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 Veritas NetBackup Shared Storage Guide UNIX, Windows, Linux Release 6.5 12308346

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NetBackup 6.5
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Third-party software may be recommended, distributed, embedded, or bundled with this Veritas product. Such third-party software is licensed separately by its copyright holder. All third-party copyrights associated with this product are listed in the accompanying release notes.
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Veritas NetBackup is a licensed product. See the NetBackup Installation Guide for license installation instructions.
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Chapter 2 Introduction
Installing the disk storage appliance ............... .................................................19 
Installing the vendor’s OpenStorage plug-in ..................................................20 
Chapter 4 Licensing OpenStorage
Chapter 5 Configuring OpenStorage
Adding storage server credentials ....................................................................25 
Creating a storage unit ........................................................................................29 
Changing disk pool or volume state ..........................................................40 
Merging disk pools .......................................................................................41 
Managing storage servers .................................................................................. 45 
Viewing storage servers .............................................................................. 45 
Monitoring storage capacity and usage ........................................................... 48 
Viewing disk reports ........................................................................................... 49 
Viewing NetBackup logs ..................................................................................... 50 
Section II SharedDisk option
Preparing the SAN ............................................................................................... 57 
Zoning the SAN ............................................................................................ 58 
Connecting the media servers and the array .......................................... 58 
Installing array software on media servers ..................................................... 59 
Configuring the disk array ................................................................................. 59 
Adding array host entries ...... ..................................................................... 59 
Allocating LUNs for NetBackup ................................................................ 60 
Adding LUN entries to the sd.conf file ..................................................... 61 
Chapter 9 Licensing SharedDisk
Chapter 10 Configuring SharedDisk
Creating a storage server in NetBackup ........................................................... 66 
Adding disk array logon credentials ................................................................. 68 
Formatting the LUNs in a disk array ................................................................ 70 
Creating a SharedDisk disk pool ....................................................................... 72 
Enclosure method of SharedDisk disk pool creation ............................. 73 
Volumes method of SharedDisk disk pool creation ............................... 74 
Changing disk pool or volume state ..........................................................87 
Merging disk pools .......................................................................................88 
Managing disk array logon credentials ............................................................91 
Managing storage servers ..................................................................................92 
Viewing storage servers ..............................................................................92 
Removing a SharedDisk storage server from disk pool access .............93 
Deleting a storage server ............................................................................94 
Obtaining storage server status .................................................................95 
Viewing disk reports ............................................................................................96 
Viewing NetBackup logs .....................................................................................97 
Disk failure ..................................................................................................108 
Chapter 12 Introduction
NetBackup Release Notes .................................................................................115 
Configuring Shared Storage Option devices in NetBackup .................122 
Adding Shared Storage Option configuration options ........................122 
Configuring NetBackup storage units and backup policies ................122 
Verifying your Shared Storage Option configuration ................................. 123 
Using the Shared Storage Option
Using the Device Monitor with Shared Storage Option ..............................127 
The Drive Status pane ............................................................................... 127 
Changing the operating mode for a shared drive .................................128 
Adding or changing a comment for a shared drive ..............................128 
Performing drive cleaning functions for a shared drive .....................128 
Shared Storage Option summary reports ......................................................128 
Adding configuration options ..........................................................................129 
Scan host .....................................................................................................134 
Hardware configuration guidelines ................................................................137 
SAN Client and Fibre Transport
Overview .............................................................................................................145 
Zoning your SAN ................................................................................................149 
HBAs on SAN clients .................................................................................150 
Selecting the ports .. ...........................................................................................151 
Connecting the Fibre .........................................................................................151 
N_Port switched configuration ............ ....................................................151 
Installing PBX on the SAN clients ...................................................................154 
Upgrading SAN clients and Fibre Transport .................................................154 
Uninstalling SAN clients and Fibre Transport ..............................................155 
Disabling the SAN client service .............................................................155 
Removing the FT services and drivers ...................................................155 
Chapter 21 Configuring SAN clients and Fibre Transport
Configuring the FT media server .....................................................................157 
Configuring the HBAs ...............................................................................158 
Configuring SAN client drivers .......................................................................166 
Configuring FT properties ................................................................................169 
Configuring FT properties for media servers ........................................170 
Configuring FT properties for SAN clients ............................................171 
Configuring SAN client FT usage preferences ......................................171 
Fibre Transport properties .......................................................................173 
Managing FT services ........................................................................................175 
Rescanning SAN clients ............................................................................176 
Adding a SAN client ..........................................................................................178 
Deleting a SAN client ........................................................................................179 
Troubleshooting Fibre Transport ................................................................... 179 
Stopping and starting FT services ..........................................................180 
Media server FT device is offline .............................................................180 
No FT devices discovered .........................................................................181 
SAN client does not select Fibre Transport ...........................................182 
Viewing FT logs ..........................................................................................183 
This guide describes how to install, configure, and use shared storage and Fibre
Transport with NetBackup.
Shared storage
NetBackup provides several options that allow you to share storage among
multiple NetBackup media servers:
The OpenStorage disk option allows multiple NetBackup media servers to
share intelligent disk appliance storage.
For more information, see “OpenStorage disk option” on page 13.
The SharedDisk option allows multiple NetBackup media servers to share
disk array storage.

The Shared Storage Option allows multiple NetBackup media servers to
share individual tape drives (stand-alone drives or drives in a robotic
For more information, see “Shared Storage Option” on page 111.
SAN Client and NetBackup Fibre Transport
NetBackup also provides a separately licensed option for high-speed data
transport. NetBackup Fibre Transport provides high-performance I/O backup
rates for NetBackup client systems by using a Storage Area Network (SAN) for
data transport. You can use NetBackup Fibre Transport with disk storage in
  “Licensing OpenStorage” on page 21 
  “Configuring OpenStorage” on page 23 
The NetBackup OpenStorage disk option provides an API between NetBackup
and disk storage. The API allows NetBackup to use disk appliances from
third-party vendors for backup storage.  
NetBackup aggregates the disk into pools of storage you can use for backups.
NetBackup manage the storage as logical entities (disk pools).
For more information about OpenStorage, see:  
  “NetBackup Release Notes” on page 17 
  “Installing the storage appliance” on page 19 
  “Configuring OpenStorage” on page 23 
“Managing OpenStorage” on page 37 
Overview OpenStorage is a NetBackup API that allows NetBackup to communicate with
intelligent disk appliances. Disk appliance vendors provide the storage, and they
provide a software plug-in that you install on NetBackup media servers. The
NetBackup media servers use the plug-in to communicate with the disk
To determine a disk appliance’s capabilities, NetBackup uses the plug-in to
query the storage appliance. Capabilities can include single-instance storage,
optimized off-host duplication, and so on.
Disk appliances typically are hardware and software solutions. The disk
appliance vendors participate in the Symantec OpenStorage Partner Program.
Symantec qualifies their storage solutions for the OpenStorage API.
OpenStorage provides the following capabilities:
Share disks. Multiple NetBackup media servers can access the same disk
volume concurrently.
Balance load and performance. NetBackup balances backup jobs and storage

