voice activation system

1   CHAPTER 1 SPEECH RECOGNITION  1.1INTRODUCTION  The speech recognition process is performed by a software component known as the speech recognition engine. The primary function of the speech recognition engine is to pr ocess spoken inpu t and translate it into text that an application unde rstands. The app lication can then do one of two things:   The application can int erpret the result of the recognition as a command. In this case, the application is a command and control application. An example of a command and control application is one in which the caller says ³check balance´, a nd the application returns the current balance of the caller¶s account. If an a pplication handles the recognized text simply as text, then it is considered a dictation application. In a dictation application, if you said ³c heck balance,´ the application would not interpret the result, but simply return the text ³check ba lance´. 1.2 TERMS AND CONCEPTS Following are a few of the basic terms and concepts that are fundamental to speech recognition. It is important to have a good understanding of these concepts. 1.2.1 UTTERANCES When the user says something, this is known as an utterance. An utterance is any stream of speech between two periods of silence. Utterances ar e sent to the speech engine to be processed. Silence, in s peech recognition, is almost as important as what is spoken, because silence delineates the start and end of an utterance. Here's how it works. The speech recognition engine is "listening" for speech input. When the engine detects audio input - in other words, a lack of silence -- the beginning of an utterance is sig nalled. Similarly, when the engine detects a certain amount of silence following the audio, the end of the utterance occurs.

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The speech recognition process is performed by a software component known as the speech

recognition engine. The primary function of the speech recognition engine is to process

spoken input and translate it into text that an application understands. The application can

then do one of two things:

� The application can interpret the result of the recognition as a command. In this case, theapplication is a command and control application. An example of a command and control

application is one in which the caller says ³check balance´, and the application returns the

current balance of the caller¶s account.

� If an application handles the recognized text simply as text, then it is considered a dictation

application. In a dictation application, if you said ³check balance,´ the application would not

interpret the result, but simply return the text ³check balance´.


Following are a few of the basic terms and concepts that are fundamental to speechrecognition. It is important to have a good understanding of these concepts.


When the user says something, this is known as an utterance. An utterance is any stream of

speech between two periods of silence. Utterances are sent to the speech engine to be

processed. Silence, in speech recognition, is almost as important as what is spoken, because

silence delineates the start and end of an utterance. Here's how it works. The speech

recognition engine is "listening" for speech input. When the engine detects audio input - in

other words, a lack of silence -- the beginning of an utterance is signalled. Similarly, when

the engine detects a certain amount of silence following the audio, the end of the utterance


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Utterances are sent to the speech engine to be processed. If the user doesn¶t say anything, the

engine returns what is known as a silence timeout - an indication that there was no speech

detected within the expected timeframe, and the application takes an appropriate action, such

as reprompting the user for input.

An utterance can be a single word, or it can contain multiple words (a phrase or a sentence).

For example, ³checking´, ³checking account,´ or ³I¶d like to know the balance of my

checking account please´ are all examples of possible utterances. Whether these words and

phrases are valid at a particular point in a dialog is determined by which grammars is active

.Note that there are small snippets of silence between the words spoken within a phrase. If the

user pauses too long between the words of a phrase, the end of an utterance can be detected

too soon, and only a partial phrase will be processed by the engine.


The speech recognition engine uses all sorts of data, statistical models, and algorithms to

convert spoken input into text. One piece of information that the speech recognition engine

uses to process a word is its pronunciation, which represents what the speech engine thinks a

word should sound like.

Words can have multiple pronunciations associated with them. For example, the word ³the´

has at least two pronunciations in the U.S. English language: ³thee´ and ³thus.´

You can specify the valid words and phrases in a number of different ways. A grammar uses

a particular syntax, or set of rules, to define the words and phrases that can be recognized by

the engine. A grammar can be as simple as a list of words, or it can be flexible enough to

allow such variability in what can be said that it approaches natural language capability.

Grammars define the domain, or context, within which the recognition engine works. The

engine compares the current utterance against the words and phrases in the active grammars.

If the user says something that is not in the grammar, the speech engine will not be able to

decipher it correctly.

Let¶s look at a specific example:

� Accounts

� Account balances

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� My account information

� Loans

� Loan balances

� My loan information

� Transfers

� Exit

� Help

In this grammar, you can see that there are multiple ways to say each command. You can

define a single grammar for your application, or you may have multiple grammars. Chances

are, you will have multiple grammars, and you will activate each grammar only when it is



Speaker dependence describes the degree to which a speech recognition system requires

knowledge of a speaker¶s individual voice characteristics to successfully process speech. The

speech recognition engine can ³learn´ how you speak words and phrases; it can be trained to

your voice.

Speech recognition systems that require a user to train the system to his/her voice are known

as speaker-dependent systems. If you are familiar with desktop dictation systems, most are

speaker dependent. Because they operate on very large vocabularies, dictation systems

perform much better when the speaker has spent the time to train the system to his/her voice.

Speech recognition systems that do not require a user to train the system are known as

speaker-independent systems. Think of how many users (hundreds, maybe thousands) may be

calling into your web site. You cannot require that each caller train the system to his or her voice. The speech recognition system in a voice-enabled web application MUST successfully

process the speech of many different callers without having to understand the individual

voice characteristics of each caller.

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The performance of a speech recognition system is measurable. Perhaps the most widely used

measurement is accuracy. It is typically a quantitative measurement and can be calculated in

several ways. Arguably the most important measurement of accuracy is whether the desired

end result occurred. This measurement is useful in validating application design. For

example, if the user said "yes," the engine returned "yes," and the "YES" action was

executed, it is clear that the desired end result was achieved. But what happens if the engine

returns text that does not exactly match the utterance? For example, what if the user said

"nope," the engine returned "no," yet the "NO" action was executed? Should that be

considered a successful dialog? The answer to that question is yes because the desired end

result was achieved.

Another measurement of recognition accuracy is whether the engine recognized the utterance

exactly as spoken. This measure of recognition accuracy is expressed as a percentage and

represents the number of utterances recognized correctly out of the total number of utterances

spoken. It is a useful measurement when validating grammar design. Using the previous

example, if the engine returned "nope" when the user said "no," this would be considered a

recognition error. Based on the accuracy measurement, you may want to analyze your

grammar to determine if there is anything you can do to improve accuracy. Recognition

accuracy is an important measure for all speech recognition applications. It is tied to grammar

design and to the acoustic environment of the user.

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Fig1.1: speech recognition in the car


Now that we've discussed some of the basic terms and concepts involved in speech

recognition, let's put them together and take a look at how the speech recognition process


As you can probably imagine, the speech recognition engine has a rather complex task to

handle, that of taking raw audio input and translating it to recognized text that an application

understands. As shown in the diagram below, the major components we want to discuss are:

� Audio input

� Grammar(s)

� Acoustic Model

� Recognized text

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Fig1.2: speech recognition engine

The first thing we want to take a look at is the audio input coming into the recognition

engine. It is important to understand that this audio stream is rarely pristine. It contains not

only the speech data (what was said) but also background noise. This noise can interfere with

the recognition process, and the speech engine must handle (and possibly even adapt to) the

environment within which the audio is spoken.

As we've discussed, it is the job of the speech recognition engine to convert spoken input into

text. To do this, it employs all sorts of data, statistics, and software algorithms. Its first job is

to process the incoming audio signal and convert it into a format best suited for further

analysis. Once it identifies the most likely match for what was said, it returns what it

recognized as a text string.

