
VOL. VII. WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1856. THE EVENING STAB, PUBLISHED EVERT AKTJJKSOOJI, (EXCEPT SO Nil A V.) At IM Simt B*ild%*gs, eomir of rtnnsfl^mmt* m<*»i and j£ltrtntk $tr$tI, By W. D. VALL4CU, Will be furred to subscriber* by carriers at 81 & AND a QUARTER CENTS, payable weekly lo the Agen: , pepetn served In packages at 37# . >nu per month. To mall subscribers the sub¬ scription prleeis THREE DOLLARS AND F1F- f YCENTS aywr im»4cai«<i,TWO DOLLARS (or six months, <tnd ONE DOLLAR for three months, for Ins ttaa tfcrne months at the rate of KM c«bU a week. icr single copies one cent. Wins AND TOUPEES. (MTIZENS AND STRANGERS ARK R E- J spectf.illy Informed that the best assortment of WIGS and TOUTF.KS are to be found at HEARD'S HAIR DRESSING ESTABLISH¬ MENT, and ^16 MANUFACTORY, Sixth st. National Hotel. Wigs and Toupees made on the shortest notice. Also, a pood assortment of Ladles Back Braids Just arrived from New York. doc 11.eo3m CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Members of congress, citizens and strange. wishing to supply themselves with superior garments, made to order, are Invited to examine our superior assortment of Doeskins, Cloth*. Casslmeres, Slik, Satin and Velvet Vest- a, all of which has been selected with an e*pe- vlsw to the wants of our customers, which we wlil make to measure In a manner Inferior to none, at much cheaper rates than the usual city prices. WALL A STEPHENS, US Pa. avenue, between ®th and loth streets. Also. 304 Pa. avenue, 3d door east of the Nattonal Hotel. Jan 23. ALL THE NEW BOOKS PUBLISHED received and Tor sale, at SHILLINGTON'S BOOKSTORE. Caspar, by the anthor of "Wide, Wide World." The M vsterlous Story Book, or the "Good Step Mother Lances of Lynwood, a new Juvenile book, by the author of the Heir of Redcliffe. Travels, Voyages, and Adventures of Gilbert Go- ahead. by reter Parley Mimic Life, by Mrs. Ritchie, formerly Mrs. Mo watt Widow Bed oft Papers The Hunter's Feast, or Conversation aronnd the Camp Flr«*. by Capt. Mayae Held, author of the Scalp Hunters Ten Years among the Mall Bag* Fanny Grey, a History of life In a series of sh beau tiful figures. the neatest and most delight¬ ful gift for children that wi- have soen. Blank Books and Stationery of every decorlp- tlon. at the lowest prloes, for sal? at SHILLlNGTON'S Stationery and Book E-tabllshroen', Otleoa Building cor. l'a. av. and 4# st. dec BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING WE HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED A large addition to onr usually extensive assortment of trst quality Boys' and Chlldrens' CLOTHINi*. whlcn we will offer to our custom¬ ers and the public at unusually low prloes. Our stock consists in part of. OVER COATS and TALMAS Fine cloth ROUNDABOUTS and JACKETS Fine and common PANTALOONS Silk. Satin, and Merino VKSTS White and colored SHIRTS UNDERSHIRT# and DRAWERS CAPS, SUSPENDERS HOSIERY, Ac , Ac. Making our stock of Boys' and Children's Clothing very large and complete. WALL A STEPHENS, 3£i Pa. avenue, bet. SHh and luth street, Jan ¦ ^ next to iron Hall. 44 AN EXCELLENT SHAVE.".TfalsTre- /*. mark was made by Mr. Jones after trying one of ray American Ramapo Razors. Others have said the same afltr using my Tally ho, or a Double Carbonized I XL. There are no tears shed while using one of these Razors G FRANCIS, dec 31 490 Sevntn st. GIFT bookstore: A GENERAL SELECTION OF STANDARD Gift and Miscellaneous BOOKS AND STATIONERY for sale at HILBL'S'S MUSIC DEPOT,cor¬ ner of Pa avenue and 11th street GREAT INDUCEMENT EVERY PURCHASER RECEIVES A GIFT. Each article is sold at the usual retail price; and for every dollar's purchase a seeded envelope is drawn by the buyr, containing tee name of some gift, which is presented on the spot Among the Gifts are Gold Watches, Jewelry, Music. Fancy and Toilet Articles, Ac H1LBUS MUSIC DEPOT, dec 8--tr Cornet Pa av and 11th st. MADAME DEVO5 FROM PARIS AND NEW YORK. Madame devos' millinery has ar- rtved, and is now opened for Inspection at THE LAKES, «Vb 501 Ftnnsy'.rnnii irmw, to which the attention of the ladles of \\ as Ling- too, Georgetown. Ac is respectfully Invited. Jan WARNER'S rOCKET REVOLVERS.. Small, s*e, and etl'ectlve Also, Allen's and Colt's Revolvers and single barrel Pistols. G. FRANCIS. dec 31. 4at) Seventh st. Bibles and prayer boors, in rich Velvet, Turkey Morocco, and plain binding Chlldrens' Books, the most extensive assort¬ ment to be found in the District. Miss Bunkley's Leaped Novice, price 91. Harper's Magazine for January Also, a large vsjrtment of Ivory and pearl handle PENKNIVES, PISTOLS of all kinds. For «ale by E. K LUNDY, dec No W Bridge st.. Geopgetow CHAFING DISHES. DISH COVERS, Soup Tareins. Soapstone Griddles, Plate Warmrrs. Game Roasters, Oyster Boilers. Slaw Cwtters. Ac Prices low. G. FRANCIS, 7th street IN ORDER TO REDUCE Ol'R STO< E 1 JREVlOl S TO RECEIVING OUR EX- I tensive Sprlog supplies, we shall commence to-day and continue until the 16th Instant to sill or* at c«fcT, for cash only, the following articles: All fancy plaid, brocade, and stripe Dress Silks Rich printed all -wool F rench Mousseline Delaines Handsome plain and plain Merinos and Coberg Cloths A large stock Cloak and Dress Trimmings and Ribands A good assortment liMig and square Brocha, Stalla, and plaid Cloth Shawls 25 ladies' rich Velvet. Moire Antique, Silk, and Cloth Cloaks, all of the newest style*, and must be sold ts close a consignment. Wt hart alt* jutt optnrd: A general assortment of fine and medium quality Shirting Cottons, all of the best class Klchadrsou and Barklle's Shirting Linens, war¬ ranted pure flax, ranging from 37)4 cts., to fl per yard 100 pieces small figured light colors English Cal- icow, at MJf cents .... 10V pieces assorted plaid Cambrics and Mosllcs, very cheap Id dosen fine stitched Linen Shirt Bosoms Kj pieces more of those rich lustre plain black Silks Fine Bombesins, Alpacas, and English Ciapew 2Adozen ladles' best Kid Gloves Silks and Cotton Hosiery All will be sold at fair low prices, and ail goods warranted as represented Purchasers are particularly Invited to call and examine for theuiseives before making their pur¬ chases e' sew he e. COLLEY A SEARS, No. M3 7th st , adjoining Dexter's Hotel. teb mtm. 33J H. SEMKEN, Jeweler, 330 Ptnmn se«s««, bttwetn 9r% and lOli llridi, ^A« R ECEI V ED OPEN ED THIS DAY magnlflcent aslor'namt of tine and rich imported JEWELRY, such as Flor¬ entine and Reman Mosaics, Italian Lavas and Corals, Garnets. Cameos, and a varl-4 ety of richly chafed Gold Jewelry or any deacrip tlon. the very latest styles Also, a new lot of toe London and Geneva WATCHES, warranted A Umekeei 'f^OR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS A splendid assortment of lne Silverware, Pitch¬ er*. Castors, Creams Goblets, Cups, Forks and Spoons, (sterling.) Fish, Cake and Pie Knives, B itter and Fruit Knlyesj Soap and Oyster Ladles, Preserve. Sugar and Cream Spoons, Salt Cellars, Napkin Rings, etc., etc. SILVER PLATED WARE, ON ALBATA. Castors. Baskets, Butterboats, lirne. Forks and Spoons - FANCY ARTICLE8. French Clocks, Dresden China Ornaments, In variety, Card Cases, Portmonuales, Cigar Ca^ea And also a large assortment of SPECTACLES In Gold. Silver and Steel Frames, to suit every eye and age; Eye Glasses, Congress Specs, and Opera 61 l[T We take pleasure In showing oar goods to alLwhether purchasers or net. All our goods are warranted as represented, and will be sold at the lowest possible price E Jewelry and Silverware made to order: r.d* remonnted; Gold Pens repolnted, and Engraving on Stone executed at short notice Chronometers and all kinds of |ne Watches and Mssi'-al Boies put In perfect order at short aotlce. H SEMKEN, Jeweler, XJO Pa. avenue, between 9th and luth its. dec NEW MUSIC received weekly at the Plaao Store of JOHN F ELLIS. Jan & EPERGNES AND PLATEAU. Large Plated Waiters, OYSTER TUREENS, Dishes, Cake Baskets, Bowls, Superior Cutlery, Silver Tea Sets, Pitchers, Waiter, MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY SAMUEL KIRK & SON, GOLD & SILVERSMITHS, 172 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Jan 31.lm JONAS F. LEVY, IMPOKTIK 1KB DIAL** IN WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAR8. AND FINK GROCERIES, General Commiaiion Forwarding Merchant IXSVKAXCB AND BILL BROKER, No. 471 Fa. av., two door» below IJ. S. Hotel, Washington Oity, D. C. N. B..Country Merchant*are rajuaeted to give nac a call before purchasing where. ©c J-ly MARRIAGE UCIDK. DR. YOUNG'S POCKET JESCULAPIU8; Or, Every Oae his own Physician: Being observations on marriage Medically and Philosophically considered, as MANHOOD'S EARLV DECLINE, with dl reotlons for Its perfect cure. Being a Confidential Silent Friend and Private Adviser; followed by Observations on the Treatment of Venereal Dis¬ eases. Oonnorrh'sa, Gleet, Strictures, Ac ; Illus¬ trated with Cases. Plates, and Diagram*, from Dr. YOUNG'S PRIVATE be consulted without exposure, and with assured Confidence of success.: Only 25 ccnts. For sale by the Agent, ALEX. AD AM SON, on Seventh st , opposite Post Olfice. dec. J4.3m» OHAUNCEY WARRINER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. AND DEALER IN FINE WATCHES JEW- ELRV and SILVER WARE, would respect¬ fully solicit the attention of those who desire a good article, to his choice variety of London, Oe- neva and Copenhagen WATCHES, selected with the view of time-keeping and durable qualities, for whl^h a suitable guarantee will be furnished those who purchase. GOLD SEALS. FOB and vest CHAINS, FINK JEWELRY, SILVLR SPOONS, GOB¬ LETS, CUPS, FORKS, *c., for sale at N. York price*. The Chronometer, Duplex, Lever, Cylinder, Repeating, Musical and other WATCHES re¬ paired Also, JEWELRY. Ac. No 379 Fa. avenue, between fith and 7th streets, Brown's Hotel Building, sign of the GOLDEN WATCH, Jan 2*.3m Washington, D. C. THE NEW BLUE BOOR, or Government Register 1^54, Just issued, giving the names, salaries, locations, &c , of all postmastersaad oth¬ er public officer* and agents, civil, military, and naval, In the service of the United States; with the aam'v forces, and condition of all shins and vessels belonging to the United States, ana when and where built; and the names and compensa¬ tion of all printers In any way employed by Cen- greas, or any department or officer of the Govern¬ ment. 1 octavo volume, price S3 50. Can be sent by mall to any part of the Unlte>l Siates For sale In Washington bv TAYLOR A MAURY, feb ft Booksellers, near ftth «t. THE CONTRACTOR'S BOOK.One larie folio volume, containing large colored wot! lng drawings of tools and machines, with bills of timber and Iron ; also tables and data for cost of earth and other works, by George Cole, Civil En- glner Price S5. Just published febi FRANCE TAYLOR. MORE NEW GOODS JOHN H. SMOOT, NO 119 SOUTH SIDE Bridge