warhammer fantasy campaign rules

1 CAMPAIGN RULES PACKET 1.8 Sept 29 th , 2013

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Narrative campaign using Tamurkhan rules packet


Page 1: Warhammer Fantasy Campaign Rules




Sept 29th, 2013

Page 2: Warhammer Fantasy Campaign Rules


I send this letter to you commander in the hopes that it reaches you before you and

your men cross over into Stirland. You carry more with you than just the black and

gold standard of Nuln. You carry the hopes of the peoples of this empire. You carry

the songs of wives who will be clinging to the hopes of seeing their husbands once

more. You carry the dreams of children who wish to see their fathers once more.

Remember commander, that you walk into the den of evil itself when you cross into the

northlands and confront the enemy on his ground. Wear your faith as your shield, let

your allies stand next to you and may your swords, hammers, and axes never waver.

Our armies must prevail commander. You must defeat the evil spawned from the

north as the men before you have done and have done for every generation since


May fortune walk forever with you

~Cardinal Dassius, College of Sigmar

Greetings commanders and welcome to the 2013 Fantasy Campaign. This year you will

be traveling north into the Chaos Wastes as we embark on Forge World’s Tamurkhan

the Throne of Chaos campaign where we will travel the breadth of the entire north

through the Ogre Kingdoms and south where we will finish with a final battle at the

gates of Nuln itself.

How does it work?

The campaign is split into six chapters. Each chapter represents a month of our time, so

starting in June we will do a chapter a month which will culminate with the final battle

in November a week before Thanksgiving.

During each chapter, there will be two battles fought. The first battle will be one that is

scheduled for you with a set opponent. The second battle will be a special chapter battle

held during Campaign Day (which unless otherwise noted will always be on the last

Saturday of the month)

The exception for this will be chapter six, which will just consist of the final battle. This

will bring us to eleven total battles making up the campaign.

There will be several team based games and the focus this year is on the two factions as a

whole (Order & Destruction). While the campaign is named after the chaos warlord

attempting to take Nuln, this event may belong to a dark elf commander, or a dwarf

priest, or even a high elf prince! That will be up to us to decide.

How big are the games?

The campaign will range from 2500 point games all the way up to 3500 point games.

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What will I need?

You will need an army, as well as a copy of the rules and an army book. You will also

need access to the Storm of Magic rules as every chapter one of the random battles that

you can roll up will be a Storm of Magic scenario. This means your army rosters for

your scheduled games will need to be the set point limit and you should bring with you

your extra Storm of Magic items if you roll up that battle.

Campaign battles are not random and will be laid out ahead of time. Your opponent

during campaign battles will not be known, however, as it will depend entirely on who

shows up to play that day.


Registration is $10 for the event, which helps pay for awards. There are three awards

given at the end of the event, one for overall winner (the player that is on the winning

side at the end of the campaign and who has earned the most campaign points), the best

painted, and the best player.

You will not be scheduled until your league fee is paid.

Special Characters

Special characters are allowed. You may field one special character in your list, and your

list may change from game to game. Note: during team games a special character can

only exist once on the table. While it would be entertaining for high elf players to run

two Teclis characters, only one may actually be fielded at a time.

Forge World

Forge World items are all perfectly fine to use. It’s a Forge World campaign after all. All

rules in Tamurkhan are eligible to be fielded, to include the alternate army lists such as

Chaos Dwarfs and the Great Chaos Host rules.

Event House Rules, Composition, and Expected Spirit of the Campaign

This campaign would be considered a semi-competitive event. List-tailoring is a part of

this event as you will know who you are facing in advance, and really you are free to take

whatever you wish from your army book.

As a semi-competitive event, challenging lists are perfectly fine to take. Most of the high

powered tournament compositions are dealt with in the event house rules / composition

section. If you meet the composition guidelines, you are fine.

I don’t want to introduce a ton of house rules to any event and I am not a large fan of

comp rules. However, whenever I post “please don’t bring an abusive list”, I get asked to

define what that is so in loose terms the composition rules for the most part prohibit

bringing death star units or giant mega-blob units. That is defined as:

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If you have a unit that by itself without upgrades or characters clocks in at over

sixty models or is worth more than 450-500 points by itself, its probably on its

way to breaking the spirit of the event

If you have a unit that with upgrades and characters included clocks in at half or

more of your total army points, you probably have a unit that has broken the

spirit of the event. Considering that at 2500 points that means having 1250

points tied into one unit or more, that is quite a large chunk of change.

Follow those guidelines and you should be fine.

The following event house rules are in effect for all games

When casting spells, any double “1” will count as a miscast, and any double “6”

counts as Irresistible Force (the same rule as in 6th and 7th edition WHFB). A

double “6” only counts as Irresistible Force, not both IF and Miscast. A double

“1” overrides a double “6” if both show up during one roll. If both show up during

one roll the miscast occurs and if the total value is still enough to cast the spell, it

goes off but can be dispelled as normal. Miscast spells can still go off if their

casting value still meets the requirement to cast the spell but can be dispelled per


Magic Resistance is always taken into account, even against spells that are listed

as providing no save (such as 13th spell, Pit of Shades, Purple Sun, etc).

Units are worth half of their points in Victory Points if their numbers are taken to

half or less (the same rule as in 6th and 7th edition WHFB). Characters are worth

half of their victory points if their wounds are taken to half or less.