NetBackup can use the disk appliance capabilities, which may include
optimized off-host duplication and single-instance storage capabilities.
Figure 2-1 OpenStorage configuration
Any connectivity (directly attached, SAN, LAN)
Disk appliance (storage server
The terms that are used in OpenStorage include:
Data mover : An entity that moves data between the primary storage (the
NetBackup client) and the storage server. In OpenStorage, NetBackup media
servers function as the data movers.
Storage server : An entity that writes data to and reads data from disk
storage. A storage server is the entity that has a mount on the file system on
the storage. The disk appliance functions as the storage server.
Disk volume : A logical unit of disk storage.
Vendor controls the storage
Vendor controls the storage NetBackup determines when backup images are created, copied, or deleted.
Images cannot be moved, expired, or deleted on the storage unless NetBackup
instructs the appliance to do so through the API.
However, NetBackup does not control the storage or the storage format.
NetBackup has no knowledge of how the backup images are stored; the disk
appliance controls where the images reside on storage and in what form.
Symantec does not control which appliance capabilities the vendor exposes
through the OpenStorage API.
Similarly, Symantec and NetBackup have no control over the communication
between the vendor plug-in and the storage server. The vendor determines the
API or protocol to use between the plug-in and the storage server.
NetBackup Release Notes For information about supported systems and peripherals, limitations, and
operational notes, see the NetBackup Release Notes.
Installing the storage appliance
The following provides guidance for when you install the storage appliance:
“Installing the disk storage appliance” on page 19 
“Installing the vendor’s OpenStorage plug-in” on page 20
Installing the disk storage appliance Before you can configure OpenStorage in NetBackup, you must install and
configure the disk storage appliance in your backup environment. The appliance
is known in NetBackup as a storage server . The appliance must be operational
before you can use it for backups. Specifically, do the following:
Add the appliance to your environment.

Install the vendor software packages on all NetBackup media servers that
connect to the appliance. For more information, see “Installing the vendor’s
OpenStorage plug-in” on page 20.
Perform vendor-specific steps to configure the appliance. Use the vendor’s
processes and procedures to configure the appliance so that it works with
your environment. To configure the storage, you may be required to:
Assign the appliance a name. NetBackup uses the name to identify the

Divide the appliance into one or more logical units of space. NetBackup
refers to these logical units as disk volumes. NetBackup aggregrates the
disk volumes into disk pools.
Instructions for how to install and configure the appliance are beyond the scope
of the NetBackup documentation. For instructions, refer to the vendor
Installing the vendor’s OpenStorage plug in
Installing the vendor’s OpenStorage plug-in The storage vendor’s release package includes a plug-in that installs on the
NetBackup media servers that connect to the storage server. The NetBackup
media servers use the plug-in to communicate with the disk appliance.
Install the plug-in on all NetBackup media servers that connect to the appliance.
To install the plug-in, follow the vendor’s installation instructions.
The vendor’s installation process may register the storage server and the
plug-in with NetBackup and add the logon credentials. If not, you must perform
these steps manually. Note: credentials must be defined even if the storage
server does not require credentials.
For procedures, see the following:
No special installation is required for the NetBackup components of
OpenStorage. However:

The NetBackup master server and all NetBackup media servers that use the
feature must be at NetBackup 6.5 or later.
You must activate the feature by entering the OpenStorage Disk Option
license key on the NetBackup master server.
The license key only enables the functionality in NetBackup. You must purchase
a storage vendor’s product and install the storage vendor’s NetBackup plug-in.
You may have one license key that activates NetBackup and all of your add-on
products. Alternatively, you may have a separate license key for NetBackup and
for each add-on product such as the OpenStorage Disk Option.
If you remove the OpenStorage Disk Option license key or if it expires:
You cannot create the disk pools or the storage units that use the disk pools.
NetBackup jobs that attempt to use the disk pools or the storage units that
are based on the disk pools fail. The error message indicates that the feature
is not licensed.
NetBackup does not  delete the disk pools or the storage units that are based
Chapter 5
Configuring OpenStorage
The following are the tasks to configure NetBackup to use OpenStorage:
  “Creating a storage server in NetBackup” on page 23 
  “Creating an OpenStorage disk pool” on page 27 
  “Creating a storage unit” on page 29 
“Optimized duplication” on page 34 
Creating a storage server in NetBackup A storage server is an entity that mounts the storage and writes data to and
reads data from the disk storage.
For OpenStorage, the disk appliance is the storage server. Create  in this context
means to add the disk appliance as a storage server. For each OpenStorage
appliance, only one storage server exists. The storage server owns exclusive
access to the storage.
The NetBackup media servers that connect to the storage server function as
data movers. A data mover moves data to be protected from primary storage to
the storage server.
The storage vendor’s plug-in installation process may also configure the storage
server in NetBackup. (The vendor plug-in is installed on each NetBackup media
server (that is, data mover) that connects to the storage.) If so, you do not have
to configure the storage server in NetBackup.
To determine if the storage server is defined in the NetBackup database already,
see “To determine if a disk appliance is configured as a storage server already”
on page 24.
Figure 5-1 OpenStorage storage server
NetBackup media servers are data movers. The vendor plug-in is installed.
The disk appliance is the storage server.
To determine if a disk appliance is configured as a storage server already
Run the following nbdevquery command on the NetBackup master server:
The command lists all storage servers already configured. By default, NetBackup
configures all media servers as BasicDisk storage servers. Therefore, all media
servers in your environment should appear as BasicDisk servers, as in the
following example:
If the disk appliance does not appear in the command output as an OpenStorage
storage server, create it.

Run the following nbdevconfig command on the master server or on one
of the media servers:
The following are the options and arguments:
-storage_server storage_server  is the name of the disk appliance.
-stype server_type is a string that identifies the storage server type. The

-st storage_type  is a numeric value that specifies the OpenStorage server
properties. The storage vendor provides the value. For OpenStorage, the
default is 9 (network attached, formatted disk).
The value is obtained by adding together the numeric values of the
following properties. Whether the disk is formatted and how it is attached
are mutually exclusive and complementary.
Adding storage server credentials
1 - formatted disk. The disk is formatted as part of the vendor-specific
preparation; NetBackup does not format the disk.

2 - raw disk. The disk is not formatted; NetBackup formats the disk.
4 - direct attached. Direct attached means that the storage server and
media server are the same NetBackup host.

8 - network attached. Network attached means the storage server is
physically distinct from the NetBackup media server. It does not imply
LAN data movement nor does it preclude Fibre Channel as the
transport for data movement.
The default value is valid for all participating OpenStorage vendors when
this document was published. If the vendor does not provide the value, use
-media_server media_server is the name of a NetBackup media server
that connects to the storage server. The media server queries the storage
server for its capabilities. The vendor plug-in must be installed on the media
server. If the plug-in resides on more than one media server, you can specify
any one of them.
The nbdevconfig command and the nbdevquery command reside in the
following directory:
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd Windows: install_path\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
For more information, see NetBackup Commands for UNIX and Linux  or
NetBackup Commands for Windows.
Adding storage server credentials The disk appliance (the storage server ) may require logon credentials.
NetBackup requires that the credentials be entered on each NetBackup media
server that connects to the storage server. When you add the credentials,

Saves the credentials so the media server can log into the storage server.
Note: If the storage server does not require logon credentials, you must
enter dummy credentials so that NetBackup configures the media server as
a data mover.
Configures the media server as a data mover. A data mover is an entity that
moves data between the primary storage (the NetBackup client) and the
storage server (the disk appliance).
NetBackup does not monitor connectivity between data movers and storage
servers. However, when you add the credentials on each media server,
NetBackup configures and maintains an access path between the media
server and the storage server.
The storage vendor’s plug-in installation process may create the logon
credentials on each NetBackup media server that connects to the storage server.
(See “To determine if the storage server credentials are configured already ” on
page 26.) If that process does not create the logon credentials, you must add
Figure 5-2 Media servers are OpenStorage data movers
NetBackup media servers are data movers. Storage server logon credentials are configured and the vendor plug-in is installed on each.
Disk appliance is the storage server.

