-04) for use in closed vessels.

2.8 Radio license for USA/CanadaThe instrument is in conformity with part 15 of the FCC regulations. Take note of the following two regulations:

• The instrument must not cause any interfering emissions• The device must be insensitive to interfering immissions, including

those that may cause undesirable operating conditions

Modificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythemanufacturerwillleadtoexpiry of the operating licence according to FCC/IC.The instrument is in conformity with RSS-210 of the IC regulations.The instrument may only be used in closed vessels made of metal, concrete,orfibre-reinforcedplastic.

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2 For your safety

VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire





2.9 Environmental instructionsProtection of the environment is one of our most important duties. That is why we have introduced an environment management system with the goal of continuously improving company environmental pro-tection.Theenvironmentmanagementsystemiscertifiedaccordingto DIN EN ISO 14001.Pleasehelpusfulfillthisobligationbyobservingtheenvironmentalinstructions in this manual:

• Chapter "Packaging, transport and storage"• Chapter "Disposal"

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3 Product description

VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire


3 Product description

3.1 ConfigurationThetypelabelcontainsthemostimportantdataforidentificationanduse of the instrument:















Fig. 1: Layout of the type label (example)1 Instrument type2 Product code3 Approvals4 Power supply and signal output, electronics5 Protection rating6 Measuring range7 Process and ambient temperature, process pressure8 Material, wetted parts9 Hardware and software version10 Order number11 Serial number of the instrument12 Data-Matrix-Code for Smartphone-App13 Symbol of the device protection class14 ID numbers, instrument documentation15 Reminder to observe the instrument documentation16 NotifiedauthorityforCEmarking17 Approval directive

The type label contains the serial number of the instrument. With it youcanfindthefollowinginstrumentdataonourhomepage:

• Product code (HTML)• Delivery date (HTML)• Order-specificinstrumentfeatures(HTML)• Operating instructions and quick setup guide at the time of ship-

ment (PDF)• Order-specificsensordataforanelectronicsexchange(XML)• Testcertificate(PDF)-optionalGo to, "VEGATools" and "Instrument search". Enter the serial number.Alternatively, you can access the data via your smartphone:

Type label

Serial number - Instru-ment search

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3 Product description

VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire





• Download the smartphone app "VEGATools" from the "Apple App Store" or the "GooglePlayStore"

• Scan the Data Matrix code on the type label of the instrument or• Enter the serial number manually in the app

This operating instructions manual applies to the following instrument versions:

• Hardware from 2.1.0• Software from 4.5.1

The scope of delivery encompasses:

• Radar sensor• Documentation

– Quick setup guide VEGAPULS SR 68 – TestcertificateMeasurementaccuracy,dependingonthe

instrument VEGAPULS SR 68 (optional) – Operating instructions manual "Display and adjustment mod-

ule" (optional) – Ex-specific"Safety instructions" (with Ex versions) – ifnecessary,furthercertificates

3.2 Principle of operationThe VEGAPULS SR 68 is a radar sensor for continuous measurement ofbulksolidsalsounderdifficultprocessconditions.Itisparticularlysuitable for level measurement in high silos and large bunkers.The instrument is also suitable for applications in liquids.

The antenna of the radar sensor emits short radar pulses with a durationofapprox.1ns.Thesepulsesarereflectedbytheproductand received by the antenna as echoes. The transit time of the radar pulses from emission to reception is proportional to the distance and hence to the level. The determined level is converted into an appropri-ate output signal and outputted as measured value.

3.3 Packaging, transport and storageYour instrument was protected by packaging during transport. Its capacity to handle normal loads during transport is assured by a test based on ISO 4180.The packaging of standard instruments consists of environment-friendly, recyclable cardboard. For special versions, PE foam or PE foil is also used. Dispose of the packaging material via specialised recycling companies.

Transport must be carried out in due consideration of the notes on the transport packaging. Nonobservance of these instructions can cause damage to the device.

Scope of this operating instructions manual

Scope of delivery

Application area

Functional principle



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3 Product description

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The delivery must be checked for completeness and possible transit damage immediately at receipt. Ascertained transit damage or con-cealed defects must be appropriately dealt with.

Up to the time of installation, the packages must be left closed and stored according to the orientation and storage markings on the outside.Unless otherwise indicated, the packages must be stored only under the following conditions:

• Not in the open• Dry and dust free• Not exposed to corrosive media• Protected against solar radiation• Avoiding mechanical shock and vibration

• Storage and transport temperature see chapter "Supplement - Technicaldata-Ambientconditions"

• Relative humidity 20 … 85 %

3.4 Accessories and replacement partsThe display and adjustment module PLICSCOM is used for measured value indication, adjustment and diagnosis. It can be inserted into the sensor or the external display and adjustment unit and removed at any time.Youcanfindfurtherinformationintheoperatinginstructions"Display and adjustment module PLICSCOM" (Document-ID 27835).

The interface adapter VEGACONNECT enables the connection of communication-capable instruments to the USB interface of a PC. For parameter adjustment of these instruments, the adjustment software PACTware with VEGA-DTM is required.Youcanfindfurtherinformationintheoperatinginstructions"Interface adapterVEGACONNECT" (Document-ID 32628).

The VEGADIS 81 is an external display and adjustment unit for VEGA plics® sensors.For sensors with double chamber housing the interface adapter "DIS-ADAPT" is also required for VEGADIS 81.Youcanfindfurtherinformationintheoperatinginstructions"VE-GADIS81" (Document-ID 43814).

VEGADIS 62 is suitable for measured value indication and adjustment of sensors with HART protocol. It is looped into the 4 … 20 mA/HART signal cable.Youcanfindfurtherinformationintheoperatinginstructions"VE-GADIS62" (Document-ID 36469).

The PLICSMOBILE T61 is an external GSM/GPRS radio unit for transmission of measured values and for remote parameter adjust-

Transport inspection


Storage and transport temperature






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3 Product description

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ment of plics® sensors. The adjustment is carried out via PACTware/DTM by using the integrated USB connection.Youcanfindfurtherinformationinthesupplementaryinstructions"PLICSMOBILET61" (Document-ID 37700).

The protective cover protects the sensor housing against soiling and intense heat from solar radiation.Youwillfindadditionalinformationinthesupplementaryinstructionsmanual "Protective cover" (Document-ID 34296).

Screwedflangesareavailableindifferentversionsaccordingtothefollowing standards: DIN 2501, EN 1092-1, BS 10, ANSI B 16.5, JIS B 2210-1984, GOST 12821-80.Youcanfindadditionalinformationinthesupplementaryinstructionsmanual "FlangesaccordingtoDIN-EN-ASME-JIS" (Document-ID 31088).

The electronics module VEGAPULS series 60 is a replacement part forradarsensorsofVEGAPULSseries60.Thereisadifferentversionavailable for each type of signal output.Youcanfindfurtherinformationintheoperatinginstructions"Elec-tronicsmoduleVEGAPULSseries60" (Document-ID 36801).

The supplementary electronics is a replacement part for the following sensors with 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire:

• VEGAPULS series 60• VEGAFLEX80series• VEGABAR series 80

Youcanfindfurtherinformationintheoperatinginstructions"Supple-mentaryelectronicsfor4…20mA/HART-four-wire" (Document-ID 42766).

The antenna impedance cone is a replacement part used for optimum transmission of microwaves and for sealing against the process.Youfindfurtherinformationintheoperatinginstructions"Antenna impedanceconeVEGAPULS62and68" (Document-ID 31381).

Protective cap


Electronics module

Supplementary electron-ics 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire

Antenna impedance cone

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4 Mounting

VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire


4 Mounting

4.1 General instructionsOninstrumentswithprocessfittingthread,thehexagonmustbetight-enedwithasuitablescrewdriver.Wrenchsizeseechapter"Dimen-sions".

Warning:The housing must not be used to screw the instrument in! Applying tightening force can damage internal parts of the housing.

Protect your instrument against moisture penetration through the fol-lowing measures:

• Use the recommended cable (see chapter "Connecting to power supply")

• Tighten the cable gland• Turn the housing in such a way that the cable gland points down-

ward• Loop the connection cable downward in front of the cable gland

This applies particularly to:

• Outdoor mounting• Installations in areas where high humidity is expected (e.g. through

cleaning processes)• Installations on cooled or heated vessels

Make sure that all parts of the instrument exposed to the process are suitable for the existing process conditions.These are mainly:

• Active measuring component• Processfitting• Process seal

Process conditions are particularly:

• Process pressure• Process temperature• Chemical properties of the medium• AbrasionandmechanicalinfluencesYoucanfindthespecificationsoftheprocessconditionsinchapter"Technicaldata" as well as on the type label.

4.2 Mounting preparations - Horn antennaThe instrument is also available in versions with an antenna whose diameterislargerthantheprocessfitting(thread,flange).Insuchcasestheantennamustbedisconnectedfromtheprocessfittingbefore mounting. Proceed as follows:1. Loosen the hexagon socket screws (3) on the antenna socket

withanAllenwrench(size3)2. Remove the antenna (4)

Screwing in

Protection against mois-ture

Suitability for the process conditions

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Note:The plastic cone may not be pulled out of the antenna socket.3. Insert the antenna from below into the vessel socket and secure it

againstfallingoff4. Retighten the antenna with hexagon screws to the antenna

socket; torque max. 2.5 Nm (1.8 lbf ft)

Note:The radar sensor with rinsing air connection or antenna extension is provided with a notch on the antenna socket. This notch must be alignedwiththemarkingontheprocessfitting(themarkingspecifiesthe position of the polarisation of the radar signal).





Fig. 2: Dismounting of the horn antenna1 Marking for the polarisation2 Marking at the antenna socket3 Hexagon screws on the antenna socket4 Antenna

4.3 Mounting preparations - Parabolic antennaThe instrument is also available in versions where the antenna has adiameterlargerthantheprocessfitting(thread,flange).Withsuchversionstheantennamustbedisconnectedfromtheprocessfittingbefore mounting. Proceed as follows:1. ClampVEGAPULSSR68withtheflange,e.g.inabenchvice2. Holdtheconnectionpiece(1)withawrenchontheflatsurfaces

(widthacrossflats22mm)3. Loosen counter nut (3) completely with a wrench (width across

flats36mm)inthedirectionoftheantenna4. Loosen compression nut (2) completely with a wrench (width

acrossflats41mm)inthedirectionoftheantenna5. Remove the parabolic antenna (4) axially6. Mountsensorflangeontheadapterflangeandfastenittightly7. Check if the O-ring seal is present on the connection piece and

make sure it is not damaged.

