volume 60 number 13 east jordan, michigan, thursday, … jordan news-herald 195… · nicholson of...

Don't Forget To Vote In Monday's Election OUR 60th YEAR VOLUME 60 NUMBER 13 OVER THE BACK FENCE BY MARSHALL Drive carefully over the week end. The man you hit may be a candidate for a city office. To bring the house down, Samson had to pull on the pil- lar*. To start a fire, Ne.ro had to fiddle. But we pot the aame effect by twisting up the date for Good Friday. Oh, ladies! An orchid awaits you free for nothing at Healey's Hardware. See their display in this issue. 14,000 and one half people have asked us who is going to buy the old bank building. + * * Many a sout!htrn Michigan traveler had to come north to get out of the snow last week- end. Last summer a good many people went south to get awjiy from our hot weather. And then occasionally some- one leaves town just to get out of hot water. There's talk of the Anchorage opening up. Two people are running for the Mayor's office. Anyone got a sto-p watch? East Jordan moved to Torch Lake Saturday night. A good time was had by all. It says here that a gossipy woman can caute more ha.rm than a drunk with a baseball bat. EAST JORDAN NEWS * CHARLEVOIX COUNTY HERALD, CONSOLIDATED SERVING THE FASTEST GROWING AREA IN T H E NORTH EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 29. 1956 10 CENTS EASTER SERVICES SET Sixteen Track Candidates Heed Coach Saxton's Cail They are going to take bids on the new court house. Charle- voix calls it a county building. But it ain't no such thing. It's a court house, no matter how you look at i t * « * Charlevoix gets a tpankinf new court home. Boyne City fets a nice county road commit* .ion garage. And the question ill When ii Eait Jordan going to fet something in addition to our retmodeled poor farm? Talk like that could stir up a nest of hives. Better chop it off for fear- age. Pretend like we didn't «ar it. * • • Some newspapers around the country are whispering behind their hands (others are scream- ing aloud) about plans for the coming national election. It seems both Dems and Repnbs ere planning to dump zillions into T V advertising for the sum- mer and fall campaigns. But the good old candidates will »tul want reams of copy published in news stories about their history. For free, no doubt. ... After the large special frrand opening bank issue is off tho press we are going to work on what will probably be the largest ed-tion ever published in the city — last year's Michigan Week edition contained 24 pages * * * Pardon us while we put a towel over our telephone. They are blowing out the lines today. Don't want to get that dust all oyer these papers. Why doesn't someone nut a tombstone and some bright say- ing on the spot where Swan City Sue sat during the winter. Only proper thing to do, you know. . . . Sorry, we can't tf.ke anymore news o'r advertising after Tues- day noon of each week. The ltd has been clamped down upon the. deadline. And it's tighter than a Scotsman away from home. . . . It .ays in "Carefre* *>»T«" that Charlevoix i. the hub of all activities in the region. Mayb* jt in, but it ain't no fun to read \i IA print, * * * We see where someone Is try- ing to get the ladlfiB to hop ar- ound on a pogo stick to keen slim, nnd trim. Hut it won t. work. Bemuse the first time a hii'hnnd tell? his wife It look* as though she's ridinjr * hroom, it will end »11 thjU. Only 16 track and field can- didates heeded Co^ch Saxton's Monday call for clndermen. Handicapped by lack of facil- ities, the small squad will be looking forward to next spring when they hope that the> wPl have a cinder track at the new fairgrounds athletic field. Milers Ralph Shepard and Fritz Healey in addition to Jack Ingalls, a hurdler and pole vaul- ter, are the only lctterwinners among the candidates. With warmer weather in sight, Saxton hones to nave a few more hopefuls on hand after the Easter holiday layoff. Besides the three lettermen listed above, the boys who were on hand Monday afternoon were Bucky Cihak, Ja-"k Gee, Robett Johnson, Jack Kramer. Joel Mc- Creary and Joe Pienta; fresh- men. David Smith, Robert Cro- well, Rodney Sternberg, Alan Ingalls and Joel Evans; Sopho- mores and Neal Evans along with the .3 lettermen Ingalls, Shepard and Healey who are ju- niors. The track schedule is now b™- ing drawn up and will be pub- lished as .soon as it is complete. Out of necessity all meets will be away from home. Mancelona Gets Annual Scout Outing Dr. Kenneth W. Tinker. Chair- man of the Camping and Activi- ties Committee, Scenic Trails Council, Roy Scours of Americ... reports the 1 0 50 annual Counc il Roy Scout Camporee won Id he held at citv nark in Mancelona, May 18, 19 and 2U This is the annual Camporee that has been staged throughout northern Michigan since 10-48 with one year in exception. Over 1,000 Scouts and Lea- ders are expected to be in at- tendance at this affair Last year at Cadillac 0.34 were pre- sent, and 930 the proceed mg year at Petoskey. Other years the Camporee has b"en he'd at Kalkaska, Ea-t Jordan. Macki- naw Island and Camp Creilick. Dr. Tinker announces the ap- pointment of co-chairman Nr this year's Camporee of Herb Newkirk of" Mancelona and Ken* Nicholson of Traverse City. M-. Newkirk will handle the physical arrangement sub-commit tee.> and Mr. Michohnn will take ca "•' of the Program sub-committee-. The theme of thr year's Cam- poree is to be "Onward for Cod and My Country" which is in line wiN the National Roy S'out Council's new hour Year Pro- gram which began in lilnG. Boys will camp by Patrols with four to eight boys each to a sit", crioVn" th-ir meal:- and retting up their Camp for the weekend. They will engage in different Scoutcraft demonstrations and contest toward securing of an award for their Patrol. Scouts from the territory be- tween Alpena and Manistee, Reed City and Cheboygan we exported to he present. Co-chairmen are now in th" .process of appointing IS sub committees to make the Camp- oree ;i reality. Central Lake Copps Top In Tourney Central Lake Lumber copped the team event in the Women's Annual Top 0' Michigan Bowl- ing Association Tournament which ended at East Jordan Re- creation, Sunday. The Central Lake team ended with 2850 points. Thirty teams from four cities vied for $400 in prizes in the tournament which ran two week end?. Second in the team event was P"°wrys. of East Jordan, with 2813. * * * EVE SHIVELINE and Karin Bargar. of Bellaire bowled 1280 to fake the doubles event. Second were Polly Sincla : r rnd Jennie Bartlett, of East Jor- dan, with 1198. Helen Paul, of Bellaire walked off with the singles event and Ruth Cellner, of Charlevoix, was second. A'l events winners were Wan da Winowiccki with 1839; and Karin Bargar with 1702. Sportsmen Hold Meet Tonight T'-." .'n-d'tn Piv r 'r Sportsmen's Club will hold it-" monthly meet- ing at U P American Legion hall S p.m. Thar-day night, (tonight) Under di-eus-ion will he the T-iro'T'm to g»! full grown phea- sant - in; o the area. It was said M v , • - "v oral m a y nn rch a se t h e birds fnr release here and that the orders mast go in at the same time. The sportsmen will discu.it uetti-ir together with the Jor- d^.n VT 11ev A r* he- 1* y Club for A earn shoot with bow and arrow only. Di- cn-^-ion wiP al s o be held nn the nooning of Munroe Creek far :111( 1 !: fi-hing. It j = said the ••1 re nn tv ir, d< puli-lns against tho-'e who have in the pa = t harm- ed private landscape in the area. Secretary TOi.h Dressel said the member's will make addition- p ''iiH for improvement of Sportsmen'* Park and workout a drive for new memberships. Slides w ; ll be shown and lunch served following the order of bu.-iness. State Tennis CIlamps Begin First Workout Coach Max Damnth's. defend- ing Slate Class ('-]) tennii champion-, rennet ed for init i,,l waikrin t - on Monday and worn h ••;)(!'-d hv returning lettermen Lai-v *V^,.r.>-k. Cone Richard* and Cal Darbee. Knox, Fiixy To Speak Al Petoskey A northern Mirnliran meeting to find how people feel about he nation's present farm pi >- frrnm is slated for Petoskey H p.m., Monday, April 2nd. IleadillK the list of speakers will be ("nnirresMiian Victor A. Knox and Charles Fiey. a•>««•!- pn t cocrctary of * j'rirn 11 u re, of Washington. The mcetinfr is open to Mo 1 public and will he he'd ai :h" Poto c kcy 4-IT center at the fa ; r- Kround. In ddition Ihe lowing can- didal"- wo>-e in attendaroe at ' peninc: drills; Uiebard Johnson, •lino- Khv l "v (lorry Carney, itsvmond Walker, Clen May- l"-w l.oui-- Cihak Jr.. Caroih Th'>ntp-on Kobort Murray, Alan S"'M-pi rd. Junes Yettaw. Leo Thomas. Cary f'.hak, Roli-rt. Islin on Jerry C rccn Charles K i in r id:. Clen Kowal Id David Ii.iinoth and 1 oren Wykoff. The 'tenni= «rhiM,ii1i> like tfvi! in Ira-k is ii]sn in the nrorcss of b dins drawn up and will he p;i',- '; bed a-, soon as jt i s romplcle NOTICE! The news and advertising deadline for the News-Herald has for several years been 12- noon Tuesday. News and advertising copy reaching the of- fice after that time will not be used in the cur rent week's issue. Many times we've tried to help someone out who was late with news or advertising copy by accepting it after the Tuesday noon deadline." The confusion of rushing to get this late mat- erial in the paper often results in proofreading and printing errors. Some of them serious. Hereafter the Tuesday noon deadline will be strictly enforced. Material of any kind from any source will not be accepted after Tuesday noon for the current week's publication. * • SPRING FESTIVAL Sixteen Schools Send Music Clubs Here The annua! sprinjr musical festival for Michigan's Vocal District No. 2 -will be held in the East Jordan ^".ditorium, 8 a.m. Smuruay, /^,y^r-*7t .i. Choirs and glee clubs will sing in the morning W'th solos and ensembles in the afternoon. Mr=. A. 1.. Drapeau, director of the local hisrh --chool chorus, i- f '-tiva! ehairm- n. Cho:r=. p-l„o clubs, ,-o'os and cmemb'os will sr-ive here from the following cities: REED CITY, Honor. MrTiaia, Onekima. H --IT- l,ake Harbor Springs. Scnttvilie. Manistee, nosyrt- City. Mesick. Cedilla.•, Mancelona. Evart. Traverse Ci- ty. Clen Arbor and Lelenau. Mrs. Drapeau reports the fes- tival is open to the public. All residen's. she said, are urtrod to take advantage of the opportun- to hear the carious music ity rrroups. Mi - Pi'ri ii lie n'C !vr sister nn law Mr. and Mrs. Lan.sinj?. is Visit- irolher-io- es Hill nt Work Bee Planned At Tourist Park Norman Bartlett, Leo Snni- m rv i 1 1 e and She rm an Thomas have been named by the Bu-i- nn^nvn's Association to worn w i t h Park Commissioner Tom S f . Chnrb's in organizing an An- ri! worMieo at hh- 1 tnuri-t par-k. St. Charles appeared at the mont hly meeting of the asso- riatinn Tuesdav ni^ht at ihe J o rd a n Inn and outlined n ec e sary work to ho done at the park before summ-r visitors ar- rive, Friday nit?ht ooeninit *>f mer- chnntu, a* agreed upon by a^nn- rid'Inn ptorubfrft, becrfxn last Fr-dnv niirht h»it ininc hnwevr.r, felt they uhni-ld remain open Sa- turday niirht ftl*n for conven- ience of their customer*. ft w,« pointed out at the m e e t ; n "" ' h n t t w n w n e U s urn ;' ,3 pv>"finnie were in favor of (hp Fri da v nMit on^nin™ and f ive favored Saturday night. B : 'l Pnr ( "r wi« named by ('hnirmm Jerry Powers to head o committee to 13 hidy t.he p o i - b : !ilv of erctiiv a hnce East Jordan bu^n"^" dln.ric* ^Ign ov- er highway Mfifl near M32. a * PLANS FOR five new eilv n-i- t ranee si< r ns wi re di:'-n^sefl. Thev will b" ennsti acted of rus- tic log': nrui met.nl 'ihe signi will give the name- ''Ka^t Jord in, ihe Swan City" mid carry the large Rotary emblem. The as-sncia t inn is attempting in divide enst of the signs be- tween the city itself, the Potarv Club and the MSS.Kml lop. Up Teams Sweep State Cage Finals Upper Peninsula high rchools carried off the lions share of the glory in the State High School o i - k"'. ball to;j rn' 1 ment at East Lan in-r last weekend when they copped three of 'he four major class championships. Stephenson. Crystal Falls and Chas-'H] 5wept to stale champ- ionship titles in Classes B, C and 1) tv ; need ively. Perhaps the only reason the. t T P boys didn't cop a Class A title also is due to the fact there are no Class A schools north of the s'rai!s. Muskegon IIeights wnn the Class A C h a m pio n s h i p for th 9 second time in three years a = they b'sted IT.amtramek 0,3 to .".3 in the Class A final. Stephenson, led by the sop. cit innal Mid Pntcr-on who t-nl- l:ed 100 in the final three games, •3H in ihe ouarter finals at P< t- oskey. .38 in the so mi finals at East, Lan-ing Friday night and .3 5 in his t"ams 73 to 71 double overtime victory over Detroit St. Andrews. Crvstal Falls, conquerors of Payne City in the quarterfinal; ;;t Trax'"rse City annexed the C title with a 71 to fhl triumph n\ - er previously unbeaten Berrien Springs. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Dale M. Larson, Paitor Union Good Friday services will be held at tne Methodist Church at 1:30 p.m. Friday. M'arc-h 30bh. Services will be held Good Friday evening at Evangelical Lutheran Church to celebrate Holy Communion. Search Area For Dairy Princess" SHOP EAST JORDAN 1 The Trestleboard The officers of No. 370, nine in number, j onrneyed to Che- boygan last Tuesib.y afternoon where they fellow^Mpped with Cheboygan Lodge No. 28.3 at a su pper and later witnessed the conferring of the Master Mason Degree. Seller Was there in his >ff:cial capacity of District De- puty Im t rue tor. Cheboygan ! ,ndge had bi -\ re, ent.ly nedicn- I ed its new I empbv Plans nre underway fnr pi J t- ting on a min-dre! dwuv under t he .'inspires n f I he St a r.- and MiMiii-. Committees will he un- pointed and the wheels set : n motion at the rev: oalliu k sup p"i* April 1 1 th. Thi- will bn an important get-together HO re- < erve that date.. We wMi to show our appreci- atinn of the fat t fl.M the New' Herald has nlloted us MVICO in iti columns for snecifie coverage oT La ••••1-11 St-tr •.•,.1 ' .,[..,• news Plea-e call LK 0^.383 on ni b-fr-re Turwla.V none of e;, !l week if vnu h a v aay news it,•',1 of interest to SUr* or Musnn.i. Some lucky East Jordan dairy farm girl ha? an opportunity to become Michigan's Dairy Queen. Announcement was made this week that a Charlevoix County "Dairy Princess" contest will he held at Charlevoix high school, 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 3. Judges will be from out of tho county. They have not yet been named. Selection of the Princess and the coronation ball will be he : d on the same night. April 3. Ad- mission i= free with milk, ice cream and cookies being served. GIRLS ENTERING must have a dairy farm background, raur.t be between 17 and 20 years of age and si'ngle. The program is sponsored by Charlevoix county dairy inter- e-is with help of the county farm agent's office in Boyne City. County agent Ed Rebman mid annli cat ions may be picked up at his office in Boyne City. Winner nf the , will h<* sent to Lan I etc with orher etui the title of Mich Queen. oum y ; i n g 1 1 even t com- •ls for Dairy Jehovah's Witnesses Attend Meet Twenty of Jehovah' 3 witness- es from tho Ivi-t Jordan Congre- gation will travel to Alpena this week end. the host city for a 3 days convention. According to Clarence Staley. presiding minister of the local ; nngregation. the i-e = =dnns wi ; 1 \w held at Memorial Hall, April ('- 1 ^ with fifiO expected. Mr. Staley says: "The dele- gates wiil come from twen'y congregation- of Northern Mi- chigan, and art 1 part of the in- I e rna t ional o rgan izat ion of Je- hovah*; witnesses. This esseniblv : -„.. ,| i„. » v Wat ditower Society and all who are interest- •u .n Ibloe education are. web c o tned. Bible talks, discussions and demont-tratious will highlight aU sessions. The main public lecture "Consulting Cod on World Af- fair-" will be delivered by Mr. I). K. Stull. from the Brooklyn, New York he a rlon a rt ers of the Watchtower Society." One of the outstanding fea- 'ure^ w\l b" an ordination cere- nvny Saturday af t or noon when candidates who have prepared for the ministry will be baptized. AAA Service At Baders Standard Service has. in I ed A ^ A represents- Last Jordan and sur- ndimr area, it was Mnnnunc- !iy Harold Bader this week. f<> COMING EVENTS A,,.-.' 3 Th-' Slndy Club will nier! w:!h Kay Br nil m a = ho t 1 I bv'' the" 't 11 iHil^ and 1 re C r i.pi "1' = uV b ' • er\ rd bv Al- b a Nnwhuul and Anna Sher- ir.a.n- Palm Sunday the following *\- ^uIts received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism: Robert Pearsall, Gerald Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Roberts. Those received as members through the Rite of Confirmat- ion were: Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Cihak, Edward Lehrbass, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearsall, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Roberts and Earl Dexter. Mancelona. In addition to the above, the following people indicated their desire to become members by acclamation: Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nold Ford and family, Louis Kamradt and Mrs. Earl Dexter, Mancelona. These new members will receive their iirst commun- ion on Good Fid day evening. There will be two services on Easter Sunday at the Evangeli- cal Lutheran Church. At the 9-- 30 service several children will •eceive the Sacrament of Ho'y Baptism. At the 11:30 service the Sacrament of Holy Commun- ion will be celebrated. The choir under the direction of Fred Stecker. will sing at both services. The re will be no Sunday School next Sunday, hut all the children are urged to attend the fir-t service. Everyone is invited to attend both services. They will not be identical. * * * PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Edward O. DeHaven Pastor Hoiv Communion service will be celebrated Thursday evening at p.m. at the church. Union On n i i V n d a y s e r v i c PS wi:! be hold in the Methodist (.'"•nivch Fridav afternoon. Psr- -":: • i i nvdi'a lions will be from ': 1 *n 1 -.30. Preaching services at 1:.:0 will be based on the seven la--; words of the cross. Ea-'ter sunrise service and h'T->kfa-t are sponsored by the WYF. The sendee b-gins at 6:30 a.m. The Easier worship service will begin promptly at 11 a.m. New members will be received at this service and the sac re- men t of baptism administered. * * » The Presbytery of Petoskey will meet Monday evening and Tuesdny in Rogers City. * * f- METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Robert H. Moore, Pastor The Methodist Church will ob- serve Maundy Thursday with the ancient Bible ritual of the Up- P " r R o {>m — so insti tu ted by Christ the night before Good V riday. The elements will be ronse- crated at the regular altar: then transferred to a side room where the pastor will preside at a table set for thirteen, one vacant chair to symbolize the betrayer. Everv member is urged to at- tend this sacred Sac re mental Worship to o o m m e r a to Holy Week and the Lord's Institution <>f the Lord's Supper. GOOD FRIDAY Mi'rlitaLions will be conducted by t he pastor from 12 noon to 1 :30 p.m. Three organists will contribute to the beauty of this worship. Mrs. Walter Fowler will play from 12 until 12:30 p.m., Fred Doll a von wiil play from 12 -3(t until I :00 n.m. and Fred Steckor will play from 1 :00 un- til 1 :.30 p.m. From 1 :30 until ' > :01) p.m. the foflowbig local Her-'v will preach nn "The Seven List Words:" Pev. Edward O. DeHaven. Rev. Dale M. Larson. Rev. C. W. Thompson. E'der Ole Olson, nnd Rev. Robert IL Moore. The public is urged to join in acknowledging God during thes-- three tr'ditinml hours of agony n the Cm-s hv attending wor- '.iii through thr; la d hour and half or bv a I * mi d i n ,r a one half hour nvd i t a' ion between 1 2 noun and I :30 p.m. EASTER Th.- pa-Nr. the Rev. Robert 11. Mo >••.-. wi" haptU.' chiMr •'1 •mi! :id.,:t- at 8 a m. Easter Ilo'v Co'iinicnmn wi'.i be celebrated ni a MI dVcoi'v !wn new members will "II, i on the is R.s-