street, aear High, Georgetown, DC. has received an additional supply of Fall and Winter GOODS, making his assortment very complete In his stock will be found a first rate assort¬ ment of. Ladles' DreM Goods Black Moire Antique Silks Moire Antlaue Cloak and Dress Trimming* Rich striped aud Moire Antique Sash and Bonnet Ribbons Swiss and Cambric Bands, Collars and Sleeves Black and col'd Cloths, for Cl<«ik* Stella, Brocha and Bay State Shawls With a good assortment of the best makes Flan¬ nels, Blankets, and Dry Goods generally. My stork being d**1nable and chonppurchasers will iind it to their advantage to call before getting folly supplied. J. H. SMOOT. EOV 13-tf United States Pnteat Office, > Washington, Feb. 13. lH3fl. J ON THE PETITION OF MICHAEL B.DY- OTT, of Philadelphia, Pa , praying for the extension of a patent granted to him for an Im¬ provement in " Lamps for nwrfntlal oils," for seven years from the expiration of said patent which takes place on the thirtieth day of May, 1'356: Disordered that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office oa Monday, the 19th -day of May next, at l'i o clock m.; and all |>erM>ns are no'.lflea to appear and show cause, if any they have, why said petition ought not to be granted. Persons opiioslng the extension are required to tile in the Patent Offioa their objections, spar tally set forth in writing, at least twenty days before the 4ay of hearing : all testimony filed by either party to be used at the said hearing must be taken and transmitted In accordanre with the rules of whlrh will be furnished on application. The testimony in the case will be closed on the -th day of May, ls5C; depositions and other pa¬ pers relied npon as testimony must be filed In the offireon or before the morning of that day: the ar¬ guments. if any, within ten days thereafter Ordered, also, that this notice be published In the Union, Intelligencer and Evening Star, Wash¬ ington, D. C ; Republican, Baltimore Maryland ; Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia, Pa ; and Journal cf Commerce, New York, New York; once a week for three successive weeks previous to the l!>th day of May next, the day of bearing. CHARLES MASON, Commissioner of Patents. P. * .Editors of the above papers will please copy, and send their bills to the Patent Office, with a paper containing this notice, feb 14.law3w COLUMBIA MARKET, P*nmylv%ma avenut, corn-tr of Yiik It, 4 1HAKLES MALLARD HAS OPENED THE . y above place for the keeping and hale of Pork, Be-f, Mutton. Poultry, Butter, Larl, together with Game, Fruits and Vegetables in all its sea¬ sons. C M having had sixteen veers experience In a neighboring city, flatters himself that he will be able to keep a choice selection of PROVISIONS generally, and hopes, by moderate chnrgee and strict personal attention to the wants of his cus¬ tomers to merit a share of tne public patronage. Jan 23.2aw*Jm MY MARY AITnI " " J**j copies more just published at the Music aad Piano Store of JNO. F. ELLIS, 30# Pa. avenue, bet. 9ih and 10th sts. Jan ' MISS HEWITT'S FRENCH AENOLINH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 510 U itrnt, bttwttn \i\ and, Stk. Tiie second session of this in- stitution will commAice MONDAY, Febru¬ ary llth. For further particular* see circulars, to be had from Miss Hewitt, or at Farnham's aud Shilling- ton's Bookstores. feb 9-law STUART'S CANDIES. JUST RECEIVED, PER EXPRESS, ONE oas" of Stuart's celebrated STEAM CANDY, consisting of Sugar Plums, Vanilla Cream, and other kinds. »le at Z. M P. KING'S. *85 Vermont ivenae, corner 16th and 1 sts. aovM New books at taylor * maury'S. Dunlop's Digest of tfce Laws of the United States, i vol, oompiete, s? 50 Macaulay's England, 4 vols complete for SI leb o Bookstore, near 9th st, OFFICIAL* Trbast^i DsrARTMRNT, D«. 1, 1853. Notice Is hereby given to holders of stocks of the UnitedStates that this Department will pur¬ chase to the amount of £1,500 "00 of said stocks at any time when the nam# may be offered prior to the 1st day of J une next, and will pay therefor the following price*, to wK: For stock of the loan of 18W, a premium of ten per oent; for stock of the loans of 1047 and 1*46, a premium of sixteen per cent.; for stock Issued under the act of I960, commonly calied Texas-in¬ demnity stock, a premium of six per cent.; and for stock of the loan of 1SW, redeemable on the Hth November, 184«, If received at the Treasury prior to the 1st day of January next, a premium of 2# percent ; If received between the 1st Jan- nary and the 31st of March next, a premium of 8 per cent; and If received after the list of March and prior to said Lit of J une next, a premium of IX per cent. Interest will also be allowed on said stocks at the ratee specified In the certificates, from the 1st July last, If assigned with the principal of the certificate* received prior to the 1st of January- next After that date the Interest will be allowed In addition to the premium from 1st of January to the date of their receipt. In both cases one day's Interest will be allowed In addition for the money to reach the seller. Certificates transmitted to this Deportment un¬ der the present notice should be duly assigned to the United States (with the current half year's In¬ terest, if sent prior to the Is* of January next) by the party entitled to receive the purrhase money. Payment for these r locks will be mad® by drafts upen thcisslstant treasures at Boston, New York, or 1'hlladelphla, as the parties entitled to receive the money may direct. JAMES GUTHRIE, dec 3.dtjunel S;-cretary of the Treasury. SAV1NU OF ONE TON OF COAL IN THREE. « CALL AT SAVAGE'S, AND GET ONE OF his COAL SIFTERS and ASH TUBS, com¬ plete In one They are warranted to save at least thirty-three per cent., and can be used In the h*i*e. J. L. SAVAGE, Sign of the Gilt Saw, Penna av., febB-lw between 10th and 11thsts. APITHO.IY BITHL Y, UNDERTAKER, Shop and Residence No* 303 Feim. avenue, south side, between 9tti nud loth sts., Having provided himself with su ELEHAVT HE A USE, £^ . and all necessary conveniences forkw^» ¦« properly conduct ng hU- business, would respectfully inform the public that he is fully prepared to fill all orders entrusted to him, at the shortest notice, and in the best manner. A large supply of READY-MADE COFFINS of all sue*, always on hand, which will be fur¬ nished on the most reasonable terms. As heretofore, no pains will be spared to give entire *a lsfaciion on all occasions. N. B..Rcsid n" on the premises, orders will be promptly attended to at ail hours. feb 7-ly AOENCY OF TUK Kcvslone Insumire Co. of Philadelphia. ' Capital $300,000! \NNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ending January 1, 1856. Assets of the Company, consisting of Dords and Mortgage* on unencumbered real es¬ tate $110,(S<H 00 Stoc^sof other Corporations, worth par 25,620 00 ('ash on hand. 31,564 JO Bills receivable, consisting of Merine note* and short loans #3fi,943 70 Stock notes .....*.......1511,3545 Oo 51,339 «0 §219,430 » Whole receipt* for premiums during the year fll'2,5li Paid for losses and expenses during the year 71.138 04 1' M MOKI ARTY, President. J. MORRIS THOMPSON, Secretary. Risks changed from other companies to this No charge for policy fee. Enquire at the office of J E. Kendall, over K. Morrow's Exchauge Office, flr»t door st of W. B.Todd's hat store on Pennsylvania avenue. feb 7 ..Jin DAVID MYERLB, Agent OOOD INVESTMENT. WE HAVE FOR SALE THE FOLLOW- lng Bonds and other Securities, which will yield the hold- r ten to twelve per cent on the In¬ vestment, viz: Orange and Alexandria Rail Bonds VIrguiia and Tennessee do Illinois Internal I mp't Bonds of 1817. The above securities are unquestionably safe SWEENY, RITTEN HOUSE, FANT A CO., Jan 'J4.1 m Bankers, 3351 Pa avenue. COFFIN WAHEROOn. tie. J WILLIAM PLAN! A CO., SNDERVA- . RERS. reaidcnce41U 8e»?nlh ___ ¦treet, bfHvr«.-n G and H st-oets Interment*pr<vu'rdlnanygro.ind »rcemetery. CoAn.*, Caps, Shaouds, Carriages. Hearse, and every article for Interment* at the best quality furnished at ehort notice, on the met reasonable terms, and st all hours of the night. Having the exclusive right of Crump's Patent Corpse Pretterver. we guarantee to keep the dead for any length of tlae. Jy WILL LEAVE SHORTLY. MADAME H. respectfully Informs the nubile In general; that she will yive Informa¬ tion in all the Atthlr* relating to Life, He>alth, Wealth, Marrtaxes. Love. Journeys, Suits, Difficulties in Business, Ar-sent Friends, Sickness and Death, and In respect to all other subjects. She Is, also, able to tell the ages of persons by reading numbers. She can be consulted at aO hours of the day and evening. Her name Is on the No. 285 13th street corner of D, on the left hand side. Gentlemen 50 cents and ladles *J5. feb 4. ^w* 1IAOUEKKEOTYP1NO BY A LADY. MRS a. C. REDMOND HAVING ADDED to her new rooms a beautiful Skylight, and engaged an Assistant Operator, (one or the be*t In the District,) she intenas not to have her Pictures excelled, if equalled, in the United States. PIC¬ TURES pu. up In Embossed Cases for Fifty Cents, such as are usually sold elsewhere for one dollar. Particular attention paid to Copying Deguerre- otvpes, Oil Paintings, Ac., Ac. Mrs. R. solicits the patronage of the Ladles par¬ ticularly. inr Rooms.401 Seventh street, west side, be¬ tween H and I. Jan il-tf S. P HOOVKH, Iron Hall Beet, Shoe and Trnok Establish¬ ment, I HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED FOR LA- dles', Gent*', Misses', and Children's.jfca SNOW OVER SHOES, Gum Boots.J Gosslmer and Sandals Also, Buckskin' lined Shoes, double sole and water-proof Boots, all of which I will sell low for cash. All In want please call and examine for your¬ selves. <8 P HOOVER, Iron Hall, bet. 9th and loth sts., Pa. av. Jan 10 tiLOCKN, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. J GOLD WATCHES from *23 to 8150 SILVER WATCHES from S9 to *35 CLOCKS from SI '£> to *15 Watches and Jewelry at wholesale and retail, at J ROBINSON'S, 319 Pa. avenue, opposite Browns' Hotel. N, B..Cash advances on Watches to be sold at Auction. jan 25. lm W ASH I not ON CITY MUSIC STORE. WE BEG TO ASSURE OUR NUMEROUS friends they wUl find our stock of Music to be the largest and moet varied in this city, to which weare constantly ma king additions. New Music received every week. Also, Instruction Books for Piano, Guitar, Violin, Accordeon, Ban¬ jo and Flute. Music Paper. Bows, Peg*, Rosin, and a general assortment or Musical Instruments JOHN F. ELLIS, 3W1 Pa. avenoe, bet. »th and loth sU. feb *-tf valentines: valentines*. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF COMIC A and Sentimental VALENTINES, wholesale and retail JOHN F ELLIS, 3Uf Pa. avenue, betw. 0th and 10th sts. feb 11-tf BALLS. &c. Printers' Anniversary BalL rpii E C OMMITTKK A P POINTBD TO . mj*'e the necessary arrangements res per ti nil v make known to their friend* and the public that their Annual Ball will fake place at the WASH- lN(ilON ASSEMBLY ROOMS, on February .5 L ' w^en Uiey assure their frleiids that It will l>e their endeavor to make this Ball the best of the sea on. The furnishing arrangement will be under the superintendence of an experienced caterer Gentlemen wishing Invitation card* sent to la¬ dles will hand tholr irnme*. with residencies, to one of the Executive Committee. Tickets TWO DOLLARS; admitting a gen¬ tleman and ladies, to be had of any ol the com¬ mittee. Mantiqirs nt Large Hon J T Towwi Win T<nrnr«t»r J>i« V Dirti Hon WW Snaton J H Cuiiutnfhum (' Wendell Bin P«l«r roim K McSmhtn; H T olkltihorn ¦"u KCW«ljUtui»n QwC'ochnn CO K1 jifer A O Seaman T W Howard O 8 Qldaou W Woodward M Caton J 8 Oallaber C AltunVr J Seanford, jr CW Dnnnlngton h It Robinson K A Water* WW Moore I.em Towers W O Moore John Dow!log J L (Jamb Oao w Ox-bran J B Tate B J Pollard O Whlttlnfrton Jameo T Prrxuifleld Janx** Wfm«r SI.nmU.rn J t Halliday H W Claxt-.u K 8 Cropley. Invitation and Reception Committee .(White Rosette ) V Qlenroy Win Harvey Geo W Schryrer J Br,\r*n Qao Cutoa Anlrew NQinifl FJ Waters c f«eve* Oscar Kapler John Lareomba .r Mattlngly K J Klopfer Oli ta I Canflatd J llnrley HavM Wlber .( H Cuii:il»gtiam F M ItetweUer Cl.aa S<-hell John Judge A J K.Muron Alfred HUaw Jaa-e Ju-I$e IM Grlflln J II n»tine*»on P Hodlar !{ H Mlddlafvi Oeo R>iren»on W H I)»nnw«on K Onus J-lin Melaou. Committee on Refreshments..(Tri-colored Ro¬ sette.) Wm K Me .re C ¥ Lo-vrvy Baiul Robertson. B C Wright (leo Dtivall Floor M'mag'.rs.- (Red Rosette.) Win T. Jones F I>or«ett 'Wni Towers. Jr. C V Phelps J T Slcholeon Executive Committee..(Blue Rosette ) Win Wood war J r liOlK'tt Will « Mrl.»»u S OnlTerwell J M Cunningham H Boweii J«as4Jit<l«e BonJ C Wrtght Cbss D McPher^on. J T Haileck feb 13-wit E U BEKAr THE SECRET DISCOVERED. Gibbs's Vegetable Balsam FOR RESTOttAIlOS OF THE HAIR. IT REMOVES SCURF AND DANDRUFF, and cures all Disease* of the Scalp The discovery of this Invaluable remedy was brought about by the ample opportunities l.'s in¬ ventor has had in the course of twenty years' ex¬ perience of testing the vexatious and disappoint¬ ing effects of almost every other article of the kind unon the human hesd and having succeeded in producing a wash which hundreds of the ctM- 7,ens «f Washington are ready to testify as unfail¬ ing in Its results, it is recommended to the public with a full conviction of its permanent and beau¬ tifying eflects. both as a strengthener and a restor¬ ative, while It is warranted In all eases to ?^op the hair from falling out. For sale wholesale and retail at J H. GIBBS' Hair Dressing Establish¬ ment, Willards' Hotel, and at his Hair Manufac¬ tory. 308 Penn avenue, between *J:h and 10th sts. feb 11.eolm» SENATORS, Mr'.HBKHS OF CONURESS, STRANGERS, AND CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON, Are hereby Notified that tar GREAT SALE OF BOOKS, A.Nl) GIVING A SrLfc.NDID fKBSt.l T To each purchaser, will continue until SATURDAY, Feb. lblh, AyU POSITIVELY NO LONGER E PROPOSE TO SELL A LARGE stock of Standard and Mlsr.ellaneous Literature within that time, and give to the purchasers more than half of the amount of money invested in the shape of Elegant Presents, varying in value from £j cents to SHt). Our stock consists in part of Encyclopedia Americana, 11 volumes Jefferson's \Vork*(cloth A half calf) 9 volumes Webster's Works (Library) 6 do lrving's Works (library and cloth) 15 do Bancroft's History U S , 6 do National Encyclopedia. G do English do Knights, \ do Shakspeare In 1, 4. or S do Waveriy Novels,'27 do Hnines' Philosophical Works, 1 do Humes'History of England, n do Macaulay's do do 4 do DeQulncy's Works, lb do Hon Levi Woodbury 's Works, 3 do Chambers' Information for the People, 2 do Clark's Commentaries, 4 do Statesman's Manual, complet«, 3 do Dr. Ures' Dictionary, 2 do Ttios Dick's Works. 2 or 5 do British Essayist, 3 do Also, Rose Clark, Widow Bedott Papers Crotchets arid Quavers, Phaniiiaiia, Ac. All of which are offered fvr sale by the Wash¬ ington Book Company. H7"See Red Flag and Gift Book Store, wnder Dexter's Hotel. feb 5-If GUTTA PERUHA TEETH. rilHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN IN A the habit of sending eur patrons to Dr COS* BY, formerly of Richmond, Virginia, for Den¬ tal operations for a number of years, and take pleasure In recommending blui to the citi¬ zens of Washington as the be*t tooth extractor and dental operator that we have ever met with lie Inserts teeth upon every plan that is practised in the United State*. Weo P. Tloldmaa. M D. B W. Towlea, M D. A. V. rayne. M U, UDS John F. Miller. M 0. Jamee Bryant, M D G. K. ChanibarltD, M. P., DM, O. II. Harris, M D. Bamael P. Brown, M. D. Wytlie Tiueley, M D B M. Franciaco, M. D. Offlee over Ford A Bro.'s, No. 290. corner of 11th street and Pa avenue. nov r. ObTTA PERUHA TEETH. DR O. MUNSON, AT 31» PA. AVENUE, Is mounting Teeth on a Gutta, Percha Base Also, with Allen's pat¬ ent continuous Gum, combining beeu-v ty, strength and cleanliness. Dr. M. Is determined to keep race with every improvement In Dentistry, and will strive to please and profit hla patrons. rivkrxmci: P. D Gnrley, D D. Hon R II Glllet, J. G. Blnney, D D. Hon. 8 A Douglas, B Sunderland, D.D Dr R P Patterson, H R Schoolcraft, Esq. Dr. R H Coolidge, Hon. C Mason, Dr. Thomas Miller, Hon. A O P Nicholson, And the Medical Faculty of Georgetown Col¬ lege. uov £?.tf MILLIM ER Y.IV11LLIN t R Y. MADAME VEVOS'S Millinery, bonnets, head DRESSES, CAPS, COFFI EUR S.Ac. Ac., still at THE LAKES, 5t4 Penna. avenue, near Adams' Express. Ladles may be suited to their tas e* with the latest and most fashionable MILL1N ERY,direct from Madame Devos's principal establishments, at New York and Paris. Madame Devos's Milli¬ nery needs no lecommend&tion from us, as its ex¬ cellence is known and appreciated In Europe and America, and will upon inspection speak for It¬ self. Call at THE LAKES and *ee. feb 12 W' BUY AND SELTj FOREIGN AND D0ME8TIC EXCHANGE; FURNISH DRAFTS On all Parts of United States and Europe COLLECT DRAFTS On all parts of United States and Europe; DRAW BILLS ON IRELAND FOR XI OR UPWARDS BUY AND SELL BONDS, STOCKS, A OTHER SHCUR1TIK9; NEGOTIATE TIME PAPER. Investment paying 10 ^ and ever, for sale. LAND WA RRANTS We are at all times Purchasing, and have for Sale. L AND W AR R AN TS of aU denorol nationa. Land Warrants located In Iowa, Wisconsin, or Minnesota. CHUBB BROTHERS, Jan 23-if Bankers, opposite the Treasury. HATS!.HATS! NK"W YORK WINTER STYLES OF Beebe, Leanr, Genln, with other fash- lonablc Gentlemen's Dreea RATS, a full and complete assortment at LANE'S Hat, Cap And Bent's Fturn. Store, 4*1 p«. aveaue. dec MACAULY'S HISTORY OF ENQLANO, vol 3d, this day received. )*»» FRANCK TAYLOR. EVENING STAR. A FIRST-KATE LOVE STORY Annie had arrived at the mature aze of (do not start, reader,! twenty-seven, and yet a state uf single blessedness. or other she bad net fallen in lo?e yet *' Had -he o < offers'" What a simple question ' Did you ever know half a million of dollars to go a hog¬ ging ? Offer?? Yen, scores of them It may be accounted as one of yvur oddities, perhaps. But whenever the subject happen to be touch¬ ed upon by hor father, Annie would say that she wanted some one who oould love her for herselt and she must have assurance of thir, and how could she in her present positioa ' Thus matters stood, whan Annie was led to form and execute what will appear a very strange resolution . but she was a resolute girl We must now g<> back six yeara One dark, rainy morning in November, as our old friend was looking composedly at the cheerful fire in the grate of his counting room really indulging in tuuic serious reflections on the past and future, the tar future, too, a gen¬ tleman presented himself and enquired for Mr. Breman. The old gentleman uttered n< t a word but merely bowed. There was that in his looks whieh said. 4,I am he." The stranger might been fomo thirty years or so of age lie wan dressed in blaok, a mourning weed was on his hat, and there was something in his appcaranco which seemed to indicate that his friend whose lo«a lie deplored had recently departed The letter of intro¬ duction which he presented to Mr. Ll was quickly, yet carefully perused, and as it was somewhat unique, wo shall take the liberty of submitting it to the inspection of the reader: " , 11 mo.,.. "Friend Paul.This will introduce to thee friend Charles Copeland. lie has come to thy city in pur«uit of business. I have known him frem a youth up. Thou mayst depend upon him for aught that he can do, and shall not lean aa on a broken reed. If thou canH do anything forhim thou pcralventure benefit thyself, and cause to rejoice. 44 Thy former and present friend. 4'MiC'AJi Looms." 44 It is not every one who can get old Mioah Loomis's endorsement on his character," said Paul Brcman to himself, as he folded up the letter of the well Luowa associate of the form¬ er days. 14 Old Micah is good for a quarter of a mil¬ lion, or anything will do.I want him.getting old, business increasit g.must have as well as any time The oil gentleman looked all this as he stood g.ning in f>crfcct silence on tho man be- toro him. At length he opened his lips 4> Mr. C- pel and, you know all about book.-?"' 4,I have nad some year's experience." 44 Any objections to a place hero'.pretty close.thousand a year." i 4* None in the world." 44 When can you begin ?" "Now!" A real 3mile shone up<«n the old man's facc. It lingered there like the rays of the setting sun among the clouds of evening, lighting up those seemingly hard, dark features. A stool was pushed to the new comer, books where opened, matters explained, directions given, th« pen was dipped in the ink, and in short, bef'-re an hour had passed away, you would have thought that the old man and the young man had known each other for years In reference to our new lriend, it will be sufficient to remark that he had been liberal¬ ly educated, as tho phrase goes, and though he had entered business early, he had not neglactod the cultivation of his mind and heart, lie had found time to cherish a gen- eral acquaintance with the most noteworthy authors of the day, both literary and religi- tus, and with many »f past times After a few years of success in the pursuits to which he nad devoted himself, misfortunes camo thick and fart upou him. lie found himself left with scarcely any property, and alone in the world, savo bis two lovely daughters. As year after year passed away he grew steadily in the confidence of his employer, who felt, though bo Said it not, that in him he pos¬ sessed a treasure. Very little, indeed, was said by either of not connected with the routine i»f business, and there had been no intercourse whatever be. tween them, save in the counting room. Thus six y< ars wtut by, towards the close of wuieh period old Mr. Breman was found looking with much frequency and earnestness at the young man before hiin. Something was evidently brewing in that old head. What oould it bo? And then too, at homo he looked so curiously. The Iiish servant was puttied, "Sure," James, 44somothitig s a coming. Annie, too. was somewhat peiplexed, for those looks dwelt much on her. '4 What is it, father ?" she said to him one mornii:g at the breakfast table, as be sat ga zing steadfastly in her face , what is it7 Do tell mo." 441 wish you d have him," burst forth like an avalancne. Ku<>wn him for eix years. true as a ledger.a gentleman.real sensible man.don t talk much.regular as a clock- prime for business.worth his weight in gold '' *. llave who, father ' What are talking about ?" ,4 My bend clerk, don't know him.I do.haven't seen anybody else worth an old quill." Annie was puzzled. She laughed, however, and said : 44 Humbug, child, all humbug.worth forty of your whiskered, lounging, lazy gentry : say what they please; what do I care ? what do you carer what's money after all? got enough of it.want a sensible man.want somebody to take care of it; all humbug " 44 What's all humbug, father ?" 