vol. lxxxvi, no. 37 ocean grove times, township of … · upper darby, pa. school honors dr....

IT PAYS, TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES Vol. LXXXVI, No. 37 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1961 Upper Darby, Pa. School Honors Dr. GeorDilworth Recognized For 20 Years Ocean Grove Trustee As Presiding Officer Of Board of Education UPPER DARBY, Pa. — Dr. George G. Dilworth, a trustee of the Ocean .Grove Camp Meeting Association,'was hon- ored by the Upper Darby School Family on Tuesday, Sept. 5. A portrait of Dr. Dil- worth was placed in, the school and one was presented to his family. The honor was paid to Dr. Dil- worth as ;presiding officer of the Upper Darby Township Board of Education for the past .20 years. A biographical sketch distributed to those participating in the testi- monial honored Dr. Dilworth for “his innate courtesy and consum- mate skill as presiding officer at Board meetings for the past 20 years; for the countless hours that he has given to Board matters and the innumerable occasions on which he has graciously and effectively participated at school functions;; for the/warmth and affection of his friendship; .for Ms .never-failing and ever-present generosity and good humor; for all 'these contribu- tions and for many others too nu- merous to mention . . .” A graduate of Swarthmbire Col- •lege, Dr. Dilworth received the doc- tor of divinity degree at Dickinson College. He entered the Philadel- phia Conference of the Methodist Church in 1908 and served several churches. He was secretary of the Atlantic Division of the American Bible Society from 1925 until his retirement a few years ago. He was the Young People’s Meeting leader at Ocean Grove for 25 years and has served in several. other church offices. He became a school board ;member in 1931, president — and of the Independence of the United States of America the 185th year SEVBN CENTS FHA “Green Light” On Planning For 110 More Units Neptune ToWnship To Con- struct 60 Morp Low Income And 50 Senior Citizen Apts. NEPTUNE TWP. — The Federal Housing Administration, has noti- fied the township’s Housing Au- thority that, its request for .110 ad- ditional units—60 more low income apartments and. 50 senior ''citizen apartment!*—has ‘ been included in this year’s program reservation. This enables the township au- thority to begin preliminary plan- ning of the two projects, including preliminary loan contracts, accord- ing to Director T. Hadford Catley. Construction is well under way on the first 60-unit project in the township, located between Heck and Embury Avenues. Occupancy is ex- pected around the first of the year. • The authority favors constructing the additional 60 low income units: across Heck Avenne, opposite the present project. Site' of the 50-unit senior citizen project has not been determined as yet. ; , —® Supports Bond Issue TRENTON —'Former Governor Alfred E. Driscoll is chairman of the state-wide committee in support of the $40 million institutional bond issue. Voters wiU decide, the referr endum on the Nov. 7th General Election ballot. * - Crusade Nets $1 Million NEWARK— New Jersey resi- d en t contributed $1,005,000 to sup- port' the American Cancer Society’s 1961 Crusade program of research* service and education,. it was an- nounced by Douglas G. Gemeroy, of Somerville, chairman. Monmouth County topped its 1960 giving. Donna Ayers - Robert Weaver Wed In Avon Ceremony AVON — In St. Elizabeth’s Ro- man Catholic - Church,-here,. Miss Donna Marie Ayers, daughter of ; Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Ayers, 115 ■Newgate Lane, the Gables; . Nep- tune, became the bride of Mr. Rob- ert L. Weaver, soil of Mr. and Mrs. W alter Weaver, of West Belmar, The Rev. J. A. Mulligan,-pastor, officiated. A reception was'held at' the Old Orchard Country Club, Eat- ontown, and the' couple left, for' a .wedding -trip to Florida. They will make their home at 10 Rose Street, Long Branch.. •• Tho bride, who was . given : in marriage by her father, wore a gown of silk organza over taffeta with re-embroidered Alencon lace appliques on neckline. Her Skirt terminated' in a chapel-Iength trajn and her veil of French illusion, lace fell from a crown, of. orango!blos- Soms. She carried'a cascade bou- quet of white orchids and shastas. Miss Mary Lou Mazza, of Long Branch, maid of honor, was attired in a cocktail-length gown of Dior blue silk organza with a matching horsehair crushed rose headpiece and circular-veil, She carried a cas - cade bouquet of blue shastas and pompoms;. Honor attendants were Miss Bon- nie Lee Ayers, sister of the bride; Miss Judy Sunris, Neptune, and Mi's. Walter! Weaver, Jr., Belmar, sister, of the bridegroom. Their gowns of Copen blue were styled as th6 maid of honor’s and they also carriedcascade bouquets of blue shastas and-pompoms. . Walter .Weaver, Jr.,, Belmar, was best , man for his. brother. Ushers were Dave Emmons, Shark River Hills, Neptune, and Kenneth. Brown, Spring Lake. , A graduate , of Neptune High school and the School of-Business Machines, Newark, the bride is em- ployed by, Jersey Central Power and Light. Co:, Allenhurst. The bride- groom, also a Neptune graduate, served in the U. S. Ar*ny and -is employed by JCP&L in the line de- partment at Point Pleasant MV Stations Open Tues. Thru Sat. '■ *: '. ■• _ . • r TRENTON — Motor vehicle inspection stations throughout New Jersey has begun operat- ing under the fall and winter schedule, it was. announced by Acting Motor Vehicle Director Ned J. Parsckian. Under the fall and winter schedule, inspection stations are open Tuesday through Sat- urday each week from 8 a.m. to - 5 p.m., and those stations hav - ing. night .hours will remain open until 9 p.m. (Under the summer schedule ending Satur- . day, September 9, the inspec- tion; stations were open on Monday and closed on Satur- days.) Rosarians Open New Fall Season At Holy Innocents : NEPTUNE — TheiAltar-Rosary Society of' Holy Innocents Church held its first meeting of the fall season Sunday, Sept. 3. Following rosiyy and benediction conducted by Rev. James J. Reilly, the busi- ness meeting was held in the church hall. 'vV'\ _ ; Plans were made for a card party Sept. 21 in the church hall. Chair- men for this affair were Mrs. Sue Matthews and Mrs. Dorothy Maier. Mrs. Edward Logel, program chairman, condueted an auction. A communion breakfast was planned for October 1, following the 8:00 mass. Dr. Joseph P. DeSpiritp, As- bury Park physician, will be guest speaker. Mrs. Mary Drew- will be toastm istress.• Mrs. Joseph J. Marmora, Jr.1 and her committee served a buffet sup- per following the meeting. . Expect 500 In Adult School NEPTUNE—As of Wednes- day night, registrations for the N e p tii n e Community Adult. School, sponsored by the. Nep- tune Township Board of Educa- tion, totalled 240. The school . hopes to exceed the 500 regis- tered this past spring in the i first session of the. school. W alter Bird, director, an- nounced that registrations, will be accepted through Sept. 20th for courses that are open; Reg- istration forms may be filled out at tho High School or. sent, in through the mail. Brochures lining lists of: the courses, and registration forms are at the-Times Office, Ocean Grove, also at Neptune High S chool. ■■■ ; Courses in Oil Painting I arid Sewing I are filled but <11 other courses are offered. Thursday classes begin on Sept. 21 and Tuesday classes start Sept. 26th. The Registration fee is $2.00 and niost of the courses arc $10.00. YOUR NEW FALL FIGURE be- gins with SPENCER and SPIREL- LA Foundations and Bras, especial- ly designed for you. Save up to 15% on Sept. specials. M. W hite- head, 160 Hillside Drive, Shark River Hills; PR 4-6363. — 37 . WANTED—Driver- with station wagon to move small goods to New York. Lenore Porter, India Shop, 39 Main Ave. —37 PLAN YOUR NEXT BANQUET luncheon or group meeting at the Barnegat Bay Restaurant, 68 Main Ave., Occan Grove. —9tf COME IN for FREE Pedo-graph of your stocking feet. O. G. Orthope- dic Shoe Repairing & H at Cleaning, 50 Pitman Ave. PR 4-7086. —20tf RECORDERS—Stereo, T V ’s and transistor radios. Now & used, low prices, ACE TV, 69 Hwy. 35, Nep- tiine City. . C-j —26tf Alterations, additions, repairs of all types’ ; Cal W alter McCaffrey, •MU 1-0668. . —33tf SHOWING BEAUTIFUL BEAVER HATS. Will bring to your home. FOr Appointment, Call PR 4-1337. Milton "Kelly” Cohen. „ -36-37 Rev. Philip Brown New Chaplain Of Methodist Home Neptune’s West Grove Pastor Succeeds Rev. I John Long, Who Cont- pleted 10 Years Service OCEAN GROVE — Rev, Philip Brown* pastor of W est Grove Meth- odist Church, ,Neptune; has been appointed; chaplain ofj/the! Metho- dist Home, here”, sttu^ing'Oct. 1. His new, service, U'parttim e ap- pointment, can be performed while he continues as Neptune pastor. Register Books Open 3 Nights In Neptune Twp. N E P T U N E TWP. — The deadline for registration for the Nov. 7th General Election is September 28. For the con- venience of those who are un? able to register during the day at the township municipal .of-- fice on South Main Street, , Municipal Clerk John W. Knox : has scheduled three’evenings to register new . voters,- or to change addresses of voters who have moved within the county or township. - . Evening registration will be held at the Sportsmen’s Club,. ■Green Grove Road and West Bangs Avenue, on Wednesday, Sept. 20 from 7'to 9 p.m., and at the township office on Wed- nesday and Thursday, Sept. 27 and 29 from 7 to 9 p.m. Rev.-Philip' Sherman BroWn .: Rev. Brown, who is also chaplain of the Neptune Jaycee organization, is a native of Allentown, N. J. He received his A.B. degree from East- ernV Baptist College and his B.D, degree from Eastern.Baptist Theo- logical Seminary. Ha served as as- sistant minister in the S^arthmore, Pa., Methodist Church .ahd then as pastor of^the W esJJS ^feth o d is t Church, Pieasantville, N. J., before coming to West Grove., - Rev. Brown is married to the for- mer Carol L. Punchard of Haver- town, Pa., and they have a daugh- ter, Carla Lynnn. # --------- Golden Age Club to Start ASBURY PARK — The Golden Age .Club, sponsored by the Salva1 - tion; Army, 510 Grand Avenue, will reopen for the season .on. Wednes- day, Sept. 20th from 11:00 a.m. un- til.2:00 p.m. Selected To Study In Germany For His Junior Year Dietolff Ramm, Of Nep- tune, To Participate In Wayne University Program N E P T U N E — Dietloff Ramm, . 404 Helen Terrace, has been selected as one of 110 students to participate in W a y ii e State University’s Junior Year in Munich/Frei- burg program. Ramm, a student at Cornell Uni- versity, will attend the University of Munich (Germany). The Junior Year in Munich aiid Freiburg as an intercollegiate, for- eign study program sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts of Wayne State University. It is open to students who have completed their sophomore year in an accred- ited American college or university. All students: participating are re- quired to have had at least two years of college German. ; Most. of . the students will sail together from- New York oh Sep - tember 15; Upon arrival they will work together in an extensive five week course in German composi- tion, conversation and They will live either in student dormitories or with German families. Regular classes begin in Novem- ber and continue through next Au- gust. Register 5/098 In Township Schools Become Cadets In Salvation Army Grove And Nutley . Youths Begin Officers’ Training In New York City NEWARK — Daniel Miles, 127 lh Broadway, Ocean Grove, and Fred Van Brunt, of Nutley, entered The Salvation Army’s School for Of- ficers’ Training, in New York City on Tuesday. : '. ' . Salvation Army officers, soldiers and friends gathered in The Salva- tion Army Corps, in Arlington- Kcarny Monday evening, Sept. lith in an official send-off. The program’ was chaired by Captain Clarence Kinnett, Northern New Jersey’s Youth Secretary: The principal speaker was Lt. Colonel Giles C. Barrett, Divisional Commander of The Salvation Army of Northern New Jersey. Prior 'to the public meeting, a farewell dinner, with some twenty officers and i the families of the young men 'was held at the New- ark YMCA. Miles and Van Brunt take up their studies at Salvation Army cadets for two yeaTs. Upon their graduation in 1963, they will be commissioned Lieuten, ants in The Salvation Army and will enter the field of religious arid welfare service as their life’s work; -NEPTUNE TWP. — With new registrations continuing ,to be recorded, the Neptune ITownship' Public School Sys- ,■ tem enrollment, as of Tuesday, | September 12, recorded an un- precedented number of 514 ad- ditional pupils’ over Septem- ber, 1960. This brings the, to- tal school system enrollment to 5098 as compared with 4584 pupils this time one year ago.. This represents an approxi-?; mate 11% increase in student , population. As hail been expected, th e. major rise in "enrollment oc- curred in the elementary schools with a total of 350 additional pupils being regis- tered, of which 219were regis- tered in kindergarten,1 first, second and third grades. The High School enrollment took a marked jump of 164 additional pupils, with the ma- jor increases occurring in the. freshman class. Enrollment of schools were recorded as follows: Bradley Park School—514; Whitesville School—387; Ridge Avenue School — 486; Summerfield School — 995; Shark River Hills School — 493; Ocean Grove School-r-220; Neptune Intermediate School — .687; High School, freshman, 436; sophomore, 372; junior, 281 and senior; 227, for a high school total of 1316. Carol and Herbert Deuchar In St. Paul’s Salvatioii Army Lay Leaders Convene In Grove This Weefcend .OCEAN GROVE—The Lay Leaders of :The Salvation Army, in Northern New Jer- sey will meet in the annual retreat scheduled to be* held here and in Asbury Park this weekend . This.was aririounccdiodaj: by Lt.- Colonei: Giles C. Barrett, Comman- der for The Salvation Army of Northern.' New Jersey. According to Colonel Barrett, soldiers (lay leadefrs) tfrpm The -Salvation. Army’s 20 Corps throughout North- ?£n New Jersey .will converge at this meeting place for the two day program. The two-days’ principal meetings will take place as follows: Saturday, 2:45 p.m.-:and 7:45 p.m. in Thorniey Chapel, Occan Grove. Sunday morning’s 9:lS “Open Air” meeting will be held on the board- walk. The 10:30 a.m. meeting will be held in The Salvation Army’s Corps in Asbury Park. ' The Sunday morning program at 10:30 will have as its special guest arid honored speaker, Lt.-Colonel Edward Laity (Retired). His sub- ject will be-"Water Carriers." The public is cordially invited to. attend this Sunday morning service. Colo- nel Laity will also address the oth- er three sessions of the Local Of- ficers’ Retreat.; Vocal and;instru- mental music during . the , two-day conference will be under the direc- tion of Bandmaster Alfred V. Swe'n- arton. Lt.-Colonel EdwardLaity came to the United States in 1914 from Cornwall, England. He was com- missioned .from i fhe Salvation Army's School for Officers’ ing in New York in 1921, following which he served. The Salvation Army, in many important offices, including Field Officer, Divisional Youth Secretary, Divisional Secre- tary, General Secretary ■ at the Southern Officers’ Training School; Divisional Commander and Terri- torial Property Secretary. During World-War I he served the United States as a non-commissioned Offi- cer with the 28th Division of Philadelphia National Guards. A fluent public speaker, Colonel Laity is also a writer and Bible re- searcher. Among his works is; 'Tabernacle. — Types and Teach- ings”; which is a widely read text book. 1■ Colonel Laity’s wife is a native of West Virginia,1commissioned of- ficer in The Salvation' Army in 1026. Lt.-Colonel and Mrs. Laity retired from active service in June 1960 and presently reside in Deca- tur, Georgia. ." I , • . AUTO RADIOS—-Used and new; low prices. Aco TV,- Main St., cor. 4th Ave., Bt. Bch. ,We repair auto radios. —zetf DAY’S STATIONERY — Gibson Greeting Cards & Notes. Adding Machines, Calculators -on Rental Opp. the P.O., Ocean Grove - I7tf NAGLE’S MAIN CENTRAL PHARMACY — PR. 4-0204 ; All-year service. Drass of.. quali- ty for prescriptions. Doctors advise Nagle’s. Hours 8:30 A.M.-9:80 P.M. Gladys L. minister, was held the-couple left for a wedding: trip through New England. They will reside iit the,Grove. ~ The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her brother,, Abram G. Hopper, Jr., wore a gown with lace bodice, arid sweetheart neckline; short Sleeves, and nylon tulle skirt with chapel train over ivory satin. Her' lace headpiece matched the gown, She carried a bouquet of. lilies of the valley descending from a white orchid on a white Bible. Miss Marjorie Evans, of AliExan- dria, Va.,-'maid of honor; wore, a royal blue satin dress with scoop neckline and short sleeves, fitting tightly through the midriff and hav- ing, soft pleats. Her. tulle veil , was held with matching satin. She car- ried a bouquet of white and yel- low chrysanthemum daisies and yel- low roses. wore dresses similar niece of the; was flow- er girl’and wore a pale, blue silk, organza dress, carrying a bouquet of white and yellow chrysanthemum daisies and. yellow, rosebuds. Donald Deuchar, of New York and Ocean Grove, was best man for his brother. Ushers were Wil- liam Lafe, Washington, • 1). C.; Charles Brown .and Joseph Vetere, New York City, and Robert Hauss- . lein, Cambridge, Mass. Junior ushers were John and Bruce' Tepper, both of Deal and nephews.of the.bride. The.-bride, a graduate ot.Neptune' High School, attended Gettysburg College. The bridegroom, a gradu- ate of. Jyniata College, Hunting- don, Pa„ attended Rutgers Univer- sity for his Master,’s Degree and is currently a history teacher,at Wall Township High School. THE FAMILY NEWSPAPER

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Page 1: Vol. LXXXVI, No. 37 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF … · Upper Darby, Pa. School Honors Dr. GeorDilworth Recognized For 20 Years Ocean Grove Trustee As Presiding Officer Of Board





Upper Darby, Pa. School Honors Dr. GeorDilworth

Recognized For 20 Years Ocean Grove Trustee As Presiding Officer Of Board of EducationUPPER DARBY, Pa. — Dr.

George G. Dilworth, a trustee of the Ocean .Grove Camp Meeting Association,'was hon­ored by the Upper Darby School Family on Tuesday, Sept. 5. A portrait of Dr. Dil­worth was placed in, the school and one was presented to his family.

