v*«xl..n#-12,285. new-york, sunday, 4, i880....

V*«XL..N#-12,285. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, JrisY 4, I880.-TRJPLE SHEET. PRICE FIVE CENTS. LONDON AND PARIS NEWS, AFFAIRS AT THE QBEJ.T CAPITALS. .ir rn Alu is i*iiKK uti i:\iiri, in dkui**-.; Wttl Till I.IIKIK gi I .-. 1 ION . lill MlUMI OOVtCI'.N- MKNT INtBII uN MlKlM, I Ills A Ml-ITITI M ¦OX.TU! ACHTATION IN FKANl'K. Iii lin* obit Iwlmnw iit'in tae ,"on- doii corn spoiideiit til 'Imf TntBiNK. petaled kenwith, mention is nada «'. tho suici-ss of Sir t harli s Dilke il settlinjr tho Greek quos''m. 'Hu* niovomont a-Minst placing » Napoleon memorial in Weetaainater Abbey is beag revived. Milo. Bernhardt eoatinnee to ho a favorite with tho British ptililio. Tito Ui it i>h Government per¬ sists in its intention to i.uiv pome important billi this session. The rani cable telegram to Tin: Titm- r*.r, states that there is no svtn- p.ithy i xpivsse<l l.y tho laboring elaaaea in Frame for tho expelled Jesuits.; the nobles ami ni latoemtl are caring for Uh Fathen at their private reaideneea. Tba agitation ovt-r amneetj baa occu¬ pied the attention, of the Panatana along witk tho .Te*..lits. A great lett is preparing lor July ll. _ _ LEADING lunts IN LONDON. DKITIS1I IHII.oMu V MV(I*MII, IN THI GRUI l-l r.sTIOV liVKNTS OK I.VIllHIST iS IBB IMtA- M M li MtltJ.ll.TltAVKILINO AMIUItAN.**.1 UK 1', .Ililli TO ni CXOBSI kvkii PCBUCLY. lin CAW io Titi; TRUifM:.; Loxbox. .--.it ii m.it, jiii^- y, is to. Th<» agreement of the Hu;lin Conference ii .-', .1.iii,ir th:' Givek frontier eonatitotfs almosl a peraonal tri¬ umph f..r Sn- ciiiirles Dilke, whoas chief reasoa f ,r acceptini* his precast post ns .is !ii-i il mitt to promote n j lift settlement ol' the Greek elanns, which li<- had long a.Iv.Kilt. il. leebnirann of tba Greek Commit¬ tee ead otherwise. When he aanmed office hein- dnciril Karl Granrillc ittid tho rest nf tin- Cabinet to Ware tue Greek question practically in his banda. Jt leintiasated thai fla* peraonal relations between Bit Charles Dilke and Gambetta, anil their pre* ions co. lier.iiitii. insured tho diplomatic barmonr of France an.l England at the Berlin Coo- fire.ic*, lin., ;i ,;,1 SecnreS Grce", iii>l r.ll s'.e claimed ot desired, hut suf¬ ficient additional terrritory, including Jan.na. to maintain her political independence ami military ili-fei..--il.iiity. Tin* delegates, before signing the protocol, cn. iai ii ii i- ;t! «l with their respectire Gor- -niiii.'ii!-, and received special authority to agree to it. Turkey protests, i.ut it is not expected i lint tin* Bn I tan, when bc receives the collective Dote, will eil more than a pasaive resiotauee, leavini tbe Albanians to flgbl it onl if they like. * -t .-.. c ;s. however, already prepared to deal with them, mn ram um m iht pboojumk. The Tories rej dee at abstracting legislation tim- far, and they hail tin- praepeel of a compara¬ tively barren session. The Ministry Insists still that it intends to poss ii« leading measures the Irish Compensating for Distarbanoe bill, tho Bor/ials bill and tbe Game hill.hui any one or all may fail mil.as ths Government resolves t<> sit until Septem¬ ber.*a plan oft.-n threatened hut seldom executed. uk AMi-N'.ii'iu.'ON .ii;n.iTi«i\ asviVED. 'li:.-in.>N em ni again*! the Napoleon memorial is being -¦!< ail,ly org ni'/. '.I in various part*, of the country. Apnblic meeting will shortly be held in Lon.icu before the reaolntion on the subject btvugbt forward by Parliament* Dean Stanley 1,1. sign, and the monument approaches com¬ pletion. Mil.!. Ill li'-il M.l.l WINNING AITI.A1-I.. Ml!.- Sarah H 'rahardl's reception at Liverpool was nc! less enthusiastic lhan at Ifancbester. Bbs j I; v.-,l ii, ".'.'mei,nc " aii.l "JYouftou" to thronged li,.ti .' *.. and received great applause. The hotel nbereshc sUyed aud tbe theatre were both gar¬ rot ie!'il lr. vast crowds. Crowds also followed ber carriage iii the at reefs, aod Ute anona which she en¬ tered were besieged by multitudes outside, the police being obliged to interfere to secure a passage, Bbc returned to Londou on Wednesday ami gave a hriei 1-citation at Sir Julius Benedict's afternoon eon* f.-it. Sir Julius says that directly Mlle. Bernhardt was advertised fr. .-it,pear all th<* tickets were sold at Uiffb prices. After rending, *-lio *v-iu thrice re- t.illili. Tbe same evening she was pcesent, nt Sir Fredi rick Leighton's Invitation, at the soiree at the Boya 1 Academy, and waa surrounded al) the even- Ing. 'Hi' 1.500 other guests present repre¬ sented the fashionable and artistic worlds. Mlle, ll, inhai.lt has him <* visit**.! the studios of Sir Frederick Leighton, Burne Jones and other di '-ts. Sbestrougl] argos Burne Jones to exhibit p; Paris, insisting that I.e would create an immenae i i, D itien Lepage joins in the invitation. Oi, rnui-ii,i.\ Mlle. Bernhardt was present at MinLune Moiljeska's performance of " Heat-tease," nt tbe Caart Theatre, aod oordially admired ber. Bbc repeats ber visit to th. Lyeesua to-night to see Mr. Irving play in ** Bells." She returns to Paris un M..inlay, and Mails definitely foi America fruin Havre on October 16. Bbc plays meantime only in Iii ni***'1*. fer eight thus* lier engagements 1st Vienna, St. Petersburg and Paris ure postponed til' h. i n .-mn from Amei icu. Her _in(-Jisli engage- Meats next jaar include London, Liverpool, .Man¬ chester, Glasgow mid other Important cities. (il-Milt ll. Di:'MATU.' NKW**. The anananeanmnt .,f Mr. Booth's approaching arrival CZCitol k<.*n Internet In the theatrical world. EBbrts mo making to Induce bim to appeal bsffbwi lhe Manoa ends. The Palais Boya] Company con¬ tinue*- to draw moderate houses al the Gaiety, 'lhe Datcb eeespanj say that, thouirh losen taaneially, they intend interning next year ; om lng to favora¬ ble critical estimates, they anticipate the j-ossi- b)llfy at heeonniig poonina. Mrs. Bateman has pro¬ duced "A Midsummer Night's Dream " at Sadler's WeBgcreditably, 1 he " Daaihie " has been trans- .*. ,,..1 t. ti... I : ,.'... I..- .irr. --ri l. A-l--ll Madame Gerster has reappeared In " Sonnamhula " at Her Majesty's Theatre, before an enthusi¬ astic house, scoring groat success with the critics. Her voice hos gained by rest; her style has the same brilliancy. Madame Nils¬ son continues a temporary arrangeaieut villi Mr. M'.plcouii. ihe tint perlormano of "Alefis- tolYle" with Madame Niisaou as Ataigherita, mi- nouucedfor to-niitht.has heeti peetpeaod to Tuesday. Her dtcibiou against her Amencau visit remains un- (.hii'ii'.'ii Madame 1'atti appear*- to-night at Covent t.nilen fer the lir-! i.i,ie. Cohen's Estella season iii,-, ¦next week. The Hon. Wayne MaaVeafh has spent the week in Leaden, and left here for Pt. Petersburg hy way of Iterlin. General Hawley is here, aud his friends are tu Tanning a reception for him. thi* ronan ok ji-i.t. The F>,nrth of July is expected to pass without any pul.lie celebration. MK. PlIirsTi.V Danita AN IMrr*TAT!>>V. Mr. Pnleston, ivt)o was mentioned in Mr. Hnlli- van's pn.see ii ti on of Mr. Callan for libel as Hie banker who dlecoantod the lulls Bur leceiTing hie electoral support at Devonport, donlee the Imputa¬ tion emphatically. The defendant's solicitor says that bo nas a complete- answer tc the charge. _ O. W. f». A pencral press tel<£**ani M*fg that Mr. Callan. M. I'.. IfeS ilef.iiileiit m tho llt.ol Hitit rrflSITC 1 te aiiove, was .'onitiiiiteil for trial, and entered reeocnts- mice for £100 to appear whee tho case woaM be tailed. WHAT DISTURBS THB PAB18IAH& tiik Kxrviaio*! oi thi: jrsiiTs and rna amm-iy Mi'AM'liF-Vd SYMIAIHV IltOM 1IIK MASSKS ron na rxaaciTe.rna noiaik's arruan io I'I I AV AMVKslY.1IIK. QBBAT KKTK. Taki**, t*;iturday,.I.il>- 8, 1880. The expulsion of the Jesuits from then establishments on Wednesday norning luis not agitated the provinces. The poonta wbo benefit from universal suffrage will not dolt ;.<l theJesuiti- .;il cause, tbe Jeenits haying since 1848 led thc coalesced foreo of aristocracy, plutocracy and ri< li bourgeoias againai democracy. They h.nc been tbe link whteh bound together tbe sa-ealled goTeraing lasses. The toiling elii-*-, winch earned the ninney that p.ml ihe (Jerusnn war tin.', is indifferent to tbs lille cf thc Jesuits win ii lint hostile to the n. Thu expulsion took plato at dawn, when lhe working population is airca,ly stirring, vet m. sj m- patbizing crowd ol laboring people weal to witness tbe expulsion from tbe bouse mar Belleville or to manifest any symps by. Only thc ii.!i ami illus¬ trious allies of thc.Jesuits. th<- dukes, marquises, viscounts and their sons left their beds betimes, <»¦ sat up all night to countenance tbe expelled fathers and protest ajr.inist tho police executing their orders. AN INCIIH.M 1,1 un: ICKK ISIUN. 'lin* crowd at -i o'clock in the morning nt the cen¬ tral establishment, Rue Sevres, uaw fashionably dressed, a farewell service preceding (heexpn.sion. llic ul;.;r w.is bright with flowers, and the aisles overflowed with thc aristocratic and plutocratic worshippers. Near tbe bigb altar wept th'' Princess Nemoun, 'he Cr,.wu Princess <>t Braxil, who keep*. bella ami tho Duchesses of Qramont, Lnynes and Chaulnes. One <>i the incidents of tin* expnlsiou which mos! excite; the Ultramontanj its n*, ns thai of M. Clemen! sealing ii." doors .¦: the chapel containing tbe Corpus Christi. Tbe cry waa raised by them thal the Prefect nf Polios bad sacrehgiously locked np i«od. The Host was transferred yee- ler.lay to a privets chapel upstairs, whore rt yet remains in charge of three Jesuits, \%. .-> were permitted to remain as guardians to tbe vacated house. Ita release being promised, the whole popu¬ lation of the Faubourg Sr. Germain crowded into the street*, between Rue Sevres Church and 8t. Bul- pice.expectiug to sci the Host borne, processionally, to that 'hu) iii. and ten thousand persons gathered In the church square. The police dispersed them, and they then collected In the church and on Ihe steps ol tbe sanctuary, and M. Bieux sent word t.. the Jesuit guardians of the Host that if il was trans- parted publicly be wns impotent i<> protect it from insult. Il taken from l.'ue N vt iv* now it will ho in .1 hackney coach, privily. ot!,er orders,sc far, have not hu Interfered with. The Nuncio is .iinncd nt the precipitancy of events which wtil drag the Government further than it intentlen to go, nc is now more yielding. thi ajfWKgrr mi laguna. Whil Pal ls is agitated in high spheres about 1 he Jesuits, in popular spheres it ie agitated about the hjenate's mnnoenvres to get rid of considering tbe Amnesty meuMire, or delay the hill for twelve ni',ni ii-. 'lim 14tli of July fete, if the ('oininiitiists arc pardoned, will be of unparalleled splendor, 'lin* Prince of Wales and me Km*? <>f Greece are coming to see it. Madame Adam has had au audience, with the King of Italy. It will Le 1l,e fashion soon to have th,- visitor*,' rooms in great private town and country bousi i ot i-nidcd ii itii members of the religious orders, l.'ich Dohles on all eldee offer hearths and homes to the Jesuits. _ A General Prces diupatob etateethai a I'mis telegram to iht Lenten nates says i "Tts freleciot in. Pepai lim ul uf the .Stn il lin vi nu taken further lippi ta the ease of Ihe sall instigated by tbe expel ed Jesuits nt l.iiie. the Tribaaalbas deeliaedte proceed wita tbs hearnur. ir tims leaves the Question of Jurisdiction to go iiiieiiv'ii Hie ordinary teutons stsge, and refralni fromordermc,as n m.tht do, the temperer*, reinstate- ¦neal "' the Jesuits." lu thr* action hy the Jesuits Ruanui the Prefeei of the Paris i',,l,ci* lur vi.ii.iiii.n »f domicile, belora thc Pr-*r*1 deni of the Trienaal of lhe Seine, lae. Prefect utgeil that th-' (joint ha<l do Jurisdiction, 'i be ju view of the lnp*irtanec of the .vise, referred it tu inc Ural Chamber ot the Tritium.! or the Seine. .sTr.eh will glvt Itu deelsioii un tin- "tb inst, fa Nancy tbeelvil tribnnal pleaded want of Jurisdiction. Frt sLret-i_ui-tiuii--i.t MsgiMraiei who decline to exi cate tho decrees uri. received dally. a en k it al foi: Kia x m;ws. JULES .SIMON OM AMNESTY. I'aki-., Kitur.hiy, July 3, 1880, lu thc debate an tht* Plenary Amneety hill m tiie Bsautc te day M. Jales Pinion sahl that evoa tl sssaeety *ani* ieaaaded ny the people ths Henate should noi always bhmliy follow ]io|iulur outcry. The Oi'vernnienf wau pr.