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Delo Mark Delo Professor Harrison English 202 13 April 2010 Steroids are Highly Addictive and Illegal: Why do people risk using them? Introduction Steroid use is only now beginning to be classified as a national epidemic. For several decades the prominent users of steroids were among athletes and body builders as a way to stay above the competition, but times have changed. Young men and women have begun to take an interest in steroids and use has begun to rise. It is understandable that athletes may partake in steroid use as a means of keeping up with the competition, sustaining or improving abilities, or pay incentives to name a few. But what is more difficult to understand is why non- professional athletes would risk jail time or put their health at risk?

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Mark Delo

Professor Harrison

English 202

13 April 2010

Steroids are Highly Addictive and Illegal: Why do people risk using them?


Steroid use is only now beginning to be classified as a national epidemic. For several

decades the prominent users of steroids were among athletes and body builders as a way to stay

above the competition, but times have changed. Young men and women have begun to take an

interest in steroids and use has begun to rise. It is understandable that athletes may partake in

steroid use as a means of keeping up with the competition, sustaining or improving abilities, or

pay incentives to name a few. But what is more difficult to understand is why non-professional

athletes would risk jail time or put their health at risk?

Steroids are a natural derivative of the male sex hormone testosterone. Athletes have used

them since the 1930s in an attempt to enhance athletic prowess in those events requiring

increased muscle size and strength (Johnson). Steroids began to take the front stage during the

late 1980s. It was during this time that Olympic Sprinter Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold

medal after testing positive for a banned steroid. Since then it has been hard to ignore the

massive muscular gains and record breaking performances across the athletic spectrum. Football

players grew to gargantuan sizes, track and field athletes redefined the limits of human speed and

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endurance, and baseball players began hitting tape measure home runs at an alarming rate

(Egendorf 10).

Mark McGuire became a household name as he sent balls out of the park and inched

closer to breaking Babe Ruth’s record for most homeruns in a single season. However it was

impossible to ignore the change in McGuire’s appearance. At two hundred pounds he entered his

rookie season as a lanky infielder. But by age 35 he had added 50 lbs of solid muscle to his

frame. In 1998 at the twilight of his career Mark McGuire earned his name in the record books,

with much skepticism from the public and media.

The situation began to unravel in 2003 when agents from the Internal Revenue Service,

the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the San Mateo (CA) Narcotics Task Force raided the

Burlingame Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative (BALCO). Scientists at the Olympic drug-

testing lab at UCLA had discovered a powerful and new steroid in some athletes. With the

information from the testing lab the Department of Justice tracked the new drugs to BALCO.

BALCO’s client list read like a “Who’s Who” in American sports. Although no athlete was

arrested or prosecuted, several were summoned to appear before a grand jury. Recent

investigations and research into national steroid use has begun to demonstrate that this drug is

used by athletes of all ages and at all areas of competition (Petrocelli).

There have been countless studies on the use of steroids among professional athletes,

however the information provided for non-professional athletes is limited. These statistics on

non-professional steroid use could prove a useful tool in the fight against steroid abuse. Knowing

who uses steroids and why can prove viable information on preventing the further spread of its

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abuse through education. Through semi-structured interviews with recreational steroid users

along with law enforcement officials, this paper seeks to address the rise in use among young

men and women, their knowledge on the subject and factors motivating their use.

Literature Review

While many are just now beginning to recognize the prevalence of steroid use in

professional athletes, the history of steroids in some form can be traced back to ancient times

when it was understood that the testicles were responsible for the development and maintenance

of male sexual characteristics. In 1929 a study was conducted to produce an extract of potent

activity from bull’s testicles and in 1935 a more purified version of this extract was created. A

year later a scientist synthesized this compound, testosterone, from cholesterol. Testosterone was,

and still is, the basis of all anabolic steroids (Sutton). Anabolic steroids have been part of the

American sporting culture since the 1950s when synthetic testosterone was first produced and

marketed (Rashid).

