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'^-'■ Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc tL NEWS' -TOPAY VOL. XX. NO. 208—S CENTS. . TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY, DECEMB: T R IO # ¥ ¥ T O T U E S D A Y TMz^ter-^ighway-A<:cidm^ D.AS Ayio GOES OEF ROM Ketohiim-Twia Falls H a ^ Is Hurled From Oar; Woman, Hurt Nov. 24,'Dies Will VMt Idaho V/0 persons^wre -•~here today a n d 'if^ had been injured as the result of three automobile accidents, two of which happened over th^' week-end. The Denny F. Sullivan, 30, Ket- ' chum, formerly >of Twin Falls.. . -Mrs. Ethel Robertson Til- ley, 69k puriey. 'M re r'T il^ . died.Ju. the L county general hospitei'here to^ay of pneumonia result- ing from injuries sustained in an automobile smashup near Murtaugh Nov. 24. Sul> Hvan killed m stantly in ainother *ma»hup i^ear here ^ d a y -noon. ' ' " >n»# Injured: w m anl R. Dwjrer. 37, Kelohum. and Miss Cleona Allred, SS,% teh- ton. Both were riding 1b ma> ^ I n e owned bjr BuUlrao. ccnottkMr U:^ tJtemooD ir ' fo'l Mias Aflt^ li's u ir ^ fram '^- eratl86s df the Bcalp u id elbow mnd Dwyer'from brokCQ ribi and.Mrere l*cer»tlpu of the ler-tnd «e»lj>- 9oth tr« m’tbe g«ner«l bos- p«*l. •- . . Tbelr ^fmtured skull m j near Jerome ^Mlso contln- f Uonna CoiSll and _________ _ ^ l)Olh oi Po<^llo. treated for ci and brtiUeijiere after auto miihap , Just east ol^inberly Sund/y at 10 I BothfWere releaaed^jdp nwm> Officials wm^4^HtS^tlng tills allcmoon whrtliw or not a coro- ner's Inquest will be held Into Uia mishap which took tko nfe of 'Sull- ivan. . \ Does 0 (( Road IpvesUjftUon - by Deputy 8h<rlft Art Parker disclosed the machine omied by Sullivan and belrtved to (ConUnuKl on Pise 2, Column I) ED ^ •fO llO iyM EET OommitloeB 'flamed to Map /V Arr^jljomentB For Stato r ' Oatherlngi HerQ Col. and Mrs. Lindbergh Secretly Return to^ U. S. Coiiunlttcea t« srrvn during the sUte-wlde cQuvrutloii ot dairy groups, scheduled (or Twin Falls Friday and Hatiirduy. Jan, 14 and IB, were named thls afternoon and preparaUourf werA undorwity for the me^Ungs which are expected to at- tract BOO persona. \ Meeting the first day of the two- day convention will be tnenibcrs or the Idaho Creamery Operators' M- soctatlon the llol ‘ - • Famed vklhir at Son Valley tUs manth ' wiD be Charles Chaplin. worU-kBowa moTie comedlaa. ahdwa .a t e n wltfe- .Paoleite OoAdard, who ia ex- pected (« be la the party of six for w lu » '< % a ^ made rcMnratloM today, King Vidor, soted xDOTie dUwctor and pro. dneCT, wQl JM. fa tte j ^ y . . m m il jy i.™ Famed fil^&omodiftn Tabes ReRerr^tiosB For Party Inclndkf Vidoi’ hero today for C lK ^e Chaplin and i»rty of six, to spend the. tihrlstmu holiday* at S)xn Val- lej lodge. Among the mmbciji ' of the party will be King Vidor, ffioUon picture director and pro- famed sUent comedian of the movies and his friends arrive In Sun Valley on Oed. 33, and will ttmain until Dec. ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ . . Subpoena on Film Actor Not Served HOLJ,YWOOb. Deo, 6 (UiD-JXp. uty U. B, Marshall James P. liw lle Rave the tool kit back to the doc- tor, paid rent on the full-drru suit nnd the meuenger's outfit, and took the. laundry wagon back to the lUtDle. admltUng today that lie had loat a week-long game of hide* and-seek^ wUh Charlie Chaplin. Lavelle Imd a subpoena to nerve on, Chaplin for a deposition in a New York suit brought sgalnst Uie comciflqn nnd otliers by-flluu Son^ ore.^ Tobla Soclete Anonyme, He ig on Uie door of Qhsp- “Lone Eagle” Surprises by Quiet Arrival ENGLEWOOD. N. J., Dec. 64J.R)—Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindberghs were back in their native land today after an absence of nearly two years. ' The purpose of their visit —they left their children in England-^nd-ita length were not revealed. - E\'en their whereabouts had been left a m atter for spcculRtlon by Undbcrgh'sstrlclreglmen of secrecy, but tbejs was a great deal of evi- dence to-tadliale that .Uicy were voluntary prfsoners behind the high iron fence of the closely-guarded estate of' Mrs. Xlndbergh’s mother. Mrs. Dwlgbt W. Morrow. This was denied, however, by Mrs. MorroWa aeerctary. ' ........ Obtain'Vnlfcrmed The Undbeighs retilhied to the United States on the liner President Banting. Only Basil Harris, vice- president of the United States linos, knew when they engag^ passage, Capt. Jamea B. RoberU did oA know of his dlsU - • • until a few minutes before he sailed, and fellow passenge« did not know It untu the ship was well at sea. Hence the few casual spectators to their clandesUiw landing yester- day—via the Prealdsnt Harding’s (CoaUaOMi M > H f I, CotnMU DKCOMIIIM ACCEPISCHAIlGE ■FOR LEW W BuBiness Aid Put as No.. 1 Measure For Congress ^ To .Oonsid^ WABHiyOTON, Dec, 0 ^ aiive icauires. aid taxpayers me ons as sent# J to put biiifi r ? ' ir else on The COli.' and 1 |^ / c^ bi .bs > a, lindberob hou.*>e ways and mrans tax _ _ tnlttee today, agreed to two technical changes In adminUtratlve features. In the revenue laws to aid claiming loss deductions ment grew in congress to ness relief ahead of ail'd program for the special session. The special BcsaSon has but 18 more Working day». Despite the shortness of time for leglslaUve action (he houso labor commUtee ordered Uie wage-hour bill •complclcly rewritten fpMjrovislons for administration bWllie IKbir de* pailment InsveadTrTuy & five-man ^ board as provided Ip the pending r ^iu- •‘PoUUeal Fanners" The farm bUl, one of Uie other liflmo objectives of the administra- tion in the special session, continued imder attack. A bi-partlsan Woe charged that “political formers" were responsible for Approval given the measure in hearties held through- out the country. , The two changes approvad by the tax subcommittee In the revenue laws would: I—Enable! turers or other persons nUUv 1. building or machine at a lofi, to dalm the entire transacatlon ii' a deducUon, and 3—elimination of dispute as the year a bad debt or i security become worthless. ^ Chairman Mary .Norton, D , N. J. of Uie house labor conuolttca. m b ) U)0 labor 'Imminent' Nanking Fall PreUicied by Japanese * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥¥T¥ '^ . -------- Vj B O m b i^ o f E n glish Ship C ^ s e s T en sio n Officer Seriously Injured as J^p^eae Planes Attack Three Vessels in Kiver ■ t ft I n .Wrlr^lan " ..uod.Uon, I!,. ^ /Ouen}sey 6atUe club and thajlda* ha Jersey Caftie club^ On Ute f(Fo- ond day members of the Idaho Blatn Dairymen's associaUoii will meet with the nUicr groups either “Sitting In' or holding business commltteo .sewlons, ' “ , U. ^ I. (,4ader Talks Among speakers tclieduled to talk f 'r riurlna the mfotlngs In Dr. Harrison I. ‘." 0 . Dale, president of tlie University I of Idaho, ' Otto-Kostar, manager of Uio Jsr- oine Co-Op Creamery In Twlil Palls i» oiikinnan of Uio commlttre in Other .oharte m«nbns of the c , q . «. aetdet. Twin Palis; A, H, Kir- eher. Buhli‘*b«in. Kaylor, Twin A, H. Jagels, Buhl; Carl Addy, ,W n .Pallst Harvey Hale, 'I'wln . yalli; Ivan H. Loughary, BoUe, ex- Wniluij dairymani Thomas Bpetdy. Twin Palto; L. J, Tencklnok. Twin rtllS, . Advertising OommttiM - Members of Uia advertising oom- mittee are K. W. Whitman, county aient, Jerom.; W. W. iNOniM. omm- ty-agent. BurJeyi O. w, Deigh, ooun* ty agent, nupert;''Chestar Mlnlc. county agent, OoOdlng and Mr. apewly (It 'rwln PalU. as to related InformaUim wilt be announe- •4 latar. The convenUoa was tii , V . »l..N««pa. ifn's neverly Hills home and ank Ing for CImrllo. He said a maid slammwl Hm door in hts face. Ilriit« Laundry Cart lie iriiU^d a laundry ^srt. drove up to tlin rcitr door, a n o '^ r tc d In with A buti'llo, Tlie same maid sent By RICHARD McMIU.AK 1X3NDGN, I>fC, fl <UP)—The bombing ot three DrllUh slilps by Jiipn- ■.e plnncs at Wuhu, closely following other frlcllou-prodJclng lncldrni«, brought AnRlo-Jopanese relaUons to a point of ten«ne*a totlnv^jjll^ equaled slncc the start of the far casterp conflict. ' The bomblngn, marked by the oj n DrWlih naval copi- mnnder. were ex|>ect«d to touch off n bnrruRT of riue.-itl(nui on develop- ments In the For East in parlia- ment. ^ ■. Although the gOvernmen^ikjITcy is to piny for time until th^rearma- Horrntrd a mesoengpr'a uniform and (tollvercd a letter. Demanding [nature on the rerelpt, With a borrowed sarjlpal aat«h«l (CoBllnuHl on «*»l* ». Culuma •> lOYAL SO LB KILIEIIEIICHMAH Track Doiortor ^ o n ll Ling And Itlll r u m .r , Conila OirmUlVB PSIIPIONANA. France. Dep. 0 (Ufi-aiMinUlJ loyalUt soldiers, pur- sitlng a drserter from the ctvU war, croMwl the border h>to France to- day and and killed » FwnoU farmer siwiwctcd of harbortng Ihe fugitive, The (irnUi of ttie farmer, Sebai- tlan Juanola, waa reporWd by local police to PsrlA dlplomatlo sources which are eniwcted to conduct i investigation, Juanola wu uld^tu of the -soldier - mountains to avuliiKlihVJns on »rle.rs and other a«|«» front, UeiKjiillilin c«t»^ "?1 to Uie TKRh. esA(^d< ucrosa the border after the shpoting. m tnl program ueata the completion 111 April. Ute po&ilblllty o f m o r e flcrlous "provocative acf/w an not conslderod unllkoly In/V^iw of A - velopmnils of theSast^A h<Turs. _ Uk ncyt/^enU Tl'ewtncturtfd'. -• I, Tlin boiiiMiiK of three plainly marke<l nrltUli ahi|M, Included H. M. B. .liBdyblrd and the wounding of Unut. Comdr. H. D. Barlow at Uie Vangtxe river |iort of Wuhu, 3. The thrrnt that the Brltlsli crown coloity at l(i>ng Koag will be brought Into Hip srea ,of ItosUlitles / Jupnnese actlvliks in the Csnton rcn,- JapanrM^ Msrebing a. Tlie roixirtrd ilcmund of the Japanese IiIkIi rnmmand In Shang- hai to iwrnill jnjianese troops to march throuKli (>>e International AotlJeniciil nt uiiy Hmo without pre- viously iiotllylng tJie municipal council, 4 Jnpniir-v (lirrftU U) take "ade- quate nction ' 111 ('(innoctlon with an Incident Involviiiu a Urltlsh cltlseii and thr Jniflim uP of a Japanese Hag Kridiiy. (>. Thr friir lliat the Japanese art llkbly to Iiinr.i;<; tiielr demands for conlidl <i( J<hi>iiKlin> u Jiipanese ap- proach Nmiklnii MINKIl KILLED I'lllCi:, tHiili, IX‘0, D (U.R>--Louls Baiiti. ». H ‘onl nilnor, died hefe jiniUh, .aj..Miil liOiils Bafley, 30 worn icnnrrliig from hurt* n- caivcd i*» u»f txiffered Traoturt^.- - - ....... ^ his clicat t:rul>lied, , VIKKCTIONN prrTSDUUciH. dbc, a iupi a woman utopjirtl Elijah U e imil asked yesterdny: "Can you stmw me the way lo Uie nmirtvil church?" l^e polntrd out Uir <ii- Chiang Plans Rejection of ' Peace Offers By KDWARD W. BPATTIE SHANGHAI, Dec. fi (U,R)~ ,Tni)an(<HG nrmy HpokcHmcii jinnouncpd lodny that an -nd- vanco Kiinrd of JapancHc in^ilizcd iinitfl nnd infantry ‘'Wan within aiglit of NankinKI 'lOld .that the fall of China’fl capital wan "Irjmincnt," rorelgn cinba«. 1 rii of mrverol .... tlons were rrixirted to have notlfird Bhaiiiihol ttint thry nxpcctdt to / FinR KANUAH C n v , Mo. J)n il fight liuii'iK'ils b( lircN In >ih yeitrs BJ 1 » innnli;r of Ihr lin' deparlninil. Hni-riitv yciir.i <il<l Aow, ane on A t<k trnvr, ShndwIcK watohed tiln lioinn burn, Hr liv< il a mile oul'^ldo of llio city llinllA. Nelghborn, '^lio hiid liinicd lii nii ’.slapn OiMiiliiy, wcir (old ll-i house Wti.i the ilr|iiiit. ment's Jinl.nilirin.n, . LOB AN(U:I.k: i, Dnv fl ( iiP) Jlinmy •lliirki.lun imia ofl a football brl liy liitiliing n pni- nut around > i ciiy l>l(H-k witii lii'i ' nooe. It t<Hik him onn hour .....I 30 tplnuirn. 'nilckflliiii, ii yi-ll , leader at tlir l)ll)vc^^lIv CiU) - ) fomia at i,<i' Ati«rii-fi, iiiiwi'fiy' jf e l his tenth would Ivnt lliiiilii- f «rn Oallfurtilii Kudirdny. lie lln- l*>wd the i)iiv-cill with liln ii«sn -< badl^ sklni,ir<l luul iinniiuKi^'i vjiii a strip of ailhr:>u'^ U|><v llui hn ’■M WrtlsmirniinV lli' InM nn- otlier wsgri- on iu\i vrur’s itm e ; Uib loicr win |mi .i, h tim*. nut around Itm iwi. r. NANKING W Areni llONT - . noMiiicn NAKKINO. Ufir. 11fUl'l MPvrnlrrn J ^ n e s e bombing iilntu--. di.i|ii>.-ii ****-^ I atnl&Urri on Mu- Niiiikliiu JwUffrontToiuy not far fri'in wlinu ■titnr- ly to warsliiiis and othat^vmcln II tli6 Yangtr.n rlver, iBeven AmrrlcauA and tlirrr Ilal- Juns already litive been t«l:i-n iilionrd Lite U. 8, gunboot I’oniiy, ritngcmenta were mndn in nniovc olliRrs from llio paalr-nliii i..‘ii rlty thiu afternoon and tomorrow] A Japahene »i>okFsmDn nniimim-ed Hint the ndvunre gunrd hail rnii lird II point on till' rond frotii 'I'ntiyiuiK, runt of Nniikliig, lour lo (Ivr kll- oiiKt'rri' from the (‘n|illiil. liinllliig, ill' "H Is oven iMiMlbIr lliut t (Continued <m r»gf ^<-ol Woalthy Exporter Kllln Hie Bocrctary, Then Tnrin Qun on 8eU NEW^^ORK, Occ, 0 (uni—Miiiliiiio Piiiill, wcaltln niK irkr i«u<l IhUmt of fniir chlldrni, lay dyliiR lii Kliixn I'oiinty liOApliul lotlay, the vlillm of the MUIO ^W\ tin UM(l t« lltk I jIoikI Mcretary, a widow nnd iiioihrr or iwii grown-uii girls. T'i>llro nSld m at the S7-yriir old (i-i(ll)?r-down meroluutt ciinfcjiAud to ahiiotliw Mra. Kiiea I'enilwrUJii Nitliin a few sri onds iMfore lio (ired u hiiUet thrnuKli i>is own lieud while tlir two sat In lils new sedan pniked : I(ire a Brooklyn salooii liilo ycAter- .. .iloupiy w si oald to.tMi tlio nukUv*,' ft»-^nwto«liunbo*t faimy wall-,:; ivo hsOiig Imn hciutl M .te M ttots Americans Iroin Um ;.i..i-il nii:mmnt a few minulM be- capltal, lloro the *}iuollii|.„^ Group 'Reaches No Ded^ion on Van Vlack Case THREE ftjEM^lRS WISH bill transfenlnt admlnlstntlon to the tabor departqient This new point -will be considered by the « ub ' ;^h^r^<l^^y■ ghe tam AmgrtcairL ...... ■tlon of U bor repreaentaUves that any attempt to substitute the A. F. of L. measure would result only in confusion. Frasier Bpeaks t Honrs ‘Hie attack on the farm bill came In the Mnate Just before MposlUon, of debate llmltaUon. LlaU U tlen^ effc^ve after Sen. Lynn J. Frailer, R,,->M,rD., completes a two hour spcecTi, In his Speech Frasier uld that at least 7S per cSnt of the wlt> nesses at regional hearings were gov- ernment employes. . Robert^ K. WiMd,. president of Bears-Roebuck company, told tlie senate banking and currency com- mittee that the proposed housing program "provides for the first time the meclianlcs for a mail in tlio low Income group to buy a house. ' lie praised provisions which reduced down payments and related charges, aw I enI aim EOBDIOU Plant Managor.‘Amused’ at Reporti; Says 600 Wont To Work Tpday ST. LOUIS, Mo„ Dec, fl (UP)-Th United Automobile Wqtkors union charted todsy ttwit th* Fortl MtiHii- nuiiiiHitiy hnd locked out union rm- ploycn from Its assembly plant wlu ir u ntrlko was rallfcd Nov. 24 In ilc- miiifd for iiiilon reoontltion Cold weather haiM red pukrtlim but atoue 10 membir# of the V. A_^ W, aO a com m liw r foT Inrtiwlrfltf orgonlsaUon afnilate, patrolli-d ftn plunt whnn It opened at 7 ». ni, tCST) bcnrlog signs deacrlbliiu tlin r.tiike SA a 'V)ck out,” Milij^ii j^ J o h n s o n , plant mmi. ■«fr, ftftlil’TTIS “lock out" chorjio wim nmtiilng. "Now they're agreeing w^iit mo that there Is no sMke," Joloinnn *nld, ^ He said 000 wofkers had enlrrrd tlir plant this morning >nd thnt llm nuiembly line TO STUDY TESTIMONY BOlSE, Ida., Dec. 6 (U.R)—The s^te board of pardons met for 30 minutes today and recessed until-10 a. ni. Tues- *'"iy without returning a decision in the commutation appeal Douglas Van yiack. Members of the board said they had not finislied th*Ir, survey o t' testimony and evidence introduced at tHfr commutation hearing. * Attorney-General— J. —WU- Taylor said he wished to de^ ' - vote today to reading the- transcript in order^.,to cleat. up several pointa about which. he was ia doubt', ^ _______ ^ OOvemor BaniUJa dlaiie io d in Muters. aaoretAry of «tat« r-lbt'- other two . membara .of.tha; hoard. ,; uiA they ware not "qulU rtMlF. W ) reach t declslori."- fACElAbffiRE ,Jury Ohosen and Teatimony Starts io Oaae^ A^aiait Van Dlsaolla and J. A. Van DlsseU, foroer bftik- {^..needed deep study" because ers here, went oa trial for ei iiament of 11,100. ' Jury selection was completed this morning, the embesalement infor- nMtloo was read to the ' the defends,^' plea < were^iUt”* EdwMd I were>iUted.^genlng statement of . J wliim ooort noon- prlat^.:M.iOO belonging, to 0. a TarpnUig. poodlng, who had as- u r t ^ onlerM purchase of i,ioo shares of stock In the Five Points Mining and MQUog company. Juom«n.ihamed todsy i Fairall. .R. Q, Renstook, V. ne^t. J. A, Hutchins, Alva ______ Harry Leveke, Bert Atyrood, A. L. Routh, Paul Bchncll. Carl ~ ' Btac^ . Sampson, o. of their controrental natun.^ ' i AUsUe's principal legal obJeetloQ .J I the eiecuUon of the itiayer ^ f th.e eharte that the trial Ju» w "notoriously" prajudlced. " > He submitted an affidavit aUet- Ing mlsoonduct on-the part ot tha JW. t—^ , o(-mHt idiparu C J>^ard. wastorA; Attomeyi for the Van DUsells are Bothwell and Povey, Twin Falls, and William B. Langrolse, Boise. TBUBT SUIT RULINQ WAIHINarON, Dee. « (ilP>- The sapreno.coart rvled today (hat the federal, govrrnmtnt nay prooe>OKte an anil-trnti snit seeking dissolution of the Alanlnain Company of Ai/tr- Ica In Ihe southent New York ^ • r a l dUtrlet courts BRITAIN I'llOTKtJTfl HIIANOHAI, Deo. 6 (UPS- Great Britain p r o te s te d to Japan today against the Woha bombing In which thre« BritUh ihlps were itrack,. a British naval commander woanded, and 14 other persons kUled. was oiwratlng - Mel Douglas Will Return To Sun Valley HUN VALLpry, Deo. a (flpe- rlaii-Melvyn Douglas, motion picture star-who was tn'Hiin vnllry last winter to lUm "i M«t Him lr\-I>arU” Jvlth Claudettn Oolbert and Robert Young, hsd inoda r^rvatlohs today at thii now Cliallenjicr Inn............ . ./ U»ugUs and his party wU] 81^" rive Uso. XI and will remain until Dec. 90, EEVIAIHAN LINER ID FOB» NSW YORK, Dec, 9 (Ufit-The United Stales liner Levlatlmn, once the largMt mercliantinnn ntlonl, liss l)r«n rold for sornp, the United Hlnles Uiien announced tndsy. The 4a,043-(on ship which cost 110, 000,000 to build, •8/>00.000 lo re- riindltlon and oUier millions ^ maintain *n« knocked d«iwn to Mctal IndiMlrlAS, Ltd., of l^iiidon for MOO/W. The liner, which alrrndy Ims sn-vwl under two Hogs, will ninkn llA last voysge under a thlrd-tlint of Orest BrIUIn—when it niittA nndrr tiA own iwwer lo England hoon. The United Btatrs Llnrs mild It hnd rcrnlvrd no ''offlclsl'' bUla for the vewirl from Japan, niie of tUo liirKcst buyers In Uie ncvup nintnl inaiket. An official said tlin lino tint! msdo It known h> adviuine that 11 would “truwn" nn. any l>lils {iiim Japnn, He Innicated Ubt would nol say that the company feared sale ot Uie shin to Jn|)an would arouse pro< iMt In this country. QBRMAN KNVOV TO HANKQW ANKOW, - - - HANKOW, China, Dec. « «!,»- Dr. Osksr Trau(mann. Qernum sA»- bassador to China, retdrned to l^ i- kow today from Nanking, wher^ho reoortedlv Droooasd lo Chinas* 0«n- ------------nhat Oennaiiy act as mediator lo end Ut* tUna-Jspsnese war. Need *Deep SttMly" Itiey said point* Ably Insar- “ There i Sion to whkh nd outsldua wbr« ad* mltted. Newspapermen paced up and doira In the covemor'8 suite. Atiemeya Nerrsoi Van Vlack'i attomeya wara D*nr< ous. One of them slumped 1» an easy chair In the office of Juneau H. Bhimi, executlva seofetaqr. . The other .pptaged in loud eon- 'n^en the meeting recast At* tomey-Oehefal Taylor strode-out through that front .entrance, his cigar trailing smoke. Ha was stO[i<f <CoactnttX sn rage I, ColBa » T) iEiA liO lD OZEPPEllNEi WASRINGTOM, Deo> 9 O^Ttie - munlUons control board today granted «n anotment of 1T,»00,000 cuble feet of helium to agenU of Uie - Oerman Zepiieltn company, presum- ably fo^ omroUon of a slst^ ship of the W-faUd lllndenburg on a JanUc route. Oy act of congress after the loss of the lllndenburg at Lakehurst, N. J., Uie United au tes govenunent was aiilhorlBcd to monopolise hell- uip producUon in Uie United States an(\ to export it, provided oltlclals of sevrrni departments were satis- fied that It would not be used lor military pur()oses. , The Oerman dirigible ' operators are ansloiu to obtain helium to use In their ships because It has a sat- Islaclory IllUng capacity 'NltUou; gen gas used In Uio Hlndenburg. • Farmers Ask Huge Totals In Diversion Twin FhIIji rounty potato gn>wer»'‘\ signed ftll nii|)lli-ntl(ina tor potato diversion to llm tock feed. totHllIni the stnrtllng total of pounds of No. a spuds, Opamy ' >nt Harvey H. Hale announced spuds. Agent Harvey H. Ifalo ami today. Notice of the total signers and Uts pountlsge they deolra to dlvtrt to stock feA was telegraphad t«*ay to the Idaho potato ceat)W< ion at Poeatallo. m»\l%aaeka ol The --- is ,auttK rM 4^ dlVanlMb^ /

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Page 1: VOL. T R I O T O T U E S D A Ynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc

' -'■W eath^ Forecast \Fftlr (onlitil to d ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie

Hlfh ro^rday

42. low M. Lov m il nortOnc tL



T R I O# ¥ ♦ ¥

T O T U E S D A YT M z^ter-^ighw ay-A < :cidm ^


Ketohiim-Twia Falls H a ^ Is

Hurled From Oar; Woman,

Hurt Nov. 24,'Dies

Will VM t Idaho

V/0 persons^wre -•~here today a n d 'i f ^ had been

injured as the result of three automobile accidents, two of which happened over th^' week-end.

TheDenny F. Sullivan, 30, Ket-

' chum, formerly >of Twin Falls.. .

-Mrs. Ethel Robertson Til­ley, 69k puriey.

' M r e r 'T i l ^ . d i e d . J u . th e L c o u n ty g e n e ra l h o s p i t e i 'h e r e

to ^ a y o f p n e u m o n ia r e s u l t ­in g f ro m in ju r ie s su s ta in e d in a n au to m o b ile s m a s h u p n e a r M u r ta u g h N o v . 24 . Sul> H van k illed m s ta n t ly in a in o th e r * m a» h u p i^ear h e r e ^ d a y -noon. ' ' "

>n»# Injured:w m an l R. Dwjrer. 37, Kelohum.

and Miss Cleona Allred, S S ,% teh - ton. Both were riding 1b ma>

^ I n e owned bjr BuUlrao. ccnottkMr U:^ tJtemooD ir

' fo'lMias A flt^ l i ' s u i r ^ f r a m '^ - eratl86s df the Bcalp u id elbow mnd Dwyer'from brokCQ ribi and.M rere l*cer»tlpu of the le r - tn d «e»lj>- 9o th tr« m ’tbe g«ner«l bos- p«*l. •- .

. Tbelr

^ fm tu re d skull m j near Jerome ^Mlso contln-

f Uonna CoiSll a n d _________ _^ l)Olh oi Po<^llo . treated for ci

and brtiUeijiere after auto miihap , Just east o l^ in b e rly Sund/y a t 10 I BothfWere releaaed^jdp nwm>

Officials w m ^4^H tS ^ tlng tills allcmoon whrtliw or no t a coro­ner's Inquest will be held Into Uia mishap which took tko nfe of 'Sull­ivan. . \

Does 0 (( Road IpvesUjftUon - by Deputy 8h<rlft

Art Parker disclosed the machine omied by Sullivan and belrtved to

(ConUnuKl on Pise 2, Column I)

ED^•fO llO iyM EET

OommitloeB 'flamed to Map

/V Arr^jljomentB For Stato

r ' Oatherlngi HerQ

C o l. a n d M r s . L in d b e r g h S e c r e t ly R e t u r n to^ U . S .

Coiiunlttcea t« srrvn during the sUte-wlde cQuvrutloii ot dairy groups, scheduled (or Twin Falls Friday and Hatiirduy. Jan, 14 and IB, were named thls afternoon and preparaUourf werA undorwity for the me^Ungs which are expected to a t­tract BOO persona. \

Meeting the first day of the two- day convention will be tnenibcrs or the Idaho Creamery Operators' M- soctatlon the l l o l ‘ - • ■

Famed vklhir at Son Valley tUs manth ' wiD be Charles Chaplin. worU-kBowa moTie comedlaa. ahdwa .a te n wltfe-

.Paoleite OoAdard, who ia ex­pected (« be la the party of six for w lu » '< % a ^ made rcMnratloM today, King Vidor, soted xDOTie dUwctor and pro. dneCT, wQl JM. fa tte j ^ y . .

m m i l

j y i . ™Famed fil^&omodiftn Tabes

ReRerr^tiosB For Party

Inclndkf Vidoi’

hero today for C lK ^ e Chaplin ■ and i» rty of six, to spend the. tih rls tm u holiday* a t S)xn Val- le j lodge. Among th e mm bciji

' of the party will be King Vidor, ffioUon picture director and pro-

famed sUent comedian of the movies and his friends arrive In Sun Valley on Oed. 33, and will ttm ain until Dec.

^ ¥ ¥ ♦ ¥ . .

S u b p o e n a o n

Film ActorN o t S e r v e d

HOLJ,YWOOb. Deo, 6 (UiD-JXp. uty U. B, Marshall James P. l iw lle Rave the tool kit back to the doc­tor, paid rent on the fu ll-drru suit nnd the meuenger's outfit, and took the. laundry wagon back to the lUtDle. admltUng today tha t lie had loat a week-long game of hide* and-seek^ wUh Charlie Chaplin.

Lavelle Imd a subpoena to nerve on, Chaplin for a deposition in a New York suit brought sgalnst Uie comciflqn nnd otliers by-flluu Son^ ore. Tobla Soclete Anonyme, He

ig on Uie door of Qhsp-

“Lone Eagle” Surprises by Quiet Arrival

ENGLEWOOD. N. J., Dec. 64J.R)—Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindberghs were back in their native land today after an absence of nearly two years. '

The purpose of their visit — they left their children in England-^nd-ita length were not revealed.

- E\'en their whereabouts had been left a m atter for spcculRtlon by Undbcrgh'sstrlclreglm en of secrecy, but tbe js was a great deal of evi­dence to - ta d lia le th a t .Uicy were voluntary prfsoners behind the high iron fence of the closely-guarded estate of' Mrs. Xlndbergh’s mother. Mrs. Dwlgbt W. Morrow. This was denied, however, by Mrs. MorroWa aeerctary.

' ........ Obtain 'V nlfcrm edThe Undbeighs retilhied to the

United S tates on the liner President Banting. Only Basil Harris, vice- president of the United States linos, knew when they engag^ passage, Capt. Jam ea B. RoberU did oA know of his dlsU - • •until a few minutes before he sailed, and fellow passenge« did not know It untu the ship was well a t sea.

Hence th e few casual spectators to their clandesUiw landing yester­day—via the Prealdsnt Harding’s

(CoaUaOMi M > H f I, CotnMU


BuBiness Aid Put as No.. 1

Measure For Congress ^

To .Oonsid^

WABHiyOTON, Dec, 0 ^

aiive icauires. aid taxpayers me

ons as sent#J to put b iiif i r ? ' i r else on The

COli.' a n d 1 | ^ / c^ b i .b s >a, l in d b e r o b

hou.*>e ways and mrans tax _ _ tnlttee today, agreed to two technical changes In adminUtratlve features. In the revenue laws to aid claiming loss deductions m ent grew in congress to ness relief ahead of a i l 'd program for the special session.

The special BcsaSon has but 18 more Working day».