Most speech engines try very hard to find a match, and are usually very "forgiving." But it is

important to note that the engine is always returning its best guess for what was said.

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When the recognition engine processes an utterance, it returns a result. The result can be

either of two states: acceptance or rejection. An accepted utterance is one in which the engine

returns recognized text.

Whatever the caller says, the speech recognition engine tries very hard to match the utterance

to a word or phrase in the active grammar. Sometimes the match may be poor because the

caller said something that the application was not expecting, or the caller spoke indistinctly.

In these cases, the speech engine returns the closest match, which might be incorrect. Some

engines also return a confidence score along with the text to indicate the likelihood that the

returned text is correct.

Not all utterances that are processed by the speech engine are accepted. Acceptance or

rejection is flagged by the engine with each processed utterance .


The quality of the audio stream is considerably degraded in the telephony environment, thus

making the recognition process more difficult. The telephony environment can also be quite

noisy, and the equipment is quite variable. Users may be calling from their homes, their offices, the mall, the airport, their cars - the possibilities are endless. They may also call from

cell phones, speaker phones, and regular phones. Imagine the challenge that is presented to

the speech recognition engine when a user calls from the cell phone in her car, driving down

the highway with the windows down and the radio blasting!

Another consideration is whether or not to support barge-in. Barge-in (also known as cut-

thru) refers to the ability of a caller to interrupt a prompt as it is playing, either by saying

something or by pressing a key on the phone keypad. This is often an important usability

feature for expert users looking for a ³fast path´ or in applications where prompts are

necessarily long.

When the caller barges in with speech, it is essential that the prompt is cut off immediately

(or, at least, perceived to be immediately by the caller). If there is any noticeable delay (>300

milliseconds) from when the user says something and when the prompt ends, then, quite

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simple tasks is not a modern phenomenon, but one that goes back more than one hundred

years in history. By way of example, in 1881 Alexander Graham Bell, his cousin Chichester

Bell and Charles Sumner Tainted invented a recording device that used a rotating cylinder

with a wax coating on which up-and-down grooves could be cut by a stylus, which responded

to incoming sound pressure (in much the same way as a microphone that Bell invented earlier for use with the telephone). Based on this invention, Bell and Tainted formed the Volta

Graph phone Co. in 1888 in order to manufacture machines for the recording and

reproduction of sound in office environments. In 1907, Thomas Edison invented the

phonograph using a tinfoil based cylinder, which was subsequently adapted to wax, and

developed the ³Ediphone´ to compete directly with Columbia. The purpose of these products

was to record dictation of notes and letters for a secretary (likely in a large pool that offered

the service as shown in Figure 3) who would later type them out (offline), thereby

circumventing the need for costly stenographers. This turn-of-the-century concept of ³office

mechanization´ spawned a range of electric and electronic implements and improvements,

including the electric typewriter, which changed the face of office automation in the mid-part

of the twentieth century. It does not take much imagination to envision the obvious interest in

creating an ³automatic typewriter´ that could directly respond to and transcribe a human¶s

voice without having to deal with the annoyance of recording and handling the speech on

wax cylinders or other recording media.

A similar kind of automation took place a century later in the 1990¶s in the area of ³callcentres.´ A call centre is a concentration of agents or associates that handle telephone calls

from customers requesting assistance. Among the tasks of such call centres are routing the in-

coming calls to the proper department, where specific help is provided or where transactions

are carried out. One example of such a service was the AT&T Operator line which helped a

caller place calls, arrange payment methods, and conduct credit card transactions. The

number of agent positions (or stations) in a large call centre could reach several thousand.

Automatic speech recognition technologies provided the capability of automating these call

handling functions, thereby reducing the large operating cost of a call centre. By way of example, the AT&T Voice Recognition Call Processing (VRCP) service, which was

introduced into the AT&T Network in 1992, routinely handles about 1.2 billion voice

transactions with machines each year using automatic speech recognition technology to

appropriately route and handle the calls.

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Fig 1.3: An early 20th century transcribing pool at Sears, Roebuck and Co. The Women are

using cylinder dictation machines, and listening to the recordings with ear-tubes.

Speech recognition technology has also been a topic of great interest to a broad general

population since it became popularized in several blockbuster movies of the 1960¶s and

1970¶s, most notably Stanley Kubrick¶s acclaimed movie ³2001: A Space Odyssey´. In this

movie, an intelligent computer named ³HAL´ spoke in a natural sounding voice and was able

to recognize and understand fluently spoken speech, and respond accordingly. More recently

(in 1988), in the technology community, Apple Computer created a vision of speechtechnology and computers for the year 2011, ti tled ³Knowledge Navigator´, which defined

the concepts of a Speech User Interface (SUI) and a Multimodal User Interface (MUI) along

with the theme of intelligent voice-enabled agents. This video had a dramatic effect in the

technical community and focused technology efforts, especially in the area of visual talking

agents. Today speech technologies are commercially available for a limited but interesting

range of tasks. These technologies enable machines to respond correctly and reliably to

human voices, and provide useful and valuable services. While we are still far from having a

machine that converses with humans on any topic like another human, many important

scientific and technological advances have taken place, bringing us closer to the ³Holy Grail´

of machines that recognize and understand fluently spoken speech.

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Attempts to develop machines to mimic a human¶s speech communication capability appear

to have started in the 2nd half of the 18th century. The early interest was not on recognizingand understanding speech but instead on creating a speaking machine, perhaps due to the

readily available knowledge of acoustic resonance tubes which were used to approximate the

human vocal tract. In 1773, the Russian scientist Christian Kratzenstein, a professor of

physiology in Copenhagen, succeeded in producing vowel sounds using resonance tubes

connected to organ pipes. Later, Wolfgang von Kempelen in Vienna constructed an

³Acoustic-Mechanical Speech Machine´ (1791) and in the mid-1800's Charles Wheatstone

built a version of von Kempelen's speaking machine using resonators made of leather, the

configuration of which could be altered or controlled with a hand to produce different speech-like sounds.


Early attempts to design systems for automatic speech recognition were mostly guided by the

theory of acoustic-phonetics, which describes the phonetic elements of speech (the basic

sounds of the language) and tries to explain how they are acoustically realized in a spokenutterance. These elements include the phonemes and the corresponding place and manner of

articulation used to produce the sound in various phonetic contexts. For example, in order to

produce a steady vowel sound, the vocal cords need to vibrate (to excite the vocal tract), and

the air that propagates through the vocal tract results in sound with natural modes of

resonance similar to what occurs in an acoustic tube. These natural modes of resonance,

called the formants or formant frequencies, are manifested as major regions of energy

concentration in the speech power spectrum. In 1952, D avis, Biddulph, and Blazek of Bell

Laboratories built a system for isolated digit recognition for a single speaker, using theformant frequencies measured (or estimated) during vowel regions of each digit. In the

1960¶s, several Japanese laboratories demonstrated their capability of building special

purpose hardware to perform a speech recognition task. Most notable were the vowel.