-neviipled, he sahl, liv the fear that i in- ci. eil ;!.*,would tuin npiuj tfio amnesty Qoesttoo. iue test qu.-i.noii Ht the election ought to bs the choice between n poi! OJ ol nih,euee and one ol political illicit v, between a policy without tue courage of Itt t.pinion -tin'1 ae whlcb raspsats liberty ol conscience unit r.ildouiludepeadeneoi fasspeees. mun muebap- plau<leu M. LablohcV. Alternation hill, which ha>1 r. e.-Ivctl the. aanffit of the Utirrruiiicnt, wau nj'-rtcit hy a vole of 1*13 to 133. rhe Senate then, hy a vote of 144 to is*,,, adopted un auieu.iuii.-Dt granUBg earnest! te ail pam,-ipitutsiu thu CoiuUiUiie, ncr pt a**au*.i.ln-. and incendiaries. pussunra the afqhana LlMMMI, Saturday, July :i.l**'«i). The Times dispatch from Cabul says, on the 1 .st lout, General Iii.1'n division encamped nt Zargun Khel, sud sent 5">0 cuvaiiy to ..tt.uk a body of Af i. n.-.n*. at Padkhew. Tbe enemy abandoned the Village SU their spprnaek und fled to the bili*, 'lhey were pursued stahl miles ni, d -.ff. iel mn ri 'i \ Tho British loin lu (Iii ec killed mia t v.cniy tire Mounded. . m* STATUS TO ROHBBT IfAIKE.s. Lommiv M.i(urdui, July 3, 1880. To-«lay Lord Bhaftabofy unveiled tbe shaine i,ii tbe Tbeuiea embankment to Hubert Hulkes, lbe on .rlnatnr of Sunday School* In Kti-*l*nd. Dr. Vincent was present eu behalf of the lander Schools ot ibe fulled sta.e*. lir. Murphy »f x<iw-Yert road " pBitten et tho scriptures, and !>r. redd of Rea York earned prayer. AfJITATlON IN TURKEY. IN r.OVKItNMKNT IXCITfVO THU Al BANIAN". Loane*. Beter lay.Jatf :i. ISfe. lhe TAmtetft Conataatinople diepateb says the n-w- which ima reached thc QevetaaMoi seneerntag the iiirim Oeaferoaec inn- prodaeed -creal ssisolshaisal and indignation In official oreti m and am<u>K the upper ranks of ihe Massaiauan The *cml ofllclil Vaki/te nay* the C.ufrrenee lum fliKiantly violated tl.« i.|,,rit of the BerUa Treaty. Ttie ee-rnepeodeal eenflnss ths rumor thal ti"- Porte i* secretly laeltiag the -JNudaas to tests! thc ('reck*, .-ind that oeasides stile military prepuruMoas J sse betas sunda Iroope ere being sieved in theatres (inti >,f th,- oreel Iroatter.ead awOlaryandssssiuulHou have been Seat to **alonlca. A d'-uiatch f otu COasteatlaoptS to The Times say**: .' Tile e\elt. in, -nt ii tuon t; th" Mu-i-uliuiiiin ti piodiicini; snztecy sad anproheostaa in the Bnreneaa (narien af toe etty, but lt May be sonMent*] iv- lb tied thal they wni aol move un lem lastlaated n.i the sufaotltlea "A-, the luttcr know weiiThnt :inv serious dlstarbonees in He c.ipital would ii) 111--11 in c*>- produce active un intervention, it i*t hardly eoneetraole thal they .'.nulli voluiif linly enter apoa ?itch ¦ line of sctlon. Bull.then Isaeertaln saHiont of dancer, TneOovern- ¦eat evMeoily wishes te frighten Europe, and it way, by atina means for ibis parpos >r> n «c about Inadvert- ctitlN -, me mil, r¦.-. ( | e,i ;;. i'i nile." Vu uni dispatch is Mc fKiNctsayi: " The accounts mnicn.i.-r i.r Doielsno t., Montenegro hum be taken with mai emin.m. mil] ti.. ls so doubt thal the mu ne,ii i- tncrcanlnc the Ttirklsli authorities being upu:li t lc snd Indlflhri nt." A 0te maa gunboel has been ordered i" tbe Syrian, Canst to pioi'..: ih.- iivrmiiii art* len si Halifax. THE AMERICAN. AT DOLLTMOUNT. rna man about to m.-ham*. Di m.is. Baturday, July 'A, 1890, Al im Interview to-day Colonel Budina said that Me team would be disbanded iftei ti day. Colonel ito.line nnih ce i" i.,ml.ni mi Mender with mos: of tbe teem. Tin i,,!c r* n. ill ,; ;mi;vi lii.ih ,. Colour] DodlUfl will vleit Wimbledon, Be a Ul leave Liverpool la the ¦teener City <»' Caeeter ou tbe 90th Inst, with such tn,¦mher'. of the linn a* vn i.i n,- ready t'> ko. Thea ... bo wleh lo shoal v. it ii Pranh Hyde s ll remalli behind. Rathbone,Otarke,Fisher and Rockwell will pioniii.iy accompany bim ). ick. De i* nnci nslu abonl l!»e other*. eu- l.e bop h tn., will m.; remain nil ir* lo 'br ord -rs ot inc national Riffs Asso _tlo*i. '.¦¦., ni ko to the Coutinent. and Colonel Bodn.c till ks lie will uni Kim "i mi'h Pranh Un,:. Tue ano etna af 1,100 yards, and fer tbe day, bs 'ual el,,-,-.i. The aroa* .1 'ii ve- are .- follows: Iriah. No. 1. 8!Ml! No. 2, B2fl A-ii ri av 025. At ii,,-1 mi*.'-ot 1,100 ya rda tn-.i... tbe Americans iii.cle -e\, i ,i in v- .. i ii, v |, .1 un to lin tenth round, when a series of mis'ortuuos esme. Laird mids lour i. i-*e-. Di ,,',t ii i.. ,1, ,-,., *¦,,,;. one. i ii,- American tap and ehsmpionship of ireland, pre¬ sented by the American tenn io the Jr .m.. d .. ,, inor al <>r the Ural International ron teal, waa won by Captain Fenton, who ni da tbe bigbesi B-rgreKet-i soon I,, .be *''N era uni rtill< ns. The Kidd mx dal presented by The XewTork Spirit o) th,- Timee. vain dst 040*1, the lermsol tb*-contest giv¬ ing i aub mau ave shots st 1,100 ysrda with any i.tl*. wns v, on by Joynt with u so >re ol -"-'. Pi otoo 'n..> next, i ,u,,t fl-* IV. lu ibe competition fer tue am Ireland Challener I bl* .! tile l.ivu'ie,.',ile *,,|'- In Which a!'' L'it'ell ;ili,\,-. fl, American leam eauaiai il ol lu,inn ne, .1 u kaon, end I.. If. Laird. Of the two Inali (cums, ene .».;-:. in:.- <.; i'.-i.- luii. ii _-"", Warren nnd Millner, and the otb r ol .l".i at, Coghlan, Johnson sud Mnrph*. COMPLIMENTS TO AMEKU v. TL Time* iliis morning, in uti editorial ertii .vi tbe Aniei nalannit r«..iN. roi I.'. - tbe l,i te * tali rn: th-..- tn. pref commercially mid p :.,,;... urn! ;,.:..,!. thal all in ni resp nty i., ., BUENOS AS RES BUBMI IR ii;., io. .1 im .un), July rs, i -- The latee! Intelligence received lu*;.- to- day iioiii Buenos Ayres ai.iness thst j,!.-.has been com{uded. Buenos Ayres having inbruittcd to the n.i- BTANLEY HONORED. Loxoox, Baturdaj. Jolj ¦., i --;'. '/Lr Athena a nt to-day announces thal lhe Gem ¦ 'fed li- . ry Vf. Binnie- .. I> m'!.,i <. ivi icsophy for bia African expiora- I.MU.AM) PEOTE! INO HE FISHERIES. II ai ii ax, N. s.. July 'J..lld- Majesty's .,,.;. i'i md, r amunro sud < n te.-t li John*, K. r. ."' '.¦ ul >y. un Bah .. pro! hi yb e. .*. he fl* v, c. pi wp ru al ht .1- bu and nelgbbortns placce are encoui A letter received .-it 8t. Johna from Perry lend stares that toe Baner- i>rosiN*cts there snd ni Ht aet re unni good. Improvement ls al-o reported st Piacealla. A u ;, > punt wai ops. I al Bona vista, If. I"., on June -", miii two men were drowned. _ ^ . AN ALLEGED SMUGGLER .BRE8TEO. Montreal, Que., Jnlj 3..A castoma officer Kier a few Bights ego, who bad passed Brock vile v. nh a considerable quantity of lev* dry. Duty bad been paid on some of lbe J welty al Brooch ville, bnt most of ll was he'd. Pru man -viii that his u une v.ii- Dodie*, nnd gave Vi w-Yorl < it* ss bis hoi_c. THE LACH1NE (ANAL. Hontbeal,Qne., July 3..-Water will be Iel nt., the Lachme Canel to-night, to enable veeaeti de¬ tained there to leave ;.t ,,:n *. The work at the gates ls well forward, aad "iii ne completed on Monday. THE LACKAWANNA AT PANAMA. Panama, .Jinn-24..The Dnited States :-t<;iiii- shlj. I.ac ka via mia, la.-1 from I, ntr.il .'.ne: ie.iii perle, Ul rived here this seoralag*, AU well en hoard. FOREIGN NOTE& Lonou, Batnrday, Juljr;;. 1880. The cotton operatives ol Preston aadSAahtoa-uader Lyne have decided not r<. join ihe strike threatened by tin- Bolton, Btelybndge and U . ads.peratLaea. Ih, sportsman, in n leading rdltorial, severely denn ia - Un- in-i,ni:ilioii-i linnie iii A monea that Ila..ian, tbo oarsman, wold the mee on tbe Beckonk. Tbe writer attributes Baalan's iliuens to over-taxation ol lui eou- bl li Ut loll. Hit st¦m<iuni this momlag se]-.-1 "We anderstand thal the Bishop of London han notlged lhe Rev. Mr. alexander staekonoehm, ,-f Bt, Albane Charon, Hoi biitn, thal hi bas determined to enfotoe the sentence of sequestration against bim." The Luivum tin-tilt, snaosneee thal from to-day ant mil!*, from Britton North Amertea an!viag at liverpool in iv i. treas-shlnped ls the Met -,-n t,, rs well specially he ii-m1 h, the Privy Council, for cou Terence lo uu> landln*c-|>!ace with-a Hie perl ..! Ltrerp ol A i'm I ol-i".it'll l" lhe Timm -arr.; "The faunius brigand chief, Ceslme Oiretdeao, whe in 1861 wee tbe tci di t.r the Beaeveato <iir-tn< t. Italy, sud who defk .1 captor-*, bul roluatarliy eaugrated to America, has ie- lui ". il t,, li ll ol 1 haunt-, und occu-iatioti." Bombit. July ...Tbs sx-Vleeroy of India, Lead Lyi- (<>), ui..1 v. .ie -.ul,-I In ,lue f,,r Rn«l_ul l;ni MBia. Jolj 3. .lt io Stated tb it the I'u;i_l Numil- will tah* inn departure froa Bete nen i hun da) BaMUtmo. July a..a dtepeeftiea leehowlng Neel! hi Han).nm to ar-retiata with the Imperial Qoverameni fm- un- abandonment ~>i it- tree port pnviicge. iiAuiAx, nh., jui 3..The esses*, unity of Jeeufts i-i im an-1 xpecti iii,: Prance, sr> going to take nbarge ot tin- Roman Catholic .liege ,1 Chartortetowu Rosen, July a..Rews bas reached the Italtea Gea* .rrajibicHi Boemty or the death >.f Eactaeer CbianaL wno themed part <>r the expeditton late Ceutral Africa, PlBAMA, Jnlv 'A I,ie OktMtUh Units nays: '. Tm- ¦ta,,,iiiie laMereed'ieaow oqnelud ,1. rbis canalla I live lmic.*, Isag, nnd bas twee twsaty-Rve years in oonetroctlou. lt i.a.. cont about $400,000. aud msj lieiei es om of the most i infer ian t works jet .--teemed m thia, omi try." TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. a, bmaix araru at loutku* Lowi'i.L. Mass., Jul) :>. Kort] mule i-pinners in Uie Mi rrlems udlis havs -tm. k t,.i a io pei seal ndTauce. Till; I ll* N OaOOS IM -MilAI'.ll.**. PBMTBNCBD. Ni W <ii(i.KA.*H. July 3, 1 bornes Mena ami Shmuel sn ii."ini.-, senora, whe -Needed guilty ie triii-i-r fl. t,. me ni ton eu tm. r,inj. rota rosa,wa ¦. to ia.' Noiiteuced by J inlae WI .utki-r to lt\e . t-ala* liam lUVlii I I, in.A iii PROM ii KAU r DIBMABM. I'iiii ADii.i'iiiA. Jul) ii..Miram ia Grey (eolored), ugo twelve yeera Mi eek ».mun ehlid, tht* i.r.itiier of amen net Howland, ego Ulricas*. uo*iui,ii nuinier til., gu. bm Miranda tell dsM It le hehevei thal .-i.e iiini ii mu Ui-mi dnwssa a ORMAT cnown at an kxi.< i [OM. Kui.i ino I "i;i.. Hms., Jul) ;!..i.i k Will isms was hanged bi t<- j Merdai for ths nurdarel a nun names' i¦!.¦*. n.i. a lieut ¦. .' " I *¦' ¦."' *»'!¦ i,ir*'-iil al Hie "Ki uli.iu. wi,.'iaoi-i mans . Mon apeooh vt ru li u* bia friuutta of Ult (nie, luii Makins liicui tv \irty Un Ulai. AT TUM NATION Ar, CAPITAL POOB STEAMBOAT SUI REVISION. O"<»i> BROOBB Of niF. i.ipi -savim, skiivicf. a? iMr.itisiiM; law point DBCIM-> 'TUM OBM Ki p.'li rs. Tba eaaeea of defective itaattiboat supervis¬ ion an* s iiil to be the imperfeei laws on lix* rab- jr-et, v, liji-li divide tho re-.ponwbilify. Thc Ufa- Saving Service iin.s aiade a noble record dur¬ ing tba burt raar, and much ragratii axpraaaed .it. tlic failure ol' CoBRrOSatO extend the Service. An importiinl railroad ileci.iiou lins been jriveu ;t Spriti-rllr-lil, Illinois. DEPECTIVE STEAMBOAT INSPECTION. tim: .¦¦¦-.iii Of IMPBBVRCT laws.nivmii) kk- ST'iNsmilliv.\ BBOBOAMBaTlOB Of 1MB »TB- ikm ni kui ii.iiiK ixsmonoM ok oovbux- MRMT VKMBta. UV Tl. i:<. li.*. I'll TO TB1 TltintNEl Wabmirotom, July S..Tbe Bureen of Steamboat In ipeeton I* being mads tli-- object of oonsiderable severe, bal nndeecrved criticism. General Dumont in in denial Ij tbe meat efllcieat obief wblefa tbat bureau baa ever bari, and lias witbtn Iii* limited sphere uwde n Dumberof valuable improvements. Tlio defect in the work of steamboat Inspection ¦nnrnn tn lin I., tl... |..«-u .....1.... .l,.,.l, ii... . ...I- carried on. These seem to bave been devised wltb a view te Ibe diffusion >.f all respon¬ sibility ns widely ni possible. Hm Supervising Inspector-General baa neither t tic* power of Initiation or re*. Ision, except ta ¦ vary limited extent. The local Inspectors ur.