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Page 1: VOLUME 60 NUMBER 13 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, … JORDAN NEWS-HERALD 195… · Nicholson of Traverse City. M-. Newkirk l handl e th physical arrangement sub-commit tee.> and

Don't Forget To Vote In Monday's Election OUR 60th





Drive carefully over the week end. The man you hit may be a candidate for a city office.

To bring the house down, Samson had to pull on the pil­lar*. To start a fire, Ne.ro had to fiddle. But we pot the aame effect by twisting up the date for Good Friday.

Oh, ladies! An orchid awaits you free for nothing at Healey's Hardware. See their display in this issue.

14,000 and one half people have asked us who is going to buy the old bank building.

+ * * Many a sout!htrn Michigan

traveler had to come north to get out of the snow last week­end.

Last summer a good many people went south to get awjiy from our hot weather.

And then occasionally some­one leaves town just to get out of hot water.

There's talk of the Anchorage opening up.

Two people are running for the Mayor's office. Anyone got a sto-p watch?

East Jordan moved to Torch Lake Saturday night. A good time was had by all.

It says here that a gossipy woman can caute more ha.rm than a drunk with a baseball bat.

E A S T J O R D A N N E W S *


H E R A L D , C O N S O L I D A T E D



EASTER SERVICES SET Sixteen Track Candidates Heed Coach Saxton's Cail

They are going to take bids on the new court house. Charle­voix calls it a county building. But it ain't no such thing. It's a court house, no matter how you look at i t

* « * Charlevoix gets a tpankinf

new court home. Boyne City fets a nice county road commit* .ion garage. And the question ill When ii Eait Jordan going to fet something in addition to our retmodeled poor farm? Talk like that could stir up a nest of hives. Better chop it off for fear-age. Pretend like we didn't «ar it.

* • • Some newspapers around the

country are whispering behind their hands (others are scream­ing aloud) about plans for the coming national election. It seems both Dems and Repnbs ere planning to dump zillions into T V advertising for the sum­mer and fall campaigns. But the good old candidates will »tul want reams of copy published in news stories about their history. For free, no doubt. . . .

After the large special frrand opening bank issue is off tho press we are going to work on what will probably be the largest ed-tion ever published in the city — last year's Michigan Week edition contained 24 pages

* * * Pardon us while we put a

towel over our telephone. They are blowing out the lines today. Don't want to get that dust all oyer these papers.

Why doesn't someone nut a tombstone and some bright say­ing on the spot where Swan City Sue sat during the winter. Only proper thing to do, you know.

. . . Sorry, we can't tf.ke anymore

news o'r advertising after Tues­day noon of each week. The ltd has been clamped down upon the. deadline. And it's tighter than a Scotsman away from home.

. . . It .ays in "Carefre* *>»T«"

that Charlevoix i . the hub of all activities in the region. Mayb* jt in, but it ain't no fun to read \i IA print,

* * * We see where someone Is try­

ing to get the ladlfiB to hop ar­ound on a pogo stick to keen slim, nnd trim. Hut it won t. work. Bemuse the first time a hii'hnnd tell? his wife It look* as though she's ridinjr * hroom, it will end »11 thjU.

Only 16 track and field can­didates heeded Co^ch Saxton's Monday call for clndermen.

Handicapped by lack of facil­ities, the small squad will be looking forward to next spring when they hope that the> wPl have a cinder track at the new fairgrounds athletic field.

Milers Ralph Shepard and Fritz Healey in addition to Jack Ingalls, a hurdler and pole vaul-ter, are the only lctterwinners among the candidates.

With warmer weather in sight, Saxton hones to nave a few more hopefuls on hand after the Easter holiday layoff.

Besides the three lettermen listed above, the boys who were on hand Monday afternoon were Bucky Cihak, Ja-"k Gee, Robett Johnson, Jack Kramer. Joel Mc-Creary and Joe Pienta; fresh­men. David Smith, Robert Cro­well, Rodney Sternberg, Alan Ingalls and Joel Evans; Sopho­mores and Neal Evans along with the .3 lettermen Ingalls, Shepard and Healey who are ju­niors.

The track schedule is now b™-ing drawn up and will be pub­lished as .soon as it is complete. Out of necessity all meets will be away from home.

Mancelona Gets Annual Scout Outing

Dr. Kenneth W. Tinker. Chair­man of the Camping and Activi­ties Committee, Scenic Trails Council, Roy Scours of Americ... reports the 1 0 50 annual Counc il Roy Scout Camporee won Id he held at citv nark in Mancelona, May 18, 19 and 2U

This is the annual Camporee that has been staged throughout northern Michigan since 10-48 with one year in exception.

Over 1,000 Scouts and Lea­ders are expected to be in at­tendance at this affair Last year at Cadillac 0.34 were pre­sent, and 930 the proceed mg year at Petoskey. Other years the Camporee has b"en he'd at Kalkaska, Ea-t Jordan. Macki­naw Island and Camp Creilick.

Dr. Tinker announces the ap­pointment of co-chairman N r this year's Camporee of Herb Newkirk of" Mancelona and Ken* Nicholson of Traverse City. M - . Newkirk will handle the physical arrangement sub-commit tee.> and Mr. Michohnn will take ca "•' of the Program sub-committee-.

The theme of thr year's Cam­poree is to be "Onward for Cod and My Country" which is in line wiN the National Roy S'out Council's new hour Year Pro­gram which began in lilnG.

Boys will camp by Patrols with four to eight boys each to a sit", crioVn" th-ir meal:- and retting up their Camp for the weekend. They will engage in different Scoutcraft demonstrations and contest toward securing of an award for their Patrol.

Scouts from the territory be­tween Alpena and Manistee, Reed City and Cheboygan we exported to he present.

Co-chairmen are now in th" .process of appointing IS sub • committees to make the Camp­oree ;i reality.

Central Lake Copps Top In Tourney

Central Lake Lumber copped the team event in the Women's Annual Top 0' Michigan Bowl­ing Association Tournament which ended at East Jordan Re­creation, Sunday.

The Central Lake team ended with 2850 points.

Thirty teams from four cities vied for $400 in prizes in the tournament which ran two week end?.

Second in the team event was P"°wrys . of East Jordan, with 2813.

* * * E V E S H I V E L I N E and Karin

Bargar. of Bellaire bowled 1280 to fake the doubles event.

Second were Polly Sincla :r rnd Jennie Bartlett, of East Jor­dan, with 1198.

Helen Paul, of Bellaire walked off with the singles event and Ruth Cellner, of Charlevoix, was second.

A'l events winners were Wan da Winowiccki with 1839; and Karin Bargar with 1702.

Sportsmen Hold Meet Tonight

T'-." .'n-d'tn Piv r'r Sportsmen's Club will hold it-" monthly meet­ing at U P American Legion hall S p.m. Thar-day night, (tonight)

Under di-eus-ion will he the T-iro'T'm to g»! full grown phea­sant - in; o the area. It was said M v , • - "v oral m a y nn rch a se t h e birds fnr release here and that the orders mast go in at the same time.

The sportsmen will discu.it uetti-ir together with the Jor-d .n V T 11ev A r* he-1*y Club for A earn shoot with bow and arrow only.

Di- cn-^-ion wiP al so be held nn the nooning of Munroe Creek far :111(1!: fi-hing. It j = said the ••1 re nn tvir,d< puli-lns against tho-'e who have in the pa = t harm­ed private landscape in the area.

Secretary TOi.h Dressel said the member's will make addition-

p ' ' i iH for improvement of Sportsmen'* Park and workout a drive for new memberships.

Slides w ;ll be shown and lunch served following the order of bu.-iness.

State Tennis CI lamps Begin First Workout

Coach Max Damnth's. defend­ing Slate Class ('-]) tennii champion-, rennet ed for init i,,l waikrin t - on Monday and worn h ••;)(!'-d hv returning lettermen Lai-v *V^,.r.>-k. Cone Richard* and Cal Darbee.