server_type is a vendor-provided string that identifies the storage server
The command lists the media servers for which the storage server credentials
are configured already for that storage type. If the media servers do not  appear
in the command output, use the following procedure to add them.
To add storage server credentials to a media server

Use the NetBackup tpconfig utility to add the storage server credentials.
Enter the same credentials on each NetBackup media server on which the
vendor’s plug-in is installed. The following is the command syntax:
tpconfig-add-storage_serverserver_name -stypeserver_type
-sts_user_iduser_id -password password -ststorage_type
The following describe the options that require arguments:
-storage_server server_name . The host name of the storage server.
Creating an OpenStorage disk pool
-stype server_type . A string that identifies the storage server type. The
storage vendor provides the string.
-sts_user_id user_id . The user name to use to log into the storage server.
If the storage server does not require logon credentials, enter dummy

-password  password . The password to use to log into the storage server. If
the storage server does not require logon credentials, enter dummy
The -st storage_type is a numeric value that specifies the storage server
properties. The storage vendor provides the value. For OpenStorage, the
default is 9 (network attached, formatted disk).
The value is obtained by adding together the numeric values of the
following properties. Whether the disk is formatted and how it is attached
are mutually exclusive and complementary.

1 - formatted disk. The disk is formatted as part of the vendor-specific
preparation; NetBackup does not format the disk.

4 - direct attached. Direct attached means that the storage server and
media server are the same NetBackup host.
8 - network attached. Network attached means the storage server is
physically distinct from the NetBackup media server. It does not imply
LAN data movement nor does it preclude Fibre Channel as the
transport for data movement.
The default value is valid for all participating OpenStorage vendors when
this document was published. If the vendor does not provide the value, use
The tpconfig command resides in the following directory:
UNIX: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin Windows: install_path\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin
For more information, see NetBackup Commands for UNIX and Linux  or
NetBackup Commands for Windows.
Creating an OpenStorage disk pool An OpenStorage disk pool represents disk volumes in the underlying disk
appliance. NetBackup aggregates the disk volumes into pools of storage you can
use for backups.
DP_Gold_OpenStorageDisk appliance
A disk pool is the storage destination of a NetBackup storage unit.
Use the Disk Pool Configuration Wizard to create a disk pool.
When you create a disk pool, you specify:

The disk volumes to include in the pool.
The disk pool properties. Properties include the name, the high water mark,
the low water mark, and a comment that describes the disk pool.
For more information, see “Disk pool properties” on page 82.
You do not specify data mover names when you create a disk pool. When you
add storage server credentials to NetBackup media servers, NetBackup
configures the media servers as data movers. You can allow or disallow data
mover access to the disk pool when you configure a NetBackup storage unit.
Symantec recommends that disk pool names be unique across your enterprise.
When NetBackup sends backup data to a disk pool, NetBackup selects disk
volumes based on available capacity and predicted size of the backup.
NetBackup tries to write backup data to a single volume. If necessary, backup
images span disk volumes in a disk pool. Backup images do not span across
multiple disk pools.
To create an OpenStorage disk pool by using the wizard
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console tree, select the master server or
Media and Device Management.
2 From the list of wizards in the Details pane, click Configure Disk Pool and
follow the wizard instructions.
Creating a storage unit
Creating a storage unit  Create one or more storage units that reference the disk pool.
The Disk Pool Configuration Wizard lets you create a storage unit; therefore,
you may have created a storage unit when you created a disk pool. To determine
if storage units exist for the disk pool, see the NetBackup Management >
Storage > Storage Units window of the Administration Console. 
For disk pool storage unit recommendations, see “Usage recommendations” on 
page 31. 
Storage > Storage Units.
2 Click Actions > New > Storage Unit.
The OpenStorage vendor name is included in the disk type name
To restrict access to specific media servers, select them here
3 Complete the fields in the New Storage Unit dialog box.
Storage unit name
Enter a unique storage unit name for the new storage unit. The name can
describe the type of storage. The storage unit name is the name used to specify a
storage unit for policies and schedules. The storage unit name cannot be
changed after creation. 
Storage unit type 
Disk type 
For an OpenStorage storage unit, select OpenStorage (VendorName ).
VendorName  is a string provided by the storage vendor that identifies the
vendor or storage. 
Disk pool
Select the disk pool that contains the storage for this storage unit.
All disk pools of the specified Disk type appear in the Disk pool list. If no disk
pools are configured, no disk pools appear in the list. 
Media server 
The Media server setting specifies the NetBackup media servers that can move
data to and from the storage server for this storage unit. (For OpenStorage,
NetBackup media servers function as data movers.) 
Only the media servers that are configured as data movers for the OpenStorage
implementation appear in the media server list. If a media server does not
appear in the list, verify that the software plug-in is installed and that logon  
credentials are created.
Specify the media server or servers as follows: 
To allow any server in the media server list to access the storage server
(default), select Use any available media server.
To restrict the media servers that can function as data movers for this
storage unit, select Only use the following media servers. Then, select the
media servers to allow.
NetBackup selects the media server to use when the policy runs.
Maximum concurrent jobs
The Maximum concurrent jobs setting specifies the maximum number of jobs
that NetBackup can send to a disk storage unit at one time. (Default: 1 job. The
 job count can range from 0 to 256.) This setting corresponds to the Maximum
concurrent write drives setting for a Media Manager storage unit.
NetBackup queues jobs until the storage unit is available. If three backup jobs
Creating a storage unit
two, the first two jobs start and the third job waits. If a job contains multiple
copies, each copy applies toward the Maximum concurrent jobs count.
The number to enter depends on the available disk space and the server's ability
to run multiple backup processes.
You can use maximum concurrent jobs to balance the load between disk storage
units. A higher number of concurrent jobs means that the disk can be busier
than if the number is lower.
Caution: A Maximum concurrent jobs setting of 0 disables the storage unit.
For information about how NetBackup balances storage unit and media server
load, see “Maximum concurrent jobs” in:
Maximum fragment size
Specify the largest fragment size that NetBackup can create to store backups.  
The default maximum fragment size for a disk storage unit is 524,287 
megabytes. To specify a maximum fragment size other than the default, enter a
value from 20 megabytes to 524,287 megabytes. 
Backups to disk are usually fragmented to ensure that the backup does not
exceed the maximum size that the file system allows. 
If an error occurs in a backup, the entire backup is discarded. The backup 
restarts from the beginning, not from the fragment where the error occurred.
(An exception is for backups for which checkpoint and restart is enabled. In that  
case, fragments before and including the last checkpoint are retained; the
fragments after the last checkpoint are discarded.)  
Usage recommendations For usage recommendations, see the following:
Multiple storage units
You can use multiple storage units for one disk pool to separate your backup
traffic and still write all data to the same disk pool. You do not need to partition
the storage because all storage units use the same pool of storage.
Example 1
For example, if you use the NetBackup Fibre Transport option, you can separate
the NetBackup SAN client traffic from the regular NetBackup client traffic in
your environment:
Creating a storage unit
Define a storage unit (such as STU-FT). Select the disk pool. Select Only use
the following media servers. Select the FT media servers that connect to the
SAN clients.
Create a backup policy for the SAN clients and select the STU-FT storage

Define another storage unit (such as STU-LAN). Select the same disk pool.
Select Only use the following media servers. Select the media servers with
LAN connectivity to the regular clients.
Create a backup policy for the regular clients and select the STU-LAN
storage unit.
This scenario assumes that the SAN clients are a small subset of your client
base. It also assumes that the media servers with LAN connectivity to the
regular clients also have SAN connectivity to the storage.
Example 2
Even without a SAN, you can separate your backup traffic similarly and still
write all of the data to the same disk pool. For example, you can send the
backups from your most important clients to a media server that is dedicated for
the most important backups:

Define a storage unit (such as STU-CRITICAL). Select the disk pool. Select
Only use the following media servers. Select one (or a subset) of the media

Create a backup policy for the critical clients and select the STU-CRITICAL
storage unit.
Define another storage unit (such as STU-NORMAL). Select the same disk
pool. Select Only use the following media servers. Select a different subset
of the media servers.