Early research on the efficiency of steroid abuse did much to damage the credibility of

medical doctors and scientists as they made claims that anabolic steroids did little or nothing to

improve athletic performance. However, steroid users learned from direct experience that

steroids were effective at enhancing strength and muscle mass thus beginning the belief that

neither the government nor scientific community could be trusted to reliably report the positive

or negative effects of steroids (Kutscher, Lund, & Perry, 2002).

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While the medical and scientific fields received a backlash from false data recent

research has attempted to rectify past shortcomings. Recent studies have concentrated on medical

evidence of effectiveness, trends, and patterns of usage among adolescent and high school

students, college athletes, and professional competitors. In terms of medical literature, scientists

are universal in agreement that anabolic steroids can lead to a host of ill effects including

increased risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, liver cancer, tumors, infertility, shrinking of

testicles, severe acne and cysts, rage/aggression, mania and delusions. More controversial studies

have made the case that protracted steroid use is fatal (Rhea). While the terms of medical

literature seem dim studies have shown only a slight increase among users and non-users of

contracting a fatal disease. Today it is estimated that over three million people have tried

anabolic steroids (Wood).

Among high school seniors in the United States, the lifetime incidence for steroid use

(4%), is comparable to that of crack cocaine (3.6%) and heroin (1.8%) (Wood). A recent survey

released by the Healthy Competition Foundation, reports that 390,000 children between the ages

of 10-14 have taken performance enhancing substances. Also included in the survey is that

between the ages of 12 and17 five percent have taken performance enhancing drugs or

supplements, that is equal to one million children in that age group (Patton). Kids frequently buy

these performance-enhancing drugs from Internet sites and other friends, often not knowing what

they’re taking (Johnson).

Studies dealing with adolescents and teenagers focus on motivation to use the drug and

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their intentional and unintentional consequences. Their inspiration for steroid use largely stems

from either a desire to better their athletic performance or improve their body image (Petrocelli).

They are dealing with the social pressures to be masculine and therefore want to increase muscle

mass and definition. It is also in the basic nature of young people not to concern themselves with

long-term effects, but rather those that are immediate (Mishra). Moreover, addictive and

compulsive behavior relating to gambling, vehicular risk taking, sexual activity and violence is

common regardless of age. In the recent autopsy of 51 deceased users of steroids there was the

presence of narcotics in 31 (59.6%) corpses (Wood). Steroids are often considered a gateway

drug, as many teenagers that use steroids are significantly more likely to use other illegal drugs.

Adult use of steroids is also associated with higher rates of psychotropic drug use and overall

substance dependence, particularly to opiates, although the addictive level of steroids themselves

is unknown (Petrocelli).

Some studies predicted around 95% of steroid users reporting one or more symptoms of

dependence with around 60% showing two or more. Withdrawal is the main criterion for a

diagnosis of dependence. Withdrawal symptoms can be seen as a desire to take more, fatigue,

dissatisfaction, depression, restlessness, anorexia, decreased libido, headaches, insomnia and

suicidal thoughts (Gonzalez). Neurons located in the brain have androgen receptors to bind

testosterone and other androgens; the overloading of these neurons can affect both the brain and

behavior causing withdrawal symptoms. Major mood disorders associated with Anabolic steroid

use are most commonly reported when a user is suffering from withdrawal. The potential for

steroid dependency, like all habit-forming drugs, depends on use, amount, frequency and types,

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and the individual user. While steroids can potentially be addictive, they are probably not as

addictive as heroin (Wood).

During the 1970s the federal government mandated five classes for illegal drugs based

upon potential for abuse, accepted medical utility and safety of use under medical supervision.

While steroids were around for the better part of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries it was

not until the 1980s amongst the stripping of gold medals and talks of drug testing by the National

Football league did the federal government take action against anabolic steroids. They were soon

placed in the same category as cocaine, heroin, LSD and other habit-forming drugs (Mishra).

The Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 made anabolic steroids a Scheduled III

Controlled Substance regulated by both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Drug

Enforcement Agency (DEA). A Scheduled III Controlled substance is characterized has having

limited medicinal use, the requirement of a prescription from a doctor, and has the potential to

threaten public health without government regulation (Denham). After the 2003 raid of BALCO

the United States Government decided to take larger steps to combat steroid abuse. The Anabolic

Steroid Control Act of 2004 amended the definition of steroids to include a number of

supplements that are considered steroid hormone precursors. They also allowed the DEA to add

precursors in the future and granted $15 million to educational programs for children (Rhea).