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Speech recognition research in the 1980¶s was characterized by a shift in methodology from

the more intuitive template-based approach (a straightforward pattern recognition paradigm)

towards a more rigorous statistical modelling framework. Although the basic idea of the

hidden Markov model (HMM) was known and understood early on in a few laboratories

(e.g., IBM and the Institute for D efence Analyses (I D A) ), the methodology was not complete

until the mid- 1980¶s and it wasn¶t until after widespread publication of the theory that the

hidden Markov model became the preferred method for speech recognition. The popularity

and use of the HMM as the main foundation for automatic speech recognition and

understanding systems has remained constant over the past two decades, especially because

of the steady stream of improvements and refinements of the technology.

The hidden Markov model, which is a doubly stochastic process, models the intrinsic

variability of the speech signal (and the resulting spectral features) as well as the structure of

spoken language in an integrated and consistent statistical modelling framework . As is well

known, a realistic speech signal is inherently highly variable (due to variations in

pronunciation and accent, as well as environmental factors such as reverberation and noise).

When people speak the same word, the acoustic signals are not identical (in fact they may

even be remarkably different), even though the underlying linguistic structure, in terms of the

pronunciation, syntax and grammar, may (or may not) remain the same. The formalism of the

HMM is a probability measure that uses a Markov chain to represent the linguistic structure

and a set of probability distributions to account for the variability in the acoustic realization

of the sounds in the utterance.

Given a set of known (text-labelled) utterances, representing a sufficient collection of the

variations of the words of interest (called a training set), one can use an efficient estimation

method, called the Baum-Welch algorithm , to obtain the ³best´ set of parameters that define

the corresponding model or models. The estimation of the parameters that define the model is

equivalent to training and learning. The resulting model is then used to provide an indication

of the likelihood (probability) that an unknown utterance is indeed a realization of the word

(or words) represented by the model. The HMM methodology represented a major step

forward from the simple pattern recognition and acoustic-phonetic methods used earlier in

automatic speech recognition systems.

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The idea of the hidden Markov model appears to have first come out in the late 1960¶s at the

Institute for D efence Analyses (I D A) in Princeton, N.J. Len Baum referred to an HMM as a

set of probabilistic functions of a Markov chain, which, by definition, involves two nested

distributions, one pertaining to the Markov chain and the other to a set of the probability

distributions, each associated with a state of the Markov chain, respectively. The HMMmodel attempts to address the characteristics of a probabilistic sequence of observations that

may not be a fixed function but instead changes according to a Markov chain. This doubly

stochastic process was found to be useful in a number of applications such as stock market

prediction and crypto-analysis of a rotary cipher, which was widely used during World War

II. Baum¶s modelling and estimation technique was first shown to work for discrete

observations (i.e., ones that assume values from a finite set and thus are governed by discrete

probability distributions) and then random observations that were well modelled using log-

concave probability density functions. The technique was powerful but limited. Leporine,

also of I D A, relaxed the log-concave density constraint to include an elliptical symmetric

density constraint (thereby including a Gaussian density and a Cauchy density), with help

from an old representation theorem by Fan . Baum¶s doubly stochastic process started to find

applications in the speech area, initially in speaker identification systems, in the late 1970¶s.

As more people attempted to use the HMM technique, it became clear that the constraint on

the form of the density functions imposed a limitation on the performance of the system,

particularly for speaker independent tasks where the speech parameter distribution was not

sufficiently well modelled by a simple log-concave or and symmetric density function. In the

early 1980¶s at Bell Laboratories, the theory of HMM was extended to mixture densities [30-

31] which have since proven vitally important in ensuring satisfactory recognition accuracy,

particularly for speaker independent, large vocabulary speech recognition tasks.

The HMM, being a probability measure, was amenable for incorporation in a larger speech

decoding framework which included a language model. The use of a finite-state grammar in

large vocabulary continuous speech recognition represented a consistent extension of the

Markov chain that the HMM utilized to account for the structure of the language, albeit at alevel that accounted for the interaction between articulation and pronunciation. Although

these structures (for various levels of the language constraints) were at best crude

approximations to the real speech phenomenon, they were computationally efficient and often

sufficient to yield reasonable (first order) performance results. The merger of the hidden

Markov model (with its advantage in statistical consistency, particularly in handling acoustic

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variability) and the finite state network (with its search and computational efficiency,

particularly in handling word sequence hypotheses) was an important, although not

unexpected, technological development in the mid-1980. recognizer of Suzuki and Nakata at

the Radio Research Lab in Tokyo , the phoneme recognizer of Sakai and Toshiba at Kyoto

University ,and the digit recognizer of NEC Laboratories .

1.5.5Towards a Machine That Communicates

Most speech recognition research, up to the 1980¶s, considered the major research problem to

be one of converting a speech waveform (as an acoustic realization of a linguistic event) into

words (as a best-decoded sequence of linguistic units). Many researchers also believed that

the speech-to-text process was the necessary first step in the process that enabled a machine

to be able to understand and properly respond to human speech. In field evaluations of speech

recognition and understanding technology for a range of tasks, two important things were

learned about the speech communication process between humans and machines. First,

potential users of a speech recognition system tended to speak natural sentences that often did

not fully satisfy the grammatical constraints of the recognizer (e.g., by including out-of-

vocabulary (OOV) words, non-grammatical constructs, ill-formed sentences, etc.), and the

spoken utterances were also often corrupted by linguistically irrelevant ³noise´ components

such as ambient noise, extraneous acoustic sounds, interfering speech, etc. Second, as in

human-to-human speech communications, speech applications often required a dialog

between the user and the machine to reach some desired state of understanding. Such a dialog

often required such operations as query and confirmation, thus providing some allowance for

speech recognition and understanding errors. The keyword spotting method (and its

application in AT&T¶s Voice Recognition Call Processing (VRCP) System, as mentioned

earlier), was introduced in response to the first factor while the second factor focused the

attention of the research community on the area of dialog management.

Many applications and system demonstrations that recognized the importance of dialog

management over a system¶s raw word recognition accuracy were introduced in the early

1990¶s with the goal of eventually creating a machine that really mimicked the

communicating capabilities of a human.

Pegasus is a speech conversational system that provides information about the status of

airline flights over an ordinary telephone line. Jupiter is a similar system with a focus on

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weather information access, both local and national. These systems epitomized the

effectiveness of dialog management. With properly designed dialog management, these

systems could guide the user to provide the required information to process a request, among

a small and implicit set of menu choices, without explicitly requesting details of the query,

e.g., such as by using the dialog management phrase ³please say morning, afternoon, or evening´ when time frame of the flight was solicited. D ialog management also often

incorporated imbedded confirmation of recognized phrases and soft error handling so as to

make the user react as if there was a real human agent rather than a machine on the other end

of the telephone line. The goal was to design a machine that communicated rather than

merely recognized the words in a spoken utterance.

The late 1990¶s was marked by the deployment of real speech-enabled applications, ranging

from AT&T¶s VRCP (automated handling of operator-assisted calls) and Universal Card

Service (customer service line) that were used daily (often by millions of people) in lieu of a

conventional voice response system with touch-tone input, to United Airlines¶ automatic

flight information system and AT&T¶s ³How May I Help You? (HMIHY)´ system for call

routing of consumer help line calls. Although automatic speech recognition and speech

understanding systems are far from perfect in terms of the word or task accuracy, properly

developed applications can still make good use of the existing technology to deliver real

value to the customer, as evidenced by the number and extent of such systems that are used

on a daily basis by millions of users.


