volume 52 number 2 fall 2015 district 28 lead line watchyear/2015_08_usps_fall_ leadline.… · a...

BALBOA LAKE MOHAVE PHOENIX SAN DIEGO SAN LUIS REY W ithout a fence to mark the internaonal boundary, crossing by boat from San Diego into Mexico might seem decepvely easy. But San Diego sport fishermen and others drawn to the waters off Baja Califor- nia’s coast should take heed: Mexico’s federal government has been stepping up inspecons, checking for passports, tourist permits, fishing permits and other documents. Unl now, violators have been issued warnings, and told to turn around. But in July the Mexican government announced its intenon of cracking down on violators. That could mean boats being towed to Ensenada for an administrave process, and immediate deportaon of the crew and passengers. While violators won’t face charges, it will be an inconvenience,” said Remedios Gómez Arnau, head of the Mexican Consulate in San Diego. The warning is being issued through Mexican consulates across California, and as far as western Canada and Arizona, and states that the “Mexican Navy and immigraon authories believe are strengthening their presence in Mexican waters.” According to Mexico’s feder- al government, some 40,000 to 50,000 tourist vessels cross into Mexico each year, many for fishing, but others for other acvies such as racing or cruising. Connued on P. 3 Submitted by P/D/C Adriaan Veldhuisen, SN Contributed by Sandra Dibble of San Diego Union Tribune July 2015 Volume 52 Number 2 FALL 2015 Mexico Checking Boaters for Proper Papers 1 D28 D/C Report 2 National Governing Board Silent Auction Items Needed! 3 Co-op Charting— Geodetek Mark 4 Spring Conference Photos 4 Fall Conference Call to Meeting PHX 5 Fall Conference Registration Form PHX 6 Wanted—Volunteers! National Governing Meeting 7 More Pbotos—July 2015 7 Leadership Development Seminars 8 How do you prefer to receive your Lead Line? 9 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Official publication of District 28, United States Power Squadrons ® District 28 Lead Line 2015/6 Calendar 2015 23—30 August USPS National Governing Board Meeting—San Diego, CA. 02-03 October D28 Fall Conference — Phoenix, AZ. Hosted by PSPS. 2016 14—21 February USPS Annual Meeting—Orlando. 21—28 February USPS Western Caribbean Cruise Holland America Line 04—06 March D28 Spring Confer- ence— Hosted by San Diego Sail & Power Squadron. 30 September—01 October D28 Fall Conference—Hosted by Balboa Sail & Power Squadron Lead line Editor & Publisher D/1 Lt Jill Powell, AP Phone: 760-438-9616 Cell: 760-716-1675 E-mail: [email protected] Mexico Checking Boaters for Proper Papers

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Page 1: Volume 52 Number 2 FALL 2015 District 28 Lead Line WatchYear/2015_08_USPS_Fall_ LeadLine.… · A detailed newsletter from the National Meetings om-mittee dated July 2015 is available


W ithout a

fence to

mark the international

boundary, crossing by

boat from San Diego

into Mexico might seem

deceptively easy. But San

Diego sport fishermen and

others drawn to the

waters off Baja Califor-

nia’s coast should take

heed: Mexico’s federal

government has been

stepping up inspections,

checking for passports,

tourist permits, fishing

permits and other


Until now, violators have

been issued warnings, and

told to turn around. But in

July the Mexican government

announced its intention of

cracking down on violators.

That could mean boats being

towed to Ensenada for an

administrative process, and

immediate deportation of the

crew and passengers. While

violators won’t face charges,

“it will be an inconvenience,”

said Remedios Gómez Arnau,

head of the Mexican

Consulate in San Diego.

The warning is being issued

through Mexican consulates

across California, and as far as

western Canada and Arizona,

and states that the “Mexican

Navy and immigration

authorities believe are

strengthening their presence

in Mexican waters.”

According to Mexico’s feder-

al government, some 40,000

to 50,000 tourist vessels

cross into Mexico each year,

many for fishing, but others

for other activities such as

racing or cruising.