Create a backup policy for the regular clients and select the STU-NORMAL
storage unit.
Maximum concurrent job setting
You can use the multiple concurrent jobs settings on storage units to assign
backup priority for important clients. For example, two storage units use the
same set of media servers. One of the storage units has a higher concurrent job
setting than the other. More client backups occur for the storage unit with the
higher concurrent job setting.
Creating a backup policy
Creating a backup policy 
Backup policies define the rules that NetBackup follows to back up clients.  
Use normal NetBackup processes to configure backups to OpenStorage storage
units. That is, specify the appropriate storage unit in your backup policies.
Alternatively, specify a lifecycle policy that uses an OpenStorage storage unit as
the backup or duplication destination. 
To create a policy, see “Policies” in the NetBackup Administrator’s Guide for
UNIX and Linux, Volume I  or the NetBackup Administrator’s Guide for Windows,
Volume I .
Monitor backup progress
To monitor backup progress, use the Detailed Status tab of the Job Details dialog
box. It shows the media server that functions as the data mover between the
client and the storage server.
If the media server cannot start or complete the job, NetBackup retries the job
after the job retry period elapses. (Configure the job retry interval by using the
master server Global Attributes Job retry delay host property.)
If you select more than one media server in the storage unit Media server field,
NetBackup may retry the job with a different media server.
NetBackup catalog backups Symantec recommends that you do not  send catalog backups to an OpenStorage
disk pool because of the complexity of disaster recovery. BasicDisk storage
units or tape storage units offer an easier bootstrapping mechanism.
If you do send NetBackup catalog backups to an OpenStorage disk pool, you

The disk volumes IDs may differ on an appliance at the disaster recovery
site from the IDs of the primary appliance.
If the NetBackup device database does not contain the correct disk pool and
volume information for the backup images, NetBackup may not be able to
locate the images from which to restore data.
Restores Use normal NetBackup processes to restore data from backups.
To perform the restore, NetBackup chooses one of the media servers that can  
move data to and from the storage server.
Optimized duplication
Optimized duplication 
If an OpenStorage disk appliance has the capability to copy the data on one
appliance to another appliance of the same type, NetBackup can use that
capability. The following are the requirements for optimized duplication:

The vendor must expose the off-host data movement  capability in their
Both the source and the destination disk pools must be the same
OpenStorage vendor type.

One or more NetBackup media servers must connect to the source appliance
and the destination appliance.
To configure optimized, off-host duplication:
Use a storage lifecycle policy. Configure the backup destination as a disk
pool on one appliance and configure the duplication destination as a disk
pool on another appliance. To create a lifecycle policy, see “Storage
Lifecycle Policies” in the NetBackup Administrator’s Guide for UNIX and
Linux  or the NetBackup Administrator’s Guide for Windows.

Use a Vault policy for duplication between disk pools on the appliances. To
create a Vault policy, see the NetBackup Vault Administrator’s Guide .
Use the NetBackup bpduplicate command for duplication between disk
pools on the appliances. For more information about the bpduplicate
command, see NetBackup Commands for UNIX and Linux  or the NetBackup
Commands for Windows.
A NetBackup media server initiates and manages the duplication between
appliances. If the media server has connectivity to the destination appliance, it
confirms the image copy occurred. NetBackup maintains records of the image
copies and their locations in the NetBackup catalog.
Some benefits of optimized, off-host duplication are:
Reduces the workload on the NetBackup media servers. More back ups can
be performed.
with ongoing backup jobs.
Reduced bandwidth. If the appliances support single instance store
capabilities, the copy process may send only changed blocks.
Capacity management can be based on the value of the data. Least
important data can be deleted from a primary disk pool, but only after
duplication of that data.
The following are limitations:
35Configuring OpenStorage
Optimized duplication
The first failure of an optimized copy causes subsequent duplications to
revert to regular duplication.

The copy operation uses the maximum fragment size of the source storage
unit, not the setting for the destination storage unit. The optimized
duplication copies the image fragments as is. The duplication does not
resize and reshuffle the images into a different set of fragments on the
destination storage unit.
To confirm the image copy, a media server must have connectivity to the
destination appliance.
The following are tasks to manage the OpenStorage disk option:
  “Managing disk pools” on page 37 
  “Managing storage servers” on page 45 
  “Managing OpenStorage data movers” on page 47 
“Troubleshooting OpenStorage” on page 51 
  “Adding volumes to an OpenStorage disk pool ” on page 39 
  “Changing disk pool or volume state” on page 40 
  “Deleting a disk pool” on page 42 
  “Obtaining disk pool and volume status” on page 43 
Changing disk pool properties You can change the high and the low water marks of a disk pool and change the
comment that is associated with the disk pool.
To change disk pool properties
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console tree, select Media and Device
Management > Devices > Disk Pools.
2 Select the disk pool you want to change in the details pane.
3 Click Edit > Change.
4 In the Change Disk Pool dialog box, change properties.
Disk pool properties
Managing disk pools
The total raw, unformatted size of the storage in the disk pool. For
OpenStorage, the disk appliance may or may not expose the raw size of the
A comment that is associated with the disk pool.
The high water mark for the disk pool. (The default is 98%.)
The high water mark is a threshold that indicates the storage is full. It
applies to both the individual disk volumes in the pool and the disk pool, as

