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Copyright © 2016 Success Vantage Group Pte Ltd

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Published by Matthew Norman

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Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5

The Vibrational Energy To Success ......................................................................................... 8

What Is Vibrational Energy? ................................................................................................. 9

Energy Blocks In Life .......................................................................................................... 10

Benefits Of Using Vibrational Energy ................................................................................ 12

Why Should You Use Vibrational Energy To Achieve Success? ....................................... 15

The Meditative Way To Success ............................................................................................ 18

What Is Meditation? ............................................................................................................ 18

History Of Meditation ........................................................................................................ 19

Myths About Meditation .................................................................................................... 20

Types Of Meditation ............................................................................................................ 21

Case Studies: The Celebrity Way To Success ........................................................................ 24

Sheryl Crow ......................................................................................................................... 24

Richard Gere ........................................................................................................................ 25

Oprah Winfrey .................................................................................................................... 26

How To Use Meditation To Increase Vibrational Energy .................................................... 27

Walking ................................................................................................................................ 27

Visualization ........................................................................................................................ 28

Muscle Movement .............................................................................................................. 29

Body Meditation ................................................................................................................. 29

Bound Angle Relaxation ..................................................................................................... 30

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 31

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What Is This Book About?

This book is designed to help portray a clear connection between meditation and positive vibration energy. We will touch the meditation aspect of vibrational energy to help you find out how simple meditation techniques can help you build a positive connection with the universe, and attract good energy into your life.

This book is designed to help portray a clear connection between

meditation and positive vibration energy. We will touch the meditation

aspect of vibrational energy to help you find out how simple meditation

techniques can help you build a positive connection with the universe, and

attract good energy into your life.

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We believe that our minds and our bodies are two separate entities. However, the

truth is that our minds and our bodies are connected together. So, what we think is

what affects our physical being.

When we think of good things, our mind feels relaxed and we are able to do well in

different aspects of life. On the contrary, if we constantly process negative

information and thoughts, our mind, body, and life gets impacted.

Therefore, if you are looking to improve your connection with the universe, you

first need to understand that a positive state of mind is what matters the most.

One such famous Hollywood actress who turned around her life with the help of

meditation is Angelina Jolie.

Angelina Jolie is an American actress, director, and humanitarian born on June 4th,

1975. Her birth name was Angelina Jolie Voight. She was the daughter of actors Jon

Voight and the late Marcheline Bertrand.

When Jolie was just one, her parents separated and she along with her brother

James Haven lived with her mother. Her mother gave up on her acting career to be

with her children and to raise them in good care. Because her father left the family

when Jolie was just one, she did not have a good relationship with him.

Her mother raised her children with modest income and Jolie would spend most of

her time watching movies with her mother. According to Angelina Jolie, watching

movies with her mother is what inspired her to become an actress and not her

father’s acting career.

When the family moved to Los Angeles, she attended the Beverly Hills High School.

Because the students in the school belonged to affluent families, Angelina Jolie

struggled to fit in. Her fellow students would make fun of her thin body and braces.

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When she could no longer take it, she transferred to Moreno High School, where

she developed interest in punk. At that time, she had a live-in boyfriend who was

also into punk and gothic lifestyle. Angelina Jolie began to wear all-black,

experimented with knife-play, and went out moshing.

When she was a teenager, she had trouble connecting with other, which is the

reason that she began to harm herself.

Angelina Jolie started experimenting with drugs and tried almost every drug by 20.

She not only struggled with depression, but she also suffered from insomnia and

eating disorder. Her life spiraled downwards and she tried to commit suicide once

at 19 years of age and the second time when she was 22. She also suffered a major

nervous breakdown at the age of 24 and got admitted into UCLA Medical Center’s

psychiatric ward for 72hours.

When she was 26, she adopted her first child, whom she credits for bringing her life

back in track. Jolie’s acting career also began to take an upward shift in the year

1998, and she soon began to star in several great films. She was widely recognized

for her role as Gia Carangi in the movie Gia which came out in 1998. From then

onwards, she completed major Hollywood projects one after another and made

good on her life.

In an interview with the Stylist Magazine, Angelina Jolie shared her recipe to

success. She told the magazine that she finds peace in sitting on the floor with her

children, playing and coloring with them. Due to the enormous amount of word

that she has, she doesn’t get time to sit alone and meditate.

She believes that meditation can be done by engaging yourself in the things you

love, which is exactly what she does. She spends time with her six children and

doesn’t let any negative energy affect her. In fact, she has no space for negative

vibrations in her life.

This gives us a clear idea that meditation is not only about finding peace in an

empty dark room. But meditation is about getting involved with the things we love

and the things that make us happy.

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By making use of meditation, Angelina Jolie

attracted positive vibrational energy into her life.