44 Why, people's notions on thoso matters. Copelacd is was I onoe.may be again ; world s full of changes.seen a great many of them in my days.can't stay here to leave you Annie.wished you d like him." 44 Serious, child !" And he looked so. Annie was a chip of tho old block.a strong minded, resolute girl. A new idea seemed to strike hor. 44 Father, if you are roally serious in this matter 1 11 see this Copeland , 111 ^et acquain¬ ted with him. If he likes me and 1 like him, I'll haro him But he shall love me for my¬ self alono : I must know it. Will you leavo the matter to mc '" 44 Go ahead my child, and do as you like Uood morning." 44 Stop a mouiout, father. I shall alter my name a little ; I shall appoar to bo a poor girl, a companion of our friend, Mrs. Richards, in II street; she shall know the whole affair, yon shall call me by my middle name Peyton ; I shall be a relative of yours, you shall sug¬ gest the business to Mr. Copeland, as you call niin, and arrange for the first inlervicw. The rest will take care of itself. 441 see, I see," and one of those rare smiles illuminated his whole faco. It actually got between his lips, parted them asunder, glanced upon a set of teeth but little the worse for wear, and was resting there when he left the bouse for his counting-room. The twilight of that smile was not yet gone when he reached the well known spot, and bowed and looked 44 good morning" to those in his employ, for frda Paul was, after his fashion, a polite man On the morning of that day what looks were directed to our friend Charles! so many, so peculiar, so full of something, that the nead clerk could not but nutice them, and that too with some alarm. What was coming? At last the volcano burst forth : ,4 Copeland, my good fellow, why don't you get a wife Had a thunderbolt fallen at his leet he could not have been more astonished. Did M t. Bre¬ man say that, and in the counting-room, too' The very ledger seemed to blush at the intro¬ duction- of such % subject. He f>r the fiwt time made a blol on the fair page before him- THE WEEKLY 8TA&. Wkk exoeifeat Fiwir U4 WlUKlpiitovirlMTenMMtliiftaiii mm ha foua4 ta Uf Wagle eopy, m iuib M Ftvc aadIm ** n"» 2 Wwanty oopiea "I!!'",;;" 07" OaBB, IRfilUHT IW ilTtMl ITT" (tn wrtppff^ OM toaror* .I the eouuter. iouDTCllatHy afic* ia«M trf m. piper Pile©. Tbbbb Canta. Po«THilTBBI WbOBOt BBBfOTflB WtU b comnilMlon of twenty per cent P " I f»j-whj don't yoa get a wife ? Know just the thing for article.p«»oi enough to be cure . wh»t or that.a fortune in ® w|fe, you kn-'W.a sort of relation of mine. 'ion t w»nt to meddle with other people'* Miaira know your own buaiuees beat.obti t noip th taking yoo li be happier.tnuat *. N«w the faot ia that Charles had for some time j.aat thought ao himself; bnt how the o d man should ao completely dirine hia feelings waa 4uite a pu«.le to hlo* In the coin* of S(,7/.D0UV,1p#t 'nto Mr Bremen . f i J Irish .errant, the eonte.if «t which produced pother grim aort of a amile U tien the moment for hia return home arrived, Mr. B handed a sealed document of rather imposing form to Charle*. aaying : ,K< kCd.Ptff,°U 11 obl,g* mm bJ *»*ing that at No. »>7, II atreet Place it only in the hands of theaters >n to whom it is directed .don't want to traat it to any one ela* " The clerk aaw on the outside. Mra Rich¬ ards, No t>7, II street. The door bell waa rung The servant ushered Copeland into a »>mall neat parlor, where fat a lady apparently twenty-five or thirty years of age. plainly Iretsed, eng<ged in knitting a stocking. Our friend bowed and inquired for Mra Richards " She ia not in, but expected presently . will you be seated >" There was an ease and quietneas, and an air of self-command about thia person which s«emed peculiar to Copeland. He felt at ease at ence. (you always do with such p* >p1e > male some common place remark. whi> h waa immediately responded to; then another, and *oon the conversation grew ao interesting that .Mrs Richard* was nearly forgotten lier ab- ^nae was strangely protracted, but at length «he made her appearance. The document was presented. A glance at the outtide. "Mr Copeland.' Charles bowed. " Mias Peyton " The young lady b >wod. And thus they were introduced There wa« no particular reason for remaining any longer, and our friend took his departure That night Annie said to Mr B , "I like his appearance, father." '. forward.march," said old Pa«l, and he looked at his daughter with vaat satisfaction. " The old man's as swate to-night as a new potato," said James to the cook. The next day Charles Copeland cams Tcry near writing, wsveral times." lo Mica Pey¬ ton, Dr," as he was making out aome bilD of merchandise sold. '. Delivered the paper last eveninj"' Copelind bowed ^ "Mrs Richards is an old friend.humble in circumstances ; tho young lady Peyt- n w ,rth her weight in gold any day.have her my*ll if 1 could." '. IIow much you rcminl me of Mr. lire man,' said Charles one evening to Annie ; .' I thi.ik y.-u ;aid v .u were a relation of hia " I am related to him through my mother,'' was the grave reply Mrs Richards turned away to conceal a smile. Somewhat later than usual on that day Annie reached her father's hou«e There waa no mistaking the expres<-i.»a of her coame nance. Happiness was very plainly writtea there " I see. I soe," said the old man ; 41 the ar count is cl >3ed.books balanced.have it all through now iu short order. You are a aensi ble foolish puss-iun what I wish. bless you child, bless you The next day Paul came, for almost the first time xn his life, rather late to hia cunt i!ig-rr>.,m Casks and boxes seemed to be starting with wonder. "Copeland. you arc a fine fellow.hearl from Mrs. Richards. proposal to my relation . Peyton.all right.done up well Come to my house this evening.never been there yet *h 7.eight o'clock precisely.want to see y something to say ' " How much interest tie seems to take in this matter," ^aid Charles " He s a kind old fellow in his way; a little rough, but good at heait ' \es, Mr Charles Copeland, even kinder than you think for. At 8 o'clock precisely the doer bell of Mr. BrcmaH a mansion rung. Mr. Charlea C pe- la&d waa ushered in by friend Jamea <><d Paul took him kind!y by the hand, and turn¬ ing around abruptly, introduced him to " My daughter, Mies Annie Peyton Bremen, and immediately withdrew. " Charles, you will f. rgive me this V He was too muoh astonished to make any reply. "If you knew all mv motives and feelings I am sure you would That the motivos and feelings were s »»n ex¬ plained to his entire satisfaction no oue will doubt. .'Copeland, my dear fellow,''thouted old Paul, as h<» entered tho room, " no use iu long engageuieat "Oh father!" "No use, laay; married now.get ready atterwards; next Monday evening' whooare*' Want it over; feel settled. Shan t part with A' nie, though, must bring your wite here, house rather lonosome ; he still, no worda , must ha\ o it so , partner in buainesa , Bremen A Copeland ; got the papers all drawn up to¬ day ; cau't alter it Be quiet will you , Won't stay in the room T" 1 havo now finished my story, reader. 1 have given vou the facts. I cannot s»y, how . ever, that 1 approve of the deception prao ticed upon our friend Charles A*, however, our Lord commended the " unjust steward be¬ cause he acted wisely," so I suppose the K».d 8' iise shown by the young lady in choosing a husband for the pake of what he waa, and not for the sake of what he might have poaaeso 1, merits our approbation. It is not every one who has m >ral courage enough to step out of the circle which surrounds the wealthy, and seeks for those qualities of mind and heart which the purse can neither give nor take away. William Howard Rus*el, the Crimean corre.*pondent of the London Times, ha< be¬ come quite popular in Karope by his reports. He is the Son of a merchant in Dublin, born in 1S16, and after having received a superior education, he studied law aud i>raciiaed aa an attorney in Dublin and London, where he made his first essays as an author, and be¬ came soon a favorite reporter of the Times. Tne Morning P.4t succeeded in attaching him to its staff for a time by brilliant offers, but he soon returned to the Times, and was always employed in matters requiring an lmpresaire ana enthusiastic style of writing. At the outbreak of the present war he went as spe¬ cial correspondent for the Times to the Crimea, where he has since remained, without inter ruption. excepting for a short period when he was at Sherapia. His reports iroin the camp have been the delight of all true friends of Kngland, because thev expoaed the misman¬ agement wf the War Department in the most uusparing manner. Bat, on the other hanJ, they work the best results for the brave sol¬ diers of the Eist; for, without bis indefatiga¬ ble and eloquent expoaition of their wrongs, they would never havo been redreased. It ia natural, therefore, that Rusael should be aa he is a great favorite with the soldiers. Rusael has been an ocoa#ionaloontrib«tor to Dickens's Household W#rks, and Bentley's Miscellanies. |y One of the superstitions of France is, that B fire kindled by lightning cannot be ex¬ tinguished, and he who attempts to extinguish it will die within the Tear. The Mayor of a country village lately had to argue with hia constituent* on the subject during the confla¬ gration af a barn. He could only prevail upon ten men to assist hii^f in pouring os wa¬ ter. The Insurance Company interested made a present of five francs to each af thoee ten men tor having arisen above the pvejoAioes of ignorance and an inadequate eduoation-