T he honor w as paid to D r. D il­w orth a s ; p resid ing officer o f th e U pper D arby Tow nship B oard of E ducation f o r th e p a s t .20 years . A b iograph ica l sketch d istribu ted to those p a rtic ip a tin g in th e te s t i ­m onial honored D r. D ilw orth fo r “his in n a te cou rtesy an d consum ­m ate sk ill a s presid ing officer a t Board m eetings fo r th e p a s t 20 y ea rs ; f o r th e countless hou rs th a t he h a s g iven to Board m a tte rs and the innum erab le occasions on w hich

■ he h a s g rac iously and effectively p a rtic ip a ted a t school functions;; f o r th e /w arm th and affection o f his frien d sh ip ; .fo r M s .never-failing and ever-p resen t genero sity and good hum or; f o r all 'these con tribu­tions and f o r m any o th ers too n u ­m erous to m ention . . .”

A g ra d u a te o f Swarthm bire Col- •lege, D r. D ilw orth received th e doc­to r o f d iv in ity degree a t D ickinson College. H e en tered th e P h iladel­ph ia C onference of th e M ethodist C hurch in 1908 and served severa l churches. H e w as se c re ta ry o f the

A tla n tic D ivision of th e A m erican Bible Society fro m 1925 u n til h is re tire m e n t a few y ea rs ago. H e w as th e Y oung People’s M eeting lead er a t Ocean Grove fo r 25 years and h a s se rved in s e v e ra l . o th e r church offices. H e became a school b oard ; m em ber in 1931, p resid en t

— and of the Independence of the United States of America the 185th y e a r


FHA “Green Light” On Planning For 110 More Units

Neptune ToWnship To Con­struct 60 Morp Low Income And 50 Senior Citizen Apts.

N E P T U N E TW P. — The F ederal H ousing A dm in istration , h as no ti­fied th e tow nship’s H ousing A u­th o rity th a t , i ts request fo r .110 ad­ditional u n its— 60 m ore low income a p a rtm en ts a n d . 50 sen ior ''c itizen apartment!*—h a s ‘ been included in th is y e a r’s p rogram reservation .

T his enables th e tow nship au­th o rity to beg in p re lim inary p lan ­n ing of th e two pro jec ts, including p re lim inary loan con trac ts , accord­ing to D irec to r T. H adfo rd Catley.

C onstruction is well u nder w ay on th e f irs t 60-unit p ro jec t in th e tow nship, located betw een H eck and E m bury A venues. Occupancy is ex­pected a round th e f irs t o f th e year.

• T he au th o r ity favo rs constructing th e ad d itio n a l 60 low incom e units: across H eck Avenne, opposite the p re sen t p ro jec t. Site' o f th e 50-unit sen ior citizen p ro jec t h as no t been determ ined a s ye t. ;

, — ® •Supports Bond Issue

T R EN TO N — 'F o rm e r G overnor A lfred E . Driscoll is cha irm an of th e sta te -w id e com m ittee in support of th e $40 m illion in stitu tio n a l bond issue. V o ters wiU decide, th e re fe rr endum on the Nov. 7 th G eneral E lection ballo t.

* -

Crusade Nets $1 Million

N E W A R K — N ew Je rs e y re s i­d e n t con tribu ted $1,005,000 to sup­port' th e A m erican C ancer Society’s 1961 C rusade p rog ram o f research* service and ed u ca tio n ,. i t w as an ­nounced by D ouglas G. Gem eroy, of Som erville, chairm an. M onmouth C ounty topped its 1960 giving.

Donna Ayers - Robert Weaver WedIn Avon Ceremony

AVON — In St. E lizab e th ’s Ro­m an Catholic - C hurch ,-here,. M iss D onna M arie A yers, d a u g h te r of

; Mr. and M rs. H arold T. A yers, 115 ■Newgate Lane, the G ables; . N ep­tune, becam e the bride o f M r. Rob­e r t L. W eaver, soil o f M r. an d Mrs. W a lte r W eaver, of W est B elm ar, ■

T he Rev. J . A. M ulligan ,-pasto r, officiated. A reception w a s 'h e ld at' th e Old O rchard C ountry Club, E a t- ontown, and th e ' couple le f t, f o r ' a

.w edding -trip to F lo rida . T hey will m ake th e ir home a t 10 Rose S treet, L ong B ra n c h .. ••

Tho bride, who w as . g iven : in m arriag e by h er fa th e r , w ore a gow n of silk o rganza over ta ffe ta w ith re-em broidered Alencon lace appliques on neckline. H er Skirt te rm ina ted ' in a chapel-Iength tra jn and h e r veil o f F rench illusion, lace fell from a crown, o f . o ra n g o ! blos- Soms. She c a r r ie d 'a cascade bou­q u e t of w h ite orchids and shastas .

M iss M ary Lou M azza, of Long B ranch, m aid o f honor, w as a ttire d in a cock tail-leng th gow n of D ior

blue silk o rganza w ith a m atching h o rseh a ir crushed rose headpiece and circular-veil, She carried a cas­cade bouquet of blue sh a s ta s and pompoms;.

H onor a tten d an ts w ere M iss Bon­nie L e e A yers, s is te r o f th e bride; M iss Ju d y Sunris, N ep tune, and Mi's. W alter! W eaver, J r . , Belm ar, s is te r , o f th e bridegroom . Their g ow ns of Copen blue w ere sty led as th6 m aid of honor’s and they also c a r r ie d c a s c a d e bouquets of blue sh a s ta s and-pom pom s. •. W alter .W eaver, J r .,, B elm ar, was best , m an fo r his. b ro th er. U shers w ere Dave Emm ons, S hark R iver H ills, N eptune, and K enneth. Brown, S p rin g Lake. ,

A g rad u a te , o f N ep tune H igh school and the School of-B usiness M achines, N ew ark, th e b ride is em ­ployed by, Jersey C en tra l Pow er and L ig h t . Co:, A llenhurst. The bride­groom , also a N ep tune g raduate , se rved in the U. S. A r *ny and -is em ployed by JC P& L in the line de­p a r tm e n t a t P o in t P le a s a n t

MV Stations Open Tues. Thru Sat.

'■ *: '. ■ • _ • . • r

TR EN TO N — M otor vehicle inspection sta tio n s th roughou t N ew Je rsey has begun o p e ra t­in g und er th e fa ll and w in ter schedule, i t was. announced by A ctin g M otor V ehicle D irector N ed J . P arsck ian .

U nder th e fa ll and w in ter schedule, inspection s ta tio n s a re open T uesday th ro u g h S a t­u rd ay each week fro m 8 a.m . to

- 5 p .m ., an d those sta tio n s hav ­ing . n ig h t .hours w ill rem ain open u n til 9 p.m . (U n d er the sum m er schedule end ing S atu r-

. day , Septem ber 9, th e inspec­tion; s ta tio n s w ere open on M onday and closed on S a tu r ­days .)

Rosarians Open New Fall Season At Holy Innocents: N E P T U N E — T h eiA lta r-R o sary

Society o f ' H oly Innocen ts C hurch held i ts firs t m eeting o f the fall season Sunday, Sept. 3. Follow ing ro s iy y and benediction conducted by Rev. Ja m es J . R eilly , the busi­ness m ee tin g w as held in the church hall. 'v V '\ _ ;

P lan s w ere m ade f o r a card p a r ty S ep t. 21 in th e church hall. Chair­m en fo r th is affa ir w ere Mrs. Sue M atthew s and M rs. D oro thy Maier.

M rs. E dw ard Logel, program chairm an , condueted an auction. A com m union b re a k fa s t w as planned fo r O ctober 1, fo llow ing the 8:00 m ass. D r. Joseph P . D eS piritp , A s­b u ry P a rk physic ian , w ill be guest speaker. M rs. M ary Drew- will be t o a s t m i s t r e s s . •

M rs. Joseph J . M arm ora, J r . 1 and h e r com m ittee served a buffet sup ­p e r follow ing th e m eeting . .

Expect 500 InAdult School

N E PT U N E — A s of W ednes­day n ig h t, re g is tra tio n s fo r the N e p t i i n e Com m unity A dult. School, sponsored by the. N ep­tu n e Tow nship B oard of E duca­tion , to talled 240. T he school . hopes to exceed th e 500 reg is­tered th is p as t sp r in g in the

i f irs t session o f the. school.W a lte r B ird , d irec to r, an­

nounced th a t re g is tra tio n s , will be accepted th ro u g h Sept. 20th fo r courses th a t a re open; R eg­is tra tio n fo rm s m ay be filled o u t a t tho H igh School or. sent, in th ro u g h th e m ail. B rochures

lin ing lis ts of: th e courses, and re g is tra tio n fo rm s a re

a t th e -T im es Office, Ocean Grove,

also a t N ep tune High School. ■■■; Courses in Oil P a in tin g I arid Sew ing I a re filled b u t <11 o ther courses a re offered. T hursday classes begin on S ep t. 21 and T uesday classes s ta r t Sept. 26th. The R eg is tra tio n fee is $2.00 and niost o f th e courses a rc $10.00.

YO U R N EW FA L L FIG U R E be­g in s w ith S P E N C E R and S PIR E L - LA F oundations and B ras, especial­ly designed fo r you. S ave up to 15% on Sept. specials. M. W h ite ­head, 160 H illside Drive, S hark R iv er H ills; PR 4-6363. — 37

. W A N TED — D river- w ith s ta tion w agon to move sm all goods to New Y ork. Lenore P o r te r , Ind ia Shop, 39 M ain Ave. — 37

PLA N YOUR N E X T BA N Q U ET luncheon o r g ro u p m eetin g a t th e B a rn eg a t Bay R e s ta u ra n t, 68 Main Ave., Occan Grove. —9 tf

COM E IN fo r F R E E Pedo-graph of yo u r stocking fee t. O. G. O rthope­dic Shoe R epairing & H a t C leaning, 50 P itm an Ave. P R 4-7086. — 20tf

RECO R D ER S— Stereo , TV’s and tra n s is to r radios. Now & used, low prices, A CE T V , 69 H wy. 35, N ep- tiin e C ity . . C-j — 2 6 tf

A lte ra tio n s, additions, re p a irs of a ll ty p es’; Cal W a lte r M cCaffrey, •MU 1-0668. . — 33tf

SH O W IN G B E A U T IF U L BEA V ER H A T S. W ill b rin g to your home. FOr A ppointm ent, Call P R 4-1337. M ilton "K elly” Cohen. „ -3 6 -3 7

Rev. Philip Brown New Chaplain Of Methodist Home

Neptune’s West Grove Pastor Succeeds Rev. I John Long, Who Cont- pleted 10 Years Service

O CEA N GROVE — Rev, Philip Brown* p as to r of W est Grove Meth­od ist Church, ,N e p tu n e ; has been appo in ted ; chap lain o f j /th e ! Metho­d is t Home, here”, s ttu ^ in g 'O c t. 1. H is new, service, U 'p a r t t im e ap­poin tm ent, can be perform ed while h e continues as N ep tu n e pastor.

Register Books Open 3 Nights In Neptune Twp.N E P T U N E TW P. — T he

deadline fo r re g is tra tio n fo r th e Nov. 7 th G eneral E lection is Septem ber 28. F o r th e con­venience o f th o se who a re un? able to r e g is te r du ring th e day a t th e tow nship m unicipal .of-- fice on S outh M ain S tree t,

, M unicipal C lerk John W . K nox : h a s scheduled th re e ’evenings to

re g is te r new . voters,- o r to change add resses o f voters who have moved w ith in the county or tow nship . - .

E vening re g is tra tio n will be held a t th e Sportsm en’s Club,.

■Green G rove Road and W est B angs A venue, on W ednesday, Sept. 20 from 7 'to 9 p.m., and a t th e tow nship office on W ed­nesday and T hursday , Sept.27 and 29 fro m 7 to 9 p.m.

R ev.-Philip ' S herm an BroWn .:

Rev. Brown, w ho is also chaplain o f th e N eptune Ja y cee organization , is a native of Allentown, N. J . H e received his A.B. d eg ree from E ast- ernV B a p tis t College and his B.D, degree fro m E a s te rn .B a p tis t Theo­logical Sem inary. H a served as a s ­s is ta n t m in iste r in th e S ^ arth m o re , P a., M ethodist C hurch .ahd th en as p a s to r o f^ th e W e sJJ S ^ fe th o d is t Church, P ieasan tv ille , N. J ., before com ing to W est Grove., - ’

Rev. Brown is m arried to th e fo r ­m er Carol L. P unchard of H aver- tow n, Pa., and they have a d au g h ­te r , C arla Lynnn.

# ---------

Golden Age Club to Start

A SBU R Y P A R K — The Golden Age .Club, sponsored by th e Salva1- tion; A rm y, 510 Grand A venue, w ill reopen fo r the season .on. W ednes­day, Sept. 20th from 11:00 a.m . u n ­til.2:00 p.m.

Selected To Study In Germany For His Junior Year

Dietolff Ramm, Of Nep­tune, To Participate InWayne University Program

N E P T U N E — Dietloff Ramm, . 404 Helen Terrace, has been selected as one of 110 students to participate in W a y ii e State University’s Junior Year in Munich/Frei­burg program.

Ram m , a s tu d e n t a t Cornell U n i­versity , w ill a tte n d th e U n iv ersity o f M unich (G erm any).

The Ju n io r Y ea r in M unich aiid F re ib u rg a s an intercollegiate, fo r ­eign study p ro g ram sponsored by th e College of L iberal A r ts of W ayne S ta te U n iversity . I t is open to s tu d en ts who have com pleted th e ir sophom ore y ea r in an accred­ited A m erican college o r university . All s tu d e n ts : p a rtic ip a tin g a re re ­quired to hav e had a t le a s t two years of college Germ an. ;

Most. o f . the studen ts will sail together from - N ew Y ork oh Sep­tem ber 15; U pon a rriv a l th e y w ill work to g e th er in a n ex tensive five week course in G erm an com posi­tion, conversation and They will live e ith e r in s tuden t dorm itories o r w ith G erm an fam ilies.

R egular classes begin in N ovem ­b er and continue th ro u g h n e x t A u­gust.

Register 5/098 In Township SchoolsBecome Cadets In Salvation Army

Grove And Nutley . Youths Begin Officers’ Training In New York City

N EW A R K — D aniel M iles, 127 lh Broadw ay, Ocean Grove, and F red Van B ru n t, o f N utley , en tered The S alvation A rm y ’s School fo r Of­ficers’ T rain ing , in New Y ork C ity on T uesday. : '. ■ ' .

S alvation A rm y officers, soldiers and frien d s ga th ered in T he S alv a­tion A rm y Corps, in A rlin g to n - K carny M onday evening, Sept. l i t h in an official send-off. The p ro g ram ’ w as chaired b y C apta in C larence K innett, N o rth e rn N ew J e rs e y ’s Y outh Secretary : The p rincipalspeaker w as L t. Colonel G iles C. B a rre tt, D ivisional Com m ander of T he S alvation A rm y of N o rth ern N ew Je rse y .

P r io r 'to th e public m eeting , a farew ell d inner, w ith some tw en ty officers and i th e fam ilies of the young m en 'w as held a t th e N ew ­a rk YM CA. Miles and V an B run t tak e up th e ir stud ies a t Salvation A rm y cad e ts f o r two yeaTs. •

U pon th e ir g raduation in 1963, they w ill be com m issioned L ieu ten , an ts in T he Salvation A rm y and will e n te r th e field o f relig ious arid w elfare service a s th e ir l ife ’s work;

-NEPTUNE TWP. — With new registrations continuing

,to be recorded, the Neptune I Township' Public School Sys- ,■ tem enrollment, as of Tuesday,| September 12, recorded an un- ■ precedented number of 514 ad­ditional pupils’ over Septem­ber, 1960. This brings the, to­tal school system enrollment to 5098 as compared with 4584 pupils this time one year ago.. This represents an approxi-?; mate 11% increase in student , population.

As hail been expected, the. major rise in "enrollment oc­curred in the elementary schools with a total of 350 additional pupils being regis­tered, of which 219were regis­tered in kindergarten,1 first, second and third grades.

The High School enrollment took a marked jump of 164 additional pupils, with the ma­jor increases occurring in the. freshman class.

Enrollment of schools were recorded as follows: Bradley Park School—514; Whitesville School—387; Ridge Avenue School — 486; Summerfield School — 995; Shark River Hills School — 493; Ocean Grove School-r-220; Neptune Intermediate School — .687; High School, freshman, 436; sophomore, 372; junior, 281 and senior; 227, for a high school total of 1316. ■

Carol and Herbert Deuchar In St. Paul’s

Salvatioii Army Lay LeadersConvene In Grove This Weefcend

. OCEAN GROVE—The Lay Leaders of : The Salvation Army, in Northern New Jer­sey will meet in the annual retreat scheduled to be* held here and in Asbury Park this weekend .

T his.w as aririounccdiodaj: by L t.- Colonei: Giles C. B a rre tt, C om m an­d er fo r The Salvation A rm y of N orthern .' N ew Jersey . A ccording to Colonel B a r re t t , soldiers (lay leadefrs) tfrpm The -Salvation. A rm y ’s 20 C orps throughout N o r th - ?£n N ew J e rs e y .will converge a t th is m eeting place fo r the tw o day p rog ram . The tw o-days’ p rinc ipal m eetings w ill ta k e place as follow s: S atu rd ay , 2:45 p.m.-:and 7:45 p.m . in T horniey Chapel, Occan Grove. S unday m o rn in g ’s 9:lS “O pen A ir” m eeting will be held on th e b o a rd ­w alk. The 10:30 a.m. m eeting w ill be held in The Salvation A rm y ’s C orps in A sbury P ark . '

T he Sunday m orning p ro g ram a t 10:30 w ill have as its special g u e s t arid honored speaker, L t.-C olonel E dw ard L a ity (R etired). H is su b ­je c t w ill be -"W ater C a rrie rs ." T he public is cord ially invited to . a tte n d th is Sunday m orn ing service. Colo­nel L a ity w ill also address th e o th ­e r th ree sessions o f the Local Of­ficers’ R e trea t.; Vocal a n d ; in s tru ­m en ta l m usic d u rin g . the , tw o-day conference w ill be under th e d irec­tion of B an d m aste r A lfred V. Swe'n- arto n .