There are two types of applications that use speech recognition:

1) Command and Control Applications: the application interprets the result of the

Recognition as a command. In this case, the application is a command and control

application. An example of a command and control application is one in which the caller says³check balance´, and the application returns the current balance of the caller¶s account;

2) D ictation Applications: if an application handles the recognized text simply as text, then it

is considered a dictation application. In a dictation application, if the user says ³check

balance,´ the application would not interpret the result, but simply return the text ³check

balance´ and use it in a more complex context, for instance, to feeding a dialogue session.

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Fig 1.4: Milestones in Speech Recognition and Understanding Technology over the Past 40


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Fig 1.5: Voice verification


Software is an essential business need today. But the question is: can we make it more user-

friendly, and simpler to use? The answer is ³YES´, and voice recognition is one important

answer. It allows a user to dictate text into a computer or control it by speaking certain

commands (such as open MS Word, pull down menus, save or delete work). Currently

voice/speech recognition applications allow a user to dictate text at up to 160 words per minute. Voice recognition uses a neural net to "learn" to recognize a user¶s voice. To achieve

this, the user is given some sample text to speak. In this way the software overcomes the

problem of different accents and inflections. With Voice Recognition software e-mails,

memos and reports can be input by dictation, and a user can tell the computer what to do.

Speaking into a microphone produces the same result as typing words manually with a

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keyboard. Voice recognition software applications are designed with an internal database or

grammar file of recognizable words or phrases. The program matches the audio signature of

speech with corresponding entries in the database or the grammar file. Turning speech into

text might sound easy, but it is in fact an extremely difficult task. The problem lies in

individual speech patterns and accents, compounded by the natural human tendency to runwords together.


The earliest computer speech recognition systems were hardware-based. Although these

systems provided a promising start, labour intensive ³training´ of the systems and

frustratingly low levels of accuracy hindered their widespread use. Before these speechrecognition systems could be used, the system had to be trained painstakingly to the unique

characteristics and vocabulary of each user. Such training usually took several hours and

required users to recite long lists of terms. Furthermore, because older systems rarely were

networked, users had to train the speech recognition systems on each computer they used.

Hardware-based systems also had difficulty adapting to temporary changes in a user¶s

voice²due to nasal congestion, for example²which limited accuracy and sometimes

required retraining. Surgical masks, fatigue and stress further affected the users¶ voices,

confusing the system and reducing accuracy.

Most of today¶s speech recognition systems are software-based solutions that are more

adaptive than their hardware-based forebears, leading to reductions in training time and

increases in accuracy. Speech recognition engine (SRE) software relies on complex

mathematical algorithms to assign to each sound an identifier, which enables the software to

distinguish voice sounds from background noise. New SREs perform ³context´ evaluations

during the communication process much as humans do. Context evaluations follow a series of

steps, according to Kaprielian1: ³listen for speech, identify the phonemes [basic units of

sound used to distinguish different words, match the phonemes to the words, and make an

educated guess as to the context.´ The adaptive nature of software-based speech recognition

allows most systems to achieve moderate levels of accuracy without prior training of the

system. For example, the customer support centres of some large companies now use voice

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activated systems that listen and respond to spoken words or phrases rather than the number

tones produced by pressing a phone¶s keypad.

Once trained, speech recognition systems continue to ³learn´ by updating the user profile,

thus improving accuracy. Furthermore, because user profiles now can be stored on a network,

voice activated systems on all connected computers can be used after a single trainingsession, and multiple user profiles can be stored on a single network.



This type of system requires the user to ³train´ the software to recognize the particular stylized

patterns of speech which will be used. People commonly use such programs at home or at the office,

and Email, memos, letters, data and text can be input by speaking into a microphone .


This type of system requires the user to speak clearly and slowly and to separate words.

Continuous speech systems are designed to understand a more natural mode of speaking.

D iscrete speech voice recognition systems are typically used for customer service routing.

The system is speaker independent, but understands only a small pool of words or phrases.

The caller is given a question and then a choice of answers, usually ³yes´ or ³no.´ After

receiving an answer, the system escalates the caller to the next level. If the caller replies with

an answer that can't be recognized the automated response is usually, ³Sorry, I didn¶t

understand you; please try again,´ with a repeat of the question and available answers. This

type of voice recognition is also referred to as grammar constrained recognition.


Every speech recognition system uses four key operations to listen to and understand human

speech. They are:

a. Word separation - This is the process of identifying discreet portions of human speech.

Each portion can be as large as a phrase or as small as a single syllable or part of a word.

b. Vocabulary - This is the list of speech items that the speech engine can identify.

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c. Word matching - This is the method the speech system uses to look up a speech portion in

the system's vocabulary - the search engine part of the system.

d. Speaker dependence - This is the degree to which the speech engine is dependent on the

vocal tones and speaking patterns of individuals. To develop applications, one also needs to

look into the following concepts and technologies.


Voice recognition engines are designed for specific applications, and can be categorized into

two types:

a. Command and Control Applications


ictation Applications

The first category application¶s recognizes the voice/speech of the user and executes it as a

command. Whereas, the second category application¶s will only turn the users voice/speech

into text.


The final ingredient in developing a voice recognition application is the Grammar file.

Grammar rules are used by the speech recognition application to analyze and identify human

speech input, process it, and attempt to understand what a itself using the grammar file and

this has been compared to kids in school who learn grammatical rules and having done so,

speak without thinking about those rules. There can be three different categories of grammar

files as follows:

a. Context Free Grammar:

Examples of rules in a context-free grammar are something like:

<Name Rule> = ALT ("Kevin", "Andy")

<SendMailRule> = ("Send Email to", <Name Rule>)

Context-free grammar has good flexibility when interpreting human speech.

b. D ictation Grammar:

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D ictation grammar applications base their evaluations on vocabulary. They convert the

human speech into text as accurately as possible. To achieve this they need to have a very

rich vocabulary. The success of diction grammar systems depends upon the quality of the

vocabulary and most applications are used in a single subject or topic, for example legal or


c. Limited domain Grammar:

These applications use a combination of context-free grammar and dictation grammar

methods to achieve a limited domain grammar file which have the following elements:

a. Words - a list of words that are frequently used.

b. Groups - a set of related words that might be used.

This type of grammar file is very useful where the vocabulary of the system is small. For

example systems that use natural language to accept command statements, such as "How can

I open a new document?" or "Replace all instances of 'New York' with 'Los Angeles.'"

Limited domain grammars also work well for filling in forms or for simple text entry.


The two main features of this application are Voice Activated D ialling [VA D ] and Messenger

Assistant [MA], a brief introduction to them follows. Through VA D , a user can dial into thesystem. Our application monitors the call and when the caller speaks, it recognizes the user

input as a command and performs the appropriate action. For example it might redirect the

call to a specific user or to an Interactive voice response [IVR] system. MA is integrated with

Microsoft Exchange Server and is used for reading emails. A user can dial into the

application and the system will read out his/her emails.


The most common approaches to voice recognition can be divided into two classes: "template

matching" and "feature analysis". Template matching is the simplest technique and has the

highest accuracy when used properly, but it also suffers from the most limitations. As with

any approach to voice recognition, the first step is for the user to speak a word or phrase into

a microphone. The electrical signal from the microphone is digitized by an "analogue-to-

digital (A/ D ) converter", and is stored in memory. To determine the "meaning" of this voice

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input, the computer attempts to match the input with a digitized voice sample, or template

that has a known meaning. This technique is a close analogy to the traditional command

inputs from a keyboard. The program contains the input template, and attempts to match this

template with the actual input using a simple conditional statement.

