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te - ere SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1950 CLASSIFIED ADS. TELEPHONE 2508 82 years at his late residence Venture, St. John on Sunday, November 5, 1950 and was laid to rest the same after- “~ noon at Mt. Tabor, St. John. Kitty Humphrey (wife), Galvin 2 Mrs. Doreen Alleyne ( ), Nurse Brathwaite, Gladys Best, Hum- phrey (relatives). NEWMAN Mrs. A. C. Beloved mother of Mrs. Harold Skeete and Mrs. Ww this afternoon. The ves the Belmont Funeral Home, Road, at 4.30 o'clock for the Catholic Church, Jemmott’s Lane, and thence to the Westbury Cem- etery. Lilian Christian (Widow), Wm. Max- well (Father-in-law), {Mother-in-law) Evan Maxwell, Al Maxwell (Brothers-in-law), Enid - well (Sister-in-law), e, Wi Millicent (Cousins), Gokool, (Trinidad) . IN MEMORIAM In ever loving memory of our dear father PRINCE W. JONES who entered his_eternal rest a year ago. . 0" gone from sight To mem'ry dear, Thou ever will remain. Carmen Jones, Rev. I. McK, Jones, Enid Millar. 11.11, 50—In, Treasured; memories of ALICE OCTAVIA WALLACE ‘Miss O" who was called to higher service on November lith 1949, Happy and smiling always content, Loved and respected wherever she went; To a beautiful life came a noble end, She died as she lived every body's friend. God saw the road was getting rough The nd were han to climb He gently ctosed her es, And whispered ‘Peace SP tniwe “remembered Ever to be by Elaine Downes (step-daughter), Eigive Downes and Sylvia Carter. 4 18.11.50—I1n 15 hp. 6 Cc. one (1) cylinder Fiat car in pactnet condition * 42.41.50—2n. $0" Dial etc. 30° x 50”. j WeRR wi | Co., Ltd. Electrical Dept. . #1, 50—6n. LAMPS For House or gener 12; 32; 110 and 220 Volts More light for 1 ae Dial 3378 Da. Costa & Co., < ar pes ter for Tea, Hot drinks, shaving etc. Dial 3878 Da Costa & Co., Lid. i cal Dept. 4.11. . FURNITURE lew and class second-hand furniture in ny, eran aa Pine, large variety at nh Beard’s Show Rooms, Hardwood BA (Opposite the Cathedral), oe 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone aif. : MISCELLANEOUS . ARMCHAIRS—Four Berkeley ne A c aitek new $4500 each. Phone i 11,11,.50—2n. re GALVANIZED PIPES in 4”, 3%, 21/2", also galvanized sheets in 6ft.. anl sft, 1 hs. Enquire Auto Trafalgar Street. Phone 8, .50—t.f.n. § . each. The Broad Street, WIRE—Galvanize 10 and 12 gauge soft clothes line wire, correct wire for Tinsmiths, 24c, ib. Hard- Reed dor Street. vanes oe i1.11.50—1n. BOOKKEEPER—. for Marine Hotel. Agply_vateween . hours m., a ee 9.11.50—3n. SERVANTS—Two General Servants. Apply Kingsley 2nd. Ave: le i sia nanstedarensieianenencce—atariee TWO OVERSEERS Only “applicants who can calculate efficiently need _ kinds of CardBoard BOXES All cerimated | Card, Boxes other than vocate woe Dept. oer a 10. 50—t.f.n. YOUNG LADY—Tutored at leading girls’ school in the island. School certificate, S¢eks employment as cashier, attendant in Drug Store, willing to hold any suitable position for six months or . Write Box 22, C/o Advocate hate. Dept. 14,11,.50—-2n, WANTED TO BUY oO purchase en’ people leaving is . Apply Beard, Hardwood Alley. Phone 4683 8,11.50—4n WANTED TO RENT “HOUSE by English couple on long lease with one acre or more land any- PAYING GUEST ce Mrs. ROSE, Minster House, Marine Gerdens would paying on. an 5 , WANTED By the Vestry of the Parish of St. Michael, Under the authority of the St. Mich- ael's Parish Loan Act 1948 (1948-38), The Vestry desire to borrow from any bodies politic or a sum of money not exceeding Three ‘Thousand Five Hundred Pounds (£3,500), orised under ennum. Person: must state the mini-~ mum rate of interest they ice te accept, Prior be rate of interest. Interest is payable on the 30th day of June each year. The principal of this loan is repayable in twenty (20) annual instalments of £600. each. The first instalment of this part of the Loan is payable on the 30th day of June, 1959. Sealed offers in writing marked on the envelope “OFFER FOR LOAN OF £3,500" will be received by the Clerk of the Vestry, up to 12 o'clock noon on Monday the 20th day of November, 1950 CERTIFICATES will be issued in units of £100. only By Order, REDMAN Michael's Vestry E. C Clerk, St 11.11.590-—-Gn CRYSTAL SPRINGS St. a Now a’ Tel. 91-54. Appointment to view. ist. November, at a dst. . “BRIARFIELD” lower ijaen’ Merk. Phone 3473 K. BLAIR BANNISTER. 5.10.50—Gn . FLAT—Smail comfortable unfurnished Vacant noe Por further” Pha” Omce. © more, BUNGALOW—No. 4. Clifton Upper Bay Street. 3902 or call on Miss Griffith on 9.11,50—3n. ROOMS—Two Bed-- each with running water, dining room, : a and mgdern converse room, ences. Has never been tenanted. Ready for one, December Ist 1950. Phone . Mrs, C. C. Clarke. 1. 11,50—2n,, TANGLIN Beachmont, Bathsheba, October onwards, monthly or otherwise, bedsteads, children’s room, dining and lounge. erator, My servant’s room. Aj 3 . 77 .8.50—t.f.n The public are hereby warned against giving cre@it te any person or persons whosoever in name as IT do not hold myself for amyone oe tract: any of ts in my name by me. Signed CO) ‘St * 12.11.50—2n. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE 11.11.60—In. NOTICE PARISH OF 8ST. PHILIP The Paroc! Treasurer's Office will be Chureh Vil- lage, from 1 Nov. 1980. The Office will be opened for busi~ ness oh M Tuesdays, & Satur- noon to 3 p.m. ad. P. S. 43 SCOTT, St. 4.11, . NOTICE St. Michael Vestry’ Ruhibitia . y at St. Michael's iris’ Benoel. Attention is drawn to the ment appeairng in the Advocate News. the November, caption— "St. Michael's Girls’ School, which states that girls who are over 8 and 11 years will be ex- amined on jay the 17th dayof Nov- ember 1950, at 7a ‘or guardians of chi hin this nol group please note the change in date of the exemination and comply with the ad_ vertisement By _ Order, E. C. REDMAN, Clerk, St. Michael’s Vastry, 9.11.50—3n NOTICE Re the Estate of ELLEN CATHERINE MELVIN deceased NOTICE is, hereby given that all per- sons Saying any Bo or claim against the Melvin late o: i daar SSO xr of requested to send of their cans duly at SS crasrucaed Colin Cleare C/o Messrs. Yearwood & Boyce, itors, No. 14 James Street, Bridg: + amy ow o January » after which ate sha’ Tr oces > the gasets of the Se abc te parties enti thereto regard only to such I ae aes Bg rarer and not liable asse| or any part ‘thereof distributed ts m of debt or claim I s And en, are req Dated this aise in NOTI AL LIQUOR LI The ere applica’ Am oh SPL, Greenidge Long Bay corner, Dated this 8th day of Ni (Sad) 5. t L. H. D. WALWYN, Pea, , Magistrate, one gp r application be oc Licensing Court to be held on November 22nd 950, at 11 o’clgck a.m. at ee Porte, Dist. “c”, . L. H, D. WALWYN, ~ Police Magistrate, Dist, “CG, 11.11,50—In, EDUCATIONAL col . 