Lt.-Colonel E d w a rd L a ity cam e to th e U nited S ta te s in 1914 fro m C ornw all, E ng land . H e w a s com ­m issioned .fro m i f h e Salvation

A rm y 's School fo r Officers’ ing in New Y ork in 1921, follow ing which he served. The S alvation Arm y, in m any im p o rtan t offices, including F ield Officer, D ivisional Y outh S ecre ta ry , D ivisional Secre­ta ry , G eneral S ecre tary ■ a t the Southern O fficers’ T ra in in g School; Divisional Commander and T e rr i­to ria l P ro p e rty Secretary . D uring W orld-W ar I he served th e U nited S ta tes a s a non-com m issioned Offi­cer w ith th e 28th D ivision of Philadelphia N ational G uards.

A fluent public speaker, Colonel L a ity is also a w rite r and Bible r e ­searcher. A m ong his w orks is; 'Tabernacle. — Types and T each­

in g s” ; w hich is a w idely read tex t book. 1 ■

Colonel L a ity ’s w ife is a n a tiv e o f W est V irg in ia ,1 com m issioned of­ficer in The S alvation ' A rm y in 1026. L t.-Colonel and M rs. L a ity re tired from active service in Ju n e 1960 and p resen tly reside in D eca­tu r , G eorgia. ." I , • .

AUTO RAD IOS—-Used and new ; low prices. Aco TV,- M ain S t., cor. 4 th Ave., B t. Bch. ,We re p a ir auto radios. — z e tf

DAY’S STA TIO N ER Y — Gibson G reeting C ards & N otes. A dding

M achines, C a lcula tors -on R en ta l Opp. th e P.O., Ocean G rove

- I 7 tf

N A G LE’S M A IN CEN TRA L PH A RM A CY — P R . 4-0204 ;

A ll-year service. D ra s s o f .. quali­ty fo r p rescrip tions. D octors advise N agle’s. H ours 8:30 A.M .-9:80 P.M.

Gladys L.

m in ister, w as heldthe-couple l e f t fo r a w edding: tr ip th ro u g h N ew E ngland . T hey will reside iit the,G rove.~ The bride, who was given in m ar­riag e by h er b ro th e r , , A bram G. H opper, J r . , wore a gown w ith lace bodice, arid sw ee th eart neckline; sh o rt Sleeves, and nylon tu lle sk ir t w ith chapel tra in over ivory sa tin . H e r ' lace headpiece m atched the gown, She carried a bouquet of. lilies o f th e valley descending from a w hite orchid on a w hite Bible.

Miss M arjo rie E vans, o f AliExan- d ria, V a.,- 'm aid of honor; w o re , a royal blue satin dress with scoop neckline and sh o rt sleeves, fitting tig h tly th ro u g h the m idriff and h av ­ing, so f t pleats. H er. tu lle veil , w as held w ith m atch ing sa tin . She c a r­ried a bouquet of w hite and yel- low chrysan them um daisies and yel­low roses.

wore dresses sim ilar

niece of t h e ; was flow­

e r g i r l ’and wore a pa le , blue silk, o rg an za dress, c a rry in g a bouquet of w h ite and yellow chrysan them um daisies and. yellow, rosebuds.

D onald D euchar, o f N ew Y ork and Ocean Grove, w as bes t man fo r his b ro ther. U sh ers w ere W il­liam L afe , W ash in g to n , • 1). C.; C harles Brown .and Jo sep h V etere, New Y ork City, and R o b e rt H auss- . lein, C am bridge, M ass.

Ju n io r u she rs w ere John and Bruce' T epper, both o f Deal and n ep h ew s.o f th e .b rid e .

The.-bride, a g ra d u a te ot.N eptune' H ig h School, attended G etty sbu rg College. The bridegroom , a g ra d u ­a te o f . J y n ia ta College, H u n tin g ­don, P a„ attended R u tg e rs U n iver­sity fo r his Master,’s D egree and is cu rre n tly a h is to ry te a c h e r ,a t W all Tow nship High School.




Page 2: Vol. LXXXVI, No. 37 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF … · Upper Darby, Pa. School Honors Dr. GeorDilworth Recognized For 20 Years Ocean Grove Trustee As Presiding Officer Of Board



20 “ DAILYP R 5-9583 — T ickets on Sale a t

Ruth’s Stationery, 53 Main Avenue, Ocean GroveBUY 10 TRIP BOOKS and SAVE


O ffr th e Bsrai in_Coi fo rt ar,3 S ctv icc ______

Asbury Park-New York Transit Corp.L A K E A V E N U E & H E C K S T R E E T , A S B U R Y P A R K

The Smart Driver Takes The Bus

Do You RememberEnrico Caruso, Billy Sunday,W illiam Jennings Bryan, rGalli-Curci, W oodrow W ilson ®

The Asbury. Park & Ocean Grove Bank does /because it has been serving. Ocean Grove since 1889 and during the years these are just a few of the many famous persons who have been heard at the Ocean Grove Audi­torium. ' '

AP&OG is as solid as the old times and as modern as the new—every banking service is available . , . . Build your credit where it counts — at

ASBORY PARK & OCEAN GROYE B A MMain Avenue at Pilgrim. Pathway

Ocean Grove

presid en t, announced the fol­low ing chairm en: M rs. W aiter Shepard , sunshine; M rs. S tan ­ley W oodward, .work} Mrs. Jo lin G erard, pub licity ; Mrs. Lew is Dick, J r ., hosp ita lity and M rs. John E is in g er, hospital v o lu n teer chairm an. The diii- 'rier a t P eterson ’s in Lakewood w as thoroughly enjoyed by all!I th o u g h t there w as a m issing

b ro th e r, when I typed up George L atshaw ’s w edding la s t week. W al­te r -L atshaw is a p riv a te in th e U. S. , A rm y and is w ith, the. 25th Signal B attalion in K aiserslau tern , G erm any;

By now, John Triidol is back a t G eorgia Tech b u t h e .had a chance to show , his room m ate , J im Tilley, B risto l, Va., our w onderfu l shore before ne left. Joyce T raphagen has .re tu rn ed to T ren ton S ta te and our S ally should be back a t U psala, E a s t O range by th e tim e th is is in p rin t. Sally w ound up her - la s t, weekend a t the shore a s bridesm aid to N ancy Imboden, Sept. 9th w hen N ancy becam e Mrs. Roy Clayton. I m u st say th a t hoopsk irts didn’t b o ther an y of th e bridesm aids in dancing a t the reception! I

D avid W addington, son of Mr. and M rs. H arvey W adding ton , B righton A venue, s ta r ts stu d y in g nursing in the W ash­ing ton S an itarium a n d 'H o sp i­ta l a t Tacomo P a rk , Md. Con­g ra tu la tio n s! The need i3 very g re a t.in th is field!.Brow nie Troop 34, under the

leadership of Mrs.' G eorge P a te r ­son, J r . , s ta rte d its y ea r off T u e s­day, Sept. 12tlr w ith election o f o f­ficers.. M arg are t H e rb e r t w ill .b e p resid en t; D iane M offett, vice p resi­dent; Ju d y A ckerm an, treasu re r , and N ancy Day, scribe (to whom I owe. th an k s fo r th is nice, item ).

The group has a dram atics sec­

tion of th e v l t h g rad e rs . They p re se n te d . 'Goldilocks an d th< -Three B ears’’ a t t h i s m e e tn g ,"

The F ire A uxiliary held th e ir m onthly m eeting M onday n ig h t a t the F irehouse; M rs. - J . -W hitehead w as w elcom ed, as a new m em ber. H ostesses fo r th e evening w ere M rs. Robt. Defchless, M rs. W m . Secldes, Mrs,- P e te r D u nne and M rs. Ken-, neth Johnson. ,

T h is g roup w ill ca te r th e dinner fo r the N ep tune Ju n io r League, Thursday n ig h t, Sept. 21st a t 0:30 — turkey will, be fea tu red !

T heir new uniform s have arrived and "were show n la s t n igh t. They will parade S atu rd ay , Sept. 16th, a t A tlan tic C ity w ith o ther F ire com­panies in th e sta te .

The k itchen fo r which th e ladies have worked so long is becom ing a rea lity . They- chose the hew stove fo r it a t th e ir m eeting. Tho Swed­ish -A uction w as conducted by Honey B ryker who is a good p itch ­man.

C ongratu la tions to N ancy Moen,' d au g h te r of M r . . and Mrs. D irk P . Moen, H elen Ter race, She w as g rad u a ted W ed­nesday, Sept, 6 th from Presby-- te rian H o sp ita l School of-N urs- ing, U nited H ospita ls o f N ew ­ark , T h is w as th e ir 47th an­nual com m encem ent and w as held a;: th e 2nd P resb y te rian Church, N ew ark. .H appy B irthdays on the calendar

a re fo r D avid M atthew s, 17 today, (F r id a y ) ; C arolyn H enricks who should be back frorr. M aine fo r her celebration, W ednesday th e 20th and to Michele Landis, G irl Scout age of 10 on F riday , Sept. 22.

H appy A nniversary ag a in to Bob and L aura W hite, W oodmcre Ave­nue today— th e ir 15th— I t r u s t Bob is ou t of the hospital! Be seeing you! .


•'"'ADA” playing at the Palace, Bradley Beach. Wednes­day, Friday, and Saturday, September 13,14,15, and 16.

S u s a n H a y w a r d i s u s m i l i n g o b s e r v e r a s R a l p h M c e k e r c o n g r a t u - f a t e s h e r h u s b a n d , D e a n M a r t i n , o n h i s 'g u b e r n a t o r i a l v i c t o r y i n t h i s s c e n e f r o m 4i/4da.” T h e A fe tr o - O o ld w y n ~ M a y e r s c r e e n v e r s io n o f W ir t W i l l ia m s ' b e s t - s e l l i n g n o v e l , “ A d a D a l la s ,” tea s

f i l m e d in C in e m a S c o p e a n d c o lo r u n d e r t h o d i r e c t i o n o f D a r iie t ( “ B u t t e r f i e ld 5 ” ) M a n n ,

LAURELTON Motor-Vue• lit. 88 East of Laurelton Circle

SEPT. 14 - 16 ."T H E YOUNG DOCTORS” A lso “T H E BIG SH O W "

SEPT. 17 - 29“ M A R IN ES, L E T 'S GO” A lso

‘T H E IN D IA N F IG H T E R '' SEPT. 21- 23

7 “ A DA”' 'A lso “TW O L O V ES”

A phone of her own 9 0

a mdntliWhen you sto'p to think of it; an extension phone foij the teenager has a lot to recoihmcnd it. The privacy it .Offers is, of course, welcomed by everyone. And the cosJ is so low many teenagers pay for it themselves. Au cvert

; ijbtter idea'for busy families is a separate telephone line With a second number. To order either: simply call th? ^iephone Business Office or,ask your telephone .SfirviceraaiLabout it., NEW

Sterner - Sherman Wedding Sept 2 In St. Paul’s Methodist Church

“The Gables i l i ’-Lme”

M artha H urry 308< W akefield Road, N eptune

PR 5-988A

. i l l fo lks: Feeling the w ea th e r? W ell enjoy i t as th e cool w eather will be along, sooner than you ex­pect!* A nd w in ter is such, a long season umi so .co ld , tool W e folks ilie enjoying- the-pool m ore so than durjng the suniirier, the children ca n ’t w a i t to change into bath ing su its ; they; sw im ,-splash and really lo t’ them selves go!

T he w ea th er didn’t affect our; so­cial- ac tiv ities here in the . Cables la s t. S a tu rday . N ot. one wedding, but- th ree ,. Sept.- 9 w ill be a day to rem em ber lo r B everly Rurlortg, d au g h te r o f M r. arid M rs. B. Win. F u rlong , 508 W akefield Road, w hen she became th e bride o f Felix P a ­lumbo, son of Mr. and Mrs. P e te r Palum bo, 909 S unset Ave., A sbury P ark . T he w edding took place a t th e H oly S p irit Catholic Church w ith Rev. Jo h n L. Sullivan officiat­ing a t the nup tia l m ass. Reception w as held a t the Royal M anor, W all Tow nship. A fte r th e ir w edding tr ip to B erm uda, the couple will be a t homo a t the Shore Club A part-

ARCADIA THEATRES. ■■ . Telephone. CAstle 3-1422

PALACE - Bradley Beach

m ents, B radley Beach.O ur g ir ls w isely chose hours no t

conflicting, w ith each o th e r’s w ed­dings. B everly’s w edding w as in tho m orning and D onna A yers, d au g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. H aro ld ' A yers, 115 N ew gate Lane, becam e the bride o f R obert W eaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. W alter W eaver, 1030 18th Ave., W est B elm ar. T heir wed­ding. w as held a t- S t. E lizabeth ’s Roman; C atholic C hurch, Avon. The Rev. J . A. M ulligan officiated. The reception w as held a t the Old O r­chard . C ountry Club, E atontow n. Donna and R obert a re on n w edding t r ip to F lorida. A fter, th e ir re tu rn they will be a t home a t 10 Rose St., Long B ranch. .Among the guests w as D onna’s uncle and aun t, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Sullivan and chil­dren, Jody and Lori, Sydney, A us tra lia . Donald is th e b ro ther of Donna’s m other, D oris Ayers.

Time m arches on. O ur little g irls and boys have the h a b it of g row ­ing up and becoming adu lts w h e th ­e r we realize i t o r not!

T he la s t w edding o f the day, a t i o ’clock to be precise, w as N ancy Im boden’s, d au g h te r of Mr. and M rs. Joseph Im boden, 100 Fu lham P lace ., N ancy becam e the bride of Roy Clayton, son of Mr. and M rs. B urtis C layton, 10 E v erg reen Ave. N eptune City. T he ir w edding w as held a t the Grand A venue R eform ed Church, w ith the Rev. A. J . van- Luminell officiating a t a double rin g cerem ony. The young couple are on a w edding tr ip through the South. T heir reception was held a t Jo sep h ’s R e stau ran t, W est Long Branch. The young couple w ill live

SEPT. n - i o.‘.‘ADA”

s e p t ; n• T H E G O LD FISH BOW I,”



BRIELLE Motor VueSEPT. 13-16



A lso “T H E N IG H T FIG H TE R S"

in N eptune a f te r th e ir Return.A long and happy life to all six

o f our new ly wedded couples.L ast W ednesday, first-day. of

school w as a b ig d ay fo r -Berna Goldstein, d au g h te r of Lea and R ita G oldstein 400; W akefield Ed. I t w as h e r BIRTHDAY. A fte r school a p a r ty w as held fo r her w ith 18 g uests to m ake

: i f a re a l b ig event. And so .' i t w as, Mom w as busy deco-:

ra tin g outside.and in m y free z ­e r w as some of th e refresh - ments.. They su re h ad a tim e. W hen th e cake, and-iee cream

.arrived , well you know the - answ er., -T hursday - the H am ilton-A sbury

G ardens A u x iliary m et a t my home. P lan s w ere a ll se t fo r th e patio , but soor; the e as t w inds proved too m uch fo r us so w e ju s t moved in ­side, P lan s fo r our card parts? on Oct 6 w ere com pleted. So call f o r your reserv a tio n s—an y m em ber o r m yself, w ill be glad to-, tak e cftre of yo u r g roup. I t w ill be 8 p leasan t afternoon fo r everyone.

A ttended the Ja ines A, A ckerm an F edera tion m eeting on M onday and am ong those receiving aw ards fo r in -hospital service w as . “B illie” Sm ith, H arrow Court, fo r over 1.00 hours o f v o lun tary service. Mrs, Sm ith is a m em ber of the Ilam ilton- A sbury G ardens Aux. to F itk in H ospital. Mr. C a rte r spoke of v a r i­ous p ro jec ts and announced the building of the tw o-sto ry ap artm en t being bu ilt fo r the. in ternes. I t will; consist of 18 ap artm en ts . (I am the superv isor o f . the w ork from my patio as it is r ig h t n ear us.)

Our deepest 'sym path ies a re ex­tended to Budd Ladd nnd fam ily . H is s is te r, M rs. C atherine M at­thew s, E a s t S t., Howell Township, died la s t W ednesday a t F itk in H os­p ital.

A m ong the m em bers of the Grow and Show G arden Club of A U enhurst p a rtic ip a tin g in the annual M onm buth-Elberon H orticu ltu ra l flower show, held a t Convention H all A sbury P ark , w as G lenna P izza, F u l­ham Place. She received a blue ■ribbon fo r her a rra n g em en t of zinnias in a p ew ter p itcher w ith a m in ia tu re cannon, indi­ca ting a fam ous person ip the s ta te . C ongratu la tions, Glenna. Mrs. R uth B au m g artn er, Oxford

W ay, i s a su rg ica l p a tie n t in F itkin H ospital, since Sunday. Cards will be of g re a t cheer w hile re c u p e ra t­ing a t tho hospital. A speedy re ­covery R uth , g e t well quickly.

M any fo lks rem em ber Grace D uthie, fo rm erly of 401 W akefield Rd. W ell, D oris -Ayers called and said she w as ap p earin g on te le­vision on prog ram “ N um ber P lease” and w as a w inner. She is appearin g ag a in tod ay so shall s it and w atch o n .th o sidelines and cheer h er on.

W ere you w atch ing “ L assie” Sun­day n ig h t? ' Well, w hen Joan , J ill and Ken Groveling v isited . G rand Canyon la s t F eb ru ary th ey h a p ­pened upon the L assie, TV troupe, film ing a sequence of th e show. They and o th er sp e c ta to rs a t th e Cayon rim , wore shown- in the background -scene. In the th ree hours o f film ing a t H opi Point, about 3 seconds o f w ork w as shown. All th a t could be seen o f the sp ec­ta to rs w as a s lig h t b lu r, b u t a t lea s t they knew -w hat th e dialog would be.

Incidentally Jo an is chairm an of the W hite E lephan t M arket, Sept. 23 a t D eserted V illage a t A llaire. The sale w ill be hold on th e sec­ond floor o f the G eneral S tore from noon u n til 4:30 p.m., w ith all p ro­ceeds to go tow ard the resto ra tio n

p ro g ram of the village. A ny item s you have w ill be g re a tly app reci­a ted by Joan , to sell. M ark your ca lendar and com e see fo r yourself. C all Jo an a t P R 4-5456 a s soon s.s possib le.for pick-ups.

