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  • 8/7/2019 Vision of tomorrow


    Michael Leonelle Tejada Violet EG 11/09/10

    Kean Anderson Tan Blue Green

    Sentence Outline

    I. Digital photography: an introduction to its concepts and the hows in the that

    created this technology.

    A. The concept of optics is the key to the development of photography.

    1. Of the five senses, vision may be considered as the most significant

    sensory organ because it interprets or describe a certain object without

    immediate use of the other senses.

    2. An eye is similar to that of a camera, in terms of the process of whice

    they capture an image that send the information to the brain or the film.

    B. Before the development of digital photography, the processes from

    capturing your subject to develop a photograph are complex.

    1. Photography before is complex because it has lots of requirements

    such as light, chemicals and etc.

    2. Only professionals can use old cameras since both equipments and

    requirements are tiring and expensive, thats why every shot counts.

    II. Digital Photography: A glimpse of its past, its components and basic

    techniques in photography.

    A. We go back in time as we recapture the history of photography from

    pinholes to SLRs.

    1. Pinhole photography is one of the earliest camera which is basically a

    dark room with a small hole called camera obscura (dark room).

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    2. From the discovery of heliography to the known film camera, makes

    both a complicated chemistry between art and science.

    3. The first camera, the quick take by Apple computers in cooperation

    with Kodak takes the first step in digital photography.

    B. The innovative world of Digital Photography, all we have to do is smile

    because behind it is a complicated engineering that took centuries to


    1. Analyses whats inside a digital camera and understanding different

    terminologies regarding digital photography clarifies people how these

    affect the quality your photograph.

    2. Knowing the digital process; shooting your subject, manipulating your

    photos and printing or outputting your photos makes photography

    easier and fun.

    3. Choosing your equipment carefully can make a big difference from

    choosing your lenses to picking the right storage card for your camera.

    C. Shoot your photos with the right technique

    1. Macro photography makes things larger than life.

    2. Shooting a stop motion sequence slows time and captures precious

    moments even our eye cant witness.

    3. Nature photography; a new way of imitating nature.

    III. Conclusion

    A. Digital photography gives opportunities to both professionals and

    aspirants and making photography fun.

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    1. The invention of digital photography led to the development of a digital

    SLR camera, where amateur photographers or camera fanatics can

    use it for their own pleasure.

    2. During the early years of photography, taking pictures were dangerous

    because of certain factors like the flash (usually made of explosives),

    developing a photo in a film camera, being exposed to hazardous

    chemicals. Films are so sensitive that it could affect the quality of the


    Research Objectives

    1. We will analyze the different techniques, proper usage and the new photo editing

    use in digital photo.

    2. We will discuss the components, process and gestures of a digital camera from

    capturing its subject to its printing.

    3. We will explain how digital photography was developed.

    Thesis Statement:

    The innovative Digital photography is a technology which creates new

    techniques, working process and photo manipulation using a computer and it brings the

    world of photography to the next level.

    Vision of tomorrow: Digital Photography

    Welcome to the future. As many of our modern inventions, digital photography can

    be one of the common technologies yet most improved. Digital cameras are

    everywhere, store shelves are lined with them, and you can find a digital camera almost

    on anything like mobile phones, computers in different kinds and variations. Most

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    important of all everyone can use it because compared to film camera because it safer,

    convenient and fun!

    The eye is probably one of the most important sensory organs in our body; it can

    send immediate information without using other senses. For instance, if we look on a

    chili, we already know its spicy or if we see a tiger, our eyes will send that information

    to our brain and the brain will tell us that it can hurt us. The normal dimension of an eye

    is consist of two main sphere namely the anterior sphere which has radius of 8mm and

    the posterior sphere with a radius or 12mm. There is a gap between these two spheres

    which covers the remaining 4mm of the dimension of the eye these spheres of the

    eyes.[2] These sphere became the two image processing device of a digital camera first

    is the lens that immediately captures the image and the second one is the LCD that

    projects the image by analyzing what the lens reflects. [1]