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(EXCEPT SO NilA V.)At IM Simt B*ild%*gs, eomir of rtnnsfl^mmt*

m<*»i and j£ltrtntk $tr$tI,By W. D. VALL4CU,

Will be furred to subscriber* by carriers at 81 &AND a QUARTER CENTS, payable weeklylo the Agen: , pepetn served In packages at 37#. >nu per month. To mall subscribers the sub¬scription prleeis THREE DOLLARS AND F1F-fYCENTS aywr im»4cai«<i,TWO DOLLARS(or six months, <tnd ONE DOLLAR for threemonths, for Ins ttaa tfcrne months at the rate ofKM c«bU a week.icr single copies one cent.


(MTIZENS AND STRANGERS ARK R E-J spectf.illy Informed that the best assortment

of WIGS and TOUTF.KS are to be found atHEARD'S HAIR DRESSING ESTABLISH¬MENT, and ^16 MANUFACTORY, Sixth st.National Hotel.Wigs and Toupees made on the shortest notice.Also, a pood assortment of Ladles Back Braids

Just arrived from New York. doc 11.eo3m


Members of congress, citizensand strange. wishing to supply themselves

with superior garments, made to order, are Invitedto examine our superior assortment of Doeskins,Cloth*. Casslmeres, Slik, Satin and Velvet Vest-

a, all of which has been selected with an e*pe-vlsw to the wants of our customers, whichwe wlil make to measure In a manner Inferior tonone, at much cheaper rates than the usual cityprices. WALL A STEPHENS,US Pa. avenue, between ®th and loth streets.

Also. 304 Pa. avenue, 3d door east of the NattonalHotel. Jan 23.


BOOKSTORE.Caspar, by the anthor of "Wide, Wide World."The M vsterlous Story Book, or the "Good Step

MotherLances of Lynwood, a new Juvenile book, by the

author of the Heir of Redcliffe.Travels, Voyages, and Adventures of Gilbert Go-

ahead. by reter ParleyMimic Life, by Mrs. Ritchie, formerly Mrs. Mo

wattWidow Bedoft PapersThe Hunter's Feast, or Conversation aronnd the

Camp Flr«*. by Capt. Mayae Held, author ofthe Scalp Hunters

Ten Years among the Mall Bag*Fanny Grey, a History of life In a series of sh

beau tiful figures. the neatest and most delight¬ful gift for children that wi- have soen.Blank Books and Stationery of every decorlp-tlon. at the lowest prloes, for sal? at

SHILLlNGTON'SStationery and Book E-tabllshroen', Otleoa

Building cor. l'a. av. and 4# st. dec 31.tfBOYS' WINTER CLOTHING

WE HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED Alarge addition to onr usually extensive

assortment of trst quality Boys' and Chlldrens'CLOTHINi*. whlcn we will offer to our custom¬ers and the public at unusually low prloes.Our stock consists in part of.

OVER COATS and TALMASFine cloth ROUNDABOUTS and JACKETSFine and common PANTALOONSSilk. Satin, and Merino VKSTSWhite and colored SHIRTSUNDERSHIRT# and DRAWERSCAPS, SUSPENDERS HOSIERY, Ac , Ac.Making our stock of Boys' and Children'sClothing very large and complete.

WALL A STEPHENS,3£i Pa. avenue, bet. SHh and luth street,

Jan ¦^

next to iron Hall.44 AN EXCELLENT SHAVE.".TfalsTre-/*. mark was made by Mr. Jones after tryingone of ray American Ramapo Razors. Othershave said the same afltr using my Tally ho, or aDouble Carbonized I XL. There are no tears shedwhile using one of these Razors

G FRANCIS,dec 31 490 Sevntn st.

GIFT bookstore:


AND STATIONERY for sale atHILBL'S'S MUSIC DEPOT,cor¬ner of Pa avenue and 11th street

GREAT INDUCEMENTEVERY PURCHASER RECEIVES A GIFT.Each article is sold at the usual retail price; andfor every dollar's purchase a seeded envelope is

drawn by the buyr, containing tee name of somegift, which is presented on the spot Among theGifts are Gold Watches, Jewelry, Music. Fancyand Toilet Articles, Ac

H1LBUS MUSIC DEPOT,dec 8--tr Cornet Pa av and 11th st.


Madame devos' millinery has ar-rtved, and is now opened for Inspection at

THE LAKES,«Vb 501 Ftnnsy'.rnnii irmw,

to which the attention of the ladles of \\ asLing-too, Georgetown. Ac is respectfully Invited.Jan

WARNER'S rOCKET REVOLVERS..Small, s*e, and etl'ectlve Also, Allen's

and Colt's Revolvers and single barrel Pistols.G. FRANCIS.

dec 31. 4at) Seventh st.

Bibles and prayer boors, in richVelvet, Turkey Morocco, and plain binding

Chlldrens' Books, the most extensive assort¬ment to be found in the District.Miss Bunkley's Leaped Novice, price 91.Harper's Magazine for JanuaryAlso, a large vsjrtment of Ivory and pearl

handle PENKNIVES, PISTOLS of all kinds.For «ale by E. K LUNDY,dec No W Bridge st.. Geopgetow

CHAFING DISHES. DISH COVERS,Soup Tareins. Soapstone Griddles, Plate

Warmrrs. Game Roasters, Oyster Boilers. SlawCwtters. Ac Prices low. G. FRANCIS,


1 JREVlOl S TO RECEIVING OUR EX-I tensive Sprlog supplies, we shall commenceto-day and continue until the 16th Instant to sillor* at c«fcT, for cash only, the following articles:All fancy plaid, brocade, and stripe Dress SilksRich printed all -wool F rench Mousseline DelainesHandsome plain and plain Merinos and Coberg

ClothsA large stock Cloak and Dress Trimmings and

RibandsA good assortment liMig and square Brocha, Stalla,

and plaid Cloth Shawls25 ladies' rich Velvet. Moire Antique, Silk, and

Cloth Cloaks, all of the newest style*, andmust be sold ts close a consignment.

Wt hart alt* jutt optnrd:A general assortment of fine and medium quality

Shirting Cottons, all of the best classKlchadrsou and Barklle's Shirting Linens, war¬

ranted pure flax, ranging from 37)4 cts., to flper yard

100 pieces small figured light colors English Cal-icow, at MJf cents


10V pieces assorted plaid Cambrics and Mosllcs,very cheap

Id dosen fine stitched Linen Shirt BosomsKj pieces more of those rich lustre plain black

SilksFine Bombesins, Alpacas, and English Ciapew2Adozen ladles' best Kid GlovesSilks and Cotton Hosiery

All will be sold at fair low prices, and ail goodswarranted as representedPurchasers are particularly Invited to call and

examine for theuiseives before making their pur¬chases e'sewhe e. COLLEY A SEARS,

No. M3 7th st , adjoining Dexter's Hotel.teb


H. SEMKEN, Jeweler,330 Ptnmn se«s««, bttwetn 9r% and lOli llridi,

^A« RECEI V ED OPEN ED THIS DAYmagnlflcent aslor'namt of tine and

rich imported JEWELRY, such as Flor¬entine and Reman Mosaics, Italian Lavasand Corals, Garnets. Cameos, and a varl-4ety of richly chafed Gold Jewelry or any deacriptlon. the very latest styles Also, a new lot oftoe London and Geneva WATCHES, warranted

AUmekeei'f^OR CHRISTMAS PRESENTSA splendid assortment of lne Silverware, Pitch¬

er*. Castors, Creams Goblets, Cups, Forks andSpoons, (sterling.) Fish, Cake and Pie Knives,B itter and Fruit Knlyesj Soap and Oyster Ladles,Preserve. Sugar and Cream Spoons, Salt Cellars,Napkin Rings, etc., etc.SILVER PLATED WARE, ON ALBATA.Castors. Baskets, Butterboats, lirne. Forks and

Spoons -

FANCY ARTICLE8.French Clocks, Dresden China Ornaments, In

variety, Card Cases, Portmonuales, Cigar Ca^eaAnd also a large assortment of

SPECTACLESIn Gold. Silver and Steel Frames, to suit everyeye and age; Eye Glasses, Congress Specs, andOpera 61l[T We take pleasure In showing oar goods to

alLwhether purchasers or net.All our goods are warranted as represented, andwill be sold at the lowest possible priceE Jewelry and Silverware made to order:r.d* remonnted; Gold Pens repolnted, andEngraving on Stone executed at short noticeChronometers and all kinds of |ne Watches andMssi'-al Boies put In perfect order at short aotlce.H SEMKEN, Jeweler,XJO Pa. avenue, between 9th and luth its.dec

NEW MUSIC received weekly at the PlaaoStore of JOHN F ELLIS.Jan &

EPERGNES AND PLATEAU.Large Plated Waiters,

OYSTER TUREENS,Dishes,Cake Baskets,

Bowls,Superior Cutlery,Silver Tea Sets,Pitchers,




Jan 31.lmJONAS F. LEVY,


GROCERIES,General Commiaiion Forwarding MerchantIXSVKAXCB AND BILL BROKER,No. 471 Fa. av., two door» below IJ. S. Hotel,Washington Oity, D. C.N. B..Country Merchant*are rajuaeted to give

nac a call before purchasing where.©c J-ly


DR. YOUNG'S POCKET JESCULAPIU8;Or, Every Oae his own Physician:Being observations on marriage

Medically and Philosophically considered, asMANHOOD'S EARLV DECLINE, with dlreotlons for Its perfect cure. Being a ConfidentialSilent Friend and Private Adviser; followed byObservations on the Treatment of Venereal Dis¬eases. Oonnorrh'sa, Gleet, Strictures, Ac ; Illus¬trated with Cases. Plates, and Diagram*, fromDr. YOUNG'S PRIVATE beconsulted without exposure, and with assuredConfidence of success.:Only 25 ccnts. For sale by the Agent, ALEX.

ADAM SON, on Seventh st , opposite Post Olfice.dec. J4.3m»


AND DEALER IN FINE WATCHES JEW-ELRV and SILVERWARE, would respect¬fully solicit the attention of those who desire a

good article, to his choice variety of London, Oe-neva and Copenhagen WATCHES, selected withthe view of time-keeping and durable qualities,for whl^h a suitable guarantee will be furnishedthose who purchase.GOLD SEALS. FOB and vest CHAINS,FINK JEWELRY, SILVLR SPOONS, GOB¬

LETS, CUPS, FORKS, *c., for sale at N. Yorkprice*.The Chronometer, Duplex, Lever, Cylinder,Repeating, Musical and other WATCHES re¬

pairedAlso, JEWELRY. Ac.No 379 Fa. avenue, between fith and 7th streets,Brown's Hotel Building, sign of the

GOLDEN WATCH,Jan 2*.3m Washington, D. C.