'ARY:! BOOK- R : bs wg, A six months Course (Recognised for award of Diploma as dmole or c ‘co te Fellow) will qualify you for higher status by 5; tii stud: eee iy ime ly. For now: L_ OF ACCOUNTANCY, 1 Pte, St. James's, London. ‘Advocate. | L247 ~ e " PARRY SCHOOL There will be an Entrance Examination candidates desiring to enter the Pet re Teen on onday, November . a.m. Candidates must their baptismal ona ae certificates monials from their Heaxtmasters, 11.41.50—2n. QUEEN'S COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION: 3 ane Hon HE aoan 1951 is Queen's College in January’ lost win Ne iopee Tee teenie Fg r joven A nin, t 9 a.m. prompt. DREN ONLY. wil ‘be admitted into the Assembly Hall. 3. Each candidate must bring a testi- monial of Conduct and from Ps. Headmistress of the she i . 3. ites Over 12 rs of must Mathematical” inst \. 4. Candidates who have reached a costain sender, at ware Set their writ- en examinations summoned x4 an Interview. * e names of girls who have qualified for admission, through inter- view and examination, will be publishea in the Advoeate on . ember 19th, 1950, when Book Lists, etc. will be sent to the parents/guardians. 6. Successful candidates must presen? themselves at Queen's College or Monday, January 15th, 1951, at 9 a.~ accompanied by their parents/guardians. 7. The Entrance Examinations for children over 12 years of age will last a whole day, therefore those candidates must come provided with lunch | Children ander 12 years of age may be called for at 1.39 p.m 7 11,11, 502m. BARBADOS ADVOCATE GOVERNMENT NOTICES Post OFFICE NOTICE REMOVAL OF PARCEL BRANCH The Parcel Branch of the General Post Office, Pulblic Build- has been removed to the ground floor of the new Government on the Wharf formerly known as the: Harrison Line From 8.00 A.M. on Friday, 10th November, all parcel post busi- Henry Street opposite the Office of Messrs. R. M. have received Final Notice in respect of parcels again warned that any of these parcels undelivered will be to country of onigin by the first available opportunity. 9.11.50.—2n. Attention is drawn to the Control of Prices (Defence) (Amendment) Order, 1950, No, 35 which will be published in the Official Gazette of Thursday 9th November, 1950. 2. Under this Order (a) the maximum wholesale and retail selling prices of “Fish-Fresh” are as follows: \ RETAIL ARTICLE WHOLESALE PRICE PRICE (not more than) (aot more than) Fish—Fresh: (a) Bream Snapper, Group- er, Amber Fish .. .. | 26c. per Ib. (ex beach or boat) $32c. per Ib. (b) Dolphin, Kingfish .. | 22c. per lb. (ex beach or boat). 26c. per lb. (ce) Albacore, Bill Fish, Bar- ' racuda .. + ee | 20c. per Ib. (ex beach . or boat). 22c. per lb. (d) Flying Fish... .. | 5e. each (ex beach or boat). 6c. ‘each (e) Seine Fish Mackerel, Cavally, Johns, Jacks, Sprats, Bonita, Herring, Goat Fish si .. |20c, per Ib. (ex beach or boat). 22c. per lb. (f) Pot Fish, other than Barbers and Rock Hinds _ 18c. per Ib. Barbers and Rock 10c. per lb. (g) Shark... os + a l4e. per Ib. (b) the item “Sea Eggs”has been deleted in its entirety from the Control of Prices (Defence) (Amendment) Order, 1950, No, 23, 8th November, 1950. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY His Majesty the King has approved of Remembrance Day being observed on Sunday the 12th of November. As in previous years the Church authoritiesarebeing invited to hold special services throughout the Island at which the two minutes silence can be observed at 11 a.m. The special service at St. Michael’s Cathedral, which will be at- tended by His Excellency the Governor, will begin at 10.30 a.m., and will finish at approximately 11.10 a.m. At the end of the service, if the weather permits, His Excellency and party will walk to the War Memorial, where His Excellency will lay a wreath. There will be no ceremony. The Ex-Service Men’s Organisations are being invited to make arrangements for ex-service men to parade and to attend ut 10.30 a.m., at the Cathedral, Other members of the public are invited to attend their usual places of worship, 31,10.50.—8n, Admission of candidates to the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst Information has been received from the Secretary of State regarding the conditions under which candidates from the Colonies may be accepted for admission to the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, with the object of obtaining permanent commissions in the British Regular Army. Candidates must be unmarried, over 18 years and under 1914 years on the lst of March of the same year for the March intake, and under 19} years on the 1st of September of the same year for the September intake, and must hold the School Certificate of the ‘Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board or its equivalent, Further details regarding medical standards and method of appli- tation may be obtained from the Colonial Secretary’s Office. 7.11.50—3n V—_—_—_—_——————— DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORT. Closing of Rogers Road. As from Thursday, 9th November, 1950, Rogers Road, St. Michael, from the junction of Government Hill to Tudor’s Funcral Establish- ment, will be closed to through traffic until further notice for the purpose of laying a water main. ne APPLICATIONS are invited for the following Vacancies in the Government Service: Assistant Probation Officer— ($480, 480. 624 x 72 912 (E.B.) 1,056 x 72 1,776 (E.B.) 1,872 x 96 2,160) Assistant Matron and Sister Tutor, Mental Hospital ($1,920 and free quarters) Signals Instructor Barbados Regiment ($480 x 48 —1,080) Road Overseer—Grade I (4) Highways & Transport Depart- ment ($1,200 x 72 1,632) Road Overseer—Grade II (2) Highways & Transport Depart- ment ($480 x 48 1,200 (E.B.) 1,272 x 72—1,440) Surveyor Draughtsman Waterworks Department ($2,160 x 120 2,880) District Welfare Officer (2)—Social Welfare Department (480. 480. 624 x 72 912 (E.B.) (1,056 x 72 1,776 (E.B.) 1,872 x 96 2,160) Details of the respective qualifications and conditions of service may be obtained from the Colonial Secretary’s Office and applications should be submitted to the Secretariat not later than the 14th of November, 1950, 4.11.50.—38n, rn Vacancies for Stenographer-typists in the Public Service. Applications are invited from female candidates for appointments to posts of Stenographer-typists in the Public Service. 2. The minimum standard of proficiency required is 70—80 words er minute in shorthand, and 30 words per minute in typewriting. 3. The salary attached to the posts is at the rate of $480 per annum rising by annual increments of $48 to $1,200. 4. The appointments which are pensionable, wili be on one year’s probation in the first instance and will be made subject to the selected candidates being passed as medically fit. 5. Applications should be made on forms obtainable from the Colonial Secretary’s Office, but candidates who have already submitted application forms should renew their applications by letter only. 6. Applications will be closed at 4 p.m. on the 14th of November. 5/11/50—3n. Attention is drawn to the Control of Prices (Defence) (Amend- ment) Order, 1950, No. 36 which will be published in the Official Gazette of Monday 13th November, 1950. 