She overcome depression and proceeded towards

a successful career. Today, she is not only a

renowned actress who has some great films under

her name, but she is also an internationally

acclaimed humanitarian who has worked for

causes like woman equality, poverty, refugees,

sexual violence, and much more. She is a globally

known UN ambassador, famous actress, one of the

world’s most beautiful women, a director, and a

full-fledged mom to her six children.

All of her successes have been possible by her use of meditation to harness the

positive energy from the universe. She found meditation in sitting with her kids for

hours and staying involved with them. The idea of meditation that we get from

Angelina Jolie is clear - that meditation isn’t a specific exercise, but if you get

involved with things you love, that’s meditation.

Angelina Jolie put her life in place when she adopted her first child. She found

happiness in spending time with her child. That’s the time when she improved

herself. She bounced out of depression which was eating her up before. There was

a time when she would go to any extent to take her own life, but finding love in a

child completely changed her. Because she loves her children, she finds peace in

spending time and playing with them.

The idea is simple; when you get in touch with positive energy, you are able to stay

happier in life. When we look at the Law of Attraction, we will find similar

reference. When a person thinks about positive things, only positive energy is

attracted towards them. This positive energy came to Angelina Jolie in the form of

her children.

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The Vibrational Energy To Success

We live in a vibrational universe where everything is made of energy.

Remember the famous discovery that Albert Einstein made about matter and energy?

Well, he researched on energy, matter, and its connection to the universe and made an

interesting discovery that every energy and matter is interchangeable and

interconnected. This study conducted by Albert Einstein also stated that even the

physical matter is interchangeable.

This means that everything in the universe is composed of tiny packets of energy and

very energy packet is vibrating at its own frequency.

When we talk about ourselves, our thoughts create

the greatest impact on our vibrational energy.

Whatever we think or believe makes its place in our

mind and it begins to create vibrational energy. If

your thoughts are negative, negative vibrational

energy will be produced.

So, whatever you feel or think is what makes up

your vibrational energy. If you think positively, the

environment and everything around you will get

affected by this positive vibrational energy.

Similarly, if you have negative feelings, they will

begin to affect your surroundings and eventually

your life.

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What Is Vibrational Energy?

You might have come across several people in life whom you never connected to. You

always felt that there was always a negative vibe associated to them, which is the reason

you never really wanted to be in touch with them.

This is exactly what vibrational energy is.

Every matter in the universe is made up of energy, and the way a person thinks and feels

is the energy that they carry. If a person think well of others and is always in a positive

mood, they will have a positive vibe or aura.

You might have also noticed that all the negative people in your school grouped up

together and all the nice ones would hang out together. This happens because energies

attract each other. So, if a person is surrounded by negative energy, they will only attract

people with similar energies and vice versa.

Think of yourself as vibrational transmitter constantly emitting energy at different


When you are in a happy mood, you (as a transmitter) will emit positive energy. When

this positive energy goes out, it will attract like energies towards itself. This means that

the vibration you produce is what you get. So, when you are in a good mood, you seem

to find happiness in everything. This is only possible because your vibrational energy is

attracting similar energy into your life, which impacts your experiences and the


So, when you want to experience a particular thing in life, you know that you have to

emit the same vibrational energy. There are some people in life who are extremely

content with their lives and they always attract good things. You might think that they

are lucky that these things come to them, but in reality, they are the ones who attracted

those things into their lives. Similarly, when we talk about those who are depressed, we

see that everything they do or get involved with turns out to be bad. If they are looking

for a job, they return disappointed. When they go out, they attract people who are

equally depressed and they get into drinking and drugs and other bad habits.

This is not something that life gifted them with, but all of it was their own creation.

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The negative energy that they moved with attracted other negative energies from the

universe. So, they found themselves pulled into depression to the point where they were

unable to return.

It is important for us to understand that the vibrational energy we carry has a great

impact on your lives. The people who are happy are the ones who are always hearing

good news. It is not necessary that the people who are living a happy life have achieved

everything or have a lot of material wealth, but their positive thoughts and feelings

attract positive things in their lives, which keeps them feeling content and relaxed.

When we understand that our thoughts, feelings, and actions have an impact on our

surrounding is when we will be able to live our lives the way we want to. The vibrational

energies that we emit can either help us grow or bring us down.

Our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual sides are all set at different vibrations.

Negative energies vibrate at a lower frequency and positive energies vibrate at a higher

frequency. This means that when you are involved in enough negativity, only then your

life truly begins to get affected. A person who drinks alcohol, takes drugs, and has a very

poor lifestyle will gather lots of negative vibrational energy, which will come to reflect on

his life.

The feelings of love and joy on the other hand vibrate at a much faster pace. That’s the

reason when we spend time with someone who is a positive individual and has all the

good things to share; we feel that their level of energy impacts us. We also begin to feel

lighter and happier because positive energy has a higher vibrational frequency. It is

contagious and it affects everyone in the surroundings.