THE NEW BLUE BOOR, or GovernmentRegister 1^54, Just issued, giving the names,

salaries, locations, &c , of all postmastersaad oth¬er public officer* and agents, civil, military, andnaval, In the service of the United States; withthe aam'v forces, and condition of all shins andvessels belonging to the United States, ana whenand where built; and the names and compensa¬tion of all printers In any way employed by Cen-greas, or any department or officer of the Govern¬ment. 1 octavo volume, price S3 50.Can be sent by mall to any part of the Unlte>l

SiatesFor sale In Washington bv

TAYLOR A MAURY,feb ftBooksellers, near ftth «t.

THE CONTRACTOR'S BOOK.One lariefolio volume, containing large colored wot!

lng drawings of tools and machines, with bills oftimber and Iron ; also tables and data for cost ofearth and other works, by George Cole, Civil En-glner Price S5. Just publishedfebi FRANCE TAYLOR.


JOHN H. SMOOT, NO 119 SOUTH SIDEBridge street, aear High, Georgetown, DC.

has received an additional supply of Fall andWinter GOODS, making his assortment verycompleteIn his stock will be found a first rate assort¬

ment of.Ladles' DreM GoodsBlack Moire Antique SilksMoire Antlaue Cloak and Dress Trimming*Rich striped aud Moire Antique Sash and Bonnet

RibbonsSwiss and Cambric Bands, Collars and SleevesBlack and col'd Cloths, for Cl<«ik*Stella, Brocha and Bay State ShawlsWith a good assortment of the best makes Flan¬

nels, Blankets, and Dry Goods generally.My stork being d**1nable and chonppurchaserswill iind it to their advantage to call before gettingfolly supplied. J. H. SMOOT.EOV 13-tf

United States Pnteat Office, >Washington, Feb. 13. lH3fl. J

ON THE PETITION OF MICHAEL B.DY-OTT, of Philadelphia, Pa , praying for the

extension of a patent granted to him for an Im¬provement in " Lamps for nwrfntlal oils," forseven years from the expiration of said patentwhich takes place on the thirtieth day of May,1'356:Disordered that the said petition be heard at

the Patent Office oa Monday, the 19th -day of Maynext, at l'i o clock m.; and all |>erM>ns are no'.lfleato appear and show cause, if any they have, whysaid petition ought not to be granted.Persons opiioslng the extension are required totile in the Patent Offioa their objections, spar tallyset forth in writing, at least twenty days beforethe 4ay of hearing : all testimony filed by eitherparty to be used at the said hearing must be takenand transmitted In accordanre with the rules of

whlrh will be furnished on application.The testimony in the case will be closed on the-th day of May, ls5C; depositions and other pa¬pers relied npon as testimony must be filed In theoffireon or before the morning of that day: the ar¬guments. if any, within ten days thereafterOrdered, also, that this notice be published In

the Union, Intelligencer and Evening Star, Wash¬ington, D. C ; Republican, Baltimore Maryland ;Pennsylvanian, Philadelphia, Pa ; and Journalcf Commerce, New York, New York; oncea week for three successive weeks previous to thel!>th day of May next, the day of bearing.

CHARLES MASON,Commissioner of Patents.

P. * .Editors of the above papers will pleasecopy, and send their bills to the Patent Office,with a paper containing this notice,

feb 14.law3w

COLUMBIA MARKET,P*nmylv%ma avenut, corn-tr of Yiik It,

4 1HAKLES MALLARD HAS OPENED THE. y above place for the keeping and hale of Pork,Be-f, Mutton. Poultry, Butter, Larl, togetherwith Game, Fruits and Vegetables in all its sea¬sons.C M having had sixteen veers experience In a

neighboring city, flatters himself that he will beable to keep a choice selection of PROVISIONSgenerally, and hopes, by moderate chnrgee andstrict personal attention to the wants of his cus¬tomers to merit a share of tne public patronage.Jan 23.2aw*Jm


J**j copies more just published at the Musicaad Piano Store of JNO. F. ELLIS,30# Pa. avenue, bet. 9ih and 10th sts.Jan '


510 U itrnt, bttwttn \i\ and, Stk.

Tiie second session of this in-stitution will commAice MONDAY, Febru¬

ary llth.For further particular* see circulars, to be had

from Miss Hewitt, or at Farnham's aud Shilling-ton's Bookstores. feb9-law



consisting of Sugar Plums, Vanilla Cream, andother kinds. V« »le at

Z. M P. KING'S.*85 Vermont ivenae, corner 16th and 1 sts.


New books at taylor * maury'S.Dunlop's Digest of tfce Laws of the United

States, i vol, oompiete, s? 50Macaulay's England, 4 vols complete for SI

leb o Bookstore, near 9th st,

OFFICIAL*Trbast^i DsrARTMRNT, D«. 1, 1853.

Notice Is hereby given to holders of stocks ofthe UnitedStates that this Department will pur¬chase to the amount of £1,500 "00 of said stocksat any time when the nam# may be offered prior tothe 1st day of J une next, and will pay therefor thefollowing price*, to wK:For stock of the loan of 18W, a premium of ten

per oent; for stock of the loans of 1047 and 1*46,a premium of sixteen per cent.; for stock Issuedunder the act of I960, commonly calied Texas-in¬demnity stock, a premium of six per cent.; andfor stock of the loan of 1SW, redeemable on theHth November, 184«, If received at the Treasuryprior to the 1st day of January next, a premiumof 2# percent ; If received between the 1st Jan-nary and the 31st of March next, a premium of8 per cent; and If received after the list of Marchand prior to said Lit of J une next, a premium ofIX per cent.

Interest will also be allowed on said stocks atthe ratee specified In the certificates, from the 1stJuly last, If assigned with the principal of thecertificate* received prior to the 1st of January-next After that date the Interest will be allowedIn addition to the premium from 1st of January tothe date of their receipt. In both cases one day'sInterest will be allowed In addition for the moneyto reach the seller.

Certificates transmitted to this Deportment un¬der the present notice should be duly assigned tothe United States (with the current half year's In¬terest, if sent prior to the Is* of January next) bythe party entitled to receive the purrhase money.Payment for these rlocks will be mad® by drafts

upen thcisslstant treasures at Boston, New York,or 1'hlladelphla, as the parties entitled to receivethe money may direct.

JAMES GUTHRIE,dec 3.dtjunel S;-cretary of the Treasury.SAV1NU OF ONE TON OF COAL IN



plete In one They are warranted to save at leastthirty-three per cent., and can be used In theh*i*e. J. L. SAVAGE,Sign of the Gilt Saw, Penna av.,febB-lw between 10th and 11thsts.

APITHO.IY BITHL Y,UNDERTAKER,Shop and Residence No* 303 Feim. avenue,south side, between 9tti nud loth sts.,Having provided himself with

su ELEHAVT HEA USE,£^ .and all necessary conveniences forkw^» ¦«

properly conduct ng hU- business,would respectfully inform the public that he isfully prepared to fill all orders entrusted to him,at the shortest notice, and in the best manner.A large supply of READY-MADE COFFINS

of all sue*, always on hand, which will be fur¬nished on the most reasonable terms.As heretofore, no pains will be spared to giveentire *a lsfaciion on all occasions.N. B..Rcsid n" on the premises, orders will

be promptly attended to at ail hours.feb 7-ly

AOENCY OF TUKKcvslone Insumire Co. of Philadelphia.'


ending January 1, 1856.Assets of the Company, consisting of Dords andMortgage* on unencumbered real es¬

tate $110,(S<H 00Stoc^sof other Corporations, worth par 25,620 00('ash on hand. 31,564 JOBills receivable, consisting of Merinenote* and short loans #3fi,943 70Stock notes .....*.......1511,3545 Oo 51,339 «0

§219,430 »Whole receipt* for premiums duringthe year fll'2,5li t«Paid for losses and expenses duringtheyear 71.138 04

1' M MOKIARTY, President.J. MORRIS THOMPSON, Secretary.Risks changed from other companies to this

No charge for policy fee. Enquire at the office ofJ E. Kendall, over K. Morrow's Exchauge Office,flr»t door W« st of W. B.Todd's hat store onPennsylvania avenue.feb 7 ..Jin DAVID MYERLB, Agent


WE HAVE FOR SALE THE FOLLOW-lng Bonds and other Securities, which will

yield the hold- r ten to twelve per cent on the In¬vestment, viz:Orange and Alexandria Rail BondsVIrguiia and Tennessee doIllinois Internal I mp't Bonds of 1817.The above securities are unquestionably safeSWEENY, RITTEN HOUSE, FANT A CO.,Jan 'J4.1m Bankers, 3351 Pa avenue.


J WILLIAM PLAN! A CO., SNDERVA-. RERS. reaidcnce41U 8e»?nlh ___

¦treet, bfHvr«.-n G and H st-oetsInterment*pr<vu'rdlnanygro.ind»rcemetery. CoAn.*, Caps, Shaouds, Carriages.Hearse, and every article for Interment* atthe best quality furnished at ehort notice, on themet reasonable terms, and st all hours of thenight. Having the exclusive right of Crump'sPatent Corpse Pretterver. we guarantee to keep thedead for any length of tlae. Jy

WILL LEAVE SHORTLY.MADAME H. respectfully Informs the

nubile In general; that she will yive Informa¬tion in all the Atthlr* relating to Life, He>alth,Wealth, Marrtaxes. Love. Journeys, Suits,Difficulties in Business, Ar-sent Friends, Sicknessand Death, and In respect to all other subjects.She Is, also, able to tell the ages of persons byreading numbers. She can be consulted at aOhours of the day and evening.Her name Is on the No. 285 13th streetcorner of D, on the left hand side. Gentlemen 50cents and ladles *J5. feb 4.^w*


to her new rooms a beautiful Skylight, andengaged an Assistant Operator, (one or the be*t Inthe District,) she intenas not to have her Picturesexcelled, if equalled, in the United States. PIC¬TURES pu. up In Embossed Cases for FiftyCents, such as are usually sold elsewhere for onedollar.