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Note:A damaged O-ring seal must be replaced: FKM (SHS FPM 70C3 GLT),FFKM(Kalrez6375)8. Remount the parabolic antenna (4)9. Fastencompressionnut(2)withawrench(widthacrossflats41),

torque max. 50 Nm10. Fastencounternut(3)withawrench(widthacrossflats36),

torque max. 40 Nm

Note:On the version with rinsing air connection, make sure that the holes intheantennaandintheprocessfittingcoincide.Thisensuresasuf-ficientairflow(theairisledthroughtheholestothefeedsystem.Arinsing of the whole parabolic antenna is not intended).




Fig. 3: Dismounting, parabolic antenna1 Connection piece2 Compression nut3 Locknut4 Parabolic antenna

4.4 Mounting instructionsThe emitted radar impulses of the radar sensor are electromagnetic waves. The polarisation is the direction of the electrical wave compo-nent.Byturningtheinstrumentintheconnectionflangeormountingboss,thepolarisationcanbeusedtoreducetheeffectsoffalseechoes.Thepositionofthepolarisationismarkedontheprocessfittingoftheinstrument.


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4 Mounting

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1 2

Fig. 4: Position of the polarisation1 Marking with screwed version2 Markingwithflangeversion

Mount the sensor at least 200 mm (7.874 in) away from the vessel wall.

200 mm(7.87")

Fig. 5: Mounting of the radar sensor on the vessel top

If you cannot maintain this distance, you should carry out a false signal storage during setup. This applies particularly if buildup on the vessel wall is expected. In such a case, it is recommended to repeat the false signal storage at a later date with existing buildup.

Mountingshouldnotbetooclosetotheinflowingmaterialasthemicrowave signal will be interferred. The optimum mounting position is ontheoppositeofthefilling.Toavoidstrongpollution,thedistancetothefilterordustextractionmustbeasbigaspossible.

Installation position


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The socket piece should be dimensioned in such a way that the antenna end protrudes slightly out of the socket.


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ca. 1

0 m


Fig. 8: Recommended socket mounting with horn antenna

> 10





Fig. 9: Recommended socket mounting with parabolic antenna

When using a swivelling holder, keep in mind that the distance between antenna and socket gets smaller as the inclination of the sensorincreases.Additionalfalsereflectionsmaybegeneratedwhichcaninfluencethemeasuringresultatcloserange.

Fig. 10: Distance between antenna and socket with horn antenna

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Fig. 11: Distance between antenna and socket with parabolic antenna

Ifthemediumhasgoodreflectiveproperties,VEGAPULSSR68with horn antenna can also be mounted on a longer socket piece. Recommendedvaluesforsocketheightsarespecifiedinthefollowingillustration. You must carry out a false echo storage afterwards.




Fig. 12: Deviating socket dimensions

Socket diameter d Socket length h Recommended anten-na diameter

40 mm ≤100mm 40 mm

50 mm ≤150mm 48 mm

80 mm ≤250mm 75 mm

100 mm ≤500mm 95 mm

150 mm ≤800mm 95 mm

Socket diameter d Socket length h Recommended anten-na diameter

1½" ≤3.9in 1½"

2" ≤5.9in 2"

3" ≤9.8in 3"

4" ≤19.7in 4"

6" ≤31.5in 4"

Tip:The instrument is also optionally available with an antenna extension. The antenna length can be selected (either ex works or later) to allow the antenna to protrude slightly out of the end of the mounting socket. Duetotheantennaextensionhowever,disturbingreflectionsaregenerated in the close-up range. This can lead to an increase in the

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requiredminimumdistance,especiallywithpoorlyreflectingmediasuch as plastic powder. In practice, a cleanly constructed mounting socket, if necessary with rounded edges, introduces fewer disturbing influencesthananantennaextension.

To measure as much of the vessel volume as possible, the sensor should be aligned so that the measuring beam reaches the lowest level in the vessel. In a cylindrical silo with conical outlet mounting is carried out on a socket. It should be positioned on one third up to the half of the vessel radius.

rrr.../1 3 /1 2

Fig. 13: Orientation

If mounting in the centre of the silo is not possible, the sensor can be directed to the vessel center by using the optional swivelling holder. The following description shows a simple way to determine the required angle of inclination.


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The angle of inclination depends on the vessel dimensions. It can be easily checked with a suitable level or water leve on the sensor.Thefollowingchartspecifiesthedistance"a"betweeninstallationposition and vessel centre dependent on the measuring distance for inclination angles of 2° … 10°.

Distance d (m)

2° 4° 6° 8° 10°

2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

4 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7

6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1

8 0.3 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.4

10 0.3 0.7 1.1 1.4 1.8

15 0.5 1.0 1.6 2.1 2.6

20 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.5

25 0.9 1.7 2.6 3.5 4.4

30 1.0 2.1 3.2 4.2 5.3Example:In a vessel 20 m high, the installation position of the sensor is 1.4 m from the vessel centre.The necessary angle of inclination of 4° can be read out from this chart.

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Proceed as follows to adjust the angle of inclination with the swivelling holder:1. Loosen terminal screw of the swivelling holder with a fork spanner

SW 132. Direct the sensor, check angle of inclination

Information:The max. angle of inclination of the swivelling holder is approx. 15°3. Tighten the terminal screw, torque max. 20 Nm.

Information:The hexagon screws must not be loosened.

The mounting location of the radar sensor should be a place where no otherequipmentorfixturescrossthepathofthemicrowavesignals.Vessel installations, such as e.g. ladders, limit switches, heating spi-rals, struts, etc., can cause false echoes and impair the useful echo. Make sure when planning your measuring site that the radar sensor has a "clear view" to the measured product.In case of existing vessel installations, a false echo storage should be carried out during setup.If large vessel installations such as struts or supports cause false echoes, these can be attenuated through supplementary measures. Small,inclinedsheetmetalbafflesabovetheinstallationsscattertheradarsignalsandpreventdirectinterferingreflections.


If there are agitators in the vessel, a false signal suppression should be carried out with the agitators in motion. This ensures that the interferingreflectionsfromtheagitatorsaresavedwiththebladesindifferentpositions.

Vessel installations


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Fig. 16: Agitators

Large material heaps are detected with several sensors, which can be mounted on e.g. traverse cranes. For this type of application, it is best to orient the sensor toward the solid surface. A mutual infuence of the sensors is not possible.

Fig. 17: Radar sensors on traverse crane

Information:Keep in mind that for these applications, the sensors are designed for relatively slow level changes. When using VEGAPULS SR 68 on a movable bracket, the max. measuring rate must be observed (see chapter "Technicaldata").

Instruments for a temperature range up to 250 °C or up to 450 °C haveadistancepiecebetweenprocessfittingandelectronicshous-ing. Ths distance piece is used for thermal decoupling of the electron-ics against high process temperatures.

Information:The distance piece must only be incorporated up to max. 50 mm in the vessel isolation. Only then, a reliable temperature decoupling is guaranteed.

Material heaps

Mounting in the vessel insulation

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. 50







Fig. 18: Mounting the instrument on insulated vessels.1 Electronicshousing2 Distance piece3 Vessel insulation

For level measurements in concrete silos, the sensors are often mounted in protective boxes. These boxes can be for example metal-lic, closed subsurface enclosures.

1 2

Fig. 19: Mounting of the instrument in an subsurface enclosure1 Subsurface enclosure2 Concrete bottom

For this application, the minimal amounts of stray radiation from the sensorcanbereflectedandstrengthenedbythewallsofthesubsur-face enclosures. In the case of sensors with plastic housings, this can lead to coupling disturbances. This can be avoided by using a sensor with aluminium or stainless steel housing.

Thesilowallsofmultiplechambersilosareoftenmadeofprofilewalls,suchase.g.profilesheeting,toensuretherequiredstability.Ifthe radar sensor is mounted very close to a heavily structured vessel wall,considerablefalsereflectionscanbegenerated.Hencethesen-

Installation in subsurface enclosures

Mounting in multiple chamber silo

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sor should be mounted at a large distance from the separating wall. The optimal mounting position is on the outer wall of the silo with the sensor directed towards the emptying aperture in the silo center.



To avoid strong buildup and dust in the antenna system, the sensor should not be mounted directly at the dust extraction of the vessel.

Dust layers

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In case of extreme dust deposits in the antenna system, VEGAPULS SR 68 is available with a rinsing air connection. The air is distributed via channels in the antenna system and keeps it largely free of dust.

Fig. 22: Purging air connection with horn antenna

Fig. 23: Purging air connection with parabolic antenna

The practice has shown that a pressure of approx. 0.2 … 1 bar providesasufficientairflow(seediagraminchapter"Technicaldata", "Purging air connection".

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5 Connecting to power supply

VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire





5 Connecting to power supply

5.1 Preparing the connectionAlways keep in mind the following safety instructions:

• Connect only in the complete absence of line voltage• If overvoltage surges are expected, overvoltage arresters should

be installed

In this case, the instrument is designed in protection class II. To main-tain this protection class, it is absolutely necessary that the ground conductor be connected to the internal ground terminal. Take note of the general installation regulations.Supply voltage and current signal are carried on separate connection cables if reliable separation is required. The supply voltage range can differdependingontheinstrumentversion.Thedataforpowersupplyarespecifiedinchapter"Technicaldata".

In this case, the instrument is designed in protection class II. Gener-allyconnecttheinstrumenttovesselground(potentialequalization)or with plastic vessels to the next ground potential. For this purpose, a ground terminal is located laterally on the instrument housing.

An approved, three-wire installation cable with PE conductor is required for voltage supply with mains voltage.The 4 … 20 mA current output is connected with standard two-wire cable without screen. If electromagnetic interference is expected which is above the test values of EN 61326-1 for industrial areas, screened cable should be used.Use cable with round cross-section. A cable outer diameter of 5…9mm(0.2…0.35in)ensuresthesealeffectofthecablegland.Ifyouareusingcablewithadifferentdiameterorcross-section,exchange the seal or use a suitable cable gland.

With plastic housing, the NPT cable gland or the Conduit steel tube must be screwed without grease into the threaded insert.Max. torque for all housings see chapter "Technicaldata".