Through government funding several advocacy groups were created to provide education

to the public. They gave the public the harsh reality of steroid use through organizing leadership

workshops for kids, parents and coaches, and alternatives to illegal steroid use. Through these

educational programs awareness and prevention are on the rise (Gonzalez). State governments

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have also taken a stand against steroid. The Florida House of Representatives voted to launch a

pilot program to test and mandate anti-steroid policies. Anti steroid policies have also been

enacted in California, while Connecticut, Michigan, New Mexico and Texas have proposed

legislative or administrative action against illegal steroid use. It seems state governments

couldn’t have stepped in any sooner; a survey conducted in 2005 found steroid use had doubled

in the last 12 years (“Fight against steroids just might be getting muscles”).

The court system has also taken a stand and is handing down stiff sentences. Simple

possession of illicitly obtained steroids for a first offense carries a maximum penalty of one-year

prison time with a minimum of a $1000 fine (Petrocelli). The FDA has also stepped in, making

arrests that have broken up several large distributions and manufacturing rings. Distributors can

be punished 3-6 years jail time and fined up to six figures (Mirsha). Trafficking of steroids is

punishable of up to five years prison time and a 250,000 fine. Subsequent offenses results in

doubling of both jail time and fine (Petrocelli), While the United States has laws regulating

steroid use many European countries, including the UK, allow steroid use with a medical

prescription. It is not an offense to import steroids in these countries, however, possession with

intention to supply or unlicensed compounds constitutes a criminal act (Gonzalez). Anabolic

steroids are illicitly smuggled from Mexican and European countries to the United States. Recent

DEA reporting indicate that Russian, Romanian and Greek nationals are significant traffickers of

steroids and are responsible for substantial shipments of steroids entering the United States


Regardless of how they enter the United States or the severity of being in possession of

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steroids, the black market for steroids is estimated to generate 400-500 million dollars per year

(Petrocelli). It is hard to believe that professional athletes and body- builders alone are

responsible for this large market. While aware of the potential risk involved in steroid use non-

professional athletes, young men and women, and recreational weight trainers continue to

illegally abuse steroids.


The goals of this research paper was to not only present the physiological effects of

steroids on users, but also to bring to light the growing increase of steroid use among non-

professional athletes and why they’re using, and lastly, what law enforcement officials are doing

to combat the illegal use of steroids. There are a lot of different methods that could have been

used for this research; however, I believed the most efficient way would be to have personal


My data collection method was an interview of all participants. By interviewing

participants I was able to have a more personal account of the effects of steroids and not from a

second source. This proved to be beneficial because the information was with people directly

involved with steroids and not from the media. Through experience people tend to be more

honest when asked questions personably then through the use of surveys or questionnaires.

Steroids are illegal and therefore I decided to interview a police officer for their

perspective on steroid use. The primary focal point for the police official was the legal issues

dealing with steroids and how they handle situations involving anabolic steroids. This included

how serious of a crime it is if a person is found in procession or selling steroids. Because steroids

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are on the rise throughout the nation, the input of a local cop was beneficial.

The main area of focus for those participants that use steroids was their reasoning on,

regardless of the negative stigma and health risks that revolve around steroid use why they

continued to use. By asking how they obtained the drugs, if it was suggested of voluntary gave

me an understanding on the atmosphere on steroid use. Interviewing users of steroids has the

obvious benefit that they are able to provide a personal account of how steroids affect their

bodies in positive ways. They provided possible experiences with negative side effects and if

they outweighed the good. By asking questions about their general schedule of steroids use, if

they cycle, how much they use and how frequently showed their education level on responsibly

using steroids.

Conducting the interviews with the professionals first enabled a snowball effect allowing

questions asked to the steroid users to be directly related to the information received from them

the professionals. This allowed for accurate transfer of information and allowed the ability to

understand the users educational level. Being able to ask them if they knew the repercussions of

being caught with steroids and how they plan on staying out of trouble was also an important

detail in conducting the professional interviews first. After providing the users with the

information obtained from the professionals enabled questions on if they will continue to use

steroids and if their perception of steroid usage has changed.