Particular attention paid to Copying Deguerre-otvpes, Oil Paintings, Ac., Ac.Mrs. R. solicits the patronage of the Ladles par¬ticularly.inr Rooms.401 Seventh street, west side, be¬

tween H and I. Jan il-tfS. P HOOVKH,Iron Hall Beet, Shoe and Trnok Establish¬


dles', Gent*', Misses', and Children's.jfcaSNOW OVER SHOES, Gum Boots.JGosslmer and Sandals Also, Buckskin'lined Shoes, double sole and water-proofBoots, all of which I will sell low for cash.All In want please call and examine for your¬selves. <8 P HOOVER,Iron Hall, bet. 9th and loth sts., Pa. av.Jan 10


SILVER WATCHES from S9 to *35CLOCKS from SI '£> to *15

Watches and Jewelry at wholesale and retail,at J ROBINSON'S,

319 Pa. avenue, opposite Browns' Hotel.N, B..Cash advances on Watches to be sold at


friends they wUl find our stock of Music tobe the largest and moet varied in this city, towhich weare constantly making additions. NewMusic received every week. Also, InstructionBooks for Piano, Guitar, Violin, Accordeon, Ban¬jo and Flute. Music Paper. Bows, Peg*, Rosin,and a general assortment or Musical Instruments

JOHN F. ELLIS,3W1 Pa. avenoe, bet. »th and loth sU.feb *-tf

valentines: valentines*.A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF COMICA and Sentimental VALENTINES, wholesaleand retail JOHN F ELLIS,3Uf Pa. avenue, betw. 0th and 10th sts.feb 11-tf

BALLS. &c.Printers' Anniversary BalL

rpiiE C OMMITTKK A PPOINTBD TO. mj*'e the necessary arrangements resper ti nil vmake known to their friend* and the public that

their Annual Ball will fake place at the WASH-lN(ilON ASSEMBLY ROOMS, on February.5 L ' w^en Uiey assure their frleiids that It

will l>e their endeavor to make this Ball the bestof the sea on.The furnishing arrangement will be under the

superintendence of an experienced catererGentlemen wishing Invitation card* sent to la¬

dles will hand tholr irnme*. with residencies, toone of the Executive Committee.Tickets TWO DOLLARS; admitting a gen¬tleman and ladies, to be had of any ol the com¬mittee.

Mantiqirs nt LargeHon J T Towwi Win T<nrnr«t»r J>i« V DirtiHon W W Snaton J H Cuiiutnfhum (' WendellBin P«l«r roim K McSmhtn; H T olkltihorn¦"u KCW«ljUtui»n QwC'ochnn CO K1 jiferA O Seaman T W HowardO 8 Qldaou W Woodward M CatonJ 8 Oallaber C AltunVr J Seanford, jrCW Dnnnlngton h It Robinson K A Water*W W Moore I.em Towers W O MooreJohn Dow!log J L (Jamb Oao w Ox-branJ B Tate B J Pollard O WhlttlnfrtonJameo T Prrxuifleld Janx** Wfm«r SI.nmU.rnJ t Halliday H W Claxt-.u K 8 Cropley.Invitation and Reception Committee .(White

Rosette )V Qlenroy Win Harvey Geo W SchryrerJ Br,\r*n Qao Cutoa Anlrew NQiniflFJ Waters c f«eve* Oscar KaplerJohn Lareomba .r Mattlngly K J KlopferOli ta I Canflatd J llnrley HavM Wlber.( H Cuii:il»gtiam F M ItetweUer Cl.aa S<-hellJohn !¦ Judge A J K.Muron Alfred HUawJaa-e Ju-I$e IM Grlflln J II n»tine*»onP Hodlar !{ H Mlddlafvi Oeo R>iren»onW H I)»nnw«on K Onus J-lin Melaou.Committee on Refreshments..(Tri-colored Ro¬

sette.)Wm K Me .re C ¥ Lo-vrvy Baiul Robertson.B C Wright (leo Dtivall

Floor M'mag'.rs.- (Red Rosette.)Win T. Jones F I>or«ett 'Wni Towers. Jr.C V Phelps J T Slcholeon

Executive Committee..(Blue Rosette )Win Wood warJ r liOlK'tt Will « Mrl.»»uS OnlTerwell J M Cunningham H BoweiiJ«as4Jit<l«e BonJ C Wrtght Cbss D McPher^on.J T Haileck feb13-wit


Gibbs's Vegetable BalsamFOR RESTOttAIlOS OF THE HAIR.

IT REMOVES SCURF AND DANDRUFF,and cures all Disease* of the ScalpThe discovery of this Invaluable remedy was

brought about by the ample opportunities l.'s in¬ventor has had in the course of twenty years' ex¬

perience of testing the vexatious and disappoint¬ing effects of almost every other article of thekind unon the human hesd and having succeededin producing a wash which hundreds of the ctM-7,ens «f Washington are ready to testify as unfail¬ing in Its results, it is recommended to the publicwith a full conviction of its permanent and beau¬tifying eflects. both as a strengthener and a restor¬ative, while It is warranted In all eases to ?^opthe hair from falling out. For sale wholesale andretail at J H. GIBBS' Hair Dressing Establish¬ment, Willards' Hotel, and at his Hair Manufac¬tory. 308 Penn avenue, between *J:h and 10th sts.feb 11.eolm»


AND CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON,Are hereby Notified that tar


To each purchaser, will continue untilSATURDAY, Feb. lblh,

AyU POSITIVELY NO LONGERE PROPOSE TO SELL A LARGE stockof Standard and Mlsr.ellaneous Literature

within that time, and give to the purchasers morethan half of the amount of money invested in theshape of Elegant Presents, varying in value from£j cents to SHt). Our stock consists in part ofEncyclopedia Americana, 11 volumesJefferson's \Vork*(cloth A half calf) 9 volumesWebster's Works (Library) 6 dolrving's Works (library and cloth) 15 doBancroft's History U S , 6 doNational Encyclopedia. G doEnglish do Knights, \ doShakspeare In 1, 4. or S doWaveriy Novels,'27 doHnines' Philosophical Works, 1 doHumes'History of England, n doMacaulay's do do 4doDeQulncy's Works, lb doHon Levi Woodbury 's Works, 3 doChambers' Information for the People, 2 doClark's Commentaries, 4 doStatesman's Manual, complet«, 3 doDr. Ures' Dictionary, 2 doTtios Dick's Works. 2 or 5 doBritish Essayist, 3 doAlso, Rose Clark, Widow Bedott PapersCrotchets arid Quavers, Phaniiiaiia, Ac.All of which are offered fvr sale by the Wash¬

ington Book Company.H7"See Red Flag and Gift Book Store, wnder

Dexter's Hotel. feb 5-IfGUTTA PERUHA TEETH.

rilHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN INA the habit of sending eur patrons to Dr COS*BY, formerly of Richmond, Virginia, for Den¬tal operations for a number of years, and takepleasure In recommending blui to the citi¬zens of Washington as the be*t tooth extractorand dental operator that we have ever met withlie Inserts teeth upon every plan that is practisedin the United State*.Weo P. Tloldmaa. M D. B W. Towlea, M D.A. V. rayne. M U, UDS John F. Miller. M 0.Jamee Bryant, M D G. K. ChanibarltD, M. P., DM,O. II. Harris, M D. Bamael P. Brown, M. D.Wytlie Tiueley, M D B M. Franciaco, M. D.

Offlee over Ford A Bro.'s, No. 290. corner of11th street and Pa avenue. nov r.


DR O. MUNSON, AT 31» PA. AVENUE,Is mounting Teeth on a Gutta,

Percha Base Also, with Allen's pat¬ent continuous Gum, combining beeu-vty, strength and cleanliness.Dr. M. Is determined to keep race with every

improvement In Dentistry, and will strive to pleaseand profit hla patrons.

rivkrxmci:P. D Gnrley, D D. Hon R II Glllet,J. G. Blnney, D D. Hon. 8 A Douglas,B Sunderland, D.D Dr R P Patterson,H R Schoolcraft, Esq. Dr. R H Coolidge,Hon. C Mason, Dr. Thomas Miller,Hon. A O P Nicholson,And the Medical Faculty of Georgetown Col¬

lege. uov £?.tf


Millinery, bonnets, headDRESSES, CAPS, COFFI EUR S.Ac. Ac.,

still at THE LAKES, 5t4 Penna. avenue, nearAdams' Express.

Ladles may be suited to their tas e* with thelatest and most fashionable MILL1N ERY,directfrom Madame Devos's principal establishments,at New York and Paris. Madame Devos's Milli¬nery needs no lecommend&tion from us, as its ex¬cellence is known and appreciated In Europe andAmerica, and will upon inspection speak for It¬self. Call at THE LAKES and *ee. feb 12



FURNISH DRAFTSOn all Parts of United States and Europe

COLLECT DRAFTSOn all parts of United States and Europe;



NEGOTIATE TIME PAPER.Investment paying 10 ^ and ever, for sale.

LAND WA RRANTSWe are at all times Purchasing, and have for

Sale. LAN D WAR RANTS of aU denorol nationa.Land Warrants located In Iowa, Wisconsin, orMinnesota. CHUBB BROTHERS,Jan 23-if Bankers, opposite the Treasury.


Beebe, Leanr, Genln, with other fash-lonablc Gentlemen's Dreea RATS, a fulland complete assortment at

LANE'S Hat, CapAnd Bent's Fturn. Store, 4*1 p«. aveaue.


MACAULY'S HISTORY OF ENQLANO,vol 3d, this day received.



Annie had arrived at the mature aze of (donot start, reader,! twenty-seven, and yet astate uf single blessedness. or othershe bad net fallen in lo?e yet *' Had -he o <

offers'" What a simple question ' Did youever know half a million of dollars to go a hog¬ging ? Offer?? Yen, scores of them It maybe accounted as one of yvur oddities, perhaps.But whenever the subject happen to be touch¬ed upon by hor father, Annie would say thatshe wanted some one who oould love her forherselt and she must have assurance of thir,and how could she in her present positioa '

Thus matters stood, whan Annie was led toform and execute what will appear a verystrange resolution . but she was a resolute girlWe must now g<> back six yearaOne dark, rainy morning in November, asour old friend was looking composedly at thecheerful fire in the grate of his counting roomreally indulging in tuuic serious reflections onthe past and future, the tar future, too, a gen¬tleman presented himself and enquired forMr. Breman. The old gentleman uttered n< ta word but merely bowed. There was that inhis looks whieh said. 4,I am he."The stranger might been fomo thirty

years or so of age lie wan dressed in blaok,a mourning weed was on his hat, and there wassomething in his appcaranco which seemed toindicate that his friend whose lo«a lie deploredhad recently departed The letter of intro¬duction which he presented to Mr. Ll wasquickly, yet carefully perused, and as it wassomewhat unique, wo shall take the liberty ofsubmitting it to the inspection of the reader:

", 11 mo.,..

"Friend Paul.This will introduce to theefriend Charles Copeland. lie has come to thycity in pur«uit of business. I have knownhim frem a youth up. Thou mayst dependupon him for aught that he can do, and shallnot lean aa on a broken reed. If thou canHdo anything forhim thou pcralventurebenefit thyself, and cause to rejoice.

44 Thy former and present friend.4'MiC'AJi Looms."

44 It is not every one who can get old MioahLoomis's endorsement on his character," saidPaul Brcman to himself, as he folded up theletter of the well Luowa associate of the form¬er days.

14 Old Micah is good for a quarter of a mil¬lion, or anything will do.I wanthim.getting old, business increasit g.musthave as well as any timeThe oil gentleman looked all this as he

stood g.ning in f>crfcct silence on tho man be-toro him. At length he opened his lips4> Mr. C- pel and, you know all about book.-?"'

4,I have nad some year's experience."44 Any objections to a place hero'.prettyclose.thousand a year." i4* None in the world."44 When can you begin ?""Now!"A real 3mile shone up<«n the old man's facc.