Energy Blocks In Life

Apart from positive and negative vibrational energy, there are blocks of energy that

often keep us from achieving our purpose in life.

Energy blocks are the accumulated energies inside our minds. These blocks cannot be

clearly identified, but they are present in our subconscious.

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Take for example someone who is trying to lose

weight for their entire life. But whenever they try a

new routine, they fail. This failure is caused due to

the blocks of energy present in their minds in the

form of past experiences. Maybe that person was

bullied as a child or call names. These experiences

were stored in their mind, and when they try to

achieve their goals, they’d end up with no results.

The reason for this constant failure is due to the

fact that their energy is being blocked by these

thoughts that they are not good enough.

The person believes in the back of their mind that

they can never lose weight. This is the energy block

that keeps them from achieving success no matter

what they do.

The reason that such people face disappointments is that they let past experiences take

a toll on them. They let them settle in their minds and subconsciously think about them.

That’s the reason when they are trying to achieve something they end up failing. But if

they started being positive, thinking about good things, and kicking out the bad

experiences from their minds, they will be able to bring positive energy into their lives.

Angelina Jolie did exactly that. She let go the bad experiences of her past. She stopped

stressing over her dad issues and left depression far behind to feel happy with her


When we dig into human history, we will find that the Greeks used positive energy for

healing purposes. They believed in the presence of energy and that it affects every

aspect of life. They believed in the power of positivity and kept themselves busy in love

and happiness, and used this energy to heal their bodies. They also believed that the

positive energy can health their internal organs and keep them protected from viruses,

diseases, and illnesses.

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Benefits Of Using Vibrational Energy

Vibrational energy has both positive and negative effects on our lives. The concept of

living a happy life using vibrational energy is simple; to think positively and increase your

positive vibrational energy to attract similar energy into your life. This means that when

we live our life in order and get rid of negative thoughts, we get to enjoy a much more

satisfying life.

Because vibrational energy is everywhere around us, it has a great impact on our life.

With the use of vibrational energy to our benefit, we can be worry and stress-free

forever. Let’s take a look at some amazing benefits that vibrational energy provides us


When you begin to raise the frequencies of your vibrational energy (positive), you

are able to look at life with a new perspective. You are able to add love to

everything that you do. When you tell yourself that you will think positively and

avoid negative thoughts and emotions, you get to live a happy life. You are stress-

free because you have decreased the frequency of negative vibration with the

weight of positive vibrations.

When you start to think positively, your heart begins to open up. You are more

accepting and your life feels joyful. Because when you accept what’s bad and

believe it to be a small part of your life, you become more accepting. You begin to

understand the purpose of life. You do not react to little bad incidents in your life

because you have so many other good things to think about. This is also helpful in

making a person more tolerant of others. When you have positive thoughts, you

are more compassionate about others and have a lot of love to give.

By increasing the frequency of positive vibrational energy, you are able to open

your mind, heart, emotions, and body. You now know that you are free to feel

anything you like. You know that you are no longer bound by your subconscious

mind, which makes you feel confident. You also come to realize that holding back

onto life just because of your past experiences and thoughts is actually very

foolish. You begin to enjoy freedom of thoughts and feelings, and you come to

know that you can live a happy life.

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You find out the way to turn your dreams into a reality. Because you are no longer

taking a back seat because of negative thoughts and energies, you get a chance

to achieve your dreams with complete willpower and enthusiasm. You do

everything with a positive mindset, which keeps you feeling great.

Once you begin to harness the power of positive vibrational energy, you come to

a realization that you no longer need to live in the shadow of the past. You learn

to live in the present and you are no longer affected by your past. This is only due

to the positive thoughts and energy vibrations that you attract towards yourself.

You begin to live in the present moment, learning about life, getting to know

yourself and your surroundings, and think about the life that you want to live

instead of the life that you lived. These feelings, emotions, and thoughts are great

for making people achieve great things in life.

With high vibrational energies, you become more accepting and when you come

across a problem, you are relaxed. You do not work up your mind, body,

emotions, and soul in a troubling situation because you believe in finding a way by

signaling positive vibrational energy to attract similar vibrations. You know that by

making use of love and tolerance, you will be able to get through with anything in

life. When you use love, care, patience, and tolerance instead of frustration,

anger, and irritation, you are able to deal with almost every problem in life with

ease. When you come across an upsetting problem, you react positively, believing

that your positive energy vibrations will take over the situation and bring good

things into your life.

By replacing every negative emotion with love, happiness, and joy, you will be

able to feel stress-free and relieved. This replacement will also make you feel

content and make you feel relaxed even when you are going through hardships in

your life. Let’s say that you booked your tickets to visit your parents residing in

another country. But one day before your flight, you get a call from work that

there’s a situation that needs to be taken care of. You are extremely irritated,

angry and frustrated that you had to cancel on your flight to see your parents to

solve a work-related problem. If you practice to live with love, you will think about

the good aspects of staying back and fixing a work problem. You will think that

because you stayed, you got to save the company from a huge loss. Feelings and

thoughts like these will keep you feeling calm and content, which will only have a

positive impact on your mind, body, spirit, and emotions.