Since each person's voice is different, the program cannot possibly contain a template for

each potential user, so the program must first be "trained" with a new user's voice input

before that user's voice can be recognized by the program. D uring a training session, the

program displays a printed word or phrase, and the user speaks that word or phrase several

times into a microphone. The program computes a statistical average of the multiple samples

of the same word and stores the averaged sample as a template in a program data structure.

With this approach to voice recognition, the program has a "vocabulary" that is limited to the

words or phrases used in the training session, and its user base is also limited to those users

who have trained the program. This type of system is known as "speaker dependent." It can

have vocabularies on the order of a few hundred words and short phrases, and recognition

accuracy can be about 98 percent.

A more general form of voice recognition is available through feature analysis and this

technique usually leads to "speaker-independent" voice recognition. Instead of trying to find

an exact or near-exact match between the actual voice input and a previously stored voice

template, this method first processes the voice input using "Fourier transforms" or "linear

predictive coding (LPC)", then attempts to find characteristic similarities between the

expected inputs and the actual digitized voice input. These similarities will be present for a

wide range of speakers, and so the system need not be trained by each new user. The types of

speech differences that the speaker-independent method can deal with, but which pattern

matching would fail to handle, include accents, and varying speed of delivery, pitch, volume,

and inflection. Speaker-independent speech recognition has proven to be very difficult, with

some of the greatest hurdles being the variety of accents and inflections used by speakers of

different nationalities. Recognition accuracy for speaker-independent systems is somewhat

less than for speaker-dependent systems, usually between 90 and 95 percent.

Another way to differentiate between voice recognition systems is by determining if they can

handle only discrete words, connected words, or continuous speech. Most voice recognition

systems are discrete word systems, and these are easiest to implement. For this type of

system, the speaker must pause between words. This is fine for situations where the user is

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required to give only one word responses or commands, but is very unnatural for multiple

word inputs. In a connected word voice recognition system, the user is allowed to speak in

multiple word phrases, but he or she must still be careful to articulate each word and not slur

the end of one word into the beginning of the next word. Totally natural, continuous speech

includes a great deal of "co-articulation", where adjacent words run together without pausesor any other apparent division between words. A speech recognition system that handles

continuous speech is the most difficult to implement. While designing our project we need to

consider all these aspects in deciding which type of voice recognition we will need.

So far as it stands we only need a discreet word system, or maybe a connected word

recognition system. Also, we plan on having the user-recognition software be good for a

myriad of users without having to train the system for each different user.


Have you ever wished that your home electronics would do what you told them to? Most

everyone has at some point or another screamed and yelled at their TV, only to get no

response. That is about to change, as the not so distant future of voice recognition looks very

bright. So bright, that soon enough you will be able to give orders to all of your favorite

gadgets. In the not so distant future, they may even be able to talk back! There are a few

kinks here and there that voice recognition specialists are going to need to smooth out before

the technology is flawless, but they are working on it. There is a great D ynamic-Living article

talks about the current problems with this technology, ³The biggest problem with voice

activation and voice recognition is the ability for the computer chip to distinguish speech

from all the other noise in the environment. The program must also recognize all the

variances of the human speech, from accents to dialects to speech impediments.

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Fig1.6: Voice recognition gadgets

Excitingly enough, this technology that at one point was only a vision of the future is starting

to appear in all sorts of cool gadgets in the market that are sure to make your life easier.

Voice activation technology is being integrated into many different aspects of the home.

Following are a few cool voice activated gadgets that are out on the market.


If everything in the future is going to be voice automated, why not Christmas tree lights

right? Wouldn¶t it be easier to just say ³Christmas lights on´ rather than have to climb under

the tree to light up your Christmas tree? This little gadget is a great example of how peopleare starting to implement voice recognition technology into every product possible. The Intel

Voice D immer is a system that allows you to program a controller with different phrases to

control whether the lights are turned on and off, as well as how did you would like the lights

to be. Even life during Christmas is getting easier.

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Once the technology has reached this level, it is just a matter of time before our home gadgets

are working with this kind of voice recognition. It also begs the question of whether or not

household robots will be further introduced to the market, as that is one application of voice

recognition that will be evolutionary and exciting. Who knows what developments will come

next, but one thing is for sure- in the future we can all be a lot lazier.

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Voice Activation is a system that reduces the amount of computer work you have to do.

Voice Activation is a system that is voice activated and does is controlled by the sound of

your voice. There are many types of voice activation systems, such as voice activated

lightening, air condition system, and computer\ technological systems. Voice activation is a

user-friendly and cost effective way to increase clinical productivity.

For e.g.: - D ragon Naturally speaking it is one of the computer\ technological systems.

D ragon Naturally Speaking is a system that is speech recognition system.


D ragon Naturally Speaking is a important piece of technology because it is a quicker way for

us to type papers, write blogs, and present presentations. It turns your voice into text three

times faster than the average person can type. D ragon Naturally Speaking is basically

software that decreases the amount of time that you spend typing. By talking into the

microphone the words you say will run through the computer onto your document. Using

D ragon Naturally Speaking or any voice activated system you will decrease the amount of

time you stress about typing papers or projects and presentations.


D ragon Naturally Speaking will affect our culture by decreasing the time that we spend

working on projects, papers, and blogs. It helps us decrease time, and focus on other tasks. It

is a speech recognition system that is activated by the sound of your voice. D ragon Naturally

Speaking is used worldwide. A lot of people use the computer for office work such as typing

and documenting works.

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D ragon Naturally Speaking helps our government and politics; by decreasing the amount of

files and paperwork they would have to type. It helps the government and politics by

managing their time, and helps them with the office work .

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The Voice Activated Remote Control will address the need of people who do not like to

search for the remote control or do not have the energy to walk up to the television or any

device which makes use of a remote control. This project will aim to create a device which

can accept audio input and will send a corresponding signal to another device atop the

instrument wishing to be controlled to perform the required task. We will develop an

application which will run inside a device, such as a computer or P D A, which will send the

signal to a set-top device which we will create. By creating a separate set-top box, we will be

able to enable the product to be compatible to future devices which may integrate Bluetooth.


In a voice-activated remote control, it entails putting together a device that will be able to

control a television set using voice commands. Instead of the traditional infrared remotecontrol, we are planning on extending it¶s transmit range by adding a set of Bluetooth

receiver/transmitter to the system. Some type of processor, either that of a P D A or a D SP,

will be used to analyze the voice commands given by the user. It will then send the command

via its attached Bluetooth transmitter. At the other end, by the television there will be a

customized Bluetooth receiver to receive the signal. Finally it converts the RF signal into

compatible infrared signal to be sent on a modified remote control.

One example is a voice activated garage door opener. The driver will no longer have to take

his/her eye off the road to press a button to open his garage door. Another application would

be a voice-activated VCR programmer, just to name a few. Currently, the group aims to

develop a prototype using two laptops connected via Bluetooth. We will develop an interface

for users to speak to and use a program to analyze the voice. The command will then transfer

to a module on the TV, which then converts the command to infrared. After a working

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prototype has been successfully developed, we will move towards a P D A. Finally, if time

permits, we will build a remote control using a D SP chip.



