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www.magicvallei : Tw in Falls, Idahc sss=^=s==:ss== G ood MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R Today: U-J • to mos : 'V.,.. cloudy : patchy : early. S'. Tonigl: scattei daudls. High of 40, low ( p Mac : ic Vallk' Schedules: School boar out high school classes t P S ci i(K)i. D ays School spirit: Castlefon cheerleaders perform. F H kalth & Fashion Weight and see:'A ^ Buhl women gets up e three morning a week pump iron - and they’< . some company. J SpoR:rs Houston bound: The Indianapolis Colts adv within one game of th Bowl with a 38-31 win Kansas City. O pinion Keeping power: Idaho n’t fiddle with the vot dative powers until th use them, today’s gue: risJ sE^s. ^ _COMlNc; Ll IHHIHI Gl The Luth ^ putt a COG Wednesday in 1 : Times-News I ndkx Classified .B8-12 Movie Comics , Nalioi Crossword .B4 Obitui ; Dr,arAbby . M Opc •Health Schoc ' & Pashion .Bl-3 Sport Horoscope .B4 Weall ,.LM.Boyd ..B4 West • Magic Vailey M World MpMaincy nn.R)cyd» Log on t o ... aafe*' i C lassifi i HM ® ...'for online class [ - 733-09: ' ' ’ orinBuricy 67740^ ho/99tli year, No. 12 SlING A ay: Partly mostly ____________ idy \vith chy fog Light, Page A2 sard maps tonight; Page Page B6 K l-I Actosotove Department ^ lip of and are still ey’dUke I ^ Page B l By Sandy ft TImefrNewi e TWINE advance to have beco • t h e S u p e r county ass vin over Clcanitif ment are tt HI er room Page A7 stainveUs. A few sl hang froi portable a *0 should- of a book! " ‘s 'u r s 1 they m s- ,ions att: jiestedito- courthous With gr Page AlO Twin Fal Gerry Bov a couple I ')[> even if he '' no room t< sp':cb”; poHucky Iked Qvot: The cou S"^co; It together put „£ a ; cookbook. courthoui In T h e . Housekec Anne Edv ‘WS (0 hold a all her ps She kno\N bvies . . . B4 too mar ilion ... .A3 "w- T )ituaries . ,A5 | | V jinioii ...A lO :hool Days .B6 ,0,tS...A7-9 ealher .. .A2 le TKI est ............. A6 the heart btld..A3,A12 5^-;^ built on s a ttS been moi ■T-- , _ s in c ix ” S2 who ru Gouldtoi * Saskatch eibesM moke thi nipted r FIED Canada ......... cattle in **el* --------------- that-it-n ,s5lfled 931 ------------ gef^n \cy crics la! 0 4 2 SphS Th 12 ___________ prec jverfllled wllh uniforms, bullet-pro mt Lt. Stephen C. Nutting In the I till looking at buying tho old And( □unty c y Miller 3WS writer ^ -- ' FALLS - Closet com ers :come archives for the issessor's inactive files, ing supplies and equip- e tucked a\vay in thc boil- n and underneath the Js. / sheriff’s uniform shirts rom a TV set and a 2 air conditioner in front okcase filled to the ma.x lining videos, are thc crowded condi- t the 'IVin Falls County juse. growing construction in Falls Counly. Assessor lowden would like to hire le more employees. But he could, there would be II to put them, are just packed spot to 3owden said. “We’ve m i- sery inch of this space.” :ounty’s si.'c-person house - s’ staff, which cares for coimty buildings, works a narrow hallway in the ouse basement, ceeping Supervisor Kaye idvvards’ desk is too small I a computer, so she does papenvork in long hand, lows better than to order lany cleaning supplies .S.finger^ ioclated Press____________ KBRIDGE, Alberta - In art of Canada’s cattle coun- nchers feci a bond with American colleagues, one n a century of trade. ' area \«is settled byTe.xans «an cattle, and autle have novingback and forth ever ' said ninclicr Neil Jahnke. ruris 1,200 head near town, in southwest tchewan. and otiier Canadian randi- ew the land where they their living as an uninter- i range’ovei^which- cottier— and processed beef move : and forth freely between la and thc United States, order is just a line on a map. y insist thc Nortli American industiy is so intertwined t-mokes-littlo-scnse-to-dif:— tiate between American ::anadian beef. 'Hjat’s why c angiy about American fin- jinnhg following the'disccw- last year of mad co\y dis- or bovine spongiform >halopathy, in an Alberta I H Monday, ciouj -proof vests and other training ( he basement of the county cour Indorson Lumber building. official Commission By Sandy Miller TImoft-News writer_______ TWIN FALLS - 'Ilie c proposed purchase of the Anderson Lumber prop Eastland Drive is on h now. but it isn’t dead. Although commis • haven’t received an answ the building’s owners c re<iuest for an 60-day e> on the owners’ offer of million donation, “we been lold no,” Comm Tom Mikcsell said. _ County conunissioner Stock Building Supply. 01 the former Anderson -brrildinsrfoi-«-«klHy-«i •on their offer to,give the legal team more time over all tho paper.vork. •llic 11.5-acre Kasilar property has been appr SS million.'Ilie county i; bccause there’s no room (hem. “Space is a pre Edwards said. “You just r with what you have.” Meanwhile. Sgt. Jack J training coordinator for t! iff’s department, works •^pointin^ Feedlots In Canada are ove out from a pen near Iron S| ’— feedloW'and at the monwr afford to have. 10,000. Black Angus cow :— Washington state-Holsto to ;Ul)erta. I Wliat really steams t I efforts by some in the J y. January 12. 2004 scor ' 1 311 uMmM J and library supplies Is ono of lurthouso. County officials say 1 Is wan ners still eye ^ } co u n ty ’s i^sc ' he former jperty on \ 'iNjrvk hold tor lissioncrs swer from '^-0^ on their extension T„mMlkiMll of a Sl.o e haven’t thc county’s missioner begin in June paying S12C ers asked m onths-or S- owners of 10th and tin I Lumber would be bal le county’s have said, e to look expected to o and would he and Drive ty reserves, praised at llie proper r is consid- is about S55, m to put another small ment. Closets remium.” forms, equipn t make do enforcement comes to ji Johnson. Johnson can : the sher- many as the <s out of hold. g irks '— >verflowlne with livestock likes Springs, Alberta. Thursday. Ric «nt has 40.000 head otoattla and a cattic industi toin traced-- tance ihemst beef, indudi ; them are ban on imp ! American pieast les- 4 ______________ _ [nmo of two such closots used by Tw ay Ihey are running out ol spacc It more Anderson Lur ering buying com gjk it through a cour ^ 10-year. S.i,2 cour ■J-'lk million lease- eigh .purchase tion agreenienl. aboi \vith an inter- wou ?,g est rate of icrn 1*^ 4.93 percent estii •y through Wells ceiil Fargo Hank. If foot the papers unti are signed. Si /’s payments would 10 j me, with the county proi 120,000 every si.x pro| rS240,OOOayear.'nie tinjj the 16th payments C balloon payments of allo ,rarh, rnmrnl.saiQitKni____mtj 1. Renovations are bee 0 cost aboul $700,000 nar be taken out of coun- but for lerty’s annual tax bill ref| 55,000, which would the all space in the base- MS overflow wilh uni- 10 pment and other law ha\ n supplies. When it nu) rfwsical training. thr an only*1^eduIe as ‘I »e training rt)om can ;i\v anada ? W I ar ^ fe I j I ta ____ Ci: RPw bi L - -W b' _h< ' s. (es these cattle peering ^ Rick Paskal runs three tie but says he can only---------b fi istry and politics to dis- h nselvcsirom Canadian. »! iding un ongoing U.S. uports. They say that J lase see CANADA. Page A2 ^ "111, )dity coRT miM/TMrtM»i Twin Falls County Sheriff's laco. especially In tho courlhou! e spaa imber buildinj ome off the tax rolls when tl ounty buys the property. 11 ounty is looking into selhi ight of its remole office loc ions, which would bring .bout S1.5 million.' monuy th .ould be u.sed to pay dowii tl cnn of the lease, 'Hie coun rstimales it could save 50 pt ■VIMon utility costs per squa ool by ptming those servic Hitler one roof. Sale (if llie remote properti 0 private-sector buyers won )roduce about S3H,000 a year iroperiy taxes, almost offsi iing the .$55,000 loss. Commissioners say they' dlowed to buy the proper tvithout a vote of ihe peo[ liecause il woulil l>e an 01 nary anil necessar>’” e.xpen: l)ul ihe chairman of Idaho;i for Tax Reform says stale I requires commissionei-s to ta ihe matter before voters. “We can only safely dn eigl 10 people.” Johnson said. ‘ have 10 schedule more clas nuire limes lo gel every through." ‘Hial need for space is •l\vin FaUs Counly commiss Please see SPACE. Pog Mad-cov ID systei U5_Aneolos Times__________ BOWLINi; GREEN, Ky. • cow kept losing her ear tag, 1 and again, she'd .nit> agm fence or a ta-e until the p tag, about ihe size of an _ catd Jtlb'-fL _____ ________ , So rancher David \Vatson 1 improvise when tracking li his well-iliumbed Imoklet of Production Records. “Big he wrote in the space sel asi her tag nuniber. llien he dr nawkward-skeldiiof-lllC-CK sha|)ed birthmark on her fa In much of the country, th scientific as cattle identifi' gets. MiUions of wild salmon microdiip IDs implanted ir hfllips so biologists can U? fish indi^dually as they iia hydroelectric dams.Vetct;m inject similar microchip: dogs and cats and pot birds some teddy liears now com bar codes embedded in 5 T Luxur cars c( I cheap I Baghd H Los Angeles Times H BAGHDAD. Ira<|-1 few belter places in buy a pa- owned lu.x the nibble sirewn sl A 2002 Mercedes- retails for $20,000. ; with all rhe c<ctr;t.s h price of $7,000, abound of lateii Rovers selling for sums. Of course, the the other side of tin the United States. Do^vn the street dicckpoinis, stores H higli-end car^ scarre holes. Shoppm. are ^ ------ TtnTcrtotirhclicnptc overhead. One hiig> hauled in empty, ru cars to house the iloi who watdi over its ii Tliat does not b Hasan Ibrahim, nurse who is fed up ring seven time*; ------ BITglfdad'S"bUSCS“ f' hour commute. “'Ill she -saitI as .'ihe Nahadah car ma dealers to make su lUse, di.scouiiied cars « "this is the reality 1 As befits the resit and flat desert c until recently gasol 1 ^ ur than w"aier. Ira -lK “en-car crazy. lli« obsession has 1 heights since the f I Hussein, who kept 12 number of cars p<! counlry. tbe Saddam's govern importcil a signific iling vehicles since 19f most Initjis to a box Icnce on the roads, that yf riewly streets of Iratj - al and imported on ad per- (foin neighli and Syria or the slates - is llie nn sign ot the nation a con u icr Since Ihe end « Ihe Li year U.N, en Iratj, the nation ha: wilh mcrdiandise , the world. Iniqis ar produtis nirely 0 'ml* from satellite di.sli ; to Pringles jwiato I J Althougli the o t ike ranipani crime i future have dami« .suniei-s' enlliusias . ....... once horded mon« needed lo bribe ll are now going sho] : "Inuiis have be ^ bad days.” sail . ,oi,u Shamaa, an < ission- Baglidad Univei^ 'agcA2 "“ S' IV scare sj ms for ca fxirry ears so they to ihe nghl little g ’. - Tlie liehind on a swiiif: •.Again H.ut the lieef int ;ainst a felt mudi need t plaslic each individual 1 index nwv. Responding to iTliadTo coveryora'IIOlsic her in mad-cow disease, of Herd Secretary Ann g Rcd,’^___ called for a nu isi’de for identification s; da■^v a n promising techno rescent- tested around.tlii face. ing here oni that's as randi in southwe: ification Some bc*cf ran higlitedi chips ai □n have expensive and e\ in their thtVre not sure rack the sumcrs to know navigate ■duced which slel inarians howewr. share 1 ips into hopes that a nai ds.Even tion program wi >mewith control disease in their Plei ........................... 1. j J .so, ccnts _____ L ry :ome )in dad I ........... .......... j (j-nieieniayl>e 1 i in the world to Iu.xury car lhan II streets nf this des-Betu C-cIass K). a l ‘)‘)5 i:.UO ts h;ts an a.skiiig 0, am! siories icinotlel Umtl for comparable Ihe selling is on the world fniiii eet fnini police res hawk shiny, irred with bullet lire distractcd by ipiur^scrccching------------- iiige ivlailcr iias rusting railioiid tiozens of guards its acres of auios. It bother Siibilia t, a (i2-yearoUI up with tniiisfcr' mes a day nu •s“ for~hci-thTCc^------------- •‘■niaiiks to God." ihe cruiscd ilie m arket, grilling ; sure their newly s weren't stolen, ity ntjw," vsidentsofawide I country where ' isoline was dieap- Iratps have long [nieir-automouve _______ ; reached new ne fall of Saddam ::pi a (piola on the , p«*rmitted in the remment had not lificant number of 1980. consigning boxy, nistinge.xis- ids. Now [he r.uige a.sed cars on the - almosi all used 1 ad hoc inickcon- ghboriiig Jordan tiie Persian Gulf most prominent :ion's shaky sieps ner cultuir, ! d «)f the u-iir and | 1, embargo against' | has been flooded ! ise from all over ' s are marveling at y or never seen ■s secrelive_reiim.________ Ji.slies to blenders uo diips. c country’s newly c iuid unccriain miHined some con- siasm. many who loney in case they 10 the secret polic<‘ shopping, been hanking for said Ihinuuu al economist at rersiiy. "Now they ase see CAR. Piii;e A2 spurs lev can be aiunied Icgitl iftliey’a'Iefl tfing set. i indusir>’Ims ;d to keep labs on ual animal. Unlil. , to lasi month’: dis- plsieininfectedwith----------- »se. U.S, Agriculture nn Veneman has national livestock______ system. Several hnologies arc lK;ing l.ilic nation, includ- dri W alMnrrolUng----------: iwest Kentucky, randiers resent thc )s and sensors as too J even too prcdsc - urc th ^ want, con- ow which farm prt>- steokrMany othere;--------- ro federal offidals* notional idcntifica- will allow them to isc outbreaks, limit Please see ID, Page A2

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Page 1: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

w w w . m a g i c v a l l e i

■ :

T w in Falls, Idahcs s s = ^ = s = = : s s = =

G o o d MORNI


• U-J • to mos : 'V.,.. cloudy : patchy : early.• S'. Tonigl:• scattei daudls. High of 40, low (


Mac:ic Vallk'Schedules: School boar out high school classes t


S c i i(K )i. D aysSchool spirit: Castlefon cheerleaders perform.


Hkalth & Fashion

Weight and see:'A ^ Buhl women gets up e three morning a week pump iron - and they’<

. some company.

J S p oR :rsHouston bound: The Indianapolis Colts adv within one game of th Bowl with a 38-31 win Kansas City.

O p i n i o nKeeping power: Idahon’t fiddle with the vot dative powers until th use them, today’s gue: risJ sE^s. ^


The Luth

^ p u tta COG

Wednesday in 1 : Times-News

I n d k x

Classified .B8-12 MovieComics , NalioiCrossword .B4 Obitui

; Dr,arAbby . M Opc•Health Schoc

' & Pashion .Bl-3 SportHoroscope .B4 Weall

,.LM.Boyd ..B4 West • Magic Vailey M World

MpM aincynn.R)cyd»

Log on t o ...

aafe*'i C lassifi

i HM ®...'for online class

[ - 7 3 3 - 0 9 :' ' ’ orinBuricy

6 7 7 4 0 ^

I e y . c o m

ho/99tli year, N o . 12


ay: Partlymostly ____________id y \v ith chy fog


P a g e A 2

s a rd m a p s to n ig h t;

P a g e

P a g e B 6

■K l - I

A ctosotove Department

^ l i p o f and are still

ey’dUke I ^

P a g e B l

By Sandy ft TImefrNewi

e TWINEa d v a n c e to have beco • th e S u p e r county ass v in o v e r C lcanitif

m en t a re tt H I e r room

P a g e A 7 stainveUs.A few sl

h a n g froi p o rtab le a

* 0 s h o u ld - of a book!

" ‘s ' u r s1 th e y m s - , ions a t t : j i e s t e d i to - c o u rth o u s

W ith grPage AlO Twin Fal

G erry Bov a couple

I ') [> even if he' ' no room t<

s p ' : c b ” ; poHucky Ik e d Qvot:

T he cou

“ S " ^ c o ;I t to g e th e r p u t „£ a ; c o o k b o o k . co u rthou i In T h e . H ousekec

A nne Edv ‘WS (0 ho ld a

all h e r ps S he kno\N

bvies . . . B4 too m a r

ilion . . . .A3 "w- T )ituaries . ,A5 | | V jinioii . ..A lO :hool Days .B6 ,0 ,tS . . .A 7 -9

ealher . . .A2 l e T K Ie s t .............A6 th e h ea r tbtld..A3,A12 5 ^ - ; ^

b u ilt o n s

a t t Sb een moi

■T-- , _ s in c ix ” S2 w ho ru G ould to i

* Saskatch

e i b e s M

m oke thi n ip te d r

F I E DC anada

......... c a ttle in* * e l * --------------- th a t-it-n


9 3 1 ------------ g e f ^ n\cy c ric s la!

0 4 2 S p h S

Th1 2 ___________


jverfllled wllh uniforms, bullet-pro mt Lt. Stephen C. Nutting In the I till looking at buying tho old And(

□unty cy Miller3WS writer - -

' FALLS - Closet c o m e rs :com e archives fo r th e issessor's inactive files, ing supplies and equip- e tucked a\vay in th c boil- n an d u n d e rn e a th th e Js./ sheriff’s un iform sh irts rom a TV se t a n d a 2 a ir conditioner in front okcase filled to th e ma.x lining videos, a re thc crow ded condi-

t th e 'IVin Falls C oun ty juse.growing co nstruc tion in

Falls Counly. A ssesso r lowden would like to h ire le more em ployees. But h e could, th e re w ou ld be II to put them, a re just packed sp o t to 3owden said. “ We’ve m i­sery inch of th is sp ace .” :ounty’s si.'c-person h o u se ­s’ staff, which c a re s for coim ty buildings, w orks a narrow hallw ay in the ouse b a se m e n t,ceeping S uperv isor Kaye idvvards’ desk is to o sm all I a computer, so s h e does papenvork in lo n g hand ,

lows better th an to o rd e r lany clean ing su p p lie s

.S.finger^ioclated Press____________

KBRIDGE, A lb e rta - In art of Canada’s c a tt le coun- nchers feci a b o n d with American colleagues, one n a century o f t rad e . ' a rea \«is settled byTe.xans

« a n cattle, and a u t l e have novingback and fo r th ever ' said ninclicr Neil Jah n k e . ruris 1,200 h e a d n e a r town, in so u th w es t tchewan.and otiier C anad ian randi- ew the land w h e re they th e ir living a s a n un in ter- i range’ovei^which- c o ttie r— and processed b e e f move : a n d forth freely betw een la and thc U n ited States, order is just a line o n a map. y insist thc Nortli A m erican industiy is so in te rtw in ed

t-m okes-littlo -scnse-to-d if:— tia te betw een A m erican ::anadian beef. 'H ja t’s why c angiy about A m erican fin-jinnhg following the'disccw-la st year of m ad co\y dis-

o r bovine sp ong ifo rm >halopathy, in a n A lb e rta


HM onday ,


-proof vests and other training ( he basement of the county cour Indorson Lumber building.

officialCommissionBy Sandy Miller TImoft-News writer_______

TWIN FALLS - 'I lie c proposed p u rchase of the Anderson L um ber prop Eastland Drive is on h now. but it isn’t dead.

A lthough commis • haven’t received a n answ

the bu ild ing’s ow ners c re<iuest fo r an 60-day e> on the ow ners’ o ffer of million donation , “we been lo ld no,” Com m Tom M ikcsell said. _

County conunissioner Stock B uilding Supply. 01 the fo rm er A nderson

— -b rr i ld in s r f o i- « - « k lH y -« i•on the ir o ffer to,give th e legal team m ore tim e over all tho paper.vork.

•llic 11.5-acre K asilar p roperty has been appr SS m illion .'Ilie coun ty i;

bccause th e re ’s no room (hem.

“S pace is a p re Edwards sa id . “ You ju s t r with w hat you have.”

M eanw hile. Sgt. J ack J training coo rd in a to r for t! iff’s d ep a rtm en t, w orks

• pointin

Feedlots In Canada are ove out from a pen near Iron S|

’— feedloW'and a t the monwrafford to have. 10,000. Black A ngus cow

:— W ashington state-H olsto to ;Ul)erta.

I Wliat really s team s t I efforts by som e in th e J

y. January 12. 2004


' 1 3 1 1

u M m M

J and library supplies Is ono of lurthouso. County officials say 1

Is w anners still eye

} county’s i ^ s c ' he form erjp erty on \ 'iNjrvk

hold tor

lissioncrsswer from ' ^ - 0 ^

on theirextension T„mMlkiMll o f a Sl.oe haven’t th c county’sm issioner beg in in June

pay in g S12Cers asked m o n th s -o r S- ow ners of 10 th and tin

I L um ber w ould be bal

le county’s h av e said, e to look expec ted to o

a n d would he a n d Drive ty reserves, p ra ised a t l l i e p roper r is consid- is about S55,

m to p u t a n o th e r small m en t. Closets

rem ium .” form s, equipn t m ake do enforcem ent

com es to j i Johnson . Johnson can

: th e sher- m any as the <s o u t o f hold.

g irks


>verflowlne with livestock likes Springs, Alberta. Thursday. Ric

« n t has 4 0 .0 0 0 head o toattla

a n d a ca tt ic industi to in t r a c e d - - tan ce ihemst

b eef, in dud i ; them a re b a n on imp ! A m erican pieast

l e s -4 ______________ _


of two such closots used by Tw ay Ihey are running out ol spacc

It m oreAnderson Lur

e r in g buying comgjk i t th rough a cour^ 10-year. S.i,2 cour■J-'lk m illion lease- eigh

. p u r c h a s e tiona g r e e n i e n l . aboi\vith a n inter- wou

? ,g e s t ra te of icrn1*^ 4.93 percen t estii• y th ro u g h Wells ceiil

Fargo Hank. If footth e papers untia r e signed. Si

/’s p aym en ts would 10 jm e, w ith th e county proi120,000 every si.x pro|rS240,OOOayear.'nie tinjjth e 16 th paym ents Cballoon paym ents of allo,rarh , rnmrnl.saiQitKni____m tj1. R enovations a re bee0 cost a b o u l $700,000 n a rbe taken out o f coun- but

forlerty’s an n u al tax bill ref|55,000, w hich would th e

all space in th e base-MS overflow wilh uni- 10pm ent a n d o th e r law ha\n supplies. W hen it nu)

rfw s ica l tra in in g . th ran only*1^ e d u I e as ‘I»e tra in ing rt)om can ;i\v

anada ?W I

ar fe

I j I ta____ Ci:

R P w bi■ L -

- W b'_h<

' s.

(es these cattle peering ^ Rick Paskal runs three „tie but says he can only---------b

fiistry a nd politics to dis- h n se lv csiro m C anadian . »! iding un ongoing U.S. “ uports. They say th a t J lase see CANADA. Page A2 ^

" 1 1 1 ,


coRT miM/TM rtM»i

Twin Falls County Sheriff's laco. especially In tho courlhou!

e spaaimber buildinjom e off th e tax rolls w hen tl ounty buys the p roperty . 11 ounty is looking in to selhi ight of its rem ole o ffice loc ions, which would b rin g .bout S1.5 million.' m onuy th .ould be u.sed to pay dowii tl c n n of th e lease, 'H ie coun rstimales it could save 50 pt ■VIM on utility costs p e r squa ool by ptm ing those servic Hitler one roof.

Sale (if llie rem ote properti 0 private-sector buyers won )roduce about S3H,000 a year iro p eriy taxes, alm ost offsi iing the .$55,000 loss.

Com m issioners say they' dlow ed to buy th e proper tvithout a vote of ih e peo[ liecause il woulil l>e an 01 nary anil necessar>’” e.xpen: l)ul ihe chairman of Idaho;i for Tax Reform says s ta le I requires commissionei-s to ta ih e m atter before voters.

“ We can only safely dn eigl 10 people.” Johnson said . ‘ have 10 schedule m ore clas nuire lim es lo g e l every through."

‘Hial need for sp a c e is •l\vin FaUs Counly commiss

Please see SPACE. Pog

Mad-cov ID systeiU5_Aneolos Times__________

BOWLINi; GREEN, Ky. • cow kept losing h e r e a r tag, 1 an d again, she'd .nit> agm fence o r a ta-e u n til th e p tag, about ihe size o f an

_ ca td J tlb '- fL _____ ________ ,So rancher David \Vatson 1

improvise when track ing li h is well-iliumbed Im oklet of P roduction Records. “ Big he wrote in the space se l asi h e r tag nuniber. l l i e n he d r

naw kw ard-skeld iiof-lllC -C K sha|)ed birthm ark on h e r fa

In much of th e country, th scientific as ca ttle identifi' gets.

MiUions of w ild salmon m icrodiip IDs im p lan ted ir h fllips so biologists c an U? fish ind i^dually as they iia hydroelectric dam s.Vetct;m in jec t sim ilar m icrochip: dogs and cats a nd p o t birds som e teddy liears now com b a r codes e m b e d d e d in


T Luxur cars c(

I cheap I BaghdH Los Angeles Times

H BAGHDAD. Ira<|-1 few b e lte r places in buy a pa- owned lu.x th e n ibb le sirewn sl

■ A 2002 Mercedes- re ta ils for $20,000. ; w ith all rhe c<ctr;t.s h p r ic e of $7,000, ab o u n d of la te i i R overs selling for sum s. Of course, th e th e o ther side of tin th e U nited States.

Do^vn the street d icckpoin is, stores

H higli-end car^ scarre holes. S hoppm . a re

^ ------ TtnTcrtotirhclicnptcoverhead. One hiig> h au led in empty, ru c ars to house the iloi w ho w atd i over its ii

Tliat does not b H asan Ibrahim , nu rse who is fed up r in g seven time*;

------BITglfdad'S"bUSCS“ f'ho u r commute. “ 'Ill sh e -saitI as .'ihe N ahadah ca r m a dea le rs to m ake su

lUse, di.scouiiied cars « " th is is the reality 1

A s befits the resit a n d flat desert c un til recently gasol

1 ^ u r th an w"aier. Ira -lK “e n -ca r crazy. lli«

obsession h as 1 heights since th e f

I H ussein, who kept 1 2 n um ber of cars p<!

counlry. tbe Saddam 's govern

im portcil a signific iling vehicles since 19f

m ost Initjis to a box ’ Icnce on the roads,that y f riewly

stree ts of Iratj - al an d im ported on ad

per- (foin neighliand Syria or th e s la te s - is llie nn sign ot the nation

a con u ic r Since Ihe end «

Ihe Li year U.N, en Iratj, the nation ha: w ilh m crdiandise

, th e world. Iniqis arp ro d u tis n irely 0

'ml* from satellite di.sli; to Pringles jw iato I

J Althougli th e ot ike ran ipan i c rim e i‘ fu tu re have dam i«

.suniei-s' enlliusias■. ....... once horded mon«

needed lo bribe ll are now going sho]

: " Inuiis have b e^ b a d days.” sa il. ,oi,u S ham aa, an < ission- Baglidad Univei^

'agcA2 " “ S '

IV scare sj ms for ca

fxirry ears so they to ihe nghl little g

’. - Tlie liehind on a swiiif: •.Again H.ut the lieef int ;ainst a fe lt m udi need t

plaslic each individual 1 index nwv.

Responding to iTliadTo coveryora'IIO lsic

her in mad-cow disease, of Herd S ecretary A nng Rcd,’ ___ called for a nuisi’de for iden tifica tion s; da■^v an promising techno rescent- tes ted a round.tlii face. ing here oni that's as ra n d i in southwe: ification Some bc*cf ran

h ig lite d i chips ai □n have expensive and e \ in the ir th tV re not su re

rack th e sum crs to know navigate ■duced which slel inarians how ew r. share 1 ips in to hopes tha t a nai ds.E ven tion program w i >mewith control disease in th e ir Plei

........................... 1.j, ccnts_____ L

ry:ome)indad I ........... .......... j

( j-n ie ie n ia y l> e 1 i in th e world to Iu.xury car lhan

II s tree ts nf this

des-B etu C-cIass K). a l ‘)‘)5 i:.UO ts h;ts an a.skiiig0, am ! siories ic in o tle l Umtl fo r com parable Ihe selling is on■ th e world fniiii

ee t fnini police res hawk shiny, ir re d with bullet lire distractcd byipiur^scrccching-------------iiige ivlailcr iias

ru sting railioiid■ tiozens of guards its acres of auios.It b o ther Siibilia t, a (i2-yearoUIu p w ith tniiisfcr'

m es a day nu•s“ for~hci-thTCc^-------------•‘■niaiiks to God." ih e cruiscd ilie m ark e t, grilling

; su re their newly s w eren 't stolen, ity ntjw,"v s id e n tso fa w id e I country where ' iso line was dieap- Ira tp s have long[nieir-autom ouve_______; reached new ne fall of Saddam ::pi a (piola on the , p«*rmitted in the

rem m en t had not lificant number of 1980. consigning boxy, nistinge.xis- ids. Now [he r.uige a.sed cars on the - alm osi all used 1 a d hoc inickcon- ghboriiig Jordan tiie Persian Gulf

m ost prominent :ion's shaky sieps n e r cu ltu ir, !d «)f th e u-iir and |1, em bargo against' | h a s been flooded !

ise from all over ' s a r e marveling aty o r never seen■s secrelive_reiim.________Ji.slies to blenders u o d iip s. c country’s newly c iu id unccriain miHined some con- siasm . many who loney in case they 10 th e secret polic<‘ shopping,

b e e n hanking for sa id Ihinuuu al

econom ist at rersiiy. "Now they

ase see CAR. Piii;e A2


lev can be a iu n ie d I c g i t l iftliey’a 'Ie f l tfing set.i indusir>’ Ims n c .e r ;d to keep labs on ual anim al. Unlil.

, to lasi month’: dis-p lsie ininfectedw ith-----------»se. U.S, Agriculture nn Venem an hasn a tiona l livestock______

“ system . Several hnologies arc lK;ing l.ilic nation, includ-dri W alM nrrolU ng----------:iw est Kentucky, ra n d ie rs resent thc )s a n d sensors as too J ev en too p rcd sc - u rc t h ^ want, con­ow w hich farm prt>-s teok rM any othere;---------ro federa l offidals* n o tiona l idcntifica- w ill allow them to

isc outbreaks, lim it Please see ID, Page A2

Page 2: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

Todoy: Palcliy tiujftntu) lot). . Iho ijp p o f 3 0 s K) .K)

Tonlghl: Do>:r(i;i'jni(| cinud'

^m BsnssiTodoy: Areas ol mortutui lo clotidy Hifjits nuiif AX) " Tonight: Bocntmtu) piirtly i: tnid ^Or.Tomorrow: A bil ctxjicf utu liir- :iO:i

S U N VALLFof Ihosu ltav(

^% hW g piopnrod fo( m rnoslly doui

Ihfouoli TuosU. S u B R . TixJiyHIo


■ jR '- -"I'-O Tiljpll

V««l»Tl*y'» sw* Eitwnw«alh*r h»y: flj sunny, pc

tli lhundsislotms. ili'thowots,'

I 169 A d d iso n Aver I o i f n M on « Fri 6H1

C a r____Continued from Al

_i f iiep th e 'b ad 'ilu y s will ti again. So chcy siwrnJ on t im portan i iliin^ for thum, a car."

A fter all, added Al ! who bouglit hi*> sun a I'J! im m c(?iately a fte r the Suddiim. 'irac ii i>eople hi pa-ventcd from Inlying r for almost 30 years."

Iraq i com m erce witl countries virtually ended w ith th e .start of Saddam yea r w ar Iran, wl soon followed liy the emb: th e 1991 Persian (Jiilf Wi Iraqi.s paid thousands of d

IDContinued from A leconom ic - and h t n m th e ir ran d ie s more ef

C a ttle tudiiv often iire anonym ously tlm m gh t four owners Iwfore they r slau g h te rh o u se . Little, paperw ork identifies end individually.

•I'hiU’s why it look fed e rinarians six diiys to in fected Holstein's b irth Cunadn. l l ie y still have i ab le lo locate more than dairy cows from her bii A nd, unable to identify ll e d H olstein’s offspring, tl an ized hundreds ot cal\ su re they got th e riglit oi

S ince tlinl fiasco, "Iv______g etting moniandjnociLUJ

ideu of having to p ) to a ID s y s te m s a id Biin Nei:

•- lie aiiciioncer in UusselL still p refers th e old fashii of m ark ing a cow, liy br on th e rum p w th a red But since th e mod-cow .s<

C;in:ulatiimD nnlcl Wulock. clreutntloi

C irculiition phonu Hiu b e tw een 7 u n d 10 u.m. oil n o i rccclvo yoiir pupcr bj

------- - - t h e rmmlnT-for-your-otuuBurlcy-R iiiw rt-Prtul-Oukley .....................Tw in FalUa n d Olher a rcus ............

Subscription rates_ _ - Home ikiivcfy; aaii>.aniU

per week: Salunby anil .Sund; per week. Slail iul>u-ri|<(i«nt In advance und arc ivailalili «lelivc(y i> niH nminialncd. N Idaho rain: daily and Sund week, daily only W 00 per u and Sunday ixily $3.0(1 pet

T i m e s - >

CiicuIoU on (Daniel Wa , • C lassified A *-crtIslng

N ew s....................... ; R e ta il A dvertising (M i • ■ • A g W eekly (Jan e t Coti

P u b lish e r S tephen Hai M anaging E d ito r C lari

..........* ___________

A-2 TlmefrNm.-Mn Falli, Idaho

lot). 1ln:tl V.ltP.ll)!'* ClOIKlV. Mil)

,u(K i.owMii m-f

ly skiOtT—HiqhTTtti-tliu Iiljptt-U

I lof). cntiliniJi.’it |)iiMly Io run'll

ly clrnidy . lli-J tcKis I'

iinclnr parllv i:k)udy sl-ii'i. Hu

IL E Y , S U R R O U N D IN G IV:taviilir^g ovor trio n W coupio ol <!.•' D« nroas ol morning (og. Triis will ( iloudy sklos iind porhnps n low llui osU.iyMight a4 to 3 a T oniohl'aL o**'g E nwnrn lor aroas 6l morm

ttirougli Tuosday. Olhorwisc wooK will start out wiiri plom clouds and mostly dry condi

O f f Today H loha/i:ow a4lto4S/m N O R T H E R Nf jB t i Dry nnd quiol corrf% along wtifi partly <

sKios witl toko us 9 B S S S L Tuosday.

twn«*: .tZnlLowo* LowiOolWaho I, pc'pnilly cioiicty. mc moslly etoody, c i

tl lluino*. wwind. t

meinekcar care cenUv e n u o W o s t ........ . . . . ■ •6HH) AM • 6 :0 0 PM » S a t C

th e govemmiII not c o m e " new ciire thai)i) th e m ost U nder Sad •m .w hicliis ous customs

jacked np th W Sham iia, and only a 1990 BMW licenses wen he fall o f fees, lliis n; i hiivc l>ecn well<c>nnect( Ig new cars cle.s. I’orhap?

,w:is Saddam ,villi o rlic r n c f l of Roll Jod ill 1980 oxorbitantly lam 's I 'islil- loRoiidary

wliicii w as tlomaiiti [hat inbiiniii um l '" 8 a mon.' o] War. M any 'In-' vcliiclo

at dollars tu

RrudRiiisly t 1 holp th em locli. “ It mak .•ofticioiilly. 'Ilio tl.S in.. sh u lllo d ABriciilliiroI. th reo o r------ C im sTIJrW !. .y ro a d ith o U .S .ca lllow lo, if any , a le i l lo f a S o oacl. an im al

S i i ' t a i n

'" n o S K,hail a doZL-ii , 1, . i„ ,liin li hord. „ p 54

ty l io in to c l . gnim uM iisB ,llioyoiilli. k n „ „ „ „ s R calvo.s 10 bt-t one. tl,,. cow's e;" Iw e iy u n cs sig

iLUS^d.tO.the------ Kcanned.wii]:o a n a tio n a l in Colorai'le lson .a cat- th e huge m««;tl, N c b .I Ic - -& Co. plans.shioned w ay its cattle wit

branding il m easure thered-hot iron . of blood ves» scarc. h e ’ll eye.

M;ilr rakv d.<i1; w eek..I,111) I'lily

illon ilircctor .s»ikL.> .hiIvincliHird mull all

r l^

n.cTim«-N<___ 677-40-I2 lulled daily nt 1.1

tiy hililicai.........7J30‘JJ1 l^jgiwriin«»

I'elixJiialt p C

I t j IS newjjxijiei putH urKby.mly.S:.-''') , dayum. rnu»l l>e l“ 'J .. •ill Ik pilalile only where p,nnua«iet. d. Mail mte*. All f„,,niunday $6.00 per iJahi)erueek. Salurday C,pet week. Oul of U*9>eVt

te lephone dWalodc, C ircu ladon D ireao r iig (Dcby Johnson , M anager)

Sm it, A dvertising D ins ioffin. G en e ra l M anager) . .H artgen . . . .............................lark W alw orth ........................

Jaho Monday. January 12.2004

T^nnn-----------T ad ay ~

r \ .


______Patchy log oarlypiirlly to mostly

n^illy cloudy

■High 4 0

. (m mHl(|(lMtl

^ Tempei woh ;

Y*it«ntay‘« t.ow MofmrtWoh/UJw'

‘ M T Q nocord HIgri SRMord Low

I days, IJO TiimDornloio I<illgivoway . ^ O Clluinos _ _

(( Ljrninglog J i r 15 Jan.Sviso tho L**t N«w M(

r it am ssT.

Clly HI

m U T A H ttoiav .conditions Ctmiiis 10

cloudy ^us through E o o ^ , 0 « • •• 47:

Gooomg 4? Otwa- ■ r 3*HflQOfmon 43

m«rx) f-aiis 3?KalKxA MT - M-Jniomii 43ImM leii - 44-MiilAd City 3aU aar r . : 37.

m m McCfliiuaouia.WT.' '3S'. l>ccnioiuFWIand. o n < '.4Bnupo'i

■ ■ n R«!d>uio:;7'.--;'32: n>cMand, WA 3Q_

Snlmon 20»Lai»Ci^U T.-3B 'Spokane. WA 30

■ ■ ■ ■ V 8l^>layV.-r:t ::;r.2o: ■ ■ ■■■ Sun Valley 33ihoFnis t a e r n t i o U m y it. c ciauOi.W.m missing ^

. 7 3 5 - 8 2 9 6t 8 ;O O A M » 1 r t ? O P M | lu

iment to get on lists for Ihat never cam e.-.......... - i l«iaddam ’s regime, oner* Mtims d u tie s and tax es rorthe price of most cars, tora handfu l of im port I

-ere doled out for higli coim eani that only th e wi:

.•cted drove hucury vehi- otlaps th e Iw sK onnected peam's .son Odai. whose Juilolls Royces and o th e r .saily expensive cars was cy• a n d who w ould likla t anyone siw tted driv- Sa

opulent ciU- hand over "Sle or face prison - o r de


/ consider going higli-takes sense," he .said. in 'I.S. D epartm en t o f nere p lan , still sketchy. gy

.• M th th e l)ovine equiv- sa Social Security num lxir ne ronic code thiU will stay ofi iniinal as it moves froni Di feedlot, from sta te to C(

n b irth to slaugliter.T lie wi , Union and Canada use o f syslem. thKentucky, th e s la te a n d gr

industry have eud i p u t • ja, Ilion for a pilot ID pro- ig radio-frequency tae.s, i IlFIDs. Ih e y look like lions p u n d ied through . ear, eacli one em its a .j signal, which can b eYiOl l tn ififi.h i‘Iil \ynnd ,______ L)rado, Idaho imd 'I'exas, m eaipiicking firm Swift

ins-to-bcgin-identifyinR . .. . with re tinal scans, w hich the onoHjf-a-kind p attern . . ;es.sels a t the back o f th e M'

fl:------------------------------------ 1 frJail) and Su.uby $7.00 |>er y , iiily $S.()0 |>et week. Saturday 5 . Hily $.'.M1 |<r week. Sales W*llaim\er.ilM A$IMXIth.irj!e I (iir all leliinicd chc>.'k». ^

( i n i i a t i o n . : : _________________ fci Newv (UI*S 6.11-OKll) U pulv t l.U lliiid S i.w .Twin FalU. icaiii'iiv Inc.. a iub«iJiafy of

r'paid nt Twin Hnlli liy The .. OITiciul ciiy and couniy wsuani 10 Secliim ftC-llW of5K. TllUIUiay Irlieirl'y dejij;— --------lay uf llie week on which lejjal K publlihed,■t. please wnd chanpc of li> I'.O. Bo\ 54H. Twin Falli.


'd ire c to ryt o r ) . . . 733-0931. E x l Ie r ) . : .................. - ^ - 2 - -................................Ext. 3rector) ................Ext. 4................................E x t S.................... . ..E x t. 249...........................735-3255

____ t . . ___

f— --------T on igh t-----

a r ly . ............ Scaltoiod clouds ,istly and dry

) Low 24

serature ^ PrecIv : . Yiitwlaii'*

IS Month 10 Dale aW 's r / a i " A v a .M « th to o

S2ln19M W«l*fV«arloDi. '< ln im 4 Avs.WitarYaai-

JIO & Ptooprlnlon vnl<l miou5<> iP'T' y'loon P h ases

J ]) ©in. 21 J in .M • F*b,0 V Moon FIrat Otr. Full Moon

im m m mToday Tomorrow Wadnaaday

HI Lo W HI lo W HI Lo W 43 ao pc 40.8B'rae-:43 2T;m6 35 29 me 37 30 me 34 23 sn 40 .19 pe ■« 23 ’« ” 42 j s mfi 10 10 me 10 II 29 16 me 38 X -m c 38 37 BW. 35 '85 an'4 t 19 su -10 10 pc 42 22 me 47.-40 r.;; 54'43;m e '8 2 '43 t "4? 26 nc 4t 24 me 42 20 me 34 8 -pc : 32*14'me .37.17 me 43 23 pc 42 22 me 43 20 me 40 sa me' 3 r iB - tr - '3 5 ‘a7.mc32 10 pc 31 15 me 33 17 me 34 -20 'c - .s a tK tne :37r2B W 43 23 me 40 20 II 38 20 me 44~35 m e aS'S* md: 4 8 ‘29 -Ih: 3fl 9 pe 3C IS me 41 »0 me 37.1#.pc- 31 a0-»c '.'39;e2.m c 31 10 me 30 10 II 32 21 me

:3S-.2T-'C -”3a j27. W 1 37 13 pe 35 to me 40 22 me

-.48 40:mo .82-4Trmc. 5 r .4 3 r '40 21 PC 34 25 me 42 27 me ■32-iJ.'pfc -at ie-rt>cr.32 iB mo 30 33 me 40 32 me. 42 30 tn

20 n me 27 17 II 31 17 me s s : po -.■45 '28.-{>c ■

30 29 me 37 31 me 34 24 »n ;-.»^T!rm a'28 .O .ff '-a O 'IS 'r to

33 13 me 32 11 II 34 17 me f;30''-«'mo-SB ■ 7'l1"..a7.:-10‘fnc

m m m sToday Tonxxrow

^ WCiniiOiooti 33 23 c 36 ?li me&M>nton / W V pe' M -7 ftK«kwnu 30 ?3 e 30 25 (IU»*Moa ;-<l8-27 » 1*Hogmn in '0 me V 1 pc

Many Iraqis shuddered i tliey saw a.lale-model BM’ Mercedes in their rear-vic^v ror, knowing a friend of the < tor was pmbably at the whec

Iraqis Iwast of their per connections to their cars. F r will frequently ask afler other’s vehicles, using the^ personal nicknam es-‘‘How’; Jumeili? How’s Abu Jamal?’’ .said 42-year-old Baghdad phi cy OTvner Jubran al Saffar, like il picce of the familj Saffar calls his blue 1980 Pd "Sattoota," after a homel; dependable girl featured in i Iraqi comic book.

From Minnesota to Missis inventors are promoting all ner of livestock tracking ted gy, from implanted microcli

satellite to the global positi network. The stock of comp offering sucit devices, incl Difytal Angel and Advanc< Corp., has soared in the paj weeks. ,

A USDA task force esu: that a high tecli idendficauo gnim would cost $G00 milli launch and SlOO million a y maintain. For ranchers, that get expensive; electronic sea and sm es can cost thousai dollars. For consumers, tl: the cost should be negligibl pennies per pound of beef.

— Thc-tt^nology-hasastou potential, both for disease tainment and for industry

"ciency.Ranchers who no\v lose tr

their aittle when they sell six months after birth i future ivill bc ablo to get r from the slaughterhouse years later, telling diem th 51898 produced the leanest and No. 32400, die most lust marbled steaks. The nu then can adjust their bn programs tb emphasize the

-icU ncs th?iumakc.ihem.lh< money.

The T i m e s - N e w s '


Ski, Lottery ant Inform atic

just a p h o n e c

-------- --------- Ski-------- -Inform ation

-M T l. . . o r check o u to u

--------- Tuesday----- —'

Mostly cloudy sklos

- 3 9 /2 3

c i p i t a t l o n H uiOiio* ; , YostarSayB

» 0.16- _ Yoetofcto/U)D a tt 0 3 3 - . '.Data 2.33- ' ToOn/o Fe«o •i-tbDalB :i47"'.- . 'A w a iar^

, Me and

Tu«tdty MoonrlM:i

t ifA ilS Sly Today Tomorn

City HI Lo W HI Lo. Asaitta.--"-’. SB’40-au .S 3 ’.3ar

AnnnleCffy 4i 30 me 4G ?l eaBkrora : .'iO 33:mo W .SS'. O-bnm 4? ?7 pc 4C 30Bmn(^am . S8 30 au' SO-38'. ‘krJon 37 me 30 (1Cnart«ton.SC'6J-38. W.-'-ei 38': CturU-ilon.VW 4B 31 me 45 27

1 C hteaoo-.. 30 .28 .me-35 -16.37 29 II 33 ,10

D«NW . ' ■•• 55 S8^-*u.-58 20 ' 0«4 Mo«m 43 20 pe 311 24

• DoM--- •.• -.•35'“.3*.'13- eil>!»o C3 39 PC 05 37

: FUMMa :• -..B-iaZ-'moFfliUO 32 5 me 13 ii

, Honolulu-...• ::e0:08:ih VOl'-TS- Houston 60 50 PC 71 54

) InaanaooS# -- '41 28’.m«i.-.40.22- jAduomM G6 30 su OG 41

, Kantaa'Ctt/ •r:'4fi:3fDii •••47- 20; : UsVrvni 05 43 pe 05 42 I u«aH0(*c^:''-^jj-37-pc; 50 .30:

L m A r^ > 00 50 pc 09 57■ MwT'ohM'':‘'-.’.W -40 t>e -S» 4g; ; Wrtmi 73 bP Su /4 -jl■ -3 7 25 mo 28 13'

ha.iHvino 54 36 pc 55 33, N*«Ori#an« ;v 84•'43 ’» u ' - ' e » - ; Niwlbik 44 34 me 40 21 ; 0idahoma0tv:.65-30 (10.-87.38

Oimitin 47 .■’5 su 42 27

« Todty TomorV Clly HI Lo W_ Hl.Lo

le To>oiilo 25 • 7 in 23 7 I V anceuvor4S'41. t h ' .-48 41 1 Vicloin -49 42-fii 24 21I.'.. Wtnnlpoo / . 12 -T «••■ ' 12r-2 ‘

__ Canadwhen Continued from Al

^.W pr appears to bhim ;w mir- two cast's of the 1 L* dicta- ciise. eel. “We’ve neverersonal Canadian or U.i Friends North Amerii r each Jahnke said, e cars’ "lliere's a real rtr’sA bu hysteria over i

Cars, human health," iharma- Doerksen, a ran ir, ‘'arv chairman of ily.” Al I’roducers. ’eugeot “In all reality, eiy yet l>e opened tomi 1 an old I’askid. ii rand

ojHirator in near Ik-fore BSE \

Alberta Black A tie and feed

---------- l)eiween the U. . . . Ciinada. Aften^ iissippi, I

ill man-Still unknowr

jlups to the disciise that Vf^L-by— ^ itioning Holstein, whi npanies December also icluding BSH, Scientists iced ID

“ Spacejtimates ^io n pro- Conlinued from Alillion to yrs hope to Iyear to Anderson Lum

at could Eastland Drive,cannere with 328 coa n d s of ti„. courthousethougli, buildings arc ible, just Commissioner!f. , County comtDunding----- go oui-in-searchtse cori- ling. Real estatitry effi-. diem in the lat<

track of Westerra Real}U them said this buildi

in the the company isreporus S2 million,” C

ise two Brockman said,that No. ing for a buildiist roasts Brockman satsdously kept it underanchors had somethingireeding “When this <le genet- up, at least wehe.m ost___ it,!iBnjckman_f

tell the media i

g ^ w ^ T O In fo rm a tip ]

5 - 3 3 5 0 ^n d W eather io n a re call away!

I— n ^- ----- Lottery ------

Inform ation 1

u r w ebsite: w w w .m a p

---- r - ----- J — ------------------

—W ^ n e s d a y ------- Th

Mostly dry with Clouiplonly ol clouds light

4 0 / 2 7 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :

l u m l d l t y ® p ™ s

yLo* 80%

=e«ocastUcw 71% • ^'funTfroiti’Ofil'.i.'io 8flpi'.'30'. ■: -

M o o n r l s e id M o o n s e t

icnetB aM la Moonaat: 11:34AM

orrow Today ToLo W City HI Lo W HIsarw -'O U w to-:.-' v:l7D:'‘457*u-- -7C ?t PC PtWnJuH#tii 40 33 me 4.i 2 5 '.« r-p h a ^ •.'-•74-'821[»'-7il 30 pc PonWnO,ME 34 21 me 3( 3a-.Iilii-..-naJaK*i.'. — ;'-45.33-po:^ B(

n pe flAPKJCny • 40 21 pc 4; 3 a ':e b v r.R » fto -.- :.- 84 30'.po' '6J 27 me S.ietnmo'ito 57 44 me 0: 16.B t- SLLOUia' .'•.-£0;33;|»;; 45 to me Sll'iiui 34 10 me 2!i28'aU- SaBtakaW ' 39-.22 au.-41 24 PC &viOn^ 00 50 !ii. 0; 13'. pC-.*-Sar>F»Bndl<i>' BO-BO. tno ' 65 37 pe &«r,» 50 42 me 5(•t»i-me miofin-. •••7i;4S' oo -r.

u me V/,. w.(ro■.,OC 50 35 me 51

l a : « H B E- 2 0 ^ c

39: po'-

M 'pa'.'

,LoW _

7 II Valid io Sp.m. today ' ■ y«*terday'a National Extr

Hlflh: 04mnivore'ido,Cnii Low: .33 nl Sninnae LnVu.

da ______A l — tainiiim e C anada for th e th le brain-wasting dis- cow (

w hete r viewed BSE as aU.S. problem , it’s a Minejr ic a n problem ,”

fromeai overreaction and r m in im al risk to I," com plained Am o a n c lie r in Gem and )f A lb e rta B eef . "

mcicty. th e border should imorrow,” said Rick richer and feedlot ^ g n •a rbyP itc lie rB u tie . “ cli« I \viis found in die c A ngus in May. cat- }he e d m oved freely U n ited S tates and ‘J

;nvard , th e U nited , M ed , C anadian

iwn is th e source of la t in fected that cow

vhich testing in 'ncu Iso determ ined had .;ts believe feed con-

e ________A l th in) buy th e fo rm er can’•imber building on Sl

stanco un ty em ployees, said

se a n d o ther county d iea g e ttin g cram ped, neei;rTom M ikesell said. ra»siim m issioners d id n ’t couirch-of-anodier-build-____i n J;ate agen ts cam e to ageia te fall. “ Ie --a p p ro a c h e d - b y ------1*4^a l E sta te , and they ^ n«Iding is for .sale nnd cleais w illing to dona te a pl:Com m issioner Dill said

id. “ We w eren’t look- don Iding.” . sa id com m issioners

j r w raps un til they. andng o n piiper. »nvcis opportun ity cam e of bw e h ad to look into B:n sa id . “ We couldn’t thea u n til w e h ad some- and

due----- -------------------------1 foot

i p n L i n e _

— W ealhw — ------^In fo n n a tio n ,.i„|

^ 3 I gI • ert:

i p r y .- i l lp v .c o m sta:

,______ _______________

:ioudy, chonco lor IsoloKllQht pfoclpliallon - scattorod

iQlo poss 3 9 / 24 ________ ‘IO/

• o m e t r i c ' >4 ^^ e s s u r e -uttfdoy ;3ai9 kl . Today

Tuaaday WadnMday Thuraday Mday

U.1.0W f

: ^ ' J, Tho hiQl

1 0 t w . h i l r a iTomorrow TodayHI Lo W Clly HI Lo

•..70'4S.-WJ.:.':AMOUleO 8B-04-I : 4.1 25 pc ABwns SO 45 I ?..74.-B2.'aU'-- 'AuckSand - -7 7 :6 3 I ; 30 -4 me ftmgki* 91 75 i :• B6- 31- aU ■•'. ,D«gho ‘ , 36 23.|

47 25 pc Ooifcn 40 20 I' '6 5 30^iCi'- .BuiniaAlfaA 84i 63’i ; 01 47 me Cjuo 06 52 :

47 31-po ''... Dtianfan.— .79:03 i ; 25 7 pc Cenwa 40 41 i .-41: 26 PO-V :HfiO(jK««^-;.70 63 1

67 50 pc Jononlom 01 43 | , J«<ttr«aM«roa2. B9.| : 50 43 me ' KiAwWCff/ 04 54 i

•;73:44-aii .lcrtt5n'.-.:-^:52 4 i;i ; 50 29 pc Mo.KoCny 05 45 i

m mExtramoa: /[Cniil, V.nVo. N.Y.

lining contaminated cattle pa the main transmitter of m

)w disease, but no one yel kno here the feed ciime from. Tliat didn’t stop U.S. Sen; linority Leader Tom Da.schle, ,D., from calling for a ll bi om cattle born, raised a aughtered in the United Sta ) be clearly labeled, and for anadian beef to be banr ■om America.“We all know now the m ad c

icident originated in Cunad 'aschle said lasi week.U.S. Department griculiure veterinarii elieve the diseased Holst ras bom a few months bef le United States and Cani anned use of cattle byprodii 1 feed in 1997.Mad cow disease is a pul

ealth concem bccausc sci ists believe humans who rain or spinal m atter from ifected cow can develop van Ireutzfeldt-.Iakob disease. 1 (icurable disease was uiaineu 43 deaths in Britain, whicli i ered a mad cow disease (

Iling in \vriting because you j an’t do business like that.” Sheriff Wayne Tousley unt

tands the need for space, but aid it should fall further dc he priority list after filling teed for a new jail and aises to deputies an d ot ounty employees to bring tli n line with salaries a t ot igencies.

“For three years, we’ve b clling-pcoplc aboutthc.necd I 'new jail, and then ou t of ;lear, blue sky they come up v I plan to buy a building,” Tou: aid. “A lot of times, things lone without talking witli :mployces."

Tousley said county emploj md the public need to b e n nvolved in the county’s p u rd )f buildings.

Brockman said Mark Brum he county’s part-time rose: md” development“ d ire a o r" iucted an analysis of th e sqt 'ootage, inventories and cffic :y of the courthouse buH ^n wU as other county buildi ^Jcither Brockman nor Mik( rtfQuld say just which o» would move to the Andei Lumber building! If the purcl joes through, the county will in architectural consultant t a study to see how the space be utilized most efficieiMikese ll sa id .__

Although there% nothing ' cial, Bowden said it was understanding that m ost ct house offices, including office, the main clerk’s officc the treasurer’s o ff ic e ,' wi move to the Easdand Drive [ erty. The only offices th a t w stay at the courthouse wouli

--------- Miair----- -Uuilfly ;cr«iiis ‘ - fCm ii tf Alnno .lOalioFail# *

0 '•' , Lawlilon ‘ ^_ilO_______ LiwcH ‘

Mana City— = olod 10 . . :)d showors :

» i ) / 2 5 suniay

S u n r i s e a n d S u i; Sunilaa; B;OB AM Sunaot: ■

Sunrlsa: 0:06 AM Sunaot:1 Sunriaa; .6:06 AM ; Sunaati . .

Sunilaa: 6:05 AM Sunaat: Sunrfaa: .ertlBAM Sunaat^ .

I. V. IN D E X ^ t

CIMIVIKVW 'iighor lha ii'do'irio mraiuy*«^un proluclion nuodod

lay Tomorfow • Today0 W HI Lo W City Kl Lo 'I 'a h 00 Oa.po Meacow - 25 to (5 t 5? 43 I N/vicO 111 01 I3 po 8V01 au - OtlO 30 27 I9 me 91 70 me f’.-vo 55 46 i3 .pe. 30 10 au Pn(]U0 37 26 10 11 43 .19 Sh nod.)J.«ii. HJ 7? . 3’e u .8 B '6 0 tJ nomo 55 30 12 Sti 61 55 sh .S.V1M10O 97 Ofl 13 ah 75 .04 'r Seoul 37 2t i I f 46 43 » S^urwy 0'» 70 1 3 me 70 57 me TWAAf 68 54 »3 pc 57 43 I Tokyo 40 30 • g.pc C2 59 eu. Vkmna 30 27 I4 I 75 54 nh W.tf3JT« 23 14 ii ; r 5« 43 r Wlnr*»0 12 7 '5 all 01 43 Sh Zmicti 40 36 i

60 70 60 90 100

parts break in th e 1980s.m ad Since th e W ashing

nows discovered, Am ericj, latives have b een b'

:naie reassure trad in g ple, D- U.S, b e e f and relateb ee f even p repackagedand cooked in b e e f tallo '

ta le s U.S. ra n d ie rs art3r a ll reopen m a rk e ts iinn ed coun tries th a t sla

after th e Washingti1 cow case, and C anad ian i ada," iheir business will

lo protect A m ericanof 'Ihe U n iied S ta te

rian s biggesi beef custois te in A m erican b a n h<efore Canadian c a ttle indinadii mated $2 b illion sin'ducts heiglit, c a ttle trade

two counlries reachilublic head o f c a ttle a yea:icien- The C an ad ian) e a t which also has seenm an kets closcd to its beirianl its own step s to i. T lie lomers and p ro tcc t

ll suf- ing the nu m b er of out- for the d isease.

i ju st the sheriff, prosecu offices d irec tly re

nder- courts. lU the ’ How would th a t a down ees of dow ntow n tit g th e who m ust m ake d ai yving as.sessor’s officc? o th e r “Any lim e a n offi them new location, those o th e r will be affected ,” Bi

"D urthe 'ow nerso i been tide com panies sai

L*d.for____be.mticli.qf_a.probl()f th e “C ertainly it is r t 3 w ilh have th em down h e )usley going to bc a huge ;s a re us,” said L inda Wa ll th e at A lliance T itle

Corporation on Se loyees North. “ You ju s t h a m ore te r lo b e a b le to re c

•chase closc o f business."D exter B all, ov

inelle, Falls T itle and E: seardi Shoshone S tre e t N(rcon= ---------“I*don’t-scc -th a r;quarc much cffect,” Ball s ficien- delivery peop le in < ing as more of a conveniei dings. (more) p ark ing . An ikesell . more inform ation I iffices able on line, th e pre lerson important.*' rd iasc Ball a d d ed th a t i lU h ire most tit le compani< : to do cd n e a r cou rth o i cc c a tf where th e ir custon iently , Bowden sa id the

to p lan a h ead , n o t j g 'o ffi:— y c a rs rb u tlS o r 20 IS h is “I don’t w an t to court- of loday," Bowden

g h is • w ant to look ahead cc a nd the c im ;c in stead cw ould -----------------------! prop- Tfmcs-News wriu w ould c a n b e ra ^e d 0 t7 : uld b c mail a f sm ilter(^c

— H l-U -P rep ------- ----------- a4>34:0,t>Ql----- -------

33 13 0.00'• -ZB • D:0.Q0*

30 28 0.<to*- 20 9.0TO*

31 20 0.00'40 31 0.00“47 32 0.00-

— noravatlatita^------ ------32 18 0.00!29 ■7'ti.oa’3 ' 9 O.OO'25 0 0.00:20 13 0.00’

S u n se tl: 8:28PM'-<‘ l: 5:27 PM ’t! , 6i8a P M .-;,t: 5:29 PM . t? .B :SIPM ..;;

DayW ealher,'. Inc. •;ifV« V/yonwHi ijywnailio'CMn

oday Tomorrow Lo W HI Lo W 10 0 .25 10 «- 01 BU 02 59 ah 27 on; 34 25 mo 46 r 55 46 f26 fl . 4 i; 34. »

30 au' 01 30 me 6fl su 03 e't su 21. nw 30 26. II*.

54 fflC 03 36 IU 40 34 lh27 II . .39 27 41 14 me 32 19 tr7 c '112 '-2"e:

36 I 40 37 ;■

Fron ta ___

ColdT - r ■Warm

‘ .S tn tlonory

O ccludod . ___

Os.ling ton ca se was iric an represen- n busy try ing lo ; p a r tn e rs that la te d produc ts - ed F ren ch fries allow - a r e safe,

a re anx ious to s in dozens, of

s la m m e d shut ng ton m a d cow ian ran ch c rs fear n il b e sacrificed ican trad e .Lates is C anada’s stom er, a n d tlie

h a s c o s t the in d u stry a n esii- since M ay. At ils

adc b e tw een the ached 1.7 million year.m g o v e rn m tn i, e en fo reign mar- s b ee f, h a s taken to rea ssu re cus- te c t its markqi.s,

o f cows il lehs

ecu to r a n d other r e la te d - to th e

a t a f fe c t employ- 3 t i t le com panies daily tr ip s to ’ihe ?office m oves to a ose who utilize it

B ow den sai3;r s o f tw o of those----- _

sa id it wouldn'to _ b le m ._ ____■_____Is re a lly Ifandyio ih e r e , b u t i t ’s rioi lUge h a rd s h ip t>r W alker, m anager t i e a n d Escrow , S econd Avenue t h ave to p la n bit- reco rd bcfore-ibe s .” :

o w n e r o f TVnn 1 E scrow Co.' on t N o rth , agreed!hafit-w o^d-haV t.------aU s a id .“ WehaJre in cars. I t m ay l>c

n ien ce b ecauseo f .A n d a s m ore and on becom es avul- p rox im ity isn ltiis

lat in m a jo r d d es , lanies a re n ’t local- ihouscs, b u t '.c j i t i tom er b ase s ar«. th e c o u n ty n ^ -

lo t ju s t o n e o r t f o•2 0 y ea rs .— --------t to ju s t ta k e care den said . " I really lead - b c a h c a d iL . . ad o f b e h in d i t !

;r i tc r Sandy Miller u73S-3264orbtfe- 9masicvaJlct;.com.

______; _ * _______

Page 3: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

IraqisC l e r i c d e m a n d

e l e c t e d p a r l i a n.-TAM ARAH, Iraq ( TW padence w ith Iraq’s cx forces bo iled over Sui u n e m p lc ^ d Iraq is pcltci troops w ith s to n es and a t M uslim clcric d em anded i try’s next parliam en t be i no t choscn b y local cau foreseen by th e Americar

Also Sunday, a U.S.-bac p o lid d a n said a n ongoing m em bers o f Saddam I B aath party h a d pushe Iraq is from th e ir jobs, wi la r n um ber expec ted to f

th e s o u th em d ty of waves of p ro testers - son With sticks a n d shovels B ritish troops guarding hall, a day a f te r d a sh e s h sbc p ro teste rs and woi lea s t 11.

T he British drove tl back from th e compom also houses th e U.S.*Ie< tion force a n d th e 1st Ba B rita in’s L ig h t In fa n tr an d flashes of ligi m akeshift b o m b s explod melee.

.-^•'W e are try in g to ; 'p eacefu l p ro te s t b u t pn of life o r dam age to propi B ritish Maj. Joh n n y Bow

Tensions in A m arah, i so u th east o f Baghdad,

_______S aturday a f te r h im dred:ga thered to p ro te s t tha tic s h ad n o t k e p t a p: give th em jo b s . On d e m o n s tra to rs sa id tl looking to avenge the S a tu rd ay T h e re w ere r


S teven D w oretzky’s ju xlassroora b uzzed w ith £ m in iature vereion of the sion contro l c e n te r a Propulsion Laboratoty Pasadena.

Teams of teens hue• com puters, downloading

im ages from th e red pli. o th e r studen ts assembh

granuned a m odel of i M ars rovers u sing Lego

• Olher m aterials.■Along w ith dozens ol

den ts a t T hom as S tarr K ' -School, d i e / r e creating

th e m artian landscape• own m iniature , earner , ’ rover to explore it.- ■ " I t ’s fasc in a tin g foi

know we’re on a p lanet■ Ttiiles away,” said Dwoi■ also is an educational

With NASA. " If I open t all th e possibilities, thei way to k eep th em in sd• I t is ju st o ne o f many

" e d e d u ca tio n progn offe red in schools a Mrtjrld w hile th e real a

, 'unfolding.' .H igh school studei

‘ co u n try a n d o thers, J raz il, Ind ia a n d Polam

------- '.V iiig 'w th NASA-eiiglmduring th e mission.

Su (^ educational 01 a lw ^ s b een a m ajo r CO NASA missions. But w of d e te rm in ing if lif

. existed on M ars, th e ClIS one of th e m ost fasc appealing fo r kids.

"We really w ant to c( to students th a t p e r irigly fun," said Mid

' w ho does education (

■ H

•idema]i d s a n

u n e n t

(A?)s occupying . J M K H Sunday asilted British ;la to p S h iite "e d thecoun- ibe e le c te d - ■caucuses, as i ' ^ leans. ^backed Iraqi A .^ 'vX ^K ling purge of n H ussein’s ' ' shed 28,000 O t g j l , w ith a simi* to follow. r of Amarah, some arm ed els - rushed Ing the d ty :s here killedwounded a t Q |V £ 9 % |

: the crowd ound, which .•led occupa* ,: Battalion of ntrv. Booms , ligh t from iloded in the

:o perm it a Britlih troop:

jrsuseMIP) - Teacher NASA “W(

junior high next generath a c t iv i ty -a Presidenith e Mars mis* announcemr a t th e J e t for future)!y in nearby missions

moon andhuddled over expected tiling the la test even m ore Ii planet, ^vhile “It’s a g r ibled and pro- to be 1 of one of th e because wc jg o b lo d tsan d th e ^ f in t^

s of o ther sni- Courmey 1rr King Middle one of tling a replica of school studipe with the ir has ^ n tnera-equipped week sh

JP L s d e n tfor them to w ere giv

n e t millions o f d iance to g'woretzky, who a second,nal consultant D reeing;n tiieir eyes to one of Ifathen it^ a good from -500I sdiool.” • world for a any Mare-relat*jgrams b e ing ■ —s around th e 'II adventure is - ■ [_

idents in th is B r}rs, in d u d in g ■land, arc w k - M

1 outrcad i has w ^ C r component of t \vith d ie goal & €life has ever <

e current effort • fasdnating and

0 communicate • uence is amaz- I ^icheUe Viotti, in outreach for .


flP ube,-t

.nding j

lops read / thim ielv ii to (ao i pro

;s on Sunday. Instra to rs sen t a represen- ta lk to British, and Iraq i Sl

w ho prom ised th e m al s, according to witnesses. pi

! weeks before had n o t Jv IfiU ed a n d th e d a s h»rior to th e U.S.-led inva- lyIraq, Saddam 's security mire th e biggest em ployer pi

lars missiiWe w ant to inspire th e gi eration of explorers." • P e n t Bush’s expec ted 1! em ent this \veek of plans :e m anned

to th e / /id M ars is • •

L ' t a S It’sfascinat: them toknoi on a planet r

MoK" of miles a9 ?

u d en ts whotit th e past - S te v e n D'shadow ing

mtists. “If Igiven theo go to Mars, I would go in I

ing. of Alexandria, Va., is i16 young people chosen IK) applicants around th e 1 ir a studen t astronaut pro-

C L E A R Mi e s t B u y s O f 1

C l o t h e s • S h o e s

^ For A timil

_ O i L & - F - i l t e i L j K

■pui <


protiit«r« In tho louthirn Iraqi In th is d t y o f 400,000,

S unday^ comments by Irac Shiite d e r ic , Grand AyatoUs al-H usselni al-Sistani, could p licated Am erican plans to over sovereignty to die Ira( Ju ly l.

A l-Slstanl, whose views art ly in flu en tia l among Iraq's m ajority , said th e curreni p lan to have regional cai

lion to edigram sponsored the nor P lane ta ry Sodety, co-founc 1980 b y astronom er Carl Sa

E a A w eek , a different t dent team g

. ^ work with Mi> • entists at

latlng fo r R3S"Mom low w e’re:t millions S L “ “c flW flv helpings away. ^ n,at in5 5 logging re

from Spirit^\ D w o re tzk y , .

• Smce thetian day from days on

both h a d (o ^stirk lace nights “I th in k the easy part is

ing to th e martian sch( Dressing said. “H ie hard p; be go ing back to Earth schc

E lsew here in die countiy,

fS p p S

: T h e Y e a r l [ /) S • J o w e i r y y


l i t e d T i m e O n ly !


oneB ri

i f .

ql city of Amarah members

raq’s to p ■ national assemlUah Ali b irth to an illeglid com* em m han d “This will, inraqis ^ new p ^ lem s i

u e high- rate," ol-Sistani s's Shm e released by his;nt U.S. Shiite c ity of:aucuses Baghdad.

ucate stulonprofit den t teams are inded in th e missionlagan. Mountaixdand Atwo-stu- CoUege in Oremgets to students enrolle

Mars sd* m edia counes £t JP L . from Mars to pt

a n d peratures and orozowski bances tha t coulboth 16, Teacher Davie5 lab la s t dents will devitten d in g sional models";jrie fin g s maps of Mars. IIng w ith together a CDin d u d ed about die plantread ings tributed lo otheit's sundi- NASA

he m ar- d iffers

on E arth, adjust- ■Jiedule,” Iport will I

hedulc.”iy ,54stu - • ..


i tS E ptil

y * dates• ' Sund

j j , debaiI inatiiI ; c a u aL caU.

stayiiM i r n o t c


' s ^ n grou

;rs of a provisional J embly w ould give legidmaie Iraq i gov-

in tu rn , give rise to IS and the politicaliltuatioirw ill-detcao'-------ni said in a statem ent tis office in th e holy of Najaf, sou th of

udentsre tracking d a ta from 1 for NASA. At i Applied Technology cm, U tah, high sdiool )lled in sp ed a l multi- :s are analyzing daia predict surface tem*

i oimospheric distur- ould affect th e rovers, ivid Black said his stu- levelop three-dimen-Ls-andtopographical----------;. He also w ants to put ID w ith infonnation anet tha t c a n 'b e dis- her sdiools o r used by

BON ni

m m M


)emsdel}a ime befonDES MOINES, lov.-a (AP) - T »m ocratic p residential cam Ites shift focus lo minority issu inday in the final cam paii ‘ba te before Io^ 'a opens the no: ating season with the Jan. lucuses, considered too d o se lU.E ight o f the nine D em o o i ive agreed to partidpate , wi dy re tired Gen. Wesley Cla aying on the sidelines. G a rk 3t com peting in Iowa.F orm er Vermont Gov. Howt ean , M issouri Rep, Di ep h ard t, Connecticut Sen. J ieberm an .. M assachusetts Si jhn K eny, North Carolina S jhn Edwaids, Ohio Rep. D en u d n ic h , form er Ambassac aro l M oseley Braun and harp ton have agreed to an e le two-hour debate, w here i )rm at w ill allow for m ore t Ibrant exchanges among th e c m ders.T he Iowa Brown and Bli

residen tia l Forum - broadcast ISNBC ond hosted by th e i fork's L este r Holt an d Mfl lele^te Arraras, of d ie Span; m guage network TWemundo • ponsored by blade and Hispa roups to get the candidates' vii n m inority issues before voi lak e th e ir decisions nex t vn an. 19,"caucus day, also is th e 1 ra l holiday honoring sla in c ights leader M artin L u d ier K

W ith ■ondQt«m ents_ la st_ w rom form er New Jersey Sen. irad ley and Iowa Sen . 1 ■larkin. D ean heads in to le b a te .w ith m om entum ,

_ ^ ------- ---------- T RFMafntHoOtod A n o k a Uoe


S350 P er P ersonR eqfaiar fc r ft Free A3aakt

SUePnwaalhn • Thivr


2 We’reg C UI TUES I JAN I^ ^■ -In -o rd e r-to -c o n d i

we will be close<

P P H But h e re 's w h a t

we reopen W edr


I —

^ ^ _ | F u r n l t u r * - 0 * l l t t i i

fmBCNuU flnltf by phon# 11OC Ml

' Mondtyjanunu*fyl2.2004 Tlrne^Nm. TWin Fi

N a t i o n A V

at^forl^t ■e Iowa caiT h e under continued fireindi- some of whom tooksues against him to the Siaign sion inlk shows,lom- Deiiii, who aitcntI. 19 sendees a t u Baptiste to Waterioo. Iowa, ia al

shift h is focus, spcndiia n ts ralidng about his diffw ith President Bush thaiUark rivals. H e told w tcrerk is breakfast that Bush I

honest about the Iraqward "On Januory 19 !D ick help,” Dean d ." ln <

Joe to bM om e the next ctSen . chief of the UnitedSen. taiy.”

am is In a taped interviiad o r Sunday on ABC's “1 Al Dean said he would irtend in d ie payroll tax to 1• the die d ass.