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By practicing positive behavior, you will be able to create an impact on others in

your surroundings. Because positive energy is contagious, it can easily make more

people think positively and with love and affection. The people that you meet or

spend time with will get touched by your love and kindness, which will make them

become like you. So, positive vibrational energies can make the entire universe

become a loving place filled with positivity.

Positive vibrational energy doesn’t only affect the ones who have a positive vibe,

but it can also nullify negative energy. If you are a positive person who has high

frequency positive vibrational energy, then any negative person or situation will

not stand in front of you. You will have the power to kill the effect of negativity

with your positive energy. Let’s say one of your friends hit their car on the

sidewalk and they call you for help. They are panicking and are unable to think

straight or logically. With the help of your positive thinking and calm behavior, you

will be able to calm them down. However, if you were not a positive person and

you panicked with them, you will only end up making the situation worst. This

means that those who have a higher positive vibrational energy are able to

control the situation where negative thoughts and energies are prevailing. With

the help of this positivity, a person can turn situations and events around in their


When you achieve higher vibrational energy by thinking positively, you are able to

remove all sorts of obstructions from your path. When you align your mind, spirit,

body, and emotions with the universe, it opens up infinite possibilities for you.

This means that whatever dreams you have, you find a way to achieve them with


A person with positive feelings and thoughts is able to feel hopeful that no matter

what they want in life, they can achieve it if they try. So, if those struggling to lose

weight get rid of the thoughts in their subconscious mind, they will be able to

work towards their goals and achieve them by working hard.

The benefits of living your life with high positive vibrational energy are numerous. You

not only get to put your life in order, but you also feel connected to your life and your

higher purpose. You also get to live your life in a relaxed way.

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Why Should You Use Vibrational Energy

To Achieve Success?

Once you learn that every matter in the universe is

made of energy packets that vibrate at a certain

frequency and attract similar energy, you will come

to realize that everything you do has an impact on

your life. Whenever you have a thought, your

energies will reach out to the universe and look for

similar energies to add into your life.

In order to live a happy and joyful life, one needs to

understand the phenomenon of vibrational energy

and its effects on our lives. The moment you

understand that all the troubles and hardships in

your life are your own creation and that it can be

fixed, you will be able to turn your life into a new


There are many people who have practiced to increase the frequency of their positive

vibrational energy, but have failed to get any results. Some people tried to go with the

idea and enjoyed a lot of benefits. The reason that the results are different from people

to people is that not everyone practice it the way they should. In order to increase your

positive vibrational energy, you need to get aligned with the universe. By following a set

of exercises and techniques isn’t everything. Your mind, body, emotions, and spirit needs

to be aligned to the energy of the universe.

Because everything in the universe is made of energy, it is important to consider it to

achieve success in life. When you get involved in positive things and have positive

thoughts, you are able to feel calm and relaxed. Your body, thoughts, mind, and

emotions also send out positive signals which are caught by other positive energies in

the environment. It is like your positive energies are mingling with their mirror selves,

and telling them that they need them. This brings more positive energy into your life,

filling your life with more happiness, compassion, and love.

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So, when you are trying to achieve something in life, but your thoughts are pulling you

back, you can take lessons from vibrational energy to bring your life together. Sometimes

we want something really badly, but we are unable to achieve it. Did you ever wonder

why can you not make things happen? Have you ever given thought to it that even after

trying so hard you couldn’t achieve what you strived for?

Of course we all have dreams and goals that we want to achieve. But sometimes we have

unusual thoughts in the back of our minds. These thoughts are stored in our

subconscious mind and may affect our ability to achieve anything or be confident.

But if you address the issues of the subconscious, you will accept the things that you

once experienced in the past and make peace with them. Now when you begin to think

positively and believe in your ability to achieve anything that you set your mind at, you

will be able to attract positive vibrational energy towards yourself.

A great way to do this is meditate.

Meditation helps make you feel relaxed and calm, and allows you to accept the negative

aspects of your life. As long as you will try to hide these feelings and fears, you will be

unable to live your life to the fullest. Meditation also gives you a sense of satisfaction and

makes you feel at peace. You need vibrational energy at every step. When you want to

achieve something, you need to think positively and believe that you can make things


Vibrational energies are everywhere around us, which means that they are natural. So,

when you need to achieve success in life, it is the best option that there is. Because the

more positive energies you have, the more positivity you will attract towards yourself.

Let’s take a look at an example that will make you understand why vibrational energy is

important for a successful life.