Fig1.7: diagram

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Figure1.8: Block D iagram of Project



The Microphone that we will use will be a miniature microphone based on one by Radio

Shack, specifically Catalogue number 33-3026. The microphone will be connected to the

processor by a standard RCA jack, (or directly to the board we¶re working with), which will

be connected to the appropriate pins or inputs that are connected to the processor. The

microprocessor chip will be simply placed inside the socket or will be connected so as to

make replacement easier in case the chip is damaged. We plan to utilize a P D A, as our

processor at first, and if successful we plan to upgrade to a standalone D SP chip andmicroprocessor combination. The general outlook of the D SP will be like something pictured

below. The P D A we plan to use is a Toshiba e740 and it is also picture below.

Figure1.9: Example of a D SP

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Figure2.0: PD

A to be used

An example of some D SP¶s that we are planning on using is TI¶s TMS320C54x line. The

D SP will be programmed to do voice recognition after which it will output to a

microcontroller which in turn will convert the interpreted command into a Bluetooth signal

using the appropriate protocol options. There will also be a speaker connected to the

microcontroller to allow communication with the end user. Essentially, this is a standard

computer speaker. This was chosen because it is very cheap and meets the objectives of beingan effective communication medium with the end user. The two wires from the speakers will

be directly soldered to the microcontroller socket to reduce the size of the housing for the

speaker, microphone, D SP, its socket, and the Bluetooth transmitter, which will all be

assembled on a perforated board.

Before we implement this setup we will have an intermediate step, where we will utilize a

PD A, running a pocket PC operating system. This will serve exactly the same function as the

D SP connected to a microcontroller and a Bluetooth module. The P D A will serve as a sort of

simulation type environment for the actual D SP. And if that approach works better we will

leave the solution as is. This P D A will be Bluetooth enabled and will automatically transmit

to the receiver.

On the receiving end, another Bluetooth transmitter will be used, however it will be set to

receive the signal from the transmitter. The transmitter will be directly connected to the

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The speech recognizer should recognize the user's voice properly at least 90% of the time.

� It should recognize commands from users that have strong accents.

� It should recognize the commands despite relatively low level of noise coming from the

background and the TV itself. Note: In order to lower the relative level of noise, the user canspeak louder or closer to the microphone.

� 99% of the time when the signal is transmitted from the Bluetooth base, receiver should

receive the proper signal to send to the TV. That is, once the D SP/P D A has the voice

interpreted properly, the TV or device being controlled should receive the proper signal 99%

of the time.

� The D /A converter must properly interpret the signal from Bluetooth 100% of the time

� The time between the issuance of a command to the execution of the command should

appear instantaneous to the user. In the worst case, the user should not have to wait more than

1 second for the command to be executed.



Much interest already exists in the electronics research community for developing and

integrating speech technology to a variety of applications, ranging from voice-activated

systems to automatic telephone transactions. This interest is particularly true in the field of

aerospace where the training and operational demands on the crew have significantly

increased with the proliferation of technology. Indeed, with advances in vehicular and robot

automation, the role of the human operator has evolved from that of pilot/driver and manual

controller to supervisor and decision maker. Lately, some effort has been expended to

implement alternative modes of system control, but automatic speech recognition (ASR) and

human-computer interaction (HCI) research have only recently extended to civilian aviation

and space applications. The purpose of this paper is to present the particularities of operator-computer interaction in the unique conditions found in space. The potential for voice control

applications inside spacecraft is outlined and methods of integrating spoken-language

interfaces onto operational space systems are suggested .

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For more than three decades, space programs internationally have been synonymous with the

frontier of technological developments. Since 1957, NASA alone has launched an impressive

series of earth orbiting satellites, exploration missions and manned vehicles. Mission

complexity has increased tremendously as instrumentation and scientific objectives have

become more sophisticated. Recent developments in robotics and machine intelligence have

led to striking changes in the way systems are monitored, controlled, and operated. In the

past, individual subsystems were managed by operators in complete supervisory and directing

mode. Now the decision speed and complexity of many aerospace systems call for a new

approach based on advanced computer and software technology. In this context, the

importance of the human computer interface cannot be underestimated. Astronauts will come

to depend on the system interface for all aspects of space life including the control of theonboard environment and life support system, the conduct of experiments, the

communication among the crew and with the ground, and the execution of emergency



Any space flight represents some degree of risk and working in space, as in aviation,

comports some hazards. Suddenly, at any time during a mission, a situation may occur that

will threaten the life of the astronauts or radically alter the flight plan. Thus, critical to the

success of the mission and security of the crew is the complex process of interaction between

astronauts and their spacecraft, not only in routine operation, but also in unforeseen,

unplanned, and life-threatening situations.


The environment outside spacecraft is unforgiving. With surface temperatures ranging from -

180 C in darkness and 440 C in sunlight, high radiation and no atmosphere, lower earth orbit

is hostile to life. Yet, astronauts work in this environment, under high workload and high

stress, sheltered inside protective vehicles or dressed in bulky spacesuits. To limit the risks of

space walks, the ability to perform physical actions remotely is crucial. All the above

considerations impose restrictions and introduce severe design requirements as follows :

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� Safety: security is a paramount consideration aboard any spacecraft. Every procedure and

piece of equipment undergoes thorough review before being rated flight eligible. For

example, all critical shuttle controls, such as an emergency stop switch, are required to meet

very stringent layout requirements. No floating object or particle may inadvertently activate

or damage a sensitive system.

� Reliability/Accuracy/Redundancy: high tolerance to failure is a condition to safety.

Operative systems in space must be at least two fault-tolerant, if not more in the ease of

critical systems such as flight controls or environmental control and life support systems

(ECLSS). Where applicable, error correction mechanisms must be implemented.

� Accessibility: the crew's ability to execute tasks safely and efficiently is notably improved if

controls are ergonomically placed, clearly marked, and readily available. Indirect

accessibility is also crucial, particularly where overriding of automated functions is required.


Automatic recognition and understanding of speech is one of the very promising application

of advanced information technology. As the most natural communication means for humans,

speech is often argued as being the ultimate medium for human-machine interaction. On the

other hand, with its hesitations and complexity of intention, spoken language is often thoughtas being inadequate and unsafe for accurate control and time critical tasks. Unconvinced of

the reliability of speech processing as a control technology, pilots and astronauts have

traditionally been reluctant to accept voice interfaces. Yet within a domain-limited command

vocabulary, voice control has already been identified as a likely choice for controlling

multifunction systems, displays and control panels in a variety of environments. Requiring

minimal training, information transfer via voice control offers the basis for more effective

information processing, particularly in situations where speakers are already busy performing

some other tasks.


Motivations for using ASR in space are numerous. Traditionally, space operations have been

accomplished via hardware devices, dedicated system switches, keyboards and display

interfaces. In such context, ASR is seen as a complement to existing controls that should be

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used in conjunction with other interaction devices bounded in terms of previously defined

needs and capabilities. Interest in voice command and automatic speech recognition

interfaces for space stems from the benefits it may bring to the demanding operational


� Hands free control

� Alternate control (redundancy)

� Extension capabilities

� Task adaptability

� Consistency of interface

� Commonality of usage

� Generic input/output function without requiring diversion of visual attention from

monitoring tasks .