3Uck ^ Ijoiiy Lo \:s [ mofinish- A v-'iiaE& io - u wpanic \ views C I TOters S

e fed- ^ \

K ing f

"t™ f■SsR A V E L S H O W — J vtaendoarmkiBtUDdToan 5 ^ iM ^ C n d w R d c k k s ^

n Show Discount! |ikftCniiBB/rourS89Q0\n)nB

i m m • P t m ^ l C ^ o r Fr'eR a ivriDiwowm

.Jo h n Hall's

h ^ \5 DAY, UARY 1ducLour-seasonaLlnVer

,ed on Tuesday. January

I t m ak e s th e w ait w ortl

dnesday with a sto'reful

e a ls during our


:J t t :a p a n .o i t Iu « id s y _ 1 2 m c


rin Falli. Idaho A-3

^ O R L D

mcusfire from riw ls, ; ook th e ir cases | e S unday televi- ■

ten d e d Sunday tist c h u rd i near .s also try in g ,to nding m ore tim e differences w ith th an nb o u t his c n a t u pancake ish h as b e e n dis- Iraq war.19 I n e e d p u r ■I n eed y our h d p « con u n an d er in ited S ta te s mili-

erview broadcast ‘-n i is Week."

ild p ropose a cut ; to h e lp th e mid

ikdf/ Leek

Cookl ^au! j tOHkee ?

— —iR csU lug.>425-2270 Ps A laskaitnuir Touri a l a t j ^ c o j n ^

13thve n.lo r.y______________a r y 1 3 th .

s r t h w h i l e :


n o o n t o 9 p .m .l___________

Ilnd man al bonmacr».c«m

Page 4: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

A r o u n i


Chamber hosts grant-writing ev(

llA ll.K Y - ■•Musii.T H iisiis'' il ilirccd iiy jyiii w oikshop sjH)iis(»rcil by tl C li.iitibur of C’oniincrcc,

• h u ld j.m .2 7 .2 8 and29 .Till' w orksliop will c

b.isics of cffcctive gi-.mis Pailic ip .in is will Ifiin i lio" o |i n s.iiid fim dinKsinic};: .1 pl.iii fur [irojc'ct idciis wiin.' .1 sutcfssfiil w>int a} iiiiil liow to sL’iircli for poss in« MiurcL'S tliroiiKli fct: sta te orniitii/ations and ol daiicms, A resource fimd will be available for parti' look for possible projeci soiirtcs. Pariicipants are i to b rinn biiulinfi idus to w as they will w rite a prop*); of Ihe tii ie e d a y session.

Dana Myers, ownor ai* w ilh M ariaRcm unt Soli

I’oGiiello, will be th e instr has n u n c lhan 20 years ence in Rrant writing. C'

_____ pm jucLJacilU iU i'lJLJ'nd__ |ilan iiin« working wiili t

co innum iiy agencies, ui and govem m eni.

'l l ie cosi is S22f> iK‘r leg is iu r or for more in con lac t Tom Sm ith ai 71 by e-m ail at haileychai in ten tn . A d e la ile t

--------- is-;w tilab le .-Space is-liirpartic ipan ts, so early reg encouraged.

M.V. Regional boa plans to meet tod

............... nV IN I'ALUS - MaRegiuntil M edical Centei hoard will m eet al 6 |

I inside tlie education cIsK a ied a ith eo ltlN n rco l A ddison Avenue just e hospital.

l l ie board wil! hear rc th e hosp ita l’s admi finance, (luality, conimi lions and m edical exec m iitees.

•Hie m eeting is open i lic,

CSI workers put li hours starting tod

'i'W lN I’ALUS - l acuh and o th e r em |)loyecs al I of Southern hlalio will be lo n g e r hours beginn i ihi-oiigh Jan. 2 i to gel sp ring sem este r classes

- Jan . 20.M osl offices will be oj

a.m . to () p.m. Monda l-'riday of each week ai a.m . lo 4 p.m. Jan . 17.

Longer h o u rs apply t(

a id . in fo n n a tio n ’ an t offices, mosl of wliicii an th e new M atrix section o A dm inistra tion buildinj Uesiing C en ter in th e M»

, b u ild in g w illH 'o p en n n i M ondays ihrough llmi u n til 6 p.m. Fridays.

Faculty m em bers al availab le to advise sliidt ally beginning at 1 p.i an d th en fnim H a.m. i each evening llie rost o W alk-in advising for st' take p lace in the CSI c th e second flout; ot A dm iiiisinition buildin: for e a d t of CSI’s-pn>gr. aw iila lilo a t com pute tab les to liel|) ac(]uaii w ith el.isses offoix'd. tl m e n ts and th e op o ffe red in th a t coiirst S tu d en ts a iv also welco th e advising office in th to th c C en te r for New D iho w est side o f th e catr

Complied from i

Snowpacj]^Wafer jhod XolA,.^U pper Snako B asin 111

_______S a lm on FellaSa lm onO akloy 12<Dig W oodU m ioW ood 13-H onrys Fork/Toton 121 Big L o s t 12'LIttIo L ost 0!

___________________________ As ol

eompsflson o l bssJn s n « ■ thlsdsy.wfthsSO->f«s»a'«n . "A n Imllestof o l bMln s> w

th* antlf* srww MM on, «rttl(

■ ■■

I V c A - 4 .


l e y ,By K arin K(

g TImefrNowi

le rin g th e School »oi y iin t-w nim g f„r ,i,y tlie lla iley ree, will be

uie was cnI cover th e • imsiiiaiisliip.ll i iw liid c v L l- 11,1. nc-iIOBS', llcvi-liipIt-as; h.)«- lo 1 apii la ilionI " " , , os in Sint ti.lcn il .iiicl

;l oilier foun- unding tab le irtic ipanis toject funding ire requested / '0 work from . / iposal as part

■ and iniinor Solutions inistructo r.S lie -irs -of experi- ’. com m uniiymd sin iteg ic________ j i J ' r ; 'h tiiinprofiis. ’, universities

er person. To 'in fohnaiion , LMMff l

1 7H8-27(K) or B B M I :hamber<!<'cox- H H H ilod b ro d n ire i i l w w lT tm ited-iu.25--------- m m | |regisinition


Magic Valley Hospital

ti today 1 cen ter co building on I th e

r reports from

com- .

to pub-

t In more

;iihy, advisors al the C ollege I be p u ttin g in r T l nn ing today I \ \L’cl ready tor X V 'ses tha t sta rt

.■ o,.™ 8 ByJsnnlliilay ihroiiBli !!J155±5

‘ “ " ‘I “ T O N

y w Iho bookm srti i iw le it t l---------and reco rd s , “ ?‘r ^ are locatod in

'n o fth cT ay lo r lins. m - C S I Moyorlioottor iintil 9:30 p.m. liu rsdays and

also w ill bu iiidents person- ’ '

p.m, M onday xhoTwn. until 6 p.m. Councit o f th e w eek. begins' s tuden ts will n,c Cli>I ca fe te ria on befs .: )t iho Taylor Jing. Advisers)grams will be — — --u to r-equ ipped — —laini s tu d en ts , " J * " I. th e rc-t,uirc. o p p o rtu n itie s irse o t study.Icome to go to (Idaho I I the M atrix o rV D irections on ‘" ’P”

S a n

im sta tl reports


% e i screa te t

U .^ ‘ , , * . v1t1% 55%12B% 59%________________104% 49^124% 56% I (113% 55%131% 60%129% 62%121% 65% ThoToa% 47% --------

isol Janusry 11 — ----------g y

«,owpsck,on - Counclose

newpiKklor . tO a] •rttlohpMkaln court


liifi^ifftiififll^ th c I■ ■ ■ { ■ IH IQ north

o a r d nI K o w alsk i —DWS w flto r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I FAM .S - Aflor m orc th a n a >' lte and stniggle, ih e l\v in Fi Bourd may approve a new sch th e higli sdiool at i ts mc‘el

m )|)«sed “blended b lo ck ” sdi c rea ted by a con im ittec after

rsioii w-as shol down b y parei ion in March,lew proposed schedule combi l-miniite block periods in a ' p tions for 4-hy-t c lasses , wl ;er>' <lay, but finish y ear-long cl ingle semesiors, and AJii cla; eel every oilier day fo r a yea

\n e

1 1 ; ^ :

E l

m o v e s a lo n g E astlan d D rlvo Soul

win Fallsin ife r S a n d m a n n ,N ow 8 w rite r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

TN FALUS - 'Hie C ity Counc to give its p relim inary supp(

rou te on the etist s ide o f town. • Southeast l\vin FaUs Kegion len tified a m ure th a t w ould coi

Higliway 93 and N evada tro Falls w ithout driving througli I im ated cost is abou l S12 n---------------------------1 PepiKT. pl

involvemeMeeting” ,

® Consultini tonight like ly con, - . n n o n o t locT»ln F«lh Clly

uncU meclinji .-ij,.. j,;,.;ins .il5 tiin ip ,M ,il , i o n o f a n Clly Council cham. , j . proven

_______________ ro a d s rati__________________ lio n of a rickers would exit 1-84 a t tho TV; Tunsen Ilridge and h e a d low w rly Road (U.S. H iglnvay 30) I on Eastland Drive a n d thon i 10 H ighw iy 74), w h id i connects of lown.provem onts would b e needed

requirem ents for h eav y tnii and Drive where it dii>s und le south of Kimberly Koad. 'I tru ck d oarance a -qu irem en ts

ads w ithin thp p rojw scd route 3ns of th e city of-TWiii F alls, the ic t a n d th e Idaho TVansportatic c ipation of all thrce a gende .s w o th e truck n)Ule. P o p p e r said.


■assia CoiB T lm e» -N ew »_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ’

BURLEY ---------T h e — C assialun ty A ssessor’s O ffice w ill be tsed a ll d ay Thursday, J a n . 22. a llo w th e move f ro m thc

iir th o u sc in to th c a n n e x , r h e rem odeling p r o je c t a i B a n n e x , w hich is o n tho r th e a s t co m er of A lb io n and th s tre e ts , is finoUy finifihed.

O GM o n d i i y

m ay pialso includes opiio ny" c la« es lhat m i an d after sdiool i

a year hour. Tlic hind i pei I Fulls ' f n d flexible depoi sdied-- d e n ts take ‘'sktnii leveling a round it.

Gwen Jones, a ] sdied- schedule 's most vo te r Ihe accep t the propost irental ’‘I'm encourage*

s tuden ts and pare iibines lean t." Jones said a day .schedule comiwsi. wliicii th<» bo bloc

g class- alternative, classesyear. Il P'eas

E 3522

■ sifc J i

■ J

South In Twin F a lls . R ec o n stru c t

> City Coiuncil lon ig ltt w l l be ipport tor a proposed wn.yonal LoiVidur Sllldji-----------connect In te rs ia ie 84 troin th e ea s t side of

i;li ihe h ea r t o f town.I million, sa id Miko —» ; planner a n d public :inent con.sultant for

P lann ing and ting. Fund ing would rome from a combina- local and s ta te money deral g ninisyho said, basically th e designa- a truck ro u te on exist-

ids," he said, t would require i-cnienis to existing ra ther tha n consinic-anew .road ,______ . . . . ____

: TVaveler’s O asis, cross toward T\vin Falls on 30). ’Ihey w ould ium

;;n west on 3600 North L'cts wilh U.S. 93 .soulh- -

led in areas th a t don't tn ick traffic, su d i as indem eath a railroad d. 'Ihe b ridge doesn't ■nts. •lie fall u n d e r tho juris- iheTW inFallsIIifjiw'ay— — ation D ep a rtm cn t.lh e ;s would be requ ired to aid.e a se s e e ROUTE. Page A6 __

mnty asscC assia County A dn K erry M cM urraj

s ia — Af»cssor-'s officc em p be s ta r t in g to m ove s 22. e s se n tia l m ateria ls t' thc b u ild ing . The officc i

fo r a day, M cM urra a t o rd e r to m ake comi

tho nec tio n s. The assessoi m d d irec tly linked by coi ed, Id a h o Tran;

lick selions for 52-” iinu ie “skin- Ticet a lLyear both before I and a round th c lunch leriod is a l least one hour sending on w hether stu- nnies" o r block periods

I p aren t an d one o t tho vocal critics, said she can )sod version.iod lh a t they ’re allowing ren ts to d ioose how thoy lid, S h c h a d jiroposed a iscd en tire ly of skinnios ocked as a morc flexible

ase see SCHEDULE. Page A6



Ction of tho railroad underpass

luncil corP ro p o s

us 10

t i


essor’ 1Im in is tra io r D opartm ei■ay s a id . license p kip lo y e e s .a rc___ w n cw a l.s t

so m e n on- c r co nnec tto th e new p laces a t

3 m u s t d o s e M cM urrayray sa id , in m ust closefnpu te r con- Technici:sor’s o fficc is l>e in Burle:omputen> to of a ll thcin sp o rta tio n quickly.

ly . J a n i K i r y 1 2 , 2 0 0 4

•hool sMeetingtonight agcnd

The Twin Fall* * DnijSchool Board oppro;will m e e t loday progro

■at 7 p .m . in the drug Ischool adminis- eatingiration build- sion wing's board that Iroom o t 201 its coiMain Ave. W. actualThe meoling is _ • Rotiopen to the Speciipublic. rcporl

with a

to j

DSS Will b e n e c e s s a r y Ifa p ro p o !

insiders trs e d t ru e

}M /9I ^ iL _ I

_________ MOOW______ I

_______ _____________________--------------- ^ 2 --------------



le n t o ffices t h a t handle p la te s a n d au tom obile i s tickers. T h a t com put- 1

jc tio n c a n ’t ex is t in t>w> i a t th e sa m e , tim e,

■ay sa id . S o , th c office ise fo r a d ay . 'ic ian s a r c sch ed u led to rley J a n . 2 2 to ta k e care th e c o m p u te r lin k in g


Ci/}' !'.fi

sc h e d iAgei

ipr items on tonighl's School Bonrc ,enda include:Dmg te s tin g - The School Qoaid n ipfove a grant lhat would fund two cgrams combining educalion and ug testing to prevent steroid u se a Iling disorders in nthleies. Tho dec on w as.tabled a t the last meeting i at Twin Falls High School could hav i coaches examine thc program's :lual curricula.Retention - Dropout Prevention jecialist Tom Owens will give his lir port lo the board. Owens was hirci ith a federal grant last fall to help I



sp o se d t r u c k ro u te Is a p p ro v e d .

truck rout ck r o u te



Uq«wl lona/o) CBA Moat FMtlbl* Truck Rout*

..........lO rSV U CBA Intw lm --------UMt FMSlbU Tmck Routa

[s ready fiM cM urray ho p es tha t

d e n ts c a n take c a re of b u s in e s s w ith th c assc office a da:Tearly or"u"da:

“ By le tt in g p eop le k n o w c h o p e th ey can p lan a th a t d ay a n d com e in bc i a f t e r th e 22nd,” McJi' said .

T h e co n trac t fo r th e re m o d e lin g p ro jec t w as i


iiniiir. Chail tuilih-m, 7.U-IK

' r i i c ' I ' i i n

o le todenda Itemsird district retain students in

increasing standards for g1 may such as the Idaho Standa

Achievement Test.] • LIFT p ro ^ a m -T h e boa■ and nn update on a program t eci- allow tho district lo receiv g s o S7CO.OOO in litness equii lave Leadership in Fitness Troi 5 program collects confiden

data on students in reiufi (or the cost of enuipment would have lo secure a Ic

fftfj equipment, then the prog

p Iho P»» “

N e w i r

l o o k s f

i n p u t f

% c i t i z e n !

By S a n d ra W lsecav< TImes-Nows corrosf

j m IIAGERMAN -is a priority ( Hagerman city adi

* So says Todd Ba;--------28*year*old—mayt

installed this pas winning the job in cd election.

A lovs'n hall mi held som etim e di two weeks o t Feb

R esidents will sharo their conce

* - ■ j ' lems they feel exi5 1 Hagcrmuii. Input

sought on w here i | B | d for the future of

from the resident morhbcrs will be i a comprehensive and 15 years will

H f l Bassett said.Zero to lcranc

breaking the law

Please seer<n»m

About Hagi may)

4 - ^ Todd Bassett, 28. is I ^ tor ol Valley BapUsl

Hagerman. Original Nev., Bassett gradi.

-----------1 ' Marysville High Sc^Marysville. Calif.-

Ho married 'iis wife, before enlii ting in i During h iso 1 /2 years of military serv- I j R

■ “ 'iceni'e 'w ai with thc Air F=otce Fite m •' Depanment ^ 7 in FranWurt, Germany.Following his K ’

- ^ v . military sen/- K ' ice. hoenrolled al To the

^ , University of Novadin criminal justico a

While attending sch served a s a youth Rrst Baptist Churc Nev. His church po

______ ________ aie pastor, before Iisleriai posilion in

, _ He Is completing hihis criminal lustlce Boise State Univer year. Bassett volur the city's police po pan of his BSU cri

. studies.Bassett also Is a v(

“ I cr in Hagerman.Bassett's wile, Jem degrees in dem on

_______________cducalio,-^ r;nd condent tcacKIng a t H

- J Bassetts liavo thit♦ ing Lincoln. 3 . and

and Sterling, born

la t rcsi* ed in June,of th e ir T he work wasise sso r’s posed to b e fulay la teT b u t ' t h c “ com pl(low n ow la te r moved to (. a ro u n d was com pleti■efore o r Decem ber. C ourrM u rray have to d e d d e

p en a lties to coi2 a n n e x Inc. fo r th c lai s award* aUowed by th e c

U m i , K \l. l U

‘i m c s - N c w i

d a ys in an e ra of for graduation, : ondards

board will receive , am 'lh a l could ;ceive alrtiost equipm ent. The '; Training America fidenlial fitness ; eturn for paying _ . nent. The dislrict a loan for the

program would

mayor for from

n s _____ ___

c a v e rrespondent

- C itizen input y o f th e new ’adm inistra tion . B assc it, the city's

layoc__vvho—was__p a s t w eek after

b in a n uncontcst^

m e e tin g \vill be .• d u rin g the first F ebruary . Bassett

vill b e asked to n cem s and prob- ex ist in th e d ty of p u t a lso w ll be ;re re s id en ts \vant o f th c city. Input

le n ts a n d council b e p rio rid zed and ive p la n for 5 ,1 0 vill b e developed,

a n c e fo r those aw is a n o th e r pri-

se e MAYOR. Page A6

lag e rm an 'slayor8. is th e senior pas- pUst Church in ’inally from Reno, iraduated from I School a t f.-wife. Jennifer,J in th c Air Force.

Todd B a s se t t

jvada-Rono. majoring ice administration.; school, h e also luth d irector of ihe ; hurch in Sparks. ; h position evolved ;

ore he took the m in-: ___n in H agerm an. : lg h is lo s t yoar of ; stice stud io s thiough; liversity. This past ■ /oluntarily upgraded :0 policy manual os ;U criminal jiisllco ;

. a volunteer fircfight-1 n.Jenniler, h as her mentary and special ;1 com pleted her stu- a i H agerm an. Tho I I th ree so n s Includ- I and tw ins Stuart

)orn la s t November.

w as o rig ina lly su{i ! f in ish e d Aug! 2^ np letio rT "datc 'W as to O ct. 3 . T hc worlt > Ietcd in la t? k )unty o f f id a ls still d c i f th e y ’ll assess c o n tra c to r Waltoii l a te fin ish , as is

h e co n trac t.

Page 5: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R


. LAS VI-CAS (AP) - officials say a federal.' court licuring th is week < lection of law suits will ] s ta le ics best chance to b governm ent’s plans to nuclear rcac to r waste i m ountain ju s t 90 miles Las Vegas.

“ Part of o u r s tra te always been th e court,” s Sen. H ariy R eid , D-Nev., of the s ta te ’s-fig h t aga Yucca M ountain project.

Reid said h e liopes tli judge panel o : the U.S. A ppeals for, th e Dis Columbia will “kiU it, direction or slow it dowr

For 25 years, tho si lacked thu political clou th e Yucca M ountain pro. ing in Congress and \ W liite Mouse.

'llie public deba te wi n a te in oral argum ent th e ap p e lla te panel Wc on a case involving'six s su its againsi th e fedeni: m ent. A ru ling is likely i men

“This is th e stat( clw nce,” sa id Rob Lo Kenny G u inn 's top ar aide, “l l i e r e ’s still the a rena if wc fail, bu t tht field is certa in ly more

V eronica Ann M; Wendell, M ass of Chri a t 11 a.m . toda;

________Im m aculate ConceptiChurch in Huhl; inte

' p.m. today a t tlv C em etery (Farmer Chapel, Buhl).

H elen L anore Ui Wendell, funeral a t H a t D em aray’s Wend burial a t th e Wendel family and friends ma a.m. until service tir

■ the d iapel.

R u th S ugden ( Portland, Ore., mem lion a t 11 a.m, toda; Room at th e Grove H (W liite M ortuaiy,'I\vi

Willa G . Adams of ice a t 11 a.m . today a Funeral Home, 13S0 Burley; b u ria l at Cemetery; friends m 10 10 10:45 a.m. t< fimeral home.

Lconn M arie Ra Pocatello, m em o ria l; a.m. today a t the H: fith Ward. 2000 S. F;' Pocatello ; family ' friends from 10 a.m. time today a t tho cl will follow the servic< a t th e M arion. Cet

________ O aklev (Henderso!Funenil Home, I'ocai

D orothy G race Carlson of Hansen, p.m. today a t WItite 'l\vin Falls; burial v Sunset M emorial Pai

For obituary rates and tion. Tho o^nall addro until 4 p.m. ovory day

------------- -go to www.maglcvallt

Joseph Edwin H( Kimberly passed a- Jan . 10 , 2004, a t W Care C cn tc r in Kim

Joe \vas bom Ma) Lonewolf, Oklahoi F rank lin and A H olcom b. Joe m Scott on March 5t

— =------------ Elvle'S hclp.-hirfanUfe. first as a diyli H obart. Oklahoma his farm outside ol follow ed his brol

_ __ __Idaho in 1W9. Jo--------- _ o n i i : io v u ifo tJ i is - i

love of fanning and ‘ethic. O ne of his .s Joe th a t if he (jui health m iglit fail, keep working, I'l

• th e good Lord deci____ ____up.” H e farm ed ui

2003.Jo e a n d Elvie

m e m b e rs of t i C hurch and-local th e K im berly Church.

Joe is survived b


- N evada tlie legal a real. appea ls ical a ren a .”:*k on a col- N evadaill give th e E n v iro n m e r0 block th e A gency rad ii to en tom b aro u n d th e un d e r a R egu la to ry les o u ts id e ing ru les , 1

en v iro n m en■ategy h as study ing an<1,” said U.S. s ite . E n e rg jJV-, a le ad e r A braham ’s ragainst th e P residen t Biect. H ie nucl<> the th ree- also is su in g.S. Court o f ing it m issetD istrict o f find ing a p i:

it, change fuol accum '3wn.” m erc ia l re;1 s ta te h a s in d u s tr ia l lout 10 s top a round th e < Vrojeci, fail- 'H ie E n e n d w ith th e sp en d 25 j

inside th e iwill culm i- ■ casks con ta

ents before spen t n u c kW ednesday s ite woiiic

ix s ta te law- S c ien tists e:enil govern- rod ioactivc•ly th is sum - years.

O p p o n enta le ’s b e s t M oun tain aLoux, Gov. (juakes, a nanti-Y ucca d ese rt, eno t

ite licensing through tinthe p laying c en tu r ie s t

ore level in c o n ta in e rs

. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -S e

M adalena o f R obert A :hristian b u ria l an d G oodir iday a t th e rial service ■ption Catholic Gooding nterm ent a i 3 Church; vie the W endell before th e

n e r F u n e ra l bu rial w ill I View C or

................... ( P e m a r a y (U m caste r of

It 10 a.m. today M arsh a •ndell C h ape l; S eattlc .W a dell C em etery; ria l .service may call from 9 Gooding time today a t C hurch; c

W ash. -( Chapel).

C haffee of lemorial recep- T erance )day in th e Ivy Portltm d. I e Hotel in Boise side servic I\vin Falls). ilieTVinitV

E den: of Burley, serv- ly at Rasmu.ssen3S0 E. IGth St., ;__________at th e P aul

? may call from . today a t th e

Ina M ac. IIE Y B U

R asm ussen of j, 5 5 y ea rial service a t 11 passed av: Hi(^iland LDS 2004. a t h t. Fairway Drive, Servicesy will rcce ivc be annc.m. until scrvice M ortuary ! L‘ cluirdi; burialv ice a t 3:30 p.m . | . u t e N .C em etery iie a r > rson-C ornehson


S L acn, funeral a t 1 m e M om iary m ;,1 will follow a . ,Park,

_ _ _ O b

and Information, coll 735 -3278 T Jdross (or obltuorlos I# oblU© ma day. Jp vlow or flubmlt obltuarle

> and click on “Obltuart

Joseph E d u u i i

Holcomb, 85. of d away Saturday t M ountain V iew iCimberly. [ ^ E ^ PM anJi 4 .1918 , in ihoma. to Louis

A nna M abel W im arried E lv ie ' e h f l

1 Sth. 1939. W ithfarmed-his w hole----------ryland fa rm er in ma, and tlien on Ie of H ansen. Joe < ‘ J >rolher Jo h n to .Joe w is knowrt^^

ind his hard w ork sons once told

quit farm ing his

“ ill° re U re X n

ie w ere life tim eth e N aza ren e

) c a l - m c m b e m o f r i c v e l a i r ly N a z a r e n e C lc v e la ,

;d liy his wife of G5

*ls-hope-l:kingnuli re n a th an in th e polit- ra t

is • c h a lle n g in g , sh(len ta l P ro tec tio n deid ia tio n lim its for a reas wa th e site . N uclear

y Commission licens- it's, E nergy D epartm en t wae n ta l s tan d a rd s fo r p ein d recornm ending th e figrgy Secretary S p en cer M<s recom m endation, and infBush's approval, 1c le a r energy industry biln g the governm ent, say- ase d a 1998 deadline for Ccp la c e to s tore th e spen t Htim ulating a t 103 com- tinr e a c to rs and v arious tli 1 and m ilita ry s ite s le country.e rg y D epartm ent w ould vi: years filling tu nne ls foe m ountain w ith m etal rau a in in g 77,000 ions of fu c le a r reac to r fuel. The l id th en be sea led . ‘ w<i e xp ec t it would rem ain siit-e for a t least 10.000 D<

Die n ts say th e YuccaI a rea is prone to earth - ma n d th a t even in th e lelo u g h w aier would seep Inth e m ountain over 100 al; to corrode th e m eta l tors and le t deadly- st_____________________ -

ERVICES —. A lan Basch of Seattle H er ding, funeral and mcmo-ce at 2 p.m. today a t the V

U nited M ethodist of 1viewing >vill 1)0' one h ou r -W'etle servicc at the d iu rd i; Hor ,11 follow a t the M ountainCemetery in Fairfield Ay Gooding Chapel). ice

............. • ' .......... .. H o\la Lam erle Landolt o f i n jA^ash., funeral and memo- Hafice at 2 p.m. today a t th e call; U nited M ethodist moi

crem ation in S eattle ,-(Demaray Gooding V

Uu' 2

ice M artin Hagem ann of Got l. Ore., and Eden, grave- a ttficc at 2 p.m. T\iesday a t Go( itV Lutheran Cem etery in

(Burns M ortuary, the

- D eath n (a e M ontoya BeiU R N -In a Mac M ontoya, - 1a r old H eybum resident Hoav.-ay Saturday. Jan. 10. llah e r home in 1 leybuni. 201

:e s are pending and will Reinounced by H ansen Falry Burley Chapel, I


J. ThomasD IN G -Lyle N.niomas.7G,Innt o f Goodinn d ied , J a n T ll. 2004 a t th e Magic 1 Regional Medical C enter 57, Falls. U)r*il a rrangem en ts are ’ and \vill be announced be laray’s Gooding Chapel. Fu

BrruARY _8 Monday through Saturdoy. Ooodlli Doath noticos ai< ir lo s onlino, or to placo a mossogo lartos." ______________ ___

lin Holcomb - Kim

K ' ' i ' I ^ '- ' '•’

E lvie; five diildren,-Gerald ta ) Holcomb of Kimberly,(Betty) Holcomb, of Lake f

m. City, Ariz., Marge (Hugh) |cu m of Bethany, Okla.. Paul ' t ) Holcomb of Kimberly

M ary McComaS of }lan d ; Tenn.; 11-grunddiil- -

16 great-grandchildren ;h is sister Emma Edge of '


hearing ike dum]radioiictive m aterial escape.

N evada argues that one 1 shou ldn ’t have lo bear the d en of b e in g the nation’s mn w aste dtim p.

“T he analogy we dniw is it's as if tlie president decidi wage w ar in lr;i(i and only peop le from Nevada lo dc figh ting ." said M arlin Mals ^ ic l.e an . Va,, lawyer repre ing Nevada.

If th e ciiurts uphold the b illion prt)ject it would still a N uc lea r Reguli Com m ission license.'llie Ei D ep a rtm en t says it will app th e lic en se this year and th e d u m p in 2010 .

T h e a g e n c y in s is ts Y M o u n ta in is safe, and will v id e a ,long -overdue rep o s fo r th e n a tio n 's m ost h r a d i t ) a c t iv e sp en l nu* fu e l. '

“ If w e d idn 't th ink si w ould n o t have made th e sion to move alieiid." Ei D e p a n m e n t spokesm an Davis said .

A m id terrorism concen m akes m ore sense to store level n u c lea r waste 1,000 below a desert m ountain tl aboveground sites th a t a r to '‘s ta tio n a ry ta rg e ts" i s ta te s . D avis said.

- J _________________________

lenn islon .O re.).

Victor ’Vic’ M artin C enan jf R ichfield, :;ervice at 11 i rt'cdnesdny-til-Deninray'fi-Fun [lome in Gooding.Idaho.

yA lfred W. Kulm of Jerom e, s

ice a t 11 a.m, Wednesday at [love R obertson Funeral Chi in Jerom e; burial will follow at E lagennan Cemetery; friends' call from G to 8 p.m.'l\iesday al mortuary.

F ran c is "F rank” Will U u npsh ire »f Gtwding. servic 2 p.m . F riday at Demai Gooding Chapel; burial will fo a t th e Elmwood C em eten Gooding; friends may call fr< a.m. tu itil s e n ’ice time Fridii th e d iap e l.

NOTICES —B e tty B. Hoskovec- HAGERMAN - Betty H oskovec, 79, a resideni H agerm an .died Saturday. .lat 2004, a t ' th e Magic V; Regional Medical C enter in Falls.

F u n e ra l arrangem ents pending and will be annou by D eiuiiniy’s Wendell C hapt

C arla S u e O ronosBUULLV - Caila Sllti CII

57, of Burley died Saiurday, 10,20()4,at her home.

■Ilie funeral is pending ant be an n o u n ced hy Rasm i Funenil Hom e. Burley.

odiino Is 4 p.m. tor noxt-day publi I aro 0 froo sorvico and can bo pl< ago In an Individual onlino guostb<

Eberly ~


B radenton, Fla.Services will Iw held a t P

Magic Valley Funeral Hoi 'I\vin Palls a t 1:30

— Wciinesday.-jan.-14.----------F riends may call a t P

Funeral Home from 5 to -'Ibcsdav, Jim. 13,2(X)4._

M em orial contributions K im beriy Nazarene C hurd

J ------------

Todayi T j CSI tiicully IT

se m e s te r (in se ' througlfTliifiS'da;

W alk-in advisi .• s ta te rep resen ta tiv es , le bur- Taylor cafeteria iiiclear th e rest o f the wi

CSI Biwing Ch is that c a l education aei ided toy send Tuesday

'I''-’ CSI alumiii m. ilsch, a •i--iv|or 27(.. resent- , Steel". P l‘‘y (ibrough J;iie S58 ik1 need ^^„s and Scienci " a to ry -[Xvi,, tEnergy nnmu\\ stt)ckliol ’P'yfo'" a ,m . tij 12:.«) d open Auditorium .

M agic Valle Y ucca W orkplace enip

i ll pro- sem in ar. a.n o siio ry S h ie ld s 117/118.

S tHilhern Id u c le a r Duvelopmeiii 0

m em b er ciicni; so, w e 1:30 p.m.,'I'avlur

Idaho D el'lit E nergy . ,„ d Welfar " parent/pre-ailop

ing . G p.m.. Aspt “ Snake Uivcr

rL^iigh- H ju c a tio n of m o n th ly meet

lhan in ^am ouni "R ing World.’

in -i.J Planetarium .

— ------- ^Wednesday-CSl/Idahti

------------1 F 'conom ic ICtiifor economic

im isa : a.m.„ c r a l ---------- Todair—

Blaine Coum '.serv- 8:45 a.m.. emu at the Ave.S-.IIailey.:hapel - • -B u h lC ity C o i a t the cham beis. 2is'may N. y , , | , e Cam as Coun

9, courth' Road. Fairfield,

illiiim Cam as Coun/ico at P"* ' '"Kli sci

R »*U ;airliok l follow Cassia Loom.rv in a.m ..courtlious

9 a.m.. coiiriho E ..M oim iain ll

Gooding Co ers. 9 a.m.. com

(iooding Sdi--------- d istrict adinini

Idaho St.Hagerniiiii Si

elem entaiy sc Ave. N.

[y B . ............Hailey City;ni of courihouse. 2fan. 10. Hailey.Valley Hansen Citjn 'I\vin C ity H all. .WH I

Hazelton Cii s are c ity office, 24G :)unced Hollister Ciipel. C ity Hall, 2.192

•Jerom e Cou 9 a.m ..courtho

--------------- K rii’liiin i.riCommission, 4801-:.Ave.N.

Lincoln Cou

Magic Valle; C enter Board.

------------ Education CtAve.W..'I\vin I

Malta City (_________ I R iver Electric

room. 15!>N. ^ Minidoka (.

01s , ') a.m , CO'Pl”" " ' Uiipcrl.tbook, R id ifid il C______ city office. 18(------------- — - . Shnshone~!

p.m.. district c l\vin Falls (

______ council chiiml

ers, 8:30 a.n Shoshone St.

l\v in Falls , - ^ ^ H Waterways A

p.m.. 450Sixt IW inFallsJ

;] administratio

1 \ v in ~ m iAgency, not

w J)^M Second Ave. 1y ® Vab y Sd* Hazelton), 7

[HUIlom e in) p.m. T h s i

Parke’s0 7^p.m. _ _ _ F o O 0



idiire turn fo r spring

■sei-vice m eetings

, f , Ro,'ising w ith laciiliyes. I to () p.m .. 2:,ia (8 a.nw to (> p.m.' week). Cj;Club. 9 physi- aerobics


m eeting, 7;.1()'a,in.. mL^ei

.•I" art show on dis- inoni 1 Janual-y). J e a n H. 258. ile rre tt C e n te r for nee. •; C anal C om pany lioldeis' m ee ting , 90 p.m ., l-'ine A rts ‘■’a lt!

illo y D n i c T ic o ThUmpioyer/coinm iinity Ci,i.m. ’to 4:.i0 p.m ., I-aii18. cctniIdiiho HcoiiDinic 2 7 7 ,O rgani/.ation new St:

iitaiiim, 1 1 a.m . to Povitor 277. mee■irtment o f H ea lth I'tfare/CSr f<ister clas« lopliim p .iren i tr.iin-spcn I.M. Frid•LT A ssdciatioii for ^)f Young C h ild ren . ‘ . L'eiing. (>:.») p.m..

C‘Id." 7 p.jii.. I'aulkner


/---------------------------------------(;C ouncil on emj

iCtiucaiioii tra in in g gym ic sum m it, all ilay. ‘1

O n

------------------------------------- 882

univ cinnmissit)ners. - m irihouse, 20G First -•y.Council. 7 p.m .. coun- . p,ni

2().i Hroadwav Ave. N. I i;

lunty conim issioneis. p.mrthouse. Stildier j •Id.iiniv Sditiol Board. 7 cil <schtiol. (ilO .St)hiier K>ld. ton,inty commissioiieiN. 9 W.juse. 1459 Overlantl. SDuniy comm issioners, Zoiihouse, ir>0 S. I'ourih Ha1 Home. , I County commission- Zoi ourthtiuse, G24 Main, 'llji Sdn)ol Board. 7 p.m., ’I inistr;iti()n office, 507 e rs

ShtiSchotil B oard. 7. p.m.,school, .^24 Second W?

iiy C ouncil. (> p-m.. - , 20() I'irsi Ave. S.,

,‘itv Ctiuncil. 7 p.m.. jj.j SSMain. 1City Council. 7 p.m..

’4G Main.Ciiy Cotiijcil. 7 p.m.. j ,192 Main. L‘jlounlv coininissionei^. 1 ihousx%3()0N.I.incoln. |,jI 'l . i iiiiiiii: i " “ i '''■ '" '" 'I!_ _ _ _ _ _

1, 5::«) p.m .. City HalH N.bounty cotiimissioiieiN. roiirihttuse. I l l W. H.

Iley Regional Mcdicalrd.G p.m,. S age Udiim. -Center. (>50 Addison ■

in I'alls, ■ly Council. 5 p.m .. Uaft trie Co-op ctmference 4. M ain. H1 County commission- ■ courthouse, 715 (j St.. H |

I City C ouncil. 7 p.m.. ^180 W. Lincoln. ■ e -S c h o o l-B oard— Bct o ffiav fO ‘TN“Apple, ■Is City Council, 5 p.m.. ■imbcrs. 3 0 5 ‘n iird Ave. ■

,1s County coinmi.s.sion- * a.m.. cou rthouse . 425 | St. N.Ils County Parks and : Advi-sory Board. 7:;U) 1, iixthAvu.W.Ils Sdiool B oard. 7 p.m..Ition office. 201 M ain ' ^

alls U rb a n R enew al loon. C itv H all. .121 ,i e. E.School B oard (I'klen- , 7 p.m.. m ed ia center.

ingry? ;;e n l o o k a t t

a n e s d a y ’s ^

) d _ & H o m e

s e c t i o n

M ac

:st-todmivlor 277.Idaho D ep a rim en t 1 gricu ltu re p e stic id e licen: ram, 9 a-m .Taylor 27G.Robert S tu a r t Ju n io r Hif ;hot)l’s Idaho I lisibn,’ Day. 9 a.i I 2:.iO p.m.. E ldon Evans Fj <j enter.CSI practical nursing stude:

•ieniaiion. 4 p.m.. Aspen 195. A nned Sen,-ices vocation ap

ide testing. G p.m.. S hields 11? Sty,\ N arcotics Anonymoi

leeting. 7 p.m .,Taylor 27G.CSI H ab ita t ft>r Hum ani

lonthlv m eeting, 7 p.m., Tayl 38.Magic Valley Radio Amaie

lonthlv nieeiiiig . 7:.10 p.r hields 107.CSI B o.\ingC lub .9 p.m.. phy

;il ediicaiion aerobics room.

hursdayCSI/Ulahi) C ouncil

:coiiomic Education tra in ing I ctinomic sum m it, all ilay.Tayl

S tiuthern Idaho Ecoiitin )eveIopmeiu Organiziition boi' leeling. 11 a.m ..Taylor 27G.

I'rohatitin and Parole life ski lass. 7 p.m.. S h ields 107.

ildaySecond an n u a l Sustainal

agriculture C tm ference. all d U ergreen building.

CSI G olden E agle WTimen’s- b letball aga in st D ixie Sti .'ollfge, 5:30 p.m ,, St. (Jeor Jtah.-< ;ii» n b ia -F « o d i-l« c—y eani .•mployee c e leb ra tio n . G p. ;viiinasium.’ ‘R-ing W orid." 7 p.m .. Faulk:

4 THE AGE?K82-Valley-Rt>ad-S-----------------

TuesdayD ieirid i School Board.

p.m., sdiool’s business room, N. Park.

(Jlenns Ferry City Counci p.m.. City Hali. 119 E. Second.

Jerom e C ity P lanning Zoning Commission. 7 p.m.. ci cil chambers. 100 E. Ave. A.

Kimberly C ity Council. 7 i: comiminity cen ter, 120 Mad W.

Sun V alley P lann ing Zoning Commission. 9 a,m,. Hall. 81 E lkhom Road. ■

•I\vin Falls C ity P lanning Zoning Commission. 7 p.m., 'lliird Ave. E.

I\vin Falls County commiss ers, 8:30 a.m ., courthouse, Shtishtm eSl.N .

WednesdayCastleford City Council. 7 i:

l&l) Prin ting Enterprises. Main.

D edo C itvC t)U ucil.7p .in ..' Hall, IIGW, Main.

DeMarv M em orial Lib Bt)atd, 4:;i0 p.m.. 417 .Seventh Rupert.

Heyburn Citv Council. 7 \ City Hall, 941 18th St.

M urtaugh Sdiool Board, 7 j high sdiool library. 500 lk>yd

t h

' ,-\ l‘riv.itcly ()\

l-'iiiiruili-;.l l{nl.oriw).i • l*ir-


: pRormmmim

lull Kil'I'f'U I '

iT r j^ t r f i r l - n jt fn n 'id lh t i

a n i l s y i i ip a lh y sh in in i

m r h l h n r a v n i u ’iil. T h e

la ll ' l ^ i u l M . A g u i l a r th

im e-u 'hosi'-m nsafT t^~ali

a n i l o f / n s o f a a s is ta n r t

to lij^lili-n o u r sorrt)w .

s l u r i a l t h a n k y o u t

W a lle r G r a h a m a n d

- (-.ascade.---------------- — —

C arolyn A f^iilo---------------"D a n ie l-A ^ iila ,

Christina G abriel I

Monday. Janui

c;ic: ValleyA'

y — .-Planetarium ,

of CSI (lolden Eagle inse . k e tb a ll . against 11

College. 7:30 p.m..ligh— u u i i r H uggie Bears Ixpo . Anonymous weekly

p.m.. D esert 13. ient CSI Boxing Club.

cal education aenibit.ipti-13. SaturdayIOUS Second annual

A griculture Confei^e n ity Evergreen building.

Volunteer inctmie e rs ’ workshop i>p In ternal Revenue Se andS m alU h isinessl

, C enter), all dav. EveiA rm ed S e n ic e s

ap titu d e testing; 10 113.

U n ited Church on International w eekh

g for a.m.. Aspen 145. lylor "R ing Wttrld." 2

Faulkner Planetariu iimic "M ore llian Mee -oard w ith live sky to

Faulkner Planetariu ikills CSI (Jolden Eagle

ke tba ll against i College, 5:.10 p.m,, U tah.

, , CSI (Jolden Ivaglk e tba ll against I College. 7:.50 p.m..

-Ivwy ’f “ Led , Zeppelin; ’ ' “ 'y Volume 1.” «:15 ,). orge. I'lanetariuin.

Sunday---------C hurdi on lhe

Ikner services. 11 a.m.. Sh


city office. 152 S. (id ’IWin Falls Ctiunt;

_ -ers. 8 :.«) a.m.. coiSht)slume.St.N.

’IWin Falls Pu ., - Board. 5 p.m.. libnii

' 434 Second E.'“ • , Wendell Ciiv Ct c i™ . C i,y n a ll,lS 7 W .M

Thursdayid ison ' Bellevue Plamiit

Conimissiiin.7 p.m. a n d E. Poplar.

,. C ity Kimberly Schoii p.m.. in iennediaie

g a n d 241 C enter St. W.J., 305 Minidoka Count]

Zoning Ctminiissioi ission- house, 715 G St., Ri ;, 425 IW n Fills Count

ers, 8:30 a.m.. ct) Shoshone St. N.

i. 3 0 0 - - Jerome County c • 9 a.m.. courthouse..

i.,C ity 'l\vin I'alls Count ers. 8 :.iO a.m., cti

ib ra ry Sht)slume St. N.llh S t.. ----- ----------------

V iif Usi ii l-l p.m .. udvatuv n'hixluhv. ]

f/llU W)M CII1 p.m .. muti'ofi /ip I ■d \Y- ‘ c/iTfc's oj{icc c

P r o u d t o . s e r v e

h e M i i K i c V a l l e y

[ )w ncd ;iiid ( )pc;t;itcd ( Inumiii Imcitc Jerom e, lil.ilio H.VVW • {,

III Srrx'icfs • (■iriiutiinu • Mim f-Vuiuledl'uiifinll*hitn i f 'in. ini'://ht'vciiilieiiM>ri,iil.m-k-\i;r,i.<

Starts Tod9 N A L T w ia Fa

I I ts d u r i n g o u r

he f n m i l y o f t h '

t h a n k s m n y -

ce h e lp e d

. /U v o a

lo D r . ^

/ B o is e

■larroj— ■—' V il la s e n o r

(luify 12.2004 Tln»»-Nm. Twin Fi

,igle m en’s bas- D ixie S la te

n.. St. G eorge.' ___

rs N arcotics kly m eeting . 7

lb. 9 p.m ., physi- tibics room.

al . .S u s ta in ab le ieien'ce. iill day.UK)me ta.K prepar- isp o n so red by

.• Sen-ice. ;V/\RP ;ss ncvelopnieu t l-'veigreen A0(>. ces vticational 10 a.m .. Sh ields

ird i - tif God ckly iiK-eling. 10

' 2 .Uld 7 p.m., iriuin.M eets th e I 'v e”

tour. 4 p.m ...irimn.Igic w om en's lias-i V i s i f S t iM f .III,, St. George.

:agle m en's bas- I P ix ie Stat«- tn.. St. (Jeorge,

•lin: M.iximum > p.m.. J'aulkner

lie Rock wi'cklv .S h ie ld s 114.

Hincil. 7:.») P,m.. ;.(i00W .u nty comiuissioii- courthouse. 425

P u b lic —L ib ra iy .............hnu y bo rti room,

’ Ctnincil, 7 p.m..Main.

lining and Zt>ning ;,.m..City H all. 115

:hool Board. 7:45 iaie -sdiool libiar>-,IV.unty P lanning and usion. 4 p.m.. court- ., Rupert, m nty commission-

ctiurihousc. 425

ty comniissiont.-i's,.. . ise..l(K) N. Lincoln.)unty conimission-

ctmrihousc-. 425

; I'om p ilc il fis. 'Ihc 7'irnis-jVi’iiv M i .v n fim i t / ic tnfor- fig t/ie (ipi)iopiuiU ' v v iiueniliiiK-

- yiiuiiniiv BllM1le^s ; • (Jtl.S) ,U4-4. . .'i

\liiiiiiiiii'iil\' T/u\ry

[bday la FilIJ • 7 5 4 -2 9 0 00 rail'Ave . Mine A irley • 67»-7600,01 tUM lt>tK Sitcft J

Hn Falls. Idaho A-6

Page 6: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

- M a ( ; i ( - : V a i .

Legisk^ — 'I'O C A T E IX O ------- fAP

l-nwm;ikt’rs aRaiii ;irc liikii wilh iim iilfiir Im in n rc^ii ciiitiK iheToiiKliiniin iHwii pcliiioiJ iis unsaff.

IJomia Hoc, IH ’ocatcl Hal Bumicrson. K-Mcriili lead ing llic iiiici.itivf spai I’oca tc lld naiivc An I liciiih in tliu 'roiitihmati c lion in 2002.

Biindcrson waiiis lij-liu la tiim s for com ia-tilors’ iiiui lo fiisiire laxpaycis sIioiiUIlt llic cosls of S.ifcl iiics aiul liccnsiiiK fees,

}lc took up Ilu- issues l)iit eiuied up scrjppiiiK

EnvirosL a r g e n u m b e r s i w a n d e r o u t o f p i a n d b e k i l l e d

BILl.IN(;S. Mont. (AI>; Y eltnw sionc Nalioniil bison population at ils level in years, some envi la lists fear huj?e numbei beasis will w in d e r into I th is w in te r and Ix* kille nam e of controlling disci

recen t spell of harsh w hard w in ters historically to m ure bisoii leaving ill searcli of -food - and f« officials will take a h against bison after a ca ttle herd was found willi brucellosis, a dist

— present-in.lhe-Y ullow su herd. .

•‘We’ie in for yel ;ino ie r o f trag ic and uni killing by s ta te and fedi cios- m ism anaging biso perceived r isk of the inn

___ _ o f .b n Jc e llo s is .tu .C iil tlc "S clm bert. a wildlife bic 'I'hc F u n d for Animals,

Officliils w ilh the j M o n tan a ’s D epartm

‘ • Mvesrock said that; w fiin 't predict just lunv tl will play out, they will ( necessary to minimize ii they say is r e a l ’Hiose iu inc iude cap tu rin g ani bison for th e disease nn

I jinimids IO slaughter.' U n d e r a jo in i sia l

b ison nianageineni pl; iliat cannot he hazed I

, th e pa rk are cap tured n■ for brucellosi-s. Animjil

Police, 1C o n f e r e n c e b e g in L o s A n g e le slo s Angales TImea

. LOS A N G K L K S- A

a g a in s t o rganized crim c o u n te r te r ro r is m effo

• b e c re a te d to fight strc •fed e ra l a n d local law m e n t o ffic ia ls said Sunt s ta r t o f a tw o duy conf

■ Ix)S A ngeles.• T h e conference , spoi th e L os A ngeles

, D e p a r tm e n t nnd th e o rg an ized to h e lp cha s ta n d in g p ercep tions e x p a n d beyond th e ir t: te r r i to r ie s .

G angs o re growing, m o re soph is tica ted nni in g " _ in to ,medium* a

_______sizcd_citics._offic ia ls_. .law -cn fo rcem en t agen

fin d a un ified approac

ReactioBOISE (Al>) - Advo

new convention cen ter say a report released should encourage w te r S35.5 millioil building

---------- m onth.----------- -------------T h e G reater Boise /

D istric t pa id SfiO.OfK report,-according to p r

Ciirtlnuetl from A4 ority, B assett said.

J‘I f you w ant to cook d ru g s, sell d rugs, Haj n o t go in g to bc th e p h h e sa id . “If you gel p'

------ “ '.'for d r iv in g u n d e r theyou a r e go ing to gel ci I f y ou g e t cau g h t for p y o u ’r e go ing lo ja il."

A s m ayor, B assett s• p ro p o n e n t o f solving w h e n th e y arise . go in g to ta b le th ings i B a sse tt sa id . “I f there lem w e n e e d to d ea l w


A-6 TltrwvNewi. Twin F»l!i, Id

d . i ; i ' : Y A V K . s ' i '

atorsni ' I t t

L'gulaiions. ij^L egL S lat Dxing com- ^ 2 0 0

ltclll». iuul .ucipiiikcd l)V rc(iu inng an jI l.igniii>’ in ld iih o h c e in com pcti- fessional.

Tougluiiiini h u r regu event is strirs’ siifcty. Biindcrson w'ns will noi k -tw een th e iift'ivuKM s ‘n ic ld i ih o i

reg u la le s pes in 2<H).<. niaiches. whiiig Ihc bill lions an d loc;

s predicts m a y p a r k

\ P ) - W ilh lal P a rk ’s ils higliesi nvironnicn- ibcrs of the to M ontana illcd in th e

iccrns is a_______________ jI w ea th e r - illy have led 1 liie p a rk in1 fears th a t A bljondlgs I h a rd line Mont. With a a W yoming envlioninenta

vstone b ison .. po.sitive a rt th e park 's

m o th er win- Jiniiftiu n n ecessa ry early spring ede ra l agen- stray in lo ^tiso n -o v er_ a----- w iihou t beir.insm ission Rick WidleIc.’l s a id D.J.____ at Y d lo w ubiologist for 'n ie re arc Is, bison in thee p a rk ;ind cials say is i • im en t of decade., w hile they Ih a t wo: IV th e season like Tony Jt ill do w hat is of la rg e niu ’.e a risk th a t he considei L 'iiciionswill ty if th e wi an d te s tin g quickly ovc nnd send ing era l officiiil

“ I l h i n k ’ita te -fe d e ra l up for a si p lan , b ison deadly fo r t

;d back in to sen io r dire d a n d te s ted Rockies re mills testin g Piirks Cons

feds calle g i n s

niiiny d iffc and i t ’s a g p ro b lem ."

-------------------Chief WillA n a tio n a l B ra tto n

, t h a t - u iw i ------ “ l l i c r c ,.jr im e a n d in m u n ic ip a lif fo r ts m u st tb e co u n tii tre e t g angs. cim solviluw -enforce- w ith o u t hu n d ay a t th e th .. fe d e rajn fe re n c e in We co u ld <

m ore in cip o n so red byles P o lice B ra tto nHe FBI. w as « lb e r orh an g e long- Pins a s gangs b e tw e e nir tra d itio n a l g a n g eff(

s tra te g y inIg. b eco m in g w ell a s ia n d “ m ig ra t- such cases. a n d sm all- pool th e irlU .n id . nnd “ W c dor■encies m ust c a tio n an jo ach to com- Ashley, as

9ns vary (ivocates of a ag e r P a t R te r dow ntow n 'l l ie si ed th is week hoiweCoof itere to pass ii company. ; ng Iw nd next to o th e r t

______________ .fa tv s_ « ^ le A uditorium within a mi000 for llie ler, iirca i> pro ject man- costs a n d a

T lie , cit p ro b lem

ok d ru g s , u se Subdivisic H ag e rm an is U m ek . a \ p la c e to be." S p n n g Val

1 p u lle d over th e C ity h e in fluence .— c o v e r for I c ite d for it. p u m p sus >r possession . Y ear’s Daj •• ' T h e cil> t says h e ’s a s ion ab o n g p ro b lem s A lth o u g h•‘W e’re n o t c ia ls s ta te

gs an y m o re ," tem d id me re ’s a p rob- th e pro]1 w ith i t .” a llow ed tc

I .

I, Idaho Monday. Januaiy 12.2004004 TF

nay tigtaho prin t d. Me pro llatlire liiid formed a itec

dnifled sever- safiid versions of - , hcil e g i s l a l i o n 1

,iny Imxing event he ld Toi; c ith e r am ateur o r pro- the

;in officiiils say th e ir <illis tric tly an iaieur, b u t Ictiw'ants more definition pin

le two touniam cnis. saf10 A thletic Commission Wi

profcssionid bo.xing iini.'hile prttw uiLorgani/a- slo ociil governm ents over- coi

it tough r

Ig s u n d er th e sn ow to g ra ze Insidi h a h igh n um ber o f b is o n ro am ing n ta l l s t s fea r th a t th e h a rsh w in te i I to d ead ly co nd itio ns (or th e an lirare sen l lo slaughter. If-------t 's population exceeds biiiftals by la te w in ter and Ming each yciir, bison that L:j M ontana can be k illed b:be ing lesled first, said iilien, a wildlife biologist b/Slone .____________ _________da re now more than 4.200the piirk, which p ark offi- llis th e higliesi in nearly ii ai

wworries- conservationists nI Jew ell. l i e said th e exit pnum bers of bison - which bders a very real possibili- w w in ter is severe - could

jvenvhelm stale and fed- ll ;iids outside the park, tk we’rc selling ourselves ti

situation d ia l could be iij r t h e bison,” .said Jew ell. airec to r for the N ortheni cregion <if the N ational h

inservaiion Association. 1)

11 for nati1. 1- ike a cancer th a t has I ffe ren i sm aller cancers,I growing ," LAPD

' '" '“" J ; G angs are gis no h p r n m i i ip -W Vil 1 tt 11

la liiy in .n try th a t S O p h is tic U tl lve th is

h e lp a i ‘migrating.*ral level.d do a lot m edium -' sm all-sized

“ t f ic S officialsp a ra lle ls

n a m i- '•ffo rts and an ti-m afia :f in th e 1980s i in d ’90s, a s (5 c o u n te r te rro r ism . In t ses, agencies a t a ll levels j .*ir resources. i io n 't have tim e fo r d u p li- ' : iiiiymore,’’”sa id ‘G ran t“D. i ass is tan t d irec to r of th e i

on capita]t Rice.

siudy Ijy PricewiUer- jopeR , a global consuldng y. .said ihai in comparLson r regional markets, Boise4H In ten ns of hotel rooms____mile of the convention ceh-

I iwpiilaiion, low per diem d a ir accc-ss.

c ity has had ii sew age n in th e S p ring V alley ision very recently . John a p ro p erly ow ner in th e Valley Subdivision, asked y Council last w eek to fo r-d a m a g e s h is s e w e r— sustained d u ring a New ■)ay pow er outage.:ily ann ex ed th e subdivi- b o u t n in e yea rs ago. gh th e H agexm an bffi- a ted th e subdiv ision sys- I n o t m ee t c ity s tan d a rd s, r o p e r ty ow ners w e re I to hookup to c ity servic-

hten bcsce-iim ateur-fvents.-H undei proix)Siil would req u ire :m ac ited organization to under an y a m a teu r event, ensurini sa fe ly iuid regulations of 1 h e ld in ih e state.

Il could also p revent event Touglinian from tak in g phi th e stiite.

Hunderson plans lo exa a lte rn a te w-ays of fund ing llii Ictic commissicm to ensure piiyers will not shou lder co: sa fe ly m eiisures o r licensing W iihout an ath letic commi iind its jurisdiction over p s ional boxing, local govcmr could be liable in insianc

road ahc}■ ■k . . . i.

is lde Y ello w ston e N a tio n a l Park ,Ing Y ello w ston e N a tio n a l Park , n te r a n d c u rren t p o litic a l cllmai in lm als .

So f;ir t his w inter, one bis b e e n k illed , a cco rd in g t M o n tan a D eparim en i Livestock. ImIsi season , iibo b ison w ere sent to slaugliti in th e w m ter oJ 2001-0, b iso n w ere slaughleret: depiirtm eiil said.

----- JosirO .slrerrircbordinatcIhe Buffalo Field Campai ac tiv ist g roup th a t tr ie s lo \ w andering bi.son, believe;: n um bers of bison will lea p a rk , p a rticu la rly as beg ins , and tha t m any ol w ill die.

“ 'llicy are a lready gunn them ," he Siiid.

O shcr and S chubert arc th o se who believe th e bni( in a Wyoming c a ttle herd ap i)aren tly not re la ted to could cause officials to h a rd e r line w hen dealin l)ison th a t e n te r M onu

tional amF B I’s C rim in a l Investi D ivision.

T h e FBI’s partic ip a tio n sco red the m a k e gar

: grow ing,

; a t e d a n d ^

in g ’ i n t o 'll'-’ " '"S '® a re a offic

m - a n d ■ iio iies i» ii, . . an ii-g :ing

:ec l C ltie .S , ac ro ss the 1 . S ta te s .

US S tiy . spokesm aiM cLaughl

B ut 0a d m it te d th e re a rc still c le s to b u i ld in g a i a p p ro a c h lo fi g a n g s .S ta te s a n d c i t i e s ; in g tig h te r b u d g e ts , Tei a l e r t s d iv e r t local

— re s o u rc e s —P o licc -d ep u r in m ed iu m - iin d smal

al city conBut A.ssociiUcd Innkec

Idaho spokesm an Chuck said the repon doesn ’t pii a rosy picture.

H e sa id w o rr ie d if t j e c t e d in c re a se in u se d

— m n re r ia liz o —ta x p a y e rs so m eh o w sh o u ld e r th e

E verett, ihe ojH:rations i

es. D uring th e re c e n t po u re . befo re th e city g( co u ld be s ta r te d , sewage u p in to U m ek’s line be w as not e q u ip p e d w ith a valve.

..........C ity -o ffic ia ls. .will. dcw h e th e r th e c ity o r the to r, w ho in s ta lle d th e li p u m p , is respo risib le as possib le .■ “ T h e re a re th in g s th b e e n d o n e im p ro p e rly i o v e r th e la s t 10 to 2 t h a t n e e d to b e con B a sse tt sa id . “ I f th e t

oxing nienan 's-,,, d e a th or-injury.-accrcd* Tlie commissicr>vrite financed by liceiing the perccnt a i t of iif Ik)uls Bunderson is con

out-of-stale pronnts like ing pay-per-viewiliice in said this legislati

lutional tests in <xam ine Tougliman foithe ath- said that out ofire tiix- an ts figliting incosis of competition, onljng fees. Tlie comiwiititmission th ree cliisscs. d eprofes- rience. and offic

nm en ts o ne figliting sonnces of e n t class.

ead for tM ontana loses i

^ losis-frce status would have to screening tests

j g S W ih e ir cattlc. jW fe S Karen Coopet

for the Livestc said decisions i several factors, i conditions and bison Involved.

V W anderingmncliers and st

3 B | H cials who worry S Ik H infect cattle he

-------losiiftr»-diwaK«------------* to abort th e ir undulant rk. The bison deftk, some bas never bee

case of bison tn losis to cattle in

If M ontana c )ison has infected, ii coui ; to th e rating econon- ni o f Steve Pilclier,e: bout 250 id em w iih “ ••i^-And Stockgrowers A -02, 199 “It’s not o u r I ed^ Ihc j,

Notional P a rk . 'i io r r a ih

'■ "S";™ ih a l 's lh c fa r th , op ro lccl

S v he P - k ™ a e o v

o lllK -m ,R esearcher J

m ing for ^ ‘®on a But he said h e ;

rc am ong ‘I'S “no real d tniccllosis losis issue anyird, w hile ns there are jirto bison, cellosis, it w3 take a Knight, an exteing w ith c ialist at liana. If University in B

iti-gang es tlg a tio n c itie s lack dii

an ti-gang eff«)n u nder- such a s Lo1C goal to Chicago, con.‘an g vio- e x p o rte rs olm atter o f nationw ide, concern . In addition,sa id .T h e a lly recognizhas fou r g an g cn m e . g s tjuads Police d e p iA ngeles. c ities se n t nit in a n y ’ th e c o n fe re rfice, a n d D epartm en t tI increase o f A lcohol,Ig s lin g s F irearm s, an(le U n ited M ost o f th«

FBI closed lo th elan M all m edia, hlin said . Bratton saico ff ic ia ls o rganizing llill ob sia - a fte r he a rr iv

u n if ie d in 2002, andfig h tin g w ith FBI Di

s a rc fac- M ueller IU. I 'crrorism 'I\vo m orei p o l ic e ------p lanncd -thaLu r im e n is ------m unity-leadeila ll-s ized h e said.

nvention (cec|)crs o f for Amerilel 1 :k liverelt ■ cem ed witli i paint su d i what is now di

if the convent ' th e p ro - said if an e.> : d oes n o t ccnicr Ls such:r s -m ig h t------ valc-industiy-le co s ts . build il and IS m anager gain.<!.

low er fail- not a c c e p t t g en e ra to r they a n n e x i ge back ed Ihc first plac jocause it Bassett ant a shut-off M ason a n d

adm inisteredile lc rm in e____(lu ring .las twle conirac- ing by re ti lines a n d Nor^vood.

us soon a s Scott was Mason was i

th a t h a v e position p rev y in h a s te . ing Councilm 20 y e a rs , Tlie term s ap

) r re c tc d ,’’ C ouncilm a I c ity d id elected presii

•ules ^ission is cu rren tly ^cense fees and a 5 ^ ^f adm ission prices. ^:onsidering a fee for By fi•om oiers broadcast- ' Tlmt cw in to Idaho, H ea tion passed consti- /Vin o th e r states. o ld :fo u n d e r Art D orc Jamof 100,000 contest- • Cityin th e 24-year-old nes*

nly seven have died. couiition is divided in to Novd ep en d in g on expe- Mficials p rohib it any- forr;om eone of a differ- Stai

attc Smj the

bison iYea

s its official b n ic ^ - tu s, s ta te rand ie rs ;o u n d e rtak e costly i u s w hen they sell

;)cr. a jp6kesw om an ^ io c lT D e p a rtm e n i, s w ill b e based on ^vili s , inc lud ing w eather saic nd th e num ber of be Id. F ; b iso n con ce rn Gui s ta te livestock offi-

rry th e an im als will h e rd s w iih brucel- O

.•ir c a lv es an d can Tho m t fever in people,le fenders Siiy th ere 1leen a docum ented rehtransm itting brucel- son

! in th e wild. wila ca tt le w ere to be ^}uld a lso have devas-____ perom ic e f le c ts , sa id like; execu tive vice pres- mu1 th e M ontana Mu> A ssociation. 10/i r ob jective to elimi- ma

from Yellow stone _k. Wc re a lize they’re ^of o u r history a n d ^ th e si th in g from o u rlid. “ B ut we feel th e ^lovernm en t have a j®’’ y to add ress th e dis-

r J im K night, who’s 1 a t th e park, agreed. le sees officials mak- d e n t" in the bnicel-

ly tim e soon. “As long jiny b ison w ith bru- ‘ j w ill sp read ," said

x tension wildlife spe-M o n tan a S ta te

1 Bozem an. , ‘jlas

effort ‘ifor

d ir c c l c o n ta c t w iih lo sfforts in b ig c itie s ca: L os A n g e le s a n d m s id e re c l th e ch ie f V o f g a n g a c tiv ity

tn. th e re is no nation- . ' l iz e d d e f in itio n of

• p a r tm c n is from 11 re p re se n ta tiv e s to ‘ ,

r e n c c , .as d id th e t o f J u s tic e , B ureau o l. T obacco a n d m d o th e r ag enc ies . ' th e c o n fe re n c e is jjj h e p u b lic and new s

rea id th e LAPD began

th e ev e n t sho rtly rived in Los A ngeles “I nd a f te r a m eetin g J D ire c to r R o b e rt S.

Clre c o n fe re n c e s a rea u w ilL in d u d e _ c o m :------ (?(Je rs -an d -re sea rd ie rs ,------ jj,


center Ii\ Inns, said he is con- h a fu tu re increase lo ’ d ie 4 ixircent room tax en tion cen te r fails. Hee.xpanded convention P'

ich a m oneymaker, pri-jy -w illing-io------^id reap tlie finandal


t th e l in e s , why d id X t h e su b d iv is io n in I l a c e ? " ^and counc ilm en Jo h n id J im S co tt w e re C •ed th e oa th of office; w ee k ’s c ouncil mee^^____e<"e tiring M ayor J im p

vas re -e le c te d a n d qi s e le c te d to fill th e p: c v io u s ly h e ld by re tir- d Im an L yle C om elison.a r c fo'r fou r years. lc n a n P e te W eir w as tl 2s id e n t o f th e council. ti

New mei MbionCly M a ry L y n n e B risto l Imes^^ows correspondent

/VLBION - It wiis out w ith lid and in w ith the new during Ianuary m eeting of the M l i^ity Council as,unfin ished b less was com plc icd -befo re ' :ouncil m em b ers elcctcjd 'lovem ber w ere sworn into off

M ayor Don D anner recogni o rm er C ouncilm en Bi Stauffer, w ho was unab le m e n d th e m eeting, and Dai Smyer for th e ir yciirs of servio ;he council.

Don Bowden. Jactiuc Wliit ind Rick Miihoney were s\- into officc by City Clerk \ Yeaman. H ie council ele< Bowden as council president

O ther council inc cd:

• F ire s ta tio n - Diinncr rei ed a construction conferencc the fire h a ll p roject had to bc celed of the sno'vy ro As soon as w ea ther jillows th e will bc p laced on the buildinf said, T lie fire hall Is sd iedule bc fin ished In Febniary.

Fire D isirict Commissioner G underson asked that e lec ir

Symphony sliThe Times-News ‘

TWIN FALI>S - The rehearsal for the spring 2004 son of the M agic Viillcy Sympl will be he ld ’Hiesdiiy niglil.

M iisidans - string, wind percussion pliiyers - who w lik irto -p laysym phonic-orehe music a re encouraged to cor Music D irector Ted H adley iit 1079. Bolh adults and stud may partic ipate .

B o i s e m u r d iBOISE Al») - l l i e m urder

for Azad A bdullah, w hidi w begin M onday, has been | poned again.

A bdullah, 25, is d iarged m urdering h is \^ife, Angie Octolier, 2002. then setting fi the ir hom e w ilh four chil a sleep in side . The ch il e.scaped unharm ed.

H e is charged w ith firsi-de murder, arson, lUtempted m i and four counts of d iild c r germcnt., ‘n ic tria l, originally slatet last May, is now schedule begin Feb. 9 in from of 4 th DiiJudge C heri C o p se y ..............

Ada .C ounty prosecutors a for the la te s t delay for m ore 10 process new evidence ir c a s e . '

Senator leavesBILLINGS, Mont. (AP) -

M ax B aucus, D-M onl., -w laaw »d-fw m a h unpita l.Su IWO days a f te r h e had surgei a head in jury , a spokesm an

Biiucus, 62, was re leased th e M ayo Clinic in Scotti Ariz., a n d p lan n ed to fl W ashington , D.C,, on M o spokesm an B arrett K aiser s: Billings,

B au cu s d id n o t t a l l re p o r te rs Sunday , b u f ma so M onday o r ’I\iesday, K

R o u t e _ _ _ _ _ _Continued from A4

L earn in g w hether th e G o u nril-can-lcnd-iis-supp(

- th c -p ro jc c t-^ a t- th is -p re lirr stage will he lp dcicrm ine h proceed.

Im provem ents to existing surfaces w ould vary. Exisiin faces in som e areas may bc to h an d le heavy truck traffi others m ay need to b c rc said D evin Rigby, an en{ with th e sta te 's D istrict 4 p o rta tion office in Shoshoni

In o th e r business, th e c<m il:__________________

• C o n s id e r a lfo c S38 .300 to h ire W c A p p ra isa l a n d In v es im er Inc . to a c q u ir e r ig h ts o f w 31 p a rc e ls fo r th e w iden i W a sh in g to n S tre e t Irom £

S c h e d u l eContinued from A4

Jones d oes n o t like th e "I e d .b lo c k ” schedule's long

“ p en o d 'a 'h d f e a rs 'd ie re 'w u be enough “ skinny" d a s j accom m odate students whe practice in certa in subjects d a lly m ath , cveiy day.

T he schedu le committei last w eek to condnue ironii th e d e ta ils o f the actual tim es in th e proposed sched

mbers j’< 5ityeou

and th e p ro p an e hooked up soon tc

-------- when w orkers movi,, , l ,e ish tlic 'p ro jM .

• E lcc tnc b i l ls - J liio n t o a s r e c d t o a d d ^

busi- city ordinance, alioic ' t h e - partic ip a te 'in a "1d in for th e ir difticc . Th»' S draigTigdijiized w orth of elB ren t people don’t have'ilc to higli w in ter b ills if)arrcn electricity,ice on * B udget w ork se

m embers schedulelitini! budget rev iew 'S W ednesd iiy ,F cb lfM ary * M eeting chan

iec ted for tbe February ciI wns changed to thenclud- at City Ilall.

* E lectric reques •eport- Bowden rep o rted t ice on ing w ith rep resc )c can- Raft R iver E lec tn roads. mined it would b c I le ro o f to prov ide e lec t ng, h e Johnson, Johnson i lied t o ; ciglu acres south e

•" ponlon of w h id i is •r D on its, Jolm son h ad as iric iiy chy e lec tric scr

lates first rehTlie first rch ean

for 7:30 p.m . in f irs t Southern Idaho Fi

)4 sea- auditorium , phony Tlic sym phony, i

lion of g u e s t < d a n d Kedvin C all, \vill w ould gram of o rch es tnle s ira l------including-D vorak’o n tac t sym phony an ill 733- “F irebird" o n Feb. aden ts im ’s a n n u a l po;

planned fo r April

lertrial sees•r tr ia l The n ia l has p \vas to ’ delayed a t th e r

post- sides d ue to th e \ evidence in th

J w ith Abdullah g o t new 'ie , in whidi c ontribu ted fire to A ngie A b d u lh

lild ren dead in th e fami lild ren hom e ea r ly in t

Oct. 5, 2002. Azat d eg ree investigators he n u rd e r old son wczc in endan - w hen th e fire

occurred.:ed fo r H e w as arrestee le d to Oct. 18 by policc. District he set th e hom e 01

the m urder. Invcsi ; ask ed couple h a d a tro rc tim e and th a t A ngie in th e actively seek ing


s hospital after- S e n . said , a d d in g - th : , w as hopes to b e bac

nn-n.U m ifP■cry for C ongress g oes In said . Jan . 20.:d from “Tlie doctorsttsd a le . going to have tofly to of rest th e ncixt c

londay , w hid i for a guy lisa id in ' be easy to do," K

Tlie se n a to r ap;ilk to his head w h en hin ay do 50-milc ro a d rsK a ise r M aryland.