Continued on P. 3

Submitted by P/D/C Adriaan Veldhuisen, SN Contributed by Sandra Dibble of San Diego Union Tribune July 2015

Volume 52 Number 2

FALL 2015

Mexico Checking Boaters for Proper Papers


D28 D/C Report 2

National Governing

Board Silent Auction

Items Needed!


Co-op Charting—Geodetek Mark


Spring Conference Photos 4

Fall Conference Call to Meeting PHX


Fall Conference

Registration Form PHX


Wanted—Volunteers! National Governing Meeting


More Pbotos—July 2015


Leadership Development



How do you prefer to receive your Lead Line?



Official publication of District 28, United States Power Squadrons ®

Distr ic t 28

Lead Line 2015/6 Calendar


23—30 August USPS National

Governing Board Meeting—San

Diego, CA.

02-03 October D28 Fall

Conference — Phoenix, AZ.

Hosted by PSPS.


14—21 February USPS Annual


21—28 February USPS Western

Caribbean Cruise Holland America


04—06 March D28 Spring Confer-

ence— Hosted by San Diego Sail

& Power Squadron.

30 September—01 October D28

Fall Conference—Hosted by

Balboa Sail & Power Squadron

Lead line Editor & Publisher

D/1 Lt Jill Powell, AP

Phone: 760-438-9616

Cell: 760-716-1675

E-mail: [email protected]

Mexico Checking Boaters for Proper Papers

Page 2: Volume 52 Number 2 FALL 2015 District 28 Lead Line WatchYear/2015_08_USPS_Fall_ LeadLine.… · A detailed newsletter from the National Meetings om-mittee dated July 2015 is available


The National Governing Board,

Our Squadrons and The Future

I am proud to report that 2015 has been and looks to continue to be a great year for

District 28 and it's squad-rons. Many exciting things are happening this year and there is a new energy in the air. Please take a minute and learn what new and exciting things are happening. The San Diego, National Governing Board Meeting: If you have not already heard; a National USPS Member Meeting is com-ing to San Diego. Starting 23rd August over a thou-sand USPS members and spouses will start arriving in San Diego for a week long event where D28 is the host. Yes, we, the members of D28 are cen-ter stage! We are not speaking of hosting a 50 to 75 member meeting, but rather a meeting at which there will be many days of events, classes, seminars,

and Dinner, that’s OK too.

Stop by the Table Displays to learn about Member Bene-fits, Boating Skills Virtual Trainer, Cooperative Charting, SERAT (Squadron Emergency Response Assis-tance Team) and more. You can even stop by D28’s Silent Auction and bid on an item or two. You can attend open committee meetings of your interest or take an all day Leadership Develop-ment class like I am.

So come on down to San Diego, District 28 members, and join the fun and learn-ing opportunities at the 2015 Governing Board Meeting. The week will start with fun outing events and end on Saturday night with an awesome dinner and some dancing.

I really want to see YOU there – having fun!

As, D28 Commander, I will be hosting a hospitality suite Thursday and Friday eve-nings in suite 933 for all D28 members. Please come and enjoy the Governing Board event. See you all there!

How do I find out about the Governing Board Meeting? The meeting is being held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, 23-30 August. A detailed newsletter from the National Meetings Com-mittee dated July 2015 is available on the USPS web-site, along with an up-to-date Meeting Agenda. Both of these documents can give

luncheons, dinners, and more. Preparation, a very key word here, is at the max-imum for everyone involved. A meeting of this size takes a lot of work beforehand, from both the National Bridge Members, their Committee members, to the hosting District and local squadrons and their Committee mem-bers. I am so pleased to re-port that our members have taken on this challenge and working with the National meetings Committee created some exciting events to en-tertain all attendees. We have arranged for a “Chico's” Fashion Show on Saturday followed by a dance band for Saturday Dinner. Come and hear the National Education-al Officer join the band with his saxophone (he is really good). Our members have hand-crafted hundreds of table decorations and table gifts for these events; a fantastic effort! Who should attend? You Should! These free meetings are where the real business of USPS occurs and it is all done by members just like you and me. Did I men-tion; it is also IN YOUR BACK YARD. You do not need to attend all the week’s activi-ties, nor do you need to spend the night at the hotel.