Knox, Fiixy To Speak Al Petoskey

A northern Mirnliran meeting to find how people feel about • he nation's present farm pi >-frrnm is slated for Petoskey H p.m., Monday, April 2nd.

IleadillK the list of speakers will be ("nnirresMiian Victor A. Knox and Charles Fiey. a•>««•!-p n t cocrctary of * j'rirn 11 u re, of Washington.

The mcetinfr is open to Mo1

public and will he he'd ai :h" Poto ckcy 4-IT center at the fa ;r-Kround.

In ddition Ihe lowing can­didal"- wo>-e in attendaroe at ' peninc: drills; Uiebard Johnson, •lino- Khv l"v (lorry Carney, itsvmond Walker, Clen May-l"-w l.oui-- Cihak Jr.. Caroih Th'>ntp-on Kobort Murray, Alan S"'M-pi rd. Junes Yettaw. Leo Thomas. Cary f'.hak, Roli-rt. Islin on Jerry C rccn Charles K i in r id:. Clen Kowal Id David Ii.iinoth and 1 oren Wykoff.

The 'tenni= «rhiM,ii1i> like tfvi! in Ira-k is ii]sn in the nrorcss of b dins drawn up and will he p;i',-

'; bed a-, soon as jt i s romplcle

NOTICE! The news and advertising deadline for the

News-Herald has for several years been 12-noon Tuesday.

News and advertising copy reaching the of­fice after that time wil l not be used in the cur rent week's issue.

Many times we've tried to help someone out who was late with news or advertising copy by accepting it after the Tuesday noon deadline."

The confusion of rushing to get this late mat­erial in the paper often results in proofreading and printing errors. Some of them serious.

Hereafter the Tuesday noon deadline wi l l be strictly enforced. Material of any kind from any source wi l l not be accepted after Tuesday noon for the current week's publication.

• * •


Sixteen Schools Send Music Clubs Here

The annua! sprinjr musical festival for Michigan's Vocal District No. 2 -will be held in the East Jordan ^".ditorium, 8 a.m. Smuruay, / ,y^r-*7t.i.

Choirs and glee clubs will sing in the morning W ' th solos and ensembles in the afternoon.

Mr=. A. 1.. Drapeau, director of the local hisrh --chool chorus, i- f '-tiva! ehairm- n.

Cho:r=. p-l„o clubs, ,-o'os and cmemb'os will sr-ive here from the following cities:

R E E D CITY, Honor. MrTiaia, Onekima. H --IT- l,ake Harbor Springs. Scnttvilie. Manistee, nosyrt- City. Mesick. Cedilla.•, Mancelona. Evart. Traverse Ci­ty. Clen Arbor and Lelenau.

Mrs. Drapeau reports the fes­tival is open to the public. All residen's. she said, are urtrod to take advantage of the opportun-

to hear the carious music ity rrroups.

Mi - P i ' r i i i lie n'C !vr sister nn

law Mr. and Mrs. Lan.sinj?.

• is Visit-irolher-io-es Hill nt

Work Bee Planned At Tourist Park

Norman Bartlett, Leo Snni-m rv i11 e and She rm an Thomas have been named by the Bu-i-nn^nvn's Association to worn w i t h Park Commissioner Tom S f . Chnrb's in organizing an An-ri! worMieo at hh-1 tnuri-t par-k.

St. Charles appeared at the mont hly meeting of the asso-riatinn Tuesdav ni^ht at ihe J o rd a n Inn and outlined n ec e sary work to ho done at the park before summ-r visitors ar­rive,

Friday nit?ht ooeninit *>f mer-chnntu, a* agreed upon b y a^nn-r i d ' I n n p t o r u b f r f t , becrfxn last Fr-dnv niirht h»it i n i n c hnwevr.r, felt they uhni-ld remain open Sa­turday niirht ftl*n for conven­ience of their customer*.

ft w , « pointed out at the m e e t; n "" ' h n t t w n w n e U s urn ;' ,3 pv>"finnie were in favor of (hp Fri da v nMit on^nin™ and f ive favored Saturday night.

B : ' l Pnr ("r wi« named by ('hnirmm Jerry Powers to head o committee to 13hidy t.he p o i -b :!ilv of e r c t i i v a hnce East Jordan bu^n"^" dln.ric* Ign ov­er highway Mfifl near M32.

• a *

PLANS FOR five new eilv n - i -t ranee si<rns wi re di:'-n^sefl. Thev will b" ennsti acted of rus­tic log': nrui met.nl 'ihe signi will give the name- ''Ka^t Jord in, ihe Swan Ci ty" mid carry the large Rotary emblem.

The as-sncia t inn is attempting in divide enst of the signs be­tween the city itself, the Potarv Club and the MSS.Kml lop.

Up Teams Sweep State Cage Finals

Upper Peninsula high rchools carried off the lions share of the glory in the State High School o i - k"'. ball to;j rn'1 ment at East Lan in-r last weekend when they copped three of 'he four major class championships.

Stephenson. Crystal Falls and Chas-'H] 5wept to stale champ­ionship titles in Classes B, C and 1) tv ; need ively.

Perhaps the only reason the. tTP boys didn't cop a Class A title also is due to the fact there are no Class A schools north of the s'rai!s.

Muskegon IIeights wnn the Class A C h a m pio n s h i p for th 9 second time in three years a = they b'sted IT.amtramek 0,3 to .".3 in the Class A final.

Stephenson, led by the sop. cit innal Mid Pntcr-on who t-nl-l:ed 100 in the final three games, •3H in ihe ouarter finals at P< t-oskey. .38 in the so mi finals at East, Lan-ing Friday night and .3 5 in his t"ams 73 to 71 double overtime victory over Detroit St. Andrews.

Crvstal Falls, conquerors of Payne City in the quarterfinal; ;;t Trax'"rse City annexed the C title with a 71 to fhl triumph n\ -er previously unbeaten Berrien Springs.


Rev. Dale M. Larson, Paitor

Union Good Friday services will be held at tne Methodist Church at 1:30 p.m. Friday. M'arc-h 30bh.

Services will be held Good Friday evening at Evangelical Lutheran Church to celebrate Holy Communion.

Search Area For Dairy Princess"


The Trestleboard

The officers of No. 370, nine in number, j onrneyed to Che­boygan last Tuesib.y afternoon where they fellow^Mpped with Cheboygan Lodge No. 28.3 at a su pper and later witnessed the conferring of the Master Mason Degree. Seller Was there in his >ff:cial capacity of District De­

puty Im t rue tor. Cheboygan ! ,ndge had bi -\ re, ent.ly nedicn-I ed its new I empbv

Plans nre underway fnr pi J t-ting on a min-dre! dwuv under t he .'inspires n f I he St a r.- and MiMiii-. Committees will he un­pointed and the wheels set :n motion at the rev: oalliu k sup p"i* April 1 1 th. Thi- will bn an important get-together HO re-< erve that date..

We wMi to show our appreci-atinn of the fat t fl.M the New' Herald has nlloted us MVICO in iti columns for snecifie coverage oT La ••••1-11 St-tr •.•,.1 ' • .,[..,• news Plea-e call LK 0^.383 on ni b-fr-re Turwla.V none of e;, !l week if vnu hav aay news it,•',1 of interest to SUr* or Musnn.i.

Some lucky East Jordan dairy farm girl ha? an opportunity to become Michigan's Dairy Queen.

Announcement was made this week that a Charlevoix County "Dairy Princess" contest will he held at Charlevoix high school, 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 3.

Judges will be from out of tho county. They have not yet been named.

Selection of the Princess and the coronation ball will be he :d on the same night. April 3. Ad­mission i= free with milk, ice cream and cookies being served.

GIRLS E N T E R I N G must have a dairy farm background, raur.t be between 17 and 20 years of age and si'ngle.

The program is sponsored by Charlevoix county dairy inter-e-is with help of the county farm agent's office in Boyne City.

County agent Ed Rebman mid annli cat ions may be picked up at his office in Boyne City.

Winner nf the , will h<* sent to Lan I etc with orher etui the title of Mich Queen.

oum y ; i n g 11

even t • com-•ls for Dairy

Jehovah's Witnesses Attend Meet

Twenty of Jehovah'3 witness­es from tho Ivi-t Jordan Congre­gation will travel to Alpena this week end. the host city for a 3 days convention.

According to Clarence Staley. presiding minister of the local ; nngregation. the i-e = =dnns wi;1 \w held at Memorial Hall, April ('-1^ with fifiO expected.

Mr. Staley says: "The dele­gates wiil come from twen'y congregation- of Northern Mi­chigan, and art1 part of the in-I e rna t ional o rgan izat ion of Je­hovah*; witnesses. This esseniblv : -„.. ,| i„. » v Wat ditower Society and all who are interest-•u .n Ibloe education are. web

c o tned. Bible talks, discussions and

demont-tratious will highlight aU sessions. The main public lecture "Consulting Cod on World Af­fair-" will be delivered by Mr. I). K. Stull. from the Brooklyn, New York he a rlon a rt ers of the Watchtower Society."

One of the outstanding fea-'ure^ w\l b" an ordination cere-nvny Saturday af t or noon when candidates who have prepared for the ministry will be baptized.

AAA Service At Baders

Standard Service has. • in I ed A ^ A represents-Last Jordan and sur-

ndimr area, it was Mnnnunc-!iy Harold Bader this week.



A,,.-.' 3 Th-' Slndy Club will nier! w:!h Kay Br nil m a •= ho t

1 I bv'' the" 't 11 iHil^ and1 re C r i.pi "1 ' = u V b ' • er\ rd bv Al-b a Nnwhuul and Anna Sher-ir.a.n-

Palm Sunday the following *\-^uIts received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism: Robert Pearsall, Gerald Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Roberts.

Those received as members through the Rite of Confirmat­ion were: Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Cihak, Edward Lehrbass, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearsall, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Roberts and Earl Dexter. Mancelona.

In addition to the above, the following people indicated their desire to become members by acclamation: Mr. and Mrs. Ar­nold Ford and family, Louis Kamradt and Mrs. Earl Dexter, Mancelona. These new members will receive their iirst commun­ion on Good Fid day evening.

There will be two services on Easter Sunday at the Evangeli­cal Lutheran Church. At the 9--30 service several children will •eceive the Sacrament of Ho'y Baptism. At the 11:30 service the Sacrament of Holy Commun­ion will be celebrated.

The choir under the direction of Fred Stecker. will sing at both services.

The re will be no Sunday School next Sunday, hut all the children are urged to attend the fir-t service.

Everyone is invited to attend both services. They will not be identical.

* * * P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H

Rev. Edward O. DeHaven Pastor Hoiv Communion service will

be celebrated Thursday evening at p.m. at the church.

Union On n i i V n d a y s e r v i c PS wi:! be hold in the Methodist (.'"•nivch Fridav afternoon. Psr--":: • i i nvdi'a lions will be from ': 1 *n 1 -.30. Preaching services at 1:.:0 will be based on the seven la--; words of the cross.

Ea-'ter sunrise service and h'T->kfa-t are sponsored by the W Y F . The sendee b-gins at 6:30 a.m.

The Easier worship service will begin promptly at 11 a.m. New members will be received at this service and the sac re-men t of baptism administered.

* * »

The Presbytery of Petoskey will meet Monday evening and Tuesdny in Rogers City.

* * f-M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H

Rev. Robert H . Moore, Pastor The Methodist Church will ob­

serve Maundy Thursday with the ancient Bible ritual of the Up-P " r R o {>m — so insti tu ted by Christ the night before Good V riday.

The elements will be ronse-crated at the regular altar: then transferred to a side room where the pastor will preside at a table set for thirteen, one vacant chair to symbolize the betrayer.

Everv member is urged to at­tend this sacred Sac re mental Worship to o o m m e r a to Holy Week and the Lord's Institution <>f the Lord's Supper.

GOOD F R I D A Y Mi'rlitaLions will be conducted

by t he pastor from 12 noon to 1 :30 p.m. Three organists will contribute to the beauty of this worship. Mrs. Walter Fowler will play from 12 until 12:30 p.m., Fred Doll a von wiil play from 12 -3(t until I :00 n.m. and Fred Steckor will play from 1 :00 un­til 1 :.30 p.m.

From 1 :30 until •''> :01) p.m. the foflowbig local Her-'v will preach nn "The Seven List Words:" Pev. Edward O. DeHaven. Rev. Dale M. Larson. Rev. C. W. Thompson. E'der Ole Olson, nnd Rev. Robert IL Moore.

The public is urged to join in acknowledging God during thes--three tr'ditinml hours of agony

n the Cm-s hv attending wor-'.iii through thr; la d hour and

half or bv a I * mi d i n , r a one half hour nvd i t a' ion between 1 2 noun and I :30 p.m.

E A S T E R Th.- pa-Nr. the Rev. Robert

11. Mo >••.-. wi" haptU.' chiMr •'1 •mi! :id.,:t- at 8 a m. Easter Ilo'v Co'iinicnmn wi'.i be celebrated ni !» a MI

dVcoi'v !wn new members will

"I I , i on the

is R.s-

Page 2: VOLUME 60 NUMBER 13 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, … JORDAN NEWS-HERALD 195… · Nicholson of Traverse City. M-. Newkirk l handl e th physical arrangement sub-commit tee.> and

EDITORIAL I'ACE A politically indepondcul new-paper, pledging full - n . i r r to the

agricultural, industrial, educational social and general rr.inonin im­provement of Kast Jordan, Charevoix County, and nor: Jain Mich­igan.

Page 2 + Kast Jordan Xews-Uerald ! Thur^.luy, .Mar. h L'!<, IJir.ii

Fish Are Where You Meet I Item "Well," said one fish to another as they came to !',.• -':.'>,'<• of :he

lake, "I supase we'll have to get out and walk." Wr .an'! vouch for this conversational effort. The only time we heard an in.hii::<Mi ef a fish making a sound there was si'ence. Put the C u'•;'.'.<. r of hi-;.1 • at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington is our authority f.r the implication that fish do walk. And not only along hot'oni of lakes or oceans, but on dry land. The climbing perch is the best known of these hikers.