If screened cable is required, we recommend connecting the cable screen on both ends to ground potential. In the sensor, the screen must be connected directly to the internal ground terminal. The ground terminal on the outside of the housing must be connected to the ground potential (low impedance).With Ex systems, the grounding is carried out according to the instal-lation regulations.In electroplating and CCP systems (cathodic corrosion protection) it mustbetakenintoaccountthatsignificantpotentialdifferencesexist.This can lead to unacceptably high shield currents if the cable shield is grounded at both ends.

Safety instructions

Voltage supply via mains voltage

Voltage supply via low voltage

Connection cable

Cable gland ½ NPT

Cable screening and grounding

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5 Connecting to power supply

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Information:Themetallicpartsoftheinstrument(processfitting,transmitter,con-centric tube, etc.) are conductively connected with the inner and outer ground terminal on the housing. This connection exists either directly via connecting metallic parts or, in case of instruments with external electronics, via the screen of the special connection cable.Youcanfindspecificationsonthepotentialconnectionsinsidetheinstrument in chapter "Technicaldata".

5.2 ConnectionThe voltage supply and signal output are connected via the spring-loaded terminals in the housing.Connection to the display and adjustment module or to the interface adapter is carried out via contact pins in the housing.

Information:The terminal block is pluggable and can be removed from the electronics. To do this, lift the terminal block with a small screwdriver and pull it out. When reinserting the terminal block, you should hear it snap in.

Proceed as follows:1. Unscrew the housing cover2. Loosen compression nuts of the cable glands3. Remove approx. 10 cm (4 in) of the cable mantle (signal output),

strip approx. 1 cm (0.4 in) insulation from the ends of the indi-vidual wires

4. Insert the cable into the sensor through the cable entry

Fig. 24: Connection steps 5 and 6

5. Insert the wire ends into the terminals according to the wiring plan

Connection technology

Connection procedure

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Information:Solidcoresaswellasflexiblecoreswithwireendsleevesareinsert-eddirectlyintotheterminalopenings.Incaseofflexiblecoreswithoutend sleeves, press the terminal from above with a small screwdriver, the terminal opening is then free. When the screwdriver is released, the terminal closes again.6. Check the hold of the wires in the terminals by lightly pulling on

them7. Connect the screen to the internal ground terminal, connect the

outer ground terminal to potential equalisation in case of power supply via low voltage

8. Connect the lead cable for power supply in the same way accord-ing to the wiring plan, in addition connect the ground conductor to the inner ground terminal when powered with mains voltage.

9. Tighten the compression nut of the cable glands. The seal ring must completely encircle the cables

10. Screw the housing cover back onTheelectricalconnectionisfinished.

Information:The terminal blocks are pluggable and can be removed from the housing insert. To do this, lift the terminal block with a small screwdriv-er and pull it out. When inserting the terminal block again, you should hear it snap in.

5.3 Wiring plan, double chamber housingThe following illustrations apply to the non-Ex as well as to the Ex-d version.

5 6 7 8


1 2+( ) (-)



Fig.25:Electronicscompartment,doublechamberhousing1 Internal connection to the connection compartment2 For display and adjustment module or interface adapter3 Internal connection to the plug connector for external display and adjust-

ment unit (optional)

Information:The connection of an external display and adjustment unit is not pos-sible with this double chamber housing.

Electronics compartment

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power supply













2+( ) (-) 6 7 8

Fig. 26: Connection compartment with double chamber housing with mains voltage

Terminal Function Polarity

1 Voltage supply +/L

2 Voltage supply -/N

5 4 … 20 mA output (active) +

6 4 … 20 mA output (passive) +

7 Mass - output -

8 Function ground with installa-tion according to CSA

power supply












2+( ) (-) 6 7 8

Fig. 27: Connection compartment with double chamber housing with low volt-age

Terminal Function Polarity

1 Voltage supply +/L

2 Voltage supply -/N

5 4 … 20 mA output (active) +

6 4 … 20 mA output (passive) +

7 Mass - output -

8 Function ground with installa-tion according to CSA

Connection compartment with mains voltage

Connection compartment with low voltage

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5.4 Switch-on phaseAfter connecting the instrument to power supply or after a voltage recurrence, the instrument carries out a self-check for approx. 30 s:

• Internal check of the electronics• Indication of the instrument type, hardware and software version,

measurement loop name on the display or PC• Indication of the status message "F 105 Determine measured

value" on the display or PC• The output signal jumps to the set fault current

As soon as a plausible measured value is found, the corresponding current is outputted to the signal cable. The value corresponds to the actual level as well as the settings already carried out, e.g. factory setting.

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6 Set up with the display and adjustment module

6.1 Insert display and adjustment moduleThe display and adjustment module can be inserted into the sensor andremovedagainatanytime.Youcanchooseanyoneoffourdiffer-ent positions - each displaced by 90°. It is not necessary to interrupt the power supply.Proceed as follows:1. Unscrew the housing cover2. Place the display and adjustment module in the requested posi-

tion onto the electronics and turn to the right until it snaps in3. Screw housing cover with inspection window tightly back onRemoval is carried out in reverse order.The display and adjustment module is powered by the sensor, an ad-ditional connection is not necessary.

Fig. 28: Insertion of the display and adjustment module with single chamber housing

Note:Ifyouintendtoretrofittheinstrumentwithadisplayandadjustmentmodule for continuous measured value indication, a higher cover with an inspection glass is required.

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6.2 Adjustment system



Fig. 29: Display and adjustment elements1 LC display2 Adjustment keys

• [OK] key: – Move to the menu overview – Confirmselectedmenu – Edit parameter – Save value

• [-] key: – Presentation, change measured value – Select list entry – Select editing position

• [+] key: – Change value of the parameter

• [ESC] key: – Interrupt input – Jump to next higher menu

The device is adjusted via the four keys of the display and adjustment module. The LC display indicates the individual menu items. The functions of the individual keys are shown in the above illustration. Ap-prox. 60 minutes after the last pressing of a key, an automatic reset to measuredvalueindicationistriggered.Anyvaluesnotconfirmedwith[OK] will not be saved.

6.3 Parameter adjustmentThe instrument is adapted to the application conditions via the pa-rameter adjustment. The parameter adjustment is carried out with an adjustment menu.

Key functions

Adjustment system

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Setup: Settings, e.g., for measurement loop name, medium, applica-tion, vessel, adjustment, signal outputDisplay: Settings, e.g., for language, measured value display, lightingDiagnosis: Information, e.g. on instrument status, pointer, measure-ment reliability, simulation, echo curveFurther settings: Instrument unit, false signal suppression, linearisa-tion curve, reset, date/time, reset, copy functionInfo: Instrument name, hardware and software version, date of manu-facture, instrument features

Information:Inthisoperatinginstructionsmanual,theinstrument-specificparam-eters in the menu sections "Setup", "Diagnosis" and "Additional set-tings" are described. The general parameters in these menu section are described in the operating instructions manual "Indicating and adjustment module".Youcanfindintheoperatinginstructionsmanual"Display and adjust-ment module" also the description of the menu sections "Display" and "Info".In the main menu point "Setup", the individual submenu points should be selected one after the other and provided with the correct parameters to ensure optimum adjustment of the measurement. The procedure is described in the following.


Eachmediumhasdifferentreflectionproperties.Withliquids,furtherinterferingfactorsarefluctuationproductsurfaceandfoamgenera-tion. With bulk solids, these are dust generation, material cone and additional echoes from the vessel wall.Toadaptthesensortothesedifferentmeasuringconditions,theselection "Liquid" or "Bulk solid" should be made in this menu item.

Through this selection, the sensor is adapted perfectly to the product andmeasurementreliability,particularlyinproductswithpoorreflec-tive properties, is considerably increased.

Main menu

Setup - Medium

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Enter the requested parameters via the appropriate keys, save your settings with [OK] and jump to the next menu item with the [ESC] and the [->] key.

In addition to the medium, also the application, i.e. the measuring site, caninfluencethemeasurement.With this menu item, the sensor can be adapted to the applications. The adjustment possibilities depend on the selection "Liquid" or "Bulk solid" under "Medium".

The following options are available when "Liquid" is selected:

The selection "Standpipe" opens a new window in which the inner diameter of the applied standpipe is entered.

The following features form the basis of the applications:

Storage tank:• Setup: large-volumed, upright cylindrical, spherical• Productspeed:slowfillingandemptying• Process/measurement conditions:

– Condensation – Smooth product surface – High requirements to the measurement accuracy

• Properties, sensor: – Slight sensitivity against sporadic false echoes – Stable and reliable measured values by averaging – High accuracy – Short reaction time of the sensor not required

Storage tanke with product circulation:• Setup: large-volumed, upright cylindrical, spherical• Productspeed:slowfillingandemptying• Installations: small laterally mounted or large top mounted stirrer• Process/measurement conditions:

– Relatively smooth product surface – High requirements to the measurement accuracy – Condensation – Slight foam generation – Overfillingpossible

• Properties, sensor:

Setup - Application

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– Slight sensitivity against sporadic false echoes – Stable and reliable measured values by averaging – High accuracy because not adjusted for max. speed – False signal suppression recommended

Storage tank on ships (Cargo Tank):• Productspeed:slowfillingandemptying• Vessel:

– Installations in the bottom section (bracers, heating spirals) – High sockets 200 … 500 mm, also with large diameters

• Process/measurement conditions: – Condensation, buildup by movement – Max. requirement on measurement accuracy from 95 %

• Properties, sensor: – Slight sensitivity against sporadic false echoes – Stable and reliable measured values by averaging – High accuracy – False signal suppression required

Stirrer vessel (reactor):• Setup:allvesselsizespossible• Product speed:

– Fasttoslowfillingpossible – Vesselisveryoftenfilledandemptied

• Vessel: – Socket available – Large agitator blades of metal – Vortex breakers, heating spirals

• Process/measurement conditions: – Condensation, buildup by movement – Strong spout generation – Very agitated surface, foam generation

• Properties, sensor: – Higher measurement speed through lower averaging – Sporadic false echoes are suppressed

Dosing vessel:• Setup:allvesselsizespossible• Product speed:

– Fastfillingandemptying – Vesselisveryoftenfilledandemptied

• Vessel: narrow installation situation• Process/measurement conditions:

– Condensation, buildup on the antenna – Foam generation

• Properties, sensor: – Measurementspeedoptimizedbyvirtuallynoaveraging – Sporadic false echoes are suppressed – False signal suppression recommended

Standpipe:• Productspeed:veryfastfillingandemptying• Vessel:

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– Vent hole – Joinslikeflanges,weldjoints – Shifting of the running time in the tube

• Process/measurement conditions: – Condensation – Buildup

• Properties, sensor: – Measurementspeedoptimizedthroughlittleaveraging – Entering the tube inside diameter takes the running time shift

into consideration – Echo detection sensitivity reduced

Bypass:• Product speed:

– Fastuptoslowfillingwithshortuptolongbypasstubepossible – Often the level is hold via a control facility

• Vessel: – Lateral outlets and inlets – Joinslikeflanges,weldjoints – Shifting of the running time in the tube

• Process/measurement conditions: – Condensation – Buildup – Separation of oil and water possible – Overfillingintotheantennapossible

• Properties, sensor: – Measurementspeedoptimizedthroughlittleaveraging – Entering the tube inside diameter takes the running time shift

into consideration – Echo detection sensitivity reduced – False signal suppression recommended

Plastic tank:• Vessel:

– Measurementfixmountedorintegrated – Measurement depending on the application through the vessel

top – With empty vessel, the measurement can be carried out

through the bottom• Process/measurement conditions:

– Condensation on the plastic ceiling – In outside facilities water and snow on the vessel top possible

• Properties, sensor: – False signals outside the vessel are not taken into consideration – False signal suppression recommended

Transportable plastic tank:• Vessel:

– Materialandthicknessdifferent – Measurement through the vessel top

• Process/measurement conditions: – Measured value jump with vessel change

• Properties, sensor:

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– Quickadaptationtochangingreflectionconditionsthroughvessel change

– False signal suppression required

Open water (gauge measurement):• Gauge rate of change: slow gauge change• Process/measurement conditions:

– Distance sensor to water surface to big – Extreme damping of output signal due to wave generation – Ice and condensation on the antenna possible – Spiders and insect nestle in the antennas – Floating material and animals sporadically on the water surface

• Properties, sensor: – Stable and reliable measured values by high averaging – Insensitive in the close range

Openflume(flowmeasurement):• Gauge rate of change: slow gauge change• Process/measurement conditions:

– Ice and condensation on the antenna possible – Spiders and insect nestle in the antennas – Smooth water surface – Exact measurement result required – Distance to the water surface normally relatively high

• Properties, sensor: – Stable and reliable measured values by high averaging – Insensitive in the close range

Rain water overfall (weir):• Gauge rate of change: slow gauge change• Process/measurement conditions:

– Ice and condensation on the antenna possible – Spiders and insect nestle in the antennas – Turbulent water surface – Sensorfloodingpossible

• Properties, sensor: – Stable and reliable measured values by high averaging – Insensitive in the close range

Demonstration:• Adjustment for all applications which are not typically level meas-

urement – Instrument demonstration – Object recognition/monitoring (additional settings required)

• Properties, sensor: – Sensor accepts all measured value changes within the measur-

ing range immediately – High sensitivity against interferences, because virtually no


Caution:Ifaseparationofliquidswithdifferentdielectricconstantoccursinthe vessel, for example through condensation, the radar sensor can

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detect under certain circumstances only the medium with the higher dielectric constant. Keep in mind that layer interfaces can cause faulty measurements.If you want to measure the total height of both liquids reliably, please contact our service department or use an instrument specially de-signed for interface measurement.The following options are available when "Bulk solid" is selected:

The following features form the basis of the applications:

Silo (slim and high):• Vessel of metal: weld joints• Process/measurement conditions:

– Filling too close to the sensor – System noise with completely empty silo increased

• Properties, sensor: – Stable measured values through higher averaging – False signal suppression recommended with setup, required for

automatic false signal suppression – Automaticfalsesignalsuppressionwithpartlyfilledvessel

Bunker (large-volumed):• Vessel of concrete or metal:

– Structured vessel walls – Installations present

• Process/measurement conditions: – Large distance to the medium – Large angles of repose

• Properties, sensor: – Mean averaging – High measured value jumps are accepted

Bunkerwithfastfilling:• Vessel of concrete or metal, also multiple chamber silo:

– Structured vessel walls – Installations present

• Process/measurement conditions: – Measured value jumps, e.g. by truck loading – Large distance to the medium – Large angles of repose

• Properties, sensor: – Lower averaging – Very high measured value jumps are accepted

Heap:• Sensor mounting on movable conveyor belts• Detectionoftheheapprofile• Heightdetectionduringfilling• Process/measurement conditions:

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– Measuredvaluejumps,e.g.bytheprofileoftheheaportrav-erses

– Large angles of repose – Measurementnearthefillingstream

• Properties, sensor: – Mean averaging – High measured value jumps are accepted

Crusher:• Vessel: installations, wear and protective facilities available• Process/measurement conditions:

– Measured value jumps, e.g. by truck loading – Fast reaction time – Large distance to the medium

• Properties, sensor: – Little averaging – Max. reaction speed, very high measured value jumps are


Demonstration:• Adjustment for all applications which are not typically level meas-

urement – Instrument demonstration – Object recognition/monitoring (additional settings required)

• Properties, sensor: – Sensor accepts all measured value changes within the measur-

ing range immediately – High sensitivity against interferences, because virtually no


Through this selection, the sensor is adapted optimally to the applica-tion or the location and measurement reliability under the various basic conditions is increased considerably.Enter the requested parameters via the appropriate keys, save your settings with [OK] and jump to the next menu item with the [ESC] and the [->] key.

With this selection, the operating range of the sensor is adapted to thevesselheightandthereliabilitywithdifferentframeconditionsisincreased considerably.Independent from this, the min. adjustment must be carried out.

Enter the requested parameters via the appropriate keys, save your settings with [OK] and jump to the next menu item with the [ESC] and the [->] key.

Alsothevesselformcaninfluencethemeasurementapartfromthemedium and the application. To adapt the sensor to these measure-

Setup - Vessel height, measuring range

Setup - Vessel form

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mentconditions,thismenuitemoffersyoudifferentoptionsforvesselbottom and ceiling in case of certain applications.

Enter the requested parameters via the appropriate keys, save your settings with [OK] and jump to the next menu item with the [ESC] and the [->] key.

Since the radar sensor is a distance measuring instrument, the distance from the sensor to the product surface is measured. For indication of the real level, an allocation of the measured distance to the percentage height must be carried out.To perform the adjustment, enter the distance with full and empty ves-sel, see the following example:






1 m



35 m


8 ")

Fig. 30: Parameter adjustment example min./max. adjustment1 Min. level = max. meas. distance2 Max. level = min. meas. distance

If these values are not known, an adjustment with the distances of for example 10 % and 90 % is possible. Starting point for these distance specificationsisalwaysthesealsurfaceofthethreadorflange.Youcanfindspecificationsofthereferenceplaneinchapter"Technicaldata". By means of these settings, the real level will be calculated.The real product level during this adjustment is not important, be-cause the min./max. adjustment is always carried out without chang-ing the product level. These settings can be made ahead of time without the instrument having to be installed.

Proceed as follows:

Setup - Adjustment

Setup - Min. adjustment

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1. Select the menu item "Setup" with [->]andconfirmwith[OK]. Now select with [->] the menu item "Min. adjustment"andconfirmwith [OK].

2. Edit the percentage value with [OK] and set the cursor to the requested position with [->].

3. Set the requested percentage value with [+] and save with [OK]. The cursor jumps now to the distance value.

4. Enter the suitable distance value in m for the empty vessel (e.g. distance from the sensor to the vessel bottom) corresponding to the percentage value.

5. Save settings with [OK] and move with [ESC] and [->] to the max. adjustment.

Proceed as follows:1. Select with [->]themenuitem"Max.adjustment"andconfirm

with [OK].

2. Prepare the percentage value for editing with [OK] and set the cursor to the requested position with [->].

3. Set the requested percentage value with [+] and save with [OK]. The cursor jumps now to the distance value.

4. Enter the appropriate distance value in m (corresponding to the percentage value) for the full vessel. Keep in mind that the max. level must lie below the min. distance to the antenna edge.

Setup - Max. adjustment

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5. Save settings with [OK]

The respective min. and max. measured value is saved in the sensor. The values are displayed in the menu item "Peak values".

When non-contact level sensors are used, the measurement can be influencedbytherespectiveprocessconditions.Inthismenuitem,the measurement reliability of the level echo is displayed as dB value. The measurement reliability equals signal strength minus noise. The higher the value, the more reliable the measurement. With a function-ing measurement, the values are > 10 dB.

The "Echocurve" shows the signal strength of the echoes over the measuring range in dB. The signal strength enables an evaluation of the quality of the measurement.

The "False signal suppression" displays the saved false echoes (see menu "Additional settings") of the empty vessel with signal strength in "dB" over the measuring range.A comparison of echo curve and false signal suppression allows a more detailed statement of the reliability.

Theselectedcurveispermanentlyupdated.Asubmenuwithzoomfunctions is opened with the [OK] key:

• "X-Zoom":Zoomfunctionforthemeas.distance• "Y-Zoom":1,2,5and10xsignalmagnificationin"dB"• "Unzoom":Resetthepresentationtothenominalmeasuringrange


With the function "Echocurvememory" the echo curve can be saved at the time of setup. This is generally recommended; for using the As-set Management functions it is absolutely necessary. If possible, the curve should be saved with a low level in the vessel.With the adjustment software PACTware and the PC, the high resolu-tionechocurvecanbedisplayedandusedtorecognizesignal

Diagnosis - Peak value

Diagnosis - Measurement reliability

Diagnoses - Curve indica-tion

Diagnostics - Echo curve memory

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changes over the operating time. In addition, the echo curve of the setup can be also displayed in the echo curve window and compared with the actual echo curve.


• High sockets• Vessel installations such as struts• Agitators• Buildup or welded joints on vessel walls

Note:A false signal suppression detects, marks and saves these false sig-nals so that they are no longer taken into account for level measure-ment.This should be done with the low level so that all potential interfering reflectionscanbedetected.Proceed as follows:1. Select the menu item "Additional settins" with [->]andconfirm

with [OK]. With [->] you have to select the menu item "False signal suppression"andconfirmwith[OK].