    The visual sensory organ has three layers; the sclera found with the cornea, the

    choroid located with the ciliary body and the iris and lastly the retina. Just like the eye,

    camera has different functions and adjustments to make pictures not great but also

    beautful depending on different lighting conditions and location[1]. The sclera is the

    outermost layer of the eye has a diameter of 12mm, with its diameter it covers five-

    sixths of the total surface area of the eye. It serves as the first protective layer of the eye

    against foreign substances that can harm and infect the eye. The retina is located in the

    innermost part of the eye; it has photo receptors that capture the image and passed

    through the optic nerve that will send the information to the brain. Other parts of the eye

    like the iris, the part that gives the eye its color and this part has muscles fibers that

    encloses or enlarges the pupil depending on light situation; the pupil which serve as

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    lens of our eyes captures the image and the cornea which magnifies the image became

    the basis to construct our second eye which is the camera. [2]

    Processing your film you are exposed to various chemicals like formaldehyde, iodine

    bleacher and acids that can harm you, Different safety precautions must be followed at

    all times when doing film processing. Proper usage of chemicals must be done because

    any contamination in any solution not only because it is expensive but also it might

    release toxic fumes or even explode when exposed to certain temperature. [2]

    One big problem using a film camera is the film itself, because they are very sensitive

    to light and when the film was exposed to light, it makes photographs blank as if nothing

    happened. The use of dark rooms is necessary in developing. Dark rooms are light

    proof rooms with red lights where film processing happen. Red light is used because it

    is the only visible light with the longest wavelength that cant affect the film when

    exposed to it. A film is made up of silver iodide that turn dark when exposed to light and

    to develop your photos must remove it the unused silver and mix it with chemicals like

    sodium hypo sulfate. [1]

    The use of different equipment like film tanks and light proof film changing bags were

    required to develop your photographs.[5] Different preparations such as buying different

    machines are necessary to create the best picture. Not everyone can develop

    photographs, only people can afford to build or laboratories or dark rooms constructed

    by professional photographers who have technology to develop pictures which makes

    photography before is an expensive hobby.[1]

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    Second, the LCD (Liquid Crystal display) makes the life of the photographer easier,

    by allowing it to see the captured image right away. As a result, the photographer may

    see the error or flaw in the picture. The quality of the photography will also be shown on

    the LCD. Normally people know that larger megapixels or the number of pixel it can

    compress per inch can make good photographs. Yes it can but megapixel will be a

    basis on how large your photographs can be stretched without pixilation. So LCD is very

    crucial to people you want to make sure that their picture are in its finest.[4]

    The polarizer serves as a magical filter which can either reduce or produce a more

    saturated image, thus affecting the color and quality of the image. It can turn

    photographs into more exciting work of art because polarizer can blend, distort different

    color depending on what the photographer wants. It gives depth to different parts of a

    photograph for it can make the sky look more dramatic and magical by using polarizer

    that gives it a shade of dark colors while the land retain its bright color.

    Lastly, the imaging chip or sensor is the magical component of a digital camera,

    even though it is a non-digital component. It is the retina or film of the camera onto

    which the lens projects the image. Its job is to convert the light in the image into air

    electrical signal, which is then processed and digitized (George, 2006, p.24).

    People who are interested in digital photography must not only understand the parts

    but also know the different digital processes such as shooting their object of interest,

    manipulating the photos and printing or outputting the photos. The first step is the

    easiest of all because all you need to do is to take a picture. The second step is

    cropping. Cropping is a kind of image manipulation which allows you to cut the photo or

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    to remove the other details in order to highlight a certain portion of the image. Cropping

    does not only reduce the picture size, but also the file size. In other words, whenever

    you crop an image, it would provide more space in the memory. The final step in a

    digital process is the process of outputting the photos the output may be printed (hard

    copy) or uploaded in the computer (soft copy). In printing, color management is

    important because certain images require a certain color in order for it to have a good

    quality. In contrast to that, a poor quality or plain color of the image would be produced

    if the color is not managed. By uploading the photos in the computer, it would allow you

    to email and to make slide shows, albums and web pages.

