washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1906 …...dr wiley chief chemist of the agri culture...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES THURSDAY JUNE 7 1906 g H I J S Hiss morning Leader at Columbia Club EXPECTING NEW RECORDS Favorable Weather and Excellent Con dition of Links Lead to Opti- mistic Predictions The qualifying round in the annual spring tournament of the Columbia Golf Club began this morning under ideal weather conditions The rain of the last few days to gether with the work that had been done in grooming the grounds has made the course and It Is freely pre- dicted that with the form exhibited of late by the local players the scoring will be lower that In any of the preceding tcurnaments o this course Among the outoftown players who started this morning were S L Small of Hampton Roads J S Hiss of the Bal timore Country Club and T M Shan 3D the Hampden Va crack E H Uankhead of Budbrook failed to arrive Mr Hiss Lowest Among the first to turn In scores were Mr Hiss and E D Carusl the latter of Columbia Mr Hiss started well an l had he kept up his pace would ha o made a much lower but at tht his of S3 was much tetterthan that of Carusi who did the round in 91 Mr Hiss round was the best of the morn- Ing The other morning scores follow D S Weaver Columbia OS D K Jackson Columbia 107 F D Sullivan Columbia 100 M E anforth Columbia 92 John L Weaver Columbia 119 I B Pratt Columbia 316 E M Talcott Washington D C 92 T Pliny Moran Columbia 93 L LJ Harban Columbia 0 S L Small Hampton Roads 90 S Dalzell Chevy Chase 77 J C Davidson Columbia S7 Mr Thompson Chevy Chase S3 Allan Columbia S4 C D Hills Columbia Ill D H Mc Alcom Columbia 111 G T Smallwood Columbia 100 J McB Sterrett Chevy Chase 112 G A Weaver Columbia SO W M Gray Chevy 96 H Greene Bannockburn Ill R D Dalzell Pittsburg 100 Alex Britton hevy Chase 56 J H Clapp Chevy Chase 91 G Beaman Chevy Chase 97 A Winter Washington G C 96 E C Eynon Jr Columbia Ire S Greenwalt Columbia lOS REBELS WIN VICTORIES Capture San Panal Amor and Guay abin and Execute General Morillo ST THOMAS D W I June thentlc advlces say the Santo Domingo revolution is Increasing daily The revolutionary force numbers 300 In Monte Cristl district 200 in the eastern district The latter has captured San Panal Amor There is great discontent throughout the republic with division and treachery In the cabinet The hatred against Americans Is increasing the Domini- cans believing they are aiding Caceres whom the entire population despises The revolutionists have captured Guay abin and executed General Morillo the assassin of Juan Malllso and Manuel Cepln VLSITING GOLFER HAD LOWEST SCORE fast ard Lord L IN SANTO DOMINGO 7Au core Chase- S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ OLIVE OIL CHARGE Retail Association Will De feud Its Members CRITICISES HEALTH OFFfCE Chemist Lynch Working to Prove That the Pure Product Can Be Secur ed by Local Dealers The prosecution of many prominent druggists of Washington for an alleged violation of law in selling adulterated olive oil came up for consideration at a special meeting of the District Associa tion of Retail Druggists this morning at SOS I street northwest By practically- a unanimous vote It was decided that the association should defend In every way possible the cases of such mem bers as have been charged with viola tions of this law Dr A C Taylor the president called the meeting to order at 1030 oclock and at some length discussed the matter for which the druggists were called to gether There was little dissent from the opinion that retail druggists of this city should as a unit defend those upon whom warrants have been served on no other ground than what the drug gists term a technicality Criticises Health Department Several members during the course of their remarks took occasion to hammer the District Health Department for Its action in furnishing information which was the basis for the warrants served upon the druggists The association by a large vote decided upon the of an expert chemist who could make an analysis of questionable goods and whose salary would be paid from the funds of the association As the outcome of the Health Depart ments campaign against adulterated olive oil which has already resulted In Police Court prosecution of several re tailors District Chemist Lynch is com- pleting an anlysis of 114 samples of this oil purchased In several sections of the city and expects soon to have evidence many more violators of the pro vision of the pure food law covering the sale of this article Chemist Lynch at Work In view of the statement reported to have come from the olive oil dealers un der tho scrutiny of the Health Depart ment to tho effect that pure olive oil was impossible to obtain In this city or In fact in other parts of the country Chemist Lynch Is at present directing all his attention toward proving that no good ground for this contention exists He holds that while