2. Confirmagainwith[OK].

3. Confirmagainwith[OK].

4. Confirmagainwith[OK] and enter the actual distance from the sensor to the product surface.

5. All interfering signals in this section are detected by the sensor andstoredafterconfirmingwith[OK].

Additional adjustments - False signal suppression

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Note:Check the distance to the product surface, because if an incorrect (too large) value is entered, the existing level will be saved as a false echo.Thefillinglevelwouldthennolongerbedetectableinthisarea.If a false signal suppression has already been created in the sensor, the following menu window appears when selecting "False signal suppression":

The menu item "Delete" is used to completely delete an already cre-ated false signal suppression. This is useful if the saved false signal suppression no longer matches the metrological conditions in the vessel.The menu item "Extend" is used to extend an already created false signal suppression. This is useful if a false signal suppression was carried out with a too high level and not all false signals could be de-tected. When selecting "Extend", the distance to the product surface of the created false signal suppression is displayed. This value can now be changed and the false signal suppression can be extended to this range.

Alinearizationisnecessaryforallvesselsinwhichthevesselvolumedoesnotincreaselinearlywiththelevel-e.g.ahorizontalcylindri-cal or spherical tank - and the indication or output of the volume is required.Correspondinglinearizationcurvesarepreprogrammedfor these vessels. They represent the correlation between the level percentage and vessel volume.By activating the appropriate curve, the volume percentage of the vessel is displayed correctly. If the volume should not be displayed in percent but e.g. in l or kg, a scaling can be also set in the menu item "Display".

Enter the requested parameters via the appropriate keys, save your settings and jump to the next menu item with the [ESC] and [->] key.

Caution:Note the following if the instrument with corresponding approval is usedaspartofanoverfillprotectionsystemaccordingtoWHG:Ifalinearizationcurveisselected,themeasuringsignalisnolongernecessarilylineartothefillingheight.Thismustbeconsideredbytheuser especially when adjusting the switching point on the limit signal transmitter.

With a reset, certain parameter adjustments carried out by the user are reset.

Additional adjustments - Linearization curve

Additional adjustments - Reset

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The following reset functions are available:Delivery status: Restoring the parameter settings at the time of ship-mentfromthefactoryincl.theorder-specificsettings.Acreatedfalsesignalsuppression,user-programmablelinearizationcurveaswellasthe measured value memory will be deleted.Basic settings: Resetting the parameter settings incl. special param-eters to the default values of the respective instrument. Any stored falsesignalsuppression,userprogrammablelinearizationcurveaswell as the measured value memory is deleted.Setup: Resetting of the parameter settings to the default values of the respective instrument in the menu item Setup. User-generated false signalsuppression,user-programmedlinearizationcurve,measuredvalue memory as well as event memory remain untouched. The linearizationissettolinear.False signal suppression: Deleting a previously created false signal suppression. The false signal suppression created in the factory remains active.Peak values measured value: Resetting of the measured min. and max. distances to the actual measured value.The following table shows the default values of the instrument. De-pending on the instrument version, not all menu items are available or differentlyassigned:

Menu Menu item Default value

Setup Measurement loop name


Medium Liquid/WaterBulk solids/Crushed stones, gravel

Application Storage tankSilo

Vessel form Vessel bottom, dished boiler endVessel top, dished boiler end

Vesell height/Measuring range

Recommended measuring range, see "Technicaldata" in the supplement

Min. adjustment Recommended measuring range, see "Technicaldata" in the supplement

Max. adjustment 0,000 m(d)

Damping 0.0 s

Current output mode

4 … 20 mA, < 3.6 mA

Current output Min./Max.

Min. current 3.8 mA, max. current 20.5 mA

Block adjustment Released

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Menu Menu item Default value

Display Language Like order

Displayed value Distance

Display unit m

Scalingsize Volumel

Scaling 0.00 lin %, 0 l100.00 lin %, 100 l

Backlight Switchedoff

Additional adjust-ments

Distance unit m

Temperature unit °C

Probe length Length of the standpipe Ex factory

Linearisation curve


HART mode StandardAddress 0

6.4 Saving the parameter adjustment dataWe recommended noting the adjusted data, e.g. in this operating instructions manual, and archiving them afterwards. They are thus available for multiple use or service purposes.If the instrument is equipped with a display and adjustment module, the data in the sensor can be saved in the display and adjustment module. The procedure is described in the operating instructions manual "Display and adjustment module" in the menu item "Copy sensor data". The data remain there permanently even if the sensor power supply fails.The following data or settings for adjustment of the display and ad-justment module are saved:

• All data of the menu "Setup" and "Display"• In the menu "Additional adjustments" the items "Sensor-specific

units, temperature unit and linearization"• ThevaluesoftheuserprogrammablelinearizationcurveThe function can also be used to transfer settings from one instru-ment to another instrument of the same type. If it is necessary to exchange a sensor, the display and adjustment module is inserted into the replacement instrument and the data are likewise written into the sensor via the menu item "Copy sensor data".

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7 Setup with PACTware

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7 Setup with PACTware

7.1 Connect the PC




Fig. 31: Connection of the PC directly to the sensor via the interface adapter1 USBcabletothePC2 InterfaceadapterVEGACONNECT3 Sensor



2 4






Fig.32:ConnectingthePCviaHARTtothesignalcable1 Sensor2 HARTresistance250Ω(optionaldependingonprocessing)3 Connection cable with 2 mm pins and terminals4 Processing system/PLC/Voltage supply5 Interfaceadapter,forexampleVEGACONNECT4

Note:With power supply units with integrated HART resistance (internal resistanceapprox.250Ω),anadditionalexternalresistanceisnotnecessary. This applies, e.g. to the VEGA instruments VEGATRENN 149A, VEGAMET 381, VEGAMET 391. Common Ex separators are alsousuallyequippedwithasufficientcurrentlimitationresistance.In

Via the interface adapter directly on the sensor

Via the interface adapter and HART

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7 Setup with PACTware

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such cases, the interface converter can be connected parallel to the 4 … 20 mA cable (dashed line in the previous illustration).

7.2 Parameter adjustmentFor parameter adjustment of the sensor via a Windows PC, the con-figurationsoftwarePACTwareandasuitableinstrumentdriver(DTM)according to FDT standard are required. The up-to-date PACTware version as well as all available DTMs are compiled in a DTM Collec-tion. The DTMs can also be integrated into other frame applications according to FDT standard.

Note:To ensure that all instrument functions are supported, you should always use the latest DTM Collection. Furthermore, not all described functionsareincludedinolderfirmwareversions.Youcandownloadthe latest instrument software from our homepage. A description of the update procedure is also available in the Internet.Further setup steps are described in the operating instructions manu-al "DTMCollection/PACTware" attached to each DTM Collection and which can also be downloaded from the Internet. Detailed descrip-tions are available in the online help of PACTware and the DTMs.


All device DTMs are available as a free-of-charge standard version and as a full version that must be purchased. In the standard version, all functions for complete setup are already included. An assistant for simpleprojectconfigurationsimplifiestheadjustmentconsiderably.Saving/printing the project as well as import/export functions are also part of the standard version.In the full version there is also an extended print function for complete project documentation as well as a save function for measured value


Standard/Full version

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7 Setup with PACTware

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and echo curves. In addition, there is a tank calculation program as well as a multiviewer for display and analysis of the saved measured value and echo curves.The standard version is available as a download under and "Software". The full version is avail-able on CD from the agency serving you.

7.3 Saving the parameter adjustment dataWe recommend documenting or saving the parameter adjustment data via PACTware. That way the data are available for multiple use or service purposes.

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8 Set up with other systems

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8 Set up with other systems

8.1 DD adjustment programsDevice descriptions as Enhanced Device Description (EDD) are available for DD adjustment programs such as, for example, AMS™ and under "Software".

8.2 Field Communicator 375, 475Device descriptions for the instrument are available as EDD for pa-rameter adjustment with the Field Communicator 375 or 475.For the integration of the EDD in the Field Communicator 375 or 475, the software "Easy Upgrade Utility" is required which is available from the manufacturer. This software is updated via the Internet and new EDDs are automatically taken over into the device catalogue of this software after they are released by the manufacturer. They can then be transferred to a Field Communicator.

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9 Diagnosis, asset management and service

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9 Diagnosis, asset management and service

9.1 MaintenanceIf the device is used correctly, no maintenance is required in normal operation.Insomeapplications,buildupontheantennasystemcaninfluencethe measuring result. Depending on the sensor and application, make arrangements to avoid strong pollution of the antenna system. If nec-essary, clean the antenna system in certain intervals.

9.2 Measured value and event memoryThe instrument has several memories which are available for diagno-sis purposes. The data remain even with voltage interruption.

Up to 60,000 measured values can be stored in the sensor in a ring memory. Each entry contains date/time as well as the respective measured value. Storable values are for example:

• Distance• Filling height• Percentage value• Lin. percent• Scaled• Current value• Meas. reliability• Electronics temperature

When the instrument is shipped, the measured value memory is active and stores distance, measurement certainty and electronics temperature every 3 minutes.The requested values and recording conditions are set via a PC with PACTware/DTM or the control system with EDD. Data are thus read out and also reset.

Up to 500 events are automatically stored with a time stamp in the sensor (non-deletable). Each entry contains date/time, event type, event description and value. Event types are for example:

• Modificationofaparameter• Switch-onandswitch-offtimes• Status messages (according to NE 107)• Error messages (according to NE 107)

The data are read out via a PC with PACTware/DTM or the control system with EDD.

The echo curves are stored with date and time and the corresponding echo data. The memory is divided into two sections:Echo curve of the setup: This is used as reference echo curve for the measurement conditions during setup. Changes in the measure-ment conditions during operation or buildup on the sensor can thus berecognized.Theechocurveofthesetupisstoredvia:

Measured value memory

Event memory

Echo curve memory

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• PC with PACTware/DTM • Control system with EDD • Display and adjustment module

Further echo curves: Up to 10 echo curves can be stored in a ring bufferinthismemorysection.Furtherechocurvesarestoredvia:

• PC with PACTware/DTM • Control system with EDD

9.3 Asset Management functionThe instrument features self-monitoring and diagnostics according to NE 107 and VDI/VDE 2650. In addition to the status messages in the following tables there are more detailed error messages available under the menu item "Diagnostics" via the display and adjustment module, PACTware/DTM and EDD.

The status messages are divided into the following categories:

• Failure• Function check• Outofspecification• Maintenance requirement

and explained by pictographs:

41 2 3Fig. 34: Pictographs of the status messages1 Failure - red2 Outofspecification-yellow3 Function check - orange4 Maintenance - blue

Failure: Due to a malfunction in the instrument, a failure message is outputted.This status message is always active. It cannot be deactivated by the user.Function check: The instrument is in operation, the measured value is temporarily invalid (for example during simulation).This status message is inactive by default. It can be activated by the user via PACTware/DTM or EDD.Outofspecification: The measured value is unstable because the instrumentspecificationisexceeded(e.g.electronicstemperature).This status message is inactive by default. It can be activated by the user via PACTware/DTM or EDD.

