verband der deutschen dental- industrie e.v. (vddi) – your … · 2019. 7. 30. · verband der...

Verband der Deutschen Dental- Industrie e. V. (VDDI) – Your competent and strong partner. >>> Quality made in Germany – find out more about the global player behind the 38 th International Dental Show 2019 and the 39 th IDS 2021. With 207 member companies, the VDDI is a community of companies and corporations that have stood for successful progress in dental medical technology and dentistry for more than 100 years. The International Dental Show IDS is organised by the commercial enterprise of the VDDI, the GFDI Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH, and is run by Koelnmesse GmbH. On the following pages you will find a quick overview of the most important facts and figures about the VDDI, the German Dental Industry and the IDS, the world's leading trade fair for the dental sector. Verband der Deutschen Dental-Industrie (VDDI) 207 member companies, representing: over 21,000 employees EUR 5.3 billion turnover 63 % export ratio Founded in 1916 Dental search machine DentalPlace electronic VDDI members directory dental products at a glance and two clicks fastest way to thousands of products in 42 product groups immediate contact to manufacturers more than 1.2 million visitors (2018/2019), International Dental Show the world's largest industry meeting place for den- tists, dental technicians, the specialist dental trade and dental industries all the information on exhibitors, visitors novelty database for exhibitors communication meeting and media event,, English

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  • Verband der Deutschen Dental- Industrie e. V. (VDDI) – Your competent and strong partner.


    Quality made in Germany – find out more about the global player behind the 38th International Dental Show 2019 and the 39th IDS 2021.

    With 207 member companies, the VDDI is a community of companies and corporations that have stood for successful

    progress in dental medical technology and dentistry for more than 100 years.

    The International Dental Show IDS is organised by the commercial enterprise of the VDDI, the GFDI Gesellschaft zur

    Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH, and is run by Koelnmesse GmbH.

    On the following pages you will find a quick overview of the most important facts and figures about the VDDI, the German Dental

    Industry and the IDS, the world's leading trade fair for the dental sector.

    Verband der Deutschen Dental-Industrie (VDDI)

    207 member companies, representing:

    • over 21,000 employees

    • EUR 5.3 billion turnover

    • 63 % export ratio

    • Founded in 1916

    Dental search machine DentalPlace

    • electronic VDDI members directory

    • dental products at a glance and two clicks

    • fastest way to thousands of products in 42 product


    • immediate contact to manufacturers

    • more than 1.2 million visitors (2018/2019),

    International Dental Show

    • the world's largest industry meeting place for den-

    tists, dental technicians, the specialist dental trade

    and dental industries

    • all the information on exhibitors, visitors

    • novelty database for exhibitors

    • communication meeting and media event,,


  • VDDI e. V. First-class dentistry

    The VDDI and the German Dental Industry


    2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018




    Turnover in bill. EUR Export quota in bill. EUR Employees

    Source: VDDI

    207 member companies

    The VDDI is the industry association of the dental industry, its

    members range from owner-managed family businesses to global


    Our mission

    The German dental industry

    provides dentists and dental

    technicians all over the world with

    the sophisticated products they

    need to maintain or restore the

    quality of life of people across all


    Partners in Research

    • close cooperation with scientific dentistry and dental technical


    • research into new diagnostic and therapeutic areas of


    • development of innovative technologies, processes and

    materials for users

    Worldwide innovation, technology, quality, precision

    Our industry develops and manufactures innovative devices,

    instruments and materials employing state-of-the-art science and

    technology, and makes an indispensable contribution to main-

    taining human health.

    Market leadership

    The high innovative capability,

    the competitiveness of Ger-

    man dental companies, their

    emphasis on service and their

    above-average delivery reliability

    make our industry the market

    leader in many areas.

    VDDI – Total turnover, export share, employees of VDDI member companies in 2018

    • 207 companies

    • over 21,000 employees• over EUR 5.3 billion turnover

    • export ratio in excess of 63 %

  • 100 Years VDDI – from VDDF to VDDI

    More than 100 years ago, our industry founded the Verband der Deutschen

    Dental-Fabrikanten (VDDF). From today's perspective, this was the beginning of

    a great success story. With 207 medium-sized, innovative companies and 21,000

    highly motivated employees within the worldwide dental business, today's

    Verband der Deutschen Dental-Industrie enjoys an excellent reputation.

    One thing common to all our members is that they manufacture for two special

    groups of customers, the dentist and dental technician professions. Our industry

    joins with dentists, dental research, dental technicians, materials researchers as well

    as the specialist dental trade to maintain or restore patients' oral health.

    We have been working on this for more than 100 years - and we intend to continue

    doing so in the future!

    Milestones in the development of the German dental industry

    1916 1923 1928 1950 1992/1995 June 2016 2019 2021


    The VDDI is founded with the aim of continuing the successful tradition as organiser of the International Dental Show

    First Dental Show of the German dental industry

    Companies of the German dental industry link up to form the VDDF (Verband derDeutschen Dental-Fabrikanten).

    Objective: establis-hing a dental fair

    From now on, the organiser of the IDS is the com-mercial enterprise of the VDDI, the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH (GFDI)

    VDDI 100 yearsFirst International Dental Show

    39th IDS9–13 March 2021

    38th IDS12–16 March 2019

  • The German Dental Industrythe product and service spectrum at a glance


    Sustainable values, maximum standards

    The German dental industry meets the highest requirements in

    terms of production and applications. Internal quality assuran-

    ce systems are a part of this, as is complying with the medical

    device directives.