The Gables A ux iliary to F i t k in H ospital Ja n ies F . A cker­m an F ederation , lias h ad six workshop m eetings in p re p a ra ­tio n fo r th e ir “B O U TIQ U E

. BOOTH” a1- the hosp ita l fe s ti- ' v a l N o v .9 . W.ord. is th a t the g ir ls have dream ed up th e nsqst: unusual and d e ligh tfu l g if t item s you can ever im agine!;. A t la s t count the re a re over 20 . d ifferen t item s fo r .the difficult p e r s o n s , “WHO H A V E EV ER Y TH IN G .”F i r s t m eeting of the S h a rk R iver

H ills. P.T.A, w ill be held S ep t. 18, a t the school 8 p.m . T h e ir them e, “W ORKING TO G ETH ER ,” f o r the; -school year. Details will be e lse ­w h ere in the-paper.

H appy b irth d ay w ishes to M ar­jo r ie Moog on Sept. 17. H ave a hap p y day aiid 'to Mrs. ,L. Rhoades (D o t) in Sept. 20.

E dn a and J e rry W est, Fenchurcii W ay, will celebrate th e ir w edding an n iv e rsa ry on Sept. 22. M any m ore happy years to g e th e r filled w ith m em ories of joy. ' .

W ell folks, lots of new s th is week an d we love it. Keep i t com ing .1

See you next week. . • ' .

Bell Co. Planning All Number Calls

New Telephone Service Customers To Receive Numerate—No LettrsNEWARK^The New Jer­

sey Bell Telephone Co. has announced that starting Sept. 25 it will begin a statewide program to give AIL Number Calling (ANC) numbers to customers who have new tele­phone service installed.- New Jersey Bell customers will receive all-numeral tele­phone numbers if they move within New Jersey from One location to another, or move fi'om out of state- to a location served by New Jersey Bell. Persons who have telephone service installed where there was nono previously'will also get ANC numbers under the new program;

Under ANC, numerals are used in /place of the' tradition­al two letters in the exchange designation's. Accordingly, a telephone number which 'for­merly was listed as BA 4-9970 could be changed to 224-9970 through ANC.

New Je rse y Bell cited the p ro­gram as p a r t of a g rad u a l p lan to b ring all telephones in the country under the A N C system . T he com­pany late la s t y e a r began a p ro­gram of converting some exchange areas to ANC in conjunction w ith service im provem ent activ ities, such as the in troduction o f d ial service.

A pproxim ately 150,000 o f the three m illio n . telephones in New Je rsey a lread y have ANC listings, according to , th e com pany.

Nationwide, abo u t e ig h t million telephones w ill have been converted to ANC by D ec. 31. M ost o f the companies in th e Bell System have already s ta r te d ANC conversion, program s. A m ong th e cities in which ANC h as beer, introduced are New York C ity, Chicago, Cleveland, A tlantic C ity, O m aha, A tlan ta , Bal­tim ore, W ash ing ton , D. C., Boston,

H a rtfo rd , Conn.’, and Columbus, Ohio. ' - .

U n d er th e p re se n t telephone num ­bering system , th e re are 540 usable com binations o f tw o le tte rs an d one num eral, m uch as MA 2 , . w hich m ake up a cen tra l office nam e. The su b s titu tio n o f n u m e ra ls . fo r tho -first tw o le tte rs increases th e u s­able com binations n e a r ly , 60. p er cen ts to a to ta l of ab o u t 800.

T he ANC p lan w as developed as th e m ost p rac tica l m ethod of get? ting- th e ni.ost telephone num ber com binations w ith o u t adding a n ex­tra d ig it to th e standard, seven-' d ig it'te lep h o n e num ber.

T he rapid g ro w th of . th e te le ­phone systeia d u rin g recen t years , a s well a s its an tic ipated g ro w th in th e fu tu re , h a s crea ted th e need fo r a much g rea te r-n u m b er o f ex­change com binations; . U nder th e p re se n t r a te o f g ro w th of th e te le ­phone system th e supply o f-tw o le tte r , five-num eral telephone num ­b e rs would be exhausted in th e1970’s.

The com pany said- i t p lan s to co n v ert a ll telephones in a reas served by N ew Je rse y Bell to ANC w ith in a b o u t. five years,

. £ | list.

- W A O T l

■ Let’s Take To The Hills

Mary J a n e Evers 624 S. R iverside D r.'

S hark R iver Hills P R 5-3787 «

W ell! Back to the fa ll busy w hirl— everyone b u t the w ea th e r m an —-he seem s to be off base!

PT A s ta r ts off Monday n ig h t a t the school. P ro g ram , will be C ur­ricu lum D iscussion held in the g rad es of your child (o r ch ild ren). T h is is so han d y as i t g ives a p a re n ts some clues a s to w here the teach e r is try in g to tak e th e child m en ta lly and ju s t how f a r th a t age child w ill p robably go—keeps us fro m dem anding too much o r ex­pecting too little !

T hursday n ig h t, Sept. 21st, th e I to sa ry -A lta r Society of H oly Innocen ts Rom an C atho ­lic Church w ill hold a card p a r ty fo r its firs t fa ll m eeting a t the ‘church hall. Mrs. Cccil M atthew s and M rs. F red M aier a re co-chairm en.The F itk in F edera tio n M eeting,

M onday afternoon , Sept. 11 th w as h ighlighted by the annual re p o r t o f all the au x ilia rie s and alliances on th e ir w ork fo r the p a s t year. O ur own S h ark R iver H ills A ux­ilia ry tu rned in a very com m enda ble repo rt.

T he A fternoon Group had-packed 22,300 sponges', m ade 1208 pow der cases, cu t and l-oiled 826 head rolls, m ade 24 puppets fo r the ped ia tric w ard and given 150% hou rs o f th e ir tim e in service a t the hospital!

T he Evening Group had packed 4000 surg ical sponges, 48 doz. head ro lls, 34,000 sponges, 10,000 fluffs and m ade 7465 pow der cases.1 T hey gave 139% hours.

F ive A ux ilia ry dau g h te rs a re se rv ing w ith th e new Ju n io r A ux­ilia ry o f F itk in .

A t the, in sta lla tion d inner la s t W ednesday n ight, Sept. 6th, Mrs. . R obt. Goodrich,


•| 68 MAIN AVE. • OCEAN GROVE 1CO M PLETE D IN N E R S . . . S a lads . . . Sand wiclies . . . Club B reak fas ts SEA FOOD • CH ICK EN in th e R ough 1

AIR CONDITIONED Mary & John Dafnis, Props. |

RIVOLI - BelmarSEPT. 13 - 16

“ G UNS O F NAVA RONE”FKATUKF. TIME: 2:30 - 7:00 - 9:30

PRICES: Adults $.90; Children $.50



OCEAN GROVE — In a double r in g cerem ony a t St. P au l's Church, -Miss Lydia' Louise S terner, d au g h te r of Mr. arid M rs.. J a y W. S te rn er, 80. A bbott A venue, w as m arried a week ago la s t S atu rd ay , Sept. 2, to Mr. H enry A. Sherm an, j r . , son ot* Mr. and 'M rs. IT. A. S h e r­m an, of P o in t P leasan t.

Given- in m arriag e by h er fa tlic i, th e bride w as a ttire d in rill off-white brocade .su it , w ith m atch ing h a t and shoes. H er corsage w as of w hite orchids. . -

The reception, a fam Hy luncheon, was held a t LcD eauville Inn, W all Tow nship. Tho couple le f t on a wedding tr ip - to the Poconos and a re now residing in P o in t P leasan t.

The bride, a g rad u a te of N eptune H igh School, a ttended D rew U ni­versity , Madison, and received- h er A ssociate in A rts degree from Mon­mouth College. The bridegroom a t ­tended Monmor-fh College and Served w ith the 5th R egim ental Com bat Team in K orea

Page 3: Vol. LXXXVI, No. 37 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF … · Upper Darby, Pa. School Honors Dr. GeorDilworth Recognized For 20 Years Ocean Grove Trustee As Presiding Officer Of Board


R efreshm en ts w ere served by M rs. S h iner and h e r com m ittee. A fre sh f r u i t salad w as served fro m a w aterm elon w hich had been ou t in th e shape o f a flow er basket. Lem onade and sm all sandw iches ac ­com panied th e sa lad .

- * ------Jo h n Stevens, th e “ F a th e r o f

A m erican R a ilroad ing ," firs t p e ti­tioned th e N ew Je rs e y L eg isla tu re fo r a c h a r te r to build a line across' th e -S ta te fro m N ew B runsw ick t6 T ren ton one hundred and fifty y e a rs ago. ■ :..V-V.V ; '

T he provinces o f E a s t and W e s t N ew Je rs e y w ere u n ited by A ndrew H am ilton in 1692. •

Buddy Rogers In Convention Hall

World’s Heavyweight Wres- , tling Champ Opposes Bruno

Sammartino Sept. 20th ;

• A SB U R Y PARK—-"Buddy” Rog­ers, W orld’s r,heavyw.eight cham ­pion w restler,' will i oppose Bruno S am m artino , established as th e ’ s tro n g e s t m an in th e rini', a t the A sbury P a rk . Convention H all on W ednesday, Sept. 20, according to R oland J . Hine3, local sporti p ro ­m oter. '' '

A SBU RY PA R K — The A m erican Legion A ux iliary , U n it 24, m et M onday n ig h t a t th e USO B uilding on Se.wall A venue w ith M rs. S am ­uel V isohe p resid ing . She appointed w orkers to help P o st 24 p lan the jo in t in sta lla tio n on O ctober 2.

M rs. A. C harles. Shiner, A sbury P a rk , d istrib u ted to th e au x ilia ry m em bers copies o f a Civil D efense Technical B ulletin oil radio logical in stru m en ts f o r civil defense: Tho m em bers also received detailed p lans on how to build fa llo u t shel­te rs . ' . v V . . ■■•■; ■ ' • '

M rs. E rn a S terner, A sb u ry P a rk , •Girls’ S ta te chairm an, read a letter: o f ap p recia tion iro m Miss B arb a ra De Sarrio w ho w as a de legate to Girls?: S ta te held .a t D ouglass Col­lege iri Ju n e . : T he le t te r re la ted some of the ac tiv ities o f G irls’ S t a t e . .

M rs. E lizabeth Schanck, Ocean Grove, P an-A m erican S tudy C hair­m an, te rm in a te d th e stu d y of Chile w ith a re p o rt fro m th e N ational N ew s, th e n ew spaper o f th e A m er­ican Legion A uxiliary , and w ith a r ­ticles b ro u g h t in to the m ee tin g by m em bers o f th e group.

The n ex t m eeting w ill be held Sept. 25 a t th e USO B uild ing . ■

FREDRIC MARCH and Ben Gazzara^in a scene from “The Young Doctors,” an interesting drama of hospital lives and loves, playing . a t the Laurelton Motor-Vue Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 14, 15, and 16. Co-feature: “The Big Show.” i !

; N E PT U N E L A N ES ' as w ell as A sbury L anes have been refinished th rough the sum m er and th e good scores should soon be ro lling in .


W ashington #1 Independent #2Avon ......:— ------ 1.S tokes #2 .......:......... .S hark Rrver #3 ...........P ioneer #1 ......P ioneer #2 .......Independent #3 .........W ashington Hi .........W ashington # 3 ......E ag les # i ............E ag les 42 .........B radley #3 E xem ptsS tokes #1 ......B radley— U n e e d a .;B radley Beach #2 .....

By W atson H . M acClureT he bowling season is off to a

flying s ta r t w ith w in te r leagues s ta r t in g off alm ost every n igh t in the week.

The p a s t week saw tw o leagues w hich local bow lers a rc active in. The COAST F IR E M E N , which has seven team s fro m Ocean Grove, renew ed th e ir effo rts la s t F rid a y n ig h t a t B radley L anes. W hile th ree team s w ere able to. sweep th e ir m atches th e re w as every indi­cation th a t th e re w ill be a much closer race th is y e a r th an ’ la s t. S ta r tin g th e ir second year, th is league will h ;ivc all. th e rough sp o ts sm oothed out. S ta r tin g ' prom ptly a t 8:30 and bow ling all gam es a t hom e w ill be m ore p leasu re • andlneq ■ oflFnrf - ' •’

• T he OCEAN GROVE B U SI­N E SSM EN ’S L EA G U E got off Moriday n ig h t 'w ith th e usual, f irs t n igh t, new league difficulties. L a te season business and in ju ries kep t a couple o f th e 'te a m s fro m having a fu ll team on deck. H ow ever th is w ill be taken care of n ex t Monday w hen th e p ins will aga in be f ly ing in th e ir home alleys, the A sbury L anes. This league, composed en­tire ly of Ocean G rove firms, is ex­pected to be a rea l social league w here th e w inners a t the season end w ill be known a s the C ham ­pions o f Ocean G rove.: .. T he SENIOR-BOYS L EA G U E of B rad ley Lanes w ill have a m eeting o f a ll th e boys w ish ing to bowl in th is league, a t th e -Bradley L anes on Septem ber 22nd. T his will be held a t 6:00 p.m ., th e ir r e g u la r

-bow ling timov one w eek in advance of th e ir s ta rtin g date . Mr. H anlon, Bradley m anager, w ill form the boys into team s and explain league bowling. , '

BEVOLOTIONARY— H ere's n, revolutionary new design fo r th e rainy season. I t ’s a th ree- pieco ensemble of gendarm e cape, sk irt, an d helm et h a t trim m ed w ith heavy contrast­ing braid. The 'w aterproof cotton “ b r e a t h e s , ’* Insuring complete com fortF o rfe i t 3


STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeaHertGrove C leaners .......L & N C overings . W estinghouse J & M C offee'Shop P a th w ay M ark e t ... Bronson A gency Tw in-C ity G arage L arrison OU People, Spots Ih The News

Utility Advances I Leonard Slo^n

TIG ER T R IPL E T S b o rn a t P e o r ia , 111. [zoo can’t d e c id e w h e th e r to la u g h o r

r H c r y . T iicy w e re six daysf o ld w h en th is sh o t w as

*-%SMBBB8Ml m ade.Former Spring Lake Resident Now Asst. Secy. And Asst. Treas. of Jersey Central-N.J.-Power & Light

M ORRISTOW N— The election of L eo n a rd 'S lo a n , .here, as a s s is ta n t trea su re r and a s s is ta n t , se c re ta ry of Jersey-C entra l-N ew Je rs e y pow ­er. &• L ig h t ' Com panies w as an ­nounced by th e electric u til i tie s ’ B oards o f D irecto rs.

•Mr; S loan ,fo rm erly w as executive a s s is ta n t to JC P & L -N JP & L ’s;p res i­dent, C harles E . ICohlhepp.

The new officer joined JC P& E ’s A ccounting D epartm en t in 1941 a t A sb u ry ;P ark . D uring h is ca re e r he also served a s ad m in istra tiv e as-

K N IG H T R ID E R slops traffic in B e rm u d a in 12 ih-cen tury a rm o r an d 20 th-w ntry mo-

“ T he girls don ’t consider you old , Mr. M ethuselah er, Mr. P o ttleb y!”

B y d ’A lessioFIRE ALARMS

OCEA N GRO VE21.... . A sbury and N ew Y ork2 3............ S u rf and Beach2 4....... E m b u ry and Beach26..........Main an d P ilg rim Pathw ay-26..B roadw ay and P ilg rim P a th w ay27......M t. T a b o r . an d Penn. A venue28 N o rth End. H ote l29.............. ......M cClintock and Beach31............'......i...... A b b o tt and Ocean3£...... C lark an d N ew Je rs e y33......J..:Benson an d M t. T abor W ay34..... :--------- .H eck and W hitfie ld35.. . ..W ebb an d Pennsylvania-36. ..........S u rf and P ilg rim P a th w ay37...:— —....Benson ahd F ra n k lin38.................:.....,Benson and A bbott39................New Y ork and Stockton■11 Ocean P a th w a y and C entra]42. .___ ,'....:..01in S tre e t F irohouse43.. ....... ,.......-......... .....M ain and Beach44..... .............D elaw are and Stockton45... . ..........Main an d New Je rsey55.;..... .....................Telephone A larm6 6 - ...Ocean Grove School2 — F irs t Aid Call, o r F ire O ut3 — C hief's Call4 — W ashing ton Com pany . ' -5 — • F iro Police. ;0 — E ag le Com pany 7 — Stokes C om pany 1


STA R M ATERIAL, in , H olly­w ood fro n i N o rth w este rn U .’s sp e e c h school, is siren -lik e “A nii-M argr'et." ■

Old Tavern in Arrow Rock, Missouri

D E G R E E o f ‘‘C onipagnons d e B o rd e a u x " is p re se n te d B er­n a r d G o ld b erg ( r ig h tV e x e c u tiv e v ic e p re s id en t o£ Schcnley Import, b y Je an ta lv e t , c h e v a lie r , o n com pletion o£ viti­c u l tu r e s tu d ie s m ^ n e y a r d s a n d c e l la r s of J . C alvet e t Cie., 143-year-o ld F r e n d f i lm . C e n te r is L aw ren ce Y a tra .v .p o£ th e im p o r t firm. ! v 'Go lo jail instead of paying alimony?