Well, it just goes to snow that we human beings arc always in danger of underestimating somebody. If we can do jmct ii:ng, we are all too likely to Dhink nobody else can. We like *o di.n). u.:,it a surprise it must have been to the birds when first i ney -av. nu-i; flying. But we suppose that fish should take it for granted t_ 11.i* superior beings like us .should also be able to swim.

Fish walking? It seems preposteous and presumptuous There is still a refuge for our amour-propre, however, in the fart tiai ev MI walking fish are really out of fashion—so many of us rule nowadays.

—•Christian Science Monitor

R E A D T H E W A N T A D S !

Building Needs at

Ken Diller Lumber Co.

Temple Theatre S H O W P L A C E O F T H E N O R T H

East Jordan

Thursday, Friday & Saturday, March :-',0 & 01 Robert Mitchum Jan Sterling Henry Hull

M A N W I T H T H E G U N Su spen-e Show

plus Bill Williams Jean Porter Jimmy Boyd

R A C I N G B L O O D Tec hnico:u r — F i ne fam i 1 v en te rta i n me n t

Sunday and Monday, Apr i l 1 and 2 T o m Ewell Sherree N a r t h Rit<i Moreno"

T H E L I E U T E N A N T W O R E SKIRTS 'l'op Comedy Cinemascope T>. chnicotor


Home of vour Own C A N B E



W I T H • L O W D O W N P A Y M E N T 4 S T A N D A R D F H A T E R M S


HARRY WATSON LE-6-7031 East Jordan LE-6-2308


(Compiled by N t w i - I l ^ r . M S l » f f )

Slale Okays Three County Hospitals

„,- B;iv.- 1,.-...1. .-rar.wi.-l, aini

u.i,l,.r l"n"v 11,-.-.,-.,,1 .:.11,1- al L'.'IV.

Ti,e ( ' , , , . . 1 1 . . - -r ii -.. in, -|.i::i ,.,1 1..:.1 "for l:,i- Hi" I 1,:,1-1. ». | i i:a!» i i: L v- - - In-.-,, tli,- (1.-:-1 (•. ivi- , , : , - ) . , - : 1 1 - 1 , ,1 i,mi cntlllisi--1;,- - i |,|>-,,-1 .-, ii,i- li.-.-ii-imr

1 i-ul ..I' 1111:--1.-.1.''.! as, nursing tech. ,i. in--,. i):iliy i'li'iiUfii-aLiuii a.iil ,-v-a t,hc ho [. tal I.'u.ubill^ ^ : , . tt-lii.

Ouote! '1'ln- Mi h v a n I-:,,,.,,,.,,:,- 1 1 1 1 in t-in I icpa.-l....".! rt-iwrls I In'

. , : , . 1 , , ,,1' I'll- l'ir-l l-!:i,»li li:,!ii-l'-. 1 , , iu.-atr m Mi,-hi»a.l us u direct n-u't "1 tin- .M M-isin;.- Si mil liiiil-.'i' now l.-inu c,1,1-1 ru rt.-.I.

Fun, Inc., a $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 tot-poration formed lo manufacture prc-fab-ricaltsd colti^uB and homes, has 1,,-jun operation, at t h e North .S l iur/Lumbir Company al Houghton Lake, the den-' rt men t uaiil. The sales office will be located in Causing at Boicliot Road on Route 27.

Tin- in-w.y loriiii-,] .•"111r':111\- is liirin-ly r o n i | i i H f d "1 Ohio , n " IIMIIH III.-II wini In-,-.,,111 1 ' H , - , ,--11-,I in t!„. iiDl.i'iiiialitii- nf N'urthi" ii Mi, •',1--.11, ihiii.iv t'lu-'-r -nini'ivi- v-.u-iit inn-.

iHirinir I'i-lilim iriii- '" .Mi h h a n . Hi,- men heard tilMi.it «•'••. Ma -kin:, Sir il:- llriilcr nii.l !'•»• --i 11:1itics of a northern Michigan In ii,,,. Willi the i-upipVt inn of 1'' , '- ii'iil.iri' if, l!).r,7. I .uk-r they recc-ivi il market data mi the rccjinj fiunl the statu agency.

(; i;111•,-1 N'ei-on of llio fft'in, indi:in:i. nre-id..nt of rhi- comjmii;-. had h:a-',i [irai-e lor the Northern .Michiean country.

"1 AND T H E O T H E R men who make up our company have lonir admired Northern Mtchteati » . a place to live anil "lay." Mr. Nelson ,.,,11),111-,.1.-(1. "We've a,-,, lea'.. impressed hy the eri-o\\iii(j: number of vacationer.- who vi.it there t-ach year and it i= a w " known fa-'t tlit.r more money is -p.-n: on fi-hinir than on jrrolf. ba-rha]!, basket ball and football combined !

"With the iip.-niinr of t'-e Mackinac Straits Hridt'e in i'Jo7, straits traffic is expected lo jump loll ' . dui-insr the first year of operation. This -ho..Id nii-.'in a -uh-ta n: ial inr"ea-e in tho number of tourists in the t'pprr IV n: n.- a I a and the northern Lower Peninsula — and -i d.eeided boo-t fur tne rerriori's economy, tire trend is definitely head­ed towards more lei-ure time, time for Fun.

"I'ih -,ii e l-'uii. Inc.. wi.J be only one of the many new companies takine; adva n: aire of In.- d,-\, „}„)i: nt," air. Nelson added.

Mr. Xei-oll said tin' cnmjMily will make int-Xp -u-ive prefabri­cated i-r,;-,a,_'e.- and liou-e-, eit'uor as a shell for "rlo-il-yourself" completion, or as a comp'.ete unit with carpeline:, plumbing, and f ixt u i-e.-. A two-man crew can erert a shell unit in one day.

The houses, which make use of a new type of construction, have be.u clesitiiied to i-TIA ^pacifications. .Mr. Nelson -aid. Although most of the Fun. Inc., units probably wil! be used te furnish low-

' co-t permanent, housintr lo varationers. they also arc well-suite,' as low-,-n.-t, hou--injr and ;i- motels and cottages. Thi-y may be bu:i: tu nay -ir.e. panels come in -1 foot unit-,

j Mr.' Ne'.-on added that a branch fahrkatiiiK j.lant is .-ontemp'.at for tile Upiier Pc-nin-uia Uiron t:ie comi)h*tion of tin.- bridge. To company'.- .-logan will b,- ••(',,ittages for Fun," by Fun. Inc.

T H E S A L E O F L A S T y,-sir's tomato crop to fanners broujri, Mh-liitran farmers ill percent more money titan in H<a4, aecordi ,r to the American Can Company.

U. ti. Warmbold. Mh-hi-an representative of the ean-makin firm, reported tiiat Mi.-higan fan-ners received $1,271),000 from caiine'-s i'oi' their tomato crops in 1055, compared with the §1.15il.-lll)!i they received the previous year.'

Increased yieie.s per a.re h d to a rising production figure on • national level, resulting in America's tomato growers receiving mot than e'SO mi-lion from processors hist year, almost I? 1 h million mo:-than they received in 1-.1.14. Mr- Warmbold said.

In Churl Conn-

iky Ti •.

ti ii-

d lo provide maternity care, the .Ml-rhlga.li Dejiarllijcnt of lleaifa says.

Area ho-piial- fully li.-en-, d are: Heaver 1-iaud C'.inic, Hea­ver Island; (' iia rlc- V ,, i \ 11 o - pi la :. Charlevoix; and C ran.h u, 11-, -pita], Kast Jordan.

Dr. Allien 1-1. llea-tis. State Health Cdrniiiis-ini.e.,-, rrlea-' d Ihe li.-t of i'uIi\ -ar, loved ir, = ": tab as a sign of the ,;'signi f lean: strides forward toward givin: tiie very best medi.-al care to our new liabies and their ...other-,''

Three years ago, tie said, on!.' l l i i Michigan hospitals were e.i tlie fully approved ! i - l ; a ye:.r later, 185 had qualified; and the

(',,,, i,, j

i.-IVe a lot-bed -.

.M :, ii fell

.- e in­ula-;." a• In,


[deil, ar i- (••1111(1-,f ,,1,,:1,(-:- an I -, formula !»••-l-kee,,i,ig. 1-.1.1-

•|'h,' great ,--1 of faults is l ( , „,. -,, JI ---in II s of u'Mle. -Carlyle.

lie echo fear- being coiKjuered i- sure of defeat - Napoleon.

lie who lias imagination witii-,,;it learning lias wings and no feet. -Joubert.

A man must first govern hin,--!f ere he i- fit lo govern a

f.iiiiijy; and hi^ family ere he be fit. to bear tiie government of the commonwealth. -Sir W'alter


E A S T J O R D A N N E W S - H E R A L D E S T A B L I S H E D 189(3

M A R S H A L L , 1-'. SAYI.KS Editor & I'ub.i-iu-r

LLnox Ii-li!i71 1-intered as -econ I c!a-s matt:-:

at the Post Office at K.atl Jor­dan. Mich.

Pubiidled weekly at fix; Ji:,;:. Street. Last Jordan, ih.-h.

Subscription Rales — f:n ari Vance l $2..,(1 per year; $:1..,-11 pe, year outside Northern Michigan.

County Farm Office To Add Two More Area Workers

Charlevoix county w:., h:e. two ful, time work, r.- in t::,' l -,,1,,-1-:,;.)-,- Lx'.cn.- em ofi'i.e 'a tnke care of lac ;,g -ictiiiurc, -i-li ind ilome economics prne: n-i. Ld Hclmiaii, county agr let: i lu to I agent lias atinonllred.

This deci-ion was made by a group of advisory council in,-..i-bers wiio met last week in the .•nunly extension office.

Cooperative Extension Service of Michigan State Universitv wants to do away as much as possible with district 4-H cl lb aeeiltr, and district name demod-itration agents. Accordine to i!ic formula at Michigan Stale L'l.i-versi'.y. Charlevoix county is e-.i-titlcd to two workers while some-other counties may have three, due to the size and population.

horiie demon-! '- .thin ,,--,",; -1-11 1-:-.1 li agent. A c r ,.,'a'- |

T H I S M E A N S tn.-it Lid 11.-1.- i -,e..:i wi'.l ,-,iiltiii:ie to take (•:,•-'• I

i'--i" i'l'r't'he bov- -Ml i-hil. or ,-rrani, 'l'i:e iimi-'e deiimn -: ra'1-,-i ag.-itt wi'i take care of it,,- :i„»i,-

I II • .:-1. -.-;:-:- |iro,j,-u,l. 1 • i h"i, .! I it'll l :11- ch-m:-, :-•

I. I ohi; T:::- »•'.*. 1 '" • a m '.v ;. •--,,n :t- !,.,!':i ! he ,:i- - -1--1 1-11,- ".

in 'hided Mis. Georee D. Nelsor Mrs. Harry Sioop, Mrs. Alber' I,,.-no-ky. 'Mrs. C.ayton Heale.-ar, i Cu: lis Nicloy,

The St. Joseph's N C C W will sponsor a bake sale Saturday, March 31st beginning at 10 a . m . at Vaughn's Department Store.



Bring all your cleiinin," problems to us.

East Jordan Cleaners

(llwcliiiig Service

Special checking for very Special pcoplc.our customer. Another step in friendly banking . . . a checking account recu-iiring no minimum balance. With a Bi l l Payer Special Checking Account you keep the budget stiai'ght at all times and save val­uable time by paying your bills by mail. Why wait? Stop in at our offices today and start your checking account.. Just 10c per check affords you all the convenience in the world.

State Bank of East Jordan 2',' Interest r a i d On Savings

Rates Reduced AGAIN!

We now also insure U N D E R A G E F E M A L E owners and oper­ators at no additional charge.

F A R M E R S ' policies now written at a 20 ' i , discount from nor mal rates.


C o m p l e t e I n s u r a n c e ;nu] B o n d i n g S e r v i c e



Ji'tnwny fciilnmi TWO fluid <•*»upiirit<i give yoti twice tin- -muni liin'tw! Thr second foujilinji tills nml .spills with jcl-lilic np<'<'il to citHp you in to rvr-ry Hrivinp range no quirlly, B O fwnonlliiy th rli;intfi' j.s nlnioHt im[>crre[: til.lr. Ju-t try Oldrunohih: Jcliiwny . • . ''"<' Rr Jiirftt ill V I H H V in itiiioninlic Irani-tniunioiu in 17 ycaral

Arid hnw vntj r-cT nwnv! ^'ith thf. na.sliinfi "tfo" ih.il Ilyilra-Mntic nwiiic so faiiKMiH, phin a new li(|tn«[ Htiimii hnrsfl thal'a Jet nwny'rt nl.in*'. Just try .Ictitiviiy *. I'onr on the power! You'll HCC tho ilrnrruilic. (lifTcrrnrc, WIIPU (HilriniohilcV ri'viiln tionury triitifl-mirtttion juiire* willi the Hocki-t '1 -,1.t0 I.n;;inf . . . ().2,')-to-I ootn-

pr*"*mi II thi* ()1.

W 1

iolid UBauruucc of i ta aure-footcd


S.-ifety-IJidfi C h n s n i a . . . i n tho

am.irr luxury of its fnfthionnhly tailored interior. And, when i t Coiiirs to lookn, ()ldsinohilc,fl 5tar-firc *( vlin^ i.s in a claKfl hy itenlf ^iih lis trend-«ct ting "IrHflgrillo HunijK'r.** Tliia (Jldn nan he yours fit a price that's ainazinirly low. ltoilvct 'round thr block and f<W

•S'orWnfrf on S*rUi Hlnnty n0hl, OptlrMtl of ••'fri rm/ on al! oihf wh..

^ O u r C » n ! < - . R h o w

rvi V I S I T T H I " « O C K I T R O O M " . . . A T * O U « O L D S M O B I L E D E A L E R ' S 1



I.I 7-2212 C H A R L E V O I X


Page 3: VOLUME 60 NUMBER 13 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, … JORDAN NEWS-HERALD 195… · Nicholson of Traverse City. M-. Newkirk l handl e th physical arrangement sub-commit tee.> and

h*s A Girl! Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rebel

PIR "nnouncinjr the arrival of a daughter, b o m at the Charlevoix liuapiLul, March 1U. She weighed H lbs. 4 oz. and has been named Rose Mary.