Originally, what I wanted to do for my methods was to interview a police officer, a

criminology professor, and two of my friends who currently use steroids. While obtaining my

data and completing my methods, I had run into some minor complications with this process. I

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ended up only being able to get in contact with one of my friends who use steroids. The other

one that I had intended to interview had agreed, but I had lost all contact with this participant due

to an unknown reason. I originally wanted to observe two different people who used the drug to

see if their views were similar or different. Another minor change that I had made was not doing

the interview with a criminology professor. After interviewing the police officer I had not

received as much information as I would have liked too. I felt as if the criminology professor

wouldn't have offered much assistance in my research because the police officer did not even

meet my expectations and that is his occupation. Due to these minor drawbacks I was not able to

conclude everything that I had wanted too, but I still had managed to complete my research

despite the drawbacks.

By interviewing both professionals and users enabled the opportunity to get both sides of

the steroid usage debate. This information provided personal insight as to why people continue to

use steroids although they are illegal. By cross -examining the answers to the questions

determined how educated steroid users are on the legal issues involving steroids. Interviewing

was, in my opinion, the most proficient way of answering my questions on why people use

steroids, there effects on the body and what actions law enforcement agencies are taking against



Interviewing the police officer provided information regarding the use of steroids in the

local community, punishment of steroid possession and how common steroid cases are. The

officer had stated:

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Steroid cases are usually done by the DEA. In my area of work we don’t necessarily look

for steroids. Outside of gyms and stuff would be where most steroids would be found.

Dependable upon certain circumstances, such as the amount in possession, a person

found in possession of steroids as a first offense could be punishable of two years

probation period. The maximum punishment for a person with a previous record would

be approximately four years in jail. They could also possibly be granted probation and

ARD. Punishment is also dependable up the location of where it was purchased. Such as

220 feet from a school (school zone) would be like speeding in a construction zone, the

fines would double. The price of sentencing is not as strict as another drug, such as

cocaine, because it does have some medicinal uses. However, in sentencing everything is

up to the judge.

Gathering legality information of steroids gave me a basis of information to present to the

current user. Asking the user why they specifically used steroids, how they were introduced to

steroids and how long ago was that, and the side effects he may have noticed, allowed for a

better evaluation of the users habits

I use steroids to help enhance my muscle growth for MMA training/fighting. It helps me

get stronger, faster, and gives me the extra energy for my performance. I was introduced

to steroids by a family member, who is a body-builder, two years ago. I have noticed side

effects. I’ve noticed that I have a really bad temper now and I freak out about stupid

things really fast. I have also noticed really bad acne on my back and upper arms. It is

affecting my health and can lead to worse side effects, but I will continue to keep doing

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them until I am satisfied with my body.

Presenting that long-term use of steroids can cause irreversible disease to the kidneys which could

lead to kidney fatigue, gave me the participants change of thought or lack thereof on steroid use.

He had explanation to this statement was:

Yes, it does. But the way it makes me feel and look makes me want to keep using them. I

am not going to use them the rest of my life and if it does harm me in any way I will

probably stop using them. But for now I feel fine and I’m going to keep using until it

affects my health badly.

Supplying the participant with the information obtained from the police officer over the legality

issues of steroids, the user had this to say:

Yes, getting caught is always on my mind. When I do them it is in a safe place and I keep

to myself about them. I never take them out in public to show off or anything lie that. It is

not worth getting in trouble over.

After obtaining the essentials of his initial use, his thoughts on health problems, and about

getting in trouble, the question of regret was presented. When asked if looking back now he

regretted his decision on taking steroids, he stayed strong with his choices:

No I do not have any regrets with taking them. They made me feel a lot better about

myself and I am going to continue to use them. They changed the way I look and I am

satisfied with everything that they have helped me accomplish.