* charged by law wltb ths work of insnection, nnd when disasters occur they are inn.lc invt tigators to re**ort anon tbe efflclency ol their .Nv. work, lt' they report tli.it their or-,-riii-il inspection was imperfectly done, then tho Supervising Inspector General tuny reeetnineud ll ...N.lls. lt tho recent disasters bring about a reorganisa¬ tion of the srstem upon ;i baals similar to that of tii" I.ii. .Saving s. mee, thi. Signal Corps or the Lighthouse system, with a cen¬ tral responsible bead directing and review¬ ing the work in all subordinates, tin* terrible sacrifice*) will not bare been entirely unpro- ilu !.\c >if "mel ri'-iiilts. "There ls no ic.i->>i>." said a gentleman ln.i.l- iiiif :i liU'ii official position, himself au expert in maritime ie;.tier.-*, "why thal gervi. <. should not be mads ss beneficent ns t! Life Boeing Service, the Coast Survey, tbe Light House system ur tbe Signal Service. I would have foll powers aud responsibility at Washington. Then there should be a small corps of travelling inspec¬ tors, witta funetinns analogous to those of noel office -. ¦, agents, to - ie with their ..wu eyes that life¬ saving appliances ere in working order, and tbat boats' crews are uot inefficient In manipulating Ihciii. '1 In- importauco of Hi*' 'N<>rk would warrant much more stringent laws tban now exist, and although steamboat men would *.i|iinm Vi' '¦. good nn, uld i. -uIf. " I ollie aCCOin n." le.I Hil ill- jeclnr of G Venn, ,e'i | vessels on nu.,mci:,i tour, .utinu, ii itu- gentleman, "Wi' boarded a reseel and romaine*:! u;> m hoi foi :i " ole day. Al ¦¦ ni wli 'ii bc wan un- oh er. ed, thc Inspec m ped to the bell ml i. g a tire alorut, Offlei rs nd new se .med t<i hove l«. t theil rn its, lu. did tm nishett about for bnckel bul lhere sterned t< he no in in their proo riure. I, .. insp, (or si.watch in band, noting t ie ooeurrence-i, sud when they were over, !". gave the commanding t.-fficer tn understand thai there mn i be .in imiiiei! .'.ii r.-t,inn in respect <>f ulanna snd a inure strin-rMir Ktati* nf discipline enforced. We boarded another veru-el nn'en' the -am,-. xneilin, nt was tried. Thi bell had mit stopped ringing whoa the engines stopped. Men ius'i.-«l af ones to their places, and in less than three minutia boee pities lim! been con¬ nected and two streams were being foreed t -irnm-h. (bern, while men stood, buckets and axes in hand, ready for orders. In both instances tin* officers und cree believed tbe alarms i" be aenuiuo." ? AN IMPORTANT KAU.:,' IAD DECISION. M ii''* ON A li".I) PBKfl'BBKO iI.aini.iw._ I.'I |OM BT Jil'ill lill MJMMi ai KfRiXQ- ITKLD, 11.1. i i'i:-;: .i'll TO rill TUB) 1 \V*.-.iiM,i)iN. July :»..The decision rendered l>v J ml se* Drummond snd Treat ia the United Hint Circnit Court at Springfield, Illinois, on ibe 28th ult., ui tbe case of Green B. Hanni and Jobn W. Mitchell acaii it the Cairo and Vincennes Kail- road <'"¦:'...uv inn! J. W. Drexel end Charles J". N. Tracy, receivers, determined an interesting point of law. In 187fl Kaum and Mitchell became sureties for tbe railroad company, ul tli<* reonest of General Barnside, ifs president, upon an appeal bond in a eamwhichwas taken to tbe Supreme Court of Illinois. While tbe case was pending tbe property of tbe company was placed ia ths bands of rt c. iv¬ ers. The Supreme Court of Illinois affirmed tbs judgment against i be company. J. Piernon! Morgan, who hail in the meantime been electe president of tho road, and Messrs. Drexel and Tracy, trustees for the bondholders, ami J. s. Morgan, ot London, principal owner .'!' thc stuck anil iiini.ls i.f the company, all refused to ;i:in tbejndgmeat. Ka uni anil Mitchell, as sureties on th.- bond, were then compelled to pay the debt of the ompany. At tbe time Baum and Mitchel! became sureties tbe rolling stock of the company \n;is encumbered, hm before tbe pa*, ment .,1 the debi by tbem tbe re¬ ceivers of the company, its president, trna- to. etc.. borrowed ninney, to secure the pay men I of which they issued a chattel mortaaaa 1,111 In- rolling stock, lhe <'ourt allowed tins to be (lune, iind -t t iii.- end .,! the year the rolhug stock was sold for about one-fourth of its value topsy the lean. J. S. Morgan becoming tbe purchaser. Katun Hii.i Mitchell objected in Court to tbe execu¬ tion ol th in .! tgafre, and filed a petition nrayini for mi order requiring tbe receivers i" pay their debt. After fire yean'delay tbe case caine on fortrie! npon a statement of the facts. Judge Drum¬ mond held tl. it vier,' a surety ni-on an api> ul bond et ;i railroad company nn ns ooni- pelled t" i,nv H;c debt, tbe property of the oom dui .. being in the bands of receivers, sud subject to the orders of bis Court, be would require the pay¬ ment ol thc debt a* ii preferred claim. THE LIFE-SAVING SERVICE a BORIS l.KO >i:r>.BUD Of K\Ti-|>i\ii THS svi.-- vi, k. I Aii.riii; Of OOBOBKM TO .\< i OB TUB MAI 1! g. lBTTBUMB_rn i,. Tin' ruiaoua.1 Wasiiivoton, July 3..The records of the I. fe Baring Berries ter the bul seesos show fin- i/,ua.,ti to l,ut. I.ll lil IM l.l- ill,, in .1:. ..I..i. . tl... great lakes than any season which preceded lt. Bine tue bursae was <¦. tebUsbed,noi len* th ia eight] Ave tote tote:** are reported, in all uf whick the lite tai lagen ..- were Instruments for good Oely one life .'nt of all ths were eupeotd in consequence «,f these disasters wa* lim tii.it of s cl,nv c. woman wm. w ii ssleep lu the reUa o tile Verine' .ll l.l* lilli nf lbe 'Il 'Hie llle-eaviag mea themselves were lees fortaaate Oue whale craw of eli persoaswas i"*t at Point an lt.,i,j,i, i uhi s ni" moline to help .1 vi sa ts ii;- Thu remarkable record beareetrtktag svldenct of tia n ni Mi*; cflli liney ..f this service. ih. r. ,-orti of ttoseters up.,11 tim Atlaatie Coan und uf tin- meeess attending tbe efforts of the lite savin* ersws U n less retnaruaMe. Ono of the minor lins <>f ihe Demoeratle Ooo* -tn^s ls the failure io set spoa the rococo- meadstlons of ths life-saving bureau un. tborUtng Ihe esiabHshmenl ,,f tweifty-elabl BOW Huttons, v* filch exp.ileuce shown l)i l,e sorely needed, aha to provide foi pensioning llfe-earina lu)-:) Niiio Inc,me iiieii|,i,,-il it<-il tor rilee lu equi i.c.- of. spofiin strident or long service, a bill .mt,od vito; these recommendations was prepared end referred te a eoauaittee of toe House, Dot rt no attention there. WASHINGTON il IV stock. WAULUIIITOBi .Inly 'A..A tall bf the n- eeptioa of *' r,',.1-iei I'll «to, k of die hue corporation of Wunhiuxtun " v/bh ir.tui-11 la-day ny Treasurer riilflllea. (aai.r.neipaiaadsserasi lessees! .u tbs -in,-., uni i,u pail ut IBM TlUSSSIJI of Hie I'lilteil MatOU in ttie('ltv*i.r VV.irh oxton, ea and after the 1,'ua .lay of July, iago ninl the iiii.-ii.-. uni1" Mock will 00000 on thut ila--. Tills lu, ii.a,'- all .eui wit** Imuc-iI liy ilie lula corpora,- tlonof Wnshln-rfon, nu rn tiered from A'i* 1<> »Ws Inrln sive, and ilioao Irnnied hy the !>i-)it.i of OolumhlS. nu li¬ beled from 1 to ill Inclusive. AU stock forwards.! for r<*d"ini.ti'in Nhnuiil he .n|,ti¦-.-.- to the Tn .'iMirrr of 'he United Htuffri anil mil, i-.,| "1 herehv tw-nifii the within eertlBeato lo the Treasarer ut th.- nailed Males tor redemption.' Where turtles geeire ebeekota i-ai meat tor Kock drawn to the ardor of any oin. hut th" porty willi),.- name i.i laoerlbod therm, f hey thowM adi! le ihe above form of assignment .. account ot- -," elvina fn<. same of the semen to ahem pay- mont la to hf made Prod; miixt he presented torre- deniptii.u at the rink sad exposes nf the soadst, ts HS EliA L rn fAl ic A I NE WB. THE TEMPER OP KENTUCKY BOURBONS. gOglfl BBHABB1 nv OlUMBA- william prkstox that tiik totnarruji aawaaaPaBg bi i- I'll, iUSBn KK.N (I Kl.lNS AI)\ l**KD TO IM F< "Ki ll BBX. NABOB io slat BABCOCK I*' flMtl THINK UK IS BLBCT8B). im mr tun i rn r<> tub rarma. I Laomviixb, July a..iii a. spsseb amdeheaelwce- ilay night, at iii.* Haaenek ratileatioa aawting, General Win. Preston initle BBS "f the f.'llo-viu-f expreesions. They were snppeegged in the n>'-*,s- papers ;it the time, bal ara now taken from a *-'v<int ..np1,'nf th* stenographer's notes. They show the political temper of tbis section, and come limn a pomonal friend of General Hancock! I. ".::. an Inspiration ol theparty to select s ama whom-vcr,-n.mn i-QUtd stop forever the odious ery ran .1 I.V Moiton, non .Icc. a-, ,I. .ii .I he foul li,nie lief then nH-ihteit iiiin in uoridolna tbe prosperity of the Ballon io ni)- usinnaoie him or power ol the Republican partr. . . . Xtaej lah to me pnelHe candidates, bot I have hoon so lonir under paciflo lead thal I wani s little powder nml hall bow eren if ll comes from tba other side iiL'.ic*! me. vpi'iuiio-.j Oi ii-i have it. [Ai<- ilau' .| 1 remember Hancock well, tec 1 have kii'NNii him for ihlrlN- \-ais. luck to ivlien ive to wonderfully triumphed under Winfield bcotr. When we landed al VeraCrus Uaneoca ares s lieutenant- rolouel, md wa* st the beadol slot of boys collected hen- in Louisville to go lo Ihe fur distant war. So live¬ lier nor more bea ittfoi rorm io-.-..',! tbroueh tho*-" nark tropirs, where death wolfed for the American soldier far itNVii-, flem |,o:i:e, tliiin Wintl,lil .*, nil Hmiic iK. . . . -',,. when Seymour wai pul mi.a state-man ol i. i_11 c itur u mun of ki icefnl thought, a life-tone !> niocrat mei .ni eui ir. iv paciflc man. a man wno wont Betti f.,r ¦n-rtiilnjc-.aod when we pint no Mr. Blair, I thought lie wasnaood fleneral.and se waa a Conservative. Ood knows how tired 1 am of beanne von o-ll yourselves Consr>r-ratl-res. Ton havo never woe i victor* since ron ceased to call yourselves tho "Unierrinvd Dem- [Applans**.] You want to stand and tell ever- ;:. pu.. :iMM that if tnrjr ever ntteaipi to -teni auotber ) leeton! vote from reu you will kill him whi rc sc Maud*. 11, .mi spplnuse.] iel them to au tu thc .ie ni with their uoo'Ik, 'mi tint "ii propose thut un >ther Elecl ir I vote shall never bo atolen from you. lAp-'lause I m.nv thu; Nviien i lir-n Bearii tho nam*. Unterrlflcd Detuocraey " lt made my Mood run sold. I think An« drew Jackson first aol it np. am! it should be our name now. Aad ne assured, if . .ni will only keen up the .. <l Democr .tlc Dog, an.l sh Winfield .-*.-<iir Hancock, i pled-re yoe my life and fortune thnt no man will dVre io lake thc Prod- deney fron ms graop. | Applause.] Tber may hui-,' taken lt from lbe old aod kindly band ef tilden, but, before God. I woubl n*> soon >lar>* to take iiieine.it from under the paw »>r hungry tigerm to Iel the rlNttoc statesmen iteal Do..-k * vtetery. jf. uni eppiausc.] Now, fellow Democrats, will yon r»iifs our net! |C les of "yes, .m.*.'j Uro. i wan! every I when I conclude, t>. cry, ''Tee. wo .lo rattly ihe same;" "yee, ive will voie tor Hancock," nnd "yee, leter* dod, il ne ls elected we nv ;,i. c.-in ililli von ti the Issi one 01 no, assisi m .-, atti i linn." [I.,. ,,t :.|')) sn KEARNEY OVERTHROWN. A lil Y..i.i AOA1X8T HIM' IB TBg WOBKfBOM EB'S I'Alil Y. . t HA.1N.V-VV, HUI/ III. 1 in- ,-1 ill.* I lill \ cu- lion of th« Democracy of the worktngmea'e party lad nwiit depooed Kearney es prestdem nf the party.de- ci.i;, ,i f ,,;*;,-.,-' -.ie.Me blent, secretary and tress- ni, i vit--.ini, elected a Htnti uti Comm! u-e, a* ¦- t.*«-. I Hutte ck sn-l bnciisli md Hie Democratic Presidential ,amiuojouruedI ITu -dayevening. QENERAli -INGLETON RENOMINATED. CbicaoO) July :$..(..in ral Jamea W. sin- gletoa, of Quiney, III., wae r< nominated for Congress hy tbe Democratic Cone-rc di al Convention, of the XIili District,at Jsrsevville lasl night. The Convention was In sesstoa twedsys, anil 268 ballotswcre taken oeforo Mr. **lu|*lft<>ll v. ,t.i iee: ii iii il. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS. It wac announced laet evening hythe president and secretary "f the Nan,mal Republican Com in it tee that ti"* headquarters have liecn located ni No. 211 I'.fi h-.