A venue to no e C ity A venue W est.rp o rt-to -------- • C o n s id e ra p iim inory----- plat-io subdivide-how lo Plaza No. 2 into

lo ts.T hree lots w( ng ro ad ed for com m ercii in g sur- the fourth woulc he a b le and landscap in ; ffic a n d vacant p ro p erty reb u ilt, S lreet b e tw een tl n g in e e r Fred Meyer.4 trans- • R eview rcsul inc. nity survey. 11council m ailed to 3,000

___________ cd reside n ts fronD ea lin g tr ju o n lis t .W estern ----------------------e n t Co. Times-News w ay on Sandmann can b n in g o f 0931, Ext.I S H oup jsandwann®mag

order lo k eep lh "b lend - Fridays, th e t p lunch ®^ch b e th re e fu ld n o t—tsscs to M ik cP ep iK r.t h n n n - d m iltcc ’s fa o lita

fin a lv o rao n t o t "TTte respons.

lc» m etriing o u t J e Pal d a s s If approved, it •d u le .In as soon a s n ex t f

joinuncil-m e gas ta n k be n to provide hqai nove inside lo fin­

is - Council mem- idd a section to the allowing people to a "level pay” pi-o- • e lec tric service,;d lo average a f e lcc tric bills so ive'extraordinarily s if they h ea t wiih

k se ssion -C ouncil d u led a mid-year f/ w orkshop for J. 18.h ange - T h e date ry council m eeting th e I l t h , a t 7 p,m; ,

lu e st-C o u n c ilm sn ed th a t a f te r meci- re sen ta liv es from c tric, it w as deter- bc best fo r th e cily lec tric iiy to Bob on recently bought th of tow n, a small Jl is in th e c ity llm- d asked la s t mopth : service. ! •

ihearsalearsal is scheduled in th e College of0 F ine A rts C enter

ny, u n d e r th e direc- ;t co n d u c to r Dr. vill p re se n t a pro- •stral m asterw orksrak ’j;-iiNcw_Worldi:--------

a n d M ozam ’s Feb. 27. l l i e ordies- p o p s c o n c e rt is

m l 30.

2 s d e l a y - ^is previously been e req u est , of both he vast am ounls of

th e ' case . Also, lew lawycjrs in July, ned .lu llah w as fobnd am ily’s w est Boise n th e m o rn in g ' of j Vzad A bdullah lo ld ■ h e a n d h is 5-year- | in S a lt L ake City ' ire a n d m u rd er

s te d on th e d iarges i icc, who contended le on fire to cover Up ivcstigators said ' die troub led m arriage '

gic A b d u llah .was ng a divorce from

Br surgej^th a t th e s e n a to r

b a c k a t w ork - ata ite d b a s is - ivhiiit __;s b a c k in session

irs a rc say ing hj.*’s to have q u ite a bit

XI couple o f w eeks, ly like M ax m ayinot ," K a ise r said, r ap p a re n tly in ju red n h e fe ll in th e JFK1 race Nov. 22 in

n o r th o f B orah t. '-app rova l o f a-firinl-----ide-the-lG -acreT yrf------Ito four com m ercial s w ould b e d e s i ^ t - irc ia l bu ild ings, and ould b c fo r parking p ing . T h e ex isting :rty fron ts Filltpore m th e l b r f C lub and

csults o f th e commu- T he su rv ey w as

100 random ly scl6ct- from th e v o te r re^s-

s loriter Jennifer m be nacbcd at 733- xt. 237, or\,;


p th e la te s ta r t tim e nc block periods'frill rce m in u te s lo)i;^crughThursday.— -------^cr, th e schedule c:tjm* ilitator, 'ex p ec ts th e to b e approved, o nse last tim e wus

to th e w ork of; ihe P ep p e r said.1, it could b c in effect x tf a l l . s

Page 7: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

Coming_______ • W endell h o s t s C

C o n fe re n c e g irls

:-l‘h c 'J'imc.s-Ncw:

' M o r n i n g l

S p o r t s Q u o t e

■ T h e y arc R(xx

l(X)k at, very r

and very prct

B u t tlicrc’s na lot there,

- U i k e i

m m m m l i i l o r h

T h o m p so n , t

th e D a lla s M a

the P a r is ,

T r iv iaQ u e s t i o n :J Q uarte rhacks from

te a m finished first ar ----------- ttmong-HPI^>afiKeFft4iv:

■ w e re they?

. . . • ••■‘J”

T o d a y ’s s c h e d High school girls ba

------------- ^ G len n sF e rry at-WeiKHigh school boys bi

Shoshone a t Ilagerm M.V. Christian a t T.F

G p.m.D eclo a t Kimberly, G

------- school-wrestliG lenns F eny a t New

. 6 p.m .

■In b r ie f Cal Ripken mi sclieduled for

.'•..,'TW IN F A L L S - llie •Cal R ipken Baseball

I •, ho ld ing a m eeting fr . p .m . today a t th e Ila

; ‘ R ecreation Building I a n d prospective playci

' . . . Also, players ages 9'■ is te r for the upcomin;■ ‘ion .'I 'he cost is S50 (s

. ‘ av a ilab le ).an tla cppy' e r ’s b irth certificate ii

v ided . Call Scott Bart■ 6973 for m ore informa

NIC to host all s "schoolbasketbi

CO EU R d ’ ALEN■ W aho College w U h(

H ig h School----------- ^-ftaaocianon-canc tio nt

•■■'basketball game for b< A pril 17 in Christian; C oeur d’A lene.The do

•• ivill feature seniors or resen ting northern at

•• Idalio from all dassifii A selection commiti

. 1 2 players, two alte /! c 6 a ^ e s for th e four u ... f o r more informati

a th le tics director Al (208) 655-5458 o r ^ C lu b p residen t Ror (208) 6GGG177.

Pomerelle hosts style competitli

l " . A L B l b N - T h e------------r :M p u n ta in R cso rtw ill

' sty le com petition Sa .“ l l Com petition is

' ' ' ’ages, w itn trophies —lio n s d v e n to th e top

j Ili c a a i divi.'rion. Reg •' ■a.'m. to 11 a.m. the '• 'o v en t w ith competit

; a tn o o n .A llp a r tid p a..{I S5 en try fee am

: ..d e p o s it . A Pom ert ■.'w aiver signed bv :

re q u ire d for a ll___ _____ I tm d e r lS yoars of age

b e found aT lo ca l s Pom erelle M ountain, vvw v.pom erelle-m tn

■ m ore mform ation, ca

T.F. Rec coachi into Bruins gar

t w in FALLS - A■ P arks & Recreation oiQS. who show th e ir !;R ocreation voluntec: .. nffmitted free o f c

& Falls High Sd t-------------- ^ l^ h o m o 'b a s k e tb a

.'.spason.ComplM fn

^ T r iv ia A n s w e r :Bob W aterfield at

' 'B rocklin of th e 1 R am s.

g T u e s d a y

:s G len n s F erry in a Canyc •is b a s k e tb a ll b a t t l e .

; \ v s ..................................

™TApyrich y

rctty. . s not


f dk e r ra d io

r M y c h a l

ri, ca lling

la ve ric ks

i s H ih o n

i k N B AS tu a r t Apple

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fl]l I s la n d s (

m lh e same and second

i a l f l s m v u o _______________

.,ani7£)tT below


basketball C o l t Sf b S a T r - f o r v i i

T.F. Christian, A r r o v

y, G p.m. By Bairy WH Stiing__________ Associated!lew PIjniouth.

M anning :-------------------- champions

of wide-op fended rea

m e e t i n g looklike^a

o r t o d a yn ie lW n T 'aU slall League is co-MVP k• from 6 to 8 m u d i bigjHarmon Park New Engl

lg for parents Chiefs prelycrs. Mannin;s 9-12 can reg- yards andning 2004 sea- m aste rfu l3 (sdiolarship.s quid<ly q ipy of tiie play- {.qus A rroe must be pro- H e took tlJan le tt a t 733- j;rmation. Edgerri

il-starhigh tball gameENE - Nortli1 hos. Q Idaho P riest Ho

A ^n n n /l_ : i l l - s t .n r . . . .J . , .r boys and girls jian so n C y m m iO*,, 2 doublelieader.s on team s rep- seasoI and southem kickoff n isificatiotis. Manninn itie e will pick o n u, 19-yialternates and ing , and iir teams. Lopiensk:iation, call NIC fo r 19.Al Williams a l Jam es Ir NIC Booster H yards;Ron Ouren a t ^ is 40th

season, fr. , Holme;

s t s S l0 p 6 record wi

itio"he P om erelle nlavoff l(Arillhos^a slope-------------------

Saturday, Jan . - - - - r > is open to a ll m m ies and m edal- I ■ top three p laces V i- ' ^ Registration is 9 the day of th e e tition starting ipan ts must nay and a $5 b ib

icrelle re lease

Ka paren t is S c jK - com petito rs age. Wavers can i M M

il’ sporis"sprcs;--------ain, o r on-line a t . For .ca ll 673-5599.

ches get 'ames free- All 'IWin FalUon youth coach- H njir T.E Parks & f S i - jtee r pins will b ef d ia rge lo a llSdiool Doys an d r ' ^ ..tb a llg a m e a th is ------------------

C onnec<1 from r ta f t reports

p o in ts ii and Norm V an ®e Los A ngeles

5 9 .


ipleby of A u stra lia , left, s h a k e s h£ Is on th e 1 8 th g re e n of t tie P la n ti i C ham p io nsh ip s In K ap alu a, Haw i

s hold on ITctoryat—------)whead, 38-31WUneir3d P ress w rtter__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5AS C n V , Mo. - Peyton g is headed to hi.s firet jnship gam e w ith visions I •open receivers and unde- I real e sta te in h is head. Ing Kansas C ity’s defense e a sieve. M anning led the polis Colts p ast the Chiefs- inday for a spot in the AFC n e next w eek en d .llie NFL » knows he can expect a >igger d ia llen g e from th e ngland P a trio ts than ihq presented.ling was 22-for-30 for 304 nd th ree touchdowns in a ful perfo rm ance tha t qu ieted the norm ally rau-

rrowhead Stadium crowd, k the Colts (14-4) to scores if their first seven drives, rrin Jam es rushed 24 tim es ; yards and Reggie Wayne be catches for 83 yards for ts.tha t Indianapolis’ defense ad i more efficient. All-Pro Holmes, who se t an NFL with 27 toudidow ns th is

t all-on- th e gro und), dived-----1 the 1 for two scores. D ante ilso an NFL record-setier ison, h ad aT D on a 92-yard runback.

ning hit B randon Stokley l-yard pass to o pen th e scor- d also connected with Tom iski for 2 yards and Wayne

us had scoring runs of 1 and Js and M ike V anderjagt h it th straight fie ld goal th is , from 45 yards, nes set a franchise playoff w ith 176 y ards nishing.

. the Chiefs’ 13-3 regu la r[.ended with a first-round___[ loss fo7”the tliiftl strarglil

Coim dr(

---------- :________________

l e c t lc u t 's E m o ka OHafor d u n k s ball fo r tw o of h is g a m e ^ lg h 2 1 t s a s O k laho m a’s B ra n d o n 'F o U s t' s on In t h o s o c o n d hall In S to r r s , i „ Sunday. C o n n e c tic u t w o n, 0 6 -

> . ■

JlP(M onda'


} h a n d s w ith Vljay S lng h , righ t, ( a n ta t lo n C ourse a f te r w inning th law all, Sunday.


^ o a d ^

Ind ian apo lis C o lts quarto rbi q u a r te r of th e ir g a m e again

postseason - a t home, wli were unbeaten this seaso happened in 1995 and ’ had won 13 straigh t at An

l l i e Chiefs, losers of st row to tlie Colts, got unluc s ta rt b f th e second half, broke free for a 48-yard fum bled w hen h it b: M acklin a t th e Colts' M acklin recovered.

Vanderjagt’s 45-y.ird f m ade it 24-10.

Holmes atoned by scoi th e 1 a f le r a 24-yart M anning m erely shrug engineered a 64-yard driv

----- 'b jra ig-j-ard pass to Wayi

rops unb■ By Jim O'Connell

' I STORRS, Conn. - ..,i Okafor fell o ne b locked; *-j of a trip le-double an ^ C onnectia it put on or j p —most-impr«KKive~defei ^ plays of th e season, knoc ;:.,i Oklalioma from the rar ' . unlieaten, 86-59 Sunday.

Okafor, the leading v on tlie Al’^ preseason Al

^ tonm, h ild 21 pnint.s. 10 and n ine blocked shot

J v Huskies (13-1).^ W ith th e 6-foot-lC

anchoring things in tli f f Connecticut co n te sted «

and forced th e Sooners “ , quick shots tim e after t i

n ing then- 10th straiglit , Oklahom a cam e into

shooting 43.7 percenl . . . - f ie ld Nvith its jvorsi outin

cen t in a w in a t Michi T lie Sooners’ second gome of th e season hni th a t looked m orc Iil<

oma v , J t i i u i a r v 1 2 , 2 0 0 - )

H F S h'I By Doug Ferguso

, A s s o c ia te d P re s t

, • V '• K^VPALUA,V .'- : ■ Appleby had e'‘ • , concerned.

' Five shots ah< to play Sunday

• Cham pionships playing it saft began pourii M omentum wa.* b ig Fijian, onl flinched.

Ilcy, he's A us No w orries, n "I really felt

Vijay lo catch i “ I wusn'i goini anything for fi any mistakes. i

. - to the b enefit , o f holes.”

/ Appleby clost i r m ^ 71 and w iths

chi.r|!e by Siii( son-opening

1,01 th e Championship; th e th e P lantation

S ingli.w hon

L P L A Y 0 F F 5

T v a r

fb a c k P o y to n M anning (1 8 ) h a r i ln s t th e K a n s a s City Chiefs Su

vhere th ey If Indy wasson; it a lso thougli. it wa1 ’9 l 'lliey la ter when Hiirrow liead. 'Hie All-Pro, ^seven in a for scores in ;ucky at th e season gam tllf. H olm es Chiefs playofrd r\«i, b u t yards on sevcby D avid Manning rs ' 22 a n d Stokley dowr

yard toudidoI field goal drive, indical

City’s strugg :oring from for a long aft ird -sprint. / \n d ,n o ts i iigged iuid responded w rive cap p ed ending m a 1 lyne____ _____ y«'«l fK.‘ld eoj

)eatenS(iiifielders’ b;

Qklahomii----------------- from the fiel- E m ek a Sooners wei

d shot s h o n cent) in the and No. 1 glcd to m ate one of th e pulled a w y:ensive_dis.______'Hie Soomo d d n g N o .6 die Connect: an k s of th e the game wi ly. Denham 1; vote-gctter for the Hu All-America i\ndei5on lu 10 rebounds and Charlie lots for th e IT!

Connectic 10 O k afo r for Uie gan llie m iddle. ished w ith a J every pass tage. rs (10-1) in to Fre^iman tim e in win- 22 points a rIt game.-------------Sooncrs,.wl:to th e g am e 16 jwints.II from th e H ie win dng41.1pCT-_ t q > l agaii h igan S ta te . Gampel Pa d rea l ro a d Calhoun 1 ind num bers with two like m id d le Hortheastei


Ugh toj3on • I’**'e s s w rite r— -------------------------- stniI. Haw aii - S tu a r t to*,I every reason to b e ,*■

■ misahead vrith five ho les lay in th e M e ired esips. A ppleby s ta r te d Iroiafe as Vijay S ingh "'luirin g in b ird ie s , *>Pr >-as on th e side o f th eonly A ppleby n ev e r . =

i.snilUstnilian.i,m ate . '’1'c lt like it was u p to »h m c." A ppleby .said. i shling to le t him have Me• f re e .'I d idn’t m ak e 's. A nd u n fo rtuna te ly b ir;fit o f m e - h e r a n o u t wit

eatlosed w ilh a 2 -iinder lipith stood a d y n am ic ‘itigli to w in th e sea- sai'

M erced es Ilips by one s troke on antjn course a t K apalua. gotD m issed sevenil gtiod prt

T i o r

m i h

h an d s o ff to ru n n in g b a c k Edgei Sun day a t A rro w h e ad S tad iu m I

rtis feeling com fortable,was shaken 13 seconds nH all s treaked 92 yards. ^

0, who had k ick re tu rn s oin four stniiglit regular- tm es. got th e first in z/off history. H e h a d 208 o •ven returns.H resi>onded by h itting iiwn tlie m iddle for a 29- «down to finish a 70-yard teating early th a t K ansas tiggling defense was in rafternoon . ' [ surprisingly, th e C hiefs1 w itli a 73-yard drive. ia M orten A ndersen 22- jg o a l^ ........ .................

loonersbatting averages,

m a -finished 20-for-73 field (27.4 percent). The vere 8-for-35 (22.9 per- he finil half a n d stnig- a td i lliat as C onnecticut ay to lead by as m any 40, oners w r e ab le to han- _ .•cticut’s reserves, ciosmg witli a 14-2 n in . n Brown h ad 14 points Huskies, w hile R ashad 1 liad 13 and Ben Gordon •lie Villaneuva cach had

:tia it shot 52.3 percent ;ame (34-for-65) a n d fin- h a 50-37 rcbound advan-

lan Drew Liivender had and seN-cn assists fo r the

w liile ja so n .n c ir i.d t h a d _ _

in improved Cormecticut gainst Top Ten team s in Pavilion and 'm a d e Jim

1-4 againsi O klahom a wo losses e a ^ at item a nd C onnecticut.

S /x j/ ts lu /iro i: J

) w in iibirdie chances all week, fin j>ot liis pu tter going w ith tli straiglit h iniics to close th e dei to two shots w ith two holes lef

His 15-footer cm No. 17 . mis-sed. and a lOO foot eagle i on the 18th tu rned away.

“Tlie p u tte r ttxjk a lot a from me this week." said Sii who closed w ilh a 70. “ I’m not appointed in finishing .second, just disapjHiinied in not winnii

Singli has n ine coiisecmive ishes in the Kip six. a streak even Tiger Woods ever asr; bled.

Darreti C larke hati a 70 and ished five shots behind in Mercedes C ham pionships del

Woods closed w ith two stra birdies for a 71 and tied for fo with Relief Goosen (7.i). Wi earned S27.';.0()0 to top S40 lipn for his c a ree r

‘■niat's not too bad ,’’ U'< said. "I love inflation."

It W-.IS an im pressive i>erfi ance liy Appleby, even thouf got tighter th an he would I preferred a t th e end. H e b«


P I?

f 'Jgertin Jam es (3 2 ) d uring th e fin iim In K ansas City, M o.

Tlie Colts resum ed m e i moving 76 y ards on six play: Manning h itting M arvin Ilii on a 38-vard pass. Jam es ; thnnigh a huge hole inio ll zone for a 14-3 lead with ; onds left in th e o pening qu;

Back cam e K ansas City, cc ing three th ird downs wi uaiiis before H all slippei near the end zcme for a loudidown, h is first post reception a n d also th e first ] TD throw of T rent G reen’s c

Manning's second touc pas.s, a 2 yarder to lop iensk pleted a 71yurd drive to n 21-10. ' _

FootBaat RexlTha A ss o c la to d P re s s

S A IT IA K K C n V - In I vears since football at Rid<s College \« is alTolisln? S tate and Snow college taken advantage of the ' enrolling p layers who. in ll probably w ould have g

-------- “W tnised-T irbartlc-R ldlot of th e sam e kids, aloi Snow." said Dixie S tate Ga-g Croshaw of th e R Idaho, school th a t 1 Urigliam Young-Idaho tw ago. "On o u r team , w e ho\

___ eight kids R icks would hten. Snow a n d Ducic are : those players R icks m ed Tliey've m ade a b ig impai and for Sno^^^”

TTie ju n io r colleges w pete for a s m any a s 10 Rii ers re tu rn ing from chui

M l 'm h . W » "

nH aw ;inally ’ th e final round wi th ree lead, and tripled it I leficit p layed seven holes, left. U ia t came in han' ju s t "I knew Vijay w;i • P " ” to go away," Appleb

No one played im away jy th an Applebv,

s in ^ i. ■ H e was in his oni . parad ise , indeed, o

id. I’m m ade winning look ning." y n j,

Singh heli>ed. th. e r Jekyll &• Hvdc w ith his putter. I l

, tw ice on the front i

in t o •'

n W it " " ‘' I ’l’'" '’? ' ' ' 'S a lH .ve th eh „ leo il^ S “od" » . .J p l» y e J a . . a s g0 mil- *'■" " " N>>' 5. “ ■'

Stiff Kona windsIVood.v •'

th e green, llia t lefi rfonn- pu tt and a simple I lUgli it W hen he rollci1 have b ird ie putt on No, began un d e r atid led Sitij:

Bouc ^ humi pn despi r Tecoi

B y S lim S m ith ; 1 ^ . E a s t Valley Trlbum

t S PHOENIX - d id ^ot gloat i noon.

'I l ie day a f l e r ; e rn day records sh u to u ts and

'fm-'ifL siiu tou t m inutes b e fo re a micrc (Jlenda le A rena

'i l ' p ra ise as if it >«i sh o ts he has facc five-plus games.

B o u c h e r r c a lle d th e M f i v c • g a m e ^

streak “ fun,’’ f 1 ^ ^ ^ c re d ite d h is .j

t e a m m a t e s V--fc ir e ir »•'

\ '* ' ,‘11 insp ired play I , . l in fron t o f ■ I : . i \ h im to t h e .E

L j # J po in t of redun- '^ ^ w M dancy , and

seem ed entirely th e notion that

first com e to an enlikely sooner th;

______________ B oucher’s strt; a ttack, e iu i Sunday win ;iy.s, w ith pow er play goal llarrison T h ra sh e rs ’ Rot s .surged 6:16 into th e gai th e end In an e ra ii

1 37 sec- hum ility is becc luarter. a five-gam e ; convert- Boucher seenie

Lviih big rassed to find I )od free po in t of th e hoc a 9-yard L ater Saturd ist.season on “ Hockey Ni a playoff w hich is th e C scarcer. le n t of being iiclidowii "B ache lo r Sur Ido l." The s I m ake it

Please see

iDislnis burg col

• sions \ry this sur------------- Tlie Rebels in th e two lost a huge ri\ t Idaho’s Croshaw wishesnnin^lxle------ srill-amund:-----ges have “ It w-as very . void by them go." he sai I th e past. 20 >^*ars. It was gone to Ricks w-as a

lege football foticks-for-u------VikingSr-relyiuilong w ith higli sdiool pro itc coach o u s conferenc Rcxburg. und regularly

b ecam e Division I pre two years U tah ’s Brigliam iQve six or W hen I 'h e have got- C hrist of L altei

ij'sp litting— ^RlcksC ollegtr i ed to get. phased o u t it; lac t for us m ent. end ing

— ------ - a f te r thc.fall-2(will com- Nol tha t lhe-:

lic k s p la y .ureh mis.


P a j i c A - 7

FailI with a two-shot j it by th e tim e he iles.handy a t- th e end./ w is ' n e v e r going ;)leby said .II m orc consistent-

; one l i t t le worid - d, on M aiii - and ook ea sy u n til the

1. thanks to anoth- Ivdc p e rfo n n an cc r. lie th rec -p u lted )iit n ine a n d didn 't : u n til th e par-5

his ap p ro ach just on Nci. 4 fo r b irdie, aggivssive second a .?-wocid in to the ids th a t c a rr ied a ed in th e m iddle of left h im a n tiphill

lie b ird ie .)llud in a 25-foot No, 7. h e w as at 23 Singh by six.

cheriBIe)iteirdb u n e ( M e s a . A riz.)

- B rian Boucher It S a tu rd a y after-

tc r s h a t te r in g mod- rds fo r consecu tive lind c o n se c u tiv e Ites. h e s a t m eekly lic ro p lio n e a t th e ena a n d deflec ted : >«is o n e o f th e 143 faced o v e r th e past ies.

'«'• Brian Boucher idrely a t p e a c e with hat h is s tre a k will

end so o n , mostly • th an la te r , s tre a k c a m e to an

IvhL' n - h u -a llnwcd-n----------.■oal to th e A tlan ta R o n a ld Petrov icky ; gam e.a in s p o r t s w here becom ing a s ra re as c s l i in o u t s tre a k .:nied a lm o s t einbar- id h im se lf th e focal hockey w orld , u rday. h e ap peared ’ N ight in C anada." e C a n a d ia n equiva- ing th e w in n e r of S u rv ivo r A m erican

sp o t l ig h t rarely

see BOUCHER. Page A8 •

i s ^)llege, sum m er.;ls and B adgers also I rival in Ricks, but dies th e V ikings wx>rc

a ‘ry d ifficu lt to see : siiid. “ I saw them for , a g re a t riralry.": a g ian t o f jun io r col- 1 for tw o decades. The yinp hi-iivilv on Utah products, w on numer- tince cham pionsh ips irly s e n t players to p ro g ram s, including

liam Y oung Uniwrsily. he C h u rc h of Jesus iitepday S a in ts turnedge in to o-uniw rsity , it-------t its a th le d c depan - • ing V ik in g s’ football U2 0 0 L s c a s o n , . _ thc-R icks p rogram was

lease see RICKS. Pago A8

Page 8: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

S P O R 'I S

By Davo GoldborgAssociated Pfoss wfltor

n i i l -A D r i .i 'H IA -A s i inkcil timvii il) ivi|)i>iii>vMii M i'N .'l’l'l ‘liil.ulc'l])hi.i siMMHi - tiiv'v psvi lkv

Ami with DUc' ck"' liiMii', llirri l-‘.ivu- lliu (;ii i'ii i^av’s cliaia'i- al Slipc’t

In a liallk ' <il tu i) ol 1 . liii, .|iiaiU 'il)atks, NkN th .-l’a);l<-'|'H-vaik'd2l)-liiiix-. as Uriaii Dawkins’ :ii)ii <il a liiiil' I'avic Ikm' l.t.n iil Aki'iN'u'lnniiik; fll'

III!' pi»k was piviilal. VN.isi.'.illv alxuii'l

Willi lill' if'iili.tiiil \ \1 k'fi in ic'pil. liHMihi'd lill’ m l" III'- 'tM

vaiil c()iii;)lfli'iii 1i>Miit Ill'll im a li.unli .mil 111 m ill. Irtl lo a <7 yaul liv Aki-is ili.ii M'ni ill'- ovrllim i’

"I tnsi I" K>-'> ill' mm wIm.-k'i'lc’d .lif cmild loi 11." Mi''l) saiti. \viMV(-d Ills way (liKnifi ('l.’lciisi' iiiul caiinlit ih f llii.iwoli ,|iic and D .infiim iM disid r..

■il w.ts jusi a c ieal I'li'ildi.-." McNalil) said.

A d d .-d M iu h d ! :" lj i i ' l.iMi my mail and i

_______ Hoiuivan u.-ad lliu play i:|)fs])ilL- bu'inn sack

liin i's . Nk'Nalili sc-l i ic io u l fill q iia ilfib ack ' in^; tiir 107 yards. Ik- i lor 2-lHyaids and twiiKi - loial y.uti.s,

■|lic will puls ihfl'^aul ih itd siiiiinlil NI’C tillc S unday against ll)c ram iiTrT

" 'llii'ic w t'ie plunly i to lank and llicsc j^iiy il,” niacii Andy R "i'A 'i'n 'lxidy ncis a li' today I'oi that ty]>c of \\

_________ 1 )iuL' Sialcv il ad lw<iOIU- lor yards on l I'liM p lay o l'llic irftiia ldiilali ' 1 and ano ther of

I i)Vi:itimc 10 Ilcl]) SL-l ti|: -----------I'iijld.noal...........

I'aviL'. wlui was If -of yan ls. did nut spi M poriers a fte r llie «an dill A h in an C n en . will) yards.

Bill Hawkins saiil he lor I-avre.

-n iey were telling i jj(iin^;ti)H ivcniea clian .1 play," Dawkins said, ‘ look al llie film, lha t'

No. 1 ]DURHAM. N.C. (AI’

Ik-ard had 22 points Si No, I D iikensed a la te r No, 1.5 Norlh Ciirolina th e Blue Devils’ !>(Kllli v

Mistie Hass scored 18 th e lllue Devils (1;M. who impiovetl lo i»rui;rain's 2*) seasons, C urrie added M poin reliDUiids for D uke, whii •17 siraifjht con feren t S ta te f.') r>r) ill rebruiiry

l-'reslimau Ivoi^’ l-il points i<> leail North Cii 2, . t- l), which has lost and l.t of I t to Duke,

N o . 5 T e n n e s s e e 6:

M is s i s s ip p i S t . 5 3SIAUKVn.I.I.:, Miss,

Ziiliiian sciired 17 [i Tennessee e.xtended i lion of Mississippi Stai

N o . 6 M in n e s o ta 7

------------l o w a - 6 1 -------------------MINNKAI’O U S -

W halen scored 30 becom e Miiincsotii’s si itifj ciifcer scorer iind ran k ed (lo p h c fs niilieiiteiiw ith a v ictor

' N o . 9 P e n n S t a t e (

W is c o n s in 5 9 .M ..\n i‘in N , Wis.

------------Hniiini>?icoti.*d-l‘> iw iniStiite reniiiined ihiIh;;

B o u c h e rContinued from A7-------

sh in es so brij-luly <>' p layer.

Honclier’s reac tion i d on fame?

"T h e b ig g est difi d o in g those th in g s(p i

------ en co s) every day,’I h e•ning. “ Before th is, in w an ted to ta lk to me.

T h e re is p robab ly n b le po.sition in -spoi b lin k o f th e eye. peri e r. a goalie c a n go fn b u m in th c p u b lic eyi

T h e s ta ts p ro v id e r T h e sho t is s to p p e d

A'B Times-Newi, Twin Folli. Idati

\s the clock regukitioii,’ '•aved .II - and il



)]' tlic Ni-'i.'s k'Nalib and

W gSK m L Uns' inteicep i B M p K ' leave sel up -• '" Wfield goal.

lal. but ihis •. y -Jabl).r.iiliiig 17 14 -jj..-., j giiliiliuii, lie v: leam with a 1.. i-u'dilie

,md 2(>.' lid fieltl le ;alMe into

mid conipele id. M itchell High a /one ;he biill with 'ten Sliiirper '

eal pliiy by :id. ■. jusi tried lo ^ '..

(I go deep, 'ly perfectly." .It.-.'.•acked elglTl a | | i w | j ^ Iicks by rush-

I) louchdow'iis

:agk-s in tiieir e ne.M he Caroliiiii

ly of rhiiiices;uys diiln'l do "

Reid said.I liiile credit .f win.";wo big runs - I) llie I-:agles’ ill drive in reg- 'of 11 yards inI up llic tying I----------------

Vof-2H for i s o phlladdlphli!speiik w ith Gbaja-Blaml

^iuiie. Neiilier■ lio ran for I5b does."

■Ilie rac:he was teatly halftiiiie, I

inoineiiliiii lg me he wiis on fourth lance to iiiiike line la te id, “When vou Grei-n Hiiy lat's whiit lie ((iiiirter on

Duke SIAI’) - Aliiiia i Simdii.v

rMii U)for

II p H H j H p. 18 poinis for

thems, Miniidiie oiiiis iind ill vhichhasw on ence gam es.iityzoo l,U iita had 17 I Ciimliiia (l.t- f )St 10 straighte, k ^ . '

1 6 1 , P - ,

>3 m ([iss, - Shantiii W■ points and 'ifc d its doiiiina- r ^ >taie, L *

> ^ s . - - -||j^- l . in i ls a y D u to ’l M ill

iO p c . l . ls 10 s second lead- , . i,m i .ll.. s ix .h . l"d "» rS tad l (i roiDiiined Ten pliiy tor>'over Iowa, Wisconsin

e 60, N o . lO FIllinois 4

s, - Jessica CHAMloim .saiid l’onn------ ^Wrigl)l_scilw a le n in B i|! I'n riliiL. li

; r _______ —

on a hockey and th c d can affei

on to th is sud- w hich a r contro l, II

d iffe re n c e is m an belv' (press confcr- w hen the

-he-sa id . g riiu - ..........T l ic rc J, nobody ever success , nc ." every rusly no com pani- A llhouj pons. In th e old. Bouc lerhaps (luick- NHL havi ) from hero to o f this, eye. As a 2!e no com fort. Ph ilade lp

o r it isn’t 2000 .sea

Idaho Mondjy, January 12.2004

S w a y




ihlQ Eoglos quattoiback Donovan amlla pursues duilng thoir NFC pi

■ackei-s ( l l - 7 j led M-7 iit bnt th e l-l;igles hiid tlie

mm iifle r stopjiing (Ireen th tiown fnirn the 1-yiird !.• ill th e second (|iiarlei'. iiy scoretl twice in the first on passes of -tO iind 17

mrges k

8llstle Bass, loft, attempts to blod >n8ivo help from Brittany Hunter li ladlum In Durham, N.C.

iiy w ith il victoi-y over sin,

) P u r d u e 5 8 ,

► 4 9Ml’AKlN. Ill, - Shereka_scoicd_32-poinis.iu_lead___

to ils 11th straiglit win

L' d o /e n s of variiibles th a t feet th e pliiy, many of a re b eyond th e goalie’s

I, a re se ld o m noted. T he jiw een th e pipes is a lone ho a c co u n tin g is lioiio. c j s . l i t t le j im e to siivor s. fo r fa ilu re looms a t ush.[)Ugh h e is only 27 yea rs lu ch er’s five years in tho avc p ro v id ed am ple proof

1 22-yoar-oId rookie w ith c lph ia d u rin g the 1999- leason , B oucher seem ed


f to W



/an McNabb scrambles In tho fo : playoff Bamo Sunday In Phlladi

yards from l-avre to l-erguson. th e first set McNiibb’s fumble.

’Hie I-^iigles countered througli th e second ({iia M cNabb’s 7-yiird TD i Staley. I’hiladelphia tied in the fou rth (juarter

late to u

Siliock the shot of UNC's Camille er In tho first half Sunday at Ca

over Illinois.’llie g am e \« is tied 22-2


N o . 1 2 G e o rg ia 7 4 , K e n tu c k y 5 3

Ll-XINGTON. Ky. -___ B aker—s c o re d _ lG _ p o il

(Jeorgia used a key n m st

d estined to s ia rd o m .h e l F lyers to the C onference finals, loac leiigue in goals against an d fourth in save pcrcc

Bul as qu ick ly as h e i___ as a fu tu re s ta r , h is s ta r!

w ane. H e w as trad ed to before th e 2002-03 seast d id little to s top h is : tra in ing cam p th is scj lost th e back-up jo b to Z and was p u t on waivers, w an ted him .

And now. h e is th e d; th e hockey world.

inuri h k R ' '


' " ' i



fourth quarter as tho Green Bi idolphla.

) R o b e rt McNiibb scnii .-t u p by iind found I’ir

pylon from U d midwiiy Favre’s 44- u iirte r on Wiilker se t ii[:

I>ass to yiird fie ld d it e a r ly I’iickers a 17 e r w h e n left in th e fo i

ipend INCAA w o n

the of pilst K ontuck

m t ’i I N o. 1 7 L S I

■ i i i i l N o. 2 1 A u tV ~ ! ^ i B liA'iUN KL ■ Hodges SCOI

Hiinna B ieriI help IJSV h

S outheastern for bolh tea rt

N o. 1 8 D e l

C in c in n a t iCHICAGO

scored it c a re added 10 i D el’au l p a s t '

N o. 1 9 T C I

.M e m p h is iA i i M i M E M PinS------- ATtMra------- scorcd-22-pole Little h it two freeJ a m s r o n m i i m p la y

N o . 2 2 G hl

■22 a t h a lf . N o r ti lW e S tEVANSTO

hit four 3-pc points to leii N orthw ester

- S h e r r i l l LaToya Tu5i n t s _ a n d ____points a n d s«s ta r tin g a t buckcyesaC

R i c k_________ Continued froi

e lp in g tlie on a decllirE a s te r n Ron H a u n

a d in g th e rccord. S inest a v e ra g e been n a u o nc e n ta g e . 1 5o ftheN < i,• e m e rg e d Athletic As:r b e g a n to IG tim es.:o T h o e n ix ■ lir2 0 0 1 , tison. b u t it rccord. B ut; s lid e . A t p earcd . Thleason , h e widely fe lt t.Z a c B ie r k "The bigjrs. N obody arc th e kids

said a lum a i d a r lin g o f e r A aro n )

LDS a th le


t il


H i p '' i .


^ i!;; . T t

■ W ' 3..... gli[ | | | | | | | | | | n ^





. sc\ c<

MW i>‘' w ------------ ---------------------

\ • al ------1-----------^ ^ ()................................." r ! . J II Bay.Packers' Kabeer pi


:nim bled out o f tro u b le 1 I’inkston jusi inside th e . 12 yards out.44-yard pass to Jiivon up Ryan U )ngw eirs 21-

1 goal tha i gave th e . 17-14 lead w ith 10:21

fourth. ■)


------------ i\

o m e n ’s b a s i ( e tb a i i

' th e first luilf to coast icky.

su 70, uburn 59KUUijR, IhI . - iJoneekii ^ co red 20 p o in ts a n d e rn ack a added 14 to

b ea t Auburn in th e ;rn Conference o p en e r am s. (

le P a u l 8 8 , f

t i S l I; 0 - K hara S m ith iree rh ig li 35 po in ts a n d t I rebounds to po w er f s t Cincinnati. i

Icu 78, I iV 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :n s , Tenn. - Am y Packpoin tsiind-Ebony-Shaw ------jce throws w ith 9.6 sec- i »y to s e a la w in fo rT C U .

) h io S t . 77, ■ S te r n 3 5TON, U l.-C a ity M a tte r :-pointers and scorcd 21 i lead Ohio S ta te to over tem .T \im er finished w t h 13 11 seven rebounds for th e ia0 ^ r2 -T D ig T cn ):-----------1--

k sfrom A 7 __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[inc. In 20 years, co ad i j n posted a 178-40-2 n ee 1984. his te am s h ad onally ranked in th e top N ational Jun io r C ollege Assoriiiuon's final polls

[7 th c y tu m e d 'in -3 -1 0 - l------lit th e JC dynasty T he im pact h a s b e e n It th ro u ^ o u t U tah , liggcst loser in a ll th is id s in U tah an d Idaho .’’1 a n d form erV iking play- \ R oderick , e sp e c ia lly i le te s ^with u n ta p p e d

r- ■ \

LightfflNl-.W Vl>KK' lA l’t - .l.i'

CuHum'iv kiu-\» lu- h.u! iik’iii nH>iii tl' svou' th e wuiim u: go.i heiii.iiU-suiv h e ^oi plenty or shut.

I ' u l l i n n

overtim e Siii to lilt the la

2-1 vii-toiy th e New

RangeiN."I S.IW il lot of nel. but I d

look ill it," th e del'enseinan "I just shot it as bill'd iis I cou

Ale.\ Kor.ilev giive New 1 0 lead 4:(Xi in to th e giime his eighth goiil.

Tiunpa Biiy tied it 1-1 on Boyle’s third goiil iit t>:.l7.1'ri Modin pul a shan> iitigle slu net from the righ l corner IxMinced oft S tillm an 's skate th e slot, w heiv Boyle s\vatto( puck |)iist Diinhiiiii along lh inside the riglit ptisi.

T h r a s h e r s 1 , C o y o te s 1 ,C.I.KNaVl.K. A iiz. - 1

Boucher's record shutout si ended with a goal he hiu ch.itico of stopping.

Randy R obiiaille’s wrist glanced off th e _of Plx 'defensem an D avid Tanabe into the Coyotes net for a jji pliiv goal ihiit ended Boui record string of five consec shutouts at fiilGof th e first pi

___He WHS not scorcd uixiii fominutes, 1 second iind hat) siivcs in lhal spiin - a m oder NHL record.

Diiymoiid U ingkow tied i Phoeni.\ at G:21 of th e third |)c

A v a la n c h e 5 ,

B la c k h a w k s 4 , OTCIIICACO - Alu.v Tan

scored 3:42 inio overlim e l Colonido.

Karlis S k ra stin s and . Michael Liles scored in the period for th e Avalanche,

- I fa iled ’S-O aflei'thc'firsr: Steve Moore an d M ilan H<

also scored for ih e Avalanchi 0-1 in ihe ir last seven g;

J lo jd u k scored on ii second j: penally shoi. th e first o Ciireer.

Piston;• AUBURN illLUS. Mich; (

Chaiincey Billups scored 21 27 poinis in the second ha the Detroit P istons won e ijjiih straiglit g am e despite ing 1(K) points for the firsi tin seiison, bea tin g the I Mavericks 115-102 Sunday n

D etroit,

0 3 in a row sin

W record stre “ noi allimnn

poinis snap g i 38 giimes, i ffl in^ .ii.U iiss ® Tlie Piston m held their li 0 opixineiits

70 points - ! (fi8) iind Houston ((if)).

'I'he M iivericks enlerci giime ranked second in the in scoring, iiveraging lOLG p game.

'llie Pistons h it 13 of 20 3 er^. including-seven by IJillu five from Cliucky Atkins, a ished w ith a season-higli touil. A tkins , h ad 18 poii Detroit while Ben Wiillaco soiison-high 17 points a

.- reljounds.-------------------------Sieve Niish led Dallas v

—j)oints,-while-Mi>rquis.DiUU( a career-high 1(>.

R a p to r s 8 3 ,

Trail B la z e r s 7 2TORONTO - Vinco Can

20 points, seven assisi rebounds and four blocks Toronto over Portland.

Jalen Rose h ad 17 poin Donyell M arshall added IG iuid 11 rebounds for tlic P

|~who'reboundcd-from -Fridu

— p o to n tla l-w h o -B n m o t- l recruited out o f higli sclio<

H aun h ad p len ty of ni U tah connections. H e coai Skyline and M urray high and m ade U ta h a itxn iiti o rity a t R icks. League

— res tric ted —R icks - f r o in - morc than 20 players frot on its roster.

The V ikings churned impressive c rop of playei as seven-year N FL dcfensi man Jason Buck.

With th e BYU Cougars suffered back-to-back losi

' t________ _

ingsuT,0 .il. so "•on th e

\ . in r o'Und.iy y iI'ainpa *n g to . i k n

■ m ~ hdidn 't ■•'•"C.' Jl


lliot otl

AC illl'il Tampa Bay’s Cory Sled th e ul^tcs Jason Culilmthe ice time goal against t!

Rangers Sunday at. Garden in Now York

i f defeated tho RangeBrian overtimo.

s treak , -,ad no S e n a t o r s 2 ,

H u r r ic a n e s 2 , tJ r a u -:i g i i . N.C

broke a 2f.-g;ime ; w hen he netted with 3:29 tefj in rt C arolina into a d n

M ariiin Hossa .s peritid. ,[,y Si-iiaiors. iind for ll.,. f'o:il frir

L.m.jay C a p i t a l s 1 , d ik

1 i, for WASIllNr.lX)N m ade 2Gsiives for

' of the season, andcareer, and Robe the gam e’s only gt

Ilie liost Capita straight for the s seiison, th e first ti

I 10 lift

Jo lm . B lu e J a c k e t s 2 le th ird M ig h ty DUCkSe, who ANAIli;:iM. Ca

scored liis~ N Iinn H ejduk _ th e season wi :he, (i O- • period, giving Co! gam es, A nalie iin def

I period . , Simpson giive the o f h is 7:44 into the thi

goiil ill th ree gam

IS stay !; (/VI’) - to the shon-iiaiui l of his Cli[)pers, All nfla l f and scored in double 1n th e ir Je ff Mclnnis h te allow- the Tniil Biiizers, :ime this second .stniighl

Diillas Riisheed Wallace•n i^ n .- - -sp n iin ed leftan k l , whichIII oiBiii C e l t i c s 9 7 , Roan te Iho H OUSTON-1 ' "‘■'m .'.’I'' 27 po in ts aiiJ ,

W aller McCarly (

X';':. i m ''" ''I’.nif. jl«> Ilnuslon Rockols 'I’l’* ;’ " ' w in i i r f e a s in n .

______ U L irkJiluu iuJ llie CoiliL.S, wiios

s u iI e w is a KH.9' r last m o „„ i-eli. 18,2(XKI. ' lim .lackson h- lio s w 'i S teve I'rancis 1

, , w hid i had won si.v ill a m v ov, home.I iHiinls il

) 3 point. K in g s 1 1 7 , Nuilups imd SACIUMI-N r and fin- Siojiikovic luid 3!

>li po in t rebounds, iind ^ jiiits for lK i)o iiits in thcS :e had a 14th stniiglit lu iind 13 Denver.

______________B nid-M iller-.'witli 18 befoix: getting c

niels-had------IeIl,.andJ3obby..of h is 16 points i: le r as the Kin, NBA’ b est recort sixth w in in .se\’c

But Sacrain in e r had aga inst th e rc* ists. six who nearly stok JJ to lead NBA’s tougltesi

Kings, who leii lints, and poinis per ganu IG ix)int.s offense; H ity sc R a p to rs ,, . points for the f

day's-loss----- last-sbc guniea.—

—heavily------ so n s - fo n h o - f iilool. than 30 years, eno rth ern son fur the slidi )ad ied at nized. lia s tho c h sd iools Ricks played a i liting pri- BYU recruit ue ru le s . M ike Empeyi- l ia v in g ----- Ricks’-nbsence--otn U tah ing a little mor

Cougar coadiin 1 n u t an . “I t’s impacte fers, such convenience - isivc line- who a re g reat fi

E m pey and F rs hiiving and Idaho hig jsing sea- have boen affec

^ e -

iry Stillman congrat- illlmore on his over* ist tho New York y at Madison Stiuaro York. Tho Lightning angers 2-1 In

2 , t i eN.C. - E ric Cole

mo scoring drought ted the ty in g goal in regulation, lifting ;i dniw.:sa .scored tw ice for . and Eric S taa l had foriliL -H urrica n e s ^ ___

O ile rs 0O N - O laf Kolzig i for his first shu tout and ihe 32nd of his

toben U ing scored ly goal.ipiliils have won t v«)10 sccond tim e th is-------•st time a t hom e.

ts 2 ,

k s 2 , t i e, CaW. - R ick j ^ h _____in ie a d m g ^ S th goal I with in th e ihird , Columbus a tie. defensem an Todd th eD u ck sa2 iid thirti for h is third

frames. \

ho tliaiided I ^ s .<\ngelcs nf Toronto’s s ianers ble figures. . lis had 20 poin ts for ers, who played thoir ight gam e without lace, sidelined %vith a ankle. ..................................

R o c k e ts 9 3I - Paul P ierce scored Ild J iri W elsch and rly ead i iidded 21 to to a win over the

kots, the C eltics' first in nearly four years, nr h a d 'in uo in ts for vhose last %vin in the )-l ‘)9 victory a t Dallas : XH). IIII had 25 poin is and , is 19 for H ouston.■on five siraiglit; iind ’ over the Celtics' a t '

, N u g g e ts 1 0 6 ■•NTO, Cidif. - Peja id 33 poinis a nd eiglic id Mike Bibby scored he Sacram ento Kings’ t home victory ovor

or—'icored -1 4 -p o in ts ..... -lg ejected w ith 7:03 iby jiifksnn .scorcd 10 Its in the fou rth quar- Kings im proved thc icord to 2G-9 w ith thoir «!\’en games, ram onto struggled

resurgent Nuggets, stole a victory in the lest road a ren a . Tlie loiid th e league in

;ame, had to rcly on y scorcd a t least 105 le fifth lim e in tiieir

D 'f ir s r r im c " iin n o rc -------rs, every p ossib le rca- slide has bo en scniti- ho d iscontinuation of [I a role? ,:ru iting co o rd in a to r J) pey iicknow ledged iice-liusm ade-recru it'—i— morc d ifficu lt for the :liing staff.icted us in te rm s of c - f in d in g players a t fits,” E m pey said, id Roderick say U tah , high school players

iffoctcd m ost. *

Page 9: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

Capo:B j:H o lly H ic k m a n :A « 8 o c lo ted P r e s s w r i te r

; DURHAM . N.C. - A c ■Brazilian d an ce tlia i comb ia n s w ith th e pu lse and Carnival p a r ty is s\veepinf: cen ters. c liaU enging gym r ly looking for n ew trends.

I t’s ca lled “ capoe ira” (cj and m em bersh ip has tripl Carolina’s R esearch Trian ping u p in gym s from t GriJnch in N ew Y ork City • ;lic> th e P a rk s an d Rec in Aqd c itie s such as Na: Diego, London and Vam wiih bu rg eo n in g ' capoeir tics.

Brian D onnelly, who doe New York, says i t ’s impo bored in class.

“You trim th e fat. You in strum en t. You leam a ni

B / \ s K i - : ' r i i A L i .■ NBA


" T " r p . «ectw T3 19 • .

IT ‘i“'T % i; ll I isi

W I ta GO,Ij p

I ' . *' ■ ^ “ r » <«__ w -

F:rln3 '0 '1 ‘iJ '0

?SF‘ is I i iiSJtSrt'»Oif«*Taa-iO U C«4rYl 17 Ul IO

V3». 1 Xjp n •! CkV-D. iXO'^

NBA b o x es Rapton 83. Ttall BlawA 72

I 71 ?3

fctfitavj 0 JI • 1 _l. p« rv»i 3 « 0 fl » C>rf)»15

SJ? a S Jo ^l»lir»*U PtTonlH.W-KnOn Ixra 7(P«lrv/'3JSiSTaI3j'l3^MlV4.1MI"l imn-f’su-'jll iSstuli tSl tvwXv*-1-WjI > J. Tct« 3 ?iKtcKia-fazjra I^/t«5«awOrt<n. t»yas ''•M 5«c^ 2


?3j 11 tC,l!;>l«YOO0QO ’cn7JJJ D«l?300 4.HBi|»60600 ISi'ttTFtarmsi

IJ: i Ci,T|«^J23«MU«l J60J

§ § S

r;il»t05i D«-oi DMlRaj* MO ASmJJ’frt« I Jl lcJrl(Ul-l<rt lWrO>-0.ail,

Celtics 97, Rocket* 93


FiWaMnjIS UotiiM?00li Itl')'7. Ill PaSMiijM9flOWA>0-1000 f»lj« OOJIcU.'iJ^Wn-UUjj JJ

^JpS'tort-awai l‘t ?JiUtC»rriiO "««:} Prt«;4 jvmvM«Oi.nai.nt-»o;i Xvtt/. 1J Jl laoxr H.' at>i 31, UiOnV7 (>ii»»ili (V11 (KbcuWBwlco 3Hr'«* 11. i'f»« Ajuev-Bwai M n Dtrt 51; n s s s ’» r J s ; ?F<in:« A-tl|7t(l7.WI

Kins* 117, NuueU 106'

S S ' S i r s a s a '<MerMn( ;; : 2. iScotnOOOOO ■« ?i.rH£»'&oooo iitc-v^ot

h» l'.IHC(i-l7 71'l XIW0J«16 Ubu««o 6-'?J'‘ ’’•>*'jo

£ u ’' ” " :3 5 g SIS}PortdM.vl><~»<! I0(*umi.? l»w3:toi'” ® J l - !''*

iJ ('•■fo'i

flusSTM«i^ssr*-Vrjf7^- S a tu rd a y 's NBA la ts box 'WHrlon 113, SuperSonlct n o '

3 J ! <. Ourt 3 « M t AWn 11 3 7 J 3 Je kyt } 133 FrtKTioa0«0 tai»<i M't?oiio

;.’ s ^ . 5 ' a s , r a r . ' , i :21904SSS w S M _a_i«Iii

t e r 5 M s r , f s i „"■ S a tu rd a y 's CSI la te box

CSImtn82.S<itLaMCC SC

« j | 1 Til W«I.113 4 6 10. ta. **«0;

r«T».«MOOO Icu»»l’ '*•»« 80CT«WnMO(B> r _ , . . -L .

» 00 4, U»rwl mr. *« ' Ste^'^*C»M.5lCe713^ga

kCC 4 72 jN»ln I V JC??l'l1'UM 1 J. iKH*' ? S«,«H,[>r902.l*Cr<oniW»«i-

oeif... And tli Donnell)

■ ’Iliose \ ccn iuries-o ld sist of c: imbines r n a r t ia l . . , rate_. l l ic rid energy o f a thcti der )ing U.S. fitn e ss a kick-a: m rats constant* moveme: ds. most tea(cap-WAY-rab), A fter

ripled in N o rth th e cla.S5 iangle. I t’s pbp- aerobics n the tren d y - ring pul: ity - to th e p ub - l l i e cl : in Provo, U tah . roda (H< N ashville, S an lo Brazil I'ancouver b rim ins(ruin< Deira com m uni- belts oui

easy-io-idoescnpoeira in verbal i npossil)le (o b e m ands t

inside tlVou play a cool “Tliat a new language. energy i

S(n.J-nil CSl«(l*&f ICi It

5iCC/i etui (ew«W-W,L . V 7

i;-., CSiS-;«:«.3l !»«-5 CC7i&.

^ S a turd ay 's majorI co lle g e sco res

Men;■(B criJrtV M li''ii-^a il7

'' Uj-| 1. u: lTo»ri{.*; >7GO, ‘’''"5'/^n.y<i'>-r !7, lU» l.'cirn79.ltng'wi-'JU 1’t< nj.TiiM I’OTWttM si 73 fu»>;J'0<lriail151 prij!-.^-,79 Dv5J^t'

* V^«i 9" Ucuyi Cc*fl» "3

II P™fW4' '

e 71. OJrrJ-Jitr4. S8vri-.lC*;*~U 'H. Ci.-aw 91

____ ’____-- - - - - - - - -nsu r::wc C'««^^s n -------fwrtjAiUd ia-v»'Bi

. ISU 70 AaU-MW IJ- - - E l i K C S o . ™ -

r " ' s i i ’ s . ' . - ' s - j

r " ‘ ..fLi fin I.CT»««i!«rn 5l M 51 H‘ S i S r S J S ’^ .^ R 73.riC-A>NYMMS,,.j sciem*-a72 louM"*“^ ' 0 0&xf.Auc«f7.W-c«x.,M

w S a So.*CJ'»a jW.Cw7JU Swr».n U 73 Gi»-^ SI U IfW.-J-»Sl M S*««4!Ir«SI IMlpa^7?

! Vj* C0TrtSwrtf7 a.-«li»«iiiC'

"2 S S ? A 5 S - ^ o .

f si>x!?«5'»"r)vP*iWnj,w w lo-w M

^ fi<trlll4 74 ■;Uft4> njr jjlil W St.trfiVlSl 51-jO

"'H I(5«»«! ll 4] I'.i'ia 'J llrm MVO*-Jt I«fi 71. SE U»ia/vt9■' Wn 0 ' ^ WI VM.X'--.4 .i97.lCT«aCV>;:l), W«orr.«77.UtfW«M

ilIv-41 Hjt lr!r*llav7i ».-unt»>5it5


0-<] T(!» iKn U Oia.'cm Si UW«Wi i I..M Ariwy, Sl T..« M:rc t--.I f ^ r

; r * s s - s f e " ,S i r - ■FrtvoSi «l louur4TKrt9«■ » " = i c s r ' “

w*ho Sl n ivtwi SI '•* s ‘ " },“S i , ' g e . i V S r ; '

S J '.S S S l W 'P« r>«97.

Ht>«;34---- -----------------------------’on fj ScllwwJtW.WSl F .a-M

E , E E s f e c - . ,Saturday's high scho(

1.-eo'/ii). Boyf iWKe'< /n>c->*'« £ ! ? » ”< * » « Coa:J1S Cj>m«46


■ KjTt»'rH.swi'vt»4i

^ = - — S S S S .H S K '^ ^ ------U «"V -.,.9 D«UU.1tK S ,"v-“ S f . »


S " K s S m ,

box S t K " :ceo oWi

wwriwf* Boo«4».On»T '2 . W . g s s s ^ r - f f i s■a i'ife ii- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HIH2Hi : S ! . V S S ^ ^

: ; S ’

feverrtH at'.f jiis t tHc first 20 rriiriiiie illy first 20 m inutes typically c< [ calisthenics to ra ise th e he; llie teacher, called the.*‘m estr le rhonstrates a new 'sk ill, such' <-and-duck or- a ca rtw hec l. T n e n ts liave foreign nam es, ! leachers conduct c lass in Engli sr a half-hour or so of practi transform s the. energy of i ies room into a v ib ran t and s lulse.! c lass form s a circle, called i (HO-da), and bea ts d rum s nat i7.iI. T he te a d ie r p lays a string im ent called the berim b au t out songs in P ortuguese th a t h; o-im itate refrains. T lie lyrics g ll d irections, p ra ise a n d re] :s to two people w ho th en s] ; th e t live, in teractive, fluid grt ;y is critical," Donnelly said.

Sc o r e s a n i

g s WHA''7 ik*i';i cs:

^ Basket!

S • NolfC Damo at Pillsbur^5 p.m.

• 76efsaiMagic,TNT,5:: - S)-racuse al Missouii, E!

• p.m.__________________ i; 11, 1 1 flgttor-^Jl

lu-wCftaUnll P»'-m35 IkO-jmU IU1ll-.r<»'7 l4 5*1*0'39 S«TM«i*n,r lc»J.«.’4 viw ir Ucvnxri>:r<31 IVJr-.twU Ojt«4t •.-lr*-l')l (*-H ;i nwP'.wy) vxic,j3

F t x r i 'H MNFL'playoffglai

_____ I______________s»4n..;n317 '

trMiljtU S«fr»7'6' Sc .' «n6l D«-.f'IO


le 'i-rvn c<t 31I IYJi>rt»J70 rt>«iBJ(l7 01C<rim*0»T»>T« Si/dfr.JlMI

ucowTfoine IMJ-JW tl N»« I p " ll ....................... tfCD.«io»ffCt'^4 Jl Pti’jJUfu 4«1CB (fl

»rc cfi*p< rt t.rc (M-w 4 ?N R playoff su

« , Colt* 38, Chief*

^ ' r l o l ' 'l- 5t*»,79f4l5 crtUjrr.-5lV«&r.A«.>w-in 33<

cC-'lil 9 M« IrcnG'cw l».-i>*i*

■ ThrtO«« W-FflViflO.V?41 974LM W.,-« 19frnHT-iU»T,r,j|\'<C,tl97l<vdt.‘vii(»AV'W'l .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fortOjWtlfY) Ur«IiwltVt;tt>>?lf.' y>lC-t<yct I r;<i(»n3«'«"il»i 4

'’ O’ Srj47i\rt»<vn» 00iOfi3in<vM 6W

Firt(«i IW 0 0____________ tiT« c< 373

WCIIVtlU«.ST«nSl U»r>f9 Hr»u|ti KimttOiM , f,i«ij1l U0IW15 !i!J|W7i^ P/«S!HO-<«ilwfM.litmr«27C-var«MH3062l7 ’ REOTWO-<nO*wwi ll»wi5iawr‘ l7.Pt*« J*i J*~*’lcc«« t 7 Ki.-MlC'r I'orii 15 «mKn3« IU17 19.II Mi.|icUn}unl 10U.SSlbFiELOfrfW-XiMttCtt

Eaclee 20. Packan OMflOfr '* 5 i« W (tMKM w Oj« iC«-F«'Jjlcn40wni!!r-> r.-.-ld CJi-lr-jnc/- ir[uiltnr'Fi.'«il


f,nrniei'v«4J' 'O^ PrxFQAtxtS’. 01 Oi«trp«rv»CUM]',IOI7

......... — ---- *«7.Tor-- - - - - - - - r ; ----00 .rniOMni i«_____________l w t |«^ 3I2I0M PkrtHftr-4 . 07'iu>:<in«i>'n <U' IfirtBttcn*(Uf 00 CirpUW isniSI StanlYtiailai t9hool scores 1%

m M xtLSunliV«.7».Ft,'*V3 Ph*lO«fU

FCOiVM-G»»i Hj,. ItrfAcn

OMrtfu. PruunF K ClM iM uo 73MJSffi»7-3I.IN»------- ^- - - - - - - - - - S - B i i » « 3 , W .

I - l O C K IOT»nf«Ty4t NHL

V S ^ ^ V

^ r n‘--------------------’* f5w —

W L > (Tcra* 73 10 e 3

^ p \ ' i \ 1

“ “--------------------Trp.B.,---- 79-13 e- l

E*- il ii i iv d i ^ c i n

w T T ^” r s ' » le * :

S S . 11 r

hil lute?,” On a Deceinbe

F itness gym in Dy con* lock eyes and crouh eart th e roda. Tliey cl

istre," un d e r tlie infectiolich'as* re lease tKeir arm-)1. T he t ie them selves tows , b u t circle,nglish. For th e next fewactice, in terw eave and i.of th e h e r body and he liid stir- b is fi.sts toward he

contact. They do n2d th e “ 1 have to say thnative 38 is because of iringed Lua Fabbri said au and th e roda. l l i e ItaliIt have Brazil, New Yorkcsg ive H er studen t Scoirepri- m onths of capoeir

n sp a r ' cles he never kne ' “ Il increases a

group and we’re having1. ru n n e rs on th e t n


II • Cavaliers at Lakeii ® ™ " -l]ialiatUNLV.ESP

ib.r0,.ESPH, ^

T,5:30 p.m.Iti, ESPN, 7 ■ -Penguins at Flycfs_______________ P;ni;________

i i? ?

prS.S* tl 1’ tj6 14 Ity\1.{_, Mir»o 13 II Ig la nce «»Of ___________*13 ^ « td i f r » ? i ‘t < ^ 'WllWlfj'l [0*C«3’0fl* ’ cc*»»»'i Cf«>j'4*or

Co\r<ut 7 Afurwfl 7.»I• )« BJjOHDMKn.Spn «"0 Pna>7v«rromft41

______________ . Cf ^ m i iM.ecn

'o, NHLsUehlning 2. fl

T«X«6tT !^ S i S ’tu m t r r n

s . » , - ICS S s s . ' " «H sum s

y V KS^r'llflSulrf^rl'lJ 0 '-M 1074 OfTWUL “ " i O S K S .X l ;r«-5lViW;»7“ »' rti4M Onii«M-3^ 3 ' S^'^^-t^JSlU.I

wqtvxWW‘“ I fUtC tWV>«>-'CitM

E S ! J ! & I S'“ III" iit^m-hcmltlkjt i'innj|\VOro*>“ »l. C 4Tpx■Semrton2,Hi

............—0B« ■■ — oIO! 4 72 C«fO*'t 0fniP«d-Hw P«-jf(

. ^PM »-I.cr4..l, S ’m ■5,5 PcTx'OBl'rtAJMI 4tJ

JO ei' I.HOBi' tsOo;L I0C7. C(t» Ct).. S „ .“ S»Q

i i f tiTAiwncs ^ tT » > » ^ J .t» i<


g s s s - t s t ? f r , 5 K x i S , “" “ S k ?^tt:^..l2l.ll«nli,Ctt*«J.'>«i3llM1 t o iW IickartlTOT. fm p«o»*'

7 0 10 KO r,-..Hlcrv-^U4iir:::*futeH*iiun t«4» rj-iilU.CronuJm

Viitfiny»iOiH ^ Ooi'w-tWto'.StOl

IIO »IU Thruhert 1

) 1171 FWPottt-I.H-HfO.'V1 11 n e im p«'H*»-5t»” at” ” sSrtpiwJ«nt P.19 M3I (mraVMiiU Rnui31 miA<»ngl.9<1.Sfi5 3 71 Deirt Pl<3 (tracannn^ E s ^ n s . * ;*^ll6*Si»xo1W7. \tS ?SSS?pSIS iJ^ru IkKlUII 107. P«ut*>-Klt«W. U)li;eMK FT«UKf>i. PvuuSrcOCn^WMi»<

F ”” kri'ial------- ------------lOIS-vwTSAtrrs f c ■ I’s s t i ’s s s ; r ? ! r s s s a i M s

------- t S r o S n ' i SI ! tl in l?7 Ouga.Mll(ff>m‘1 } » U <57 Comm-Smc. C<1 I>c

" r r ? ' s s s - i S i ^;■ I i i»l“ SKSfe,'1 I 40 i» n i Sfrawff^-Ccibn


! j i S »r i m M ' ” ” * S S S > » i 'f f ioT a P » C f « Bl»eJ*k*U, 7 M IU<07 CeMUI J 4J ^ 1 ^

u:S7|je r d a y a t a Beyond ■ ^ D urham , two people

nuch a t th e opening of c lasp ban d s and s tir ^

lious m usic. T lien they n-w restle grip and hur: g )ward th e cen te r o f the

;w m in u tes , the ir limbs shadow. She cocoons lunges, sways and arcs

h e r T hey do not m ake | I not s to p sweating, th e r ea so n I'don’t look f capoe ira ,” instructor a f te r h e r exd iange in

ah an na tive teaches in k a n d N orth Carolina, L- :o tt D ailey said th ree ;ira h a s cultivated mus- |r lew h e had . p

ag ility and strength , ., ig m ore fun tiian those ireadm ill,” Bailey said. ^

'.CIS. TNT, 8 p.m.SPN. 1 0 p.m. p 0

ckey i.,„ i„iill eucbuit (101 ho>h.ieUMh

Cf5,ESPN2,5:30 iV '’ '

<»jim liBf! It— —------------- * |IGlh,iclil.lll

^ .1 n o s ,w /u «r l" f '1 ? 'i» y --------------iiiiiirr5 5 ? Jj;

?1 0 ^ 93 « - ’I »«'• «l9 7 1 40 107 111 IW/Filfg4f.'

: r ? ! r s , s ■ .....7 'J 7 4« lOMK lOOksnllola a 0 44 *7%) t.30Hf.5ctn17 1 .» 90 113 r«bbU (lliptrtl nWV*]

[nt 54 el 54

« i o i - ncj.<0

■; S 'M 'i

tinp" ' SiUilints»L s u m s .(•i.U tiU r2, Raneer* 1 OT |, S,o: 90-3.511 0 0 '-S SU.»M.i

mLtJ^eiK^t ihtMikioatiMiit,iknu3i5u.*wv N>!).7ei;Mi

' ■ f'’- NUI irpf $*Wl( K?0 b«i 31 el

Sf 5o4j;5»lA»Sli Veil.

I,I.<H> .-C. l774 Ksill, 1054 Dll

•«;.Ki««»in «'n I w,CJi<-c-ii7lSt*w S*tM ,kiu75Soji

fil:9a-5»;Sc L.,lt„.,t.M>-.rlWr. „.},ivIt. !UrOtl7.IIT


Jc riV.gOrrtni. S,HufriCKie»2U*' o 1 1........ W ......... Ip*tn m*af,.piv»{n (lllll 01 Sui

liJSTul? SJ2T,’ rM? 'i.

E ' S :I IWu70l»t'Uli ejl'lfiII.1631 C« £ I- « Ctiice iBWi'ji ilJi•tTjftiitofiduOl IlM (hnriv-WAji JC- ■'___ Sh crgsuCi

Pr... pM( Cltw- «0rj.t7cpll C»J«tO;» alj iyiv iWiwi H «’»»

K.DttnWtnKi iiw»n.linMlJ

I h l , 01len 0 SaturdsO O M Pre' 1 0 ? ; ' _ _ , auM»liBjTJlXti*"'. «71. NtVsMt

KM.Wuiir«T > 345. rnlPoot-i" »I9.F.-1?^{« W iliSwiP.^*

■yiilct/^2 W'Chnrt ti^PwLij'

t«-[»Tcrto(iOcl« IWIW-M3 >ap*t Itp

ii'owOiuMW ^

i 1. Corote* 1 tie ju, cnc—i~?“ i“ — -------- T.i«-!rt5iit.lUi'jC«ll''M»''«">‘J>*l- u.nlSfnaxi l'Wi9J»>rWrt»V * i;)V(|Uii;r Ptn«»vO'».*.CT1 (To iij PJT j-„.,I»j«1.63a I»™< Miiwna r i w s ^ " •

a ^ , „nilt^^o-10 421 •’Sifo»nji.?44 IU.-JW.M 11*^5*U«-*«r» i».;il,'V4Unj»e4?.7< PfM''ilil7l3 StardPwaH

iS'iWMt (f«ir ip 'tii .. ' '

--------- itl^rvTjrt:8 ,B 1 « C W ^ 4 0T

r i .n t8 iT c r^ ''u * J 5

IgacM Ok m*ia IV”’?' tiivm I Ji Iaa»»ffi^?l7CT.|liy^l lut^Wi!wJs5h5^^7lV QIm(I*oUn8i.7HO»t"lCf*in> c»rt>M

sss. IlUfV'l 'I '

D. iifottr ’3 F»»iS , f e V ^ i e i » .« ^ « , 1 .7 . O « ,0

¥ ” » ’ » ' . S S a ^-------- -

»U2.MI*ht)(0uck|-2“o i l M

nV«inM%m.i tlTl *-l&lfl|iai(Wvm-un

i P P W f f "

In s tru c to r Lua F ab b ri, left and Diirhnm, N .C., D cc . 9 . C apooli d an c e , m a rtia l a r t s , ev en a ca S ta to s .

------------ ------- 1 Se

e a sk i e p o r t i";:

se elu l l - 5u l}3a psiWd»««' IJC it ie W S i 63br<5}«U:IMh ICO\ o»». Use/tui lOs n i^lli Ihl0f.5et/5>it.9a 10; !i i i -S t i 503oftillT<U.df J9 «tr iI» .k < jS M Ih v « 3 le l3 IH.klOO\««.»lMf.i 930a tu t■5.. 9 35o 4 3C, . miln f i m m n M - i u n i ------------- jiiiJ»wJ*i«iailin>g'eoii'*4/OJ3 ol J3 iioJ.: 3.13 hlu, u ». be:i4f.5iiA»> l309 4p.e;intKg fo |MHilDla - Otli 1.1 SuK 93

ilonilio>h.3«l3lilh. Isi F>i SciAit 9 30a 4,. » i‘ I»i S»» Vii i(iiik -S .i509alldi|>oo> idii «ikiii oioonW 19-67 , I 54 lioJi 3 ol 3 Mtt. Uoa f.i wl Sal. 9 3C. i.31>. 5ai 9 38»_______ \

i«II|.S>i;:]0iiliail3d.gtoo> F iirdiiu<lilugiianidia9.t35 r;.■»l,j,h,Jal41J«. lOOXap.n,»;I..r.i 9a lB>,5«i 9a UpS.a.llH rM aaila!a-5»U 0a3l'iiWd lavdii Bailiiai giMinid St ’ tirjo"Br;oTioih7i"oi { w irtoo^---------- r ,l.Urt.J50,.lil:9,lp;Sal.9a-MaialaJt-5>i200p«oltioa'

lOi Biiaaild 44-55 bait 64 gl i( .,11;i.ll..!9\af..,«.a.Ilu.la4p;

,5anla9j:S.rJ)4». . P*;l(Kaialili-0ptillia'5ga44. Wll(l3 ll> aii.3ain li> .tW lil a ,iA»:«a4f,fl,»1bg5»araUar-5i>5]0a;aiUd9twdi<Itw>.d 6 7 -ine io l15 ell15l4Diiotl9tII9l.ln. tOO%opin. .{,■ia4i,Sai/5ga.9a4>, •laiL - Sta 1.45a a.anail 25>wi« 41. H /T T -^ . Al


' rep-lt-dalatiptilMktikagltbapg|a at ■a|lm !lir.<a. a .J MSaa» (atilt. K

.3 Srtvn ) iU>4 t’fnv»>i '

« l'»uS«.Y,lv-, f"- (I- I T , r t-.i'^r.ll

^p ji Si

irday's NHL la te su m s „Pretfaton 3.Blue* 1 v

0 01-1 , f'.*>

51* (I

. n

i r s S ' , c r i . A r'.r r _ t

MUl^l l»3) .. , . fc . . s

CnoVi;»i Sl li>nOi<' ' JISil'Ctjroji? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;

uUOnfr unttfiACry, Urt, ,Ranm 4. Puithen 2 ]

!>>•, ljrUI6ilffpl».'3li;'l 3 ll*>3l 1375 FK«ttl-ti>il.lI»^n Wt.»ll-t 37'^ I i

^ C t ^ U JW ^lQ iV u IIf in i Cti;tf, Ci»-»4iSi£ l«< I111 Ct»yt ‘yu 17 iStc>|>«________

5 ^ ' iZ i ^ / ' ' l 7 77" 'CJl(Utf<nj' t)V

k,lifA»'11» l I7J7I1

|,'*IUA«VWHue lK katt3 .K lR(«2tle

I I 0 O-Im I 1 0 M,»:i I'MtM > (Ut/U.11714 in-l 1 U«l ’3 .; '.-.uMijr-itl lA, ; r'l 14 -1M>».) CoU-tw UitMrt 1 iStnawi CD me 11 lUoiJT I« 10

141.9. ..... ......

.Im Ptr«iM->m 9>*j:«rt>«H4 4WJ l a H / ^ ei(CWCfV*"^iw^'t** *"

[)•»«» 194(37 ifon 30 n^l •«CttJrwt71l3IU3n-«tr| F'tw 0»j L .

AV'' .

snd Jutle Lawhorn p ra c t ic e ca p o e Dolia Is a fiery, ex p lo sive, c e n tu rl I ca rtw h ee l or tw o . It h a s m a d o I

— S p o r t sSecond-tialf woes haunt Vandal men

S A N T A B A R B A R A . C a l i f , T h e I d a h o im -n 's b a s k e t b , te a m s h o t ju s i 2() p e r c e n t in i s e c o iu l lu i lf in f iillliig U C -S iin ta B a r b a r a S a t i i r t l n ig h t .

I d a h o (:{•«) o v tT ii l l , 0-.1 1 W est) t r a i le d b y ju s t tw o a t lu t im e i i f te r p o s t in g l e a d s o f m ii i iv i is f iv e p o in ts .

U C S B lH fi. 2 -2 ) l e d “ i r l ic fo re t a k in g o ff o n a 1 3-0 n f tillo w u d t a t e r b y a 17-1 s p th a t p u t t h e g a m e o u l o f r e a c

' i i in o r i s S h e p a r d l e d 1 V a n d i i l s w i th 12 p o in ts .

U C S B w a s I t 'd b y C a s e y C o w h o sc o re d 12 p o in ts .

Filer downs Glenns Feiry In boys hoops'

(;|.|.;NNS I-KURY - I-iler I f iv e p la y e r s s c o r e in d o u b l e u re s a s t h e W ild c a ts d e f e a

" G le n n s l e i ry . f i fT S r in 'b o y s M k e tb a l l p la y S a tu r d a y n ig l i t .

•K y le R o b in e t t e , I ’ii id G e n a n d .liiy K a re l e iic li s c o a - d p o in t s fo r i - l ie r (2 (i o v e r w h ile t e a in m a te s D a n R a m s t a n d C o d y K h m ia n t r o u t a d ' 10 p o in ts a p ie c e .

