vocabulary 4h

Vocabulary 4h Roberto Ley Espinosa

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Post on 10-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Vocabulary 4h


Roberto Ley Espinosa

Page 2: Vocabulary 4h

Active - activochildren are usually very active

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Affect- afectarThe cigar can affect your lungs

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Brain- cerebroThe brain is placed on the head

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Caffeine- cafeinaCaffeine is a bitter substance found in coffee

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Concentrate - concentrarsethe student must concentrate on their exams

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Contain - contenerthe pool must contain water

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Deeply - profundamenteshe is deeply in love

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Depression - depresionhe had a great depression

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Drop - caeIf you drop the ice in the water it will float

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Fall sleep - dormirse

I fall asleep in the class every now and then

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Forgetful - olvidadizoHe is a very forgetful fellow

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Function - funciónthe function of the clock is telling the time

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Get into a routine – entrar en un rutina

the school makes you get into a routine

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Growth - crecimientoThe industry is experiencing enormous growth

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Grumpy - gruñonGrandpa is very grumpy

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Heart rate – frecuencia cardiacaHer heart rate is slowing down

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Immune System – sistema inmuneThe baby's immune system is very low

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Keep you awake – mantenerte despierto

you should keep you awake at guards

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Lack of – falta deThere is a lack of imagination among youngsters.

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Light sleep – sueño ligeroI would like to have a light sleep

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Rapid eye movement- movimiento oculares rapidosA schizophrenic person has rapid eye movement

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Repair cells – células de reparacionrepair cells serves to reduce the risk of cancer

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Replace - reemplazar I need to replace my keyboard with a new one

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Resting state – estado de reposoyour body resting state

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Shorten - acortaryour call will shorten the distance

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Slow down – ve mas despacioWhen you are driving, you should slow down on corners

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Stage - etapaChildhood is the most beautiful stage of life