You can drive to it, go home, and come back the next day if you wish. If all you want to do is attend Saturday’s meeting and the Reception

you all the information you will need to get a hotel room, sign up for events, dinners and luncheons, semi-nars and more.

The Ship’s Store will be avail-able to you 0745-1600 Thursday and 0900-1600 Friday and 0745-1000 Satur-day. Dress is for the most part USPS casual or appropri-ate attire, unless otherwise noted in the Newsletter or Meeting Agenda. Our Squadrons Over my last sixteen months, as D/C, I have seen some miraculous things happen within our tiny district that make me very proud of our hard working squadron offic-ers. I have attended meetings and outings at most squadrons and am amazed at the refreshing new energy I have experi-enced. The San Diego and San Luis Rey squadrons have created an alliance; sharing and swapping educational opportunities, and social events. They are conducting new on-the-water training events with hands on teach-ing.

Balboa is increasing the depths of its cruising events and is in the process of re-vamping its web site with an eye towards social media. They have had a few difficult years but their young officers are exploring and advancing refreshing new ideas.

Continued on P. 8

District Commander’s Report

Page 2 Lead L ine Volume 52 Number 2

D/C Kenneth W. Smith, AP

Page 3: Volume 52 Number 2 FALL 2015 District 28 Lead Line WatchYear/2015_08_USPS_Fall_ LeadLine.… · A detailed newsletter from the National Meetings om-mittee dated July 2015 is available


Mexico’s Checking Boaters contd. from P. 1

While fishing permits long have been required, the federal government has more recently been asking foreign visitors to comply with Mexican immigration regulations, requiring them to carry passports and tourist permits when inside the country’s territorial waters, within 12 miles of the coastline. Known as an FMM, the visitor permit costs about $21.

In recent years, the requirements have been cause for confusion. “I think the core of the issue in many cases is that people are willing to follow the rules; they’re just not sure what they are,” said Ken Francke, president of the Sportfishing Association of California, which represents 170 marine recreational businesses.

Mexico has been working with members of the San Diego boating community to clarify the rules. In March, the country’s federal government launched a website and app that includes links and instructions in English and Spanish for obtaining fishing permits and visitors permits. Sharon Cloward, president of the San Diego Port Tenants Association, said she worries that some may not yet have received word of Mexico’s plans to pursue immigration violators. “The bottom line is that nobody’s ever enforced it, so this is all so new, that’s my biggest concern,” she said. “We want to make sure we’re getting the information out to everybody.”

Francke offered praise for the consulate’s efforts: “The Mexican government is really doing outreach to the American public to make them feel comfortable to visit their country.” he said.

For more information go to the association’s website, at: californiasportfishing.org or to the Mexican government site: sportfishinginmexico.com.

Page 3 Lead L ine Volume 52 Number 2

D28 Needs Your Help Immediately!

At the National Governing Board Meeting

which is coming to San Diego

(see D/C Report on P. 2) we, as a district, have

been assigned the task of organizing the

Silent Auction.

The Silent Auction proceeds are to be used to pay for

the responsibilities that we have been assigned by the

National Meeting Committee, such as the

Saturday evening music band, table decorations for

both the Social Luncheon and the Dinner Banquet.

Shawn Goit is chairing the Silent Auction

and needs your help:

Would you be able to obtain an item or two for

contribution towards the Silent Auction?

It could be a hand-made item, a “white elephant” that

may be a valuable item for someone else, or you may

have a contact with a company that could provide a

vacation, lifejacket, radio, or another tangible item.

Please contact Shawn immediately if you would be

able to help:

Tel: (760) 468-6212 or Email: [email protected]

Page 4: Volume 52 Number 2 FALL 2015 District 28 Lead Line WatchYear/2015_08_USPS_Fall_ LeadLine.… · A detailed newsletter from the National Meetings om-mittee dated July 2015 is available


The Geodetic Mark recovery program was restarted on June 1, 2015.