Disk pool. When all volumes are at the high water mark, the disk pool is
full. When a disk pool approaches the high water mark, NetBackup
reduces the number of jobs that are allowed to write to the pool.
NetBackup does not assign new jobs to a storage unit in which the disk
pool is full.
The low water mark for the disk pool. (The default is 80%.)
When the capacity of the disk pool returns to the low water mark,
NetBackup again assigns jobs to the storage unit. Capacity is regained as
backup images expire.
The low water mark setting cannot be greater than or equal to the high
water mark setting.
Adding volumes to an OpenStorage disk pool If you add disk volumes to the storage appliance, NetBackup does not add those
volumes to an OpenStorage disk pool automatically. To use the additional disk
volumes in an existing disk pool, you must add those volumes to the disk pool.
(By default, NetBackup automatically increases disk pool capacity if the capacity
of the underlying disk volumes increases. Similarly, NetBackup decreases the
capacity of a disk pool if the underlying disk volume capacity decreases.)
The NetBackup storage units that use the disk pool automatically use the
additional storage capacity. You do not have to change the storage units.
Note: Be careful when you add volumes to a disk pool. For data integrity,
NetBackup does not allow volumes to be deleted from a disk pool. Because
backup images may span disk volumes, a volume may contain valid image
fragments. To remove a disk volume, you must delete all valid backup images
and then delete the disk pool.
To add volumes to an OpenStorage disk pool
1 Create a disk pool from the new disk volumes on the storage server.
For procedures, see “Creating an OpenStorage disk pool” on page 27.
2 Change the state of the two disk pools to DOWN. The following is the
command syntax:
For the OpenStorage server type (server_type ), the storage vendor provides
the string that identifies the server type.
3 Merge the disk pools. The following is the command syntax. The primary
disk pool is the one you want to retain; nbdevconfig deletes the secondary
disk pool after the merge.
nbdevconfig–mergedps-primarydpdisk_pool_name -secondarydp disk_pool_name
4 Change the state of the primary disk pool to UP. The following is the
command syntax:
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd Windows: install_path\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
For more information, see NetBackup Commands for UNIX and Linux  or
NetBackup Commands for Windows.
Changing disk pool or volume state Pool and volume states are UP or DOWN. You can change the state of a disk pool
or volume. 
To change the state to DOWN, the disk pool must not be busy. If backup jobs are
assigned to the disk pool, the state change fails. Cancel the backup jobs or wait 
until the jobs complete. 
Note: For data integrity, NetBackup does not allow volumes to be deleted from a
disk pool. Because backup images may span disk volumes, a volume may contain
valid image fragments. To remove a disk volume, you must delete all valid
backup images and then delete the disk pool.
To change the disk pool state by using the Device Monitor
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, select Media and Device
Management > Device Monitor.
3 Select the disk pool.
4 Select either Actions > Up or Actions > Down.
nbdevconfig-changestate-stypeserver_type -dpdisk_pool_name -statestate
For the storage server type (server_type ), the storage vendor provides the
string that identifies the server type.  
state is either UP or DOWN. 
To change the disk volume state
1 Determine the name of the disk volume. The following command lists all
volumes in the specified disk pool:
nbdevquery-listdv-stypeserver_type -dpdisk_pool_name
For the storage server type (server_type ), the storage vendor provides the
string that identifies the server type.
2 Change the disk volume state; the following is the command syntax:
nbdevconfig-changestate-stypeserver_type -dpdisk_pool_name
–dvvol_name -statestate
For the storage server type (server_type ), the storage vendor provides the
string that identifies the server type.  
state  is UP or DOWN. 
NetBackup jobs still read from and write to a disk pool that has a downed  
volume, but the downed volume is unavailable.  
The nbdevconfig command and the nbdevquery command reside in the
following directory:
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd Windows: install_path\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
For more information, see NetBackup Commands for UNIX and Linux  or
NetBackup Commands for Windows.
Merging disk pools You can merge existing OpenStorage disk pools.
NetBackup updates the catalog records to show the correct location of the
backup images in those disk pools. 
42 Managing OpenStorage 
Managing disk pools 
The volumes in the two disk pools must have unique names. OpenStorage
requires that vendors use unique names for disk volumes in a disk
All volumes must be from the same storage server.
If the secondary disk pool is referenced by storage units, you must delete
those storage units.
To merge disk pools
1 Change the state of each disk pool to DOWN; the following is the command
nbdevconfig-changestate-stypeserver_type -dpdisk_pool_name -stateDOWN
For the storage server type (server_type ), the storage vendor provides the
string that identifies the server type.  
If backup jobs are assigned to a disk pool, the state change fails. Cancel the
backup jobs or wait until the jobs complete. 
2 Merge the disk pools. The following is the command syntax. The primary
disk pool is the one you want to retain; nbdevconfig deletes the secondary
disk pool after the merge.
nbdevconfig–mergedps–stypeserver_type -primarydp
disk_pool_name -secondarydpdisk_pool_name
3 Change the state of the primary disk pool to UP. The following is the
command syntax:
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
Windows: install_path\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
For more information, see NetBackup Commands for UNIX and Linux  or
NetBackup Commands for Windows.
Deleting a disk pool If you delete a disk pool, NetBackup removes it from your configuration. 
If a disk pool is the storage destination of a storage unit, you must first delete
the storage unit. 
Caution: Do not delete a disk pool that contains unexpired NetBackup images; if
you do, data loss may occur.
To delete a disk pool
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console tree, select Media and Device
Management > Devices > Disk Pools.
3 Click Edit > Delete.
4 In the Delete Disk Pool dialog box, verify that the disk pool is the one you
want to delete and then click OK.
Obtaining disk pool and volume status Use the NetBackup nbdevquery command to obtain the status of NetBackup
disk pools and volumes in those disk pools.
Table 6-1 nbdevquery disk pool options
Option Description
-dv disk_volume Used with -listdv, it shows the properties of the specified disk
-l Produces the parsable output, one line of output per disk volume
with no headers. The first field indicates the version of the output
as an aid to create scripts. By default, nbdevquery uses the -l
-listdp Shows all disk pools.
To show the properties of a specific disk pool, also use the -dp
disk_volume  option.
-listdv Shows a summary of all disk volumes.
To show the properties of a specific disk volume, also use the -dv
disk_volume  option.
-stype server_type Use this option with the following two options:
With -listdp, shows all disk pools of the specified storage
With -listdv, shows all disk pools of the specified storage
type and their disk volumes.
For OpenStorage, the storage vendor provides the string that
identifies the server type.
Option Description
-D Produces an output format that provides more information than
the -U option but has less formatting.
Managing OpenStorage server credentials Use the NetBackup tpconfig utility to manage existing credentials in
The command lists the media servers for which the storage server credentials
are configured already for all OpenStorage servers.
To list OpenStorage credentials for a specific type of storage server
For the OpenStorage server type (server_type ), the storage vendor provides the
string that identifies the server type.
To change the password credential for an OpenStorage storage server
tpconfig-update-storage_serverserver_name -stypeserver_type
-sts_user_iduser_id -passwordnew_password
The server_name is the name of the OpenStorage storage server.
For the OpenStorage server type (server_type ), the storage vendor provides the
string that identifies the server type.  
Note: If the OpenStorage server logon credentials change, you must change the
credentials on every NetBackup media server that connects to the storage
tpconfig-delete-storage_serverserver_name -stypeserver_type
For the OpenStorage server type (server_type ), the storage vendor provides the
string that identifies the server type.  
The tpconfig command resides in the following directory: 
UNIX: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin 
Windows: install_path\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin
For more information, see NetBackup Commands for UNIX and Linux  or
NetBackup Commands for Windows.
Managing storage servers For OpenStorage, a storage server is the disk appliance. The storage server owns  
exclusive access to the storage. 
You can do the following to manage the storage servers that exist in your  
“Deleting a storage server” on page 46 

“Obtaining storage server status” on page 46 
Viewing storage servers To view a list of storage servers already configured, use the nbdevquery