“ W e’re n o t g o in g to h a v e ii s c o re 2 5 p o in t s n o n n a l l y I n ig h t , " s a id F i l e r c o a c h A n iia la . “ 'n i i s w a s o n e o f tl: g a n ie s w h e r e t h e k id s h a d cv d e n c e s h o o t in g t h e b a l l , a n sh o w e d ."

■llie W ild c a ts a ls o d id a i jo b o n th e b o a r d s , c o l le c t in g re b o u n d s , 11 o f w h ic h c a m e t l ie o f f e n s iv e e n d . S h o o t g u a rd D iivitl R y a n le d I ' i l e r v lO re b o ii iu ls ,

Angels reach agreement with Guerrei

ANAin-lM, Oilif. - Vlaiii ( l u e r r e m I a g r e e d to a d e a l t h e A n a h e im A n g e ls , c o t i t in j o n t b e f r e e - a g e n t o i i t f i e :

( h i e i r e r o is e x p e c t e d in A n g e le s o n M o n d a y , S to n e iSiiid.

T h e t e a m d id n o t r c h t e n n s o f i h e d e a l , b u t r e p o r N ew Y o rk a n d I/» s A n g e le :

, S a tu rd a y s a id f . i i e r r e r o w a: to s ig n a S 7 0 m i l l io n , f ive - c o n tr a c t .

H e r e j e c t e d a th i 'e e - y e a r ir .ic t o f f e r f n in i t h e N e w ' M e ts o n S a tu rd a y .

C .n e ire ro , w h o t u r n s 2H n io n tl i , w as o n . t h e d is a b le c fro m l im e 6 t o J u ly 2 1 la s t Slill, m is s in g g a n ie s l>ec of .1 h e r n i a t e d d is c in h i s 1 H e Ilil ..i.w w i th 2f> h o m e

“ n iiT 7 ‘r R l i I ? f o i ^ I o m r e a l . T b e I 'x p o s . o w n e d b y

o il ie r 2 ') n ii i jo r l e a g u e c lu h h im g o in D e c e m b e r , d e d 10 o f f e r s a la iy a r b i t r a t i o n .

C'.iieiTero has a c a rcc r ba iiver.ige of ..U .t and has aged Xi homers over th e pa yeaiN.

Payton, Carthon discus* "Openlngivith-Ralders—

D A L L X S - K v en th o u g l D a l la s C o w b o y s ' o f f e n s e is h e d r a n k e d o n ly i S lh ll N I-I . in 2 0 0 3 . a s s i s t a n t c o a c h S e a n P a y to n a n d 1

■ ~ r :iv c — c o o r d in i i t o r — M aC a r th o n a r e i n t e r v i e w i n O a k la n d ’s h e a d c o a c l i in g v cy, a c c i ird l i ig to I ^ iy to n 's B e th .

W hen read ied by pho hom e Sunday iiigh t.

■ “ P a y t b i r 'S a l d ' h c f - h u :r e c e iv e d a c a l l f r o m I .^ m b a r d i , p l a y e r p e r s d i r e c to r ” w i t h - t h c - R a i d c i S a tu r d a y r e tp ie s t i n g P a y i

J MofKlay, Jwu«

■ S p'(

o elro m o ves a t th o B ey on d FItne u rle s ^ ld Brazilian Im p o rt th a t cc0 I ts w ay Into h e a lth c lu b s ac ro !

S IN BRIEFfly to O a k la n d f o r a n i

l\vo . o th e r s t i u i c e s 1 P a y lo n w a s in O a l

if. - S u iid iiy t o m e e t \v itl ib i i l l p iv s id e n t A l D a v is .1 t b e a l s o c o n f i r m e d C a r 7 10 m o o t w i t h , t h e R i' r t l a y ’h ie s d a y .

In o r t l e r t o i n i e n 'l i B ig a n d C a r th o n t h e R a id

h a l f - r e c e iv e jK T n iis s lo n f t >f a s a n d g e i i e n i l n ia i ia i

J o n e s b e c a u s e t h e ci r r Z f i u n d e r c o n t r . ic t -

r u n . T h e j o b b e c a m e s p u r t w lie n B ill C id h ih a n a c h . o n e s e a s o n i i f ie r te

t b e R a id e r s to t b e S u p e r R a id e r s w e r e a n u m

J o o k . t e a m in 2(H).i w i th n p la y e r s i w a n te d to C a l la h a n p t iy s ic a l ly , ii lo o k in g f o r a c o a c li f r

, P iirc e lls m o ld .

Panthers rookie h LMiS injures left shoulcs ta s^ -------VANCOUVKK;—t . C o lu m b ia - F lo r l .•rr is li N a lh a n H o r to n w ;is .•d 1 2 o f t h e h i n t h e r s ’ g a i c r a l l ) n ig h t a f t e r I n j u r i n i s e y e r s t io i i ld e r a g a in s t t h e i d d e d C a n u c k s .

H o r to n , t h e N o . 3 il g u y y e a r ’s N I H . d r a f t , g o t

i n a ' w i t l i C a n u c k s d i J i m B re n t S o p e l a n d sli t h o s e in to t h e e n d b o a r d s ' c o n f i - o n d s r e m a i n i n g in th m d i t o d .

‘l l i e lH -year-<)ld c e i I n ic e s h ie ld h is f a c e b y h o in g 2 « le f t a r m a s h e h i t t h en e o n a p p e a r e d t o j a m h is lo t i n g ‘It-T-r w i t l i A f le r b e i n g a t t e n

t h e ic e . H o r to n w t d re s s in g n io n i d u t c h iirn i t i^ j i t t o b is b o d y

H o r to n h a s s c o ie i 'ero . I n c h id in g f o u r in hi i d i i n ir g ii in e s . t o n i i i k th i I w i t l i r i i n t l i e r s a n d f i f t h i i ig e n t N H L m o k l e s t h i s i e l d e r ' r a n g a s h o t o f f t h e ii

n I / ) s p e r io d ,l e i n a n H o r to n a l s o b i

y o u n g e s t p l a y e r to :f l e a s e N l 11, | ) c n a l t y s l io t wo r t s in P l i i l i id e lp l i ia 's J e f fl c s o n 'n iu r s d a y ..•as .sete - y e a r Toroltlch, Gomeci r c o n - ' niarathon In PhoV Y o rk r i l O E N I X - U i t t

c a r r i e d I l a r o n T H n e x t K e n y a a n d S l i i t a y e le d l i s t l- 't l i io p ia to v ic to r le is t sea * th e I n a u g u r a l A rizi:e c a u s e — R o H M n n tth o n ^ - -----< b a c k . b '« > s il't- ' l a r g e s t 1C r u n s n m n i n g e v e n t , '------------ ^ 2 « r 2 5 0 - c o m p e lt l« rjy t h e in t h e c o mlib s , le t m a r a th o n . I h e p re ' d i n i n i i f» r i‘ f i r s t - t im e e v e n

a t t h e S a n D i b a i t i n g M a n i th tm .s a v e r- T o r o i t ic l i b r o k e j a s t s ix c o i in t r y n ia i i J o m o h ' 2 4 m i le s i n t o t h e 2i

a n d f i n i s h e d t h e f - c l n d c o u r s e in 2 h o u r ; . 1 (

s e c o n d s f o r l i is fir------ :------ w i i r “ K D r o r t a - w a sig li t h e 2 ;n ;0 7 . s e f in - K e n y a n s s-w ept tl “ l i n h c — p l i i c e s - u i - t h o - m o i t h e a d to o k e ig lu o f t h e fi I o f f e n - w i th F t h i o p i a n s [ l a u r i c o o t l ie r f o u r s p o t s . i n g f o r 'I'l'L* t o p A m e r ic ; • v a c a n - S a i t t s , o f P a r k e r . C I 's w i fe I 'i l h in 2 :3 7 :0 9 .

G e m e c h t i c a m c m «! a i J '”™ '’? "

P u t h f ro m 1 9 9 6 N e w 'u s b a n d ' - M a r a i h o n _ c h a m ; i M ik e G a n u ta o f R o m a n n o rn ic l mil' p o in 'i c n , o n - - I - T T i ■yton t o C o m i* d h < n i l i

iary U . 2004 Tlm#i^*w*, Twin W



I f ' Ip r / rk''- ' * • I

H tn e ss g ym In ) t co m b in es icro ss th e U nitod

:f — na n in te rv ie w , re s c o n f in n e i l O a k l a n d o n \v i th R a i d e i s ,'is. a n d th e y C a r t h o n w i l l

R a i i i e r s o n

;r\- le w f '. iy lo n t a l d e r s l ia d to n f ro m < n v n er i i i a g e r .l e r i 'y e c o a d ie s a r e

m e a v i i i l a b l e la n w a s f i r e d ' l e a d i n g t h e i p e r B o w l. H ie

tm d ls c ip l l i io d h r e p o r t s t h a t

to c o n f r o n t ly, a n d D;»vis is h f ro m t h e B ill

ie Horton lulder;--------- B r i t i s h --------------l o r l d a r o o k i e ,v;is f o rc e d o u l

g a m e S u n d i iy i r i n g h i s l e f t t h e V a iic c n iv e r

). 3 p ic k in la s t ,g o t t a n g l e d u p

d c f e n s c n i i i n I s l id h e a d f i r s t rd s w i th 3G s e c - 'n t h e f ir s t p e r i - :

I c e n i e r t r i e d to h o ld in g u p b is

t h e lx i i i r d s a n d h is le f t s h o u l-

t t e n d e d to o n w e n t to t h e

I tch in g I lls le f t lody.o ie d 10 g o ii ls . ^II h is la s t f o u r *

t h i r d o n t h ef t h a n m n g a l l l is s e a s o n . H e le i n s id e o f t h e

b e c a m e t h e to s c o r e «m a n

) t w h e n h e b e a t u f f H a c k e tt u n

nechu win ’hoenixl^ i te -n ic e b u r s t s 1 T o r o i t l d i o f iiye ( l e i i i e d i u o f o r i e s S u n d i iy in .r iz o iiii R o c k ’n ’

g e s t d e b u t f o r a jI. w i th i i b o u t Li l o r s — l i u l u d l r i g — I -r o m p a n io n h i l l ^ ' llp re v io u s r c c o r d 1 .■vent w a s l ‘).‘)7H I D ie g o R o c k ’n ’

j k e a w iiy f r o mn o K e r o r ia i ib o u tIC 2 (i.2 -n iile r a c el e f la t a n d f a s t■^.10 m i n u t e s . 3 .t 1i f i r s t m a r a t l io n\ v a j m c c b n d ~ i n -------------- :

[3t t h e f i r s t t h r e em o n j ; - r a c c - a u d ------1---------le f ir s t 1 2 p la c e s .IS g r a b b in g t h ei.__________________________.•riciin w a s J a s o n r, C o lo ., w h o w -as-"

i m e d h e r t h i r d b y p u l l i n g a>vay

J e w Y o r k C i t y ji a m p io n _ A n u t a .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;n o n ia a t t h e 21* n d f i n i s h e d in

n stiff a v l w h n f i ^

------- 1

n Fsni, idAho A-9

Page 10: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

I>;i Kc A -1 (I ■

O t h e r v

Idahoa withir

The Lewiston Mornlni

r n 1997, t lie la s Ida lio A sso c i C o m m erce a n t h a d leg is la to rs p a s s

t in g th e s ta t e 's process , th e b u s in e s sm a rtin g from v o l m t-nt of te rm lim it

. law re tiu ired ini- ^ ! t ia t iv e sp o n so rs

• I to collect signa- I tu re s from 6 per- 1 c e n t o f th e v o te rs ; in h a lf the s t a t e ’s I 44 counties.; C o u rts d id n ’t { th in k m uch o f I th a t , h c c a u se it J g a v e v o te rs in I s o m e c o u n t ie s j m o re clou t t h a n j th o s e in o th e rs .

_______ I B u t th e c o u r t sj su g g e s te d a n d l ) F “ I e r w ay of a c c o m ­

p l is h in g t h e s a m e th in g , b y s u b s t i tu t in g ' leg*

! is la tiv e d i s t r ic t s - J w h ic h a ll h a v e ' I a b o u t th e s a m e I p e o p l e - f o r c o u n t; 1 lA C I now h a s a i I a l w ay to d e n y { p o w er to w r i te th e I B u t it has lo st i t s j L eg is la tu re r e p e a l

------------ { - i t s in-2002.-------------; . S o w hy is L \C I £

, ; leg is la to rs to c u r ia J t iv e p ow er? C o

. b e c a u se lA C L fin d I g e t leg isljuo rs lo d 1 lh a n th e p e o p le th

Wait f<Tha DallM Moming K

V ^ t i s i d e n t B ash 1 -^ e c o n o m ic sane

^ L i l ^ m ay m rew ard fo r t lie c o u n to disarm , b u t it call. T lie san c tio n : u n iil it can Iw verifii

! ha^i e lim ina ted i ts I logical and c liem ii I 'H ie U nited S ta te s j triLst Liljj'an d ic taK • G adhafi to k e e p lu-s ‘ h av e pnK)f. O n ly th

— ! g ive m m th e re lie l

J O n c e L iliya’s d is :; v e r if ied . B ush s h o•; a ie ly lift t h e sai•- sh o u ld d is re g a rd iI l iv e voices th a t m ijS to k e e p th e m in nI to lif t thom w o u ld} b le signal. I i w o t; c o u n tr ie s a s I r a nJ K o rea iluit i l ie ru iI b e g a in ed fro m coI II is in b o th c o u

r 'to-r//neS'N«?kvj ters (rom feodi of public Intctc

-------------------spaceconsifflimsrpito 400 words. Includ mDllIng nd(Jrcss and bor. Writers who sigr

ClukWtlvrorth . . . .

Ths members of tt HartflBn, Clark Wall

------------- D o o n e s b u r y -

i M/. fOlXSt v m TOH oL'MAII.SILOA6>OI/~/v js u e ff i fs w is r ,

j - - - I -

_ _ L _ , ;


ans use n nitiative ]l in g Tribune T h a t’s

, sh o u ld a sla s t lim e th e a sse m b leo c ia tio n of In itia tiv ein d In d u strj- tro u b lesoas s a law gui- goo d g<;'s in it ia tiv e s ta te s , iile s s lobby was O reg o n« ) ie r s ’ enact- Id a h o a mn its . TIh* now re m a rk a

• T h e i r v i e w : T liis

; g u e s t editorial f ro m th f

i L ew is to n (Id ah o )

iVlo'ming T ribune s a y s

f leg is la to rs s h o u ld n o t

‘ c u rb th e s ta te 's initiativ

s p o w e r until v o te r s

’ m is u s e it.

;■ W h a t d o y o u t h i n l

I- W e w e lc o m e v ie w p o ir

y f ro m c u r r e a d e r s o n tt

!- a n d o th e r i s s u e s .

ele n u m b e r of B a tr ta gin iie s . go\’e m na constitu tion - dec la rin

l y v o te rs th e dLscrimi:h e i r owti laws. w i ^ b ei t s rea so n . T lie In lij j a l e d te rm lim- le g is la t_______ ;___________ jJq 5Qfl

n a g a in a sk in g t h e i r iin a i l th e initia- t a k in gC o u ld i t be A n d ifn d s il e a s ie r to fo r sueJ d o its b id d in g th e y lie; th e m se lv e s? le s s the

for proof (tf Now* e s t to \

b le .-n i lLsh^ renws'al of t h e so ou nciions agaiast y e a r s c

se e m a n odd s ig n if iclunuy ls p ro i^ se fo r i ts it w as tlie riglit l e u m sin n s m u st stay t io n s bi f ie d th a t Liliya e n a b leIS nude jir, bio- o f F a n .m ica l iireeniiLs. re c e iv ec s sim ply can’t lio n froa in r Moiimnuu" S4 b illiiLs wtird. It m ust r e c e iv e

then-.should il fo r t h el ie f lh a t h e so d e s tro y

------ p l i in e . \l is a rm a m e n t is 1988. k h o u ld im m edi- B u ts a n c u 'in s . H e sh o u ld ]d t h e conserva- a rtif ic i;m ig h t u rg e h im n ’t h u r 1 n la c e . Failinj>' t io n s id d se n d a te m - l im s ’ fi; o u ld le ll such o f t h e-an a n d N orth n u is t n•u is n o th in g lo m e n ts . c o m in g clean . . e n c o u r

o u n t r i e s ’ in ter- B u sh a

W rite to u stfkvs wr’icnmos l o i - ____false nor:Qd(!ts on subjccis ba ited fn tc rcst. Ducause ot bo broug •rptenso'iim itiG ners— offlcerm :lude your signnluro, Falls, ID ■ m d telephone num- 5538 ; or sign lotlcrs wilh valley.coi

leTimes-StephenH«rt*»n ............ . . . P

. ■ .. H anagi'f wfltor M ll^Stnl

if theoditoriol board and w riten ifatm rtb, Steve Cmmp, David Cc

'V — — - —

' I, SntLIHfSKjNQ. I . PAL. STsm.AKn



’s a q u e s tio n Id a h o a n s a s k th e ir leg isla to rs, w ho

j le n e x t w eek in B oise. . v e s h av e in d eed p roved jso m e , ev en c r ipp ling , to g o v e rn m e n t in so m e in c lu d in g W ash in g to n ,

n a n d C a lifo m ia . B u t m s h a v e d e m o n s tra te d k a b le r e s p o n s ib ili ty in _ th e ir u se o f ih e

p rocess. ,T hey d id ju m p

. o n lh e te rm lim its b a n d w agon, b u t th ey d id .so a t a t im e w hen tlie lim*

'S its \\-ere a cen tra l )t p a n of d ie

R epub lican agen* w e da , and m o s t o f

Idaho 's lop R ep u b lican offi* d a is en d o rsed

n l ( 9 them . T h e sam e — w ie r s — r e je c ie d f -

OintS ho\N-evei;initiadves XU| restricting proper-

' " ty taxes to 1 p e r­c e n t o f a sse sse d v a lue , sc ra p p in g fo rm er Gov. P h il

a g re e m e n t \viih th e federa l n m e n t on n u d e a r w aste , rin g gays su itab le ta rge ts fo r m ina tion , and lim iting th e b e a rs could b e hunted , l ig h t o f lh a t , s h o u ld n ’t

I a to rs w a il u n t i l v o te r s ' o m e th in g _ r e c k le s s _ w i th _

in i t ia t iv e p o w er b e fo re lg i t aw ay from th e m ? i f le g is la to rs do n o l w a it iu c h reck le ssn ess ,_ w o n ’t l i e d o in g s irm elH ihg feck^ :h e m se lv e s?

on Libya0 a c t a s q u ick ly a s r i ie s o o n e r L ibya d is a rm s , o o n e r i t c a n e n d i ts m a n y1 o f iso la tio n a n d a t t r a c t f ic a n t forei{>n in v e s tm e n t s u n d e rc a p i ta l iz e d i)etro*se c to r . L if tin g th e san c - b e fo re M ay a lso w o u ld

le fa m ilie s o f th e v ic tim s n A m e r ic a n F lig h t 103 to v e a n a d d il io n a l S6 bil* fro m L ib y a , on to p o f t h e i l l io n th e y a lre a d y h a v e v e d , a c c o rd in g to a la w y e r l e fa m ilie s . L ib y an a g e n ts ■oyed th e c o m m e rc ia l a ir - i_w itiL a l i i d d e n .b o m b J n ^ . k il l in g 2 7 0 p e o p le .I t h e U n i te d S t a t e s I d n ’i h o ld i ts e lf to a n y ic ia l t im e ta b le s . I t s h o u ld - lu r ry t h e lif t in g o f sa n c - ; 10 e n s u r e th a t th e vie*' f a m il ie s re c e iv e t h e r e s t h e i r m o n e y . L ib y a f i r s t

m e e t a ll o f i ts com m it* ts . A n y th in g le ss w o u ld l u r a g e b a c k s l id in g , a s I a c c u ra te ly p e rce iv es .

inamos.will be Domiancmiy ) from publication. Letters may juRhl to our Twin Falls or Burleyrmalled to F?0.-Bor5<18rTvfln-------ID 83303: taxed lo (208) 734- ; or ^mailed lo /cJt(.vs(?njflg/c- com.

;-News. Publiihar -Smit ........... Advtrtliing dircctor

m ofedilorials are Stephen Cooper and Shelley Ridenour.


0 F______ M o n

■ ■ ( TUE a i 5 t \ t m i - u

- S i \ ™\ - B

MI i - iM ixe( U .S. ir i l h e m ost obvious p

I m ake ab o u t Gcori * ^ Bush's ne\v immig( , dative is th a t h e d idn’t

■ much choicc. PoUtical, < ? social, a nd c u ltu ra l irnp T have forccd th e crcatio: ^ “ guest w orker” p ro g m '> thus th e TOSt expansior ^ A m erica’s im m igrant p' e To b e sure, th e presic

in the sooth ing languaf t ' ‘reform," B ut M ark K r S ' director of th e C en ter 1tl____Im m igration S tud ies ine W ashington, h a s seen r ? “ reform s” in th e past, i X have a ll o p ened th e do

lions o f newcom ers. “B - -n iim e .-th e Bush propos

anu. ;.ty for illegal alic says.

Tlie first im perative I ‘ Bush tow-ard a w ider o; L politics. All Republicai

rc-elecdon th is y ear fe ]. need lo cultivate Hispi

And pa rt o f th a t cultiv y course, is im proving ro .J witli Mexico, th e moth j. of mosi A m erican Ilisi J. Bush en joys a harm on:

smiles session \vith P n J V icente Fox a t th e eco „ sum m it in M onterrey,

Monday, th a t happy m I win h im favor w ith a h g c o n s titu e n c y - ju s t a s : ^ grip and-grins \vith th<

of, say, Ire land , Israel, i help w ith o th e r e thn ic ..sdiuencies.

'Hie second im p era t ' uum it:*nie U n ited S m

booming, b u i m ore wo •J needed to k eep it booi y cially in th e serv ice se

a pro-business W liite I labor-iniensivc indusu 10 eye - indeed , w ord I

On Dec. 15 Bush sai need lo have a n immi|

IJ ic> 'that help s m atch a


Gay m arriage goes - society 's absolutei

'lliis is in regard to t______ ^\

Jan. 2). S he h ad said, ‘ ed to say th a t not ever believes in God. so we shouldn’t u se th e Bibli

— so iirrr for w h e th e r o r sexuals should be olio m arried.” W lied ier on ia C o d or n o t, h e s t i l l ' one can d eny him . Ev« ist, w hen faced w id i ii danger, wiU cry o u t to

As fo r th e reasoninf--------- ihe-hom osexuallifestj

“because y ou have fri' family who a re homos

^ doesn’t m ak e it r ig h t (

----------- — By-Garry-1


S | i »

t sn d a y , J a n u a r \ ' 1 2 , 2 (

,5HT'S■ iro ,a s - J

n « tT lP R 6 S tt« K & 0 H l.Y E fro N P T ri\5 G m .

OLd m oti immigi} point to ~ 3rgeW.ligration ini- V 1 I’t haveI, economic, ' nperatives ion of an m - a n d Ion of '-----------------population. em ployer w

sident spoke employee."lage of otv th e veryCrikorian, N ational R<r for issued a polin _____________for a n immi1 many such “ m atches wt, and thoy w illing em fJoor to mil- iden tical W(‘By any and privateosal is a n - .....coincidenceliens," he successful 1

O r sim ply rre pushing th a t restauiopening is in d u s try -?

:ans seeking • em ployingfeel the The fact is.ipanic voters. president v:ivation,of ' Big Food, nrelations •_ __^labor-hungiih e r c o u n tiy ' retailing,ispanics. If T lie tiiircmious, all- M ost peopl’resident country is icononiic and they’rt y, Me.xico. on " n’t waiit tom eeting \vill w here falliI huge e thnic ing longeviIS successful society - ah e leaders tion >vill b(1, or Italy a few yeanlie con- ' th e econor

for m ost ofalive is cco- A t the «:tutc-ji:: gmjvorkersare h e re was 3)oming. espe- 28.1 in 197sector. Here, o f new imr• House and m edian agstries see eye American?d for word. apparen t. 1aid. “We - th e a g in (nigration pol- u lauon an<I any willing H ispanic i;

------------------------------L88 a g a in s t i de fiJie s _____ ___ tioned , “yc3 th e le tte r you 're in ILong (Friday. g rea t exnnI, " I just want- w ith a maierj-one m other?ve really As for cible a s a fa th e r o r ri r not homo- can surelylow ed to get ho p e tha t)ne believes b e s t examII exists! No to give a li :ven the athe- O n th e i im m ediate everyone i

to God. “am ok" d n g to accept good to thsty le------------------- ^,•riends o r o u t any b<osexuals" You hoveI (God said it, assum e th

'-T ru d e a u ------------ M a l l a i

sniiNCjr ■ l ^ T coNVJNCeoT Y h u

Q N r2 0 0 4


i s3 :

T - t l ' j

ives spi ration

J a m e s

^ P.p s P lN 'K E R 'ID N

r \vith any ^villing- B." And lo and behold, jry sam e day, the RciStaurant A ssociation policy docum ent calling imigration policy th a t s' w ^fig ljm p lo y ers 'with mployees." Are those . words, from th e public a te sector, the product ofnee? Or the resu lt of a ______lU lobbying campaign? iy an acknowledgment aurants m ake up a huge- .$440 billion a year,

ng 12 million people?is, no re-election-minded

u wants to tangle wiUi I, not to mention o ther ngr>’ sectors, such as i_" ' 'lird impenuive is social, ople believe tha t a young is a dynamic country - r'’re riglu. America does- to end up like Japan,

lUing birth rates an d ris- evity have gniyed the- a q u an er of its popula- . i b e older than G5 in just la r s - to the point that lomy has been shriveling: o f the past decade.* same time, the U nitediri'yc 'Iln- rni.fli:ins 35.3 in 2000, up from 1970. <\nd so the appeal mmigTdnt blood - the age of Hispanic ans is just 25.9 - is readily It. Indeed, the two trends jng, affluent “Anglo” pop- and die young, hungry c population - m esh well

_.ETTER —). Furtherm ore, w hat is finition of love? You men- “you get m arried becausc n love." Did you have a cample of love to go on, iiale'fiuher andT fciinale 5r couples who c annof )r m odier diildren, tiiey eiy adopt. And I would lat they would have th e amples of gender iden titya l itd e boy or giril le topic of morals, if le ran around in society ’ doing whatever feels p them a t the m om ent, weje livinR In a so d e ty w ith * __’ b oundaries of p rotection! ve m entioned a fiance; I I th a t someday you are

lard Fillmore -----

lA A ? W E N J y ^ t A F W m .


^ ' ' - -

lur late: reforn“together, a s ricH 'white'peo look around fo r affordable and a tten d an ts to take car them in th e ir e ld e r years.

The fourth imperative is al.Today, d ie A m erican pec a t least the ir e lite , in b o d i; - have e lected to pursue gl tion.To be sure.A inericans tigliter borders, b u t such h land sea irin g hasn’t chang dom inant v iew lha t Ameri' be an acdve p a r t of die wo every possible way, from e> ed trade to m elting-pot d ti

— Suchglobal-m inded foUctl; “ diversity” a s a g reat goal, th a t end, they like d ie idez knowing a littie Spanish -

___odier.reason th a n to conyewith th e help.

As a consequence of th four im pera tives , th e Uni S ta tes is la u n d ie d on a v ex p erim en t - a n experim population explosion. Toe popu lation o f th e U nited is alm ost 300 m illion, the la rgest in th e world. In fe

■ lim e w hen m any o ther ri coun tries a r e shrinking, A m erica is grow ing by 3. a year. Now, fu r th e r acce is coming.

So w hat w ill happen as A m erica becom es aggran bilingual a n d m ulticultur h istory-based answ er is th denser populations lead t governm ent; a s tronger ct governm ent is needed to an increasingly elbowy pi t io ii .n iu s .fo r exam ple, V

:___ ialilierlnrian,.niilN ew Y <is liberal. A nd A m erica ii becom e m oro like crowdc Europe.

But Bush probably isn’t worried abou t any of thai he ju st w ants to get re-eh

Jamis I'iitkcrtoit is a Na columiivtt.

planning to ge t m arried haps give b ir th to (or adi drcn. W hat do you plan t

-------them about God, homostmorals? W hat explanatic

-------yoirgive'them 'w hen-thc’confused b o u t the ir gcn< identity?

As for homosexuals, love them as God loves tl

‘ha te the sin! Praying for doesn’t h u r t e idier! Let c m ean yes a n d o ur no me Let u s m ean w hat we saj what we m ean , which mi right, right, a nd w hat is wrong! As th e hum an rai need absolutes.'W hich ir

! God and ihe'Bible!Sm RLEYTHORSON IWln Falls

/ ? ! f w c & t r i w w y w o K ’r

f p i i r t W o p S T C A P B B H I S ,

__ ________ {________

// Editor Dcn'ifJ Cooper - 7.1

r h e 1

Why ‘i sports


Moro com dons fre

^ - Darell Schnidself-described "'

“Why can 't di local sports b e i >vith larger p rin

Good questioi As a Baby Boon outskirts of Bifc

— diize. So I askector, Joe Paisley.

On any given and his staff gai n dozen gam es < Deadlines a re ti precious. So the roundups th a t c facts: wtio won,

________ ers, die a rea letihe lr naxt oppo

^ The stat#, in seach item, a re e

i . corc sports fans ✓ k -F W •■it-sadetaili

have, bu t th e re

n gis cultur-

a l l c . Newspapers i1 used smtdl type

globaliza- stod t prices anrjisw am “ a g a t^ 'ty p e h .home- most of ou r ^ 0

nged th e have to adm it, i•rica m ust us older readervorld in Joe notes diaiexpand- ■ local basketball3ties. adding reboundthinicof--------- newest improve

- ■ " - n o>:erse^. . “C ou ld y o u i

m e why it is ththese photographerstnited want to o pen d1 vast a t the face of aim ent in screaming chili:oday, th e TTiat i ^ s n ’t t

S ta te s ”

T t ' a f a 0? d“ c. 1 1 .tact, a t a pace p icnire olrich '• - a'shol.Tlio sair

5) page fe a tu re d ;3 .m ilhon photos from arce le ra tion News E ditor

thoud it th e COa s ..................... fun, d iffe ren t,'indized, readers. I thouural?T he But a few re,u . disagreed. Des

10 m anage th e mad-cow s popula- ^^-anted th e ne .Wyoming our story abou York C ity I don’t haveits e lf w i l ---------S T c T n r n c m n(Jed tan newspapei

Times-Ncws, wc n't too to Rive tho t e

,, , beef and d a irj'laosdaD Maho's s tati: v

Stoiy o ffered z beef safety.

Since then«^----------------on the downei

organic ranchi ,x ...,,1 first b eef auc t I p t l S ' . M s sale yard

section fea tu r Wlien b a d r

i^ x u a ls o r-------i) cover

------------- iin“d m t5 ird lSinder befalling diie (

, ,, local economiwe shall We aim to gith e m y e t foodsafety inior them need, as w ell ito u r yes of local food pnean no. die rancher wsay a nd say . satisfied w id imakes ___________s w rong. ManaginsEta c e .w e a ll n ^a H yd isa iin d u d es ' “Between th

------------------------(H/Hnit’fitorrDN himatdarkw(


--------------- ' -~ B l


; T im c s -N c y i 's

are the s stats so naU?com m ents and ques* s from readers.

in itk e r of (Soodin&a •d "o ld duffer,” asfe:'I d ie s ta ts for all't)ie b e p rin ted n orniaj or print?"stion, Mr. Schnitker. oom er entering th e ' B ifocalville,Isym pa- 5ked o u r sports eal* ley. • •ven gam e idght, Jo e [ g a th e r d ie resu ltsflf ies o r more, re tigh t, and spacc, fs . t h w rapidly comiJpe lat deliver th e key "?on, th e leading scor- 1 team s’ records a nd sm all type below ire a bonus fo r hard- fans.ail th a t’s g reat t o - - e real story is what's rpe,” Joe said. ,

k B L " n V E E N

t - m E U N 'e s ' f Clark - ' Walworth '^ '

e rs traditionally h ^ type fo r sports staisiI and th e like. This . e h e lp s m ake d ie ,, sp a c e - ih o u g h I .

l i t , i t can b e to u g h en iders.d ia l h e enhanced the ball sta ts dds year, by unds and assists-'Rie rovem entis an explain:— - dp sports-page newbies B cryptic numbers. m ious read e r sen t ,•• as words;ou p lease explain to s th a t you a nd your , R lers th ink d ia t people ra ;n th e paper and look y; of a frightened, / child in pain?" n ’t th e only complaint i o n o u r coverage bf

I I we prin ted a front*•e of a child rc c e iv i^ sam e week,-an inside red a collage of sim ilar n around th e nation., i to r Bruce W hiting ‘a collage would b e .‘*3 •nt, quirky thing” for h o u ^ t so, too.V readers adam antiy D esp ite a quarter-cen* new s business, I guess im in g this job. an c h e r called m e a fte r IW story broke. H e . • jn w v s m edia l o “ tell bout beef.” ave m uch influence^

apers. But h e re a t T7if J, we’ve w orked h ard beef and dairy induS- shake.

. day o f mad-cow coher­e d com m ents froni v lairy groups as well'as te vet. Our second^ay e d a ssurances a b o u f

en«^ve’ve h ad stories-- m e r cow issue, a local neher and th e yeai^5-. luction at th e TWin ./a rd . L ast w eek’s focid . i tu red beef redpes.,.,- ad new s breaks, we. ,., v e r it. But, a s a home*ir in a g country, w e________'d th a t any p roblem «Jie c a ttle industiy is a omic issue. \to give consimiers the* jr inform ation diey;_ ;'en a s the perspecnves od p roducers. I h ope \ vc w ho called m e ffieK rfdi th e job weVe dbnp.

tg Editor Qark Whlworih iscusses the news businas ntheLines.’'Jbofferh irrD 'suspsratD ptqe-m ^tl— iav®magicvaIlev.aom,of'55.

By Bruce-Tlnsiey:


Page 11: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

O p i n i o n

IWhere Is the outrage I casualties from alcoho

'D ie “ liaic Busli" Uieme re m e o f Uic luila hoop y ears aj ypu saw il, you tried il, you

. Ix scu n c bored b ut had n o i f anything lo replace il and di w in l to waste the investmer condition seems prevalent v th e 18- to 40-ji‘ar^)ld crowd, ones in the svirl of th e pres- dn ig (alcohol) plague w ho a th reatened and even te rm ir by 'tho drug culture. I h e y hs lived and waidied d ie deva; of d rug use and abuse a n d i total unwillingness of th e p< structure to abandon ihii al< lobby and move to p rotect t und lh e threatened. O n A pr 2002, it was announced lhat collcgc students had d ied fi alcohol tragedies along witl 500,000 injuries and 70,000 r.jpes.The cost of underage jn g has been put a t S53 b ill of th e above ignored by Uie structure. And it Is s till goin

U niversal denial p recluc ciiiaion o r solution to Uiesi te rs and perhaps we b lam t top m an. It is much e a s ie r b lam e h im tlian to ta k e cn aciion and so the problem : gro\ving. Tlie sham e a n d th th a t go w ith our lack of ca concern have to be dumi>e somewhere,

F or 25 years, I have tried in te resl the Idaho L egislat

years and older to p u rchas hoi. Why 21? We are; to ld tl

■ hum an brain does n o t stop ing until then, and alcohol ex trem e damage p rio r to r ty. (Columbia University, C Report). With th e a.sinine i phy of “Riglu of P assage” th e adults off the book), w ed u ca te the u ndcraged - i been a disaster.

President Bush is blam e h is opposiUon for th e ca st in Iraq and tha t is th e ir rii

■ if casualties aro so im p o rt them , why aren’t th ey h ac alcohol lobby th a t is causi m any deaths each d ay ovt

W lien our access lo a lc t m ore im portant th a n weU

I d iild ren , we are abou t a t I b f th e line. N either le a d ir d a te drinks; p erhaps w c c positive dialogue going.

ARCHIE WALKER G lenns F eny . (Editor}:noie:Ardtie Wai

one of the founders of the M Center, a nsidcntial substar tnatmcnt program in Good

DIstastehil le tter sho split Simmons' hom e

— Mrs. Kailuyn Simmons’ 1 to the increasing nu m b er o of her husband^ letter, UIk women in general ancj Nev Sen. HiUaiy Rodham Clint particular, lias had a persoi ic consequcnce, unless, a s ] pect, she has wiih charm a added herself as a victim , i tu rns the issue on iLs h ead

of 45 years, who faUn tv-i) upstanding d iild ren ai beautiful grandchildren, rt

. deserve Uie “beating” h e I in letters to die ed itor fron old groudies devoid o f any

So, Mrs. Simmons, a s t i hum orless g roudi w ho la: first painful psydiologica on you, I say, “Forgive yoi ’Ibke him. back in. H e ne i Not only that, b ut I woulc th a t if all of M ike’s c r i t ic w ro te Icuers knew t h a t y would throw “th e b u m bi house for good,” Uicy woi

aA U C T K CA LEN ET hro ug h Jo n u o

SATURDAY, JA N . 1 7 , L'nda Hilli* Ayction, Wi

Form Equipmenl Timej-Naws Ad: 1-

MASTERS A U C n O N S _ __www.moslcftqv.ctiQ£j

SAIURDAY, JA N . 2 4 ,GemlnleffMtkKwlRetirefn.Troclors • Vohiclos • Trail

PdvvoTTo6lr*'OfficoEq_ i: -------rinws‘News Ad; !■

U SA U C nO N"'J. wvw.m-auctionears

J. ; To find out more, click /• ■ o n w w .m o g ic v o llo ) ! A U C n O N S A U S

• Jill Hollon 735-32 E-mail: jholbnQm ogiw


Letters-'e for have svrittcn th

ht.*avfn’s sake, 1m O U d o n o t , Ib c g o fe reminds hom e breaker,■s ago - You have to iHI Sim m ons, that01 found - tan t, Franklin Id didn’t lilwral Dem ocrn e n t.lh e to the dismanUIt widi public instituti'wd, the m eans, includiiresent a senato r I th ir10 a re public institu tiTiinated may understan/ have th ink you maynrastation my point if. insid the . Sen, Clinton,.i power ed your n am e I: alcohol ine an iron skilct the sick C hildhood’s '\p r il 10, m ay b reak myh a t 1,400 would never hid from in my life reinfvith R epublican Se)00 date his book, “ Lanigc drink- an d Action: W(billion, all things.” But apUie power h u rt us, probal;oing on! s till a t a somc\:ludes dis- stage o f develclesc disas- words o f h u n Iim e the m uddle, oftenier to sense, meanin}creative of our country

urns keep beyond m ere ji th e guilt th e political sccare and ous issues to b

ijied Ik-st w ishes old groudi in 1

i e d to GRANT U Pilature 10 H agerm ansaM _________ ■riasealco- , ,d th e ^to p grow- I

y, Califano l e

w c try to - it has

c o p y (im ed by asualtics r right, buto r tan t to________;__la tin g thetusing ^over here? ■ Lilcohol is y*/c lfare of ■a l the end •d ing candi- IC can get a ;•


Wiilkeris e Walker xana abuse ooding.) . . .

ihouid T l , ,T h .

is ’ icsponsc • — ................._*r of cridcs lilwling SlewYork^ linton in n»n ;d uag- as I sus- n and irony m, wliidi :ad and now

aUiered her n and four I, really 1C has takenrom some ®any humor?s th e> la id thejc a l featheryour Mike,n eed s you.” L — —)uld wagertics whoI t you1 b u t of thew ould not

IO N I IDARnuory24 { A

7 , 12 :00n 5 I,, Wondell 5 1,en( 3: M 5 IM SERVICE iion.cocn ___ f__________

fJ, 11:00am ^ecnent, BuHoy ^ ' railof • Por(j • |

3 r ; : |z ^■ “ ■

k Auctfen<


p— II those le tters. For . . * e, forgive liim , and . • ; of you rm ake m c a ---------

[o underr;tand, Mrs. at 1 am an unrepen-n D elano R oosevelt. -weeljcrai, who is opposed lo p i nUing of a ll o f ourutions by devious rie diding b ad jo k es about frie rhink works to keep ann iutions alive. So you At;and liiy testiness. I eduiay b est u nderstand I wainstead of libeling anni1, M ike had substitut- fgj. (ic for hers. D o I imag- pgQ| jkillet in your hands? i's “sticks a nd stones ny bones, b u t \vords• h u rt m e” w as la te r .linforced by th e la te gSen. S.l. H ayakawa in . anguage in Thouglit Wcjrds a re notapparen tly w ords do o u t

bably because w e are P f” !new hai p rim itive d jv telopm ent. T im s our II sn have p u t us in a • S pesn lacking in any rcal rouiling tha t th e problem s s lu liry today go fa r fro re jokes, regardless of B1 source. Wc have seri- a ll iJ be stud ied . a n ncs from th is 74-year- p iein H agerm an s ixJPTAIN gra;n I tak.

I o f T h e T i m e s - J

p u r c h a s e d u rin g

l l r t kTwin Falls 1

now inck

l i a t ’ s r i g h t ! a

T h e T i m e s -

w ith ANY p u i

N o c a t (


15/month • FREE so flw

i*op stai[n Uie o f iill d ie

depressing new s o f war, te ,and n a tu ra l ilL'^Lstt Ls som etim es a n ico rv sp ite i

e a r a story_alx)ui fa in o as p e t le b ehaving like id io ts a n d gi ra lly em lw rnissing Uiemselvi 1 fron t of tlie vv]}oIe world.'II: fedc i t was Britney S p ea rs’ t t 3 provide comic r ^ e f to a tei jn e r ic a n public a s slie p t m ied in L as Vegas to a diildho< riend a nd Uien filed for a n n n u lm en i ju st two d i ^ la te i

A ctually Uiis in d d e n t w as :ducadonaI for m e. H ere to fo w as u n d e r d ie im pres.sion U

m nu lm en t \ ju s t a synony o r d ivorce Uial \vas- in v en ted >eople of certa in re lig ious p t u as io n s w ho w an ted to e n d h e ir m arriages b u t w ou ld fa n to ill favo rw ith d ie ir churci h e y called it a d ivorce.

B u t no, a n n u lm e n t is a re; e g a l by w h ich a m» ia g e can b e te rm in a te d wi )iit th e pesky c o m m u n ity p ro p erty issues th a t m a k e liv o rce .such a m a jo r b u m n I’s n o t ha rd to s e e w hy M s. sp e a rs would p r e f e r to g o t ■oute ra th e r th a n g iv e h a lf ;tu ff to h e r " d e a r f r ie n d ” ro m Loui.siana.

B ut it's not s u p p o se d to b ill th a t easy, to a t ta in a n m n u lm e n t. In N ev a d a , a co 7le h a s to m e e t a t le a s t one ;ix p ossib le c r i te r ia to b e g ra n te d an a n n u lm e n t. L e t ;ak e a look a t th e m a n d try

3 3i - N e w s w i l h any ng Ja n u a ry .

r.G aSj; location luded!

A F R E E c o p y o f

• s - N e w s

lu rch ase !

i t c h !

l e o f t h e N FL s o f t h e W eel<” c o n te s t !


Thi eMi

tw aro • 5 o -m a ll add

r weddi!“ ■ B i i l I - ' l 'Ksteis,K to ~ T

fig u re o u i w h id i geii. a p p ly to B r iin e y ’.'

• T h e p a n ic ip a e d b y b lo o d . 'f t i is

tu rn " o r k a s B ritn e y i [ense h u b b y w e re j u s t i m ar. (Ancl I d o n ’t w an lood w ise c ra c k s a b o u t

f ro m L o u is ia n a .) er. • E i th e r p a r t y 's m a rr ie d . N o p e . Tfore f ir s t m a r r ia g e foi 1 iJiat B ritn e y ’s c a s e i t i nym b e th e f i r s t o f m i

• E i th e r p a r ty per- A p p a re n tly b o th cl a d u lts , a n d th e f; fall w e ro a c t in g lik e rch if d o e s n ’t c o u n t.

• E i th e r p a r ty real g u e ss a lo l o f gu} nar-vith- • , ~

■im er. 1 ^ ^ 'Is.) th is - 0 - 1if h e r

ccou- ‘n e o f

e t’s • '.ry lo

Ily____________^ T h e j l n !

II Newspai:


lonths of F

d re sse s • 5 m eg s of

ling goe------------------------ m a rry

■ i« :ii,s ( )N .------ -----------------J e n o u ftJ i o n es m ay anothejy’.s s i tu a n o n . ------- help.s(p a n ts a re re la t* h av e st is o ne w on’t • Eiiy a n d h e r • a frauis t good friend.s. a rg u ea m to h e a r a n y m it ie t)u t th em b e in g th o p t iJ.) h av e Ily w as a lre a d y ones.T h is w a s th e • 'I ’hfo r lx i th . In .standi t w ill p ro b a b ly is a p pm any. * d a rd ity is u n d e r 18. th is c;th a re legal g ro u n* fac t lh a t th e y Obvce th ey w ere 12 w ou ld

was hty is in sane . I g o t h i’u y s w ould to b e


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es ‘poo][Ty BiHiney i r n i e y g o f l h e ^ n ee , so th e guy is in th e ir. A n d B ritney is sm a rt lUgli lo know th a t k iss in g ith o r w om an o n 'I'V w ill p .sell reco rd s, so s h e m u s t - 'e so m e th in g o n th e ba ll. E i th e r p a n y is co m m ittin g -aud o n th e o ther. You co u ld u e t h a t B ritney has com - te d a m a jo r frau d ag a in s t p u b lic by p re le n d in g to

^e ta le n t, b u t w e a re n 't th e ;s w ho m a rr ie d her.'I’h e co u p le d id not u n d e r- nd ih e ir own a c tio n s .’H iis ip p a re n tly th e «mly stan - -d th a t c an b e ap p lie d in s c a se , a n d w is u sed a s lUnds fo r th e a n n u lm e n t. ) b v io u s ly th a t la s t o n o u ld a p p ly if th e c o u p le s h a m m e re d w h e n th o y ; h i tc h e d , a n d th a t s e e m s b e e x a c t ly w h a t hap -

dy COt

it's a fact.r market* turn S-NEWS more than urcewhen USED CARS.

3 %


20% 40%

Valley Martet Sunry nnducttd 6y BtUe ntn,ese laofoUttlntht 7Wn FaSU Nt Fails. Camas. CasUa, Goodins, Itnme,

.E lT h e T“ magitm

Magic VaUey’sLeadei

aUoQ ctU yonr TIMES-NEWS rcpt3 M 2 W Buriey: (208) 677-4042

$100 vs. AOL this

i l h s of l=REE In te rn e t wliE

y e a r o f s e n / ic e f ro m Vole

u n lim ited 5 6 K d ia l - u p a

e d , b la z in g - fa s t D S L . W i

or 5iK Inte“ t e c h “ s u p p o r t- a n td -o - rG

n e tw o rk . N o w th a t sh o u lc

“ fa c e ;

l ^ c i t u .t O A D B A D

7 3 5 . 1 9 0 0 — v o lo c l tu B .n e t -

id Tl • Fiactional 0S3 • Ftamo Rolay tual FtamD Ral.ay • Hotting • Fifowhlli

ice > FREE 24/7 te ch s


f ’ in dai--------p e n e d rB ritn ey ’s-pet

ev e r , h a v e d e n ie d tli h o i is lo b la m e for t d e n t a n d h a v e s a id : w a s j u s t a ’-‘jo k e ” ih

t - to o far.I g u e s s e v e ry o n e 's :

lg h u m o r is u n iq u e , b ut Id n e v e r th o u g h t lh e ac

t in g m a r r ie d w as inh h u m o ro u s . O f c o u rse fu im y tilin g s o ften h;

i w edding .s, b u t th e mi m a tr im o n y it.self d o t

r- m o s i p e o p le th e gig^ ; B r itn e y S p ea rs , ho

sh o w n u s th a t sh e h i in h e re n t ly funny. Sh' p e rso n ; a n d I’m su re la u g h s \vill ju s t keep ing . J u s t d o n ’t m ak e to h e r s in g . P lease .

s Bill F a^isouL ^acifur the Macon (Go.) I


6 6 . 6 * i J

60% 80%.

Uai Msocialts, CMober 3003. Nrwtpaptr DetlxnaltJ Uaitxl. vrhlch

U naln end UlnSM a counHts.

[imes-NewsM e y .io m

er in Reach and Results

pm eata tlre :


i e n y o u

) lo c itu s .

a c c o s s

V e oHec

emetAccere lia b le ;-----------------------------

lid p u t a

i . ' s .


su p p o rt • Nationwide

ty 12.2004_Ttom-N«wi..Tw!n F«*M t . Idaho A - U _______

aysp e o p le ,-h o w - -----------J th a t a lco - [>r th is itic i- lid th a t it ’ th a t v.'*>nt

e 's s e n se o f b u t I’ve

L* a c t o f g e t- in h e re n tly

irse a lo t o f n h a p p e n a t i m e re a c t o f d o e sn ’t g iv e elRtilL-s., h ow ever, h a s L> h e rs e lf is S h e ’s a goo fy

u r e th o ;eep tm com - ik e u s l is te n ':e.

a i.vhtnmist 1.) U'lvf^raph.

1 0 0 % ; ;



_______ _ i


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ido a c c o s s

Page 12: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

W o r l d

—Israel,Sj held seer contacts

j i - k u s a i . i :m - hstcrci cimiiitis wiili Sy m ontlis iip) - w l l lH;f

. Syrian inx‘i ma-s - but di)wii a f t i r woni itf lh( loiikcil (HII, Isnicl’s fon ler S 'i‘1 Siiiuiay. Frini Ariel Sli.itDii Siii‘1 lu ' wit|H.'n iiL-Kiiliiilitms if Sliulpinnicnor."

■lill- st'Civl nicciiiiK?. part of i'

World 'SS.!. In brief

niies. h; btt)kL down in 20(K).

Syrian ra-siiient Ba callcd last moii(hfur<i of official ialks,hnt Isi iiiv sjilil over wiielhcr his offer

Slianin s;iid Sunday would ivatiiiy restart n wilh Syria, once Syria s inn i '" j liarlwrinR lem that continiie to attack main I’iilestinian milit a.s \yeil llie Ix'bui Hezlxillah. all oix;ralc terrilory.

___________ “Israel is ready ancnegotiate once hyna, slops helping terror." news contereiicc for f< iialisus.

Reformist legislate In Iran hold protes

ISTANBUL,n\irki,7 legislators in Iran proiests Sunday a fte r tive oversi^il Iwdy bi a third of them from election next monlh.

'llie lawmakers firsi o f pariiam cnt, then

--------- them sraRcd asit-in tisweeping decision l)y i

'G u a rd ian Council, v Iran’s complex theoc s a v c a s all candidates office.

“Il’s m eanin^ess il lion of prom inent I have worked for tht

• years i.« not a p p rPresident Moliammr who ^v;is voted into o

I on a reform platform.I .•nidi disquauficntlon

legnl ways to figlit."In uddiuon to thu

'thousands of o th e r w ere barred from 'n ir 290-scat pnrliument, i ih c o ffidal Islamic R e Agency, 'flie A-ssoci c ited pnrliument tneir ing that abom 900 c hopefuls for seals m 1 h ad been disciuidlfied.

Pakistan arrests n plot against presic

ISLAM/\BAD,Pakis .;rrested n ine peop

_________ linki-ii -m .ih i; plnnrm onth 's ussassinatit aca in si Pre.sjdent ( Miusharraf. a security Sunday.

n i e su.siK‘cis, in d sm dents. \svru dctair raid Saturday on <m D in th e eastern city of official said on c anonymity. He refase m ore details.

Meanwhile, hiki-sm its punishmenis for ciers. raising the m ic n n fttim five lo 1 banning them from

' In form alion M inis ______ Ru-'diid Aluiicdsaid..

____ ___ .n ic__C i\b ine i_archiuige.s lo Pakistan Terrorism Act on Sali said lem )r financiei faced a minimum o f : jail hut would now mum of four >vars.

Colombia seeks extradition of dru

PANAMA- CITY, I’nnam anian policc li a lop Colombian t

' b eU e \td responsibleunies” of narcotics U nited States, und O doLs said Simday the; extradition.

---------------- Panam anian o ff------------- §am rday-roponcd-tl

Arcangel de Jesus Ht in a rem ote p a r t P a n ^ a .

Colombia'ls a tlo r said he will scek th e H enao Monioya, bci

1 top leader of o ne i! ----------- m o st WN-crful cancj . d e Valle. The r ing 0{

th e southw estern C< ofCaH . . ,

"H e JS w anted by tJ ju stic e systcm, n iJ d ' wri ex trad ition C olom bia^ n ttom ey C am ilo Osorio, toll C aracol R adio on Sui

-C pm piledfinn i

A-U Tlmei^owi, Twin Ftlli

says |M£Iyria uu(ret

JERUS/ ies. Ariel S

) he rema Palestinia

Isn ie l had K-iievesinSyria sc\ er.d on lo Anili

lH;f»a‘ ivcent Hui mailut tiiey broke l>elieve tl:ihe m celiiigs gone a sl;

foreign minis- version -rime M inister when he I!.• was ready to Party thatf Syria “stops m anllesoi

helped niings apiK-arcd fnmi, Mtni(;)f an effort to (;a/a,1 jH.-ilce lalks Am ajoi;en h l and sigiiificaniof i ls most |xiriers. b

ciabk* ene- |,ack.Harlier talks Analyst

lurnabouiBashar Assiid resiwnse

r a resum ption “Sharon ;Lsniel leaders n,;nic p(

tier to lake up pi, , en c e a lT t

Jay lh a l Israel sirorrt negouauons remains, fia s topped aid- ply trying e rro n si groupsad< l.srae lT lie public liy lililant groups. ibanese Rrt)itp^ t e o n Synan ues. as do

. “Tlie b

na of-oiDrSS- ^or." h e told a>r foreign jour- r ------------

ators:estsU.7 - Reform ist ,n h e ld angry 'te r a conserva- / ba rred almost •om seek ing re- h.first.wiilked out len dozens ofn to p ro test th e ...... .......... .—Ijy th c ha rd line 1. w h id i under eocratic system Ites for national

s lha t qualifica- u figures who the nation for

ip roved ," said im ad Khatimii, o office in 1997 rm .“r m against ions. T here are

h e incum bents, ie r ca n d id a te s n m n in g for the It, according to R epublic Ne\vs loc ia ted P ress lem bers as .say-,0 of Uie 1,700 in T ehran alone ied.

5 nine In isldentik is tan -P o lice lop le believednnnRra o L la s i .___________atio n a t te m p t t G en . Pervez -ity o ff id a l said

in d u d in g some ta ined d u ring a n b la m ic sdiool / of L ahore, th e

co n d itio n of ased to give any

i.sran tougliened or te r ro r finan-

m axim um ja il • a 10 yuapi, and mi jxjsiing bail. • n is ie r S heikhitJ_____________ . — ....... ..........._apj)roved j h e ____________lan 's m i Aiiti- ialurday. A hm ed d e rs previously of jdx m onths iir

face a mini-^ ■

SIrug lordPY. P an am a - X h a w captured n d ru g langpinble fo r"h u g ev o l-------------------ies en te r in g the1 C olom bian offi- they w ill seek his

o f f id a ls — enrly -----------------a-the-capturc-of---------------5 H enao M ontoya irt o f so u th em

to m e y general h e cjrtn id ition of believed to b e a le of C olom bia’;m e ls , ih e -N o rte— --------} ope ra te s o u t of 1 C olom bian d ty

jy th e Colornbiah ' " id w e wUl make, in re a u e s t." ‘ icy general, Luis to ld Colom bia' w ire reports _______

Ftlli, Idaho Monday. Jv m y U 2(

any Israi idergoneJSA LK M (/U »)-To his cril- ;1 S haron has not changed: m ains an en em y of Ilian a sp ira tio n s and s in ih e use o f force to hold m b lands.nany l.sraelis have come: lo

th e p re m ie r- lia s under- startling ideological con- - one capiK-d last week

le told his haw kish U kud lial Israel m ay have to dis- so m eo fih esc ltlcm en e - nu rtu re , a n d pull back

inie of th e West Bank and

ijorily 'of rsraelis, in d u d tti- ant numlK-rs of I ik u d sup- . back the idea of a pull- ,

ysts say Sharon 's apparent out m ay have b een a se 10 the nation 's mood, n always w as a very prag- person," sa id Avraham

, profe.vsor o f jw litical .sci- : Tel Aviv University, rong stra in of skepticism IS. Som e say Sharon is sim- ing to buy tim e and pad fy m ericans a n d th e Israeli \jy d iang ing h is riie toric - selilem enl constn iction in ;st Bank a n d Gaza contin- do m ilitary operations.• l)ottom line is ... Sharon t Iwtnm to d ism an tle s e ttle- or w ithdraw unilaierallyT’

I.2WM ________


T h o u s an tls o f p ro te s te r s <f( Jew is h s e t t l e m e n t s a t a ra.said political analyst Yosi

Btu even skeptics com w ords have power. Form C abinet m in is te r Dan .said lh a t w hatever Sharo lion.s, his sta tem en ts coi public pressure o n him successors - to follow thr

A key tlireshold %vas c r w eek w hen Sharon to!

' leaders d ia t “it is d e a r • perm anen t peace accon

have to p v e u p som e of tl se tdem cnts."

He was jt;ered ahd bo

i l

a f i T ' ■ { . J



• •••

3ICF LONG It e , a f t e r $ 2 0 a m i

M r line w ilh a qualify in i) lin im u mire in Ih e U .S .— no callin ' a n d lo n g -d is la n c e c h a rg

u p . 1888 - 273-


unlUl iiw. riol aviithWi: m MI. Ci-ri.iii W MI incliiili’ liuus. inct.! cli.ii

I B I n .

. /I



•iH^ N E 20 A Mli l l s '

DISTANCE:n o n t h ; c a l l s a r e o

ig Q w e s r hom o p h o n e pa

lin g - l im e re s lr ic lio n s . irg e s nil on o n e hill

t-8992 or visit qv

E • W I R E L E S

ii.nn os<; fisr.tiitlioii'; apply, i:«i:pl in ( ;I1,lini!S .lll(t r.lllCll.1tl]CS. Sutlll'Ct lo iipp

Milosevic’ assign hin

BELGRADE, Serbia- negro (AI’) - lo n n e r Pr S lobodan Milosevic, who i ja iled by th e U.N, wiir crii bunal, w on’t get a parliar seal desp ite winning enouj for o n e in Iasi month's el th e d ep u ty leader of his pa Sunday.

Tlic Socialist I*iuiy's inai decided not lo assign Mil< sea t l) he would not to a tten d th e firsl parliai session,' w h id i is rec|uired m an d ate to be verified, i I’a rty deputy leader Ivic; lold Tlie A.ssociated l’

“ However, as soon (M ilosevic) re iun is fro Hague, w c will « icatc one him,” D acic said.

M ilosevic, who is on iria H ague. Nelheriands, is party 's top leader

Start thei

' f

j o D .____________l i _ _ _ u n

’ I H I

■4 I J

:’s par^^ n parliamei a M im l f ' Ilie SodnlistP re s id e n t ' decided to awai) rem ains m em ber parli;:rimes iri- m oderate partyarhentary. of hardline* N!lUgli votes Dacic said,elections. ‘Ih e dedsionparty said “refonn th e pr

needed for (juilairi board added.-[ilosevHc a Similarly, anol be ab le ' suspect delaintiam eniary ultranationalistjd for th e pan y leader V, Socialist not get th e pariica Dacic in Uic Dec. 28 vs. •

rom 'H ie j N € € D H . e » a . r „ r Q U I C R ]

"‘'riiM t Call Lisa i. I^ ^ A IN IN G ^

Year Right’O H A h

P E T G R O D A C a l l t o d a y

f o r a n a p p o i n t n

3 e e C o l l i n s . - S i g r i d A v e - 1

f c -

. / . '

lent seatilist Party's board also iward seats in Uie 250- a rliam en l to several ,} arty m em bers instead , ' / M ilosevic loyalists,

ilon was an attem pt to .• party, som ething we (juilc some time," he

, ano ther war crimes a ined in Tlie H ague - alisc Serb ian Radical ;r Vojislav Seselj- will parliam ent scat he >von 28 vote.

D H C L P tU lT H

KBOOKS«?a a t 737-0087

S etup & Support

tW ith ...NAJ M l N Ga yitment!

7 3 5 - 0 5 8 5 — T w i n F a l l s ________ ^

Page 13: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

Just the fac ts m a'air\S b m c n n e e d m o re ini

a b o u t m iim rnogT am s.

I "I’h c /rim c s-N cv v s

I llirilin! over a ik i le a fb lo v

i i Have you ever wonderei w entire world runs so smoo •3 answer is: Guys.{.j Don’t get m e wrong - 1

deepest respect for womci wife is a woman. But wh

r need to get done, you ca■ the results you g e t w hen g

'• inlo action.■ For ah excellent exampl

• . now to a new s story Greenville (S.C.) News, v

1 ■ John Boyanoski a n d sent i reader Michael E ster. The

'■ cem s a guy - le t’s call hir j who had a problem : Tl

leaves in his yard. So he fi .j leaf blower.

• Loaf blowers a re tlie \ (ool, because th ey have

they’re lo u ^ and they ena i blast debns, ray-gun-style

place to ano ther without ^______________ actual!

i n i Ul] I . ■ blowe

! H u m o r

■toB any-J ' p o t aV * ' * shard'

wear,■ i ‘ ■ ^ d e r s - into a less-cri

i . such as the d ining room. (— -— nocm arried.)----------------

; But getung back to , whidi I am n o t m aking 1

taking action, u sed his 1 tab low the leaves off of

.............. ty. l*roblem solved.V.'I^cepi lha t t h a leaves i i t h e yard of ano tiie r gu hini Guy B. H e now hai HIS yanJ. W hat do yoi should have do n e al Should he have asked Gv ly b u t firmly, to remove Should he have avoided confrontation by pickin himself? O r should he h£ tha t life is too sh o rt to h by this kind of p e tty amv simply ignored th e lca\tj

If you answ ered “yes' tliesc solutions, you arc, 1 respect, a w om an. W hat according to th e Greenv sheriffs d epartm en t rep same tiling th a t roughly of the guys read ing tl would have done: He f leaf blower, a nd h e blev back omo the y ard of Gl

So-now th e leaves where lliey s ta rted , n iii

■ i some people, realizing t j good was going to come . ation, woidd have said th

i t But llieso w ere not j pie.” These w ere guys,

guys s tart a job , guys w: 1 il, no m atter w hat. Tha

got the pyram ids, tht highway system , and W a n d n . '

So Guy , A b lew the onto Guy B^ yard. I lu s with no choice b u t li leaves back o nto Guy A ing Guy A w ilh no ch blow the leaves back i yard, and so on. They blower tenn is fo r a '

------------ Qroarenlly-it-dawncd 0s % this was. A rt! so, j the sheriffs repo ri, as r the Greenville News, “

. blmving a ir in e ach oih( FVom there , things wc

According to th e sher ment report, G uy B c Guy A head-butted h clamicd th a t G uy B h it I e r w ith a h am m er and dust mask off, scratchi (Yes: Guy A wore a du

___ J____im ppnant to follow leafty g u ide lines .) .

Finally a sh e riffs called to th e scene of after listening to the t shot bolh guys in il

~ — impro v c ^ e g e n e p w L No, i v i i l l ^ ^ c ^ e p

detennine w ho was at decided not to diarge don’t know w h a t the rioTA%i)Ut'it would not si Qnff-out tlia i bo lh gy learned a valuable lessi a sw pid little dispute

I into a poiehtiaUy dan; tion - have purdiasec

• blowers.

; • fiowr Barry is a him for'-^e Miami Herald.

, c/orihe Miami Herald 1 ^ 50 , Miami Ha. J313

................... . 1 . ■

; in fo m ia d o n I / ' I


lewwerered w hy th e nooihly? T he

- 1 have th e m cn.M yow n w hen things

, cannot bea t ;n guys swing

tnp le ,w etum ty from th e s, w ritten by tni in by a le r t, rhe stoiy con- him Guy A - There w ere

,e fired u p his

he ideal guy_ lave engines, enable you to y le , from one out having to ually pick it Tm willing to : th a t som e- ere init'r ic a r ih c ic ’s----------------------guy w ho, a t s t once, aned his liv- ; room by fir*; up his leaf iwer indoors d b la stin g iry lh ing za boxes, b ee r (is, an c ien t i i a t o - c h i p irds, un d e r- ar, deceased w ritical a rea , - - m. {This guy is

to our story, ng up: Guy A , . lis leaf blow er ' of his p roper- K

ives wound up r guy. Let’s call had leaves in you th ink he

abou t th is? .1 G uyA ,pblite-ive tlie leavM ? Hiied a po ten tia lk ing th em u p B li have decided befoi10 b e b o thered Mi innoyancc,and “0 a\-es? mile; yes” to any of man; r e .w ith a lld u e uniil hat Guy B did,enville County niacreport, w as therily 175 pe rcen t CoU,B this colum nle fired u p his \ paj,.)lew th e leaves ..j,fG uyA . tion;es w ere backn iis was a cru-Tiomrnr wht^n---------------lg lha t no th ing ^ime of th is situ-d the heck withlot “som e peo-ays, and w hen ^s w a n tto fm ish \n ia t is how wethe in te rs ta te

J Worid W are IIX.‘C<

he leaves back this left Guy B , *t to blow lh e y A's yard, leav- ‘h e ’I choice b u t to , ^J< into G uy B^ 'heey played leaf* a wliile, u n tilid o nU iem ihow ------- ----------- i» , according to supias recounted in s, “ they s ta n e d Diher’s face.”5 w ent downhill. A „ iieriffS depart- Z jk | 1 B claim ed th a t X m . l . J d him. G uy A lit his lea f blow- tnd knocked his DEAK tching h is nose. machine I dust m ask. It’s much pot leaf-blow crsafe - have befc

face. I Vrs d ep u ty w as knew any of the 'd isp u te ;

le two sides, he I th e h e a d , to DEAR'JoL;;------------------ -ab ly -taUle p u ^ c o o ld n ’t - -G a m b le d 5 a t fault, so h e the VISL ije c ith e r guy. I ,Ihc nn iaD on is11 surprise m e to

Buys - h av m s , je ssonabouthow « c can cscalntc

' m agnetu^umor columnist machineId. Write to him of your slvld. One Herald II m ea3132. thing fro


',v , ! .j

wf H

L( j:®

mig ,^-i

jiJlKay Black, left, and Patrli action that moots thrco tl

By Steve Crump 'nmes-NcNvs writer___________

BUHL - T he Anny used to ;u jfore 9 a .m . lhan most civilians i Mavis Easterday has them min- “On d ays wlien wc Hfi \N-cigliis,

liles,” s a id Easterday. a 47-yei lanager a t C lear Springs Foods. i l i l7 .”Easierday is neither a fitness p

iac - sh e ju si has a system. : e igh ilifting class at Buhl Middle oilege of Souihem Idaho Comi; n d she a n d ilie dozen o ther regu any.“Il’ij a tra in ing c im iit w ill 30 1

ons w ilh free , w eights * lacliines,” explained Marcy Cli ne of th e longstanding part aiiis.-“Coaeh (Gury) K n im n v ^ p.”Krum m . now the fooibiUl coacl

Win F alls Higli School, helj rganize circu it tra in ing in ,-e i^ l room for Buhl M iddle Sd: ludenis, a n d thouglit oi>ening it 3 m em bere of d ie community w; ood idea loo. Tlie class is sd ie iccause th e weigln room is used tudents fo r the rest of th e day.

"ItV rea lly designed for every 4, who’s en te ring her seventh yt he w om en who’ve Ixjen tlirouf^

Easterday, who ivas a walker he w e i ^ t room a few years ag< nade h e r fitter, » ven her moa- nost im portanliy - reinforced h

“It'S bcKTome a camanulerio tl upp o n c a d i o i l i^ ”

Tlie w alk tha t Easterday and <

nalyzingPAULA; I’ve heard of a

lie th a t m easu res, how jM iential sk in dam age you efore i t show s up on your rw i i s “ A von d erin g ^ f-y o n — m yth ing a b o u t it.


iR T E R E SA : You a rc prob- a lk in g -a b o u t-P ro c te r -& — Ies new ""niadiiire"call«nl SIA C om plexion Analysis n (lic en sed for m arketing l is tr ib u tio n to C anfie ld ll S ystem s). I

a u n iq u e pho tog raph ic lg too l th a t analyzes theio n .o in .a t .th e .su r fa c e ___ist be low th e surfocc. A fter ; a s e r ie s c f digital, su p er j t i z e ^ pho to g rap h s, th e he s c ru tin izes exact details r skin.leasures a n d counts evesy- from th e cxac t num ber of

J H jM onda\

atrlce Hamilton woikout In Buhl !0 times a woek.

) advertise th a t it did more ns iiccomplislied all day. rumi>ed l)y a couple of hours. Its, \ve go walking first - four -yearK)ld com puter systems ids. “ 'Hien we go lift weiglits

« professional nor an insom- n. It’s a n ongoing women’s Idle School, spoasored l)y the im m unity Education Center., egulars would like some com-

Tal To leaiCline,

>artici- jho r»*t m ilon of LnclU

tdaho Community Educo l a d l a l through May 31 - Monfl le lp e d Fridays - from 6:30-7 a. In \ j , , . school wclRht room.

y w-as ad iedu led carly - fi:30 a.m. - sed by classes and individuiil

e rv fiincss level,” Siiid Cline, ll year w ith th e class. “A lol of

the d a s s w ere l)cginners.” <er K 'foru she ventured into ago, s;iys th e exi>erience has

jrc cndurancc - and jK-rhaps d her motivation to work out. 0 thing,'*-she said. “ Wc go to

id other niemlx;rs of the d ass

g the ski

------^----- pores on y our facc to th e

a m r a e p l i r o n v r in k lc s ram o u n t a n d ty p e ot presen t.

W ith lh a t inform ati C om plexion Analysis th en com pares your resu ex icusive database ant

__ g rades vou r skin w ith a (live score.

T h is in form ation is r allow you and your phy u n d e rs tan d th e tm e s y ou r sk in l)c>-ond what

, can see." ' B ut th is may b e a d t

ly. J an u ary 12, 2004

Ihl Middle School's weight toon


tak e earlier isn’t actual! red<ons it’s a good w iy i ing and aerobic exercia

J hood of 5 a.m.“ We have a icgular n

Buhl,” she Siiid. r C line s;iys the \wigln s cally Iwgins on Jan. 2G,: s “ We’ve got 10 or 15____she s;iid. "Ihit \ ^ c a n ac[. ' CirCTiit'traimng-usifi s na tion or resistance i u designed to work on difl r. stops a t ead i of tlie stai

- 3 0 seconds in this caso ___________________________ | , r

itn more 'laiesVWolghtlifiing on iho West _ ^

jcallon Center, will run Jan. 20 | infloys, Wodnosdays ond l' a.m. In the Duhl Middle

For morc Information, call Iho m 732-6288 or 732-6290. ,--------------------------------------1 1

ge l srmic benefit from 1 ;il And >T)U don’t have t<

to start.0, “Most of the womci af have Iwen about my ag

as 75.” she Siiid. Adult [0 ical ability are welcomi IS “ It^ early, but it^ fun IS o ilie r motiviiied.”It. ■ — -------------------------to - Timoi-Navs writer S t---------735:3223— nr— im t eSS

in you’lt^ien anyhud ought to see.

M arke ting p h y sid an s

S c A -------------- -R

BeeounDegU U li next skin ca looking for,

__________ becom e th eiienum bct------ choice 1110 n c

f ’ b a c ic r ia For more VISIA visit w

Jtion , th e ' speciaiyvisia.; s S y s tem alcom m unic :.suhs to a n Gom ble.htm .,nd fin a lly . -------- --------Q com para . Paula Begc---------------------- -Don ‘r - G o y

m ean t to Counter IViJ hysician to non)" (Bcgir

s ta tu s of IVrifc to het It th e eyes Drive, Suite

98168 or die d o se r look uimittcosnicti

M l14

fk |j


lom Filday morning. Tho two are

c l a s s k e e p s

lalJy p a n of d ie d a « , b ut she ly to combine ivsistancc train- rise . It starts in the neiglibor-

r ruu ie tiuu wc follow around

glillifting clas.s, wliidi teclini- G, actually nm s year-nnmd. -15 people panicipaling now,” accninmodme up to 30.”

sifa llybul nol always a coinbi- and aerobic exercise - is

liffei-eni parts of the lx)dy.’n ie ;tarions a re intentionally brief ISO -1 0 add v.iriety to a filness . rou tine whiioul making any particu lar e.xercise tcx) gru­e l in g - o r loo iMiring.

Its pun)osc is to tone m u sc les and im prove

-■strength and 10 speed up lh e ra te al wliitli the liody b u m s calories.