New rules apply that we have to learn, but this is a program that we can participate in away from water.

District 28 and our squadrons used to be among the top performers of the country in logging these marks until it

was stopped about 10 years ago due to problems.

Geodetic Mark recovery is the process of going out and locating National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Survey marks that were left when they surveyed our state years ago.

With the growth that the State of Arizona has had many of these marks have been buried or destroyed and the

NGS would like an update on their disposition.

Over the next few months, we will try get groups together to get our squadrons active in this program.

You can participate in groups or by yourself.

We MUST follow the guidelines, so that they don't drop the program again.

Information on this program can be found on

the www.usps.org website. Log in with your Member Number and Password, then go to: Committees, Click on the CoOp Charting Committee webpage, and then

go to "Geodetic Program".

Lead L ine Volume 52 Number 2 Page 4

Co-op Charting—Geodetic Mark Submitted by Stf/C Bill Johnson, SN

D28 Spring Conference, Carlsbad, CA. 2015


1: Jo Anne Waller, Ron Werner, Ken Smith, Robert Baldridge, Connie Johnson

and Jackie Wanta.

2: E. Brian Smith, Dan Rancourt, Jan Follestad, Bill Johnson, Mark Keltner,

Catherine Isaksen, Hewitt Schlereth, Chris Lockyer-Bratton, Richard Cross,

Carole Hallock, Adriaan Veldhuisen, Ron Werner, Jackie Wanta, Connie

Johnson, Jo Anne Waller, Frank Fitzgerald and Loie Powell. At back: Jill


3: Elaine Keller, Barbara & Brockway Clark; 4.:Pat Diehl and Ken Smith;

5: Mark & Lynne Keltner and Cheryl Smith; 6: Carole Hallock and Adriaan

Veldhuisen; 7: Jan Follestad and Chet White; 8: Robert Baldridge and Jill

Powell; 9: Robert Baldridge, Pat Diehl and Bill Bridge; 10: Ron & Rose Werner.











Page 5: Volume 52 Number 2 FALL 2015 District 28 Lead Line WatchYear/2015_08_USPS_Fall_ LeadLine.… · A detailed newsletter from the National Meetings om-mittee dated July 2015 is available


Bridge: Commander D/C Kenneth Smith, AP Executive Officer D/Lt/C District Education Officer D/Lt /C Ronald Werner, SN Administrative Officer D/Lt/C Shawn Goit, SN Secretary Stf/C Bill Johnson, SN Treasurer D/Lt/C Jackie Wanta, S

Page 5 Lead L ine Volume 52 Number 2

D28 Bridge 2015/6



2—4 OCTOBER, 2015

ALL USPS Members are welcome!

Hosted by Phoenix Sail & Power Squadron.

Location: Phoenix Airport Hilton Hotel See District 28 Website for online registration link: www.usps.org/d28/d28memberinfo.html

King Jr. Suite rates from $79 per night King Bed rates from $79 per night King 1 Bedroom Suite rates from $139 per night - Plus State/Local Taxes

Limited Rooms Available—Must be booked before September 10, 2015

Complimentary 24 Hr. Airport Shuttle, Free Self parking

Should you have any questions, please contact:

Stf/C Bill Johnson SN Email: [email protected]

2015 Dis tr ic t 28 Fal l Counci l /Conference Cal l to Meeting

To the: District 28 Bridge Officers Past District Commanders General Committees Planning Committees Squadron Commanders, Bridges and Delegates All Other Interested Members and Parties

By order of the District Commander, notice is hereby given that the D/28

Fall Council & Conference will be held at the following time and place:

Date: Friday & Saturday 02—03 October, 2015 Time: Friday 1730 Friday Hospitality Saturday 0730 Continental Breakfast—Conference Room 0830 Saturday Council 0930 Saturday Conference Place: Hilton Phoenix Airport Hotel, 2435 S. 47th Street, Phoenix, AZ. 85034. Purpose: To carry on the business of District 28, USPS; To establish committees and make appointments thereto; To fill any vacancy in any elective office; To make and approve interim changes in the 2015 -16 Budget; To consider the Bylaws Amendments proposed by the Rules Committee; To consider resolutions and recommendations from the Squadrons and refer them to the Conference for action or to committee for further study; To conduct all other business of the District which may properly come before the Council or Conference.