Run the following nbdevquery command on the NetBackup master server:
The command lists all storage servers already configured.
To list only a specific OpenStorage server type, use the -stype server_type  
option and argument. The storage vendor provides the string to use for  
server_type .
The -U option provides more detailed information.  
By default, NetBackup configures all media servers as BasicDisk storage servers.
Therefore, all media servers in your environment should appear as BasicDisk
servers, as in the following example:  nbdevquery-liststs
 V6.5tree.symantecs.orgBasicDisk5  V6.5flower.symantecs.orgBasicDisk5
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
Windows: install_path\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
For more information, see NetBackup Commands for UNIX and Linux  or
NetBackup Commands for Windows.
46 Managing OpenStorage
Managing storage servers
Deleting a storage server If you delete a storage server, NetBackup removes it from your configuration.
If a disk pool is configured from the disk volumes that the storage server
manages, you cannot delete the storage server.
Caution: Do not delete a storage server if its storage contains unexpired
NetBackup images; if you do, data loss may occur.
To delete a storage server
The -storage_server storage_server is the storage server name.
The storage vendor provides the string that identifies the server type
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd Windows: install_path\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
For more information, see NetBackup Commands for UNIX and Linux  or
NetBackup Commands for Windows.
Obtaining storage server status The NetBackup nbdevquery command lets you obtain the status of storage
Option Description
-storage_server Shows the information about the specified storage server.
server_name Must be used with the -liststs option.
Option Description
-stype server_type Use this option with the following two options:
With -liststs, shows all storage servers of the
specified storage type.
are at the specified host.
For OpenStorage, the storage vendor provides the string that
identifies the server type.
For more information about the nbdevquery command, see the NetBackup
Commands for UNIX and Linux  or NetBackup Commands for Windows manual.
Managing OpenStorage data movers In OpenStorage, NetBackup media servers function as the data movers. A data
mover is an entity that moves data between the primary storage (the NetBackup
client) and the storage server.
For an existing OpenStorage environment in NetBackup, you can:
Retire a media server as a data mover. See “ To retire an OpenStorage data
mover” on page 47.

Add a media server as a data mover. See “ To add an OpenStorage data
mover” on page 48.
To configure a media server as a data mover, see:
“Installing the vendor’s OpenStorage plug-in” on page 20

To retire an OpenStorage data mover
1 For every storage unit that specifies that data mover (that is, media server),
clear the checkbox that specifies the media server.
This step is not required if the storage unit is configured to use any
available media server.
2 Delete the credentials on the media server to be retired. The following is the
command syntax:
The following describe the options that require arguments:
-stype server_type . A string that identifies the storage server type.
The storage vendor provides the string.
-sts_user_id user_id . The user name to use to log into the storage
server. If the storage server does not require logon credentials, enter
dummy credentials.
If the host failed and is unavailable, you can use the tpconfig device
configuration utility in menu mode to delete the credentials. However, you must
run the tpconfig utility on a UNIX or Linux NetBackup server. For procedures,
see the NetBackup Administrator’s Guide for UNIX and Linux, Volume II .
To add an OpenStorage data mover
1 Install and configure the NetBackup media server software.
For procedures, see the NetBackup Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux  or
the NetBackup Installation Guide for Windows.
2 Install the OpenStorage vendor software plug-in on the media server
For procedures, see “Installing the vendor’s OpenStorage plug-in” on
page 20.
3 Connect the NetBackup media server to the OpenStorage appliance.
4 Create the storage server logon credentials on the media server.
For procedures, see “Adding storage server credentials” on page 25.
5 Verify that the new media server appears in every storage unit that points to
a disk pool on that OpenStorage disk appliance. The storage unit dialog box
includes a media servers list.
For every storage unit that is configured to use any available media server,
the new data mover is allowed access to the storage server automatically.
6 For every storage unit that specifies Use one of the following media servers,
update the storage unit so it uses the correct data movers.
This step is not required if the storage unit is configured to use any
available media server.

The NetBackup Disk Pool status report. For more information, see “Viewing
disk reports” on page 49.

Viewing disk reports
The NetBackup License Keys dialog box. Open the dialog box by selecting
Help > License Keys in the NetBackup Administration Console. Display the
summary by clicking Summary of active capacity-based license features.
The summary displays the storage capacity for which you are licensed and
the capacity used. It does not display the amount of physical storage space.
The NetBackup Operations Manager also provides information about storage
capacity and usage. For more information, see the NetBackup Operations
Manager Guide .
Viewing disk reports The NetBackup disk reports include information about the disk pools, disk
storage units, disk logs, images that are stored on disk media, and storage
Management > Reports > Disk Reports.
3 In the right pane, select the report settings.
4 Click Run Report. 
Table 6-3 Disk reports
Report Description
Images on Disk The Images on Disk report generates the image list present on the
disk storage units that are connected to the media server. The
report is a subset of the Images on Media report; it shows only
disk-specific columns.
The report provides a summary of the storage unit contents. If a
disk becomes bad or if a media server crashes, this report can let
you know what data is lost.
Disk Logs The Disk Logs report displays the media errors or the
informational messages that are recorded in the NetBackup error
catalog. The report is a subset of the Media Logs report; it shows
only disk-specific columns.
Report Description
Disk Storage Unit The Disk Storage Unit Status report displays the state of disk
storage units in the current NetBackup configuration.
For disk pool capacity, see Media and Device Management >
Devices > Disk Pools.
Multiple storage units can point to the same disk pool. When the
report query is by storage unit, the report counts the capacity of
disk pool storage multiple times.
Disk Pool Status The Disk Pool Status report displays the state of disk pool storage
units. This report displays only when an Enterprise Disk Option
license is installed.
Viewing NetBackup logs You can monitor NetBackup disk-related activity and status by viewing the
NetBackup log files.
Some NetBackup commands or processes write messages to their own log files.
Other processes use Veritas unified log (VxUL) files. VxUL uses a standardized
name and file format for log files. An originator ID (OID) identifies the process
that writes the log messages. For information about the logs, see Table 6-4
Messages that begin with a sts_ prefix relate to the interaction with the storage
vendor software plug-in. Most interaction occurs on the NetBackup media
Activity VxUL OID Processes that use the ID
Backups and N/A Messages appear in the log files for the following
restores processes:
  bpdbm  database manager
  bpdm  disk manager
Activity VxUL OID Processes that use the ID
Device 178 The Disk Service Manager process that runs in the
configuration Enterprise Media Manager (EMM) process.
Device 202 The Storage Server Interface process that runs in the
configuration Remote Manager and Monitor Service. RMMS runs on
media servers.
log files for detailed trace information:
UNIX: /user/openv/netbackup/logs/bpfis
Device 230 The Remote Disk Service Manager interface (RDSM) that
configuration runs in the Remote Manager and Monitor Service. RMMS
runs on media servers.
To view and manage VxUL log files, you must use NetBackup log commands. For
information about how to use and manage logs on NetBackup servers, see the
NetBackup Troubleshooting Guide .
Troubleshooting OpenStorage To troubleshoot back up and restore problems, you must determine if a problem
resides in the vendor's plug-in, in the storage server, or in NetBackup. Examine
the bpdm  and the bptm  log files for the messages that contain a sts_ prefix,
which indicate a call to a plug-in.
For more help, see the following topics:
“Vendor plug-in errors” on page 51 