Status messages

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Maintenance:Duetoexternalinfluences,theinstrumentfunctionislimited.Themeasurementisaffected,butthemeasuredvalueisstill valid. Plan in maintenance for the instrument because a failure is expected in the near future (e.g. due to buildup).This status message is inactive by default. It can be activated by the user via PACTware/DTM or EDD.

The following table shows the error codes in the status message "Failure"andgivesinformationonthereasonandrectification.Keepin mind that some information is only valid with four-wire instruments.

CodeText mes-sage

Cause Rectification

F013no measured value avail-able

– Sensor does not detect an echo during operation

– Antenna system contami-nated or defective

– Check or correct installation and/or parameter adjust-ment

– Clean or exchange process component or antenna

F017Adjustment span too small

– Adjustment not within specification

– Change adjustment accord-ing to the limit values (dif-ference between min. and max.≥10mm)

F025Error in the linearizationtable

– Index markers are not con-tinuously rising, for example illogical value pairs

– Checklinearizationtable – Delete table/Create new

F036No operable software

– Failed or interrupted soft-ware update

– Repeat software update – Check electronics version – Exchanging the electronics – Send instrument for repair

F040Error in the electronics

– Hardware defect – Exchanging the electronics – Send instrument for repair

F080 – General software error – Disconnect operating volt-agebriefly

F105Determine measured value

– The instrument is still in the start phase, the measured value could not yet be determined

– Wait for the end of the switch-on phase

– Duration depending on the version and parameter adjustment up to approxi-mately 3 min.

F113Communica-tion error

– EMC interference – Transmission error with the

external communication with 4-wire power supply unit

– RemoveEMCinfluences – Exchange 4-wire power

supply unit or electronics

F125Impermissi-ble electronics temperature

– Temperature of the elec-tronicsinthenon-specifiedsection

– Check ambient temperature – Isolate electronics – Use instrument with higher

temperature range


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CodeText mes-sage

Cause Rectification

F260Error in the calibration

– Error in the calibration car-ried out in the factory

– Error in the EEPROM

– Exchanging the electronics – Send instrument for repair

F261Error in the configuration

– Error during setup – False signal suppression

faulty – Error when carrying out a


– Repeat setup – Repeat reset

F264Installation/Setup error

– Adjustment not within the vessel height/measuring range

– Max. measuring range of theinstrumentnotsufficient

– Check or correct installation and/or parameter adjust-ment

– Use an instrument with big-ger measuring range

F265Measurement function dis-turbed

– Sensor no longer carries out a measurement

– Operating voltage too low

– Check operating voltage – Carry out a reset – Disconnect operating volt-agebriefly

The following table shows the error codes and text messages in the status message "Function check" and provides information on causes as well as corrective measures.

CodeText mes-sage

Cause Rectification

C700Simulation ac-tive

– A simulation is active – Finish simulation – Wait for the automatic end

after 60 mins.

The following table shows the error codes and text messages in the status message "Outofspecification" and provides information on causes as well as corrective measures.

CodeText mes-sage

Cause Rectification

S600Impermissi-ble electronics temperature

– Temperature of the elec-tronicsinthenon-specifiedsection

– Check ambient temperature – Isolate electronics – Use instrument with higher

temperature range


– Dangerofvesseloverfilling – Make sure that there is no furtherfilling

– Check level in the vessel

S603Impermissi-ble operating voltage

– Operating voltage below specifiedrange

– Check electrical connection – if necessary, increase

operating voltage

Function check


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The following table shows the error codes and text messages in the status message "Maintenance" and provides information on causes as well as corrective measures.

CodeText mes-sage

Cause Rectification

M500Error with the reset delivery status

– With the reset to delivery status, the data could not be restored

– Repeat reset – LoadXMLfilewithsensor

data into the sensor

M501Error in the non-active linearizationtable

– Hardware error EEPROM – Exchanging the electronics – Send instrument for repair

M502Error in the diagnosis memory

– Hardware error EEPROM – Exchanging the electronics – Send instrument for repair

M503Reliability too low

– The echot/noise ratio is the small for a reliable meas-urement

– Check installation and process conditions

– Clean the antenna – Change polarisation direc-

tion – Use instrument with higher


M504Error on an device inter-face

– Hardware defect – Check connections – Exchanging the electronics – Send instrument for repair

M505No echo avail-able

– Level echo can no longer be detected

– Clean the antenna – Use a more suitable

antenna/sensor – Remove possible false

echoes – Optimizesensorposition

and orientation

9.4 Rectify faultsThe operator of the system is responsible for taking suitable meas-ures to rectify faults.


• Evaluation of fault messages, for example via the display and adjustment module

• Checking the output signal• Treatment of measurement errors


Reaction when malfunc-tions occur

Procedure for fault recti-fication

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Further comprehensive diagnostics options are available with a PC with PACTware and the suitable DTM. In many cases, the reasons can bedeterminedinthiswayandfaultsrectified.

Connect a multimeter in the suitable measuring range according to the wiring plan. The following table describes possible errors in the current signal and helps to remove them:

Error Cause Rectification

4 … 20 mA signal not stable

– Fluctuations of the measured variable

– Set damping according to the instrument via the display and adjustment module or PACTware/DTM

4 … 20 mA signal missing

– Electrical con-nection faulty

– Check connection according to chapter "Connection steps" and if necessary, correct according to chapter "Wiring plan"

– Voltage supply missing

– Check cables for breaks; repair if necessary

– Operating volt-age too low or load resistance too high

– Check, adapt if necessary

Current sig-nal greater than 22 mA or less than 3.6 mA

– Electronics module in the sensor defec-tive

– Exchange the instrument or send it in for repair

The below tables show typical examples for application-relevant measurement errors with bulk solids. There are two measurement errors:

• Constant level• Filling• Emptying

The images in column "Errorpattern" show the real level with a bro-ken line and the level displayed by the sensor as a continuous line.





1 Real level2 Level displayed by the sensor


• Wherever the sensor displays a constant value, the reason could also be the fault setting of the current output to "Hold value"

Check the 4 … 20 mA signal

Treatment of measure-ment errors with bulk solids

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• In case of a too low level indication, the reason could be a line resistance that is too high

Measurement error with constant level

Fault description Error pattern Cause Rectification

1. Measured value shows a too low or too high level




– Min./max. adjustment not correct

– Adapt min./max. adjustment

– Wronglinearizationcurve – Adaptlinearizationcurve

2. Measured value jumps towards 100 % Le



– Due to the process, the ampli-tude of the product echo sinks

– A false signal suppression was not carried out

– Carry out a false signal sup-pression

– Amplitude or position of a false echo has changed (e.g. condensation, buildup); false signal suppression no longer matches

– Determine the reason for the changed false echoes, carry out false signal suppression, e.g. with condensation


Fault description Error pattern Cause Rectification

3. Measured value jumps towards 0 % duringfilling




– Amplitude of a multiple echo (vessel top - product surface) is larger than the level echo

– Check parameter "Application", especially vessel top, type of medium, dished end, high dielectric constant, adapt if necessary

– The level echo cannot be distin-guished from the false echo at a false echo position (jumps to multiple echo)

– Remove/reduce false echo: minimizeinterferinginstalla-tionsbychangingthepolariza-tion direction

– Chose a more suitable installa-tion position

– Transversereflectionfromanextraction funnel, amplitude of thetransversereflectionlargerthan the level echo

– Direct sensor to the opposite funnel wall, avoid crossing with thefillingstream

4. Measured val-uefluctuatesaround10 … 20 %




– Various echoes from an uneven product surface, e.g. a material cone

– Check parameter "Type of medium" and adapt, if neces-sary

– Optimizeinstallationpositionand sensor orientation

– Reflectionsfromtheproductsurface via the vessel wall (deflection)

– Select a more suitable installa-tionposition,optimizesensororientation, e.g. with a swivel-ling holder

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Fault description Error pattern Cause Rectification

5. Measured value jumps sporadically to 100%duringfilling



– Changing condensation or con-tamination on the antenna

– Carry out a false signal sup-pression or increase false signal suppression with con-densation/contamination in the close range by editing

– With bulk solids use radar sen-sor with purging air connection orflexibleantennacover

Measurement error during emptying

Fault description Error pattern Cause Rectification

6. Measured value re-mains unchanged in the close range during emptying




– False echo larger than the level echo

– Level echo too small

– Remove false echoes in the close range. Check: Antenna must protrude out of the socket

– Remove contamination on the antenna

– Minimizeinterferinginstal-lations in the close range by changingthepolarizationdirection

– After removing the false ech-oes, the false signal suppres-sion must be deleted. Carry out a new false signal suppression

7. Measured value jumps sporadically to-wards 100 % during emptying




– Changing condensation or con-tamination on the antenna

– Carry out false signal suppres-sion or increase false signal suppression in the close range by editing

– With bulk solids use radar sen-sor with purging air connection orflexibleantennacover

8. Measured val-uefluctuatesaround10 … 20 %




– Various echoes from an uneven product surface, e.g. an extrac-tion funnel

– Check parameter "Type of medium" and adapt, if neces-sary

– Optimizeinstallationpositionand sensor orientation

– Reflectionsfromtheproductsurface via the vessel wall (deflection)

Depending on the reason for the fault and the measures taken, the steps described in chapter "Setup" must be carried out again or must be checked for plausibility and completeness.

Should these measures not be successful, please call in urgent cases the VEGA service hotline under the phone no. +49 1805 858550.The hotline is also available outside normal working hours, seven days a week around the clock.Sinceweofferthisserviceworldwide,thesupportisprovidedinEnglish. The service itself is free of charge, the only costs involved are the normal call charges.

Reaction after fault recti-fication

24 hour service hotline

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9.5 Exchanging the electronics moduleIf the electronics module is defective, it can be replaced by the user.In Ex applications, only instruments and electronics modules with ap-propriate Ex approval may be used.If there is no electronics module available on site, the electronics module can be ordered through the agency serving you. The electron-icsmodulesareadaptedtotherespectivesensoranddifferinsignaloutput or voltage supply.The new electronics module must be loaded with the default settings of the sensor. These are the options:

• In the factory• Or on site by the user

In both cases, the serial number of the sensor is needed. The serial numbers are stated on the type label of the instrument, on the inside of the housing as well as on the delivery note.Whenloadingonsite,firstofalltheorderdatamustbedownloadedfrom the Internet (see operating instructions manual "Electronicsmodule").

