video sales letter secrets - · viewers to watch your video sales letter...


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Page 2: Video sales letter secrets - · viewers to watch your video sales letter and make them buy! ... Using videos in email marketing has been shown to increase

Video sales letter secrets


Secret insider tricks that compel your viewers to watch your video sales letter and make them buy! If you own or control a profit-oriented business, you should probably read this

article in full.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that video is becoming


Video was the fastest growing ad format in 2012 with nearly 55%

growth. (eMarketer, January 2012).

According to Internet Retailer, 52% of consumers say video makes them

more confident with online purchases. And, when it’s information-

intensive, 66% of consumers will look at video sales messages again.

Website Magazine says 52% of consumers report they're less likely to

return a product after viewing a video sales message.

In tests, Archie McPhee experienced conversion rate increases averaging

30%, with a range from 12% to 115%. (Practical Ecommerce, November


Using videos in email marketing has been shown to increase click-through

rates by over 96%. (Implix 2010 Email Marketing Trends Survey.)

In tests, marketing automation provider Eloqua found that video in an

introductory email campaign led to a 75% reduction in subscriber opt-

outs. (Eloqua, 2010.)

The average internet user spends 88% more time on a website when video

is used. (Adelie Studios, 2015).

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Video sales letter secrets


I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

So, if you want to grab hordes of buyers, you would want to consider videos,


In particular, you want to use video sales letters.

What's a "video sales letter?" These are videos that have one goal. And one goal only. To convert traffic into

immediate buyers.

With video sales letters (or "VSL's"), your traffic arrives at a very basic web page.

The web page will have a headline, a video and a call to action with a "buy now"


The video is focused solely on selling one product, right now.

The viewer has little control over the video. Either they can pause it or play it. This

stops the viewer from jumping around the video to find the price. And because of

that, it means you'll get a chance to persuade the viewer to buy your product.

There are very few if any links to other pages. This minimises distractions.

But before you start creating your video sales letter, there’s a couple of things

you need to note.

1. Who your audience is

2. What’s their pain points

3. Their objections

Now, I cover audiences, pain points and objections in much more depth here.

However, I’ll give you a brief overview now of these crucial steps.

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Video sales letter secrets


Who’s your audience? You can get an idea by looking at magazine media kits and direct mail data cards.

They’ll provide you with demographic data of your likely viewers.

Most importantly, those media kits and data cards are buyer demographics.

Magazines sell advertising space. And data cards are the result of people

whipping out a wallet and buying a product.

Next, go to In the interest’s

box, type in your main health niche keyword. Diabetes … arthritis … weight loss …

depression … whatever your health niche is.

Then select the buyer demographics you found in the media kits and data cards.

So, if your media kit and data card said buyers are 55+ and female, that’s the

demographic you would select

Now, in Facebook, you’re looking at their relationship status … job title … and

education … if they have children. If a large percentage of your buyers are

married, note this for when you’re writing your VSL.

Next, go to the “page likes” in Facebook. See what else they’re interacting with.

You’ll find other pages linked to your health niche. Also, you’ll find other pages

NOT linked to your niche. Maybe it’s a page about dogs. In which case you know

your audience loves dogs. And may even own them as pets.

They might also be liking “grandmothers” pages. In which case, you’ll know your

audience is grandmothers.

What you’re trying to do is get a mental picture of your audience so that your

video sales letter can speak to them.

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Video sales letter secrets


If you want to take this up a notch, you can use Amazon’s Alexa. It isn’t free. And

it’s not strictly necessary for discovering your audiences’ demographics. Yet it

can help.

Here, you enter your competitor’s website URL’s. You’ll get lots of information.

However, what you’re looking for is the demographic data. Again, you’re looking

for the big percentages. What stands out?

Are they mostly men or women? Are they within a certain age group?

If you want to take this further, you can get a better idea of audience profiling


Let’s move on.

What’s their pain points? An easy way to understand your audience’s pain points is to read forums in your

niche. Look for the things that keep cropping up.