He can’t do that to me!" 'R efreshed Travelers on Old S an ta F e T rail ®

: In 1821 W illiam Beckncll crossed the M issouri River at what became Santa F e Crossing, on tho firs t successful trad ing expedition to Santa Fe. N ot m any years la te r - in 1834-Judgo Joseph H uston bu ilt Old T avern in tho neighborhood to provide refresh ing food and nlo fo r notable b u t w eary trav e le rs over th e tra il. Since th en th atav ern has been ono of M issouri's ------------- ;--------------- ■--------- “m ost celebrated Kostelries, offer- was laid o u t as New Philadel-Ing food and fuel to man, b eas t phia, b u t th e attrac tion o f thean d motor. arrow sharpen ing legend por-

Long before the building of sisted, ond tho name soon re-Old Tavern, th a ancient Bite w as turned to A rrow Rock. -.noted by explorers ond travelers . Tho Old T avern is now m aln-The Frenchm an D ’anvillem arkcd taincd as m useum a s well as aPiisrro a Fticho (F rench fo r A r- caravansary . Form er P residen trow Rock) on h is m ap of th o H a rry ’ T rum an is a tru s te e ofM issouri R iver in. 1755; Lewis the “F riends of A rrow Rock,and Clark noted the location in Inc.” -The historical atm osphere1804. S. H. Long of tho Yellow- of the tav ern is carefu lly pre-stone expedition irt 1819 Baid served a s well as its repu ta tionth a t i t got i ts name from tho fo r liome-cooked m eals and old-

• Ind ians using th e outcropping fashioned hospitality, tendered flin t to point their arrow s. by a charm ing hostess, Mrs. A lta

A blockhouse, which also Kuhn. T he hostess also main-served as an Ind ian trad ing .post, ta in s over-night accommodationswas bujlt on the site in 1814. in hot own homo, one block fromFifteen years later, tho placo Old Tavern. — — —-----------


221.... .......... Old H igh School222................:.....PoUce Headquarters223............Main S t. and M ain Ave.224....-:..: . ......:..Prospect and H eck225.................;....A tk in s and E m b u ry226. . .......... ..R idge and E m bury227.......... :___ C orlies and R idge321....Neptuno H w y and Drum m ond322.....—....Ti..:..i....Union and C orlies323. ......... ...W akefield & Fenchurch

(G ables)3 2 4 ..0 .fo rd W ay and H olburn L ane

(G ables)422.. .......... ..........Seventh and S tokes’42S..'............ ......E igh th and H am ilton621;............—.:.M ain and C orlies522.................U nexcelled F ire H ouse523:......... ... ..Corlies and A tk in s624...... .....—..........Tenth and A tk in s525.............. ...S ix th and A tk in s526;.................... ..Ridge' and S ix th527......... ......N inth and R idge151....5. S. A dam s Co. Seventh and

1 R a ilroad152.....:.......... Igoe B ros., T en th Ave.1 long, 2 sho rt— F ir s t Aid. Call







Page 4: Vol. LXXXVI, No. 37 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF … · Upper Darby, Pa. School Honors Dr. GeorDilworth Recognized For 20 Years Ocean Grove Trustee As Presiding Officer Of Board



A nd N ep tu n e Tim esPublished Friday TcL PRospect 5-0007

WILLIAM T. KRESGE, Editor and Publisher CHARLOTTE MEYER, Social Editor

SIXTY-FOUR MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEYSUBSCRIPTION: 13.50 yearly, $2.25 semi-annually.ADDRESSES changed on request—always give former address. ADVERTISEMENTS: Rates will he furnished b y u b AmTrvM n p


The Times is on sale at following newstands: Wllllamson’a stationery and Ruth’s . Stationery, Ocean Grove; Cracker Barrel. Shark S reKewstand, Asbury Park; Neptune Varsity Shop,Inc., Neptune Soda Shop. Andy’s Light Grocery, Nick Fomarotto, Smirna Beehive. Harvey's Stationery. and Wiu£s, Neptune.

THE TRUTH IN ITS PROPER PLACE . ----Kntered an Second Class Mail in Ocean Grove Post Office

e d i t o r i a lM A T I O H A l M

a a T i » f c6 z ^Something Else To Think About

Two small town boys trying to make good in the big city has the interest of the entire nation. Roger Maris from Hib- bing, Minnesota, and Mickey Mantle from Spavinaw, Okla­homa, are trying to surpass the great Babe Ruth’s home run record before'time runs out on the 1961 baseball clock.

Outstanding examples of the modern professional ath­lete, Mantle and Maris are counterparts of other baseball greats who tried to reach the coveted 60 mark established in 1927. Even the Babe himself batted 54 the year following, while Hack Wilson stirred the national interest in 1930 by reaching 56. Then came Jimmy Foxx in 1932 with 58, which Was equalled six years later by Hank Greenberg. Ralph Kiner slugged 54 . in 1049.

The Babe still reigns supreme.


Fifteen Years Ago 1 9 4 6

is -L - ^


(From the Sept 13, 1946, Issue of The Times)

M iss Iren e Cum m ings, re tired deaconess o f the. B anero ft-T ay lo r R e s t Hom e, Ocean G rove, w as killed by a tro lley c a r w hile she w as in Ph iladelph ia . to a tte n d th e 60th w edding an n iversary o f h e r s is te r and bro ther-in -law , M r. and Mrs. Ja m es Byron F u ller. M rs. P u ller, w ho w as s tru ck a t th e sam e tim e, w as in critica l condition/ .

“The P ioneer A gency” , rea l e s ta te and insurance business in Occan Grove, owned an d operated fo r 45 y e a rs by E rn e s t N. W oolston, w as sold to Edw in O. R alston , p a r t ­n er o f th e A sbury P a rk firm , G ar- r a b ra n t and R alston .

B y a m arg in o f 204 p ins the. St. P au l’s U sh ers aga in w on a threo- gam e bow ling m atch fro m the



New H ig h w a y M a p s , Free

TR EN TO N —The la te s t ed ition of th e N. J . S ta te H ighw ay D ep art­m en t’s Official Map and Guide will be ready fo r free d istribu tion next week. R equest a copy by ppst card w ith p rin ted o r typed address of th e p a r ty m aking th e request, to H ighw ay Map, S ta te H ighw ay D e­p a rtm en t, 1035 P arkw ay Avenue, T ren ton 25, N. J .

l e g a l n o t i c e

. :The Campaign Gains Momentum ...

Richard J.. Hughes, Democrat, candidate for Governor, says lie's boiling .mad sit Former Secretary of Labor James P. Mitclicll, the G.O.P. nominee.. This .stems from Mitchell’s charge that Ilughes was “ti paid lobbyist of the New Jersey railroads.” Mitchell further stated, “If I am governor, I will not march down to the Legislature with a pay check of the Pennsylvania Railroad in my pocket.” In trying to slide out from under the allegation, Candidate Hughes said he resigned his $15,000 post with the Associated Railroads of New Jer­sey on April 15 when it was certain he.would get the Demo­crat gubernatorial nomination.



j Dockct No. F 3532-GO: 'FItot Savings nnd Loan Association of »------- -East Paterson, N. J., a corpora loon o f , T ay lor, back; Comvay Clav, g u ard ; the State of New Jersey, Plaintiff vs: T , . , , • . Jr ,John Jacob Chambers, Jr.. ct ux, et-als, i Jo e Vecchione, back; Dick PalnVa-Dofendnnts ‘ • -»•• • .. ... ...

By virtue of a writ of execution in tlie above stated action to me directed,I shall expose for sale at public ven­due, at the Court House in the Borough


oue, at me uuuu » w«a>. ,>4 ...«- ——-~„.- of Freehold, County of Monmouth, New Jersey, 011 Monday, the 23th day of September, 1061, • at 2 o’clock, P.MI, Prevailing Time.

ALL that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town­ship of Neptune, County oi Monmouth, State of New Jersey:— .

KNOWN ond designated as Lot No. 5 in Block S-15-G on a map entitled “Map of Neptune Country Club Es­tates, Township of Neptune, Monmouth County. New Jersey, Scale 1"—60' April 13, 1955” filed In tl\c Monmouth County Clerk's Office August 5, 1955 in Case 42 os Sheet 10.SUBJECT to restrictions and ease­ments of record.

Being commonly known and desig­nated ot No. 14 Jeanne Drive, Neptune Township, Monmouth County, New Je r­sey. *

:The approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said sale is the" sum of S15.COO.OO together with the costs Of this sale.

IRA E. WOLCOTT, Sheriff Dated August. 22, 1061 Samuel Steber, Atty.

•35-38 ' $28,35

W arren Brow n,.A lvin Bills, W illiam D uncan and A l Todd: T he E agles w ere rep resen ted b y Edm und T hom pson, Sunny H erb ert, W illiam Lyons an d A rth u r C arpen ter.

T h e six teen th an nual to u rn am en t bt th e Ocean Grove T ennis Club w as held before th e la rg e s t crow d in its history. Tho c o n te s ta n ts w ere th e Misses R uth D unn ing and Alice F e rris . Miss D unn ing w on th e firs t sot, 6-1, and M iss F e r r is th o sec­ond, (3-2. The th ird an d final w ent to Miss D unning, 12-10. . In th e lad ies doubles- MiBs D unning and B e tty C arp en te r defea ted M rs. H nrry(-W heeler an d L a u ra W alker, 6-2, ^-6, 6-0. S ix cups w ere p re ­sented th e w inners, b y W illiam E. Thjmison.

Miss M arjorie Robinson, daugh­ter of Mv. and M rs. D rew K. R obin­son of 21 Ocean A venue, w as given a surprise iinen show er and: lunch­eon by her s is te r , M iss H a rrie t R obinson ,'assisted by Miss L illian Robinson; The g u e s ts , who w ere m em bers R ichard S tockton Chap­te r , D .AR. .w e re M rs. A bramS ayre , Mrs; C a th e rin e Gibbs, Mis3 M arion Gibbs, M rs, H ow ard S tiles, M rs. M irjory M cW hinney, MissA lta Krfsge, M is3 R u th Skinner,M rs. Giorge Sym s, M rs. R obert

F isher, Mrs. Jo sep h C. Jackson,tee r, guard ; Mike Polly, c e n te r ; 'M iss Snah D ay, M rs. H . B, D orr,W illiam DeMidowitz, end, nnd | Miss Jtssie .S ta n ts and M rs. D. IC.G lenn Trout, back. I Robinso*

K n ig h ts o f Honor. H arold F in ley rolled a 160 gam e fo r high in the n ig h t’s contest. O thers bow ling w ere C. Kunckel, T. A. P ierce and H . K resge, Sr.

T he Ocean Grove A ud ito rium ch o ir held its. annual g e t- to g e th e r in th e Tabernacle, w here 76 m em ­bers gathered . S ing ing and gam es w ith a ta lk by Dr. G. W . H enson, p residen t o f the Ocean Grove A s­sociation, fea tu red the ' evening’s p rog ram . Miss Mabel V aughn d i­rec ted th e program and Mr. D unlap w as in charge of th e gam es. Je sse K e s te r w as presiden t; George B ur­row s, vice president, and M rs. A nna N ichols, secre ta ry , o f the choir.

T h ir ty - fo u r hopeful candidates w ere com peting fo r varsity b e rth s on the N eptune h igh school foo tball team , while Coach Joe Pngano worked to develop a fighting squad fo r th e nine-gam e schedule. Only fo u r of the 1945 lettorm en returned., They w ere Norm nn Brown, end/ J im W atson, back ; Cliff A pplegate, back, and W oolcott H opkins, Back. O ther men who showed prom ise w ere D ick Honnig, tack le ; Tony M artuscelli, cen ter; Lorenzo C lark, g u a rd ; K enneth Dorem us, tack le; H ow ard A tkinson, end; Arnold

A u d ito rium exercises, th e u su a l H o liness m ee tin g w as he ld in th e T abernacle , thfe leader be ing Rev. Dr. H e n ry W heeler. O th er events w ere th e S u n d ay school an d Bible C la s s , , th e a fternoon m ee tin g on th e .N o rth E nd pavilion, and th e T w ilig h t R evival an d B each m eet­ing . . . ; , r

F ig u re s compiled by Col. Edward S. C ornel, o f. East O range, secre­ta r y o f th e N atio n a l H ighw ays’ P ro te c tiv e A ssociation . show ed th a t e leven persons w ere killed an d Sev­e n ty -e ig h t injtujed du ring Ju ly in New Je rso y by autom obiles. Eight were k illed an^: j<fftyrfo u t: injured in t ro lle y car a c c id en ts ,.o n e was k illed and eleven ipjflred b y hoTse- d ra w n w agons, s ix w ere lu lled and seven in ju red in ' n in e g rade-cross­in g accidents. ■.: ,

B a k e r F red Reitz, w hose place, of business in Ocean G rove was on P ilg rim P athw ay , .nursed a sore wriBt. H e w a s in ju re d , w h ile at*- te m p tin g to cran k h i s . autom obile.

The wrist was badly sprained, but not brokon.

The fall and winter opening of the millinery parlors of Mrs. M. Alice Miller was set for October 3, continuing all week. Mrs, Miller’s parlors were at 32 Main Avenue, Ocean#Grove.

Schools of Neptune township were reopened with an increased at­tendance, The total number en­rolled in Ocean Grove, alone was 8171 The su b -p rim ary grade grew so large that an additional teacher was found necessary, Miss Estelle Ferris filled the position.

The evening delivery of. mail in Ocean Groye, a summer feature at the local poatoffica, waB discon­tinued. This'mail left’tlie postof- flce at about 6:15. The force of let­ter carriers was reduced to four would he dropped. Three carriers until Oct. 1st when one of these Would continue in service until Oc­tober 16 'when the customary winter schedule of two carriers -would rule.



Have Fun, Learn to Bowl • Win Awards, Trophies

For healthful fun and keen competition—-Join onr Jun­ior Bowling Program—Learn to bowl, with FREE INSTRUCTION given by qualified instructor under A.J.B.C. Approved conditions. : Bantam, Junior, and Senior divisions. LEAGUE starting date—Sept. 30th.


1217 Main St., Bradley Beach PRospect 4-4540

Saturday, Sept. 16 — 10 A.M. v• Present this advertisement at the desk for


Thirty Years Ago 1 9 3 1


MONMOUTnNOTICE is hereby given that on

Tuesday, tlie nineteenth day of Septem- I her. 1061, at 2 P.M., at the Neptune Township- Headquarters, 137 South j Main Street. Neptune, *Nc\V Jersey, the i Township of Neptune, in the County of J Monmouth, will offer at public sale, * to the highest bidder, at a minimum sale price of • Six Hundred Dollars (GOO.OO), all the right title and interest of the said Township of Neptune ac­quired at a tax sale and the foreclosure of the Tax Title Lien Certificate there­of in and to the following described lands and premises: .

All that certain plot, piece, or par­cel of ground known and designated as Block 49 J, lots G05 and GOO. upon the following terms and conditions:

(1) Said lands and premises are to be sold for the purpose of increasing the size of the adjoining, property,

(2) No single or separate dwelling can be erected on this Jot as a result of the purchase of this land and prem­ises. • v .

(3) Twenty percent (20%) of the purchase money to be paid at the time the property is struck off. I f the money Is not paid at .that time, the property may be put up and re-sold immediate* ly. Tlie balance to be paid within 60 days upon delivery. of a Bargain and Sale Deed.(4) Said lands and premises are to be sold subject to all municipal, state, and federal ordinances, statutes and regulations affecting the use o f . tho said lands and premises, and subject to the covenants, conditions, and re­strictions contained in prior deed9 affecting said premises.

(5) The purchaser shall be required, ot the time of closing, to pay as an additional purchase price, a sum eaunl to the amount of tax based on the last

(From the Sept. 11," 1931, issue of The Times)

O cean Grovers fifth annual sw im -- m ing carnival drew the ‘la rg e s t crow d in its h isto ry on L abor D ay n ig h t a t the N orth E nd Pool. F o u r hundred in th e g randstand alone w as a m th e r record. One o f th e b ig eventf o f th e n ig h t w as th e b a ttle fo r possession, of the Charles Lewis cup fetw een the fire companies. E. H . S:okes com pany proved its r i^ h t to hold i t fo r a ll time by defea ting the Angles in the firemen’s re lay . ThV winning team w as com posed of

Rev. W. R. Guffick, pastor- of th e /West Grove M. E . Church, of­ficiated a t th e m a rria g e of Miss DorotiF W egem an;,o f Corlies Ave­nue, snd C hester. O, F a r ry ; of Fanning dale. T he a tte n d a n ts w ere D o ris H ulse and E a r l W egem an, broth# o f th e bride.

Fifty Years Ago1 9 1 1

(From the Sept. 16, 1911, of The Times)


Brotherhood D ay services in the Ocean Grove A udito rium w ere a t-

'tended by la rg e audiences. Rev. D r. John H andley , d is tr ic t supci-intend-

Icnt, w as in charge . I n addition to


D E A D L IN E FOR R EG IST R A T IO N FO R 19G1 G EN ER A L E LEC TIO N IS S E P T E M B E R 28, 1961. . F o r the convenience o f those who are unable to reg is te r du ring the day fo r the purpose of voting ill the genera l election to .b e held on Novem­b er 7, 1961, th e m unicipal c lerks o f all m unicipalities in. the C ounty o f M onmouth have scheduled additional evening periods. U nless o therw ise noted below, reg is tra tio n s will be taken a t th e m unicipal hall. G LEN N L. SW ADER, Com m issioner

NEPTUNE TWP. Sept. 20 (Sportsmen’s ClubBangs Ave.) 7-9 p.m.

Sept. 27-28 7-9 p.m.N O T E : Any reg iste red vo te r who h as changed h is o r h er nam e due to m arriage , re -m arriag e , divorce o r by c o u r t m ust re ­reg iste r.A ny. reg iste red vo ter who h a s moved, w ith in th e county , within th e d is tric t, o r from one d is tr ic t to an o th er on o r before Sep­tem ber 2R, 1961, m u st' sig n a change of address notice w ith th e ir m unicipal clerk o r n o tify the C om m issioner o f R eg is tra tion in w riting .N atu ra lized citizens m ust p resen t th e ir n a tu ra liza tio n papers w hen reg iste rin g . ' -A ny perso n 'w h o due to illness o r d isability is unab le to ap pear b efo re th e ir m unicipal clerk or. a t th e I la ll o f Records, F re e ­hold, N. J . o n .o r before th e 28th of Septem ber, to reg iste r, m ay apply in w riting to th e Com m issioner o f R eg is tra tio n , H all, o f Records, Freehold, N. J ., on o r before Sep tem ber 27th fo r re g is­tra tio n a t th e ir residence. T hey will be reg is te red by a rep re ­se n ta tiv e from th e office of th e C om m issioner o f R egistra tion and vote an absen tee ballo t a t th e ir home.If in doubt as to w hether, o r n o t you a re a n active vo te r o r reg iste red from your p re sen t address — telephone — HOPKINS. 2-1910 — E xtension 134. • ,

assessed valuation from the first of ifto month next after the date Qf sale until the end ot tho current year and also oil legal conveyancing fees. Any bit. der who falls to complete his purchoH will forfeit to the Township any de­posit paid. , : ■

tc<) The deed will contain a ctadl- Uon thnt tiif lands and premises are >o bo used for the purpose of inere.is-, inn the size of the adjolnlns property i nnd that no single or separate dweli- ing can be erected on this lot. as a j result of the purchase of this property. I,

(7) The sale of this properly is sub-l * ject to confirmation by the Towns')Ip Committee who may reject qny or all bids.- „DATED: ScptcmfeH* V1961

• JOHN Ii", KNOX • - To\rn$)up Clerk

-3fi-3T $19.98

' A" •' R E A L ’■





' • 4,





PR 5-0398

Good BuyCharming home, fite rooms, 1 Vf baths, stear; oil heat, garage; in excelledfondition and in good local/on,

$13,i53 '

Jenniejffeyer■ -Agen cy

47 Vi Main AvenueOcean Grore, N. j .

Tei Pi} 4-3061

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. II»ve y o u r own business in th is ideal com m unity!