Despite the shortness of time for leglslaUve action (he houso labor commUtee ordered Uie wage-hour bill •complclcly rewritten fpMjrovislons for administration bWllie IKbir de* pailm ent InsveadTrTuy & five-man

^ board as provided Ip the pendingr iu-

•‘PoUUeal Fanners"The farm bUl, one of Uie other

liflmo objectives of the administra­tion in the special session, continued imder attack. A bi-partlsan Woe charged tha t “political formers" were responsible for Approval given the measure in hearties held through­out the country. ,

The two changes approvad by the tax subcommittee In the revenue laws would: I—Enable! turers or other persons nU U v 1. building or machine a t a lofi, to dalm the entire transacatlon ii ' a deducUon, and 3—elimination of dispute as the year a bad debt or i security become worthless. ^

Chairman Mary .Norton, D , N. J. of Uie house labor conuolttca. m b

) U)0 labor

'Imminent' Nanking Fall PreUicied by Japanese* ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ T ¥ ' . -------- Vj

B O m b i ^ o f E n g l i s h

S h i p C ^ s e s T e n s i o n

Officer Seriously Injured as J^p^eae Planes Attack Three Vessels in Kiver

■ t ft I n .Wrlr^lan "..uod .U on , I!,.

/Ouen}sey 6atUe club and thajlda* ha Jersey Caftie club On Ute f(Fo- ond day members of the Idaho Blatn Dairymen's associaUoii will meet with the nUicr groups either “Sitting In ' or holding business commltteo .sewlons, ' “ ,

U. ^ I. (,4ader Talks Among speakers tclieduled to talk

f ' r riurlna the mfotlngs In Dr. Harrison I. ‘."0 . Dale, president of tlie University I of Idaho,

' Otto-Kostar, manager of Uio Jsr- oine Co-Op Creamery In Twlil Palls i» oiikinnan of Uio commlttre in ‘ Other.oharte

m «nbns of the c, q . « . aetdet. Twin Palis; A, H, Kir- eher. Buhli‘*b«in. Kaylor, Twin

A, H. Jagels, Buhl; Carl Addy, , W n .Pallst Harvey Hale, 'I'wln

. yalli; Ivan H. Loughary, BoUe, ex- Wniluij dairymani Thomas Bpetdy. Twin Palto; L. J, Tencklnok. TwinrtllS,

. Advertising OommttiM - Members of Uia advertising oom- mittee are K. W. Whitman, county a ien t, Jerom .; W. W. iNOniM. omm- ty-agent. BurJeyi O. w , Deigh, ooun* ty agent, n u p ert;' ' Chestar Mlnlc. county agent, OoOdlng and Mr. apewly (It 'rwln PalU.

as to

related InformaUim wilt be announe- •4 latar. The convenUoa was tii

, V . »l..N««pa.

ifn's neverly Hills home and ank Ing for CImrllo. He said a maid slammwl Hm door in hts face.

Ilriit« Laundry Cart lie iriiU^d a laundry s r t . drove

up to tlin rcitr door, a n o '^ r tc d In with A buti'llo, Tlie same maid sent

By RICHARD McMIU.AK1X3NDGN, I>fC, fl <UP)—The bombing ot three DrllUh slilps by Jiipn-

■.e plnncs a t Wuhu, closely following other frlcllou-prodJclng lncldrni«, brought AnRlo-Jopanese relaUons to a point of ten«ne*a totlnv^jjll^ equaled slncc the sta rt of the far casterp conflict. '

The bomblngn, marked by the oj n DrWlih naval copi-

mnnder. were ex|>ect«d to touch off n bnrruRT of riue.-itl(nui on develop­ments In the For East in parlia­ment. ^ ■ ■ ■ .

Although the gOvernmen^ikjITcy is to piny for time until th^rearm a-

H orrntrd a mesoengpr'a uniform and (tollvercd a letter. Demanding

[nature on the rerelpt,

With a borrowed sarjlpal aat«h«l (CoBllnuHl on «*»l* ». Culuma •>


Track Doiortor ^ o n l l Ling

And Itlll ru m .r, Conila OirmUlVB

PSIIPIONANA. France. Dep. 0 (Ufi-aiMinUlJ loyalUt soldiers, pur- sitlng a drserter from the ctvU war, croMwl the border h>to France to­day and and killed » FwnoU farmer siwiwctcd of harbortng Ihe fugitive,

The (irnUi of ttie farmer, Sebai- tlan Juanola, waa reporWd by local police to PsrlA dlplomatlo sources which are eniwcted to conduct iinvestigation,

Juanola w u u ld^tu of the -soldier

- — mountains to avuliiKlihVJns on »rle.rs and other a« |« » front, UeiKjiillilin c«t»^

"?1 to UieTKRh. esA(^d< ucrosa the border after the shpoting.

m tn l program ueata the completion 111 April. Ute po&ilblllty o f m o r e flcrlous "provocative a c f /w a n not conslderod unllkoly In/V^iw of A - velopmnils of theSast^A h<Turs.

_ U k n c y t / ^ e n U Tl'ewtncturtfd'. -•I, Tlin boiiiMiiK of three plainly

marke<l nrltUli ahi|M, Included H. M. B. .liBdyblrd and the wounding of Unut. Comdr. H. D. Barlow a t Uie Vangtxe river |iort of Wuhu,

3. The thrrnt that the Brltlsli crown coloity at l(i>ng Koag will be brought Into Hip srea ,of ItosUlitles

/ Jupnnese actlvliks in the Csnton rcn,-

JapanrM^ Msrebinga. Tlie roixirtrd ilcmund of the

Japanese IiIkIi rnmmand In Shang­hai to iwrnill jnjianese troops to march throuKli (>>e International AotlJeniciil nt uiiy Hmo without pre­viously iiotllylng tJie municipal council,

4 Jnpniir-v (lirrftU U) take "ade­quate nction ' 111 ('(innoctlon with an Incident Involviiiu a Urltlsh cltlseii and th r Jniflim uP of a Japanese Hag Kridiiy.

(>. Thr friir lliat the Japanese a r t llkbly to Iiinr.i;<; tiielr demands for conlidl <i( J<hi>iiKlin> u Jiipanese ap­proach Nmiklnii

MINKIl KILLEDI'lllCi:, tHiili, IX‘0, D (U.R>--Louls

Baiiti. » . H ‘onl nilnor, died hefe

jiniUh, .aj..Miil liOiils Bafley, 30 worn icnnrrliig from hurt* n- caivcd i*» u»f txiffered Traoturt .- - - ....... ^

his clicat t:rul>lied, ,

VIKKCTIONN prrTSDUUciH. dbc, a iupi a

woman utopjirtl Elijah U e imil asked yesterdny: "Can you stmw me the way lo Uie nmirtvil church?" l^e polntrd out Uir <ii-

Chiang Plans Rejection of ' Peace OffersBy KDWARD W. BPATTIESHANGHAI, Dec. fi (U,R)~

,Tni)an(<HG nrmy HpokcHmcii jinnouncpd lodny that an -nd- vanco Kiinrd of JapancHc in^ilizcd iinitfl nnd infantry

‘'Wan within aiglit of NankinKI 'lOld .that the fall of China’fl capital wan "Irjmincnt,"

rorelgn cinba«.1rii of mrverol .... tlons were rrixirted to have notlfird Bhaiiiihol ttint thry nxpcctdt to

/ FinRKANUAH C n v , Mo. J)n il

fight liuii'iK'ils b( lircN In >ih yeitrs BJ1 » innnli;r of Ihr lin' deparlninil. Hni-riitv yciir.i <il<l Aow, ane on At< k trnvr, ShndwIcK watohed tiln lioinn burn, Hr liv< il a mile oul'^ldo of llio city llinllA. Nelghborn, '^lio hiid liinicd lii nii

’.s lapn OiMiiliiy, wcir (old ll-i house Wti.i the ilr|iiiit.ment's Jinl.nilirin.n,

. LOB AN(U:I.k: i, Dnv fl (iiP) Jlinmy •lliirki.lun imia ofl a football brl liy liitiliing n pni- nu t around >i ciiy l>l(H-k witii lii'i

' nooe. I t t<Hik him onn hour .....I30 tplnuirn. 'nilckflliiii, ii yi-ll

, leader a t tlir l)ll)vc^^lIv CiU) - ) fom ia a t i,<i' Ati«rii-fi, iiiiw i'fiy ' j f e l his tenth would Ivnt lliiiilii- f «rn Oallfurtilii Kudirdny. lie lln-

l*>wd the i)iiv-cill with liln ii«sn -< badl^ sklni,ir<l luul iinniiuKi 'i vjiii a strip of ailhr:>u'^ U|><v llui hn ’■M WrtlsmirniinV lli' InM nn- otlier wsgri- on iu \i vrur’s itm e ; Uib loicr win |mi .i, h tim*. nut around Itm iwi. r.

NANKING W A reni llONT - . noM iiicnNAKKINO. Ufir. 11 fUl'l MPvrnlrrn

J ^ n e s e bombing iilntu--. di.i|ii>.-ii ****-^ I atnl&Urri on Mu- Niiiikliiu JwUffrontToiuy not far fri'in wlinu

■titnr-ly to warsliiiis and othat^vmcln II tli6 Yangtr.n rlver, iBeven AmrrlcauA and tlirrr Ilal-

Juns already litive been t«l:i-n iilionrd Lite U. 8, gunboot I’oniiy, ritngcmenta were mndn in nniovc olliRrs from llio paalr-nliii i..‘ ii rlty thiu afternoon and tomorrow]

A Japahene »i>okFsmDn nniimim-ed Hint the ndvunre gunrd hail rnii lird II point on till' rond frotii 'I'ntiyiuiK, runt of Nniikliig, lour lo (Ivr kll- oiiKt'rri' from the (‘n|illiil. liinllliig, ill'

"H Is oven iMiMlbIr lliut t (Continued <m r»gf ^ < -o l

Woalthy Exporter Kllln H ie Bocrctary, Then Tnrin

Qun on 8eU

NEW^^ORK, Occ, 0 (uni—Miiiliiiio Piiiill, wcaltln n iK irkr i«u<l IhUmt of fniir chlldrni, lay dyliiR lii Kliixn I'oiinty liOApliul lotlay, the vlillm of the MUIO W\ tin UM(l t« lltkIjIoikI Mcretary, a widow nnd iiioihrr or iwii grown-uii girls.

T'i>llro nSld m at the S7-yriir old(i-i(ll)?r-down meroluutt ciinfcjiAud to ahiiotliw Mra. Kiiea I'enilwrUJii Nitliin a few sri onds iMfore lio (ired u hiiUet thrnuKli i>is own lieud while tlir two sat In lils new sedan pniked : I(ire a Brooklyn salooii liilo ycAter-

.. .iloupiy wsi oald to.tMi tlio nukUv*,' f t» -^ n w to « liu n b o * t faim y w a ll- ,:; ivo hsOiig Im n hciutl J» M .te M tto ts Americans Iroin Um ;.i..i-il nii:mmnt a few minulM be- capltal, lloro the *}iuollii|.„^

G r o u p 'R e a c h e s N o D e d ^ io n o n V a n V la c k C a s e


bill transfen ln t adm lnlstntlon to the tabor departqient This new point

-will be considered by the « ub ';^h^r^<l^^y■ ghe tam AmgrtcairL ......■tlon of U b o r repreaentaUves that any attempt to substitute the A. F. of L. measure would result only in confusion.

Frasier Bpeaks t Honrs ‘Hie attack on the farm bill came

In the Mnate Just before MposlUon, of debate llmltaUon. L la U U tle n ^ e ffc^v e after Sen. Lynn J. Frailer, R,,->M,rD., completes a two hour spcecTi, In his Speech Frasier u ld that a t least 7S per cSnt of the wlt> nesses a t regional hearings were gov­ernment employes. .

Robert^ K. WiMd,. president of Bears-Roebuck company, told tlie senate banking and currency com­mittee tha t the proposed housing program "provides for the first time the meclianlcs for a mail in tlio low Income group to buy a house. ' lie praised provisions which reduced down payments and related charges,

awI enI aimEO BD IO U

Plant Managor.‘Amused’ at Reporti; Says 600 Wont

To Work Tpday

ST. LOUIS, Mo„ Dec, fl (UP)-Th United Automobile Wqtkors union charted todsy ttwit th* Fortl MtiHii- nuiiiiHitiy hnd locked out union rm- ploycn from Its assembly plant wlu ir u ntrlko was rallfcd Nov. 24 In ilc- miiifd for iiiilon reoontltion

Cold weather h a iM re d pukrtlim but atoue 10 membir# of the V. A_ W, aO a com m liw r foT Inrtiwlrfltf orgonlsaUon afnilate, patrolli-d ftn plunt whnn It opened a t 7 ». ni, tCST) bcnrlog signs deacrlbliiu tlin r.tiike SA a 'V)ck out,”

Milij^ii j^ J o h n s o n , plant mmi. ■«fr, ftftlil’TTIS “lock out" chorjio wim nmtiilng. "Now they're agreeing w iit mo that there Is no sM ke," Joloinnn *nld, ^

He said 000 wofkers had enlrrrd tlir plant this morning >nd thnt llm nuiembly line

TO STUDY TESTIMONYBOlSE, Ida., Dec. 6 (U.R)—The s^te board of pardons

met for 30 minutes today and recessed until-10 a. ni. Tues- *'"iy without returning a decision in the commutation appeal

Douglas Van yiack.Members of the board said they had not finislied th*Ir,

survey o t ' testimony and evidence introduced at tHfr commutation hearing. *

Attorney-General— J. —WU- Taylor said he wished to de^ ' - vote today to reading the- transcript in order^.,to cleat. up several pointa about which.he was ia doubt', ^ _______ ^

OOvemor BaniUJa dlaiie i o d i n M uters. aaoretAry of « tat« r - l b t '- other two . membara .o f . th a ; hoard. ,; uiA they ware n o t "qulU rtMlF. W ) reach t declslori."-

fACElAbffiRE,Jury Ohosen and Teatimony

Starts io Oaae^ A^aiait Van Dlsaolla

and J. A. Van DlsseU, fo ro e r bftik- { ^ . .n e e d e d deep study" becauseers here, went oa tria l for ei iiament of 11,100.' Jury selection was completed this

morning, the embesalement infor- nMtloo was read to the ' th e defends,^ ' plea < were iUt”*EdwMd Iwere>iU ted.^genlng statement of

. J wliim ooort noon-

prlat^.:M .iOO belonging, to 0 . a TarpnUig. poodlng, who had as- u r t ^ onlerM purchase of i,ioo shares of stock In the Five Points Mining and MQUog company.

Juom«n.ihamed todsy i Fairall. .R. Q, Renstook, V.ne^t. J . A, Hutchins, Alva ______Harry Leveke, Bert Atyrood, A. L. Routh, Paul Bchncll. Carl ~

' B tac^ . Sampson, o.

of their controrental natun.^ ' i AUsUe's principal legal obJeetloQ . J I the eiecuUon of the itiayer ^ ■ f

th.e eharte th a t th e tria l J u » w "notoriously" prajudlced. • " >

He submitted a n affidavit aUet- Ing mlsoonduct o n -the part ot tha JW. t— ^ ,

o(-mHt idiparu C

J > ^ a rd .wastorA;

Attomeyi for the Van DUsells are Bothwell and Povey, Twin Falls, and William B. Langrolse, Boise.


The sapreno .coart rvled today (hat the federal, govrrnmtnt n ay prooe>OKte an an il-trn ti snit seeking dissolution of the Alanlnain Company of A i/tr- Ica In Ihe southent New York ^ • r a l dUtrlet courts


Great Britain p r o t e s t e d to Japan today against the Woha bombing In which thre« BritUh ihlps were itrack ,. a British naval commander woanded, and 14 other persons kUled.

was oiwratlng -

Mel Douglas Will Return To Sun ValleyHUN VALLpry, Deo. a (flpe-

rlaii-Melvyn Douglas, motion picture star-who was tn'Hiin vnllry last winter to lUm " i M«t Him lr\-I>arU” Jvlth Claudettn Oolbert and Robert Young, hsd inoda r^rvatlohs today at thiinow Cliallenjicr Inn............ . ./

U»ugUs and his party wU] 81^" rive Uso. XI and will remain until Dec. 90,


NSW YORK, Dec, 9 (Ufit-The United Stales liner Levlatlmn, once the largMt mercliantinnn ntlonl, liss l)r«n rold for sornp, the United Hlnles Uiien announced tndsy.

The 4a,043-(on ship which cost 110 ,000,000 to build, •8/>00.000 lo re- riindltlon and oUier millions ^ maintain *n« knocked d«iwn to Mctal IndiMlrlAS, Ltd., of l^iiidon for MOO/W.

The liner, which alrrndy Ims sn-vwl under two Hogs, will ninkn llA last voysge under a thlrd-tlint of Orest BrIUIn—when it niittA nndrr tiA own iwwer lo England hoon.

The United Btatrs Llnrs mild It hnd rcrnlvrd no ''offlclsl'' bUla for the vewirl from Japan, niie of tUo liirKcst buyers In Uie ncvup nintnl inaiket. An official said tlin lino tint! msdo It known h> adviuine that 11 would “truwn" nn. any l>lils {iiim Japnn, He Innicated Ubt would nol say that the company feared sale ot Uie shin to Jn|)an would arouse pro< iMt In this country.

QBRMAN KNVOV TO HANKQW ANKOW, - “ - -HANKOW, China, Dec. « «!,»-

Dr. Osksr Trau(mann. Qernum sA»- bassador to China, retdrned to l^ i- kow today from Nanking, wher^ho reoortedlv Droooasd lo Chinas* 0«n-

------------n h a tOennaiiy act as mediator lo end Ut* tUna-Jspsnese war.

Need *Deep SttMly" Itiey said point*

Ably Insar- “ There i

Sion to whkh nd outsldua wbr« ad* mltted. Newspapermen paced up and doira In the covemor'8 suite.

Atiemeya Nerrsoi Van Vlack'i attomeya wara D*nr<

ous. One of them slumped 1» an easy chair In the office of Juneau H. Bhimi, executlva seofetaqr. .

The other .pptaged in loud eon-

'n^en the meeting recas t At* tomey-Oehefal Taylor strode-out through that front .entrance, his cigar trailing smoke. Ha was stO[i<f

<CoactnttX sn rage I, ColBa » T)

i E i A l i O l D O Z E P P E llN E i

WASRINGTOM, Deo> 9 O ^ T t i e - munlUons control board today granted «n anotment of 1T,»00,000 cuble feet of helium to agenU of Uie - Oerman Zepiieltn company, presum­ably fo^ omroUon of a s ls t^ ship of the W-faUd lllndenburg on a

JanUc route.Oy act of congress a fte r the loss

of the lllndenburg a t Lakehurst, N. J., Uie United a u te s govenunent was aiilhorlBcd to monopolise hell- uip producUon in Uie United States an(\ to export it, provided oltlclals of sevrrni departments were satis­fied that It would not be used lor military pur()oses. ,

The Oerman dirigible ' operators are ansloiu to obtain helium to use In their ships because It has a sat- Islaclory IllUng capacity 'NltUou; gen gas used In Uio Hlndenburg. •

Farmers Ask Huge Totals

In DiversionTwin FhIIji rounty potato gn>wer»'‘\

signed ftll nii|)lli-ntl(ina tor potato • diversion to llm tock feed. totHllIni the stnrtllng total of pounds of No. a spuds, Opamy ' >nt Harvey H. Hale announced

spuds.Agent Harvey H. Ifalo ami today.

Notice of the total signers and Uts pountlsge they deolra to dlvtrt to stock feA was telegraphad t«*ay to the Idaho potato ceat)W<

ion at Poeatallo. —

m»\l% aaeka olThe --- ■

is, a u t t K r M 4 ^ dlVanlMb^


Page 2: VOL. T R I O T O T U E S D A Ynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc

IDAHO EVBNIKS tim es , t w in FAIIS, IDAHO i(baa«T. MoNw S, 1M7


G M ifoD enrcf John 8. Fetdhusen la In D«nTer

I to tm s a c t buslneaa *K »ln.

Got* to C9Ut/C-.Erwin e w e ib c r baft left f»r

'SMttlfl to fPead a vedt on buMlaeas.

Tortr-Xlfht w m Take Part

In OompeoMtion Plans

After Joly 1

Take* V m Uob James RecM. employe of the Idaho

Power company, has left for Aiiiona and Mexico CII7 on a vacoUoo trip.

WAfiHINOTON. Dec. e (U .B-aov. ennneat officials are countinB on

' vQemployment compematlon bene*. ' flta.of as much as a taUUon doUari ^ a day aKer Jan. 1 -tb help wive the ‘ pirtlem of increasln#. unemtfoyr

- a e n t. It wa» learned to^My.■ Pa^enti of benefits to unem> ^.'slond under the. aoclal security

lain beffin sUtes and the DU- ■>- triet-ef Oolunbla on Jan. 1 . By

July 1 .1 » . all 48 sUtes wUl have unemployment compensation.

P l ^ May BacUe ' Tba admlnirtntlon Is committed

to toaptot rtlle/ pwrofito lor t ^ . aoTonrflKal year ending Jaae X

•iihU the »1W>,000.000 appropri- i, ated but It Is also on record t tot that none of the unemplopl

3 u <Une. If unemploymeat be-. S S e 0*

^^wSnnmefltrafficlals are countlns

s sS -r M s« ‘°u5s^ . .iaod m stand t ^

Belnm B one ->U r. and Mrs. M. J . Doerr,.who

spent- the week-Md here on busl* have returned to Bols(<.

Q ^ te b o m Mrs. Irerf^ Newman Is' In Ketchum

where theSrlQ spend several. days. 8he was accompanied there by her husband, U arrin Newman.

Arrtnt tm a Baatb Tom Peavey,^who has made bis

home In Louisville. Ky., fo r th e p a s t two years, has returned here.

rmmiM Visit Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Parsons. Far­

go. N. D.. are here TlelUi^ their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Josllfi. PUer.

Oeae te CalifomU M)-. and Mrs. Lynn M artin hare

left for Long Beach,* Calif., where they will spend two weeks with Mr, and Mrs. George Montooth.

MoeflU. the e ta it ot fedena relief MataOeUarwL

WIMNMIA « • « * State

Od J a n w___________ ____ i Inta operation

KTSit hiu oi S ,> w « It

, a ~ t t r R B a r i n a~Bittea~<rf_ J be »niw>le lor p»ymenti

( j Mt L • ,

Chiang Plans |-~Rejecti6ii of tt Peaie Offers

'A a T i e w - t ^ t b i I

^ S u H n J e o to i

________ _ C h lneie , Oenerells-

- -nr 1— J6 the last iaao." 4

MnttrjbosribOttr tte l tbe Obtmee.to sam'tbs dtgr; ptaoaed

tn iiO bMk. letriar enly a “iaee : vhkb WMld soon

ilB aMslsI fenlfB Mon# ai •d. to- tha Ontted Pres* that.the

; J t p » ^ had deoMed acaloct a Iut> after winioUdatlni ttte,

o i ^ l i s i r ^ pi«M»ly would e»ot a m ix * there la the event

T ^ & .8 b o k ’a refusal to ^o tla te

S tMdajr duHng whleh th m Srit- >TWMis eoe a war tmwI and

a MUib-owiMd barge were b«nb« ;«d/At 4eart 4S persona wve MIM.

I^)< aad .Ueut. Oeiadr. H. D. Barlow at , X . if . S, utdyum waa wounded tv

tc!: ..JiMDsteunyspokesmeDaaidthe toeaa directed agalnat Ohl-

uiM irOBpe fleeing aeroea the Yani'' tat i t w t tm Wuba, south of Nan

- mf, M BrllUh naval offteen said »rnO'<miMee tsoepa nere near

■■■ h vaasel at the time of the

Latest Word in Fimeral Homes

'H^ployment Aid W ill be $1,000,000'Daily After First of Yeck

a ff liE S m ii,M icipatein

p n M M i

7-Chaptcr te Meet .Cfhapter AI, P. E. O. SlsUrhood.

is to meet Tuea<Uy a t s p. m. at the home of U ra. T., P . Warner. A projtram w^l f < ^ ,

OeadlUoti Critical .T b t condition ot Q . U . mung,

.Kimberly. thou<& slightly improved, IstUl n m a ln r erttleal. He eoffered a b a i b e ^ ' a-iHttlBnt a tthe hospltfl since ifov. 33.

ClMrtec. MemberBeatty, eon of R . a Beat,

tw in Falls, to one o t 10 student^ wM 'were ehosen as charter mem> b e r a ^ a .W hitm an coUege-chapter o( m Mu Alpha, national men'i muao~BMK>rari r y e ^ -

Can CiaahC an driven by luym ond F. Oates

aod NawtOQ S. WeQs. both o t T ^ Falls, were lUghtty damaged a t 9 & ta. Simday w they eraahed. 00 F o n ^ avenue wect, police r e p ^

, a ^ ( o d a r .

AU ta ' Beanh’ ' ^ ', loca l pouee th ta aftem ooe wei»' latdlaf to tbe aeajoli XV a n a n or 'm okw bo early UUa n o m la t 'b u r f 'i’ larlavd a s to e a t l l u r t u i ^ - Sooe I eaib and a slo t n w b U T v a n taken. poUeeweniafoTBMd. A^MeWptloB , o t - t h i a w e c t a v w ^ T ^

AppUca^ for a p « ii lt to ■coo- atniet a dwelUnc'tn-Unr- tauh^ addition 00 Seventh avenue eaU w u t m this aflemooa iHtta City Clerk W. T. Bldrldge. Dm ap^ plication will cone before ^ olty couneU at*reg\Uar meeting'tonight for approval.

ka PletareMiss VirglnU Beatty, dauihier.of

0. N. Beatty and formerly of.Ttfln Falls, w u an extra In the motion: plfiture. "Varalty Show- which wal aeen here laat'week. She w«s n o of a group ot ,'Onlverslty of South*' em Oallfomia students appearlqg> in a d^olDC scene.

i»M to Oregeft , __ ,Iter. X. W. '■HalloweU, .M r9 W

putor. ot the PresbyteriM ch ira here, U to;make hU hom« in Oafr lOrave. Ore.. with Miss Daisy Hen­drix. He has been in Loa Angelu for the past two years and com- plately recoverM his health, friends state. Ha has been here for the past wesk. . ‘

Car Recoverinjliig

FWiLEVOliBoreased DUpla7s Sxpeoted

By Action to pl^ide

. Exhibit UoDoy

Pnblie epenlBg next Thnnday. PrUay and Batarday Is 9^BMd fgr tbe res oary, shewn abovs after eempletloa ot exteaslve BaedendaaUoae aad additions.

« ' » « «

1 Twin PaBa MoH-

2DEAD:5IIUIIIDenoy 8aimV%n Killed By

S a n d a y A o o id e B t : W omajft, Enri Mot. 24, Dias

(rroB 1)l\Bve'been d riv en 'b y Miss Allred was traveling a t tn excesslve^«ate of speed when .it left the road five and one-eighth miles ea s t 'o f the Washington ^ o o l on Addison ave­nue. • - . •

Sullivan was apparently thrown throogh the'roof-of-'the coupe and hurtled approxlmaitely 40 feet from the spo t a t which th e wrecked ma­chine. b*lte4.

Cause of the accident, It was in­dicated in report of the sheriffs of­ficer who investigated, was the fact tha t the car went over the shbul^ dcr «f the highway on toe hgh t, side. As two of the wheels, caught the shoulder the driver sw i»« back in to tbe road a f te r traveling 70 feet, n t e nuushlne then swept to the left side o t tb e road, went into the borrow pit f o r a b o u t t f feet and' ttten tutned o n r . ic.-ikldded on Its t o p f o r U f e e t l n t t a v i t >

la tM s t V naw taia neement d F an i n ^ t Is

............................. by

Public Visitations Arranged At Modem Mortuary Edifice

Official vlalUtico days tor the stucco and U a ^ lu te ly fireproof,, general nubUo thla afternoon had PhlUlps said.

^ I Other features of tbe funeral M U W - to m t im . 15 t e 15 toot vhllo e n .-day and Saturday of thU. week for n e l preparation room conveniently the recently completely remodeled located off a » by 40 foot brick ■Twin Palls Mortuary located a t end cement garage which houses Second avenue -a z ti-T h ltd , street. north.

The entire building. Including ex- q. ,, , terfcr decorations aad the InsWe k*.r,n.nfK>iin«« !■ mi^ikmutiA In ammi provldcd which are used for the de^

_______________ . . to I , F.Stettler, aU -S eventh avenue cast, reiiorted to police a s being stolen a t 11:10 p. m. la s t night, was re ­covered a tew minutes later in the alley ot the aoo block between Sixth and Seventh avenues east, rcconU show. The oar had been abandoned a tu r it had been driven into a tele­phone pole.

reported that the - ved a dlreet'blt

, ..._ j Chtna-.MaSgffiSr com- lad two hiU on the ateamer

operated by. the China I'ipkta Mavliatioa company, while •ri555dil'splayed tbe B H tl^ war- VsUiniadyMrd. A. C. Morice, chief

ot the Tatung, was wound-

“ ■ ' mlsslonarlee,including

Jimior-Bet\ior hisii school Par* em-Teaoher asaocUllon will meet *]^esday a t 1:90 p. m. in the audi­torium with the public luvlied. A talking (Um. "Beneficent ^em y ." brought under the aunplces of the W. C. T. U.. will be sltown and oommlllees will report ort social op­portunity for youth. Senior mnlheriL will be hostessei.

Dr. O eorge.d. Haliey<' county' cor-

, Sullivan has been employed — l ^ - U m e bartender a t the Club St. Oeorc. < ih the St. Oeorg hotel a t “ ^ He had. also been wofk- ing as « \ab o re r for the. McNeill

lo k company, which is--------- - the ' CbaUeoger inn . Be

, aad his family tukve been living in

Patrick W n t , who was; driving ab o ra e and buggy toward Jenx^." Inourred a 'f ra c tu re d skull, wbsn the vehicle was struck by a trucX

, driven by a Japanese irucit itm tr [frool Wendell..The collision oauied tb s boiM to run awayv according tO. W .'O.JHarmoa. night police officer' • b o said the Japanese driver re*

'pgkted the mishap to him. Passing raieterlsla took the Injured man to .Twin Fills. '

F In t Aid Savea Ufam the thli[d accident which In­

volved the two Pocatello people, <the m an probably owes hU life to the (Julcktwork of Harry Hamilton. Ida­ho P o m r company employe of Twin Palls w(u> administered first aid,

Tbe mishap occurred Just east of Kimberly when the machine In wnich Miss Oortell and'Sealey were riding (ailed to make , a curve. It pmashed into a concrete culvert. swervM Into u telephone pole and dvertumed twice in the borrow pit. DepvM' Bherltf Warren ,W. Low­ery. who luvebtlgaled. said. The crash occurred a t 10 p! m. S^unday.

When Uamllton arrived on the scene of the Accident the injured

‘useiy. The iiertd Im-

unnecessary during the day time. Special arrangement-of windows al­so aid in rediMdng.artUiclal illum­ination. At t h i rea r of the dupe! Is the loungint room which may

located a t tbe front of the buUding on the main, floor. I t is equipped with furniture of modernistic de­sign and tbe mahogany motif is

-.tM iw fflf ' carried out. Ttie chapel entranceo m c 'n o o r I . c o .m a r t t hduring tbe.serrtcee. Fumitme

the lounginf nMni Is overstUffed.Nosle Lett

Concealed frctn the chapel are

match the floor and windows are equipped with Venetian shades.

- ........................................... r . On the second floor is located athe musio lo ft and tbe family ro cn five-room apartment and also quar- with a special outside entrance in - ters for the assistant director. -The surlng privacy.'XDtranoe toe ftleods K pvtm ent.has a kparate outolde of the family ittfl^be a t the front entrance.<if tbd' b u U d ls f ^ tb . ^ a t the] Two large display rooms are lo- 'efcrt side leading to a clrdilar drive cated In the basement with a com- where ample private parking space piete stock of alt types‘'of caskets has been provided. . and vaults. At the rear of the base-

Outakle of the buUdbig ti white m e n t is found the stock room and trimmed in red brick. The entire also the stoker and stetun heating lUveture is of brick covered with pla9 t.


M rs . T U ley ; B u r l t j r , D ie s a t H o i p l t a l P ro m P o a u i^ D la

A f t a r W re c k

Subpoena on Mlm Actor Not Served

G K E E L E U AI S E S n HBlectlon of offlocrs by the l>Mln

PaiU Orange will be A^d Wednesday evei>lng, Deo, e. at U»y- T. Koster home In Twin Palln. isremas Speedy, Orange master, anm^oed this aft' •moon.

Speedy urged all members'to be prestnt, since the'entlre slate of It efflears will b« up for balloting.

Evangelirt Speaka On Samaritan

Rev. W. K. Cox. who U oonnecUd with the ForUand .Bible InsUtutp,

Ust evenlni en -nie Good at rertval servlees held

4te'ohuroh. Oaorte Coi sang a "BeauQtul Robes of

„ __ ^ « t aid to both-persopi,aspeeUliy to iiio man. and then b r o ^ t bolh Into the hospital here. They were dlamlssodf today.