It's A Boy! M r. 11 rid M rs. Richard Din-

/.inski are arinounrimc the a n i ­val uf an 8 ½ lb. sua born at the Oslo pal h i e Hospital in Tr.t VLj rse City Friday in urn ing. lie has lj •(•11 named Forest Colen.


Around East Jordan iday, March 21), 11)50 Kast Jordan News-Herald • Page j


Look Sharp

In A New

Easter Ensemble From The

IzTHE D R E S S & G I F T S H O P P E =

Open Friday Nights

!, nice linrUelt hi a surgical o:iticnt at the Charlevoix Hor-nital. Bruce was a former Ea; t fnrdan resident, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hartlett. lie now is liv-iii'..'' at Charlevoix.

* * +

The S t . Joseph*! N C C W w i l l iDonfor a b a k e t a l e S a t u r d a y , March 3 1 s t b e g i n n i n g a t 1 0 a . m a t Vaughn's D e p a r t m e n t S t o r e .

Mr, and .Mrs. Marshall Griffin, f r. Herbert C riff in and son 1 Irian won1 Sunday dinner ••;i"<U o f Mr. and Mrs. James M-Neil at Boyne City.

* * * Mr. and M n . Donald Braman

'ind two children of Traverse Ci-'v, were Sundav quests of their n i rents, Mr. and Mis. B. G. Bra­man.

* • * Mr .and Mrs. Howard Darbee

arc spending a few weeks vaca-lion in Florida.

* • « Mr. and Mrs. John Looze and

'.wo children of Flint came Sat-•rday to visit then parents, Mr.

i rid Mrs. Chane* Looze. Mr ! 1 i007,c returned to Flint Sunday.

Airs. Looze and children remain­ed until Easter.

* * » Mr. and Mrs. Burr Blanchard

'-nd sons of Charlevoix were sup->r quests of Mr. and Mrs. Har-

dd Miller Friday evening. * « *

A. L. Darbee is a patient at -he Little Traverse Hospital. Ha was admitted Sunday.

* * * See C l a r e n c e H e a l e y if yau

w a n t t o b u y r e a l e s t a t e . P h o n a L E 6-7210.

* * * Ernest Kopkau entered the

Little Traverse Hospital Thurs­day for medical care. He under­went a tonsilectorny Saturday morning.

* * * Mary Jo Olson is a patient «,t

the Charlevoix hospital. She uu-lorwent surgery Saturday, for a double leg fracture, she received ^n her way to school Friday. She is the daughter of Mrs. John 01--en.

Mr .und Mrs. Leo Dipzinski of Pontiac are visiting \n East Jor­dan.

* * * If y o u w a n t t o s e l l p r o p e r t y ,

l i s t i t w i t h C l a r e n c e H e a l e y . P h . L E 6 - 7 2 1 0 .

* * % Thi' Mary Martha Class of the

Methodic Church met at the home- of Mrs. M. B. Palmiter Friday evenine for n pot lurk supper. Vice-President Effie Weldv conducted the business meet in*. Miss J e « i u Metz gave the Devoti' nals. The next meet­ing will be held April 20 with Mrs. Perry Penfold.

* * * The Jassamine Rebekah Lod^e

met in their hall Wednesday eve-nine with Noble Gr^nd Ellon Saganek in the chait. There were 29 members and one visitor pre­sent. Plans were made for the District meeting which will be held at Mancelona, Aprp 23. East Jordan will do the Memor­ial Work.

A skit, "The Easter Parade" was very well done hv nine of the members, Mrs. Ella Bruce, acting as musician.

After lodge was adjourned ft miscellaneous shower was given in honor of Mrs. William Van­Deventer. a member of the lodee '\ho recently lost most of their home and contents by fire

* *> * The condition of Joseph Ne­

mecek, Sr. is now very ser­ious.

* * • Mr. and Mr3. Cecil Romaine

were in Grand Rapids Wednes­day on business.

* * * Mrs. Merle Thompson is a ps-

fient at the Little Traverse hos­pital.

* + • T h e S t . J o s e p h s N C C W w i l l

s p o n s o r a b a k e * a l e S a t u r d a y , M a r c h 3 1 s t b e j f i n n . i s ; a t 1 0 a . m , a t V a u g h n ' s D e p a r t m e n t S t o r e .

* « * Mr. and Mrs. Vern Whiteford

returned Monday from Hazel Park, where they were visiting their daughter and son in-law, .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Isaman Jr. since Tuesday.

* * * Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weldy spent

Tuesday evening with relative5,

,t Eik Rapids.

Mrs. Ralph Ranney is a pat mt at the Little Traverse hoc-' i t a 1. She w i 11 undergo m a K> . ;irgrry in lhe near future. Sh< ••oilId enjoy cards and letter 'rom her many friends.

* * * R e a l E s t a t e l i s t i n g s W a n t e d .

" • Y a n k N a c h a z e l , R e a l E s t a t e b r o k e r , 1 3 6 M a i n S t r e e t E a s t J o r d a n . Pho.-sts L E 6 - 7 3 0 8

* * * Mrs. George Klooster, spen'

.Vednesday with her parents Mr. md Mrs. Ira Springstead at Cen ral Lake.


Parking Meters When You Go To The Polls Monday, Keep

East Jordan The Only City In The North With­out Parking Meters.

The Vaughn Co. Gamble Store Sommerville's Groc. Healey Hardware

Dress & Gift Shoppe Roger's Studio Shaw's Market Olsons Hardware


Reviewing The News-Herald

A P R I L 8 , 1 9 1 6 With two well known and po

pular businessmen of our city ,r the race for Mayor, the contest was bound to prove a warm one, but even the most sanguine vo­ter little figured that the totals would run so close. The fates were with Mr. Cross ahd he won the contest by just four votco The totals were 241 for Aid en E. Cross and 243 for Dr. II. W. Dicken.

* * *

The residence of John W. La­Londe, corner Third and Gar­field .streets was badly scorched by fire Saturday evening.

* * * The Presbyterian Ladies A'd

Society held a business meeting at the home -of Mrs. John Kenny. The following officers were el-• rtod: President, Miss Agnes Porter; Irt Vice'President, Mrs K, N. (."link; 2nd Vice President, Mr?. L. C. Madison; Secretary. Mrs. Peter LaLonde, Assistant

•retary, Mrs. James Gidley: Treasurer, Mrs. Stella Sherman; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. D. E . Goodman.

A P R I L 2 , 1 9 2 6

Sup'ey LaLonde passed away at his home in South Arm Town-ihip Saturday.

* • •

Mrs. Delbert Turk passed a-way Monday afternoon.

* • * Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. John

Seiler, a son, Mari b 30th. * * *

The East. Jordan Furnace and Chemical Plant, which baa been •loped down for some time, start­ed operations Monday.

* * * M A R C H 2 7 , 1 9 3 6

With a crowd containing -•portsmen. outdoors writers anr1

photographers from all parts of 'he midwest, and Ontario already "•athrring. the Fowrth Nation.i1

Smelt Jamboree, held here to morrow, will doubtless prove or.e of the feature spring celebra-»ion« of Michigan.

After two or three days of *i-ictivity flue to high water in tin' river, the smelt run got under­way strong ng^in Wcdnesdn., even ing. Everybody was get.' inn .melt nnd many heavy cntchc^ ivere made.

Word has been received from thr> Pat.ho news reels that the will probably he nn hand to •hoot, the coronnti'ii of the new king, the nnrndc and make shot* of the dipping at n ght.

* * *

Mr*. Frank Hnney passed « way at thi affe of "/2.


Open hours: Monday, Wed­nesday, Thimduy nnd Saturday: 1 :U0 to 6:00 and .':00 to H:.i<) p.m. Tuesday and I'riday: 1 1 ::0 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Except holi­days.

Gifts to the library: Mrs. John Bos sent us several books, one another Hill book Not Under the Law. The others: were for the children. Several have been so Id but on our shelves are Lone Ea­gle of the Border, by Dixon, and Jack, The Giant-knler and o idl­er fairy stories.

Earl Clark brought in a set of books, comprising a whole course in Salesmanship. These are already going cut. Also co­ven by Mr. and Mrs. Clark were a book on Fish Culture, in pond* and other inland waters, and a book on Child Psychology and care.

Mr. Teichman brought us three more pocketbooks.

New books received recently include three mysteries,— Hir-kory Dickory Death, by Agatha

Christie, Let Dead Enough Al-mil', by the Lockridges. The Man In My Grave; by Tucker.

We have \ i M o t h e r of t h e ever' popular IJ ill books. By way of the Silverthorns.

And three new took? for the y o n rig f o l k s have just come. Iri-h Red is u good dog story by K ji'lgaard.

Junior Intern by Alan E. Nourse, is the story of ti h >y who had been a football star, and believed lie wanted to be­come a doctor, He thought the ;:ihli'tic scholarship would hep him to bcnnie a doctor, till he bad a real talk wuh his family doctor and I earned con side rabb' about what the Jo-tor's course entailed. When disaster comes as a climax to a suirmer of verv hard work, Ted gains new self-knowledge and he realize why he wants to become a doctor.

Don't all come \u at once, rirls ami boys, but we have an­other Nancy Drew Mystery. This one is called The Scarlet Slip­per Mystery.

Also for the older readers we have Cash McCall. by Cameron Ifawley. This is the story of a business man, and is high on the Best Seller lists.

Betty McDonald 's Onions in the Stew tells of her family IIf« on an island in Buffet Sound. She take.; a humorous if some­what exasperated view of tha antics of her tecn-affe daugh­ters.


Loiiu Theatre Mancelona, Michigan

Thurs., F r i . . Sat. Mar 21)-30-0*!

The View From Pompey'd Head

R i c h a r d E g a n D a n a W y n t e r Cinemascope — Technicolor

Sunday, Monday, April 1 and 2 G l e n n F o r d D o n n a R e e d

Ransom Color Cartoon

Closed—Tues. & Wed.

It's A Girl! Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Norton

are announcing the arrival of nn 8 ib. daughter, at the Charlevoix hospital, March IS. She has bcto named Patricia Ann.

* * * Billy Breakey was dismissed

from the Little Traverse Hospi­tal Sunday where he had unde--j gone surgery on hia eye. lie re-j ceived injury to his eye while, playing with his brother at their1

home Tuesday. 1

* * * J . K. Bader and son Harold;

went to Grand Rapids Saturday' to attend the funeral services of their brother-in-law and uncle,! Harold Usher. Mr. Usher passed away very suddenly from a heart attack in Florida.

* * * Martin Garland underwen f

major surgery at the Chailevoix hospital Friday for a fractured hip received in a fall at vs home earlier in the week.

* * * All those %vho have Easter

guests would you please call the News Herald correspondent B o -trice Kopkau and report your news. Phone L E 6-2035.

Easter Photos F A M I L Y P O R T R A I T S A T O U R STUDIO . . .

. . . OR IN Y O U R H O M E



C A L L L E 6-2332


«1+1 PARADE ^ |


Armours Star — Farmer Peets BAY SHORE

57 lb

lb. 33c

Whole-10 to 12 lb. Average


POLISH SAUSAGE lb. 49c Maxwell House Coffee lb. 95c SheckTs Peanut Butter 24 oz, jar 59c MIRACLE WHIP

SALAD DRESSING qt. jar 55c Taylors Sweet Potatoes 17 oz. can 23c Quaker Apple Sauce 2 303 cans 29c LUX LIQUID 10% off reg. size 27c GAINES DOG FOOD 2 cans 29c


Complete Line of Fresh Vegetables for your Easter table

HOME BAKED GOODS — FRESH EVERY DAY Try SEALTEST flavor of the month — TRIPLE TREET Sealtest Bowling Winner This Week — Sarah Sternberg


Finest in Wines LE-6-2654 Cold Beer Save while you spend with Anderson's Premium Stamps

Page 4: VOLUME 60 NUMBER 13 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, … JORDAN NEWS-HERALD 195… · Nicholson of Traverse City. M-. Newkirk l handl e th physical arrangement sub-commit tee.> and

Want Ad Rates C A S H R A T E : 2 ½ cents per wuni, ininiiimn is not paid by Saturday noon ul'U'r la-l I D considered charged. If ad rutins three cun-get three ads for the price of two. Card of Thanks — $1 Frufessiona] Dire,'

If a d ... In'

Page -J * East Jordan News-Herald

For Sale FOR S A L E — Used. Rcfrigeru-"ors, Electric Ranges,, Washers. Oil Water Heaters. — SHER­MANS, mi

WOOD F O R S A L E — AU dry hardwood either chunk or buzz wood. Also dry elm furnace wood, See Wlliam Trojanek, Route 1 or call Lewis Trojanek, I.E (5-2380

F O R S A L E Millwood, mixed as it comes

off the mill, $10.00 per load Hardwood, $12.00 per load

A l l wood — cash on deltyary A T K I N S O N L U M B E R

L E 6-2657

F O R S A L E — 1950 Farmall M tractor. Also set of rear wheels and tires. 1953 Studebaker Com­mander, hardtop. 1950 Jeepster. l-'rakn J . Nachazel.

W A L L P A P E R & PAINTS, house­hold goods. Tools, keys duplicat­ed, sporting- poods. E V E R Y D A Y IS B A R G A I N DAY A T G A M ­B L E ' S , East Jordan. tf

FOR SALE—Swedish Select Oat with mixture of bariey. Threshed grain and heavy. Oscar Larsen. West side of Six Mile Lake, Ells­worth. KI 4-3365.

F O R S A L E — T w o ton loose hay. Four wheel trailer. Home-Lit. chain saw. L E 6-2268. 11x3

F O R S A L E — E a r l y red potatoes to eat or plant. $1.50 per bushel Call on Saturdays. Oscar Larss-r west side of Six Mile Lake Ells­worth. KI 4-336S. ' 11 tf

B A B Y C H I C K S — Leghorns Rocks, New Hampshires, DeKa'b Chix. Started Chicks availab'e row. Kaleva Hatchery. Kaleva, ^Michigan. 9-5

W A N ! Hardwood Iiml

Standing tinih tact Wai !o II. V: B O X 326, I'e'.o-I . bor Spiin^s ::7 d Petoskey, DI 7-p.m.