H ote ls a n d R oom ing H ouses

22 room s, 2 ap ts ., h o t a i r oil hea t, $10,000.12 ro o m s, h o t a i r oil h e a t , ow ner’s a p a r tm e n t and 8 room s

to rent, $13,000.29 room s, oil s te am h e a t, ow ner's a p a r tm e n t, 6 rooms,

$15,500. S m all A p a rtm e n t H ouses 3 s jja r tm en ts , new h e a te r , $12,000.G sp a rtm e n ts , h e a t, good incom e, $13,500.7 sp a rtm e n ts , h o t w a te r h e a t, $32,500.

S to res and A p artm en t S to re -with 4 room a p a r tm e n t, h o t w a te r hea t; P rice $15,000. S tore , 3,150 sq . f t ., s ix room n p a rtm en t above,- h o t w a te r

h e a t, in N ep tu n e . P rice $35,000.' ; R e s ta u ra n t ' v

F lo u rish in g business, d in in g room w ill s e a t 134, O w ner’sap a r tm e n t w ith 3 bedroom s, h o t w a te r h ea t. M ake an offer.

W e h av e o th e rs! '

ALVIN E. BILLS, RealtorMember of SMLS

.78 MAIN AVE. •PRospect 4-2124



Your Ocean Grove Cottage, just a block from the beach. North-end section. Tip-top condition. All. year! Faces South. Grand porch. Open to offers — $17,000 range.TIIE HOME in Ocean Grove. On two lots. All modeim. Full basement. Completely air-conditioned. Fireplace. Landscaped. 2 baths. Wood paneled dining room. Livihg room full width of home. Many, many closets. Attractive exterior and no work to be done — just live. Lists a t $25,000. . • • ‘Summer Cottage. One and a half blocks to beach. SE

:section. Fully .furnished. Fireplace. 2 Baths. ‘ .Small basement. Faces South. Firm price at $9,500.


53 Main Ave., Ocean Grove — PR 4-1058 PR 4-2080

FOR SALEBEAUTIFUL HOME. Sun parlor, living room with open fireplace,

dining room, kitchen, electric dishwasher, dinette, 3 bedrooms, 1% baths. Full basement with, laundry and extra lavatory, OH burner steam heat. Insulated. Fine condition. Beautiful shrubs and plants.

GUEST HOUSE with rooms and apartments. In operation. Illness compels sale. Reduced to only $10,500. ONLY $1,000 CASH REQUIRED. Balance paid like rent.

HOTEL—-20 rooms and apartment. Must be settled! Therefore only $13,500.

NORTH SIDE—8 rooms. Oil fired hot water heat. Reduced to $10,500 for quick s*Ie.

HANDYMAN’S SPECIAL—2 family. Space heater — only $5,500.

Ocean Grove Lot for 'Sal6.

BUNGALOW — Modern, 4 rooms, tile bath, $11,000.

BUYS In homes, cottages, bungalows, guest property are listed and ready to be seen.

V. M. KllBLERRealtor


F 0 E E C L O S U R E and

E S T A T E S A C R I F I C E S(E xclusive)

HOME: 3 bedrooms, complete bath, 2nd floor. Lg. living rm., dining room, kit., 1st floor. Lath and plaster, Vi cellar. Hot air ducted heat to all rooms,. auto, hot water, North End section, 5 min. walk Jo station or shopping.

F..U L L P R I C E $6,500.00HOME: 3 bedrooms and bath, second floor. Living soorn, dining

room, kitchen, 1st floor. Lath ;md plaster, Auto, oil hot water heat. On she sunn; side of the street. Ready to move in. Main Ave. North Side'.

F U L L P R I C E $11,000.00


66 MAIN AVENUE OCEAN GROVETel. PRospect 4-4132 Residence 5-0899

Established over 47 TEARS


THE NEPTUNE CITY BRANCH(Located in the Neptune City shopping Center)

• FHA Improvement Loans • Personal Loans . • Auto Loans • Free Life Insurance on these loans I

• 3% Interest Paid, on Savings Accounts

Use Our Modern Office or Drive-In Facilities

The First National Bank of Bradley BeachBRADLEY BEACH. N. J. — MODERN FREE PARKING

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Monmouth County Bankers and Clearing House Ass’n.

Page 5: Vol. LXXXVI, No. 37 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF … · Upper Darby, Pa. School Honors Dr. GeorDilworth Recognized For 20 Years Ocean Grove Trustee As Presiding Officer Of Board


In And OutOf Ocean Grove

M rs. M artha P . S m ith and M rs. E rn e s t E . W allw ork an d fam ily h av e re tu rn ed to G len R idge a f te r spend ing the: Sum m er a t 1 S u rf A v e n u e ! . ' • ' : . ' . ; _ ..

A fo rm e r re s id en t o f P rinceton, M rs. G eorge Com pton, 31 S u rf A ve­nue, » leav ing 'O cean ; Grove a f te r spen d in g th e 's u m m e r a t 31 S u r f A venue to reside a t 35 E a s t C urlisA venue, P tn n m g to n , N ; J .

- .Harrison' Circle withMiss L. May t o i l e r as leader, will m eet in the C6nferehce room oif St. Paul's Church at 2:00 p,m. on Tues- day.' " • •* ’ ’J " • r

Mrs. .Lojiise.Weljrfritz who has spent the, summer at 53 .Broadway has returnedt toJier home in West-' bury, L. I. • '

M rs. E th e l-F itzp a tric k , Miss Rose Sever, M rs. H elen A zzolina and fam ily have sp e n t th e sum m er a t10% H eck A venue and hav e r e ­tu rn e d to th e ir hom e in E a s t O range.

M r. and M rs. D avid W . D euchar, 25 S u rf A venue a re re tu rn in g to N ew Y ork C ity tom orrow (S a tu r­d ay ) a f te r an o th er sum m er season. V isiting them w ere M r. and M rs. H . L. C lark and th re e grandch il­d ren , David, N ancy , and Robyn, fro m Mt. Kisco, N . Y.

Y esterday (T h u rsd ay ), M rs. W m. E . Thompson, 0 M ain A venue, le f t fo r. h e r home in P h iladelph ia a f te r a v e ry delig h tfu l sum m er in the G rove..’

The R osetta Sherw ood H all C ir­cle, w ill m ee t on T u e s d a y .a t 2:00 p.m . a t the M anchester H otel, 25 Ocean P ath w ay . The covered dish luncheon h as been cancelled. M rs. N ea l A. T om pkins/ leader.

T he W illard W .C.T.U . w ill m eet on .W ednesday a t 2:00 p.m . a t tho hom e of ' M rs. V iolet Gillan, .83 F ra n k lin ' A venue.

The L a P ie fre H ote l, fac in g W es­ley Lake, w ill close tom orrow (S a t­u rd a y ); M rs. W . G. M cllvain; p ro ­p rie to r, w ill r e tu rn to h e r hom e in H averfo rd , P a .

•W ord h a s been received fro m a fo rm e r re s id en t o f C la rk A venue who is now in th e M ethodist Home, s ta tin g h e r apprecia tion to R ichard I’’. Gibbons, m a n a g e r o f th e Grove, f o r the th ree la rg o benches in “ Boswell P a rk ” on C lark A venue. She hopes th a t now moro aged fo lk s w ill use i t a t i t - i s a nice p a rk to s to p an d r e s t in.

T he Ocean G rove Hom e O w ners’ m eeting w ill be on T hursd ay a t 8 p.m .' a t T horn ley Chapel. T he sp e ak e r w ill be M r. Ja c k Toole, A s­s is ta n t M anager — Social. S ecurity A dm in istra tion . Come and b ring

. y o u r Home O w ner neighbors. *•M r. and M rs. C harles S. W hilden

an d son Dale, re tu rn e d th is week to th e ir hom e in Tom s R iver a f te r spend ing th e su m m er a t th e ir co t­ta g e a t 12 A b b o tt A venue; M r. and M rs. W hilden w ere recen t g u ests o f G overnor a n d - M rs. R obert B. M eyner a t M orven in P rinceton w hen a reception w as held fo r th e N ew Je rse y S ta te B oard o f In s t i­tu tio n s and A gencies;

THE FLORIST• Funeral Designs• Weddings, Bouquets

CORSAGES fro m our


■— 783 W ayside Rd. — .


Eddie’s Quality Market


125 Heck Avenue Ocean Grove

E . W . R obbins, P ro p . Tel. P R ospect 4-0963



.118 M A IN A V E N U E A IR C O N D ITIO N ED PRospect 4-1753

Lady. W m . P . W alton , Jr, A tten d an t O w ner and M gr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n H a rle y and children, Bob, M e rry / D ick and Cindy, have re tu rn ed to th e ir home in Teaneck, after- spending th e sum m er in the T en t, Colony a t 18 F ro n t Circle< ./. • J;... ,

M iss Jean n e D avis, w hose sum ­m er hom e is 72 M t. T abor W ay and M rs. W m . H . M oor, have re tu rn ed to H averton , Pa';, a f t e r vacation ing in th e .Grove since Ju ly .,- The- E d ith ' F re d erick C ircle w ill m eet- a t :-the hom e' o f M rs. E th e l S t i r l in g ; J1 2 ; P itm a n - A venue on M onday' afterricfonr ;a t 2:00 p.m.

I'Mrs, G lln ttn C o td ray i leader, w ill be '' c6-hoste6s:% ith ' M rs. S tirling .

R u th e rfo rd B; 'T rim m er, J r . , 901 F o rd h i ta ' R o a d ',¥ h e , Gables,. w as R uest; ’6 i W rior' a t a b ir th d a y d in ­n e r a t tfce'hoiiie 6 t M s p a ren ts , 136 C la rk A venue, la s t 'S a tu rd a y n igh t. O th e i^ ! ^ ie9 ‘erit; 'w ^rei h is wife, K athy , and th e ir f o u r sons, John, Gary* B ry an anii'-Andirew, an d h is W ater and lierfainilyV M r. an d M rs. L e ro y Sldciim a n d Ju d y , fro m The G ardens. .

The 'E t'h e l ' H a r p a t , C ircle will m eet a t th e hom e of i ts leader, M rs. H om er D. K resg e , 96 W ebb A venue, a t 2:00 p.ni; on Tuesday.

M a rtin W . B en n e tt has re tu rn ed to h is hom e in Maplewood a f te r spending the sum m er in th e Grove.

M rs. G eorge H. H ooper and h er com panion, M rs, G eorge M. Duf- field, a re leaving, fo r th e ir w inter hom e th is week a f te r spending a very p leasan t sum m er a t . . 67 Mt. H erm on W ay.

Seen on th e beach over L abor D ay w eekend, . V irg in ia B re tu a lly and R eg in a W olpert’ of G arden City, L. I., hav ing a w onderfu l tim e a t the S outh End.

M rs.' L o re tta A lle n . of Irv ing ton , h as re tu rn e d hom e a f te r spending th e sum m er a t T h e . . Beachfront; H ouse, 28 Ocean A venue. - '■ '

A 'b ir th d a y p a r ty w as celebrated a t The M arine H o te l fo r Mrs. E m m a H aley of-Lakew ood on Sept. 3. The follow ing guest's a ttended, M r, .John Squires,' A lbany; C harles Louis, N ew ark ; M rs. Sm ith , H orse H ead, N. Y .; W a lte r H aley, Mrs. Sam uelson and children, M rs. A lm a D ickerson; M r. an d M rs. P av lak and th re e d au g h te rs , M rs. Mae C ham bers, -a l l . o f Lakewood, and M rs. J . V. Newcomb;

Sum m er vacation ended th is week fo r M r. and M rs. H ow ard M artin who sp e n t the sum m er a t 39 Olin S tre e t. T heir w in te r hom e is in N e w ’Y ork.

The Ocean Grovo F itk in H os­p ita l A u x iliary w ill hold a gam e and card p a r ty a t th e H om estead re s ta u ra n t on. th e boardw alk , on F riday ,. Sept. 29th a t 8:00 p.m. D onation $1.25.: T ickets m ay be ob­ta ined by calling> M rs. Ludwig,' 135 •Abbott A venue, P R 4-7263. P layers b rin g th e ir own ca rd s and gam es, •

Sum m er residen ts a t 11 F ro n t Circle, Miss E lsie B ullinger and M iss Olie W hite ley ,, have re tu rn ed to th e ir hom e in Ph iladelph ia .

M rs. H a rry W . E isen b erg h as r e ­tu r n e d to h e r hom e in S t. P eters-; burg , F la . a f te r a s ix w eeks v aca­tion v isitin g re la tiv es an d -fr ien d s in .Pennsylvania , C ape M ay and Ocean Grove.

T he W om en’s R epublican Club of O cean Grove w ill hold i ts firs t fa ll m eeting a t th e M ajestic Hotel, O cean Grove a t 1:30 a.m . on F r i­day.

M r. and M rs. C harles M iller, sum m er residen ts a t 3 B ethany Block, w ill r e tu rn tom orrow (S a t­u rd ay ) fo r th e ir hom e in M ahanoy C ity, P a . ,


Ruth’s Stationery Store 53 M ain A venue OCEAN GROVE



3 Blocks North ofCasino, Asbury Park

T ra in , Rodeo, Ju n io r C ar Ride, T u rtle Dip, R oto W ip, B oa t Ride

N E W M IX IN G BOW LS School B ub, M otorcycles

ClemsBeauty Salon

89 Main Avenue OCEAN GROVE PRospect 5-7161: . Specializing In

. Permanent .Waving

M r. an d M rs. G eorge N ixon Jeffc O cean . G rove ra th e r sudden ly only to And th e ir hom e tow n, N ew Y ork v e ry ho t; T hey se n t w ord th a t th ey hope to be down soon ag a in . The N ixons s tayed a t th e W hitfie ld H o­te l w hile th ey w ere here.

A f te r spending h er. 6 0 th sum m er in O cean Grove, M rs. F ra n ces S. T ay lor, 88 F ra n k lin A venue, h as le f t f o r h e r home in P ainesville, Ohio. She w ill be s ta y in g w ith h e r d a u g h te r and son-in-law , M r. an d M rs. R alph E . M a rla tt a t 45 L in­coln Blvd. O n Sept. 16, M r?. T ay lo r w ill ce leb ra te h e r 90 th b ir th d a y .

L t. an d M rs.’ R ees N oren , U. S. N avy , M onterrey , C alif., becam e th e p roud p a re n ts o f th e ir second boy, B rad ley E ric , bo rn on S e p t 12. B rad ley 's , b ro th er, B ria n Rees, is one y e a r old. L t. N o ren in th e son o f M r. and M rs..E dw in N oren,9 W ebb A venue.

T h e E dn a B rad ley C ircle w ill m ee t a t th e hom e of M rs. E d w ard D evonshire, leader, 85 M t. T abor W «y, on M onday a t 2 :00 p.m .

M r. an d M rs. E dw in R. D euchar and fam ily , le f t th e ir sum m er home a t -23% S u rf A venue f o r B ronx, N ew Y ork, f o r the w in te r m onths.

M r. and M rs. W alte r S. P ro p e rt, fo rm erly o f Philadelphia and sum ­m er resid en ts o f 14 B e thany 'B lock , have m oved to C hatham , N . J .

M ary Janes ' Gibbons o f 64 A s­bu ry A venue, enrolled th is w eek as a fre sh m an a t U psala Coliege, E a s t O range, She is th e d a u g h te r o f M r. and M rs. R ichard F . Gibbons and w as g rad u a ted fro m N ep tu n e H igh School la s t . Jun e .

P am H ancox, a 1961 g ra d u a te of N ep tune H igh School, w as escorted by h e r p a ren ts , Mr. and M rs. Jo n a ­th an H ancox, and b ro th e r M ark, la s t F rid a y to H igh P o in t College’ in H igh P o in t, N o rth C arolina, w here she enrolled a s a fre sh m an on Sunday. The H ancox fam ily live a t 62%. Cookman. Avenue.'

T he E lizabeth A sbury Circle w ill m eet in th e annex o f S t. P a u l’sC hurch on T uesday a t 2:00 p.m. M rs. A r th u r F land reau , leader.

T he W ash ing ton F ire -C o m p a n y A u x ilia ry w il l , sponsor a b u s - tr ip to se e ‘‘C am eiot,’’ on Oct. 21, bus leav ing 12:00 noon, re tu rn in g la te m evening. Call f o r reservations, M rs. W illiam H arrie s—P R 5-5229 or M rs. R ay H . M isner, J r ., P R 4- 3285.

The St. P au l’s C hoir M others Guild w ill have a covered dish su p ­p e r on M onday, Sept. 25, in th e Ju n io r Room o f the church . Mem­b ers w ill be contacted a s to details. M rs. Edw. H ill, presiden t.

The Zella Glidden Circle w ill m ee t a t th e home of M iss M ae F u l­ton, leader, a t 52 A bbott A venue on T uesday a t 2:00 p.m .