Units that are fleeing at the end of the game count as being destroyed for scoring


Victories are scored when defeating your opponent by 300 or more points

Following line of sight, buildings can only be entered and exited via entry ways on

the building model. You cannot evaporate models through building walls. To

enter a building, a unit must touch the entryway. When placing terrain, building

access points should be clear (the door, etc) and should be placed in as neutral a

way as possible (don’t put a tower in the corner and then turn the door so that it

faces you and is virtually impossible to get to, turn it to the side or even face the

opponent and then guard it with a unit)

If a watchtower scenario is generated, roll a D6. On a 4+ replace tower with hill

or other terrain feature such as woods, a shrine, etc… If the result is a 1,2, or 3

then watchtower is played as normal with the caveat that the watchtower can only

hold 20 infantry models or 10 monstrous infantry models ever. You cannot

evaporate a unit of 60 infantry into a tower and play clown car with it.

Folding Fortresses are treated just like a watchtower.

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Units do not need to be painted. However, in a nod towards painting units, those that

are fully painted receive a small bonus. A fully painted unit (all models within the unit

to include characters) get *one* re-roll of any set of D6 during the game. Artillery dice

are not D6.

Re-rolls may *never* be used to re-roll a re-roll, nor may they ever be re-rolled by

something else. Ex: you may not re-roll a failed BSB re-roll with one of these re-rolls.

You may not re-roll hate re-rolls for having hatred. Etc…


Upon registering for the campaign and having paid your event-dues, your contact

information will be added to a roster that the other players will have. At the beginning

of each chapter you will be notified of your opponent for that month and it will be your

responsibility to make sure that your game is scheduled and played.

If you cannot schedule your game that month for any reason, please contact the event

coordinator so that you are not scheduled or so that your game can be adjusted for your


The goal of the event is to play a variety of people but also not to send the new players to

the slaughter facing more experienced players on a regular basis. It cannot always be

helped but I will be doing my best to make sure that players are matched up against

players with similar records.

Campaign day battles will be a bit more random but during team matches it will be

attempted to pair off more experienced players with less experienced players on the

same teams.


For the most part, destruction armies will fight for destruction, order armies will fight

for order, and neutral armies (tomb kings and ogres) will fight wherever they are

needed. The two factions will be as balanced as possible so that may mean a destruction

army fights on the side of order for the purposes of the narrative. One such example will

be the Von Carstein list being used from the old Storm of Chaos campaign. The Von

Carsteins will fight on the side of order.

Numbers and skill levels will be checked accordingly to try to ensure that both sides are

as evenly matched as possible.

Standings and Victory Conditions

Each standard victory is worth 3 victory points to the campaign. Each draw is worth 1

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victory point. Special battles will be worth more depending on the chapter. Standings

for this event will be categorized by victory points.

At the end of the campaign, the player that is on the winning side (based on which side

wins the final battle at Nuln) that has the highest number of victory points will be

crowned as the Champion of Nuln (or its conqueror).

There will also be awards for best painted army and best player, as voted by the player



This is an event built around the concept of good sportsmanship. Please keep this in

mind when conducting yourself at your games. We understand that sometimes we can

get frustrated at how things turn out but please do not take that out on your opponent.

It is, at the end of the day, a game of little plastic men.


Before playing it is advised that every player take time to read all of the core rules,

familiarize themselves with their army list and special rules, read through the Games

Workshop FAQ for the core rules and their army list. If you have any questions, please

feel free to use the facebook league page to post them.

Best of luck to everyone in the event, and look forward to see what becomes of the city of


Unit Upgrades

At the end of the fifth chapter, every player will have an opportunity to upgrade their

units for the final battle. For every five campaign points that they have earned, players

may upgrade one unit with an upgrade from the list within the Tamurkhan book. That

list will be put on here for those that don’t have the book.

Games Not Finished

If you must conclude your game before it is officially over, the game counts as a forfeit

for the other player.

Generating Terrain

Terrain may be generated from the book or a narrative setup may be used where the

person who sets up the terrain offers their opponent the choice of deployment zones.

Note as this is not a tournament and is a campaign that narrative terrain be set up to

make sense and look appealing to play on, not just be set up in a way to offer distinct

advantages for your army!

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Changing Armies

If you change your army midway through the campaign, your existing standings will be

frozen and your new standings will be reset.

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Armies of Sylvania

Storm of Magic Appendix List Revised for 8th edition

For campaign purposes, a Von Carstein army fights on the side of the Empire but counts as a Desperate

Ally during team games.

Grave Markers – At the start of the game, the army of Sylvania places grave markers to represent the

location of burial sites. After table edges have been decided, but before units are deployed, the

Sylvanian player places two markers, plus an additional marker for each Vampire Count or Lord in the


* No marker may be within 6” of each other

* At least 50% of the grave markers must be placed on the Sylvanian player’s table half

* No grave marker may be placed in the opponent’s deployment zone

Once placed, the Sylvanian player rolls a scatter die and 2D6, scattering the markers (on a hit the marker

remains where it is)

The army of Sylvania follows all of the laws of the undead as laid out in Warhammer Armies: Vampire

Counts unless stated elsewhere.

Bloodline Powers

Spectral Attendants (one per army) – 35 pts – all enemy wizards suffer -1 penalties to cast while the

vampire is alive. This has no effect on a spell cast by Irresistable force and cannot cause a miscast.

Wolf Lord – 10 pts – The Invocation of Nehek can be used to augment dire wolf units.