    After learning about the components and the processes, it is time to know the right

    equipment or accessories that would be a difference maker for your camera. The most

    important equipment of all is light. Whenever light hits or makes contact with any kind f

    objects, it copies the image or takes the shape of the object than brings the newly

    copied image with it wherever it goes. This ability of light makes it an important factor in


    An equipment that can would be needed is the umbrella. An umbrella, with a black

    back cover, prevents light from spilling all over the place and reflects light of unwanted

    colors and surfaces. As a result, it would make the background brighter. Next to that,

    tripod or stand is highly recommended, in order to have a steady shot and to provide

    convenience to the photographer. In order to know if your stand is of best quality, it

    would topple or bend overtime.

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    Back-up software is highly recommended especially the automated ones. There will

    come a moment when all your films and files might accidentally deleted due to certain

    events, that is why it is important to have a back-up software or to be able to update

    duplicate folders on you back-up device when needed.

    There are different kinds and techniques in photography that can be used such as

    macrophotography, shutter speed and nature photography. Macrophotogaraphy, from

    the word macro meaning large or big, makes small objects into large object. It allows

    us to see details not easily seen by the naked eye. Macrophotography is similar to close

    up except it is a more specific term, however, both of these made things larger than life

    and allowed us to appreciate our surroundings while the shutter speed is a technique

    use in photography.

    Shutter speed allows us to stop action or capture an image of a moving object.

    However, shutter speed can only freeze action if the action is moving slower than the

    shutter speed. Faster and you will get a blur. This is highly dependent on the subject, as

    well as your angle and distance to the subject. So fast subjects need faster shutter

    speeds (Sheppard, 2008, p.303).

    In nature photography, we use nature as an image of interest, equipment and

    background to our photography. In other words, a photographers creativity and

    resourcefulness would be tested. If the photographer is able to cope and became one

    with nature, then he/she would be able to produce a very good picture.

    Digital photography gives opportunities to both professionals and aspirants and

    making photography fun because during the early years of photography, taking pictures

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    was dangerous because of certain factors like the flash (are usually made of explosive),

    developing a photo in a film camera, and being expose to hazardous chemicals. Films

    are so sensitive that it could affect the quality of the picture. In other words only

    professionals can use SLR cameras. However, the invention of digital photography led

    to the development of a digital SLR camera where amateur photographer or camera

    fanatics can use it for their pleasure.

    Digital photography is a new way of communicating, advocating and appreciating

    things, nature and live. Digital photography become so flexible that it can be send

    through the internet or saved in a flash drive, thus bringing our distant family members,

    friends and loved ones closer. Aside from recording important events, digital

    photography could also advocate, give importance to nature and give emphasis to daily

    living with the people we encounter.

    An interview with Hans Pamplona, a photographer for ten years conducted last

    November 3, 2010.

    1. general steps in photography

    The general steps in photography are exposure and development. We may use

    camera or a scanner to capture object. Development involves computer manipulation

    and printing.

    2. What will I do if I will make take a picture? What are the things that I need to take in


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    1st is the light source, it maybe natural which in the form of the light from the sun or

    artificial, in the form of flash or strobe. Generally, we use natural lighting but there are

    times that we need to use artificial lighting so we mount a flash or we do a used multiple

    flashes in the form of umbrella and stroke box and also by the use of a reflector, to

    analyze the effect already.