Another method you can use is looking at your competitors sales pages. Here,

you want to see what pain points are pushed over and over.

You can also hunt online for FAQ’s in your niche. Look for the ones which appear

frequently. This is great as your competitors have already done your research for


What else is there, let’s see.

Well, you can jump onto Amazon and have a look at reviews of competing

products. What you’re looking for is the hyper-positive reviews from people who

got results. What are they feeling? What can they do now that they couldn’t do


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Video sales letter secrets


And of course, the negative reviews. What are they complaining about? These

are your buyers’ concerns. Again, you’re looking for patterns.

Also, try and note the emotions behind the hyper-positive and hyper-negative


What’s their objections? Your viewer will have some objections to overcome before they’ll whip their

credit card out.

Here are some of the most common ones your video sales letter should address:

“You just don’t understand what I’m going through!” – You can overcome

this one by telling a story. Either you or someone else was in the same

shoes and knows how the viewer feels.

“Who are you to tell me anything?” – To overcome this, present your

credentials. What are your achievements?

“I can get this later” – Have some scarcity in your video sales letter. A

limited time offer, or limited quantity offer will usually be good enough.

“This isn’t going to work for me. I’ve been scammed before. I don’t want to

be embarrassed.” – Provide some proof and testimonials to overcome this


“What if this doesn’t work out?” – Do you have a guarantee? Your viewer

would like to be reassured that they’ll be refunded if it doesn’t work out.

“I can’t pay for this now” – If your product is expensive, you can have a

payment plan, right?

Video sales letter script Now, I’m not going to reveal too much about what you should put in your video

sales letter. Why? Well, I’ve already done it here.

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Video sales letter secrets


You see, advertising is selling in print. And a video sales letter is advertising in


That means the sales message you use is essentially the same.

However, to give you an idea, your video sales letter format might go like this:

1. You give a quick introduction. This will explain what the video is about, and

what your viewer will learn.

2. Then, you make a bold promise.

3. After, you address their natural scepticism. Let them know you felt the same

way until you discovered something unique.

4. Break out into your story. Offer some proof.

5. Give them the tutorial. The 2-3 “what to’s” or “how to’s”.

6. Move onto your offer. What are they going to get?

7. Introduce your product.

8. Tell them your price and justify it.

9. Give a call to action. Tell them to order now and how to do it.

10. Give your guarantee.

11. Give them a deadline and add some scarcity.

12. Remind them of everything they’re going to get.

13. Remind them of the deadline.

14. Ask for the order again.

That’s a good, basic format.

Now, what's the difference between a standard sales letter and video sales


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Video sales letter secrets


Video sales letter vs hybrid sales letter vs standard sales letter Firstly, with a standard sales letter, your prospects can scan the whole page

... instantly ... and click away once they get to the price.

All this can happen before they read your full sales message.

Which isn't good.

With a video sales letter, you're forcing them to watch the whole sales message

without skipping ahead.

Which can be good as it does one crucial thing ...

It gets them to commit & watch the whole sales message! Yet, they're very tempting to click away from, aren't they?

You see, when your prospects face your video, they’ve got 2 options.

1. They accept that they’re giving up their precious free time to watch your

video sales letter.

2. They realise this is a long ass video designed to sell something and they

click away. Almost immediately.

There is a way round this little dilemma. In fact, there’re 2 ways!

Firstly, you can use a “hybrid video sales letter”.

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Video sales letter secrets


Hybrid video sales letters This is a mixture of a standard sales letter and video sales letter. In this case, you

would have a headline … a short, condensed video sales letter underneath it … and

the full sales letter underneath the video.

Because you use written and visual/audio elements in a hybrid video sales letter,

you should get better engagement. And therefore, more sales!

Here's an example. The sales copy could be better, but you get the idea, right?

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Video sales letter secrets


Pure VSL "Pure" video sales letters have been around for a few years now. Pure video sales

letters have very little text on the page. A headline, links to privacy and disclaimer

policies and a buy button.