Earthbind – 10 pts – The Vampire has Magic Resistance (1)

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Magic Items

The Drakenhof Banner – magic standard – 50 pts – The banner grants Magic Resistance (2). Vampires

using the Summon Creatures of the Night bloodline power summon double the normal number of

creatures (roll the dice and then double the score)

The army may use magic items from the Vampire Counts army list and the Core rulebook as well.

Army List

Lords – Vampire Lord, Vlad Von Carstein, Manfred Von Carstein

Heroes – 1+ Vampire, Wight Kings, Cairn Wraiths, Tomb Banshees, Konrad Von Carstein, Isabella Von


Core – Dire Wolves (up to 1 unit may take the scout rule for +1 pt/model), 0-2 bat swarms, Fell Bats (do

not count toward minimum core requirements), Sylvanian Militia (new unit), Sylvanian Levy (new unit)

Special – 0-1 Spirit Host, Grave Guard (one unit may be upgraded to Drakenhof Guard with hand

weapons, great weapons, and full plate for +3 pts/model), 0-2 Black Coaches (as they are in the army

list), Black Knights

Rare – Drakenhof Templars (blood knights), Cairn Wraiths, 0-1 Mortis Engine

Sylvanian Militia – 5 pts per model

Same stat line as Skeleton Warriors from the Army List

Equipment: Light Armor, Shield, Spear

Options – Champion, Musician, Standard (10 pts each)

May swap the spear for halberd (+1 pt / model)

May swap the spear for a crossbow (free)

Sylvanian Levy – 4 pts per model

Same stat line and rules as Zombies from the Army List

Equipment: Light Armor, Shield, Spear

Options – May upgrade to a musician and standard bearer for +5 pts each

May swap the spear for a halberd (+1 pt / model)

Necromantic Spells

From Death Awakened – targets a grave marker and casts Invocation of Nehek upon it within 6” from

the marker. Follows same rules for Invocation of Nehek to include casting levels. This spell may always

be chosen in lieu of any spells known by the caster the same as a Signature Spell.

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Armies of Middenheim

Storm of Chaos List Revised for 8th edition

Special Rules

Blessings of Ulric – A priest of ulric functions exactly like an empire priest

Crush the Weak – Priests of Ulric, The Grand Master, and Seneschal and any unit they lead will HATE

models with a base leadership characteristic of 6 or less. This has no effect on the model’s mounts.

The Grand Master – may only join units of Knights of the White Wolf. He and any unit he leads are

immune to psychology.

The Seneschal – The seneschal is a veteran warrior and immune to panic. In addition, any unit he leads

becomes immune to panic.

Wolf Priests of Ulric – Wolf Priests function like empire priests, except that their powers come from the

list below. All powers are treated as bound spells with power level 3.

* Battle Howl – Remain in Play until dispelled or priest uses another power. The priest and any

unit he leads add D3” to their charge move. Failed charges are treated as normal failed charges.

* Destruction – Every enemy model in base contact with the priest suffers a S4 hit. Models

belonging to Warriors of Chaos, Beasts of Chaos, or Daemons of Chaos suffer a S5 hit.

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* Winter’s Chill – All enemy units engaged in close combat with the priest or his unit take an

immediate leadership test (this is not a psychology test). If failed, they suffer a -1 to hit in the next Close

Combat Phase.

* Fury of Ulric – Remains in play until dispelled or priest uses another power. The priest and

any unit he leads becomes immune to fear, terror, and panic.

Relentless Chase – Hunting hounds do not cause panic in other units and cannot be joined by any

characters other than their hunting master. Hounds may ignore the effects of mysterious forests if they


Hunt Master – hounds are often led by hunt masters. He is bought as an upgrade and is treated like a

unit champion, mounted on a horse.

Middenland Equipment and Magic Items Armies using this list may use any of the standard items from the core rulebook. In addition, they may

select items from the following list:

White Wolf Hammer – non magical warhammers. On cavalry models, models using this strike at +2

strength on the turn that they charge, and at +1 strength the rest of the time. On foot the hammer

always confers a +1 strength. In either case it requires two hands to use (but is not a great weapon)

Runefang – magic weapon – as the item in the empire book, Grand Master and Seneschal only

Winter’s Bite – magic weapon – 30 points – on rolls to hit of 6 the wound is automatic with no armor

save allowed.

Storm Hammer – magic weapon – 30 points – Grand Master or Seneschal only. As a White Wolf

Hammer. In addition models wounded in the turn the wielder charges may not strike back.

Wolf Helm of the Teutogens – magic armor – 35 points – 6+ armor save that can be combined with other

armor. Every combat phase the wear makes a leadership check. If passed, he gains +1 Strength that


Armor of the Skoll – magic armor – 40 points – Heavy armor. Attacks against the wearer in close combat

strike at -1 Strength. This affects the save modifier. The wearer is immune to light magic.

Heart of Middenheim – talisman – 40 pts – 5+ ward save. Wearer gains +1 WS.

Cloak of Anraheir – talisman – 25 pts – Magic Resistance (1). Wearer causes fear to all warriors of chaos

and beasts of chaos models.

Bane of the Craven – 30 points – Enchanted Item – Neither the unit carrying the item nor any unit that

they charge may elect to flee as a charge response.

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Pelt of Horros – 20 points – enchanted item – The wearer may re-roll one failed to-wound roll each

combat phase.

Claw Totem – 15 points – enchanted item – The character and any unit he is with roll one extra dice

when pursuing fleeing enemies and discard the lowest.