Your coworkers are really tired of their job and they do not perform well. Their energies

are down and they constantly tell other workers, including you, that they don’t need to

work hard. They tell you that they have worked and did not get anything so they

shouldn’t try either. Their negative energies affect other workers who also begin to


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This bunch of negative people might be upset with their lives or any other thing that has

nothing to do with the workplace, but they will still talk negative about the place and

people. Their views and energies will automatically affect you unless you have high

positive vibrational energy.

If you are a positive person with positive energy, then you will have no problem dealing

with the situation instead of getting affected by it. You will find a way to turn their views

and opinions into positive things.

So, in order to survive, every person requires positive vibrational energy. The energy we

add in our life is what comes to us in the form of experiences and situations. If you

constantly think about positive things that you want to in your life, there will come a time

when you will achieve those things. Visualization is another way to achieve anything that

you want.

Let’s say you are preparing for your exams but you are extremely stressed out about the

paper. You constantly think that you will fail. So, when you are trying to study, the

thought of failing will eat you away and will keep you from preparing at all. Because of

the negative thoughts, you will be unable to focus on your studies and when it is time to

take the exam, you ruin it all.

The time and energy you wasted in thinking negatively will end up making you fail in


So, the thoughts that you had from the beginning turned into a reality. This means that

negative energy attracted negative energy towards you, turning all your fears into a

reality. However, if you thought about positive things and attracted positive energy into

your life, you would’ve been able to prepare for your exam and aced it.

This is the reason that vibrational energy holds a lot of importance in our life.

In order to live a successful life and achieve our dreams, we need to learn the art of

attracting positive vibrational energy into our lives. This vibrational energy also needs to

be harvested in the right way.

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The Meditative Way To Success

Meditation has been in practice since the olden


People made use of it to feel more conscious and

aware of their thoughts and life. It is a spiritual

practice in which a person tunes out of the outer

world to get in touch with their inner-self or soul.

Meditation has always been believed to have great

mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing

powers. The process of meditation allows a person

to forget about the material world and its problem,

and put their focus on God and the universe.

The concept of meditation is similar to that of

vibrational energies.

When a person is meditating, they are increasing their positive energy and letting go of

their negative thoughts and feelings. That’s exactly what vibrational energy is all about.

When you are thinking positive, you raise your positive vibrational energy and feel

relaxed. Through the process of meditation, a person is actually trying to connect with

their higher soul to bring more light into their lives. So, it can be rightly said that if a

person wants to achieve success in life, they can meditate to increase their positive

vibrational energy.

What Is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice proved to be very significant for improving the overall energy


This practice has become quite common now. Meditation is a way to kick the stress out

of your life. When you are feeling down or stressed out, you can meditate and feel

instantly relaxed and calm. It is the practice that involves your concentration and mind,

and connects the two to present to you the real picture.

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It brings inner peace and gives you tons of positivity to survive the stress of the world.

Today, we need meditation more than ever because we live in a chaotic world. The

environment we live in is polluted, and our lifestyles are becoming more stressful. In

order to find peace, we require meditation to keep our lives on track.

Meditation can also be regarded as a complete mind and body exercise, and a kind of

complementary medicine. With the help of meditation, a person can shift their minds

from negativity to positivity. The best thing about meditation is that it doesn’t require

special skill or equipment. Furthermore, someone who wants to meditate can do so

wherever they desire.

History Of Meditation

Meditation has been part of many cultures throughout the history. The phenomenon of

meditation isn’t new and has been in practice for thousands of years. Wherever there

was religion, there was meditation. The earliest records of meditation come from the

Hindu culture and traditions. From India, meditation then stretched towards China and


Historically, people practiced meditation to enhance their spirituality and to connect with

their inner souls. They would also make use of meditation to find inner peace and to calm

their minds and bodies. This practice was performed by many Buddhists who would form

a powerful connection with their beliefs. Buddhists made use of meditation for complete

transformation of their minds. They would increase their focus, calm their minds, and see

the true nature of things by meditating.

Many people would become emotionally stable by meditating. This practice would make

them feel relaxed and connect them to positivity. Once it became easier to travel to the

West, people began to spread their knowledge of meditation to the other part of the

world. Thousands of years after the actual introduction of meditation, it began to spread

in the American region. However, meditation was still considered a religious practice,

which is the reason it wasn’t used for healthcare purposes.

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Myths About Meditation

There was a time in history when people believed meditation to be a religious practice


However, today, meditation has become a prominent part of the modern culture with

majority of the people practicing it to become more stable in their lives. Although

meditation has become quite popular, there are still many misconceptions about

meditation that keep people from making the most of this amazing healing practice.

Let’s take a look at the most common myths and misconceptions about meditation:

Meditation Requires Practice

One of the biggest myths surrounding meditation is that it requires years of experience.