T he E . H . Stokes F ire C om pany au x ilia ry w ill hold th e ir f irs t fa ll m eeting a t th e fire house on T u es­d ay a t 8:00 p.m. A ll m em bers a re u rged to a tten d . *

M em bers and g u es ts w ho a r e 1 m ak ing th e bus tr ip w ith th e Ocean ' G rove W om an’s Club bn Sept. 25th, a re requested to g e t th e ir vo ting certificates fro m th e N eptune Tow nship office. T hese certificates a re necessary to e n te r C anada.

* —The n a tio n ’s .firs t successfu l silk

m a n u fac tu rin g w as estab lished in r a te rs o n b y Jo h n P y le one hundred an d tw enty-one y e a rs ago.


OCEA N G R O V E — T he Mer m orial C ross on th e f ro n t of th e Ocean G rave A uditorium w ill b e lig h ted th e w e tk o f Sep tem ber 16 to 23 ,in m em ory of M rs. C la ra Winslow^ m other, ,

. by M iss A lice W inslow , 101 M t. C arm el W ay, O cean Grove.

ObituariesC A T H E R IN E A . DOVEY

OCEA N G R O V E —.M rs. C a ther­in e A- D ovey, 23 So. 13th S tree t, N ew ark , died S u n d ay n ight, a t The S tan ton , '36 H eck Ave., w here she' h ad been a su m m er re s id en t f o r 22 years. V v ' -

M rs. Dovey w as a m em ber o f th e Roseville M ethod ist Church, New­a rk . V '••' /■ V:

She Is surv ived b y h e r husband, A lfred , E ;, one. niece, M uriel V an Deusen, U tica , N . Y .; tw o nephews, D onald F ra se r , V erona, and K en­neth H ag erty , Union.

Services w ere held o n W ednesday a t th e Cole F u n e ra l H o m e,, New­ark , N . J .

In te rm en t, P om pton P lains, N. J .

MRS. M A RY CURTO N E PT U N E — B orn in I ta ly and a

com m unicant o f ; O ur L ad y of M t. C arm el . Rom an Catholic Church, A sb u ry P a rk , M rs. M ary C urto, 81, died on T uesday a t h e r home, 1209 E m bury Avenue.; ~ ■

S urviv ing a re a son, Thom as E ., N eptune C ity ; two d au g h te rs , M rs. L illian S m ith an d M rs. Joseph ine R inaldi, o f th is p lace; seven g ra n d ­children, an d th re e g re a t-g ra n d ­children.

F u n e ra l 9:30 f ro m th e F rancioni, T ay lo r and Lopez F u n e ra l' Home, A sbury P a rk . H ig h Requiem Mas!) a t 10 o’clock on S a tu rd a y a t O ur L ad y of M t. C arm el C hurch. In te r­m ent, M t. C a lva ry C em etery , R o s­a ry recited to n ig h t (F r id a y ) a t 8:00 p.m . _. '■

M ttS . W ARD W . D E A N OCEA N GROVE — F o rm erly a

deaconess in th e F i r s t B a p tis t Church, A sb u ry P a rk , w here she w as a m em ber, M rs. M ay C .D ean, 71, died a t h e r hom e, 8.2 M t. Zion W ay, la s t F rid a y . She w as also a member, o f the church’s P h ila th ia Club, and o f the O&O Society.

M rs: D ean w as b o m in Brooklyn, N . Y. and w as a fo rm e r resid en t of N eptune Township.

She is survived by h e r husband W ard W. D ean, S r., and a son, W ard W. J r .

Mr. and M rs. W ard , S r. w ere co ow ners o f tho D ean Room ing H ouses here.


I’liospec t 5-1076 D ining Room A ir Conditioned B re a k fa s t Served


W inter R a te s ; Rooms and Efficiency A p ts. PR ospect 6-972-1Open

All Y ear ST. ELMO HOTEL PR5W. . . C o rn er Main and N ew Y ork Aves.

Modified A m erican & E uropean M abel & Geo. D avis, P rop rs .B reak fas t 8 to 10 ' Sunday D inner 12:30 to 3 P.M.D inner 4:30 to 6:30 R eservation , please


S ER V ED FROM 4 P.M . to ' 7 P.M . IN T H E





One block from Boardwalk. Open Year Round

PR 5-1674

Everybody has been talking about the Seaside Buffet

this season.

Gall PR 4-1320

for further details


; T el. P R ospect 4-8974 - O C E A N GROVE









“Everything For The Table”COR. PILG RIM PA TH W A Y & O LIN ST. P R 4-1749








KOTTBULLAR - - - lOcaiH O R M EL OR M O RRELL W hole o r Shank H alf •



with our own home-made salads and pastries fresh daily

■ Services w ere held a t th e Ocean Grove M em orial H om e on M onday. In te rm e n t w as in M onm outh Me­m oria l P a rk , N ew Shrew sbury .

Meth. Men To Hear Col. J. E. Raymond

OCEA N GROVE — On T uesday n ig h t a t 8 p.m . .Col. J . E . R aym ond o f th e U nited S ta te s A rm y, w ill qd». d ress th e M ethodist Men an d th o ir frien d s on th e ever In te re s tin g sub ­je c t o f . o u r im m o rta l P resid en t. '.

Col. Raym ond, a re tire d W est P o in t officer o f W orld W a rs I and' I I an d th e K orean w a r , h a s m ade th e su b je c t o f h is address, th e “A s­sass in a tio n o t Lincoln,” a life tim e study . H e g rew u p in th e m id st of th e scenes o f th e assa ss in a tio n an d as a boy w as acquain ted w ith some e lderly people who w ere p re se n t a t th e F o rd T h ea tre th e n ig h t when th e P resid en t w as shot. M uch of

h is y o u n g er day s w ere sp e n t in th e env ironm ent o f th is tra g ic affa ir . H e .th u s becam e fasc inated w ith th e su b je c t and by stu d y and ex ten ­sive research , he h as acquired a n ex tensive know ledge o f th e sub jec t.

A ll men w ill w an t to h e a r th is ad d ress w hich w ill be g iven in th o A ssem bly room of tjie church .. M any in te re s tin g slides w ill il­

lu s tra te th e 'a d d re s s ; .' — * ----- —Space Exhibit Sept. 23 & 24

ii. P H IL A D E L P H IA - — A n a s tro ­n au t’s space capsu le w hich • sc ien­t is ts believe capable o f te s tin g m an’s reac tio n s on a flig h t to th e ff|doh an d designed and- b u ilt b y a g ro u p of' y o u n g ste rs w ill ..be one o r h undreds o f exitiib'its-on d isp lay a t th e 1961 A erospace P a n o ra m a on Sept. 23 an d 24 in th e P h iladel­p h ia T rad e an d 1 C onvention C en te r, 34th S t. and Convention Ave. A d­m ission is f r e e o f ch arg e to th e public an d is sponsored by th e A ir Force A ssociation o f W ash ing ton , D. C .


58 M ain Ave. Opp, Postoffico

2 % blocks from ocean and Auditorium

P riv a te B aths

H o t and Cold W a te r In Al] Rooms

Mrs. Louis Tassakis Owner

’ ,Mr. N. Turzay , Manager . . . .

P R ospect 4-9786 :

Classified AdvertisementsAdvertisement for these columns should be In the office of '*Tht

TimeB” NOT LATER THAN 11:00 A.M. Thursday of each week. •.CLA SSIFIED AD BATES

25 Words OR LESS SEV EN TY C EN TSAdditional Words ABOVE'25 ..... —......... — 2 Centd per Word5 Times for the price of Four Consecutive insertions. For each line capitalized or Indented, 15c* additional charge.

Copy mailed in, given to a representativelor brought to office, per­sonally must be accompanied by cash or stam ps,to .cover cost. Copy accepted over phone as a courtesy and convenience to customer*. Bills due immediately upon presentation.


TWO newly - decorated ..furnished apartments, TV, 15 Pitman Ave., Ocean Grove, % block from beach, near Audir torium. First floor, 5 rooms and bath, available month of Sept.,, $200. Second floor, 3%. rooms and patio porch, ocean view, available Aug.: 12 to ’19, $90; also, month of Sept., $175. Both apartments available for winter rental commencing Oct. 1. Call PR 5-2723. —29tf



........... "W^Oil

WINTER RENTAL—2 & 3 room apts., with kitchen & bath, well heated iiouse, Oct. to May, reasonable rate, all utilir ties, cleaning & linens supplied. 23 Ocean Ave., Occan Grove. —33t£

FOR RENT — Furnished four room apartment, second floor. Private bath. Winter or year round. Centrally lo­cated. Call PR 4-1750. -33-37

THREE room apt.; unfurnished; first floor front; spacious porch; • $65.00 per, month including heat and water. Avail­able Sept. 9th. Phone FO 3-201G.■■ —34-38

AVAILABLE AT ON.CE—Two room studio apartment* all year rental, with all facilities fully furnished. Located centrally to transportation, . churches. 104 Main Ave., Ocean Grove;:. -35-39*

... . . . — .mam nvc.; coall year; 12 rooms, 2‘.<5 baths; HW on heat; partly furnished: A-l condition, $19,250. Mt. Hermon Way, NW section: 4 apts.; home an investment; all im­provements; asking $12,500. McClln- tock Street: three separate apts.; fur-; nished; • bargain at $7,950. Clark Ave­nue: twin house; each side 7 rooms; hot air heat; price rcduccd to $9,Otto. Worth investigating. Brewer & Smith, Realtors, member of S.M.L.S., G19Bangs Ave., Asbury Park, PRospect 5- 0250. —31t£

ATTRACTIVE Income property being sacrificed. Convenient to schools, churches, transportation. Excellent lo­cation. All year tenants. Apartment furnishings included In sale. 104 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove. —33-37*

FURNISHED APARTMENT—Utilities ahd heat supplied. Oct. 1st to May 31st. 90 Webb Ave. : —r36-37*

OCEAN GROVE—4 rooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished. All year. Call Miss Davis,-PR 4-7170., ..... -36-40*

ALL-YEAR guest house, Ocean Grove, wonderful condition, oil steam heat. 11 rooms with running water, fully fur­nished; plus, owner’s apartment and

, extra apartment. Nice clientele. 2nd i block ffom ocean. PRospect 5-5749. i -35-39*

NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP — Custom built ranch home with 2 light and airy corner bedrooms with large closets, a family size living room with fireplace, formal dining room, stairway to ex­pansion attic, 2Vi acre plot and only 5 minutes from Parkway entrance and exit. Call GARRABRANT, PR 4-7500 or evenings KE 1-3223.. —37

TWO NEWLY decorated furnished apts. T.V, 15 Pitman Ave;, Ocean Grove. 1st floor—5 rooms and bath, $75 monthly; 2nd floor—3% rooms, bath and patio porch, $65 monthly. Avail­able Oct. 1 for winter rental.: Call PR 5-2723 or PR 5-3100. —36tf

APARTMENT — Furnished 3 rooms and bath in Ocean Grove. Available Oct. 1 to May 30th. Ground floor, pri­vate entrance. Call PR 4-7515. — 30-40*

FOR RENT—Room With private bath; also kitchen facilities, for the winter. Homestead, 73 Main Ave., Ocean Grove.


SIT U A T IO N S W A N TEDCONGENIAL, Christian lady wishes

simple room with kitchen privileges permanently, preferable in private home. Write box 4433, c/o Times Office. Ocean Grove. -37*--------------j----------------- -------------------- -

WANTED—Room with private house­keeping facilities by quiet woman: P. O. Box 264, Ocean Grove. <V —37*,

APARTMENT with private- bath and kitchen—from after Labor • Day until late spring; also,; wiU‘ board, teacher, or business, woman. 23 Ocean Ave., Ocean Groye. • —37tf. FRONT APARTMENT —Three light rooms, unfurnished,. and : bath. Short distance to Asbury Park and Audi­torium. Suitable for one or two ladies. PRospect 5-0957. -37-41*

WANTED—A lady to act as compan­ion, for room nnd board with small re­numeration. Please write Box 2090, c/o Times Office, Ocean Grove; . —36-37*

FOR RENT — Two furnished apart­ments—First floor, .4 ; ■ rooms; second floor, 2 rooms. Central location in' Ocean Grove. Write Box 0592, c/o Times Office, Ocean Grove, or phone evenings PI 4-8874 (Montclair). -37-38*

FOR RENT—Four room unfurnished apartment, immediate occupancy; light an d ' airy; all utilities included. Fully equipped kitchen; ocean view porch. 21 Webb Ave.,. Ocean Grove, . . —37*

OCEAN GROVE — First floor; apart­ment, open Oct. 1st to June 1st. Whit­field Hotel, Beach & Surf Aves, PR 6-9724.- - 37tf

OCEAN. GRQVEr-6 room house, auto­matic • heat, extra lavatory first floor, yearly. $62.00. Adults only. Write BOx 2221, c/o Times Office, Ocean Grove.' -37-41*

GARAGE FOR RENT-r-87 Mt. Hermon Way. Phone PR 5-6145.; Mrs. S. W. Eis­enberg, • —37*


r>^9V ?5KEEPER' cool<. partimo. Call* r l \ 0 - 1 0 7 4 . . .. .t . ••• 3 7

WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE—If you would enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day calling regularly each month on a group of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Ocean Grove, and are willing to. make light deliveries, etc., write to STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS. Dept. NJW-9; Glendale, California. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. -37-38-' HOUSEKEEPER and cook. Sleep In.

3 adults. Good salary. ‘PR 6-0588.-37-41


IRISH SETTERS — Sacrifice, due to health. 2 JnCC females, 4 & 1 years, many b lue.. ribbons. Very well man­nered; excellent with children. Can be seen at 75% New York Ave.. Ocean Grove. 'After Sept. 4 call N. J. CApltal 6-2277. -35-39*

COLLIE puppies; country raised champion stock; wormed and per. in- noculations. WH. 6-4845, or write: N. .Q. Terhune, P. O. Box 24, Holmdel, N. J . -33-37*

FOR RENTr—Furnished efficiency apt. 2nd floor, for all year occupancy.»PR 5- 8320. —37

FOR RENT—Small 2 room, furnished apt. 1st floor. Private lavatory, PR 5- 8320. — 3̂7JT

W A N TED — T o Buy

HIGHEST PRICES PAID—I will buy china, glass, lamps, brlc-a-brac, Jew*1 eliy, silver,, furniture. Best prices paid. Alice Sand, 227 River Road, Red Bank. SHadyside 1-5260 —14tf

FOR SALE—Small tricycle in good condition. PR 4-3810. —37*


P L U M B IN G A N D H E A lW d, guttefi and leaders. Fred Eisenhauer, 124 Cookman Aye. Phone PRospect 5-5092.-

' -■ : —5*tfCARPENTER—Service and odd jobs.

Sash cords replaced, painting and pa- per hanging.. Call PR 4-4436. ^-37-41*.


Page 6: Vol. LXXXVI, No. 37 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF … · Upper Darby, Pa. School Honors Dr. GeorDilworth Recognized For 20 Years Ocean Grove Trustee As Presiding Officer Of Board


Neptune City Line;



Get it at the

SHORE RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT CO.Kitchen Equipment and Furniture


n i t r e C f r p p t Telephone P R ospect 5-1147I D p . I T i a m O i r e e i O pposite Main Avenue Gate s


B ody and F enders . Nick Antich Repaired w h e e l a l i g n m e n t


Painting ' Finishing

Tel. PRospect 5-3472




H U nitiKS Avenue. Neptune, N . 1. ■ Tclephuce PRospect 4-0030


Homo Improvement ContractorL. ۥ. BENSON, Mason

106 Vi AtW na Ave., N e p tu n e — PRospect 5-7359 w a o » Waterproofed




of Service In Monmouth County

Fonrth and Railroad Ayes Asbury Park, N, J,

Dial PRospect 5-319S


-EDWARDS FARGO GAS STATIONPick up & delivery • 24 Hr. Towing Service • Lubricstjop

1123 CORLIES AVE- NEPTUNE — PRospect 5-9892Oldsmobile Sales and Service ' Phones: PR 5-4670 — PR 5-468S

Johnson’s Oldsmobile, Inc.86 South Main Street, Ocean Grove


Phone PRospect 4-1439 24-HOUR SERVICE


Corner Corlies Avenue and Main Street Neptune, N. J.


WILLIAM GRAY, Mason Contractor_____________M U 1-S912


1707 Maxwell Dr.. Wall Twp., Belmar, N, J.


— PR 5-8539NEPTUNE


5-5044G. H, Wood and Son 100 Cookman Ave.

Ocean Grove5-5U41 _____CARPENTERS-MASONS, All types construction, roofing, siding. Weyerbauser •hell homes. We will undertake your entire project (foundation to interior decoration); Estimates free. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Charles LambertRoofing, Siding, Alteration Work — No Job Too

Large or Too iSmall — Terms Arranged _____ ■

New Construction Alterations Estimates Cheerfully Given

GUSTAVE C. GROB, BUILDER8318 Corlies Ave., Neptune PR 5-5729

M U 1-1727



Thompson Fuel CompanyF U E L O IL WOOD AND CHARCOAL117 So. M ain S t. — 'M E R R IL L II. TH O M PSO N , P rop.

• Mathes Air Conditioners“BLUE" COAL

PR 5-2300




Highway 35 and Corlies Ave., Neptune, ,N. J.Phone PR 5-9707: Night Phone MU 1-514B J» G, J, Webber. Prop..

PRospect 5-9416 W e1 give S & H-Green StampsNEP FUNE SHELL SERVICE CENTER

Tires. Batteries, Shellubricatkm • . . NEPTUNE

Free Pick Up & Delivery .HIWAY 35 at DRUMMOND AVE.

LAUNDRYCall PR 5-1012 for Pick Up & Delivery Same Day Service


TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE Notice of Registration

General ElectionSeptember 28, 1901 is the last day-

for persons to register or change their voting address to enable them to vote at the General Election. 1

The District Boards of Election will sit in the places hereinafter designated on Tuesday, November 7* 1961, between the hours of 7:00 A. M. and 8 .P. M. for the,purpose of conducting a Gen­eral Election to vote upon the candi­dates for the following offices: ^" Governor . . V •.

Three members of the General As­sembly

One member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders

Two members of the Township Com­m ittee. • :■ '

Township / T a x Collector. -ELECTION DISTRICTS

The Township of Neptune election districts, th e ir . boundaries and their polling places, are as follows:

DISTRICT ONE . Bounded:on the east by Ocean Ave,: on the sduth by1 the center line ox Broadway: on the west by the- center line of Pilgrim Pathway; and on the north by Wesley Lake.