Banner of the Warrior True – 35 points – Standard – if the unit carrying this banner takes a break test,

they treat the test as having lost combat by D3 fewer points (to a minimum of zero, which still counts as

having been defeated and requires a test)

Banner of Middenheim – 25 points – Standard – the unit carrying the banner is immune to fear and

terror (points drop due to fear and terror’s lesser effect in the game in 8th edition)

Standard of the White Wolf – 40 pts – Standard – All missile fire against the unit (including magic

missiles) suffer a -1 strength penalty.

Wolfshead Emblem – 10 points – Talisman – One Use Only. When dispelling a spell, the player can use

this item to roll an extra dispel dice (it counts as a stored dispel die)

Ice Dagger – 20 points – talisman – the priest may add the rank bonus of his unit to the power level of

the prayer he casts when determining dispel value.

Fang of the Winter Wolf – 25 points – One Use Only – priest only, the priest may use this when casting a

spell. The spell goes off with irresistible force.

Shard of Skoll – 15 points – talisman - the shard adds +1 to every dice roll when making a dispel attempt

(to a maximum of 6)

The Army List

LORDS – 0-1 Grand Master of the White Wolf, Wizard Lord (empire book)

HEROES – Seneschal of the White Wolf, Wizard (empire book), Captain (empire book), Priest of Ulric

CORE – Spearmen (empire book), Halberdiers (empire book), Swordsmen (empire book), Huntsmen

(empire book), Knights of the White Wolf

SPECIAL – 0-1 Teutogen Guard, 0-1 Greatswords, Crossbowmen (empire book), Warriors of Ulric,

Hunting Hounds, Demigryph Knights (empire book)

RARE – Wolf-kin, Mortars (empire book), Cannons (empire book), Handgunners (empire book)

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Grand Master of the White Wolf – 166 points

Same statline as empire grand master. Armed with White Wolf Hammer, Full Plate armor, barded steed,

and may be given 100 points of magic items from the standard or middenheim army list.

Special Rules: The Grand Master, Crush the Weak

Seneschal of the White Wolf – 62 points

Same statline as empire captain. Armed with white wolf hammer, full plate armor.

* May ride barded warhorse (+20 pts)

* May be given 50 points of magic items

Special Rules: The Senschal, Crush the Weak

Priest of Ulric – 70 points

Same statline as empire warpriest. Armed with a hand weapon.

* Light Armor (2 pts), Heavy armor (4 pts), shield (2 pts)

* Additional hand weapon (4 pts), great weapon (4 pts)

* Warhorse (10 pts), barding (4 pts)

* 50 points of magic items

Special Rules: Blessings of Ulric, Crush the Weak, Prayers of Ulric

Knight of the White Wolf – 22 pts / model

Same rules and upgrades as an empire knightly order with the exception that instead of a lance and

shield, the knights carry a White Wolf hammer (and thus have a 2+ armor save)

Teutogen Guard – 11 pts/model

Same statline as empire greatsword.

Unit Size: 10+

Weapons & Armor: White Wolf hammer and full plate

* Upgrade musician (6 pts), standard bearer (12 pts), may take magic standard up to 50 pts, upgrade

one to first knight (12 pts) which gains an extra attack

* Promote unit to inner circle knights for +2 points / model. Unit gains +1 Strength.

Warriors of Ulric – 5 pts / model

Same statline as human spearmen

Unit Size: 10+

Weapons & Armor: hand weapon


* Light Armor (1 pt), heavy armor (2 pts), shields (1 pt)

* Extra hand weapon (2 pts), great weapons (2 pts)

* Musician (5 pts), Standard Bearer (10 pts), Champion (10 pts)

Special Rules: Hates Warriors of Chaos, Demons of Chaos, Beasts of Chaos

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Hunting Hounds – 7 pts / model

M7 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld5

Hunt Master: M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

Warhorse: same stats as normal warhorse

Unit Size: 5-20

Equipment: None

Options: Swap one hound for huntmaster for +15 points. The hunt master rides a warhorse and wears

light armor. He is armed with a spear.

Special Rules: Fast Cavalry, Relentless Chase, Skirmishers

Wolf-Kin – 8 pts / model

M5 WS4 BS3 S4 T4 W1 I3 A1 Ld8

Unit Size: 5-30

Weapons and Armor: Hand Weapons

Options: Light Armor (1 pt), Shields (1 pt), Heavy Armor (2 pts)

* Additional Hand Weapons (1 pt), Great Weapons (2 pts)

* Standard (10 pts), musician (5 pts), Wolf Brother (+1 A, 10 pts)

Special Rules: Stubborn, Skirmishers

* note if upgrading to heavy armor, the movement of the wolf kin drops to 4

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Special Characters of Middenheim

Bothvar the Exalted, Hero of Middenheim

M4 WS7 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I5 A4 Ld9

Points – 510 unmounted, 50 points for his warhorse Heriolf (560 total if choosing to mount)

Heriolf – M9 WS4 BS0 S5 T5 W3 I5 A2 Ld7

Equipment: Bothvar wields the Hammer of Middenheim and wears the Armor of the Silver Stag. Heriolf

wears ithilmar barding, granting Bothvar a +2 to armor save (for a total of 0+ combined with the Armor

of the Silver Stag)

The Hammer of Middenheim – adds +2 attacks to the wielder’s profile. Each hit wounds automatically

with no armor save allowed. Each unsaved wound becomes D3 wounds.