Meditation isn’t something that requires expertise. It is a practice that anyone can get

involved in and avail from its amazing benefits. Meditation is a practice that requires a

person to focus on the positive aspects without stressing over the problems.

In the introduction of the book we talked about, Angelina Jolie spoke about how she

meditated by spending time with her kids. This clearly proves that meditation is not a

typical exercise bound by rules, but it is a practice in which a person gets involved in the

things that bring peace to them.

Meditation Is A Religious Practice

Meditation is a practice that requires a person to dive deeper into their minds and focus

on constructive thoughts than stressful feelings. It doesn’t require a person to belong to

a specific religion or spiritual belief.

Anyone willing to add peace and positivity to their lives can practice meditation and

achieve great results.

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Meditation Is Difficult

Many people believe that meditation is tough or difficult. However, meditation is the

complete opposite of difficult. In order to feel relaxed through meditation, a person only

needs to breathe and feel relaxed.

Meditation Takes Time

Meditation is not like an exercise routine. You don’t need to make bodily postures in

order to achieve the state of meditation. Meditation can be achieved by getting involved

in anything that makes you feel relaxed and adds peace to your life. It can be achieved by

walking in the park or taking a steamed bath. It can be anything that makes you happy.

Meditation Means Running Away From Your Problems

Meditation is not a way to get rid of your problems, but it allows you to accept the

problems, think about a solution calmly, and then make things smooth in life. It helps

connect your mind, body, spirit, and emotions, and feeds positivity to your soul.

If you hesitated in meditating because you believed in one of these myths, then it is time

to move on and make meditation a part of your everyday life.

Types Of Meditation

Although meditation can be practiced any manner that a person likes, there are certain

types that have been practiced by many to achieve the state of relaxation. Let’s take a

look at the different types of meditation.

Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation is a common type of meditation in which a person constantly repeats

a word to distract themselves from a disturbing thought. A person involved in mantra

meditation can also repeat a positive thought in their mind to keep the negative ones


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Qi Gong

Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese practice that combines physical postures, breathing, and

focus to achieve peace of mind. The ancient Chinese believed that by harvesting the

energy through constant practice, a person can achieve complete mental and physical

well being. This practice is believed to heal the body and make a person feel relaxed. Qi

Gong involves complex postures that are accompanied by breathing techniques and

complete mental focus.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is another popular type of meditation that requires a person to take

help from their thoughts and techniques of visualization to feel relaxed. Guided

meditation is also often conducted by teachers who ask you to visualize a story that they

are telling you. The teachers make use of different techniques to involve a person’s

senses into the process like telling them that they are on the beach and their feet are

touching the warm water, etc.

With the help of this meditation practice, a person is able to remove the negative

thoughts or feelings from their minds and get indulged in relaxing thoughts and


Mindfulness Meditation

Dating almost 2,500 years back, mindfulness meditation is a practice that requires a

person to pay complete attention to their inner and outer self. It is the practice to allow

people to accept their present with patience.

Mindfulness meditation gives us a chance to be aware of our surroundings, our lives, and

everything that we experience. When we become aware of everything in our life, we

don’t face a hard time accepting that things that come to us. With the help of

mindfulness meditation, we are able to accept the troubles in our lives and focus on the

positive things and goals to make them happen.

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Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a type of meditation practice that involves martial arts. This practice is believed

to reduce stress and make a person feel relaxed. By involving the different body muscles,

this martial art practice allows a person to become more flexible and improves balance

control, making a person feel stress-free.

There are several types of Tai-Chi that can be practiced including Wu-style, Sun-style,

Chen-style, and Yang-style. Every posture in Tai-Chi requires a certain breathing practice

which brings peace and relaxation to the mind and the body.


Yoga has become one of the most popular meditation practices. Yoga requires a series of

postures and deep breathing to increase flexibility and balance. The main purpose of

yoga is to get rid of everyday stress and focus in the moment which is relaxing and


Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental meditation is quite similar to mantra meditation. When practicing this

type of meditation, a person needs to repeat a word, phrase, or sound in a particular

style. The repeated recitation produces a sound-effect that relaxes the mind and makes a

person feel at peace. This meditation practice doesn’t require a person to focus or

concentrate on a particular thought.

In order to meditate, you don’t necessarily have to get involved in one of these

meditation types. As mentioned earlier in the book, one can achieve the state of

meditation any way they like. If gardening makes you happy or gives you the feeling of

peace, then that is meditation for you. If spending time with your family makes your

stress go away, then that’s meditation for you.

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Case Studies: The Celebrity Way To Success

In the introduction of this book, we discussed in detail about Angelina Jolie’s life and the

way she turned it around by getting involved in meditation. Well, Angelina Jolie is not the

only one to take this approach, but there are many celebrities who found peace in

meditating instead of going in any other direction. The celebrities that we are about to

mention have found success in life by practicing meditation.