Sullivan, whn'was killed Sunday, a s well known In I'w ln Palls. He

waa a t Oakley in 1N7. Hli father Dan E. Hulltvan, w u former Union Pactfl(‘'atatlon agent In Twin Falls unui hU death and hU moth­e r , ’Mre.'RtiUi Caldwell Sulllvi^n, U poatmistress a t uiioshone.'

His widow and two sons, Dopald..............................y Sullivan, are

1 reside a t Ket-

b6dy in a t Ibe WtllU UorlU-

* M ie ., l th e l Robertson Ulley, M, wife jrf A. O. TUley, Burley, died to- day a t i :M a. m. a t the hospital here of pneumonia which follovted in- turies nMeived In an automobUe ac- Eddent nearM urU ugh on Kov. H.

A iW den t of Burley for the past N y d ^ - she was a member of the L. D. S. ohurc|L She w u bom A uf, ai, 1178, a t Spanish Fork, U t ^ r

Tbe body was taken to Burley to ­day fay t ^ W hite mortuary for serv­ices and burial which will probably take plaee on Thursday.

Beudes her ^ b a n d she fa s vlved ttf b s r m&then Mrs. John ... Roberteon. Lovell, Wyo.; seven sons/ A. I t . 'm a y , Msridlan; Preston Til-

Twin M l t : Arthur, Henry, John .. .. OlHrn. Spsncer TUley, Burley,

and live daughtasr. Mrs. Lucy Love- lea . Mildred Shenk, Mrs. Nor­m a Kerbe, Reva and Alton Tilley, Burley.

Sba also leaves two sUUrs, Mre« LoulM JoUey. Lovell; and Mrs. Thoma*. Paul, and five brothen. Cyme. MoKensle, Bryant and Beck Roberteon. Lovell, and Weeley Rob' erteon,FK>vo,mah.

Bervioea will be held in the S tarr ward ehapel with UUhop A ' Hanks teeh arg e .

'"XTwin F'ull». Girl

Whilst' jHDiior8 ,o»; ' Ceraiiiic Siuii

Mlsa Ruth 't'nylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. siu« rt 'I^ lo r , shares honors wlUt Ingwardt 01asn« noted {leramio worker, in a photograph appearing in a. reo- en t lasue of the San rraaeiseir Chroniele to Illustrate an aoeount of tbe irodp studying llte a r t in Ban F rano lsco ,'^

Mias Taylor ls>a member of the itudent group attending tbe cnly potury aohool in ili« city which U under, the direction of Mr. Olsen and Manuel Jalanl- vloh, San nuiicleco's most ts -

mlo/wt -moui ceramlo/workera

D^pie Set for Tourney

I ^ ooachM here on Sat- tto -aim usl'eouth central

other elBb dttermin(d on peroant* a a s ^ . t ^ s la Class, B Uams,

be e n ^ to enter, a u p t . . ^ ^ M. U k ^ s s of i u b l ,

wiSttSSi^PihoJhffH effnaa n a s a ssisurtlyi.

A I-e e M m i. tb H o iu a g ppiat 'ol wat« ls ;.«t d e t^ 'P e r ^ DMtM i sea tbe boUIniP p m M « irw .

ROXY >Now showing—" It Happened in

BoUyvood." lUcbard Dlx.Wed., Tljurs.—"The Affairs of

C a p p / Ricks,** W alter Brennan.F r i . Sat.-i‘'Courage- of the West,"

Bob Baker,

P lans to encourage school partici­pation at-the Twin Falls county fair in 1938 had been outlined today by ithe Twin Palls County Teachers' association. v

Division of display money.among all schools Who prepare exhibits was decided on by the association a t lU 'm eeting Saturday, reversing the for­mer policy of p rties for the wlnnera:

Sabmlis Report Ronald Cutler. Deep Creek, chair­

m an o t th e county fair participation committee, submitted the group’s re­port advising thg. change.

AcUvitles a t the I. Z. A. session la Boise were related to apppoxlmx' tely SO teachers by ^ e s t Medearls, Cedar Draw, who with Mrs. Medear- Is was deleiAte to the convention.

Mrs. 1. E. Joslyn, state president of the Idaho congress .of ParenU and aieachers, spoke oq need-far P.-T. A. organisation in rural schools. Mrs. Howard Manning, Shamrock, presi­dent o t the teachers’ association, pre­sided a t the gathering.

W riting DemoBstrailoB PrlaanT Utchen .tcUlUng nearly

40 vatnessed a demonstration of m anuscrip t. writing a t a Saturday morning meotlng. Miss Mildred Mor­rissey of th e A. N. Palmer company, Portland, gave the demonstration.

Znteriainm eat a t the aftersooa m eet-w as provided by Betty and

ORPHEUMNow showing—“Conquest.’’ Greta

Garbo.Wed., Tburs.—"Angel" and Walt

Disney's “Acadteny Award Revue.”

IDAHONow showing—’‘iB Fathers," Jane

Withers. *Wed., Tliurs.—“The G reat Z le^

neld.- William Powell.Fr», Sat,—"Sophie Lang Goes

West," Gertrude Michael. '

E l i ^ Durilng, who played gultarafwitbout. speaking to anyone.. and by- Pern Anderson,

, who liresented a tap

M E M O K IIIIE SB e y . J a m a s 8 , B u tle r T a lk s

O n I m m o f ta l i ty a t E lk s O b ie r v a n c e H ere

^ v . Jam dl a Butler presented the m anorial address a t tbe annual Elk's lodge eervices Sunday ofttooon in the hall, using as his topic “Immor- UUty Become Sternal Life."

He cited tbe sense of



Three Hembers Arrive at No

Deoiilos on Van

Vlaok Case

(Prom Pst* 1) ped and asked about the meeting. He replied, "the board has recessed until 10 a . m. Tuesday.”

I t waa not untn U ter th a t he gave out details ot the Ktsioa. .

Masters left by a side entrance

ness in a child's mind and th i in­ability o f tbe human race to recogn- Ice death as ultimate m proved ' the tac t th a t every race has devel ed some id ea o t immortality.

Twe CeocepUoos TWO conceptions are recurrent in

m any nation^' he stated. M e inJraor- tallty of a good name left after death and the immortaUty of a good'fam- Uy to carry on the name.

“Both-have much to-tonUibute," he asserted. "We may live tha t our nam e m ay live and contribute w the high standards of family and nation to which we belong. But « e need more than these ideas give us.

•The higher conception is found when immortality becomes eternal lUe, by Vhlch we mean tha t this life cqntinues in other envUonment atU r death Without break, contmuing aa we have begun."

This interpretation, he gave .as “purpoees and motive Tior

The governor was worried and not sure Just what to say. .

Van Vlack's mother and father irere kept In s e d j^ o s by their a t- tcmey. Reached bx. a reporter, how­ever, for comment, she sobbed'-and

.*Tt wHl be Just a n o th u night 01 terror for,me.”

No Ezeenlioncr \ .7%e scheduled execution o h jiM

Vlack is four days from .today, Hff is to die sometime b e t e ^ mid­night and dawn Fridayr

There wDl.be'ne execntloner. The trap will be spnmg—it he te baag ed -b y eleetrteltr. Three guards will ea«b p ish a batten.It will never be known wbicb

. batten released the trap.I t * a s Indicated today th a t no

one was sure whether the board would reach a decision Tuesday. I t was remarked tha t the decision may be an eleventh hoiir affair.-^A decision against commutation would not necessarily mean tha t Van Vlack had to die, however.

TTie goraraor could reprieve him unUltthe next meeting of the par­don board, 4an. 6.

S M lUESDAyAfternoon and Night Seaaioas

Planned W ith One Olasa

Por Housewives

Inaugural sessions in first aid classes for Twin Falls and residents of this vicinity will come a t 3 p. m. Tuesday a t it\t Idaho Power audi- torimn.

Housewives will predominate a t the afternoon meeting, w ith male enrollees forming the bulk of the evening session opening a t g p. m.. according to H arold O. MoeUer, Red Cross / i n t aid Instructor and mem­ber of the ,WPA adult education pro6 gram In this area. 9

/o in t Sponsonhlp The first aid classes are sponsored

jointly by the local chapter of the Red Cross, by Idaho Power com­pany and the WPA..

All sessions throughout the course will be held a t the power concern’s auditorium, Moeller said. Those de­siring to sign up may do so a t Idaho Power oltlees.

Instruction'at the afternoon meet­ing will be centered on first aid iBt home injuries, against which the R{d Cross is now campaigning.

Ntgbt Tbene Night classes wUi emphaslte a r­

tificial respiration, control of bleed­ing, treatm ent for sun stroke, heat exhaustion and other mishaps. Bandage, splint and tourniquet ap­plication will be demonstrated.

Moeller will be assisted by Glenn Oee, Idaho Power first aid expert who formerly conducted Twin Falls 'asses.Enrollment Is open to any person

over 16 years or past the second year of high school.

Meat Producers I 'o flear Benson

omlst, will be one o t a number of o t ^ d e speakers a t a:meetlng of the Associated Meat Producers Tuesday afternoon. The meeting will open a t 10 a. m. in th« old Chamber of Com­merce rooms,

Livestock, dairy cattle, hogs and sheep raisers have been asked to a t­tend the session, and the original In­corporators are especially urged to be present during the afternoon meeting. During the morning com- mlttees-wlll be appointed.

(from P*|t 1) I he tried to hurry post the buUcr w ith the explanation tha t he was

la doctor whom Ohaplln was want- lag right away. *nw butler coldly informed him that Ohaplln was out playing golf. ■'

The next-act w u a hard one, be- oausb Lavelle is a two-gun man who used to be a frontier sherUf ba«k In Yellowstone founly, Von- tana . But he did learn there « u to be a big parly a t Chaplin's home Saturday night. He laid aeUe boUi

I g\ine and his weitem eomlfraro and Iftn ted a tuxedo, complete with 'tbony cane. He barged Into the [p a r ty ' successfully, and finally got lo h to m y enough with a movie pro- duoer to ask an introduetlon to the h o e t

"Oh." explained the film mag- .nate, "Charile's in Palm Springs. He c o u ld n 't^ here, but he want­ed th e party/lo go on anyway."

Lavelle did not go to Palm Bprlngs because thv time limit on the sub­poena expired yesterday noon.

Rites .Arranged For A. Nelson

BUHL, Dec. • (Speclal)-Puneral •erviees for. Albert Herman Nelson,

' m . Buhl resident since 1811, will bo held ' n i e s ^ a t 8 p. m. a t the Evans and JohMOT ehapel. Rev. E. L. Spencer ot tbe Presbyterian churcli wiU offielaU.

Interm ent will be in BUhi ceme- U ry, ^

others have set for ourselves."O ttleen Preside

Officers of thekxlge presided with the opening service by W. O. WatU, exalted ruler, and L. V. Groves, u- quire. H. M. HAUer. chaplain, gave the Invocation and H. E, Delss, wcreUry, read the roll of deceased members. The benedlcUon was given by Mr. Holler.

Music waa provided by the high school orchestra led by J . T, Bein' bridge, and a vocal solo, “The Har'

Lbor Bar." by J'ames C. Reynolds.

irds tha t we or

A Days'Cough

Wbea y»« seleet an |t • U u M car, yea eaa • ( safelyand driving j l iaww fee a leag

tien tamj. K m r baefced wUh a goarutee el 188% ■atMaetleo er lM%'ratnAM Pivd Titdor S e d a n __M Ford Tudor, Radio. B tr. «8«ss Terraplane S e d a n -------94 Ford Fordor S ed an --------88«0l i Delux Tudor V - l -------- W O30 Dodge Dlx Fordor Sedan'IBM94 studebiSrer Sedan--- 4M8

‘80 Ford Ooupe

D iC A IE S HOMENew Salvation Army building a t

317 Second avenue sOuth was dedi­cated Saturday evening a t services conducted by MaJ. Ronald Eberhart. Portland,. divisional commander of the organliatlon. Rev, J . O , Schaap. pastor of the Kimberly Church of -the Nasorene, also , spoke.

During the service, which was pre­ceded by a street meeting.. MIss'Mar- garet Loder was enrolled as a sol-* dler. Prayer was led by Bey. Mackey j . Brown, N atartne minister, and . Mr. and Mrs. Schaap sang, accom­panied by James Ellis. ■-

Babies christenet^ by M ajor Eber­ha rt were Raymond Benson, Vera Benson and Harfy Dffan Stewart. He left yesterday for Pocatello.

An Irish Polk Lore Museum liaa been opened in DubllA. Irish Free StaUs.


>f YOVR MONEY' M C K For Xmas trees purchased a t the PUBLIC MARKET, If you are a winner In the Tlnies-News contests Also a big bunch of Oregon' Holly or Washington cedar as a gift.

A Gift From SANTA/

l o w ;P R IC E D

G L E A N IN GLadies’ Plain D resses..... ..... .....75cLadies Fur Trimmed Coats.:'. S I and up


F R E E D E L IV E R Y ' P H O N E S 7 0

33 Ford Coupe -----------------------Si Ford DU c o u p * ----------S3 .podge p lx Ooupe ------- iM aai W T u d o r s e d a n ------ M U30 Ford Ot

i t v-» Fiokup ---------55 V-l Ttuck. Ittw Motor - W so Ford Truck. I5T. «ew

N (^evroiet"Tmek"wf I Z

Yob'II fiBd tb i ear yea wbal a prio« yM « Oke te ray. Cart ee l« r«a yo«r fwH Sm M to t t e iienM *r iw aeti vahMb aM bargains.

u ra o HM M J f Co .

V ow r r O K D b w > « r

c r n n e aWINE8 end

BMNDYW iM S Sf quality. Hiod-

• r s l d l y p r i c a t f , m a d s

f r s m ly s c lo u s i r s p t i

g r o w n In I l i a c h s i s s

e lr tia * '

f o m U v ls c jr a rd s . ' ’


Page 3: VOL. T R I O T O T U E S D A Ynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc



H&yor Abandons Repnblicanti

To Lead Own Labor Party;

Opposes No# Deal


tnands for reorganization o{ the Re­publican oarty and dissension among Now Dealers today advanced " York’s Mayor Florello H. La « dla and District Attorney Tht E. Dowey toward big rotes in the 1038 and 1940 elections. - Both stand to gain from rebellion In the major political parties.

l ^ r ty lines are crumbling as the nation heads Into a general election year for choice of 33 governors, a new house of representatives and 33 United etatfe^ senators.. Republicans are so divided and so

reduced In congressional representa­tion Chat (hey are powerless except when Jolntd by Democratic lebels.

lilt Admlulttration scattered conservative rebellion

against President Roosevelt Is re ­flected here by anU-admlnistratlon maneuvers of such men as Senators C arter Glass, D., Va.; Harry. P. Byrd, D. Va.; Royal S . Copeland? D;. N. V.: Joslah W. Bailey, D.. N. C.: E dvard R. Burke, D.. Neb. And Wil­liam H. king, D.,.'Otah. Mr. Roose­velt's Judl^ary reorganization al' ated previously dependable Deal lieutenants, including Chall'- m an Hatton W. Sumners of t h e house Judicial? committee; Sen. Burton K, Wheeler, D„ Mont., and Sen. Joseph C. OMahoney, D.; Wyo;

Under th e se ' clrcumstonc'fes. La Quordla looks n$w like the -w ' and unpredictable factor In the

if gc&eral elections.* PoUUcal PU ni • ^

The little mayor's activities Qf the past few weeks demonstrate th a t he h as political plans. Llt^e known Is U th a t the mayor deilwrately avoid­ed during the mayoral campaign In New Vork last month an opportun­ity to confound hl^ Democratic op­ponents with a letter of praise from. President Roosevelt.

On the Saturday before the Nov. 3 ^ election La Ouardla received from

Mr. Roosevelt a letter amgratxilatlng him on. his settlement of a subway

- strike. Persons who have seen it believed the ih tc r could have been used and interpreted os an endorse- meOt of lA Quardla’B lOO per cent Americanism a t a time when Tam-

. many campaigners were denouncing the little-m an as a Communist, l a Ouwrdla received the letter, read It and Jammed It In his pocket, possibly to th e surprise of Mr. Roosevelt who was up the Hudson a t his country estate. .

Avoids ObUgaUonf I t Is believed tha t La Ouardla Is

( deiiberately avoiding any move which would obligate him to Presi­dent Roosevelt. He Is opposing Mr. Roosevelt's pInnnW' relief expendi­ture economics. He Is a loud and angry critic of New Deal low cost housing policies. .

More slgnlflcanUy, the mayor has abandoned the Republicans lb be­come a member of the American

; ^ b o 'r party. PollUcal observers sus­pected La Ouardla might be think­ing of tQM in terms of P arLabor parfy of which his Amei.__Labor parly would be a co-equal partner.

The La O uard la -fo r-P residen t movement already Is under way. William Allen White >tart«d It going l is t July In Kansas.

TIMERS AN D N EW SChristmas Ijome lighting

C ^ ^ e s t

E N T R Y B L A N K ■CHHlgTMAS DECORAnON EDITdB,Idaho tTaolBf Times..

1 am (o deeocite my home iU i CbrUtmas teaaotx anddesire (a ra te r the Ttne* aad News Chrlftmas home lighting contest for the 9S0 in eash awards.

(Note: MaQ or bring this to ofncei of the Time* and News before S Dec. W-

State Restaurants, Hotels

Oonld Take Lesson From '

Promotion Plans

“Challenger Inn” is Msmfe of Only Part of New' StructureBy S. P. GALLAGHEB

BUN VALLEYrI>«.'8 (Special)— We ha re arrived back h&ne, for though we have so far. had but short residence here, yet r M ^ ln g to Idaho seems like coming oack to the old manse, and we saw the .same seemingly mad activity, as typfletC this winter Utopia a. year ago upon ' our first arrival, yet completely changed In aspect.

Now everything is orderly, every move has the appearance of care­ful planning, the new stadium now asleep under a blanket of snow, t ie , stables and run-ways, the hew Challenger Inn which Is now com-

By the way, we were quite sur­prised to find tha t the n a ^ e Chal­lenger Inn refers only to a very smaU part of the new building, and tha t each segment Has a different name, such as the Ram, the Onmde hotel, etc. Upon second thought, though, this te as i t should be, for each'segment was ortginally intend­ed to represent » different house or establishment In a S w ta vUlage, and Is as different ^om its con- nectlng-sectlons as is n igh t from day.

The most unassuming delegaUon in the whole vaUey however. Is the biggest dntw ing-card a t present, and ther« Is a c o n s ta t flow a ta e o - ple passing the pasRire below \ h e lodge for- 'a glimpse « f the reindeer herd established there. Tlie rein- deer re turn this attenUon with a cool, almost ArcUo stare th a t causes us to wonder about their impres­sions of Bun Valley, and the people who Invade their synthette tundra,

GeU PropoulM argaret Wood. Bun Valley’s'lov-

able and beloved English housekeep­er, the lossy who upon being shown to and about • Boulder dam this summer, asked If th a t was th« dam. for she had thought i t would be larger. U now alternating between tears and bluahes over a n honor­able proposal to wedlock in a let* ter she received from a “nice old m an who takes a bath every Bat- .urday, and would even oftaner if it was necessary."

The Christiana, ultra d u b near Ketchum, Is rapidly rtcelviog the finishing touches, and wlU have Its formal opening shortly a fte r th a t of Sun Valley lodge. ThU rendes- vous of the upper<.crust, caterlngv only to an establlilud membership of noteworthy and affluent people, fills a position similar to that * the Beach and Tennis club iir

^ m l, and kindred clubs in Saratoga, > iew port\nd other resorts, and'def- Inltely Marks Bun Vi^ley as an es-

< ^ e a letter today from San Juan In Puerto Rico, written by BcQtty, Btfven B&nnagan'a photo­grapher who was stationed here In the valley till recently. A chap who

i high In local regard, & otty was recently transferred to Pnarto Rico, and paints an .alluring pic­ture of the "Isle of enchantment," but from the tenor of his letter, we suspeciK a tilt of homesickness for the old snow covered Bawtooths-. . . Harklhg back to the reindeer again, and their little kfngdom, the very Interesting regent of Q)at domain, Ernest Ahsook, the Eskimo, has ilot as appearances would indicate, com­p l e t e abandoned .his Intention t^ construct for himself an igloo; but th e snow condition a t present Is not suited to the constructloil of snow Wocks..due to Its packet^and

'caked condition. Eoweverr-soon as tem pm ture and snow conditions are rlght.~Ahsook will buUd for him­self an Arctic hogan to shelter him frcro the beating rays of Bun Val- ley’f Intense winter sub . . .

f e U /T s jo i WbUs Bun VaUey Itself remains a

b it dormant d u rin g the between season period, all activity centers about the naw Hotel Saint Georg In ICetchum. There the people In­terested In fu£therlng of the lodge, the new I n l C ^ d the Christiania gather for their evenings, In the attractive clubroom of the hotel, and e^o y themselves and each oth­er. "Hils new hostelry, by the bye, h its one to th e eyes os he enters Ketchum, being most picturesque and chanolng.' Built 'substantially upon the soenlC'props of the movie. “I Met Him in Paris,'- fn o u g h ^ b - stantial additions were given to 'make an ideal pltK:e In which to live and laugh. And Its present sucr cess Is due In no. small m e a su re ^ the en m etio managemeot of young Pet« Bonln. a very popular young fellow of no small amount of dls-

BOISE, 6 (8p«clal}-IdahQ'a »tauranta and hotels eotild take a

lesson 'frc^ eastern esta&llshmcnts In the pramoUon of Idaho products,* declared Quy Oraham, commlaslim- er of agriculture, today. "Many easterners are cashing In on the superior quality and taste of Idaho frulU and vegeUbles.” . .

tiraham p ^ te d ^ 'o o t th a t t tu Triangle resUurant« of ChlOvo have long-^eatnred Idaho potatoes and D. L. Toffenettl. owner of the chain, recently sent menus a n d ' " advertising material boosting 1 potatoes to Ooremor ClMxk.

' LatMt Promotion ,The latest string of rastauranta .to

engagtf in the promotion bf Idaho potatoes is Thompson's, of Louis- vUle. ICy., who also have Restaurants

■■ other large cities in the east, d south.

superintendent oM lie Louis­ville district of the John R. Thomp­son company, operators of Thmnp- son’s restaurants, recently wrote to Governor .Clark requesting a tele­gram from the governor conoemlng Idaho potatoes. ' '

TOe Idaho fru it and vegetable ad- rm lslng commission stated today that Louisville. Ky.. is one of the clUcs scheduled for Idaho pototo and onion adveHlslng a t a later date. Mr. Oraham; chairman of the com*, mission, pointed out th a t telegrams lauding the qualities of Idaho prod­ucts are being received from leading hotels, restaurants and chefs from coast to coast.'

Typical Messags A typical example is the wire frooi

the Hotel Traymore In Atlantic City,' N. J. This message, ftddres;ied' to Governor Clark, reads, “I hav« a!-

A. B. Beem Elected Klwanis President

Deo. e (Bpeclal-A. E.____ ___elected president of theKlwanls club a t the regular lunch­eon meeting held last week.

O ther officers chosen a t the same time were E. O. Walters, vice presi­dent; Earl B. liaHue, treasurer; ' neth Erickson, s e c re t^ .

Members of the new W. C. Kutman, R. K. DlUli W. 0. Musgrave, E. M. R i.O. W. Anthony, Earl Ramsay and C. A, Love.,

p l a n y o u rBUILDING NOW!

For the conven­ience o f. our CUB- tomcrfl we have added an exper­ienced architect to our planning service staff.

You save time and trouble If you us« our i *w lce. Our staff is prepared to advise yo ph^es of building:. . . from basement to roof

. buildings large or smalt.

•Call at our office or tele.', phone 84 for an appoint-

. ment with uh to make plans on any kitid of con- stru(Jtion you are con- lemplatlnff.

H O l^l u m b £ r a c o a l g o . I• t S PAINT IIEADQUARTBH8 n . .w «

• Complrt* Balklln( SerrlM — TwUi n j b , Idiho ■"'

B u m CASTLB t iA iv pO A t

Boy Bcovii court of b o o n waa b d d last week a t the Methodist church with W. W »Prants and W. E. NUoa In ch a ]^ . Awards were given to "Murray Munyon, 'James Brennen, Leonard Vlncent.N Forest Walker. Don Zelgler, Roger Vlncenk Clif­ford Thomas. Marlon Hammer* qulst, Dwight Johnson. Wayne Tur- nlpseed and James Winkle were giv­en badges to present to George An­thony, Jr.. and Leonard Wlnkei; pa­tients a t the hospltaL

Garden department of the PUer Womah's>:iub was to meet to d w a t th e hqme of Mrs. M. J. M acaw J

T h e ' Mary Aima Sunday school class met Friday a t the home of Mrs. M. J. Macaw for a nhri«tanM exchange.

PUer chapter AH, P. E. O.. waa > be host today a t the home of

Urs. O. J. Childs for a tea honoring the Buhl chapter.

Ladles' Aid society of the Mieth- odist ^ u rc h met Wednesday a t the home of Mrs. Earl Ramsay w ith Ura. Bari Murray, Mrs. Edgar V i n ^ t , Mrs. Lorin Drake and Mrs. E. M. Raybom as hostesses.

•Annual home party was given by PUer lodge No. 65 of the A, r . and A. M. Thursday with a dinptfr a t the methodlst church. 8 m ^ music numbers were provld^ by Elbum n e rce on the comet and MUs Mbr- Jorie Nan Musser. vocalist. Dancing and cards followed a t the lodga

ways found Idaho poUtoM satUfac- tory and dependable In every way. ITiey are uniform in size, quality M d flavor. They are economical to use for fancy cutUng, 'e»p«lally souffle potatoes, and for baking pur­poses they cannot be surpassed. Joseph- Obrecht, Chief D'Culsino, Hotel Traymore."

Mr. Orahatp contends tha t thou­sands of out-of-state visitors, who are -heavy patrons of hotels and ras- taimmts, are unable to find Idaho potatoes, apples and onlcms m w us In Idaho.


Decrease in Job Seekers Xs Indication of Better


ConUnued Improvtmcnl In business Conditions In Idaho orer th e past 38 months was noted here this aftemon with release of a re­port covering acUvlUes of the TJnited S tate empfbyment service offices l a the state. The report was relewed by Rtfy Butltr, arei th is district. ,

Divided Into fiscal years, th e re- shows a decided drop for the

' year s t a i ^ July 1. 1937 to en t.date In the oUmtMr .ot

aUons f6r Jobs received t«y

‘indleatci dtte-HaU During the-fiscal year July 1.

i m to June 30, 1936 new a] ' U ons'totaled ^ 3 4 6 against . fo r the next fiscal year ending 30 of th is .year. Through OcV SO of tills year-only 4.T75 new Uons had been taken Ind' present trend;keeps up, total through June ai, 1938 will ap­proximate one-half of the previous year totals.

Another . I n t ^ t l n g disclosure of the report, as p o rted out by Mr.. BuUer, Is th a t Jobs founds for those registered have shown a steady In- qrease during the period of " port.

Por th i fiscal year starting July 1, 1S3S and ending June 30, 1930. a total o t 47,409 positions were found. For the firat^our months of this fis­cal year, through' Oct. 31, a total, of 10,318.have been employed ttirougih the eervtces.

Many Private Jobs - A substantial number ot these po­r tio n s were In private Industry with the balance mostly In public works,.

A private placement report for the first 10 months of this year shows the

'■ ^ i

y .

The.wearers at laey glevee ate one step, behind Prinoew Al* menla AU. a»4ve, netetf vands- vUle perfomer, who |uw joH arrived In New Tork'from Eng­land. TI)o toysUe syabete U* toeed ta her band fom a eeler- fnl pattern that at (trsi gtanoe looks like a laee glove. ^

Twin PaUs office to tank thkd ^ o n g those of Idahb in Job find­ing, being ahead of Idaho Palls and Pontello by a considerable' margin. Only communities ahead of T ro hU s In this matter la Boise and Ld«4ston. Both these, offices have Xleld.bnncbei-Which ralae.tbelr.to> tal considerably. Twin Palls has D(»e.

fO B l WENDELL I M ' ’WXNISLL, Dee. 0 (qpedsD.^^M- ’*r

aeralMrncesX«rUr«.T.ainolnr- shans. a resident for abnort ao yiats».

were held Priday afc tbs IbtbodM .i- chuith with Rev. oarl u . Oa?ldHtt • offldatlnt.

Mrs. wickersham died Toeidaf ak the family home In Vale. Ow , tol-' lowlnc a heart attack. T b » family had made lU hone In Vale stnee March after living beta slnee im . ' Prom 1014 to 1919 tbey bad UvMl tn Twin Paills county. ' ' ,

Bom a t Uedlelne Lodga.-XSn... V o f.^ im , Ua, w i d m h i ^ . surrlred by her husband, e l ^ d d l - . dren. M n. Pred Plank. i c i£ a e a c i s west. WeadeD; iCn. John Isseqoa. Wash.: U n . Kk 'mentroQte, Jerome: i t e l ___ell.Munv.Utab;aeorKUaii4Xi___gene. Vale; eight brotbers, B. O. Btriokland. Ptank, Bari aaA

w. T, Strickland. Jerome; ' 1 Btrlcldand.i and Pred G

( Troy 'Btrickland. Plantali; / w tuten, u n . LodtssAria; . _____ _______________

NuTH, Mrs. Joeephlne Olaik. ICn. Cuba ShrtTsrs and Mrs. Oairte Shriven, Medicine X '

She also learea Iw Lodge. . S U ^ U H k h

Kler Order OJ)A Choosefl Officers

rax R . d k . T m ^ > ^ A t t s « .

r r s i s s g - s s ' s i s s ' sofficers w u cot^uotML

Offleen «bo i» n w . U a . lO - died S*kOieit„vartb)r matoOQ; M a. Leah ahort. Mt^taoft woctfap u - thm: )itB. eoo.ducUMs; U n. icazktt Vtneot.4w- slstaBt dbnductnis: . O. A, levs, ' worthy patieo: o. -0. Davis, aMirt-, asl ■ woctbr • patnn^ Mks. Hammerqulct. seerstary; if n . ICn- ale Armsa, trtasorar.

Page 4: VOL. T R I O T O T U E S D A Ynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc


A i^ k in g W ar Lem^It took old Nathim B^oz^ Foitest, the uncouth

b gesini of fiia Conledente cmtbs, to sum up the es- tiie sdence of strategy u one ungrammatl-

f e«I liM^'fCrlt ifiar fust; with the ihostTBen.” • 'Jlettn'g'an'his avm nuol^nin; Forrest was a terror

f toj^raigiraeralsihiroughotitthewar.AiideTeriliice flieBiJnlUtary men have agreed that his terse slogan

' was all of tKe ItK# and ihost of the prophets, as far as ; the art making war is concerned'.

It isj^^eeting, thei«fore, to see that the United

t t ^ n 'a n y f o t u r f w ^ K will be able to do what K O eiie^ F on«st advised. |

y’s ago the army’s new “streamlined” 16n complete important test maneuvers

„f.diT|tio& is a f a r cry from the cumber- U m j^ 'diidBions of World w a rs 'd a j^ It

" ^ thiraotariKd division army was established 300

, Wells, T ^ - The division to Uie scene of the “war” in day in^ontrmaneuvering aiid ' ment, an d ^ t back to


A u ta n a a a tm o r m tn in t , -J jcni u t ' t u « n sn u you ■It ua. b U » llilloiiliw bit n o t In

^ X n U m to t lu BuElbm fw pon d w rt. T o a c a n t m c u m t h s t

c o rrM p o n d en t o t la tU n g u a d u l; ex ­cited o m t h l n p .

b a d tb e h ta rtairer U k m off In » o fftt a u a n n when Uw door a t U a h o n e closed WednM- day. No ftrtbM- ■drrerr waa nee* oMmr •< (iM «0 I effloe.'' -


*FM plo W ltli e e ld i a b ra ld U o ttM m to iMd.” . •

H i m tb o adTleo th e doctor a aU .

w s D ID N T o r r arouod to your mootal KTunactica Ia n week, w t ien eoate tlw

1. I f a nanU K e Is called off a t tbe la s t taitaute. muat the t^de-eleet return weddlnf glftA U she's to stick Iqr.rules of etlauette?

t. Aro lee ta^ eonpooed ot fkcah w ater or a l t water?

r be sure that this demoiutration will be ' Studied by army authoiitiee, 1x)Ui here L It Is a b r ^ hint Uiat Ue^a^tributM

r-and'quick'nidtment may be restored to 1. were com^icuous 1 th ^ ab-

.■■i ,_ f i s . i £ j L _

jtnd treasun I»rgdirbeeitue. anmM I fo g e n ^ eodd hope to "git

nienT'bmtue ittook a wtdk t6 ;«iid because numbers of hath

i qUlcirinclvement and me&'■' or ithan ^otf-movl

______ , . l86rt The*af1 la tbeiuist coMly and't^mU ot all wars, ai

[ieieason tokiiow.1 H inOltary science..................... j['8waytor«tid»'th«4oitartofstrat^

the dreadful r e« ^ of the World war may lieveri^ T ierep eated ';, - 4'- ■

Recedi%^afiic ToU. Records oftiiel^attooal Safety (Muibll Indicate Oiat

O' «ntamobll I drivers jM at'lMtlwgiimlngta get a little ‘ bit more nireful-^it tlit impmvemtnt is so slight jr a « t it is hard to gtt.yeiy ehthusUMe about It.:|i; lA the flint; 10 'nohw of tUavear, for instance,» ' 860 D^ple were killed in traffic accidents. The

w r t for the flrtt 10 month* at 1986 diowed a loss

J, however, is offset;by the fact that there was iSitteaie of 9 per centift auto traffic. In proporw 1l jto the number cars.on the road, then;, we killed

j people this year than last •»V ' But the gain is pathetically small. Unless we can ' ip W up our Improvement; It will be the year 2000 A.