-tv... New-York, where ail c.mn,m.ii,vu i''i,-t oppertaiiiiiit- lo the Republican Na!ional Coiuini. sud the campaign should bc ad I.v- tl. COLORED REPUBLICANS ORGANIZING. iii,.' e..liii«il Republicans of Hie XI II th A-- rieiuiii.N District bave organised nu ss~oo*B*tloii for ming camfaign, nnI-Ii the fol'owing utteersi < barlas W. Lons, presidenl; M. B. Henderson. n. K-pre.'identj I'homns WT. Monanna, secretary, and James H. Barton, treasurer. A meeting nnhk i.elil last evening ni thc house of il. lt. Ueoderson, Ko, 300 West rv-etit--tirst-et __________________________ GENERAL ORA NT Al KANSAS CITY. iii. IX! ki .--rs GOOD-WILL POa AU, FOI.iTlc.ii. i-ar. iu-.<. inti:ar aaocKssioH, isan-as ¦ in, ..m., juiy 9..uanarai Grant was mel yesterday ut Merriam i\«r_ by about 13,000 people. Ia lu*, leeeeh he sahl: ft has been mi efJbrl In thepecittoas I hive bold to render the very best service la my power for tbe whole i' opie, wltbont respect to race, ador, prevtoue condi¬ tion or political affiliation. [Great applause.] I am not unn ere ol barine committed mi net In my life, or saying a word, which has Injured uiy own standing nae woy or tbe other, snd certainly not m a political way. I have Indeed heiom-ed to one of the -neat, -it political parties of tbe country, because on the whole f bsUe-re li mueii nearer ruellt than the oilier. [Applait.-ie.] Bul I claim lo lillie ll' Ml,ell good feeling nilli lllen.lsllip foi Me pally «.*.;»- led 1" BM ns for the party which hat hereto¬ fore conferred honors upon tu.*. I hay,* always believed Hint wbal was bes! for the entire country waa coles t<> help both political parties in the end 1 for we are eltf* sens in common of one Real Notion, and tbe greatest Nation that the cnn shines upjn to-day. [Oreel no- pleuoe.] A national selote was Hied and hells were rang in ti.m.r of t i> bots 11 treat ai r> o'clock tin** ssetalaa. Ihe grand preeceslea, also la Ins honor, started at 1:.'I0 o'clock this aft, moon. Ml Kary companies ure here troin a aomber of places In genoas, all >f wbteh took part lu the irs le. A splsudld display Of the vmiou-i aria, in¬ dustries un tl manufactures Of the city was also made. Uni prac solon was over a anio brag, nml was reviewed bj General Grant, iii..' Qeaeral aili leave tor K-n L avenwoi iii this <.-,ealng. A CURIOUS LIBEL SUIT. Nbw-Hatbw, Conn., July 3.*.Howard Loek- WOOd, editor Of Uko Futter \YtUte Journal ol'New-York, wte arrested oo'e hoot sell on tils srrlval hy theS:2g train here lonivlif, on cnnplalnt of Joseph ParKSt rom A Co,, or this cit., uii-iiufucliircr- ot binning paper, for four nrtieles puullohed in is?7, ocouslng them of gi nug false weights and eonnts In packages of paper. Thc snll ih itu- 9100,000, snd he is bold in |K|o,000 bonds, NNiiich.lii* oannoi non- luruub. SHUT orr .>! HIS ons OFFICE, IfOBTOOMEBT, Ala., .July 3..Ez-CrOT»IMt (-'..un received hts eommlsslos a*. United Ifates Dlstrlet Attorney last night This morning he enUed eu Cherles ..I,,I, ,1,1 k.,-.. -.r.i.u ,,| ll -.'Ul, e. ..IKJIM- III'C.III ,1 tl vie .1, basing his refusal upon Ibo ground that Hmlrh'i iiiiiin- nn ...-< -eui io tbs .-< Bali sud not contli ¦ a by tba) i,ii,lv, and that the Prrsldeul beano righi to appoint linn, wiri lln.t In- (M. i-en em held the otllc uuii'l iuM Senate uiiutn meets riiiI another mime ls sent In. AA I Lt>S STEAMt i: LAUNCHED, Pun aim i.iniA, July 3..A new staaaMMp, t, t' n between Curacoa ead Heiacelbo. wes launched at tn, shipyard of Huiium A Qa,CoopersEstel.M. J. thin iiH'i ninix. Mn* WS 11.111:1 il i lie Maree iiIhi. CHIMES AMii Asl Al.ULs~.ijy ILA.Et.l: tPH. AitiiK-i ku roa PAaaiaa had mohbt. Ii:* nki in, N. ll. .lulv 3..William r.stev, a .traajrer, wee arrested hero f>..i:iv niel hold fm Ulai ona ciiaiK** o' peosmg "um, if, ii imit rtollsrs, tubowu moa at'AititiA'tK. Bi v Vi v.. N. J., Juiv 3..Danie] Ketch, nf i,i, t, i-\iiie, pj, v., was tim.wu h.nu a tMrnaes thia eftorooon ead toolond/ sinea li ia itu,, ami u., tun, iron I., apod. AN OLD MAV SUICIDE. I.i nisvii.i k, N. .1, Jul.- 3..Joseph Bteceman, snit Iud teal ,f u-. nhii i,.- ti.* 11 w ll ii his fariillv. fl .III Vial u-li. S. Y., '.n.i' il't.-.l Mm icu lh..i looming by siiuuuui- himstlt lUr.rUsli til le ,.v l-'ilAl. lt.ill.lin vd AOQDSKT, 1'. on I'i.i.A-AM, v.i ,.i r3. Prank Scuenorie. of N.-nn VOtk, SH 'ie pliiv e ol Hie < inti HI Ne* J ci sri* Hillway f. i, Boasaihtbs swwii ,,; a tum inti .ronini- Hoib lan .tri, t iii ..ll. Ile v* Art nettled in a tluni* ciiuil tiou to New *,,ik. A SAVAfiK I'iSK OP LYNCH LAW. GsLVKUToN, lev., J ilv ll. -A ap.-, alto The Nuwt fi, ii, i,, ini rn, Toi h.n , ilisi ne* . fro ii iv.iar Mi.ln .,,,,. ^ Frank s,,ii!i,"1. \ I.ii .ten i iuim>.,' < labU-i .ii,.', vt tr, ink, I, ,.,,I.i ,III,!,', g lUI'l lit 4 iujO of U..4.SO.J uicu i paeoggM ia** **iLii honest BRADLAUGH IN PARLIAMENT. .? A 0BBAT lM.INCM'I.K ITHKI.fr. mp.. a_Anaroai wins hy rouowiao mu vd -d- nest panai ra cmxbabpm mb. mablabm AI»l»KK-l<K.s I'S HM'Ml VT FROM Ills MAT.A vi \ mk ifs rii'iMcriinv ii))ii v. It is ntiiioiiiiei il in g gaMg tele¬ gram from tin* London rarYeeS***a4-- < nt of Tm; I kihi sk, thai Mr. !.l.i<i- sfone irag iadaend bf Ug gallaacBia to make Mr. Bcadlaagk*g data » CaM* net qneatioa. Mt. Rradlaig- mail** >. st i-i «iay li im Int speeen -mee ho was iiiliuitt. il la lix* 11'MiHf. lt wu-* in support of Mr. I'itni. ll"-* I ri - ls lu-f hill. Advantage is aaiag taltai of a nt it ii ff io |)i.i*ttrnt<' Mi. Bradlaugh loi gctlac Illegally aa afeatbei of Parttaaieat. The first phggcg of tin* Btadlaagh eaateal an- given in tiie Lontloii latter appended. Part of Iii* **|icecli al llie Har in also qootad. HOW THE VICTOR* WAS WuV. MB. OLADCTOaa'g m ni'i'i.r*. DVKaCOlfg -.i'i:' B rii.N ivs ii rf i tu. ibi cabi.i. io **m rataoar. IjlMii.v M.l.i.,1., I,.I.. 1 1 ._/, 'Iii .ic i-n.in in Mr. Bradlaugh*, cass wns linally h.-. mell hy Making Mc elaim distinctly a < shiact question; Mr. Qladsteae hesitating to thc kag ta aa* lune party oiiligiitiniis, beeanas h.* IbeagM lie would lie ovcrn-.ing in BOOM nittirnmt iii- cm- scientioue scruples el Nonconformist Uherala Mr. <., tslata.e, though personally advocating lirnd- laagfa's rii-lit from the beginning; j .1 nt tin* en.I only on tin* nrgsal reDreeentattoao of ins Mends .-mil eolleegaca irho declare! thal a second defeat*, other nias ha ssl neat, weald lie fraught willi discredit ami even p-*ril to tht Min- leery. Tbe lorie- pececvoreii in their oap litiaa throughout. Mr. Bradlaugh, having sftrnoed. tahea Ins hen! anii vo'C'l. -.vhs aerveil on leiivin*- tho Monee with a writ claiming £300 damages ¦¦dei the statute against excretcing illagallv pawemag a )neinlier >)f the House. Tho ca-e will hg grgBSd nt the iir*t i rm of thc Court ofQueea/s Bsaehi wheacg Ik Mra (althea :ij»i>.-u!-, poesthlf tasting thc whole year. Mr. Bradlaagh int. inls meantime ta continue tosceah aad vote,theagh t!;cre i-t a separate I> -nally for each lei* is in ti vc act. Nearly 200 meetings' have hen hell in all pertaaf tht) country, daring the ci,-is, -,,i|.|, ni .', uot Mr. Bradlaugh, bal thc priaeipM Invulvad. ti. VT. H. m rn BRADLAUGH1- IfAlDKM BPKECH, HE Sl'lAKS IN SUI I'ORI OS AN IKIMI Hilt.-HIS DCUVUUT 1IMI!>. Thc action of the Boags of Cobubmmm oa Premier Gladstone's resolution. per*alttrng Mr. Bradluagh to ...'him, has given Ki-eat .-ati-la, timi to the sup. Hurter, of t'w Qeverameet. 'In.* next erittcal divlaion will be on Monday on the Irish Compel nt tion for Dietarhaaes bill, which, tboogb mron.lj Opposed, will probably pans. The Iri*th mcminn will vote for it. 'Ibo House of Comuiod*) went in C"inniitfee ot tho Whole this evening on the Iristi Belief bill. Mr. Parnell moved to authorize the Commissioners of Public Works lo a.lvunco money for out¬ door relief. Mr. Forster, Chief Scretarf for Ireland, accepted tbe motion, and the amendment was aureed to. Mr. Byanga (Liberal) moved that tin* rate of intones! Manas loins xii.ill ii"! exceed 1 per cent. Mr. Parnell, supporting thc nm!mn. exclaimed sgaiasl the -ii iiiiiy conduct of Mn Government, which, h.-said* hml not granted a penny from the Imperial Kx- cbcqnei for ibe reliel of the [rich ili-.tr.-.-.. Mr. Bradlaugh made in-, maiden ineech ni sui.pore of the motion, and eatd thal thie was either n ssaa- ter of pure business or generosity, lt would besm-. fortunate, h.- said, if the notion _<>t abroad thal fbi Government and poonta of bugiaod snd > utlaad intended to be genereue only as fir a*, it involved no cost to themselves. <>n behslf of tnaav ot tho workingmen, lor whom h.* was sutboriscd to speak, he ashed that sonic logs might lull upon thom rather than that this measure ot generosii. should be misunderstood. He asked tin- House not to bo generous with half a bead. Mr. Brad laugh -moke lor aliottr live minnies. His delivery asa timm and beeitatiug, very different from that af bis nain lally propared speech al tin-har of thc Hen*..'. j< lu connection with the Bradlaugh prosecution il fm appears thut witacsseo srere prent ul In tho tffl lion-:'* of Commons yesterday tn uote the bel ^^ that Mr. Bradlaugh was sitting and voting. It ts understood thru Mr. Bradlaugh intends to ri^ht the action, if necessary, to the House of L<,r.!s. A TU88LI Willi BIGOTRY. MB. nitADI.ALitll I'l.KAPS B-g OWN CAI -I ll ililli*. l'AltlJAMH.NT.1 UK TOBIBg INTI Ni nv MISI.KAD* ing inn i-i mic as in ram p >inis at tssf-r. mu. gladstone's commet risera tarma a l'ltK.-jiciiu.N i.k mb. aaaar.ai un's soeoasa which has aaaa waaifiaik, fFuoM tiik anocLAa ooBaagvoaaaai ea rn-: trihi mi LoNDOJ., June IM..It will eoti-idi-rably -.imiilifv the Drndleagh eeatiavecs*/ il we keen In adad throughout oue. Hiing, viz., that by the eonecnt ol nil hie oanonaats ha is tue legally elected asembeg fur Northampton, and that, if US hail chosen lo |ir»*- sent himself on the first day of lin* H-nsion ami take Ihe oath nobody would or e, uh! have ob¬ jected.not even Mi Drnmmead w«.i. him¬ self. The diiicuitv Mindi staadi la Mr. Bradlaagh'' wtl>' ¦" "'"-' .*" ¦*' awa creating. It is also on.* a hiih, ss In* declared in hm remark- ble speech at the bar of the ll.msc yesterday, he wag bound in honor and coiisci'-ncc lo Meeta. " It emu's, therefore, to this," savs n clear-headed wil¬ ler, MthaibecmsseMr. Bradlaaghhae naas emaa* thing winch iioh.xl.v blames him for d.iing, and which, it it shaws anything, shave thal he is more scrupulous than u good liiauy other Peopla, he m neill to have foifeiteii Ins s.-ai in Parham -nt." I suhscribe lo thut \ie-v the mora readily beeaaae I have net hitherto, any mo.-, than I do new, discussed Mr. Bradlaagh's eeasie naj sptgM of peceoaalsympathy with bun. I thewghl at the beginning he had shown nome faults ni taste aaa! randa coane migtahgg m tactic-*. Hut 1 eatiraly stree that in the in,.re recent hi ages gf In, -ti ungle .,,».,...ut ll... r. liiriniit Inirotri anil univ __!_¦_¦__§ of il Luge section ot the Hon*, he baa given ahaud- ant evidence el ability, clear go<,d sense, clear haewledgS of bis own strength aud iintl miling coinage. Willi perhapg ono single exception he has pm himself iu the riRht and thc House ot lom- moag iu the wroag, Whatever he the apohelef Hie mir ter, that is no .mall Uiumph for ai y man- ami for a man so uiipopulir. so Hated, ss Mr. Hrad- laugh, is u vi v eesmaleaeas triumph Indeed, [a the Hence of Oeauaeno Mr. Bradlaugh^ gggg has beoa diaeuooed firem iwo pointe af *,,<.*.».. lhe legsl ot techatoal Question*, involved have been de- luted at rvearisouio length. Mr. Hradliiiuh's re- lunou*, (or irrelitftousi opinions have also l>«*««ii de¬ bate 1 at weariaOBM length. The fact that the lat - tel have absolutely notlilig to «!.> with (he i< al >*muo hal m»t prevented thg lories from giving fuil vent iii their latah lance. Logic ls not tho ataoag point of the Tories; nor of the Uh ti als. either, lhe legul point is of import- atice. hat the tact that. Mr. Bright pointed out, the lawyggg are pretty equally divided on it, proves the fatUtty of attempting to settle a 0,1. si iou of public policy .») uieielv legal ground-*. Moreover, thc Meatian at Iggae ha*- ciiaut-ed, and au auster which might have lieeu g"od yesterday is good for uathing t <»- \. fha n.isl.il-" I referred ta above has also lost ttl importance. .Mr. lirudlaug.'.'s beat Meads agreo. 1 t-elieve, that he would have doun better uot to yuh-