9.6 Software updateThe following components are required to update the sensor soft-ware:

• Sensor• Voltage supply• Interface adapter VEGACONNECT• PC with PACTware• CurrentsensorsoftwareasfileYoucanfindtheactualsensorsoftwareaswellasdetailedinfor-mation of the procedure under "" and "Software".Youcanfindinformationabouttheinstallationinthedownloadfile.

Caution:Instruments with approvals can be bound to certain software ver-sions.Thereforemakesurethattheapprovalremainseffectivewithasoftware and "Approvals".

9.7 How to proceed if a repair is neededYoucanfindarepairformaswellasdetailedinformationonhowtoproceed under and "Formsandcertifi-cates".By doing this you help us carry out the repair quickly and without hav-ing to call back for needed information.If a repair is necessary, please proceed as follows:

• Printandfilloutoneformperinstrument

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• Clean the instrument and pack it damage-proof• Attach the completed form and, if need be, also a safety data

sheet outside on the packaging• Please contact the agency serving you to get the address for

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10 Dismounting

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10 Dismounting

10.1 Dismounting stepsWarning:Before dismounting, be aware of dangerous process conditions such as e.g. pressure in the vessel or pipeline, high temperatures, cor-rosive or toxic products etc.Take note of chapters "Mounting" and "Connecting to power supply" and carry out the listed steps in reverse order.

10.2 DisposalThe instrument consists of materials which can be recycled by spe-cialised recycling companies. We use recyclable materials and have designed the parts to be easily separable.Correctdisposalavoidsnegativeeffectsonhumansandtheenviron-ment and ensures recycling of useful raw materials.Materials: see chapter "Technicaldata"If you have no way to dispose of the old instrument properly, please contact us concerning return and disposal.

WEEE directive 2002/96/EGThis instrument is not subject to the WEEE directive 2002/96/EG and the respective national laws. Pass the instrument directly on to a spe-cialised recycling company and do not use the municipal collecting points. These may be used only for privately used products according to the WEEE directive.

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11 Supplement

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11 Supplement

11.1 Technical dataGeneral data316L corresponds to 1.4404 or 1.4435Materials, wetted parts

Ʋ Processfitting 316L Ʋ Process seal On site (instruments with thread: Klingersil C-4400 is

attached) Ʋ Antenna 316L, 316L electropolished, 316L Safecoat-coated Ʋ Antenna impedance cone PTFE TFM 1600 oder PTFE INOFLON M290, PEEK Ʋ seal, antenna system FKM(SHSFPM70C3GLT),FFKM(Kalrez6375),FFKM

(Kalrez2035),FFKM(Kalrez6230-FDA)Materials, non-wetted parts

Ʋ Plastic housing plastic PBT (Polyester) Ʋ Aluminium die-casting housing Aluminium die-casting AlSi10Mg, powder-coated - basis:

Polyester Ʋ Stainless steel housing 316L Ʋ Seal between housing and housing cover

NBR (stainless steel housing, precision casting), silicone (aluminium/plastic housing; stainless steel housing, electropolished)

Ʋ Inspection window in housing cover (optional)


Ʋ Ground terminal 316LOhmic contact Betweengroundterminal,processfittingandantennaProcessfittings

Ʋ Pipe thread, cylindrical (ISO 228 T1) G1½ A according to DIN 3852-A Ʋ American pipe thread, tapered 1½ NPT, 2 NPT Ʋ Flanges DIN from DN 25, ANSI from 1"

Weights Ʋ Instrument (depending on housing, processfittingandantenna)

approx. 2 … 17.2 kg (4.409 … 37.92 lbs)

Ʋ Antenna extension 1.6 kg/m (1.157 lbs/ft)Length antenna extension max. 5.85 m (19.19 ft)Torque for NPT cable glands and Conduit tubes

Ʋ Plastic housing max. 10 Nm (7.376 lbf ft) Ʋ Aluminium/Stainless steel housing max. 50 Nm (36.88 lbf ft)

Input variableMeasured variable The measured quantity is the distance between process

fittingofthesensorandproductsurface.Thereferenceplane is the seal surface on the hexagon or the lower sideoftheflange.

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Fig. 44: Data of the input variable1 Reference plane2 Measured variable, max. measuring range3 Antenna length4 Usefulmeasuringrange

Max. measuring range 30 m (98.43 ft)Recommended meas. range depending on the antenna diameter

Ʋ ø 40 mm (1.575 in) up to 15 m (49.21 ft) Ʋ ø 48 mm (1.89 in) up to 20 m (65.62 ft) Ʋ ø 75 mm (2.953 in), 95 mm (3.74 in) up to 30 m (98.43 ft) Ʋ Parabolic antenna up to 30 m (98.43 ft)

Output variableOutput signals 4 … 20 mA/HART - active; 4 … 20 mA/HART - passiveRange of the output signal 3.8 … 20.5 mA/HART (default setting)Terminal voltage passive 9 … 30 V DCShortcircuit protection AvailablePotential separation AvailableSignal resolution 0.3 µAFailure signal current output (adjustable) mA-value unchanged 20.5 mA, 22 mA, < 3.6 mAMax. output current 22 mAStarting current ≤3.6mALoad (4 … 20 mA/HART - active) <500ΩDamping (63 % of the input variable) 0 … 999 s, adjustable

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HART output values Ʋ PV (Primary Value) Distance to the level Ʋ SV (Secondary Value) Level as percentage value Ʋ TV (Third Value) Linearised percentage value Ʋ QV (Fourth Value) Scaled measured value

Resolution, digital < 1 mm (0.039 in)

Accuracy (according to DIN EN 60770-1)Process reference conditions according to DIN EN 61298-1

Ʋ Temperature +18 … +30 °C (+64 … +86 °F) Ʋ Relative humidity 45 … 75 % Ʋ Air pressure 860 … 1060 mbar/86 … 106 kPa (12.5 … 15.4 psig)

Installation reference conditions Ʋ Min. distance to installations > 200 mm (7.874 in) Ʋ Reflector Planeplatereflector Ʋ Falsereflections Biggest false signal, 20 dB smaller than the useful signal

Deviation with liquids See following diagrams

1,0 m (3.28 ft)

10 mm (0.394 in)

2 mm (0.079 in)

- 2 mm (- 0.079 in)

- 10 mm (- 0.394 in)


1 2 3

Fig. 45: Deviation under reference conditions1 Reference plane2 Antenna edge3 Recommended measuring range

Repeatability ≤±1mmDeviation with bulk solids The values depend to a great extent on the application.

Bindingspecificationsarethusnotpossible.DeviationunderEMCinfluence ≤±30mm

VariablesinfluencingmeasurementaccuracySpecificationsapplytothedigitalmeasuredvalueTemperature drift - Digital output ±3mm/10Krelatingtothemax.measuringrangeor

max. 10 mmAdditional deviation through electromag-netic interference acc. to EN 61326


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SpecificationsapplyalsotothecurrentoutputTemperature drift - Current output ±0.03%/10Krelatingtothe16mAspanmax.±0.3%Deviation on the current output through analogue/digital conversion


Deviation on the current output due to strong, high frequency electromagnetic fieldsacc.toEN61326


Characteristics and performance dataMeasuring frequency K-band(26GHztechnology)Measuring cycle time approx. 700 msStep response time1) ≤3sBeam angle2)

Ʋ Horn antenna ø 40 mm (1.575 in) 20° Ʋ Horn antenna ø 48 mm (1.89 in) 15° Ʋ Horn antenna ø 75 mm (2.953 in) 10° Ʋ Horn antenna ø 95 mm (3.74 in) 8° Ʋ Parabolic antenna 3°

Emitted HF power (depending on the parameter adjustment)3)

Ʋ Average spectral transmission power density


Ʋ Max. spectral transmission power density


Ʋ Max. power density in a distance of 1 m

< 1 µW/cm²

Ambient conditionsAmbient, storage and transport tempera-ture

-40 … +80 °C (-40 … +176 °F)

Process conditionsFortheprocessconditions,pleasealsonotethespecificationsonthetypelabel.Thelowestvaluealways applies.

Seal Antenna impedance cone

Process temperature (measured on the process fitting)


PTFE -40 … +130 °C (-40 … +266 °F)

FFKM(Kalrez6375) PFFE -20 … +130 °C (-4 … +266 °F)

PEEK -20 … +250 °C (-4 … +482 °F)

1) Time span after a sudden measuring distance change by max. 0.5 m in liquid applications, max 2 m with bulk solids applications, until the output signal has taken for the first time 90 % of the final value (IEC 61298-2).