2. Under this Order (a) the maximum wholesale and retail sell- ing prices of “Sardines in Oil” (e) Other Brands are as follows: or. a ABTIOLE WHOLESALE PRICE PRICE (not more than) (not more than) Satdines in Oh: —— ry (e) Other Brands -- | $14.20 per case of 100) ae \ ~ + tins of 34 ozs. or Y $1.80 per 12 ‘tins. 16c. per 34 oz. We id . (b) the items “Sardines in Tomato Sauce” and “Sardines Smoked in Oil” have been deleted in its entirety from the Comitrol of Prices (Defencey, (Amendment) Order 1950, No. 23 ; 10th November, 1950, i. / 11.11,50.—2n there. The public entrance to the Branch | AUCTION BAY FILLY-“Joan’s Star’, 2 years by Dunwek—Colieen will be sold at auction during the afternoon of Satur day Lt the last day of the races,. at the B.T.C. paddock 8.11.50—dn | UNDER THE SILVER HAMMER By recommendations of Lioyds Agents we will sell on Tuesday the 4th. at our Mark High Street 1 : Art Silk, 3 Cartons Ali Bran 12 ms One-O-One, 10 Bread Tins, & Tins Paint, | Gasolene Truck Tank | Glassware and other items foe —.o'clock, | Terms RRANKER, TROTMAN & CO., Auctioneers. 11.11. 30-2n REAL ESTATE | BUNGALOW -.At Brighton, Black | Rock. Just completed and standing on 7,220 square feet cf land with right of way to sea. 3 Bedrooms, Tiled Bath and Modern Kitchenette. Ga and | Servant’s Quarters. Apply |INSON & BANFIELD. Phone 4543. 9.11 .50-—4n Dwellinghouse known as “Bellevue” standing on lands of Graeme Hall De- velopment Ltd, at The Stream, Christ Chureh, at present tenanted by Mr Hugh Leach. The house contains open verandah on three sides, Drawing and | Dining Room, Three bedrooms, Kitchen, | Pantry, Lavatory and Bath, with run- ning water and Electricity throughout Inspection on application to the tenant between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. The above will be set up for sale at Public Competition at our Office No. 14 James Street, Bridgetown, on Friday vith November 1950 at 2 p.m YEARWOOD & BOYCE, Solicitors 5.11. 50—6n At Rockley on the sea rear Blue Waters Land, One prope! suitable for Guest Hous. It consists of 14,293 sq. {t land and a stone wall hose whieh has 6 (six) Bedrooms each with running water and other spare rooms that can be converted into Bedrooms At Silver Sands one newly built stom wall house with three gided verandah, Drawing & Dining Rooms, four (4) Bedrooms each with water, beautifully tiled Bath, Pantmy, Kitchenette, Ser- vant’ room with water toflet & shower, It stands on % acre of land, At Paynes Bay mear the sea, Qn? small property ealled Villa Duncan con sisting of \%@ acre of land together with house which has drawing & dining rooms, 2 bedrooms, W.C. & Bath, Kit- chen, electricity and water Garage. For Particulars apply Scott, Magazine Lane. to D'arey A 8.14 .50-g3n PROPERTY One house standing on approximately % acre of land at Dea- cons Read. House contains 4 rooms and yard enclosed with wall, Suitable | for small dairy. Apply to Hutehingon & Banfield, Solicitors, James St. 4.11. 50—6n “ROCK DUNDO"-Situate at Cave Hill St. Michael, with approximately 32 Acres of Land, Consisting of 20 Arable Acres and 12 Acres in Sour Grass and | Roads. The Arable Acreage is as follows:— Plant and Ratoon Canes “4 | Preparation = a 6 20 ‘The House contains three bedrooms. toilet and bath, Arawing and diming rooms, library, Office, closed gallery aid Kitchen, Servants rooms, garag? end other out buildings, two conerete rain water tanks with a capacity of 25,000 gallons Electric ght and Company’s Water. Three miles outi\of town, bus vervice. Suitable for Dairy or Development Inspection Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 noon to 4 pom, Offers for above will be received tn writing by Colin P. B, Seale, Boyell & Skeete, Licas Street, Bridgetpwn, §.11°50—1an TAKE NOTICE That British American Tobacco Com- Peny (Barbados) Limited whose trade or business address is Green Hill, Lodge Road, Saint Michael, Barbados, trading as manufacturers, has applied for the registration of a trade mark in Part “A" of Register im connection with Cigareties and will be entitled to register the same after one month from the eighth day of November 1950 unles some person shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my office of opposition of such registration, The trade ‘mark can be seen on appli- cation at my office Dated this 8th day of November, 1939. H. WILLIAMS “4 Registrar of ‘Trade Marks 8.11\.50—-3n | That Midland Flour Millis Limited, |} whose trade or business address is 450 Archibald Street, Saint Boniface, in the Province of Manitoba in the Dominion of Canada has applied for the registra- tion of m trade mark in Part “A” of Register in connection with Wheat flour and other products or preparations made from cereals and all other kinds ot foods and ingredients of food and will be entitled to register the same efter on€ month from the eighth day of November 1950 unless some person shall in the meantime give notice in dupli- cate to me at my office of opposition of such registration The trade mark can be seen on application at my office Dated this 6th day of November, 1950. H. WILLIAMS, Registrar of Trade Marks TAKE NOTICE ALL-WEATHER That The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, a company organised under \the laws of the State of Ohio, located |at 1144 East Market Street, Akron in the County of Summit, State of Ohio, United States of America, whose trade or business address is 1144 East Market Street, Akron, in the County of furnmit, State of Ohio, U.S A., trading The Goodyear Tire & Rubber | Company tion of a trade mark in Part “A” of Register in connection with pneumatic, Cushion and solid tires constructed wholiy or partly of rubber and used for motor trucks, motor cars, motor- cycles, bicycles, alrplanes and other vehicles, and including parts of sueh tives such as treads, outer casings or tire shoes and inner tubes therefor, and | will be entitled to register the same {after one month from the eighth day of November, 1950 unless some person |} ehall in. the meantime give notice in | duplicate to me at my office of oppost- j tion of such registration. The trade mark can be seen on application at my | office Dated this 1950 8th da Registrar of Trac has applied for the registra. | PUHLIC SALES ) ROYAL NETHERLANDS STEAMSHIP CO. i Sailing from Antwerp, Rotterdam and | Holland s.s. «‘HELENA™ 20th, 2ist, 25th. November. from Amsterdam, s. “ORANJESTAD™ 17th vember . and Dever and 18th. | | Sailing to Trinidad, La Guaira, Cura- | cao etc. m.s, * * 6th. November; | s.s. “FARNSUM™ 1$th. November; ms. . NJESTAD” ist. November Sailing to Trinidad, Paramaribo, Georgetown, m.s. “HELENA” ith. | December Sailing to Madeira, Plymouth, Ant- | werp, and Amsterdam, m.s. “WILLEM- | STAD” 17th { TAKE NOTICE | KREEMIT | That Hull, Jones & Co., Limited, a British Company, whose trade or busi- ness address is No. 10, Chacon Street in the City of Port-of-Spain in the Island of Trinidad, has applied for the registration of a ‘rade mark in Part “A’ of Register in connection with milk-based foods and all other sub- stances used as food or as ingredients in food, and will be entitled to register the same after one month from the eighth day of November 1950 unless some person shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my office of oppo- sition of such registration. The trade mark can be seen on application at my Dated this 8th day of November, 1950 H . 