visualizing of mitochondrial redox state in heart by the

นⷞൻᖱႎቇળ⺰ᢥ㓸 Vol. 30, No. 11 (2010 11 pp. 73-79 * Ⓜฃઃ 2010 4 8 1) ᱜળຬ ቝቮ⥶ⓨ⎇ⓥ㐿⊒ᯏ᭴ቝቮ⑼ቇ⎇ⓥᚲ㧔ޥ ᄹᎹ⋵⋧ේᏒ↱㊁บ ) 2) 㕖ળຬ Ꮉፒක⑼ᄢቇ 㪝㪘㪛㪆㪥㪘㪛㪟 䈱శᒝᐲᲧ䉕↪䈇䈢ᔃ⤳⚦⢩ਛ 䈱䉣䊈䊦䉩䊷ઍ⻢䈮䉋䉎㉄ൻㆶర⁁ᘒ䈱นⷞൻ 㐳⼱Ꮉ 1) 㧘ዊ═ේ ᐽᄦ 2) Visualizing of mitochondrial redox state in heart by the ratio of FAD/NADH fluorescence intensity Katsuya HASEGAWA and Yasuo OGASAWARA ABSTRACT Mitochondrial redox state in cardiac muscle was visualized by the ratio between fluorescence intensity of FAD and NADH. The ratio of FAD to NADH is an effective index for quantitative analysis of the redox state. Their concentration can be identified by their identical fluorescence properties with different excitation wavelength. Quantitative measurement is difficult to conduct imaging mitochondrial NADH as an index of the redox state, because of fluctuating condition during its measurement. Traditional approach with two cameras for observing fluorescence of each chemical substance had a problem of the parallax. Our new concept is taking two image data of FAD and NADH by single camera. Our system is composed of an EMCCD camera and two excitation light sources for FAD and NADH. The ratio between fluorescence intensity of these two successive video image data of two substances were processed every 1/15sec, and displayed on a monitor screen in real time together with heart image. Performance of this system was successfully demonstrated with rat hearts. Keywords : Mitochondrial redox state, FAD/NADH ratio 䋱䋮䈲䈛䉄䈮 ⥃ᐥකቇ߅ߦߡᔃ⤳ᚻⴚ⚵ࠆߌ߅ߦߤߥ❱⚦⢩ߩൻㆶర⁁ᘒߣࠆߔ㧘ᚻⴚ⛯⛮ߩࠍߤߥ ࠆߔߦߩ㊀ⷐߥᖱႎࠆ߃㧚᪪Ⴇ߿ㆇേߩߤߥᓇ㗀ߢ㧘↢ ⚵❱ߩ㉄⚛Ớᐲ߇ ߣࠆߥߊ0#&*㧔TGFWEGFPKEQVKPCOKFG CFGPKPG FKPWENGQVKFGㆶరࡦ࠾࠺ࠕ࠼ࡒࠕࡦ࠴ ࠼࠴߇↢ߊࠆࠇߐ⎇ߩߢ߹ࠇߎߪߢ⚡ߡߒߣᄖ✢ߒ㧘 0#&* ߩశᒝᐲ ࠆߔߢߣߎ᪪Ⴇㇱ⏕ߩߚ߈ߡࠇߐߥ߇ߤߥߒ߆ߒ㧘0#&* ߩߡߒ⸃ᨆߣࠆߔ㧘↢⚵❱ ߩ㉄ൻㆶర⁁ᘒߩᄌൻߦ ߚߒ0#&* ᤋߩᄌൻߣߣ߽ ߦ㧘ᓇ⁁ᴫߩᄌൻࠕࠆࠃߦࠔࡈ࠴߽⊒↢ߒ㧘⚦⢩ ߩ㉄⚛Ớᐲૐਅߣߚߞേ⊛⽎0#&* ߩࠆߔࠅࠃߦቯ㊂⊛ߦ⹏ଔߪߩࠆߔߒߢߎߘᧄ⎇ⓥߪߢ㧘ᓇ⁁ᘒߩᄌൻࠆࠃߦᓇ㗀ឃ㒰ߒᔃ╭⚦⢩࠻ࡒߩ࠼ࡦߩࠕ㉄ൻㆶర⁁ᘒนⷞൻ ߡߒߩߘേᘒኤน⢻ߚࠆߔߣ㧘0#&* ߩߣ ߡߖࠊ⚵❱ਛߦ㉄⚛߇චಽߥߦߊࠆߔ㧘(#&㧔HNCXKP CFGPKPG FKPWENGQVKFG ࡦ࠾࠺ࠕࡦࡆߩߒ㧘0#&* ߩశᒝᐲߩߣ߽ߣ ↹ߡߚߒߣߩߎᣇᴺࠅࠃߦᔃ⤳⚦⢩ਛߩ㉄ൻㆶర⁁ᘒ ⸃ᨆߩߣߎࠆߔᅷᒰᕈᬌ⸛ߚߒ㧚 0#&* ߣ(#& ߩ ߟߩൻቇ⒳ࠆߥ⇣ߪᵄ㐳ߩബశࠅࠃߦࠆߔ ߟߩ ߪߦࠆߔߩ↪ࠍᣇᴺ߿㧘ᵄ 㐳ㆬᛯ߁ⵝ⟎↪ࠍߩࠅࠃߦࠆߔ↪ࠍᣇᴺ߇ߤߥ߇ࠆ㧘ⶄᢙบߩࠆࠃߦߪߢశቇ⊛ⷞᏅ߇⸃ᨆ⺋Ꮕⷐ࿃ࠅߥߣ㧘ᵄ㐳ㆬᛯⵝ⟎╬႐วߪᯏ᭴ᚑ߇ⶄ㔀ൻࠆߔ߇ߚߞ ߢߎߘᧄ⎇ⓥߪߢ㧘㧝บߩࠅࠃߦ ߢ ᵄ㐳ߩߒࠅࠃߦࠇߎߚࠇࠄᖱႎേ⊛↹ߦߡߒߣࠆߔࠍࡓ࠹㐿⊒ߚߒ⥃ᐥᔕ↪⋡⊛ߡߒߣ߇ࠆ㧘ᧄⓂߪߢߩࡓ࠹- 73 -