Armor of the Silver Stag – The armor provides Bothvar a 2+ armor save and Magic Resistance (2). No

models in base contact may cast spells (including friendly models) or use bound items.

Against the Odds – enemy units can never claim flank or rear combat resolution bonuses in combat.

Bothvar and any unit he leads is stubborn and immune to psychology.

Awesome Presence – Wounds inflicted by Bothvar in close combat are counted toward friendly side

combat resolution of any friendly units within 12” of him. This number is the number of wounds

inflicted before Bothvar rolls D3 wounds for his hammer.

Iron Resolve – Bothvar has a 5+ ward save. If he is killed, he may take a leadership test at the end of the

phase. If he passes, his astonishing strength of will allows him to ignore the wound and continue to

fight. The effects of combat resolution still count the wound for determining victor, however.

This rule does not apply if he is fleeing and run down by pursuers , or if he is hit with killing blow.

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Boris Todbringer – Elector Count of Middenland

M4 WS6 BS1 S4 T4 W3 I5 A3 Ld9

Cost: 278 points

Equipment: Mounted on barded warhorse. Middenland Runefang (empire book), All hits wound

automatically with no armor save allowed. Full plate armor and shield, talisman of Ulric.

Armor: 1+ / 5++

Elector Count of Middenland – one unit of halberdiers, spear, or swords may take a magic banner worth

50 points

Talisman of Ulric – At the start of every player turn, unless he has been removed as a casualty, Boris

recovers any lost wounds up to his starting total of 3. In addition, the talisman grants Boris Magic

Resistance (1) and a 5+ ward save. It also makes him immune to psychology

High Priest Ar-Ulric Emil Valgeir

M4 WS5 BS3 S4 T4 W3 I5 A4 Ld9

Cost: 325 pts

Equipment: Wolfplate armor, Hammer of Skoll, Ice Dagger (see above items), fang of the winter wolf

(see above items)

Wolf Plate Armor – 4+ armor save, 5+ ward, Magic Resistance (1). Ar-Ulric and any unit he is in are

immune to all fire-based attacks, magical or otherwise.

Hammer-Axe of Skoll – Every close combat phase, the player rolls a D6 to see what power the god Ulric

grants his priest: 1-3 - +2 to his strength; 4-5 grants killing blow, 6 grants +2 to his strength and adds D3

attacks to his profile

Favor of the Winter Wolf – Ar-Ulric’s remains in play spells do not end when he casts another prayer.

They must be dispelled, or ended if he casts the same prayer again or he is slain.

Crush The Weak, Prayers of Ulric

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Armies of Kislev

Revised for 8th edition

Designer Note: When using this document please use in conjunction with the armies of Kislev pdf which

was published in a past White Dwarf. This document updates rules and points costs.

For campaign purposes, an Army of Kislev is an Empire army with Kislev allies.

Errata and FAQ

p.11 – Winged Lancer – Units charged by a winged lancer unit composed of four or more models instead

of Unit Strength 5.

p. 11 – Glorious Charge – any reference to a panic check while charged in the flank simply becomes a

Panic Check.

Boyar - 75 pts (instead of 90 pts)

Winged Lancer – 20 pts (instead of 24 pts)

Horse Archers – 15 pts (instead of 17 pts)

Kossars – 7 pts (instead of 9 pts)

Gryphon Legion – 24 pts (instead of 26 pts)

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Lore of Ice

Lore Attribute – any spells successfully cast from this lore create a thick frost and ice sheet around the

caster. Enemy units charging the caster or their unit must roll an extra D6 on the charge and discard the


The Cult of Slaanesh list may be used as a part of this campaign. The following are clarifications and

errata for that list to bring it up to 8th edition.

Dark Elf Warriors – may take the mark of slaanesh for +1 pt / model

Shades – may take the mark of slaanesh for +1 pt / model

Chaos Knights – pay the normal value for the mark of slaanesh laid out in their army book

Spawn of Chaos – per the chaos army book

Warriors of chaos – per the chaos army book

Dark Riders – may take the mark of slaanesh for +1 pt / model

Characters from the dark elf list may take the mark of slaanesh for +5 pts

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Chapter 1 – June 2013

Schedule games will be generated using the following chart:

1-2 – Battleline

3-4 – Blood & Glory

5 – Meeting Engagement

6 – Storm of Magic

The final battle of June 2013 will be laid out here in the near future.

Terrain: there are few trees here. The terrain is mostly rocks, impassable cliffs and

outcroppings, ruined towers, and icy rivers.

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Campaign Day June 29th Battle

The Champions of the Dark Gods

The final battle of chapter 1 takes place in the Northern Wastes under the baleful

influence of the winds of magic and watched by the Chaos-Gods. This scenario should

be played as a team matchup with two players on each side nominally. If there are odd

people present at campaign day, or new players without full armies, work them into the

game and allow people to adjust rosters accordingly to make the sides balanced.


Set up the table as normal with preference being given towards ruins, fallen statues, and

impassable pillars. The center of the table sits a large ruined temple (A temple of skulls

is perfect). This ruin, the Altar of Battle, has its own special rules detailed below and

counts as an objective.


The game takes place around the perimeter of the table. Each side rolls to determine

which table edge they will deploy on (long or short). The other player on that side

chooses another table edge (long or short)

The side with the highest score chooses first, then the second highest side selects, etc…

and then after selecting must deploy their entire army within 8” of that edge AND not

closer than 12” to any enemy model.