"We encounige |>eopIe to participate as niiicli as they can, b u t >-ou don't liave to l)c th e re every Monday, W ednesjiay and I nday n>

m th e class," I-jistcnlay saiil..• to ever have hoisted a l)arl)oll

n en wlio’ve lK*en in tlie class ag e . but \ve’ve had t liein as old It women of any age and phyS' m e .u n .” Cline s;iid. “We keep eadi

vS'fciv Cnniip OJ;i ix.n.iidiL\l tii iff— (0— him— llf— ivrui>ip(ii

rein 1o dy really wants o r 5 “

[i*R th e m achine to ' b eg an la s t year.'

updccJrD m ^l2.00Q .lu____do esn ’t seem to be the c a re fad everyone is ar, but it ju s t m ay 1C diagnostic tool of

re in fonnation aboutt w^ _ ia .sh tn il o r wwv.visu-lic a tio n .in fo n ’ro c te r- p;,m . ki----- :------------------------- m'i ^ n r i is t/ic aur^ior of be 0— to—fhe—Gojmetids^— te V it/ioiit Mc (6tfi odi-Sinninjf Press, 527.95}. hiher «Jt 73075 C ufctw jy- o\.tc 160, Seattle, IVash. J^

o u t her IMA site; Sl

TONf 'fu tu m I'M

........ ;

are part of the West Side Wom«

— ^ B u h l w o r

s r a i s i n g t h e 1

I H o w . A m e r l ior-

Number of American woi ’ a filness activity In 20C

women participating in

A c tiv ity T o ta l I


. Exorcising wilh Bqulpmenl camplnc

le l Dowling ess Aoioblccietcisc iny ' Dicycio tiding X\l- Hlhlnft

Rshing .nc P”"'

Booling"p rr?..,,..)0y Mounioln biking

Wolghlllltlng r to Qoskclbotl iivy Dans ,lx; Sonball j.,y Oockpocking

to ■, Soccer '• ,, Tennis i>ell Shooting

Baseball lass Conooing old Hunling I,vs. Downhill skiing

Water skiing

■ndlCro3s<out»lry skiing Archery

i / m ..................... .............. — . -Ipot-------------------------------------

H appyg>o Wmhlngton Port ’ _____

• In stead <if making rcsoli wc can ’t kt-ep. this y ea r ' fncuscil on th e ob tainable

-promiMriil"2fKM-nortD-go-fo .sauKMild but to m ake our count.To start off the new yc th e riglit fwii. so 10 spciik. w ith a dian ipagne hangovc;

Attitude bland b lack_____________ brown l>oots

focus on all 1 paten t leather. O r (luilt ed. W k itten -h ee led pum ps. Am m ore cmbellishmenLs t lie m< bows, buckles, flowers. Polk

- te d U a, definite do.-------------. "W e love our shoes becau.<t

h a w th e ability lo transfoi ou tfit a s well as ;m attitude, J e n n if e r Mnrfino. ownc S h o eF b ' in Arlington. Va. w an t to b e sassy? Pu t o n a |

iN S I D lTo do for you —

k School Days . , , .

uiitorShxr Cnnnp -


^ '< ' ' i 5 5 c 5 5 S 5 i '{

AiHin wiw'tw rnw.'im

men's Weightlifting class In

m e n ’s w e i g h t

b a r

loan women woivomen who participated more 1 002. 7 years and older, and pc in each sport:

ll to ra a le p a r t ic ip a t io n

________51_^6jnllllqn_______29.2 million27.1 million26.7 million21.5 million21.3 million 18.9 million18.2 million 15.0'mlllion13.7 million11.6 million11.4 million

g.8 million9.7 million 9.6 million C.9(nilllon

. 6.7 million6.0 million5.8 milllori5.5 million4.8 million4.6 million4.1 million 3.3 million3.0 million2.9 million 2.B million 1.8 million1.1 million1.0 million1.0 million

1 shoe y— : 4 -jluiions ; T • V• we’ve V ) ' ..le. We : V ;.> “

r shoes a,I uyear on M M 'ic. Even r ' u L ver, our

IV from sirappv stilettos tl:k and th e ank le , you

Its and d iarge? Wear a r1 things po lished leatherWe lo\-c w th cronped pantnd th e We splurge: S45m errie r We ac t slightly meilka^lot- A crosolcs. Wc_______ ■___ (UoyehoUywoukLU.W they pum ps and slides,form im Says Sarali Camle,” says th e Sassanova sl; n c r ~ d f " ' Wusliington,“Ifyoa. “ You shoes d iere is noa pair of th e house.”

D E.............B2 - ■■. . . . . . B6- ,

'■Wl. Iix/. jJJ ^

S cc tion B

h t l i f t i n g ^ —

rork outore than once in d percentage of

% fe m a le

62.8%- ............. 53:4* - - - -------------


__________ 540%____________



JS that wrap am im d DU wiuii to iK Tin a pair of red liigh her cowboy boots pants.”S450 Jim m y Clioos.

/ m ore practical: S65 We go onlu ie fo r flirty

;---------------------[^nnova, co^nvner of a slioe tM utique in IfyoudonV lovcyour- •; no point in leaving

Page 14: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

H e a l I ’H

People VI'coplo w ilh Aril

________ Excrdsc.claiS.wiU.bc.(jl:30-2:;«) p m . Wcilncsdays and Frii 1\vin Falls S en io r C .S iioslioneSt.S.

■Olf free cxL'fcisc cl soruil liy Soiith Cciil

. , H eallh. IJridKcView F Falls Senior C eiiie A rthritis I'lmruiiitiim-

Tami 1’eap.uii. a cer iiisinicltir, ' mII leiid throiiKl' il s e r ie s t) motion and iiiusclc st exercises.

N ew partic ipanisci • tlie first class. For ni

tion. call Susie Bee Central Dislrict He; r>‘KX). i':xi.24(..

CPR classCiirdiopulinonary

class will l>e offered I Tuesday in th e doci riM)in on tlie low er I Majjic Valley Henio Center in Twin Falls,

llie class will in Hency procedures fi nimitli resuscitation, pressiori and d iok in and infants.'Hie prog cliissfxjom instructioi on pnictice.

Cost is S25- P ren re<|iiired.caU 737-20(

, CPR for babies--------------------Infant—s a f t i i y - ^

monary resii.scitalior offered from (>:30-9 in tlie S age Ro Fdiication C en te r at Regional M edical C FalLs,

. n i e pnigram is ol of the prepared chil New parents, g ran diilda-n a re encour. to' lean) alMrtirinfni ing, diild safety and injury.

'Hie class is fa-e. I is not reiiuired. For

•........ ........ - l io n , call 737-216G...

‘Baby and M e’St. B enedicts Fji

! C enter m il o ffe r• classes from 10:.

’l\ie.sdays al th e Hei Center, 115 F ifth A' T liis w eek 's toj •‘Develupmentul M:

■file session is I ; children from inf

’ I toddler yejirs. j ' I I h e d a ss is free. 1

m ation, call 324-72(

f Refresher c la ssI A d iild b irth re f

w ill be h e ld fron ■ T \iesday a t th e !

H ea lth E d u c a tio n Fifth Ave. W., Jerom

Topics w ill in hreu lh ing a n d c I*articipants a r e a; two pillows a n d u 1

R e a d T h c

J , ------------------------

6-2 Tlm»«ewi. Twin F#Ili

i ■ ;

1 & F a s h i o n

with arthriArthritis Can 'M»nffLTL-dfroni ’ -------

M ondays, _________[•'ridays ;it the r C enter, SiO n -p isieret

'l l ie claL- class IS siK.n- Distnci V Instates. Iwm • ,nd Her and ilie js te llin.

E a tin g '. 1.1 ninRo of• strengtlieiiing ti«>» supj

p insc a n register a t ' floor east• m ore infonna- 'Iransitio: ieem at Soutli Valley R H ealth at 7.M- m 'lw m F

llie sn ivlio havi bulim ia,

. , and com] rv resusciiatiun „:-d from 't-8 p,ni. jjrociors’ m eeting .•r level floor at Prnarar gional Medical r f O g f a r Us,

include emer- en ts and < for itto»fh-f»- in ‘••'J ion, d ie st com- p rk ing for adults T \iesday rogram includes E lem ent tion and hands- 1771 S ta

H ie clreregistration is paren ts .2007. cise. nut

habits. Cost i

. n , i rnriiioiM i- lion class wil! be J.9 p.m. lbesday A |j | , g | , R oom of th e HiAiieii r a t Magic Valley H olle 1 C en te r in 'IWin Alzliein

ing a t 1s offered as part H ouse, ;hildhirth course. 'H ie : randpareiits and Jerom e luraged to a ttend who hiii f n n rC l’Rrchnk------- Alzheiruid prevention of For n

Crist a te. F reregisiration•or m ore informa- AbO U t

-------- -------------------- Prep.b e ofl

I W edneFamily Medical W ednc

.T Haljy and Me th e Sai 10:30-11:30 a,m . C en te r H eallh F-diication M edici 1 Ave. W„ Jerom e. Hie^t to p ic w ill he in stn ic Mile.stones.” m o th e

is for paren ts of p roces in fancy ihrough b rea th

posipa*e. For m ore infor- new bo72G2;________ bo ttle


sswln.-,l,vr coun^c- " - ''I '" " rom 7-‘J:30 p.m. D a m n (• St.- B enedicts raW U ion C enter, 115 St. 1 •ome. C en ter

in c lu d c labor. 1 c o p in g skills. ages 1

I a.sked to bring from 7 a b lanket to th e n in g V

K n o \tie T im e s - N e w _________ fa v o r i i


• C'hif cliild in five is dv

• Rales of overweight cl

• Risk factors for heart Tv|>c il diaU 'tcs (Kcur

------- •-ln'fiittirr->t.iir>-ihe-Uiiwc lio not wtiicatc <uir

. C 'hangingiuirdici, Ivinv------- andTxinintnintnfr^htTnltl------- if;-(he.unly-way.ti).bt:aLcl

Cliix)>c to Move is a clai help you and your cliililr live licaltliitT fur life.

B cK inn

.....1^fHwrlAlvinlirr ' i

F#Ili. Idaho Monday, Jiftuary 12.2

s[ . .________________

ritis can exe___ To-do-for-you------------------

v h id i will be taiiglit by a red nurse,c lass is free for those who delivering at Sl. B enedicts M edical C en te r ,

n o re inform alion or to reg^ nil 324 1122, Kxl,33Gl.

i disorder supportng disorder and food addic- ippo rt group will m eet a t I.m. 'l\iesday at th e third ast conference room of th e - tional C a a ‘ Unil a t Magic

R egional M ediail C enter 1 Falls.siip iw rt group is for those

ave suffered from anore.xia, ia, com pulsive overeating, im pulsive d iet and exercise,

m ore inform ation , call E rickson a t 735^2728.

ram for familiestose to Move, a class for par- nd d iild ren , 'vill l>e offered ei^^Jt-week session from 7-

p .m . ’h iesdays, beg inn ing ;ay,. a t th e Saw tooth •n tary School gymniusium;* iitadium Blvd.,TWin Falls.• c lass is designed to teach IS and d iild ren alw ut e x e r - ' lu tritio n and healthy eating i.;t is S2S per family. To pre- e r a nd for morc inform ation, am ie-T igu(^JtJ3iG -l2a______

elm er's supportlley H om es will hold an tim er’s Support G roup meet- t 1 p.m. W ednesday at Philo A-, 525 IGth Ave. E., Jerom e, e supjw ri group is ojKjn to m e C ounty a rea residents- have family m em beri w ith

eim er'sD isease.----------------------r m ore information, call Cary a t 324-8524.

U t C h jid b lr thep a red d iildb irth w ill- o ffe red from fi:30-9 p.m. nesdays, ])eginningnesday througli Feb. 11, in Sage Room of the Education le r a t Magic Valley Regional lical C en ter ir/’IWin Falls, le ,class will in d u d c dassroom n ic tion on wellness of thc her, labo r and delivery :css w ith re laxa tion and ith in g ted in iques, care of the p a rtu m mother, care of thc b o m including b reast and le feeding, and a to u r of the nen’s a n d Infant Center, js t is S50. Preregistration is i i re d ,a il l 737-21GG.

enting class......... B enedicts Family M edical te r w ill o ffer 1 2 3 4 P aren ts, a s fo r paren ts w ith d iild ren i 1 4 . I 'h e dasse s will be held 1 7-9 p.m. W ednesdays, begin- ' W ednesday through Jan . 28.

iw t h e s c o rw s s p o r t s p a g e r i te t e a m i s d o i


children and adolescents l\ave i

rt diM'aic, such as higli chok-stcr u r vvith increased fn-qucncv in »

Jniti-<l.Sialw>.u’ill-havu.uu.epidu Hir d iildren, -----------------

ing activc

ilthy-!itcsr>’lc Cenlfleii LifeLchililok->itv.-___-CwtlfleJCllnilavs thai willlilrcn Ic.irn to


it-itng J a n u a ry 13 • E very !

F o r m orc in form ation o r to reg is te r c o n tac t

7 3 2 - 6 4 7 9 .

2.2004 ___________________

[ercise for fat th e H ea lth Educatior 115 F ifth Ave, W.. Jerome

To reg is te r o r ior more tion, call 324-1122, Fjct. 3

About C.sectlonsA ccsarcan d iildbirth

be o ffe red from G:30-9 p. Sag e R oom of the E C en ter a t Magic Valley M edical C en te r in TWin 1 th ird c lass of e a d i prepa b ir th p ro g ram will f c e sa rean deliveries, pain m en t, h o sp ita l procedi

. non-conform ing labors. For l)ie class date nea

sd ie d u le d cesarean, call 'File c lass is free, Prere

is n o t required .

Refresher courseC hildb irth refresher c

' be o ffe re d frorn 6:3 l l iu rs d a y in th e Sage Rd Edu ca tio n C enter a t Ma R egional M edical Centi Falls.

1 T lic c la .« is for those previously taken diildb

T es. C h ild b irth p repan 1 p rocedures will be revii ;* will in c lude a tour of thi

and In fan t Center.1 Cost is S20. Prcrcgis

req u ired , call 737-21G6.H

Learn CPRCardiopulm onary res

'• d a s s w ill b e offered froi--------n o o ir^ a tu rd a y - in - th <

m e e tin g room on thc I floor a t M a p c Valley

n M ed ical C en ter in TWin t- T h e class will ind i 0 gency procedures for

m outh resuscitation, c0 p ression and dioking ts- a n d in fan ts .T hc prograi h c lassroom instruction i--------on p ractice:--------------- -ry Cost is S25. Preregi

re q u ired , call 737-2007,

P arenting programill------- -'N uParent, a parentinn- w ill b e h e ld from 5:30-7 lg TXiesday, beginning Jar in F iresid e Room a l the 3n C h u rch of th e Ascc; lal EastlandD riveN .,1 \v ii

T h c program provid 'm e a d i session for a parci

a c tiv ity , a knowledg *7 exerc ise and a pare

group . Topics will ind he n u rtu r in g , infant dc he and coping w ith ay inf nd C ostisS 2S ,andsd io

av a ilab le . Preregist req u ired , caU 737-21GG

lb do for you is a cah of uctiVan d ’tt/Hcariorj. Infonm

:al ikJjiiijrnmtt!fey77mrKi :,a o itio n in the followm c n Health & Fashion. Ma. >ld VieTlmcs-News,P.O.B< in- Fxtlls. ID 83303, or dc 28, office a t 132 Third St. V

>re?j e s t o s e e h o v o in g .___________

!hoose=-MQ^ive nearly tripled in the hist 20

sterol and high hlixxl pfcMurc. in overweight children and ad(



Jaime Tlgue1 Lifotvie .nd Weigt.t Manasrrocnt Lc

Filtfn tcr. C hllJ ttn J AJoloct

R aclene Dufflnred and Lktiuc^ Dietitian, rcdistiic S

Y T u esd ay fo r 8 w e e b



ion C enter,

re iniorm a- i2iC]h c la .« w il l TheWashlngtcp.m. in thcE duca tion Nancy J. I

y Regional much thoug n Falk.TTie suggested si pared child- a t age 40. Bi

focus on d ie biopsy, lin m anage- , finally a tr idurcs and now wonder

have gotten icarest your place. lU 737-2901. “n i never registration . to w o n d en

through thi unneccssaril

Sincc hci years ago, ^

: course w ill lot. Shc now ):30-9 p .m . m ality th c Room o f th e brvast migl .lag ic V a ll^ ened h e r li I te r in TWin intense deb

ting mammi «! who have forties will jb irth class- d iances of ( iration a n d And she Ji viewed, and women wit> ;he W omen’s traum atic s

grams.gistration is "W hat I’ii g are lo ts o f V

ting th e in .said Newm: lawyer. “ Pn:

resusd tation women a re rom 8 a.m . to m edical voi;he-doctors2------ raphy,*but-ls lower level they a re be cy Regional than they’n in Falls. Expcriend u d e em er- are a t th c o 3r m outh-to. deb a te a b , chest com- vocal cadreg for adu lts ___________ram includes 1 and hands-


: ' Iling p r o g ra m ,— ---------->7 p.m. every • g[an. 20, in thelie Episcopal • Y ‘[cnsion , 371vin FaUs. • C/ides tim e inrent and child • pige bu ild ingren t support f iid u d e safety,deve lopm en t ^ _ing i n c iliolarships are istra tion

alcndar listiry;:iVi'ri'c;, c tvn ts H M Irnciti'oH should ■sday for publi- ;in/; M onday L-

notices to:B ox 549 , M deliver to our :.VV

w y o u r ^

/20 years.

rc. a n d y ,iiJo lescen ts.


rt if _ _________

C5S«iti»nrr“ — — -------------■ctntObMliy __ _______________

cSpwUtUc .


me feai rts aboiig to n P o st_____________

I. NeivTnan didn't give it m ght when her doctor . she get a mammogram But a fte r it led to a n e c -

sy, a lum pectom y an d m astectom y, Newman

ie rs w hether shc should cn th c exam in thc first

ver know. Pm reconciled e r in g w h eth er I w en t. • th a t w hole experience arily,” Newman said, h e r mammogram three I, Newm an has learned a ow knows that the abnor- tie exam found in her dght never have threat- * life, and that tliore is eba te about whether get- imograms regularly in her /iU really decrease h e r af dying of breast cancer.

lias heard from many n th a lot of questions and : stories alwut mammo-

Fm certain about is then.- if women who arc not get- inform ation they need,”

rnian, 43, a San Frandsco Pm convinced that lots of ire getting sucked into tlic vortex througli mammog-it-I-m-not-convinced-that-----benefiting from this m ore y’re h u rt 1^ it.” iences su d i as Newman’s e cen te r o f an intense new abou t mammography. A i re of patierits, cancer spe-

B R E A D STO RTILLASC A N D IE SP E A N U TB R IT T L Ed u l g e I n Y o u

L ^ j TlX iliLU

Put a Turk;

A f ^ N o w HJpfn our EZ Pay pro yo u r choice o f a 20 or a $20 Gift Card 1

E n j o y rc

w hile payi

______________ will! E Z P ay

— EZ .pay from y o u r c^

w ith 1 2 that’s a Si

It's like gettin

Tlic Timc.s-Ncws•U m i


r that V u f m m i

'What I’m certai

about is there are! of women who a

not getting the information they n

9 9

- N ancy New b re a s t c a n c e r su r

c ialists, advocates and e x p e rts argue th a t won blithely undciT^oing m a i^ ^^^thout knowing nearly about them.

“Nobody wants to go ag< standard dogma - >ve liavi c d the concept of early d a nd of mammography sere th e way to do it, hook, 1 .sinker uncritically, and we o u r jxiril,” said Su-san M. U niversity of California A ngeles b reast canccr w ho has published besi influential books on d ie di

“Thc m edical estabi____to give women the

tion they need to m informed choice,” Newm “ Women ouglit to go into t m ography experience i they arc m udi more like tre a te d for something-

^ ^ i ^ D R I N K S ^• P AN C AK E


l u r F a v o r i t e s

ly tJiii'I'i

-n'■ i". .


key on Your 1

m gram befpr^Janu 20 Ib. maximum turi 1 from KB Toys:

r e c e i v i n g T h e 'T i m e S '

a y in g for y o u r p ap er the .sit

■av S crv icc and rcceiv e a fn

iay_fQL.y.QULri£WSpape!checking , d e b it card o

12 m o n th ly p a y m e n ts a savings of $17.40 per yeai ling 4 weeks ofTheTlmes-f

HTheTini:w s .l3 2^

to ftodi on ttamL Weight wy. t4mlt 1 coupon ho«iMho1<


they have gotte but it is not d ea able 10 live any

“ in “ n i c n m del=* l o t s d iap tc r in a Ion

sy over mamm'I are ' f v

there is .strong unc mammogra their fifdes and

n e e d . breast cancer di fit ofscrccning’ ties remains tlic dispute. Neverd

^ cer organizadorw in a n , \vomen roudnel u rv lv o r cedure beginnir

tlie hopes of cai d h ea lth earliest, most u- omen a re “ 1110 pros « nmograms cons,” said Ro iy enough /vmcriciin Dmc

cancer is an imi i ^ in s t th e one of d ie leadi ive accept- and an especial detection of prem ature i

re o n in g a s tell >-ou who is i , line and to get breast ve do so a t mammograms i VI. Love, a But many e ia a t I>os women often g r su rgeon their risk of dyi est-scUing, and have too m disease. mograms can

h lish m en t Moreover, diey le informa- do not roaliii m ake a n mammograms rman said. uves and find D th e mam- may not b e dar

realizing understand th kely to b e ings, induding

b ccau sc canccrs.

'l |l | J ffi jl-

--------- • -D A V IN: FLAVC

SY R U I • A n d ft

M u c h

5 Guilt Fl


TaBje or rect rcatd t ip 1 ^ '

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iuary'31, 2004 and n rkey* from Smiths

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>iniplc. conv en ien t way

free tu rk e y fo r y ou r Uible!

e r s u b s c f i p t i o n a u t o m ;

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t s o f o n l y $ 1 7 . 4 0 !

>ar with no check fees. s-News delivered for FREE!

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548.1WinFalls.lD 208-733-093h t m ay vary. No pu rd u M lOld. Mot r»d*«mabl« for eaih.

I lack am s^otten a mammognun, d e a r th a t they b e - any longer because of

deb a te is the la test long, b itte r conutjver-

mmograms, espeda lly r w om en. A lthough ing evidence d ia t rou- ography for womeh in and o lder reduces th e ;r d ea th ra te , th e bene- ing w om en in dieir for- : Uie sub jec t o f intense /erthcless,'leading can- idons recom m end th a t inely undergo th e p n> nning in th e ir forties in f catching cancer a t iw st trea tab le stages, s vastly outweigh th e R obert Sm ith of th e

iijmcer Sodety. “Breast 1 im portant d iseasean d calling causes of death ,.‘d a lly im portant causc r e mortality. We can’t 5 is a nd who isn’t going is t canccr. So regular ms a re a good idea.” ly experts argue th a t ;n grossly overestim ate i dying of breast cancer0 m uch faidi lha t m p i - :an .reduce th a t .risk .Jicy say, m any women ali2c how frcqucu lly ms produce false'posi- ind abnorm alities’th a t dangerous, no r do th e y1 th e te s t’s shortcom- ling how often it m isses

INCI--------- -/O R E DU P S ......M u c h ,

:h M o r e ! .


ceive^Toys! i “

Ireceiye \ s

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imaticallv___L _unt


SmitlfelpoooiiDRuasTOftes i

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Page 15: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

^ u i e lLoi Angalea Times

LOS A NGELES - I church com m unity roon ning m editators closc th

•■"straighten the ir sp ines folding m etal chairs an

■•'rtiii in, for ju st 10 mim thoughts tha t race like w

• through their m inds.'■■' A woman in th e b

yawns. The w om an nex Hdgets. A nother s tuden t

'.peek .‘ ./■ “ My m ind s till w , Jeremy Morelock, 33, sa

'Buddhist m edita tion da; attended for th re e m'

’.icarch of stress re lie f an growth . “ 1 have th e se i:

..M nversations .w ith pec „ then I think, 'W hoa, wh „;cgncentrate!"’

R egular m ed ita tio n p• -isupposed to q u ie t th e i •I’ailnw th e body to ta p inj .^ innate healing m echanii L ■and m onks have p rea rlpowers of m ed ita tion' eands of years, a n d the ' ‘cu lture gene ra tio n of -"em braced transcendent;

j ' ■ tion -astill-lh riv ing fo rr I nai m an tra -chan ting - as

''‘16 alter consciousness.-But many peop le toda

" in g u p m edita tion for re; ; have little o r no th in g ti .;,sp,iritual en ligh tenm en t

■“ tb 'dow ith im proving thi_____i! .S c ie n tis ts_ a re _ u s in g J

, ‘ ofher advanced technt ■■.■scudy th e physiologica

^Sexai:? P re Washington Post

------ r i n its six seasons,- tlie J> H ? e x and the C ity” has > ^ e fashion industry ’s -Cicessfiil runway show. It - r ^ e to regularly accom Zr myriad fashion m agazin ”-w alk“ 'p rc sen ta tlo n s“ oi> achieve. “S ^ a n d th e Ci > a connection b e tw een t

woman and th e fashion 2 : most esoteric styles.

The show, which w ill i C episode nex t m onth ,> the love lives of four wo

in M anhattan. I t has alsiprem ier advertising •

^h ig h -e n d b rands th a t ^ were known only to tho ^ n the top n in g s o f th e

Thanks to “ Sex am > lo t of people w ithou t

t“^ t h a l to spend S4S0 0 S ^ ^ p ra c tic a l shoes now C n im e s M anolo Blal 'i^Jlm m y Choo.

— t he show’s -secoi H E a rr ie Bradshaw, th e s ^ s t played by S a n H fe rk e r , wore a nam ei ...Jace and a P layboy buj

Viewers followed su it. I Carrie pinned oversize

i to her lapel, a n d womei :• country adopted th e J for all of th e buzz al

------ i; bjguiiiiu lidJiabd^-Tu»■ ion’s in n e r c irc le , tA b e je w e le d b a ^ d id n ’t I ■; subject of S ta rbucks ( i te r until “Sex a n d t h e t!• season, w hen th e hui 5 Fendis was a s u b p lo t.: i episode, C arrie p u lled j tal-encrusted cell phor 5 handbag and, if th e 1 5 chatroom is any ind ie *; ere across A m erica w < tum ing th e ir N okias ? projects.:• The show cau sed J trends to b u m w hite •: m t^ also have led to ti

z ^ E Z s t t i•; New Year of i & get bock to

H H S k

n B r i I I

: One of the world: soaps since; h r bethhg, shaving t

I Ifwetv- — y ______ VouprolMbly


■ 5 f S a v - M o

3I---------------------- —

i r t h e ^- Inside a 3om, begin- I the ir eyes, es in their and try to

ninutcs, the i^vild horses

back row next to

sneaks a

, says the class he has

monthsandspiritu - ^ '

sc im a^nary people, andwhoa, whoa M ed ita tio n ha

discipline thoi1 practice isle mind and th a t occur in-im o its own m onks. Theinisms. Yogis s ta rting to dreached the type of lab)n for thou- can influerth e counter- physicians,o f the '60s engage in t

jn ta l mcdita- have believeform of inter- M editation v- as a method A grooving s. shown that oday are tak- benefits. No • reasons tha t health-care 1 g to do w th om mending en t and a lot to trea t a the ir healtli. depression t E MRI and and liyperac hnologies to m editanon • ica l changes called, “ rela

md the Cle HBO series--------------has served as '-.<1111/ ’s most sue- h p p n ii^ It has been O e c a Uomplish what z inesandcat-“ o n ly rare ly -----------------------2 City” forged 2n the typical io n industry’s

i l l air its finalh , chronicles out faster, swomen living den t of Sealso served as Chase, Mdig vehicle for tom ers,heslat previously itcm preas< those perchedth e social lad- Butinost and Iho Ciiy,")u t ths where- O on a pair ot low knoiv the Slahnik anti

.....l e ^ c o l t m - t y o n e o t t l:arah Jessica g ..........nep late neck- „[b tm iy charm. ..w om en w

ofspendin iLie silk nowers do th es irein e n across the the ;le trend. And designer m! about Fendi ,h i„g fron^nong-fftsh------ Id c d i r lt- i, th e pricey, m agazine 1I ’t become the am using ccs coffee chat- plotlines aleC ityV ’ third th e City” iihu n t for fake w ith dialogot. In Sunday’s “I for ore d a pink crys- so n y to sethone from her because it'le shov/s Web business,”dication, view- ovmer ofI will soon be Birminghadas into craft charactere

a nd pulleded a host of l o g o u t ofi t c hot, b u t it s h u t and Jl0 their burning “'n ie wo

oK rightto basics! E n


S H H QUE8 T1I B b B chsaedS B Q 9 tr o u b le

W l H 'oxomptior chosod a(

n S n ________ _ _nQt:movcSocon

Is QVOllQbl ^ T i n V vorylow-iif f l n l H

______ or older, (tions


,e l o /O i oftht)ex<

r ; :ohoven'IgoH... "“fi”” ably.don'liiMKiL _

• i m i r n --------

I o r D r u gtwaMwrn ° awmwimu

m indy^

yh a s j u r p i l s l n j l j broad m a d lo a l ui

tho ug h , to re a p th e b en e fits .

• in m ed ita tin g Buddhist . isrhese researchers a re m^3 d em onstrate , with th e halaboratory science tha t m'uence ev en skeptical re,s, w h a t those who ti(1 th is anc ien t practice he;ved for m any centuries: asn w orks. be ing body o f research hasat m ed ita tion has clear a rNow, doctors and o ther siire professionals are rec- dcng m ed ita tion as a way ma v arie ty of ills, .from orn to h igh blood pressure foractivity. In some cases, fo; i v r o r W i t ’s*5omctimes------ 01•elaxation techniques” - w

Cify’giv€6 6

I t i e has m y favorite wa juse she mixes totally s

couture and manage-----------------------------------


r, says P e te r Marx, presi- S aks Ja n d e l in Chevy ri

vld. A nd th ere are cus- E le says, w ho don’t want an f; cisely b ecause it is so pop-

1st re ta ilers, notably those iid ie H udson River where wforward fashions can be a tisell, have nothing b u t u

r th e sales magic the show aked over th e years. “Pve 01 com ing in and s;tying, e5 c a n t stop talking about nirthis'dress,-this bag worn — 1f th e girls on ”Sex and th e v" says Dcram Goldman, to f Dcram in Chicago. c I ^vho would never dreamling th a t k in d of money on i,rere com ing in." rle show, th e women m ix «: m erchandise with every- irom v in tag e fashion to «.. • - -- r. fn a u x tm y i u fuwMw*!le has com e to life w ith | I charac te rs , compelling 1 s a n d em otion. “Sex and ' ” is a runw ay presentation «, as a retailer, will bc 1

see th e show go off the a ir i : it's done so much for o u r . < s,” says K aren Daskas, co- 1 Df Tender, a boutique in jham , M ich. The show's i ;re " a re always dressed u p 1 led together. No one is run* t of th e house in a sloppy T- d jeans.^NXtmen in th is countiy who

l - H U t t r i M'•M StralgM Talk on Elder La

P W n P F H t Y T i

STION: I ju i t moved my agi ed a modeet home but on a >le paying ongoing houalng e:sl. moko auro sho signs up wtth tho )tion. This will lowor hor ronl proport) a aher that dato sho may still [tovo Iho iQvo* Iho oxompUon to 0 naw resldonc cond. hovo hor apply for what Is kno\ llQblo to low-lncomo ogod ond disat)U iw-lncomo clreumslonMSltcan result I ncludo but oro not llmllod lo low-lncor or. (ormor POWs. blind, or wldow(or) • ito”roqulroa to verify Incofflo ollgibllil) In-pfoporotlorwand-fUlng-U-avoUablalc

; In Ihe caso of a homoownor's exempi m 0 solior who qualified for Ihe circuit oxompUon for thot yosr unloss tho si

I onottier residence. Money In tho bon igs factor Into o delstmlnallon of Incorr ncome ore mode in datsrmlnlno ellgit 10 lower the Income Ihe greater tho ro 1 a tow.'fixed income ovary dollar sav< isltlos.

Voorhees LcKey B o n k B u ild in g - 2 n d <• • CrrtUkd FJdtr Attomn by

T«rtUM lUtilf rUaaliit U - SpttUUi

rheal 1

LMtXpkMl]| u s e s , s c ie n c e Is find ing . I t ta l

is p rescribed w hen o ther m en ts , such as prescription haven ’t \vorked, or as a cc m e n t to d rug therapy, R research has shmvn th a t tr tio n can he lp reduce th e 1 h e a r t disease and stroke, a a s reduce pain and enham body’s im m une system.

M editation is free, acct a n d portable. It has no ne s id e effects - a fact tha t docto rs feel com fortable i m end ing it. M editation re only th a t you b e able to sit c fo r 10 m inutes or more, focusing on your b reath o r 1

-orTJhraser-Anyone-can-do-i w h ile m illions of Ame

es high sI

wardrobe on the-show / schlubby clothes wi ges to pull it off., ----------------------------------------

- Elizabeth Rafi lid view er o f 'Sex and th e

\vatch th e show, th e tren r ig h t th e re in fron t of D askas says. “Ih e se girls fash ion every week.”

Recently , while sitting E m an u e l Ungaro showrooi in g h e r sp n n g o rders, : w atched as a company re; ta tiv e se t aside several itt u se on th e show. D askas 1 a d d e d those item s to h« order. It's n o t th a t custom e n tic e d sim ply because m e n t is featured on the

.. -They a re in trigued by.the.> w orn , by th e contex t and I th e y have a re la tionship v ch aracters.

"W e se e even th e mosi geous o u tfit a s som ething m ay b e pu ll off. M aybe 1 e n tire o u tfit ... b u t i t so g ives u s ju s t th a t l i t th cou rage to pull out th e h

E a tm o n w rite s in an E a tm on , 27, is one of th w om en w ho log into th e “ 1 th e C ity” fashion forum W eb, w here everything fn ly C h ris tian L ouboutin (S easo n 4) to K rispy d o u g h n u ts (C a rrie has m ug) is discussed.

“ I c an honesdy say th a t in sp ira tion from SATC, n o t w ea r som e of th e th in w ear. For exam ple, acces love d iffe ren t coats, ht

. ^ n d jeweby,” w rites E a t h av e defin ite ly stepped 0

i r i e w r ELaw a nd Estate Planning |

a g in g m o th e r to tovm . 8h 1 a lim ited incom e e h e wli g e x p e n te e . Any Idea*?

tho county ossossor for tho home wrty toxos. Do thia by April 15. It 1 tho bonofit of tho exompllon II tho <

{onco._______________known os the ’circuit breakarexem aljiod homoownors. Sign up by Ap jult in compiato propony tax roliof. T icom o indlviduois who ara disotjied or) - without rogard to ogo. Annualbliily.-bul-thoeRortls.worthwhllo.iwIn tn fiAftriy Individuals. ■_________imptlon. thoso purchasing a home a •cuit breaker oxomptlon will hove th i« seller ’moves* tho circuit breaKe: bank Is no bar to eligibility, aithougf come eligibility. Various deductions' lilgibiilty. Thero is o sliding scale of 0 roduction.saved Is 0 dollar avaUabte for.secur

LoM urelLPnd F loor • 208.736,60007 by lh* N.lK'i-1 liWcf U-.rtHindJIK*«U1M by llw Euilt Lt* SrcoiliU Baud, ll

th e ^ b tI already arc me

fashion, many n

--b en efit:-----------“I believe that

most important 1 do for their heal Simon, medical executive of the La Costa Res Carlsbad. Calif., ic founded by and physiciat Chopra.

As Avith many most notably c! getting started

• meditation c;i Meditation tak« pline. Desperati or sanity, many

Mtvmphm pie yearn for takes amid the chaot

daily lives. Fir nipted minutes

•r treat- tositdow n;ind n drugs, I’*-* stumblinj comple- lematic to zone Recent work, or at a medha- lunch. And hom

J risk of in these wired ; ’ as well No one kno mcc the many of those v

ing continue t :cessible Kelsting Lekmi negative who has taugh t makes decade hi Los : recom- dropout rate li requires about half the s t quietly a typical 13-cla e, while plete it, she e r a word haps two out cj-itr-And----- begin-tneditainericans doing so af te r;

style a 1(comfort zony ’ blue, tweed, bl; to buy about

W -------------son!"------------. , “Sex and tht

strated greqt f savvy of non- the show is oni

__________ where riinwa.vkind of virtual

ifferty, of the oxplani flu , . artificial emi ‘•‘‘y priccs. “Peopl................. these womer

ends are “They’re verj f them,” and they’re do Is are , in Carrie and her

Miranda and g in the become virtu; )om plac* every week, a , Daskas que.stion: Wlie represen- coing to wear items for ..cjn-ie h sqm cldy ,„rd robe on tl; her o™

with couture a I: “ it off,” e-mails? .™ S t T s „ 3 1 - ; 0 " e s h . .

: S * e " U ." s '’heer'’candstUettos.I

js to u tra - it OK to dress IE we can casual events., Uie mg "somehow lundi or sho]tie extra never did' thahot pink SATC. I alway

■ Chanel .did that. ... I1 e-mail, '. niore iUVtJIlthe many clothes.”“Sex and “Sex and

m on the rememberedfrom cost- horseshoe ne<in shoes ling coats andy Kremc use as do-rais a logo impact will b

used fasliion 1at without ment in the li

I would Fashion helptings that I Samantha,essories. I vCharlotte. It ihandbags pleasure. Ant;atmon. "I ences that itout of my . them.

0 seiior’’did, I f “ t a k i r

»mpt)or\Vlt only clilApril 15. in ..T hose eli- s t a t c - o t -

" ”“ " i ’--------------F c c l i ysorter April ■ your listthe benefitKor exemp-igh Interestis frem tax*of relief so . Tv/ln

a irin 8 .o th e f_ _____________ B u

ody—meditating in some / more would likely

Iiat meditation is the nt tiling a person can __ j :alth,” said Dr, David al director and chief he Chopra Center at ;esort and Spa in •if., the \vellness cUn- p jy New Age author j ian. Dr. Deepak

0uiy lifestyle dianges, Sqq I d iet and e.xercise, (-jm .•d ;md sticking witli cert can- be difficult. icsj

akcs time and disci- t •ately seeking heallh p.m iny str».'Ssed-out peo- Livi )r some tiuiet time Cor aotic frenzy of tlieir Finding 10 uninter- tes and a quiet place nd shut your eyes can ing block. It’s prob- iie out in a cubide at a restaurant during

amc life can bc hectic • ■ d and wireless times, mows for sure how e who begin meditat- - j— : the practice, Gen n ;ma, a Buddhist nun w ght meditation for a ^ os i\ngcles, s;iid the f e is tairly high: Only m le students who begin « class series ivill com- B : estimates, an<l per- ■t of 10 students who __ita tin g -w ill-R till-b c — = ;r a couple of years. —

leg up =f with coats. I have black leather. I seem It three coats a se;t-

the City” lias demon- t faith in the fashion on-Manhattanites, as one of the few places .>ray fashion meets a__ _ial reality wiUiout'all inatory captions and impathy over high ople are relating to len;"- Daskas says, : ery understandable, doing scre^vy things.” ie r friends Samantha, ind Charlotte have tual girlfriends who,

answer the fashion here on Earth are you ar that? .

has my favorite J tlic show because she lly schlubby clothes e and manages to pull ils Elizabeth Rafferty,3W, she won; a bandan-headrhausfrau-style,------- -r Chanel top, leggings 5.1 guess she also mode 2SS up a little more for ts. She is always wear- or skirt, even just to

hop with the girls, I Jtiat until after seeing .•ays felt too dressy if I I definitely to be

d the City” may be :d as helping to sell necklaces, pink shear- ind Hermes scarves for -rags. But its lasting '1 be in the way that itin as such a telling ele- 32 lives of its characters. ^ ilped to define. Carrie, S

Miranda and ^ It also gave them great ' g Vnd it reminded audi- m it cun do the same for b


cing carc o f yourself” is 01

;lm iT7Ic3iH tcH 'ToIclj^to‘ o f- th c -art technology and n Idaho-

ig 'b c ttc fw ill hclp^ybirbrc ItsT

C a l l u s t<iln Falls • 191 Atldlson • 2

Burlsy^.-lSOl.Hlland .• 2 0 T b l l f r e o i - 8 7 7 -W

H i

- — - E n g ;

V o t r o u b e k - O r rJE R O M E - Terry .m d £

fe troubck of Jerom e aiinoiu he-cngagcfflcnt-of ih c ir-d au er, Sonya Sue V o troubek , )av id Shawn Orr, w n of D ai md Peggy O rr of TWin Falls.

V otroubek is a g ra d u a te iloncordia University in Portia 3 rc., w ith a bache lo r of i leg ree in biology vrith em phi n pre-m edical studies. S he pl0 a tte iid .medical school in u tu re .

O rr is attending the CoUeg« jo u th e tn Idaho to ob tain a n a riate's degree. He has receivc rertificate in the diesel m eet cs program a l CSI.

T h e wedding is p lanned fc 7.m . Saturday, Jan . 17. a t L iving W aters C hrist wommunity Church in TSvin P

K n o w R e a d T h i

s p o r t s pa< y o u r f a v o r i

3 1 0 8 n d A v « ..E « l


■r - i i i i A 'c e n ^

. r : i:iirv lc e « .,ta g < ‘ l a u r t . t h ^ t

O ur women'!-Mdmmojrafihy• D exo tcan ^ ^• a « o t t C are C6orrf(n«tf « d inlcoi ond

. Toschedutaan F o r m o r e

;! WDmen’s H «

i, i


1 on your New Year’s rcsoh t ^ th c lM r e 7 o f . 's in u s - p r o b

nd an cxpcricnccd, dcdicat

j r c a th e 'c a s ie r a n d 7 0 u -c a n

t o d a y. 2 0 B - 7 3 2 - 0 7 0 0

2 O B - 6 7 7 - 3 4 0 0 _____

- M D S IN U S ( 6 3 7 - 4 6 8 7 )

lanu«ryU20O4 Tlm«»Wew», Wn

E A L T H & FA ^




L d ! E 'm \ ■ jHihasis ■ ••

plansn the r W j B v


-chan-, _ DavM Orr anti Son) for 5 . . . . .t the A reception mil in;

istian ately following the Piills. Tlie White tr

V t h e s c o r e ? i e T im e s - N e w a g e s t o s e e h< it e t e a m i s d o

" F au x Biilook for 1/2 tho prkelcolors &sha(i«. 6 Ms etiufll tllKotmh. m HG AS low AS... ~

8«l« End* 01-31-3004

igi you the l/ffniionir I’nwj*' 3SC [M t *‘lV f ln F a l l s * 733^1


4a t» n ; in d r ts e ( t jp c t i forth

i n a p p o in tm e n t i W 7 3 7 - 2r t .ln fb m » tl9 n :a b iu t_ p u r[eahh Ssijdces ca l(7 3 7 -M

Downtown Location |

• .stsmrn.. ®

jlu tion list, get help righ t i >blcmsrSin,ua,-Gcnter-Idah a te d staff, wc se t th e stand


l i iIdaho’s first sinus

MnFtOl,l(lkho fr3



Sonya Votro ^I Ih; held immedi ‘ the ceremony at

«.• in‘IWin Falls.

• •

! W S

h o wi o i n g .


____ MAGIC I^ ^ B U N D l — -

s CLEANING 13^)874 ~j

T I O N !

- F -k

T th e • n. . '

IfoWi Erfucotion



5 T ~

h t now. Call thedahor-W ith-ouf----------- -andard foc sinus


l i n u s>nter

Idaho_______ _______

tus cnre clinic :

Page 16: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R


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(lolibtiis 30 £f

DOWN 39 L___________ 1 tMk.!(jn;r. 'U 1

iin.)C1V.0 ->4 I? Sli)i)il«> M'l'is '

B u c k l e

for a ro^ il- JANUARY 12

HIKTIIDAY ... yi.ii at iiiivc ami iiiiiy lli iviuiiiiunn focused at

__________ slidv-to.,voiir.i>lan.anicrinn ytmr ciicTKic likable ami cm.T«ciic anylhiris iviniirinn j artistic ahilily. Ix;.ss than many o tlicr Ca offer bolh inaliirily i iiiK nature lo lliose a

A I« l':S (M ar2 l-A | abk- to ilcvole yonn lieaiilifiilly loday. ni where ihey’re mos liartiicrsliij) or sireii^llieneil. Apror

i ' piillinKyoii.ihiinjIyiiI lialaiice |jrioritie.s.

TAUKUS (A pr. . I S trong desires ‘early■ may slari th e ball n

an inteix'.stinK mceti I Deep tlidiiKhls may ;

o freacIl;ilw illb eca^ Hindi iheni as M erci in a liay or iwo.

( ; i :m i n i (M »y :I.inhtniii^ m ay stri ca reer at any lim e m tip and don't be su rr nm nh ridi!ai first. D( will .smooth nu t in

__________<;honld Ih; conifortiifnrtablc now.

CANCER (Ju n e You’re s ta n in g lo I desire lo broaden lYiivel and study l>ot

1 lunittes to exi>eriew hat is ont tbere. U und subjects are tV

1 natin^’ tovou.I J :0 (July 23-Ai

focus remains on g< d o n e -a m i in thal,> ness. You are in tl actnalizinK yonr cur term s of bolh ad ii oarninj’ power - s

___ strnnK!___________ __v i ik ;o (Auk. 23^

iniKm stays in your


I T W I N; C arc

&4 Tim«»^«w». TWin Fall*,


■ m i s

SatufC.! M] a | i | r | r i |.1 VV. Iir; f t) A r. r Jr, riYC - 7 s i

I S r i i i i fitiriiwalo' i i l i i .

,0 nom-' (iiti«)ii 1 £ i J i L P I11 .l.iGO'i Oifilnck 2 i i _ i E lZ

12 Qtic»' ovu" ■ ■ -g- i.T Oinof. f f ? T T ■I G C.v'oii L i . A 1 ^ ’5 Rijmolii t)iiiton Ll ,1. 1* J. i ?r, pol< oiik *. !d il I I I>7 Aiiciunl M

Pufijviiin)0 Fl.)»itiloiitmot . . . / . . — —I II S(i.lcJ»wor'<3.'’ n<!tl pianol ‘10 P0( (1033 Jacoli'5 twin bogin withVI Titly J? Batn sloiaJO Bocomo soction

po/tiinncni -IS Potcy _19 Liamii land Stiuiluy.11 T«ai aniiti 01 Rust buck.»4"Lii<o ilowois-------ST T nrnom ni

with ciiiyicos Holmos

j i i p a n d g i

o u g h r i d e ,12 IS Y()UK I "

I u re hiKhlycre- Jhave trouble .

I a t iim e .s .T iy to J 6 Iand avoid scat- |._______

■Kies. Talk.itivy, , ,, i , ;l ic ,y m n 'x c d ii[.« p a 'i tn c c and.■ss coiisetviitivf J , 1,Cniiricom s, youly a n d a tnn lov. ean>iind.vou ,,■Apr 19); Yon r» „ , .nrso n o carccr . n iakniB iwinls , „ s t n o cd td . A „ i , | ,

a llian ce is SCOH >ron strings are Ai'iolhei jy a i borne; iiy to

20-M.,y 20,:

ratiliB laccr on. j l ) ; Koi iiy sw irl JUSI om e a s ie r for yon 10 g ■rcury moves on

s tr ik e in your ; now, so Ijucklo u rp n se d il u s a CAPF .D o n ’t w o rry - it ^in tim e. Home ^ ^ ^ li ii

irtinn and com- i'If yon’r

le 21-July 22): ' expandi0 fee l a sironR ’ll ic rc en y ou r world. lea rn , a lH)th offer oppor- u practi r ien ce m ore of AQ U . U nusual places_ It’s a t ; th e most fasci-' front; b

deep . ^-AuR. 22): Yoiir tju iet t \ g e tlin g tb e job som e. Ii It, yo u 're a ll busi- fritinds1 th e proccss of PlSC c a re e r destiny in • R e la tit id iievem cnt and does yo - so keep poinR l)cinR

clnrify23-Sopt. 2’2'): llie ing of 5 lUr sign until la te b a lan o

e and cl " m i T h e

F— a-c<


Wa§^ Specializing in _ y ____ Physical-Rehi

QN FALLSre C t'iricr

ill«, IdAho Mondoy./tntuty 1 2 .20<2004_____ ■«_. . .......... - • — - -


iliHII-(10 5-1 Ttio 4 Sonsona ilh) singot Fmnkio

oiago 55 Mur,iiin taith OG At)iur)t

1tal Gltlon3 I ' 57 Ismulnlancu iickol_____ 5U Ptoloss

5 G.1 Piudo Of Ho

J e t r e a d y

G e m i n i

I I()l«).S(X)i>l' leraldine Saunders

tfcninK. possibly making you p a rticu la r lhan iisiuil. Don’t e picky iletails of life derail things; nuike your assess-

; b a sed on th e big picture.IRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22.): Botb

an d work responsibilities It VOU now. Kven a m aster of ce like you has had trouble- t i l in g the,tw o lately. Talk it i l b som eone you trust, • O RPIO (Ocl. 23-Nov. 21): Iier day for happy times w ilh js. Do keep your gripes to ;clf, though. F rusiralions d is taste fu l duiics could still

B ITTA RIU S (Nov. 22.1)cc. iCeep a re in on your “ hon- ’ i t c an be leibal, ami caring •eally doesn 't 'vant to liurt le. If you have kid.s, hang in . l l i in g s will be less argu- a tive a s M ars moves out of ho u se of children early in lary.PRICO RN (Dcc. 22.Jan. 19):.; hom e fron t is creating loo 1 irrita tio n , plan actively to <» a m ore workable dynamic. ii’re nol already involved m nd ing your world, get w ith iti e a r e countless things to I. a n d m any o f them can have ictical benefit. ' fU A RlU S Uun. 20-Feb. 18):I tim e to solidify the hom e :; b u ild your roois strong and t. Y ou're yearning for som e t tim e; do your Iwsl to get

It's also a good time lo enjoy ids.SC E S (Feb . l ‘J-M«r. 20): itio n sh ip s blossom and so ; y ou r love of humanity. You’re g ask ed by ihe universe to fv y o u n ssu e s r e g a rd in g j lm ^ jra l te n t io n . \Vliat is tlie righ t nee for everyotie?

lookin’i L u th e ra n s p u b lish D ookbook—

V e d n e s d a y

= o o d & H o m e

in Skilled Nursing & ihabilitation Service ..

674 Eailland Dr.™ n F.ills. ID 83301 (208) 734.4264

F.X 12081 734-0647


I)I:A R ABBY: I rec sm all s e tllem en t becau; in jury . My s ie p d a u g b i works as a te l le r a t ir asked if she could borroi agreed. She luok SrM)() and prom ised lo |»ay me, of h e r incom e lax refiini

Over th e n ex t several w iihout_m y consiy it, sl ferretl S2.()(10 from m yui hers. She alw ays bad ai and prom ised to repay ii

_____ Aficr-a-year-andLu-hi;b e r if sh e 'd id n 't arranj; m e back .! w ould hav e io to court. S he an d her stopped ta lk in g to niy iind m e, so I filed a d a ir

To iny a n ia / tm e n i , 1 \ ed lo p resen t iny case < ston in a co iiriroom slim

W e ll.iry h u sb iin d re f i w ith me. H e ag rees t.l righ t, but b e w ill nol take iny s ide against d au g h te r

Abby. I n e e d b is sup | ib e only w itness I have w ani th ings to tu rn oui bu t thev d id .'W bat do y


DEAR FOOL FORW hat h ap p en ed to you inal. and frankly, it slit b e e t r 'i e p o r r c d T f r r h i r th e first f>lace, Yonr I d au g h te r is an oml)e; she certa in ly shouldn 't ing in a b an k . Now it’s l

Neutere get mor

______ll^.nn>v_kno\«i_ iieuiI cats live iwo years long t age than ibose not so 1 longevitized. demiliiari

ever, ’llic spayed, fem live longer th an lhe

I females, tiiough. Curioi s Sir, d id you ever tell f she looked like an an| L*- she take il? Was she aw t angels a re always refi

masculine?): Among proboscis imh larger lh e m ale’s nose 0 a tiraclive h e is to feina s ni)turalists.II Q. Wlio snUI, “Time i;

A. Wlio b u t B en 1'r.iimention h e was fre(iu

I- dniwn a t h is bank?g Swift .swimmers, 'tli■t M ust be. Som e have bin pop out of th e wati^rI- througli th e a ir for qitliif tances.n Scrioiw researchers

really know s th e origin):. of-“Kentucky.'’ -,o \Vlicn w estern wtro little e lse about Japanc. about th e liistoric Ja[5;'n Iraa iu o n Knows lisie.itl has alw ui 20.0(M) hot s;o No. nm’iim. Uluit nfe squeal is d istress, nev(

W licre heavy rainsI): c;U places, som e anis iie of ihe ir bodit'S to fitid them selves. Curiosit le ropes m il on th e wanct anl.s.- now under, now jy the ir chances to breat

)): r “ ^ “ S tay on ti“ withh t


'ikAlso featuring.

_____ ^-•-Hair-Rem• Laser A a

GIFT CEI -------- . AVAI

Call 73 Todi

Your Api

in’s smi ies“l)ig 1eceived a , ,,, _ itise of atlh ie r; w ho - "VvV mv ban k .'

rowSJOO. I • O , instead

ul tnotuhs, .she tnins- a ja \y y c rm v caccount to Sm ce youran e.xcuse b e

Mile. ■- th e re 's a jud |half. 1 to)vl ca se w ithoutnge lu pay y ourhusbamlo iu k e h e r P o rt you, cal■r husband a tto rn ey ’s ofIV husband c a n g e t .a v ic,iim. you. Yoi1 WIS invit- • ■ . „L* on televi- DEAR AB

a ll th e se njfu se s lo e o w ho have (tha t I am nanc ies and

oi. publicly M ost m en di st his own

thoy d o . .ipport, H e’s To these wive. I d idn’t know your jul th is w"ay, abou t their1 you th ink? w ouldn’t ha]IR FAMILY Women a

, ' have th e rig\ FAMILY: to h ire in. Cpuw ascrinir th e goods, tiliould have back.irpohcc-in^----- ^Pm -not-siir husband’s I have seerjezzler. and sm art enoiin't be work- th e n they iSlim e to g et So. D ear A

ed tomcat rethMniMitered tom- __ ■— .“anger on aver- - so sterilized, arized. what- j . . .•males don’t te unspayedi o i i s . .............. i y & 'ell your w ife i lmgel? Mow'd twiire biblical _ .■ fo rrcd lo as J -

monkeys, llie - ise .llie more m any worn lia lis .s ay llie wocdinB

because tl i i s m oney”? ' sp o rt< wo: -ankliii? Did I cndurancc tjuently over- ' lance s^vin

In a gardi 'those scjuid. be t on the been seen to G reenlai i;r and glide U ia t has 1 ulte some dis- th e ic e c ra i

A lm o snrssiiy nobody a re afraid ( •inal m eaning • m ice, resei

jV badgeorlders knew anything, iin. they know., into' th e hii [Janese baths^ by m any j easoiis.'Jap.wi ye.ii^. t springs. Tlie bclm akes a- p ig like a bird

•ver delight. .l ik e a shet xs flood trbpi- und growl s m ake chains ■ T lie gre noai ropes of 1928 ^vas sity i.s. ■(ho?:e . “H eebie ;iier so all th e dropiw d h ow oyer, have v ised . Tliii ’athe. ■ sta rt of sci

to p o f y o u r ihj v t h e M o n e y Pi

f . ' • ' '

P " .Ad'fl^ toBc

K now

ig... . .m^Lpser Skin :ne Treatment


35-1000 Iday for . I ppolntment

tall-claiifam ily

I w

r i i D ear ” : d A n H V »

I P J Abigail mJM VanBuren----------------------- ----- ----- Unvolved. . ' om r h u sb an d 'ap p ears to " et-shy, a sk y o u rla iv y e r if ' audge w ho w ill h e a r th e tl)ut a ^ a i ^ r a presen t. I f tlaiul still refuses to s^p- ocall your local d is tr ic t t:office and ask if you c

victim ’s advocate to go Vou have my sympathy.

I\BBY : Wliat is u p w ith r• u n fo rtu n a te w om en j ; out-of:wedlock preg- 1 m d b ad relationship.s? \ 1 doti’t h a v t these prob- tdon 't m ention them if I

>!e women: If you’d g e t to ir p a r tn e n an d a little .‘ir past, s tu ff like th ishappen . {I a re like fish. If you !right bail, they are .easy ‘ 'J. Once you’ve sam pled • 's. then you throw th em ‘

I-siiying-rm-like-thiSrbuu:-----jcn it. If th e w ere ■loiigh to see th e 'h o o k . :y wouldn't get caught! i• Abby. please le ll m e 1

its may l i n e l i v ^

_ J R i i v i s i ' i ' i i i )

r ' L .!V I.B oy d__

Iround un d e r Ib rk ey is ris-

ion arises' a.s to why so omen get .stuck \vitli the ■ of gardens. M aybe

they’re b e tte r a t it. In women often witi w hen ice means most. Long-dis- vimming. Dogsled racing, irden w eeding m arathon, he woman.iland sliarks ca l reindeer.IS b cen 'W tnessed . W hen . xacked. Isr cxactly a s m any people I id of flying as a re a fraid of | seard icrs aver.Iger hole looks like hardly g. But it may go deeply hillside. And be inherited

y generations. To last 100

jclufiti w hale can whistle lird, scpieal like a pig, baa heej), whinny like a horse wl like a dog.great LouLs A rm strong in vas- doing the- vocal of e Je e b ic s” w h en .he d his-word sheet. H e impro- riial, it’s da im ed , was the scafsinging.

nyestm entspages.

a complement


ivoffedu0 iBn^ancement-_____

in Resurfacing ___

______________ _____ -— I

S N A p ^ I U V E R ^ '

B “ “

C .linir & L ase r Instituti^l

im case quarrel

why som e w om en th ink the so sm art? • -

I’S. By th e way, I’tn in llie grade.


DEAR FISIIERMiVN: W aren’ , und it’t a qui of In telligence. Wlien peoj e i th e r .sex becom e einoi about a love in terest, they th ink !with th e ir h ea rts an the ir h e ads. Have you' Iim i old saying. “Love ts Blind’ th e re a so n th e ph rase coined.

P E A R ABBY: T h e re ’ uproar a t ou r office conct potlucks. Is it acceptable fc pie w ho don’i coturibiiic i luncheons to help them: when th e food is serv ed? Sc them ev en -fill a p la te tc home! Isn ’t tl-is inconsii and rude?


DEAR POTLUCKS: For one to knowingly h elp him herself to o th e r people’s

• without it being offered only H ide but also p re st ous. I'd say sham e on thei people w ho do it are sham

Pt-rba p s w hen the anni m ent of th e potluck is iss should b e d ea rly sta te tl o ten th a t in o rder lo partici; person m usi bring a dish.


CrauniiAlniiiiiil Cremes...........

.......... — -~SM t e ......................................

8Cordial Clierriis......................



■SiijarFreeClncolale i Covered Niits,,:.......................

, m , Boxed Cliocol 1 , 1 1 / 2 , 2 , 3 & 5 lb .b i

ihiel'rtsb la Oar Shop

I * A L L MN ovem be

117 2nd


CIRRHOIn Cirrhosis of Itif livcr.

replaces norm,il, hoaiti DlocVing tfii,' (low ol bloc Ihc preveniii worUng as it itiouid Cirr)

' ■ i-igtun kMding cause ol disease, killing .iDout :5.(

___ each ye.v________________

, SYMPTOIHSMany people with cirrlioi

----- -lympioms-tn-li'e-e^rly-u;{jisease. Howover. ns s tepiaccs heaiiriy cells, iiv stiiris to ,incl a pt

~ V«perience iinrronowing' . Exhaustion, Fatigue. Loss ' ‘ Nausea, VVeaknfis. Weight

D IA G N O SISThe doctor may diagnose the bdsis of symptoms,

. _ tests. ihe.piiiicnULiT’.'.’d/: and a physical naminaiioi at the liver is nfcesssty t signs o( disease, tfie dc

No rcfen'jl It ncccswry^

141 Morrlio

^ Paranoia flourish

-------------- : --------------I n t e l

T u e s d a y in & T e c h

hey a re | M<jmi-Li?.iLSimiI<

te n in th ^^cliiisiiun^iSri CliV iiptLb'JiicJJ

:r m a nK. DEL.

W oman..., I UsicLt'Uiiiipsiion I LajiJjiitm'ti:oplc of I iLmclicck lo tio n a l•y o fi™ g b i s s s ;and n o t {:iu-;ipt.T !■> ilic L :ard th e iJiiliiii].iL£iird” ’ I t ’s " — Ctiii5injJ.itn c . ' w as , UiUimtiUliUi;

SotiKiliiiua-CimM i!jici2jim LCsaiu

-c’s a n Ci'JsLilsiuti c e m i n gfor peo-

• 1 - = ^ = : ^ ^ = =m selv es ( 7 '“ ^^ ■Som e of \ bto ta k e V C

s id e ra te ^ B

>r som e- A d r i n u m self o re’s food Q . M y D.nd has d is n o t o f f and on all 1 sum ptu - is 70 years old lem , b u t depression and m eless.____________________ ,

_____ D c m c u tia ^ o s

c ip a te .a A. Both disonk '• nieniory disiurli

iiricniaiiiin prol brint; about Ios> ptior skeping. 1

. ' lack <'t'tni)iiva(iiITY1 I n functionini! aro'l l l l l l ' ------ 1‘horc is also IWI | | | | l r \ .person C.1I1 only

other. Tlicrctbn /Ij J lamily’s standpt

iJ________ irvint; to makedistinctions bcf

^ 8 ^ 7 5 disordcI t t looked at as trc

“ ' n i r m c d ic .u io n t o r " t t d cprc ssi»m a n d

C M q o t lil'c. H e shot:I IJ o n <inc o C tlie r

c a n im p ro v e th 0 1 3 d p e o p le v n ih dci

.,. 0 t t .D e m e n t ia ca n 't p ro g re ss io n cat

OAOA th e q u a lily o f IIJI It im p ro v e d , I)cj> ^ “ d c t in i ic lv b e rc

o l a l e s

•»*“ aip f l a l / .v /

' a t e m a t " W a i f

c 3 i 2 j

A E R C H A N D> e r 2 3 r d - J a n u a r y d s t r e e t W est • 733-7 bowntown Twin rails

( T e d L . R e a M . p


Fellow of the American Collene i


;f. scar tissue order a CAT- sc<ii iithy nssoe, scan of the liver i ood through A liver biopsy Iling It from: ■ t)i,ignosis. irrhosis is theol deaih by T R E A T M I

5 ,0 0 0 p eop le------------------- ie v i;iie d ,,tiu U !£

delay furthei pro complications Tri

losis have no the cause of »agci-of-me— tom plio iiio ru- ; sc.K tissue expefiencing. Fo liver funciion caused by .ilcoho person may abstaining from .1

inTymptoms— hepaitiii-relaiei ;s ol Appetite, medicat/ons used Iht Loss types oj hepatitis

- Wilson’s builds up on ort

„ medications to 1 lecirrnosi on

li ’1 h controlled or wfi,'^ !-^ °-^ /-^ -so -d am a9 e d -ff<

Z h S for to check 10 transplant IS necc d o c to r m ig h t^ • W e file in su rance claims • 24

i o n S t m t , T W in F a l l i I (« 0 8 | 7»2-»0»0

)ia g ro u p s sh on th e . ternet— --------' in C o m p u te r s • sc h n o lo g y

.11, 7:JU-•>;«)J.itKa cmi7:IS.‘>:M . iliUUl'ilLCI'i 7:,J0.WS - (^plluGivc OO ■;«) • jaimiiUiskta n" - ''•J' ;|M ni;«3.n.7:W)-»;.W) I‘IsiUtUi.lU "*• 7;4,SiUUili"! 7:40.y:5(lii3lHll.7;l.-i.-J:SQ

(T» Deafly M .D .:I has been depressed all his life. N o w he; old and has som e and lus d o c to r to id i.ns Alzheimer’s How-do_wjLlclLlllc____

:>rders can cause lurlunccs and • probkms. Butli can loss of.ippetite and

lg. Both can causc ivaiinii and rcduccd around the luiiiie. . •

I) iio 'ruk that 5.iys:a::~ “ only have one « r th e ctbrc. from the idpoinc. rather thanakc stiine line line______between .ihcni, botli

orders should be s treatable. He should an antidepre,ssant torc!ic%-c any.-— and help his quality should also be tried he medications which c the tunciioning o f '\ dementia. W hile J.Mij't be cured, iis , r J j J 1 can be sU)wed and ! o f life otien • ^Depression can • le relieved whiclt can ipCul 10 your father.

Mountain View Caro\ .C en ter (orihe Elderty_S 500 Polk St. E. :

Kimt]erly. ID 83324' ::


'■eaUA. S t< n ^

r y & / : ’ ’

D I S E >iry 1 7 th 3-7735

J j

.p .,FA C.G .


lege ofCaitroeDlcrology

E LIVERscan, ultfasound , or a

ivei using a radioisoiopo., ipsy will confifm ih t

M EN T‘ Itom cirrhosis cannot beiL (!catm cnL C onji.op_ il ___■ progression and reduce s Treoimeni depends oji of c irrhosis a n d an^

im— a___ pcLion____ti. ___). For example, cirrhosis conol abuse is treated by. om alcohol. Treatment for laied-cttfhosis-m volves- — ^ used to treoi ihe different atitis. Cirrhosis caused by- lease, m w hich copper 1 organs, is trea ted with , ' ; to remove m e c o p p e r iphca'iions c a n n o t Oe. r wfich m e liver occomes d - fro m -sc a rn n g -th a u it. — stops funciioning, a iivci necessary

• 24 hour phone service'

l i t ID 8 3 3 0 1

1 . . -t ',

Page 17: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

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\ f T H e r V 5 .L < ? w e p £ o i :V (sr^o& in^JvtiioR.^

- ' ; v '

- .Garfield_______________


HI and Lois____________

•TMe T o iu e - r s s r c OP/lTvVOfOT FI.U'


^ TheWlMrdofld

' '. I ,W<WLPN'T \- : f FE C P T W S

,SWIUUT<3 ] /■

■• •'HogartheHoniblo

■ ^ V J h lB fiS y F■ ■ AfZB y v u J ( .

OOIN& ? / V .

'.^ tle B a llo y

-.•• - f T / W E L L ,! ■ r • A KIM A I


• :^ . - g:*Fronk and Ernest

V:§ p i ^

fThTBom Loser

'* D b H T '(6 o JUiT U , ' . / - TKCUE.VJDIGITNL'J

^ _ ^ p£copi?£«iteoix><

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,n ’ I . . . BE EX• I BORECl, ■

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■ Scot! Adai

ALSO KNOUJN'AS* •B U SIN E SS t r a v e l ;

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( i_ J , R IG H T NOUJI ,

Sy Johnny h

^ vA U?T <^AMCTT£C TC?PAr' ME V//Ae YfesrEJ^CAV.

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By Jim D

HOW ^ I ( WHAT.. .. THE SO U P? ) V _ _____

IDy Chance Brc

-iep e vveM r j i r F ine > \ /r-rv


By Branl Parker & Jolinny

( ' t iI ^ W H A T T I I E. ^ K s A I P i

By Chris B

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By Bob

; f u n n y . 6 P A / ( f -

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»ury 12.2004 Tlm vW m . TV»in F«

C(By Lyn

»KATfV5»*i> AND i’m AlOO y£>MC< AlP^.INCfcOCP, _ lOOKlSun.MtiCHAMIC. T ___ ________u ep o n H i j t NV ms.

« / EV # Y I # r ( B

By Dean Young &

! I , TUAT-S ' ;I ,• TWE ■ iI f LAST ■'. STRAW" ••,N : ^ - '• - / - - 'J ,i i " ' ^ - W / -

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t i ' i ( f e S d lU Lf Circus Bv

ling to m a k e m y dollar th e n e w 20-do lla r bill

n T ^ - i f f l T ) w r f f tflOOEK.'', W J

HE. — z ^ r - ' HO W

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By Jim Boi^man a

^TMW N WHW^^ J ■ W ] R?IMT? j

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I Lynn Johnston

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lg & Stan Drake

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By Crane

\ w o o 6 A \ / e p \-r^ ^ U F £ ' f

)APAViO)A u , \ r y '

By Qil KfMne

T T ^ \

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liar p retty like bills.”

By Pat Brady

J m K M V mnitA m sr...R K Km y r m m

an anti Jetry Scolt

\ ic w m iN K C>i-FiFTY


By Giei; Evans

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&By Wiley

\X. ll W6 t>H « T H IC&KTItlCp. ■

rpoSMv^ ■'»VN£« OKOWNNCt. ■.-tv.- V. M’tC.vt'. fl.CPt. V K oxi^hl I

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Page 18: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

BPA cO ne of tlie mosi

a sp ec ts of Kiiiil' ih e ilena-c nf suitlet

' lion ill ciiil's. .’Almo''i *-'Veiy diiy

' ^ lm iellts iirc iiciively p n ije tts 'Mli'' nut onl liriiis ti) fill ilu'ii' ft' .ilsi. LTiMk-s il iKisil m eiu.

Stiitk-ius. nlvi' 1(1 lielj) m.ikc llic co Biiiil .1 l ic tle r |)l.H I'lcifessioii.ils i)f Am wise ivUDWii iis UPA. liL'si cx iitnp lts (if c ;iinl o ne of iIk' mosi

by senior pn Sissm i. iiiui iidviscT, iliiscU ib 'iveisces m; lliroiiMlioui llieschot j ifficers a ie vice Je iu iife r l.yday; st-ci N iiliolseii; treasu i Pack; liistiirian. lylt

----------------------- C

^ r r r

........ -T h e C as tle fo rd Schocg a m e s . The high s c h Lopez. Kelly T ab ot, L

Castle ( perfor

C astk 'ford cliecr B renda n iom soti ii m unity lo two half an c e s of ih c c h sciioo) d ico rlcad e an d Jan , 22:

Presently , m pre a re prcparinK to j half-tim e of th e ’

; ba ll gunuts.; NorniJi C liand l

itnnniii . al u p g rad es in tlv : b e e n com pleted , it ; d ishw asher, a ; ; se rv in g b a r a n t ; reco rd -keep ins di

C h an d le r and h< exce llen t joi) of w for our studen ts,

I a n d parents.

T.F. High Schoi will sing in All

-n v iN F A L i^ -• School choir stud

th e 2004 A llS ta fur C oeur d ’ A len Y elena Bagda: Q utturs, L^nd^ D a n a c C row ley A shley Naylor,’ C helsea W asden W h itney Brov B u rg em cistc r, J M elissa Dodds,

- N ik i M agill. (t---------------- S h a m i—Shuss;—

B ria n Scott, K e m p to n Cox, P a tr ic k H arris

-----------------R oberts-------------

~ GALC begins I block, tim e to

GOODING - A c cc le ra ted L i w ill siati its r Thursday, n innti

_ __ 26. _i r ............. To accommodi; a s w ell as to pi

). reg is te r in g studca ^ e 'a to reg is te r

,( M a in St.„ Good: I' '-4 2 1 4 .>; T h e foUowing

offered :9:10 a .m . to 12

E n g lish 11, Engli

1 * V . .

Tlmo^Newi. Twin M il

club is 0osi in trig u in g Jigh School is

tlen i partic ipa- | T

,iy of ih e week K , .■eiy involved in. j* 'only allows stu- W ' free tim e . InU isiiive environ-

paruam e

a,ul lil’- ' icoim im iiity (ll d iib . Its

)l.tcc. B usiness >‘i>: 'l “-' Am erica, o ther- iiess wor’A. is ono of the 'f chibs a( m is f " ‘i. yt--' aciive. f" '' ‘‘” , ‘1p residen t. K.C. sfvs. W

sf i. Don lUack, eventful; m any fiinciiim s nioiith, v1u»)l yciir. O ilier th e whoice p re s id e n t. So fiir;ecreiary. .liiime fund-raiisurer. T can iia ihe ir ch:ly le r M ink; and selling (

:hool chonrlBBderi will porloim i ichool ch»oilMii«ti am, Irom le I, Uuren Kline, Janet Huiliy anc

eford chei rm this ire e r le a d e r adviser n in v ites th e com- lalf iim e pcrfonn- . ■c lc n ie n ta ry /h ig h v - .

id e rs o n Jan . 19 '

ir e th a n 35 girls;o perfo rm a t th e ____,e v ars ity basket- I— .—

O urn d le r, h o i lunch Tliurst lu n a -M b a t sever- ^yststl ie k itch en have 'n iu rs

J . inc lud ing : a new on IViI s ta te -o f-th e -a rt Reiiind a co m p u te r ctilen; d a ta b a se . Mrs. Web ]

h e r s ta ff do an casf w ork ing w ith and ~u s, staff m em bers /Wii

hool s tu d en ts 'v A II.S ta te-C ho l[__ accoiS - ’l\vin I 'alls High M.\tu d e n ts se lec ted to mathS ta te C h o ir slated skillsle iie in M arch w ea- I'oid a sa ro v a . T ra d e Mich ndsay C hand ler,ley, S a d ie i la fe r , S c h i ir,’ S ie rra Seam an. len . C arlie Atkins,row n ing . L au rie Jlv, Ju liit C astagno , , HleirIs, H e a th e r Dodds. anmi

C indy N eilson. .a t 5S;—Kvan—Crowley,------Higli. C o llin A llan . H iJX ,. C h ad H arris , flagr is a n d . J e re m y Girl_______________________ C m


IS fourth to reg ister- T h e G ooding salsi

L e a rn in g C e n te r cook 5 fo u rth b lock on be m in g th rough Feb.. Sug{

familodate a ll s tudents,-— chil< 1 p rev en t delays in Fo adents, s tu d e n ts a re scho te r th is w eek a t 906 loding o r call 934- BfU

ing courses w ill bc

12:10 p . m . daui ig lish 12, U.S. histo- Crid

FaJlt. Idaho Monday, Jinuary 12.2(

-iSe)ne of th(

m i l 11. - B i - ; a t

M J o eM popplewell

m entaria ii. C h ris Ahlm. k is a b u s in ess -o r ien ted Its m ain p rio rity is fu r th e r - , le know ledge of th e busi- vorld to i ts m em bers, ir m ain goal is to prom ote a e t ed u ca tio n a l a tm osphere 1 of ou r m e m b e rs ." Sisson ‘We try to have a l least two ful ac tiv itie s du rin g c a d i li.iviih a goal to reach out to hole s tu d en t body." fa r th is year. BPA has had ra ise rs a n d a c tiv itie s for club and .B H S . O ne was the g of •T rib e Pride*’ socks to


' PMocwflHioieatMMkMiil

m at half-tlmo varsity basketball nlett, Jorle Schonmon. Anna and Amanda Draper.