S . bdore the gain is visible io the naked eye.

«6njpm mtt Jp extra session it should have j<£«oiwtdtoed'tIlat the average dttien's kick is th>t,he’i ji jllMady for the extras.

' earda of M de schoolers are expected to show

_ I are stem guardians I w out for the sophomore trying to ex- J W wliefpr^t theT)aesword.

lyirMmpnTover' voting machines - ’ opposition, who

just don’t count

irels«Uon;thej)oUUcalfoot- ■ Irtrmh amonj ths most

fabric tof our economic , Ne(»erfear good orinlna

d a i u a / f e w ^ w mertali

I t <n ko> liilo M eicli U aa s n n t U H I n


s. H m k a a Jot tbe ooUUallj- ‘ eandldatee,- parties-W h a t-4

T lppecanoo' to d Tjrlor too." ‘T mco a t any prioo.">A fall dlmiar paa.»"Ha kept us out of war.”*BMk to nontialey.''

I W to l food h tto «ld«t- HdtottMWWldT •

S. How near-P a ils did the 0«r< u t« t )n World ww»


^ W t e d k i r e u r - I K & oi atodenta.

yon gave u i

. Var tnrtanA . M a Toteno o bserm o f pflycboloiyr 2 polBt «&t th a t t t e “ - W - » o » o - I S i - | n l i ^

w h a n • compliment w u called for taatM d o t a Ham, th e y gave Ute w npU m ent altboufb. they, didn't navo to. - V

And furtbemwre, i t p ro m to me jroutb U more t t t tb r l ib t and

m . hypoeritlcal than iU S ik n . if you s ta r t tbe Ham book id te unonc m ost idults, the majority vpuM nt t tp n a a ttwtr true pplnlcn beoauM ■emMM might traoe tbete. b u d - w r i ^ , might find out tbeir real ^ 'w oibts, might try reprisals.

Tea, Hr, a rery dUUnot soclolofleal ,beoomena. says i. But I ’m >Um1 klT name ta a t In any slam bo<&.

-4hM>hBaB B trirl


M i the fe it e< o » n t r t h o - w r u have to d n w the Une

M mevbai* on poUtleal HMtt . ao o en ild v the Uoe dralm pfcnto. sow ^ f a a y y U ly . W fll itUl twe

o d U h M % S i c « r t f t t !Nk from bare cn out w ets no t tn>____ _ out ■ a out

you lUp tbe Oemociat. Re- pQbUeui. SooialUt, ‘Townaeittlte. bm-Our-Wealth, abare<O ur>

WeoMn or Two• Apple-Met-for- fW T»FmnUy puUM. «ead thoae

to the Public rorum oolyuA IM let the Kvetlmet editor worry uo ta ’em.

d r im n o o K BA OK'SUOU,

»ot » o 2 ” *"*me that some auto

t t h a t Y ithet DUlne, who d rlre i vtfO A In 138,000 throne oara. U n tb w ^p iT ln a had th a t equipment, bo oould preTcnt baok-alldlng.

T a d a r ' t A n t w c r i tm


K I N G E K WAKNOW 0 * 1 ^ i w N8A Im.;

_ . M B TL A W S—MfvlM.

- a r - . ^ S 5 3 i « S r , . « .

Ch a p t e r x i v7A CH A BY "HADES” JONES ^ w a s a b it W«ai7 bo re ­turned to pamp th a t night, n o S4'm ile round trip bad taken him two fu ll (^ y i.

'T hese danged u a le a ia contrary e r ^ a thunderttorm ,* bo

bled. “They a l a t p« d tgood y i t H e n . RtfUman, ......

'you help m « w ith tbeM h m kagi. please sir?”

They unloaded th e fresh cool w ater, am ple fo r drinking, dook- Ing. and scanty toilet Until another week should pass. Then Hades re* leased the anim als for a b it o t grazing nearby. There w m a jio le o f stagnant w ate r ju s t a mUe away, all r l ^ t tor th e stodc taut too alkaline o r ‘'salty*’ fo r hum an use.

»Wber« at!b th ' boss?* HadesIked.'“A in 't seen him all day. And

b y grabs I ’d like to know, tool” '>Eh?” Hades paused to looi(

questl^ilDgly a t BoQimatt. '- •'Well, fac t is. Hades, h e ^ out •with l i s s a . J u s t thdm two.'

Hades sp a i ra th er copiously and glared a t Holliman.

“S ’posen he 1st A in 't no Uon. is sher A in 't gonna h u rt him none?"

"Hell, no! B u t M e t .b tn lnen has he got taU n g a young gal out by herself."

H ades - Jones, a g e d 7 0 ^ , stepped forw ard m eiadngly .

"W hat do. you mean, HollhnanT W hy you ly in’—I"

"S hut u p , o ld m an. W ant m e to s lap y ou down?"

..— • . . « .. one h a d dared to s p ^ thus

-‘- ' t o H ades Jones in more than h a lf g eO itm T -' XTBde H ades had friends, an d enemies who re ­spected him , in -practically every county and corral from El Faso to JTuma. *

H ow evtr, I t was the u t t o su r- p r lw o t Bis "sass” which kaveS HblUiAan some serious em barraai- ment, there tn camp.

Hades' ja w Just dropped. Tive seconds la ter, 'unquestionably, he would have h ad tw o 'm asdve pis­

tols aim eir w ltti tarrlb l* . . .I t Holliman's jto m a d k H e ___been known to do Just th a t w ith o ther men, and 'daring them « r i r to resent i t B u t - a t th a t Inctan iHoney Be* O irl a p p e a n d . ...........

"Supper i n ready," sh e 'an ­nounced. "and B A w b'SV to t d l you not to w d t fo r.them . a s thfcrmight no t be U c k a t •U.” .........

_ J o re Hades' aston idunont h ad tu n y claaired, Holliman w as sitting d o w n .a t th e <m d« cnop . t iU a , dishing tip a p in t o r ao o t r ic h rM chlU. Tbe .old m an ttiadm rged enough tobacco juiof^ to d i« w n • good>«ind mammal. ta U e d iila plans fo r . disdplinot s a t glaring in to supper h ta n sd t, - « 4 ,. a n d w « Ik a d to ,tb « fo e k « t1 1 »c a s tlsd if l.

BANOt BANQI Holliman and H eoay Be* peered

o u t iQ alarm. B a t Hadsa w aa only signalling. His old n e ^ w as craned upward, studying the castle.

H e ilred again, tw ice rap id ly . I t

- I t wpg a w l^ . decision. B ut tbe " u a t te -w a s s tm ib a k y .

*nrou. b een .eye in ’ :Mi*s U r n yor«ael£, Holliman. I seen you. l . 'k n o w th* s lg w Waal, th a t

« io ! i^ '4 n s ^ t r a s eudi.-Any young m an 'd b e a fool not to set up to her. r C f she wants you i f s her bu s ln ea ; b u t you be dang shore ih e does. Now I w ants know— do you know- w here tbeyYe a t n o w tv W h y .a ln t th e y hereT lt:» w en a lte r dark.”

TT O U JM A N had been surprised F '^ in d e M to h w tha t old Hades

iw o f his fV ttin ’ u p - to M ary Melissa. The old fool m ust,have c ^ a everywherel -But this was no tin ie to argue. Besides, his ow n corlod ty about th e missing pair

was a tlm [■csiU o f tbeoutdoors for anyone w ith in b ea r­ing to answer :o r come. H ades never thought b u t w ^ t B ob B arry would knew it, and answ er !£ ho heard. '

"They a in t up there," th e old m an m u tttted p resently, and. e n n e back to th e te n t

“HoUimas." he began, h is eyes Wayhing, * i come dang n l t f t U U in ' you a w hile ago. You a in ’t old enough to know be tte r y e t id some ways, and it m ay cost you. We ain t^know n to eiadt o th e r p lum b good y i t Now I d o n t w a n t s o trouble, b u t you don’t be ao free and careless w ith yore tesigue,

feller. .T h is B a r i7 !■ our____ You can q u it any tin w ; .wec 'n g it m ore help, If 1 h a v ^ ride in a fte r it. B u t h y to d , WftiiWwit, i n k m you deader'n a petrified snake e f you g it too fresh i You savvy?"

He leaned forw ard Just a Uttte, hands reedy to draw.- H e w aa • trifle comlcal,-because o t h is w rin - k l a and his stoop. B ut th f e r e > ^

m e * S ^ ^ 2 e l y w h a flh e said.Holliman tig h ten flT H e h a d

sta rted to grin a t an o ld num . b u t h e d l d n t Tbe keen o ld eyes spoke ft 8Hmt Warning m ore po­te n t <>!«» words. WftiHTTiaTt moved very slowly—hands aw ay from b is h ip s . '

"AU right, Jonee. F o rg e t I t You're old. X b in t, goln' to fight no oldteoer.'*

WABHDiaTON. Dec. S -T tJ? dr*- Boatio story of tbe chase « t t ^ every last renu^Uqg ounce o t tbe drug called ’’EUxlr Sulfanilamide.” whlqh was^ blamed for the death of a t l e a ^ 13 persons IQ September and October, Is burled in Secretary Wal*- laoe’s-reposi to conjpess-Whlch-reer. nmmends legislation to make drug m anufacturers responsible for their

tlrtuaUy were snatched from human Ups a s food and drug xlm lnlntratlon agents, state and lo­cal officials and druggists return­ing their supplies gathered up the elixir In a ' score or more states in ­to which hundreds of shlpn^nts had been made.

The first Up was- received here Oct.: 14, in . a telephone call from a pbytielan associated with a New York drug concera Be had beard of

sw ear I d o n t know, Hades. A nd q u it b d n ' w arlike. J told you I a to t fightin'."

Hadea gruated.^ C ta a n . t he called to Honey

Bee. "come o u t here. W hat about th e two bosses? W here they at?"

"Thay are not here," said Hon- - ey Bee, stupidly.

HadM b ridled Cbntemptalm ost suffused him. But Holli­m an spoke first.

“W ell w here a re they?" Tbe ymm ger m an was equally Inter­ested..

" Ib e y have gone, fo r -riiaybe a )ong tim e," Honey Bee declared.

"Hell, d ld n t they say- w here t" H ades was losing patience.

*They Just say tell you both make- thee bc[tter camp. thee-bet> tec corral ta t thee mules and honea," Honey Bee spoke slowly,- stalling. Then she, had an idea. "M eester Bawb, h e say m ust go. M aybe all day, teaybe longer, n i e y take food, canteen, go th a t

” s : P 0 ln te d -4 0 t tow ard th e d iff dwelling, b u t in t h f opposite direction.- - llx e ‘ m en gnm ibled about i t a t length, b u t after aU th e note Bob h ad left also told them to go ahead w ith their own work, and forget about him and -Ussa. Suspicions Ihu9 w ere not aroused, a t tiM tim e -

A n ^o u r later, though. Hades w en t fo r a la s t o i ^ t d ieck-up on th e horsei and. m u les^h ls regular Job. . « .

"S h u ck sr h e suddenly » daim ed. "T heir horses is b o w herel"

B ob'ahd M ary Melissa vrouldnt have s ta le d to go ta r on foSt. The old m an turned to stare b ^ a t th e snsidclous, confused. H e didn’t tru s t ttia t Indian glrL Nor


preparation in Tulsa, Okla.A food and drug agent e w t from

K ansas City reported th a t nine deaths already'had occurred In the Oklahoma d ty after the victims had token a product labeled “ElLdr Sulfanilamide."

Inspector went hopping to the manufacturer’s home plant and to th e company’s branches a t Kansas City, New York a ^ San Frandsco.

SENT 1.1M TELEOBAHS".The commercial

from .a pint to a gallon, totaled 8S3. and there were 484 l-ounce phyai- olans* samples and IBT a-ounce salesmen’s samples a t large:

The company said i t had sent about l.lOO-telegrams to salesmen, customerv, druggists, and doctcn,

ce of tale of the

(Te B e OentfaiBed)

preparation and p r o ^ returns.Food and d rug ' Inspector* de­

manded new telegrams be sentIng the word “imperative^ a n d __warning, T foduc t may* be danger­ous to life.”

Large quantities began to come back to 'th p company, b u t almost th e entire field force of 239 food and drug Inspectors and.chem ists was p u t a t work to get the rest of the stuff.

SOME SALES UNRECORDED Records ot everyone concerned

were cheeked. Abeut aoo salesmen were reached and asked about salea « n4 sam p le distributed. ^

piUg houses throughout the o r a - i r y were co n su lt^

Tens of thousands of order slips were examined in /flur distributing houses and wholaaale or retail drug houses-includlng 30.000 sales slips in one esUbllshment alone. - ~ .

In some c a m doctors had no rec­ords of names of patients for whom th e drug bad been subscribed and frequently sales we»-m»de over the counter without prescription to per- sons-unknown to tbe druggist

E nding all th e salt

r Public: Foruma tncB nad as wsleoiud.

L M m sboBld daal M th a u tta n o( s«n- •rai lB tim t: lla ttw idkraU adt '«ttwd

than BOO fa t pn fm b lr staetjM .bi eoafliud to SOO. No oeatrtbu- ttaas eOMklwea ualM stgnid, ImVial- tUU wUt b* UMd. U i»MUIeanr r»- jVMted. AS eeatrlbtttkns sbouM be •«-

id . to l

I S T O R Y Of Twln' FaUs City 6f Goiinty

As Gleaned from Files of ’Ih e Times -

r o u n c B AT B u i L i r r Bdllor, evening Timas: S ’

T he S tate' O haaber of Commrite h u eonoluded a meeting tn Burley the writer, in the hope of h e a ^ Bomat&lng of intexest end vahie t< tlw steto in tbe way o t plans or aug

^ two-hour ses-sUm o n Thursday night during whlcl tim e they ................................

te far M any gbod and lasttog effect ot such meetings, the organ- iMtion could not truly say with the mUitery genius of ancient timsa, that "X came, i saw, I c oo qu ^ ,” but should truly say, *We met; we el! we damned the levenmsnr ' ‘ B lnlsntlen); we •djoumsd.'

n u ir orators were light tn the govenunent h u a finger In

entythlfig. It’s true, Paitkularly as to huge projecu aiid sxpendKurak of f t M i i funds in Idaho; but our itate B noted for tbe large sums ot Boney eitrMted from the federal tieasury. with only »n lnooosidsr> able return to the trsasury of taxss paid by Idaho, OMnparad.wlth fun* (Adenl) gtvstt other stetes and tune paid by them. itUweUknown ,ttalwhsfi«eBgraasla penuaded to

Kfsrjiss.'usirin'salaw that tbe govsnunent has aok only a finger in it but a votoe M well. Would ft private lendsr do «U* ferentlyt

Ohambm of oommaroe ate mgllt

dUH Ot Idaho. are gtriring for and

75 YEARS AGODEO. - i i n s o

MOSGOW-^hiUp Buck, graduate Of Twin Falls h l ^ school-and a member of this yeiu's "graduatln i claas a t the University of Idaho, was awarded the Rhodes scholar­ship in competition with six stu- den u from the steto. - .

Buck is a member of P h i O an taa D elte fraternity. English d u b and m anager of tbe debating team. He ta tah honor m an and-prom inent in eohool life. Be has w ritten three plays of unusual m erit/B uck U m a-

In h l f t ^ and expects t» dlow this study a t Oxford next aU. -V

I h ^ o t a t least local value] poe- -lur S tate Chamber doea the B ordinary meettogs to r bun*

wtMh B lgbtte the result of a aaoce______________ or Haa Baticn-wide attempt on Che

1. The bride-eiMt meat ratam p tit Ot wch organiaatlcns to influ- •II Um m i i i i i ^ bdieillni «e mee liftslatkm with their pnpe-esmet e i^M (^ bai’ w ^ .................................................. ....

aevwBi wbe thiew the

^ The Whjfs, back in lMO,'u«ad •nppeoanoa and if itr too." FUl-S W t a S K 'I H .L 'W I l!* . W

mil ■ ............. ................■ ----- , In lllfl mi "ifo 'kept ue

m t 01 »»t." ■ A.1J HiMlni.uinl ttiaT ttt tto non n .lo r iin .S i '

b j i j t o l .a. Ih e y n i within u miles of

F ^ thereby giytng the Frenchman 4ul,te a case of J ittm .


gwdir and it behaved Ilka the taD- end « tbe oooventlon that Boorar did apl.)iaTe.

M p n M o taU n , l iu n l* M MIdU ilotat n g a t, U M . • i t a t but pouw M W k , « u « h w iu n il '

n g a n n u H i k N i n m T H tto a o w

KTFT PROGRAMUM ke. ' 1.000 watts (CUp fe r RfcreBee~Tbls wtH

n e t be repeated.)


S.-OC iPUmm' Bmkfui'^ub 4: » BUI Bonl's Bamblin »M Ftnn ■Ad horn* nubM e ;45 O n a n a m vK tt quciUUofk* i m mtlodlM7:U w^tf.wMf Uucnoio newt

tlubM »7ao AntoMs Oubws*^1:45 PmtUw quut«l - - SM {jwa B*lM09 «nd bti orcb«tra S;1S Brawn-i Brawalw i » XkTltr Cmnt end bki orobvtn 1:40 OiMaUns I w York m*rk«t <t\w

UUon*S:45 BUe« ot Uf*SM ’‘Ms” Pffklna S:U Xtn DnJu u d bU orehMtH »:3Q lv«ntns TUnM eewi flMbM •:4S Oldfwblontil maodlM

»«> Amwloui ru tU f BoUDwa tO:lt AllM r»f4. roetSat 10:W ytotar oretkwua

ifler uttt ITneU

been tasted f g r j its effects OQ i n win ever be c

^ T r o e K .vfco took it; tn addition to ’th e 7 l , j » e M b u t U hasn’t been p te v ^ ’Uie dntg was exdusive- ly r e s p o n d a few eases.-per-

(Copyright UW, KKA Serviee ib a )

The Fanrily Doctor

T h is 'i» .the th ird h i a aa tta tn wbidi Or. FlBhbefai dieeosses insects aad parasites whieh ir-

I the I g»»n eoay.

DEBIB n S H B X n f

y d ifficult i e i n ’m -as' was so-unco-operative th a t he was Jailed unUl he divulged re­quested InformatlMi.

POUND BOTTIC o n ’ OBAVE. Although m ost physicians and

dniggtoU co-operated In full, one South Carolina doctor-inaisted.ttM t although he had dispensed about a quart ef t^e liquid to five patlento, none had died. __

An inspector found there were seven such patlenta and th a t four bad died.

In one of the four cases, th a t of a Wegro, the inspector found i t was i r lo c a l custom to place idSdtdnes. gtasses, spoons end similar material astocOited with a dead person’s last Illness right on top of the grave. A sister remem bered'the doctor had given U)e man eom i^ted medicine" and the inspector r t ik e d a mile and a half through fields to a fresh

DB> HOBBIB n S B B B NE ^to r. Jaom al a t th e __ ______

Hedleal Aseeeiatim, aad o t By- geia, th e H ealth Kagariaa

I h e Otanex lectularfus Aedbug) is .jund wherever p e o ^ are none too careful about th e h/gienee cheree- ter of their surroundings. ^

Bedbugs have no w in ^ but they seem to be able to travel ocoslder- afile distances- Im a short time to n a c h a h m ^ ^ l a ^ j i ^ e n t l y

of the b u m a n b S m which attracts the bedbug, p a r O ^ l y when the hum an being gete w u m . F to^that reason. beAugs do n o t-b ite unta' after the body becomes w ann be­neath the covertngs.

D ie bedbug bites ' with ' four threadlike filaments which glide ov«^ each other with an alternat­ing motion and plercei. the Then the bedbug sucks blAod through ite beak.

Some people are.m uoh m cre'irrl- teted than others by the bite, ih o e e . who are senlltive respond ''w ith ra ther serious' inflammations. In moet people, however, tbe bite of the bedbug is usually fo llow ^ by a

sides.Bedbugs are n o t frequently found \

on lower animals although ooca- slonally ttiey are seen on the gutoea _ pig. ’they are fla t and they live in ^ furniture, chabs, sofas, se t cushions ^ and similar placM. ’

Seldom does a peraon w ith « bed­bug bite haTo ju s t one ])lte, He ia usually found to have several of these little msome cases the same bedbug will bite in a track acroas the body.

Best to handle twdbugsis to get rid of them. B e& ug pow­ders wni not get. a t .the eggs c r a t the bugs concealed in narrow chinks. They are. therefore,, best ds- stroyed by the use of scaldbig Ifs- ter o r soapsuds,- b ut th is may ruin the fumltuKi:

OasoUne, kerosene or o ther petro- - latum oil»* will destroy . t h e ' bugs, but im en furniture and uphdstery is ireeiy saturated with such sd>- stances, there is dangw of- tire.

The bite o r th e bedWidg is trea t- ■ ed as are o ther.insect b ites,.pri­marily to prevent secondary , infec- . tlon. Occasionally weak ammonia ■'I sdu tlon is a useful home applies- I tlon. ^

_ ____ m*rk*tv^U:U eoiu of th t PloaMra ■ 11:4S Connd Tbibault. TocklUt


I ^ is the l i r d steto to be ad­m itted to the Amartcan Automobile MSOdaUbn. Tbe favorable acUon on tb e ftppUeation was taken Saturday.

Bseratary Spangler, who onanis- ed the dub;^lKdved tbe oongTBtu- latory massage from the president

^ Idaho aesodattos oonslsU ot B d H Twin Falls, Idaho Fails, and " ‘aelisr dubs. *nieie are Mveral

lis Jl

was a 4-ounc« botUe an ounce of the ’‘elixir" and bear­ing the doctor's prescription label.

■A drug store in Oeorgla attem pt- id to cover up certain sa}es '

which two deaths were invdved.

The Twin Falls Rod and Q un club b tf n l u ssaeco's shoot a t the dub Heuhds GO Sunday afternoon. The BtOeeie in order to e w a te new in- M restin the regular weekly shoots, Mve dedded to fl*« a medal for

Ibe beet eoore In th ree different r iH M aad will cMsv handicap! to ihe poorer m artkm ep in order to

‘ I the contest more even.

t o l b o l

•rtei u d trto______ Ori«r and bto erotaMtrft

m t i KretaW, vioUnlit World-Wide ttanw M lo n e mIlMhM ^

1 AO UtMt dance rtlMMt 1:13 OloaUis Ht« Tork Burkat quo-

UUona:U UlMbe Sman. vloltoUt:M Brunawtflk talon 'o re lta m;IS Oaraon ao tio ao n:90 w illlt Pannar and h is o n b a e tn:49 a«n« and O laoaM ‘Hmw aew^Uibes

WMid'wUe tr itlao u s

DEAD OB ALIVE 3he "eUxir,’* Wallace says, n iad

NEXTt GhUlera.

You May Not Know That—

Basketball fames, In the early days of Twin . Falls aod other south Idaho communities, was played outdoors and of­ten In snowstorms.

BNAKEflKlN B O O nsB m otM scene for Paramount’s

“Night Club ScaQ(ial.’' LouUe Camp- bd l wears a pair of sandals mads from tbe skin of a ratUesaake shs UUed a locatico trip toLake Arrowhead.

UltereaM, directly ehS indirecUy, in he suooem ot this imderteklng.M tetunteir nature of

e s ^ mads it eaeentlal to obts Wide dleseminetlon M informa

shortnsss ot Urns, due to the aeoMMity of gettlag this W9tk out ot .the way before the Ohruintu

' in tbe poet OCttoe department,

'•"riS f’ the*eJuSkUona) "cam. g .WIS ettoqttve Is Indlcaled b>

— ----- - report card* were„ „..Ji such aocwaey thnt a pgr .eent required call ^ t h i s jresult daily nows-

M l'• major coniribiuion. art*) OQoperaUoii ot dally % weHunrtse an tmpor-

___ j t IB oMatoIng publk ac-g iM iM 'Ot the importonce to Uie

plsa of j^mjUQjp-

q a m f 1 Mkkewledge w r part

S:U Olaude .

.aSgg!.**” ' •Change A n n o iu ic t d

In Jeirome FilmJEROME, Dec. • (Specia l)^-

nounoem^ .has been made ot the

aiy, has been In’tbe fWMrel d irec^ t u i in w t v o t v i* u r w n <»>°n

nfsa has grown iargs■ a{>d

«„2 5 rfrom a small I .Bias. U m c b s p f l ----------Is also equipM with' a — -

a Io tiM M ttoa iy .

wM hioiiM i'

•"JS O ” I

Page 5: VOL. T R I O T O T U E S D A Ynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc

Mpndtjr, Decemlwr «, 198T . ' IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWJN'FACtS, IDAHO

C r e t e . So You Forgot to lilake Fruit Cake!

yiolin. Guitar Pupils To Picesent Recit^al

A program of violin selections and guitar numtjerfT^S be heard a t n recltel‘ pr6Bented by 46-violin Students aW - guitarista o^ A. E . Francis, class pupils oi th« First Na- '' tional Institute of Allied Arts, today at 8 p. m. in the I. 0,0. F. hall.-

Selections by all violin students will include "Bohemian Melodies," “Kitty’s Waltz,""Merry Widow Waltz” and "Blue Danube." Numbers' by •advanced students will be "March Pontifical,’! "Dr«am of the Shepherdess” and "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes.”

■■Old W lM a t aoma" wUl be played by a trio Including Donna Lee &Dlth, M argaret Lewis and Cecelia Thomp­son. Hawaiian guitar numbers ‘ are to be played by Betty Lou Wardell, Donald Owen. Kenneth ^ b e t t s and Gerald Wljllanu. J

Other num bers' w i l l Include: “Springtime In the RocUes," Wool- sey, Virginia McBride and Ruby

, Kawal; ■'Simple Avlew," Thome,■ Dean ■ Freeman; •. “Pop Qoefl the

Weasel.’' Dick. Robinson, BustUl Wagner; “Angels Serenade," Braga,

'M ary Virginia Benson; “Air and 'VariaUons. Number Plve." Dancla. Tommy SchUllngburg; “Black Hawk W altz,’ Walsh, Kenneth Owlngs; Belcctlon, Lymiett Smith; “Minuet In. O," Beethoven, -Imogene Beath, with ^ x l n c Beath as' “Melody In P." Rubensteln, Dale

Lincoln: *TecUon. Violet West; “Al­legro from Sonata Number Four,"

.Handel, Virginia Francis; "Air and Variations Number Rjur,” Dancla, James Brennan; "Humoresque," Dvorak. P r te k QoodykoonU; "So­na ta In A Major,” Handel. Mildred Waddell: ".Air and Vairlatlons Num­ber Three," Dancla, Marilyn Perry;' “Souvenir,” Drdla, Clarlbelle Wal-

' cott; “in tenncno from Cavalleila Rustlcana.” Mascagni, Audrey Bar­ton; “Serenade," Schubert, Jimmie Joyce. .

The Violinists arc Virginia Mc­Bride, Virginia Prancis, W ary Virg­inia Benson. Ruby- Kawal, Violet West, Kenneth Owingc, Imogens

' Beath, James Brennan, Fnmk Ooo^koontz.- Claribelle Walcott, Jimmy Joyce, Mildred Waddell. Au-

* drey Barton. Tommy SchUllngburg, Dean FMeman, Marilyn n r r y , Rus­sell WagiKr, Richard Robinson, Teddy Turner, Richard Parker, M argaret Lewis, Jean Waddell. Don­na Le Smith, Cecelia Thcvnpson, L f nett Smith, Shirley Banning, EdlUi Stokesberry, Arlene Quinn, Rich­ard I&vfln, Shirley Ann Croft, Bob­by Moore, Richard Tucker, John £>rlps. Verna Lohif, Jo an . ]Qaryes, Fnmces Oraham, Dale Lincoln, Don­ald Thiel, Lorin Orchard, Gary Ontves, Geraldine McDonald, Uack Jordon.


Zu zim cd«y afternoon at* the home of John Bolsch and completed plans for the Christmas party to be held Dec. ai iit/-cne SJks hall. Dudley l ^ o l l . president, is serving as general chair­man of tlie affair. A character meet-

X tng was held.Alvin Casey, sp o n w , w ^ present.


Mrs. John P. Coughlin arranged a brUga tea on Saturday afternoon eompllmenUng Mrs. Henry Oettert, who plana lt> leave soon for the east where e will spend Chrlst-

Elevch guests were entertained and prises a t contract were awarded

- to lijrs, Prank Howsmon and Mrs. L. L. Breckenrldge.

Red tapers and carnatloni were Included in the decorations.


Mrs. Charles Gordon Booth. Grose- mont,' Calif., who was formerly Miss TJiii^ii Lind, was guest of honor on Saturday evening a t an attractive bridge par1> given by Miss 'WUma Keel a t her home on T enth avenue east. Two tables of contract were a t p la rw ith high score award ^ 1m to Mrs. BooUi. -• /

At the close of t h r games refresh­ments were served a t a single table trimmed m a Christmas theme and lighted by crimson tapers. Mrs. Bootb was presented with a gift.. * * *BIBTHDAT PARTY .MARKS ANNIVERSARIES

I/]U Alice- Dunahee and C la y .^ Turner were guests of honor yes­terday a t a birthday party given by their p m n ts a t the DunaheeJiome. Games'were a t play and refresh­ments were served with the guests seated a t a table centered with ChrlsUnas tree hung wlUi gifts for each. Individual cakes lighted with small candles were served.

Guests were Ruth and la lne Pace. Myrna Mae Davidson. Marilyn and Duane Sharp. Betty Crencnbergcr. Nancy Magel, Dorothy Smith, Jim ­mie and BUly Read. Buddie Lock­hart, Shirley Joan Peters, Colleen Peters, Shirley Mae Davis, Raymond and Bobby Peters, Evelyn and Inga Van Ausdeln, Bobby and De Strlck- ling, Billy Bockwits and EHalne Zlat- nlk. . ¥ ¥ ¥FAREWELL EVENT aONORS HES. MORGAN

Thirty-two guests were enter­tained yesterday a t a dinner given for Mrs. Minnie Morgan, who left today for California to spend- the winter with her daughter, Mrs, Re­becca Campbell. The affair was held a t ttie home of her son, J. M. Mor­gan, and the afternoon was spent socially by the group. "'G uests were Mrs. Morgan, Mr. and

Mrs. W. M. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Junker. Mr. and Mrs. Bob God­dard and family. Mr.-and iJtrs. £fton JohDjion and family, J . A. Morgan, R a ta n d WUlls' Evers, all of Twin FaUs^ Mr. and Mrs. EdwarckSharp and family. Filer; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanley and son. S a lt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Morgan and family, Kimberly; Mrs. H. H. Nelson and daughter?. Fay and Fern, Hast­ings, Neb.


Plans for the ailnual Christmas dance of the Trl-C club .were made y e s te rd ^ a fte rn o o n .a t. a meeting held a t w e home o? Misses Delores and ■ Louise Campbell • w ith Mr*. Amby Frederick, sponsor, present. The affair Will be held Dec. 29 a t the Hks hall.