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Steroids are no longer for professional athletes, Olympic wonders, or professional body

builders. Times have changed and with that change the use of steroids has spread to the general

population, with young men and women being the main users. We saw the mounting scandals of

the sports industry, especially Major League Baseball, and use among non-professionals took a

positive swing. The rise of steroids required government officials to take positive steps in the

right direction, enforcing stricter penalties and amendments of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act

of 1990 (“Fight against steroids just might be getting muscles,” Denham).

Asking the police officer the occurrence of steroids in the area led to an answer not

expected. Although there has been a national rise of steroid use, doubling in the last twelve years,

the police officer had never encountered a steroid case (“Fight against steroids getting muscles”.)

Local officials are not responsible for steroid crackdown, but rather the DEA handles the

majority of the cases, due to steroids being listed as a scheduled III controlled substance. They

are considered the same category as coke, but anabolic steroids sentencing are not treated as

harshly. Punishment projections for steroids made by the cop were less lenient than the federal

guidelines for the punishment of steroids. This leniency could be due to the thoughts projected

by the cop. Also, most cases that are handled by the DEA are to stop distribution and

manufacturing rings (Rhea). Distracted by larger operations I believe allows purchasers a smaller

chance of getting in trouble as local cops are not concerned with steroids. This distraction and

lack of attention to steroid abuse in local communities could also result in a rise among users.

The increase among users, I believe is largely impacted by the increased social pressures

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of society. As the user condoned in his statement, the majority of steroid use is due to the desire

to be more physically attractive (Mirsha). As steroids in sports began to go under scrutiny the use

of steroids in the general public began to rise. I believe that the constant strain upon society to be

physically attractive, projected by the media, is creating an increase in people resorting to illegal

enhancement. The user also represented the majority of steroid users that competed


Competing at a professional level runs in the users family, as does the use of steroids.

Family members represent one of the top five influences on the use of young men to steroid use

(Johnson). Young men I believe would be more eager to trust the advice of their family members

and thus are a big factor in steroid use. Side effects are common in steroid use as the participant

expressed. There is a list of mild side effects including acne, baldness and mood swings

(Perocelli). However, the allure of physical perfection along with feelings of euphoria is enough

for him to overlook the side effects. Users can become addicted to the feelings of euphoria

projected by steroids, through improved physical appearance and increased self-confidence

(Wood). Improved physical appearance through illegal means not only has side effects but long-

term damage. The long-term effects of steroids to the user were unimportant. This carelessness is

the basic nature of young people, not to concern themselves with the future but focus on the

present (Mirsha).

No concern for the future is also relevant in the idea of never getting caught. The user

expressed his concerns on getting caught but believed he was handling the situation

appropriately. As mentioned before because the DEA handles the prosecution of steroid cases

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you would have to do something very unintelligent to get caught. I can understand his mentality

on while he is aware of the consequences of his actions, by taking the right precautions can keep

you out of trouble. He has taken the steps to become a steroid abuser and does not regret his

actions. By believing that you can stop steroid use before your health deteriorates is not

necessarily true, however, there is no significant increase in irreversible disease among users and

non- users (Gonzalez).


Over the past few decades or so, use of steroids has been booming more than ever. Not

only do professional athletes use steroids, but also high school students are even being

introduced to steroids today. Having two friends who currently use steroids, I thought it was an

interesting idea to get a personal experience to find out exactly why people, such as my two

friends, use steroids. I found it a very unique experience interviewing my one friend. The way he

was talking about how he uses steroids was slightly shocking to me. He acted as if they posed no

threat to him, or that they were ok to use. Additionally, he was aware of the serious side effects

that this drug could cause you. 

Steroids are used for medicinal as well as recreational purposes. The risk you take when

you use steroids could be comparable to risks you take with any habit-forming drug. Using

steroids was a decision made by the user. Regardless of outside inputs, the decision to use

steroids is solely that of the individual. Media, family, friends and coaches may bring the

prospect of steroid use to the table but it is your decision to take the plunge. While the increase

of steroids I believe is mainly contributed to the media-engrossed society, the choice of its

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continued use is dependent upon the educated. In the future I would like to conduct more

conclusive research on this specific steroid user. I would like to see if he had acquired any

serious side-effects, along with if he still uses them in the future. After conducting this research I

have a far better understand as to why people may use steroids.

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