    Next, we take into consideration the opening of the camera, opening of aperture is like

    window opening. The bigger the opening, the greater the light that enters into the

    camera. Another is the speed; the speed is the amount of time that the opening closes,

    its base in second so by aperture in speed we expose the storage material. Traditionally

    the film but in our modern time, we use a memory card, so when an object is exposed it

    is being stored and the storage or the result of the storage or quality will be determine

    by the ISO and the format will be memory card. The lower the ISO, lets say 100, the

    finer the exposure. The higher the ISO the grainier the effect. If it is very grainy, the

    picture is not very clear, so we use lower ISO when we are taking picture of slow

    moving object, we use higher ISO, if we are taking picture of fast moving object or when

    it is dark. As the format, we use JPEG because it is the acceptable format use by


    3. what will I do, how will I combine lighting, aperture, speed, ISO and focus in order to

    have a good picture?

    a. before I take a picture, 1st I need to take into consideration the light, say daylight,

    what time is it? If it is early in the morning the light is soft, if is almost noon, the light is

    very sharp or very intense, if it is evening, it is contrast of the early morning and the late

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    afternoon the light is soft. We usually take picture during this time unless you want to

    have a very contrasting picture and also the source of the light, where does the light

    come from? If it is facing the subject or the object, right side, left side or coming from the

    back. So if we are taking a picture of a person and the light faces the subject, the

    reaction of the subject could not be very clear because the subject will be closing his

    eyes especially if it is noon time so you couldnt have a good picture. If it is comes from

    the back of the subject, it will affect the camera and you may not have a good exposure,

    so we need to take in consideration the lighting. It must be at least at an angle so if it is

    very difficult to have an angle and then we need to introduce artificial light to balance

    the effect of the sunlight; so in order to neutralize the effect of sunlight originating from

    the back of the subject, we need to apply strong flash facing the subject. This is of

    course if we take picture or outdoor picture.

    b. aperture or opening of the camera, so in the aperture, if the light is soft, it is good

    to have wide opening. If the light is very sharp, then we need to have a small opening.

    c. speed- the greater the aperture, the faster the speed and the smaller the aperture,

    the slower the speed. In order to have a good exposure

    d. ISO the aperture is big or large or we have a large opening and we have faster

    speed and then we need to slow down or lower the ISO in order to have a good

    exposure that is if we are taking the still or a fixed, slow moving object or subject

    otherwise we need to increase the ISO of the subject of object moving faster than the

    usual like in sport.

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    e. focus even if all the apertures, speed, ISO are correctly combined including the

    lighting, if the focus is not correct then we cant have a good picture because the picture

    will appear blurry, so we are taking the wrong picture. Again, we need to take into

    consideration the lighting opening and closing of aperture, speed; ISO and we have to

    take in consideration the focus or depth of field..

    So expertise in this matter requires a long years of experience and experimentation. So

    as it said that there is no expert photographer. It would take a long time to master all

    different types of cameras because some cameras are sensitive to light and some

    cameras are sensitive to dark environment.

    4. Categorizing camera, scanner ,as tools in taking beauty exposure so what are the

    similarities between camera and scanner?

    Use of lens to capture object, the difference, the scanner is heavy than a camera can

    be carried and set into various position or angle.

    Suppose the camera and scanner requires larger pixel in order to have a good

    picture this is especially significant if the object or the subject that is in the case of

    camera is further editing. Every time we edit a picture, the pixel lowers down, that is the

    size of the picture become smaller and smaller so the different color that are being

    edited or manipulated disappear the next time it is being save to a storage or memory

    card. So it is suggested that we need to have a larger size if you want to retain or

    preserve the beauty of the object we taken so usually the camera that small film or large

    size. The difference between camera and scanner is that scanner needs to repeat the

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    process and sometimes the scanner scans an object three times in order to have or

    store of the finer point proportion of the object, while the camera, it only need single

    exposure. One reason is because of the number of lenses and the memory. One reason

    also is that scanner is better than a camera because it is still or non-moving, so in order

    to compensate this, a photographer uses a tripod in order to fix the camera to avoid

    shaking so it is suggested by different photography school that in order to master

    practice of photography, we need to constantly use a tripod or in the case of province

    area, we need to use monopod in order have a good picture. Otherwise the picture

    would appear blurry of soft in a way. So even if the light, speed, aperture, ISO and the

    depth are okay that if one is a beginner it is suggested one uses a tripod. It is one of the

    hallmarks of a professional photographer. One exception to the rule is photojournal,

    there is no time to prepare the subject and place if field of other photographer outfit

    sometimes violates the rules of photography. In order to preserve the beauty of picture

    we need to take or have a large size of picture and we need to use the tripod. Some

    specialty in photography just like wedding, child, honeymoon, landscape photography, a

    tripod and large size picture because we are not satisfied with editing we can use the

    original size to preserve beauty of the picture.