8, Registrar of Trade Marks 8.11.50—3n. LOST & FOUND LOST That can clips In St Rewarded = on Advocate Advtg 11.11, 90—2n RAGE BOOK—B.T.C. 1950) Autum Neeting Book. Series A.9750, Finder kindly return same to Bill Holder, C/o Dr. Storey's O* ce, Trafalgar Street, 11.1) 50--In SWEEPSTAKE TICKET—Series C.4400, Finder please return same to Clarrie Roach, Fairfield, Blick Rock. 11. #1. 50-14 BROOCH--( Brilliant) converted into two Mary's Church yard returning to the office be WATCH Ladies Gold Rolex Wrist Watch with a brown leather strap Between the Dominica Marketing Ce. end Post Office on Tuesday morming between 9 and 9.30. Finder return to Advocate Advtg. Office. Reward offered 9.11, 50—3n GREEN WALLET-Containing a Race Ticket, Series Y-0026, in Pie Corner, St. Lucy, Finder will be rewarded on returning to Agatha Harris, Pie Cornet St. Luey 11.11.50! 9 MAIL NOTICES Mails for Martinique, Guade! United Kingdom, France by the “3's. rascogne will be closed at th i 7 Post Office as under ee PARCEL MAIL at 13th. November REGISTERED MAIL at 8.30 Ordinary MAIL at 9 am ‘the November 1950 12 noon on the and on the 14th Mails for British Guiana by the Sch Frances W. Smith will be closed at the General Post Office as under: PARCEL MAIL, REGISTERED MAIL and ORDINARY MAIL at 10.15 a.m on the llth, November 1950 ——_——__ TO-DAY'S NEWS FLASH TEST MATCH CRICKET BALLS 10/- Each JOHNSON'S STATIONERY A Fountain Pen Repair Service BM aes ey JOHNSON’S HARDWARE MAYFAIR BEAUTY SALON MRS. LEVITT NICER THAN EVER ! BETTER THAN EVER! | For the convenience of our Customers |} NEW LOCATION— HOTEL ROYAL | PHONE 2504 For appointments. 9.11.50.—2n. PROPOSES SSSOPOSTTE 1 FURNISH for Enjoyment THE MONEY-SAVING WAY PROOOOSS™, NEW and renewed MAHOGANY anc other Wardrobes, Dresser. robes, Chests_of-drawers and Linen Pressa>—-Vanaties, Dressing Tables, Stools, Sereen Frames, Single and Double Bedsteads, Separate Side Rails, Laths | Dining, Kitehen and Fancy | Tables, Sideboard: $17 up, China, | Kitchen and Bedroom Cabinets | Larders, Waggons, Liquor Cases, | Ccolerator SPECIAL 4-piece floral Uphols. tered Suite to seat Five—Morris, Tub and Rush Suites and separ- ate pleces—Berbice and Basy~ chairs, $3 up-—Cheval and other Framed and unframed Mirrors up lo body-height 50 x 16-—Bookracks Derks with sloping or Flat Tops L.S. WILSON Trafalgar Street. Dial 4069. SSSSSSSOS ISOS SOS FOSS SOSS OOS" 5 { | t SHIPPING PAGE NINE NOTICES MONTREAL AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND § LINE (M.A.N.Z) S.S. “GLOUCHESTER” salls Freeman- The M.V. “Caribbee” will accept ue These space chilled, hard frozen and general cargo. Cargo lading with transni it at Barbados, British Leeward Islands. September 7th, Adelaide 19th, Melbourne September port October Ist, Sydney October 12th, Brisbane October 24th, arriving at Bar- dados November 26th. Cargo and Passengers for Domin ica, Antigua, Montserrat, Nevis & St. Kitts. Sailing Friday 17th neu Deven The M.V. “Daerwood” will ac cept Cargo and Passengers for 3 Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada & Aruba. Date of departure will be notified vessels have tor accepted on thro Dills of idad for ttana, Windward ond For further particulars apply :— B.W.I. Schooner Owners FURNESS, WITHY & Co. Ltd., Association Inc. bs & oe Tel. 4047, DA COSTA & Co. Ltd., BARBADOS, Acents” \e Abcoa Steamship (o. Inc. NEW ORLEANS SER-ICR gals Arr. N.O. Bdos 8.8. “VINNI" 26th Oct 10th Nov STEAMER ath Nov 25th Nov STRAMER 29rd Nov ath Dee NEW YORK S&RVIOR salle Arr. N.Y. Bdos $.8. “C. G@. THULIN” 24th Nov Sth Dee $8. “BYFPJORD”" 15th Dec 3th Dee aa a em a ee CANADIAN SERVICE OUTBBOUND Sails Sails Arrives Name of Ship Montreal Halifax Barbados S.S. “ALCOA PARTNER" October 27th Qetober s0th November toh 3.8 ‘ALCOA PEGASUS” November !th November lath November 2%rd 8.8. “ALCOA POLARIS" November 24th November 7th December ith @ 2 ie NORTHBOUND Arrives Barbac os s/s “ALCOA POLARIS" October Sist For St. Lawrence River Ports. These vessels have limited passengers A » RO. T THOM LTD.—New York and Guilt Service. Consdian National sOUTHBOUND ocommoda tion t+ DACOSTA & CO. TD.—Canadian Service, Steamships Sails Sails Sails Arrives ¢ Sails Montreal Helifax Boston Barbados , Barbados CANADIAN CRUISER ++ 23 Oct. 27 Oct 7 Nov. . 7 Nev LADY NELSON .. + -- 1Nov. 4 Nov. Nov. 16 Nov. 1€ Nov CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR 1 Nov. 14 Nov. -- 2! Nov & Pov. CANADIAN CHALLENGER 23 Nov. 27 Nov. _- E LADY RODNEY .. Ms . - 2 Dee 4 Dec. LADY NELSON .. - 19 Dec, 2. Dee LADY RODNBY .. _ 1” Jan iv Jan. \ADY NELSON .. - 1 Feb. ' Feb NORTHBOUND Arrives Sails Arrives Arrives Barbados Barbados Boston S\. John ADY RODNEY ® Nov 10 Nov 20 Nov. 21 Nov. ADY NELSON 24 Nov. 30 Nov. ¥ Dec. iy Dee. ADY RODNEY 25 Dec, 27 Dee. Jan. 7 Jan. LADY NELSON ll Jan 13 Jan. 22 Jan, 23 Jan. ADY RODNEY 10 Feb. 12 Feb, 2l Feb. 22 Feb. ADY NELSON .. 2 Reb. 27 Feb. 8 March 0 March GARDINER AUSTIN & COV 4.~—Sublsect to without notice. bera. Pamenser Fares end (reigbt Al veuseis Atted with coid slorage cham 4\-@ on appiiestion to LTD. a Ag ents. HARRISON LINE OUTWARD FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM Due Vessel From Leaves Barbados S. “BEDFORD EARL” London . 26th Oct, 18th Nov. 5.5, “SENATOR” ot Gla . (29th Oct, llth Nov. S.S. “SPECIALIST”... n .. 7th Nov. 28rd Nov. S.S. “PHTLOSOPHER” Liverpool ., 9th Nov. 24th Noy. Vessel S. “STTHONIA” HOMEWARD FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM For Closes in Barbados . London 7th Nov. *or further information apply to - - - DACOSTA & CO., LTD.—Agents —. Se oe CHE. GLE. TRANSATLANTIQUE S.8 8.8. S.S. XMAS CRACKERS, XMAS TREES, on WITH THEIR POLICY S uneestoes ALL EXPECTATIONS. . “GASCOGNE” . “COLOMBIE” (French Line) Sailing to Trinidad & Fr. Guiana Novem- ber 8th, 1950. Sailing to PLYMOUTH & LE HAVRE via Martinique and Guadaloupe Novem- ber 14th, 1950, “GASCOGNE” Sailing to Trinidad, La Guayra, Curacao. Cartagena and Jamaica December 6th, 1950. Sailing to PLYMOUTH & LE HAVRE via Martinique and Guadeloupe December 17th, 1950. All ships accepting Passengers, Cargo and Mai. First Class Passages Only. First, Cabin and Tourist Class Passages. “COLOMBIR” “GASCOGNE” “COLOMBIE” For further particulars apply to: M. JONES & CO, LTD.-Agents. ee CHRISTMAS IS FAST and we have APPROACHING TOYS. Come in early and select yours. THE CENTRAL EMPORTIOM (CENTRAL FOUNDRY LTD.—Proprietors) Corner of Broad and Tudor Streets. O: CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT, the N ew CONSUL reopuctD BY FORD OF DAGENHAM, abu, HAVE THE PLEASURE QF SEEING THIS | CAR IN THE NEAR FUTURE SOCCO SEV DIST CLOVIS FIGSOOLO CE SSS TSSOP SSSPIODE, , > g $ g CHARLES Mc ENBARNEY & L D3 GOCPCCSSS OS BOGS FOC 90S BO G9 OOD SOGOUODO OOOO CO. ITD. s < OA f