Let’s take a look below:

Sheryl Crow

Sheryl Crow, a renowned American singer, songwriter,

and actress, also experienced a lot of bad situations in

her life, but she decided to kick away the negative

things out of her life to live a peaceful life away from all

the hassle.

In 2003, she began dating the cycling star Lance

Armstrong, but due to certain circumstances they

announced their split in 2006, the same year she was

diagnosed with a non-invasive breast cancer. She then

went through a procedure known as lumpectomy and

weeks of radiation therapy.

During this time, she really felt stressed from the situation that would surround her at all

times. The paparazzi wouldn’t stop following her and asking her about her personal life.

She would be constantly bombarded with questions about Lance Armstrong and her

health. Both of the subjects were sensitive to her and she began feeling depressed. It

was a negative spotlight that kept following her, which is when she decided to leave the

contagious life in LA and move to Nashville.

In 2007, she also adopted her first child and her second child in 2010. Now Sheryl Crow

lives a laid-back lifestyle in Nashville, close to her hometown. She is relieved from the

stress of being in the spotlight.

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However, she never regrets her early career that brought to her all the fame and glory,

but she is thankful that she was a big celebrity at a time when there was less hype and

craziness in the industry.

Sheryl Crow took inspiration from George Harrison and tried to be aware of everything in

her life. She has become more conscious of her surroundings and takes lessons from her

past. She credits her illness (breast cancer) for what she has become now. She believes

that having cancer helped her move ahead in life and think with a different perspective.

Richard Gere

Richard Gere is a famous Hollywood heartthrob who was

born on August 31st, 1949. He studied at the University of

Massachusetts, experimented with pop music, but found

his interest in theatre. It was in 1970 that he got his first

role as a supporting actor in Looking for Mr. Goodbar. His

role in American Gigolo in 1980 made him popular.

Richard Gere converted to Buddhism in 1978 when he

suffered from extreme depression. He also found the

teaching of Bodhichitta quite interesting, which is the

reason he became the student of Dalai Lama and Zen. He

took help from meditation to become successful in life.

He did so by practicing mindfulness. By staying aware of

the world around him, he felt more at peace.

He also showed interest in the Tibetan approach and in 1987 he co-founded Tibet House.

His organization, ‘the Gere Foundation’, continually helps spread the teaching of

Buddhism and supports different groups.

At the age of nineteen, Richard Gere dropped out of college to begin his career in

theater. But he was still very confused. He wanted to become an actor, but he would still

not find a way. One day he would feel a certain way and the other day he wouldn’t feel it

at all. This confusion in his life leads him to Buddhism. He found his answers in the

teachings of Buddhism.

The teachings of Dalai Lama turned Richard Gere into a compassionate human being. He

came close to the reality and felt relieved.

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Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954, in

Kosciusko, Mississippi. She grew up in a farming

community with her mother. She was repeatedly

sexually abused by various men and friends of her

mother. She then moved to Nashville to live with her

father and got in Tennessee State University in 1971.

Oprah Winfrey got to host her first ever talk show

called ‘People Are Talking’ in 1976. Her unique style

made everyone fall in love with her and she stayed with

the show for eight long years. In 1986, she launched her

show ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’ which become a huge

hit amongst the audience. She promised the audience

that her show will not be like other talk-shows that only focused on tabloid news. After

25 successful seasons of her show, she finally ended it in 2011. She still has her own

network known as Oprah Winfrey Network.

Oprah Winfrey is also a recognized activist. With the help of her fame and success, she

has helped many families. She is also an activist for children’s rights. She believes that by

helping others she gets a boost of energy and to her that’s her meditation. She started

her show by meditating at the studios; telling herself that what she does is what makes

her feel at peace.

To Oprah Winfrey, helping others means more than getting consumed in herself and her

fame. The activist work that she does is what brings positivity and energy into her life. It

is this energy that makes her a better person in her perspective.

Today, Oprah Winfrey, alongside the famous healing guru Deepak Chopra, works to

promote the benefits of meditation through her network. She launched a 21 day online

meditation program for participants. This program was designed to move to the path of

meditation and improve their lives.

By looking at the life-changing experiences that celebrities had with meditation gives us

proof that meditation can help turn your life around. Meditating is all about allowing the

flow of positive energy into your life and making peace with everything.

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How To Use Meditation To Increase Vibrational Energy

Meditation and the concept of vibrational energy go

hand in hand. When you meditate, you get a boost of

positive vibrational energy which brings more positivity

into your life. This means that whenever you meditate,

you will have increased vibrational energy which will

allow you to feel relived and relaxed.

When we talk about meditating, it means that you need

to connect to your mind, emotions, soul, and body on a

deeper level. You need to out your focus in your higher

purpose than the chaos that is surrounding you. If you

are new to meditation, then you might find help from

our meditation exercise tips given below.


