· web view(bukhari) hadith i i ع ن أ س ام ة ب ن ش ر يك ، ق ال ق ال ت الأ...

Quwwat Education Centre, Peel Hall Street, Preston, PR1 6QQ Administration of Medication Policy ً اءَ فِ شُ هَ لَ لَ زْ نَ َ ّ لاِ ً ء َ دُ َ ّ َ لَ زْ نَ اَ م" There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He has also created its treatment . " Published Date: 22/03/2016 Review Date: 01/09/2017 Notes: This policy was reviewed by the management and staff in March 2016. 1

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Page 1:  · Web view(Bukhari) Hadith I I ع ن أ س ام ة ب ن ش ر يك ، ق ال ق ال ت الأ ع ر اب ي ا ر س ول الل ه أ لا ن ت د او ى ق ال " ن ع م

Quwwat Education Centre, Peel Hall Street, Preston, PR1 6QQ

Administration of Medication

Policyشفاء له أنزل إال داء ه الل أنزل ما

" There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He has also created its treatment ".

Published Date: 22/03/2016

Review Date: 01/09/2017

Notes: This policy was reviewed by the management and staff in March 2016.

Signed on behalf of:

Name of Signatory:


The designated Medical officer and first aider is:

The deputy designated lead is:

First aid box is located in:

Page 2:  · Web view(Bukhari) Hadith I I ع ن أ س ام ة ب ن ش ر يك ، ق ال ق ال ت الأ ع ر اب ي ا ر س ول الل ه أ لا ن ت د او ى ق ال " ن ع م

Hadith – I

، ه داء إال بي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال " ما أنزل الل عن أبي هريرة ـ رضى الله عنه ـ عن الن.أنزل له شفاء "

Abu Huraira (رضي الله عنه) narrates that the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: "There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He has also created its treatment." (Bukhari)

Hadith I I

ه ه أال نتداوى قال " نعم يا عباد الل عن أسامة بن شريك، قال قالت األعراب يا رسول الله داء واحدا " . قالوا يا رسول الل وضع له شفاء أو قال دواء إال ه لم يضع داء إال تداووا فإن الل

وما هو قال " الهرم " Usama Ibn Shareek (رضي الله عنه) reports that some Bedouins asked:

“O Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) shall we treat (our ill)?”

He said: “Yes, O worshipers of Allah! Use remedies. For indeed Allah did not make a disease except He made a cure or a remedy for it, besides for one disease.” They asked: “O Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص), what is it?” He said, “Old age.” (Tirmizhi)


1. Policy Statement and Principles

2. Sickness

3. Administration of Medicine

5. Training2

Page 3:  · Web view(Bukhari) Hadith I I ع ن أ س ام ة ب ن ش ر يك ، ق ال ق ال ت الأ ع ر اب ي ا ر س ول الل ه أ لا ن ت د او ى ق ال " ن ع م


Page 4:  · Web view(Bukhari) Hadith I I ع ن أ س ام ة ب ن ش ر يك ، ق ال ق ال ت الأ ع ر اب ي ا ر س ول الل ه أ لا ن ت د او ى ق ال " ن ع م

1. Policy Statement and Principles

This policy represents the agreed principles for Sickness and Medical administration throughout the Madrasah. All Madrasah staff will have agreed to this policy.

2. Sickness

No Madrasah staff or parents are allowed to admit, onto the premises, any child who appears to be suffering from an infectious or contagious illness or disease. Any child who has a sore throat, discharge from the eyes or nose, sickness, diarrhoea or any contagious/infectious illness should be kept at home until a doctor has certified, in writing, that he/she is fully recovered or 48 hours have elapsed since the last outbreak.

Staff will be given necessary information about common infections and their symptoms. All pupils will be monitored and a close watch will be kept for symptoms of infections in all pupils. If a pupil is found, or is suspected to have a contagious infection, disease or virus of sort, they will be immediately sent to the medical officer who will decide whether to keep the child under their supervision, be sent home or be sent to the GP/hospital depending on the severity and risk to the pupil’s health.

Parents/carers are required to inform the Madrasah where they can be reached in the event of an accident or sudden illness. However, since it may sometimes be impossible to contact a parent/carer in case of emergency, all parents/carers are required to provide the Head teacher with signed permission for them to act in their absence. Medication will only be given with parental consent. Training will be given to all staff where applicable.

In the case where a pupil is suddenly taken ill, a member of staff (preferably the medical officer) would be allocated to take care of the pupil, this staff member should stay with the pupil until the parent/ carer comes to collect the child.

If a pupil becomes seriously ill or injured during their attendance at the Madrasah, the Madrasah reserves the right to call for emergency assistance and, if necessary, remove him/her to hospital and give permission for emergency treatment to be administered. If we have to take your child to hospital as a result of an illness or accident, we will do our utmost to inform you immediately (using the details on your Application Form). It is therefore vital that this information is kept up to date.

3. Administration of Medicine

A trained member of staff must administer all medicines.

Medicines will not be administered unless they have been prescribed for a child by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist (medicines containing aspirin will not be administered by the Madrasah).

The Madrasah will keep a written record each time a medicine is administered to a child, and inform the child’s parents/carer on the same day, or as soon as reasonably practicable.

Before administration of medicines, the pupil’s records will be checked, in the best interests of the pupil’s safety.

All prescribed medicines will be kept securely locked in the medical cabinet and all the medicines will be clearly labelled with the pupils name and class.

Under no circumstances will another pupil’s medicine be administered to anyone else.4

Page 5:  · Web view(Bukhari) Hadith I I ع ن أ س ام ة ب ن ش ر يك ، ق ال ق ال ت الأ ع ر اب ي ا ر س ول الل ه أ لا ن ت د او ى ق ال " ن ع م

All staff should use protective disposable gloves when dealing with spillages of blood or other body fluids.

Pupils with inhalers will be responsible for their own inhaler so that they always have immediate access to it.

All accidents are reported in an Accident Report Book which is kept in the Madrasah. Parents/carers will be asked to sign these in the event of their child having an accident at the end of the day the accident occurred.

4. First Aid

Staff and pupils should familiarise themselves with the names and location of first aid personnel. This information is displayed on the notice boards/screens. Accidents vary in their severity and it is not possible therefore to lay down rules to be followed in each case. Common sense and speedy action should be applied, and if the injury is considered minor, first aid treatment should be carried out (e.g. dressing & washing). In more serious cases the first step of action should be to summon help, and only if necessary, remove the injured person away from the cause of the accident if there is likely to be further hazard. In appropriate cases an ambulance should be called and the injured person made as comfortable as possible in the meantime.

In the event of the spillage of blood and other bodily fluids the person responsible for cleaning the area should use the appropriate spil-pak that contains protective clothing, cleaning materials and a disposal bag.

5. Training

At least one fully trained first aider will be in Madrasah during operating hours. Responsible staff will receive sufficient and suitable training and achieve the necessary

level of competency before they take on responsibility to support children with medical conditions.

Training needs will be identified during the development or review of individual pupil needs. Some staff may already have some knowledge of the specific support needed by a child with a medical condition and so extensive training may not be required.

Training will be sufficient to ensure that staff are competent and have confidence in their ability to support students with medical conditions. They will need an understanding of the specific medical conditions they are being asked to deal with, their implications and preventative measures.

A first-aid certificate will not constitute appropriate training in supporting children with medical conditions.

As part of staff initial induction and annual training, the Madrasah will provide whole Madrasah awareness training regarding Madrasah’s policy for supporting pupils with medical conditions and their role in implementing that policy. This will include preventative and emergency measures so that staff can recognise and act quickly when a problem occurs.