The technical constraints and environmental factors impose significant implementation

requirements on the use of ASR and voice technology in space. Other issues to be consideredrange from the technical choices (isolated word vs. continuous speech, single vs. multiple

speakers, word based vs. phoneme based), the recognizer training update and maintenance

requirements, the magnitude of changes in voice characteristics while in microgravity, and

the effect of the space suit (0.3 atmosphere, pure oxygen) upon maintenance of highly

accurate recognition. Without a doubt, ASR system will require a very high recognition

accuracy rate, possibly 99evaluations performed at NASA that astronauts will switch to

habitual controls if latency, reliability and efficiency criteria are not met. Also, safety and

requirements will necessitate a high level of recognition feedback to the users, with

interactive error correction and user query functions. Finally, on the international Space

Station, the diversity of languages and accents may make ASR an even more difficult

challenge to meet.

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Voice activated technology is gaining greater prominence in the warehousing industry. It is

seen by some as the source of a new generation of operational improvements in thewarehouse, especially for activities like picking. The robustness and maturity of the

technology is now beyond question, it having been proven in numerous installations around

the world. Understanding the benefits is crucial in ensuring the technology is successful in

any particular installation. There can be some confusion as to what can be expected from the

technology. D ifferent starting points mean different degrees of improvement and, as a

consequence, different pay back periods. This is important because it tells us how to set

appropriate levels of expectation of the technology.


The key feature of voice technology is the user interface. It is based upon speech synthesis

and recognition and operates through a head-set worn by the user. This allows the user to

work in a µhands free, eyes free¶ fashion. At the heart of the technology is the voice terminal,

worn by the user on a belt, which communicates a host control system, typically a warehouse

management system (WMS), via radio frequency (RF) links. Therein lay the two key features

of voice;

1. The hands free, eyes free operation of the voice interface and

2. The real-time validation of RF control from the WMS.

In essence, hands free, eyes free yields productivity benefits, whilst real-time validation

yields accuracy benefits. This concept is illustrated in Figure 12.

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Figure2.1: D imensions of operational improvement

The µbase case¶ represents an operation without any technological support. An example of

this is the traditional paper-based picking method, where the picker follows a printed pick list

or sheets of stickers. This method has no special consideration for accuracy or productivity

and so yields little in either dimension. Benefits in accuracy and productivity can be gained

by support from an appropriate technology.


Real-time validation allows the host WMS to validate the operation as it proceeds. For

example, a picker uses an RF terminal to scan bar codes or enter check digits on products and

locations so that the WMS can verify that the correct product is being picked. If a mistake is

made, then this is detected immediately and a correction can be made before proceeding

further. Eliminating errors at this stage carries virtually no cost and is the primary

justification for using RF terminals in the warehouse. Of course, there are also some

improvements in productivity which are gained indirectly as a result of the improvements in

accuracy. Accurate picking, for example, means that stock levels in pick slots are known

correctly and can be replenished when required. This will lead to fewer instances of pickers

encountering stock outs in locations from which they are picking. There are also productivity

benefits from real-time control in general. For example, issuing instructions through an RF

terminal means that the picker does not have to return to the warehouse office to get the next

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pick list to work on. The administrative task of confirming a picked pick list back to the host

system can also be eliminated. A sophisticated WMS will also have the necessary

functionality to manage unforeseen problems with the minimal impact on the picker ±

keeping the picker working as much as possible. This support is provided through the RF



So, what does all this mean? It is very important to understand these fundamental concepts

because they underpin what benefits are derived from implementing voice technology.

Therefore they are vital for building a reliable business case and for calculating an accurate

return on investment. The type of technology used currently in an operation determines how

much incremental benefit can be derived from implementing voice technology. This is

illustrated by Figure 13, which is a revised version of Figure 12 but with the migration path

options shown. An operation currently using paper-based picking will gain a two-dimensional

improvement by implementing voice. An operation already using hand-held RF terminals

will already have realised accuracy benefits and will gain in the productivity dimension by

upgrading. These benefits are still considerable, but the expectations should be different from

the start.

Figure2.2: D imensions of picking improvement

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Many people with no usable vision, who would need screen reading software to use a

computer, are attracted to the idea of operating their computer by voice (known as voice in-

voice out). However, the keyboard is still the most efficient way of inputting data into your

computer. Providing there is no physical difficulty that makes the use of a keyboard

impossible, we would recommend learning to touch type, before trying solutions involving

using screen readers and voice recognition together. There is still no system offering easy and

intelligent verbal interaction between man and machine (as seen on science fiction

programmes), but rather complex solutions that work quite well if set up and used correctly.


One way to communicate with your computer is to speak to it. With voice recognitionsoftware, the right hardware, and some time and patience, you can train your computer to

recognise text you dictate and commands that you issue. Success in using this software

depends upon suitable hardware, training and technique.


You do not need to be able to see the screen to use a computer. Software called a screen-

reader can intelligently send all information to a voice synthesiser - such as what you are

typing, what you have typed, and menu options.


Using both systems together involves two main areas:

D ictating and correcting text

Controlling your programs

At any time this will include the voice recognition program, your screen reader and the

program you are using. When issuing commands or correcting dictated text, it is vital to be

confident that what you say is correctly recognised. If you manage to correct every mistake

the recognition rate will improve, otherwise it may be actually get worse. Ideally anything

you say (word, phrase or command followed by a pause) should be automatically echoed

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back to you. If the solution does not support this, then thorough reviewing of the text for

mistakes is necessary.


If the programs can be used without keyboard or mouse they are said to work µhands-free¶.

Voice recognition packages range from complete hands-free use to some that require varying

amounts of keyboard or mouse input. The different screen-reader functions such as µsay line¶

or µspell word¶, which would usually involve a key combination, are accessed by verbal

commands that may or may not already be set up for you.


Many problems are inherent in using voice recognition with speech output. Not least is that

hearing words or phrases echoed back is often NOT BE ENOUGH for the user to be sure that

there are no errors in the recognition or formatting of the text. For example, hearing the

correct echoing back of your dictated phrase "I will write to Mrs Wright right now" will not

tell you whether each of the three words that sound the same have been correctly recognised,

capitalised and are grammatically correct. Other examples might be "there", "their" and

"they're", "here" and "hear´, and even "youth in Asia" and "euthanasia", and 1,000 other

examples which all sound very similar. Whilst the software's knowledge of grammar might

get these correct most of the time, it is impossible to know unless painstaking reviewing is

carried out.

It is also very easy to become disorientated when a command you have just issued is not

recognised and you are suddenly taken somewhere unexpected. This can be at best

frustrating, and at worst, disastrous. These difficulties can be at their worst when first starting

to use your system - when the software is learning how you speak and you are still learning

how to use the software.

Another consideration is cost. Modern voice recognition software requires a relatively highspecification PC to work well ± we would suggest a minimum of a PIII 700Mhz processor

with 512MB RAM. Then there is the cost of both the voice recognition and screen reading

software to consider.

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Remember the unused ³speech recognition´ feature on your cell phone? For

Almost as many years as cell phones have existed, manufacturers have tortured their

customers with stone-age ³voice tag´ speech recognition systems allowing you to call 10 or

20 people by name by voice, after a training session. These systems would work if you

mimicked the way you said each name during training, but the systems tended to fail in noisy

environments or anywhere unlike where you trained the phone. The acoustic matching

technology used (dynamic programming) was an algorithm well suited to the primitive

acoustic models available in the early days of automatic speech recognition, but it was

effective nor efficient in doing the job at hand ± dialling the phone by name. Speech

recognition technology has advanced substantially since those early systems were designed.