    5. How does a computer be an advantage to photography today that is the use of

    Photoshop in editing picture?

    As this point we are in the development of the picture. So we try to focus computer

    manipulation. Manipulation of digital images is like a manipulation of film using a dark

    room. So those who are familiar with a dark room could easily use the Photoshop in

    manipulating or developing pictures so there is we called burning, dodging, sharpening,

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    propping and others. To make basically before we headed a picture using a editing tool,

    we need to have a raw file of if not a raw file then we need a large file and after

    manipulating picture we need to save it in different file name so in case there is an error

    in editing you can still go back to the original file and edit again or combined it with the

    previously edited picture. Having a large file could give a chance to repeat the process

    of correcting the composition problem during taking of a picture. For example, a picture

    was taken or set in a right position, during process and development we could prop and

    reset the picture to its correct position and also sometimes picture has a color problem

    so by image manipulation we could enhance or saturate and dissaturate some color and

    yet some of the picture are not sharp we could sharpen it, also we could distort or

    correct some distortions.

    6. What are some of the basic technique in image manipulation?

    Basic technique are propping, adjusting of level, color balance, saturation, toning use

    of filter, sharpening and image saving. So as to propping, we remove the extraneous

    object of picture. For example we necessarily effective paint, we propped to

    emphasized picture. Next is adjust level, some picture are too light, some pictures are

    too dark so by adjusting the level we are moving the exposure to normal level, not too

    light and not too dark and as to color balance, there is enough red, yellow, blue and

    other color. Some picture they have effective red colorization, blue and other, so we

    need to balance. So as to saturation, some pictures have variance in red. So by

    adjusting saturation we could distinguish one red to another red. The purpose of filter in

    developing digital pictures is the same as the balancing also some picture because of

    certain colors tends to be blurry so there is need to sharpening and the saving of image

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    is the reduction of a picture from a higher megapixel to a lower mega pixel. One of the

    most important aspect in image manipulation is by the use of layering. Generally, there

    are 3 layer, one in red, one in blue and one in yellow, some uses the cyan, yellow,

    magenta and black but of course we generally use in printing so as one manipulate

    image one has to take into consideration the printing output because although it make

    the picture very good using theRGB mode it may not look as good using the CMYK

    mode. It should be used in printing so there is a need for correcting or calibrating the

    image that appear in monitor and the image that would be printed or the calibration of

    the printer. So by understanding the basic one can initially correct the problem in the


    7. Does tool affect the performance that in the case of a photographer?

    Yes and no. First yes, if one uses a camera that is not or that one is familiar of. For

    example, you will be using a digital camera, while you have not even try to use one so

    your performance will be greatly affected because you dont know the tool itself.

    No, if one is familiar with the tool or the camera, so tools are of great help to facilitate

    ones skills but even if one has a point and shoot camera if one is familiar with it. Then

    that is enough that is why in photography school it does not matter whether you are

    using point and shoot or very sophisticated camera. What is important that is you know

    how to use your camera, but if you dont know how to use your camera you will not have

    a good picture? So what are some of the things that we need to know, in order to have

    a good picture? So this came to the idea of composition that I how you are going to

    combine the different principle in order to have good picture, so we go back again to the

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    idea of exposure. So having it mention before and dont need to repeat it her. Other

    things that we have to take into consideration are the use of or the application of 3 basic

    principles in photography. First one needs to have a general idea what ones want to

    present. Second, one have to focus because one take a picture of many ladies then

    your idea of taking a picture of a beautiful lady will already get lose, so you need only a

    picture of a single lady. Lastly, one need to remove distraction. So if you want to take a

    picture of a person you need to remove other distracting elements, just like excessive

    color of the background. One need to place object of the subject near the center for the

    viewer to exactly get the idea that this your point of tokens the picture. Again we need to

    have a theme to cover and we need to remove distraction element. You need to simplify

    if you want to present idea of an airplane. You need to avoid another picture or another

    object of a ship or a car or otherwise the viewer will interpret that you are presenting a

    picture a car rather than a plane. So other additional things to take into consideration

    are shade, patterns, textures and the color.