■ C iw n .K i'o u i)

AndyW iseman

■VI __________________

>ur f ir s t s e m e s te r cnd^ jrsday . W e’w l l bave sem estei ts on W ed n esd ay anc ursday a n d a teacJjer“ worKauj IViday.lem cm b cr, to s e e o u r m onthlj en d a r d ie c k o u t th e followlni :b .

•Wii/y Vlisemti/i i.-: ;jnnd ;x i/ u stkfan! Schiwi

— SCHO(IV and acc e le ra te d m ath 12;.^0to 3:.1() P-tn. C A D counting-and-sew ing-------------

to S:10 p.m. Acceleratei ,1th . on line coui^e and ISA illsFor m o re in fo rm a tio n , ,ca: ichelle O w en a t 9.14-4214.

:hool will se rv e up u l tk u ltu ra l food fairJl-H O M E - C c n ln em en tary w ill h o s t th e fift inual M ulti C u ltu ra l Food F a 5 p.m. J a n . 30 in th e Jerom

igli-S diooL cafctcriaj---------^H ie even in g w ill s ta r t w ith Ig cerem ony co n d u cted b y ^ iri S cou ts fro m Je ro m o .-T t imiral F Jg m cn ta ry s tuden ts wi ng a t v a rio u s d m e s througiioi :e night.--n ic -m e n u -v n ll- in c lu d e -b a k t jtato , ch ili, to r ti l la ch ips a r ilsa. s a la d , a s so r te d b read lokics o n d sodn . D onations w ; a c c e p te d a t th e doc jg g ested d o n a tio n s are $15 p< imily, $5 for a d u lts , and $3 flild ren u n d e r-1 2 ,-----------------^For m ore in fo rm ation , call tl

:hpol a t 324-3396.

irulnette d an cer chosen lancer o f th e MonthTWIN FALLS - K alce Crid,

a u g h te r o f L o ra a n d Ma rid e r o f 1\vin M is , h a s lie,


IH0le most J

th e com m unity ‘n iis f w en t over successfi everyone w earing sockswith th e word “ INDIAh

T hroughout ih e year p a r tic ip a te s in m any

. tions b e tw een a rea sc involve all a sp ec ts of ih world, from th e stock

■ th e p rice of grain. In i .1 Ihihl's BPA club also p,

in a con ference hehl a i- Iloise w h e re s la te coi

are held . A lso at th is c a b u s in e ss p ro fession e a c c i ^ A m erica offer II t c a d ^ h e i r jo b s to rn o r 0 thousTind e ag e r high h dents.o BPA h as b een instn

b u ild ing school p ride \ d H igh S diool. ir W'e e .\pect m ore top e them in th e second I0 year.

1 HansenI C o n g ra tu la tio n s t<_____ Kenney, who received tl

the U n iied Dairymen the W eek. -

7 K i^stal received a S for H ansen Higli Schoc

Tlie s tu d en t body successfu lly ra ise d r S460 fo r th e U ed

^ m onth . T h e seventh-}

I GoodinH N ext w eek is fimR ----- G ood ing -H igh -S chcM conclusion of th e fin

W ith icy cold wiiin first tr ia l of th e higl

lall d en t. Ironic?B ut Gooding Higl

d e n ts a re p rep a re th e ir sk ills and provi lence d u rin g f in a ls '

^ th e new begiiining - S e ith e r tu rn things i

hari^ an o th e r A up i erator.

F inals will begin

n It’s timA n o te from P r

O’Dell: I t ’s paren ty teacher conft

• D on’t le t th e co aw ay from Uiis imp ty. C onferences will

— 8 p.m . W ednesday n d s T each e rs w ill hai s te r g rades, ISAT scores a n d d e n i’s course rc(|ue Hay 2004-20()5 s d io o l ye

Ms. O 'D ell, assist th ly -ly Jo n es and counj ‘'ing ' M arlor an d Joni S

av a ilab le to answi tions, S ee you there

JU S s tu d e n ts are 1/ « / s e n ic e . Recently.

clubs, s tu d en ts an

DOL NEWSse lec ted as th e 'l\vi

r> . School Dance Tean th e M onth.

a ted K alee. a Bruinett SAT d io seh based on lu

record and h e r lead c a ll 'Hu-* announcem e

by Ju lie W right, cou ■liiompson, assistan

Dietrich schools ou tstanding stm

fifth ■ DIETRICH - Di F a ir announced January

rom e ih e M onth.A cadem ic hone

ItlT a D JassunrB ouiiranc f th e m ost im proved wei ■The M cD aniel and C ier sw ill c itiz e n sh ip w ent rjio iir— W hlrrokcntnd-L-ini

a k e d — Buhl-dlnneMhei “J l ‘S hakespeare’ \

sw ili B U H L -T h e Bul door. D ram a departm en 5 p e r ■ “Tlie C om plete Wo 3 fo r S h ak esp eare , abrid ......... ....... n e r .s ta r t in g ,at_ 6;;II th e S a tu rd a y ai

S tre e t C en te r in Bi T icke ts a rc $25

fo r s ing les, and S c it iz e n s ; re s e n re q u ir e d . F or re

rider, m o re in fo rm atio i M a tt B la s ik iew icz a t Iw en School. S43-8292.

actiVe^afund-raiser In Buhl

ifully w ith annual "C lk s inscribed clubs a re t\N S ." g a rn e r thea r BPA also sponso redly com peti- lakes in to jschools lha l activ ities aiih e business w h en awak m arket to c lubs a re m1 th e spring, N ational l lpartic ip a tes a n d BPA.

I annually in w hat a clul :om peiitions aw ard, whiconference, p la (jue a

m a ls from am ount of:r advice or e d in May.o re than one If you liII school stu- w restling

gam e yet. in im en ta l in a tten d . S ti .* w ith in Buhl • support an

ip news from ']<>*■'' Popi 1 half of th e body pres


1 studentto Kry.stal

i t h e honor of lirs tiT dch t of ‘

1 S lO O a r a r dool. Je; a t llunsenm ore t h a n ---------------

I C ross la s t w as respo i-grade c lass p o rtion of

Ig High siinals w eek ath o o l-u n d e -------irst semester.liter comes th e »igh sdiool stu-

gli Sdiool SIU-, red to flau n t jve th e ir excel-s w eek .-n iis is continue

a chance to i» g to a c? around or to We ha 'p on th e refrig- 'vas glori

re tu rn In M onday and Finals w

ae for pai[*rindpal I*atti p ~

lim e foriferences. #cold keep you H ^ (ip o rian t activi- h i ill held from 4- . ^ -K ind T liursday ^lave m id-term W iS and each stu- nest list for the

. . . b a d t to i istant principal

" “ I?’? th e c(Snm l. w .n he

w er any „ues.

re d e ,heated to

1 ___________ ___________ _

\vin Falls H igh O’Learj :un’s D ancer of

lit i a n c e r , w as TTVINh e r a tten d an ce 25th b iradership skills. Ju n io r Inen t was m ade of fo rnoach, and Joyce m em beim t coach. W you

cu rren t

,Is chooses . S -:uaents borrowD ie trid i S d ioo l bilia o r iry’s S tuden ts of For i

G eana In o rs w en t tondN icki-M iller;------BIg'Vafent to S h an een o -q H U e rra D ivine; a n d KeaQUII to K assidy R U Pl indscyShaw.------------Nighl-w

p.m. Tleater o ffe rs -— :Ei>-‘tT)ent - 1- . . R upert,play Tliisu h l H igh Sdiool . readingent \vill p resen t Com puVorks o f W illiam R eader•idged" w ith din- Gues3:30 p.m. Friday will bea t’ th e E ig h th ....... CafdohBuhl. C en ter15 a couple, $15 fifth-gr

$12 for sen io r a n d 1<•rva tions a r e B enjanre se rv a tio n s o r Then ion, ca ll D av id refresht B uhl M idd le For n:. 9707.

it BHS Ih i H ig h S chool’s first C lub of th e Y ear” race, c do ing all they can to [he aw ard . Tliis aw ard •d by s tu d e n t council ;o .account partic ipation ,> an d sd io o l involvem ent w a rd in g po in ts . T h ree I n eck a nd node th is year: i H onor Society. Key Club

A ll th re e exem plify :lub shou ld tru ly bc. Tlie vhich includes a wooden

a n d a n und isc lo sed of m oney, will be award- :iyI haven’t b e e n o u t to a Ig m a tch o r bask e tb a ll e t . m ak e it a po in t to S tuden ts ap p rec ia te your and interest!

opplcivcU is th e student ■ resident a t D iild UiRb

t earns he-H l-IS K IliS -------JN LK /V SH U D Jessica Johnson

:ponsible for th e largest of th e funds generated .

students ^i % - S e n a t o r - -

J f S c : \ i ^ EPaul


ue th rough th e w eek, com-aconclusionon-Friday .--------have h ad o u r b reak , and il oriou:!. a n d now il is tim e toI b ack to o u r le arn ing ,

w eek is th e springboard

irent/teacl^GERP rin-i-s

Kayla Earle

have tak en p a rt in Bivins to o u r community. . .

'H ianks to D ebbie Walsh, c o u n se lo r a t C en tral

en tary . JH S s tuden ts will th e o p p o rtu n ity to be

i;ed in th e Lunch Buddy Tim. Tliis program pairs highII su id en ts and elem entary

ary seek s memorabilia, os for birthdaylN I 'A tl5 = T o -c e le b m tc - it j- b irthday o n Jan . 30, O’Leary r H igh is seek ing th e he lp i rm er s tu d e n ts a n d s ta ff bers./ou a tte n d e d O’Leary at int lo ca tio n any tim e cen 1979 and 2004, th e cele- on p lan n ers would like to IW a n d display any memora- o r p ho tos you m ay have, r m o re in fo rm a tio n ,/ call la Davis a t 733-4713.

Valley holds Family— ding Night ThursdayIPE R T - Fam ily R ead in g t.w iU -be-held-fm m JiJQ jQ -S

T h u rsd ay a t B ig V alley ...n tnrv Sdl00l.-2Q2 IS th Srr. w ill be th e second family ing n igh t o f th e fchool year, p u te r s fo r A cce le ra ted le r te s ts w ill be available, test read e rs for th e evening b e Big Valley p r in d p a l Alanlon;M ini-Cassia O p p o rtu n itj e r p rin c ip a l Jo h n Contos, -g rade te a c h e r S usan Paul

lo ca l ra d io p e rso n a lit j iamin R eed .lere w ill b e door prizes anc •shments.r m ore inform ation, call 436

WS-O m

_ ___ C a u (

I ®W iS ev en th -g rad e s tu d e n ts a t F th e y aro 'C au g h t B ein g Gooi a t te n t iv e l is ten in g , apprecla

e t s for Novem ber an d D ecer ! A m and a K oehler, Dustl Mors

T h o m as ; so co n d tow : M arie C h avez an d Kevin W akley; fi

: - Raym ond Banjral. Shelfiy Hy r

lonor, sch(A s a rew ard, each seyei e r a tte n d e d a m ovie

— charge .-------------------------- A basketball homccon

th e works! ’Hie Huskies Jan . 19-22 for the event.

In honor of M artin Lut Jr., Hansen I l i^ i School n ing a H eritage Day.Th will kick off the w eek wi

get ready■■ in to th e ne.xt seme?

Gooding High School is d ive in.

U pcom ing events include th e annual ch th a t will bc held on Ja r ch e e rle a d e rs spend instructing elem entary

-* d e n ts who are curious sport of cheerleading.

------------ At—th e -c v e n in g —Iil gam e (Gooding versus LO k ids w ill perform dan g. th e instruction of Gl rd lead e rs a t half-tim e. T

cher conf” . s tuden ts to th e benefi

H ie high sd ioo l studei to th e e lem entary scho h m d i w th th e ir budi e a d i m onth. Tliis givcj s tu d en ts the chance to role m odel to youngei w hile th e younger chilc op a healiJiy bond wit school mentor.

ng Alev, nt jn< ; Tnrins new club a t JH S , ui

‘•’j . den ts of d ifferent cul ■H he lp o u t a t th e JH S C

A t th e fair, d u b paren , v ide lu n d i for th e b it

p ie in a ttendance.8 ^ Tlie food will be ser

c lub m em bers. ,

- Hagern a , school ita---------- llAGEItM AN=-Jak(iry a seventh-grader, is th ;lp th e H agerm an Junior aff p e titio n of th e

G eographic Bee. its T he e lem en ta ry i n e w inner is Sergio Mo :le- fifth-gradijr. to B oth s tu d en ts

,ra. N ational Geographic .w ritten test and are

a ll le a m if they w ill quc S ta te Bee in A pril, re Hoffm an, counselor.

_________ Tlie school-leve l 1stu d en ts answ ered o r on geography, was tht

in c in th e 16th annuo n l G eographic Bee. The i „ „ . so red b y the'*

-G eograph ic Society — ^Amcricasr-onc-of-ijj la rgest in teg ra ted fir

ices companies.T he kidcoff fo r thi

was th e week of Ni thousands of schools

{"8 U nited S tates and U n i tc ^ S u te s territc paling.

[OS* U p to 100 of-the tc th e w ritten te s t in ea b e c l iy b lc to com p s ta te Bee A pril 2.

a nd National Geograpl v ide an all-expenses

♦36- ' W ashington, D.C^, fot p ions and teacher-cs

■rnnw a m I'yilor:


Mi'- *.


t R o b ert S tu a r t Ju n io r High rece DOd’ by follow ing t h e ag reem ent: c la tlo n s an d resp o n s ib i l i ty . CBQ lem b er a re , from le f t , b a c k row: o rs e , Echo H o sk in s ; T h e re sa Sir rlelgh M eikley, A m an d a B reen , ii ; fro n t row : J a s s l c c a J a c o b s , Ciy ffyde a n d S haw n C o c h ra n ate no

lool plansenth-grad- tiv e message,e f re e of D ay ,studen ts '______________ fro m th e ir ijm ing Is in an c e s tra l dec;s have se t tray s a b it ab<I. iiage.,uther King ----------------)0 l is plan- . Hansen Hi Iliis them e Jessica Johnsoi wilh a posi- lishes the scho

I for final{lesier, a n d school on janis ready to th e followin{

----------------------- G ood ingH ig; a t GHS Jan u a ry isd ie e r clinic a n d th e Seian . 17. GHS b r in g in the i1 th e d ay sp ir i t w hh biry-aged stu- b a ll a n d m eIS abou t th e w resU ers alsI. a champion!-basketball----- ioum am entis Buhl) th e G ood luck m ces un d e rGHS chcer- Paul SebasT h ere is n o School sttida

ferences aefit of both. T h e Careelen ts will go o n th e moloo l to enjoy Je ro m e Higliddics tw ice S tuden tsres th e o lder c a re e r - opjto serve as a M agic vallcj;e r children, so m e the cxild ren devel- tu n iu e s a t/ith th e h igh m an y Magi

w ho take tlm U nltos. a c a r e e r fairun iting soT a lso to w

ruliurcs, w ill coordinator, C areer Fair. ' organizing

ents will pro- o th e r work nisiness peo- t ie s for the

;en/ed by th e Kayla Ea School senio

nan studei geographjikc-Em erson;------ tic ipato-in-th e w inner o f on sh ip on or H igh com- p la c e win L* N a tiona l S25,000col

life tim e r school b e e Society,

iloctezuma, a Jeopard j w ill m oder

to o k th e o n May 26 lie-qualify ing o n th e I re w aiting to C hannel a u ^ f y for th e stations, rep o rted Ray Anyone t

rap h y m th bee , w h e re o n lin e g

o”ra lq u esrio n s www.natio he first round o b ee , whic ua l N a tio n a l t io n s a le b e e is spon- • N ational G

— N atio n a l--------- T he— Nty an d ING____ S o c ie ty js jV -the-w orld ’s ------p ro fit-sdofin an d a l serv- organ iza ti

S o d e ty ofl h is year’s b e e m aps, tele Nov. 17. w ith m ed ia . Nai >ls around th e azine, the J in th e five S odety , he ito ries p a r tid - ' 10 million

-----------’ C hannel; ttop scorers in netw ork i

each s ta te w |U U n ite d St; ip e te in th e ir availab lb i

hom es. Tl iphic w ill pro- m o re th« es-paid tr ip to research for s ta te cham - a n educat escorts to par- geographi

im/nfonio - 735-32i{S

j n o n "

rMa eewiMT •< Snurt

receive t i c k e t s w h e n ; n en ts o f m u lu a l r e s p e c t , ':BQ w in n ing t i c k e t h o ld -i | ow: C h ase C h u te , • a S im ons a n d S te p h e n ;3n, iu lla S ilv a , T e re s a .C ly d e Lynch, a n d ;0 n o t p fc tu w d . ;

IS event!age. D uring H eritage ms will dress in d o th in gi r counlry o f o rig in ,_______decent 'o r w hich por-

[ about th e ir fam ily her- .

High School student inson ifiiriaicd and pub- school news^xipcr. ■

ils week1 Jan. 19 a n d J a n . 20, a n diving w eek, J a n 26:30 isH i ^ ’s sp irit-w eek .-------------------y is packed w ith action , Senators a r c read y to

the new y ea r w ith schocJ til boys and g irls basket- ^vrestling th is w eek . Thfc 5 also \vill b e look ing fok-. (ionship a t th e W endeDe n ts ta r tin g S a tu rd a y .- ! -----------luck S enators! !

e/w5rian is Gooding High vdcnt body president.

atJHSareer Fair w ill ta k e p lace m orning o f F eb . 4- a t

High School. ;nts will g e t to look m tp o p p o rtu n itie s in th e

alley, as w ell a s check o ut e extra cu rr ic u la r oppor- , a t JH S. T h an k s to thfc

riagic V alley businesses ce the tim e to m ak e th e fair successfu l. T hank?r roi-k-uuiiud u m u tIti ---------ator, L inda A rr6ssa , for ing this fa ir a n d m any forld of w ork opportun i- the students.

I Earle is a Jerome liigh enior. \

ents win ly bees Ii - in - th e -n a tio n iil_ d lS i5 £ iL _ on May 25-26. T h e f i r s f w inner w ill re c e iv c 9 .) college s cho la rsh ip a nd ? e m em b ersh ip in th e

ardy! h o s t A lex T re b e t iderate th e n a tio n a l finals / 26. The p ro g ram w ill aif e N ationa l G eo g rap h if el and a f te rw ard on PBS'

me can b ru sh u p on geo^- vith G eoBee C hallen g e , a(i

geog raphy q u iz ata tionalgeograph ic .com /ge-------vhidi poses five new q u e ^ a day fro m previouB al G eographic b ees . .1— N ationa l— G eograph ic------- is the w orld’s la rg e s t norv

6d o n d fic -an d -ed iica tio n w _ _ :_ zation. T h e 1 1 4 -ycar-ola y offers m agaz ines, books, television a n d in te racu v e .N ational G eograph ic mag- . d ie o ffid a l jo u rn a l, o f the y, has a d rc u la t io n of aboiu Ilion. N ationa l G eographic lel; a doily te lev is io n cable • rk ih a ta la u n c h e d in d ie 1 S tates in J a n u a iy 2 0 0 1 15 bib in m ore th a n 34 m illion i. “n ie S o d e ty h as funded

th a n 7, 000 sc ien tific __ch p ro jec ts a n d supports icadon p rcjgram com bating iphic illiteracy. _ 1

Page 19: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

CJ0C3 bflfv<o» S 5WBpf0?07i

N e w a b ci I


By John Whitehead, Modia a A m a jo r new b reak

pill w ith ing red ien ts lh a b d o m in a l fa t a n d w.i

- cause Jhe p o t belly has I noiinccd b y BioTech Rc

T h c b ra n d nam e of . isA b G O N E ”' I t i s n o

able to thc public.A b G O N E '" w as dc

from c o n c o p is in resea d u e le d a t th c U n iv e r Y ale . P i t ts b u rg h . UC C a lifo rn ia , ll w as four research lha l fat in the; is d iffc ren i than ihe rcj b ody . A n d . there are 2 abd o m in a l fa t. o u te r f: tcstinal fat.

C e r ta in fa c to rs cat *. c o l le d in the abdom in

excess.. : B u t w h a t m ak es at

■ fal d iffc ren i from ihe t fal in the b ody also p rt s e a r c r c r s 'w ith - a w a y

■ ■' il w ilh a nu m b er o f na stances w hich reduced o f a b d o m in a l fa t , T

. ■ fo u n d a w a y to rcd u t abdom inal walcr. •

T lie lead developer jn a rk a b lc n e w p il l .A t

: w ilh th e se in g red icn- • d u cc a b d o m in a l fal a

was R ch an Ja la li.n a ti( o gn ized n u tritio n is t a

■ . for B ioTcch ResearchH e r c is m y e y e - o j

_______ _ ier.v .iew -w iih .M r,.J .!s e a rc h s tu d ie s a rc r

• • re ferenced in Ihis imeQ . M r.Ja la livho

- develop th is rcm arl• • G 0 N E '“ pill w ith in

th a t ta r g e t fa t and thc abdom en?

_______ A . It lo o k fiv e yivclop Ihe AbOO^nE'''

W c s ta n e d o u t by • . ' la rge v o lu m es o f res

had been done on wli fat is d isp ro p o riio n a

• in th e a b d o m e n . T hi w as c o n d u c icd a t Ya siiy.-

T h js research fou ' d o m in a l fat w as dif!

in Ihc rest b f the hodj F ro m th is in it ia l

w c k n e w w e c o u ld ■ pill to reduce ahdomi

• ... W e a l s o fo u n d . w ere harm ful effecis . in a l e x c e s s fa l and .. la in e d w a te r . T hesi

th c f a d th a i peo p le------- --— belly -hnda trriM H T l

certain health proble so fo u n d thi»t Ihey d i f f i c u l t i e s a n d h ra te s o f u nem ployn ' v o rce .’

Q . I t h a s alv th o u g h t in thc scIc m u n ity th a t you .spot re d u c c f a t . J

V true?A .T h c in g re d ii

■ C O N E '" do not spol nary fa t. Tliey h e lp i n:uy fal unifonnly o ' b o d y . T h e in g re d i G O N E '" enab le thc

"• _ d u ccex ce .ssw a ic ra — T -;^abdom cn that ihc-ho

‘ reducc before. A nd i h ib il th c excess coll'

• : d o m ina l fat in the fl .. fo re , th c abdom en i

: ; size m uch belter th:uf.l- Q . How Is abd C- d iffe ren t from oth

body?' ' ' A . A b d o m in a l y • m o re sen sitiv e to a \ in o n c w h ic h enlar;

--------- - ’••'7-w ill c laboratb short■ , ’ T h e re arc b asic

‘ fe re n t ty pes o f fa l T h e first is ou te r f«i

--------- ; j iT ^ ih c skin-surfuctfr-T---------: in leslinal fat w hich

: • . • at)doiirc'trN'ow. this is imp h i s p o s s ib le t

• -()t>c\KeM:avlilW.7,1 ;

• ’AmJI‘h)vi>lRcsu11iiU'i

' . ' ’InlJOhcUyWll.l'rli

' • ' "Ohc.lWanh1'W.7.1I ‘ “ ll'l'ijch.w.rmjlK: NtciTS*• j ll|SjcliixKun miVvtini'li

OJOmi Ad.».uem»m

f Wl o m e ivelopei le , P ii



o f th is p ill 2now ava il-

d ev e lo p edsearch c on-/ c r s i t i e s o fU C L A , andoun d in ih is -3 ,he abdom en . r,rcsi o f y ou r |- . T x .

■e 2 ty p es o f AbGONE'“ loa i r f a ia n d m - jaiaiMs a natioi

tlonlstandauU fa l lo NEWSWEEK m n a la r e a m oxygen,Mon's

and many otho s a b d o m in a l ontlflc journal iie r e s io f ih e overlOOcuttl; provided re- thomrtrttionah a y io rc d u c c — ■ nalural sub- su rface fa l i

ce b o th iy p c s h a v e s ig n ir i , T h e y a l s o lestinal fat. d u c c e x c e s s T l ia i i s w

pie b ecom e p c ro f th is r c - n o v is ib le A bG O N E '’'. Ihey o ften Sl

icn ts lha l re - Thai is bcca lila n d w a te r, is s till co lld lationally rec- domcn. st a n d a u th o r Q« H o w

in A b O O N l :-open ing in - d o m in a l s i

l a h i l i . R c - na l f a t? rc n o ic d a n d A. W iTf niervicw .* re sea rch sti h o w d id y o u an im als , lal a r k a b le A b - m an s tu d ie : i I n g re d ie n ts C o n ju g a te m d w a t e r in (C LA ). S tu

lhat C L A d ‘ y e a rs to d e - th ree w a y s

--------------b n d y fa tm :by rev iew in g am ount o f I re se a rc h lh a t e a l in g ; 2 .) w hy .so m uch ra le o f fal

m aie ly .stored cells; a n d 3 T his re se a rc h ra le o f f a l Yale U n iv e r- d e c re a se s

fa tcell.s . Y found lhat ab - as a m atch d iffc ren i lh an fa l . T h i.s h Jy V m eiabolic 1l i a l 'r e s e a r c h . .su llin su b j lid d e v e lo p a S tud ies am in a lfa i. can reducc

lh a l ih c r c in 4 w e e k sc iso fa b d o m - tains a g oo nd e x c e s s rc - T h e re i in c lu d e d o lhcr b ene p ie w ilh a p o t th a t h e lp LT ten d en cy to ■'Storage o f W e m sy W c a l- H o 'ey h a d .socia l c rc a .s e t h 1 h a d g r e a t e r fa t? ly m c n ia n d d i- A. C L /

zym e c a ll a lw a y s b e e n (L P L ) . Ll c ie n t i f ic c o m - helps s ton ou c o u l d n o t b y in h ib ili t . I s t h a t n o t zym cL P L

ihen;-acci id ic n is in A b - C L A a poi reduce o rdi- iisexi.stin ilp rc d u c e o rd i- by increa: y o ver the entire energy cx :d i c n i s in A b- Q* W the body to re- th a tc a u .s

i r a n d f a t i n t h c d i s p r o p ^hody could n ot— body.? nd Ihey help in- A . T t :o llc c iio n o fab - . h a s b e e r e fu ture . There- U C L A . :n i s r c d u c c d in u n iv e r s i than before. iribu tc toib d o m in a l f a t the abdor o th e r f a t In th e bolic hon

dead o r dnal fa l is m u ch can b e cl lo a c c r ia in h o r - L o w e r Ic la rg es Ihc fa t. I som e fun,„rtly .-----------------is ic a l ly iw o d if - T h e sfa l in th e body , fo u n d ll' rfu l found under « f« ‘‘s c v•^Tht^sccond.is___ich is deep in.ihe

m ponani. to in c re jle 10 rc d u c e th c reason ii

’•j I •j.ij

liiU'ut Comp I’lijT''"! - "LlJMlJI'V

,.iol II HiKlwin Mill :(KC.Cjtc. I‘'‘'HN'

iistiiM'loisy?*!!.:''''’-'''- iicxti alv

MAJOT a r g i n thaid from t t s b u r

Isload d ev e lo p e r Rohan Honally recognized nirtri-luthorwhohasappoarod >:EK, M uscle & Fitness, ^Vs Fitness, Muscio Media m thorm agazinosandscl-nals. Ke h a s devolopod ^ittIng odgo products for W lal supplement Industry. | ^

ll in th e b o d y bul still lime:in e a n t a b d o m in a l in- abdc

fat it; w hy. ev en w hen pco- is wl:ic su p e r ih in and have m onIc f a t o n i h c i r bod y , laiin;1 s iill h av e a poi belly. /' th e inlc.slinal fal c ircl l e c ic d d e e n in ih e a b - fu r l

Andtw do th e ingredients posi►NE'“ help rcduce ab- iribsu rfa c e a n d in lesli- moi<

chqli r f in m d in a n u m b c ro f --------- /s tu d ie s o n labo ra to ry Unila te r c o n firm e d in hu- Frai

lies, a su b s ta n c e callcd tisoi i c d L in o lc i c A cid cre:iJtud ics o f C L A suggest ing!^ d e c re a se s b ody fal in casilys: 1.) C L A decreases to gm ass b y decreasing llie-------Df fal lh a t is stored aflcr s lo |2 .) C L A in c re a s e s ihe its Ifa t b r e a k d o w n in fat abd d 3 .)C L A in c re a .se s tlie;a t m e ta b o l i s m w h ich Coi c s t h e t o ta l n u m b e r o f. You c a n th in k o f CLA e liich tha t lig h ts the fuse in Hoi.s f u s e i n c r e a s e s th e inaiic rale o f fat that can re- blejb scq u en t fal loss. tn ties h av e s h o w n lhal you red ice ab d o m in a l fal w ith- put e k s . ' 'A b G O N E ”'c o n - in / ;ood d ose o f CLA.:e a rc a ls o a n u m b er o f ab m efic ia l e ffec ts lo CLA Ab Ip d e c r e a s e th e fu tu re Co o f fa l . .low cu iiC L -A-hclp de----- mth c f u tu r c s to r a g e o f ha

tisL A in ie rfe rc .sw iihancn - lica ile d l ip o p ro te in lipase miL P L is a n e n z y m e tha t liso re fal in th c b o d y ''’. So. cr:)iling Ihis fa t-storing cn- in PL , C L A can help rcduceccum ulation o f fat. c r

also h e lp s the body use plling fat fo r energy, there- slea s in g .fa t o x id a tio n and Nexpend itu re . UW h a t is t h c h o rm one fa t to accum ulate el)D o r t io n a tc ly In Ih c ci___________________________ PIT h e h o r m o n e C o r iiso l c::cn fo u n d in s tu d ie s a i pik. Y a le a n d m a n y o th e r cir s i t i c s to d i r c c i ly co n - ir to the c o llec tio n o f fat in

lo m en .''C o lisaca ia - Alorm onc lh a t b reaks down dr d am aged tissues so they Fe lim in a te d b y the body, n

r le v e ls o f C o r tiso l have dlu n d io n a l effec ts. Higher ao f C o rtiso l a re harmful._____ CCSC u n i v e r s i t y s tu d ie s f 1 lh a l s t r e s s d irc c i ly in-; s C o r t i s o l le v e ls lo ihc a>f b e in g harmful.*' aese'stress-induccd Corii.sol / nrr.>!L<;c.<;havc:bccrilipkcd— :■easing abdom inal fat.'' Tlie t \ fo r Ih is is tha t ihcre arc 4 I

,.,fSp..ctl>WS,lSil.lSl44.o,lK:Oukteli'llc<>W*lipiilTOnnl.ipa«li':U' ''x«:UpJ^r)'n —J

luin retcrmtt; Cua «)i-i CliHNmt Mcl=l> I IH Niiv Ilaicmcnl* ha'e niH been e»»lu»inl h> Ihc I ii» p<.hJucI not InltnJcil lo.Iijjnnu-. ciifiwn-cmanyili>c»^ __

lv__________ ______________1

OR BREe t s f i a t c aI studU r g h , UYou can

— --------------------

tSk' ^


n ^ i i i o r e CortTs^jlrccepiors h d o m in a l fal ilian ih c rc a rcII in the rest o f th e b o d y ." 'T i i w h y a b d o m in a l fal is niui lore .scnsiiive 10 the fal accuir Uing clTecls o f Cortisol.

A b d o m in a l fal re sp o n d s i r tu l a l in g C o r i is o l lev e ls u r ih c r in c r e a s in g in s iz e ^nd. large cen ira l fal t lo s i i s in ih c abdom en canc< r ib u ie to p ro b le m s a n d pi note Olhcr factors like hi ;holestcrol levels .'" - — A cco rd in g to research a t 1 Jn iv e rs ity o f C a liio rn ia in S •rancisco. h igher levels o f C isol and s tre ss can actually :rease appe tite , especially c r ngs fo r sw ce i foods.*' So it ;a sc a d in g e rfe c i causing pen ;o gel fa iie ra n d fatter lop h ig h le v e ls o f C o rtiso its tra c k s i f you w arn to rcdi abdom inal fal.

Q . S o t o w d o y o u co n t C o rtiso l l ^ c l s ?

A . T h t s i i i i p l e s i w a y i : e l im in a te s t r e s s in y o u r 1 However, w ith m odem life, el inaling sta*ss is virtually iinpi: ble. T h e a lternative is to use triceu tica ls lha l studies indii reduce C o riiso l levels. W e : put these all natiinil nutncouli in A bGONE'".

Q . C a n y o u te l l m e m a b o u t th e s e n u lr lc e u tic a l A b G O N E ''' sh o w n to J c d C o rtiso l?

A . Y es le a n . T h ere are la in .-indm incralshave b een show n lo rcduce | ti.sol lev e ls in h ig h .stress si l io n s . '^ B u t y ou c a n 't just t; m ultip le v iiam in to r e d u c c lisol there 's a lol of cr th in g s ih a i you need lo I in o rd e r for them lo work.

O n e o f Ih ese c r itic a l n c n ts th a t y o u n e e d .i s P p h a t id y ls e r i i ie (P S ). S e \ s tu d ie s a l th e U n iv c rs i t N ap les in lia ly and at C a l : U n iv e rs ity in th e U .S . ind lha l P S c a n lo w e r cortiso l e ls . P S h a s an ’o ih c r goo d e f fe c t in lh a t it is a lso a I p o w er b o o ste r .T h c sloppi

• cxccssiN ^C o fiiiT o l 'is 'a ls ip o rta n t fo r y o u r psycholo co n d iiio n . It m ay help mii m ood aiid rcduce anxieiy.' synergistic nuinc A b G O N E ''" h e lp s re d u c d o m in a l fal a s a forem cnii F a l in th e a b d o m e n alsi m o rc C o r i i s o l re c e p to rs does fal in the rest o f ihe b< a f o r e m e n tio n e d . S o low C l lev e ls can h e lp n

“ fa l'in th c abdomen:-----------E a tin g 100 m uch sugar

a f f e c i a b d o m in a l fa t w h a l s o a d d r e s s e d in A b G O N E ’” ingredients.

--------O .-H o w a r c b lo o d sia d d r e s s e d in ln c A T itJC In g re d ie n ts?

A . A b G O N E ’“ c o n t h ig h ly a b s o rb a b le foi c h r o m iu m , a tra c e m .shown to have pi)\vcrfulb in reg u la tin g b lood sugar

' C h rb m iu n i w orks by help body sto re less sugiu^ as f

Q . A r c t h e r e a n y b e n e f i ts tu th e A b G O N p rcd lenL s?

--------A :-The-answ er-to-lh<

EAKTHIa t a n l u s ee s a t tl JCLA,I say gofl


Fat in the abdominal area ent than fat In the rest of I There are 2 types, outer fa testinal f a t Excess water creases the size.

/ Excess fat on / outer abdomen

/ / Excess fat around ( / Intestines.1^ - Excess water throi

T h is . H H . . . ■


Id e -c<in-

high R H E k I T CSSS'. B w y .' JS's'*w !>*»'•« 'Ksralft .Ty Ml fuiuf.

It the—I San H f e ’a-' - - Cor-ly in-crav- L-,ii‘s n ■ liori is a yes. N ot 01 i:ople g red ien is g rad u allj

abdom inal fal. b u l tlLv.e_!p___a m iillitu d c o f_ h j^>ol in benefits. T hese incl :duce dan t cffecis. s uppo

b lo o d sugar levels, n t r o l . boosting effects, pr

bod y m ass, and suf’ is to m ai w aier balance,• l i f e . A lo t o f th e ex,elim - lh a t peop le c a r ry • l e r w h ic h is n o t nis cn u - bod y and can b e h:dicale A bG O N E ‘“ exotic herb. Dandclulicals s tud ies have .showi

crease excess wateim o re T h is can rea lly hea ls in sh o w a firm a b d oL'ducc large aniouiiLs o f lh

) is in Ihe abdom en, ire ecr- the “six pack" im d 'Is tha t that .smixith. fin n . f eC o r- T h e re fo re . A ts iiua- t r ip le a c t io n in gtake a h e lp s s u p p o r t al

;c C or- lo ss and a h ealthy o f oth- Q . C a n y o u0 have th e se 3 c o m p o n e

G O N E '“ in g rcd li n u tr i- A. Yes. 1 w ou Pl'-tt-Ji-.. a c e th a t b y th e e v e ra l n eed all 3 o f th es i i iy o f w o rk in g 10 propeII S ta te d o m in a l fa l. re d i id ica ic s iz e o f the a b d o r ;ol lev - m ize ihe ap p ea r; j d s id e dom en . 3 1 ll b ra in action arc:ping o f l .T h e A b G O lso'im =— cn ts in c re a se - tW lo g ica l la b o l is m . w hich iip ro v e surface and intesl

fa t a nd he lp s inh ricnis in m alion o f these a j c e a b - 2 . A b G O N E ilioned . h e lp lo w er harm h a s s o l le v e ls w h i irs th a n lin k e d to in c rea body a s fa c e a n d in tc s li iw ering fa t a n d c a u s in g ) reduce ' T h e r e f o r e , th e---------------- both-surfacc-amla rsa lso dom inal fal. k^hich is 3. A b G O N E n ih c h e lp s u p p o rt op

te r b a lan ce . T h( s u g n r s no tcaT T ying:ali

7 0 N E !“— pm nrdirrauK cd- w ater.. E x c e s s 1

n ta in s a in c r e a s e t h e s o rm o f d o m e n a n d h id m in e ra l n a l m u s c lc s a:1 benefits m u s c lc s g n d 1 ar levels, puffy and Habb;Iping th c ---------Q r D o e s Allifat. t a in E p h e d r ay o t h e r fu l s tim u lan ts '! N E '“ ln - ■ A . A b so lu t

g r e d ie n ts in / hc-que.s-— non-stim ulantr^


t h ehe Unil a n d (

od-bye t(A WITH ^WATER ^e a is d iffer- if th e b o d y . r fa t a n d In-e r a lso In - ■ B i g

:d I

ro u g h o u t M

* T ||T ^iirfl I '

^ fl I '

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i only do the in* - ------

eallh and o th e r nclude anii-oxi- ^;i:,:S'io;Spreserving lean I c c t s o l

supporting op ti- .should si:e. be lte r apfex c e ss p o u n d s fu n c t io n•y is excess w a- P ro p e r c:I needed by th e fu rth e r pi: harmful. A bG O N liilso cb iu a in san ......... A bG (dclion Rw)i, that 30 -day si)wn can help de- ty s lu d ieiterinihebody.*^ d u c e thehe lp reduce a n d d a y s .A bdom en b e c a u se s to re s firihe excess w ater u n l i l wcn. M encan show G O N E '“u lw om encange t c o s tly ain, flat abdomen. p ro d u c t A b L iU N li' h a s— K m nrtrnn g re d ie n ts lh a l t im e , re; a b d o m in a l fa t from Bi(hy body. E n d > o u s u m m a r i z en e n ts o f th c A b - j " 'd ien ls? ; Sould like lo p re f-1C fac t lh a l y o u ■ j .lese com ponen tsiperly reduce ab- ;;duce thc o v e ra ll 1 . 'lom en and m ax i- | ' , ,arance o f the ab - | ' *'3 m echanism s o f | *

3 0 N E '" in g re d i-!hc-raic-of-fai m e ----------- ‘-Toich re d u c e s b o th 1 ’n i i ' :e.stinal abdom inal ■ |y si inhibit fu ture fo r- l lion e abdominal fals. !>JE'“ in g r e d ie n ts 1 rm fu lh ig h C o r ti-h ic h h a v e b e e n __

rcas in g b o th s u r - Ai s lin a l a b d o m in a l ing b in g e e a t in g . c h e y h e lp r e d u c c ! ^ and -in tc stin aL ab ;___ _

N E '“ i n g r e d ie n ts 1 1 I op tim al bod y w a- 1fh ere fo rc . you a rc [ I oil o f ihose-exccss i j ,?dbyi:xccss-body^-^j---------^JS b ody w a te r c a n ' c s iz e o f th c a b - l id e y o u ra b d o m i- ^ i a s w e ll a s o t h e r j d m ak e y o u lo o k bby. AlA b G O N E '“ c o n ------ -5 -

ra o r o th e r h a r m - t s ? .lu le ly no t. T h c in - n A b G O N E '“ a r c iirT h c only s id e c f- 1

__________ Mood«y.J»mm)fU:

Ia t e r i

p o tIversltiiC a l i foto your p


/ F i / n

/ / Fa / rei

H r "

~ 4 W E E I C R E S E W




, .5

'i ■

Placebo - Group -

Rosoarch conducted a t Uppsala I itlglous International Journal ol 01 ^ CLA In AbGONE’-’-had a stunning forooce and a significant lowering )f and Intestinal fat) as compared 1

o f t h e i n g r e d i e n t s you J se e in A b G O N E '" arc a appearance , b e tte r m enial io n . a n d b e l i e r h e a lth , r e a lin g a n d exerc ise can r p o ten tia te ih c cffecis o f)N E '“.( a O N E ‘“ p i l l s c n n i e i n a y supply bo ttle . Univcrsi- d ie s sh o w p eo p le can re- Ihe ir a b d o m in a l fat in 30 A b G O N E '''w illn o lb v ;in s fo r an e x te n d e d p eriod w e c a n g e l e n o u g h A b- E '“ in g red ien ts , w hich arcy an d tim e co n su m in g lo .lice , in h ig h q u a n i i ty fo r 'i iivcuIi'U'ie.i .- l iMliiMnuan*— re a d e rs c a n o rd e r ilirecl

B ioTech R esearch '', ad of Interview.

SPECIAL READER’She p rice o f a .^0-day supply o lipping andjtaivlliiig. People r iscount and pay only $29 d eli' ling w ith th is c o iijio n iry o u i iricl lim it o f 3 bottles al this di

To o rder by phone, call TOLl A B F625. P lacc your order bj iiirs arc o n d uly 24 hours. 7 d

-To ordec-by-mail JilLoiiU m d Hiis p roduct carries a one ycui y saiisfied. your purchase prit ions asked.


A ddress

“ r a j ^N um ber o f bottles you w an i:. C heck Uelo\v“ ib“g'efdEcount;1 1 I am ordering wilhin 10 da

tion. ih e re fo rc Ig e la S lO i: handling and my price is o

L! I am ordering piisi lO dayso “ li5trliwy'f«ll'priccTif-S39p

Enclosed is S______ in: T.lCu(M ake chcck payable lo B io l O r charge my: 1 IVISA I.IM

! ' Am. ExpyOAccount N o------------------------

’SignatureM A IL T O : BioTec

7H00V Cantor WWW41

2.2004 Time»M«w».'MnF>ni.ld<

i n t h f b e l l )ies of i r n i alot bellyiDOMlNAL AREA WITH FA D WATER REDUCED TO IDI


Fat oh outer abdomen foduced ,

F ataround intestines reduced

Excess w ater reduced

S R C H S T U D Y — ^

Group using ingredient found In AbGONF-

a University In Sweden and publt Obesity clearly shows that using ng 2.14 times gr^r.reductlon.i^ of abdominal adipose Ussuo (a dtoaptocebo.____________ _

T o d a y re a d e rs o f ihc j c a t io n c a n g e l A bG O N E m a jo r d is c o u n t i f ihey or 10 d a y s f ro m ih e d a le 0 p u b lic a i io n .T h e p rice o ld a y s u p p ly o f A b G O NS 3 9 p lu s . '> . '^ .y 5 s h ip p in h a n d l in g lo r a lo la l o l S* B u l. fo r Ih is lO d a y sale, er.s’c a n g e t a $ 10 discoui p a y o n ly $ 2 ‘). F o r reader w a iilU ) o b la in a 30 -d ay s o f A b G O N E '" a t t l i is I s a le p r ic e p lea se see the e r s D is c o u n t C o u p o n 0

. p a g c .T l i e r c i s a s l r i c l l i n h o l l i e s al Ih is di.scounl] n o t i x c c p i io n s p le a s e . • r e a d e r s o rd e r in g a l te r 1 f ro m Ihe date o f ih is piibl m u st pay regu la r price.

s DISCOUNT COUPO*'o f A b G O N E '” is$ .3 y p h isS : read ing th is publiciilion gel :i livcred gel free sh ipping ami J o rd e r w ilh in 10 days. Then d isco u n t price w ilh no ailditi

L L F R E E 1 -S IK I.5 8 5 .0 9 2 0 E by u s in g y our credit card. 0} ' days.ui m a il in ihis coupon.;ar g uaran tee . If you are not t rice w ill be refunded. N o que

^ Z ip C ode

Jiiys o f the date o f ihis public ) d isco u n t and free shipping ; on ly $29 .

! o f th e date o f this publication. I plus-S3T95^iipping:and handl

::ash !.] C heck I 'l M oney G oTcch R esearch)MiLsieiCardfOptitna f lDi!A;over/Novus _______ _ Exp. D ate ^

cch R cscarch D ept. ABF62.Sw iiip p IcA v c .N .W .

□n. O H 4 4767 - ^ jib g o n e .co m






lentCU. . . I

lubllshed In isIng tho In-Jon in m is t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _jo(abdomi-

ihc p u b li- > N E '"a ia y o rd e r in le o f th is e o f a 30- O N E '" is p in g a n dif.S 42 .95 ............... .. . .a le . read- .-ouni and iilcrs w ho ay supply is 10 d ay the R ead- in o n I h is i l im i io f 3 m l p rice - s c . T h o s e

iD itay s lublicaiion e.

^ON jusS3.9.‘i i w l a SIO and han- h e rc is a ;lditional | .

10 E xt. ;I, Opera- !

101tolal- ! queX- I


iblica- Img and |

lion, tlierc- ',andling__ •:y Order




Page 20: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

" \

B H m

P o lic ie s : IslandorJs of a(ceplc

edil, obbrcyiolc, dec

■ ■ copy via remole enl

not constilute final ac

Ihe odverliier.’nol I

fEsponsibilily tot lh

------------------o d v o ifa -m esso g e-


OF IDAHO ANO IN R ------------------------ ^THE COUNTt-OF-


, 17, 199

A Pnlilion Uy Chfl3 Williamson born on O bo< 17, 19!(9 in Twin F

____________SliilQ_Ql-IJ,>hii. now rc; I 11 1 lit 2U13 AluxjinJorTi■ l-;illit, piopostny n chii

III nam o to ChcislinnI AilroO hnii boon irI ' iibovo onlilind c o u rt.

, /’ fonrioii lor lliir. clinnQI nnini) limnfl it in Inlh

(ast niimitriio polihonof's liilln

f livinijh Siirtipn(itionwillboh(

- a i O.OO o 'c locK .A .M , ! 02/ 02 /200.1 in couftfc.......... ......... numbor 4 a l ilio.Twjn F

C o u n i y C o u r l l i o u Ob|UCiions may bo liloc a n y pornon w ho c n n su c h ob|f’c tiann. shov Iho couM a g o o d lo a ii(jiiinr.I such a chnngi nami)

WITNESS iny hand r-oal ol said Dislnci C' Iln;. 3lr.l day ol Doc. 2C Hol'yn Klino, Cloik

■________I’U p h sH , .laniiary 5,

............... N O Tic'iTho Oiiiiiaii ol nocin

11 o n ( n 0 c I n cn n 11 ■ : I iin n o iin co » r o q u o s lI pioposals Inr n pilot vi

' tighin lonsint) pjogrnn‘dbO-t. n o c l 'a m n tio n loiisi) wator lights lor

! aurimonlntion Ironi (|: ' h o d .’ip ii lic an ts w ho

' williii(i 10 placo IhDir Sl t l iv o i vviitor r ig h ts poilKio ol Ihiiir wnlor r inlo ihn Idaho Stnlo V Jiupply Uank. P fo p o mii'.-t ho lucoivod m w by J a n u a r y 1 G ,2C Undor this p iogrnm .

i iippiirlonanl to Ihu low aio i ii|)hi will b u 11 O nly w alui tig h l3 w pnpiilydaloaol 12/29/ o a rlio i n to ollo*blo.

. m ofo in lo rm n tio ii c aypltcaiion c o n tn c t P n (]0 ol H o c ln in a ti I'ncilic Noiihwoal Roc

INVALL bon!«ij e id 3

J__________Jn n u n ry 27. 200 4 /Transpoitiilion Uopnr nl 33U Wost SiQto S Intotoslod pnrtios nr opoiimj] Thi3 la to H axardous Troo Roi diroctod in tho claslgni contalnod in roquisillc

— ■ PU BLlClWPn K S L ie , No bid wilt bo con!I • occopliJblo g u o ran li

po tcon l(5*o )o ltho lo miisi bo in Iho form chock drnwn on an Idntio Trnnsportallor

: Suioly will bo lorloitoi coolracl.J_____J_____Thojdaho Trajispor

! . ' t o rojoci oilblds o r lo 'S lalo ol Idaho.

-■ • Dniod tht3 6th dny c______ .ROD.BECKER, PURI; IDAHO TRANSPORT

Copios ol Bidding C Inlormatlon m ay bo T ransporla lion Dope (206)’334-8872. (33 03703) or by contacHi

PUBLISH; January i :

B8Tlm o3-Nbw8,Twin

T h e T i m

— — ---- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1


9 By Phon

I: All odrerliiing is subied lo

iplanee. The Times-News resei

decline or properly classify or

entry (fox, e-mnil, elc.) docs

ll occeplanccby Ihis newspaper,

Il llie newspoper, osstimes foil

Ihe Iralhfol conlcnl of iheii

3” ■■■/ ' --------

D?CIAL 0""="PUULiSH: Docombor

I t " ” 31. 2003. Janunty 2, 5 u r ------- -9 .-l2 n -ln n d 1 0 .-2 0 0 'l-

■060 ~ 'pU B U 'cT w E eflN G NG NOTICEA MAV Porsiiaot to Idaho Cod

67-23'13. nolico is hon 1999 g ivon o( on o p o n pu l hrl3lina mooting of Iho Idaho h a Octo- nnd Gnmo CommissioninFnIls, DATE OF NOTICE:-----V rosldj_ D0CnmhoL24,2003 _ JFTTwin d a t e OF MEETING: chiingo jonuuiy 22-23,200-1 nn May a public h e a r in g will d in Iho hold boamning nl 7:00 urt. tt»» M S Ton Jnnunry 21. ' an g o (o Com m ission mooting n ih o r 's coovono at H:00 nm ^

Janonry 22 and t0:30 (ilho ris M STJnniia(y23.

P L A C E O F HEARIN0 hoard MEETING• M, on Troptiy Room irtroorn jcjnho Dopartmont ol Tin Falls and G n m o ___o u s o . 600 South WnlnutMod by Bolso. Idaho:n n . in PER SO N S ATTENOirhow to Commisslonofsro n so n Oiroctoringo ol Stall

PU H POSEOF ind nnd MEETtNQ/AGENDA: t C ourt Rulos; Nonbiological n

2003. for big gnmo; snIo ot I ovor controtlod hunt tr llconao/tag rolund pol

' 5 , 12. o n ’Imo hun to r oducni

----------- ing p inn ; d rn it S tra teodmra- w l.,ta .l«ocl«11 In 111 m anagom on t p lan , L

C a s c a d o r o n o v a t3t wator update, .k, . erirnm foi Individuals with d srio n will •‘0® '’’'•Vini iiovJ accom m odallons by (n tiunli- loO'hg Iho Oiroctoi’u Ovho -iro "I '>10 Depaiimoiir Sniiko F'sH "nd G^m o dinictlt ? o r a 200-334-5159 or ItuQ

n r’iinrin H'o Sorvico w S m 1-000-377-2529(TDD)

n w !lm n PUBLISH; D ocom bor2 0 04 2003, Jnnun ry 5 nnd

,m . innd 2004 1 lonsod P U B L IC N O T IC “ ll. Actions ptannod nnd ti f^oA finr ‘’y govo rnm on t '29 /76 01 contninod in public not JIO, f o r JJ, yQJJf

S lZ V y “ «o°o“ m t;tlolng, Aa soll-govorni ctinigos ntl citizono t

ol II Inlormod, ttils now sp ,i,r...iiimi urgos ovory citizon to ________ and study thoso noli

INVITATION TO BIDid 3 will b o Lflcclyfi.d £\n.d c pcno " a t 2 :0 0 P.M .. MST. nl Iho lipnrtm V hrPufennsinn-SoCliorrtot10 Strool. Boiso. ID, Biddora nnd1 n ro invltod lo bo prosont nt th' to lurnish nil mntorials nnd lab< R em oval on SH 76. MP 184-50 Ignntod m ons. ns por tho spocliicr sition numbor D-201250.LICENSE-REQUIRED------ ---------:on3idbrod unloss-flCeampnniofl-t in ly tn nn am ount noi lo ss Itinr 0 total amount ol ttio bid. This guu irm of a cortlliod chock or n casi a n tdnho bank, m ado payable t illon Dopartmont. or a b idder's t oitod in tho ovont ot failure to sig

porlotion Dopnrtmenl rosorvos the r lo 'accopl tho bid doomod-ttost fi

a y o lJan u n w , 2004, URCHASING AGENT SRTATlON O EPA RTM EW r- ' ig Documonis. Spoclficallons and b o obla lnod by contoctlng iho I opa rlm en l. Supply Sorvicos So' (3311 W ost Slato Siroot, Bolso. acling yout’ local Plan Room.

y 1 2 .1 3 ,1 4 .15and 16.2004

^In Fnlts. Idaho M onday, Jon

nes-News. . .m

ne By

' ' ' , 1 0 8 PfOllo the newspopers ^Qg Hea

‘serves ihe righ! lo i^ o Hon ony od. Receipt of 111 Enti

ier. k ? O Q i

C i A S S ' t 2 , 7 Em------------------- ------------- ------------ Of^

3 0 1 Bu:

^ Op3 0 2 Me

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 0 4 Inv

■ k

02. Wo ndv lsn thoso cilizons who so o k lurthor inlormn-

or 29, non to oxorciso tholr fight !, 5, 7. to a c c e s s public rocords D4---------and public moelmgs---------t q ' i m p o r t a n t

P lo n so ndd fosn all legal “odo r, ndvoitising to: i S LEGAL ADVERTISING i S c T hoT lrpoB N ow o.

PO B o x W e Tw in F a lls . ID 83303-0548

!___L........D oad lino for logal nds; 3d a y s prior to poblicntion.

.1---------- n o o n 'o n -W o d n o sd n y lo r,■ S unday , noon on Thuisday vill lm lor fVlonday, noon on Fn- oi,m d , - , , I o r T u o s d . y » i . < l t Ttio Wodnosday, noon on Mon- no will Thursday nnd noorn MST on T uosday lor Friday anc 30 am S a lu rd n y . Holiday dond-

linos m ay vnry. II you hpvo j i f jG / any questions calt Ruby al

735-332-1, •

, . f ru T T o o S a le N um bor: 61660-FLoaiiNo:2D2097a

- - TSG: 2OJ032S ............NOTICE OF

TRUSTEE S SALE O'NG: Q p Ap:il 5, 200-1. nt 11;0C

Af^ of s a id d a y , a l Flr£ A m erican Titio Company 260 3rd Avonuo North Twit Falls. ID 03301. First Amei icnn Tlllo Insuranco Com

'* / ? ' succossor trusloo O' will soli nt public auction t( '' *‘' 0^- tho hlghoat biddor for cash

in la w lu l m onoy o t Ihf icntion jjp iiod S tatos. all payabli

I ill l i to tim o UI s n io n n i lo llo w in g doscribod roa p r o p e r ty , sitiintod in tin

■ county of Twin Falls, stall^ ° " of Idnho, nnd doscribod n

lollow 10 Wll; Lot G in bloc Jisabili- g., Ql 0 uhl Townsilo. Twn iiooting County. Idaho rocoril ’V o d in booh 1 ol pi,il5,a p.ig sOItico ,7 a P N No. HIH172410C monI ol 4 0 0 6 0 A. Tho tm sloo hn "="y no know lodgo ol a mor I'fough pnnlculnr doncnplinn of Hi

a b o v o ro lo ro n c o d roji p ro p erly , bul tor tho pui

^ • p o s o s ol compliance wil soc lion60 -tt3 ltlahoC od i

ind 12. ,|,Q T rusloo has boon it______ form ed tho nddioss of 50• |p c 8 th A vonuo North Buh iriinVnn tD 0 3 3 16, IS som otim o on t ar n s s o c ia to d with tho sa i notico- ronl ptopoity. Smd sn 'ow 5ur riaht 1 0 co^unai

p o r .3 i)o n io n or oncun- otnmoii! b rn n ce s to sntisly tho oW ,0 1 1 9 “ "on socurod aod pursi

in . r , con fo rro d in tho D ood i Trur.t oxoculod by Lind

' Lon Loohr. nn unmarrlo----------- p o ra o n ns Grnnlor(s). wl'

F irs t Socuiity Dank.’N,/ n s bonoliclary on a D ood'

miiO on T rust rocoidod 2i22nO i e Idaho m tho rocords ot Twin Fai rtocniod- 'C o o n ry r if ln h im s ’ instn nd other m b n l No. 1999-00333: : Iho bid T h o n b o v o grnn to rs ni abor lor n am ed to comply wilh so •500. as lion 45-1506(4)(nV Idat iticnlicnf. C odo. No roprosontntion

m a d o lhal Ihoy nio, or a----------- nol.-P'OBontly-iosponsibjfl-by-ntr -TonnisrDDiigniionrTnoTf han five loull lor which tliis snio Is guurunty bo m n d e is tho failure :ashior‘a pay Iho amounl duo und le to tho th o c o r ln in P ro m isso '3 bond. N oto and Dead of trust, sign Iho th o n m o u n ls c a lle d I

th o r o u n d e f ns fo llow thought M o n th l y p a y m e n t s

SI for tho -$ 3 3 1 .7 0 duo from 0/1/C logolher with lato paymor a n d m o n lh ly pnym en nccru lng . Tho sum owi Iho obligalion socurod

indolhor s o l d D o o d o f T r u s I 10 Idaho S 2 3 .6 6 9 .4 2 ns princip Socllon. plus service chnrgos, atli 10. Idaho n o y ’9 fo o s . co sis of ir

lo r o c lo s u re . any and lunda.expondod by Bom ciarv |o orotoci Iheir so<

lonuory 12, 2004

ASf Fax

^ 2 5 2 2 1 3 3 “ ° a ls_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 0 6 Fin.OSI & F o u n d k 4 0 0 j3 ard of T h a n k s K j IDietary A ids ^ 0 1 SciP erso nals 'W 2 MiH ap py A d s 4 0 3 TuSpecial N o iic es ^ O Q i ; Abortion A hem alivesP ro lession al S en /ice s 5 0 1 OfHeallh & W elln e ss 5 0 2 He

H om e/H ealth C a re 5 1 0 O iEnterla in m ent S en /ice 5 1 1 O iChild C a re S erv ices 5 ^ 2 Fa

y E S H I ® ”“ ■ ■ ^ ^ ^ ^ " 5 1 4 lmE m ploym ent W anted Em ploym eni

•O pportun itie s.... —


B u sin ess “O p portunities ^ 1 9 CMoney to Loan 5 2 0 R In v estm ents 5 2 1 ^


rily Intorost. and inlorosl 0 '’® a c c ru in g a l th o ra to do-

scribed by iho Promissory 10^’ N o to Irom 2 /22 /99 . Tho

Bonoliciary Qlocls 10 soil or------ c nuso mo trust proporly to

b o s o ld to s a l l s ly s a id )gnl o b lig a tio n . D ocom bor 2,

2 0 0 3 Firsl American Tillo IG In su ra n c o C om pany By:

A ttornoys Equily NationalCorporation, n sagom Tillo:

1548 Voroniaue Lara. Vico Pros-s; 3 idont 23721 Birlchor Drivoion. L a k o F o re s t , CA 9 2 6 3 0 ’•lof- -P h o n o - (9 4 9 ) -7 0 7 -6 D 4 3;day P20G722.Fn-

i n d PUBLISH; Docombor 22,,flon- 2 9 . 2 0 0 3 . Jnnunry 5 andloon 12.2 0 0 4 ___________

___ FOUND Ausir.-itian r : whito, bluo oyos, nursing )970 mothor. lound Now Years

day ..on Locust S. ol Kim. borly Rd Oobi 734-4987.*

FO U N D Bicycle in Nortl-1:00 Burley across Irom Farn-P lrs B u re au . Calt lo identifyany. 2O0-312-2333"

r o U N D Bordor Colllo. le'om - m a lo . tilnck nnd w hilo:,nn n o a r M u r ta u g h la k o, „ to P l o a s e ca ll to idon iili

20g-432-533G.- ■_____Iho FO U N D G o rm an S h o p

'able iiord. fomalo. Found Sun ■rmi— d n v v u - ra i satiiiuivDiimroal 733-7664 liom 0-5pm,'

’ ,‘'1° FOUND Lnb croas, W a^, y o u n g m n lo . 3 0 0 0 N

Ulock H anson , ;2O0-423-4395-Twin FOUND Lnb/Rotwoillor Xcord- fo m alo ndull dog . vorp.igo friondly and*loving witi1106- (jroal ninnnors. Found 6, lina S , D avis S l. in Jorom cTioro Coll 2O0-324-2675,*3f tl'o L O S T B o x e r , law n on'O '*' w hite m ale wonting blu

collar. Noar Soulh A St. iwilh R uporl. Reward olforet

:odo. p ionao coll 208-436-175m m- Of 206-431-5395-

auh t L O S T C o m o ro Fnirlielim os a r e a S a l, J a n 3rd, Loisa id n lo"0 Soldior road, Wel

Iq I ii snowmobile Irnil or warnunani m g hui ntoa, Sony In cas, •iiin with d isks IhnI coniain I>um- roplncoablo Holiday or

± : ’ ' a r v i i . o s e -sa lo l o s t Citizen lad ies go

o d o l w atch. II y u Imd it ploa! .Indo call 208-734-4034,’

LO ST Pll BullO-orilor X. r( •u a n o so . Malo. brown wl'

b r o w n t i g e r s l r l p o i ,o n o c l ip p e d o a rs , long la R e s p o n d s lo Iho n a n

_TQtkb.S200.RO.WHrd__Call 208-420-0006-

a a re L O S T P o o d le , red/w lii ll soc- color on bnck, 17 yrs. ol Idaho lo o o p o ra lo d on 1 I0( tion IS N o o d s som o TLC. C< or are 20B-543-B707.* nsiblo. - l o s T - s o w h o rso , sto< lOTfo- m issing betwebn ^400" la Is 10 3300 fj_ Liberal rowai

'0 Cali 208-423-5212.* undors so ry ATTEfmONusi. in CLASSIFIEDId lo t ADVERTISERSlow s;

_ P l e a s e c ! i e c k y o i i jZ m a d Ih o l ira 'n e n ts If y o u find a n erroowing w e will co rrec t it. rod by • Wo oro not responsibleJ 8 l Is for errors ollor Iho firsicipol, day ol pubiicalion,*. atlor-} f lh l3 Call Twin Foils,nd a ll 733-0931 oxI. 2. or3onoll- Burloy 677-4042,*.80CU- ' "

; s iB y E ' i n a

:o n lra c ts &i,flortgages m i M

'in an cial S e rv ic e s 6 0 1 Fu

s a a Z m "Sch oo ls /ln staiclion AfWusic L e s s o n s ' 6 0 4 Ur Tutoring A;

U i U i i i U l M i i 606 MO p en H o u s e 6 0 7 0H ornes to r S a le SOB 0

O ul-O I-A rea H o m es 6 0 9 0

O ut-O I-State H o m esFanTis/Ranches/DairiesA cre ag es a n d Lots

_ 6 1 4 V\Incom e P rop erty ^

C om m ercial Property q ^ q p VaM tion^Property/

C o nd om in ium s 7 0 1 lMobile H o m e s 7 0 2 CC em ete ry Lots SR eal E s ta te W an ted 7 0 3 h

M anufactu re d H o m es 7 0 4 F

■ LOST sol ol koys on' ring, on paper roulQ-Main W lo W o s t A ve, F /E n sl D lo

ISI E as t G, PIooso Coll 200- 0 - 324-4435 if lound,''fy LO ST.SI. Bomard X adult

fomalo. rod & whllo. N ,of _ G o o d in g on Jan. 3rd. Si.

Bb'fnai'd maikinos. Il.bluo' ^d collar. Call 2O0-g34-46-lO-*

Igi - v V r V v W r •uo Tho thoughts, prnyors. and 30 kind a c ts olrolalivos,4 3 ------ Irionds. our.communily._

a s well a s poopio unknown to u s woro greatly

J2 . app rocialod inouriocont nd tragic ovont, Tho thought-

lulneiis ol many will = olwnys remain a vory■ proclous memory to our■ lamily. Thanks lor I ovorylhlng. Tho Family of — Trent Davis.


^ a f r i e n d l V


7— II is agalnsi Twin Falls C ilyO rdinancoto top tree s lhal aro in Ihe City's rioht-ol-ways

_ _ For m oro inlormalion jp - coll 736-2265.*

TTTT A L C O M O L-t-C S = -A N 0 N Y h ,1 Q U S

^ 20B-733-8300& 721-0565*


I on _ _

A D)iuo T I M E S - N E W S ■tin C L A S S I F I E D '0 ^ ' D e p a r t m e n t

2 0 8-734-5538

^ 208-677-4543 Jells (Burley)*?oso NOTICES n If. II you usod Iho Choloslio and d ru g BAYCOL bolw oor

1 9 9 7 to 200 1 a n d ro y quirod hospilalizallon, yoi___ m ay bo onlillod to comp3®ld o risa lio n . Call Allorno'

C h a r l o s J o h n s o i 1.0OO-535-5727.-

R E I W E M B E R0 8 . T hat birthday ad you placoi la ll. som e lime ago In Tfio am e Tlmos-Nows? Novi iH ht

time to como pick up you'-----------^luT osT SIopbylhoC las-rrr- Oiflod Dopt. loday! * 'hIto old, I

S i B U Y IT!

S T S E L L J I L _1(TE7--------------------------------------vard.

A T I M E S -

“ 1 N E W S


lur W I L L '

“ V- F I L L E V E R Y

I l ° ' . N E E DliloIlfSt

B U Y IT !


f ■


F urnished H o u se s 7 0 7 InU nlum ished H o uses ^708 SiF um ished 7 0 9 HAptsVDuplexes 7 1 0 CUnfurnished , 7 1 1 C Apts./D uplexes SR oom s F or R en i 7 1 2 F.Mobile H o m es 7 1 3 POflice & Retail R e n y s 7 1 4 PCom m ercial R en tals 7 1 5 FC ondom inium nim e 7 1 6 A S h a re s S S torage/W arehouseRental K JW anted To R ent 8 0 1 A Mobile H om e S p a ce CR oom m ates W anted 8 0 2 A

,A ^ . W i j l : ; i l ! a ° ° 3 J

Livestock & Poultry 8 0 5 E Dairy Cattle & 8 0 6 h Supplies . 8 0 7 CH o rses & Tack 8 0 8 CP e ls & P et Supplies 8 0 9 f


_ BANKRUPTCY11 Compolilivo rates on ol Chapter 7 bankruplcios,>1- Jolf Slokor at 734-0452‘

Jfl- ---------- —---------•r BANKRUPTCY

S— Inoxponsivochoptor 7& 13 Williams Law. 736-0699'

BANKRUPTCY _ - G uarantood lowesi prico

• Unconloslod divorce' ad S295 + filing Icos. Call

toll l>oe.1-86&-68e-2399*

i'iT — B A N K R U P T C Y ------Firsl Visit is Froo


’Twin Foils 208-732-5676 Burloy/Rupon 208-219-9998

r Toll Froo 1-888-567-5676*



11IFI'ifl <J I I j

IIp ^i l

l lI

t jESiJalroloon

you -mp-noy I 't*.

^ icod ho the


t oi r

Reac_ ____ ________She




I t

T H IS r\/

ED!i > e r sb n

• F a rm E quipm ent ■ 8 1 0 FiF arm /R an ch Supplies 8 1 1 HiIrrigation . 0

“ S 'ie r& 'T eftilize r 8 'f2 ~ A iH ay, Grain i F eed 8 1 3 JtC ro p s/P ro d u c e 8 1 4 UC u slom Farm ing 8 1 5 ES erv ic es 8 1 6 WF arm s For R ent FiP a s tu re s For R ent 8 1 7 MP a s tu re s W anted 8 1 8 0F am i Auctions 8 1 9 BA G B u sin ess & 8 2 0 TiS en /ice Directory 8 2 1 V

A ntiques & 8 2 4 GC ollectibles 8 2 5 C

: A ppliances EI B a z a a rs & Crafis 8 2 6 St Building M aterials 8 2 7 ^ ;; E lectronics _ 8 2 8 Fi H ot T ub s & Pools k 9 0 Q |’ Clothing & Furs J\ C o m pu ters 9 0 1 A> Firew ood

( BANKRUPTCY rAtlordablo payrriont plan ., ■

Accidonis. divorce & Icriminal m.illors, ■

- B r a d B lc o a t 7 3 4 -3367 ' ~

+HYPN0S1S W ORKS+] -11 You hnvo tiiod

_ . ------everything olso------- _Now Bocomo a

3 Non-SmokororLoso -Woight with HypnosisI M agic VoUoy H ypnosis

208-731-3895.*) - I .

NANNA’S HOUSE Daycaio * & Pro-School. ICCP a _

CPR, 31 yoars oxpotionco, t 6 24 hours, moals & snacks )8 Includod, All agos! i- 208-735-4193*

i l '


\ r ~

R ea d a 1 f i n d o u t

J l t h e n ea d ln g togeliier c an fosic Share som $ (un stories or

Visit V ifw w .s e s a m e s tre e t .c o r

t a l l s t a r t s ^■ -w v v w .n e w sp t


jI I 733-(Exteni

1 - 8 0 0 - 6 S 8 - :

B u i


8 : 0 0 AM TO

Fum iture/C arpel 9 0 3 C a H e a t in g s Air 9 0 4 MeConditioning 9 0 5 Sn

T^uctionyATlClloneers— - ^ - T f £ Jew elry 9 0 7 UiiU w n & G arden E xercise Equipm ent M iscellaneous For S a leM usical Inslrum enls Office Equip,/Supplies B icycles A. Tools & M achinery 1 0 0 4 An Variety Food/Svcs. 1 0 0 5 Se W an ted To Buy Ec M edical Sup plies 1 0 O6 Tn G u n s 4 Rifles 1 0 0 7 Tn C am ping & Hunting ^ q q q g i E quipm ent Sporting Equipm ent

- G a ^ a e s F lea M arkets_ _ _ _ _ _ _ °

ATVs & M olorcycles 1 0 9 9 At B o ats & A ccesso ries 3 0 0 0 Si

IT ASKING QUESTIONS n f !Conduct public opinion cj

“ polls'ovor Iho tolophono. o>ABSOLUTELY or

----------NO SA LEStll---------------OJStrictly research . ci

S 7 .0 0 to S 9 .0 0 p o r h o u r . PiCasual work dnviionmont orFlox ib lo ov o s, d a y s . & bi

w knd, hours, 15-30 hrs. E■ por wook. Groat part-timo 01

job or socond job. at C loso to CSI cam pus.For moro inlormalion g o

-------- CeU-736-2853--------------- p* * •* •* •★ * * « ★ * * * * * * pi_ _ _ _ _ _ _________________&Soo eiar.i'.iiiL’d s buomeos ai'O f,,

5<irvtCl‘ cliructoiy lOf lilt' liu'lp q you nCL-d 10 001 your homoahipsti.ipc__________ ' J

M i >

m i .

n e w sp a p e r t w h a t 's i ig h b o r h o cjfer a lifetime love of lea and pictures with your cl om for m ore fun ways lo leoi

: T i n ^ ^ ! o w

w i t h N ew spapp ap e rlln k s .co m - 0 Y O U BY THIS NEWSPAPI lO C IA T IO N Q F A M ERICA

1-0931 Is n s i o n 2

I n Falls 8-3883, Exi. 2


S H O U R S :

' - Friday TO 5 : 3 0 PM

C am pers & S h e lls ;Motor H o m es & RV s Snow Vehicles

"TraveT T failers “Utility Trailers

o m a m -t Aviation2 Auto Parts &

Accessories3 Aulos w anted4 Antiques & Collectibfes5 Semis & H eav/ . ' •

Equipment6 Trucks7 Truck Parts SAccessojies8 SUV's9 Vans & Busses0 Aulos lor Sale_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 ' Imports & Sports C ars2 Slock Cars3 Auio Services & Repairs9 Auio Dealers10 Service Directory .

BANKINGD.L. E vans B ank h a s jin

immodialo oponing lor an oxperioncod Roal E stdt* L o a n O l f l c o r In 1>1[I F a lls . T h o s u c c o s s ju l* candldato m ust possosSoxcoliont communication.------organization & PC skills

—os woll a s strong-analyli------cal & inlorporsonal skills: Previous m ortgage loan origination oxporlonco &' bilingual skills prolorrod, E E C . A p p lic a t io n s fo r omploymont a re avoilnblo . at any D.L. E v an s

Bank location.* ' BOOKKEEPER ^

— Futl-Iim oroxporience-Iri------payroll, accounls payabla S spread shoots, will also holp in milk lab . Sa la ry O OE, S e n t ro s u m o loC IVIldw ny D a i r y 2 1 5 0 E 403 S Doelo. ID 83323*:

i- iis .< = sr •' 'w ■

. 1 ; ; ; X ■■ i i ■ ' I

! i ■ - I i! ; ■ 2

I ^I ;


| b !;j i

^ sr“ n ew "r jod!l e a r n i n g .r c t i l l d l ■- :l e o in l ~

a p e rs .