The group also arranged tJie year­ly Christmas p a r t/fo r its w ird. ■•Po- trlcia," and the- gift exchange In two weeks a t the home of Miss Jo Blllle Morehouse. Miss Jean Jones Has nam td chairman ol th e refresh­ment committee.

The charactor seriep was conclud­ed a t the meeting.


Members of the Sigma Drila Psi club adopted a new club song a t yes­terday's meeting held a t the home of Jack Hopkins and spent moat of iho afternoon practicing It. A c ^ r - ncter meeting was licld <and fe- freshments were served.


State fruit and vegeUble inspec­tors kad their wives and oUier guests from this vicinity were guesU of Mr. aqd Mrs. Harry Hel­ler on Friday even lng -at^elr home near Filer. The group viewed mov­ing pictures taken b;^Mr. and Mrs. Heller in thcL- oiyhnrd. at the Cra­ters of the BEQon. the SawtooUi mountains, the pacific coast ^ d Mexico. Relics from Uie Heller pro­perty in Arliqna wefealso display­ed.

A bilffet.supper was served from a table cw tered with a Mexican basket fllW with apples. The cof­fee sepred was made by Bob Heller, Boise, from his own blends.''T h e inspection ofjlcials and th e ir

wives -were; M i. and Mrs. Weldor. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs, John Gourley^. Mr. and^Mrs. A. L. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. George Magefs, Mr. ahd Mrs. G lenn Murray. Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Gordon and H i. and MnT. L. M. Prevo. o th e r guests were Mr. and Mrs, R. -W. Heller, Boise; Mr. and Mrs. D. Haryey Cook. Mrs. E. H. Heller, Boise, and Harvey M. Cook.


Mrs: J. A. Johnson enUrtalned members 1>f the Sabado club Satur­day a t a luncheon which featured a Christmas motif In decorations and menu. The table was centered wlQi red and white sweet peis and places were marked wlUi miniature gumdrop Christmas trees. . • -

Two Ubles of conU^ct were a t play during the afternoon with score going to Mrs. John FelflhusenJ


The'M. and M. Pinochle club held lU last'meeting a t the home of Mr. and M rs.-0. ^ Holmes. Following

evening's/card games prizes recelv©(0jy Mr. and Mrs. Gale

Bevcrrombe/ Mrs. Charles Zeach,


William MaUock U in Salt Lake City vLiltIng his daughter.

Blalno Curtis is a t the Cottage hcepltnl receiving treatment follow­ing a major operailoa.

Karl Bronson, Moscow, visited hln K^andpftrents. Mr. and .M n, Ky- rum H. Lewis, recently. \

By MRS. QATNOB BIADDOX NBA Sorvloe SU ft W rittf

A cake In time ta res nine days of explanation. So U j>ou have let Ume slip by without making your Christmas fru it cake, better do a Ut- Ue mixing in lh«~momlng and all will be forgiven. These two recipea are rather t t n and therefore won'^ take all day for 4JreRaraUon. They

last-minute cakes' and call to d, once they are tasted, the Blb-

Ucal warning' tha t " the last sbol^ be first."

Quick F n ia Cake Cnc.l)ftlf cup shortening, 1 cup

brown sugar,. 1 egg, 1 cup mince m eO h.^ cup milk. 3 cups flour. U teaspoon cloves, >i teaspoon clnna- moii. >. Wospoonj salt. U cup chop­ped Muu. ‘i cup chopped candied* fniitv

Crcatn sliortcning and gradually add MiRiir. Cream again. Beat egg, add Hiid beat well. Add mince meat anji boat well. Sift dry Ingredienta together. Add Bltemately milk to mince' ineot mixture. Fold in chop­ped nuts and fruits. Qrea*a loaf pan. line with greased paper and turn In cake. Bake in moderate oven (325 degrees F.) for 1 4 h o u ri

The Tankees always' were re­sourceful. When a good "yaakee hou.iewife had been delayed in mak­ing her regulaUon fruit cake, ahe^d turn out one of th e u delicious sub* stitutcs,

Yankee Ynie CakeOne cup sugar, a cup shorten­

ing, 1 cup unsweetened applesauce, 1 teaspoon baking powder, Ih i cdps flour. teaspoon salt, I teaspoon cinnamon, teaspoon doves. %

A meeting of S t. Bdward's .teaspoon nutmeg,* ^ teaspoon all- P.-T.A . wUl be held Tuesday a t »P»ce. l cup chopped nuts and ra il-

C U ffiU N UIdaho Society Will Attempt.

’T/it Augment’Fund#- By

Yule Appeal

Calendar8 p. m. in the parslh hall. O ffir cers urge all parents to a t^n d .

Maroa Woman's club will meet Thursday,;, afternoon a t the home o fM rs. Tliomas Reese a t 121 F ifth street In Filer. Co- hostess is to be Mrs.*john Blass.

¥ ¥ ¥T he Elmwood Social c l u i r ^ -

meet Wednesday a t the homo of Mrs. George Lohr. Members are requested to bring tiielr gifts for the Boise Ciiildren's nbme.

¥ ¥ ¥" Luncheon meeting of the

Twentieth Century club wiU be held-Tuesday a t 1 p. m. a t the

>, park hotel. M«nbers are je - auested to bring their gifts for the Melon valley schools.

^ •The M. S. and S. club meieting

and Christmas exchange will be held Wednesday a t th f'hom e of .

' Mrs. C. R. Shipman, 460 Second avenue north.

¥ ¥ > ¥Chapter D IP . E. O. Sisterhood

will m eet Tuesday evening with Mrs. C. D. Irwin with Mrs. B. H. McMillan as as.'>lstant hostess.

¥ ¥ ¥All children of members of the

~ R. N. A., will meet Wednesday after school in the I. O. O. P. hall.

* - # ¥ ¥Pythian Slaters social club

will meet Wednesday a t 8 p. m. a t the home of Mrs. W. A. Min-

^ I c k with Mrs. Jame* McWhir- t«r as hostess. Section of offi­cers will bo followed by the annual' Christmas party.

¥ ¥ >Good Will club wlU mcet

W e d n ^ a y a t 3 p. m. a t home of Mrs. J . R. Nellson. Roll calk-wlll be answered wlUi tlio

ins, mixed.Cream butter. Then add spices

and salt and crcam again.'Add sugar a little a t a time, then sttr lii ap- P^esaucc.'Sift flour and baking powder together and add chopped nut-s and raisins. Add this ftiixture, a little a l a time,' to the first mix­ture. Stir well. Oi;eaBe loaf pan and line with greased paper.-T u rn -in cake. Dakc In moderate oven <825 degrees P.) until done, about 114 hours.

Mrs. Wllligi/i King and Loren MlUerv —description of a Christmas party.After the g ^ e s relrcshments were - . _ .

served. Tho next meeting Is to be held a t tlio home' of Mr. and Mrs,A. V. Williams.

■¥ ¥ . ¥PAPER READ

CLUB MEE^nNQ As a feature of Uie program nt

Friday's meeting of Uie Amlga.i cluh Mrs. C. M. Fisher read a paper on the origin of ChrUUnas. The meet­ing was.held a t the home of Mrs. A. T. Herron with a bua)fiesa sion preceding the program. .

D uring tho social hour Uie hos- I tew served retreshmertta to nliir I members.

Many T*'Un FnliJand south central 1 ^ 0 resldenUwm rec«lve-«-^ ttle red stocking" from Uie ChUdren'a home at BoUe. It was announced here today by supporters of th e Id a ­ho Institution. ' <

Tiie red stocking Is a Christm as appeal from tho Chlldren’a Home finding an Aid MXlely. In o r ^ r to carry on Uiclr work for the destitute and homeless children money m ust ■e sccured.'

Over 300 elilldreii have a l r e a ^ passed Uirouglj the ClUldren’s home in BolM this year. Some of these chil- dreo have,sUyed a few weeka, aome a few months an4 others th e entire year. There has been a dally average of nearly 100 children.

Besides these chUdrcn in th e Boise home the loclttx supervises over 100 more children placed iu foster homes.

The demands-upon Uie Children's home are extremely heavy during the Winter months.

Mrs. Lillian M. Corse, sU te' super­intendent, says tliat an official re ­ceipt will be sent to all persons who send money to the home. Peoj^e who are interested in a d o p U ^ a child are write to th e ChU'dren’s home, Boise, for an appUca' tJon blank.

Unless there Is a generous response to the Uttle Bed Christmas etockiog. it will be Impouiblo for th e Chil­dren's home to ^ a re for the^m any children who ere greatly In need of care In tho home, Mrs. Carse said.


The meeting of Ui'e Scribblers club held Saturday B(temoon a t the homo of Mtss KaUiryn Bryson a t

home in the Reed a't>artments Sded readings of original poems

by Mrs. Elinor Van Houten, 'Mrs. Roy King and Mrs, Martina Y ilter. Mrs. Bveiyn Leveke read a story for criticism iTOd Mrs. Yelter read a story she has hod published

Tlioso named on the nominating committee were Mrs. OUve May Cook and Miss Brysoh. During the attcmoon pu^llcaUons were an ­nounced by Mrs. Yeitcr. Mrs. Alice M. Smock, M ». Naomi MarUn, Mrs. Van Houten and Mrs. C o ^> T w o books of poetry. “Memor}e*at MoUi- er" by^*Tlieora Jensen, In fo rm er member, and Peatl Jcnsea, and ■The Checkered Table Cloth" by Bes.1 Foster Smith, were discussed.

Tho next meeting of the group will bo held Dec. 30 DHUi Mr*. Smock. Miss Brvson was .assisted on Saturdayoy-M lss Laura Robin'


Ronald Tinsley, son of M r. and Mrs, William Tinsley, is recovering from an appendectomy which he underwent a t Twin Palls la s t week.

Ellis Bomett has returned from a business trip to K lam ath Palls, Ore., accompanied by L. E. Crane.

Mrs. William BIschoff wiU enter- t a la the Happy. Hour club Friday wlUi Mrs. J. H. Thomas and Mf«. S. E. Robinson as associate tioo- tesses. A silver offering wm be ac-' cepled for the Children’s home and a gift exehango is planned.

ATTEND MRBTINO The %^0. S. club attended a meet­

ing on Friday evening a t the home of Mrs. MetU Balsch with the busi­ness ses-^pn followed by refresh­ments. Mrs. I, E. Joslyn. teacher, was present wid members attending were John Balsch, Jr.rHoward Anderson, David Wilson, Bob Meigs, Nell Olm- Bteod. Bill Lowe,' Bob O rifflth‘'and |}ob Harvey. »

SPECIALPor.-10 Days Only

H Arooia P eraanen ti a for S S

MRS. PAUL UARMOK m *th Ave. E. Pb. BM

f’ATFERN 0911Easy to wear, easy to launder, and

f.u r to look nt. Is Uils sm art Marian MarUn Wrap-arounff- th a t boasU Midi an Ir or crisp exuberance. Uiat it inspires you to husUe |ind busUe inorrlly about oH your household choresi Dun’C you Jike U urcrbp Unas

uit the Mim bodice wiUi IU pert, pointed outline, youUifiit Peter Pan collar Hint may wear a dainty frill, h»ndy pockci, and choice of perky liuffed or riafed'kleevear And just ■ee tliMo Jolly buttons->Uiey're optional, tu l they cerUlnly make a bright bit of trimming I So easy to ru t and stltrh, Is P attern-1511. tlukt you'll want to stltoh up oeveral ver- Mons In colorful cotton p rin lsl Com­plete Diagrnmmod M arian MarUn Sow Chart Included.

Patten) POIl may be ordered only in misses' and women‘« u , lo, 18.90, n , 8<, as, 98, 40 and «a. aise 10 requires 4U yards N -tnoh fabric, and 1^ yard* tufnihg. V

Send P i r r U N In oolnsor stampa <oolns preferred) for RAOH MAMliW MA«TIN pattern. Be sure 'to write pialnily your BIZK. NAMK. A D P B t > 8 . and BTYLB

Get on the b rtilit aide of faahloni Send for the new W lnur MABIAN MARTIN PATTERN BOOK>-Juil full of all the latest style nswa you want to kncnfl The eaaiait of pat­terns sliow you how (o look ^m art a t work and play, every houriof the day. Alluring dreas-un Irteks, kld- dle-tofi, and tlenderlalnc fUtteiT for the malronl Bee the t h r i l l g i f t , suggestions, aooeasory iiews, fotorlo ilpel . PR IO I OF BOOK n n B B N CENTS, P B IC I OP PA-nRBN r i P T R R N CENTS, n d b B AND PATTEBN TOGKTtf- KB TW INTY-nVK CENTS,

Bend your order to Idaho inenlog Times. Pattern DeptutmanL Twinn U iild a b o . ^ '

Reserves gave a jtrofte . . ..........Friday evening Srlth a good crowd

I la attendance.Tlio guest^ m et a t the high ecbool

and from ther^ went to the home o^ A. E. Glsh'for the first course; from < there to o . c . Burdick’s for the iee> , end course, and then to the bigb school for the third course and the program which followed.

The program was; a song, “Mer- mald*,‘‘ Mildred West, Lorraine Soulhwood, llene Bolslon and M ar­garet Greeny talk by Mrs. I. K. Jos­lyn of Twin Falls, president of Ida­ho congress of parents and teachers; sons, '-Oood Night." Mildred West, Lorraine Soutliwood. Ilene Holston and Margoret Grc«h.

Tlie,committee in charge was Mrs.O. C. Burdick. Mrs. Bruce Gordon, Mrx. George Lattlm er^nd Mrs. A. E. Qlsh,


PA7S0N. U tah, Dee. 8 (UJ»>OM man was-klUed and ^ t h e r b tf lm d )' .faUlly Injured when th e 6«r I which they were riding om tu£u> on the highway near h ew yeMwtfia

The dead man was l a n y II Eureka, who died of « b a n i Am tractare a few minutes a tt« r t t u « dent.

LlQcoln Hansen. 30. Mopmooth, '« was not expected to lire. He fu f te n d . i a crushed chest and tntental in jiir ta . -*H

The car. travelling a t a hlgb n t a Of speed. left the road Bnd n lled

witnesses said. < 1

Buhl Junior high school group of Olrl Reserves met Friday for a regu­lar session with Qtl- vln, adviser In attendance. Reports on the fall conference were made by Marian fuller. Itorothy Wright and Oeraldlne Howard.

Plans foe the work during next semester were made and it was an­nounced 'tha t this week's meeting would be devoted to eewlng and scrap book making.

With cool weather, make sure tha t the rubWr hose on your radiator Is in perfect oondltion so * i» t the anti' freeie will not leak out.

Vacuum Cleaners REBUILT.

All worh-out parts replaoed, original lustre restored, new co i^ bag, irheels, floor brush, etc. . , .


XMAS SPECIALNEW ROYAL with a^tachmenU or Hand Vacuum. .Your., old. nt- chine and onl^—

$39.95\ ' GENERAL


Phone i m - W e Wm CaBl

Ex-Presldent Theodore R ooem lt' formed an organization known as the American Legioa aoma jM i t befire the World war. In coojtne- Uon with some of his Rough RUeiV of Spanish war daya. -

'• GlUoiatiujO istusf

do aU w ttb ta oar oow v to a lltviat* tHi dlStfBM o l t h o f W M rr t PatTOM Had that

OUT eourftJiMoraaiaoM*'

■ ojfrf Of* b a i9 j upon euitlfi* *001*$ to


M fltor T I fM » n M ientlflca lly gearad lo iha-rM d fo r ekld-T E L T E X V “ rasi|fM »M »m4 lA P E T Y . Balanced ConslrucHon and M ille r 'T raad-- [ I J F S « « « wear and l.n « « r Ufa. Y o « r V I L T I X S«rvlc«

I M IlU r T IfM .

Come In Now Aiid Get Your Share

ihe most- liberal

ALLOWANCESbn your old radio

SENsA tIONAL TRADE-1^ Offer on 1^38 General-Electric -

TOUCH-TUNING R^I^IOSOur firMt announcometit of this Bmaahinjr Trade-In Offer on old nuKoa on the pur^ chnKo of a now G-K Rudio brought scoreM of iiiquirlcB. U.i« doflnitoly proving lo bo Twin KallH moBt popular CiiriHlmna buying event, A iidw Gonerul-Elcctrlc 'I'oucli.Tuniny radio . . . your old radio in trndu . . . a Hmall down pnynu'nt and you’ll havo n lirand new instru- mcnt in your hom« ChriBtman. Don't

" nilHH thia ifrnnd ’oiijxirlmiity

Ask Us^WKaf Your Old Radio Is Worth On a

New G-E Radio

MODEL F-65BOur i)f tlig niiisl populsr iii<Ali'lfi. Onmplelo , wllh '

'I'oiin 'Monitor, l i o u v r e l)h>I. ViiusW'Voli{me Con­trol nnd m«ny -other ex­clusive a-ic feature^. A

lo v e ly ^ walnut-veneered ralilnet decortited with In-


We'll gjvVit 0 - 1 radio for the bebt answer tO‘ tlie question: "Why I Uke Q .* Touch Tun­ing." Ju s t ooiha In. Inspect the new a -B and then write only twenty words in answer, you may win a O -z radio for your' unswer. V.

JuBt 20 WordsI

Our Stock Is '"Complete!

Deeplte the Inroads which luv# been made on our rsdlostock stnce the announcement of this offer, we have a >full selection tp o ffe i But < come in soonfs,^

Uld band of roMwood.

$59.95Allowance On

- Your Old Radio


We will maintain a oomplete delivery aervlee rlglit \ip tlirough Christmas BTe.^Ut ua. deliver a new O-B Radio • low T»tt home for Ohrtstraaa

Detwe il^r. . i a

=lncorporat«ds• Your Gxdualve G-E.Radio'Deelkr - m .

Page 6: VOL. T R I O T O T U E S D A Ynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc

ItimW; B»e«mis«r j, irtT

32 Coaches Meet H^e; SchedulesFor 1937-38 Set.<?■ -■ *


' Thirty-two coachea end high schools in south central Idaho wfere looking forward to the 1937-38 basketball sea­son today following the completion of schedules at the gen-

■ eral get-together held in the Twin FalJs high school on Sat-

; r f the new set-up in state basketball circles' Wm tompleted as about lOO ’ "coiteheB and officials gather- •e4,fbr the annual meeting • asa dates were announced

__J - I I __ . 1. ^ . . - Ata.^ d sites chosen for the dis- ■ trict tournaments for this area in both Class A and .Class B dfWsfons.

ra * new CUw A group, conaUflng ittf Twin P»IlN Jerome. Burley.

, BuU. Rupert, Filer. Ooodlnit and OaUnr.. ■greed.to bold lU touma-

...bmbTob t tu Twin PtUs floor the of March 10, 11 and 13.

:.y - ' 'r ik r , OakSej C lan A ' Vour aeiiools which luul been

' pUjing Class A basketball in past year*, n ie r . Kimberly. WendeU and O tUer. were eligible to eo COaH B tbia T c a r^ u t the and Hornet* elected to conUnue

.. t tu f r jelaOonihlpa .wlULUw larger ' MbOQli. Dm new rules permit any

V Otan B eenpettUon. Kimberly and £ Vrmdea d e c ld ^ to stay in their *,.(BWHdai«.

a twqlt-^Tihlr-etectelea. the ^ ’Bouth Side division had the some* C jd ia td ti l i lo u a .d to ^ u o n .i^ - '

New €ridiron Set-Up Nears.

For SchodlsNew divisions to the gridiron <et-

up for south central Idaho appeared certain today following the Batur*

Plans for participation In a meet- Jnjt tp. be held a t American Falls were turned down a t th» gathering of das* A coaches, and work went

' on the fonnaU m of a South i Class A conference tha t

would probably Include Rupert. jn> ler. Buhl, jarom*, ntmHlng. Oakliv. and poadbly WendeU and Ktmber< ly. T lu la tta : two teams were mem­bers of the Olasi A loop l u t year, but a t th is m eeting apparently lean* ng toward dropping from the or*[ahliaUw.— , ..........~ ------

^CctBpleilaa Not Arrangea

m im S it t i a m A OQBpett.

^ W M ttiT M ST dorlng . the a

t ’ . ^hMkoM CMa TtontMv.' ' IlM 'OU n V tramuuDfr vlU be

abeobioQa afaln this year- datof b«lnt Kanb 10. i i and

% ^ St. xL D dphin . ladiaa ooaeb. naaagtt of

'M Hi# dtotrW tonroif.- there; wOl

______ B o te and Burlty., t tu Q lS i^ in e H a t Utt ea r* *

1 of vm bSof

1 f v . th e

oC Burley, i

Of 6spt.-L. K T H ^ of______ Jy. that the schools tWs yearJUfa pky the game offlelali at their

rataiH-menlQi a pnrrtouspro* jMduN aC bavu« a tau by the

r MBfimwa. and apparently nem

f ? ^ ' i B a e h l » f *nM m '•Itie Oasa A mMlnff, welded' ' by H. D. Hechtoer 5M v in

'daol of the OlaM A oc- also elected R. D. Arm*

„ Bupert, a member of the , the other offlm betat ji-

I. Jerome prtnoipa], who Is

II ■ \Vf n yawiiwM iMsiw»vw" i S d a D t o t o n ^ t o ' Odmplet* formation of the league

t l ^ d l ^ t ; * “ pending acceptance of< S S i ' ' 5 S S b S w a S S d the Trojana aod Bulldogs In the

n t . . . p c ttcu lt» -o r the fonnatlon d ^ u l t o f tl\elr .own~pb«ribIy

ineludtnc W e ^ . K lm b^ly. Olenn* ^ f c n y ^ M h 9 W . a n d H |^ ^ .

-Tbt Class A ooachee, u a whde, .jiem ed.generato aatlsfled with the dissolution of tfie Big Ten and look forward to a pleasanter eeason this Aomiriy y ^ In their owii organisa­tion. A r a ln g adopted when the six- team loop TOted t«Mtay away from the American FaUs oonference was tha t each team would have tc play nH gaoiat inside the conference to b t tiTgflJia for the tlUe. This would

No Obieetleo -• .-.nia.oaaGliM liadJw.obi«eUot . - A ueriean n U s meaUng; other

V thalack th a t the dlieustlon of V lth nioh.teaffli as Aneri*

__ aU j B ta ^ o o t . MeCaamoQ,

^ ----- - ^ p r a e f S M ^ a OOB-lUup th a t would, d ts.io r tam es. .

baU eved-that .the___ __ eoold 'fotm a leat^ie ,own th a t, would also prove/more pralltable fo r them. t?

Ken Washington’s Long l^asses Amaze Experts at Los Angeles

Coaches, Louis Dentoo kai CleoShorihouse of Kimberly and Wen­dell, respectively, were living bnlta- UoDs of the “m an withoaJi a coun­try" a t the coachea meeting here on Saturday.

Both men were fr«m sebools far below the Cl«pe A require- m enu a« far aa enrollment ta ooaeenwd—b «t tbay were any* th in f ba t w anted la (he Tarteaa dUtrieta la tb« CUas B diTUoii.

where alaa eeaM ^bey goT Vnlese (bey Joat pUyed each o(ber (hnnghaw t the eeasoa.The South B iden finkUy l e t "

Kimberly play with them and the King BUI aubdlstrlct “agreed" to Uke in WeadeU, b u t'o n ly after coaches frofb these dlvlsloos hsd tried to pass t)M new schools on to other d ls t r ic ts ^ v in g such varied reasons a«; it would spoil the bal­ance of the district: i t would make the tournament drawjngs- Come out uneven: th a t WendeU and Kimberly were geographically located to play in some o ther dlatrict better, .etc., etc. • '

One coach, In a jocular m a ^ r , even went so fa r as to sugtoet tha t Kimberly ba incloded in the Wood

Sw d i s t r i c t , e . , play Carey, iley and B ellevu^at HsUey in the toum am entt Coach Denton didn’t

think so much of tha t set-upl Bat they were finally taken to

to the distrleta where (hey nat*-"ally J»e!onf«fcranfl_ BT«cyl»«ly—le« -the meeting h a p p y ^ n (he aarfacei

Side glances from the meeting: Coach R. V. Jones of the Bruins co tfa r-bn tto i^-C O ad i - Cleo- Bhort- house,* n6t' to m ention 'm any'aao t t o mentor, and showing the new back­board UghU th a t the Brulna have installed th is year—affairs th a t flash on every tim e the bait drops through the b a sk e t. . . Note on blaokboard in Class A meeting: KUnberly cancels a ll Class A gamefr.^aod so

Uwlrschedules . present a e d o


basket-assemble a nice footbaU _____baU squad from the talent on hand.,

Varloos and aaodry aebitol «f- neials and eoaehea la (be Claaa A dlvWea rcm em betiat tha B em ets' past record ncgeaUng and b o ^ tb a t Qakley wonM ■lay. In the Claaa B " ' '


Perhaps the mystery which b u ' shrouded Oemany’s "big B ertlS ''.

gun th a t aheUed Paris from a ^ distance of 40 mUes during the ‘'w o r ld war w u cleared aw ay'

on S a tu rd w ^ the footbaU game between Southern California and U. C. L. A.

Certainly i t would surprise Done or the 6I>)QM of us who saw the game I n m th a t "big Bertha" y/am’t a Krupp prod­uct a t a ll but only Kenny W ash­ington, halfback on the U. C. L. A. eleven. Because Kanny. U te in the final period of the. Intra-clty battle, gava Um most astounding W»h<hlt1nn q{ Inng firing ever seen on any grid­iron.

In the space of 38 seconds this gangUitg Negro sophomora un*jooMd two mighty ______ ..forward passes, and today tha whole town w u guessing a* to Just how far they did travel through the a ir. ‘ .

F in t One 41 Xarda The distance of tha .ilra t ^

has been pretty well set a t 48 yards, but tha second, and more tremendous one, ^ has «very- one puEsled, experts ancUaymen aUlce. The consensus in w press box righ t after the pate was completed, placed* the fUght of the pass as

' ebrated pass thrown by *W ck" U uiiar a t callfom U In the IM l Ro99 Bowl game against Ohio

" S u te . Muller, now a successful physician, has said n th a t his pass to Brodle Iwho is now a d o ^ toorcould

, . ce th an S8yards.not have trai‘"■1

John J . Buchhofta ot o iinns chairman of the Class B

________ presided a t the separaten i a ^ of his \organlsaUon. l lte n a « H organlutlon Is divided a i

y'. ’ foUow|S '!■ Olasa B Dtvisleas-

Ulnkloka«Cassla: ICalU. ’ Declo. ' k. Acequia and Paul.

- - ...... Hanaen, Uuitaugh.. . Kaaslton. CuUetord, Hollls- , ' J ^ ^ and the new addition, Kimber^

* .N o rth ,S id e dUtrict: ShoUione, *«“»-‘**i/Rlchfleld and Fairfield.

ItOI dlstrleti Olenns Ferry, — Bliss, Hammett, King

O k ^ / R l c h l l e l d and Fairfield.T t o * m .............

.V , ^ . and the n e w - t^ 7 w ^ e i i . '! , '. Wood fUver district: Hailey, Bel* tmrue, Oannett and Carey.'A t I the district tournament in Bhoaliona. two representaUves will

, U allowed from the BouUi Side Xing nui 1 Mloldoka-Casila dU<

' • triata. and one eaoh from Uis North BIM tad wood mver areas-mak'

Redskins. Win Over Giants

Toi Cop TitleBy United Freea

O fcrga F rastoa Marshall's Wash' I n ttm Radsklns. eastern- division champions for the second straight yew. meet tte Chicago B eus Sun­day for .tha p r o f e u l ^ football title of Jlie United StaUs.

The Redskins, sairie aggregaUon tha t rtpiieaentM Boston last year, won the righ t to meet the Bears yestarday, when they massacred the New York aianU, 4»-14, with U»e greateat "pro" scoring offense ever wltneaaed on an eastern fridiron. I t wan tha worst ahellacking ever ab­sorbed b y a Q lant eleven and waa wltncsaed by a Record crowd of M,- n t ians i i t the Polo grounds, in-

7,flOO Waahlngtonlan*.. . JW " Sam Dauuti. former

Texas OtiKiUan ace playing hts fin t year of pr«fesalonal ball, and ClUf Battles, the former Wcit Virginia Waaleyan star, were the big g u n ^ Baugh completed 11 out at 16 i>ts*ee for a total or Bl compleUoim (or Iha season, breaking Arnli Herbera’ I0se record of 71.

In Chicago, the Bean, who a l-’ ready had clinched the weitani di­vision race, apolted the OardlnaU It 14*polnt lead, then walloprd Iheir lntra.clly rivals 43-^8.

Final National leogue standings: EasUrn DUUlon

T e a m - W,L. T, Pot.Washington ................. 6 J -0 ,7l7New York O I a .847P ltl^u rg h ................... -4 1nroU lyn .......f\..........a i i jooI'hiladelphlix ....... ,a 0 i, aOO

We»Un» HlvtalenOhloagO,(Uew») ....... B 1Preen B a y ..................... 7 4Detroit

flpeaking) and (be i«sV aa -atresgly ariflog tba Bometo to aUy la Clasa A . . . M etleofcn eapgt , ai|4 t tm ir lU i- d ra w a lM B^les»s.. aab)eet t« (he aeeoaa> a n r m i . fijing

^(hleh aa< . . . BUD la(8 el talk abM t (he p a a t football

: .r iy r ite xba a basketban m ee t. . .Twin FaUs llsUng the longest

•ohedule for the Class A schools with 10 gamea recorded and Coach Jimmy O'Brien close behind with 19. Bur­ley wav next with 11, whUe the kver- aga.llength y u around IS and 19

for the season . . . Richfield the Class B clvbs with 17

contests s ^ for the seaion . . .Not fialf the crying a t a baa-

gelbaU gathering abent proa*^ pecta for the season ae Ihere la

wbea grtdlnm nenlora all arenad and pass (be baU . . .

73 and 16 yards. Piercing the gathering gloom aa thoroughly '

-a s -h la . aged. eyci would alloW _ him. this observer saw the pass as one thrown o m C. C. L. A.'s 13-yard mark and caught on D.C. L.- A.’s u-yard. mark fo r a distance of 78 yarts: AU other e8tlmfttet_bg cntlcs::fere with*. In a four-yard range of my own.

The argumeoU a ta r ttf late yesterday when the Fox uovle- ton officials held a private showing of their shota of the pass. These p lctum . none too clear,'showed Washington fad- Iqg . back to his own 15 "knd throwing tO 'Hal B inhon on tba TToJana' 33. If correct, th is re ­duced the distance to O yards and robs i t of .being- a world record toss In a major game, aa was generally beUeved. when Blrshon took i t o a th e dead run and raced on for a touchdown.

MoUm^ Toss Sbertes..But—and this Is n ot m eant as

As UuUer explains It. th e Sail was Onlo SUte'a S8-yard atripe when he, a n end, got the ball and faded back to throw. MuUer says th a t he Is sure- He did not re treat much beyond mldfteld. Stephens managed to catch tb a pass two yards from Ohio S tata’a goal line. The ball waa o a U. a L. A.'s 38-yard Una when W ash­ington dropped back to throw to tilrahon on Saturday.

BliBbon Qeto Credit The Fox plcturea reveal th a t

Ulrshon deserves tremendowt credit for hi* catch. Ha had to have a great burst of speed to be down under it, because Wash­ington was rushed knd didn 't have too much time, and he had to be sure-fingered and cool be­cause he took it on the dead run while.harassed a defender.

The pass, was a perfect one, dead on the spot. Washington's

— distance and accuracy Is mode the morej«markable when It Is remembered tha t for three full periods he had done moat of the U. C. L. A. ball carrying, a great share of tackling. SarUer lo the period he had shown signs oX

__yffiy nnrt tiw»r W«» andoccaslonaUy doubled over as If hurt In the body. But when^the time came for him ■" ing. he was a “big

Washington's ]; loronfiofihfiiUme-iquarters in thefootball. Beaten to a ______54 minutes by a superior Trojim team, the Biulns came within a whisker of winning..(Copyrlifht, i s n . United Press)


made _iftnal- of coast

FoxIP a t 't h a accuracy of tha Kownle boxea, 1 and 3—

the debate over th e yards cov« ered by th e pass wUl continue until aU r e tu r n a n In. th a “re- torna” belQgwc iiiowiQg of all of the movies ntade .a t th« gaftie. I t la likely 'th a t the official UOLA.AthlMle assoolaUon film wlU be accepted as final. There Is little doubt, however, tb a t the Washington to 'R irahon aerial waa a mightier one than th e cel-

BOS8.MABBIE8CHICAOO, Dec. 6 (U.f!^WeIter-

welght Champion Barney Roas and his bride,'the former Pearl Siegel were en route today to Mew York City troin where they will embark tomorrow on a Bermuda honey­moon.