Uniform: Friday—Hospitality: USPS or Squadron Polo Shirts Saturday—Meetings: Uniform G— (short sleeve shirt, white or black pant/skirt) or USPS or Squadron Polo Shirts acceptable; Saturday Night: Blazer/Sport Coat with Black Tie, Dress or appropriate attire.

Submitted by Stf/C William “Bill” Johnson, SN Secretary—District 28

Making the Table


L to R: Suzy Cooper, Marco

Carvalho, Paula Vance, Gloria

Carvalho, Barbara Clark, Carole

Hallock and Jo Anne Waller. Also

there: Jeanne Gibbs and Jennifer


Page 7: Volume 52 Number 2 FALL 2015 District 28 Lead Line WatchYear/2015_08_USPS_Fall_ LeadLine.… · A detailed newsletter from the National Meetings om-mittee dated July 2015 is available


4th July Yankee Doodle Dinghy Parade

San Luis Rey Sail & Power Squadron entered the Dinghy

Parade hosted by Oceanside Yacht Club. Placed 4th!

Seen here is Shawn Goit and Jacob Alcantara.

Page 7 Lead L ine Volume 52 Number 2

SILENT AUCTION TABLE 27—29 August, 2015

FIRST TIMERS WELCOME TABLE You can be a First Timer and still “man” the table—good experience!

Thursday 27 August 12:00—2:00p.m. Open 2:00—4:00p.m. Open

Friday 28 August 12:00—2:00p.m. Open 2:00p.m.—3:30p.m. Open

RECEPTION STAFF Friday 28 August 3:00p.m.—5:30p.m. Open Duties: Set up and tear down in suite, meet and greet “first-timers”.

If you can assist, please contact: D/Lt/C Shawn Goit AP District 28 Admin Officer Email: [email protected] Cell: (760) 468-6212

Come for the Boating Education… Stay for the Friends℠

Randy White : Aboard “Savarona”.

The highlight of the 1,457 mile cruise

from Mamaris (Turkey) to Olbia

(Sardinia) - the Corinth Canal (Greece).

National Governing Board Meeting Volunteers for:

Dissecting Greece 2015

Page 8: Volume 52 Number 2 FALL 2015 District 28 Lead Line WatchYear/2015_08_USPS_Fall_ LeadLine.… · A detailed newsletter from the National Meetings om-mittee dated July 2015 is available


District 28 Website: www.usps.org/D28


Balboa Sail & Power Squadron “Trident”

Lake Mohave Sail & Power Squadron

“No Wake Zone”

Phoenix Sail & Power Squadron “Bos’n’s Pipe”

San Diego Sail & Power Squadron

“The Ship’s Mail”

San Luis Rey Sail & Power Squadron

“The Mariner’s Needle”

Photos in this issue courtesy of

Lt/C Jennifer Alcantara, P/C Randy

White, AP and D/1 Lt Jill Powell, AP

Page 8 Lead L ine Volume 52 Number 2

District Commander’s Report contd. from P. 2

Every time I visit Phoenix I am more and more impressed. Pat and I attend-ed their Turkey Fry at the Johnson's where over forty members participat-ed. Working with tiny Lake Mohave they held the annual Katherine's Land-ing cruise at Lake Mohave; again showing inter-squadron cooperation.

I am always impressed with how the Lake Mohave squadron can come to-gether and accomplish so much. Last year’s District Conference was a grand success because of the efforts of these members working together.

Most squadrons are still having diffi-culty filling the class rooms and there-for attracting new members. Many are using the Boating Simulator with mixed success. This is one of our greatest weaknesses. At the National Governing Board meeting there is a free Friday seminar on by the Public Relations Committee discussing “How to fill your classrooms”. I hope every SEO attends this seminar. It is important!