They generally convert at higher rates than standard sales letters. However, as

powerful as a video sales letter is …

Lots of your leads are still going to try and close your webpage! So, if you use a pure video sales letter, what I recommend you do is this.

Include an “exit intent” pop up on your page. The pop up offers your visitor who is

about to leave a chance to read a “transcript”. If they click the on the "read

transcript" button, your lead will be taken to a sales letter.

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Video sales letter secrets


And because you do this, you’ll catch those who want to see the offer now.

This is what Agora do for their health and financial products.

Content wise, the sales page is nearly identical to the VSL presentation.

This means people who don't want to sit and watch a long video, can read your

sales message and buy your products.

Makes sense, right?

Video sales letter “stickiness” Now I'm going to show you one or two tricks that compel your prospects to

watch your entire video sales letter. Instead of pressing the 'back' button!

First off, I recommend that your video sales letters are formatted so people can’t

skip through them.

The only option they should have is to either press play or pause. Other than that,

zero controls. It'll boost conversions.

You want your visitors to be sold on your product before they get to your offer.

Secondly, you can position your video sales letter as a presentation or tutorial.

Promise them that they’re going to learn something if they watch your video.

Tell them to grab a pen and paper or open notepad on their computer.

Give them a few seconds to do this. You can even have a countdown for this.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ...

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Video sales letter secrets


Then start your sales message.

Lead sales copy … big benefits … a story ... emotions … questions … proof …

addressing scepticism …your offer ...

This allows you to draw your prospects into your video sales letter and invest

their time.

You’ll want to “tease” this a little. Don’t give them the free content straight away.

Mention what it is they’re going to learn a few times. Build up to it.

You see, if you can get them past the 5-minute barrier, there’s a good chance

they’ll watch the full video sales letter. (It’s the power of commitment and


Your free content will be sandwiched between this lead sales copy and your


This content teaches them 2-3 important things.

The rest of the information they need, is of course in your product. Or if it’s a

supplement, health food or herb you’re selling ... the video content could be the

ingredients and the proof it works.

Let’s see, what other ‘tricks’ can you use to keep them glued to your video?

Video sales letter propeller Try this when creating your video sales letter slides. (If you're using a PowerPoint

or Keynote VSL presentation.)

Put half of the sentence or paragraph on one slide.

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Video sales letter secrets


This leaves an incomplete thought in their minds. Because you do this, it compels

them to wait for the next slide to complete the unfinished thought.

I call these ‘propellers’ as they propel your prospects from slide to slide.

Notice the first 2 slides leave an incomplete thought?

The trick is to use the propellers for 4-6 slides and have a complete thought

around the 5th-7th slide. Beyond that, this propeller trick becomes a little bit


Speaking of slide show VSL presentations, you’ll want to mix your slides up a


Some slides could be pure text.

Others could be text and a photo.

Some could be pure photo.

Creating a video sales letter - method #1 Aren’t VSL’s hard to create?

Not really.

All you need is PowerPoint (Windows) or Keynote (Mac) ... a microphone ... and

something to record your screen and edit your video with such as:

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Video sales letter secrets





Simply write out your script … load up some slides in PowerPoint or Keynote … and

record yourself whilst you go through your presentation.

And then edit out all the "mistakes" and "uhms" and "ah's".

However, if you’re planning on split testing, note this.

You’ll want to record your video sales letter in “chunks”. One video “chunk” will be

your introduction. Another video “chunk” could be your story. Another chunk

could be your offer. And so on.

And then you’ll stitch them together to create your FULL video sales letter.

Why would you do this? Well, it makes it easier to edit your video sales

letter. Each time you want to test your video sales letter, you can plugin a new


Decide you want to test your offer? Create a new video “chunk” … take out the

current offer “chunk” ... and insert your new offer to test.

Makes it easier edit your videos, doesn't it?

Shortcut PowerPoint slide creation for Windows users Now, this is a quicker method than creating and editing individual slides in


(Sorry MAC users, this tip is just for PC users using Word.)

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Video sales letter secrets


1. Go into Microsoft Word.

2. Change the style to “heading 1”

3. Each paragraph you write will be what appears on each individual

PowerPoint slide.