They were married yesterday In a private ceremony.

Two oaldentlfled ladlee prweBt— naybecoaohetforall we know— bat not taking too uach latemt to (he r a t h f r eombersome preee^ton . . . And Coach. R. V. Jeote of Twin Falls getting a band from the three reportsra preaent when be Bfged (hat the BMeUags be spMdcd mp a U(Ue - t4* faelUtaU (he said raporters in geitfng (beir work done. . .

Class ^ SchedulesTWIN FALLS

B. V. JONBfl, Cutit . 17—Caldwtll a t C«M««U,. If—N«M{ta i(( Nuaps.■ ......VoSSS,"'-

. . J ' . W filtr ■( ril«r. '. . .Jitr ■( rii«r. ' X

TwTViii*. .i>k. IS—Jarom* i . ___

ieb. isM)tktir «t T>la l> .._ IS—OMdlni >1 OMrflM.

Mar. l-riItT II Twin Mar. «-aa«<llii( it Tula raOt.

BUHL, rLOYp Lurr, 'c«Mh

DM.'n—lUtnniin II Buhl.* lu i . T->u»o0in( «i u»«dinf.

laa. 14-<Miiy >i nohl.. Jan. Il-ril«r at nitr.

I 10 0 M\Chlnago (Cards), Cleveland . ,


UUh unlvprelly’s 1M8 l^etbaU taam prepared today for Its non* ao»»f»re»jce opffiier Saturday an ‘ Unlvarylty or Idaho, aout branoh, at FooaUllo,

BSOONITBUOS FAMOK The UnltMl Btatai-preildenual

palaoi buut to im . the oomirstone '"JWoh 2 ^ Rdwln F. Looke ol

tha U. a ; Biitneera la now aNUng, Wll 'ba aeen In gwiV-8.-D«MJlle’i

lupeaiMKt gtaaiog ftederio


’Stin.y <11

------- V jSS;


‘ . 1 ‘SSU r 1U .I4 -



n)i« «i T»ia r«]t(.

B U ^ R T

rate at Twla rallh at RBfeiL

. . at JCTMBI.

M^assr Msr-JEROME


(By Oalled Fre*)8VNUA1 0AME8

. OoDeg*■t.Beandlet g, Beckhsrat S Ii«yol» U i AagelM ivaensaga

> FBOFBS8IONAL . NaUeaal League

WasUagtea New York 14 jy cago .B aara 41, Chicago Cardl-

Aonerieaa League New Tarit U , Beaton t7

'AaMHeaa AssodaUon Newtik I . WU(a Plalaa 1 (Final

playott Cor tl(la>.EXHIBITION.

CoQeglala AH-8(an «. CinehinaU <An. leacwa) t.

6ATCKDAY GAMES Arlaona ta . Oregon 6 “ ‘ <*Ken(»eky •

'Veeh 7, C«n(enary 7 a. MlBsisiippI sute •

New Hexloo SUte 9, SanU Bar­bara State 7

Texas A. « H . 4!. S an"m ^t*cot.

Soathera CaUI. 1», O. C. L. A. U Rlea U, South. Methodist 7 Tolsa' I . Manhattan 0 Tenneseee U . Mtealsalppl 0 .New MexiM MU. InsUtute 19.

Wentworth M. A. 7.Howard Fayne 7, Hardln-Slm-

mons 7.,

RiggerT^^Freis '^ op Averages

.BowUng leaders of the past few weeks la id to their supremacy to

aummary..of averages f o r ^ e seaoon revealed t ^ afternoon.

W alt Rlggert, with 195. leads the Commercial, u d Ray F f ^ , 173, tops City loop.

F irst 10 men in each league: COMMEBCIAL

Jllggert 196; Roily Jones 1B7: Max Spohr 1B3: Louie PugUano 182; F iM Stone 183: Klrcher 180: Walker Bertsch 179; OaU Fargo 178; Vem Jennings 178; Art Wood 177.

Prels 173; N o S n T ^ l; Harper 169; Archie Anderson 16S; Doyle 108; Joe Delss 184: Merland Edwards

: 19?; Frits Brennen 161; O. L. Clark ' ISO; Trask ISO. ^

Southern California Bo%H8 UCLA'in Final

Oi'egon Loses to Arizona and Loyola Wins Over Gonzaga by 13-8 Score j

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6 (U.R)—Pacific Coast conferenco directors meet in Del Monte Tuesday to jm te the finishing touches to the 1937 football season, of which the last' battles ^ere fought over the week-end.

The con/^nce schedule was completed Saturday when U. s. C. defeated U .C .L . A.. 19-18, in one of the most sen­sational ^gamos of the year.

u . C. L. A. waa trailing. 10*0. when • Kenny Washington, Bruin halfback, started firing pmtffffF He completed two to Hal Blrshon for touchdowns and threw another Into the end sone Incomplete on a third

T ra^ gT alk Drops to” New


CHICAOO, Dec. e OUO-Swap talk h it a new low today aa m ajor league baseball officials cloeetad themselves in the first of their annual winter busldm meetings' scheduled this week In two loop hotels.

Bver-present, of course, was the name of Van Ungle Mungo, a right- handed fastball p itcher from Brook­lyn, who wants to be peddled to an ­other c lub-any club to get away Jrom Brooklyn. But the Dodgers want too much In return a n d the deal temporarily ts staUed while the New Yoric OlanU. C hM go Cubs and Pittsburgh P irates try to drive the price down.

Chief order of business In the American league appeared to be re- mcrlog of Hi* **vn>nph" f rptn the rabbit bsU now ta use. Most club officials agreed they wUl have better chance, of buUdlng their own teams up to the Y a n k i^ u those powerhouse hlttU rs. Joe DlMagglo, Lou Oehrig, Bill Dickey and friends, have a less Uvely baU to swU)g a t

Every one of them had plenty of Usteners but no takers and. the only Sunday deal announced sent Floyd (Babe) Herman, one-time National league outfield star, to th e New York- Giants' International 'league club a t Jersey City. .

.Additional Sports Paire Seven

/ .


march. One pass to Hlrahon was considered of world record distance but a motion picture camera record shewed the throw waa 83 y a ^ , short of a new marit.

Oregon finished a long campaign by dropping a 30-8 contest to Arl- am a a t Tucson. Reporta fftim the team indicated players were paying little attenUon to student demands for removal of Coach Prince CaUi- son. ■

other games Saturday. San Jose State trimmed University of HawaU, 7-8. In Honolulu: New Mexico Aggies bedt Santa Barbara s u t e 9-7; the Texas Aggies over­whelmed University of San F ran­cisco, 43-0, and San Diego Marines

On Sunday Loyola' defeated O on-' saga 13-8.

Record’ RunDURBAN, South Africa OJJO —

A world's'record for a warship over a distance of more than 1,000 mUes is believed to have been s«t up by K. M. S. Amplon, flagship of the African station. I t rushed from Moeamblaue to Durban in 37 hours - a n average of 80.3 k n o tj^ to land an officer'Who had undergone an emergency operation.

BOPE GETS NEW BOLX Bob Hope, Broadway musical com­

edy stage star, was assigned^ to starring spot in "College Rhythm” before be completed his first movie role In “The Big Broadcast of 1938."


Class B Basketball Schedules for 1937-38GLENNS iPERRY. K EN N m i BARRKTT. Cm ^

Dm. Zl-Poeat«llo at CUntii r«TTT.i,. Jan. 1-Dnhl Kt OUbu Ptmr, sli^ inn. ll^aJBUla Bom* at Oltntb

'*Jaa. 14-KlBf HUl It Klai IlllL Jan. U—MsunUIn Uotne at MsanUlo

Rome.Jan. Zl—Op«a.Jm . U—Buhl Bt Buhl, (Itli.Jan. <S—4)ptn.T ab. l-IU ietB ifB a t OUun* r*rry.f tb ! s l S l n r m u Bt Ol«nn»y^my.rsb. 11-OUm It Bllu. 'Fab. l»^Wcnit«U k» W tndan. ^Pab. iS-llDfennsn a t lU n rh u ta . r«t-. K -iiiIm a t O ltnp’i Vatrr.

WenieU a t Q la n u ra rrj .


DM, 10—rilat at ril«T.

Die. n —Bden at a4*a.' Ja«. 1—Marteufh at CattiaforA.

J bd. n —lUiclTon I t lUMlton.Pab.' I-K tm barlj a t Caatteford. pab. 4—lUnun a t llanMn.Pab. ll- llM elto n a t CUtltford.Pab. I t - M u ru u ib a t M um u|l> .

R fc s i i a w i s a r . s


Dm ! ran* C (^ at niUi.

j .» . lU ta Icbool al

* a » . ll-KlB|t IIIU at MIm .f c s : t s « d ‘. \ " a :k r u M ,Jbb. U-otiani Party ai Bli». jaa. tt-OUniii Parry al (ilannt

ra»ry. ____ _


s s y ! j f e l . .


Dm. 1»-M*lt» at MilU.Dm . 14—Murunah al MarUufb. Dec. IT—Paul at AeaquU.Jto. 1—DmIo at Declo.Jan. 1«—Alblaa at Actqalib Jan. Il-Ut^bum aC AcaqnU.

CAREYJan. l^^M rlch at Dietrich. jtD . tl—aithddd at

.' Jab. U-Haiuy at Cany. >' Pab. 4 >Ball«Tua B»-B4laTua. . Pab. 11—DIaUtch at Caray.Pab, J4-(U(;tiflcl4l a< lUcfaNcJa.Fab. II—Open.Fab. 2!^Hallar at HUlar.

• : HA>LEYWILLIAM aaioos. Coach

DM. IT-iOUtrtcb at Halin. 'Jaai Tj4Uch»ald at MchllaldLJin! ti-n«n»fna at HaUay.Jan. U-Carey at Carer.R S ; t r " « u ; M i y u . ,


s :; :

laiarman ^WaadalL


ifry.* ____



D ^ at EdaSi bon aadflrU '

Jan. T-Xdan at Uasattaa, boys and SilU.

Jan. tl-Cd«n at Klrnbarljr. boyi.Jib. Il-HaMltoa at Cd<o, bojt aod

Kirii. 'Jan. ts—CdenalJtlQrUujta. boy* and flrli.

Jan. »-SdaB at Mnrunib, boyi and itoli.

Fab. 4-Holltataf al Kdaa, boy* and slrl*.

Feb. li-iuoHo at Kdan.Feb. IMden at HolUitar. boy* and

ftrliFib. tS-Eden at CaiUelord, boy* and

lllU. ^ ____


Otc. U-Klmb«tly at iUiaiton.Dac. l»-llBUI«ta( at lUtalten. ’D*c. I»-Paul at Haialton.Jan. WMEden at UaaaVon.Jan. iM a b l liri* at Buhl.

J«B. tt-CaiUalard at Oaitlatord, bare aad alrli.

Feb. 1—naniaa al Haialteii, beyaFab. I-Uuhl sitli at ilAtlton.Pab. «-MurUO(a at MurUucb. bar*

ALBIOlir’II. J. DoaaiMa. coach.

Otc. 10-Aiblon at OaUay.D«c. llr-MalU at Albion, boya and

lltl*. — 'DM. tt—Oakley at Albion.Jan. S—Om Io at Albion, bay* and

ilrU.Jan. 7-^auI ‘ at Albloa, b«r* aad

It»l*.Jan. l4»A«a<|uU at AM<tnU. boy* and

flrli.Jan. ia-De«1o at Dm Io, boy* and

t Malta, bey* andflrlf.

Jan. l*-MalU ■ flflr.

Pab. 4—ll»ybtim at Albion, boyi. Feb. Il-Aeequla at Albloa. boy* and


. . . . ii-cauiaford b«ra and altli.

Pab. l»->iulat Caitlaroril,


Dac. ll-«allerU8 at Bleblleld. Dw. IS-alchri*ld at DlaUlch. Dae. Il-^ebllald ai Ballenua. Jaa. >—ahotboBa at auhflaia. Jan. I-Halla* at Blchfiald. ' lia. ll-Rlchilald al Dlatrleh. Jan. lt-4UahlUM at Pairflald.

Jib . IS-IUchlleld tt Bhoabona. Jan. tl-4rairfUld al akhttaM.'


*r” b“ iiKimieTaa a» iiaUaviifc



IMikul. .1


Dee. It-llaialton at llaaalUn. DM. IT-Cd*n at Rd»n.IXc. ll-liaieltan at Klmbarly. Jan. 4—lUnian at llaaien,

l»-Holllitar at KImbarly. n-llanntn at Kimberly.

...... W-UollUUr at KolUatar.Peb. I—Caiilerord at Caitle ord.jK i lJaff.:Pah, I I - . . . Peb. ir-M ui lu* h *1


Jan. T—Acaqula at Dado,Jan. I4-Muitau|h al MAtauiti

Jan. n—Miirtauih at peclo.Jan. l»-Albion at llecja.Jan. ll-f|tul at Vttiojr Jaa. 1»—liaybuin at llaybum.Pah. 4—Acaqula at Aceqiila.Frh, S-Faul at Paul.Pab, ll-Matia at Malta,

-Feb. IS-MalU at Declo,Fab. I»-I|*7buin al. Dado.

m a t .t at. PI

3 . . .

"js! tssitf.fi " “'iiu's:Jan. I4^l«ybttra al Haybara.& 'A::&“..‘1ICrU; . ...

||fab. l»~MalU al Aeaqub, tli^ and Pab. la^MalU al Doala, I'iil* * and

***/«. U-Opta.


W illardE L O . H a v a n a ,


Page 7: VOL. T R I O T O T U E S D A Ynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc

llMiUjr; J)««in1>er (, Wfl IDAHO EVENING T lM S .T W ^ j FALLS, I&AHO.;

“Plug” Your Sales and Wants Through the Classified GoliWa n t a d r a t e s

For PubUaUcffl ’ tfe-ap to ‘Zlmw and

EATBS PEB U N B n S O A Y t,Bli dan, p « Um day--- UoThne par Um p « iarO lo

ROOM »nd board. IM Btb An. B.

88 1-3 % Discount For Cash

Caah-dlaeount «Uo«ed U adv«r- tlaement 1< for wtthln ama days, of Itrst taMrtton.

No ad taken for Im itban 60c, inetudlng diaeea&t.

Lina ibt dasilfled a

WARM doubla room, etoker. Good auala. Ph. Stb^Ava B r -

pu M -'o o .b a ila of fln( m e d S - leo ftb word! per Uzie.



LADY would aell neariy oew v la te r '~ c o a t Slxe 14. «30 U alo No.

WANTED: Three paoengen to Portland. Share exp. CaU 300 Ad-

OFENINO Dec.'I: Steam Baths and massags. Room 9. Smith Rlc« Bldg.

NEW OAR ileavlnc for Ban F ran ­cisco Moattay. Dec. fl. Room for 1.

f Passengerj'Ph. Kimberly 87-ja.

SEND lOo coin oT Btampa for inlor- maUon on how to obtain the for-m u la .^ a proYen i “ t IBTNews-Tlmes.

I to

U E lf old a t 401 O et pep. New Os- trex Tonlo tablets 'contain raw oyster Invlgorators and olfier sUmuUnts. One dose, starts new p e p .’ Vklue • !« ) . introductoty price 89c. OaU, wrtte Majesttc pharmacy.


SEETthe Excelds Christmas display a t the Specialty Beauty Salon. 160 N. Mala, inqulre.about free gUts.

PERMANENT wave special. Try our «5 oil ware for only W.75. All work guaranteed. We also use soft water for all our work. ?hone 434. Idaho Barber Beauty Shop, 131 Main

^ E astBE OLAMOROUa Be admired. I t

coeU so UtUe to make the most of your natural beauty a t the ArtlsUo Beauty Salon. Skilled o p e ra te , liner materials a t lower first c a t Artistic, lU H Main W. Ph. 100.


BSUSOHSR E P lat Saxophone, used 3 mo. 1S45 B. Herbum. Call eve-

Blue U k sa No. Phone S36-Rv

( w a a and board In private home. FunU M 'bM t. fi03 Btb A m S.

FOR 8ALX: Well caUng. reamed wen- pipe, galT^nlwd and black standard water .pipe, pump rod and well oyllndeti. Srengel'a Hardware.

BOARD and » o m . S to to heat, good meals, ho 6th A n . N a

ROOM and board. 131 7th Are. North. Phone M l. . j


FRONT bedroom neA to bath, with without board. (3S Bth Ave. N.

3 PARTLY furnished housekeeping rooms. Reasonable. Phm e llA .

OHOIOE M A., for cash r e n t Box 19, News-Tlmes.


WANT to biQT-bldg. to move for garage. J . A. Flynn. Ph. 17M-W.

LAROB room In modem home. 135 W alnu t Phone 1340.

LAROE bedroom 110 mo. Oarage. 3 M ^ ^ Ave. ^ t '

___ _____ roGD], steam b ea t. Hotplat*. Prefer w omea 127 9th Ave. North.


3 R O O il house. Ph. 1763-R.

3 ROOM house, screen porch 119. 35frJ£ui^ut«n S t

MODERN furnished house for 8 mos. Desirable location. Ph. IQJO.

BARGAINS galore listed dally In. these columns. Read or use them for profits.

NEW covered wagon trailer house, completely „ furnished, 3 blocks from town, p i 2nd St. So. Ph. 1706.

S'RM.vjnodem: unfum . house, m ' Beauchamp f t Adams, 13S Sh(>

shone So. Ph. m or 304.

MODERN 6 ^im . house with ^ p - ' Ing porch. Excellent lotatlon. On* fum . 140 Mo. 10, News-Tlmes.


CO8T0M killing, curing, and smok­ing meats. Phone 29. Indepeadent Packing Plant.


FOR SALB-Serv. BUtlon, Lunch counter. Inq. 303 2nd Ave. S. next to BIrengels. - i

OARBURETORS-Carburetor parU and service./P^O/H. Motor Serv* ice. ««0 Shoshohe Street West Twin Falls.

•BEE-LINB alignment for auto frames, axles, hard steering and

$3000.00 FIRST mortgage paper drawing e per pent In t Will dis­count •lU.QP for immediate sale, to cioM e e u u . J . a Keel, execu> tor, Jerome, Idaho:

LOW COST and high reader per­centage m»ke these little ads the most economical a n d ' profitable m arket in town.


CARPENTER W ANTED-To act as local representaUve for national manufpxturer of new device need­ed by stores, factories, office buildings, etc. Exceptional oppor­tunity for Inoome from s41es and insUllaUoiu. Write Harrah, Dept, 140fi,.Bloomneld, Indiana.

SPRING filled mattresses' made from your old onest Mattresses renovated and recovered. Wool carding. Twin Falls Mattress Fac-

- to ^ . Phone 0 1 -^ .


OIRL for office work. Exp. unnec­essary, Box 33, News-Tlmes.

PRAOnOAIiLY new elecUlo waslv Half p ^ e . Fajen Auto Court.

EXP. housekeeper wanted in m oth- erlrxs home. Write Box 14, News- Tlmes. •

WANTTO:’"Young officew6rk. Must be good tyolst with some espe^enoe in meeting gen­eral public. Write Box M, care. Times-News stating quallflotilons, experience and whether m anled or single.

" s iT U A T iO N g W A N t E b "

HOMB laundry. -14« Washington St.

:aN a tid ^ iia want^work on fa m . Wrlt4 Box 17, Nsws-Tlmes.

EXPBIUBNCBD dressmaker... Mrs. Leroy Hughet. i l9 l a s t

OARPBNTBR/ B x p e r le w ^ In te r^ lor finishing a speelRlty. JjHone

_ m __________ ' (} ■

ALL KINDS of fu m ltiin upholsW - ing. W M guaranteed. TltomeU

_ T o p ^ B o d y Works. Phone 719.

apartmbnto for-rrntFUm nSBBD Apis; 3U 4ih AVB. B.

‘ F l i ^ . a p t I I I M a i 'H i ’ ’ ■“

DBSIRABUI two lo o n earner a p t AdulU only. Oolontal Apt*. IW -W .

SMALL fum. A pi BMMr b e a t I MlullJ. PhOM ia)-R .

M A l ^ 'a ^ t ^ v i T a p t OaU A p t ' 9, Oallfomla'or A p t 11, BoetoiL

FVRNISHBO apt. A d u llr^ ty , 1(0 6lh Ave. C '

TWO ROOM furnished a p t V n i . N. U W. of Five Point*.

F im m SIIB D apts. The Oxford, t t l Main Ave. No.

FDRNlsnBD, Justamere Inn. Ph.W w»d Oasto yb . >71.__________

A n w moments spent seanning th k M tlo a wiU oft«o prove pt«r->

Uth with t»mS, Adui|#v7ai, •lA v* . w .


I-Am , duplex apt. P a m T M M ) ^ I33.M. Deaohuamp m A d am T lU Shoahone Bo. Ph. M or 104.

W ^ '^ R i a r r j a - r o « h e a U ^ apartm inti IN ■ w M


UPRIGHT plafto for sale. 335 flth Ave. Bast. ,

ARKANSAS Sorghum l i e Market. I ^

for sale. Pub-

FEATHBR W dl A- ■1 .condition. Ph. 91-Jl KlrabetiyiHanaen.

l a r g e -baby i^ b , oompleU. »8.00. 347 Main W. ■ .

FOR BALB-W hlU pearl popcorn. Phone 0480-Rl.

RBSTAURANT fixtures 101 Wash­ington or phone U3. .

ALL SIZES of wood pipe for sale. ' Rates on large orderr. Idaho Junk

OVERST UFFED Mt, dining tablt, vphairs, Simmons bed. Singer ma-

^ n e , Rock pullets. Call Sunday (40 I^onroe. )

BTOOK fUh, mackerel, Holland her­ring, western herring, spioed her­ring, arohovlea and mops. Liberty M arket

CANVAS of a l l ^ ^ a n tf descrip* , tlons and canvas rapairing. Tho- metK Top and Body Worta. Phona

,739.G S T CASH for your wool, pelli.

hides. Junk and mixed mstaKof all kinds. Idaho Junk House.-lU Sec­ond Ave. S.

FOH BALB: OalvanlMd eorrugated roofing, also galvaolaed channel

rooting kli lM tU(*-«#ri9Ml pr^ ia , XMDgel'f Hardware.

tra«. and cold X rw ia l'g Hardwart.

and other ‘ ‘M oon'i ' p i i w ■t«r»**3SrT}FhoM 111, fltor* Mo. 1

THB P R A IT Balas Oo, Is «xpeetln« a carload of doon and wiodowito arrtve In Twin Falli, Uondar. The prloea will bo B itrM nlh )ar£ low. P r t t t Sales on the roM to the hoepiUI.



'N o oharge for labor ss tttn i llaaasU Irou irlU brl ig youi NUl or 'iriv i rout oar m.

Phone I



W JU 4 T B D T O R E l^ T

0 OR m ire atJp^ or cash.References. .David Lopes. Ph. 03MJB.

f a r m s FOR RENT


0 . JONBS for loans on hopes.

MONEY to loan as low as i per c en t Swim Inv. 00.


APPLES, ioo and 30c. Ben Taylor, B:imberly.

DEU CIO nS apples.'30c to*'40c bu. bulk. Hyde Rraqch, 3 mL B., 3H a.K lm b .

8TAYMAN Winesap apples, best for cooking now, 50c. Large school boys 35c. Crisp Delicious from a g ^ cellar. 26-75c.""

MclNTOSH W inter Banana, Jona­than. Delicious and other variG' ties of apples. Now ready by bush­el o r truck load 'a t £TL. Wonacott orchard. S mL E, U S. on Kimberly road. nPhone 04M-J3._______


GOLD Seal m gs tk i week a t SweeCsU

s F u m i t u r ^ a ^ '

'umlture. t lp A h t <USED furniture. tip i! |h t sold and exchanged a t f e e t 's Basement Store. ■ I

THERE is no necqislty for urmeed’ ed extra furoltW e to lie In the attio - whan a tip cen ts ' invested In the ClasslfledfsecUon will sell It for you. {


LOST—YELLOW Persian kitten. Reward. Box 31. Times. News.

LOST a t Radloland Friday n igh t Key case with 4 keys. -Leave a t News-Times-of flee.

DOGS, PETS, E t c ,3 MO. OLD Pedigreed Red Cocker

Spaniel, phone 143, Buhl.


EQUITY in 1935 V-a Deluxe Tudor sedan. Telephony 1315.

19S8 STUDEBAKER sedan deUv- Med 11095. Twin Falls Motor. Phone Sa.

*30 CHEVROLET coupe. extra good m otor and paint 9125.3 new\house trailers. O'Connor, Opp. Park Ho-

1937 Oypsy caravan trailer home. 1937 Chevrolet Sport Sedan.1935 Ford Fordor touring sedan. 1934 Plymouth Deluxe sedan.1035 P^m outh Deluxe coupe.


USED OAR SPECIALS1937 Terraplane coach. This Car

is human, all you have to do U caU it and it will come to you .................. ..........$798

1938 Dodge Coupe, radio, h e a te r .............................. 888,

1936 Terraplane coupe, radio 079 1935 Chevrolet Coupe, pom-

pletely reconditioned,’new paint .................. .. 395

1935 Hudson Six S e d a n ,trunk ........._................... 405'

1031 Ford Pickup A-1 -------- 174'1930 Ford Sedan, new tires,

now p a in t A real buy.... 198 , CHANEY MOTOR OO.

13»-2nd Ave. East Phone t818


HAY for sale. Inq. afU r 6 p. m. care Mrs. Dequesne a t Flier.

35 FEEDER pigs a t Hoyt's, 5 mi. 8. ■ of Hansen.


3 JERSEY ipM ^W S . good f l ^ 6fy 1876. . .

B IO H E ^ pricer-paid for your fa t chickens and turkeys. Independr en t Meat Company.

a oO D cows—some fresh and to freshen. Weiner pigs and sows and

. pigs. 3 ml. N., hi E , Washington school. V

50 SHEEP, 18 whlt^ face yearUnga. 18 black face yearlings, 19 ewes. 3 to 0 yrs. Lamb ^ Jan. K Bo. Cuiryi ___ V


KIMBERLR acreage. 3 rooms, chick-, en house, bam . orchard, $2380.-|760 down. K. L. Jenkins, 148 Main.

—^ B u s in e s s an4,Profeaiiional

DIRECTORYAuio ^erviee

Plate and Shatterless Auto Olass. 139 2nd E. Ph. U l-J . J . M. Hagler.

Auto Blass>-plaln and shatterlea. Painting. Expert body and tender work. Floor satidersTfor re n t Foss’s.

BROWN AUTO SERVIOB. Complete One-Stop Servtte

403 Main Ave. North.

WANTED TO BUY—1000 cars to wreck. Parriisrs’ Auto Supply. Used Parts Dept. Phono n s-W .

BleyctetOloyateln Cyoleiy. 338 Main Ave.

So. Bicycles exclusively. “Where the Best and LaUst are Found.”

CHRISTMAS OIFTB-Bleyoles, til- oyoles, accessories. Blasltft Oy* olery. Ph. )8i.

Building Contracting

and BuUdlng Oonlracton. F

Building MaterialsPraU's the biggest ou man, the

heaviAt roofer and t)u largest tire man in Twta Falls. .

Chiroprttetor ■Kolut 9 a. m. f j e a Taxt OwVlo* To a p. m. OaU IMfl

D U . D. U. JOHNSONBpeclallsei In Good Health.

-■oot Correction i~ ‘ ------Offloe 034 3rd Ave. 1

Doclort-DentltitV t.Q .h . Boyenger, FOot Bpeilal«

U t over O. 0 . Anderaoo Store. “ * W8-J,

Dr. J . L. Mulder. I 'f io n e im T F sioian and Surgeon. Omltl)*! Bldg. Over Price Hardware.


FeedM A O IO o m f

FEED * IfUBL OOMPANV Bur. a r*ln;Poultnr tn d D ilr r 'V M t

Phon. iH

Fuelw u u t i D ro. a ,« i . UK®, H I.

I I I - I IE A T C O A L

R ^ e n e e W .


STATfONAboaboM and Tnu^ Lmm

ifioor SandingFloor Hndlng, old or new floors.

Henry M d e r. Ph. 1025-J. Good ref. We go a^w here. ,

Hair D reueriSave on Beauty Work—Don't

neglect personal appearanoo tm aiue of cost Save one-half on adH student work a t The Beauty ArU Academy. 135S Main W est Jun­ior Student Work Free.

Beauty styles change. Keep pace with the season a t lower cost. Oil

rmanents as low as I lM . Contour ilr styling by Darrell, a specialty.

Crawford’s Beauty Salon, US Main Ave. & Ph. l«7i.

. InturaneePeavej^^Taber Oo, Ine. Ph. 201.

Key Shop



tain NK^ue

* a in tin ir t

tAM ' 5 ' REYNOLDS. lUe South,

PainilnirtHeoralingMayhew Ulmi SirVlce. Palnllng,

paper hangingi signs. Ph. 1870. ^


IN p , pumpa, Al4)lierB, or water noft- enAa, Phoifn a ss^ ln ce 19il. Home Plumbing and Heating Oo,

Radio ReimtrlngA ll' makes Itadlos Repaired and

Serrioed. Factory lUdIo Service.IM ' 131 Ind N.

R w i Kitate^InBurance9. O. Oravei M Sons, Ph. 118.

J . ’l . RoberU, Pit. M3.

Sttlea AgenciesWILSON liAI-Ba AI'PUANOK

Fh. Bl-J. “MnyUta Ileadqiiarlers'’

Sw ond If/tnd StoreWe tniy. Sell Riiil itiKlu most ev-

«7ttUng (or oa*l). aiB Main A,

Typewrlterns aitd •srvlce Ph. M,

l/phol§terliigW inted—IJplinUiiirliiK. irtiAlrliWl

n im ttu ri reflniililtiD, nin(1i>w t.Iinde *ork. Oreea atiU tlritky l.nniuiir* Oo. F b o u im ; 130 seootid a t , Bast.

Hold Everything!

t im aW iofc tMc,. .t.M-.iufa u. i . w .

‘The chief thinks ma)'be he'll get h « a horse for Christmas.*


4 ROOM house and lo t priced for quick sale. Terms tf desired, in - Qulre 325 Polk St.

FOR &ALB-l2l>A.-near CasUeford, |ii,(X)0. libM c ^ 1000 per yskr to cover principal and In terest Swim Investment Co.

180 A, FARM n W OixMUng, well improved »65 peV acre. 14700 will handle this deal. This is % real bargain. OUbert E. Brinton. Oood-t



Judicial District of t h e ^ t a t e of Idaho, In and for the Oounty of Twin Palls, on or about July 18th, 1934. ,

Dated a t Boise, Id a h o ^ v e m b e rm h . f93t^ • ■

(Signed) ' V . ATHOL B. OEOROB.


NEW modem five room house, lo­cated a t 334 Walnut S t iDiuUted. Fireplace, cement basem ent Ready to move In. Can be handled with small payment down. iDQuire *t Ostrander Lumber Co.

FOR SALE-33 A. smooth land, ex­cellent soil, 8-room house, m o d ^

. except heat, large.bam, outbuild.- InftsJ paved h l-w a^ IM mL M m Twii^Falls, 87100. T erm s.' 8wimInvt t Co.

FOR SALE; Modem five-rooa house and b a th ,' s le e p ln r ' porch,,, gartifl, shrubbery, good lawn, paved .s t r e e t East p a rt Pried t3 ,m . Cash 1700, Balance |30 per mo.

J. E. RoberU, Realtor

NOTICE NoUce Is hereby given th a t I,

Leo PettingiU.wUl, a t the next teg­ular meeOng of the - Idaho State Board of Pardons, to be held a t the S ta te House. Bolae. Idah o ,.o n . the first WednaBday...of. ilinilMXi m akT applfoaUon Tor' a ^ S £ and/or cpmmutation of sentente from th a t certain judgment of con­viction of Rape made and entered In the Court of the Eleventh Judi­cial District of SU te .of Idaho, In and for the O w nty of Twin Falls on dr about S ep ted l^r 17th. 1934.

Dated a t Boise. Idaho, 'November 22th, 1937. • '

(Signed)LEO P im iN O IL L .

* Applicant

FOR SALE—4 A. suburt>au traet. 13000; 6>room IfeuM, bam , de«p well and pressifre system, fine water, two poultry houses and other out'bulldings, gravA road, telephone and electric service. Easy terms. Swim Inv. Co. . ,

1 ACRE TRACT olo*e in oo Main Highway. N m loii^ room dwelling'with bath; double gar* age. Owner leaving town ^«nd will 4ell on easy terms.

