veracity about garang splm policies.docx

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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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Veracity About Garang SPLM PoliciesThe SPLM/a is Zionist; Christian Fundamentalist backed party, which receive grants from the foes of Islam and Arabs in the name of waging war against Muslims and Arabs. The so-called super power tried full scale to topple the current regime by arming and aiding the SPLM/A who called for autonomy of the Christians South animist from the northern Muslims. The poor Garang would not receive Kudos is against Southern Muslims, followed by Northern Muslims which include East and West Sudan by Northern Muslims which include East and West Sudan by receiving fund from US in the name of Christian Movement saturated with plots and aggression against Islam. He is really against that, which is why he opposed the deployment of UN peace keepers in South Sudan which consist majority troops from Muslim world alleging that the named countries have interests in Sudan. Which acountry do you want to deploy UN Peace keepers in Sudan? Israel or America? America has seen its failure in the world beginning with Vietnam, Somalia, and Iraq and this means that no any troops will be sent by America in the Muslim world they know that Muslims are resisting. Poor man! I know your political ploy. What do you mean by Christian South Animists? You eliminate southern Muslims from the South Sudan. What kind of leader are you without morals, values, and ethics practicing prejudice. Do you expect me to vote for you as threats lay ahead in the South or we shall form our own Muslim Movement in the south Sudan? Those Muslims in the SPLM/A are just like enemies in disguise on the eyes of Garang. Poor Garang to emerge from being a notorious sleazy thing, should stop fawning to America who are accomplices and his antagonistic attitude towards Islam and his aggressive tendencies towards, polarization among south Sudanese. He should stop his blasphemous talks and his going up for Muslims like a despot suffering from megalomania. SPLM/A party leadership upholds Christianity, works within and with the West and strives to establish the state of Christian, the State of guided caliphates because there is no justice for Muslims except under Christians the same as Jews are doing to the Palestinians. Watch out Muslims from other regions. Settle your differences but don't make room for SPLM/A under Garang or Dinka. Message to American friends in Sudan. It is dangerous to be a foe to the US, but fatal to be a friend. The US does horrible things to its friends, not to mention what it does to its enemies. It sucks their blood and then crushes them, squeezes them for its own goals and then replaces them. The unlucky friends of the US think that the US is a friend, a real friend, but in the eyes of the USA they are no more than slaves serving their master. Most probably the US respects its enemies and disdains its friends, especially if they are non-whites. If you are an enemy of the US, you are in the circle of danger. If you are a friend of the US, expect the fatal blow at any time. You are being friendly to a civilization that does not respect friendship, friends, pledges, promises or commitments, a civilization that gives ethics the feast possible attention if any at all. Let them learn from South Africa and Zimbabwe about Westminster for the atrocities they committed in those countries. Concerned, Yasin Abdalla [email protected] South Sudanese 25276496