4. Write out your video sales letter script in Microsoft Word.

5. Choose the font you want … the size … you want … and the colour you want.

6. Go to “view” and choose “Outline”

7. Save the file as an .RTF document (rich text format)

8. Go into PowerPoint. Open a brand-new file.

9. Click on “Insert”. Click on “New Slides” and choose “Slides from Outline”.

Select the .RTF file you created in Microsoft Word.

10. Your PowerPoint presentation should now be full of slides. Correct fonts,

with the correct size and colour. Wonderful!

11. Drag each element into the centre of each slide.

12. That’s it. You’ve created a PowerPoint VSL slide deck!

Anyway, that’s the messy "DIY" version.

Let's look at something a bit more "professional".

Creating a video sales letter - method #2 Are you serious about creating a video sales letter?

If so, you might want to consider "upgrading" to specialist tools.

Easy Video Suite can create your video sales letters for you. It’s not free. There’s a

one-off cost of $197. Yet, it will help you get your video sales letter created

quicker and easier.

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Video sales letter secrets


Not only that, Easy Video Suite works with Amazon S3. That means very

inexpensive hosting for your video sales letters.

Further, Easy Video Suite allows you to perform analytics on your videos … (so

you know where people are dropping off) … and allows you to split test!

You can use also use Wistia.

Wistia hosts, tracks and performs A/B split tests. Unlike Easy Video Suite, Wistia

hosts your videos.

However, this isn't a great selling point as you can easily host videos with

Amazon S3. Wistia also provides you with analytics.

The downside is that it costs $99 per month. (Although they do have a free


Other tools you can for your video sales letter are: - This will create whiteboard videos. These can

be a bit more engaging than PowerPoint or Keynote slides. – This creates a more “cartoonish” video, if that fits

your market. - This is a good choice for people who want to create

interactive presentations.

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Video sales letter secrets


Outsourcing Another option is to outsource your video sales letter creation.

Yes, I’ve given you a “DIY version”. However, you’ll likely want to focus more on

marketing and running your business, right?

So, what I recommend you do is hire someone to create a video sales letter

script. Then, go to And then choose someone who works with

Prezi, Powtoon, Video Scribe or any other tool you think best suits you.

Hand off your video sales letter script to them. In your script, you might want to

put some notes next to each paragraph. Perhaps you want them to emphasise

certain words? Or maybe have a certain image to align with a paragraph?

Anyway, moving on …

Video sales letter page layout Your VSL page might look something like the "Amazonian Rainforest" web site on

page 17.

But seriously, even that might be far more than you need. At least to begin with.

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Video sales letter secrets


The health sub-divisions at Agora such as HSI use a plain white screen, a

headline, and the video.

Maybe a photo of the product creator.

Nothing more. Like this one on the next page.

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The less distractions you have … the less options you give your prospects … the

more chance they'll watch your video sales letter.

Anyway, thanks for reading this report. If you sell health products, supplements

or information products, sign up for push notifications. You'll get more reports

like this once they're published.

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About the author My name is Craig Harrison. I help people sell more health

supplements and information products. I discovered

persuasion in print almost by accident. A few years ago, I was

thrust into the world of negotiating claims for the largest

volume law firm in the UK. And to be honest, I was hopeless.

The department was shipping money overboard and losing

claims left, right and centre.

However, I helped to turn the department around. Not by learning all the “ins and

outs” of law. But by learning persuasion. Specifically, I discovered the direct

response advertising book “The Robert Collier Letter Book”. (It has a great section

on “collection letters” – very helpful at the time!)

This book (along with some trial and error) helped me rake in over £1.4 million in a

little over 4 years. I now use those persuasion skills to help people sell more

health supplements and information products.

Whether you sell supplements, organic food, powdered fruit or health

information products, I can provide you with the sales copy to sell more of them.

To get more information, go here to see if I can help you today.

To your success

Kaizen Health Marketing Limited 8 Park Bottom Low Moor Bradford BD12 0UA Company Number: 11309853