Any player may choose to hold up to HALF of their units in their army in reserve IF


This means the side that wins this roll could choose to be on opposite long ends of the

table if they wish while the other side deploys on the short ends.

First Turn

The side that sets up first has first turn.


Magic dice are generated by each controlling side rolling 2D6 per player (so 4D6 total)

with dispel dice being generated per normal from each.

Example: I’m playing demons and teamed up with warriors of chaos. On our magic

phase I roll 2D6 and get a 4 and a 2 = 6, and my partner rolls 2D6 and gets a 6 and a 3 =

9. I would consult my demon random table for the effects of a 6, and in addition the

opposing side will get to use 10 dispel dice (as the 4 was the highest on my roll and my

partner rolled a 6 for his highest to generate magic dice)

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My dice are only used by me. My partner’s dice are only used by him. The dispelling

side picks which player gets which dispel dice pool to use.

Game Length

Six turns. Or until the store kicks you out. Whichever comes first.

Victory Conditions

Victory points (Per side not per player, this is a team game) are generated differently in

this scenario (per Tamurkhan p.114 scenario)

+1 point for destroying a unit or having an enemy unit fleeing or fled off the table

at game’s end

+1 point for each enemy general killed

Being in control of the Altar of Battle at the end of the game +5 points (fleeing

units do not contest objectives)

Scenario Special Rules

The waxing and waning of the winds of magic – Miscast results may always be rerolled.

However the second result must always be taken. In addition, if power-drain is the

result of this re-roll… treat it as a Dimensional Cascade instead.

The Altar of Battle – this ruin is the focal point for the swirling vortex of power that

surrounds the area. In order to control the altar, a side must have a unit within the ruin

and no enemy units may be within 12” of its center.

Any unit entering the ruin for the first time is assaulted by malevolent spirits. The unit

must make a leadership test on 3D6 and for every point it fails it takes a S2 hit with no

armor save allowed. This is a magical attack and the spirits only attack a unit the first

time it enters the ruin.

Once a side has gained control of the Altar of Battle, that side’s wizards gain a +1 bonus

to all channeling attempts and can summon the Wrath of the Gods on their enemies

(bound spell, Direct Damage, Power 5). Select a point on the battlefield and place a

large template. Roll D6. On a 2+ any model under the template takes a S4 hit. On a 1,

the enemy player whose unit was targets gets to determine where to place the template.

Overall Victory Effects

Each player participating in this scenario gains 5 points for victory, 3 points for a draw,

and 1 point for a loss.

When the overall tally is complete, if Destruction wins Chapter 1 then the nightmare

realm waxes open. In the final battle they will gain +1 to all casting rolls.

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If Order wins Chapter 1 then the doom of the enemy is foretold. At the start of the final

battle after deployment but before first turn, a single enemy unit is chosen. For the

entire game To Wound results of a “1” may be re-rolled.

Chapter 2 – July 2013

After the crushing defeat of the Alliance army at the Altar of Chaos in the wastes,

Tamurkhan wheeled his forces not south, as the imperials had thought, but to the east

into the lands of the ogre kingdoms and the hobgoblin steppes.

The lands of the Steepe are infamous for the nomadic tribes of marauding hobgoblins

that plague them.

Tamurkhan’s plan heading east is to obtain the services of several giants from the local

giant clans… something that the alliance must try to stop at all costs.

July Special Rules

Battles are fought on the northern steppes in July. The terrain is largely like it was in

Chapter 1, favoring ruins, broken land, pillars, and hills. Forests are rare as are water


Dust Storms: Scenarios played in the Stone lands are subject to the cruel and

freakishly unpredictable winds that howl ceaselessly through the area, kicking up dense

clouds of blinding dust. At the beginning of each player’s turn, both players roll a D6. If

the result is a double then for this turn only all units count as being 6” further away than

they actually are for the purpose of shooting attacks, and a penalty of -1 is imposed to all

charge distances rolled.

Scenarios Generated

1 – 2 Battleline

3 – 4 Meeting Engagement

5 – Surprise Encounter (p.389 brb)

6 – The Dark Monoliths of Zhulgozar (p.390 brb)

Notes on scenario 5 & 6

From the designer: it is easy as a wargamese commander to look over your miniature

battlefield and take in a griffno’s eye view of the landscape. But on the field of battle, the

actual generals have no such luxury. Weather conditions and interposing terrain can

hide whole enemy armies until they are right on top of each other.

The surprise encounter requires quick decisions and will reward commanders that are

adept at thinking on their feet. It is notoriously hard to protect your flanks, and you’ll

need to keep an eye out for any opportunities to outflank your foe.

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On the Dark Monoliths scenario: Narrative Battle Maps – unlike the maps for the pitched

battles, the narrative battle maps tend to have example terrain placed on them. The battlefield

description will advise which terrain is essential – in this case only the hill and the ruins in the

center of the table are required. Everything else is optional.

Special Campaign Day Battle: Conquest of Giants

Victory Effect: If destruction wins the chapter, then in the battle of the last phase, one unit

chosen by the player after deployment but before the game has begun may be given a veteran

ability (provided at the last battle)

If order wins, the opposition forces have longer to prepare against the foe in the final

confrontation thanks to an over cautious enemy. Alliance armies in the end phase add +1 to

their roll to see who goes first.

Regardless of side, the winning side of this chapter may field a giant in their army for the

duration of the campaign (but must pay the points for them as normal) as a rare choice.