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Page 1: WA1VTCB FURNISH Iufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/09/89/64/02431/00568.pdf · Mttondant In Drup Store, wllllnd to hold anv auluble poaltlon for *tx monlha or lotifor. BOKWrite a. Co


- ere



82 years at his late residence Venture, St. John on Sunday, November 5, 1950

and was laid to rest the same after- “~ noon at Mt. Tabor, St. John. Kitty Humphrey (wife), Galvin 2 Mrs. Doreen Alleyne ( ), Nurse Brathwaite, Gladys Best, Hum- phrey (relatives).

NEWMAN — Mrs. A. C. Beloved mother of Mrs. Harold Skeete and Mrs.

Ww this afternoon. The ves the Belmont Funeral Home, Road, at 4.30 o'clock for the

Catholic Church, Jemmott’s Lane, and thence to the Westbury Cem- etery.

Lilian Christian (Widow), Wm. Max- well (Father-in-law), {Mother-in-law) Evan Maxwell, Al Maxwell (Brothers-in-law), Enid - well (Sister-in-law), e, Wi Millicent (Cousins), Gokool, (Trinidad) .

IN MEMORIAM In ever loving memory of our dear

father PRINCE W. JONES who entered his_eternal rest a year ago. .

0" gone from sight To mem'ry dear, Thou ever will remain.

Carmen Jones, Rev. I. McK, Jones, Enid Millar. 11.11, 50—In,

Treasured; memories of ALICE OCTAVIA WALLACE ‘Miss O" who was called to higher service on November lith 1949, Happy and smiling always content, Loved and respected wherever she

went; To a beautiful life came a noble end, She died as she lived every body's

friend. God saw the road was getting rough The nd were han to climb ™ He gently ctosed her es, And whispered ‘Peace SP tniwe

“remembered Ever to be by Elaine Downes (step-daughter), Eigive

Downes and Sylvia Carter. 4 18.11.50—I1n

15 hp. 6 Cc. one (1)

cylinder Fiat car in pactnet condition

* 42.41.50—2n.

$0" Dial etc. 30° x 50”.

j We RR wi | Co., Ltd. Electrical

Dept. . #1, 50—6n.

LAMPS — For House or

gener 12; 32; 110 and 220 Volts

More light for 1 ae Dial 3378

Da. Costa & Co., < ar pes

ter for Tea, Hot drinks, shaving etc. Dial 3878 Da Costa & Co., Lid. i

cal Dept. 4.11. .

FURNITURE lew and class

second-hand furniture in ny,

eran aa Pine, large variety at nh Beard’s Show Rooms, Hardwood BA (Opposite the Cathedral), oe 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone aif. :


A c aitek new $4500 each. Phone i 11,11,.50—2n.


GALVANIZED PIPES in 4”, 3%, 21/2", also galvanized sheets in 6ft..

anl sft, 1 hs. Enquire Auto

Trafalgar Street. Phone 8, .50—t.f.n.

§ . each. The

Broad Street,

WIRE—Galvanize 10 and 12 gauge soft clothes line wire, correct wire for Tinsmiths, 24c, ib. Hard-

Reed dor Street. vanes oe i1.11.50—1n.

BOOKKEEPER—. for Marine Hotel. Agply_vateween

. hours m., a ee 9.11.50—3n.

SERVANTS—Two General Servants.

Apply Kingsley 2nd. Ave: le i sia nanstedarensieianenencce—atariee TWO OVERSEERS —

Only “applicants who can calculate efficiently need

_ kinds of Card Board BOXES All cerimated | Card, Boxes other than

vocate woe Dept. oer a 10. 50—t.f.n.

YOUNG LADY—Tutored at leading

girls’ school in the island. School

certificate, S¢eks employment as cashier,

attendant in Drug Store, willing to hold any suitable position for six months or

. Write Box 22, C/o Advocate

hate. Dept. 14,11,.50—-2n,


oO purchase en’ people leaving is . Apply Beard, Hardwood Alley. Phone 4683


WANTED TO RENT “HOUSE by English couple on long

lease with one acre or more land any-

PAYING GUEST ce Mrs. ROSE, Minster House, Marine

Gerdens would — paying on. an 5 ,

WANTED By the Vestry of the Parish of St.

Michael, Under the authority of the St. Mich-

ael's Parish Loan Act 1948 (1948-38), The Vestry desire to borrow from any

bodies politic or a

sum of money not exceeding Three ‘Thousand Five Hundred Pounds (£3,500),

orised under

ennum. Person: must state the mini-~

mum rate of interest they ice te accept, Prior be

rate of interest. Interest is payable on the 30th day of

June each year. The principal of this loan is repayable

in twenty (20) annual instalments of £600. each. The first instalment of this part of the Loan is payable on the 30th day of June, 1959.

Sealed offers in writing marked on the envelope — “OFFER FOR LOAN OF £3,500" will be received by the Clerk of the Vestry, up to 12 o'clock noon on Monday the 20th day of November, 1950

CERTIFICATES will be issued in units of £100. only

By Order, REDMAN

Michael's Vestry

E. C Clerk, St



Tel. 91-54. Appointment to view.

ist. November, at a dst. . “BRIARFIELD” lower ijaen’ Merk. Phone 3473 K. BLAIR BANNISTER. 5.10.50—Gn .

FLAT—Smail comfortable unfurnished Vacant noe Por further” Pha” Omce. © more,

BUNGALOW—No. 4. Clifton Upper Bay Street.

3902 or call on Miss Griffith on 9.11,50—3n.

ROOMS—Two Bed--

each with running water, dining room,

: a and mgdern converse room, ences. Has never been tenanted. Ready for one, December Ist 1950.

Phone . Mrs, C. C. Clarke. 1. 11,50—2n,,

TANGLIN — Beachmont, Bathsheba, October onwards, monthly or otherwise,

bedsteads, children’s room, dining and lounge. erator, My servant’s room. Aj 3 .

77 .8.50—t.f.n

The public are hereby warned against giving cre@it te any person or persons whosoever in name as IT do not hold myself for amyone oe tract: any of ts in my name

by me. Signed CO)

‘St *






The Paroc! Treasurer's Office will be Chureh Vil- lage, from 1 Nov. 1980.

The Office will be opened for busi~ ness oh M Tuesdays, & Satur-

noon to 3 p.m. ad. P. S. 43 SCOTT,

St. 4.11, .


St. Michael Vestry’ Ruhibitia . y at St. Michael's iris’ Benoel.