'APER A N D :C A ' ■ ■ :

Page 21: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

b o o k k e e p e r c o n s i- SEC RETA RY ......... Gonort

P a r t 't lm o . M u si h avo & E llknowlodgo ol OulckBookj plasti

■ & Excol. S ond fosum os lo drlvoi2584 B orl Avo AppI

Twin Falls , Id ah o 83301’ 4:30p_________________________ CcCLERICAL . C

U g a l Socro lary p —R ocoptlon lo t CONS

FT. min. 2 yrs. oxpoiionco, "Exc. typist. Pfoliclont wilh °

W PS.O .M ustbo “ ^1° dopondablo. wolk)fBanl2od wilh oxcollont phono/cliont

relation skills, obio to • °PP°handle multipio tasks. r , ■.

4 a toam worker. Sond I-rosumo & covor lotlor to; I 1 ^

P .O . B ox 589 I ■Buhl. Idoho 83316-0589 I

NO PH O N E CALLS* | ^ a

CLERICAL 'T r aYoung & Y oung o t Idaho I ‘ Flo-is cu rro n ily sook ing an I* Nc

oxporloncod Form Clork. phi• Ploaso apply In porson at I • Wc 350 E 350 N, Rupert. ID. | cui For moro jnlormatlon callBrad al (208) 436-7550' M

“ c l e r ic a l HA d m ln l8 t ra t lv o A « B t .-

C u s t o m o r S o r v i c o DRIV-R o p ro a o n to l lv o : W obb Ooll: Landscaping. Inc. is look- Mu-ing lor a K otchum olfico roccla s s l . to o p o ra to sorvico 12-ca lls , m a n a g e d isp a tc h ____.Iboard &• provide flonoral Q p |y -o lfico su p p o r t . 2 y o a rs 'o x p o r io n c o p ro lo rro d .• Y o ar r o u n d , lu ll-tim o , g,jj, : E xcollon t b o n o fits . pay

DOE. E m ployoo ow nod 208;^ c o m p a n y . C o n t a c t -------•Lindsoy 208-7B6-2066,- DRIV_______________________ Full-I

c l e r ic a lM ag ic v a l l o y T ir o /L o s ^ ■ S c h a b h a s a fu ll t im e ' •sales/adm inistraiivo posi- Mion o p o n . B a sic book- :kooplng. b a s ic compulor• knowlodgo a n d oxcollont •c u slo m o r s e rv ic e skills Ifo g u iro d . B ono fils and :« O tk a v a i l . P a y D O E, d RI\

~~^Orog^roo^orkplaoO i------- —FlaApply in p o rs o n on ly 30 OT •W est 100 Soulh. Jorome.’ wo

C of^ T R U C riO Njry w a ll h a n g o r h o lp o r . ____"m ust h a v o ow n to o ls & DRI’'transportation. 280-3566* H

T e H)(0 10 meiuOo pnco wnon .Uvonising lloms lot mIo in

“^ P a r k e V i e w R e h a b i l i t a t i o

i s n o w h ir i i

C e n t r a l S t

Purkc View C aw nnd Kfluihili

(ipporiiiniiy fo r a liinlily moi nuini^ellie C iviriil SiTppIy'Dt

a m d id iu e will luive Iwolih carannirinj;/lm>l:/:eiywi!’ k/jim

<nu'inim /o d

- A p p l y i n P (

2 3 0 3 P a r k e A v e , , BD o n ’t delay in expandii

^ » 'e ha ve le m fic henefils c


A c c o u n ta n tW e're looking (or a talen ted SU our te a m in Twin Falls. Piimary r m o nth -end proccss: reconcile fir m a nag e daily accounting syslen assist In th e developm ent of bu( variance reports; support regula reviewfs; ass is l in tu c oveislglii < com ple te m onthly sales and (ue Bachelor's d egree in Accountinc closely re la ted field desired. Oh' ex perience requited, including f experience. W aste o r service me Proficient MS Officc skills requii pf Idaho is a dynamic and grow 0 com petitive salary and benefi subm it resu m e with salary requ by J a n u a ry 1 6 .2 0 0 4 ,

PSI W aste Systei P.O. Box 2399 • Twir

Fax 208-73: EOE/M/F.

Alcohol jnd drug

V \c c o u n ts P a y a b le C lerk - V :ta lcn te d A /P c le rk to join out P rim ary responsibilities includ d o c u m e n ts ; m a n ag e daily occ i l l v e n d o r calls; develop a n d i iy s tc m : m ain tain filing.

_ ‘A c c o u n ts R ec e iv a b le C lerk ta le n te d A/R c le rk to io in ou J>fimaiy responsibilities indue ifo c u m e n ts ; m a n ag e daily acc ■customer calls; m ain tain agin ta i l s ; m a in ta in filing system,

_ lA ssocia ie ls-d eg ceg jn Accoug ^ r closely re la ted field desitei iw ork ex perience required, tm e x p e rie n c e . W aste o r service •flus. Proficient MS Office skil S y ste m s o f Idaho is a dynam l h a t o ffe R a com petitive saU

_ y ie a s e su b m it resu m e by Ja r y /llj b e $ 12 .0 0 to SI 5,00 per

1 PSI W aste Syst‘ P.O. Box 2399 • TW : Fax 208-7: i o m i

_»kohol trd d.ufl httvioitpuo- P>t5

■ 1

NSTRUCT10N. • | n p , ^lornl conslruction labor * t o E lF S a p p l i c a lo r B - o sloro ts. Exp, & valltJ ■Ivors license roqulrod, , . _ i PPly by ph o n o . 8am* „ :30pm, 1-080-747-1514.

Coniracl Wotk and t „Consulting. Inc,’

INSTRUCTION . - - OKing for on oxp. roolot.- ll loast 3 yrs.). Must tw b io to do s h in g le s 4 ^ lo s s / lolal, MUST have valid irlvero liconso. Call lorppointmoni 324.3301.* ______f

, d r iv e f;USTOMERSERVICE Clasi

W ani noal cloan . DRIVEprolossionol poopio Full-tirTraining Provided SWFlox Schedules FT/PT AlboN o d o o r » to - d o o r . rido^ o n o M lo a or survey In:

cuslomors ono-on-ono


R , ™ ' k !Dollvory drivor noodod.Must havo good driving ^

record. Apply in porson al cf124 Biuo Lakes Blvd. uonu

Soulh, Twin Foils’ ggtoffliVER o l Diixpoiioncod truck drivots: cuslcso lo or toom . lo run 4 a f^ustslalos. Ilexible schodulos toand good pay. Ploaso call no ivE208-423-426B/731-4269* ,IRIVER Eo■ull-tlmo diiving inGlruclor, como (

Call 736-5026’IRIVER FEEDlo u to S a lo s P a r t- llm o FT. mp o ss ib lo lull timo. Pay lbs. iD O E. prolorrod porson a lto iwilh CDL Hazmai tankor p o rse n d o r s e m e n t . C a l l Twin208-734-6827- ^

JRIVERS • Banm-Flalbetf»T-w/©4oo6!-i-yf.----- oxP‘OTR oxp. Operate in 11 Loarw osl s ta te s . Exc. pay & on/Cbonolils. Homo rogulaily. note

800-453-2227* m o r

3RIVERS tffbi+ Tonm s N oodod* proijTotminal lo lorminal gpoi

Drop & hook only. comUp lo .42/milo. c io '

Coll 866-465-5152* u,nc

V&RE& JO N C e n t e r " » c

r i n g f o r m

Supp lyihiliiuiion Center has on C

mollvaieJ individiinl to q-jq

.-D e ih in m c n iriitrn g h t— -------- ^

ill cure e.xpericnce with q e

wiwledne and lu n r nood

'0 deliiil. Arc

P e r s o n :

, B u r l e y , I D t O E

nding vour career! •Us a n d salary ranges. | \ J ^

5 (a f f A ec oun tan tto jo in _ _ iry responsibilities includc: e financial stalements;stems (WR and A/P entries); baI budgets; forecasts and okjulatory audits and rate f £

I fuel tax returns. ^H o

ning, Finance, Economics or aiOne year related work f i

ng general ledger c '■ industry expeiicnce a plus.Hiuired. PSI Waste Systems j . irowing company that offers — nefits package. Please ^requitemenls and/or history


s t e m s o f Id a h o p,W in Falls, ID 8 3 3 0 3 •7 3 3 -3 9 8 7 \A lfN IDt fiT'ptffimfrtI lfM.ngtonj.xlKl.

- W e'te looking for aour team in Twin Falls,

elude; input all A/P related occounling systems; answer

md maintain purchase order ^

erk - W e're looking forarouTleanrtnTw infalls:-------------elude: input A/R related . accounting systems; onsw/er jging and make collection


ountinq. Finance. Economicssited. Three years telaicdI including general ledger ice industry experience a , skills required. PSI Waste

lamic and growing company salary'and benefits package. January 1 6 ,2 00 4 , Salary

■^H ourD O E .-------------------- ----

y s t e m s o f Id a h oTW in Falls. ID 8 3 3 0 3 - -8 -7 3 3 -3 9 8 7/M /F /V /D

u p p e I GENERALTOPQUNTRUCK S o /d /.rMGIVING ACADEMY ‘8 '<> la ss A CDL training,)w inlorost financing.).O 00toS35.000 1st C a ll2C-oar. Call 735-6656 o®**So Habla Espanol .

420-7307- MANAGE' uNrre

IERS - S O in ’Truck Driving S choo l i

53 A CDL 3-4 A 6 wks. Soeking |1S90S. Job placomont. c a n d id i530,000-S40,000/yr. o n s tr a l

208-737-9272* lund-ral

7 e r s ----------- ? '> ''« '0Plass A CDL noodod. "3 nkors. Locnl milk haul. lor-profi

Call 543-8044.*____ Tho ^ui

iv e r sl-timo/Rollof. “ ’’5 pu B W estern slalos &Iborta. Homo weekly. commuirider program, hoallh n o s uinInsuranco. luol ond r o s o u r

snioty bonuses. s o s s o s agomor

V ERS am onglor- C onch O poro tors. tango ovin Foils basod lor lino v o r s elul & chanors. FT. PT & C andidI call avail. Groat pay* s o s s orinus+ beno lits . S irong g r o o cifoty tocotd. knowlodgo expetii

D OT ro g s . ond o x c . monto)islomor sen/lco skills a P le o soust. Call 208-735-8687 with coI sch o d u lo Intorvlow.* 656 &

iW R S -----------------------A T ruckO rlv /ngSchoo l , ' E om u p to S30,000. no got your Class A CDL Hlrlm

208-736-5026.* iN o P h o r ED MILL WORKER ' T . m ust bo able lo lilt 50 MECHA^ 3. repealodly. Bonolils FT, dioi Itor 90 d ay s. Apply In local Ir e rso n a t 163 A tlanllc, Must I win Foils, ID.* Bonol

JANCIALnnof Bank is sooking an xpodonco-C onunflitiflL _ oan Olficor in our Lowist- _ , - n /Ciaikslon aroa. Otlgl- a to and maintain com - m ECHAI lorciul loans lhat m oot Full-lim lank standards ond con- Qxpon ribute to the long-lorm ,rnns. & itoliiobllity of tho Bank’s m echa iperalions. Knowledge of- c o . C ommotcial lending poli- prolorrt ; io s a n d p r o c e d u r e s . q q e . ondlng services ond ro- Glltnor Qtod oroas. Good m ana- j„ ro r je r ia l. com m un ication ^ t tnjncJ sa lo s skills. Fox ro- _______iumo to 509-526-8717 or i " smail joicholoabannorb- M cu iu, EOg'M-F-D-V.’3 0 D PRODUCTION ' 'ood long tomromployoes- • — T W lor lood producllon plant. • C

Light dullos. Iasi pace.Nico working conditions Day.& Swing shills avail. BACK-

Bilinfluai a plus! T his pA pply In p orson ci

Gom Stato Stsfllng Irans735-5999 K

70 Biuo Lokos Blvd. N Cond— So Hobla Espanol*--------♦ C u n= = = = = ; * Exc. GENERAL ♦ Prol

CIRCLE THIS o rnroc)i

Aroyoulooklngloranow ♦ Hav caroor? mar

Local laciory ♦ Cusdislribulorship looking con10 grow and oxpand Conti

• Rapid odvoncomoni Twinpotonlial

• Enlry lovoi positions 674 availat)lo wiih grool _

stoning Incomo and.job -socufity. MEDIC

FullNo exporionco roqulrod gravoi

ConCall Etik lor Inton/iew. Ap

l f . S3ENEBAL NoExporlencod boon & sood — ■ -71 bongors wanlod. Must bo MEDIC a b le lo llfl 5 0 -1 0 0 lb s PJ»y*', o p „ a t . . . o l y . C M N urj

■ f ,w -.ina a - , . , — - m mGENERAL (ull-li:H o o d S l a r t P r o g r a m comi:

A ss is tan t needed In Twin qxcoIFoils S7.95-S8.35mtDOE. s tu dc o m p u lo r o x p o r io n c o rnoyrequired. Apply 324 2nd yoar;Sl. E. Twin Foils, C loses j^ ahJonuary 14.2004 EOE* prefi

LANDSCAPE f°su]S p ro y T ochnlclon: W ebb « r j ;

Londscope. Inc. Is looking ” lot a spray tech lo start In oa rly sp ring . E xco llan l poy. bonolils. Exporioncop ro lorrod . a lthough not a sn 'O necessary. Seasonal, ful!-. tim o. Employoo ow nod

u n ^ a y M Q -^ a V s o e e .^ ’

U p i

iffi MoiWinMfdmcaiUanrtu'

i ’ liH R l ‘ (UR{*T*Mtllbut>IU

Ak>i«i>Mul«wildtl _H M j mb»t w w iH w

| ? I . » - V ^ . ipmtjndnoitiiiontsmtt• *

R oute M a n a g e r• Om(1Ii ud « u p * rwli ipli«n ud uki r« Wmtj cll.«d ll>t*«l''«i M “ ‘-P« ul.t. miwyt »rh(» of bminm ptnin" n P'

t t ill*r VM'a iMdal/di»ul/l>it ind iwt'

Cx Iht icia; It ill iht diliili i j (il1<>. (MN-]».TSi1).ll<f.Mi:niS]

QuiUt^atMmaguUii kill !l /rtn tk

lo m i in



is looking lor ? i 39 fSJ f lO p o rs to rs ” V a s l=ood Sorvico. --------- ^II208-764-2526 MEDICAL isk for Lorry-_________________ ’f _________________ L PN to bLnrurMT I o le wouldi r m ^ E ^ A L lontpoopK

^ A H O ^ - w o r k o thinr, orovon loadbt *

J. H«m‘ rosum o to1,010 o b iim o . lc) I|.rais ing , rosourco ^ ilopmom “f'd wO'J'- I m e d ic a l

" - c s

n “ PP"I will oomonsiraio aimitmont to hoallh p , „ .h u m a n sorvleos o Abo on enthusiastic g_

imunity loodor whoutilised voluntoor Communi

o u r c o s arid p o s- T oam in

S ? r n ' . - w ” 5

»pop»“=ang a „M o . » ia .go of poopio wilh dl- ,J

^ f s S o S l d o o s :^ A, n« 10 n s I v ■s on Associates ue- ifoatmeijo o r o q u i v o l o n t " P ^ )o tionce . Monogo- m oxporionco 0 plus.s o subm il rosumo “ " _ ,m1 covor lotier to PMB suooort


Iioadai'o°03.(M “ '" ’’I llfing dale. OJ U4»hono Colls Ploaso.*

HANIC www.cdioflol mochonlc for and wl ;al irucking companyust have own tools. .Jo n u ionolits. Wago DOE. ouoslicS end resume 10 the app

lox 97925 In c / 0 m ayrho Tlm oa Nows s ta r—P O -B or548------------ -SMCtallI Foils. Idoho 83303* Quosli

? w i i c “l-limo mochanic with - r o n d o ' iporlonco in onginos.

clion ic .local Irucking:o. Own loois & oxp.lorrod. Bonofiis.WagoOE. Send resume 10 ^inor Inc. P.O. Box 564Bromo, Idoho 83338 jj,Mtn: Molntenanco*

~i s ta to ( DICAL and rOi

I n e w s p

r w ^ F A t u s -Ca re C tn ler T hO Ti

o ccop for 0 c

CK-UP VAN DRIVER M onolis poslllon rociulres a x h i s

caring porson lo • jmswc•anspottlhoroaidonls rnlss«

to their appls. d o l hand ldato s will havo: s a lu n CurTom-ID.Uconso— , _m orn lExc. driving record jcjoai <Preferably a C.N.A. bo door nursing, but nol p io o !roquirod a n d :Have good lime iranspm anagomonl skills o ^ p aCuslom or Sorvico & • gppnccommunlcollon skills -^^0 TIi ontflct: Chad KorrickMin Foils Coro Contor ^ —-

734-4264 pRG FI674 E astland Dr. ’ Dovelo

— J .DICAL ■ ' " i rFull-llmo RN or LPN -piveyard shilt 6pm-6om. c Contoct Wonda Holi.

Apply In porson ot $16B rIdgovlaw E alales g p n ;828 Bridgovlow Blvd. 3

N orth Twin Falls.* r e C ^

?oicA L * B'^sy la ■yalcJon A ss is ta n t or S rooPractltlonornood.d for busy lomlly procllce Posiiit n o r o m o . id . Tiiis-u-a jll-limo position ollotingompelilive salary wilh an ta sk fxcoiiont bonefil pockogo. P*'®']'iludont loan tepaymonl 1*°^°la y b e a v a ila b le . 1-2 k o o p o a ts experionco. cutronidaho liconso. bilingual S onaireforrod . P loaso so n d “osum oto “am lly Health Services , _

794 Eaalland. Twin T” ' 'Fnlls, ID. 83301 or fo r r —

Inquires call 208-J34-3312

ikforJom osSchroodor.* ^

II your aoiiynowflpnpflr worklor you . . , toad ond uso Itio t:ln!ii>iHod’a. g

i w a r d J

D b i l i t y . I®

^d,lt«Tf«»«MT««V"'" V/T.wtlh I i n ’t iBtnrnmrul f f / /

---------l ( |f l

r ^U.r..(»wbi!.tihn>i*u!ti»r ifptd ttinteff. in II u pnlimd.AI'pmtMtto] ____

t i B m i « t . » l l l l . H J

Iillot l-MO-IIHPlOY n


------- ---------- ----------- ---------------g

^ --------- ■ , ■ JI

------------ _

PLUMBERooded lot Twin Pipoliltorspply'ln porson ol 32&4t26b<oFalls Avonuo p r q f ESSIO^^■tSultOA* p,yctjG

Rohab !lo f o n th u o s t ic , To work ln (

I bo p o r t o l o u r musi havo cT/FT. Ideal candi- chology. j clid pososs oxcol- 21 ciodit heplo skills w/ strong , course workIhlc. C om po tivo O 208-733-4 bo n o m B ,sen d r e s T A U ^ Ito Box 98729 c /o i . c a a l t i .as-N ow sPO B oxIn Foils. ID 83303 oppieoiiona . . '~ l .H ost/H osti ) p t . c t H n n h i

S 3 5 ? o n h 0 ^


' s s s r sIt Mental Hoallh 1 s a l e s

. r K S s p o s l .III bo prtmartty to-jiblo lor working • , - aq^,dulls wilh sevoto |n,o,nnt‘iorlorslsleni m onlal m n’sS i} 10 support Ihose otowih 1s in achieving in-Ivo c o m m u n ityle n t nnd individu- yn,oyou:

a°chlng Indo^pon- i S i i o u s living skills a n d m u n l t y b a s o d . Bondnb

i" a il.b .op .s» i.n ism odoyaw/limltedilltesponsibliilios.icalions oro 10 b e . |1 ^jlotod Ihrough iho , *aho Division olm an Rosourcos eonlidontu

wobsllo , . 000,i / ,H h r .B t o t o . l d . u s _____ ^will bo occoplod SALES

Immqdiat^iuo ry21 ,2004 . c lo r k prillonsconcotning holplul.Atippllcation process ,tjaho>ly bo directed lo 233 E. M«lan Forllc. HR y . , „ — [a1l8rnr736-3020.- - -SAt-ES—tsllons concerning n ro ao 1-posilion should bo workin

dlroclod 10 WantIo Grupo. Clinician. Aro yo10 Twin Falls Aduli mdividuantal Hoallh Olfico wo'k hntc

(736-2177).> ta le o lld a h o isan SALESqual Opportunity vVo wont 1

Employor poopio toddilion. proforenco p,olossioibe glvon to velor- Noexpoti who Qualify under1 ond lodorol lows oppiicantroguiotlons.- | jpg lot ou

-■ stations. ISPAPER KE2J, K(ULATpN________ ______ 415

T /m o s - / '/o k v s i s EquniOppopting applicallons ■— ■1 pnrt-tlmo D Iatrlct SALESlo g o r A s a lo to n t. WE RE IIs p o s i t i o n w i l l SOMECwer phonos, dollvor To bo a p;so d p a p e r s , o n d W earol i v e r r o u t o s o n ca tio n ;urday and Sunday a n d c rrn lngs a s rioodod> -o aso c liilcondidales should ingkncldopondablo. hnvo 0 sto'o...o s o n t d o m o o n o r . f l o o r d h o v o r o l i a b l oisportolion. Inlorost- This popanlos should lill out doys Irtillcolion 01 wook.TImos-Naws f o c o i '

m e rc h= ^ = = = soiling.iFESSlONAL w o u lcjlopmontal Disability S u n d t\ooncy now hiring: personitonslvoB ohnvlor— . - A C o iIntorvontlonlsts 1 4 7 1•P oychosoclnl T> Rohnbllllatlon

- S pecialists TELEMA16 to S20 pot hour Seaelrorill 208-733-3308 o r Is lookin

2 0 8 - 4 3 6 - 4 ? i r _ oxporlonEPTIONIST togenoilaw llrm in Twin Fails dovolopks candldalo lor lull- ^ ourci) rocoptlonlst/clorlcnl SoastroItlon. Reciultos excol- o i le r sp8oplo/ntQ.itil7.ilinnnl. ‘IQIK.

Is. Iho ability lo mujli- vacoiioiK ond handle sev era l bo a cc>no linos. C om p u ter www.sirac y & b a s ic b o o k - o r ro ajp in g sk ills a m u s t , submilllory DOE + B enelils . Soaatro Id Rosumo to:

Box 98582 c /o ^ 456T hoT lm asN ow s Tw lnFi

PO Box 548 2 ^ 7 .vin Falls. ID 83303* h rO so

f l l C f C t i Y <

R i s e B V E I ^

B u s i n e s sT h e Tim cs-N cw .s has alw delivery .sci^'icc fo r o u r cu: m otivated , an d en joy wor perfect b u s in ess opportuni rc flcc t o u r com m itm en t

.g ro w ih to .a p p ly - .P a pcrs a i

T h e T im es-N ew s hus inc m nny areas th roughou t thr

C all Jeni a t ;

) SALES/MARKOfS 4 p lum bers P ro d u c t snloibfOisorik)ftd.cnm‘ Cuslom or soi

------------- o us medin. tI d o r ornty. m

h q ™ f u i l . t quoins, proNclb Spocla llst , p I gjjp In Gooding oron,

I hours In toinlod SECURrfY^otk. Coil Dobblo O M Ic o rs n<33-3338,* M o n d u y F ri--- --------------------Cnll 1-800-5l l a M e x I c a n WAREHOUSIir a n tn c c o p tin g Shlpplng/Rocionslor; d o p o n d n b> stoss lor lunch wntehouso.-1 t;3 0 om -2pm . lo lilt 70 Ibi s l b o l9 ytsold, strong compir 3pm lo 10 pm und. Wngo SI days per wook. hour. Send r e soil motivated, or ioller to: S work alono. nnd Twin Fnlls. I ,m, somo supoo/i- WELOER 'onsibiiity. MechanicAVo H n porson a t nco . Coll 2' . Park Avo W* 206-324-58!

T l w e Cd e r s “IED INSURANCE Experience wOWHIRINC Cnll lor npp<illyouoarn aom -5pm 2I.OOO-S40.000 PUBLIC:tional Company MESi Sihdocodo ol D o n 't p a y trth noods salos bo lo ro youisonlalivo >n Iho Por Itoo inlc(in Foils oron. avoiding on'

vice scam s: mindod? Fodoral Trious? s ic n . Wasl-oi ngo7 20580. or ca b lo w ith goo d .-,1 f ra u d Infnces? ter, 1-8OO-0uolily. theso posi- . ^vill olfor oxcelloni k Mjnsnliori. benelils ^ L 2 1 4 ^ K pportuniliossonal growlh & H a io v --------ncomonis. For a DAIRY ntiallniorviowcall Rollolmlll;100-445-1224.' oxporioncoj

la te o p e n in g lor p r o v i o u s o x p ,

. Apply nl tho GENERAL10 Youth Ronch s i 000 WEE Main Jorom o. ID* bLE maiii

~ ~ ~ . from hom iII Clocking limo or > Arwnnco! rking josi m ob? porlunilyM ant S Caroor?you molivolod 1 .B00-7fi2-

Jual wonls 10 PUBLICiard lor big dollars? MEJ3W 208-420^)737* F o d o r a l 0--------------------- i n 10 r m ant ca ro o r m indod Rom embc) to work hard In a prorniso yc sional onvironmoni,Dorioncenocossarv. federa l 1 ■III ira in Iho rlg h lants 10 soli advonis- V ° - l■ our markol loading j r ^is. Apply a i ^ 2 1 8 , ^ ,KOOL96.5.KLIX,115 Pork ln Falla,-ID----------DppoilunilyEirployoi'

11 LOOKING FOR lEONE SPECIAL... a pnrt ol our loam. irO accopling appll- ons lor a Iriondiyc r o n t l v o s n io s W A L K It

}clntoJn_qu[.oxcil- . AV< lilchonwore and gilt3,.. FILERD Y S A COOK'S RT. 553

PARADISE. to o Fair £. position will bo full lo o Pam ; i Irom 3 10 4 days aik. D ullos inciudo JEROM Eo iv in g f r o i g h t R T .5 1 8 r c h n n d is in g nndng. Working hours 2 0 0 400 u ld n o l in c iu d oi d o y ’s . A pp ly in RT. 520io n n lf lu d y ’a 100 -700C ook's PoratSlao--------3 0 0 -7 0 047 Main Ave. W. r t . 523

T w lnFalls.* | soO -700

MARKETERrom M anulacturlng R J .5 2 6 )kinglornnloncod tolomorkotor 100 -800inoralo IntorosI in and R T . 527ilop now occounts lor 100 -600If coro product line. 300 -450 ilrom M anulacturlng p-p 537 rs H 'onllh . D e n ia l. 1QO-40C

ic°coptod on lin o n t l< i^oso a o s u m e s m a y b o l'ke^°

Tiiiiod 10 . ! ! „trom M anufacturing

Atln: HR _______156 Soastrom St. '1 Foils, 10 83301 rax » j-734-7222 orom all =1“’>80oatrom* ""■'"'■'.il


5 OpportuniIw ays d cd ica tcd itscll' to c custom ers . I f y o u a rc vory r k'orking u n su p e rv iscd . tlien unity fo r you . W c inv ite im I t to cu sto m er se rv ice ai ^ r e ca rly rnom ittg deliver)

independen t c o n tra c to r op thc-M agic Valley.

i t'2 0 8 -7 3 3 -0 9 3 1 c x l . :

• • - M

VRKETING I "nlos/m arkollngr service w /van- ., a . lollow up. Of- '.'mooting salos loNciomm Word Sond fosumo to

C U B R l---------------------M O T O R R t

» n o o d o d . Cnll AVAILA•Fri. 9t1m-5pm. „ - , ,B u i tP />0-51»919B’ ^^'■‘•k c tc I-USE BolhCamor&!^ocoiving sitong needc In b lo lo r b u sySO-- Must t)o ablo II you live In ihi0 lb s nnd havo j,nd would 111 jmpulor bacKgro- cortl' go S8.00-S10.00' P lo ata cc nd rosumo S cov- Kathy. Disti :o: Mgr, PO 2347, *» 73M 3 is. ID 63303’ L—— — — —

Wolder, oxpoioi- II 208-404-9371

;e weldor noododnppoinlmonl. M-F m o am 206-678-7102-JC SERVICE a v a i lMESSAGE A V AIL.j y t o fin d w ork -rmiM FALL you got Iho job. I lf 'V o 2

^ & "o "c o ln °n !S ='ashlnglon. D,C.. o t %.2 or coll Iho Nation-

300-2000 Alli B llV V V i^ '^ v 'm 1700-1800 Be

RT. 840 100-500 PlOfC

II you live ni mllkor 25 years. those aroas :o .20a-543'6670‘ like 10 bo

P laa to c Jo n n , Dist


VEEKLY POSSI- ^lailing Brochuresomo. Goi paid in _ - s g | S ^co! G enuine u p-ly! No oxporionco;ar^^FIOO Inlo. ,62-1250 (24hrs.)- ROUTES ^

al e m p lo y m e n l W earocm a l l o n i s l r o o . accoplingrmber, no ono can for Indopon oyoualodoraliob ,oinlormalionaboul Slop by our1 jobs, call Caroor and :a Connoclion. 2""P P ra-757-3000’ 1263 Ovorl

R O U T E S t

T he Time^ -currenllyC U R R E N T Indep.KING R O U T E S R o u t ea v a i l a b l e-------------------------- • SHOSHON^ MOTOR R(53 II you live irair SI. ehclarolamsoy being a

cm Ploaso

^*5^ Kathy. D'IS 735.100 Slh Avo E. ^100 Gth Ave E. I "20roo i s l A voE . ^^00 2 nd Avo.E__-.123^OOWoslAve. B. ™ O W es,A ...F

200 7lh Avo E.300 8 lh Avo E.527BO8 E.A V 0.1450 E. Avo. K W Sf-53740 0 E as t A voE .

)u live noar ono of>0 aroas and would W o ar(lo b o n c n rn o r acxoplini?looso contac t lor indny . D istrict Mgr. ‘ coniracK

735-3347 * g.- 12630»

ti on(v ni.niilu3 u> puico (QldRoi cUi'.!ili«0 ml . ihii

llslnkii n LillDnn«' _______


' O M E “e r will irnl

*IINg » Lon PolFun part-tlr

• - .................... lots ol po' 60 BELOW. g 'o o lsup

V ** Irain. Co

I m m W liBIzAdvi


T h e toif S b u jin e



l i t i c s — — ^pogt_________ __________________ fl0 e n h a n c in g o u r eig prof •y . , r g : in i / c d . s e lf

ie n w c h a v e th e choci in d iv id u a ls w h o • a n d c irc u la t io n avoic

scarx r y . Fo

■ "CommlS!o p p o r tu n it i e s in :


Poodotinit. 3 02 . P«it or

<^ll 73:

Monday, Jan u a ry 12,2004.

DRACO . in v e s t m e n t

CASH'for D eeds DPAfT Mortgages ond RoS flV rrx rc Controcls. Call 10-

Iroa.noKiblirjatlt L A B L E ■ (208)733-38

F7 HAILEY WHY WAITCHUM Roc^'ving pnymi Substrtutos *0 "^’moro for nil typos

Irom poHocl lo d Ihoso a re as C "" (000)90 llL bn tnhnn NOFOOS.NOSU M ik o to b o a ■NoHa»»lc

c o n tac t - r -----------

k 3 0 6 j S

n STOPFORECLOS a v e C ro d il. T>

aroa. Evos736-4^ H iM a ssag o T ra in i

3 R O U TES Sw iSdisn I rn i r ILABLE 7.10pm & Sat,1(

S l ..r!s 0 2 /0 6 /( .L S wks. Advoncod

B u s f n e s a Candlorldgo (0 2 /0 9 ) . A sa<

(02/10), D oop Candlowood (02/12) lor 12 w

to 500 hour ce p r o g ra m , Tw

niporSt. N f n s l f r u r o 'o / Maplowood studies. 208~1

Olurns Dr .Bornh Avo. E l

orco St. — --------------noor ono ol ATTENTHa s and would CLASSIFI30 a cnriior ADVERTI!) c o n tac tla trlct Mgr. p l e a s e c h o c

a d o n t h e f i I If y o u l in d c

w e will COCW o aro

losponsibio Ic--------------- — nlior.lh»-lit8


i AVA ILA BLE Call Twinm s lo A r c aomfHuporl __ a .^ g Z .0 currontly r 3 H I ig applications


ur Burloy oflice g llH L AREA 1 Id fill out - 2400 sq . ft.. 1apltcalion. g o g ii ro p ln cerland Avo. ’ loncod shady

5 cor g a ra g o !■< ituckshop . 51

Call 208-S4

^ ____ b OTC O U N T R Y■

^A V A IL A B L E S J . t o m o r NOW S6

n e s -N e w s is O A D I Uy lo o k in g for D M r f l ep e n d en t rJifa tlte C arrie rs C a » 3 0 g j

BURLEY 4 bclJNE-----------------------2300 sq.-fl.-RO U TE617 AC. loncod yi J In those a reas syslom ; 2 car •0 inlorostod in 678-0319.2& lartow spaporrnrrlor... L A80 c o n ta c t . ^ / H.D Iatrlc t Mgr.

O i

^ E M i^ Y o u r P:RT ROUTES -0 : ^ TnMC vullnble

o u te 426 DEPARI ;j. to 19lh St.St. to K S t. _ .ou te 428 Twinl t . to 2 0 ih S t . 2 0 8 - 7 3 -

iro curronilyling applicallons 2 0 8 - 6 7 id o p o n d o n tly tnccin-iacmmc\o6 now spapur ------------ - i rc a n io r s ,O voriond Avo.^opor Building)’ ^

FILER D o u b lo Yc

-L O W -C lo th ln g Sollor will iroot supplier own- lax return 1 rain. 734-8523.’ mont o n 3

L S’o rtyB uslnO aa. I 'lp p n M E ” •tlmo business with

5 S S S h l n . . . o , o ,

r S . e T a ' ” " S ' " -.a ll 734-8523,206-88

j e r o m e '~ p D iE B l lU B ii l lM soltmg. 3 b ^ ^ /Q eato s.C O M c a r g a r n g

A , W o o . t o r r n 40 .o o o .0 4 4 .o a to 208-3879 c

total source for S7o,ootf Exi ie*$ ownership moni propc

dreamsi____ _ 32 shop or

4729 MLSi


BLICSERVICb —_MES8A.0E__________ 5 1 4 1 1 ^lOflls usually moon . ilsk, B oforeyoudo JE R O M E OSS with a compony. h o m o -4 t ock II out wilh tho 2 1 0 0 s q . r Business Buroau, iflmny rooi oolnlornialionaboul a c re s , sp oidmg mvHSimonl la rgo she :oms. writo to tho hood doof Fodorol Trndo to Jorom oilssionrWashlngton.-----------M an n., 20580. or coll iho U n d rr t

• 'S S o d .'^ s 'iT;^ ino purchni# ol ft both. 230< Check out cia»»-iiwJ. firoplaco, 733.0031 » _ Rninor Dr,

». TImos'New#, Twin Fall#, Id

BS INT CORP.ods of Trust. d Rool E sta te ill today (o rn . rjntion quoto,3-3821*'A IT M ' -----nymonts ioid? Wo pay /p o s lonns,10 dofaultod;

) 901-9301-3 Surprises. iss io ’ - : - .

CLOSURE!T w in F a l ls '

36-4645 Eric’ H H

a ln in g Basic m in in g . F ri. . at,10-5:30pm.0 6 /0 4 lo r 12

c laa aa a ; s M a a t e j y

> o a a « a m * n l >op T Ia su a H 12 w ooks. 106, ir certificationT w in F a l l t

•o t H o lis t ic ^ . r . ^ e 70.'

:n t io n ^;S1F1EDRTISERS

;heck y ou r le first d a y . id a n e rro rc o rre c t it. ■aro noi iilu lor errors J^lifSt-day.ol__________________ilcntion.’

win Fnlls11 oxt. 2 . or G77-4042,‘ 1

B B;A 1.25 ncros, ft., lg. k itc h o n .. i ln c o . A C . lg ndy back ynrd, a g o . 30x72 II.1.5165,000.9-S43-6539’

U H IT _fly 1,2 acros bdrm. 2 bnlh moi Cnll Jim,\l S60.900

RKERALTORS08-S43-4371rH d rm .. 3 bnlh,- ll.-n a tu ra l g i s , ----------- —odyard, sprlnklor ’ cnr ga rage. 208 >,2840 Jon laO r* 1

a k I

D R -

/ l A I L ^r Ad To

m e sn e w sSSIFIEDkRTMENT

'in Falls 7 3 4 -5 5 3 8

3urley6 7 7 -4 5 4 3tmno'cvnlioy co'ir

» Y Q ur M o n o y lwill d o u ^ o yoururn n s down pay-on 3*4 bed room a,m Flior, Cnll Tom I>7-9169‘

IE -------- i------E ast Avo, H. I

) r.q. II. homo, IiCO. hot lub. m ust Bor only S79.0001 I ___iddon Roolty B-880-2289.‘

E‘ porloct country , 3 bdrm.. 2 both. 2 irn g o . 18 o c ro s . if r a R o a l E s lo lo 79 or 539-7152.*EI Excellent Invest- iroporty with a 24 x ip o r 2 c a r garago.,o x ^ 8 la f lo d f l-5 3 9 i________jr Fll MIrnndo 420- ,1LSH10B726

5EM—rE REALTY. INC.0 3 ^ 4 - 0 4 0 0 ---------------------ME G ro o t lo m lly -4 b d rm .. 2 b o th , s q . I t. w ith la rg o room, Sita on 2,26

. sp lii.ra ll (onclng, s h o p w /1 2 ' ovor*

door. Located d o so om o Country Club.a n n 539-6441-------------—td m a rk R u tty .*AE g re a t na iB nuor- I. 6 b o d r o o m , 2 .5 2300sq .(t..SW .fl00 .SCO. w ork rm. 1471. ir Dr. 20a-543-6805.-

iM d a h o B S .

Page 22: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

HOME INSPECTIONS-------------- — — 200£U-aiuca_ia23^

}::Bill Bakor, 208-326-5U I r N f t DOWN PAYMEN ‘ PROBLEM CREDIT?

Own a now Homo wtih------------- ------ mo BIO down poymon

v o u 'f .o m o i iv a lo d '■— sSCTODOTincomtrcnO

mi-0OO-03O-2OO6. vvAw AfTioticnnHomoPn'1"'

com to. FREE QV ' RENT TO OWN 4 bdtm., 2 bnlh m Rup«

.................CallDovo al20»532-07s t o F f o r e c l o s u h eS iivo C roO iI.T w in Fi

■v o a .E vos736-‘i645E tW InT aL L S Now 3 be

2 i ;2 b.itn homo by bi Of, uniquo dosi^jn, s fliouo foom s nnd m.

■ J p g r n d o s . R o J u c S219.000. 735-2422.-

TWIN FALLS1233 Alclof Onvo

2100 sq. M . lovely-Ibdllio rool ho;iio on 1/4 n

______________ Sl24JO O_Tl'P'flAnc208-734-4567/

W |N 'FA L L S"3 boilto 2 biilti. w/(Jon, 2800

' n ., oldof hom o, »oti nind, cu stom c.-bin hntdwood lloors, lor

, yntdw/tJoch. WalKing , iinco to H.S. nnd Sn

o lh , 0 o lo w o p p rn S112.900J08-89M 3

fwiN“ FXLLS ■ ■ '• COUNTRY HOMES• '2 .1 9 A c fo a • 4 I: ro o m s, 2 b n lh a . fli room, m nsior suilo lo liod lub F o ncodho rsos. Only 3 .5 msoutti olTwin. S215,0

, • 4 . 0 O A c r o « - 3 bi fo o m s, 2 b n tli s , g

' a room Quiol counlry 3 ting, bnrn, corrnis,

mobllo hom o for ro • '. South ol Twin. S99.0I


j : 733-0404i TWiNFALLS"- Fi»of Uppers, Foroclof

Ffoo List.1 (888)453-4177 Idl No Money Down Hoi

FfOo Report... 1 (888) 453-4177 ld»

Biyon Nowtefi^ Cnnyonsldo noall

TWIN FALLS bulldorl 3 bdrm ., 2

' c u o to m .2 G O O s w/2000 aq, tt. untlrb n 9 o m o n t . 2 n w /w alor. S265.90(

___________: v io w h f l c n il 2 0 8I ~ 9 0 S 9 o r420-6210,•I TW IN FA L L S For

font. Now conslfuci bdrm. 2 balh. 1500

' S 1 2 3 ,5 0 0 , R o n i : ,• Ool) 208-2BO-1591.'

TWIN FALLS No* tom hom o on c c

; • -DCfO, 4 btJmi, 2,51 • ; • tl, w/3 cnr (jnraflo S ' onllon wnlor. Mon ■ -tfo«l 5275,000, 261 i ‘ :4 2 6 9 N, Cntl 208- S : ' l095or20B-841-0(

I f iI E Q U A L H 0 U 8 II i O P P O R T U N IT

If IM Fair HoulU'Q Act v

1 ' lin5ie*pl*fwniu«P tui'i. I n tiianil crlglr«. or

, I IplMUlon. lo mtk* v yI pt*liitnc*, IlmUtlle 1 dl»erlmlnallon.‘ Fir

lU tu i Includ*! ehll undo tri* 101 ol IB I

! 1 wllh partn li or iI , cuitodKn; [K*of*nl «*>

I tnd^pi*j«K jjiv^ ei>

I ' Thli naw ip ip ii wll w . l r a•.lnQly (cc ip t

•dv*'tiilng lor m l ■ I. wtiicn It In vioiiiion < I ■. itw. Our r»«d*r« w* l> 1 lnfo>m*d mil III dw* I, lOy*(1ll*<Ilnlhi»ft*w»| . jir* ■villibl* on in <

eppOlunUv m il l.;I 8aD,B777. TM Toll I liKphon* nutr6*r Ic ■. fMiilng Irrpiliid ll 1


“ “ f r »i

1 V isi I M

■| _ _

----------------------r ' ' / L iPaul & M ^ h

! Ccnwr! G realer Valle>'

BIO Tim os-Nows, Tv

>iS TWIN FALLS Ior aiilo/toi2 1 _______ lorm lonao. nimcsl cot51 IS .’ ~ piolod cuei5rrr4-b0tTrr: IPMT7 bfilh. gouttiwost ol tow

nppfon, 1,5 acros, w/ox W.mout O9 S14B.700.420-3491 ■noni, ll t w i n FALLS Forodosui lo d vd. 4,bdrm ..2bath.-S54,9ir n ih js ------ Coll 600-319-3323 oxt

H792Jorllslings.’ WENDELL ’

--------- S71,9C 0 3 b d r m . 1 bnJi.nnii Iiom o witt» o x io n o i ' 5J1714*' fomodolino. Call Bron'

Cnnor 410-5074 of Lo LJflE' 30 H ..rrlB 2 0 0 - 0 8 2 1 F n lls MLSi'lO8O75PC»026l 15 E ^ 'B GEi\/rI 'mnn'y STATE REALTY, INC j u c o d ■ 20B-324-G652

- - THE TIMES-NEWS^ClflaslflodDopnnmen

8 0 0 n m to 5 ,3 0 p m u S Mo'»layt>’'uF ridnv.

____ VVo oro opitn lo nil wiiik’lilroom, cusiomors to nssisl yc800 i q , in building your nd .tornod- Or coll ono ol ourib ino ls. Clnssiliod Salosfonci ■ Roprosonlntivos.

<mn dis-iSnwlo- 733-0931 0x1.2 M O lsel 1.800-658-3883 8-0328.' 132 3 rd S l. W ----------- Twin Fnlla Ofllco

T h o d 677-4042„ n^ r 1263 Ovoflnnd Avo.

, o r Bu , l . y 0 1 l l c -

PUBUC SERVICE.15 900 MESSAGE3 b o d - Selling proporty?

; n to a l Don'l pny nny foos untilI'lrv sol- 'fo** inlormntIls p lus nboul.ivoldlngtlmoahr fontnl. ofil real oslato scnm19 000 FocJornl\ M C C Trodo Commission,) N c b wnshinglon. D C ,, 205:Y — ---------of-ca» Iho-Nnlwnal-Fra, , Inlormalion Conlor•4_____ 1-800-876-7060.*


r r

H O M IrsL b i WimYob

" Bvim 2“ 3 With Us!

Mi'rcv'Ilousinj; Idal ____ is now wcc'inini;

M » n '.°3 appiicalions for 111500 sq.ll. Magic VailCT S I? ® ™ ' Stlf.|lcl|) llousinii

~ - i= i Prognim ,|M M ^ . Hunic$ari-3or'iMnK

doiihlo car RiraRc! siow cus U«m,int]ilj’pi)TiiniLs: coun lry jiliiisli'J 10 )iuif Incorr

a'flo, irri. - T h e r e i s N O

S s ° e ! ( lo w n p a y m e n

T o i i i - r«n«l>vU SD A' Hural Dcvelnpmeni

U ITV * EMERSON A rea form , 1. 46 acfoa. sprinkle

Irrloatod.SIIO.OO Torms avollablo, C

idvtfUi* odd 20 oddllional aci _____rn ll2nfH m -47.0f


$119,900 SpoctocL ■ocvdooy nc ro lo t o n th o SlI Rivor nt K anaka Rt

will not I n c lu d o s g o o th oipi »nv w n lo r . G ro m llB lloiVi w!tf* h*r*t>y a c r o s s th o r iv o r .dwiiiinoi Dorothy to 800,737-T T i ^ MLSI«100936PC«2;


I 20B-734-0400

aghv&ttT h s T W N e w

is it u s o n l in e a n c M a g ic V a lley a re-------- Glick-on-Real-E

MPW L f it___ J I i J i irsh» DcMcule

- s

P H ^ n v ^ R n » n [ H

, Twin PatiB, Idaho Monday. J

i/long BUHL • com- KANAKA RAPIDS Trn-2 --S 6 -l,o o O -E x lc o -f f ld u co d . town, o v o r S 2 0 .0 0 0 on th i s >/oxlr- booulilul 5 aero homo silo 491.* on Mud Crook, Includos-------; goolhormal walor. nbun-'?'i'nn dnnt wiidlifo. Jroos. groot

fishing nnd accoss lo Iho Snako Rivor, Coll Doroihy 737-3903, MLSH100937

— “ PC10451

i 'GEMfl ? 2 STATE REALTY. INC. 261 208-734-0400

t BUHLKANAKA RAPIDS S 6S .900 W ondorlul 6 22

n c ro s on Mud Crook at Knnakn Rnpids, Promtor g n i o d c o m m u n i i y . G'oolhormnl wnlor to lot. A c c o s s lo I h o S n n k o

1®"* Rivof. AbundnnI wildlilo0 nnd Iroos. Gront lishing

a n d goll cou rso a c ro s s'V- tho rivor. Call Doroihy to

- sot»r737-3903rML-S«lO- 8G41 PCK2381

1 you

i' GEM2- STATE REALTY, INC., ‘ 2O0-734-O‘1OO

} HAGERMAN 1/2 aero lot In N oftnviow subd iv is ion .

:o S18,000 or Irndo. ownorfinnnco. 208-539-7426*

t w i n FALLS 3 aero ho rw . s o t - u p 12} h o m o s . 12

" sinlls/aulo walor, broding= = barns, S186.500,'E . Coll 2O8-20O-O576*

nms. TWIN FALLS “T /rod otrnl s fo c A a ? " Chock roturron, onnow 4ploxo9.’0580. Cnil Cliuck733-8207'

TW IN FA LLS 451 Mali > Avo. E- noxt 10 S oopo

3 ^ Ads. For salo/ronVlonsc Cjill 208-733-3153,*

GOODING Brondmoto 14x66 w/lip oui. rcmodo

, f od, Cnil 2OO-539-20O4.’PAUL '02 Skyllno 14x5:

, , , turn.. 2 bdrm,, 1 b.ith, rIdalio oioci. swamp cooler. W/C

■ ■ 59500,438-5383 ovos.’

ALL MAGIC VALLEY AreIwillbuy/loaso yourhomi Any prico. Any condlllor

ilrootib. Call Davo O ---------- -208^532-0734 or312*433!

ARIZONA Bullhood Cl lO a c r o s s th o riv o r froa „ t t Lnuotilln. Do you want

bo 0 snowbird? '91 Pq QA M odo l 12x 3 5 , D olua, ,n i m odol. 4 y o a rC u lllg f

w otor sollonor prograr now rool on 18' cnrpoi

n n H now. point. W/D hooku mod roof, lots ol slorngo ntorogo shod . S27 .99 C a ll92B-768-6727.*

BBUHL2b<J»m..1li Balh.i

non pots, Smnll yard, Roni ;]"cQn doposll. 208-543-6267,' ocros. BUHL 3 bdtm. 1 balh. lau

zoo:_______dty rnom-oll hool. bn?----------- m o n l . g o r a g o , hu {

loncod yard, S500 monl N o sm ok lng /po ls . Ri roqulrod. Coll 543-6553

; F A Xic u la r 5 •

' I S ” y o u rh o r m a l mI s h in g . A l #L ? T f n T1M B8 C L A S 8 IF IE37:3903! D E PA R T M E N T;«23B1, _ 2 0 0 -7 3 4 -S 8 3 8

MlI V I a 0 8 -S 7 7 « 4 6 4 3y j N C . (B U R L E Y )

hy.mmi d c h e c k o u t r e a h o m e s .I - E s t a t e . --------------------------------

l o l l a n d L y n n R a s m u s s e nVallcj- Gem Stale Realt)'

alt>’ -

f. Jan u a ry 12. 2004

BUKU C loso to School. 2 bdrm. 1 bath homo, W/O

o d hookup . No app ls , Nico i ,V • aizo'yard. PotsO K .S375. „1o HAZELTON,Spacious COf- l09 no r lo t, 2 bd rm . hom o, jn - W/D hookup, Appls. Out- oat sido pot posslblo. Eloclric Iho >1001.5450 , mo, ♦ deposit. Ihy TWIN FALLS Close to CSI, 137 3 b d r m . 1 b a lh h o m o

w /gnrago. W/D hook-up. slovo, pot posslblo, S7S0.

SPACIOUS 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 bnlh. nppls, W/D, Foncod b a ck y o rd , po t posslb lo

C S750. month f deposit, - C U L -D E -SA C 3 bdrm . 1

— b a lh . s t o r a g o . f o n c o d bockyard. No oppls. W/O hook-up. S675.00 monlh.

22 t h e MGMT 733-0739*

imr B>J” LI „ Nowly ronovnlodtnt' 2 bdrm. 1 balh. appliances. ,i,n H ollow s P ropony Mgmt. li," 734-4334 3 ss BU H L nico lg ,, 2 bdrm .. f to s o m o n p p ls . S475/m o..10-------1 i 2 Sou1h 0lh-73G -05l5-

B U H L S m n l l 2 b d r m . fo n c o d y a rd . C all 208- 423-4377 a lto r7 p m .‘

B U H U Coalloford counlry iC homo. 3 bd»m. 2 bolh, 2.4

ncros, avail. 2/28. S695 +— SSOO dop, 208-537-0913* 5t Ino n B U R L E Y F o r l o a s o . 4 ,no | b d rm ,. 1 L ath , f in ished 3. bsm t. w/family room, ullli-___ ly room & slo ra g o . Ga-jrso rag o . foncod bock yord,

12 C loso fo schools & shop­ping ping. Jim t t 208-878-9046*


I C l a s s i f i e d sTot It p a y s to ' read the

fine print.i7'= __ _ _ Call-Twln.EalIs__f f l 733-0931

^ Burley 677-4042 opo rinso T T T T T T T T T l____ - EOEN N ico2M rm . mobiii

B homo. incl, nppls., samla lion & storago, 423-5104 « # ?!< * >l< * >1< * F IL E R 2 b d rm , 1 b o th

D '81. c o u n try h o m o . 542 5 • .odol- dop. & rols. 326-5305.*

ix 5 ^ F IL E R 2 b d rm .. 2 bath, 111, nil mobilo homo in park. N W/D, ‘ sm oklng/pols. 5460/mo DS.‘ - - -5 3 0 0 dop.-Call-20B-326------- - 3552, lv. msg.-________

FILER 3 bdrm. 2 balh wil garago, on 3 lols, lonco y a rd , g a s c o n lra l hoa

• T j n - w ood stovo, S600 + 550 lomo, dop, coll 326-4233-* lilion, FILER Counlry living Soul

o f Filor, 3 bdrm . srno 4335*- - - S h o p s 2 c u t - j o ro g c------- SOOO, 326-5972- lv, mSQ

FIL E R c o u n try living, bdnn,. 1 both. l.irmhouSi

_____ S 6 5 0 /5 7 5 0 with barmI City acrongo. 2O0-731-9769, f ro m f il e r Now 3 bdrm, 2 boll “U* , largo 2 cor garogo, IIC

P “ f>‘ Midway, S750 mo. Ploos ' Coll208-731-35B3,*

aram FILER romodolod 1000 S' rport' II- 3 bdrm , 1 ba th fom okup ' houso. Economical woe oQ o^ 91OV0 & fo rcod e lrp r i 995 pano hoot. Now ovotslzc

d o u b lo h o a to d garagi — C orral spoco . No indoi

■ ■ p o ts . . 5 6 5 0 i s l , losi S ™ d a m a g e , S o o w ob sl'

www.milioroflOinoorino.CorrR E N T A L S. F o r 4 4 0

ilh, no h o u so pho to s Avoilabtonl + Now, 20B-328-4729.*■67.* GOODING 2 bdrm,. S450.laun- doposll, 423 Montono.bnsn- Plox- Call 200-736-0322h u g o q o o d i n o 2 b o d ro o rnonih, S450 monlh + deposit, r■ RoL pels. Call 208-736-0B4S

G0 0 0 IN0 3 bd rm .,2bai I 5 8 5 0 /m o , + S 350 do

Coll 208-731-0103.’• QOODINQ 3 bodroom, g « hoot, laundry room, S4■ 4- dop- In town, 837^82

QOODINQ for salo or loa3 bdrm,, 2 balh, manuft

FIED tu ro d on 1 a c re , hor IT p in e . sm . poslu ro , o i

w aters , all vinyl fonclr h o u s o h a s A C , po ll

3 Stove, oppla. Incld. 2 co l lo c h o d g o ra g o . sc 5 1 0 0 .0 0 0 or lo a a o 1

^ • 5850/ 5300 doposil- 2( 934-4046 or 539-4646.

I JERO M E W168S950 4 bdrm. 3 bolh, lonnis court, Closo to Flying.

I E lw ood & E vansI 20S-734-1401.‘

JERO M E 2 bedroom, oT< trie, includod, 5450* d 2 bodroom, full basomt $500 ♦ dop. 3 bedroo 2 bath, S600 ♦ doposll

Call 20B-324-2154.* JE R O M E 3 bdrm, 2 b:

m o b llo ,h o m o , n o p o long torm. 5500 dope 324-0903 or 543-8342

JE R O M E 3 b d rm ,. + M bath , SOSO. 212 3td /■ E aal, 1 bdrm., S350 :■ - 3rtl Ave, E. 208-736^)3

H JERO M E 3 bdrm., 1 bi• —SS95T-"$4flO/doposfft-

■ pota/smoklng, Exc, com --------- toncodboc>cYd.-732-67;H JERO M E 3 bdrm., 1 b< ■ I x ' . . nowly romodolod kitch DOfi relrig.. & stovo. No sm

‘ ino'pplf* 5560. Call 2 It)' 324*6983 or 731-698C

J E R O M E 3 b d r m ., i 181h, 5 5 0 0 m o . *$ l

----------- ~dop:Call731-4982.*-JE R O M E 321 Q iaclai

^ bdrm. 1 bath, S575 + c^ No sm oking .324-342 ! l J E R 0 M E ,5 b d r m , 2lill balh, $900 roducod, $j j i j k whllo listed, 543-680E

JE R O M E C i ta n i bd $360 . S love & rolrlg,

S43-680S, m a a u

2 JE R O M E C lo a n 3 bed - D room, 1 b a th , a ttac h o d 0 gorago . N o p o ts , 5550.5. • Aftor 6pm, 2O0-700-ip73,‘'■ JE R O M E so u th 2 bdrm.

c o u n t ry h o m o , S 4 7 5 ,’• screoned porch 306-3137’ f JEROME Vory lg, 2 bdrm..,,[■ SSOO. o x tr n c lo tin , no p pots. Call 543-6B05.*3. KIMBERLY cuto 2 bdrm,.D, 1 balh. loft, patio, nuio '2 sptlnklor, no pola/Id smoking, S350dop,.S57S- lo /mo. Coll 20B-423-4729

or 420-3437.*’ KIMBERLY Cuto! 2 bdrm,,

'd Ib a lh . full utility rm„ quiol 0 S t .. c lo s o to a c h o i) l8 .’• sprinkler system , covorod 9 polio. $540/mo- Call 208- “ 423-4729 or 420-3437-

RUPERT 4 b d rm .. horso S' corrols/hoy liold, 5650/mo,>• C0II801-224-567B,*

TIRED O F RENTERS?_ Call Kon 01 Socuro property I-. Manogomont & Roal 0 . Esiato Invostors- Honesl5------sorvico-&-low.mgmLmloa.r Quick vacnncy fill ralo. b! 539-5067.825-S133,

625-5068.*7 ; TWIN FALLS 2 bodroom . 4 nice yard, S475 ♦ deposit,+ 512 Sth Avo E. 734-5329’

3’ TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm, wilh -3 fo p co d y a rd . C all 208-

-^Z -A Z 7 7 a ttof 7 pm, *III. TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm, 1 a- bath duplox.loncod ynrd. Id S650 + dop. Discount lor ip. l o o s e , 5 6 0 B a k o r S t . i6* N a l h o n n f t o r 5 p m— 734-6230’

/ ✓ / / / / ✓ / / /TWIN FA L L S L oose lo

2 Own: Nice 2 bdrm,, Ibalh* hom o. W o odstovo , gas

hoat. nowor corpoi. larQO kitchen, half acre. Call lor details 208-736-B464,*

TWIN FALLS «129 S450 2 bdrm ., garago. lorgo yd.4 bdrm,- 2 batn foncod yd.

S700. Nowor 3 'bdrrn .,2 bolh. 2 c ar garago Wllh

oponor lg. foncod yd. w/spflnklor system , 5B50,

Elw ood & E vans 208-734.1401.*

TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm, SSOO bilo * d e p , re f -. 151 6 Filer '>'0- Avo. E, No pels, 420-0125* 25: TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm. 5025* +dop, 143W Borah. 208- th . 734-4464 o r 308-2167’? TWIN FA L L S 3 bdrm . 2

bnlhs. garago, S895 mo. Z _ 5650 dop- Call lor oppl. lh .. . 734-.7303.OfJ.3.1:2984-*

TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm,. +. sh o p , 5 5 5 0 + d o p ., 620

‘26- -3rtiAvo-W.208-7364J322’— TWIN FA LLS 3 bdrm ,, I

b a th , 5550-^3 4 5 0 dop. cod ,5 0 E itn, n o p o ts . Coll 3 oL 733-9164 Of 4^0-7006’

TWIN FA LLS 3 bdrm .. 1— baiM, 105 Madison, 5500

+ dop, 208-736-0322-TWIN FA LLS 3_barm., 2

' ba'th.2 cargorago,loncod “ • y a rd , no sm oklng /po ls.

0. 2 1st. last ■►dep. 5700/mo. uso, 735-6696 after 6 p,m.*

TWIN FA LLS 4 bdrm,, 2 _ b o lh , d o u b lo g a ra g o , lalh, foncod yd.. S750 + 540C 103 dop. Call 734-5063 a,m,’

'“ SO t w i n FA LLS-4 bdrm., 2___ car a ttach ed gorogo, 2 liv-)sq . ing rm. 3,000 sq. It w/extra irm- proporty . 5800/m onth « /ood ■ 733-6005 or 731-6B5S* P'® ' TWIN FALLS B rand New l « d 3 bdrm, 2 balh . no pols/ *0°- smoking, 1 yr. leaso S895

+ dep, 2308 E aatw ood Rd Call 208-324-8056’

TWIN FA LLS Brond now 4 0 1 h o m o In N o rth P o ln tt ab le Subdivision! 1370 sq, ft

3 bdrm,. 2 balh; Atlachoc

Call 208-326-5134 ,’

bedroom. No pots. 5350- I-.!:? dopoall. 208-423-604S,’ ^ Y W I N F A L L S C lo o n :

bdrm., 1 bolh, 562S +dop dop . ,4 2 9 popiar.C ailNathoi____ ' 734-6320 after 5 pm,*

TWIN FALLS cloo^cozy V ,'- . 1 bdrm,, 1 both, spociou

yd., lots of storago, W/C oaso SSSO/mo. 200-733-3797. “’“5 : T W IN F A L L S C o u n tr

ho m o 3 b d rm .. 2 bath “i„ ° g o rag o .'w a to r , no pots

sm oking-S695 +doposll V l ° \ Call 208-733-6269’s a le T w i n f a l l s Elogom o lo r bdrm., posslblo 4ih. 3 1 / 206- bath, lorgo 3 cor gorag(

16’ sp rink le rs , hugo fonco------- y a rd , on 2 1 /2 oc res I

town. 51200 ■►S700doj No s m o k ln g /p o ls . Co

;0 J 206-732-6027 /42O-660{ ‘ TWIN FALLS for loaso c

sa le 5 bdrm. 2 balh, oppl a ncos, foncod yard, go

• ‘‘oP’ d o n . c l o s o to C S I. n smoking, pot nog. S0OO 5500 dop. 404-6716,’

1 ' ' T W IN F A L L S Q R E A------ LOCATION 3 bedroonbalh 2 b a lh hom o wllh 2 *ci

p o ls . garago, ovon, rango, DV posii. AC, g a s forcod oir, ful '^2. • fot^eed, S850/month pU

+ 2 deposit, pota consldoro' J Avo no smoking. Coll Goorc 0 210 no ot 731-6070 or Susc 0322’ a t Irwin Realty 734-650C •bHttT TW INFALLSnoorcoiiog, S - -lrl:!o.v.ol.2 ? 0.0. s q j . ^ o )cond, or homo. 3 bdrm,, 2H i}};ta2,j___ famllv/bonus room, lart_____ 2 c a r g o r a g o /a to r a gbath, lo n c o d back y a rd /d e c

chon S095 + dop.. 1 yr. loassmok- Call 208-420-8935.’'I ? ® - T w I r i F A L L d n e w e rI II__ bdrm,, 2 balh, ronl/ronl. 8 1 9 ow n, no sm oking . 24: $ 5 0 0 A ldonvood. 5875 « do-------------ca ll 208-539-3004.*—la r. 3 TWIN FALLS sm, 3 bdm f dop. $ 4 5 0 4- $ 3 5 0 d o p , r^27* am ohlng/pots , 423-63' T m or42O-1408or42O-S9S( ,$700 t w i n FALLy sfiinirsluc105. h o u a o . 2 3 5 V onburi EHrSr alloy en trance only,-53: lo. No dop,, w otor & gortoilu g * paid. Call 206-734-857;

- TWIN FALLS sp a c io u s 3 • d bdrm,, 2 balh. S52S ront,I. Cal1208-733-13S9-*

L W g n i

' T W IN F A L L S 1 b d r m , o' upstairs. All ulHs- paid. No

pois/sm oking/drugs. Coll- 200-734-9261*

TWIN FA LLS nico c lean a p i- no p e ls 539 5 incl.

>• ullls except oloc 734-3110*' TWIN FALLS smnll, cloan

quiot npis. No smoking.~ Som o uliis, incl. 420-9239’

TWIN FALLS vnrious opts. Including utililios. Plonso Call 208-731-0411,*


iL '^CA RRIAG E LANE______


- G arogos —^ . W/D Hookups

Air Condiiioning L Playgroundlh Communiiy and3- Exorcise Rooms

I 2510 W hispering Pino Dr d TWinFalls, ID 83301 o', 20B-735-2111

\ l B U H L 2& 3bdrm , opis, ”„ Renl basod on incomo.I I Ploaso coll S43-BB33,P„, Equal Housing Opportunity,’

BUHL Cozy 2 bdrm, 1 balh r - unil. S lovo. w alor incld,

sm . yord. Pots OK. 5325,,rt TWIN FALLS Quiot noigh- ^ - b o fh o o d r 4 - b d rm r - l- a i2 . h b o lh u n it, o p p ls . , W /D

hookup, oloct. hoat. Now irt corpot/vinyl, S450. + dop,

' S P A C IO U S 2 bdrm unil. nppls,, W/D hookup, Eloc,

__ heat, foncod back yard .'00 no pels. SS25, deposit,lor C L O S E lo C S I. 2 bd rm .25* tow nhouse , Appls., car-125 port, oloctric heal- Walor38- /lawn includod. $500 mo,

W A L K IN G D is ia n c o to- p s c h o o ls . 2 b d rm . un it.• Appls.. oloct- hool. walor

includod, 5525- monlh.' r THE MGMT 733-0739*“T BUHL Kosoy M eadow s ts120 now toking app lica tions2, . - fo r 2 b d rm a p ts . - R o n t^ - slariing a t 5447 . P loaso- ' call 208-543-2740.’:o'’|i BURLEY 2 bodroom, bsml.

op t., & 3 -4 b d rm ., a p t.- Idaho housing, 676-9393

or 431-4110or 4 2 0 ^ 7 2 9 ’

’ BURLEY Spacious 1 bdrm. - 5 o p t , W /D h o o k u p , no 1 ' .-6m ok ing /po ts-5365 /m o .-

ulils. inc, 208-678-0808’ mo. CASTLEFORD 2 bdrm..

apartm ents avail, now. “ 2 Rent bosod on income,□ 0 Coll 208.543-8833.400 Equal Housing Opportuniti^

'H i. FAWNBROOK-. 2 APARTMENTSI llv- t«,|<)|.«iK>l»l<>l<>l"l<>K««« xira ;h *'

H e**# )!!********** Loroo 1 .2 .3 bdrm homos

115/ Storogo. Patio.595 • Energy offlclonl.Rd. DW ond much more!

«^ 208-734-1600n io 647 Fawnbrook Avo,I, ft. H andicap accosslbio ;hod Equal Housing Opportunity*

,n',V FILER 5 bedroom, 2 balh, 3250 N. 2 3 0 0 E . «C . 6

___ mllos S, Flier H.S, SS50/

Q O OD IN Q C lea n n i c ^ i bd rm . un its , fo r low In-

2 c o m o , 62 a n d o ld o r oi S.®*’- disabled. W ostside CouH

A p ts . 9 3 4 -4 9 6 6 . E quol___ Housing Opportunity*

HAZELTON Now taking applications;

S y r l n o .E . t t t . . . _ 1 bdrm, opla. Quiet ond n try ‘ well maintained lor the a th , . oldorly 62 years of ago 01 lo ts / oldor. HoTKtcaiYMX^Disabkx osit, rogord lossofogo ,

Fedorolly A ssislod. ^ Housing. Coll 829-4206. J1 /2 Hondicop Accosslbio. ano E qual H ousingicod Opportunity.*)s In HAZELTON Taking oppH dOD. calion a t LaKovlow Apia Call Low incom o. farm lobo 689’ housing. Call 029-5029. IT o f Equal Housing Opportunity,

n u T B o m r ---------------M ountain v iew E as t

____ 1, 2 , 4 3 bodroom opts,EA T 2O8-678-0141oom,’•car 1 b» fDW,fully T h lsin s litu tion lsan plus Equal Housing

orTd:--------O ^ r tu ffl iy P ro v id o f ''jorgi-'““ 1 JEROM E 1 and 2 bdrm..

bolh apts. No pots/smot llogo. ing, groot locallon, $30 now* to $ 3 5 0 /m o . , 5 1 5 0 t DaihT si75/d5pT20fl-532^55E

-JEROME----------------------1. 2. 3 bdrm. 1 balh,

nn»n OppHanCOS.Hallow a Proporty Mgmt

____ 734-4334'O r 3 7490 JE R O M E N ic e 2 b d rn riVn lownhouso, all appls. N

_8m ok lno /po ls .S 495 ..C f - jjjj j- 208-324-3213OXI. 106’ ),™ o JEROM E nlco cloan 2 boi,63 4 8 . room, 1 1/2 both, this mi;950* Iroo w /dap.& loaso. S48

208<J24-2744/420-1011 lu ron KIMBERLY Largo cioon -5320 b d r m . o p t . N o p o l l rtiaoo smoking, S3S0/mo.+d0i 1577’ All utilrtios. 200-734-9451

} JERO M E 2 bd rm . 1 1/2 V both, includos oil oppls.. i

' 5495 dop 2O6-3S0-137q’ J

I " S 'J ip p l l c a l i o n s f o f |I walling list, 1 & 2 bdrm. I ! Vsllay Pa rk Apia,

200-436-5882* =

: '

ThlslnsliluH onisan: Equal Housing,_ . Opportunity Providof* n. 1 RUPERT ~ TL 'Taking applications for;. waiting list,0 1. 2 . & 3 bodroom

Southw ood Aportm onts t1 208-436-0226

I # -= T hisinslilu iion ison

Equal Housing Opportunity Providor’

i ^ H e ^ t h e ' ^ 1

L aurel P a r k A p ar tm o n ts ]ITGMnurico Slrooi

Twin Fnlls 208-734-419S*

TWINFALLS Vorycloflni 2 bed ro o m , 2 bn th apt, 5 5 2 5 + d o p . W /D , no - pols/smoklng, 733-1640 '

TWIN FA L L S Boautiiul f nowor 2 bdrni,, 2 bath apt, =

G as h o o t . A C . ro frlg ,, ' m icrow ave. DW. rango . * No s m o k in g , no p o ts ,

' 5550+dop & roi. SlOO olf r 1st m o n lh s ro n t w ilh 1 , yoar leaso . 734-3373. ^


Expoct to bo Im prossod /,• Spacious 1 & 2 bdrms. I— Quiet building w/galod

underground parking,O' 357 Blue Lakes Blvd N.

736-2451 or 734-4330* h- » » » » » ■ • ■ • • • • • • • *

-0 TWIN FALLS Extra nice, 3JW bdrm,, 2 bo lh duplex at„ 517 noso St. (oil ol Filnrl,tl in Porrino Dist, AC, appis-,)c! db l, g a r a g e w /opono r.•d ' sprinkler sy s te m . S790/I t ' m o,l yr. lo aso roqulrod,m. No pots, 503-297-0396.’



■ You havo lo soo it to boliovo il!

!!! C om o 800 w hafBis spoclaL

ins Luxury 1. 2 &'3 bdrm,in t -------a p a r tm o n ts .........-ISO washor/dryor includod,

central hoot & air, swimming pool, filnoss

p l ’ conlor, business conlor,193 community room, froo29- vidoo library, onclosod— garages, 24 hour ff’’- omorgoncymaintonanco, n o Wo o ro a neighborhood no .. w o tch com m unity .^

r ~ Coll o r Vlalt todayl 651 S a ra to g a Dr.

,0, 208-735-1600

This Insliluiion Is art EqusI I Houoing Opponuniiy

_______ PfOVlOOf* I

9 TWIN FALLS# «K.)|<>K>|t>K>|c>l<>l<>l«l»l<>l<>l<>l>«08 TURN OFTHE CENTURY

CHARMISludio & 1 bdrm..

! loundry, storago, FROM S395,033 Shoshono N, 946-9300 or 734-4339’

’ . TWIN FALLS 1 bdrm, bii L 2nd Avo. W. $400 dop. Slh" rel. No pots, 420-0125,*: . 6 TWIN FALLS 1 boclroom. 550/ 5315/mo 5315 dop,. no

^ 3489. ovos & wookonds *Mn- TWINFALLSr o r 1 .2 .3 bdrm s, appliancesoufi Various s iz es and pricosluol Hallowa Proporty Mgmt.

734-1334— • ns’ TWIN FALLS 1/2 ofl Firat

M onlh. Only $525 * dop. ,nd wilh leaso . Clean 2 bdrm., ho 2 both, all oppls. + W/D.10 or No smoking or pols. ibiod • 420-0678 or 734-8B70*

TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm.IU both. SSOO •»S400 dop.

i06. 737-3916 or 737-3969’ TWIN FA L L S 2 bdrm . 1

b a lh , 2 n d lloo r ap t. No___ p o ts . S 4 2 5 /m o .+ S 4 2 5ppll- dop. Call 206-733-3869. 'P*®; TWIN FA L L S 2 bdrm . 2

both, no pols, SSOO mo. + . doo, Lorotla 731-1770.*

t w i n F A L L S 2 b d rm .. 1 bath, stovo 4 rofrlgora-

it tor, now carpo t & pQ]nl. for No p e ts /sm o k ln g , H oal

in c lu d o d . 5 4 2 5 +5425 ts, dop. Cell 20&-734-6064*

bath low nhouso , fenced back yd.. W/D hookups. No pots. S470 + dop. Call

’ 208-736-6084 alter 5pm.*

TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm,. 1 balh. ap t,, now carpel. & llnoloum now oloc. hoat. w alor furnished. Groat

S300 location, Closo to|0 10 . ahopplng-208-.732--0933!