“Unable to access storage” on page 52 
Vendor plug-in errors Vendor plug-ins may provide error codes or messages to NetBackup. If so,
NetBackup logs a message about the error, primarily in the bptm  and the bpdm
log files on the NetBackup media server. Examine the log files for any lines that
contain “sts_” or “stspi_” strings; these identify calls to vendor plug-in
Troubleshooting OpenStorage
Vendor plug-in not installed If a storage unit uses a media server on which the vendor plug-in is not installed,
 jobs fail with NetBackup status code 174. Usually, this problem occurs only if
the plug-in was removed from the media server after initial configuration.
The following are examples of the messages that appear. Messages may not
appear consecutively in the log file.
2060009objectnotclaimedbyaplug-in Criticalbptm(pid=13908)bp_sts_open_serverfailed:error2060009
objectnotclaimedbyaplug-in  mediamanager-systemerroroccurred(174)
Unable to access storage If NetBackup cannot access the storage, one possible cause is that the storage
server was created with the incorrect nbdevconfig-st value. For example, a
value of 9 (typical for OpenStorage) is the wrong value for an AdvancedDisk
storage server (typically 5). 
For information about the storage server values, see “Creating a storage server 
in NetBackup” on page 23. 
To determine the configured value, use the following nbdevquery command: 
The following output shows the storage. The storage type is incorrect for  
AdvancedDisk, but may be correct for OpenStorage.  
StorageServer :daily
To resolve an incorrect storage type problem
1 Delete all storage units that use disk pools that use the storage server.
2 Delete all disk pools that use the storage server.
3 Delete the storage server.
4 Recreate the storage server.
5 Recreate the disk pools.
6 Recreate the storage units.
  “Licensing SharedDisk” on page 63 
  “Configuring SharedDisk” on page 65 
NetBackup SharedDisk allows multiple NetBackup media servers to share disk
array storage. NetBackup aggregates the disk into pools of storage you can use
for backups. NetBackup manages the storage as a logical entity (a disk pool ).
For more information about SharedDisk, see:
“Overview” on page 55
For information about how to configure and use SharedDisk, see:  
“Preparing the SAN and the array” on page 57 
“Licensing SharedDisk” on page 63 

Overview NetBackup SharedDisk provides the following benefits:
Deploy and use easily. NetBackup discovers the storage and uses familiar

Increase storage unit capacity by adding disks. Only add what you need,
when you need it, and then update the NetBackup disk pools. Logical units
of storage span physical boundaries, so you do not have to create new
NetBackup storage units or change the backup policies.

Balance load and performance. NetBackup balances backup jobs and storage
NetBackup Release Notes 
 Job failover. Media server failures do not prevent backup or restore
operations. If a media server fails, backup and restore activity is routed
through another media server.
The terms that are used in SharedDisk include:
Data mover : An entity that moves data between the primary storage (the
NetBackup client) and the storage server. In SharedDisk, NetBackup media
servers function as data movers.
Storage server : An entity that writes data to and reads data from disk
storage. A storage server is the entity that has a mount on the file system on
the storage. In SharedDisk, NetBackup media servers function as both
storage servers and data movers.
Disk volume : A logical unit of disk storage.

Enclosure : A disk array. You can create a NetBackup disk pool from all of the
storage in an enclosure or only some of the storage.
NetBackup Release Notes For information about supported systems and peripherals, limitations, and
operational notes, see the NetBackup Release Notes.
Preparing the SAN and the array
Before you can configure and use the SharedDisk storage option, the SAN and
the disk array must be configured and operational. If the array includes a
management service or process, it must be operational also. HP CommandView
EVA is an example of an array management service.
Instructions for how to configure and manage disk arrays are beyond the scope
of the NetBackup documentation. However, you must do the following to
prepare the array so that NetBackup can discover the storage on the array and
then use the storage:

Prepare the SAN by creating the necessary zones between the disk array and
the HBAs on the media servers.
Configure the disk array by using vendor specific utilities.
Install the array software on NetBackup media servers.
The tasks for preparing the SAN and the array are separate from the tasks to
install and configure NetBackup. A network administrator or storage
administrator can prepare the array, and a NetBackup administrator can install
and manage NetBackup.
Preparing the SAN Before you can configure and use the SharedDisk storage option, the SAN must
be configured, zoned, and operational. Instructions for how to configure a SAN
are beyond the scope of the NetBackup documentation. However, the following
subsections explain what is required for the SAN.
Preparing the SAN 
Zoning the SAN Symantec recommends that you create a backup storage  zone that includes only
the NetBackup media servers and the array. A backup storage zone prevents that
traffic from using the bandwidth that may be required for other SAN activity.
The HBA ports on the media servers must be hard or soft zoned to the array.

Install the HBA vendor’s Fibre Channel drivers for the HBA.
  Install the HBA vendor’s Fibre Channel utilities for the HBA if required.
If you use the NetBackup Fibre Transport option with SharedDisk storage, the
Fibre Transport HBA requirements may affect your HBA configuration. For
more information, see “Installing HBAs for Fibre Transport” on page 150.
Connecting the media servers and the array
The disk array must be in the same SAN on which NetBackup media servers are
installed. The operating systems of the NetBackup media server computers must
recognize the array.
The following are the major steps to connect the Fibre:
Connect a Fibre Channel HBA port on each NetBackup media server to a
Fibre Channel switch port.

Define the zones on the SAN so that the media server HBA ports and the
disk array are in the same zone.
You should configure SAN zones before you bind HBA ports. Doing so
prevents possible corruption of data that may occur if multiple HBAs gain
access to the same storage device.
Bind the media server HBA ports to the disk array volumes or LUNs. Use
persistent bindings when you bind the ports to the LUNs.
Note: When you bind the media server HBA ports to disk array volumes or
LUNs, you must use persistent bindings. If you do not, NetBackup access to
the array may fail, backups may not occur, and data may be lost. Exception:
Persistent bindings are not required for Leadville drivers.
59Preparing the SAN and the array
Installing array software on media servers
Installing array software on media servers Install the array vendor’s command line interfaces on each NetBackup media
server that shares the array. NetBackup uses the array vendor software to
manage the storage. In some cases, NetBackup uses the command line interface
Configure the arrays
  Mask and unmask the LUNs when a media server accesses the storage.
Note: All media servers that are connected to the array must be the same
operating system type and use the same file system.
Which software and version to install
For guidance about which vendor software and version to install on the
NetBackup media servers, see TechNote 288176 (NetBackup Disk Array Setup)
on the Symantec support Web site: 
The TechNote also contains information about how to create host entries and
how to allocate LUNs for each supported disk array. 
The Tech Note lets us update disk array information when support for new disk  
arrays is added and supported array software versions change between
NetBackup releases. 
Configuring the disk array To configure the disk array for NetBackup, you must:
  Add array host entries
  Allocate LUNs for NetBackup
Add LUN entries to the sd.conf file (Solaris only)
Use the vendor-specific tools to configure the array. Instructions for how to
configure the array are beyond the scope of the NetBackup documentation. For
guidance, see the following subsections.
Adding array host entries You must add host entries on the array so that the NetBackup media servers can
access the array. Different array vendors use different names for the host
Configuring the disk array
entries. In all cases, the host entries contain the following three key pieces of