. runic lifter 6

iVANTED TO KKNT bun home or cottaev. Year a: permanent. Cou'acL Keith tor. Manager. A k 1 Stoic

.Mo' 1 1 x


I N S U L A T E NOW. No monev down—three years lo pay. Call DI 7-3830 for free estimates. M. & M. Insulation Company. 3tf

B A B Y PICTURES cannot be tali-en later. Bring your children i:1

now and preserve a part of child­hood forever. Rogers Studio, 2tl

FILM, flashbulbs, cameras. Come in for help or just to say lieiio Rogers Studio. 2 t f


Dead or Disabled Horses and Cattle

And Other Farm Animals


V A L L E Y C H E M I C A L Company

O N L Y DE W A L T SAWS give you the complete flexibility you will need for building your own home. Repairs, and fine cabinet work. Complete cost 5239 with on'y ? 1 0 down. Inquire at the F O C H T M A N MOTOR C O M P A N Y in Petoskey. Traverse City, Alpena or Gaylord

1 2 - 3

N E W ' A N D ^ S T i D ^ O U S E H O I . D GOODS — Refrigerators, electric and gas stoves, water heaters, space heaters, radio? and televis­ion sets. See Al Thorsen Lumber Company, East .Ionian. 9:1'

S E E T H E N E W B R O W N I E 3 lens movie camera at Rogers Stu­dio. 2:f

FOR S A L E — L & C Rotary sew­ing machine, used. Cheap. L E 0-2295. 1 3-3

F O R S A L E — G o o d alfalfa and bronie hay, S20 ton, round bale. 2 V2 miles west of Irontnn. Tony Dvoracek. 13.x3

-4 ton. Call L E 13-1

H A Y F O R S A L E -6-7146.

WIRING S I T assoiymen: o nictai and p

il. F O R t •"n::!r' I.E 6-72:,1.

C a r d

I wi-h tn

of T l

DINING ROOM I 'URN l'l I: U I. - -In good condition, for sale at a bargain. 616 Mam Street, East Jordan, or phone L E 6-2303. 13x1

mine Rtheknii 1 Noble Grands I w e t - - and i a: <!-ac;> of kill.!!..- -al my home. J ' one, "many tha

Mrs Hilda Cook

R E A D T H E W A N T A D S !

Businessmen L E 6 - 7 3 4 9 E a s t J o r d a n

R & R T E L E V I S I O N A u t h o r i z e d S e r v i c e D e a l e r

S a l e * a n d S e r v i c e G e n . E l e c . A n t e n n a ' I n s t a l l a t i o n * Z e n i t h

E l e c t r i c a l C o n t r a c t i n g E C H O

E l e c t r i c a l E n t e r p r i s e L E 6 - 7 2 6 0 1 0 9 M i l l

L e n n o x F u r n a c e i J O R D A N H E A T I N G & R E F R I G E R A T I O N C O .

Furnare Cleaning arid Kepau Hefrijrerator I ' c o a u

C l a r e n c e * L o r d . U; t-t n C a m p a u L f c fr-2272

W I L L I A M T . D O W N S A t t o r n e y a t L a w

I n c o m e Tux. C ^ u n t e l o r L E 6 - 7 3 5 A J 3 9 M a i n S t .

Honrs: 9-12 and 1-5:.10 Monday through Sa tu rday

F o r B e n t I n C m S e r v i c e U * e

P F T G A S B o y n e C i t y G a m C o . Y o u r P c t f f a a D e a l e r

I n d u s t r i a l A R c n i d r n t i a l P A I N T C O N T R A C T I N G

P A I N T S A L E S & S E R V I C E S t e e p l i " J a c k S e r v i c e

J i m M u n s o n 134 W e i l L i n c o l n , B o y n e C i t y

J U 2-6593

J . H . S A V O R Y , M . D . E n i l J o r d a n , M i r h .

Hon rn : 2 t n 5 p.m. Daily except Wed. re Sun.

7:30 to 9 p.m., Tues. A Sat.

Office I.E 6-2 5 11 Residence I.K 6-2313

A U C T I O N E E R S Jim A Sam Lrannan

Our Services Don't Coet T H E Y P A Y

Graduates of Reisrh School of Aurtionerrinir. JU 2-761.1

's Directory R O M A I N E P L U M l ' . I N G & H E A T I N G S E R V I C E

C o m p l e t e P l u m b i n g S e r v i c e

Steam and II.,: 'A u i . . r lb- . .^ , , hEi'258l 120 M a i n

n. G . W A T S O N F u n e r a l D i r e c t o r P h o n e I .E H 7 0 3 1


J O H N C . S C I I M . T T i j i E L C ! r : , , , , , , , -- , ,1-

T i m . - . , l a v „,,..,: ' i . : m a , , , M o r i . , W e d , F . i P | ' . •' :.. 7 J T u e s . , S a t . . 'LI';, .... -,

B a n k B u i M i n i j , E n v n e C i t y D i a l J U

J A K E ' S S H O E R E P A I R U n d e r w o o d ' s S b n c S t o r e

B o y n e C i t y F i x t h e m w h i l e y o u w a i t

L o o k a t y o u r h r , l < Ion , e v e r y . b o d y e l s e d o r ,

C . H I . A IR ^ S i i \ C a b i n e t a n rl M i l W o r k

F „ m , l „ , e R e , , , i r

P h o n e I.E 6 7 H I 1 O n e Rl"ik W.. • ..I .,.; on 3.'

S a l e . , - S e , v . . e M i l L i l i a n P..,111.,I r , , ,

S H E R M A N I I H I . S ' I O N E . W a s h i n g M i. : :.: .1 i n , -

M a . : , . : , , ' ::. : : ,. 2 2 9 M a i n I II 6-2:)61

I .E 6 ?\,:2

J . V A N D I I I I N i\l I).

E v . - e p l T', . ': , : : ,:. I.,-. 7 1,, J ;, in U . > „ • ,' S u n ! : i v k " V " • ' . r

I'b H t • , ' ' ' : I

1>". V.: ". ' i ••''11 Tu.---. m i d ' , - :' : ;•, :- :,

C A L L I E i, 7.177

F o r c o m p l e t e b e a u t y s r r v i c e

F l . O Y ' S I U - A U I Y S H O P ) i n E c h o S i , . - , I E . , .1 . 1 , , , - , 1 , , : ,

Sales - J ei yice NORTHERN 1 0 ^ 0 * ! ½



U s e d C a r s

OK USED CAHS 11r, 1 Plymouth -1 dunr, radh ) ; h-

1 IT, very clean. 1T..1 ( ' i i u \ \ . -1 dour, radio, hr.U

puwrrj/lidc. !i;di C'lrv. , •', lup pp-kup. '...-,-1 C)u-v . he:i'-er. .nwurj/'i,!,., \>;,i) . Packard, u-i I M I I K I t :c tra

m f - i o n . r.idin. h . - . . - r v . pr. I Suid«d>..l<<-r, n-alcr, uv

Mo',, Do0« •1 d.MJ-

, -i door radio, hi'uA.'i

Sec Thi-M- At C H A R L E V O I X OIL C O M P A N Y

A t t h e bridge P h o n e L I 7 - 2 7 8 1 1 :5-1

r>;{ M erijii ry hard mp, M oivomafp • -!'':111.-:1)] —inn, whik' J-HU' wall titc-

ui'nj. hritirr, ]III\VI.T ~liu'rinjj; an' in wer lirakc-. Call owner at l.K

I ')}{ S A L I'] - - h U . - L M I cars and .me uf llu1 Uiryt^t a -u r'.iiu'iit u f rnnv and used traclor- and fai P I ir.afhinery in the (.:01111 try. We will take your car 111 trade on a * raetur or Irae10r in trade on a car.

B U R N E T T B R O S .

B a y S h o r e

Real Estate N e w , m o d e r n r a n c h t y p e h o m i .

a t t a c h e d g a r a g e , f u l l b a s e m e n t . 4

l o t s , n e a r s c h o o l . $ S . 5 0 0 .

O n e o f t h e b e s t b u i l t h o u s e s i n

E a s t J o r d a n , t h r e e b e d r o o m s , b a t h ,

l a r g e l i v i n g r o o m , f u l l b a s e m e n t ,

? t o k i ? r .

5 r o o m s a n d b a t h . D e e p l o t .

S 3 , 2 0 0 .

4 0 a c r e s , 3 m i l e s , E a s t J o r d r \ r \ .

G r o o m h o u s e , b a t h f u r n a c e . B a » n

a n d o t h e r b u i l d i n g s . $ 5 , 0 0 0 .

Y e a r a r o u n d h o m e o n L a ^ f

C h a r l e v o i x .

L a k e a n d c i t y l o t s .

K e i t h D r e s s e l , B r o k e r

P o s t O f f i c e E l d ? . L E 6 - 2 2 0 0

Real Estate 3 B e d r o o m h o m e , oi! f u r n ; i i 1 .

':!a = si'd in m.rvh, lots of sha.lt-. srood locution,

1 0 0 a c r e f a r m , frond land, nm-icrn ^ mom hou-'.v full ha.-onu-nt w;: h f u rn arc and la 0 n i! ry ro -in. ''ni-.'ken coop 2-lxnf, tool shed,

a: ?7.f!0ii, '!'(- m-. N e w B r i c k H o m e on l*S 1" i .

in no. 3 acres with 0 I ' O O P I hou - e.

$'2'2 00. Ckirenco Healey. Broker

L E 6 - 7 2 1 0 Fa*t Jordan

Real Estate ! T 0 r S F , AND LOT far <a!c- on -cennd Strut.t. Tn.i-T-- of H.u-hl Monro, phono L E fi-20o\r,. 10^3 200 acre farm. — modern horn.1.

M-fiG. •10 acre farm

'""> rnorn !: i • n i: • l i '75..,11 colt.-»rr .

»i'!i liome.

- ! . i; .-o:n

Year around ni : P .' 'c uP Lake C ' e a - - • is. . : : : , , 1 ' , .

I.n,; cabin with f 1 re j >', I C ,', I)vvT (':':'.!-:, --1,:11''.

Cr I taet-s on Six M i l ' I :[';[,, 1 .000 ft. front,-,;,' oil K.tNm L:i\c. b> mile frontage on .',•«' an:: I .::1-..

Launtlry, Storec, iavern.s, Res­taurants, Homes, Farms, Lalt'-Eronta^je, Hunting and Fisliin^ Lands.

Frank J . Nachazel. Broker 136 Main St.

Business Phone L E 6-7308 L E 6-22K4

W A N T E D — Heal e-tate li-'-.in,u.-''Vf are just about <old out of i'.i snt- and hoin".. Call Cla-vr ( ,. Ibaley, Ural Folate 14>"0'„er l'l-'

, | I I , S K V l l R . ~ \ L l - l '""•">- Road. T w . 1.. ''"--ibix'y for lliii'i,. Tills I,.,,, i- not ,-oin]i!i.tely fj„i4-.;, d b.i: '.'•-, 11 con 'I r.H-1 i-,i. tlwner will f. ::m-e. Writ,, to: Chun!:- 1). t iill.c •on, 16(111 K. (';,,-„ |;, | . . r-.int, ,M

jebi^an. I M

' \ . \ T E D TO RENT K„r on to buy, (';

jftcr ,7 o.m.

On Ell

Real Estate M T l AND ItFClUOATTON

II DING of ceme'it blocks 20 11. Steel frame in ttood condit 1. Lunch room equipment inelu-1. This substantial buiidinj' ild lie used for other busines i i .oes if desired. Price $12,00' .Don down, terms. Is insure-'• price licinir asked. See Mrs illi.un F. Tindall. Slrout Realty vile City, Michigan. 12x3

Help Wanted 111-11.P W A N T E D — F E M A L E

E M ' E U I E N C E D S E C R E T A R I E S at

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Wr have openings for seereter-

'•>•», stenorrraphers, typists, ac-•juiit clerks, etc. Especially in-

: elected in wives of University -indents and girls who would lik< 1 caii-er at a large center of learn-iu.e- and research. Tnere are also ft.any opportunities for recent ::iuli school graduates.

Excellent opportunities for ad-.-an'.-ement, insurance and retire-n i e r i t benefits, social security, ag--.-eable working: conditions, -10 ' l o u r week.

Plea-e a]i])ly to vour nearest MICHIGAN E M P L U Y M E N A SE-' UR1TY O F F I C E or write direct-lv to: Mr. A. B. Ueker, Personnel Offi--er. 3026 Administration Building. University of Michiltan, Ann Ar­bor, .Michigan.

Representative wili be in your '.i-ea April 2-7, 1956.

NOTICE Annual township meeting of the

-lector, of the Township of Wil-<on, County of Charlevoix, will br held at the Township Hall bo-•r'nnirig at 1 p.m. Monday, April 2. t'Joti. Pearl S A -nidt, Wilson Township Clerk. ' 12-2

publication of this order for tin,-,-successive weeks jnavinus to .-, i •' day of hearinir in tbe East Jordan \'ews-llerald a newspaper printed nd circulated in «„:.! Coumy.

I'loyd A. Sup]) Judge of I'robat,.

William T . Downs \ttorney for E-tate

12-1 Main Street l' ast Jordan. Miciigan 13-3

S T A T E OF .MICHIGAN In the Probate ( oiut for tht

"ounty of Charlevoix. In the Matter of the Estate of ! 1011 with wi!

r'rank II. Foote, deceased. | I,., jrrani At a session of said court held .-ell. or . ,„„


",'b'i:- 171 •irob H e a -i r e n l of F r

Nrrti (- I- II the pi'lilion „1

bile 1.11

Given - the I',11

11 March t h a t t ' r i '

. • t i l e d f,

'. Im I'M , II I',1

a d u i l M e d ' . ,

, ' ! a n d 1,---1 : -

' e . d e c e a s e , I .

Given, that l-l:i--t J o r d a n

y t h a t a i l i t l i l l i - t r a f -

a n n e v e d o f s a i d e s

1 G. Ho -to \\ s u i 1;

on will be heard at the Probate C : on April I 6, 1-)50, at 10 :01 ,' lock in the forenoon.