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Page 1: V*«XL..N#-12,285. NEW-YORK, SUNDAY, 4, I880. …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1880-07-04/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · BnItan, when bc receives the ... Meats next jaar include London,



.ir rn Alu is i*iiKK uti i:\iiri, in dkui**-.; WttlTill I.IIKIK gi I .-. 1 ION. lill MlUMI OOVtCI'.N-


Iii lin* obit Iwlmnw iit'in tae ,"on-doii corn spoiideiit til 'Imf TntBiNK.petaled kenwith, mention is nada «'.

tho suici-ss of Sir t harli s Dilke ilsettlinjr tho Greek quos''m. 'Hu*niovomont a-Minst placing » Napoleonmemorial in Weetaainater Abbey is

beag revived. Milo. Bernhardt eoatinneeto ho a favorite with tho Britishptililio. Tito Ui it i>h Government per¬sists in its intention to i.uiv

pome important billi this session.

The rani cable telegram to Tin: Titm-r*.r, states that there is no svtn-

p.ithy i xpivsse<l l.y tho laboring elaaaeain Frame for tho expelled Jesuits.; thenobles ami ni latoemtl are caring forUh Fathen at their private reaideneea.Tba agitation ovt-r amneetj baa occu¬

pied the attention, of the Panatana alongwitk tho .Te*..lits. A great lett is preparinglor July ll.

_ _



M M li MtltJ.ll.TltAVKILINO AMIUItAN.**.1 UK

1', .Ililli TO ni CXOBSI kvkii PCBUCLY.lin CAW io Titi; TRUifM:.;

Loxbox. .--.it ii m.it, jiii^- y, is to.

Th<» agreement of the Hu;lin Conference ii .-', .1.iii,ir

th:' Givek frontier eonatitotfs almosl a peraonal tri¬

umph f..r Sn- ciiiirles Dilke, whoas chief reasoa f ,r

acceptini* his precast post ns .is !ii-i il mitt to promoten j lift settlement ol' the Greek elanns, which li<- hadlong a.Iv.Kilt. il. leebnirann of tba Greek Commit¬tee ead otherwise. When he aanmed office hein-dnciril Karl Granrillc ittid tho rest nf tin- Cabinet to

Ware tue Greek question practically in his banda.Jt leintiasated thai fla* peraonal relations betweenBit Charles Dilke and Gambetta, anil their pre* ions

co. lier.iiitii. insured tho diplomatic barmonr of

France an.l England at the Berlin Coo-fire.ic*, lin., ;i ,;,1 SecnreS Grce", iii>l

r.ll s'.e claimed ot desired, hut suf¬ficient additional terrritory, including Jan.na.to maintain her political independence ami militaryili-fei..--il.iiity. Tin* delegates, before signing the

protocol, cn. iai ii ii i- ;t! «l with their respectire Gor--niiii.'ii!-, and received special authority to agree toit. Turkey protests, i.ut it is not expected i lint tin*

Bn I tan, when bc receives the collective Dote, willeil more than a pasaive resiotauee, leavini tbeAlbanians to flgbl it onl if they like. * -t .-.. c ;s.

however, already prepared to deal with them,mn ram um m iht pboojumk.

The Tories rej dee at abstracting legislationtim- far, and they hail tin- praepeel of a compara¬tively barren session. The Ministry Insists still

that it intends to poss ii« leading measures theIrish Compensating for Distarbanoe bill, tho Bor/ialsbill and tbe Game hill.hui any one or all may failmil.as ths Government resolves t<> sit until Septem¬ber.*a plan oft.-n threatened hut seldom executed.

uk AMi-N'.ii'iu.'ON .ii;n.iTi«i\ asviVED.'li:.-in.>N em ni again*! the Napoleon memorial is

being -¦!< ail,ly org ni'/. '.I in various part*, of the

country. Apnblic meeting will shortly be held inLon.icu before the reaolntion on the subject i«

btvugbt forward by Parliament* Dean Stanley1,1. sign, and the monument approaches com¬

pletion.Mil.!. Ill li'-il M.l.l WINNING AITI.A1-I..

Ml!.- Sarah H 'rahardl's reception at Liverpool was

nc! less enthusiastic lhan at Ifancbester. Bbsj I; v.-,l ii, ".'.'mei,nc " aii.l "JYouftou" to throngedli,.ti .' *.. and received great applause. The hotelnbereshc sUyed aud tbe theatre were both gar¬rot ie!'il lr. vast crowds. Crowds also followed bercarriage iii the at reefs, aod Ute anona which she en¬

tered were besieged by multitudes outside, the policebeing obliged to interfere to secure a passage, Bbcreturned to Londou on Wednesday ami gave a hriei1-citation at Sir Julius Benedict's afternoon eon*

f.-it. Sir Julius says that directly Mlle. Bernhardtwas advertised fr. .-it,pear all th<* tickets were soldat Uiffb prices. After rending, *-lio *v-iu thrice re-

t.illili. Tbe same evening she was pcesent, nt SirFredi rick Leighton's Invitation, at the soiree at the

Boya 1 Academy, and waa surrounded al) the even-

Ing. 'Hi' 1.500 other guests present repre¬sented the fashionable and artistic worlds.Mlle, ll, inhai.lt has him <* visit**.! the studiosof Sir Frederick Leighton, Burne Jones and otherdi '-ts. Sbestrougl] argos Burne Jones to exhibitp; Paris, insisting that I.e would create an immenaei i, D itien Lepage joins in the invitation.Oi, rnui-ii,i.\ Mlle. Bernhardt was present at

MinLune Moiljeska's performance of " Heat-tease,"nt tbe Caart Theatre, aod oordially admired ber.Bbc repeats ber visit to th. Lyeesua to-night to see

Mr. Irving play in ** Bells." She returns to Parisun M..inlay, and Mails definitely foi Americafruin Havre on October 16. Bbc plays meantimeonly in Iii ni***'1*. fer eight thus* lier engagements1st Vienna, St. Petersburg and Paris ure postponedtil' h. i n .-mn from Amei icu. Her _in(-Jisli engage-Meats next jaar include London, Liverpool, .Man¬chester, Glasgow mid other Important cities.

(il-Milt ll. Di:'MATU.' NKW**.

The anananeanmnt .,f Mr. Booth's approachingarrival CZCitol k<.*n Internet In the theatrical world.EBbrts mo making to Induce bim to appeal bsffbwilhe Manoa ends. The Palais Boya] Company con¬

tinue*- to draw moderate houses al the Gaiety, 'lheDatcb eeespanj say that, thouirh losen taaneially,they intend interning next year ; om lng to favora¬ble critical estimates, they anticipate the j-ossi-b)llfy at heeonniig poonina. Mrs. Bateman has pro¬duced "A Midsummer Night's Dream " at Sadler'sWeBgcreditably, 1 he " Daaihie " has been trans-.*. ,,..1 t. ti... I : ,.'... I..- .irr. --ri l. A-l--ll

Madame Gerster has reappeared In " Sonnamhula "

at Her Majesty's Theatre, before an enthusi¬astic house, scoring groat success with thecritics. Her voice hos gained by rest; herstyle has the same brilliancy. Madame Nils¬son continues a temporary arrangeaieutvilli Mr. M'.plcouii. ihe tint perlormano of "Alefis-tolYle" with Madame Niisaou as Ataigherita, mi-

nouucedfor to-niitht.has heeti peetpeaod to Tuesday.Her dtcibiou against her Amencau visit remains un-

(.hii'ii'.'ii Madame 1'atti appear*- to-night at Coventt.nilen fer the lir-! i.i,ie. Cohen's Estella seasoniii,-, ¦next week.The Hon. Wayne MaaVeafh has spent the week in

Leaden, and left here for Pt. Petersburg hy way of

Iterlin. General Hawley is here, aud his friends are

tu Tanning a reception for him.thi* ronan ok ji-i.t.

The F>,nrth of July is expected to pass withoutany pul.lie celebration.

MK. PlIirsTi.V Danita AN IMrr*TAT!>>V.Mr. Pnleston, ivt)o was mentioned in Mr. Hnlli-

van's pn.see ii tion of Mr. Callan for libel as Hiebanker who dlecoantod the lulls Bur leceiTing hieelectoral support at Devonport, donlee the Imputa¬tion emphatically. The defendant's solicitor saysthat bo nas a complete- answer tc the charge.


O. W. f».

A pencral press tel<£**ani M*fg that Mr.Callan. M. I'.. IfeS ilef.iiileiit m tho llt.ol Hitit rrflSITC 1 teaiiove, was .'onitiiiiteil for trial, and entered reeocnts-mice for £100 to appear whee tho case woaM be tailed.

WHAT DISTURBS THB PAB18IAH&tiik Kxrviaio*! oi thi: jrsiiTs and rna amm-iy


ron na rxaaciTe.rna noiaik's arruan ioI'I I AV AMVKslY.1IIK. QBBAT KKTK.

Taki**, t*;iturday,.I.il>- 8, 1880.The expulsion of the Jesuits from then

establishments on Wednesday norning luis not

agitated the provinces. The poonta wbo benefitfrom universal suffrage will not dolt ;.<l theJesuiti-.;il cause, tbe Jeenits haying since 1848 led thccoalesced foreo of aristocracy, plutocracy and ri< li

bourgeoias againai democracy. They h.nc been tbelink whteh bound together tbe sa-ealled goTerainglasses. The toiling elii-*-, winch earned the ninney

that p.ml ihe (Jerusnn war tin.', is indifferent to tbslille cf thc Jesuits win ii lint hostile to the n.

Thu expulsion took plato at dawn, when lheworking population is airca,ly stirring, vet m. sj m-patbizing crowd ol laboring people weal to witnesstbe expulsion from tbe bouse mar Belleville or tomanifest any symps by. Only thc ii.!i ami illus¬trious allies of thc.Jesuits. th<- dukes, marquises,viscounts and their sons left their beds betimes, <»¦

sat up all night to countenance tbe expelled fathersand protest ajr.inist tho police executing theirorders.


'lin* crowd at -i o'clock in the morning nt the cen¬

tral establishment, Rue Sevres, uaw fashionablydressed, a farewell service preceding (heexpn.sion.llic ul;.;r w.is bright with flowers, and the aislesoverflowed with thc aristocratic and plutocraticworshippers. Near tbe bigb altar wept th'' PrincessNemoun, 'he Cr,.wu Princess <>t Braxil, who keep*.

bella ami tho Duchesses of Qramont, Lnynes andChaulnes.One <>i the incidents of tin* expnlsiou which mos!

excite; the Ultramontanj its n*, ns thai of M. Clemen!sealing ii." doors .¦: the chapel containing tbeCorpus Christi. Tbe cry waa raised by them thalthe Prefect nf Polios bad sacrehgiously lockednp i«od. The Host was transferred yee-ler.lay to a privets chapel upstairs, whorert yet remains in charge of three Jesuits, \%. .-> werepermitted to remain as guardians to tbe vacatedhouse. Ita release being promised, the whole popu¬lation of the Faubourg Sr. Germain crowded intothe street*, between Rue Sevres Church and 8t. Bul-pice.expectiug to sci the Host borne, processionally,to that 'hu) iii. and ten thousand persons gatheredIn the church square. The police dispersed them,and they then collected In the church and on Ihesteps ol tbe sanctuary, and M. Bieux sent word t..

the Jesuit guardians of the Host that if il was trans-parted publicly be wns impotent i<> protect it frominsult. Il taken from l.'ue N vt iv* now it will ho in.1 hackney coach, privily.ot!,er orders,sc far, have not hu Interfered

with.The Nuncio is .iinncd nt the precipitancy of

events which wtil drag the Government furtherthan it intentlen to go, nc is now more yielding.

thi ajfWKgrr mi laguna.Whil Pal ls is agitated in high spheres about 1 he

Jesuits, in popular spheres it ie agitated about thehjenate's mnnoenvres to get rid of considering tbeAmnesty meuMire, or delay the hill for twelveni',ni ii-.'lim 14tli of July fete, if the ('oininiitiists arc

pardoned, will be of unparalleled splendor, 'lin*Prince of Wales and me Km*? <>f Greece are comingto see it.Madame Adam has had au audience, with the

King of Italy.It will Le 1l,e fashion soon to have th,- visitor*,'

rooms in great private town and country bousi i oti-nidcd ii itii members of the religious orders, l.'ichDohles on all eldee offer hearths and homes to theJesuits.


A General Prces diupatob etateethai a I'mistelegram to iht Lenten nates says i "Tts freleciotin. Pepai limul uf the .Stn il lin vi nu taken further lippitathe ease of Ihe sall instigated by tbe expel ed Jesuitsnt l.iiie. the Tribaaalbas deeliaedte proceed wita tbshearnur. ir tims leaves the Question of Jurisdiction togo iiiieiiv'ii Hie ordinary teutons stsge, and refralnifromordermc,as n m.tht do, the temperer*, reinstate-¦neal "' the Jesuits."lu thr* action hy the Jesuits Ruanui the Prefeei of the

Paris i',,l,ci* lur vi.ii.iiii.n »f domicile, belora thc Pr-*r*1deni of the Trienaal of lhe Seine, lae. Prefectutgeil that th-' (joint ha<l doJurisdiction, 'i be juview of the lnp*irtanec of the .vise, referred ittu inc Ural Chamber ot the Tritium.! or theSeine. .sTr.eh will glvt Itu deelsioii untin- "tb inst, fa Nancy tbeelvil tribnnal pleaded wantofJurisdiction. Frt sLret-i_ui-tiuii--i.t MsgiMraiei whodecline to exi cate tho decrees uri. received dally.

aenk ital foi:Kiax m;ws.

JULES .SIMON OM AMNESTY.I'aki-., Kitur.hiy, July 3, 1880,

lu thc debate an tht* Plenary Amneety hillm tiie Bsautc te day M. Jales Pinion sahl that evoa tlsssaeety *ani* ieaaaded ny the people ths Henate shouldnoi always bhmliy follow ]io|iulur outcry. TheOi'vernnienf wau pr.-neviipled, he sahl, liv the fear thati in- ci. eil ;!.*,would tuin npiuj tfio amnesty Qoesttoo.iue test qu.-i.noii Ht the election ought to bs thechoice between n poi! OJ ol nih,euee and one ol politicalillicit v, between a policy without tue courage of Ittt.pinion -tin'1 ae whlcb raspsats liberty ol conscienceunit r.ildouiludepeadeneoi fasspeees. mun muebap-plau<leuM. LablohcV. Alternation hill, which ha>1 r. e.-Ivctl the.

aanffit of the Utirrruiiicnt, wau nj'-rtcit hy a vole of 1*13to 133.rhe Senate then, hy a vote of 144 to is*,,, adopted un

auieu.iuii.-Dt granUBg earnest! te ail pam,-ipitutsiu thuCoiuUiUiie, ncrpt a**au*.i.ln-. and incendiaries.

pussunra the afqhanaLlMMMI, Saturday, July :i.l**'«i).