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Page 1: Visualizing of mitochondrial redox state in heart by the

Vol. 30, No. 11 (2010 11 pp. 73-79

* 2010 4 8 1)

) 2)

1) 2)

Visualizing of mitochondrial redox state in heart by the ratio of FAD/NADH fluorescence intensity


ABSTRACT Mitochondrial redox state in cardiac muscle was visualized by the ratio between fluorescence intensity of FAD and NADH. The ratio of FAD to NADH is an effective index for quantitative analysis of the redox state. Their concentration can be identified by their identical fluorescence properties with different excitation wavelength. Quantitative measurement is difficult to conduct imaging mitochondrial NADH as an index of the redox state, because of fluctuating condition during its measurement. Traditional approach with two cameras for observing fluorescence of each chemical substance had a problem of the parallax. Our new concept is taking two image data of FAD and NADH by single camera. Our system is composed of an EMCCD camera and two excitation light sources for FAD and NADH. The ratio between fluorescence intensity of these two successive video image data of two substances were processed every 1/15sec, and displayed on a monitor screen in real time together with heart image. Performance of this system was successfully demonstrated with rat hearts. Keywords : Mitochondrial redox state, FAD/NADH ratio

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Page 3: Visualizing of mitochondrial redox state in heart by the


Figure 2 Excitation LED

Frame sync. Signal Generator

FAD (460nm)Excitation LED

NADH (360nm)Excitation LED

Fluorescence Excitation Controller

EMCCD Camera

PC for Data Analysis

Figure 1 Signal Diagram

NTSC Video signal

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Page 4: Visualizing of mitochondrial redox state in heart by the

Sequential FAD,NADH Images in sequence

Divide frame

Calculate ratio between FAD/NADH



Digitize Image Intensity

Display calculated Image data



Figure 4 Image processing flow diagram Display calculated Image data

Figure 3 FAD Reagent for Calibration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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Page 5: Visualizing of mitochondrial redox state in heart by the


Figure 5 Configuration of FAD/NADH Fluorescence Imaging System

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Page 6: Visualizing of mitochondrial redox state in heart by the

NADH rich FAD rich Fluorescence Intensity Ratio/Non Division Numbers

Figure 8 Processed Image of FAD/NADH Ratio

Analyzing Image Control Image





Figure 6 (a) FAD Image Figure 6 (b) NADH image


a b

(a) a-a’ FAD Image (b) b-b’ NADH Image Figure 7 Line Intensity of Figure 6

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Page 7: Visualizing of mitochondrial redox state in heart by the



Figure 9 Processed Image (NADH Rich) 60sec after the artificial respirator is stopped

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