Attention is drawn to the ment appeairng in the Advocate News.

the November, caption—

"St. Michael's Girls’ School, which states that girls who are over 8 and 11 years will be ex- amined on jay the 17th day of Nov- ember 1950, at 7a

‘or guardians of chi hin this nol group please note the change in date of the exemination and comply with the ad_ vertisement

By _ Order, E. C. REDMAN,

Clerk, St. Michael’s Vastry, 9.11.50—3n

NOTICE Re the Estate of


NOTICE is, hereby given that all per- sons Saying any Bo or claim against the

Melvin late o: i daar SSO

xr of

requested to send of their cans duly at SS crasrucaed

Colin Cleare C/o Messrs. Yearwood & Boyce, itors, No. 14 James Street, Bridg:

+ amy ow o January » after which ate sha’ Tr oces >

the gasets of the Se abc te parties enti thereto regard only to such I ae aes Bg rarer and not liable

asse| or any part ‘thereof distributed ts m of debt or claim I s And en, are req

Dated this

aise in



applica’ Am

oh SPL, Greenidge

Long Bay corner,

Dated this 8th day of Ni (Sad) 5. ‘

t L. H. D. WALWYN, Pea, , Magistrate, one gp r

application be oc Licensing Court to be held on November 22nd 950, at 11 o’clgck a.m. at ee Porte, Dist. “c”,

. L. H, D. WALWYN, ~ Police Magistrate, Dist, “CG,



col . 'ARY:! BOOK- R : bs wg, A six months

Course (Recognised for award of Diploma as dmole or

c ‘co te

Fellow) will qualify you for higher status by 5; tii stud: eee iy ime ly. For now: L_ OF ACCOUNTANCY,

1 Pte, St. James's, London. ‘Advocate. | L247 ~ e "

PARRY SCHOOL There will be an Entrance Examination

candidates desiring to enter the Pet re Teen on onday, November . a.m. Candidates must

their baptismal ona ae certificates monials from their Heaxtmasters,



3 ane Hon HE aoan 1951 is

Queen's College in January’ lost win Ne iopee Tee teenie Fg r joven A nin, t 9 a.m. prompt. DREN ONLY. wil ‘be admitted into the Assembly Hall.

3. Each candidate must bring a testi- monial of Conduct and from Ps. Headmistress of the she

i . 3. ites Over 12 rs of must Mathematical” inst \.

4. Candidates who have reached a costain sender, at ware Set their writ- en examinations summoned “ x4 an Interview.

* e names of girls who have qualified for admission, through inter- view and examination, will be publishea in the Advoeate on . ember 19th, 1950, when Book Lists, etc. will be sent to the parents/guardians.

6. Successful candidates must presen? themselves at Queen's College or Monday, January 15th, 1951, at 9 a.~ accompanied by their parents/guardians.

7. The Entrance Examinations for children over 12 years of age will last a whole day, therefore those candidates must come provided with lunch

| Children ander 12 years of age may be called for at 1.39 p.m 7

11,11, 502m.




The Parcel Branch of the General Post Office, Pulblic Build- has been removed to the ground floor of the new Government

on the Wharf formerly known as the: Harrison Line

From 8.00 A.M. on Friday, 10th November, all parcel post busi-

Henry Street opposite the Office of Messrs. R. M.

have received Final Notice in respect of parcels again warned that any of these parcels undelivered will be

to country of onigin by the first available opportunity.


Attention is drawn to the Control of Prices (Defence)

(Amendment) Order, 1950, No, 35 which will be published in the Official Gazette of Thursday 9th November, 1950.

2. Under this Order (a) the maximum wholesale and retail

selling prices of “Fish-Fresh” are as follows: — \


(not more than) (aot more


Fish—Fresh: — (a) Bream Snapper, Group-

er, Amber Fish .. .. | 26c. per Ib. (ex beach or boat) $32c. per Ib.

(b) Dolphin, Kingfish .. | 22c. per lb. (ex beach or boat). 26c. per lb.

(ce) Albacore, Bill Fish, Bar- ' racuda .. + ee | 20c. per Ib. (ex beach .

or boat). 22c. per lb.

(d) Flying Fish... .. | 5e. each (ex beach or boat). 6c. ‘each

(e) Seine Fish — Mackerel, Cavally, Johns, Jacks, Sprats, Bonita, Herring, Goat Fish si .. |20c, per Ib. (ex beach

or boat). 22c. per lb. (f) Pot Fish, other than

Barbers and Rock Hinds _ 18c. per Ib. Barbers and Rock 10c. per lb.

(g) Shark... os + a l4e. per Ib.

(b) the item “Sea Eggs” has been deleted in its entirety from the Control of Prices (Defence) (Amendment) Order, 1950, No, 23,

8th November, 1950.


His Majesty the King has approved of Remembrance Day being observed on Sunday the 12th of November.

As in previous years the Church authorities are being invited to hold special services throughout the Island at which the two minutes silence can be observed at 11 a.m.

The special service at St. Michael’s Cathedral, which will be at- tended by His Excellency the Governor, will begin at 10.30 a.m., and will finish at approximately 11.10 a.m. At the end of the service, if the weather permits, His Excellency and party will walk to the War Memorial, where His Excellency will lay a wreath. There will be no ceremony.

The Ex-Service Men’s Organisations are being invited to make arrangements for ex-service men to parade and to attend ut 10.30 a.m., at the Cathedral, Other members of the public are invited to attend their usual places of worship,


Admission of candidates to the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst Information has been received from the Secretary of State

regarding the conditions under which candidates from the Colonies may be accepted for admission to the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, with the object of obtaining permanent commissions in the British Regular Army.

Candidates must be unmarried, over 18 years and under 1914 years on the lst of March of the same year for the March intake, and under 19} years on the 1st of September of the same year for the September intake, and must hold the School Certificate of the ‘Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board or its equivalent,

Further details regarding medical standards and method of appli- tation may be obtained from the Colonial Secretary’s Office.

7.11.50—3n V—_—_—_—_———————


As from Thursday, 9th November, 1950, Rogers Road, St. Michael, from the junction of Government Hill to Tudor’s Funcral Establish- ment, will be closed to through traffic until further notice for the purpose of laying a water main.


APPLICATIONS are invited for the following Vacancies in the Government Service: —

Assistant Probation Officer— ($480, 480. 624 x 72 — 912 (E.B.) 1,056 x 72 — 1,776 (E.B.) 1,872 x 96 — 2,160)

Assistant Matron and Sister Tutor, Mental Hospital ($1,920 and free quarters)

Signals Instructor — Barbados Regiment ($480 x 48 —1,080) Road Overseer—Grade I (4) Highways & Transport Depart-

ment ($1,200 x 72 — 1,632) Road Overseer—Grade II (2) Highways & Transport Depart-

ment ($480 x 48 — 1,200 (E.B.) 1,272 x 72—1,440) Surveyor Draughtsman — Waterworks Department ($2,160 x

120 — 2,880) District Welfare Officer (2)—Social Welfare Department

(480. 480. 624 x 72 — 912 (E.B.) (1,056 x 72 — 1,776 (E.B.) 1,872 x 96 — 2,160)

Details of the respective qualifications and conditions of service may be obtained from the Colonial Secretary’s Office and applications should be submitted to the Secretariat not later than the 14th of November, 1950,



Vacancies for Stenographer-typists in the Public Service.

Applications are invited from female candidates for appointments to posts of Stenographer-typists in the Public Service.

2. The minimum standard of proficiency required is 70—80 words er minute in shorthand, and 30 words per minute in typewriting.