It Is Further Ordered, that n •-bee thereof be given by the psl-

' I ' H i i - upon earli kouwn party in •: lere.i at his !a-t known address b',- leri-tered mail, return rece'pt d, -imiided, at least fourteen ( U ) • • V o-ioi- to such lieaiiiur, or by j. w-un.il se/-\-i-e at ieast five (.1}) lays piior to such hear ng.

Floyd A. Supp Judge 01 Probate

William T. Downs Attoiuey for Estate

124 Main Street Ea-t Jordan, Michigan 13-3

NOTICE The annual town meeting of

1-1 -ho Township, Antrim County, ".ill be held at the town hall, 1 pm \p.-ii 2. 15)56. Fred Zoulek, Depu-v Clerk. Echo Township.

L E G A L NOTICE Notice is hereby given the club

"American Legion. Rebec-Swest T\,-l No. 227" whose nremises ar" o.ateil 3ti5 Main Street. East Urdan. Michigan has applied to

•I: , - Mirhigan Lit uor Control " >'u:i-,U-ion for a cmh license to '• 1 brer, wine and -pirits to bom '• ',, members only, and that it is •he ititeni of the Lionor Control C-iinnii-sion to Grant said license '.pori the expiration of ten days i'r;,111 the date hereof.

Dated April 29, 1056,

NOTICE Annual Township meetine of

Uirdan Township, Antrim Coun-'v. Michigan will he held at the 'r0wn.-)•) 1 p Hall on .Monday, April " 1936 at 1 p.m.

George W. S;..nek Jordan Town-hip Clerk

c i -


S e a l e d bids \v: i b- received V"' ' •• {'haile\oix County Board of ""-,:nty Road Com:ni-.-ioncrs :C , heir office Lake and State

let:-, Royne City. Michigan u':-'f

1' 1 0:00 A .M. Monday, Apii l nth. 1 976 for furnishing their yea-ly • on il-emcnts of \S',)1 INF. I loti OfiO gallon^ m.we or les- ip a . ' H ' O gal titimtis. F. 0. 11 i'hir-h-\-,,ix. I-hi.-t Jordan, t^oypi. :v. Michigan.

•'i;i'-' NO. 3 jtt,Odd gallons more or less in •Kill gallon bumps ill Ferry tan'.-i 1''. 0. E. I ronton, Mich -

' F E E OIL NO. 3 2:,,11111) gallons more or less in -1,:,(1(1 gallon dump.-- F. O, R. Ilfiyne City, Charlevoix, Micb-ieai1. Slicclficalions .-ha.l be submit-

ed with all bids. RIDS S H A L L RF P L A I N L Y

'1 -MIKED AS S U C H . The Commission reserves the

reject any or all bids an 1 waive any irregu 1-ril it's and to

aid in part or entirety. Ilii .Mlli "1-' " COI NTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS C H A R L E V O I X C O U N T Y

Karl J . Erber, Chairman S. E. Rogers, Member Claude D. Peaisay, Member

S T A T E OF MICHIGAN te Court, foi the County

if Charlevoix. In the Mailer of ihe 1'Ntale of

,'"[,'it A, /.ess, deri-a-ed. At a - ( , . . .1 , , , , of said Court, held

e lb,,bate Offu e ill Hie Oily ha rirvoi x in -aid County,

h 19, I'.ir.O. 1'ic fill : I lovd A. Supp. Judge

f Probale. he above estate having been

,limited to probate and William E C lauel a ppoinleil admini-trafnr

I i- Ordered. Thai Uvo month., 1.,111 Ibis date be allowed for fib

'1 r 1 la i 111. aga in -,1 said es l ate ; and hat all rrrdilurs ol said oeceiir -,1 are reipiired to prove t.heir

boi I" said Court at Ihe hear n- ,111 claims lo be held a I tho ': "I..,!,- Office in the said City of 'harlovnix. ,,n June J, 19r.fi al

k in the forenoon; and 1' claim-: for expenses of burial

be heard al. said Prohnle Of-

April 23, 1936, at ten 0'-" k in fl)e forenoon. E is Further Ordered. That 1,.ic notice thereof be given by

Plan Your Spring Building Program Now!!



We carry only nationally advertised and guaranteed building products. Such as:


Al Thorsen Lumber Co. East Jordan

Yes, There Is Money For You Each Week

On The Classified Pa£e

Hundreds are looking for bargains --Just tell them what you have thru a Classified Ad.

CALL LEnox 6-2371

Page 5: VOLUME 60 NUMBER 13 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, … JORDAN NEWS-HERALD 195… · Nicholson of Traverse City. M-. Newkirk l handl e th physical arrangement sub-commit tee.> and


M R . A M R S . F I . M K R B R U D Y

Thursday, March 29, 195G * Fast Jordan Nrws-lLwald * 1';

( C o n t i n u e d F r o m I n i t w e e k )

While Elmer was fishing, Fern 'tayvd behind at camp where she washed her hair, did some laun­dry wrote letters and picked wild blueberries for dinner, Mos-ouitoes and flies were exception­ally thick, considering how cold the nights were, ancJ when walk­ing through the brush where any stirred them up it was al most impossible to breathe with­out inhaling them.

Msoquitoes were just mosqui­toes and they bit like mosquitoes do at home with the same result-.ng it. h; but there was some spe­cies of fly which did far more damage. Fern didn't even realize bow badly she was being bitten while picking berries until she returned to camp and found blood running down inside her anklets. The bites each swelled in an area about the size of a quarter and were so thick they overlapped, felt hard to th 1

touch and itched iike fury in spite of any and all medication.

Even weeks later an exposure to heat or a hot bath wouH start the itching again.

Marge, old timer that she was, "had them too, and an Anchorage doctor was treating hers with an­tibiotics.

Moral: Don't let your hus­band take both bottles of insect repelant with him when he goes fishing.

While Doc Hufman's camp has no modern facilities, no electri­city., no drinking winter even, ex­cept as dipped from a nearby stream, we would still recom­mend it to anyone interested in hunting or fishing in Alaska. Tha camp overlooks Paxson Lake, and the woo don-floored canvas topped "cabins" are clean and t'omf ortable.

Each is equipped for "Ugut housekeeping" with a three bur­ner oil stove, a gasoline lamp, dishes, a table, stools, a bed etc. and the Hufmans are-.friendly and intelligent.

It is dificult to imagine one giving up a lucrative dental p-nctice for such a primitive way of life but he say^ he not only prefers it, but makes more mo­ney than he did in the city,

He still does an occasional ex­traction when someone has a toothache, but, of course, with­out electric powet he has no equipment with wnich to work. He had even extracted some of -his own teeth and offered Elmer a sheep hunt later in the season if he were interested in staying oypr-gfid would complete his up-pe rextractions in exchange for the hunr—

Bob and Elmer returned to camp about midnight with 13 grayling between them. Nice trout ranging from 10 to IG in­ches. In that they had had m -rhing to eat since an early break­fast except a couple of candy bars, we cleaned the fish and had a late dinner of luscious cold water trout and freshly picked blueberries. We had the same menu for breakfast the next day before saying goodbye to the Hufmans and Donaways and starting our long trek home.

We drove back down the Ri­chardson Highway to its inter­section with the Grlenn, and then turned east on Glenn Highway and followed it until we met the

_AIaska Highway. Thus, with the exception of the road on the Kenai Peninsula, we covered ab­out every traaversable road .n Alaska.

We reached the Alaskan-Yu­kon border at 0:00 and although the customs office here at Scot-ty Creek is supposed to be open 24 hours a day we were met with a sight which read, "Gone to

ir • fur

o) jth -r into


' i mi 1 r. C-i will I'l'io'i; • 'inc." So wc waiu-d an hou his honor's n-Un n, and •our-c, promptly >st an

hour as soon as we crossed 'Jic Yukon.

At this customs s.train W L t o go through the orocedu re of proving that we had enough tno-M " V to take us safely dov. n the A!a-ka Highway and out of Can­ada. We were intere-led to no'.e that two cars in the line ahead of •a- w-re turned b;uk into Alaska •:s having insufficient funds for '•'>e trip, and we couldn't help bi t wonder what would become of them for on e c c r ta inly cmldn't live in A'asKK long with out money.

We stopped at an unfinished lodge near the harder, climbed a

•dder to an upstair-: room which had abolutely notling in it ox-

'•pl a b M I - - -not '. ven a curtain nor a shade at the window—and we were back in Canada again. But thi- place, b;ung new, was at least clean.

One thing the Yukon does is io furni ;h a campground ahou^ every fifty mile- along the High­way. These campgrounds con­sist of a cleared area near a ri­ver or stream upon which has been erected a building that houses a big old fashioned cook stove, a large picnic type table and, in some instances, a fira-p-laee.

When we awoke the next morning to rain on the roof we d .'cidid to stop at the first of vh cse shelters, make cof foe and cook th-.1 last three of our gray­ling for breakfast.

So we st,;rt;_d oir in rh n cold, d a rk, dreary m o n i i n !?. but had only driven a half hour or so when we came to r< section of road under repair. Here they re­cently had been blasting out tha side of a mountain which was en­croaching on the roadbed.. whLh in turn was built on a ledge ov­erlooking White River.

We had started down the hill with its series of dips and bumps (Elmer was drivinp) and were attempting to avoid the loose •* T c k - on t h ? r o" -1 bed wh o n rash! ban?1, and tr.? Ford ?tarJ.-

i'd to "shake, rattle and roll"' ev­en more than u-nal.

We stopped at once and sat for a minute li-tenn.Lf to the rain n nd th.-1 loose nieces of rock and :ha!e still sliding down the mountain side. Our Milcpost tol 1 us we were just beyond mile 1170. Ahead of us we could see a bridge crew repairing a bridge over the river, and beyond that and around a bend a slender col vmn of smoke rising above the trees and marking the location of White River Longc, "open 24 hours for room, and gas and oil service, with cafe service at re-gular daytime hour-;. There wr" modern showei" and plumbing, convenient to the rooms, and a beer parlor is ope• ated in cov-noction with the lodge. This is a newly opened establishment and other facilities will be added during the lOnfi season." (from the Milepost.)

Elmer started walking for help, and Fern remained \v ;th the car. There were at least a half dozen Canadian army trucks hauling gravel for the road, and each and every driver stopped to inquire if he could help—et. t a i n 1 y a d i f f e r e r t experience than thi. Minne.-ota couple wiu. their over - turned Pontiac had had in British Columbia.

One of the truckers picked np F/dmer and took him down to the lodge, and on his return tr'p stopped and reported to Fein •mat someone from there would 1)0 out "in a few minutes."

Later we learned that their few minutes might mean any-

Everything To Build With



J O S . F . B U G A I






Jordan Valley Greenhouse A C R O S S F R O M M T . C L E M E N S M E T A L

days, but as It was, before long Fern saw an old aioiy 4x4 toil­ing up the slope driven by a young fellow, accompanied by Elmer. They booked onto the Ford, towed it off the mountain, across the bridge and down the Highway to White Kiver Lodge.

White Kiver Lodge is one of those unattractive wayside spots which we would have normally driven past with never a second glance. The lodge itself was »n ugly looking duckling, sheeted up diagonally with rough wide slabs of unfinished lumber, ami bearing a sign over its fron' door stating, simpiy, "Beer."

The garage, an equally spraw-'ing and ramshackle building, was covered with tar paper anil -mioke was belching forth f m,u

stove pipe sticking out th'ai a hole in the wall. Between th J two. and well anchored in deep black mud, stood the gas pump, and over the whoI e c 1 earing to the very edge of the woods and beyond, was junk. Boxes and barrels and piles, a.ad heaps of ru.bbi-h and trash, lumber and -vraps, rags, metal, pieces of this and that and nobody knows what.

( T o be c o n t i n u e d n e x t w e e k )


IV, Michigan. Mr. VanDeventer was former­

ly high school principal of Kale-no w superintendent of

Decree from U of M . M m. VanDeventer is the

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomas of Ea.--t Jordan and a

"Hold still, dear. I j u s t want to practice a little discrimina­tory taxationl"

Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in ris-.ng every time we fall. — Gold­smith.

I hardly know so true a mark of a little mind as the servile imitation of others. — Greville.

Editor, News-Herald Dear Sir:

On behalf of the 7,000 mem­bers served in the Scenic Traits Council last year, may I take the time to extend our thanks and appreciation for the many thin-.'* you did to make onr protrr:-t'*i more successful in the lives ot boyhood in Northern Michigan. We have noted the fine work that has been done by many of you without the usual requcs* forms, We hope fihis is signifi­cant in that the wnrthwhileness of the Program goodness thru-out your coverage area.

Sincerely, Donald E. Berg Scout Executive

Heads School At Elsie

Ellis C. VanDeventer has re­ceived an appointment as super­intendent of schools in Elsie, a Class C school in Clinton Coun-

Mr. and Mrs.' Leo Sommerville accompanied by Mrs. Viola Col-ley of Boyne City, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Max Sommar-ville at Mt. Pleasant.

-chooU in Bay Port. He has a graduate of East Jordan high Bachelor's Degree from Central Michigan College and a Mastets

school. They have three sons, Fori!, 5; Hob, 4; am1 J iml .



Caltelaria # Hydrangias




• Geraniums

• Daffodils

• Tulips

A l l Kinds Of Flowers For Corsages

EDWARDS' FLORIST LI 7-2561 Charjvoix LI 7-2853



At The Annual Spring Election

Monday, April 2

Don't Forget To Vote Monday

Put Chris Taylor Back Into Office!

This Political Ad Sponsored And Paid For By Friends Of Chris E. Taylor

Page 6: VOLUME 60 NUMBER 13 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, … JORDAN NEWS-HERALD 195… · Nicholson of Traverse City. M-. Newkirk l handl e th physical arrangement sub-commit tee.> and


• E A S T E R B A S K E T S

• B A S K E T S F I L L E D TO O R D E R

• E A S T E R C A N D Y







ORCHIDS FOR T H E LADIES ONLY Stop In Friday Or Saturday

See Our Easter Bunnies-Easter Baskets

Easter Plants-Cut Flowers

We Have Spred Satin

Paint a baam Ut kaljj a day


S A T I N This Wonder Paint simplifies your decorating because it dries in twenty minutes! It is the most beautiful, most washable, easiest-to-use paint ever made. SPRED SATIN is the original 100% latex paint, the perfect paint for any room. Won't show lap marks! Come and see the beautiful colon now on display.

