visual vocabulary

Brayden Carlson

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Page 1: Visual Vocabulary

Brayden Carlson

Page 2: Visual Vocabulary

Ideology is a set of

ideas that are

formed by an


goals, values and


For example

Hitler wanted to

kill every Jew

and led the Nazis

into following his


Page 3: Visual Vocabulary

Individualism is an idea that promotes freedom, rights, or

independent action of a human being rather than those of a

group, government or nation.

For example a person

may choose to live by

themself or with a

roommate or a spouse.

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Collectivism is a theory that promotes the ideas of a group over any individual.

For example the

Army focuses on a

primary goal for the

group to complete.

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Liberalism is an idea that promotes equality and freedom.

For example the Liberal Party of Canada.

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Self-Internet is one’s personal interest

that is pursued without regard for others.

For example when ex-

president George Bush

invaded Iraq because

according to the

government Al-Qaeda was

there. However, Bush

wanted their resources.

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Competition occurs whenever two or more parties

attempt to accomplish a goal which cannot be shared.

For example the constant advertisement

between PC and Mac, convincing

consumers to purchase a Mac.

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Freedom is the ability to think, speak or do whatever you please with no restraint but still obeying the law.

For example in North America we have the ability

to say what we want without being prosecuted.

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Rule of Law are any laws that are made

and apply to every individual. They must

be followed by everyone in the area the

law was appointed to.

For example in Canada we

have laws that determine the

speed limit and it must be

followed by everyone.

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Private Property is land owned by an individual whom have exclusive rights

over it. It should not be accessed by the public or controlled by the government.

For example my house would be private property

and cannot be accessed by the public and if there is

a trespasser I have the right to call the police.

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Collective Responsibility is a

concept that a group is

responsible for the actions’

of the individuals affecting

the society.

For example in Football each

player practices a position and

are expected to fulfill the role to

the best of their ability.

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Collective Interest

Collective Interest is a concept

which the ideas within a group are

shared by every individual involved.

For example the people that

have joined this Facebook

group are expressing their love

for McDonalds by commenting

on the Wall regarding the great

food and cheap prices.

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Cooperation is the action of a group working

together, striving towards a mutual goal.

For example if a player on the

Football team fails to complete their

task then it may negatively results

the team. If successful, the team

has proven to work together and

fulfill their duties.

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Economic Equality is a concept where all individuals that are

employed earn as much as the others in a lower tax bracket.

For example there are tax laws that

ensure people will generally have the

same wages regardless of the job.

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Collective Norms is what is

expected out of an individual or a

group that is considered normal.

For example we assume that everyone was

raised with proper manners.

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Public Property is land owned by the government that is developed for those

of the community.

For example a park is public

property and can be accessed

any individual.

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Belief is an idea that an

individual holds true and

motivates or influences

their decisions.

For example there is a large amount of people

that follow religion although there may not be

physical evidence, it is a belief they hold true.

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Values are what an individual renders desirable and giving each concept a

level of importance.

For example I may value family and

friendship over money

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Individual Identity are

distinct traits or

characteristics of a

human being that set one

a part from others.

For example there is only one you, and no one in the

world will be exactly like you. There are many factors

that define us and render us unique from anyone else.

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Collective Identity

are distinct traits or

characteristics of a

group that sets

them a part from

another group.

For example you may attend Church

depending on your beliefs or religion. In which

others attending believe in similar ideas.