The Times dispatch from Cabul says, on the1 .st lout, General Iii.1'n division encamped ntZargun Khel, sud sent 5">0 cuvaiiy to..tt.uk a body of Af i. n.-.n*. at Padkhew.Tbe enemy abandoned the Village SU their spprnaekund fled to the bili*, 'lhey were pursued stahl milesni, d -.ff. iel mn ri 'i \ Tho British loin lu (Iii ec killedmia t v.cniy tire Mounded.

. m*

STATUS TO ROHBBT IfAIKE.s.Lommiv M.i(urdui, July 3, 1880.

To-«lay Lord Bhaftabofy unveiled tbe shainei,ii tbe Tbeuiea embankment to Hubert Hulkes, lbe on

.rlnatnr of Sunday School* In Kti-*l*nd. Dr. Vincent was

presenteu behalf of the lander Schools ot ibe fulledsta.e*. lir. Murphy »f x<iw-Yert road " pBitten et thoscriptures, and !>r. redd of Rea York earned prayer.


Loane*. Beter lay.Jatf :i. ISfe.lhe TAmtetft Conataatinople diepateb says the

n-w- which ima reached thc QevetaaMoi seneerntagthe iiirim Oeaferoaec inn- prodaeed -creal ssisolshaisaland indignation In official oreti m and am<u>K the upperranks of ihe Massaiauan The *cml ofllclil Vaki/te nay*the C.ufrrenee lum fliKiantly violated tl.« i.|,,rit of theBerUa Treaty. Ttie ee-rnepeodeal eenflnss ths rumorthal ti"- Porte i* secretly laeltiag the -JNudaas to tests!thc ('reck*, .-ind that oeasides stile military prepuruMoas Jsse betas sunda Iroope ere being sieved in theatres(inti >,f th,- oreel Iroatter.ead awOlaryandssssiuulHouhave been Seat to **alonlca.A d'-uiatch f otu COasteatlaoptS to The Times say**:

.' Tile e\elt. in, -nt ii tuon t; th" Mu-i-uliuiiiin ti piodiicini;snztecy sad anproheostaa in the Bnreneaa (narien aftoe etty, but lt May be sonMent*] iv- lb tied thal theywni aol move un lem lastlaated n.i the sufaotltlea"A-, the luttcr know weiiThnt :inv serious dlstarboneesin He c.ipital would ii) 111--11 in c*>- produce active

un intervention, it i*t hardly eoneetraole thalthey .'.nulli voluiif linly enter apoa ?itch ¦ line of sctlon.Bull.then Isaeertaln saHiont of dancer, TneOovern-¦eat evMeoily wishes te frighten Europe, and it way,by atina means for ibis parpos >r> n «c about Inadvert-ctitlN -, me mil, r¦.-. ( | e,i ;;. i'i nile."

Vu uni dispatch is Mc fKiNctsayi: " The accountsmnicn.i.-r i.r Doielsno t., Montenegro hum be takenwith mai emin.m. mil] ti.. ls so doubt thal themu ne,ii i- tncrcanlnc the Ttirklsli authorities beingupu:li t lc snd Indlflhri nt."A 0temaa gunboel has been ordered i" tbe Syrian,Canst to pioi'..: ih.- iivrmiiii art*len si Halifax.

THE AMERICAN. AT DOLLTMOUNT.rna man about to m.-ham*.

Di m.is. Baturday, July 'A, 1890,Al im Interview to-day Colonel Budina said

that Me team would be disbanded iftei ti day. Colonelito.line nnih ce i" i.,ml.ni mi Mender with mos: of tbeteem. Tin i,,!c r* n. ill ,; ;mi;vi lii.ih ,. Colour] DodlUflwill vleit Wimbledon, Be a Ul leave Liverpool la the¦teener City <»' Caeeter ou tbe 90th Inst, with suchtn,¦mher'. of the linn a* vn i.i n,- ready t'> ko. Thea ... bowleh lo shoal v. it ii Pranh Hyde s ll remalli behind.Rathbone,Otarke,Fisher and Rockwell will pioniii.iyaccompany bim ). ick. De i* nnci nslu abonl l!»e other*.eu- l.e bop h tn., will m.; remain <¦ nil ir* lo 'brord -rs ot inc national Riffs Asso _tlo*i. '.¦¦., niko to the Coutinent. and Colonel Bodn.c till ks lie willuni Kim "i mi'h Pranh Un,:.Tue ano etna af 1,100 yards, and fer tbe day, bs 'ual

el,,-,-.i. The aroa* .1 'ii ve- are .- follows: Iriah.No. 1. 8!Ml! No. 2, B2fl A-ii ri av 025.At ii,,-1 mi*.'-ot 1,100 yarda tn-.i... tbe Americans

iii.cle -e\, i ,i in v- .. i ii, v |, .1 un to lin tenth round,when a series of mis'ortuuos esme. Laird mids louri. i-*e-. Di ,,',t ii i.. ,1, ,-,., *¦,,,;. one.

i ii,- American tap and ehsmpionship of ireland, pre¬sented by the American tenn io the Jr .m.. d .. ,,

inor al <>r the Ural International ronteal, waa won byCaptain Fenton, who ni da tbe bigbesi B-rgreKet-i soonI,, .be *''N era uni rtill< ns.The Kidd mx dal presented by The XewTork Spirit o)th,- Timee. vain dst 040*1, the lermsol tb*-contest giv¬

ing i aub mau ave shots st 1,100 ysrda with any i.tl*.wns v, on by Joynt with u so >re ol -"-'. Pi otoo 'n..> next,i ,u,,t fl-* IV.

lu ibe competition fer tue am Ireland Challener I bl* .!tile l.ivu'ie,.',ile *,,|'- In Which a!'' L'it'ell ;ili,\,-. fl,American leam eauaiai il ol lu,inn ne, .1 u kaon, end I.. If.Laird. Of the two Inali (cums, ene .».;-:. in:.- <.; i'.-i.-luii. ii _-"", Warren nnd Millner, and the otb r ol .l".i at,Coghlan, Johnson sud Mnrph*.


TL Time* iliis morning, in uti editorialertii .vi tbe Aniei nalannit r«..iN. roiI.'. - tbe l,i te * tali rn: th-..-tn. pref commercially mid p :.,,;... urn! ;,.:..,!. thalall inni resp nty

i., .,

BUENOS AS RES BUBMI IRii;., io. .1 im .un), July rs, i --

The latee! Intelligence received lu*;.- to-day iioiii Buenos Ayres ai.iness thst j,!.-.has beencom{uded. Buenos Ayres having inbruittcd to the n.i-

BTANLEY HONORED.Loxoox, Baturdaj. Jolj ¦., i --;'.

'/Lr Athena a nt to-day announces thal lheGem ¦ "¦ 'fed li- . ry Vf.

Binnie- .. I> m'!.,i <. ivi icsophy for bia African expiora-

I.MU.AM) PEOTE! INO HE FISHERIES.II ai ii ax, N. s.. July 'J..lld- Majesty's

.,,.;. i'i md, r amunro sud < n te.-t liJohn*, K. r. ."' '.¦ ul >y. un Bah .. pro!hi yb e. .*. he fl* v, c. pi wp ru al ht .1- buand nelgbbortns placce are encouiA letter received .-it 8t. Johna from Perrylend stares that toe Baner- i>rosiN*ctsthere snd ni Ht aet re unnigood. Improvement ls al-o reported st Piacealla. Au ;, > punt wai ops. I al Bona vista, If. I"., on June -",miii two men were drowned.

_ ^ .

AN ALLEGED SMUGGLER .BRE8TEO.Montreal, Que., Jnlj 3..A castoma officer

Kier a few Bights ego, who bad passed Brockvile v. nh a considerable quantity of lev* dry.Duty bad been paid on some of lbe J welty al Broochville, bnt most of ll was he'd. Pru man -viii that hisu une v.ii- Dodie*, nnd gave Vi w-Yorl < it* ss bis hoi_c.

THE LACH1NE (ANAL.Hontbeal,Qne., July 3..-Water will be Iel

nt., the Lachme Canel to-night, to enable veeaeti de¬tained there to leave ;.t ,,:n *. The work at the gates lswell forward, aad "iii ne completed on Monday.

THE LACKAWANNA AT PANAMA.Panama, .Jinn-24..The Dnited States :-t<;iiii-

shlj. I.ac ka via mia, la.-1 from I, ntr.il .'.ne: ie.iii perle, Ul

rived here this seoralag*, AU well en hoard.

FOREIGN NOTE&Lonou, Batnrday, Juljr;;. 1880.

The cotton operatives ol Preston aadSAahtoa-uaderLyne have decided not r<. join ihe strike threatened bytin- Bolton, Btelybndge and U . ads.peratLaea.

Ih, sportsman, in n leading rdltorial, severely dennia - Un- in-i,ni:ilioii-i linnie iii A monea that Ila..ian,tbo oarsman, wold the mee on tbe Beckonk. Tbe writerattributes Baalan's iliuens to over-taxation ol lui eou-bl li Ut loll.

Hit st¦m<iuni this momlag se]-.-1 "We anderstandthal the Bishop of London han notlged lhe Rev. Mr.alexander staekonoehm, ,-f Bt, Albane Charon, Hoibiitn, thal hi bas determined to enfotoe the sentence ofsequestration against bim."The Luivum tin-tilt, snaosneee thal from to-day ant

mil!*, from Britton North Amertea an!viag at liverpoolin iv i. treas-shlnped ls the Met -,-n t,, rs well speciallyhe ii-m1 h, the Privy Council, for couTerence lo uu>landln*c-|>!ace with-a Hie perl ..! Ltrerp olA i'm I ol-i".it'll l" lhe Timm -arr.; "The faunius

brigand chief, Ceslme Oiretdeao, whe in 1861 wee tbetci di t.r the Beaeveato <iir-tn< t. Italy, sud who defk .1captor-*, bul roluatarliy eaugrated to America, has ie-lui ". il t,, li ll ol 1 haunt-, und occu-iatioti."Bombit. July ...Tbs sx-Vleeroy of India, Lead Lyi-

(<>), ui..1 v. .ie -.ul,-I In ,lue f,,r Rn«l_ul

l;ni MBia. Jolj 3. .lt io Stated tb it the I'u;i_l Numil-will tah* inn departure froa Bete nen i hun da)BaMUtmo. July a..a dtepeeftiea leehowlng Neel! hi

Han).nm to ar-retiata with the Imperial Qoveramenifm- un- abandonment ~>i it- tree port pnviicge.iiAuiAx, nh., jui 3..The esses*,unity of Jeeufts

i-i im an-1 xpecti iii,: Prance, sr> going to take nbargeot tin- Roman Catholic .liege ,1 ChartortetowuRosen, July a..Rews bas reached the Italtea Gea*

.rrajibicHi Boemty or the death >.f Eactaeer CbianaLwno themed part <>r the expeditton late Ceutral Africa,PlBAMA, Jnlv 'A I,ie OktMtUh Units nays: '. Tm-

¦ta,,,iiiie laMereed'ieaow oqnelud ,1. rbis canallaI live lmic.*, Isag, nnd bas twee twsaty-Rve years

in oonetroctlou. lt i.a.. cont about $400,000. aud msjlieiei es om of the most i inferiant works jet.--teemed m thia, omi try."


a, bmaix araru at loutku*Lowi'i.L. Mass., Jul) :>. Kort] mule i-pinners in

Uie Mi rrlems udlis havs -tm. k t,.i a io pei seal ndTauce.Till; I ll* N OaOOS IM -MilAI'.ll.**. PBMTBNCBD.Ni W <ii(i.KA.*H. July 3, 1 bornes Mena ami Shmuel

sn ii."ini.-, senora, whe -Needed guilty ie triii-i-r fl. t,. meni ton eu tm. r,inj. rota rosa,wa ¦. to ia.' Noiiteuced by J inlaeWI .utki-r to lt\e . t-ala* liam lUVlii I I,

in.A iii PROM ii KAU r DIBMABM.I'iiii ADii.i'iiiA. Jul) ii..Miram ia Grey (eolored),

ugo twelve yeera Mi eek ».mun ehlid, tht* i.r.itiier of amennet Howland, ego Ulricas*. uo*iui,ii nuinier til., gu. bmMiranda tell dsM It le hehevei thal .-i.e iiini ii mu Ui-midnwssa

a ORMAT cnown at an kxi.< i [OM.Kui.i ino I "i;i.. Hms., Jul) ;!..i.i k Will isms was

hanged bi t<- j Merdai for ths nurdarel a nun names' i¦!.¦*.n.i. a lieut ¦. .' " I *¦' ¦."' *»'!¦ i,ir*'-iil al Hie "Ki uli.iu.wi,.'iaoi-i mans . Mon apeooh vt ru liu* bia friuutta of Ult (nie,luii Makins liicui tv \irty Un Ulai.


O"<»i> BROOBB Of niF. i.ipi -savim, skiivicf.a?iMr.itisiiM; law point DBCIM-> 'TUM OBMKi p.'li rs.

Tba eaaeea of defective itaattiboat supervis¬ion an* s iiil to be the imperfeei laws on lix* rab-jr-et, v, liji-li divide tho re-.ponwbilify. Thc Ufa-Saving Service iin.s aiade a noble record dur¬ing tba burt raar, and much ragratii axpraaaed.it. tlic failure ol' CoBRrOSatO extend the Service.An importiinl railroad ileci.iiou lins been jriveu;t Spriti-rllr-lil, Illinois.


ST'iNsmilliv.\ BBOBOAMBaTlOB Of 1MB »TB-ikm ni kui ii.iiiK ixsmonoM ok oovbux-MRMT VKMBta.