2) Outsidethespecifiedbeamangle,theenergyoftheradarsignalhasalevelwhichisreducedby50%(-3dB)3) EIRP: Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power

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Seal Antenna impedance cone

Process temperature (measured on the process fitting)

FFKM(Kalrez2035) PFFE -15 … +130 °C (5 … +266 °F)

PEEK -15 … +210 °C (5 … +410 °F)

FFKM(Kalrez6230) PFFE -15 … +130 °C (5 … +266 °F)

PEEK -15 … +250 °C (5 … +482 °F)

Vessel pressure - horn antenna Ʋ Antenna impedance cone PTFE -1 … 40 bar/-100 … 4000 kPa (-14.5 … 580 psi) Ʋ Antenna impedance cone PEEK -1 … 100 bar/-100 … 10000 kPa (-14.5 … 1450 psi)

Vessel pressure with swivelling holder -1 … 1 bar (-100 … 100 kPa/-14.5 … 14.5 psig)Vesselpressurerelatingtotheflangenominal stage

see supplementary instructions manual "Flanges ac-cordingtoDIN-EN-ASME-JIS"

Vibration resistance Ʋ Horn antenna 4gat5…200HzaccordingtoEN60068-2-6(vibration

with resonance) Ʋ Parabolic antenna 1gat5…200HzaccordingtoEN60068-2-6(vibration

with resonance)Shock resistance

Ʋ Horn antenna 100 g, 6 ms according to EN 60068-2-27 (mechanical shock)

Ʋ Parabolic antenna 25 g, 6 ms according to EN 60068-2-27 (mechanical shock)

Data on rinsing air connectionMax. permissible pressure 6 bar (87.02 psig)Air volume with horn antenna, depending on pressure (recommended area)

Pressure Withoutrefluxvalve Withrefluxvalve

0.5 bar (7.25 psig) 3.3 m3/h 1.2 m3/h

0.6 bar (8.70 psig) 3.5 m3/h 1.4 m3/h

0.7 bar (10.15 psig) 3.7 m3/h 1.7 m3/h

0.8 bar (11.60 psig) 3.9 m3/h 1.8 m3/h

0.9 bar (13.05 psig) 4.0 m3/h 2.1 m3/h

1 bar (14.5 psig) 4.2 m3/h 2.2 m3/h

1.5 bar (21.76 psig) 5.0 m3/h 3.2 m3/h

2 bar (29.0 psig) 5.5 m3/h 4.5 m3/h

Air volume with parabolic antenna, depending on pressure (recommended area)

Pressure Withoutrefluxvalve Withrefluxvalve

0.5 bar (7.25 psig) 3.0 m3/h 1.2 m3/h

0.6 bar (8.70 psig) 3.2 m3/h 1.4 m3/h

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Pressure Withoutrefluxvalve Withrefluxvalve

0.7 bar (10.15 psig) 3.4 m3/h 1.7 m3/h

0.8 bar (11.60 psig) 3.5 m3/h 1.9 m3/h

0.9 bar (13.05 psig) 3.6 m3/h 2.0 m3/h

1 bar (14.5 psig) 3.8 m3/h 2.2 m3/h

1.5 bar (21.76 psig) 4.3 m3/h 3.5 m3/h

2 bar (29.0 psig) 4.8 m3/h 4.0 m3/h

Thread G⅛Closure with

Ʋ Non-Ex Dust protection cover of PE Ʋ Ex Threaded plug of 316Ti


Ʋ Material 316Ti Ʋ Seal FKM(SHSFPM70C3GLT),FFKM(Kalrez6375) Ʋ for tube diameter 6 mm Ʋ opening pressure 0.5 bar (7.25 psig) Ʋ Nominal pressure stage PN 250

Electromechanical data - version IP 66/IP 67 and IP 66/IP 68; 0.2 barOptions of the cable entry

Ʋ Cable gland M20 x 1.5 (cable: ø 5 … 9 mm) Ʋ Cable entry ½ NPT Ʋ Blind plug M20 x 1.5; ½ NPT Ʋ Closing cap M20 x 1.5; ½ NPT

Plug options Ʋ Signal circuit Plug M12 x 1, according to ISO 4400, Harting HAN,

7/8" FF Ʋ Indication circuit M12 x 1 plug

Wire cross-section (spring-loaded terminals) Ʋ Massive wire, cord 0.2 … 2.5 mm² (AWG 24 … 14) Ʋ Stranded wire with end sleeve 0.2 … 1.5 mm² (AWG 24 … 16)

Electromechanical data - version IP 66/IP 68 (1 bar)Options of the cable entry

Ʋ Cable gland with integrated connec-tion cable

M20 x 1.5 (cable: ø 5 … 9 mm)

Ʋ Cable entry ½ NPT Ʋ Blind plug M20 x 1.5; ½ NPT

Connection cable Ʋ Wire cross-section 0.5 mm² (AWG 20)

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VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire





Ʋ Wire resistance <0.036Ω/m Ʋ Tensile strength < 1200 N (270 lbf) Ʋ Standard length 5 m (16.4 ft) Ʋ Max. length 180 m (590.6 ft) Ʋ Min. bending radius 25 mm (0.984 in) with 25 °C (77 °F) Ʋ Diameter approx. 8 mm (0.315 in) Ʋ Colour - Non-Ex version Black Ʋ Colour - Ex-version Blue

Display and adjustment moduleDisplay element Display with backlightMeasured value indication

Ʋ Number of digits 5 Ʋ Sizeofdigits W x H = 7 x 13 mm

Adjustment elements 4 keysProtection rating

Ʋ unassembled IP 20 Ʋ mounted into the housing without cover

IP 40

Materials Ʋ Housing ABS Ʋ Inspection window Polyester foil

Interface to the external display and adjustment unitData transmission digital (I²C-Bus)Configuration,connectioncable 4-wire, screenedCable length max. 25 m

Integrated clockDate format Day.Month.YearTime format 12 h/24 hTimezoneExfactory CETRate deviation max. 10.5 min/year

Measurement electronics temeratureResolution 1 °C (1.8 °F)Accuracy ±1°C(1.8°F)

Voltage supplyOperating voltage

Ʋ Version for low voltage 9.6…48VDC,20…42VAC,50/60Hz Ʋ Version for mains voltage 90…253VAC,50/60Hz

Interpolation protection Integrated

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VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire


Max. power consumption 4 VA; 2.1 W

Electrical protective measuresProtection rating

Housing material Version IP-protection class NEMA protection

Plastic Single chamber IP 66/IP 67 NEMA4X

Double chamber IP 66/IP 67 NEMA4X

Aluminium Single chamber IP 66/IP 68 (0.2 bar)IP 68 (1 bar)


Double chamber IP 66/IP 67IP 66/IP 68 (0.2 bar)IP 68 (1 bar)


Stainless steel, electro-polished

Single chamber IP 66/IP 68 (0.2 bar) NEMA 6P

Stainless steel, investment casting

Single chamber IP 66/IP 68 (0.2 bar)IP 68 (1 bar)


Double chamber IP 66/IP 67IP 66/IP 68 (0.2 bar)IP 68 (1 bar)


Overvoltage category IIIProtection class III

ApprovalsInstrumentswithapprovalscanhavedifferenttechnicaldatadependingontheversion.For that reason the associated approval documents of these instruments have to be carefully noted. They are part of the delivery or can be downloaded under, "VEGATools" and "Instrument search" as well as via and "Approvals".

11.2 DimensionsThe following dimensional drawings represent only an extract of all possible versions. Detailed dimensional drawings can be downloaded at under "Drawings".

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VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire







ø 79 mm(3.11")

~ 84 mm(3.31")






M20x1,5/½ NPT

~ 87 mm(3.43")


ø 84 mm(3.31")





M20x1,5/½ NPT

Fig. 46: Dimensions housing - with integrated display and adjustment module the housing is 9 mm/0.35 in higher1 Plastic housing2 Aluminium/Stainless steel housing

VEGAPULS SR 68, horn antenna in threaded version



38 m

m (1



22 m

m (0



22 m

m (0



SW 46 mm(1.81")


3.94" ø1.58"ø1.89"ø2.95"ø3.74"


x y 100 ø40 120 ø48 216 ø75 430 ø95

1½" 2" 3" 4"

x y 1½" 2" 3" 4"



G1½A / 1½ NPT



2 1





Fig.47:VEGAPULSSR68,hornantennainthreadedversion1 Standard2 With temperature adapter up to 250 °C

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VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire






60 m




mm inch


3.94" ø1.58"ø1.89"ø2.95"ø3.74"


xy100 ø40120 ø48216 ø75430 ø95







Fig.48:VEGAPULSSR68,hornantennainflangeversion1 Standard2 With temperature adapter up to 250 °C

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VEGAPULS SR 68, horn antenna and swivelling holder

20 m




20 m




40 m




max. 15°(0.59")





x y 100 ø 40120 ø 48216 ø 75430 ø 95

1½" 2" 3" 4"

x y 1½"2"3"4"

3.94" ø 1.58"ø 1.89"ø 2.95"ø 3.74"




inch 14

6 m

m (5




Fig.49:VEGAPULSSR68,hornantennaandswivellingholder1 Standard2 With temperature adapter up to 250 °C

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VEGAPULS SR 68, parabolic antenna and swivelling holder





ø 243 mm (9.57")

1 2

40 m




max. 15°(0.59")





Fig.50:VEGAPULSSR68,parabolicantennaandswivellingholder1 Standard2 With temperature adapter up to 200 °C

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11.3 Industrial property rightsVEGA product lines are global protected by industrial property rights. Further information see in U.S.A.: Further information see patent label at the sensor housing.VEGA Produktfamilien sind weltweit geschützt durch gewerbliche Schutzrechte.Nähere Informationen unter lignes de produits VEGA sont globalement protégées par des droits de propriété intellec-tuelle. Pour plus d'informations, on pourra se référer au site lineas de productos están protegidas por los derechos en el campo de la propiedad indus-trial. Para mayor información revise la pagina webЛинии продукции фирмы ВЕГА защищаются по всему миру правами на интеллектуальную собственность. Дальнейшую информацию смотрите на сайте系列产品在全球享有知识产权保护。进一步信息请参见网站<>。

11.4 TrademarkAll the brands as well as trade and company names used are property of their lawful proprietor/originator.

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VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire



AAdjustment 41, 42Adjustment system 33Agitator 22Application

– Bulk solid 39 – Liquid 35 – Standpipe 35

CCheck output signal 57Connecting

– Mechanically 12 – To the PC 48

Connection cable 27Connection procedure 28Connection technology 28Curve indication

– Echo curve 43 – False signal suppression 43

DDefault values 46Deviation 57

EEcho curve memory 52Echo curve of the setup 43EDD (Enhanced Device Description) 51Electronics compartment, double chamber housing 29Error codes 55Event memory 52

FFalse signal suppression 44Faultrectification56Functional principle 9

GGrounding 27

HHART resistor 48

LLinearisation curve 45

MMain menu 34

Meas. reliability 43Measured value memory 52

NNAMUR NE 107 54, 56


PPeak value indicator 43Polarisation 14Protection class 27

RReflectionproperties34Repair 60Replacement parts

– Supplementary electronics 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire 11

Reset 45

SService hotline 59Socket 17Status messages - NAMUR NE 107 53Subsurface enclosure 24

TTerminal compartment

– Double chamber housing 30Type label 8

VVessel form 40Vessel height 40Vessel installations 22Vessel insulation 23Voltage supply 27, 69

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VEGAPULS SR 68 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - four-wire





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Printing date:

VEGA Grieshaber KGAm Hohenstein 11377761 SchiltachGermany






All statements concerning scope of delivery, application, practical use and operat-ing conditions of the sensors and processing systems correspond to the information available at the time of printing.Subject to change without prior notice

© VEGA Grieshaber KG, Schiltach/Germany 2014

Phone +49 7836 50-0Fax +49 7836 50-201E-mail: [email protected]