    8. Distinguish between a filter in camera and filter in digital imaging

    Although there are many filter use in a camera in taking a picture, the usual color

    filter. In a digital imaging the filter we use are more in creating patterns in the picture.

    While filter use in camera is meant to adjust the imbalances in lighting and coloring. The

    filter use in digital imaging in developing a picture is meant to create different patterns to

    make it more creative. There is water color filter, pop art filter, stained glass filter,

    painting filter, palette eye filter and others. There are other software that could create

    like blurring the background flash effect filter, starlight effect filter patterns.

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    9. What are the other techniques in digital imaging?

    Generally changing of the tone and changing of the pixel. After the image have been

    manipulated, the pixel reduce from large to medium or medium to small files. The color

    is usually affected. During the burning and sharpening the picture changes. It is

    important that one use raw or huge file after all that change it is more on the range from

    light to dark. There what we called the shadow and light difference. So if there is a

    sharp face and it is lighter in dark the picture became very sharp so it became so

    unnatural it appears like a wash ink effect. If there is a white space between shadow

    and light the picture become very naturally. We can use curves in the channel, channel

    are use in printing in advertising. Channel is used in sharpening. Some picture can

    changes from black and white to color and vice versa through the use of raw file so we

    could selectively use some portion to color or add a new color. Also there are many

    tools in editing like brush effect and sometime you can insert script, letters or words.

    Sometime you could create an effect that the object is moving. Although it is not you

    could even insert picture to the original picture or you could combine by use of layering,

    you could change a portion, change its shape, distort anything and sloe on could

    emphasized certain color like green, blue, red and combine it to the other colors, so the

    increase of the colors is based on the percentage. So in effect, editing there is addition

    of some features that of is some collage on picture doing a art one would simple put

    things and emerge, this are advantage of digital image compare to old fashion dark

    room editing or dark room developments. So mention first we begin exposure then we

    develop so that impact of exposure or the problematic aspect of exposure to be

    corrected by the developer and this manipulation has to be consistent or calibrated with

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    the printing instrument because if not a different output will be obtained that is why for

    those who do not have sophisticated printing equipment has to experiment and try

    different printing equipment in order to determine which actually refract the image in the

    monitor and the one being produced or printed so sometimes we choose our software

    equipment use to calibrate or to match the color of the monitor and the printer.

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    [1] M. Langford, A. Fox and R. Sawdon-Smith, Langfords Basic Photography:

    The guide for serious photographers. 30 Corporate Drive Suite 400,

    Burlington, MA 01803, USA: Focal Press, 2007

    [2] H. Che Lee. Introduction to color Imaging Science. Cambridge

    University Press. United Kingdom. 2005

    [3] D. Johnson. How to do everything with your digital camera. Mc Graw hill U.S.A


    [4] R. Renner. Pinhole Photography from historic technique to Digital Applications

    Focal Press. Oxford U.K. 2009.

    [5.] Developing Print Photographs. [Online Document]. Updated last

    August 25,2010. Available HTTP:

    [6] T. Ang, Digital Photography Introduction. New York: DK Publishing, 2010.

    [7] R. Sheppard, Kodak: Guide to Digital Photography. New York: Lark Books, 2008.

    [8] C. George, Total digital Photography. China: Running Press, 2006

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    [9] S. Timacheff and D. Karlins, Total Digital Photograph:

    The Short to Print Workflow Handbook. New Jersey:

    Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2005

    [10] B. Stoppee and J. Stoppee, Stoppees Guide to Photography and Light.

    30 Corporate Drive Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA: Focal

    Press, 2009