much of the olive oil offered for sale by local and foreign dealers Is adulterated and misbranded the pure article can nevertheless be purchased In many places Dr Wileys Views Dr Wiley chief chemist of the Agri culture Department and apostle of pure food had this to say today when asked whether pure olive oil was obtainable There Is absolutely pure olive oil and the article that gets condemned In this country Is In fact a preparation of domestic manufacture misbranded with indicating that It is imported Dr Warren the food commissioner rf Penn- sylvania has found I suppose twenty five cases in which he has proved this of socalled olive oils I dont know anything about any cases In the Dis trict havent started or been consulted about them but assume that they represent a similar state of affairs to that discovered by Dr Warren ANGERS DRUGGISTS I em- ployment against labels ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ enning Meeting Will Have Eight Events WILL BE NO WALKOVERS- One Machine Cannot Chase Itself Around Track and Get the Trophy Motorcycle Race Entry blanks for the automobile j races at Benning on June 16 are now being distributed Answers should be to Louis S JulIen treasurer of Washington Automobile Racing As oclatlon 817 Fourteenth street north west There are seven auto events and one motor cycles on the program trophies will be awarded first and men In the auto races and there be three prizes for the motor No prizes will be awarded there Is a walkover and If there not three starters there will be no prize Entries close June 14 These races will be the most preten of the kind ever undertaken and as they are to be in the hands of the autoists ana dealers and not as an adjunct to other enterprise there Is a much prospect than ever before of large competitors and close Events The events are as follows Three gasolene runabouts at 1000 or loss stock cars equipment Three gasolene touring listing at 1500 or less stock cars equipment Five gasolene touring cars at 3 00 or less stock cars equipment Five For gasolene touring cars at 4500 or less cars regu lar equipment- Five miles Free for all stock cars regular equipment steam cars stock with regular Three members of Auto Club of Washington any stock with regular owner must car limited to club members who in no way connected with the sales automobiles Three miles Open for motorcycles MADRID Jun Spanish cabi headed by Premier Moret resigned OLDEST LITERARY MAN Stuurman a bushman who lives In the Prieska district of Cape Colony South Africa is believed by scientists who have seen him to the oldest living human being It is known abso that over seventy years ago he a very old man He has a son who Is oer ninety According to the won derful creatures own story he Is 140 years old He has a second who has passed the century mark CASTOR I A For Infants and Children Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ENTRIES WANTED FOR AUTO RACES sent the Sil- ver cllsls here n milesFor milesFor milesFor I milesFor milesFor I f CABINET HANDS IN ITS RESIGNATI N I 7The toda wIfehis he d ous sting sting sting ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 30th BIRTHDAY SHOE FRIDAY A Sensational Bargain Event- Our 30th BIRTHDAY SALE as we expected Is proving the most popular attraction of our entire business 3 stores overflowing with timely and most sensational pricecuts should make tomorrow our BannerFriday- The 7th Street Store tables will be regular GOLD MINES BirthdaySpecials at all 3 stores Mens 200 to 300 1 Shoes at Two tablefuls of white and gray Oxfords and laced shoes also tennis oxfords with leather and rubber welted soles tan black vie and patent leather high and low sizes 130 Brozen sizes including about 35 pairs of our Wlmodausls Oxfords and other 2 to 3 black tan and patent leather blucher and oxford ties and fancy evening slip- pers 60 pairs 3 red an5 green Sea Isle duck Gibson ties all Childrens and Infants White Canvas Oxfords and 69c Boys Girls 100 and 5L25 Slip- pers and Oxford Ties boys 100 White Canvas Shoes Infants 1 to 150 Suedes kid and patent leather fancy footwear broken sizes Quick White Dressing Infants cute little Shoes and Slip- pers with soft soles IV- Childs Black Kid and White Canvas Ox fords up to i sizes 11 Uu Little Grls and Boys 150 big eyelet tan and Patent Colt 00 White Linen Pumps and Blucher Ties plain tip ped or em broidered fronts 14U Womens 250 grade Blucher or Oxford Ties kid gun metal or pat ent colt turn or welt soles lOU Mens good 3 Womens Boudoirs 150 and 2 grade fancy colored kid snake skin suede and other odd effects In pretty luxurious Boudoir Slip pers sizes 89c Boys and Girls 25 150 and 200 Beaded Indian Mocca sins to womens size 5 also broker sizes In kid patent leather tan and canvas Ox ords Roman Sandals and Strap Slippers blucher or button kid colt the popular and other SO swell shapes t JJ 50 striking 4 and 5 Womens Shoes in eluding one style of the Bend Eesy low shoes In best