velikovsky's interesting psychology theory

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  • 7/27/2019 Velikovsky's Interesting Psychology Theory


    Velikovsky's interesting psychology theory.

    Velikovsky, was described once as one of the top five or ten intuitive physical scientists the world

    has ever known. This with full knowledge that his field of learning was infact psychology.

    Velikovsky set the world of science in an uproar when several predictions based on his hypotheses

    proved correct. Velikovsky believes that as a result of the catastrophes, vast changes occured over

    the face of the earth. Velikovsky believes the whole human race was affected. Man has forgottenwhat caused the fears within himself. Because man has undergone this trauma, he unconciously

    wants to recreate the trauma of the past, and destroy the planet again. The urge to destroy ourselves

    can only be overcome by understanding our history