The name of the host (that is, the name of the NetBackup media server host).
The host name must be a valid IP host name. To be more specific, the name
or friendly name of the host entry on the array must match the DNS name
of the host. (A friendly name is a more human-readable name than a string
used to identify a device or a host.)
The World Wide Port Name (WWPN) of the HBA port on the media server.
The WWPN identifies the port through which you want the media server to
access the array.
The type of host operating system (such as Solaris).
You must create an entry for each NetBackup media server that shares the
If you cluster the NetBackup media servers, the host entries must be configured
with the host names of the nodes (not the virtual names). NetBackup uses
gethostname to identify the row in the array masking table to enable exclusive
access to a LUN.
Guidance for adding host entries
How to add host entries is beyond the scope of the NetBackup documentation.
For guidance, see TechNote 288176 (NetBackup Disk Array Setup) on the
Symantec support Web site: 
The TechNote also contains information about how to allocate LUNs for each
supported disk array and which version of the array vendor’s command line
interfaces to install on the NetBackup media servers.
The Tech Note lets us update disk array information when support for new disk
arrays is added and supported array software versions change between
NetBackup releases.
Allocating LUNs for NetBackup You must allocate LUNs on the array for use by NetBackup. To do so, use the
following prefix when you name the LUNs:
LUN prefix: nbusd_
Use a meaningful suffix to complete each LUN name. For example, use the name
of the NetBackup disk pool and perhaps a number to make the name unique.
Configuring the disk array
Note: LUN names within an array must be unique; if they are not, you cannot
create a NetBackup disk pool from the storage on the array. Symantec
recommends that you use a unique name for each LUN that you allocate to
NetBackup, even if the LUNs are on different arrays. If you merge disk pools
later, each LUN name must be unique.
Some arrays do not allow specific name prefixes. By default, NetBackup uses all
of the LUNs for storage on those arrays. You can use only some of the LUNs for
NetBackup storage. However, to format those LUNs and to create a disk pool
from them is more difficult than for LUNs with the nbusd_ prefix.
Guidance for choosing LUNs
NetBackup balances jobs and workload. NetBackup tries to fill disk volumes at
the same rate. Therefore, Symantec recommends that volumes in a disk pool be
of similar size and speed, as follows:
  Do not include small volumes and large volumes in the same disk pool.
  Do not include slow volumes and fast volumes in the same disk pool.
Guidance for naming LUNs
How to name LUNs is beyond the scope of the NetBackup documentation. For
guidance, see TechNote 288176 (NetBackup Disk Array Setup) on the Symantec
support Web site: 
The TechNote also contains information about how to create host entries and
which version of the array vendor’s command line interfaces to install on the
NetBackup media servers.
The Tech Note lets us update disk array information when support for new disk
arrays is added and supported software versions change between NetBackup
Adding LUN entries to the sd.conf file Solaris systems only.
On Solaris systems, add sufficient LUN entries to the sd.conf file to allow
NetBackup to import new LUNs to the host dynamically.
If the server is rebooted, most HBAs do not require the sd.conf file to be
updated to show new devices. However, Veritas Frozen Image (VxFI) needs to
import devices dynamically without a reboot. VxFI is the NetBackup component
that manages access to the storage on the disk array. Therefore, you must
Configuring the disk array
update the sd.conf file to allow additional LUN entries and then reboot the
host after you update the sd.conf file.
If problems occur when you format LUNs, Symantec recommends that you open  
LUNs 0-15 on all targets (0-15). Also open LUNs 0-15 if NetBackup device
discovery does not discover the disk array storage.  
Chapter 9
Licensing SharedDisk
No special installation is required for the SharedDisk storage option. However:
The NetBackup master server and all NetBackup media servers that use the
feature must be at NetBackup 6.5 or later.

You must activate the feature by entering the Flexible Disk Option license
key on the NetBackup master server.
You may have one license key that activates NetBackup and all of your add-on
products. Alternatively, you may have a separate license key for NetBackup and
for each add-on product such as SharedDisk.
When you choose the systems to use for the NetBackup master and media
servers, be aware of the following:

All NetBackup media servers that connect to the disk array must be the
same system type (such as all Solaris).
Do not include the master server or EMM server in the list of media servers
that use the array. Data transfer consumes system resources and severely
degrades EMM performance. (Normally, the EMM server runs on the master
server, but it can run on any NetBackup media server.)
If you remove the Flexible Disk Option license key or if it expires:

NetBackup jobs that attempt to use the disk pools or the storage units that
are based on the disk pools fail. The error message indicates that the feature
is not licensed.
NetBackup does not  delete the disk pools or the storage units that are based
Chapter 10
Configuring SharedDisk
The following are the tasks to configure NetBackup to use SharedDisk:
  “Specifying the mount point directory” on page 65 
  “Adding disk array logon credentials” on page 68 
“Creating a backup policy” on page 80 
If problems occur when you configure the SharedDisk storage option, see
“SharedDisk troubleshooting checklist” on page 98.
Specifying the mount point directory By default, NetBackup uses nbushareddisk  as the mount point for SharedDisk
storage. The mount point is the directory on each media server where
NetBackup mounts the file system on the disk array.
You can specify a different mount point directory. The mount point must be the
same on all NetBackup media servers that access the array.
If you back up a media server that uses mount points to any disk storage that
contains backup images, do not cross mount points. (The policy Cross mount
points attribute specifies whether to cross mount points.) If the policy crosses
mount points, the NetBackup backup images that reside on that disk storage are
backed up. The NetBackup BasicDisk disk type and the Enterprise Disk Option
disk types use mount points for disk storage.
1 In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackup Management
> Host Properties.
2 Select Master Server in the tree pane.
3 In the Details pane, double-click on the name of the master server.
4 In the Master Server Properties dialog box, click SharedDisk in the tree
5 Enter the default mount point for the file system on the disk array.
Creating a storage server in NetBackup A storage server is an entity that mounts the storage and writes data to and
reads data from the disk storage.
For SharedDisk, NetBackup media servers function as both storage servers and
data movers. (A data mover moves data to be protected from primary storage to
the storage server.) Create  in this context means to configure as a storage server
a NetBackup media server that connects to the array. In SharedDisk, multiple
storage servers can exist. The storage servers share the storage equally.
The array vendor’s command line interfaces must be installed on every
NetBackup media server that functions as a storage server.
Note: You must  configure as a SharedDisk storage server every NetBackup
media server that connects to the storage. The media server also must  have the
array vendor’s command line interfaces installed.
Figure 10-1 SharedDisk storage servers
NetBackup media servers are both storage servers and data movers. Disk array CLIs are installed.
Disk array
Creating a storage server in NetBackup

Run the following nbdevquery command on the NetBackup master server:
The command lists all storage servers already configured. By default, NetBackup
configures all media servers as BasicDisk storage servers. Therefore, all media
servers in your environment should appear as BasicDisk servers, as in the
following example:
 V6.5tree.symantecs.orgBasicDisk5  V6.5flower.symantecs.orgBasicDisk5  V6.5water.symantecs.orgBasicDisk5
If the media server does not  appear in the command output as a SharedDisk
storage server, configure the media server as a storage server.
To create a SharedDisk storage server in NetBackup

Run the following nbdevconfig command on the master server or on one
of the media servers:
The following are the options and arguments:
-storage_server storage_server  is the name of a NetBackup media server
that connects to the storage. The media server must have the array vendor’s
command line interfaces installed.
-stypeSharedDisk specifies the storage server type.
-st storage_type  is a numeric value that specifies the server properties. For
SharedDisk, the default is 6 (direct attached, raw disk). Required only if you
want to use a value other than the default.
The value is obtained by adding together the numeric values of the
following properties. Whether the disk is formatted and how it is attached
are mutually exclusive and complementary.
1 - formatted disk. The disk is formatted as part of the vendor-specific
preparation; NetBackup does not format the disk.

2 - raw disk. The disk is not formatted; NetBackup formats the disk.
4 - direct attached. Direct attached means that the storage server and
the media server are the same NetBackup host.

8 - network attached. Network attached means the storage server is
physically distinct from the NetBackup media server. It does not imply
LAN data movement nor does it preclude Fibre Channel as the
transport for data movement.
  -media_server media_server  specifies the NetBackup media server that
performs the operation. Use the same name as the storage server name.
The nbdevconfig command and the nbdevquery command reside in the
following directory:
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd Windows: install_path\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
For more information, see NetBackup Commands for UNIX and Linux  or
NetBackup Commands for Windows.
Adding disk array logon credentials You must enter the credentials that NetBackup uses to log into a disk array.
If the array contains multiple, separately named processing units (storage
 processors), you must enter the credentials for each unit.
The disk array must be installed and prepared before you add