It lingered there like the rays of the settingsun among the clouds of evening, lighting upthose seemingly hard, dark features.A stool was pushed to the new comer, books

where opened, matters explained, directionsgiven, th« pen was dipped in the ink, and inshort, bef'-re an hour had passed away, youwould have thought that the old man and theyoung man had known each other for yearsIn reference to our new lriend, it will besufficient to remark that he had been liberal¬ly educated, as tho phrase goes, and thoughhe had entered business early, he had notneglactod the cultivation of his mind andheart, lie had found time to cherish a gen-eral acquaintance with the most noteworthyauthors of the day, both literary and religi-tus, and with many »f past times After a fewyears of success in the pursuits to which henad devoted himself, misfortunes camo thickand fart upou him. lie found himself leftwith scarcely any property, and alone in theworld, savo bis two lovely daughters.As year after year passed away he grew

steadily in the confidence of his employer, whofelt, though bo Said it not, that in him he pos¬sessed a treasure.Very little, indeed, was said by either of

not connected with the routine i»f business, andthere had been no intercourse whatever be.tween them, save in the counting room. Thussix y< ars wtut by, towards the close of wuiehperiod old Mr. Breman was found looking withmuch frequency and earnestness at the youngman before hiin. Something was evidentlybrewing in that old head. What oould it bo?And then too, at homo he looked so curiously.The Iiish servant was puttied, "Sure," ss.idJames, 44somothitig s a coming. Annie, too.was somewhat peiplexed, for those looks dweltmuch on her.

'4 What is it, father ?" she said to him onemornii:g at the breakfast table, as be sat gazing steadfastly in her face , what is it7 Dotell mo."

441 wish you d have him," burst forth likean avalancne. Ku<>wn him for eix years.true as a ledger.a gentleman.real sensibleman.don t talk much.regular as a clock-prime for business.worth his weight in gold ''

*. llave who, father ' What are talkingabout ?"

,4 My bend clerk, don't knowhim.I do.haven't seen anybody else worthan old quill."Annie was puzzled. She laughed, however,

and said :44 Humbug, child, all humbug.worth forty

of your whiskered, lounging, lazy gentry : saywhat they please; what do I care ? what doyou carer what's money after all? got enoughof it.want a sensible man.want somebodyto take care of it; all humbug "

44 What's all humbug, father ?"44 Why, people's notions on thoso matters.

Copelacd is was I onoe.may beagain ; world s full of changes.seen a greatmany of them in my days.can't stay to leave you Annie.wished you dlike him."

44 Serious, child !" And he looked so.Annie was a chip of tho old block.a strong

minded, resolute girl. A new idea seemed tostrike hor.

44 Father, if you are roally serious in thismatter 1 11 see this Copeland , 111 ^et acquain¬ted with him. If he likes me and 1 like him,I'll haro him But he shall love me for my¬self alono : I must know it. Will you leavothe matter to mc '"

44 Go ahead my child, and do as you likeUood morning."

44 Stop a mouiout, father. I shall alter myname a little ; I shall appoar to bo a poor girl,a companion of our friend, Mrs. Richards, inII street; she shall know the whole affair,yon shall call me by my middle name Peyton ;I shall be a relative of yours, you shall sug¬gest the business to Mr. Copeland, as you callniin, and arrange for the first inlervicw. Therest will take care of itself.

441 see, I see," and one of those rare smilesilluminated his whole faco. It actually gotbetween his lips, parted them asunder, glancedupon a set of teeth but little the worse forwear, and was resting there when he left thebouse for his counting-room. The twilight ofthat smile was not yet gone when he reachedthe well known spot, and bowed and looked44 good morning" to those in his employ, forfrda Paul was, after his fashion, a polite manOn the morning of that day what looks weredirected to our friend Charles! so many, sopeculiar, so full of something, that the neadclerk could not but nutice them, and that toowith some alarm. What was coming? Atlast the volcano burst forth :

,4 Copeland, my good fellow, why don't youget a wifeHad a thunderbolt fallen at his leet he could

not have been more astonished. Did M t. Bre¬man say that, and in the counting-room, too'The very ledger seemed to blush at the intro¬duction- of such % subject. He f>r the fiwttime made a blol on the fair page before him-

THE WEEKLY 8TA&.Wkk exoeifeat Fiwir U4

WlUKlpiitovirlMTenMMtliiftaiiimm ha foua4 ta Uf

Wagle eopy, m iuibM

Ftvc aadIm** n"»

2Wwanty oopiea "I!!'",;;"07" OaBB, IRfilUHT IW ilTtMlITT" (tn wrtppff^ OM toaror*

.I the eouuter. iouDTCllatHy afic* U« ia«M trf m.piper Pile©.Tbbbb Canta.Po«THilTBBI WbOBOt BBBfOTflB WtU

b comnilMlon of twenty per centP

" I f»j-whj don't yoa get a wife ? Knowjust the thing for article.p«»oienough to be cure. wh»t or that.a fortune in® w|fe, you kn-'W.a sort of relation of mine.'ion t w»nt to meddle with other people'*Miaira know your own buaiuees beat.obti tnoip th taking yoo li be happier.tnuat *.

N«w the faot ia that Charles had for sometime j.aat thought ao himself; bnt how the o dman should ao completely dirine hia feelingswaa 4uite a pu«.le to hlo* In the coin* of

S(,7/.D0UV,1p#t 'nto Mr Bremen .

f iJ Irish .errant, the eonte.if«t which produced pother grim aort of a amileU tien the moment for hia return home arrived,Mr. B handed a sealed document of ratherimposing form to Charle*. aaying :

,K< kCd.Ptff,°U 11 obl,g* mm bJ *»*ingthat at No. »>7, II atreet Place it only inthe hands of theaters >n to whom it is directed.don't want to traat it to any one ela* "

The clerk aaw on the outside. Mra Rich¬ards, No t>7, II street. The door bell waarung The servant ushered Copeland into a»>mall neat parlor, where fat a lady apparentlytwenty-five or thirty years of age. plainlyIretsed, eng<ged in knitting a stocking. Ourfriend bowed and inquired for Mra Richards

" She ia not in, but expected presently .

will you be seated >"

There was an ease and quietneas, and an airof self-command about thia person whichs«emed peculiar to Copeland. He felt at easeat ence. (you always do with such p* >p1e >male some common place remark. whi> h waa

immediately responded to; then another, and*oon the conversation grew ao interesting that.Mrs Richard* was nearly forgotten lier ab-^nae was strangely protracted, but at length«he made her appearance. The documentwas presented. A glance at the outtide."Mr Copeland.' Charles bowed." Mias Peyton " The young lady b >wod.

And thus they were introduced There wa«no particular reason for remaining any longer,and our friend took his departureThat night Annie said to Mr B , "I likehis appearance, father."

'. forward.march," said old Pa«l, and helooked at his daughter with vaat satisfaction.

" The old man's as swate to-night as a newpotato," said James to the cook.The next day Charles Copeland cams Tcry

near writing, wsveral times." lo Mica Pey¬ton, Dr," as he was making out aome bilD ofmerchandise sold.

'. Delivered the paper last eveninj"'Copelind bowed^"Mrs Richards is an old friend.humble in

circumstances ; tho young lady Peyt- n w ,rthher weight in gold any day.have her my*llif 1 could."

'. IIow much you rcminl me of Mr. lireman,' said Charles one evening to Annie ; .' Ithi.ik y.-u ;aid v .u were a relation of hia" I am related to him through my mother,''

was the grave replyMrs Richards turned away to conceal a

smile.Somewhat later than usual on that day

Annie reached her father's hou«e There waano mistaking the expres<-i.»a of her coamenance. Happiness was very plainly writteathere" I see. I soe," said the old man ; 41 the ar

count is cl >3ed.books balanced.have it allthrough now iu short order. You are a aensible foolish puss-iun what I wish.bless you child, bless youThe next day Paul came, for almost the

first time xn his life, rather late to hia cunti!ig-rr>.,m Casks and boxes seemed to bestarting with wonder."Copeland. you arc a fine fellow.hearl

from Mrs. Richards.proposal to my relation.Peyton.all right.done up well Come to myhouse this evening.never been there yet*h 7.eight o'clock precisely.want to seey something to say


" How much interest tie seems to take inthis matter," ^aid Charles " He s a kindold fellow in his way; a little rough, but goodat heait '

\es, Mr Charles Copeland, even kinderthan you think for.At 8 o'clock precisely the doer bell of Mr.

BrcmaH a mansion rung. Mr. Charlea C pe-la&d waa ushered in by friend Jamea <><dPaul took him kind!y by the hand, and turn¬ing around abruptly, introduced him to " Mydaughter, Mies Annie Peyton Bremen, andimmediately withdrew." Charles, you will f. rgive me thisV He

was too muoh astonished to make any reply."If you knew all mv motives and feelings Iam sure you wouldThat the motivos and feelings were s »»n ex¬

plained to his entire satisfaction no oue willdoubt.

.'Copeland, my dear fellow,''thouted oldPaul, as h<» entered tho room, " no use iu longengageuieat"Oh father!""No use, laay; married now.get ready

atterwards; next Monday evening' whooare*'Want it over; feel settled. Shan t part withA' nie, though, must bring your wite here,house rather lonosome ; he still, no worda ,

must ha\ o it so , partner in buainesa , BremenA Copeland ; got the papers all drawn up to¬day ; cau't alter it Be quiet will you , Won'tstay in the room T"

1 havo now finished my story, reader. 1have given vou the facts. I cannot s»y, how .

ever, that 1 approve of the deception praoticed upon our friend Charles A*, however,our Lord commended the " unjust steward be¬cause he acted wisely," so I suppose the K».d8' iise shown by the young lady in choosing a

husband for the pake of what he waa, and notfor the sake of what he might have poaaeso 1,merits our approbation. It is not every onewho has m >ral courage enough to step out ofthe circle which surrounds the wealthy, andseeks for those qualities of mind and heartwhich the purse can neither give nor takeaway.

William Howard Rus*el, the Crimeancorre.*pondent of the London Times, ha< be¬come quite popular in Karope by his reports.He is the Son of a merchant in Dublin, bornin 1S16, and after having received a superioreducation, he studied law aud i>raciiaed aa an

attorney in Dublin and London, where hemade his first essays as an author, and be¬came soon a favorite reporter of the Times.Tne Morning P.4t succeeded in attaching himto its staff for a time by brilliant offers, but hesoon returned to the Times, and was alwaysemployed in matters requiring an lmpresaireana enthusiastic style of writing. At theoutbreak of the present war he went as spe¬cial correspondent for the Times to the Crimea,where he has since remained, without interruption. excepting for a short period when hewas at Sherapia. His reports iroin the camphave been the delight of all true friends ofKngland, because thev expoaed the misman¬agement wf the War Department in the mostuusparing manner. Bat, on the other hanJ,they work the best results for the brave sol¬diers of the Eist; for, without bis indefatiga¬ble and eloquent expoaition of their wrongs,they would never havo been redreased. It ianatural, therefore, that Rusael should be aahe is a great favorite with the soldiers.Rusael has been an ocoa#ionaloontrib«tor to

Dickens's Household W#rks, and Bentley'sMiscellanies.

|y One of the superstitions of France is,that B fire kindled by lightning cannot be ex¬

tinguished, and he who attempts to extinguishit will die within the Tear. The Mayor of a

country village lately had to argue with hiaconstituent* on the subject during the confla¬gration af a barn. He could only prevailupon ten men to assist hii^f in pouring os wa¬

ter. The Insurance Company interested madea present of five francs to each af thoee tenmen tor having arisen above the pvejoAioes ofignorance and an inadequate eduoation-