Sometimes upsetting things happen in life, but when they take a toll on you, it is when

you need to get out of the situation. Meditation is a practice that can help you get out of

stressful situations without getting you involved in complex tasks. If you want to

meditate and get rid of the emotional and mental stress in your life, you can follow the

steps given below:

Go out for a walk.

Choose a serene and peaceful environment that brings you close to your mind.

Now start walking slowly and gradually.

Look at the way your toe touches the ground.

Look at the way your feet rest on the ground.

Examine every move and motion of your toes.

Understand every reflex.

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This practice will keep your focus where you want it to be. If your mind slips back into the

depressing thoughts, remind yourself to watch your steps. This practice will enable you

to get in control of your focus, which will help you focus on positive things even when

you are not feeling too well.


Another great way to feel at peace and relax yourself is to visualize positive things and

scenarios. Visualization is part of the guided meditation technique in which you replace

negative thoughts with positive ones. Let’s take a look at the exercise below:

Sit relaxed on your couch.

Rest your head and close your eyes.

Now start visualizing a scenario that makes you feel happy.

You can visualize anything that makes you happy like hiking,

going on adventure tours, etc.

Feel everything as if a movie is playing in front of you or you are

really experiencing it.

Feel the air brushing through your cheeks and smell the earthy

fragrance of greenery.

Do you feel happy or have a smile on your face?

By practicing this visualizing technique, you will feel much more relaxed and positive.

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Muscle Movement

By practicing muscle movement, you are able to keep your body relieved in a stressful

situation. Let’s take a look at the exercise below:

Look at your left foot.

See how relaxed every muscle is.

Now tighten the muscles for ten seconds and let them loose.

Feel the tension releasing in your muscles when you let your feet loose.

Now feel relaxed and breathe deeply in rhythm.

Now repeat the exercise with your right foot and continue it to your face.

When your body will be accustomed to the tension of muscles, it will not have a hard

time dealing with stress in the future.

Body Meditation

If you examine every sensation in your body, you will be able to feel more relaxed. In

order to get rid of complete body stress, follow the exercising tips given below:

Lay on the bed or ground or any comfortable spot and close your


Place both your arms at your sides and begin slow breathing.

Inhale air and feel the way your stomach raises.

Now exhale and feel the way your stomach goes down.

Once you feel relaxed, put your focus on your toes.

Keep breathing deeply and focus on your toes.

Feel your breath going to your toes.

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Do the same for your ankles and every body part above that.

Once you are done focusing on the entire body while breathing

deeply, it is time to relax.

Now keep lying in a state of relaxation and observe how your body


Now stretch every muscle of the body to end the exercise.

This meditation exercise will bring you close to your body, by making you aware of every

feeling and sensation that occurs in the body when you breathe.

Bound Angle Relaxation

Yoga has amazing benefits in calming the mind and the body.

It comprises an array of body postures that range in complexity from simple to hard. If

you are a beginner, you can practice the easier body postures that do not require special

skills, balance, and flexibility. The bound angle pose is also a simple yoga posture that

anyone can practice for meditation.

Sit straight on the ground and bring the soles of your feet together.

Now bring the fingers of your feet together and hold your feet with closed hands.

Press down your feet into the hips.

Roll your shoulders down and let your chest out.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply.

Hold the position for 6 breaths.

By getting involved in these simple exercises, you will be able to feel more relaxed. These

meditation exercises will also help keep your mind and body relieved from the stress of

everyday life.

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There are times when you wake up feeling

amazing. You feel happy and content with your life

and your mood is great. This happens when you

have high positive vibrational energy. Similarly,

when we get involved in meditation practice, our

entire body, mind, and emotions are in a relaxed

state. This peaceful state helps raise the frequency

of your vibrational energy.

Some people believe that a meditative state can

only be achieved when you sit in a quiet room and

breathe deeply. Meditation is not that alone, but

the state of peacefulness can also be achieved by

simply raising the vibrational energy. When we

enhance our connection with our spirit, that’s

when we have higher vibrational energy. So, even when you think about positive things,

you are relaxing your mind, body, and spirit.

Our thoughts are our vibrations. So, if we are thinking about something bad or negative,

then they will affect our energy levels. That’s the reason it is important to choose your

thoughts smartly. When we meditate, we are in a positive place. These positive thoughts

make us feel relaxed and increase our vibrational energy, which is the reason meditation

allows us to be successful in life.

If you only start thinking positively, you will be able to get a boost of energy in your

system, which will in turn make you feel good. When you continue to meditate, your

energy vibrates at a higher frequency, which attracts like energies towards you. These

energies help you achieve great things in life. The key is to feel positive is to make it a

part of your everyday life. Meditation is not limited to just exercises, but you can achieve

peace of mind by getting involved with the things you love and that will increase your

vibrational energy for the better.