3. The salary attached to the posts is at the rate of $480 per annum rising by annual increments of $48 to $1,200.

4. The appointments which are pensionable, wili be on one year’s probation in the first instance and will be made subject to the selected candidates being passed as medically fit.

5. Applications should be made on forms obtainable from the Colonial Secretary’s Office, but candidates who have already submitted application forms should renew their applications by letter only.

6. Applications will be closed at 4 p.m. on the 14th of November. 5/11/50—3n.

Attention is drawn to the Control of Prices (Defence) (Amend- ment) Order, 1950, No. 36 which will be published in the Official Gazette of Monday 13th November, 1950.

2. Under this Order (a) the maximum wholesale and retail sell- ing prices of “Sardines in Oil” (e) Other Brands are as follows: —


(not more than) (not more than)

Satdines in Oh: —— ry (e) Other Brands -- | $14.20 per case of 100) ae \ ~

+ tins of 34 ozs. or Y $1.80 per 12 ‘tins. 16c. per 34 oz. We id .

(b) the items “Sardines in Tomato Sauce” and “Sardines Smoked in Oil” have been deleted in its entirety from the Comitrol of Prices (Defencey, (Amendment) Order 1950, No. 23 ;

10th November, 1950, i.



there. The public entrance to the Branch |


BAY FILLY-“Joan’s Star’, 2 years by Dunwek—Colieen will be sold at auction during the afternoon of Satur day Lt the last day of the races,. at

the B.T.C. paddock 8.11.50—dn


By recommendations of Lioyds Agents we will sell on Tuesday the 4th. at our Mark High Street

1 : Art Silk, 3 Cartons Ali Bran

12 ms One-O-One, 10 Bread Tins, & Tins Paint, | Gasolene Truck Tank

| Glassware and other items foe —. o'clock,


Auctioneers. 11.11. 30-2n


| BUNGALOW -.At — Brighton, Black

| Rock. Just completed and standing on

7,220 square feet cf land with right of way to sea. 3 Bedrooms, Tiled Bath and Modern Kitchenette. Ga and

| Servant’s Quarters. Apply

|INSON & BANFIELD. Phone 4543. 9.11 .50-—4n

Dwellinghouse known as “Bellevue” standing on lands of Graeme Hall De- velopment Ltd, at The Stream, Christ Chureh, at present tenanted by Mr

Hugh Leach. The house contains open

verandah on three sides, Drawing and

| Dining Room, Three bedrooms, Kitchen,

| Pantry, Lavatory and Bath, with run-

ning water and Electricity throughout

Inspection on application to the tenant

between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

The above will be set up for sale at Public Competition at our Office No. 14 James Street, Bridgetown, on Friday vith November 1950 at 2 p.m


Solicitors 5.11. 50—6n

At Rockley on the sea rear Blue Waters Land, One prope! suitable for

Guest Hous. It consists of 14,293 sq. {t land and a stone wall hose whieh has 6 (six) Bedrooms each with running water and other spare rooms that can be converted into Bedrooms

At Silver Sands one newly built stom wall house with three gided verandah,

Drawing & Dining Rooms, four (4)

Bedrooms each with water, beautifully tiled Bath, Pantmy, Kitchenette, Ser- vant’ room with water toflet & shower,

It stands on % acre of land,

At Paynes Bay mear the sea, Qn?

small property ealled Villa Duncan con sisting of \%@ acre of land together with house which has drawing & dining rooms, 2 bedrooms, W.C. & Bath, Kit- chen, electricity and water


For Particulars apply Scott, Magazine Lane.

to D'arey A 8.14 .50-g3n

PROPERTY — One house standing on approximately % acre of land at Dea- cons Read. House contains 4 rooms and yard enclosed with wall, Suitable

| for small dairy. Apply to Hutehingon & Banfield, Solicitors, James St.

4.11. 50—6n

“ROCK DUNDO"-Situate at Cave Hill St. Michael, with approximately 32 Acres of Land, Consisting of 20 Arable Acres and 12 Acres in Sour Grass and

| Roads. The Arable Acreage is as follows:—

Plant and Ratoon Canes “4 | Preparation = a 6


‘The House contains three bedrooms. toilet and bath, Arawing and diming rooms, library, Office, closed gallery aid Kitchen, Servants rooms, garag? end other out buildings, two conerete rain water tanks with a capacity of 25,000 gallons Electric ght and Company’s Water. Three miles outi\of town, bus vervice. Suitable for Dairy or Development Inspection Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 noon to 4 pom, Offers for above will be received tn writing by Colin P. B, Seale, Boyell & Skeete, Licas Street, Bridgetpwn,



That British American Tobacco Com- Peny (Barbados) Limited whose trade or business address is Green Hill, Lodge Road, Saint Michael, Barbados, trading as manufacturers, has applied for the registration of a trade mark in Part “A" of Register im connection with Cigareties and will be entitled to register the same after one month from the eighth day of November 1950 unles some person shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my office of opposition of such registration, The trade ‘mark can be seen on appli- cation at my office

Dated this 8th day of November, 1939. H. WILLIAMS

“4 Registrar of ‘Trade Marks ‘ 8.11\.50—-3n

| That Midland Flour Millis Limited, |} whose trade or business address is 450 Archibald Street, Saint Boniface, in the Province of Manitoba in the Dominion of Canada has applied for the registra- tion of m trade mark in Part “A” of Register in connection with Wheat flour and other products or preparations made from cereals and all other kinds ot foods and ingredients of food and will be entitled to register the same efter on€ month from the eighth day of November 1950 unless some person shall in the meantime give notice in dupli- cate to me at my office of opposition of such registration The trade mark can be seen on application at my office

Dated this 6th day of November, 1950. H. WILLIAMS,

Registrar of Trade Marks


ALL-WEATHER That The Goodyear Tire & Rubber

Company, a company organised under

\the laws of the State of Ohio, located |at 1144 East Market Street, Akron in the County of Summit, State of Ohio, United States of America, whose trade or business address is 1144 East Market Street, Akron, in the County of furnmit, State of Ohio, U.S A., trading

The Goodyear Tire & Rubber | Company tion of a trade mark in Part “A” of Register in connection with pneumatic,

Cushion and solid tires constructed wholiy or partly of rubber and used for motor trucks, motor cars, motor- cycles, bicycles, alrplanes and other vehicles, and including parts of sueh tives such as treads, outer casings or tire shoes and inner tubes therefor, and

| will be entitled to register the same {after one month from the eighth day of November, 1950 unless some person

|} ehall in. the meantime give notice in | duplicate to me at my office of oppost- j tion of such registration. The trade mark can be seen on application at my

| office Dated this 1950 8th da

Registrar of Trac

has applied for the registra. |


i Sailing from Antwerp, Rotterdam and | Holland s.s. «‘HELENA™ 20th, 2ist, 25th. November.

from Amsterdam, s. “ORANJESTAD™ 17th vember .

and Dever and 18th.

| | Sailing to Trinidad, La Guaira, Cura- | cao etc. m.s, * * 6th. November; | s.s. “FARNSUM™ 1$th. November; ms.

. NJESTAD” ist. November Sailing to Trinidad, Paramaribo,

Georgetown, m.s. “HELENA” ith. | December

Sailing to Madeira, Plymouth, Ant- | werp, and Amsterdam, m.s. “WILLEM- | STAD” 17th {

TAKE NOTICE | KREEMIT | That Hull, Jones & Co., Limited, a British Company, whose trade or busi- ness address is No. 10, Chacon Street in the City of Port-of-Spain in the Island of Trinidad, has applied for the registration of a ‘rade mark in Part “A’ of Register in connection with milk-based foods and all other sub- stances used as food or as ingredients in food, and will be entitled to register the same after one month from the eighth day of November 1950 unless some person shall in the meantime give notice in duplicate to me at my office of oppo- sition of such registration. The trade mark can be seen on application at my

Dated this 8th day of November, 1950 H . 8,

Registrar of Trade Marks 8.11.50—3n.