UV Tl. i:<. li.*. I'll TO TB1 TltintNElWabmirotom, July S..Tbe Bureen of Steamboat

In ipeeton I* being mads tli-- object of oonsiderablesevere, bal nndeecrved criticism. General Dumontin in denial Ij tbe meat efllcieat obief wblefa tbatbureau baaever bari, and lias witbtn Iii* limitedsphere uwde n Dumberof valuable improvements.Tlio defect in the work of steamboat Inspection

¦nnrnn tn lin I., tl... |..«-u .....1.... .l,.,.l, ii... . ...I- .¦

carried on. These seem to bave been devised wltba view te Ibe diffusion >.f all respon¬sibility ns widely ni possible. HmSupervising Inspector-General baa neithert tic* power of Initiation or re*. Ision, except ta ¦ varylimited extent. The local Inspectors ur.*

charged by law wltb ths work ofinsnection, nnd when disasters occur theyare inn.lc invt tigators to re**ort anon tbe efflclencyol their .Nv. work, lt' they report tli.it theiror-,-riii-il inspection was imperfectly done, then thoSupervising Inspector General tuny reeetnineudll ...N.lls.

lt tho recent disasters bring about a reorganisa¬tion of the srstem upon ;i baals similar to that oftii" I.ii. .Saving s. mee, thi. Signal Corpsor the Lighthouse system, with a cen¬tral responsible bead directing and review¬ing the work in all subordinates, tin*terrible sacrifice*) will not bare been entirely unpro-ilu !.\c >if "mel ri'-iiilts."There ls no ic.i->>i>." said a gentleman ln.i.l-

iiiif :i liU'ii official position, himself auexpert in maritime ie;.tier.-*, "why thalgervi. <. should not be mads ss beneficent ns t! LifeBoeing Service, the Coast Survey, tbe Light Housesystem ur tbe Signal Service. I would havefoll powers aud responsibility at Washington. Thenthere should be a small corps of travelling inspec¬tors, witta funetinns analogous to those of noel office-. ¦, agents, to - ie with their ..wu eyes that life¬saving appliances ere in working order, and tbatboats' crews are uot inefficient In manipulatingIhciii. '1 In- importauco of Hi*' 'N<>rk wouldwarrant much more stringent laws tbannow exist, and although steamboat men would*.i|iinm Vi' '¦. good nn, uld i. -uIf.

" I ollie aCCOin n." le.I Hil ill- jeclnr of G Venn, ,e'i |vessels on nu.,mci:,i tour, .utinu, ii itu- gentleman,"Wi' boarded a reseel and romaine*:! u;> m hoifoi :i " ole day. Al ¦¦ ni wli 'ii bc wan un-oh er. ed, thc Inspec m -¦ ped to the bell mli. g a tire alorut, Offlei rs nd new se .med t<i hovel«. t theil rn its, lu. did tmnishett about for bnckel bul lhere sterned t< he no

in in their proo riure. I, .. insp, (orsi.watch in band, noting t ie ooeurrence-i, sudwhen they were over, !". gave the commandingt.-fficer tn understand thai there mn i be.in imiiiei! .'.ii r.-t,inn in respect <>fulanna snd a inure strin-rMir Ktati*nf discipline enforced. We boarded another veru-elnn'en' the -am,-. xneilin, nt was tried. Thi bell hadmit stopped ringing whoa the engines stopped. Menius'i.-«l af ones to their places, and inless than three minutia boee pities lim! been con¬nected and two streams were being foreed t -irnm-h.(bern, while men stood, buckets and axes in hand,ready for orders. In both instances tin* officers undcree believed tbe alarms i" be aenuiuo."


AN IMPORTANT KAU.:,' IAD DECISION.M ii''* ON A li".I) PBKfl'BBKO iI.aini.iw._

I.'I |OM BT Jil'ill lill MJMMi ai KfRiXQ-ITKLD, 11.1.

i i'i:-;: .i'll TO rill TUB) 1\V*.-.iiM,i)iN. July :»..The decision rendered l>v

Jmlse* Drummond snd Treat ia the UnitedHint Circnit Court at Springfield, Illinois, on ibe28th ult., ui tbe case of Green B. Hanni and JobnW. Mitchell acaii it the Cairo and Vincennes Kail-road <'"¦:'...uv inn! J. W. Drexel end Charles J". N.Tracy, receivers, determined an interesting point oflaw.

In 187fl Kaum and Mitchell became sureties fortbe railroad company, ul tli<* reonest of GeneralBarnside, ifs president, upon an appeal bond in aeamwhichwas taken to tbe Supreme Court ofIllinois. While tbe case was pending tbe propertyof tbe company was placed ia ths bands of rt c. iv¬

ers. The Supreme Court of Illinois affirmed tbsjudgment against i be company.

J. Piernon! Morgan, who hail in the meantimebeen electe president of tho road, and Messrs.Drexel and Tracy, trustees for the bondholders,ami J. s. Morgan, ot London, principal owner .'!'thc stuck anil iiini.ls i.f the company, all refused to;i:in tbejndgmeat. Ka uni anil Mitchell, as suretieson th.- bond, were then compelled to pay the debtof the ompany.At tbe time Baum and Mitchel! became sureties

tbe rolling stock of the company \n;is encumbered,hm before tbe pa*, ment .,1 the debi by tbem tbe re¬

ceivers of the company, its president, trna-to. etc.. borrowed ninney, to secure thepaymen I of which they issued a chattel mortaaaa1,111 In- rolling stock, lhe <'ourt allowed tins to be(lune, iind -t t iii.- end .,! the year the rolhug stockwas sold for about one-fourth of its value topsythe lean. J. S. Morgan becoming tbe purchaser.Katun Hii.i Mitchell objected in Court to tbe execu¬

tion ol th in .! tgafre, and filed a petition nrayini formi order requiring tbe receivers i" pay their debt.After fire yean'delay tbe case caine on fortrie!

npon a statement of the facts. Judge Drum¬mond held tl. it vier,' a surety ni-onan api> ul bond et ;i railroad company nn ns ooni-pelled t" i,nv H;c debt, tbe property of the oomdui .. being in the bands of receivers, sud subject tothe orders of bis Court, be would require the pay¬ment ol thc debt a* ii preferred claim.


vi, k. I Aii.riii; Of OOBOBKM TO .\< i OB TUBMAI 1! g.

lBTTBUMB_rn i,. Tin' ruiaoua.1Wasiiivoton, July 3..The records of the

I. fe Baring Berries ter the bul seesos show fin-i/,ua.,ti to l,ut. I.ll lil IM l.l- ill,, in .1:. ..I..i. . tl...

great lakes than any season which preceded lt. Binetue bursae was <¦. tebUsbed,noi len* th ia eight] Ave totetote:** are reported, in all ufwhick the lite tai lagen ..-

were Instruments for good Oely one life .'nt of all thswere eupeotd in consequence «,f these disasters wa* limtii.it of s cl,nv c. woman wm. w ii ssleep lu the reUa otile Verine' .ll l.l* lilli nf lbe 'Il

'Hie llle-eaviag mea themselves were lees fortaaateOue whale craw of eli persoaswas i"*t at Point an

lt.,i,j,i, i uhi s ni" moline to help .1 vi sa ts ii;-Thu remarkable record beareetrtktag svldenct of tia

n r» ni Mi*; cflli liney ..f this service. ih. r. ,-ortiof ttoseters up.,11 tim Atlaatie Coanund uf tin- meeess attending tbe efforts of the litesavin* ersws U n less retnaruaMe.Ono of the minor lins <>f ihe Demoeratle Ooo*

-tn^s ls the failure io set spoa the rococo-meadstlons of ths life-saving bureau un.tborUtng Ihe esiabHshmenl ,,f tweifty-elablBOW Huttons, v* filch exp.ileuce shown l)i l,e sorelyneeded, aha to provide foi pensioning llfe-earinalu)-:) Niiio Inc,me iiieii|,i,,-il it<-il tor *» rilee lu

equi i.c.- of. spofiin strident or long service, abill .mt,od vito; these recommendations was preparedend referred te a eoauaittee of toe House, Dot rtno attention there.

WASHINGTON il IV stock.WAULUIIITOBi .Inly 'A..A tall bf the n-

eeptioa of *' r,',.1-iei I'll «to, k of die hue corporation ofWunhiuxtun " v/bh ir.tui-11 la-day ny Treasurer riilflllea.(aai.r.neipaiaadsserasi lessees! .u tbs -in,-., uni i,upail ut IBM TlUSSSIJI of Hie I'lilteil MatOU in ttie('ltv*i.rVV.irh oxton, ea and after the 1,'ua .lay of July, iagoninl the iiii.-ii.-. uni1" Mock will 00000 on thut ila--.Tills lu, ii.a,'- all .eui wit** Imuc-iI liy ilie lula corpora,-

tlonof Wnshln-rfon, nu rn tiered from A'i* 1<> »Ws Inrlnsive, and ilioao Irnnied hy the !>i-)it.i of OolumhlS. nu li¬beled from 1 to ill Inclusive. AU stock forwards.! forr<*d"ini.ti'in Nhnuiil he .n|,ti¦-.-.- to the Tn .'iMirrr of 'heUnited Htuffri anil mil, i-.,| "1 herehv tw-nifii thewithin eertlBeato lo the Treasarer ut th.- nailed Malestor redemption.' Where turtles geeire ebeekota i-aimeat tor Kock drawn to the ardor of any oin. hut th"porty willi),.- name i.i laoerlbod therm, f hey thowM adi!le ihe above form of assignment .. account ot--," elvina fn<. same of the semen to ahem pay-mont la to hf made Prod; miixt he presented torre-deniptii.u at the rink sad exposes nf the soadst,


gOglfl BBHABB1 nv OlUMBA- william prkstoxthat tiik totnarruji aawaaaPaBg bi i-I'll, iUSBn KK.N (I Kl.lNS AI)\ l**KD TO IM F< "Ki llBBX. NABOB io slat BABCOCK I*' flMtlTHINK UK IS BLBCT8B).

im mrtun irn r<> tub rarma. ILaomviixb, July a..iii a. spsseb amdeheaelwce-

ilay night, at iii.* Haaenek ratileatioa aawting,General Win. Preston initle BBS "f the f.'llo-viu-fexpreesions. They were snppeegged in the n>'-*,s-

papers ;it the time, bal ara now taken from a *-'v<int

..np1,'nf th* stenographer's notes. They show thepolitical temper of tbis section, and come limn a

pomonal friend of General Hancock!I. ".::. an Inspiration ol theparty to select s ama

whom-vcr,-n.mn i-QUtd stop forever the odious ery ran .1I.V Moiton, non .Icc. a-, ,I. .ii .I he foul li,nie lief thennH-ihteit iiiin in uoridolna tbe prosperity of the Ballonio ni)- usinnaoie him or power ol the Republicanpartr. . . .

Xtaej lah to me o» pnelHe candidates, bot I have hoonso lonir under paciflo lead thal I wani s little powdernml hall bow eren if ll comes from tba other sideiiL'.ic*! me. vpi'iuiio-.j Oi ii-i have it. [Ai<-ilau' .| 1 remember Hancock well, tec 1 havekii'NNii him for ihlrlN- \-ais. luck to ivlien iveto wonderfully triumphed under Winfield bcotr. Whenwe landed al VeraCrus Uaneoca ares s lieutenant-rolouel, md wa* st the beadol slot of boys collectedhen- in Louisville to go lo Ihe fur distant war. So live¬lier nor more bea ittfoi rorm io-.-..',! tbroueh tho*-" narktropirs, where death wolfed for the American soldier faritNVii-, flem |,o:i:e, tliiin Wintl,lil .*, nil Hmiic iK. . . .

-',,. when Seymour wai pul mi.a state-man ol i. i_11c itur u mun of ki icefnl thought, a life-tone !> niocratmei .ni eui ir. iv paciflc man. a man wno wont Betti f.,r¦n-rtiilnjc-.aod when we pint no Mr. Blair, I thoughtlie wasnaood fleneral.and se waa a Conservative. Oodknows how tired 1 am of beanne von o-ll yourselvesConsr>r-ratl-res. Ton havo never woe i victor* since ronceased to call yourselves tho "Unierrinvd Dem-

[Applans**.] You want to stand and tell ever-;:. pu.. :iMM that if tnrjr ever ntteaipi to -teni auotber) leeton! vote from reuyou will kill him whi rc sc Maud*.11, .mi spplnuse.] iel them to au tu thc .ie ni with theiruoo'Ik, 'mi tint "ii propose thut un >ther Elecl ir I voteshall never bo atolen from you. lAp-'lause

I m.nv thu; Nviien i lir-n Bearii tho nam*. .¦ UnterrlflcdDetuocraey " lt made my Mood run sold. I think An«drew Jackson first aol it np. am! itshould be our name now. Aad ne assured, if. .ni will only keen up the .. <l Democr .tlc Dog, an.l shWinfield .-*.-<iir Hancock, i pled-re yoe my life andfortune thnt no man will dVre io lake thc Prod-deney fron ms graop. | Applause.] Tber mayhui-,' taken lt from lbe old aod kindly bandef tilden, but, before God. I woubl n*> soon >lar>* to takeiiieine.it from under the paw »>r ,» hungry tigerm toIel the rlNttoc statesmen iteal Do..-k * vtetery.jf. uni eppiausc.]Now, fellow Democrats, will yon r»iifs our net!

|C les of "yes, .m.*.'j Uro. i wan! every Iwhen I conclude, t>. cry, ''Tee. wo .lo rattlyihe same;" "yee, ive will voie torHancock," nnd "yee, leter* dod, il ne ls elected wenv ;,i. c.-in ililli von ti the Issi one 01 no, assisi m .-, atti ilinn." [I.,. ,,t :.|')) sn


I'Alil Y.

. t HA.1N.V-VV, HUI/ III. 1 in- ,-1 ill.* I lill \ cu-

lion of th« Democracy of the worktngmea'e party ladnwiit depooed Kearney es prestdem nf the party.de-ci.i;, ,i f ,,;*;,-.,-' -.ie.Me blent, secretary and tress-ni, i vit--.ini, elected a Htnti uti Comm! u-e, a* ¦- t.*«-. IHutte ck sn-l bnciisli md Hie Democratic Presidential

,amiuojouruedI ITu -dayevening.QENERAli -INGLETON RENOMINATED.

CbicaoO) July :$..(..in ral Jamea W. sin-gletoa, of Quiney, III., wae r< nominated for Congress hytbe Democratic Cone-rc di al Convention, of the XIiliDistrict,at Jsrsevville lasl night. The Convention wasIn sesstoa twedsys, anil 268 ballotswcre taken oeforoMr. **lu|*lft<>ll v. ,t.i iee: ii iii il.

NATIONAL REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS.It wac announced laet evening hythe president

and secretary "f the Nan,mal Republican Comin it tee that ti"* headquarters have liecnlocated ni No. 211 I'.fi h-.-tv... New-York, where ailc.mn,m.ii,vu i''i,-t oppertaiiiiiit- lo the RepublicanNa!ional Coiuini. sud the campaign should bcad I.v- tl.