gun metal calf white calf vlcl kid pat ent kid and colt pumps Chris S330 Silk Ribbon Ties Boys and Girls best wearing black white and brown A AC tennis rr Mens Womens Boys and Girls 5150 grade white duck ox H CC fords girls and boys Gun Metal Calf and Boys and Girls 52 0 grade tan and black or patent colt swell Blu cher Oxfords S1 to size 5 O Mens 250 high and low Shoes S stylish summer sorts In 3 good leathers lVU Womens 250 and 3 5250 Ox white Sea Isle duck and tan 20 fashionable SO sorts JU All our Mens 350 and 4 high and low Shoes except TRIWEARS In gun metal calf tan calf and vlci patent kid or colt blucher laced or button rM very stylish shapes 50 WM HAHN 6 3 Reliable Shoe Houses Cor Seventh and K Sts 19141916 Pa 233 Pa Ave Southeast t historyand Sh R t 7th Street oe emnan S Sure Only 30 7C 12 1 shoesbroken 30c oP Vornens 200 to Sandals In Blucher 51 Patent Colt eyelet sizes TIes Blucher 300 TIes Womens Ties 0 and low Shoes laced Shoes including all our metal or patent fords vici kid demicalf 85 C 150 Ie Low ties sailors etc at- l COS Ave b L j r c big broken 20 140 n- and size all NW 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LARGELY ATTENDED Colleagues From House and Senate Witness Last U r the home that was the shrine of his tenderest affections In the presence his loved ones his associates In the Senate to whoso service he had given his life and his talents of distinguished- men from the State to which he had honor influence and power and of those upon whom he confered the pledge of his friendship services for Arthur Iue Gor late a Senator of the United States were held today Following the services at the family In K street the romaine were removed to Oak Hill Cemetery and In receiving vault there were laid tem to rest For the services there was not a single The service proper was read by Rev Dr Wallace Radcliffe pastor the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church who delivered also a brief ad dress The Rev Dr F G Powers of the Vermont Avenue Christian made the prayer and pro- nounced the benediction Then the body was borne out from the residence pre- ceded by the honorary pallbearers and between the lines of the delega tions from the Senate and House of Representatives- Dr RadcllftVs address paid high trib to the virtues and services of Sena Gorman The services were as simple as Mr himself would had them conformed as well to the unassum character of the man as to the let and spirit of his specifIc instructions The parlors of K street mansion a company of distinguished men rested in front drawing fronted and surrounded by flow Resting upon the wall at the head the casket was the floral offering tribute of Senator asso In the great clustering of roses and orchids hand floral pieces were on every side GORMAN FUNERAL Rites- In I ong Senatea rr nd a es ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Ninety Thousand Dollars f Has Already Been Paid Into Fund There was paid into the D A K Hall fund last year 90000 ac cording to the report of the treasurer general D A R Mrs Mary S F Davis read at the meeting of Memorial Continental Hill committee yesterday afternoon Besides this amount there pledges In stand for over 11000 Payments have been out on nc count of the hall In the last year mountIng to 61000 including the 4000 due on the front pavilions which will be paid as soon as the con tract time expired The cash balance of the Continental Hall fund in bank Is 61000 It was voted to Immediately proceed with the back pavilions thus completing the square After work accomplished the permanent heating will be Installed A valuable gift was the presentation L four pace autograph letter from Governor Johnson of Maryland who nominated George Washington for Commanderinchief of the American forces to Samuel Chase the famous Maryland lawyer of the revolution The letter not only deals with the defenses of Maryland but mentions many of the war leaders of the period In the Mary land line by namE thus becoming precious geneaoloxical Mrs Donald McLean stated that the letter would be framed and hung in Memorial Continental Hall COUNTRIES MAY COMBINE TO FIGHT ANARCHISTS GENEVA Switzerland June movement is on foot for an In ternational conference to discuss meas- ures for dealing with anarchists The attitudo of America England and Switzerland in the matter is most im- portant as these are the only countries where anarchists receive any protec tion CONTINENTAL HALL MAKIN PROGRESS are or still has toda bundln this by A J Robinson or York I of 7A dip- lomatic a Con- tinental main Mrs Non city ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PORTNER WILL FILED FOR PROBATE TODAY By the will of Robert Portner today filed for probate dated December 10 1S01 the iVidow Anna Portner Is to have the entire household furniture of the residence nit Vermont avenue and the personal property at the try place at Manassas Va for the term her natural life The bulk of the estate Is to