SANOER-JONES 133 Main E ast Tel. 437

FOR SV ^!: I-acre traoU ad­joining Twin FalU, oitv waUr, electritf lighU. Irrigation wa­ter. Building restricted (o eliminate ahaoks. Easy terms. WUi 1611 .wlUiQut^doWn psy- n y n t If buyer, can rinnnce mllTdlng Improvements. 0 . D.

3 ROOM plasUred houae, city water aad lights, large lo t all fenced. Price 1450. 1350 cash, 815.00 iiiontlily. Possession a t oncc. ' .

4-noOM house near Unroln •chool, ItOOO. 1400 cash.

GOOD e-room modern home, all l\ard«ondr floors, new tool, lurnaoa

h ea t Bast p a rt |>000, Oood terms, and possssulon,

. BBAUOHAMP St ADAMS lU Blioshone South

Phone 104


N o n o BNotice Is hereby glvenM hat I,

Prcd R. King will, a t the nest re«- 'Hi>r meeUng of the Idaho Stole nnard of Pardons, to N held s t the a u to ]fpus«r. BolM, Idaho, on the first Wedndsday of January, 19S8, msltfl appllcallon for a Pardon and/or commutation ot sentence front that certain Judgment ot ron- viotloit of Atlmnpi Burglary made end ehtered in the Court of the Reventh Judicial District of th s State of Idaho, in lAd for ths Ooun< ty of Twin Falls on or about March 34lh, 19T7,

Outril a t BpUe, Idaho, Novnmber 2nh , 1917,

(Signed)FBVD R. KINO.


“K o f io iNoUoe is herein given tha t I,

Athol n , o«0Ti«(irUl, the rtvular mseUng of Ui* Idalio 4t4t« Board,ot Panloni. to be held a t the 3 late 'House, Boise, Idaho, on the ririt WsditMHlay » t Januacy. t9W, ii>iko appllaatlon /o r a n rd o n (ind/iir rommiitatlon of sentenoe iroin th st csrtalit Judgment of con* vii’Uuii of Hotibttyi made and en* u red in (he Court t f tbe B areatH

h ^ ■

NOTIONNoUce J s henby iglven^ th a t 1,

ICijvuiatfTee, will, a t (he next reg- uU t meeting of the Idaho state Board of Pardons, to bft4>eld a t the S tate House, Bolae, Idaho, on the f in t Wednesday of Jan,, 0th, 1938, make application fo r a Pardon and/or commutation of sentence from th a t certain judgm ent of oon- v lctloaof forgery, m ade and enUr- ed i'ln t h | Court of the Eleventh Judicial DUtrlct of th e SU te of Idaho, in and for the Oounty of Twin Palls, on or about November the 18th, 1930.

Dated a t Boise, Idaho, November 13th, 1097.


^ / ApplicantNOTICS .

NOTICE IS HEREBY GWBN THAT I. Marjorie B e u wlU, a t Uie

meeting of the ZdaiioState Bbard of Pardons, to b« held s t the BUte House, Boise, Idaho, on the first Wedneeday of January, 1938, make appliolUon for^a Par­don an^/or oommutation of sen- tenoe from th a t certain judgment of conviction of robbery made sn(> enured in t h e fo u r t of Ute ElevenUi Judicial D U lrkt o f 4he SU U ot Idsho, In and for the Oounty ot Twin Fails on or about*February 17, 1037.

DaUd a t Boise, Idalio, Octobfr 30, 1937.

. (Blkned> MARJORIE BEBS Applicant.

NOTICITTO OliAJMANTH' Notice Is hereby given tliat ton-

tract with Flier Highway Dlstrlh ot Filer, Idaho, covering the coitK l- Ing of curve two miles north nt Filer, coiuU llt^ of grading, drain* Ing, tmd surtaolnff on the Old or< - gon Trail Highway, know as fltste .Aid Projcol 9-0 in IV ln Fall# coiiii- ly waa completed and accepted uii November 30,1937.

Any person, company or corpon.. tlon who has furnished labor, nin- (erlals or supplies used on the woik, iwyment for w hkh h u not bcni made, shall fils with the Depail- m snt of Publlo Works, Boise, Iduliii, within ninety (90) days from itie above daU, an lUmlsed sUtemrnt of his claim, for all amounts due and unpaid 0y th e oontraotor.

Failure, of any etalm ant lo .... his claim wlUiln nihety <fl0) dnyi from the abov* date ahall connll. luU A waiver as M ainst the sqroly,

IRA J, TAYLOIl,‘ Oon^mtosioner of PubllcWork*.


The I. O. O. F. and Rebeksh lodges served a dinner Wedneedsy for Uielr numbers.

The ‘Udles’ Aid eoeiety held Its

The graun mUmA % l u a ol t t s to UH on the repalre (m the ehunh

haa M t for Ptilr- M M w ^ r ^ 'w a e to b t employed by

Gennany haa llmltoit the use of thi p iau eiehtaively i« Uie ouuUng

Mutuals Riggerl Crew

In Pin MatchIdaho M utual, bowlers oonquered

a picked team labeled as Rlggert's Hatchery In 'a ' speclai challenge match a t the Twm Falls alleys Sun-

e Mutuals won by 3,648 to 3,- 593. since'ihe m atch waa run off on to u l plhs. unlike the usual l««gue play. The victors. ‘ however, would hare triumphed either way.

Art Wood had 580 to nose out N. O. Johnson and W alt Rlggert for high total. Wood's 213 was also high single. ’

Scdces: '

'— -MS isi isi snJM ISS u s 04_ a isjKi t t . M l'lU lis t

... . . . » .i i . r = ! S s is SJones ----- --------------J t t IM Ml SOTstone .... .................... 473 m ISS US

• - l s i 1 e e * m ^

B epnbU oB B i -


Bai'nu’d Tops Commercials

Barnard Auto stUl breesed ahead in the Commercial bowling league today with r five-game margin over the National Laundry, but the race In City loop tightened up as Chev­rolet moved into a yirtual tie with Post Office. The Postals ttUl hekl a slight percenUge margin by virtue of one leas defea t

The standings:COMMERCIAL LBAdtTE

.W, L. Pet.Barnard A u to ________ 24 I ^

. 1 9 11 .833

. 15 13 .568

. 1ft I I .500

. 18 14 .48L

. 13 II ' .400

. 10 30 J33 ,. I 31 JOO


Post Offloe J_________ 31 I .778- 3 3 T }|l7 - .17 .11 . 17 II . 15 13 .Ufl . IB 14 .533 .. 11 19 -,907 -1 1 1 1 ^ . 0 '31 JOO

MONTPELIER, ^ Dec. « «W S=.^ Oov. George D, Aiken of Vannoa^ bid for leadership of the-R epobll- •; can p arty today with an open la ttlA 'f. to the n ^ o n a l committee denaiMUV: ing a pdfty purge and a <Uve program .'

Ttie govemor propoeed a "to avert a revolt wlUiln the rsDl0 : and a possible turning to a U tH : party. He said the pw ty pteaantlF was in a "nearly com plete.ltata Of> demoraUsatloo." - • - . - U

The le tter w u released iM t n l ib t , ' toss than two weeks before 0 .> 0 . •' P.'s executive oommlttM^mMta. . <

F a r i r F i w •>Aiken, one of the few BepabB- '

cans to win an offloe In. the U W c . naUonal elections.; desIaDded t h t ^ the party organ la tlon bo puxfWl o f ‘ “its reactionary and unfair ,m ent” th a t the *7 outh. of oar ^ ....Uon” be recognted and th a t t&».c; party “prepare Immediately m a t - ;

rmaU) procram."1)10 tf-year-old governor mM llii '

aent the letter as "Utular head c f v iblican p ^ In V em uA ' ; aa^gonmor of the etate.* ’ NywTeteVtaa

To rid thll national oonftlttM « th« “baneful InCuence” of Kntttum ' : members. Aiken s u g g M that eaeb commlttownan be a l^ lM a votaT:

I B«pubUeaa vota - for preddaot m

the last national eleetlon. ' lU s would leave Vennoni aad

Maine the only sUtee witti a ftil} ToU dr iaa^.

T. F. Lumber Oo, . T. F. Plour MiU — Kimberly

7 31 .388

Keglers Plan Team Doubles

Team doubles competltlcn wUl be held oh W ^'Twih FWls bowling U- leys next Sunday when high-aver­age bowlers from each team in both leagues competa fo r prises, Director #ted Stone announced today.

At 2 p.- m. Dec. 13 the City league will U k e ,th e alley*, teams to con< slst of the' two -Iead ln / players on each club w ith the man on esc!) team asSsUtemate. There are no entry fees. \

Commercial l e a ^ e clubs wIUJmwI a t 4 p. m., same ralee. PrUes :iml go lo the winning team.

Bowling' Schedule


Men., Deo. I-N » sehedoM mateh.

Tim , Dee. 7-)lamar4 Ante vs. ZIp-Way Marfc4t

. WeiU Ueo. I-Idaho Power vs. BtadSbaker.

Thnrsn Deo. 9-DeU’s vs. ilks .■'Fri, Dee. ll^Sohlita vs. Na­tional UuBdry,

CITY LBAGUK • (Alleys 1 and I)

Men.. Dee. 7-CbevreUt vs. Log Tavern. ^

Tuce., »ec. CafeVI. Parisian U u i ^ .

Wsd., Dec. •—Twin FalU Lumber vs. Kleetrle Meter ' Thara.. Dee. II—Broekfleld vs. Pest Office.

Pit, Wee. J 11—Twin Falls Hour Mill va. Kimberly,


Trinity Ladles' Aid society met llm reday with Mra. Otto Ualu) as hoetees. Three new members were admitted. Plana for purchasing plates, sllyerware and Uble Unsn for Uie church were discussed. Mrs. Ed­win Llerman, a recent bride, was presenUd a linen shower, The three rnurse lunch served to th s hostess featured holiday colons. The next meeting ot Uie group will be Jan. I,fo r U>e eleetlon of officers.

Young peoplit'a society sponsored a mlscelianeoua shower on Friday h o n o ^ g Miss Genevieve LuU aud Herbert Duenslng, who were married a t a 7:10 a. m, c e r e m o n y per* fonned a t the Trinity Lutheran ohuroh Sunday.

Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Schreedsr and Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Sohroeder are

i;Mr. and Mrs, Lea Rea wsn the

parents ot a daughUr bom Nor. U. Mr. 'and M/s. Itoland Mufnsjr announce Uia blrtli of a.eon (hi Mtn* day and Mr. aniT )te Afhley Oilson are tho parents «( a bom Nov. M.

JRoland Baldwin, aliarUf. has it* U ^ed to h li duUee afUr bHaf tt ftrWweek.


Oov. A lk tn o'f V gnnoat

For L a a d e n h tp i^ r- --


Home cafe, ilL Alwln Bmith waa eonftsal to hk

home laai wtth aa M u it «<

" P e t B i t o T ' a tluaWei--: play, wm ba Hren.the h l ^ e e b ^ ilidftffflitm by w '

litlse Gwendolyn OaHT, ; •JCr. and u n . R. A. WUhiU and

family have mored to.TwlBjMbsj ■ .Jlba contract c lutLw O lSfitDA ' f t at the home of Mrs. O. 0. Bur-

lail BUhmU. lu p m m of tia «-B- c n ^ ia t j o a 'o f t m iU gtrM .taftado

Gee; Juntora, U an B« Bdwlo Brunii BintSeto O o ^ l l a N .

k V k flB la -O n a b U V iBajree, Xdith aincfold and Uadfa Uttle; freshmen. MUdnd m e n and neniBdMocu

Tlu Maeona held i apeeUl naat- Ing Friday baeauaa of the iM t the Most Wotihlpfia Otand Uaitar». Xveritt W« Rtsins of Nampa. Ipiak- ers were Ur. B. 0. Mont(oiB«F» Bden; Ralph Benedict, Paul; JUT sluyttt. Twin )Aall>rdlBtriet deputy of uiefuthdlstriet:past jraad maa- ter, WUlUffl ThanoMd. itnlay. IM- lowing the maettn were eerred. Peter IOaUofBal ___a n d O .J .R u fh o fB a 8 & a itu 4 M fo r ' the spqakan and bad ehaigt of re­freshments. J . Bohwaner of Rteh- Meld, district 4lPUty.of. tba ioortb dlstiiot. risitad tha maetlac.

The meeting of tha Iden bMltbunit was held at tbeDlih sebool Ptl<day, Mn. Simeon B^ipifr, BaMi* . loo, talked about tubinuloaii showed X>ray ptotum. Tba sta­tures were shown to tba Ugh M h ^ studsnto and to parenU who vara present

Major Bohoof visited the high school Thursday and talked to the atudenu of both high and 'irada ^bout the wild life of this oountry and illustratad bis dtwisrtnn by showing the ekinl of a great many animals and snakes, Major Schoot U one of the Oanadlaa Mounted po­lice and during the summst ha eu- pervlsss the north|in part of Gla­cier park, .

Harriet Russell, the oounty nuree Is here every Wednesday between 10:M and 11 ;M In the high school offioe. ParenU who wiah a consul- UUon with her may oome In at that lime.

A tartwell party axvd (n fr a a was givsn for Mr. and Mrs. Verna MIckelsen, who are moving brNaro- pa. at Uie L, D. s, church Wednes­day evening,

7 SHOSHONE TH, A. Ksnaston rMelve«i word last

week of the death of hU brother. Dr., Hampton R*. Xenaston. Bmtel was Wednesdey In BonsUel, «, D, Mrs. Ptanklln has gone to Beattie

twspend the wlntar with hardauib-. Ur.

Psul Jonies of Dietrich has bought^ U)s Bd Arnold property..

Dr. F. B. Barnett a nd family moved to (Soodlni lu t week.

Mr. and M n. Olen MaxweD bava

sutes navy sUting that Fr|utk Oao- non had beeq aeleoted bonor n a a of his company,

Mtss JsaQBoyd.abrtdl«lieiVM hopor^ at a mlaoillaaaotiiiMW, liven at the bcmi of IM 0, .W. \ Dill, sr., foa iut^.9. amai» m..,

Page 8: VOL. T R I O T O T U E S D A Ynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc

l U A t l U ^ V B W I W U T I M E a , T W I K F A L L S , ! P A H O , M o t f v r . n M « a t e r e , 1 9 ^

I S f t K E T S . j W D W W A N C E


SD rvsi& --c»tU e: 1 1 ^ : U c tow- • r to lop b ls tu r:.b ee t tto en n . ’to m » . cm n 16 to «M0: b eU o i M to

:iJtiO;«alw i<a to_tmO; feeders nod I9J8 .- ~

R (« i: u rn : «teai]y to 3Sc lower; top Mralfc r r ^ to M r iw cU of aowa

- la to *7J9: pics tztd rtag i to

abeeo: 8 ^ ; Bteadr aso high-« ; fat Uinbs |8 to 9840; ewes laMto H . .

OMAHA UTEBTOCK OMABA—Bob<; 7 W ; 10c to 25e

lower; Ujp M.. G*ttre: 13fi00; tad aUea. jearlbigs t u t beUera slow, steady; top |9A).

fOtfep: 7 ^ ; weak to 2Sc lower; top«8M . _____


U a to 380 lower; top ta j» ; bulk l£0 \to n o lbs. 1819 to 88M; 910 to 250 Jb i t s io to I8-.40; 2N to SCO lbs. »< JB to 18.10; most good p a c k ^ sows

R if^ f1.U to USbtwelgiib I7.A0." Cattle; M.000; ,c«Jna afiOQ; cora­

ls medium BT«de shoK*fed L 18 down; moeUy t£ f i i ) with onW moderate

itocken a u ] feM - i^en'atrong ‘


futures soared on tbe ChJcafobovd of trade todajr and traders bought steadily and heavily aa prices ad- Tanced.

dU the close wheat was IK to jlU cents higher, com *i to H cent higher, and oats unchanged to u cent higher. .

The opening was ftactlanniy high­er on good cables. Then R. O. O rm - well, Chicago crop expert, reported by telegrap)Tfrom Buends Alrea th a t he would reduce his prediction on th e Argeatine wheat yield to 180,- OOOMO buabela. Including 36.000,000 bushels of poor quality. This was a buUUh tfomb.

GRAIN TABLEC H IC A O ^ ^ ra ln range:

t v , ■ '*u; . . npp lr Mbon .

• « steady; led K '. . hlgber; cows a tr ^ :' .R r .steady to weak; VHUto (uliy iteady

<tawn? A u a g 9 baa* t7. , fiheep: IMOO: fa t lambs slow;

-«tfly bids SSe lower a t 88.79 to 89; «n aa tlre Iambs held 10 up; sheep i t ^ ; ewes <9.50 to 84J0.

<K1DIN UVBSTOCK OODKK-Soga: 934; steady to lOo

lower than last week's dose, top «845 OD bes« butchers; m l»d kinds mtttty to 18: bulk p«elc> t t t soin t6 dmm; 'few U ^ t kinds

. w a s . \ _ ^ -' ‘Oattte; slow, W y salea ' le b s r ^ about steady; car good I,-

tftah gteen >7J0; lew drive- iB rnoax id -fM A ii^a idsrs-toad -aff

,‘rl».<ldiJuL t>eU«r« 883B; few lote, drtfelni 18.38 to 88;. plate-drlTelns.

- aropad |M8jjowa? load good young

: -Zebttp*^'i,740; ) ^ ^ doM eaily.

- 'P fO n tM tD *

p ? •' .--ih iS i* low& ID 88J9:10*a tott «

fat ugntsI 8 J 8 :____ — . .

: fed

_ _ *J5 to 8 8 « ; W g r o m ^ l l : eon . H n to 88M: low


■ j r ^ 'g ^ b l i U i H W * ^ , .8 0 .t o e ^ T M l n s

WOqlBd ta n te 88.80 Co 88.78.

o a 't lM w M________ U uiattoDOttheli&provtnMik noted l E t WMk, the

HEW YORK, X>eet 6 OiB-TTis market Closed lower.Alaska Ju n eau .-------------------- 11%AlUed Chemical ^ -------- -_J.161WAllla C h a lm e n -------------------- 4AAmerican

_ 41V, _1494 _ 68^4

American Radiator -1 American Smelting American Telephone .American TotMCOo B .Anaconda Copper ................Atchison. Topeka Ss SanU Pe.. 40%Auburn M o to rs________ ____ 8Baltimore ds Ohio ____ r-___^Bendlx Aviation — :----- 12%Bethlehem S tee l-------------------MWBorden Co. ________________ 17 SJ. I. Case Co-........... - ................95^Chi.. MU. 8 t Paul it PftcUlc 1Chrysler Corp. ________ ___


High Low Ooe^t

V t'i O&iiWheat:

....■ B3.S 94T4 83K 84H


M% 84% M K .M H

.39H 28% 28U 39K

CASH ORAIN -CHICAOO-W heat: Ho.« red 8414c

toSO o;N o.4hard94K c.,Oom : No. 3. m^xed Mo, nominal;

9 b I ^ ’MHp to MMe;.No. 4 nlXM l^to toft8U«hNo,8 mixed S lK o , to sn T c rw o . nwiiflir 88c t e . J ^ c JNo. 8 yellow W f iT o &OKc; N o.*^ yellow SlHp to »«Hc: No. 5 yellow BOo to 81%c| Mo. 8 white 66e; No. 4 white 64c to 84KC. ^

O atot No. 1 white SSc to asK c; No. a 'K hlte sad to 484c; No. 8 white m e ; NO. 4 white 8ie.

l- a y a r K o s t ta f c . ..------------ '--------- -' Barley: Feed 420 to 80o: malting 780 to 84c.

soy beans: No. 2 yeUows »9%c; 'Mo. S yellow 8le to «d%c.

Timothy s e ^ 83 JO to 82J9.Clover; Red 827.80 to 832A>; sweet

87.78 to -88.80.

Commercial Solvents ....- ......... - -Commonwealth Se Southern 2% Continental Oil of Delaware .... SOUc o m P ro d u c te -------------------- 60%BkTPont de N em ours------------m UEastman B M a k _______

---------- _ 13^- 42H _ 32H

Electric Power it Light .iOeneral Electric —.....Oeneral Iaenera i Motors -----------------3iHOoodysar Tire ............. .............2114fnCemaUiwal H arveste r--------PmInterhaUonal Telephone-------- 7

Mon t^ m e i^ ’W a rd --------HcLsit Kelvmator ...... - .....National Dairy Products .. New York Central - .........

Paramount Pictures ..j . C .,.Penn^ Co-------Penna. R. R . ______Pure Oil .


n m r n i roTATO t r a d e sK tM ta ttm f o n l s M by

i f ^ d S i d ^ ^ ^ ^ ' I u .

svo iu i rUTVBBS

J«n(iKT.'8aj8 to |2i 8; Marcb 82*,48 to w n ; l a y 8288 to ------July tU 7 to 93391 B«ptemb( J t to H IQ : December

OH iIagO rOTATOEB OHXOAOO~-Weather clear, tem<

peratuie 18. Shipoenta 878 carloads, •rrlvali M. on track 388. Supplies modsrate. ttMUng slow'oo - of oold weather. Some nu i optotos oan; market w


NEW YORK. Dec. 6 (UJ&^A 7.1 per ccnt decline in the nation's steel operating rate, the 12th con< secuUvc weekly drop. Was reflected today in a dull and irregularly lower stock m arket Bonds were mixed. Wheat rose more than a .c e n t a bu«hel. Cotton eased.

Feacurlng commodity m i^kets was break In London silver to the

lowest since May. 1934, reHectin? uncertainty over tenure of th e U. 8. silver act and the international sll-

. pact, both of whieh' expire a t the year-end.

Stocks op en ^ irregular in a nor- iw range and then drifted alm-

*U.^'s. Steel lost m ore-H lL i two points and others of the group were down fractions to a point. There was hope In the faQt <hat steevenVJries are beingT fw ttled c ......sharply and new buying will be necessary s h o r t y Hence there was only moderate p re s s u r^

Buying Prices g r a i n s

Soft wheat ...................................... 67cOats. 100-pound lota-..... . __gi.ioBarley. 100-pound lots________ 81.10

Radio C arp.-------- ---—Radio K eith Orpheum —Reynolds Tobacco B ------Bears RoebuckShell v.t7nl(m O i l _______Simmons Co. .

BEANS(Quotations given daily by five

major bean dealers la Twin Palls.) L-6. Great Northerns, No. l._>2.00 J. S. Great Northerns, No. 3-..81.S0' Imall Reds, No. l

Small Reds, No. 2------------------- $2.15

'fSmOard-Oll of CalifomUL.-...; 20*A Standard Oil of New Jersey— 44^Texas C o rp .------------— ;— 43Trans-America ------ ............— ~ 11Union carbide ds Carbon------ 71^Union Paciric --------------------- 88%xrnlted Aircraft :-------------- — a m

W estern Union -------Westinghouse^Electrlo - P. W. Woolworth Co. „ American RoUlng MUls .

_ 56U - 7% .. 26!4

Attentio Refining

Briggs Co. .Curtiss Wright__________Electric Auto t l t e IHouston OU . Natkmal. ZMstlUera

.24%- SU . 10%- 714

_________________ _______ -a iifc 'North Ainertean Aviation___ 7KSafeway . 8 ^ :--------- .34Sobenley O ^m e r t------- 38H« tt«> tte rT lL U - — ____ SKVtiMi-AixVaieM ^ ^ ------ 8

■ ■ 10%.18!4RepubUo Steel

N. Y. CURB BX< American Super Power Cities BervJee,Blectrlo Bond & S h a re ............ 1p o r t Motor, Ud. . . . > ^ _____

•e t B utbanm . early Mcttday. i ear |1;4B, 8 ears 81.40; late Saturday, 1 ea r 81.40.^3 c a n No. 2, i carpntctloallly free from cuts,' 81.33H. Wlaeonsln round whites, 1 car 81.18,

ocmmercUU <1M.

__ - - . . . .■wm sot wil&of to b iv u v morethu i wool to 00T«r the m i«urieni Im m ed ia te ruulrementj. Cities to i^vate eoocerns In Boston Ih d k e te d ^ t pHees la AuitraUa

kv', - Quite acMve and England toktng some .iraoli.

Markets at a Glance

i ; .

lESttP H n E S

IIANILA. P. 1., Deo. 8 {UJO»A ty­phoon raged through the oentral tstfOdi o f (he Pli

Stocks lower In light trading. Bonds I r r e ^ r ; U. 8. government

•ties Irregular. ,Curb stocks Inegularly liwer and

quiet. . fo reign exchange higher; Dutch ullder advanoes to new high. Gottoj|t sUgljtly easier. ,W heR H i to H i cenU higher; >rn S to H cent higher.Rubber easler:SUver breaks In Londonr*to 18

7>1« p e n ^ ^ 'f l h e 'm u e , new lowstood 1

agottoday causing loss of lUe, tro'

The atorm tint out acraai^e U- laad of Bamar Saturday nlgm, rav>

' tted Uyte and Masbate and then struck Rttnbloo, 188 mllea souU)- e«st of here. Manila was unable to

-‘booununloate with Romblon, «hioh > ^has ft populaUon of 1 0 ^ .

. OlUea In Uu vbilnlty of Iloilo •Bd Oapli. to thesotrth oCltoinbian ftlsowere.UoUted.. Tvp veie damned at Masbate and

-M «M i t e i ^ that reetenttoa of oomBiunlmtlflBs would bring reporte

. p( woM o( deM.' vmpoitr leeetved here Indlckted th e mboon passed on Into the

8 8M Ute today, remoring the

INVESTMENT TBV8TB 'Pund. Inv........ ................... ..— *17.;Fund. Trust. A........................... 4.88Corp. Trust ..... ........................ 237Quor. In c .'................. ................ 10,70

MINING BTOCKBBunker Kill and Sullivan ......810.29M tn. City Copper.......... tSJO •• 8flJiQPark City Consolldaled............. JflHoSilver King CoillUon .............. 88.60auoshlne Mliiei .....................I14.83STlnUo SUndard , ......................8808

MONEY ■NSW YORk-M oney rates 'w w e

dnchanged today.

News Qf Record

To Mr. and Mrs. Doume, Twin nu is , a daughter yesterday a t the, liospltAl maternity home.

To Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Oaaser. Twin lulls, a dauglitef Saturday a t Uie 'hoiplUl maternity home.

T em p erftu T M


Bodler-Wegener * Company Elks Bldg.-PhoDe 810

L iLocal Markets |

m A ecn iiNGOS W I I

‘%one Eagle” Siuqprises ^ Quiet Arrival

SuiT For 910,000 ^ e s to

P e d e r a l C o u r t B y O r t e p O f Judge H « r« *

^Transfer to federal o ^ of one of thre^ suits filed against • trto o( mogaslno subscription crew salesmen, as a resu lt of an awident- near Hansen, was authorised today by District Judge J. W. Porter.

m e case Is the 810,000 damage action filed by Manuel Jlmehe*, beet laborer, agolnst Israel Alder-

Mrs.'A. Alderman and Victor Johnson.

Two oth«^suit* BtiU rem ain In district court here. They are the 11,500 action started against the same trio by Felix Leyva, f a r n worker who drove the car In which ■Jlmenes rode, and Alice Mildred Hrbck. Omaha, Neb„ one of the magazine crew, who'seeks 84480.78.

The car driyen 'by* Leyva was In- voh-ed In a coU^im with the

to the court claims. Johnson ma- chine was the second In a two-car caravan carrylnil the magazloe crew. \ - ^

Transfer of the Jimenes su it-to federal district c o u r^ a t Boise was

b>: the claimarit's attorneys. Wallers, Parry and Thom a^


F o r e s t iy O ^ f S a y s W in te r S p o r t “ia jQ a t Dependa

O n S d rv e y

No. 2s bulk t» growers........- ......17WcPOULTRY RANCH

Colored hens, over 8 Ibe_____Colored hiens, 4 td 8 Ibs-_

Development of skT run facilitiesthU V ..................................

Colored hens, under 4 lbs__Leghorn hens ............. .......Colored roasters ______

fryers _


l^ tr s , over 2 lbs._


No. I butterfat

Commercials Pullets ___Egg). In. tradi

LIVESTOCK .Choice light but«bet8, leo to

0 p o tm d e r^ .—y.... rwelght buMiera, 3

M m

Underweight butchery 128 to180 poundera.....................

Packlnrsows, light ..................85.60

P at cows - VejUen .... l £ n b a __

MILL FEEDBran, loo pou n d s ......... ...Bran. BOO p '


Stock feed. 100 pounda._J____ 81.40Stock feed. 600 pounds.______ 81.88

ONIONS Yellow Sweet Spanish, 2 to 8

inches ........................................8U 8Yellow Sweet Spanish, 8 Inche

end up .............. .................. i n s

I DENVER BEANS' DElfVER-Plntoa 88.10 to 89.20; great noTthenur82.1Q to 82.26,

' MtTALB NEW YORK - Today's custom

smelter prices for delivered meUls (cente per pound);

Oopper; Belctrolytic 10'^ to 11; ex* port 10,8 to 0,48,

Tin; Spot slrails 48U. •Lead: Now York 8 to 8.08; East

S t. Louis 4.B6, tElno; New York 6J6; East St.

Louis 8 i Mfond Quarter 8,10, Aluminum, virgin 20 to 21. Antimony, Amerloan I4^i. Platinum: (Dollars per ounce) 88

to 40.quicksilver; (Dollars per flask of, poundu) B3 to 88.60, nominal Tungsien, powdered i (Dollars

jwundi a.WoUramllfl, Chinese: (Dtrflars

unit, 1' per cent mAallio content, duty paid) 22.50 to 23.

a A lT UIKE OITV, g (U.B-A 10 per cent decrease ijf roujid tfJp fares from Balt U ke c ity and northern imlnbi to somhem Cali­fornia was announced today by Western Air Express fnr the dura' tlon of the winter travel seasta.' Tbs new round-t^lp eharges will be t^e one way fare |)ius |8 per eenk

Weife, viee-pfestdeni In of tn fd o for the MrtlM. SftM

T he, ra ti reducUon ;M 1 apply ithrou^DUt WAB<s system dioept ‘" 'IK f le n DIeso and Los Angeles,

which trip w u recently re> ,d |ped. D m rate will be av^lable' on ftll fchidulM evtry day.

OiUooa belong to the Uly funUr.

...................t ^ Rock Creek O. O. O.camp depends on whethei' definite snow Information con be secured, the Jimior Chamber'of Commerce

Informed today by Curtis Price, Burley, supervisor of the forest.

Price, replying to a request by Qie Junior Chamber for construc­tion of winter playgrmad faculties for south c en ti^ Idaho, said th a t sucli plans have been mapped for next year but not for the coming winter. He ind ica te , however, th a t the ski runs might be arranged for this season if the chamber can pro­cure snow data on which to select proper localities.

Junior Chamber directors, a t their meeting Tuesday, will appoint delegation to arrange the snow sur* vey If possible. It was Indicated this afUmoon.

lOPPLESINmEstabliBhed Marks Fall as

Month Exceeds 14 of

Zntirfl Tears

(fVMS rate 1)third-class gang plank—were as- t^ t^ e d . A small s e d t f Ucensed to

Joye of the Morrow estete .was welting for them. U te r a Mor- ! row station wagon called a t the pier fo r 'th e ir luggage—two trunks and three band bags.

U ttlbergb. his i l fe . and their In- UK »o;76fi^ lK e second sm , U nd .

was bom In England-«alle<Necret- ly for England Just before Christmas

I In 1986 soon after 0 ov, Harold-O. Hoffman of New Jersey had ex- p t e e ^ doubt, th a t Bruno Richard Hauptmann had been the only per­son Involved in the kidnap-murder of their flrsfc,*on, Charles. Jr.

CoQfernm Seen Lindbergh, who Is technical ad­

visor of the Pan-American and the I Transcontinental and Western Alr- wsiys. has been engaged In England In w oiK preparatory to establish­m ent of a trans-AtlantlQ_alr line sponsored Jointly ^ Pan-Amerlean and the Imperial Airways of Great Britain. He has considerably around the M tlsh Isles.' I t was believed tha t the chief pur­

pose of Lindbergh’s visit was to work with Pan-American officials. Chair­m an Joseph p. Kermedy of the mar; Itlme commlaaion recommended in a

.recent feport tha t the government . Jsubsldlse the buJJdlng and flying of '*H *uge. trans-Atlantic air liners.

