war horsegroupwork


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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: War horsegroupwork

War Horse Vocabulary Parish: an ecclesiastical district having its own church and member of the clergy. Example: After the French occupation in 1842, the building was used successively as a soap factory, a prison, a canteen, a parish church, and, lastly, as a museum. Reassure: to restore to assurance or confidence. Example: She leaned back on the couch instead, trying to reassure him with a weak smile. Bullocks: A young bull or one castrated. Example: It was a bullock run. Vehement: characterized by rancor or anger; violent: Example: vehement hostility. Mortgage: to place under advance obligation; pledge: Example: to mortgage one's life to the defense of democracy. Piggery: The place where pigs are raised. Example: The piggery got stolen so there was nothing to sell. Saddle:a seat for a rider on the back of a horse or other animal. Example: the saddle broke, so the lady fell. Whisk: to move with a rapid, sweeping stroke: Example: She whisked everything off the table with her arm. Inquisitiveness:given to inquiry, research, or asking questions; eager for knowledge;intellectually curious: Example: an inquisitive mind.

Rummaging:to search actively, as in a place or receptacle or within oneself: Example: She rummaged in her mind for the forgotten name. Peaked:having a peak Example: Panic peaked as she looked around her. Muzzle: to restrain from speech, the expression of opinion, etc.: Example: the censors muzzled the press. Patted: to strike lightly or gently with something flat, as with a paddle or the palm of the hand, usually in order to flatten, smooth, or shape: Example: to pat dough into flat pastry forms. Forelock: a tuft of hair above or on the forehead Example: her forlock almost covers her eyes. Finesse:extreme delicacy or subtlety in action, performance, skill,discrimination, taste Example: her finesse was extreme in that duty. Chafings:to wear or abraded by rubbing. Example: He chafed his shoes on the rocks Skirmishes:Military. a fight between small bodies of troops, especially advanced or outlying detachments of opposing armies. Example: the skirmishes were terrible and many leaders died. Windgalls:a puffy distention of the synovial bursa at the fetlock joint. Example: Hooves: the horny covering protecting the ends of the digits or encasing the foot in certain animals, as the ox and horse. Example: the hooves of the dog were almost broke. Echelon: a level of command, authority, or rank:

Page 2: War horsegroupwork

Example: After years of service, she is now in the upper echelon of city officials. Bugle:a brass wind instrument resembling a cornet and sometimes having keys or valves, used typically for sounding military signals. Example: she played the bugle really well. Bivouac:a military encampment made with tents or improvised shelters, usually without shelter or protection from enemy fire. Example: the bivouac was bombed and everyone died. Ominous: portending evil or harm; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious: Example: an ominous bank of dark clouds.