COLORED REPUBLICANS ORGANIZING.iii,.' e..liii«il Republicans of Hie XI II th A--

rieiuiii.N District bave organised nu ss~oo*B*tloii forming camfaign, nnI-Ii the fol'owing utteersi

< barlas W. Lons, presidenl; M. B. Henderson.n. K-pre.'identj I'homns WT. Monanna, secretary, andJames H. Barton, treasurer. A meeting nnhk i.elil lastevening ni thc house of il. lt. Ueoderson, Ko, 300 Westrv-etit--tirst-et


GENERAL ORANT Al KANSAS CITY.iii. IX! ki .--rs GOOD-WILL POa AU, FOI.iTlc.ii. i-ar.

iu-.<. inti:ar aaocKssioH,isan-as ¦ in, ..m., juiy 9..uanarai Grant

was mel yesterday ut Merriam i\«r_ by about 13,000people. Ia lu*, leeeeh he sahl:

ft has been mi efJbrl In thepecittoas I hive bold torender the very best service la my power for tbe wholei' opie, wltbont respect to race, ador, prevtoue condi¬tion or political affiliation. [Great applause.] I am notunn ere ol barine committed mi net In my life, or sayinga word, which has Injured uiy own standing nae woy ortbe other, snd certainly not m a political way. I haveIndeed heiom-ed to one of the -neat, -it political partiesof tbe country, because on the whole f bsUe-re li mueiinearer ruellt than the oilier. [Applait.-ie.] Bul I claimlo lillie ll' Ml,ell good feeling nilli lllen.lsllip foi Mepally «.*.;»- led 1" BM ns for the party which hat hereto¬fore conferred honors upon tu.*. I hay,* always believedHint wbal was bes! for the entire country waa coles t<>help both political parties in the end 1 for we are eltf*sens in common of one Real Notion, and tbe greatestNation that the cnn shines upjn to-day. [Oreel no-pleuoe.]A national selote was Hied and hells were rang in

ti.m.r of t i> bots 11 treat ai r> o'clock tin** ssetalaa. Ihegrand preeceslea, also la Ins honor, started at 1:.'I0o'clock this aft,moon. Ml Kary companies ure here troina aomber of places In genoas, all >f wbteh took part luthe irs le. A splsudld display Of the vmiou-i aria, in¬dustries un tl manufactures Of the city was also made.Uni prac solon was over a anio brag, nml was reviewedbj General Grant, iii..' Qeaeral aili leave tor K-nL avenwoi iii this <.-,ealng.


Nbw-Hatbw, Conn., July 3.*.Howard Loek-WOOd, editor Of Uko Futter \YtUte Journal ol'New-York,wte arrested oo'e hoot sell on tils srrlval hy theS:2gtrain here lonivlif, on cnnplalnt of Joseph ParKStrom A Co,, or this cit., uii-iiufucliircr- ot binningpaper, for four nrtieles puullohed in is?7, ocouslngthem of ginug false weights and eonnts In packages ofpaper. Thc snll ih itu- 9100,000, snd he is bold in|K|o,000 bonds, NNiiich.lii* oannoi non- luruub.

SHUT orr .>! HIS ons OFFICE,IfOBTOOMEBT, Ala., .July 3..Ez-CrOT»IMt

(-'..un received hts eommlsslos a*. United Ifates DlstrletAttorney last night This morning he enUedeu Cherles..I,,I, ,1,1 k.,-.. -.r.i.u ,,| ll -.'Ul, e. ..IKJIM- III'C.III ,1 tlvie .1, basing his refusal upon Ibo ground that Hmlrh'iiiiiiin- nn ...-< -eui io tbs .-< Bali sud not contli ¦ a by tba)i,ii,lv, and that the Prrsldeul beano righi to appointlinn, wiri lln.t In- (M.i-en em held the otllc uuii'l iuMSenate uiiutn meets riiiI another mime ls sent In.

AA I Lt>S STEAMt i: LAUNCHED,Pun aim i.iniA, July 3..A new staaaMMp,

t, t' n between Curacoa ead Heiacelbo. wes launchedat tn, shipyard of Huiium A Qa,CoopersEstel.M. J.thin iiH'i ninix. Mn* WS 11.111:1 il i lie Maree iiIhi.

CHIMES AMii Asl Al.ULs~.ijy ILA.Et.l: tPH.

AitiiK-i ku roa PAaaiaa had mohbt.Ii:* nki in, N. ll. .lulv 3..William r.stev, a

.traajrer, wee arrested hero f>..i:iv niel hold fm Ulai onaciiaiK** o' peosmg "um, if, ii imit rtollsrs,

tubowu moa at'AititiA'tK.Bi v Vi v.. N. J., Juiv 3..Danie] Ketch, nf

i,i, t, i-\iiie, pj, v., was tim.wu h.nu a tMrnaes thiaeftorooon ead toolond/ sinea li ia itu,, ami u., tun, iron


I.i nisvii.i k, N. .1, Jul.- 3..Joseph Bteceman,snit Iud teal ,f u-. nhii i,.- ti.* 11 w ll ii his fariillv. fl .IIIVial u-li. S. Y., '.n.i' il't.-.l Mm icu lh..i looming by siiuuuui-himstlt lUr.rUsli til le ,.v

l-'ilAl. lt.ill.lin vd AOQDSKT,1'. on I'i.i.A-AM, v.i ,.i r3. Prank Scuenorie.

of N.-nn VOtk, SH 'ie pliiv e ol Hie < inti HI Ne* J ci sri* Hillwayf. i, Boasaihtbs swwii ,,; a tum inti .ronini- Hoib lan.tri, t iii ..ll. Ile v* Art nettled in a tluni* ciiuil tiou to New*,,ik.

A SAVAfiK I'iSK OP LYNCH LAW.GsLVKUToN, lev., J ilv ll. -A ap.-, alto The Nuwt

fi, ii, i,, ini rn, Toi h.n , ilisi ne* . fro ii iv.iar Mi.ln .,,,,. ^Frank s,,ii!i,"1. \ I.ii .ten i iuim>.,' < labU-i.ii,.', vt tr, ink, I, ,.,,I.i ,III,!,', g lUI'l lit 4 iujO of U..4.SO.J uicu

i paeoggM ia** **iLii honest


A 0BBAT lM.INCM'I.K ITHKI.fr.mp.. a_Anaroai wins hy rouowiao mu vd -d-

nest panai ra cmxbabpm mb. mablabmAI»l»KK-l<K.s I'S HM'Ml VT FROM Ills MAT.Avi \ mk ifs rii'iMcriinv ii))ii v.

It is ntiiioiiiiei il in g gaMg tele¬gram from tin* London rarYeeS***a4--< nt of Tm; I kihi sk, thai Mr. !.l.i<i-sfone irag iadaend bf Ug gallaacBia tomake Mr. Bcadlaagk*g data » CaM*net qneatioa. Mt. Rradlaig- mail**>. st i-i «iay li im Int speeen -mee howas iiiliuitt. il la lix* 11'MiHf. lt wu-* in

support of Mr. I'itni. ll"-* I ri - ls r« lu-fhill. Advantage is aaiag taltai of ant it ii ff io |)i.i*ttrnt<' Mi. Bradlaugh loi gctlacIllegally aa afeatbei of Parttaaieat. The firstphggcg of tin* Btadlaagh eaateal an- given intiie Lontloii latter appended. Part of Iii***|icecli al llie Har in also qootad.

HOW THE VICTOR* WAS WuV.MB. OLADCTOaa'g m ni'i'i.r*. DVKaCOlfg -.i'i:' B '«

rii.N ivs ii rf i tu.

ibi cabi.i. io **m rataoar.IjlMii.v M.l.i.,1., I,.I.. 1 1 ._/,

'Iii .ic i-n.in in Mr. Bradlaugh*, cass wns linallyh.-. mell hy Making Mc elaim distinctly a < shiactquestion; Mr. Qladsteae hesitating to thc kag ta aa*lune party oiiligiitiniis, beeanas h.* IbeagM liewould lie ovcrn-.ing in BOOM nittirnmt iii- cm-

scientioue scruples el Nonconformist Uherala Mr.<., tslata.e, though personally advocating lirnd-laagfa's rii-lit from the beginning; j .1nt tin* en.I only on tin* nrgsal reDreeentattoao ofins Mends .-mil eolleegaca irho declare! thal a

second defeat*, other nias hasslneat, weald liefraught willi discredit ami even p-*ril to tht Min-leery. Tbe lorie- pececvoreii in their oap litiaathroughout. Mr. Bradlaugh, having sftrnoed. taheaIns hen! anii vo'C'l. -.vhs aerveil on leiivin*- thoMonee with a writ claiming £300 damages ¦¦deithe statute against excretcing illagallv pawemaga )neinlier >)f the House. Tho ca-e will hg grgBSdnt the iir*t i rm of thc Court ofQueea/s Bsaehiwheacg Ik Mra (althea :ij»i>.-u!-, poesthlftasting thc whole year. Mr. Bradlaagh int. inlsmeantime ta continue tosceah aad vote,theaght!;cre i-t a separate I> -nally for each lei* is in ti vc act.

Nearly 200 meetings' have hen hell in all pertaaftht) country, daring the ci,-is, -,,i|.|, ni .', uotMr. Bradlaugh, bal thc priaeipM Invulvad.

ti. VT. H.m rn



Thc action of the Boags of Cobubmmm oa PremierGladstone's resolution. per*alttrng Mr. Bradluagh to...'him, has given Ki-eat .-ati-la, timi to the sup.Hurter, of t'w Qeverameet. 'In.* next erittcaldivlaion will be on Monday on the Irish Compel nttion for Dietarhaaes bill, which, tboogb mron.ljOpposed, will probably pans. The Iri*th mcminnwill vote for it.'Ibo House of Comuiod*) went in C"inniitfee ot

tho Whole this evening on the Iristi Belief bill.Mr. Parnell moved to authorize the Commissionersof Public Works lo a.lvunco money for out¬door relief. Mr. Forster, Chief Scretarffor Ireland, accepted tbe motion, and theamendment was aureed to. Mr. Byanga(Liberal) moved that tin* rate of intones! Manasloins xii.ill ii"! exceed 1 per cent. Mr. Parnell,supporting thc nm!mn. exclaimed sgaiasl the-ii iiiiiy conduct of Mn Government, which, h.-said*hml not granted a penny from the Imperial Kx-cbcqnei for ibe reliel of the [rich ili-.tr.-.-..Mr. Bradlaugh made in-, maiden ineech ni sui.pore

of the motion, and eatd thal thie was either n ssaa-ter of pure business or generosity, lt would besm-.fortunate, h.- said, if the notion _<>t abroad thal fbiGovernment and poonta of bugiaod snd > utlaadintended to be genereue only as fir a*, it involvedno cost to themselves. <>n behslf of tnaav ot thoworkingmen, lor whom h.* was sutboriscd to speak,he ashed that sonic logs might lull upon thomrather than that this measure ot generosii. shouldbe misunderstood. He asked tin- House not to bogenerous with half a bead. Mr. Bradlaugh -mokelor aliottr live minnies. His delivery asa timm andbeeitatiug, very different from that af bis nain lallypropared speech al tin-har of thc Hen*..'. j<

lu connection with the Bradlaugh prosecution il fmappears thut witacsseo srere prentul In tho tffllion-:'* of Commons yesterday tn uote the bel ^^that Mr. Bradlaugh was sitting and voting. It tsunderstood thru Mr. Bradlaugh intends to ri^ht theaction, if necessary, to the House of L<,r.!s.

A TU88LI Willi BIGOTRY.MB. nitADI.ALitll I'l.KAPS B-g OWN CAI -I ll ililli*.

l'AltlJAMH.NT.1 UK TOBIBg INTI Ni nv MISI.KAD*ing inn i-i mic as in ram p >inis at tssf-r.mu. gladstone's commet riseratarma al'ltK.-jiciiu.N i.k mb. aaaar.ai un's soeoasawhich has aaaa waaifiaik,

fFuoM tiik anocLAa ooBaagvoaaaai ea rn-: trihi miLoNDOJ., June IM..It will eoti-idi-rably -.imiilifv

the Drndleagh eeatiavecs*/ il we keen In adadthroughout oue. Hiing, viz., that by the eonecnt olnil hie oanonaats ha is tue legally elected asembegfur Northampton, and that, if US hail chosen lo |ir»*-sent himself on the first day of lin* H-nsion amitake Ihe oath nobody would or e, uh! have ob¬jected.not even Mi Drnmmead w«.i. him¬self. The diiicuitv Mindi staadi la Mr.Bradlaagh'' wtl>' ¦" "'"-' .*" ¦*' awa creating.It is also on.* a hiih, ss In* declared in hm remark-ble speech at the bar of the ll.msc yesterday, hewag bound in honor and coiisci'-ncc lo Meeta. " Itemu's, therefore, to this," savs n clear-headed wil¬

ler, MthaibecmsseMr. Bradlaaghhae naas emaa*thing winch iioh.xl.v blames him for d.iing, andwhich, it it shaws anything, shave thal he is more

scrupulous than u good liiauy other Peopla, he m

neill to have foifeiteii Ins s.-ai in Parham -nt." Isuhscribe lo thut \ie-v the mora readilybeeaaae I have net hitherto, any mo.-, than I donew, discussed Mr. Bradlaagh's eeasie naj sptgMof peceoaalsympathy with bun. I thewghl at thebeginning he had shown nome faults ni taste aaa!randa coane migtahgg m tactic-*. Hut 1 eatiralystree that in the in,.re recent hi ages gf In, -ti ungle.,,».,...ut ll... r. liiriniit Inirotri anil univ __!_¦_¦__§

of il Luge section ot the Hon*, he baa given ahaud-ant evidence el ability, clear go<,d sense, clearhaewledgS of bis own strength aud iintl milingcoinage. Willi perhapg ono single exception hehas pm himself iu the riRht and thc House ot lom-moag iu the wroag, Whatever he the apohelefHie mir ter, that is no .mall Uiumph for ai y man-ami for a man so uiipopulir. so Hated, ss Mr. Hrad-laugh, is u vi v eesmaleaeas triumph Indeed,[a the Hence of Oeauaeno Mr. Bradlaugh^ gggg

has beoa diaeuooed firem iwo pointe af *,,<.*.».. lhelegsl ot techatoal Question*, involved have been de-luted at rvearisouio length. Mr. Hradliiiuh's re-lunou*, (or irrelitftousi opinions have also l>«*««ii de¬bate 1 at weariaOBM length. The fact that the lat -tel have absolutely notlilig to «!.> with (he i< al >*muo

hal m»t prevented thg lories from giving fuil ventiii their latah lance. Logic ls not thoataoag point of the Tories; nor of the Uhti als. either, lhe legul point is of import-atice. hat the tact that. a» Mr. Bright pointed out,the lawyggg are pretty equally divided on it, provesthe fatUtty of attempting to settle a 0,1. si iou ofpublic policy .») uieielv legal ground-*. Moreover,thc Meatian at Iggae ha*- ciiaut-ed, and au auster

which might have lieeu g"od yesterday is good foruathing t <»- i» \.

fha n.isl.il-" I referred ta above has also lost ttlimportance. .Mr. lirudlaug.'.'s beat Meads agreo. 1t-elieve, that he would have doun better uot to yuh-