' Lindbergh’s arrival had barely be­come known when Rep, William I. Slrovlch. D , N. Y.. ranking member of the house merchant marine com­mittee, said th a t Lindbergh would be Invited to appear as an expert wit­ness wh?n the committee considers a bill to grant oceanic olr llne.sub- sidles^ beginning Wednesday. ^

Nelghbon Didn't Know ^ One report said the Lindberghs

would return before Chrlstmaj. An­other said they would return In January.

In S ^ a n d . mfghbors and asso­ciates of the L ln ^ rg h s didn't even know the Lindberghs had left.

Arriving a t the ship, Lindbergh wore smoked glasses. No one recog­nised either him or his wUe. They did not appear again for over 24 hours and their meals were served' to them in the suite's living room. By that time, the ship was a t sea.

■■Captain'Roberta told me to ask Me. and Mrs. Gregory to sit a t his table when they wanted to come to tlie dining room," Second Steward

_ the door. Mrs. Lindbergh, hjig-glasses, opened It, seemed con­fused, then smiled, asked him* to step In. HoUdorb said he recognlied ZJndbergh a t onoe, but, revertheJcss, addi'essed him as Mr. Gregory,

tiindbergh smiled.


97o; prlirfe firsts 37c;88Ho; undergrades 8tc.

Eggs; Large 38o; medium 2So;small 104c.

Western cheese: Triplet daisies I8Kc: longhonia l«o; loafs 10'ic.


score S84o; 01 score. S4c; 00 score 88Hc; 80 score 89c. ^

Cheese; Wholesale flate 10c; trlp- lete .18Ho; Jobbing pHces, flate 20o to 210. .

1 ^ ; Large 20Hc; large standards 2 ^ 0 ! m ^lum 2 l4 o ; u n ^ l 174o. •

c u ic A o o 'OmCAQO-Egga; Market steady;

SIpte ;|,147 caMs; fresh graded s, can. 32a; less than rnrs, 33o; extnt firsU 2Sc; leas Umii cars, 29c;

storage checks lOo: current receipte '2 lo; fresh dirties l8o; fresh cheoks lOo; reffh u ^ to r eitraa IHtio; re< frigerator W ats i1%v; refrigerator standards l8Mo.

Butter market firm: receipts 8,« 4S4 tubs; extra flrste 87Uo to 98)io; extras MHo; flnU S3)ia to 34Ho; seoonds 80o to 920; speciau 40o to « | i o i standards 87Uo; cenUallesd

C h ^ : Twins I«^o; daisies l»o to 18Ue; longhorns l»o to iBMo.

Safety* S k ir to U c 'Given oh Program

A safetr skit win be

BuMding operations In Twin PkUs during November, greatest of any month this year,to dttte, amounted to 8283,020, the official report period, compiled and r e l e ^ d by City Clerk W. IL Eldrldge, si owed th|» afternoon.

The total amount of b Uding the montl), a check of pi vlbua rec­ants shows. Is g ra te r tha 114 of the entire years d u r ln l^ ^ 2(i years such records have been kept. '^ I s amount for November brings to/8868,2l3 the .total for U}e year t / date.. This amount makes 103T U / Jiird greatest building year In-Uyf history of the city, being exceede</onl/durIng 1010 and 1020. - '

Thirteen new dwellings were con­structed during the month, having a toyal value of 818,750, All other new construction In the city includ­ing the Blckel school and tl)e Lincoln scl)ooI addition cams to 8260.000, R«. pairs and remodeling }oba started or completed during the period totaled.

' 86,870, records sljow.

District Seision Initiates Class

JEROME, Dec. 8 (8peclal)-A class Of 23 members was Initiated Friday at the district meeting of Woodmen of tlie World. Drgrre and drill teams of Twin Falls wnre in charge.

A program followed wlilrlj arranged by riena Robertson, u - slstont district manager, wan pre­sented, directed by Clyde Nrwuian, chairman of the program commit­tee. Mrs. Ollkey sang two num-' ben, ‘The U ttle Old U dy" and •'When Yoi( Orow Too Old to Dream," accompanied by Uylvla ^ofletd. "Abdul, the Bulbul Amrer," a Russian skit, was given by Mr, Newman, Stanley Sturgeon and Ruth Newman,

Other numbers, were “Ole a t the all Oame,” given by Al Hurkrr,

.n<i a play, “ The City Oral" »iy Clyde Newman, Stanley Sturnrnn, Lorraine Priest, LuoUle Polndeitrr.

Refreshmente weVe served by members of the Jerome camp Tiifl session, was opened and cloned ijy officers of the Jsrom^ oamp,

TTie nest (heettof of Uie ra/nri wilt be held 17 when n{(U;en will be elected,

Aatographa' Rcfosed-'Bte following day, Sunday, the

Lindberghs informed HoUdorb that they would dine a t Itiek captain’s table that nJght. Holldorb asked: ■‘W hat name shall i say?”

.‘■Our own name, by a ir means,' siUd Uadbergh.

After the first BurqrUe. the pas­sengers paid no undue attention to

Llndbeighs, tl^ugh several for autographs, were politely

Lindberghs- ap- on deck freely-

stewards said they had .jnerously. Lindbergh shook with h ls'nlght steward, Emil

....„Vpper, on departure. 1 When the ship dKked he^e yester­

day morning, Harris was the first man abbard.

Ifarrfs said th a t Col. Lindbergh expressed the deepest regret a t the loss of Amelia E arhart and her navi­gator, Fred Noonan.

■■He. said she was a wonderful flyer and tha t Noonan was, an ex.- cepUonally capable navigator, so capable th a t It WU hard to under­stand how they could have missed their obJecUve."


W inao l a nd Ooimba Seeking

Seel«otion a t Balloting..

I n Twin 7 ^

Voting was underway In three preclncte here th is afternoon for election of two commisskmers, to the boerd o f the-Twln Fall# high- way district.,

J . B. Wlnoos and W. T. Camba. commissioners whose terms are ex- plrln#, were , both candidates to suc­ceed themselves. No other ilBml- nces lis d fUed, according to Stuart H. Taylor, secretary of the highway board. <-

Voting on. highway leaders also was underway th is aftemocm at Filer, Buhl and other areas.

Polling places in Twbi Palls, which opened a t . l p. m. and were to close a t S p. m . today, were: Pre­cinct No. 1, a t courthouse; No. 2.- le&r ol P eavy-T aber comimny building; No. 3. Chamber of Com­merce offices.

Sole holdover member of the Twin Palls road board Is V. E. Morgah, chairman.

Commissioners' terms are for fbur years.

Any voter qualified to cast b a llo t.In a* geoeral election _ eligible to r th e highway district vot­ing, Mr. Taylor said, j .

Woodpile Plans ‘Enlarged’ for

City E ^ o n e rsOaptored Petty Thieves W ill

Kow Jo in ‘Dm nkg ' fiaring

Outside EzerolBo

Tuesday a t 4:16 p. m. over KTFl I diving the P.-T. A. broadoast by Mrs. IW. Lawrence, .’Utose Jn cast frlD be O. P. Bowiss, Itev.'Mark Oronen.

W. B. Uwienoe, Mrs. Hoy Mrs. Earl J o h n s ^ tn tf R u th .

«*ye pn»M<M tv Mrs. V, es Reyncnds and ......

. n ig iMeember prerwns will b« vkikt llw dtrectkm of the high scboo)


WASIUNGTON, Dec. 8 tU.FD- Natlonal Income during the year ending.June 80, 1087, reached 80A.*......... the highest since the be-

< of the depression, Secretary Commerce Danlel'O. Roper re­

ported to congress tpday.Roper's Tiport did not record ef-

fecte of the.reoeqt business reces­sion, other than to mention tha t In­dustrial production ceased to gain ground after early March and the ntock market began Ita decline a ^ u t tim same time. ’

Tlte national Income, Roper said, Inriuded a farm Income of I7J6B,- 000,000, an Increase from 88,800,000, 000 tlie previous fiscal year.

Miami Air Ra<*<; Postponed 1 l)nyi L u a . n A . 0 * 0 .8 nj.m-uiifa-l i u i a . r u . 0*0. 8 n j.m -uiir;.

verable Ullnt ooudlUoiu i,KUy leaused a one*day posiponomrm .it the annual Miami to«liavann nlr erulso, pulmtnaUni feature r,( the lOUi WWuel All-American *ir „ia-

« soore ol |it(ot4 wlil-

Local police ofilc;tal5 decided th is afternoon to ■■enlarge" plana foe a prisoner w ood^e near th e police station enough to Include petty thlevea arrested In, Twin Palls. '

The voodpUe was a t first in ­tended for dnm ken dri,vers knd haWtwal dnm kords who ■■!&? o u f ou t their fines W 'the JalL -

B ut th is afternoon officials decided to include petty thieves in the wood chopping opera­tions. ,

Although n o actual “EtarUng date" been set for the cut-

' ttog operations, officials said to- /: day th a t It “won’t be long.’

Wave Continues A t th e same tUne police rec­

ords show th e wave of petty thievery in Twin Palls is Con­tinuing. •

Howard Williams, 280 Sixth avenue north, told police a de­frosting fan had been stelen from h is machine* wh}le It was parked in front of tha t address early ^ morning. C. M. Hen>

'n e f e r J U ^ Second avenue north, aie»W|P n ted lotf of a fan from h is p sA e il machtee.

iM n o ^ . o f the Sinclair serv­ice s taU c^a t.F Ive Points north reported the establishment had been entered early this morning and 10 cartons o! cigarettes as weB . u SO peonies taken.

Overcoat Stolen ' Leonard Tuiner, residing, a t

th e ' Rogerson Mmex, reported theft of a heavsitopw n over- cost from h is roorjt sometime la s t n ight. ^

Police again asked cooperation o t cltlEens Inasmuch as e y are asked n o t to leave val/lableS In parked cars, even thbugh the mkchlne m ay be locked, and also to be sure a ll doors and windows lire locked before living quarters are left withqutTan attendant.

Disturbance Ends In Court;HearingTliree local men, Lonnie Qrlffln,

Gordon Lucas amt-Letand Allman, were tree on 8300 boiA each Uils afternoon a fte r charges of disturb­ing the peace had been filed against them before JusUCe of the Peace Guy T. Sffopo this morning.

■The three pleaded not guilty to the charge and will be htard a t a later date, court records show. Local police made th e arrest.

U. S oCapilal ^ Gels ( pice ' Idaho Spuds


clal)-»A carload of spf«iaUy coU lected' Id th o potatoes — a,400 - ^ x e s of them—arrived lo Wash­ington today for dlstrlbuUoQ among th e leaders and the un­derprivileged a t the nation's capital.

; Austin E.' Ansonrsecietary o f ' the Idaho Shippers' Traffic association, Nampa, Ida., also arrived to supervise distribu­tion of the Idaho spuds.

The Idaho-congressional dele­gation Is cooperating to get as much attention for the Idaho product a s possible. Cong. Comp- ton W hite l5 thinking about challenging one of the congress- > men from Maine to a potato e a t- ' lug contest to ascertain the rela­tive merits of Idaho and Maine potatoes.

Each ^ n a to r and congress­m an will receive a 16-x»und box containing about 24 Idaho pota­toes. Similarly, all members of the cabinet and numerous bu­reau chiefs will have Idaho bak­ing potatoes In their Christmas larder. -Potato day" in the house, ' senate and cabinet building res­taurants Is being piaoned, and some of the potatoes will be given to ui*lerprivUeged families in the city of WasHlBotfln. Prom aU In- dlcaUons Idaho potatoes wlU be •'king for a day" and will orna­ment many a marble halL

Mr. Anson has a special box to present to the president. ITie box Is varnished, polished.and decorated to an e x te n t/th a t would embarrass any spud ^ w n t In ordinary dirt. ^


Workers' Alliance members from Twin Falls, plus an expected dele­gation from Butil, wUI meet a t 8 p. m. today Ifi th e courthouse to dis­cuss clrarges th a t national WPA headquarters U "heading out" 200,-000 jote which it has authority to allocate. It ^was announced this afternoon by Perry Morris, s ta te ^ organizer.

said th a t word frMn Her- . r ^ n ja m ln , secretary-treasurer

of the national Workera' Alliance.1 c lalm r“rellable confidential sources" 'have rega led tha t WPA Is holding back tl)e 200,000 Jobs In order to avoid paying out wages o n - th a t much work,

■'Immediate vigorous actloa" will be advocated for forcing the allocation of these Jobs and for rais­ing relief wages, Morris said.

Ue also declared th a t th e local Alliance wiU dlseuss setting up of a central bulletin board os-whlch to post communlcatloDs from Benja­min. • ’ . .


Spj^jders Hailed . Befere Pumphrcy W-1Dne driver was fined and Another ' I d a^'hearing 'date M t for Tues­

day, afternoon during sessions of municipal court here this morning before Judge J. O. pumphrey, rec-% ords show.

Chester Wilhite, Eden, pleaded, guuty to the charge of speeding, woa fined JA and 83 coste which he paid.Hb Was released.

.Ronald Reed Squires, Twin Falls, arrested on the same charge will ap- pettf before the Judge Tuesday after­noon.

Hurt in WreckKETOHUM, Deo, 8 (Special) —

Claude Benson, bartender a t the Club St. Oeorg In the St. Georg hotel here, suffered bruises and contusions Sunday afternoon when his motor car overturned on tlie highway curve south ofK etchum .

The car turned over several times.Benson was taken to Uie Italley ,

I hospital and was removed last night I to his home In Italley.


ored In London society circles today th a t the duke ot Windsor Is plan­ning a brief vUlt home for Christ- mas When the whole royal family will be gathered a t Sandringham.


c o s a


A b u l n Ue

ATTENTION FA1|MEIIS!WU Can for Pay Cash (or Dea« or 1

' H O U U ~ C O W S B U B S ^ and JBOOB , etmpiy. Pbetoe Twin fWis Servfoe-We Pay for|tte ^ |

IDAHO inO E and TALLOW CO.s ofMmU Benge a*«

Iiigb«8 Weee PaM Ne IIIOBB ^ r x t n »tm a - wooi.- -O n e Mae Mm 8 a a i M iM lk • ( Twt* taB e

Page 9: VOL. T R I O T O T U E S D A Ynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc


THIS CURIOUS WORLD ^ By Wllltam Ferxuon OUR BOARDING nouSE . . . . . with . .. ........................Major HSspIt OUT OUR WAY

‘ N A M E D S y T M E

A N O W T S /

M A M V O P- t h e m S E A R - S U C H


a m t u a :- TNg-MK f> U ^ , -

C f R C I N J U S ,7MT c t a w A t f s a ;

e e x T A N ^

S P L r r s e ia o N D f ^ A s r e a .


o n o p K IC K S .

Chritfmat SealtT U B g p C U LO S IS


Ancient astronomers could see lUUe of the southern hembphere. ftnd the southern heavens were Itft blank on their sky mapa. Due to tlie wabbllna of the earth on Its axis, some stars tha t were visl* ble to tlie ancients oI souUiom Europe cannot-be seen from th a t, p art or the ea rth 'to d ay /

SIDE GLANCES By Gcorse Clark

Oriental RulerHOBIZONTAL1 Ruler of Japan

U E nsm el.IB Rowing tool, leC rcw dim.17 Diseases.ISEnflne.30 Tribal unit. .3] Morlndln dye.32 Hardened,33-Almond..3S Spain. .30 Court.37 Sorrowful,30 Membranous

80Mltornol«.SJPerUlKinf 10 ,

,>h«lhtv . inolmuln.

Answer to Previous Pnisle

S« .Scolded.93 ZaitU.30 rnlilfler.37 Tlierefore. sa E u -jhaped . 30 Provided.-

covcrlnfl2 Salts or miillc

acid.3 Tiny bnll of

mcdlclne.SO W lthrt^d,01 Sloth.fl2 Italian coins. 4 nMnv V J « p a n e i. Ash. J SM Froat bile. « } ? ,

................ ................................................ " V , » d . s4 0 P .ld publlclU’. 'M ' « To p rc j ,421're|>oill(on. • -------OPrcpo,lclon.O S I r n l . 2 ^ 5 ? : . . lo n o iim c a .^ O K e w w -* ^ .TW TIOAL ]] P o rlo f Romnn

before he 1 Roo/ point. ntonlh.

12EdlAc«9 of worship,

23 Poem.18 Middle.10 Stratacem.23 To su^elt.24 Sailor,38 His country | |

a t odds with

27 Act of saving a boat.

20 Tokyo la lh« — > of his land.

31 To MRQuae.33 Credit. ^ 41Vlalon '43 Sleepy n-asi.44 Small t W 4fi su it worm. 47Nnlve.40 Wnlorfall.SO S ire d •93 And SSChBoi.30 Prepbiltton. fl7 Duihel.86 Measure of

iia mmm iiaii m

Hi am ii ■ m

IN O E R B S a iM M lw e s o u

B L A y . X5GR M O O S IC K ^ F T

U K rr .^B M T U ^ L1KC D E A U e S T L e

StJO W f l a k e s FAU_IM<3 "DeR

,V O O D S IM ^ Y A H , S O / UM T 0 6 N B S d fK JS l ? £ R VIKJD J O



* 0 IW T C R ^eSC O M D m K T

' f t o u b l a y f r ^ A c r / i A T o t q ' ' eST«. swov; PLAK^

HAPPy AMTT I ^ R D E K lC fK lS ^ VAM ^ K ) 0 W ^

Z U M - - '

6 'e e ; P P £ P E S 6 i ^ ,

LOOK WHXscr X S0U 5 l- rr 'A HABArtOKJKA h o l p e r / b y p l a V i n '

M y V iOLlkJ' A W t?


T 0 6 E T M E R ,r C A W


- COMlWcg U P A ^ R A D E

A M P W H « T u W ' A T


OW "TH' T R A l f J —


S j s t a ulAAlTATlOKl ' im u s i c i a n * !


J 2 ± , A A P EMDIMC>S

By Cntav






Ih !e A>!M&pe.W4Tt<!M5’5UMM0M5.



A S 6HEL 0 P Q 4 S I H E





B y T hom D M D a n d Coll

T>W'.5 WHY 1 5EWT FOa SDL)... 1 VMMOT MX»10 HELPME-cer


WELL/ j ■ - ir ^


By PloMW .

B ER 3R C '(tXJ DBCtUC % QtV« C a*cH T Wa* T K ,L E T ME C/t^ O^M


• eCH O O L t " -


J v A ^ k l ' D OW MY IJWURED ANKLE B5f» HOURS, 60

Page 10: VOL. T R I O T O T U E S D A Ynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening...Weath^ Forecast \ Fftlr (onlitil tod ToMdftjr. N* ehaaie Hlfh ro^rday 42. low M. Lov mil nortOnc



Minor Change in Teohniqne'

Of Treatment lim oanced

A t H ospital

OHICAOO. Dec. 6 (UJ»—A first ■teo^r medical science toward con­trol virulent, unknown dlM^se wbleh b u taken the l lv tf o2 11 new bom and threatens seven others ,%t St. BUabeth’s hospital rtv ea led to d ay b y as ta ff,— - .. i%e aecompUshnient was described u a •'minor reflnement of technlfloe of trtttm eilt- but p h y s ld w h o ^ it mtaht aid ia saving the ilvea of the

am Isolated In the nursei?

malady, characterised by acute inQvnniatton of the Intealinal tract and usually fa ta l within 34 hours, h u bafned pathologUU and toxl-

Physicians have recognized th e aliment only In recetft years XHW and d istinct malady.

O M nfaAs the death of the eleventh victim

•n a announced, Dr. Benjamin Uvlp, bead pediatrlelan of the hospital ftUlL said a means had been deter* n.<nMi to offset exhaustion of bodUy fluldn-one o l t)>e malady's principal symptoms.

"We have found a way to counter- batonoe such deflelenoles by blood

' tiabsfustona and saline InJecUoss,” be Slid. can eobbol dehydration M ore the inreetlim has spread too far." \ ■

Another aymptbm of the disease, U Tomltlnc. he laid. Mother Superior Adolphine. in ehaifo of th e luepXal, said the seven bablea s^v u en tly were bold­ine Ihelr own.

— 7 T O I tn p p e « r to -b e a-»U»ht-lm- w o n m en l lo aU except one case,"ihM

IlKk children remained isolated v ttb i p i ^ nutaea oa u> «ntlre f l o o r ; e f t h e ..........................

u d e l M

I . boqtltal tooiUtlng.

Heads Committee

With the approval «f 'd e n t Itoosevelt, Keith Morput, above, will head the national commlttce which will orcantte the annoal P reddent'i Birthday balls on Jan . S9 lo raise funds for the war on InfsnUle par- alysis..

JEROME POST TO BIBET JPROME, Dec. 8 <8peclal)-Amer-

Icw Legion of Jerome wUl have a dinner meeting Dec. M a t the Wood cafe a t 7:30, A peogram: wUI In­clude moving pictures of thedepartment on gas w arfare a n d ___a''comedy. Legion TisUors' of Good­ing, Shoshone. Haselton, Twin Falls and other t«wns wiU attend.

D O U E CAST IN' ‘P t i L i y ’

Piv.o Boles Haye Pair of

PeHormm r7or -Senior

Drama Deo. 9-10

Double cast in fire parts and with two girls alternating Jn two porta. '•Death Takes k Holiday,” will bo p re se n t^ a t the Twin Palls high school auditorium on Dec. 0 and, 10-

A finished performance by all the actors U expected by the dtrector. Miss^Plprence Rees, as 13 of the youilS Bramatlsta are members of the national Thespian club and twor others Witt be initiated iir following the presentation.

Glris Clianfe Of Ingenue .lead, the part of Grazla.

the lonely remote girl ot 18. will be played by HelUe McBride on Thurs­day and on R iday by E^ld Richards. The girls .alternate between two parts and on the night not carrying the lead portray Cora, the maid.

The male prliwlpal p a n U ployed by Theron Knight during both pre­sentations as he interprets the char­acter of Prince Blrkl, the shadow.

First NIcbt 1 tl

...............- .......Takes a Holi­day," on Dec. B are' Paul Leighton. Duke lAmbert. host a t the castle in w hich.ths plot Is laid; Betty Wege­ner, Alda: Halbert Miller, Pedele; Lois H a y ^ , Stephanie; BUly Mae While, th e princess; Ray Mills. Cesarea; Jean Jones, Rtutda; Ed Benoit. Corrado; Bill WarnW, Eric; B ert Tolbert, the Major.

Oast on Friday night wlU beivarled

D o d g es C hair

mKtanley Marlin, Jr.. above,

races a . maximum seij^nee c f ' eo years In prison instead of Lbe electric chair as the strangler of his paramour, Mrs. Florence Jackson, because h b manslaugh­ter plea was accepted when he went’ on trial for murder in New York.

slightly with .Charles lArsen ap­pearing aa Luke U m bert;--D lck Reynolds as Baron Cesarea: Armour Anderson, ^orrado; Frank Carpenter a s Eric. ^

COLD W i s

CHICAflOiiSlc. 6 ttlJO — The m id- Ivercd ^ a y in sero temp-

craiurcs aa a..fold wave, from thewest Bhlvi!

Arctic regions spread southward to the Gulf of Mexlco.fnd eastward to the Applaclilana, • ,v ,,

The lowci; Jam Pbraiure was six degrees bcl0« t ^ r 0 'faJ(:’:Devils Lake, N. D. R c a m n J ^ t^ i^ ly were frtm

to 10 aMve in the north and west, 10 to 20 above In the cen-

t]s1 south and IS above in the east.Rain fell last night in practically

„.l of Uie country from the Mlsslss'? Ipiil volley eastward, and .in t trcme southern Texas .


auto accident involving two Jerome car-s did considerable damage to both when a car driven by Casper Block wai attempting to back out from the curbing In front of a ’■ cal pool hall Thursday night, car driven by Bob Bridgman , struck the Block machine. No one was In­jured but Uie damage was estimated Ht $50 lo the Bridgman car. The BJock mnchlne received a bent fen­der. bent bumper, and ' bent trunk. Damage estimated for it was 125.

Realih Group Holds ; Disease Discussion

HAZSLTON, Das. * (Special) — The members of the Health council and guesU met a t the grade schoid I j m ^ y with J4rs. J. B. Dlcklnsoir

. The chairman au ted th a t s o ^ and aispehsers had been ordered for the School b y ' the- chairman of the ^ r d . Rev. Oharles Hawley.‘ Mrs. Charles P ryor' gave a talk

on venereal disease'. She made a blackboard outline of the different stages of syphUlis, explaining eaUi and starting with the disease in Its Infancy, she traced Its course until


For that PARTICULAR' ma­chine Job. Lathe and SpecUl work done right. See the

SCHWARTZ AUTO CO. 161 Second Ave. N. Ph. M l

fudKI w (tepgntelT Ul, waa kept 10 S a m t e n t r

' ^ c e a s ^

bSTe ataMlvUty bo' .aatur- m t t . t h l a emerBency tiMtmftnt

^ b i ' etfeottve." Dr. Bennan N. .vB iaidaittulirttl4eD t of Um bowd-of ; tald. «re hampered by : t t e nphUtsr w ith which the dliMio ium ud daiat ita vietlmi.-

i t e e lm n th d te th o w e Hot. 31

V i S r in t te - v lo U m a h a v e - fu ta d tromilfetoas.tfajw'oid. '

ehikl'S puepti, Mr. and Mrs. ' tfoiipb HHiKw^r. anted to ip m u ,t pfanlMaM to. perform , an

^ Bdnd«Mi tatd rwulte.ePttie mmlnsttnt^.may prove of Import*

to wieettiii the UTe*>ef the

O tiieert P r i n t e d ;i Bjr Jerome School

M l band, oreheitra. and . Bnnnted a ocucert m -

:;«Tentni in the Jerome high__ jei Andltorlua. with GusUv

. .VMttaer d lreo l^ and Miai Anna ' Mae oonanaoo vocal director also

ia iS5*at' her hcfiw^odneaday, )f(morlng Mra. Florence Tremayne M portJand.^

Oaiemont urange met 'Wedtfes- . day at'tUe Orange hall to discuss

^ for laitallatlm) to be held bee; -15 In conjunotlon with a epvVed dish luncheon. A mlsoellane-

. ^ ‘proeram was followed by re-

: Pomona Grange of Cassia county lfel4 a pot-luck dinner Saturday. A tmtirer^ program w u prounted, tnder the dlrecUon of A. D. Pierce.’ Mr.and Ura, K. T.' Barrus are the

parents of a son, bom Wednesday «t UMir home.

W. J. Rankin of Paradise, Oa]lf,..bas arrived to visit st the h m »M her sister, Mrs. O. C. aelby.

W-, and U n. Clarence Harris and Hr. end Mr*. 1. H. Harris leftThurs- " ir'for Portland to attend meetings

' tel aasooiatlon. laerd club played bridge ' at t)ie home 'of Mrs. Joo

-..... , ^ Mrs. Simon Kinney. Mrs.. % £ , TSlrner and Frank Schodde

weniueiliofthBclub., Kra. Sid Napper was hostess to

-,0. B. Carlson is visiting at the ' home o( his dadghUi, .Mra. Prank


a cure or death resulted, „ o u t. the of Itof ttmosatiiilm to others: treatment, caution vd£ prevenUon. She brought

the necessity of Immediate treat- .n t of long duration to effect a

onre and aald th a t every man>aod woman and every adolsecent boy and girl ahould be Informed of Uu. man­ner In which venereal d l s ^ Is spread; w hat'its Bymptoms'acfi..and how it may be prevented and cured.

Mrs. Pryor treated gonorrhea io the' same mahnier. ao3 this was fol­lowed by a supplemenUry talk on the^same subJecU by Miss Harriett RusseUi

Mrs. Wilma Osier will give a talk on typhoid a t the next meeting, Jan.

e and U r. Poet o t the Twin Fails - . . . . . w .. ^ to five a Ulk ati t has be

is l& e I

Holidays ScheduledJEROIdE, -Dec. 6 (Special) ~ Ac­

cording to an annoimcement here from the office of th e superintend­en t of city schools, H. Maine Shoun, the Jerome schools will dose for the holiday season on the afternoon of Dec. as and w U remain closed for 10 days. The spools ' wUI again be resumed a t 9 a. m. on Jan. 3. , .

AustralU now has over 100,000,000 aheeg, one*seventh of the world to-

M O R E B W E f i P l N G R E D U C T I O N W H I C H

S - T - R ^ E - T - C - H T O I I R G I F T i t O I X A R S ! S H O P

P E N N E i r S T O i n X S A V E !

S p e c U O s G o O n S a l e A t 8 A . M . T u e s d a y !

S p e e U a F e a t u r e .H o . 1 ^

Close-Outt 11 Pr. Women’s Japimese.

liQpni ilgPsilwnias

G m ym odet f o t ^ r U tm tu I

SiUcHbsierye i^ q u is lto 1 5

C k i0 o ru ! ^ 0

Foo r^ thw dsflaw leas^and beautifull 'Hiey’re ringless*full (a to ned ■— perfect qualllyl.



Smart, coloVful 2-picce —

styles, reduced for quick

sale to..................................



S p e c i a l F e o t n r « N o . 2

Close-Outl 48 Men’s Suede Cloth .

Cossack Jacket's$^ 150Tlioee smart fitting Jacketa with

'fu ll talon fMtericr front. Ton color. Sires 30 to 40. Reduced I •a.


. r « r m AU W o o l M e lto n

JACKETS2-® «^Ude PmMtr

eiwr Fronu t

Outdoor men’s favorite! Extra heavy, warm—fully cut slteel Navy bjue or shadowtooee.


i t 49*^ i d e fastener cloaing. C a r d pocket

HUPTURE'IL 'X . Heffmaan, Bapert. Ulnnta-

" ‘-n « wUl demenstrate wlth- I his "IgerfBat ReUntlon t VWIITPALIiS, Thur».

Iter e. a t the PetVlne I 10 A. M. to 4 P, M.

itment!UU you about . Any rupton I dangeroue.

" 1»m hold

M a n i c n x e S E T S

49«Coyly C al.

orrrf Casrs/

Three l»ttle» of manicure preparsllons and tour imple* menis, SIMo laslenrr case!

S p e c ia l F e a t u r e N o . 3

200 I.arK« Sfae, Open

FLOUR SACKSLauiulei'cd unii bicauhcd

HtiHwy .whitu. Do them up

into lou towels for Chriftt-

niuH iiroflontaf Buy while

tlll!H() luHt nt .................



2lcT i r a v e l U i a C a i e

|.98R m ILeather!

Of black shark grain kaihrr wllh roiivcnienl fillinf^ Slide (aslencr cloainR. . SUe b^iKT.

B r i d g e S U | i p « n

Fully lined with dslniy pink kid: a feature of more expen« elve all^perel UiUMr eolel

S p e c l o l F e o l i f p e N o . 4

Clwte-Outl aso Pr. Men'n

Part Wool Soxhoiivy welirht. a work^K

mini will jipiirociHto. When

thcHo nro no moro avnll-

eblo at thin HeiiHutioiml prlcql 5MEN'S DBIT, MAIN KI.o6R


Rod m in l l im f o u »il>< rub. bar Mid h«ndl«

Mappy Times At Christmas Timg...FOR THOSE^HG KNOW

HOW TO PLAY!As Well A s Those Who Would Like To Play!

t e — — — -----------------------------

BRIGHT LIGHTS.and Cheerful Houses,and Music...:


They belong to g e th e r . . . and to youth! They >e- lOTig to Chi'istmas tim^, to holiday tW e, to fun- tim e th roughout the year! And the popularity, th e pleasure, tjhe satisfaction th a t belongs to the person who’ plays is s6 easy for youth to enjoy!

■ I. .

Your Boy or Girl....still a t \e e n age, perhaps y o u n g er. . . will enjoy m ore than anything else, the many re tu rn s that a g if t of a musical instrum ent bringfs. Don’t deny yom'self the pleasure of giving the best g ift o f all this year set of drum s, trum pet,

_^ ^©larinet, trombone, saxophone, v io l in ,^ i t a r , or- piano accordion . . . the musical in strum en t th a t

you know they’ll enjoy for years to come. You can do it, this year! ’

EaSy[ Payments!....A small down pajunent delivers any musical iiv- stru m en t th a t you select from our complete s t o c t Balance of purchase can be paid in easy m onthly iftatallments. Ask about th is apecial p lan today!

THE EXCLUSIVE MUSIC STOKE ' Distributors of Conn, Pan American and Cavalier

Band Instruments

Dumas-Wamer Music Co.BLKS B U IL D IN O " T W N F A I L S