Polling Place Washington Fire House; Central Ave­

nue and Olin Street, Ocean Grove. DISTRICT TWO

Bounded on the east by the center line o£ P ilg r im Pathway; oh the south by the center line of Main Ave.; on the west by the center line of Delaware Ave.; and on the north by Wesley Lake.

Polling Place V ■ .* Thornley Chapel, corner of Pilgrim

Pathway and Mt. Tabor, Way, Ocean Grove. •

DISTRICT THREE Bounded on the east by the center

line of Delaware Ave:; on the south by the center line of Broadway; on the west by. the center line of South Main St.; and on the north by Wesley Lake. ; : Polling Place

Eagle Fire House; Main and White- fleld Avenues,; Ocean Grove.

DISTRICT FOUR Bounded on the east by the center

line of Central. Ave.; on the south by Fletcher . Lake; on the west by the center line of South Main St.; nnd on the north by the center line of Broad­way. r-.Vv

v * ' Polling Place •70 Stockton Avenue, Ocean Grove,

DISTRICT FIVE Bounded on the east by the center

line of Pilgrim Pathway; on the south by the center line of Broadway; on the west by the center line of Delaware Ave,; and on the north by the center line of Main Ave.

Polling Place Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Associa­

tion office. Main Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway; Ocean Grove.:

DISTRICT SIX Beginning at South Main St. and the

Asbury Park City Line; thence, south on Main St. to the Bradley Beach Line; thehce, w est on the Bradley Beach Line to the New York and Long Branch Railroad; thence, south along the New Yopk and Long Branch Railroad to the

FREE Soak Period washed • dried

1 Blueing • Folding • Your laundryfolded — 434 Prospect Ave., Asbury Park



DAIRY PRODUCTSPhone PR ospect 4-1916

"No Finer Milk Sold Anywhere” • Green Grove Rd*, Neptune

WOOLLEY’S DAIRYTel* PRospect 5-5050Successor To

Taylor Dairy



EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR. AERO MAYFLOWER TRANSIT CO..1924 Hcck Avenue The Shore's Newest and Most Modern WarehouseNeptune, New Jersey PRospect 4-0G32 KEllogg 1-1033

Neptune City Line; thence, west on the Neptune City Line to Ridge Ave.; thence, north on Ridge Ave. to Ninth


48 M A IN A V EN U E, OCEAN GRO VE W. B. N A G LE, Keg. P h .

NAGLE’S Main - Central Pharmacy“D octors A dvise N ag le’s ”


DRY CLEANING“ G arm en ts m ay be dropped off on your w ay to

■_ ----------business, shopping o r school and picked up onI . y " 6 HOUR / your w ay hom e” — One H our C leaning! No e x tra I m R T J P ttK - charge . A ll w ork done on prem ises.

3 So. Main St. at border line of Neptune, ■"Ocean Grove & Asbury Park

P hone P R 4-0036 Free Pick Up and Delivery

PURCELL CLEANERSCleaning Plant on Premises 2457 CORLIES AVE.

Neptune Gardens Shopping Center 1 NEPTUNE, N. J.


ADAMS ELECTRICW iring — F ix tu re s — A ppliances

R. D arv in A dam s, J r . P R ospcct 6-8376P . O. Rox 915, A sbury P a rk , N. J .


P R ospect 4-1186 E lectrica l C on trac to rs

ROBERT E, MOSERf i x t u r e s • W i r i n g • e l e c t r i c h e a t

403 OAK D A L E DR., S h a rk R iver H ills. N E P T U N E



A & B FISHERYPRospect 5-2718







A sbury P a rk



MONUMENTS_______ Beauty

(baruD • guarantee


Quality . . . Craftsmanship in ENDURING MEMO- Every monument sold by us is backed by a written . . BARRE GUILD Vermont Granite from “Rock of

Ages” Quarries.


219 State Highway 35 NEPTUNE • PR 5-2447

By Dr, Robert Green

The daily Youth Meeting in the Temple at Ocean Grove during the months of July and August provides some unfor­gettable experiences for those who gather to the.“sound of the trumpet” at 9 o’clock each morning. One wonders wheth­er this singing fellowship, directed by Dr. Walter D. Eddowes of Huntington, W. Va., and assisted by his wife, Josephine, at the piano, has a parallel anywhere in the fifty states! A type of inspiration emanates here that brings hundreds of wor­shipers back each year, ranging in age from 12 years to 95.

At the heart of the fun and fellowship lies commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord—an ideal shared by Youth Leaders, Gordon Lowden of First Methodist Church, Red Bank, and ' Robert Green of the Methodist Church of South Orange. The significance of this basic purpose was not lost on the 500 wor­shipers in attendance on the morning of August 31, when an earnest young adult in his quest for Christ came forward seeking Christian baptism.

Pierre Martin, a native of Antwerp, Belgium, and now residing in Jersey . City,-has been attending these Youth Meetings in The Temple during his vacation for several sum­mers. With great earnestness, he. received the sacrament of baptism, administered by the Rev. Robert M. Green, and as­sisted by Dr. Marvin W. Green, pastor of the Methodist Church at Roselle Park. Standing up for Mr. Martin during the ceremony were two Christian friends deeply interested in him—his hostess and a retired minister.

The day before—August 30—was observed in The Tem­ple as APPRECIATION. DAY.' The congregation brought an offering of $1,788.27, in appreciation of the place the work of The Temple has in their lives.

PAINTING — DECORATINGP aperh an g in g • T ap ing • In te rio r & E x te rio r P a in tin g

WALTER J. ULMER, JR.501 M A PLE AVE., N E P T U N E . N. J . _ P R ospect 5-1764



47 M A IN AVE., OCEAN GROVE__________________ P R 5-6636

P L U M B IN G and HEATING“W e Come A R unning” 24-Hour Service

ANTHONY SAUTA, JR. — PR 5-0842Oakdale Dr., Shark River Hills Residential


R esiden tial & Commercial E stim a tes Cheerfully Given


FLORISTARCADIA — The Land of Flowers •



401 COOKMAN AVE, ASBURY I'AUK Phoned PRospcct 4-2445;


Residential & Commercial House Wrecking502 B urling ton A venue, B rad ley Beach, N .-J . P R 4-8530

BOB FURLONG — Tree Service 1 • Truck Rental Tracking — Fill Dirt — Top Soil — Gravel — Sand



ACE Radio & TV Service (PR 5-8062)• We repair Television, Home & Car Radios, Record Players and

Tape Recorders400 Main Street (Corner* 4th Ave.), Bradley Beach



E .. A. PACE 5 & 10c STORE'49 MAIN AVE. OCEAN .GROVE — PR 5-4455. ioo m a in s t „ k a n a s q u a n — c a 8-0224

Ave.; thence, east on Ninth Ave. to Atkins AVe.; thence, north on Atkins Ave. to Division • St.; thence, east on Division St. to the New York and Long Branch Railroad;.thence, north on the New York and Long Branch Railroad to the Asbury Park City Line;; and, thence, east on the Asbury Park City Line-to Main St.; and also that section of Neptune Township known &s, “Shark River Islands’*.

Polling Place: ■ tUnexcelled Fire House, 1120 Corlies

Avenue, Neptune. • *DISTRICT SEVEN

and the north on

go Ave. to Ninth Ave.; thence, easton Ninth Ave. to Atkins Ave.;.thence north on Atkins Ave. to Division St.; thence, west on Division St. and the extended line thereof to State Highway #35; thence, southeast ond south on State Highway #35 to the Neptune City Line; nnd thence, east on the-Neptune City Line to Ridge A ve..

Polling Place , Unexcelled Fire House, 1120 Corlies


Beginning a t State Highway #35 and the Neptune City. Line; thence, north and northwest along Highway, #35 to Huntington Ave.; thence, west along an imaginary line to Harding Ave., west along Harding Ave. and an extended line thereof to the easterly boundary line of the section known as Asbury Gables; thence, south and southeast Neptune City to Highway. #35. along the boundary line of said section to corlies Ave.; thence, west, to the boundary line of Neptune City; and thence, cast along the boundary line of

Polling Piacc ’ 1515 Corlies Avenue, Neptune.

DISTRICT NINE Beginning a t the New York and Long

Br.mch Railroad and the .Asbury Park Citv Line; thence, south on the Now York and Long Branch Railroad to Division St.; thence, west along Divi­sion St. and tiie extended line thereof to Highway #35, north on Highway #35 to Huntington Ave.; thence, west along an imaginary line thereof to Harding Ave..’ west on Harding Ave. and an ex­tended line thereof to the easterly boundary line of the section known as the Asbury Gables; thence, north and west along the boundary line of sold section to Bangs' Ave.; thence, east along Bangs Ave. to Springwood Ave. and continuing east along Springwood Ave. to Springdale Ave.; thence south on Springdale Ave. to Heek Ave.-,. thence, east, on Heck Ave. to a point 135 feet east of Myrtle Ave.; thence, north to the Asbury Park City Line; thencu, east along the-Asbury Park City line to the place of beginning.

Polling Place 1132 Embury Avenue, Neptune.

DISTRICT TEN ;Beginning a t the intersection of Heck

Ave. and Springdale Ave.; thence, north on Springdale. Ave. to Spring- wood Ave.; thence, .west on Springwood Ave.: to Bangs Ave.; thence, east on Bangs Ave. to the Asbury Park. City Line; thence, south along the. Asbury Park City line and the extension there­of to Heck Ave.: ond, thence, west on Heck AVe. to Springdale Ave.

Polling Place American Logjon Post Home, 240

Drummond Avenue, Neptune., DISTRICT ELEVEN

Bounded on the east byN the Asbury Park City line; on the south by the center line of Bangs. Avenue; on the west by the center line of Wayside Road; and on the north by the center line Of Asbury Avenue and Deal Lake^

Polling Place Liberty Fire House, Monroe Avenue,


Bounded on the east by the eastern boundary' line of the development known as Asbury Gables; on the. south by the center line of Corlies Avenue, (State Highway No. 33); on the west by the. centcr line of Wayside Road; and on th e . north by the center line of Bangs Avenue.

Polling Place Office building, at Brighton Avenue

and State Highway #33, Neptune.DISTRICT THIRTEEN

Bounded on the east by Shark River and Mushquash Brook; on the south by the center line of Lakewood Road; on the west by the center line of Brigh­ton Avenue; and on the north by the center line of Corlies Avenue, (State Highway #33.

Polling Place Shark River. Hills Fire House, Brigh­

ton Avenue. Neptune.DISTRICT FOURTEEN

. Bounded, on' the east by the center line of Birghton Avenue; on the west by Jumping Brook; on the north, by the centcr line of • Highland Avenue east to Green Grove Road and north on. Green Grove Road to Hankins Brook and as extended to Waysldo Road; and on the east by the center line of Way­side Road to .Corlies Avenue, {State Highway #33), and east on the center line of Corlies Avenue, (State Highway #33), to Brighton Avenue.

Polling Place Asbury Park Golf and Country Club,

320 Old Corlies Avenue, Neptune.DISTRICT FIFTEEN .

Bounded on the east by Hamilton- Glendola .Road, (Gulley Road), on the; south by Shark River Brook; on the

west by the Borough of New Shrews­bury boundary line; and on the north by Corlies Avenue, (State Highway, #33). ". ..

Polling PlaceHamilton Fire House, State Highway


Bounded on the east and south by Shark River; on the west by the cen­ter line of Brighton Avenue;, and on the north by the center line of Lake­wood Road.

Polling Place Community Baptist ChapeJ, 428>Lake-'


Bounded on the east by the center line of Jumping Brook Road and Jump­ing Brook; on the south by Shark River Brook; on the.w est by the cen­ter line of Hamilton'-Glendola Road; (Gulley Road), north to Corlies Ave­nue, (State Highway #33), and west on the center line of Corlies Avenue; and on the west by the Borough of New Shrewsbury boundary line.

Polling Place Hamilton Fire House, State Highway


Bounded on the east' by Green Grove. Road south to Highland Avenue and west On Highland Avenue to Jumping Brook; on the west by Jumping Brook and Jumping Brook Road; on the north by ihe center l in e o f Asbury Avenue to the intersection of State Highway #66; and southwest on the center line of State Highway #66 to Green Grove Road.

Polling PlaceSportsmen's Club, Green Grove Road

and West Bangs Avenue, Neptune.DISTRICT NINETEEN

Bounded on the east by Wayside Road; 011 the south by Hankins Brook extended to Green .Grove Road; on the west by Green Grove Road; and on tiie north by State Highway #66;

Polling Place Sportsmen’s Club, Green Grove Road

and West Bangs Avenue, Neptune.JOHN - W. KNOX

Township Clerk —37-30 •. •• . $70,14

L aw rie 's Road, a th o roughfare constructed in 1684 to connect P e r th A m boy w ith B urling ton , w as the firs t public overland tra n sp o r­ta tio n fa c ility in the N ew J e r s e y , colony.

thence (1) along the said line of Cold Indian Springs Road, north 73 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds east 105.70 feet Jo a point; thence (2) South 17 degrees 6 minutes east 80 feet to a point: thence(3) South 73 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds west 105.70 feet to a point In the said line of Vanada Drive: thence(4) along the said line of Vanada Drive, north 17 degrees 6 m inutes west 80 feet to the point or place of Beginning.

BElng known as Lot 25 as 6hown on a map of "Subdivision of property to be known as Green Grove Village owned by Van Ness Corporation in Neptune Township.

Being commonly .known and desig­nated as No. 22 Vanada Drive. Town­ship of Neptune, New Jersey.

The approxlmate'amount of the judg­ment to be satfsiled by said sale is the sum of $8,700.00 together with the costs of this sale. -

■ IRA E. WOLCOTT, Sheriff Dated August 22, 1981 Durand, Ivins & Carton, Attys.-37-40 $37.80


Notice to. Creditors to Present Claims Against Estate

ESTATE OF CHARLES ATTARDI, Uc-c/a'ipd..Pursuant' to’ ihe order of EDWARD

C. BROEGE, Surrogate of .the County Of Monmoulh. this day made, on tho ippllcatisn ol' the iUKltrsi^ncd, Lena

Attardi, S&le Executrix of the estate of the said Charles Attardi, deceased, liot'jp i« .hereby R iv en to Ihe creditors of said deceased to.present to the said Sole Executrix their claims under oath within six months from this dnte. Dated: September 11, 19G1

LENA ATTARDI 1212 Ninth Avenue Neptune, N. J. •


MAUSKER and CAROTENUTO ,34 Broad StreetRed Bank, New Jersey. Attorneys-37-10 . ' $14.28

. 10-130 'SHERIFF’S SALE


Docket No. F-2341-60 Keystone Savings and Loan Associa­

tion, a. body corporate, Plaintiff v3; Harry J. Green and Patricia Green, his wife, New Jersey Mortgage & Invest­ment Corp., Suburban Propane Gas Corporation and Texaco, Inc., Defend­ants • •

By virtue, of a writ of execution in the above stated action to me directed, I.shall expose for sale at public ven- ,duel at the Court House in the Borough of Freehold, County of:Monmouth, New Jersey, on Monday, ,the Oth day of Octo-. ber. 1961, at 2 o’clock; PiM. Prevailing Time.. •*':••••• - • u-

ALL that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Township of Neptune, in the County of Monmouth, in the State of New Jersey;, being more particularly described as follows: • '

BEGINNING at. the corner formed by the intersection of the southeasterly line of) Cold Indian Springs Road and the northeasterly line.of Vanada Drive;



Elcctricon Inc.. a New Jersey cor­poration, Plaintiff vs: Z. E. Bros., Inc., a Corporation of the State of New Jer­sey,. Motel Trails Inc., a corporation of the State of New Jersey, and John D. Wooley, as Receiver in Bankruptcy of Motel Trails, Inc., a New Jersey cor­poration, Defendants

By virtue of a writ of execution In the above stated action to me directed, I. shall expose for sale at public ven­due. £t the Court House in the Borough of Freehold. County of Monmouth. New Jersey, on Monday, the 9th day of Octo­ber, 1961, a t . 2 o’clock..P.M. Prevailing Time. •

Ail the defendants’ right; title and interest, if nny, in and to the following:

All the following tract or parcel of land uhd the .premises hereinafter par­ticularly d*?scrib^d. situate, lying and bein'; in the Township of Neptune, Ccuiity pi Monmouth, Slate of New Jersey, more particularly described as follows:

"Being known and designated as part of Lot 10 Block S-10-15 on the Official Tax Map of tho Township of Neptune,. Monmouth County, New Jersey, for 195C, as revised in 1959, and being more particularly described as follows:

BEGINNING at a point at the South­westerly corner of State Highway #33 and West Bangs Avenue; thence (1) Running in a Southerly direction along the Westerly side of Bangs Avenue, South 22° 40', West 400 feet; thence (2) running in a Westerly direction at an angle which will meet the Northerly line of Lot #9 on said Tax Map North GO9 48' 12", West 400 feet, from the end of the first course; thehee (3) Run­ning in a Northerly direction to a point in the Southerly line of said Highway #33, North 22° 43' 57" East 278.81 feet which1 said latter point shall be a distance of 400 feet Westerly from the aforesaid intersection of State High­way #33 'and West Bangs Avenue; thence (4) Running in an easterly di­rection and along State Highway #33, South 78° 14' 22", East 400 feet to the point or place of beginning.

THIS descriuption is made in accord-, ance with a survey of property for Motel Trails Inc., Route #33 and West Bangs Avenue, Neptune Township. Monmouth County, New Jersey, dated August 19, I960, as prepared by Leon C.. Avakian, Surveyor. .

P roperty loeated On Route #33 and West.Bangs Avenue, Township of Nep­tune, New Jersey.

Tiie approximate amount of the judg­ment to 'be satisfied b.y said sale is ihe sum of $26,410.00 together with the costs of this sale.

IRA E. WOLCOTT, Sheriff Dated Aug. 15. 1961 Rosenberg, Schmidt & Greenhalgh,

Attys. .-37-40 $51.66

a complete oil heating service



PR 5-4600 20-40 Prospect Asbury Park

Established Over 40 Years