vocab words 24 -30.docx

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  • 7/28/2019 Vocab Words 24 -30.docx


    Vocab Words 24-30

    CHAPTER 24

    Adjudicate (v) To hear and settle a case through a judicial procedure / To settle a dispute.

    Affidavit (n)

    A written statement made under oath before an official.

    Confidant (n) A person trusted with secrets or private matters.

    Conjure (v) To produce or summon as if by magic / To call to mind an image or a memory.

    Fealty (n) Faithfulness; allegiance.

    Fianc (n) A man to whom a woman is engaged be married.

    Fidelity (n)- Faithfulness to obligations, duties ,or vows. / The degree to which a sound or image is

    accurately reproduced.

    Infidel (n) A person who does not accept a particular faith or religion.

    Jurisprudence (n) The philosophy and science of law division of the law.

    Perjure (v) To deliberately lie or testify falsely under oath.

    CHAPTER 25

    Ambivalence (n) The presence of conflicting or opposing ideas or feelings. / Uncertainty or

    indecisiveness as to which course to fallow.

    Avail (v/n) To be of use or advantage to ; to help / Use benefit or advantage.

    Countervailing (adj) Acting agents something so as to cancel its effect .

    Evaluate (v) To judge or determine the value of.

    Evince (v) To clearly show.

    Invaluable(adj) Priceless.

    Prevail (v) To be greater in strength.

    Valedictorian (n) Student with highest ranking.

    Valiant(adj) - Having bravery.

    Vanquish (v) To overcome , Defeat conquer.

  • 7/28/2019 Vocab Words 24 -30.docx


    CHAPTER 26

    Abrogate (v) - To cancel or repeal.

    Conquistador (n) - A Spanish conqueror.

    Inquisitive (adj) - Eager for knowledge.

    Interrogate (v) - to question formally.

    Perquisite (n) - a fringe benefit.

    Presage (n) - an omen.

    Quest (n) - a search or pursuit.

    Requisite (adj) - required; essential.

    Sagacity (n) wisdom.

    Surrogate (n) - A substitute.

    CHAPTER 27

    Adhere (v)- To stick to.

    Aggregate (n) - A total composed of different parts.

    Cohere (v) To stick together.

    Dissimulate (v) To disguise.

    Egregious (adj) - Very bad.

    Ensemble (n)- A group that performs as one.

    Facsimile (n) an exact copy.

    Gregarious (adj)

    Seeking the company of others.

    Inherent (adj)- Inborn; natural.

    Semblance (n)- An outward appearance.

  • 7/28/2019 Vocab Words 24 -30.docx


    CHAPTER 28

    Alchemy (n) Ancient chemical art.

    Amulet (n) - A good luck charm.

    Capricious (adj) - unpredictable.

    Fatalism (n) A belief in destiny.

    Propitious (adj) Advantageous.

    Providential (adj) - Fortunate.

    Quirk (n) - A peculiar behavior.

    Serendipity (n) - A lucky accident.

    Vagary (n) - An unexpected whim.

    Vicissitude (n) - Unexpected change.

    CHAPTER 29

    A cappella (adj) Without instruments.

    Aria (n)

    A vocal solo, with instruments.

    Cacophony (n) And unpleasant and loud mix of sounds.

    Cadence (n) Rhythm or beat.

    Crescendo (n) A build-up.

    Dissonance (n) Disharmony; conflict.

    Libretto (n) The text of a dramatic musical work.

    Motif (n)

    A theme.

    Sonata (n) Composition with three or four movements.

    Staccato (adj) Short and sharp.

  • 7/28/2019 Vocab Words 24 -30.docx


    CHAPTER 30

    Arboreal (adj) living in trees.

    Burgeon (v)

    To grow rapidly.

    Deciduous (adj) Loosing leaves seasonally.

    Fauna (n) Animals of a region.

    Flora (n) plants of a region.

    Germination (n) Begging to grow.

    Horticultural (adj) About growing plants.

    Lichen (n)

    Vegetation made of fungus and algae.

    Sylvan (adj) Wooded.

    Verdant (adj) Green with plants.

  • 7/28/2019 Vocab Words 24 -30.docx