The Future Over the past months I have written and spoken on the need to embrace new technology. Look at your squad-ron and yourselves. Are you embrac-ing all the new technologies? Have you learned the In’s and Out’s of Sail Angle? Can you Skype? Have you conducted or been a part of an elec-tronic meeting? We have discussed this before but I am giving everyone another reminder – the Future is Here! D/C Kenneth E. Smith, AP



The United States Power Squadrons

Leadership Development Seminars

LD-101 and LD-102 are being

presented on Friday, 28 August in

San Diego, CA.

These Seminars are extremely beneficial

to Bridge Officers, Chairmen, and all

members working within the USPS

organization. You will take away skills to

use in a volunteer organization, in your

professional careers, and even in your

daily associations. Many people are

paying hundreds of dollars for similar

seminars, and the USPS Seminars have

been reduced to $49 at USPS Meetings

- and that Includes lunch. The seminars

are presented in sequence and the suc-

ceeding ones build on the previous

ones. Therefore, LD-101 is the first one

to be taken, followed by LD-102, then


V/C Gary Cheney, National Administra-

tive Officer, and the National Bridge

highly recommend that all members

take this opportunity to get first rate train-

ing at a cost not much above a lunch

ticket in San Diego. It's a great experi-

ence and a fun way to gain knowledge

and skills that you can use in many

ways. The cut-off date for registering is

fast approaching - so please go to the

LD/Com website and get registered!

P/D/C Elaine C. Keller, AP Leadership

Development Committee - POC, LD-102

Tel: 805-642-1155 Cell: 805-415-2000.



Page 9: Volume 52 Number 2 FALL 2015 District 28 Lead Line WatchYear/2015_08_USPS_Fall_ LeadLine.… · A detailed newsletter from the National Meetings om-mittee dated July 2015 is available


The USPS District 28 bi-annual newsletter, the Lead

Line is distributed via email. It is also available all

year on www.sailangle.com by going to the File

Cabinet and looking for the heading “Lead Line”.

There are 2 issues per year—Spring and Fall.

Perhaps there are members who would rather

receive the publication via hard copy.

If you prefer to receive the Lead Line half-yearly by

US Postal Service in booklet format, please contact

the Editor/Publisher:


Print your name _____________________________

Mailing Address: _____________________________


Squadron: __________________________________

Please mail or email this notice to:

D/1 Lt Jill Powell, AP

Editor/Publisher Lead Line USPS

6554 Via Barona

Carlsbad, CA. 92009-4516

Email: [email protected]

Thank you!

How do you prefer to receive your Lead Line?

Lead L ine Page 9 Volume 52 Number 2

Lt/C Chuck Davis, P joined the United States Power

Squadrons® on May 5, 2005. He earned 9 Merit Marks.

Chuck Davis, P, was very generous and was an outgoing member. Both he and his wife Barbara

were always donating and working at all squadron events whenever they were available. He worked at both on-the-water and dry-land events as well

as outside public service.

Chuck could be counted on to bring a smiling face and good conversation to all around him,

especially during trivia conversations.

In Memory of

Philip Boyd Hubbard, AP

1946 - 2015

Philip was born at Hamilton AFB and graduated

from Taipei High School, Taiwan.

He joined the U.S. Army in 1966 and served

2 tours in Vietnam and 1 in Desert Storm.

Philip joined the United States Power Squadrons®

on 9/10/2010 and earned 2 Merit Marks.

He was currently studying Junior Navigation with

the San Diego Sail & Power Squadron under the

instruction of David Baer. Phil will be missed!

Page 10: Volume 52 Number 2 FALL 2015 District 28 Lead Line WatchYear/2015_08_USPS_Fall_ LeadLine.… · A detailed newsletter from the National Meetings om-mittee dated July 2015 is available


Primary Business Address for Newsletter:

6554 Via Barona

Carlsbad, CA. 92009-4516



USPS Lead Line/D28

Come for the Boating Education… Stay for the Friends℠