Scenario rules – all players involve get a free giant that they may use for this battle. This

giant follows the rules for normal giants which can be found in the orc & goblin army book or

the chaos warrior army book.

Set up a table as normal, with preference to terrain that is hilly, rocky, and ruins. There are few

forests in the stonelands.

The goal of the scenario is to capture your opponent’s giants rather than kill them. Tamurkhan

wants them in his army and the alliance army also wants them in their army.

For every captured giant, the side capturing earns +5 victory points. For every giant left alive,

the opposition that owns the giant gains +5 victory points. (this means killed giants earned no


For every unit destroyed or fleeing at the end of battle: +1 victory point.

For slaying an enemy general: +1 victory point.

Capturing Giants: Each infantry, cavalry, monstrous infantry, and monstrous cavalry unit

counts as having grapples and nets. Grapples have an 8” range (roll once to hit per unit, if the

unit is more than two ranks strong, re-roll misses). This may be used against giants engaged in

combat. At the end of the shooting phase the giant must make a STRENGTH check with a -1

penalty for every grapple attached to it after the first grapple. If he succeeds, it breaks free. If it

fails, it falls over!

NETS – a unit with nets charges a fallen giant and makes a strength check rather than fighting

the giant (at the model’s base strength), the giant will then be trussed up. It has been captured

at this point and can only break free by passing a strength test of its own at the start of the

owning player’s phase to break free.

First Turn: Roll off. Duration: Six Turns. Deployment: As battle line

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Chapter III – August 2013 – The Lords of Fire and Ash

Scenarios Generated

D6 Result 1-2 Dawn Attack 3-4 Meeting Engagement 5 Battle Line 6 Surprise Encounter OR Storm of Magic

If players roll a 6, they may choose to run Surprise Encounter (as Chapter II) or may

play a Storm of Magic battle (their choice). If Storm of Magic is chosen, select a scenario

from the Storm of Magic book. Armies are 3,000 points for Storm of Magic (2,500

normal armies + 500 points storm of magic items/monsters)

All other scenarios other than Storm of Magic are 2,500 points.

Special Chapter Rules

Deadly Ground – the Dark Lands are one of the most inhospitable realms in all of the

Warhammer World, filled with boiling rivers of sulphur and hills that are little more

than treacherous mounds of bone and ash among which many of the fouler things lurk.

In addition to any other terrain effect, ALL hills are counted as being DANGEROUS

TERRAIN and any water or swamp feature inflicts 2D6 S1 hits on any unit caught in it.

Victory Effect: Ancient Plunder and Curses Unleashed. If chaos wins Chapter III, the

chaos armies may purchase magic items for a lord level character without points


If the forces of Order are victorious, for the final battle one unit chosen by the player

after deployment may be given one Veteran ability (will be given for the final battle)

August 31st Campaign Day Battle – The Crossing of Fire

This scenario represents Tamurkhan’s horde attempting to block off the main alliance

army’s advance so that the majority can escape west into the Borderlands.

After having suffered defeat in the Stonelands, Tamurkhan’s horde was beset by waves

of imperial knightly orders and monstrous metal machines that helped turn the war

against the forces of chaos.

Bolstered by their new chaos dwarf allies, the forces of Tamurkhan have suffered a

string of defeats in an effort to lure the main alliance army into a volcanic area that the

chaos dwarves have dubbed Al Quazar, the plain of fire. Several strong stone and metal

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bastions stand sentinel over the area and it is here that Tamurkhan and his army hope

to hold the alliance while the larger portion heads west into Border Prince territory.

The Armies

This scenario is designed to be played as a team game. The attacking army represents

the forces of Order, as they have come out on top of the battle points for chapter III.

The defending army is the forces of Destruction, who will only have 1,875 points for this

match, compared to Order’s 2,500.

The Battlefield

The table is set up in a narrative format, with bias given towards craggy hills, lava pools,

sinkholes, and ruins. The board is then divided diagonally into deployment as per the

Meeting Engagement mission (p.149 Warhammer Rulebook).

The defending side places a tower per player anywhere within their deployment zone.

They may also each place 6” x 1” obstacles, representing fire vents (barricades or strips

of material are fine for this) in the gap between the deployment zones, but no closer

than 2” together. These fire vents do not block line of sight, but models moving through

them suffer a S5 automatic flaming hit.

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First, the attacker sets up their entire army in their deployment zone. This represents

the Defenders being prepared for their enemy’s slow advance through the hostile Dark


First Turn

The attacker gets first turn unless the defenders manage to steal the initiative on the roll

of a “6” before the start of the game.

Game Length

Six turns

Victory Conditions

Victory points (per the main rulebook). The defender scores +750 points per

watchtower if they hold any at the end of the game.

Watchtowers cannot be destroyed by any means in this scenario.

Per the rules on p.126, only infantry, monstrous infantry, war beasts, monstrous beats,

and swarms can garrison a building. Warmachines may also be deployed in buildings

(p.109). Units cannot garrison a building on the same turn in which they have marched.

Also note campaign special rules, buildings can only be entered or exited via access

points on the model, and access points should be placed in as neutral a way as possible

(no facing the door away from your opponent so they have to go all the way around it)

This means assaulting the building means assaulting the access point.