    Additional certifications according to ISO and also environmental

    aspects are prerequisites for quality products where biocompati-

    bility, user and service-friendliness are paramount.

    Your search for products and their manufacturers in Germany – more than 1.2 million search queries in one year

    DentalPlace is the VDDI members directory and a frequently used platform for search

    queries from all over the world. DentalPlace speaks the languages of the world: German,

    English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Arabic. The product and service spec-

    trum of the German dental industry embraces more than 60,000 products:

    • Installations

    • Instruments

    • Devices

    • Materials


    The high quality products cover the entire spectrum of dentistry ranging from diagnosis

    to prevention through to restoration:

    • Aesthetics

    • Surgery

    • Endodontics

    • Implant dentistry

    • Individual prophylaxis

    • Orthodontics

    • Conservative treatment

    • Periodontal therapy

    • Dentures

    Minimally invasive treatment methods are optimised with products made by the

    German dental industry.

    Dental technology

    The dental industry also provides quality products and system solutions for all

    application fields in dentistry:

    • multi-pontic bridges

    • inlays

    • crowns

    • onlays

    • partial dentures

    • full dentures and much more.

    DentalPlace enables you to find dental products "Made in Germany" and their

    manufacturers as well as their portfolios in 42 product groups with a total of 241 sub-headings within seconds.

  • We speak the languages of the world


    VDDI members directory

    The electronic members directory ”DentalPlace“ is an important

    research tool for dental products from Germany. Dentists, dental

    technicians and the specialist dental trade from all over the world

    launched 1.2 million search queries (2018/2019) for products

    and system solutions from the 207 member companies of the

    German dental industry.

    DentalPlace offers numerous search options in seven world

    languages (German, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic

    and Russian), for example when searching for manufacturers or

    for product groups or products.

    Here you can find 42 product groups which are divided into a

    ”dentistry section" and a "dental technology section“.

    Some 280 search terms in alphabetical order refine the search

    within the product groups for individual products, ranging from

    ”impression disinfectants“ to ”accessories for dental technology


    Since 2003, more than 9.2 million visitors have visited the


    9.2 million visitorssince 2003








  • GFDI Gesellschaft zurFörderung der Dental-Industrie mbH

    Organiser of the IDS – the No. 1 in the industry

    The IDS in Cologne is the top event for the international dental

    market and the entire dental sector.

    The IDS (International Dental Show) is held every two years in

    Cologne and is organised by the Gesellschaft zur Förderung

    der Dental-Industrie mbH, GFDI, the commercial enterprise of

    the Verband der Deutschen Dental-Industrie e. V., VDDI, run by

    the Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne.

    Unique range of products

    The entire global dental market is reflected in the range of

    products showcased at the IDS. All relevant target groups of the

    dental world meet here to inform themselves, try out products,

    communicate and exchange information on current trends in

    dentistry and dental technology:

    • the field of dentistry

    • the dental technology sector

    • infection protection and maintenance

    • services: information systems, communication systems,

    organisation systems, organisation tools

    Promising prospects for exhibitors

    • maintaining contacts with customers, suppliers and business


    • new customers from all over the world

    • international distribution partnerships

    • networking with the entire international dental industry


    The 38th International Dental Show 2019 again ended with record results:

    2,327 exhibitors from 64 countries and appro-ximately 160,000 visitors from 166 countries. With a foreign share of 73 % among exhibitors and 62 % among visitors the IDS has become even more international.

    ! The next IDS: 39th International Dental Show from 9 – 13 March 2021 in Cologne2021

  • IDS – the summit meeting of the international dental industry


    IDS – the summit meeting of the international dental industry

    The IDS represents the entire dental world, and the entire value

    chain meets in Cologne: developers and manufacturers of dental

    products and system solutions, users of our products, dentists

    and dental technicians with their staff from dental practices and

    laboratories. This includes the students and trainees who will have

    a say in the future of the dental market.

    And also the service providers throughout the value chain, not to

    forget the dental trade media, who are important communication

    channels for the dental industry. Also all those who are committed

    to oral health and help ensure that users receive everything they

    need for their work with and for patients, they all meet at the IDS.

    Steady growth of the International Dental Show



    Exhibition space sqm







    155,000 160,000



    Source: VDDI

    170,000 square metres, the size of 24 football pitches

  • VDDI e. V.Verband der Deutschen Dental-Industrie e. V.

    Aachener Str. 1053–1055

    50858 Cologne

    GFDI mbHGFDI Gesellschaft zur Förderung

    der Dental-Industrie mbH

    Commercial enterprise of the VDDIStat

    us: M

    ay 2


    IDS – which the dental world calls its home every two years

    Over the years, the International Dental Show has evolved into its own

    ”IDS brand“ with unmistakable characteristics, a clearly defined brand

    value and an emotional reputation.

    The IDS is distinguished by:

    ”Open to the world“, ”hospitable

    “, ”community-building“ as well


    ”fair“ – these terms characterise t

    he emotional side of experienc

    es made at the IDS.

    Terms such as ”demanding“, ”trend-setting“, ”comprehensive“ and ”committed to the industry“ characterise the high quality and unique performance level of the IDS.

    Terms such as ”continuity“ and ”success-promoting“ stand for the long-term approach aimed at the success of all participants, be it as exhibitors or visitors, as

    organisers or as executing enterprise.

    ”The IDS is the world's leading trade fair for the dental community, and assures sustainable success as a platform for innovations and market trends.“ (IDS brand essence)