You can call a voice activated assistant on the phone for banking, travel, ordering, and many

other activities.

A new technology is phonetic embedded speech recognition. You can find it in speech

activated dialling in some cell phones, P D As, and other handheld devices. New telephone

services are emerging which will make small devices into powerful communication

assistants, and a competent speech interface will make these services easy to use and possible

to remember.

D uring the last year, algorithms based on modern embedded speech recognition have become

available on many cell phones. They allow phone dialling by name or by number using your

voice, and often allow voice activation of other cell phone functions. In these new

applications, it is no longer necessary to ³train´ the system to your voice. The application

understands how names, numbers, and other words sound in a particular language, and can

match your utterance to a name, number or command in the phone. Users have found this

new functionality straightforward to use and easy to remember.

There are more than 10 million phones that include these modern embedded speech

applications. They work very well at calling the numbers listed by name from your phone

book, at allowing you to dial your phone by saying the phone number, and at letting you look

up a contact entry, launch a browser, start a game, and more. It is interesting to look at some

of the history of this new technology and the associated emerging market forces, and then to

speculate about its future.

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The only remaining issue is whether or not people want voice dialling. For this discussion,

we need only look at the local cell phone store to see what is happening to the technology of

cell phones themselves.

Figure 13 shows several cell phone styles. Newer phones tend to be small. In fact,

They are becoming so small that it is difficult to successfully dial a number using the keypad.

For dome form factors, the keypads have all but disappeared. In the Samsung i700, a

PD A/phone combination, the only numeric keypad is a touch screen that mimics a dialling

touch pad. While it is possible to use and see that screen, one handed or no handed use is all

but impossible. The voice interface is a substantial improvement. In the recent Xelebi line by

Siemens, one of the phones (the Xelibre 3) has only one button! While it was possible to dial

a number with that button, the user interface can best be described as baroque. The speech

recognition system became a requirement for any kind of usability.

Finally, in many states and several countries, it is illegal to hold your cell phone while

driving. Since the majority of cell phone calls in the United States are made from an

automobile, some form of hands free dialling will be essential.

Figure 2.3: Some cell phones supporting Voice D ialing. The i700 is the second from the top.

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short, today¶s pilot has become more of a ³systems operator´ and frequently spends more

time manipulating his flight management system than he does actually manipulating the

aircraft controls and looking out the window. This increased cockpit workload can ultimately

distract from his real-time situational awareness. Such distraction has proven to be a

significant factor in Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) incidents.


Generally speaking, a pilot has three bidirectional channels for information flow ± visual,

manual, and auditory. He typically receives cockpit-generated information visually and

responds/commands manually. His auditory channel is usually reserved for communications

with his co-pilot and passengers. Under stressful flight conditions (e.g., abnormal or

emergency flight situations, shooting an instrument approach or looking for traffic) while his

manual channel is moderately to heavily loaded, depending on the degree to which he is

manually flying the aircraft or having to reprogram his FMS and/or instrumentation for

rapidly-changing flight conditions. D uring all of this, his auditory channel is usually only

lightly loaded. D ata entry is a particular problem in a fast-moving vehicle like an aircraft.

Keypads and keyboards common, are relatively easy to use, and are familiar to the generation

that has grown up in the computer age. However, any type of keyboard is susceptible to input

error and the keyboards and keypads typically found in an aircraft cockpit are smaller and

more compressed than the full size keyboard found on an office desktop. D ials and switches

are excellent quick, sequential data entry methods, but there are rather few data types that can

be entered more efficiently using dials than with a keyboard. Just as keyboard entry requires

close attention and hinders situational awareness, knobs and dials require even closer

attention while sequencing through numbers or letters. Even relatively straightforward tasks

in general aviation require a number of appropriately- sequenced actions in order to execute

them. For instance, to talk to a specific control tower, a GA pilot must divert his/her scan

from traffic and instruments and at least one hand from the controls, find the appropriate

frequency for that location either by spotting it buried somewhere on a paper chart or search

for it in an FMS or GPS database, then dial the frequency into the radio, press the appropriate

button to make it current, depress his PTT button, and ± finally ± speak. One means of safely

making cockpit interactions more efficient is obviously to exploit the pilot¶s lightly-loaded

auditory channel. Voice communication is very efficient. Suppose that a pilot could

communicate with his cockpit like he does with his co-pilot. A simple ³Google´ internet

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search for ³cockpit speech (or voice) recognition´ will produce thousands of results, many of

which are detailed studies about whether speech recognition might be a beneficial means for

pilots to interact with aircraft systems. These studies go back more than twenty years, and

with very few exceptions agree that if speech recognition were robust enough to deal with the

challenging environment of an aircraft cockpit, then the technology would indeed bebeneficial from both a safety and efficiency perspective.

A Voice-Activated Cockpit (VAC) could provide direct access to most system functions,

even as the pilot maintains hands-on control of the aircraft. By ³cutting out the middlemen´

of button pushes and interpreting visual representations, the following safety and efficiency

benefits now become possible:


D irect Aircraft Systems Queries ± Rather than step through menus to query specific

aircraft systems or scan a specific instrument, a pilot could simply ask the aircraft

what he wants to know, much as he would a co-pilot or flight engineer. For instance,

³say remaining fuel´ would cause a synthetic voice to report the fuel state.


D ata Entry for FMS, Autopilot, Radio Frequencies ± Updating the flight profile in

flight now becomes easier and safer, as there is far less likelihood of the wrong

lat/long or radio frequency than there is in inputting the incorrect data.


Glass Cockpit Configuration ± Today¶s glass cockpits offer almost limit

configurations. A well-designed VAC would allow each pilot to configure the cockpit

quickly to his or her preference by simply announcing himself when he took the left

seat. Furthermore, different configurations could be defined for each flight modality

and initiated as required via voice commands, e.g., the pilot


Prefer a different cockpit configuration in cruise than he would on an IFR approach.


Checklist Assistant ± Here there are two application possibilities:

1) A single pilot aircraft operator might read through the checklist as the aircraft

executes and confirms his instructions, or

2) The synthetic speech system leads the pilot through the checklist without the need

to refer to its printed version. As the pilot reports compliance, the checklist assistant

automatically moves to the next item.

Again, these features would provide significant benefit in emergency situations and abnormal

flight conditions. Looking at the modern aircraft cockpit, it is easy to see how a pilot can be

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distracted by the task of ³systems management´. The Airbus A380, for example, has a

multitude of LC D displays, numerous gauges, desk space for full size computer keyboards

and hundreds of buttons, dials, switches and knobs, some of which are rarely used.

Fig 2.4: Airbus A380 Cockpit

Human factors specialists working on new aircraft cockpits such as the A380 are trying to

produce interfaces that are intuitive and easy to use. But the sheer number of tasks that may

be executed by the flight crew combined with the restricted amount of cockpit real estate

available to display the information, as well as the criticality of aircraft weight as part of the

aircraft design criteria, will always result in a cockpit environment that is suboptimal (human

factors wise) and promotes more and more heads-down activity. An aircraft in which the

flight crew can concentrate on flying the aircraft and ensure that the pilots gain and maintainsituational awareness will always be a safer aircraft. Many hundreds of millions of dollars are

being and will continue to be spent on ASR R& D , thereby ensuring that the performance of

the VAC system will continue to improve at an exponential rate we believe that talking to