That can

clips In St Rewarded = on

Advocate Advtg 11.11, 90—2n

RAGE BOOK—B.T.C. 1950) Autum Neeting Book. Series A.9750, Finder kindly return same to Bill Holder, C/o Dr. Storey's O* ce, Trafalgar Street,

11.1) 50--In

SWEEPSTAKE TICKET—Series C.4400, Finder please return same to Clarrie Roach, Fairfield, Blick Rock.

11. #1. 50-14

BROOCH--( Brilliant) converted into two Mary's Church yard returning to the office


WATCH — Ladies


Rolex Wrist Watch with a brown leather strap Between the Dominica Marketing Ce. end Post Office on Tuesday morming between 9 and 9.30. Finder return to Advocate Advtg. Office. Reward offered

9.11, 50—3n

GREEN WALLET-Containing a Race Ticket, Series Y-0026, in Pie Corner, St. Lucy, Finder will be rewarded on returning to Agatha Harris, Pie Cornet St. Luey 11.11.50! 9

MAIL NOTICES Mails for Martinique, Guade! United Kingdom, France by the “3's. rascogne will be closed at th i 7 Post Office as under ee PARCEL MAIL at

13th. November REGISTERED MAIL at 8.30

Ordinary MAIL at 9 am ‘the November 1950

12 noon on the

and on the 14th

Mails for British Guiana by the Sch Frances W. Smith will be closed at the General Post Office as under: PARCEL MAIL, REGISTERED MAIL and ORDINARY MAIL at 10.15 a.m

on the llth, November 1950 ——_——__



10/- Each


A Fountain Pen Repair Service BM aes ey





| For the convenience of our Customers


| PHONE 2504 For appointments.



FURNISH for Enjoyment



NEW and renewed MAHOGANY anc other Wardrobes, Dresser. robes, Chests_of-drawers and Linen Pressa>—-Vanaties, Dressing Tables, Stools, Sereen Frames, Single and Double Bedsteads, Separate Side Rails, Laths

| Dining, Kitehen and Fancy | Tables, Sideboard: $17 up, China, | Kitchen and Bedroom Cabinets | Larders, Waggons, Liquor Cases, | Ccolerator

SPECIAL 4-piece floral Uphols. tered Suite to seat Five—Morris, Tub and Rush Suites and separ- ate pleces—Berbice and Basy~ chairs, $3 up-—Cheval and other Framed and unframed Mirrors up lo body-height 50 x 16-—Bookracks Derks with sloping or Flat Tops

L.S. WILSON Trafalgar Street. Dial 4069.




OOS" 5


| t





(M.A.N.Z) S.S. “GLOUCHESTER” salls Freeman- The M.V. “Caribbee” will accept


These space chilled, hard frozen and general cargo.

Cargo lading with transni it at Barbados, British Leeward Islands.

September 7th, Adelaide 19th, Melbourne September port October Ist, Sydney October 12th, Brisbane October 24th, arriving at Bar- dados November 26th.

Cargo and Passengers for Domin ica, Antigua, Montserrat, Nevis & St. Kitts. Sailing Friday 17th

neu Deven

The M.V. “Daerwood” will ac cept Cargo and Passengers for 3 Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada & Aruba. Date of departure will be notified

vessels have tor

accepted on thro Dills of idad for

ttana, Windward ond

For further particulars apply :— B.W.I. Schooner Owners FURNESS, WITHY & Co. Ltd., Association Inc.

bs & oe Tel. 4047,



\e Abcoa Steamship (o. Inc.


8.8. “VINNI" 26th Oct 10th Nov STEAMER ath Nov 25th Nov STRAMER 29rd Nov ath Dee

NEW YORK S&RVIOR salle Arr. N.Y. Bdos

$.8. “C. G@. THULIN” 24th Nov Sth Dee $8. “BYFPJORD”" 15th Dec 3th Dee a a a em a ee


Sails Sails Arrives Name of Ship Montreal Halifax Barbados

S.S. “ALCOA PARTNER" October 27th Qetober s0th November toh 3.8 ‘ALCOA PEGASUS” November !th November lath November 2%rd 8.8. “ALCOA POLARIS" November 24th November 7th December ith @


Arrives Barbac os

s/s “ALCOA POLARIS" October Sist For St. Lawrence River Ports.

These vessels have limited passengers

A » RO. T THOM LTD.—New York and Guilt Service.

Consdian National sOUTHBOUND

ocommoda tion

t+ DACOSTA & CO. TD.—Canadian Service,


Sails Sails Sails Arrives ¢ Sails Montreal Helifax Boston Barbados , Barbados

CANADIAN CRUISER ++ 23 Oct. 27 Oct — 7 Nov. . 7 Nev

LADY NELSON .. + -- 1Nov. 4 Nov. Nov. 16 Nov. 1€ Nov CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR 1 Nov. 14 Nov. -- 2! Nov & Pov. CANADIAN CHALLENGER 23 Nov. 27 Nov. _- E LADY RODNEY .. Ms . - 2 Dee 4 Dec. LADY NELSON .. - 19 Dec, 2. Dee LADY RODNBY .. _ 1” Jan iv Jan. \ADY NELSON .. - 1 Feb. ' Feb

NORTHBOUND Arrives Sails Arrives Arrives Barbados Barbados Boston S\. John

ADY RODNEY ® Nov 10 Nov 20 Nov. 21 Nov. ADY NELSON 24 Nov. 30 Nov. ¥ Dec. iy Dee. ADY RODNEY 25 Dec, 27 Dee. € Jan. 7 Jan.

LADY NELSON ll Jan 13 Jan. 22 Jan, 23 Jan. ADY RODNEY 10 Feb. 12 Feb, 2l Feb. 22 Feb.

ADY NELSON .. +» 2 Reb. 27 Feb. 8 March 0 March


4.~—Sublsect to without notice. bera. Pamenser Fares end (reigbt

Al veuseis Atted with coid slorage cham 4\-@ on appiiestion to —

LTD. a Ag ents.


Due Vessel From Leaves Barbados

S. “BEDFORD EARL” London . 26th Oct, 18th Nov. 5.5, “SENATOR” ot Gla . (29th Oct, llth Nov. S.S. “SPECIALIST”... n .. 7th Nov. 28rd Nov. S.S. “PHTLOSOPHER” Liverpool ., 9th Nov. 24th Noy.

Vessel S. “STTHONIA”


. London 7th Nov.

*or further information apply to - - -

DACOSTA & CO., LTD.—Agents —. Se oe










(French Line)

Sailing to Trinidad & Fr. Guiana Novem-

ber 8th, 1950.


via Martinique and Guadaloupe Novem-

ber 14th, 1950,


Sailing to Trinidad, La Guayra, Curacao.

Cartagena and Jamaica December 6th,


Sailing to PLYMOUTH & LE HAVRE via Martinique and Guadeloupe December

17th, 1950.

All ships accepting Passengers, Cargo and


First Class Passages Only.

First, Cabin and Tourist Class Passages.




For further particulars apply to: —

M. JONES & CO, LTD.-Agents.



— and we have — APPROACHING

TOYS. Come in early and select yours.


Corner of Broad and Tudor Streets.







g $



CO. ITD. s < OA