$5795 gal.

Healey Hardware Open Friday Ni^ht

Vance District Mr. ami Mrs .1. Vi'illnr.1 Smith

if Ooncva. Ohm i-p.'iit l!it' tins', .vi'it: al Lin' Vrni 'Mi Vance home ,n<I al -II ci-il inc roll'1 ives lit Kile .v.irlll. Central Lake anil Ohario-

Mrs. I I . K Carpenter ceh'-!,rated her Klirh birthday Wod-'o-'day. March 2 Nt with a faiu-y dinner al th" Inline „f her

'au's-hter. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon S'ance. T i n . s e . i,n.<mt were: Air. •11.1 M>'s. •'. Will ' ir . l Smith r f 'ielieva Ohm, M r. and M I's. .1 n a n i , . H , , s . ul' Barnard. Mr. and \ | , . , j). K. Carpenter .1 r. ul' "cntral hake. Mr. and c\l'-. N-'; 'ban Carpenter and Mr. and M i s I vim Cariicn'cr and daugs'i-er l-Yama- „f Kllsu'orth.

The I ilde «•,!•' ilee'irate ! by a beautiful cake lb- fin ft Mr. mil Mrs. Smith. Mr'. Carpenter received jrifl s ( if Lowers and ma-ay other irift-. cards a ia l letters.

Mr. and Mrs. Waller Petri 3 'eft Florida March 2 1th for their home in East Jordan.

* *r *

Barton T,. Vance ha- been pro-noted and tran-f erred from Boston to Cleveland. Ohio by his company. IncersoM'and. He Im­p-ins work in h i s new Nrritorv April 1st and his familv wi'l move as soon a= they can dispose of their Boston home.

Klmer Murray and Vernon Vance recently went to Bie; Ra-oids where each purchased a Hereford s i r e from Miss Dora M. I.undhertr.

West Peninsula Mr. and Mrs. Charles A molt

ere announcing tee birth of their tirst trrandcliild. The parents ive Mr. and Mr-. Ji. i Arnott of Portland, Maine, and he was horn March '.Mill. Maine. Allan Ufred: wrltrht !) pounds and ',) ounces. Mrs. Arno't was t lie fo'-mer liuth Cote ol Portland,

i . , ,. ! hon iitiri Puaue A r r m t l spen' I 'he weekend in A:.u Arbor w i t h i Mrs. Don ArnoU.

M v. and Mrs. Ola re Loonv's and son, tie o r<* e . who s p e nt t h e TVIst n11.nth w ih h i - narent- at

1 Advance, left Saturday for N'o"-j man. Oklahoma where he will he j :tationed for two years.

| Mr. and Mrs. [,oyal Barber ,-pent Sunday wi'h the Roy Har-j dy family near Deer Lake.

| J. W. Itobin-on and si-tr r. ' M r s . Henry Oimneter of Boyne . Pity, sp'-nt Sunday w i i h the Or-j lo Kobin-on fami.y.

I The Harry Howard family and ! [ he Herb Chew family -'pent ;' Sundiiv with the Henry Howard ! family'

! Mr. and Mrs. K. it. Phil'Ir.* ; r e ! u i n e d homo K ' d d a y a f i e r

spending two weeks in 0ran I Kapids. Kalamazoo und Battle Creek. Mr. Phillips returned to Onitnl Kapids Monday Lo resume

William Sanderson reported I hat he saw seven deer in bis yard lately.

The Ironton 1'Vny is planning on culling the channel soon. It is impossible to cross with the car anymore. S e - v e i al cars have broken* through mm had to he hauled off the ice.

Vinhlon News Mr. and Mr = . (leorae Rpen-e

were Saturday evening callers at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Ci.f-ford Spence in Ea-'t Jordan.

Mr. and Mrs. Ji . i l Politt and d in -liters of East Jordan called on Mr-. Emma Shepaid Satur­day afternoon.

Mr. Dennis Look of Dearborn cam:' up for the weekend and tool; his wife back. Mrs. Cook had s „ „ n t the wc"k with her sis­ter, Mrs. Minnh- Beal. . . .

I eland Beal \va . home for ;he weekend from Fknl.

« * . Guy l,i = knm and Ruebsn Lisk­

um of Bellaire v: otcd the Mar­shall Shepard home Thursday af­ternoon ami everdnrr.

Mr. and Mrs. R . , v Spence and Mr. ami Mrs. Disk Rusnel of E ' . is ' Jordan called at the Georfe Spence home Stuid-y afternoon.

l . i - i Sunday M's. Ralph Bru-.-•o and children anil Mrs. Guy DiChaney of Kev.-.'din called at the home of Mrs. Minnie Beal.

Mrs. Paul Wi'-on and Mis' NYva Wi!--on flew to Philadel­phia. Thursday. They drove- back in Mrs. Wilson's car.

Mr. and Mrs. Ceorere Spence rilled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hite. Sunday af­ternoon.

Mrs. Ray Barriek and M:s Andy Anderson of East Jordar were S.indiy afternoon callers at ihe homo of Mr. and Mrs. Asa ileal

Mr. and Mr.,. Harvey Pane;-born of Midland were callers at the Leonard Hite home last ?d onday . * \

Mr. and Mrs. Max Kamradt and children of East Jordan were Sunday din icr guests at lite home of Mr-. Kamradt par-i nls. .Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hice.

Mr. and Mrs. Theo Scott of Independence, .Mo. came Sunday to vi-i: relative- and friends un­til Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Scott were former residents of East Jordan.

Miss Ann Whitei'ord of Den-\er. Colorado, is visitine; her pa-ri'iiis .Mr. am! Mrs. Vern White­ford and other relatives.

Insurance Is vanning Safety Value

banners regularly invest in equipment like irrigation terns or large-eapacUv harvest­ing machines to provid- a "mar­gin of safety" in operating their farm.

A n d W a r r e n V i n c u n t , f « r u t

e c o n o m i s t a t M i c h i g a n S t a t e U n ­i v e r s i t y , b e l i e v e s t h a t f a r m e n c a n a l s o c o n s i d e r i n i u r a n c e m a n u t h e r s a f e t y m a r g i n t o u s e i n t h e f a r m b u s i n e s s . T h e s e m a r -B i n s m a y b e c o s t l y b u t a r e n e c ­e s s a r y , h e s a y s .

Vincent points t)\i\ th;u in­surance leU you exchange -. small mistake for a po- V r / - . greatei- mbLake. The - - m a i l m s-take U Die insui-uiee nremi ;m. But it's a .r r L . . ,t ( . r p.i-takc lo al­low sickness, accident, death, fire, wind or other hazard- tu b e a financial burden.

Each f'<rm"r wid have d i f f e r ­ent needs for insurance Yineer,: ci)n- '-nds. Financial no.-i t ion and family obligations yyt. bjo- l ] U - ~ -tions to answer in <ie"idin<r what kind and how much insurance .s n e e d e d.

FOR I N S T A . N C E , a farmer with little capital and large deb's .may need a larger amount of i n ­surance. In this ca-e. an acci­dent or disaster would likely ,put him out of business if insur­ance coverage is not adequate.

On the other hand, a farmer with a larger amount of mon'-/ or property would have differ­ent insurance need<. This f a r . m e r c o u 1 d more e ?. < i! y suffer a loss and still remain in lupine---.

In choosing the right amount of insurance to carry, decid"1

what job you want it do, Vin­cent advises.

Orchard Notes . .

B y C . F A I R M A N

A\ t h e s p i j n i . . h o r t b ulture nieei.in.ki.- a I '!' r a v e •••-{• C i t y m a n •' t o p i c s wi-ie b!'iiu«'-hl o u t iri<• 11111 i n u ' w h a t v e * _ r e t a b ! e j w o u l d g r o , v b«-t tc r u p h " r e I na n a n \ w h " r "

C iu 1 : f ' o w e r w a s ( J r i e n i e ' i -i i o n e d . T h i s v e g e t a b ' e w i l l not iTiiw u n l e s s j d i n ' v of f e r t i l i z e r , w ami m i n e r , ! - ; a r e n<i d. l.e d :':v b - - r a v . M o r o n i- a m u - L

R E A D T H E W A N T A D S '



TV with


i \ . A 1 ate



%J/I0BIMW 1 O t h e r veu<'tab!"s w r e m e j i -

: i . t n , ,i i n - b i d i ' i i r h e e d b M i . i c e . 1 Irive r e " ( d v e d a s a m p ' e of a

n e w fair . ' ' ] a l e -or tv m a t e r i a 1 , Di-Pant -Thyl-1'e." ' C l i i r a m fun-

. • n l i . n i - - t , C o l d ' n D ' l i i d n a - w : l ! n o 1 ,- .,,1 . , n , ? j . . s , | p p n - e d to l e a v e a h : - h f i n i - h .

I w i l l t r y and l e t y o u know ! ' o w I c o m * 1 o u t w i t h t h i s n v !

f r i ' i l o r y o u c a n v i - i t t h e >>•-( h a r d to see h o w i t w o r k s . I a m n o t a n a ' r e n t f o r t h e m i t e r ! i l

d o n o t m a k e a n y p r o f i t f r o m 1 ) ; i P o n t o r a n y o t n e r d e a l e r .

We w i l l u j e t h i - m a t e r i a l v a r ­i o u s w : y s a n d n l a c s - — ~nvh PS i- ~"in2' i f o n t h e 1 a•-1 ap 11' • cat ivn b e f o r e h a v v e s t f o r s w e e t c h e , - -r i e s a n d f o r e v e r y a p p l i c a t i o n e n a p p ! e v w h e r e W ' n a v e .] o i a t h a n a n d Y e l l o w D e l i c i o u s in t e : ] ) lan t-

Miss . T a c t p i e ' i r u * W r i g h t w o a t ! - r i d i n g c o ' ! " - r e a t L a n - i n v ; HViiimc!; h e r E:> - t e r v a ' a l i o i

: t h h e r ni r e n t s, M r . a n d .M r>. ' r e d Wright.


G . I . N E W S I'.iK'.' d - Ea.-t Jordan N'c\v.--Ilcra!

[Plants Doped To Mahc Sure It Takes Food

I N'I.IW t h e y ' r e p u : t : n g p l a n t s ' o '. , - l c e p t o m a k e s u r e Ihe r i m e g e t ; ; h e k i n d o f f e r t i l i z e r t h e y n e . ' d • f r o m .- p r a y s .

S o m e m a n t s w o n ' ' a h . - o j b c e 1 ' -)f f e r t i l i z e r f r o m f u r t h e r t h a n d e ­

l e a v e s t h r o w u p a • f o o d c a n ' t g e t n y

w h i l e t h e p l a n t ' s a w a k e .

S o it i * w i t h t h e b e a n p l a n t a s f a r a t c a l c i u m is c o n c e r n e d . B u t M a r t i n -I. B u k o v a c , a g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t i n h o r t i c u l t u r e a t M i c l n -

S t a t o ^ J n i v ^ • r ^ ^ ^ y , d o p e d a


s. T h e ami th

* Thursday. March 29, 1956

Joe Smith, sun of Mr. and M r s . Arnold Smaa. called his : . . i i . - i i : - . Monday night from d n i p ( ' a r s o n , Calo'-adu, where he h a s been stationed since M a i c i . '••}]. He told them that his g r o u p w a s living trained to be -cut to Cermauy in August. N e w Address:

Charles E. Brock UA HI 5JO H29

Co 1) 2nd Bn Mt-17 AMSS P o r t Sam Houston, Texas

q a n i p l a n t w i t h e t b . - r — t h e n a m e : k i n d t h a t ' s u s e d i n a h o s p i t a l o p -! e r a t i n e r o o m . j Am! il w-.rkod. The plant


—_ ^j^Jz-r^'^JJljji Special Music Each Night

Christ Centered Sermons


Wc Invite You To These Special Services Come Early and Help Sing Bring Along A Friend

8:00 P . M . S T A R T I N G Sunday A P R I L 1 S:(

Seventh-tlav Adventist Church P.M.

Corner Third & Williams Iv'isl Jordan

"wen: under," and the calcium si i)ip -d b y to the loots — the place v. here it ceil lo do t he plant mos; e-nod. lie was sure thfit is what happened because he tag-ccd ' h e calcium sprayed on the

( a v.. - wi; h rad <<>ac t ive Lot ope*; ..mi :"->.lowed it- j)M-gre>s with a ccijer counter.

Ba; wliat's. vo practical about t his? Su rely you can't dope a c ! o p o f h.ein - wil li ether just to ! eed their fertilizer?

H O R T I C U L T U R E Researcher S. II. Witter, who WHK an advisor f o r the project, p'ifs it this, wey: Kther iirobably isn ' t practical ' n \'<>.\ But perha ps some of the .•lie m i aa I irmw! h n gu hit ors arc

•-oniet hing lil;" maeic hyd ra-zide. II ha - mui h I he same effect ::- ether, and bukovac is worK-i mi ^ 1! h it now.

Su. "h an idea. Witter says, can have g r e a t ; i w s i hi I \ I i es. If j! work- tin fruit t r e e - and gllmr n'an's - and theie's reason to b - l u ve i l i a t i l will part of the fcCiizer f e e d i i i L ' pndilem could

lee T ^ T H I S W E E K



H i'.a-- of Cnarlevolx wa« .,.,1 M-u-eh 1'ilh and V.A-

,v ird Sncder of < harlcvoix ad-j milled on Ihe 1 ilth. ! Cladys Vanllollis of Boyne

' ',1', v a- adinitled on Ihe 22n'I od I :• i n 'ferre I to Charlevoi.-:

10 mil l on the sane day. Clcce I-iimai of East Jordan

:»••>< Iransferrei) from the ho:-pi llnl to his own Home March 17l,h.


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Jean & Lavergnc Teichman

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IN B L O N D THE E V A N S T O N X 1 8 1 4 R -

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Jordan Frozen Locker Co. T H R I F T S U P E R M A R K E T

S ' i ' i M M ' ]|M[ | ; s -Viday S:00 a.m. to S;00 p.m. Sal unlay N •1.1-. lo (»::51

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