Watchtowers do not get any additional benefit (they are not random terrain with

properties like arcane architecture)

Scenario Special Rules

The special conditions for fighting in the Dark lands apply here as well. The exception is

that any hills on the Defender’s side are not considered dangerous terrain to them (p.116


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Chapter IV – September 2013 – The Scouring

Scenarios Generated

D6 Result 1-3 Hired Swords (p. 396 rulebook) 4 Loot and Pillage (p.392 rulebook) 5 Blood & Glory 6 Watchtower

All scenarios in September are set at 3,000 points!

Special Chapter Rules

Blood Money – The Border Princes are filled with unscrupulous killers and hired blades,

willing to sell their swords for blood money. As a result, any army in this phase can take

on a single unit of merc troops if it wishes from its normal points values.

Use the rules for Allies found on p. 136 of the Warhammer rules to determine what

troops are available, with a single CORE or SPECIAL choice from an army that would be

classed as either a Trusted Ally or Suspicious Ally (for narrative purposes, Rob’s

Vampire Counts are considered a suspicious ally of any order army, and he cannot chose

any destruction force as his ally)

Victory Effect: Shadow On the Land. If Chaos wins Chapter IV – they will be able to

choose one unit on the final battle and grant them a veteran ability (displayed in


If the Alliance wins, refugee warriors from the border princes have escaped to fight

another day. In the final battle, one unit chosen by the player after deployment but

before the game has begun will gain the special rule HATRED (any army fighting for


Terrain Considerations: Armies are now fighting in the Border Princes, so green

tables have returned. Generate narrative terrain as we’ve been doing using default

terrain such as forests, hills, rivers, etc. Try for 10-12 pieces arranged in a way to make a

nice looking table, and make sure a couple of those are something from the special

terrain rules such as a sinister statue or wizard’s tower (or whatever)

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September 28th, Campaign Day Scenario – The Tide of Ruin!

This scenario represents a faction driving their opposition mercilessly into a last stand, where they must

quickly destroy their foes before turning north to the southern reaches of the empire to either begin the

final assault on Nuln, or to race north to bolster the defenses.

Attacker & Defender- The faction that has earned the most points in Chapter IV will be the attacker.

The defender will have 1,500 points, while the attacker will have 3,000 points. In the case that both

sides are drawn, a D6 roll will determine which side is attacking and defending per table during the

event (so both sides will need to bring with them two army rosters)

The Battlefield – The game will be played on a default table for the campaign (8x4 for teams if available,

otherwise 6x4). The table will default to woods, hills, and lakes with a 24x24 center clear (in the case of

teams, this will be expanded to 36x36). The defending player may then set up a hill with a watch tower,

a cluster of three small buildings, OR a single multi part building along with four 6” obstacles anywhere

within the central cleared area as they wish.

Deployment – First the defender sets up their entire army in their central deployment zone. Next the

attacker sets up their entire army anywhere outside of 12” of the defender’s deployment zone.

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First Turn – The Defender gets first turn

Game Length – The game lasts until the defender has been driven entirely out of their deployment zone

or destroyed or when the end of the sixth turn is reached.

Victory Conditions – Victory depends on how long the defenders are able to last (turns listed mean that

the defending player lasted until the END of that turn… ex: 6 turns means that the defender is still

around at the end of the 6th turn)

1 turn – 5 points to the attacking player

2 turns – 4 points to the attacking player

3 turns – 3 points to the attacking player

4 turns – 3 points to the attacking player, 2 points to the defending player

5 turns – 4 points to the defending player

6 turns – 5 points to the defending player

Special Rules (Nowhere to Run) – The defenders have nowhere to go. While they are within their

deployment zone, the defender units gain +1 leadership. Outside of this they are at -2 to their


Blood Hungry – All attacking units have the hatred special rule

Wrack and Ruin – This scenario uses the Destroying Buildings special rules found in Raze & Ruin scenario

on p. 399 of the Main Warhammer Rulebook

Campaign Results – Should the forces of Destruction win Chapter IV, they will be able to promote one

unit during the end game battle in November.

Should the forces of Order win, then one of the units fighting here will be present in the final battle of

Nuln and will gain the special rule “Hatred (Destruction Army and allies)” which may be chosen after

deployment but prior to the first turn beginning in that game.

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Chapter V – October 2013 – Death & Darkness

Scenarios Generated

D6 Result 1-3 Battle for the Pass 4 Meeting Engagement 5 Heroic Last Stand 6 Hold the High Ground

Special Rules for October

Ambush! – This phase represents the darkest hour for the chaos horde forces in

Tamurkhan’s saga, as they are divided and trapped with nowhere to run. Regardless of

the scenario being played, one unit of the owning player’s choice in an Order army can

be given the Ambusher special rule. The Destruction player can reroll their first failed

panic test.

Victory for Destruction – If destruction wins, then searching the deep mountains

the destruction horde brings forth strange beasts ensnared from their lair. Destruction

armies may include a single unridden monster for the final phase from the following list

at NO POINTS COST (giants, wyverns, feral manticores)

Unfortunately, the arcane bindings on the beast are not very strong and the controlling

player must take a monster reaction test at the beginning of each turn… in addition if

two rolls of a “1” are made for this test during the game, the monster goes to the player’s

opponent. The monster is worth no victory points if slain.

Victory for Order – The delays caused by the ambushes in the high mountains allow

the defenders of the empire to bring in superior reinforcements. In the final battle, one

unit chosen by the player after deployment but before the game has begun may be given

a veteran ability.

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Campaign Day – Saturday October 26th – The Sundered Pass