TW IN F A L L S 2 bdriW:: ------------(o n c D d rq u to trc o v o ro db' p a rk in g , n o sm o k in g ,

5485 mo, 200-736-6292,’ TWIN FALLS 2 bodroom,

— 1 bo lh . now. romodolod, 111— play aroo . S450 Vdoposlt. d rm , C all208'404-910S,’

TWIN FALLS 2 bod roo^ Kfi- ~ 2 bath.-no smoking,-SSOC

m o n th . 3 b a d r o o m . S : bod- b a th , duplex, garogo, nc s mo, amoklng. S750/monih, S405. Call208-280-0719* O il.’ TVVIN F ALLS 2 bodroom iarTT 2 bath , W/D and covoret e t a / parking, $525 mo. S20C

td e p . ofl 1 st m onlh. Available 9450’ '01/11.'Coll308*1317.*

TWIN FALLS 2 bodroom TWId u p le x , W /D h o o k -u p . bd$400, Call 200-324-3317- Wi

TWIN FALLS 2 boflroom.cloan. quiet location, car- SB p o r t , s to r a g o , no p o ts5475- C lose to C-S,l, Coll ■ * ''208-420-1523- ^

TWIN FALLS 2 bodroom,’ 2 b a th duplex, ga rago . B

rofrlg .. slovo . DW. W/D ™h o o k u p . C lly utils, pd , o p5 5 7 5 + d o p . No sm o k - n(In g /p o ls , c lo so to C S I. SiNow windows, vory cloan, lyAvail Fob, 1st, 934-5771,* j f j

TWIN FALLS 2 Falls Prop- Diorty ivlgml. 2- 2 bdrm s, mia p is . S 450 + S300 dop. Kl^212-1678 or 732-0135,* m

TWIN FA L L S 3 bdrm .. 2 hebalh . w/garago. gas hoal, b<control air, S650 + S200 ' ^oil 1st month- 306-1317.* di

-------------------------- ------------ 6tT W IN FA L L S 3 b o d - Nroom , 2 bolh. appllnn- Tic o s , g a r a g o , $ 6 5 0 -j-y m o n th ,$ 2 0 0 m ovo Inallow ance. 539-4907’ q

TWIN hALLS304 L onoro #3, 3 bdrm. 2 TW

bath wilh garogo. S650 + ( d e p o s it, $200 movo-in allow anco. ^


TW IN FA L L S 4 bdrm . 1 balh, W/D. all appls. 5700/ TW S200. Carport, 736-7278* ti

TWIN FALLS ®l6 1 2 1 /2 2 n d A v o . E , 1

bdrm, 1 balh. S350 + d o p . 1 5 2 7 L a u r a l ,2 bdrm . 2

ba th , S600 +dop,1246 6 th AVO. E-, 2 bdrm,

2 balh , ALL REMODEL- _ ED. S450 + dop. TV

3 3 9 2 n d A v e , N o rth , 3 bdrm. 1 balh S600 +dop .

F I L E R 3 b d r m ,2 b a t h ,S700 -f dop, 400 Goldon . j y Spur. s

BRAWLEY REALTY „734-5058 n

E v c a a w k n d s p a v o ^

TWIN FALLS ?=6 3 8 M o n ro e - 2 bdrm , 2 k

bath wllh covorod carport ■ ond patio, 5500 * dop. |

6 5 2 M o n ro e • 2 bdrm, 2 = b a th covered carport, pri- ’ v a te pa tio , $500 + dop . « (ASK ABOUT SPECIAL : MOVE-IN AUOWANCES)

1336 Elm w ood Circle - 2 T\ bdrm. 1 balh S4S0 + dop. k

7 5 2 H o n ey L ocust i l . 2 p bdrni, 1 both $475 + dop, h

128 M artin, 2 bdrm. I b a lh f 5400 dop, h

STUDIOS AVAILABLE In I C o lo n ia l Pa rk 5 3 1 5 , -f ■ deposit.

. . BRAWLEYREALTY .734-5858*

TW IN FALLS A new er 2 bdrm ., 2 balh, all appls,,A C , W /D , no sm ok ing .Call 200-737-9635,*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWIN FALLS AVAIL NOW

Cloon 2 bdrm, 1 balh, _ 5 4 1 0 por m o ^ 5200 dop.

S om e ullls. Incl, No pols. Locatod noor.downiown.

Crodil chock required.Call 200-733-2218,

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWIN FALLS Avail- now, |

upsta irs 2 bdrm,, 2 bath, in 4-p1ox. Rango, rolrig,, = D/W, W/D hookups. $550 ' m o. 555 0 security dop .No pols. Credii and land­lord chock req. 734-4411.* •

T W IN F A L L S C l e a n , = 2 bdrm.. 1 bath, loadod. '

No smoklng/pols. SlartIng a lS 4 9 5 . Call 735-0473* _

TWIN FALLS Cloon, quiot 2 b d rm . F Irop Ioco , a ll app ls. furn,, walor, sanlla- t l o n . c a b lo f u r n . N o e m o k ln g /p o ts . $50 0 S200 dep. Call 734-551B.*

TW IN FA L L S c u to a n d r c le a n . 1 bodroom a p t . .0 W /D hook-up , no p o ts /

• cloonlng dep, 734-8493*“ TWIN FALLS Extra nice,) n o w c a rp o t , la rgo a n d i

spacious, 1 bdrm, possl­b lo 2 , c a n m ake w hool chair accosslbio. W ashor r and dryor hook-up. Stove, rofrlg, w ater ond sonlto-

" tion furnishod, woll Insu- f’' l a t o d , $ 3 6 5 m o . C a l l :

733-9259.*_____________ 'TWIN FALLS★FALLS APTS.*

p. To»J^” maa.“” .1 ,2 ,3 Bdrms.

" S369-S515>0 Som o DW 4 W/D hookups,!5 Spacious and cloan. No

pots. 200-734-6600’1 tW IN FALLd FINEST & i- CLEANEST APTS., s u ­

p o r p r i v a t e & q u I o t , -I ., loncod, covorod poiklng, qI s to ro g o . 2 bdrm., potlo,

frosh point, landscaped, n i n o w s i d i n g , w a l k - ln >5 closots,547S-S500. Coll . 4* 200-420-1523,’T T W IN FA L L S L a r g e , 3 od b d r m . 2 b a th , d u p le x )s, w /b a s e m o n i , g a ra g o ,Qii fenced , sprinklors. S6S0. n.- 208-736-6292’ t L J.TWINJEALUSJ40W.3 bdrm ^1 2 bath . Days 200-5763 or & ovonings 206-733-0004.*It. TWIN FALLS Quiot, clean ,t 2 bdrm,, 1 balh. W/D

hookup, AC, fenced yd.. 13!:. _carport,.nosm oklng/pols.- ^ $475 + dop. Ploaso coll i r t . _ _ _ 2 0 8 .7 3 4 r l t3 a .o v a * J _ ig . TW IN FALLS roal nlco 1 2,* bedroom , gas hoot S37S.

20B-212-5000AJ12-3099* Jd! tW lN f a l l s supor ib o d - slt. room. Includes W/D, DW,

g a s heal 4 more, 5450.— CaII2O0-212f3O99*

|T O IN F A a.S » N E W *■ ? 2 ond 3 bdrm, 2 both,

patio, oppls. W/D hook­u p , AC. gorogo avail.

__ 5645 4 up. Model op en)h - ' 3 6 4 M a d ro n a . C a ll rod C h u c k 7 3 3 -8 2 0 7 o r !00 TonnI 208-734-4012 bio C lear Springa III*

TWIN FALLS Vory nic* 3 bdrm.. 2 bath, moloroppi,W /D hoo k u p . g o ro g o ,AC, w alor-4 sow er Ind.,5695 ♦ 5500 dop rl-y o ar------loaso. Call 208-733-7818.,★ ♦ ★ * * * ★ * * * * * * « •

QOOD IN Q C o t la g o Inn.R oom s 4 k itc h o n o lte s . S113/Sl59wook!y, Month­ly ralos also. 934-4055.*

JE R O M E H o liday Motol Daily S 30 s in g le , 5400 monthly. 206-324-2361>

KIMBERLY fom alo room­m a te w a n to d lo sh a ro homo- $300 mo. Includos b d rm ., w alk In c lo se t ,

' m oals. lolophono .w/long disianco. all utlllllos. Will' oharo m a s te r bathroom . 'No a lco h o l/d ru g s . Call Teresa 206-423-0996,’

T W IN F A L L S H B O . mircrowavo & rofrlgeralor.Call for pricos. no pols,

_Capr/JW ofir/._7.334452^_____TWIN FALLS

OLD TOWNE LODGE Cloon 4 quiel rooms

Mlcrowavo 4 rofrlg. HBO Laundry. N o Pets, $110-S125wookly, .

240 2nd Avo. W. 733-5630.*TWIN FALLS B oat doal In

tow nll Microwavo/rofrig,. spa, cablo TV. laundromnl,

daily maid son/lce. coffoo/doughnuts.

C heck u s o u tll No pols Rooms slart a t5l20/w ook,433W . A ddlaon. 733-5151

M onterey M otor Inn*T W IN F A L L S M O T E L

Daily and wookly ratos 2152 Kimborly Rd,

208-733-8620 •TWIN FALLS wookly ratos

s ta rting a t $110 . Mlcro­w avo ond re lr lg . , daily maid so rv lco , Individual hoat, El R ancho

-— 380W ca^Add^aon;*— ------

TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. W/O, country location, no pols S325/$360, Call 208- 734-3399 ovos*_____________

TWIN FALLS vory cloon, 2 bdrm., m ost ulllillos, quiet pork, nopets,S410/m onlh ♦ deposit. 209-733-8234.’

IHAGERMAN 1 _Commercial Officci',

Spaco; Avallablo Nowl 600 squaro foot otfico spaco for ront in tho

Frogs Landing Complox in Hagorman, Suitablo fo r but noillmilod lo modlcal 8poclaiislo4 chiropractor. $575;*

month, utilities InclDjJd ___will rem odel to sullo,

fl:i7.6g27A skforKM :*l LYNWOOD , •

SHOPPING CENTER Olflco & R o la ir .

H am m ack M anagem ent 734-4339 or 342-7^66*

TWIN FALLS 1 000sq .lt ,+500 ft. AC ollico, comnH^r- cial offico 4 w ork a re i> .

, 550 5 m o ., 2 2 6 3 Wright \ Ave. Coll 736-6246 ,r ' V.

TWIN FALLS 2nd Avp. S. \ 700 sq . It. $400 month,Coll 208-S39-4539.*- >

TWIN FALLS 686-sq, ft. of olllco sp aco available In any c o m bination of.1-4

•olficos. for singlo or inulll- ple tenants . Will rempdol to suit, w llh appropriate leasing. Plenty ot parking

i avoll,. localod In center ol .. Old T ow ne Twin Foils 3I b lo c k s jro m downtot^n.

conioct J o h n O . aC»)8- ■ 734-4644 ex tan a lo n IPS* d TWINFALLSI- • Formerly Kothy's ;II 156 Main Avonuo >ir Nowavailoblo O SlOOO/mo.I. Hallowa Propo rty Mgmt.I- 734-4334I- '

" TWIN FALLS ^■ Locotlon. Location .

Shoshone St.. Falls Avo,.^ Kimberly Rd,

Various SIzos Hallowa P ro p a rty M grtt

• • 734-4334 tw lnfallsrentol3,cofn!

^ fiOfl

5 TWINFALLSP rice re d u c e d - .

' siiopAvarohouso with 0- rostrooms and office;^ 4.000 sq . ft,. Including

office, 258 6 th A v s tf . 733-0081 0r420-0flSV

‘ TWIN FALLS -s ^ Now, Lower RotoJ:

*0 TWIN FALLS 3,000 so. ft,, n’ sto rago a re a wilh pHlco

■ a n d b a t h r o o m , 5 9 0 0— m on th , 1 0 2 0 H lghlond

-A v0rR 0 landr539-l2g5 .!--------TWIN FALLS

— A v a i lab le J a n . 1 ,2 0 0 4Kimborly Rood store Iront property lor ront. 4,000 sq

;• fl building w/foncod ator-____■j?'— ago aroa. Nice shop^JIlh " posslblllly of o f l lc o -^ a— —PiooffrCirirTOTTrttrro— .1 informotion 208-73»-1739*

TWIN FALLS L Ofllce-Shop-WarahQuae'a Id- Vorious S izes & Locations

H allo w a^ P « ^ rty Mgrnt

■■■ ___

n K W B E H C T T lrig law ig o I, ond now doublo spaces , , avail. F r ie n d ly VIIMge ■

M o b ile E a t a t e a . A sk at>out 1 month ront FREE!'

J CtlI20»-423.M 53.*


Page 23: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

r -I T H ^“The skiilfill nyii

forcc wilh can Let spades be In

and Inanps Ihi

One of lhe m ers at all levels Irum ps p rem al too many or toe handorlheo tlie

In today’s fot d ec la re r m ade along exactly th forced to pay a v

A tter winnin South made whi

--------- — ^ ra l'p lay o rru m i■ my, then played and king. West well lo play a tl than switching had no choice bi

. i n hand, sincc h to use dummy’s wilh. However,

• a low trump loc and East’s ace, cash tiie club ac d isco u ra g ed \ knew there wa Accordingly Ea round of hearts feet of promoti trumps for dowi

A b e tte r plii trick two is a jack and ace, ri

____ :_______ be-3:2^as-heji. - v . that declarer d(rr": -. the heart in duiI - . . - always dispose

after drawing tr it on the fifth c consequence o to in c re a se I trump promoti(

; TW IN FA L L S S in g lo & BO• doublo spocos avail. Froo A ! mo. ront. Camoo Mobile; E sm tM . Coll 734»e064» _ _

i 1•^BUHL fomalo room m ato’ ~ o• w ontod for consorvolivo _p.

h o u s e h o l d , n o a l c o - gu hbl/drugs, amoking o.k. ^ Ploaso call 543-9941.* p

ROOMATE w anted S200 ^/m o n th + u tillto s . C a ts kwolcomo. 208-421 •0064- t<

TWIN FALLS Closolo CSI.fumishod room, includes vutilities, mato studonls. no _sfi)OWnoWr»Wn9'»u3S^ C»$250. Cail20S-733-6627.’ (

TWIN FALLS Room mato ^■ .wanted. S250 month, util- J

I ,itios paid. 208-733-0973. El• WANTED malo or female f

■ room m alo. S300/m onlh r• • p iusiautilitios.InJorom o -

County. 10 minutes from 'Twin Falls & CSI. Conlact J

; Gfog al 2O6-308-71S0.* Fl

i■ CONNECT 1 f\



SERVICE I .A dvertise In

the Service

Directory .733-0931 ext. 2 | ^

“ > N Q U 3 COWS rogistofoa. > 3 0 head Ofoo« producers.

• T op E PD 's P rog chock spring catvofs. 208-824- S549or208-312-S5B0‘ F


BAY MARE 10 y rs . _ ra n c h w ork , ro p o d o n . F ■good a il a ro u n d 4 kids horeo. Show or 4H.

- ■Call 2Q8-30S-BS13* f r .'C H A R M A C '0 0 3 h o rso

- bumpor pull Iraiior. Very “ flood condition. 208-735- — eSM Qf-2Qa-.731^30.L!_ J.-MOVING SALE MUSI seo - , M organ*. Wide rango ol .

a g es & 60X03.320-t704* F

" BEAQLE 2 purobrod dofls . for salo. 1 yoar and 1 1/2 j

- • yoar old. noutorod. friend-- ■ (y .good with kids. Nood a•• lamily who will givo thom ;

timo. iovo ond a ploco to run. $25 oach. 208-732-

loavo a nw ssago .' . : :W jA Q L E p u p p ie s , W ' - - i n o l o s , 6 w o o k s o ld , “ -iteSO /oach . Call 208-436-- W 12 or 208-431-6412* i

. No fnatior rww you »p«na your • :-doy» . fi« youf

.twsy »d»odul«. Put cias#l-

* 'o t tjoodi ond^rvlcos lo j


M onday, J a n . 12.

ACES ON BRI]ly rn p h reviews her ^are.•’ trumps! she .said,Ihey were."

— Alexander F ope.............. ............................. W E5

A Ki m istak es lh a l play- V 9 e ls m ak e is lo d raw ♦ J i ia lu re ly , o r to ta k e * 1' too few ru ffs in one tlier.fou r-spadc con trac t, d c a sm a ll m is ta k e ’ th e se lines arfd w as a v ery sliff p rice, n in g th e h e a r t a c e , Vulr ,vhat se e m e d th e n at- Deaj m t r g n 'H c a j r l i r d u n p -----------r-ed a Iru m p to th e 10 The !st now g u e sse d very gou a th ird h e a r t , r a th e r ng to c lubs. D ec la re r | ^ e b u t to ru ff th e h e a r t 4 ^ :e he could not afford ly’s sp ad e ja c k to ru ff Ope er, now. w hen h e led lo d um m y 's b a re jack ice, th a t p lay e r could J ace , a n d w hen W est d w ith t h e tw o , h e w as no fu tu re th e re .E a s t p layed a fourth rts , w hich had th e ef- lo tin g W e s t 's n in e of own one.p la y fo r d e c l a r e r a t a low t r u m p lo th e

:, re ly ing on sp a d e s to ‘e m u s t. T h e n o in t is _____r does n o t n eed to ruff dum m y, s in ce he can ISO of h is h e a r t loser, g tru m p s, by throw ing ,h d iam ond . T h e only e of tak in g th e ru ff is [i t h e c h a n c e s o f a otion a g a in s t him .




BORDER COLLIE LABA ustralian S h epherd X bo

puppios (8) $25/oa. ro£ Call 208-432-9046* 10

B O R D E R CO LLIE p u p -plos, exc. working parents. ___SSO. 209-436-6345 ove* MIN

b o r d e r COLLIES, 535“ T a 'c h 'f r 0 m'W 0 r, k I n g ------^

paronls, 20a-857-2&20.‘ ^ BUNNIES Satin podigroos. 0

Roady now. 4-H & FFA. — For inlo Caii 736-2538*

CHIHUAHUA AKC rogis- bri torod long coat male liny toa cup. Excoiiont bloodl- , dq inos. First puppy shots sil- 5^ vor block and white, p t

208-404-6676*CHINESE PUQ Kuppio^. ^

(1) malo, (4) lomaio. Bom Doc, 2 . 2003 . Roady to flO. S275. 208-423-5777* jS

E N G LISH BU LL O U U SAKC rog. puppios. (2) fo- p oniaios, $1500; (1) malos. lySIOOO cham pion blood- o(lin o s , f a t a n d w rink ly . g |READY NOW. 324-9664* 2(

FR E E (2) c a ts to a nico r cq u io t hom o '. (2 ) b la c k pim a los. 1 long halrod & $;o n e sh o r t h a lro d . b o th re

old. Call 20^404-9200’FR E E A m orlcan T abby , bi

nou to rod . B obtail, vory wfriendly, malo cats, young, c C all L inda a t 208-324-1019.*__________•_________ 0;

FR E E A ustrallian S nop - • irhord black U b X puppios. s

FREE G orm an Sfiepnera 0X. (6 ) b la c k & b ro w n , sapprox. 6 wks, old, aban- = don o d . C all C laud ia a l208-324-4084.*_________

FREE Gorm an Sfiophords ((6). okita a chow mix. 4 cm alos & 2 fom alos. AU 2noo d d iffo ro n t h o m o s, ^ Caii 208-43B-B172.*

FREE kitten tiger slrippod. },mole. 10 wooks old. Call c206-423-5226 alter 6pm* =

FREE k itten , lom aio . 12 ^wooks old. to good homo. ■208-67&-6148 Iv. msg.‘ ■

FREE klttons (5) 9 wooks. JCold. long halrod. Call 208- (423-4790 or 423-5386* £

FR EE Lob X 3 yoar b id , \ ; male. Froo mixed brood,, lom aio. H ouso broko & t

goodwithkids. 733-2614 ;

FRgE LAB X black, mo'ttv J: ofB purobrod. froo to good^ TI homo. 208-431-3552.* |

FREE Lob X. (2) 8 wook ,: old lomalos. shols. , I Coil 208-934-8196*

FREE U D , black PUppiOBi i1 10 good homes. Call 212- ^J. 6ia 'orniiurS> .n .' : I FR EE L ab. cho o o lalo . 1 • voar old. Very smart ond 1 lovoabio. 208-404-9461*f F R E E to a g o o d h o m o r3 B o r d e r C o l l lo X .{ 0 ) I- DUDOIoa.Call S43-0977.« I- GERMAN SHEPHERD.” ■ )’ 'P u p s , piirobtod.'t5lack& V

s ilv e r . M ic ro c h ip . I s l shots. $350.208-366-7272 _

T Q O L D E N H b lH lb V b H Iir AKC puppios. sm art and Ii. a d o ra b io . h a v o s h o ts . ■V Paro n ts on slto. O nly 3 E 0 lo tt lc iJ i today, ao fr^s* -

I 2394or20S-21»-1033’



I D G E ^ Bobby Wolfl

“ NORTH ^A J G5V 3♦ A K 10 r> 3♦ Q 7 6 3

-E S T • ■ E A S TK 9 7 > A 29 8 G V K Q J 1 0 7 I J 9 2 4 6

I 10 » 5 2 * A J H

S O U T H' A Q 10 8 4 3

V A 2♦ Q 8 7 4♦ K 4

ulnerable: Both •ealer: East

he bidding:outh W est North E ast

I VA ' Pass 2 ♦ -3 V ♦ Pass 4 A All pa

Ipening lead; Heart six


;oulh holds:A 4 3V A 0 5♦ 7 3

10 » (> 4 3 2

joiith W est North E ast’ass 1 *>nss Dbl. 'P a s s 4 A’ass Pass Dbl. All p:

\NSW EU: L ead th e club 1' Jouble by partner who pre-er :d should suggest lo you tha las a club void — how else c< ne double? Your high club is areference so that you can be aack in with a heart ra ther th diamond, to arrange a second for your partner.

If).i« wuuUl l,lic Ig conUicl lluUbx Wolfl, email lillI) /.'•ww liiiddr'ii*-'” '"

J^B X puppies, chocolate. HAY S£boau illu l. Mom is AKC omouirog, 1st shots, oil malos. lor oxt10 wooks old. S75 oach. h AY &Call Oavo or Kathy 208- sqIo324-3190 or 308-8995,* com p

^INf-SCHNAUZER (3) ‘ 829^males. AKC rog, 2 black 1 h a y 1__ soil & peppor.S325,______ j,ay. E

Will accopi payments, pg fai208-878-1068 after 1pm Qlonr

a sk for Jam es or Amy*PACKAGE DEAL , orod

3ERMAN short hoir. puro lont cbred. tows. 3 yr. old. Ger- 208-4man short hair/lab cross. — ■bolh groat hunlors. dual 'shock collars. 2 portable f p o tc a r r i o r s . S 9 0 0 f o rpockono, 208-539-0870.* 539-7

P O M E R A N IA N S m a lo H A J Jpups, adorabio illtio flulf balesb a l l s . p a r ty S b ro w n v •S 2 5 0 -S 3 5 0 . 1s t s h o ts . 324-.AKC. Call 736-0138* HAY 2

POODLE puppy. Absolute- _ b a l oly ado rab io . A KC.maio. dolK opticol colored, iovos loglvo k ia soa. S 350 . Call h a Y :208-352-1120*_________ $75 p

ROTTW EILER p u p p i ^ 8215purobrod. poronls on silo, h a yS300. tails & dew clawa quoiiremoved. Is lsh o ts , roady a n y iO1./g0/04;'COB -48»4a4 ;g - f f S f n

SCOTTISH T orrlorn AKC Barliblack and whooton M/F 6 s i . 2wooks 1/1/04 $500-5800. C a ll: Caldwoil. 208-4S4-3562*

SHIH T2U puppios. 3 girls cropand 3 boys, good mark- lost,ings roady Fob. 1. $300- 6101 S350. Cail829-S354.*

SHIH-TZU p u p s AKC. 2 bolofomalos. 5 m alos, roady or2( 02/01/04. culo & playful $400-5450.208-324-6953*

STAFFORDSHIRE Pit b ¥ i Otorrior pupplos, 2 litters, 1 s x n / litter (9) ail whllo. (2) bluo.(1) gold. (1) brindlo. ( l ) c i

' chocolalo. Call for details208-212-0411.* WHE,

SUGAR GLIDERS a pfov- c o ron brooding pair or baby s i ofomalo S17S/oach/olfor. 541, Cali 208-734-3191'

JD 3400 lolohandlor/loodoT.6 0 0 h r s . $ 5 3 ,0 0 0 . J D B k 544B loader, lots ol now p o r t s . $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 . 4 - IH t r u c k s , so il -u n lo a d in g ^ ^ b o d s. 1983 - 1987. AT.$ 2 6 , 0 0 0 o a c h . C a l l -------208-S39-6183,*________ _

-TRA CTO R-PA RTS-N ow - 9N or Bl Ford ports. Now | | | carborator $105.15. Now £ ra d ia to r S 1 4 6 .2 5 . Now d is tr ib u to r $ 2 0 7 .7 5 . In J. Slock a t Twin Fails Trac-torl-eOO-293-9359’ ..............

WANTED oxco lion t run-“ !ng'4;o V6'onfllno1or‘91--------

Ford Exploror o r wrockod E xploror. Coll 208-324- 5858 or 208-404-9371*

WATER RIGHTS-SHARES■ D airy-lorm -com m orclal.


B A R L E V U tH A W , sniull Tufr b a lo s . $ 1 .2 5 oBCh Coll fi» 20&-326-S129* _ 2 £

I G k bo

A d n iolfl^ - A Q B■— SurvU




7 3 4 ^O AK TAI

38x60 01 chairs wi da rk Iini pen tlo lo $ 3 0 0 . C C a n a d i $175- Ca

_____ ______________QREFRIGE

airo, sidits t . ^ 5 0 0 .^ ^f R E FR IQf m o r e v

vory*goo WASHER

old Koni_______ Call 208- S W A S H E

oi-ta-f) S225, R'Stovffo: cond. Cl

W A S H E Konmor w asher, condllioi

------ --------------------------------Call-S

‘■ 'P tt h a t h e iookln(e c o u ld dispo!I i s s u i tI b e p u l - Qf agr' t h a n a torosu,n d r u ff contac

a g o ra CLE>!

2261 HOZOlt

I 201

{ S50-S85 por ton. sm, loun ts OK. Will dolivor VVEDD1 • oxtra. 208-326-4518* pold S' t & BARLEY Straw for lo r S3£ lio. Nowborry Trucking 4946 / jm pany. Cali 208-423- ^ ^ I29 0f2 (18 -731 -«gy “ " “ ” 11;Y 1 2 0 /T . o l 3 rd c rop irmro »ly. Excoiiont loodor.hay,_________) rain S65/T. iT balos, -----------ionns Forry. 590-2651* ■Y 1st & 2nd crop cov- e d small ba les. Excel-m cond, opprox 50 ton, W \ 58-431-5023/438-5023* |,Y 1 s t & 3 rd c u llin g .nail balos. Any amount.traw m ako olfor. 208-39-7715 or 543-5087.*lY 1 Sl & 3 rd . 2 s tring ■ ■ j ydies A somo grass mix./III soil sm all amounts,24-5082 or 308-0073.* iY 25 Ion, 3rd crop, small a l o s . N ic e hay^ C on Oliver. C a ll 2 0 6 -8 2 9 - & 121 o r 208-431-3435* kY 2nd crop, ion boios. Rop 75porton.C all208-438- &Ad 215 or 208-431-4462* Roi^Y 3 c u t t i n g * , g o o d ,uality. cioso to Twin. Soil LoBi ,nv amount. 733-2520.* _ 7 3 2 ; W [Jrd .asim ig . h iv m . ■ = lotloy slrow. 48* balos. r — ” ;i.25 /bo lo . C an dollvor. A C :all 208-543-6999,*\Y 400 ton. 3rd and 4th :rop . la rgo b a lo s. High w ost. Ploaso caii 208-436- you n o i cr 208-431-6102* r

(kY foodor. for salo, big )0l0S. Coll 206-734-3589 )r208 -731 -347 r rRAW clean borloy and 1whool. small balos. ---------!

Call 208-734-5053* • |-------THAW ton boios lor solo. /

700 bales. _Call 208-731-2017,* ^

'HEAT STRAW big balos.Bakor City. Orogon aroo.C o n ta c t C h r is - N orth S lo p o H ay C o m p a n y . a Ii 541-786-2257.* DnfH E A T ST R A W sm a ll lr straw balos. Any amount. C« -Coil206-543-5aie.* '—

w ohouse in Twin Foils oroa.

Call 208-432-5230* r

in s u r a n c e j

— — I

Po y ou n e ed D « p « n d ab te y*;

H e a l th c a r e / L(f« I------5/n s u ra h c « 7 -------

C.I« 0 0 -6 » 9 < 8 0 S « x t< 9 ' -----

f tirm & Hfuiclj I’olcf/«iIlJiCTJ/v /nc.

II>t,rTlian ' (I

Ciilt (/OUT lonif rttjciil;aoa<»oy7fl7q:-------j ,

Turn to ifto ciM»iri<)<i pao«» 10 t mi many twch'lo-iehool ^

Can 733-0931. L _

i r o w y o u r I i u s l n e s s t

w t l u l n T h o / s u e r: Biialnesa & vIco Directory

DIREId oul moro call QLindsoy o imd 11J-735-3269or hoIdvo650-3883 0x1269 duties yc

or omaii . todclOmsgcvanay com*


A B L E (1 9 3 0 -S ) 7 3 3 - 0 9ex tends to 92*. 5 ____wilh captain choir. .Inish. S 650 . Gold k ^ Ilon w ool b lanket. ^ 8 0 9 ^ . Q o v o rn m o n t of d a c o o l i r o o for M a 0 8 .7 3 3 .5 4 1 4 / C O A ^ i i" !

Mooro's, Irx FIREWOOl Cut. spill fit

3ERAT0R Fridgid^ S t K r '

S i, % I . 5 6 2 2 T “ '■ ------------ FIREWOOIQ E R A T O R K on- yr. old. mB w / l c o m a k o r . D olivere36*. $ 2 0 0 . W o rk s ,00^. coiilOOd. 733-G923. ■ER/DRYER 3 yoors k . . . J onmoro. S450/oftor.08-731-8771. m k J M1E R /D R Y E R s o t BED. supiR ofrigorator $150. pine capt

roloctrlc, $125, Exc. 6 d row oCoil 208-421-0364' hoadboor

iE R /D R Y E R s o t loro. $250. Konmoro or. $125 . Excollenllion. 2 0 8 -7 3 6 ^ 0 5 * BUNK BE


M S B board $9

5 BEST DRYWALLlustical & Drywall

D DUST SCRaT ] Sacnilcoy Building Corp. is d ININQ Sing lor porson(s) to ch o irs . ■)o so o t o r u so ro- w o o d bning w ood d u s t & jross & 1ip for their persortol sw lvol Figricullural uso . in- qqh 21 sted porson(s) shalltoct Iho Plant Man- D IN IN G rat:EARY BUILDING }

CO RP 733-676I Easi 1010 Soulh maTTRE olton. Idaho 83335 to o . an ?nft.Rg9"5g64.* _ J now, slii = ^ ^ S j g g j m ' ~f<co$24‘

S E W IN I - p io c o r i '

book shi31NG DRESS Sizo4 . Ion coot$950 new . will soli 2drawoi

1350/offer. 208-677- - WhllUorj / 431 -5946 Iv. m sg.’ bio, $17

Jill, oppio pto ana You 11 nov(ciliod... cInMili'Biho Amottcnn Wny. C

------------------ CAICOUSTICAL i DRYWAJLL MA(


o p a lr , T o x tu r in g ^ q jA dvanced painting Repairs, remodels & a/conslruction, Lanco iBarcin/Kovln Haight 12-5904 o r 308-1699*

’ " t o r n

.COUSTICAL S ;II D R YW A LLWhy call Iho rosi? Q35&- ou deson/o tho basti ..,1 .B O B ’S B E S T C I

d r y w a l l731-0788 H app i

surod Froo Estimolos* Dolly> raio

-------------------------------- R.----------------- -------------- 1 EstAIR DUCT C L E A N IN G

CJAir Q uality ,

S erv icesAir D u d s Furnaces DfyorVontsChimnoira insulation Removal

Call 208-732-8768*

__________ ------------ --- Wo-------------------------------- 1 Froo IlU T O M O T IV E ____«

Ve havo Ihe light porta t a low prk:o! Mag

M nglc V alley & aA u to P a r t s ‘ m°t

226 Main Avo. North ^ o m-------733^388* \-------— — -------------------------o

B U Sm E SS I S E H V 7 C E s

“ TWIN F A L L S-------- “fSSf==^PliAN R O O M = ^ =^6^

Jobs to bid for ail Orconstruction.

Biuaprinl copios. P E I7 34-PL A N -(7526)* ww»


C A R P E N T R Y I “

oic b u lk lln n " . s liders . povcrhc.-xtl

'( lo o r InstnllatloiiH . c o n cre lc . rooHnK.— .rcmotfcllnR . Local ^

g e n era l h a n d y n in n 3^FAB B u ild e rs . u o ,

678-8S54or59&-221B« f



MATTRESS, M B B H f B T M low lop and ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ in

S129. Call2(

i c r i f T H C " I SLEIOH BECI b u r ^ i n C W 0 0 d ,b ra iSERVICE boxed. ListR E C T O R Y f»coS249,2CDAILY VANITY aniiq

j Ihoso Who con mirror, $100you with thoso & m ic r o w

t you oro to busy T ra th comt do yourself. Coll 208-73-

vertise In W fiiiiw3 Service K . f f i t)lrectory f ir e p l a c e

0931 ext. 2* J - S ”:UNITED


S S, ln c .» M Z M 5 3 3 - “ " ' “ g

JOD V Mll firowood, $90 par ^ ^jp k « d r$ 1 2 0 p « f—o r$ 1 5 0 p erco (ded. 208-324-7697* ----------OOD so o so n o d , 2 ^. mostly hardwood. i r e d $ 1 0 0 pickup :oii 208-539-0870* /^DcT^O^

(208) ^, J j l l ; | } I U I J ; I J J it xlVMwxto

Comn &tc<

upor s ing le knottya p tains podostal w/ _ •______w o rs . b o o k c a s e E ^ g J U l o a rd & now pillow- | i > | i i itlro ss Insert, $500. .L X A II I 2 0 8 - 5 3 6 -2 2 3 6 or [ H M | | 122'oxt. 3364.* I H I QBE D . m o la l. with

)ss, like now $125. co n atan n r ta in m e n t c o n ta r ior;Su\-c Jod quoon s lie with 734.7555 3SS. Iram o A hood-, $9 0 .208-735-9379- ------------- !?Y, black iron WITH Sen/ingtf EN M A T T R E S S i•Novvrsiiiflrrplastur------- l i e - a i llco$299.420-6350*

Q S E T w alnut, w/5 s . 4 io a v o s . $175. d b o d w/tw ln mal-& hoadboard , $40. I ---------- =?

ol R ockorSIO , il 206-735-9379*JG T A B L E L afg o ^l o d r o p l o a f & 8

s. b rand now. $550, y p « 5765 or 731-0002.* /

R E S S, K ing pillow a n d s p l i t box so t. slill In plaslic. sacri- T h e Mi 249,-208-420-6350.* ScciN G T A B L E I g . 3 T h o T li 3 rlg r4 -d ra w o ra n d - — fo rth shelf, $650. Coipha- calend. ookworo, $300, Oak gf,d Ol wor lilo cabinol. $85. lor kitchen Island ta-

75. 733-5414.*

;uvor know mo vniuo oi J iiJsiliod unill you uso it. 208-'

Cnll 733'0031. lihoiionOni

mma r p e n t r y 1 F I W

SflAGIC TOU CH a n dor All Your Homo

Improvomonis . Mniur□ JO B TO SMALL . ,W 404 o r 280-1661 ^ a


A R P E m R Y I

i r r e s C d y p e n t f y I winoral hom e ropairs, R * 'orlor/oxtorior. install 'idov«. doors oic. So Nonib laE spanollE m osto J

" "g l™

C t E A O T J V G

S P itS rS S T 'roios Commorical & y . .. .

Rosidontioi Froo .E stlm alos. Bonded, finnnrnl surod. 733-7300 Twin 676-4040 Burley* |

C r ^ E A N I N G 1 S E R V I C E H A I

i l to G lo v o Cleaning ^ ^,mmerclal&rosldonllal c« i«-» . Specializing in deop ^ 8 ' “ *

cioaning. ^ oWookiy & bi-wooWy • ooE stim otos. insured

w . «

o w t r a c t o r I

a g ic V alloy Dofllfln , Q enera l Contrscitx*New - RomodQiing- jmmorclatfflosldontlol Qonor lilchons, bonus rooms i'"rtWtnB-208^734^1831- • -plumb

o rB S fl-«62-316r d'V'—* carp<


om porary-Porm anorir ' '

O r looking for vrorkCall S

>ERSONNEL PLUSwww.s«rsonn*IIn&co(n Heatin( 33-7300 Of 978^040* |

F E N c m a--------- ----------------------------------u

Reose FamilyFencing B ern

odar. Polo. Chain Unk.- — v;o p a r t & Dock Building. 4 '. IOa-2328 Of 480-0027•o aP « y w )0 543-«31B <23-^

Freo Estlmalos,* I ] J

^ Ml

S S , d u t o n pll- r 2 H sndbox sel. new, ilastic. sacrilico ^ iH20e-420«350,*bT o i2 4 0 , s-iiid - NORDIC 71R^j r a n d now stillList $800. Sacri->,206-42^-6350-*nliquo. an<Jroond '^ - . -n e i100 Built in oven SO LO f l e x 1o w a v e $ 1 0 0 - chine. 1 yearZ „ . » J . s s o .7-14,3544 • e luded . S501

2 0 8 - 7 3 5 - ^

S a S S B i iC E Fabco, woodJ. opp rox , t5 II. A p D f f f30,206-324-8926.* A ^ JO trED OIL sells R B M I J:NE. 128 EddySl.ils, 208-734-2631* it Is a ^ ln s troVEEM nBlovo,11 condilion. glassomo cipo . SSOO. CltysrloH

Fofm o,olnili;06.733 0 l5 ' „ | | , 35.

ART Gary ^ H a S E B B Q c o u n try SCI

Iramod, $90( ~ 1 Call 208-7

0 ^ ^ ^ ' Double b<

j tc e /w n c o I 5200, Will T ------- j hoi tub. 208'

u c r m r ^ r ^ o c ’i

B S 9 9 r n ' r z cpicture/sour

p r p S r535 or 731-^567' MI8 CELLANI

C o u ch w/mii — ~ I soat, light bli

ig the Northwest • p a d o s ta l ( wAoaf and 4

A u c T i o N jjlV B i.ilcn5BS» call 208-73: J08)43J;65M M IS C E L L ^""•‘■ '“"'■‘" " I ' w o o d o a to

insert with I I - & circuiatin

laigo/smail. M ako offo

• 208-733-22SECTIONAL

■ c o n S r SC h e c k o u tM aftlc V alley choirs $150

S c c l lo n O f with remol'T im e s -N e w s elliptical m

■ rthoauction— — Call 208-jn d a r. e v e ry d ay s n o w b l o1 O nline 24 /7 a t hp«m agicvaliey .com Caii 208-7>

WANTED 0lloii A ilvertl.ilnn V6 engine

J i l l Hollon E x p lo r o r0 8 -730 -3222 Explorer,'I 5858 or 20

m l ^ ~ | •

T m ^

r R E P L A C E I I H A M

S E R V I C E .ClW R E P A I R coiponl

-2 0 yoarsolurat g as - Pollot Free i

• Propane. Call CMaflic Valloy 208-7

I Mini C assia & ; = =rrounding atoos. Jffi

c o w C T


Jortham L ights .Commpid W oodcralt All Jobs

airs & Restorations Intoiio)n silo touch ups 73:Wortdwofkino

2 0 » 9 3 4 - 9 0 6 1 / _ |

[ANDYMANI T o n y tH l A L ai

I do you a Royal job FauccII a budgot piico. palntint oral repairs, drywall. tras .intlng & much mote Wo do vs Senior discounts Tony igal 208-423-4004* I-— i p A 1lANDYMAN ™ I CLEANUP Gorr’

. Interazara So lu tions J®Xn'Wo lix problems HusbaniFroo Esilmatos

Id lobs, romodoilng. removal ol dobils.3 do It all plus more- PATJV a u ben734-6606> = = = = ^ ^ I f Kl A N D Y M A N

W O R K ^

»nrblno,p«lnllno;anil . . -EL”” *' dO»<oIl. 16 « yoors arponlry exporionco,

FrM • • t lm a ta t —Jo h n 735-51W ____ f

H lilA i'iW iO ______ ^■ REPAIR-------- 8 s ^ i

■'BuyftcSAWTOOTH Tune.

SHEET METALattng sorvico ond repair ^ 'smmordal & RosWenllal CaBDtv 2 0 8 -7 3 3 -8 0 4 8 o r


. m l e '9 H ig h -T e c h J o h n ' i _ H o » t ln g _ _ J

Your authortzod C o ^Toyoslovo doalor. C a ^

tW 5 4 0 o rB 2 W 2 1 2o r 3 0 ^ 2 3 7 S .» I |__ ^

M onday, Jan u a ry 1 2 .2 0 0 4 .'


I. T lm o i-N # w i, T w in F a ll* . id<

h* c k .s t y Ce b a s s o u i t a r3. $45, Air Rid- b l a c k . 4 s t r l riry bike. $35, amp/cord, groatiir.$35 , $300, Call 208-4;•735-9379* -----------C A ~^K m uscle ma- ^ / \ jar ok). 3 mo, of i f * 'tachm on tsln - V / / ^ liOO/offor. Call J

■ ALriMES-Nl


. O R st Twin Fails 208-677-^in an co to top ' m t i o i po la ro ln lh o ~ ( B U H L bIght-ol ways GUITAR CASE 1

hard guitar cas«I inlormalion ,o, PokJ$1500.36-2265,* Call Cart O 208 I ___ cr 208-420-478

" S i - J S r“ S jV o- 2 6 - d l , « l | l . O-------------------- w h o o lin g trac

Sian, $750, S l bod.$125, a b le k a r o s e r

1-733-0355. ,0 ,000 BTU/hr, ;0 0 M T A BLE 423-4510 aftor

W r S - R E I U t E Mo v tn « a to v a . That birthday ad i Trado both for somo timo ac 38-737-9560* Timos-Nows?! --------timo to como pi

i S s i s g sickago w /sub- r

Accoss 225>. Digital quality jund, Condrttonsnttod lime olfor. OAK D ESK w/M 2 6 r stand and L-sliwiffMis---------- com putor dosS i n g love- Call 2 0 8 ^ 7 6 0bluo,$200. Oak r ---------- ' I g M

II d in in g la b lo ^ s 2 0 . ^ U ! i : j 4 chairs. $150,/mnlching-love-II, $200, Plooso COMPRES '33-3560.* Gardner Donv (VNEOUS S ears 700 h rs . nice to r. F i re p la c e $2600.208-86 h heat chamber q q o d ING FO ' "0 sheet m elal sh

s : s ° s r s a ? i

” $750.'’chorry S * C i S l M e e & e n d U b le a -la ia table w/4 C 50. JVC 3 2 ' TV ^ 8 2 2 K)lo $250. Koys ^ m tch ln o $200,)8-280-1162.t--------SHOP-TOOLSlOWER To.0 4.5 brand now. $300- -734-9197 evos,'

oxc. running 4 ^ W A N T E D b i ino l o r '91 Ford H em s in nici o r o r w ro c k o d costum e |owi r. Call 208-324- tory 8, coioro< 208-404-9371.' 208-733-

WfwL k l g H F


Cioan-up T r ip lT roolopplr

ars Exporionco. romovol.o o fllm olo j

H O M E [ t r e e s

S T S U c n o n


S s p S l . l . n t l . 1

fl’o r ' ^ a r " ' - “ " i ls___ 6 7 8 -3 4 7 6

E R E P A I R S t o E E ^

HOME REPAIRSjin d sca p in g R a y 's T rojcols. Drywall. Removal,ing. wlnloiUIng, Toppingash romovol, SU3 vrtsal you can't, C all208-.ny--734-3322* b .

I | T p l T R «4 I N T I W ( T 1

TREES A Sr r ’a P a in t i n glerlor/Extorlor ISA Certlfie3ors exporionco, oa'o. [[mand & Wifo team, T l m A ^ ick and Lena.aH'735-0227 — — ^

----- 1 T R U C KrN T IN G S l s aRYW ALL J,

L U P H E RIN T IN Q .IN C . A c o V S ing, Remodollng, Coll

s a . « i i iI8)^2*=347S 01----- r ___-) 727-1267 c e ir W A


' F ^ C E> E R V I C E -Compoti---------------------------- • ----- =Ffoo'Ey » P l ^ o S« rv iM . ________^oil usodpIonOd, ' ' |n s ta l la t l ( 10. regulate, repair 2 nA-4 ;1 movo. Also havo <1 benches & pans nyM 20a-7»& 01.*

A R P E M W O I3 E R V I C B ---------------- -----------

i '8 S h a r p e n in g v K ^ g iS e r v i c e O roaaas

iplete sharpening. - StKX»-0>Kle & steel savrs. Veila-Sii1 Bracken St. 9, Tabloa-<t08.734^050* 210 S . M


JsljlXIJjkM•AR I b o n M .-----------t r l n g , w ith . root conditkm.36-431-7776.*


■ ! ^ w s . . ^ 1SIFIEDUTMENT14-5538


SE Taytor 410 c aso . humklif- 500. soil $700.208-734-9053

jE O U S S n o w ------------oflsm on, 8 hp. s t a g o . I r o o t r a c k , e le c t .), S a a ra p o r t - .i s e n e h e a te r , ™j/h r , $75. Calliftor6pm .*

eSSb e r ",r ad you placed 10 ago in The * s?N ow is Iho no pick up your Stop by Tho Dept, lodayl *

< w /com pulor L -shapod oak dosk w/hutch.76-3377*

r e s s o r , c f mtonvor, towablo n ic e condition 8-863-1019,*I FO R LEASE Dl Shop, Ail tools Roady logo ,1-539-5951.','incold250 D-10 I 10KW gonera-. ^ftl. l a t e m ode l iii2oa-eo3-ioi9-

OLS-TablB-saw.------------ _pnuom atic floor goodcondltlon.

«482 /4 3 fr8 2 1 6 '

) b u y in g b a b y n ico condilion. lowoiry. old pol- iorod glasswoar.733-0016,*

:s e r w c e |

rlp le A 'ipping. slump • vai. Ilrowood,Icioanup.67 -733-t776’ I: s e r v ic e |

l lm 's T ree_________ _ _

ing. shaping,)val. shrubs & nps. Spraying jr. lawm aeroling , thatching,7 6 4 3 1 ^ 2 5 3 * I

s s e r w c e IT ree Sorvlceivat. Trimming, iping. Shrubs,


; SERVICES I; A STUMPS OF IGICVALLEY Irtlfied. Wood lor Ifroo ostimalos, l l

Ib bo tt 734-7919 ■ cCrM fy42& cm *

5 K D R n O N o lSC H O O L

R & ADriving School > got your Class iL will, Ihe besti Coii loday a -736-S026* 1

V A xiR I EATERSro Magic Valley-ripottllvo Prk:e s - _____bo'E slim otes- '

la tion & Repair 8>431>628a^


d d in q s h o pling D rosses: 2-46 saaa-R entorS uyl»^3artor«-NapJdn9 ...........a-Siips-lnvltallonsloa-Ctuilra-CovAraS .M aln73»e»M *

.Id a h o B II


Page 24: w w .m a g i c v a l l e i : Tw in Falls, Idahc s s s = ^ = s = = : s s = = Good MORNI VVkA'I'MI'R

W A N T E D D IR E C T T Voquipmonl. Now of ucod. W otkingornol. Cnshpaid

(206) a53-023B.-___W AdtED Old g a s pumpm

Of .Top monoy paid.

Tony 20B-B66-0274.- WANTCO oW miliMfy

modols. uniforms, insignta, documonls, & souvonijs. Paying h ig h e st p rics l

Pau l Nutting 733-169V WANTED to buy 22 flimliro

hoavy barrol torgot tillos. Evos. & wookonds

Cnll 208-734-4793- W AN TED T O BUY la lo

model, 4WD. 3/4 Ion, Su- pof cab , gos, long bod.

_________ fPi5l«jnd.rlowm il05,HD_CASH. 208-733-8234.-

WANTED lo trodo quoon p illo w to p b o d w /n o w framo. tor doublo ptHow lop in Ilko condition

Coll 206-733-5414.- WANTEDT o p S o il. Call 208-2B0-

0554 or 208-423-5620-'

^ 8 2 4 ^ n i p m i n i

AMERICAN llfoarm. ovof onrj u n d o r 12 g n u g o , d ucks unlim llod. sllll ir bOX.St200. 539-0a70,’

------------- B E i r e t L l N O VA 3 i5 - iASNIB. Qll Chokos, lung^ ston ommo, no tax, S295. l u m . R o m m t n g t o r 1100M. 12 gnugo mng num R om choK o S325 678-5751 or 4 3 M 804-

BERETTA AL 391 URIKA p h o a s n n ts lo ro v o r. 15 gaugo. slill in box. S1350

----------------Call 2a8-539-0670.‘-------BROW NING HI POW EF

9M M l5shol.'3ctips.w ori nico. SSOO. Call 543-6089.

M OSSBEflO 20-guago. : 3/4-3lnch magnum StSO W ln ch e ite r modol 1 2 .1< guooo S450. 734-4292'

RELOADER, Sizo 0 rnalTc eOOB, onostop. hundred! of c as in g s , w ads, sho i prlm ors. o lc . $400 . 33 t M sg Rifle, magnum port

-------------0(3,309 wortd d o s s scopoS400. 208-734-4292*

W AN TEO ,TO BUY .4 ic doublo barrol sh o t gun 733-6617or731-4457 .’

W INCHESTER Browning loVor a c tio n , 3 0 0 m ng novor boon shot.'SGOO olfor. 208-431-9222*

NAUTll.USifoowoigh|jd5 lb, bonch/squol & lap m(i Chino w /curl b a r. S24C

I Froo slandlng hoavy bo(' • $75. Cn'l20B-731-8771

POOL TABLE Slalod ro( ulallon slzo. 5500

Coll 208-308-3804* SNOWBOARDS 2nd soi

s o n r I d o 1 5 1 b o o r w/qualily bindings $10 Sim s 154 boofd. narfo bindings, only usod 1 so son, $120. Coll 208-54 5327 or208-731-8612.

‘TWIN FALLS B to SALE.................. From now unlll noxt

Thurday, Salnl Vlncom 244 Main St. S outh .

BOMBARDIER '03 OHS Q AJA, now c o n d ilio Extromoly low hrs. oxtr in c lu d o d . $ 6 0 0 0 /olfiPloaso coll 208-438-87:

HARlIEV DAVIDSON ' Sporstor 1200. vory I

--------------mllo»-4720Q-&36.4e-1EHONDA ‘96 F^oroman 4

4x4 wilh snowplow. $32 K A W A SA K I '8 B Bay

300. $1200.208-308-571--------------HONDA’98 ShodowrAC

V T 1100. r a r e . Fact< t o u r in g m o d o l , 17

---------------mnoffratiDwroonrcotColl 539-5951 Goodlnj

HO^DA '00 XR100, gn shapo, SieOO/olfor. 21 539-1424 or 539-4675'

H U S S v a r R a W w r z 11X0 now, S2700/o(for.C 208-324-439B.-

— --------KAWASAKI >09 KDX2Ih.-uldy riden. Sl600/oH

■ CollZ08*735-08tB*- .........— 5 N 0 W P L 6 w .4 8 :-f^ in

Yam aha ATV. S175, Call 200*731 W O . ’

YAMAHA ' y ii 'tfonsK i •FM F fa tly p ip o s . du slidora, razor backs, n g raph ic , now Ily han bare, oxoc runnor. S30 208-654-2790/431.215

B1 2 Tlme»-N8W8 , Twin Fi

- 1,1 ^

V Y A M A H A '0 0 250 A tV , id S 2 5 0 0 / o l l o r . C a l l i,d 206-436-8333.*

Y A M A H A '.00 5S w /do3orl lanVA oxlra's.

$4200. Coll 536-464B--


s ' YAMAHA '01 S upor )ot“I ■ 701 c c . twin cofb . oxc.[. cond.. $5500. 731-6984.'

_ ..........USED SHELLS*"**"Fit m ost truck!


• " CAMPER gas stovo/ovon'— Ico box. sink, fair shapo.

S lo o p s 5 com ftorab ly l s i7S /otfor. 208-B24-5S91.‘

SH ELLW hilo, Ills Dakola ’9 7 - 0 4 ox l c a b . In c ls .

— bodllnof. $550.420-5B53* BO- ZEIMAN 2 placo dnvo-otv I,. drivo off trallar. Ford lac-

a" " lo'rv CBTTipor sho ll. full

8iZ0. Call 208-733-35BO.'

»? ti ITASCA '0 0 S u n c ru leo rI,’ 3 5 'w/2 slides, AC. saiohlo

-d lB h , F550 cJia53i3.Trilon. VIO, low mis. Including $ 77 ,000 .208-734-B686*

t o n RV ’96 Kil 34' Sth wheol. 2 la g - o lldo-outs. good co n d .. 125. $ i4 .000/oMor. Ploaso cnll4- • 206-731-0103 *________[k a ; W INNEBAGO C hlellain .

12 31 '. Excoptlonally cloan. 350. low milos w/all Iho candy.---------S16.500 Roady-lo-tfawoL

308-2879 or 324-3490.'

ja 9 /

1*50.) j2 "OUT tneif maebinm 9. m o ld 'e t t t w ith u----- c lm a tltim a Md ia

. Tbm T lm m t-N M .“rods « i n l - e « » * l « -hoi;338 SlulltoSoll?

-Coll our Classiliodopo,---------- '■Stallal:--------------

208-733-0931 oxt. 2 4 1 0 T h e Tlmei*News

.KWW.mtolevmtV.c*™ '7.' ' ARCTIC CAT (2) Powdor

Spoclnl9wtthlrailor$5500 low mllos. 208-404-4056*

BOO/ ARCTIC CAT 7 7 JAQ 340 R uns greol! $400.2 place tilftrolior w/sparo. $400,

H 20ft-S32-4189/312-4Sa7- U ARCTIC CA T '91 440. OC

4 p la c o on 01 z i e m e r ^ t r a W . Call 208-308-3804'

im o- a r c t i c CAT '98 600 Pow 2 40 . (Jor Spocial, EFI w/covor bog. n |pod& chipped. 1100 ml

771 ‘ L iko now .$2B 50 /o flo r fFoO^ 208-431-4526 / 532-4526

ARCTIC CAT '99 Kilty COI»*___ Excolloni condlllon, hardsoa- ly rodo. $750. Coll 208

) O r d 432-5261 or 420-BB67.* S160. a r c t i c CA T ’ 01 8 0 ' “ffow Mountain Cal. vory goo

*9“ - cond. $4000.538-4648.* f j ? ’ A R C T IC C A T -O S T O

___Mountain Col, low mlloi§ ■ 1 - wilhoxlrQ'B&2ptacolrai H H or $6600 .208-731-9221

ARCTIC CAT -04 90 0 U r r ^ tw in sp o d w o rx p lp o i

$ 8 5 0 0 . PO L A R IS *0 r«ntA RMK 800 poriod & pIpoi

$4500. SKI-DOO’00 441 S2900.Call208<?oa-75S:

POLARIS *92 Indy Spo: I R H 1 1/4’ long track. SI to o i H P O L A R IS '7 7 TXL 34>

$450/offer. 208-438-60( m S n o r 208-431.8009- extras PO L A RIS ‘92 XLT. goc o lfo r. c o n d i t io n .‘ru n s g o o .0730* $tSOO/ot(or. 420-5853.* IFTOO POLARIS '95 600 S250 ry low offor. oxcollont conditio IB-iaj_ _C all.2Q fliZ aH 3Q 3::- -i i n o o P O L A R IS '96 RMK Ult S3200 680.S1600/offor.J a y o u Call 208-733-6301* 1-5706* P O L A R I S '9 8 7 0 0 T j :^a c e ; _ irack.blo.w hooLkit.iobi ic to ry motor, 800 primary dutc 1 7 0 0 SL P Skis, now hood, m

x o n d :----- 9 e 8 trH k o - n e w ,- i3 Hdino.- Twin Fails 208-316-011 “ gTSSt PO L A RIS '9 9 700 RM r 208- low mllos. extras. S30C 375* Call 208-823-4494.* ?R250; p O L A R lS '0 0 600H'M 9r. Coll paddlo track now robi

motor. $3200. P o ta r i* ' -500EFI,-136M rack$16(

ri/nH«r' - P o la r it 'S ? 2 soalor 8|> 1 3 6 - imck $2000. ■

.pj— Cali 208-420-2685‘

r n . lS 6*trad(, 1800 ml.. ni. c o v o r a w indow b a t

S3 0 0 0 .435-827-5518* now POLARIH '02ULIUHN

nandlo 950 miles. 15V track, S3O00. m o n Bkls,'S5400/O lfi .2123* CaII20e-30M Oe4.*

n Palls, Id ah o Monday. Jan m


, P O L A R IS X L T '9 6 6 0 0 . TI Mow b o tto m o n d . f a s l m

slod. with cover. S1395. ■Coll 280-3074.- ■

! S K I-D O O •97 MXZ 1 4 T ' track, oxc. cond. 1700 ml. $ 3 2 0 0 .208-43B-2344- ‘

SKI-OOO ’97 Summit 670 . wilh 750 big boro. Groal sh o p o . ex tra ongm o (or

■ parts. $2100/olfor.Coil 206-731-9091-

^ S K t'O O O '9 9 S um m it X

1 670 vory clean sled, 2-100

mllos, $3000. 312-1789.* _ SKI-DOO '01 summit 800 S;

_ • HMy 151. 1700 mi, Sim- '• m ons sk i 's , can . d u tc h . J

Dtus 2 blaco aluminum Iri- c i to n troiior, S5095. 208- c 678-2748/601-403-5912- |

C "S K i^ b d O ’o rH io h n v a r iC '0. with rovorso. 1 5 1 - track/ ' w insh io id bog & covor.

1500 milos. $5200. 208-^ 324-6983 or 731-6960*S. S K I-O O O '0 2 S u m m it3* Hiflhmark 700. Olympicn. Slod. 170 mllos, $4500,c- S K I-D O O '0 2 S u m m itIII Hlghmark 700. 900 milesr s-tooo. Coll 208-312-2216— o r 208-312-2217-I I TRAILER 6 place V noso,■ dVivb on . drivo oil: duel H o loc lric b rak e s . $2500 . _

206-654-2790/431-2123- C lile YAMAHA (2) snow m o­on . —Chinos, run oood.,S300/on._ _ nn 208-438-8215 / 431-4462*^ Y A M A H A -97 MM BOOi . 2 4)iect.otort,fov., lilt irailor. d . . S 30 0 0 .208-735-1617.*^11 YAMAHA '9 8 M oun ta in j

M ax 7 0 0 . C le a n s lo d . in 3400 milos. S2500. 206- ‘ an. 438-5023/431-5023- ; 'Jy- YAMAHA '99-MTN. MAX;ol------700.-2500 miies.-S3000/- -

offer. Call 208-260-2642.-■ YAMAHA '00 MM700 650 ; a mllos, 141* track .L o lso l■ work dono, pipos. S4000.■ C all 208-308-0196*• YAMAHA '0 0 M tn. Max ;

700, now irock/cnn. Only “ $ 2 6 9 5 . C a ll J o s o n «9

2Qg-219-9455* ,

THE TIMES-NEWS____ ,ClB##Hlod popartm onl. ,

Office hours ore 8:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday thru Frid.iy.

Wo oro opon lo oii cuslom ors to assisl you

in building your ad.340 O r call one ol our ace Classiliod Solos00. • Roprosenlalivos- a7-tqO 733-0931 ex t. 2

'l3 2 3 rd S tJW *' a t Tw in Falla Ofdco ow-vor, 677-4042irni. 1263 O verland Avo.

B urleyO tflco* |

fd 'j: '

___ - TRAILER '02 6' x 10'. loW-3 0 0 up ram ps, lilt. $800. Oia- lOod m ond plotod lool l)ox, ex- »B.* tro, $175 ,731-0805 .*’

'"OS, L

dTm! QARMIN G PS V, porsonol 3 0 8 , ■ navlgolor. brand now still

•0 2 in pkg.. $ 3 1 0 .543-6802.* S N O W T l ^ a (2 ) P 2 3 5

75R15 Studded, likcnow. '552- S 75 . TIHE CH A INS (21 iport. - s o ls , now SSWoQchool.- 100. Call 208-M3-2347- 3 4 0 . t i r e s (4) S tu d d ed snow 6009 tifos w/rims. 205/COR15,____ 4 bolt, Fil NIsson Aitlma.*

$240, Call 206-404-1403* o o d , t i r e s (4) s tu d d e d snow >3 * llros. P205-65R-15 - usod 2500? 2 w in lo r s . N ico l l r o s . Illion, $100. Call 208-734-3024*

CHEVY '47'p"lckup, strolghi obuiit Chovy '54 bus. coupo, 2 lulch.- “ doorrnom otor, SISOOoa. .n e w '4 2 3 -4 6 0 0 or 539-7700.*

___ i r CONNECT ^1MK. WITHM CUSTOMERS,*ro. _______W H O _ .___Sport NEED

YOUR 'I___ ____ SERVICE _

Advertise In )'agB. tho^ Service J s Directory 3ii«r. 733-0931 ext. 2

- j : " ' . "

lu a ry 12 .2004

I O nItems under dr ad

52 each addltloi

F h e T u n e s ^ ^ w s -

•tty cnic^c • o l d c h « Clt i r t e dmy I t 1

oue i a c i# p a p » r e o EtJi* e i r t t c a l l » r l “ c

-Todd M. llMomrmJUt- I

Stull lo Soil? 'Call our Classiliod - r

Slalf at: ^208-733-0931 oxt. 2 ,

Tho TImoB-Nows , *

S500I POLICE IMPOUNDS ClTrucks SSOO. For listings I800-719-3001 e x t. 3109* J

CHEVY '6 1 .(2 ) C100, bom Dc o m p lo lo . g o o d p a r t s (pickups. $400. 537-6956.* i


I CHEVY'72 0 -1 0 ,3 2 7 F I V 8,60-40 split bonch.I occossorios. T onnoau I cover. S4500/ol(or.I Call 208-543-6077- I q CHEVY'96 S -1 0 .4x4. 86k!

P S , a u lo , A C . A M /FM casso llo c ru iso . c a m p e r |< shell, in gront condition . S62S0. Call 208-734-1058*

CHEVY-'02 1500 HD. crew cat).4x4,L T pkg.i loalhor. shell, gnil guard , running

- b o a r d s r C D & coSflo lte .- - tow pkg..i liner, w arran ty , j

. tow milos, S27.950/of(or • /Irado Call 208-324-4552

or208-32il-2724* -1 d o d g e -01 2 5 0 0 q u a d— • cob. 22K. $ 3 1 ,000 ..543 -

5034. wwwiditioniHicauinicx . . FORD '78 F-150 351 aulo- < matlc, PS. 4x4, imm acu-

- t a l o c o n d .rs2 9 0 0 /0 f(o r, -■ Cnll 208-733-4157.*° FORD '8 6 F 2 5 0 XLT. x-

cab . 4WD, a ro a t c o n d .,’■ tl7K , loadod. SSOOO/off-

or. Call 735-0076 ovos.* FORD '88 F -150, 4X 4, 4 '

t m t.s isoo .’ Call 206-731-7176-

FORO ’90 4x4 F 150 XLT L aria t, no\v p o ln l , AT. loadod . o x c . c o n d itio n . 143K.S5600. 543-6802.*

FORD '91 F -2 5 0 d ie so i. exlondod cab , oulo. 4x4. laciory liatbod. now m ags and tiros, lool boxes, soo to boiiove. S7500.

Call 208-678-11S4- FORD '97 F -150 . 3 dOOr.

4x 4 . c u s to m w rtiools &. slops. SaoOQ. 308-6012.* FORD '9 7 F -2 5 0 DIesoT.

4x4. oxl. c o b . lo n g bod

FORD '97 F-250 oxiondoo cab 3rd door, low milos, now llros. 208-825-SB19-

FORD '98 F-150. XLI OxT. c a b , a u t o . 4 x 4 . 6 0 K , campor, long bod . oxtond­od w a r ra n ty . $ 1 1 .5 0 0 . 539-1921 or 423-5003*

FO R D .'01 R a n g o r . 4X 4. XLT. V6, 4 6 ,0 0 0 m iles ,

■i- $11,600,20B-539-6679.*?! GMC '71 3/4 ton , 2WD, 4

sp d ,. 3 5 0 ,'.e x c . c o n d .,— $2500. 206-352-1030.-■ GMC '73 1 ton 454. ’7 0 T■ Ion,’ now molor. ’BS Ford■ \ ion. '67 F o rd 1 Ion.—, Call 280-3074.-itlll QMC '66 crow c ab , 1 Ion 2.* dually, strong robuiil 454, 3 5 now l lr o s , r u n s g ro o t .

$4600.208-735-0321.*(2) Q M C '02Slorra,4X 4.2500 I.- ■ HD,' 3/4 ton pickup.-wldo-

side oxl. c ab 8 ’. 24 .500 '5^; milos, loadod w /oplions. 15 Powor so a ls , 6 -d isc CD. na!* 8-1 L- Allison Irans, Bod 03* iinor, ru n n in g b o a rd s .— Avail, lor purchoso 03/01.

$26,500. Call 733 -7175 (9am -5pm ) o f to r 5 pm .

“ ®: 734-5951.*____________ _= TOYOTA '93 SR S ext. cab, H —1 28K rA C rG O rtnclud06- ^ snow tiros, $4500.'M Call 208-733-8301- i ^ l VW ’80 pickup. $1500.} 2 Lols of oxtraa, ' . •i a - .- - C a l l 206-404-6086.*I.* VW '81 P ickup d ioso l lan

aw/sholl, ono ovmor. 138K, • "^5m i5?i70vcn:onarS2800r . Appionly 423-4199 msg.*

BF GOODRICH (6), LR22&. 2 n o w & 4 U BO d. C a ll

------ -Q uon tln20B -736 .1932 .‘-SNOVyPLOW 8 ’ wido Moy­

e rs, usod 2 s e a s o n s (oi . p r iv a te d r iv o w a y . FUb

I Ford S upor Duty 99-'02 S2200. Call 20a-7B&-3548’

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2roat)ot«' unOorstnnd your rn o m o e- ip o n 11 oui.

dding up to $101lonal line. Prirale forty onl

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C H E V Y ’9 3 B la z o r m! T ohoo pkg.. 4.3, loadod, p, Bridgoslonos. 130K .ncla 7 .d in g . S 4 5 0 0 . 2 0 6 -678 - ___

■5751 or20B-431-1804*

C H E V Y '9 8 T a h o o LT, m po w to r. e x c . condition, | lo a l h o r . C D , ru n n in g — b o a rd s . T ow p a ck a g e ,66K, $16,000. 731-2711 or 734-0696 Ioavo msg.*

CHEVY'99 Tohoo LS, 86k, p o w to r . to w pkg . o x c . cond..S14,200 733-2197*

D O D Q E '9 9 D u ra n g o , g roal condition! $74,000 m l l o s . F u l ly l o a d o d .


FORD '9 3 Explorer, looks nico. runs good. 4x4, PW. | AC. S3600. 208-260-3338*

FORD '96 Explorer. Eddio Bauer pkg, exc. cond, AT, A C.PW .PL. loaded. 208- 326-3112 or 420-6039-

GMC ’82 Jimmy 4x4, V8,PS . PW. towing pockago. ^ Coil 208-306-6012.-

ISUZU '94 Rodeo S, 70K,5 spood. Mlchoiins wtlh V b a r c h a in s , hilch, o the r n o x i r a s . D o p o n d a b lo . _ stable, wintor utility vehi- Fl clo in oxcollont condiiion. '

_S4D0O.Call208:837:4537:_ _ <

JE E P '9 2 Chorokoo 4 d o ^ . J 4 x 4 , g o o d c o n d ll lo n , Fi $2600. Call 736-8173.* I

MAZDA '01 T ribute. 2 0 0 J h ,p ..4W D .2B K . load ed r $17 ,500 .208-734-276S.* ■

MITSUBISHI '98 Montoro I Sport LS. 5 spood, 4x4. _ V6. 91K, oii oplions. ex* Sl

"■ tras. oxco ilon ir$9 .950 /- - ( olfor; Call 206-738-5027* 1

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wo (Maxfrniim ofm l/ . M erchandise only.

) 9 . 3 J J E x t . 2 _ o r .

TO YO TA ’91 4 R u h n o r , F ” 4W D . P B /P L /PW , CD .S5000. 206-404-1493.*

T O Y O T A ’98 4 -R u n n e r, • Mo sloroo& brakes.PW . 4 spd.. S5000. Coll ^ I 735-5951 or 732-5328.* Ec.


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F O R D ’82 Club W ag o n , ^ V 8, AT. AC, vory goo d c o n d . S1500/offer. C all 9i 208'-543:SB1B*

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3U(CK '03 Rogol, off. "JPiJ c ru is e , pow or w indow . ”° locks, m irrors, so'ol, CD MITJ a n d c a s s o l lo . le a th e r , rod 22K, warronly. $12 ,975 . car, 324-4552 or 324-2724.*

CADILLAC '9 4 D oV iiie. Suj 6 4 K , I n i . & p a in t lik o cor now .$5200,934-4975.* ^

CHEVY *79 M alibu , V 8. • Voi runs woll. good transpor- AC tation, S1200 .733-5236- $3(

g H E v rW im p a ta ^ n ic o ty - equ ip p ed with w arran ty S W S O , C a ll20B -324 - 4552 or 208-324-2724* o f,

CHRYSLER'93 New York- ^ e r V.-6 e n g in e , P S . AC, q -] C C . A M /FM . c a s s o l lo . £«( E x c , c o n d . S 2 1 0 0 . ^208-678-412T_________ SAT

FORD '80 Thundorbird, V8,$600. Coll 206-423-6377 qq or 208-948-0150- _

FORD '9 4 T o m p o SporL AT/AC. c lea n . 30 m pg.,S1650, Call 736-5883.* J H

FORD '96 Windslar, q u ^ | s e a ls , PW , PL. rom ola ,' .

-o ir,-excoilenlS3850----------------•Coli 206-537-6836*

HONDA '88 Proludo good car. runs groat, books for S 1 5 0 0 . A sk in g $ 1 2 0 0 . 878-1960 or 431-0226- _

HONDA *91 Accord. LX, 4 d o o r . a u l o . n ic e c a r , S3200/offor. 735-0618*

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i'n DA '99 Accord EX, SUBAFuns great. Supor d e a n . a u toWusl soli, $9900/o(for. ImmacCall 208-676-4781* ----------

JNDA '0 2 A cco rd now, undor 19K miles. -19 g<15.000. Call 537-6956,*NCO LN ’89 T o w n c a r | a t t EI OSK. S1400, FORD '89 'om po, A (ino liltle c ar,BK, $1400.326-6652-TSUBISHI '91 E clip so Pleaod in color, 2 d r., n ico a d cor, S24S0.326-6652' |{y (.DSMOBILE ’93 C utlass yvo >upremo. 4 doors, good:ondilion. 308-6738.' (Of £.Y M O UTH '9 6 G ra n d da /oyagor SE Von V-6, PS,V C ,C C , A M /F M , C D . C53850.208-678-4121* 73.

3NTIAC 'fl4 BdnnoviU07 I ' ' lOOd c o n d i t i o n , 7 6 Knilos. $4000. 731 -8377 U

->31-0262.* VVhon□NTIAC '9 9 G rand Am clo,3 T . 64K . o x c . c o n d . . HiloS6000/oilor.423-5500,* Iho 1 ATUnN ’95 SL2. sunrool,spoiior, whools, lint. 4 cyl.. „ -i- runs good. S3500/offor.CallJlm at 206-539-4745* " “[J

UBARU '94 Legacy, vory dealr o l la b lo , S 2 0 0 0 . C a l l pro'208-736-3312.* Chft


' ^ °(>1 nov,

VW '00 Bootle: -Turbo ol sg a s . 5 sp e ed , h o a to d datiloalhor soots, sunroof, mill6 disk CD. romote koy* saliloss enlry, pow er win- quodows & locks. Red. oxc. ta dcond. 735-6940 d a y s , sor*

-733-6391 7 - 1 0 p m . ': - . - | L —

y o r s e l f cks, RV's, Lmore,___

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BARU '95 LSI W agon, . u t o . . B9K , l o a t h o r , imac..S7665.622-6833.‘

BARU '03W RX Sodon, spood . 11 .000 milos,



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W A R N I N G ” 1^hon purchasing a vohi­clo, mako sure that the lillo is In the nam e of Ihe sollor. Under Idaho motor vehicle codo, a vohiclo cannol bo sold unless the tille is in iho namo o( lhe seller (ox- coplion: Idaho llconsod dealer). Tho sollor shall p rovide Iho now .pur­chaser a slgnod bill of sa lo show ing tho (ol* lowing: Full description ol Iho vohiclo, vohiclo

-idonlillcaliona.numbor. _____omount poid ond nom- 0(8) and add ress o( lhe now purchaser. Tho bill ol solo must bo signod. datod and show acluoi mileage ol tho,tim o o( so lo . If you-havo any questions, ploaso con­tact your local a s s e s ­sor's olfico.*____

I-----------------— ^