be held by the American Security and Trust Company for a term or thirty years They are named as trustee and executor The sum of 55000 fo set aside to be under the supervision of the board of directors of the National Bank of Manassas Va to be used as a char itable fund for the alleviation of the poor of that city also 5609 to be used by the city council for the improvement- of the streets Manasse lodge of Manasnas is given S5900 for the erection of a hall The stock of the Robert Portner Brew ing Company is to be divided equally among the children The Income from the remainder of the estate is to b given to the widow and children for the term of thirty years or until the death of Mrs Portner At the expiration or the trust the estate Is to be divided equally among the children AMERICAN SHIP AIDS GUATEMALAN REBELS PANAMA June 7 Passengers and of ficers of the Pacific Mall City of Para aaaert that while at C orlnto they saw the American ship Empire take on coal with the knowledge of the Nicaraguan government and to bombard San Jose Guatemala The revolutionists aboard were commanded by General Castillo SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Miens FootEase a powder It cures painful smarting nervous fet and in staxtly takes out of corns and bunions Aliens FootEase makes tight or new 3 It Is a certain cure for sweating miles swollen tired ach Jnc Try It today Sold by all drug gists and stores By mail for 2Sc in stamps Dont accept any substitute For FREE trial package also Free Sample of FOOTEASE Sanitary a invention address Allen S Obnst d Le Roy coun Jar steamship the feet the COR PAD Y It Mrs in- vested sting shoe feel easy shoe new c ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I SaJcs Friday SpecialsT- he best store news that can be told is the bargain news and you can always look for such news in our announcements of Fridays sales Mens 3 and 350 Trousers 300 pairs of Mens Outing Trousers in flan nels homespuns and cassimeres to go on sale tomorrow at a substantially reduced price Well made trousers and well patterned fabrics Boys Wear at Special Prices Weve selected the small lots of Boys wearables to be closed out tomorrow and have made prices low to assure their clearance 18 Kilt Suits made of washable fabrics in plain white brown linen and fancy ef- fects Sizes 3 to 6 years Slightly soiled from handling 5 White Pique and Brown Linen Reefers with embroidered emblems Sizes 2i to 5 years Slightly Soiled from Q r Handling Reduced to Boys Sailor Suits made of washable fabrics In plain white and fancy effects Sizes 5 6 and 7 years Formerly 50c 69c and 75c Reduced to About 100 pairs of Boys Wash Pants Long Sailor styles and regular knee pants In plain white and fancy patterns Formerly 25c 50c and 75c Reduced to 50 Boys Doublebreasted Knee Pants Suits in plain colors and also fancy mix- tures Sizes 8 to 16 years Broken lots of 250 6 f Boys Doublebreasted Norfolk and Novelty Suits with regular and Knicker bocker trousers Sizes 7 to 16 years Broken lots 450 5 6 T 7 r 6 Suits Reduced to p J- Roys Stir Waists in main white and fancy materials Some with costars attach ed others without collars Sues 5 to 13 years Regular 50c Waists Reduced to L Boys Hafs The very latest novelty is the Johnny Jones Hat Its made up of washable materials in different colors Very durable and very effective The regular price is 75c Special tomorrow MENS FURNISHINGS SPECIALSBro- ken lines of 100 Negligee Shirts Odd lots of 25c Shirts and Draw Broken lines of 25c Half Hose Tomorrow 2 pairs for Broken lines of S3 Star Neg Tjf ligee Shirts PENNSYLVANIA AVE SEVENTH STREET I If- I I I I I I 235 enough 1 7 5 Formerly 245 345 and 95c 3 ones Reduced to 4 Reduced to 3 C tit 3 I 9 C C 55 c 2 5 G ers iuk tlnmpnuy J I J Cc SQ II 1J 4J ¬ ¬ ¬ + Strictly Reliable Qualities Leading Cloak Suit and Furnish ing House of Washington Fridays Bargain News All Small Lots of Spring Suits at Half Price These include creationc of weight fabrics and will useful for wear In tae Ings at seashore or 2500 Suits 2850 Suits 3250 Suits 3850 Suits very even mountains 1250 51625 1925 Small lots of lightweight Panama Walking Skirts at Bargain Prices 56 0 Skirts S375 850 Skirts 875 Skirts 5575 S100O Skirts 5650 1350 Skirts S80O Lightweight Black Cloth Coats Small lots only to go at Half Price Two 1650 White Linen SaltsS5OO Mens White and Colored Border Handkerchiefs and Ladies and Childrens All linen Handker chiefs Friday Lot of 15c Em- broidered Stocks slightly soiled lOc Odds and ends in tine white and ecru Laces that sold for 2Sc and 50c a yard Friday lOc yd Odds and ends in 3Sc Lisle Gloves tans and browns only Friday 23c Extra special valu in Ladles Black Lace Lisle Hose at trimmed Drawers Friday Two 5 Silk Petti coats Friday Bargain table 1 and 169 White Lingerie Waists Friday SUoo Small lots of 7 58 and J10 Silk Waists Friday 400 Small Jots of 51 15 5175 and i50 Corsets Friday Ladles 525 All silk Umbrellas Friday Lot of ate Gilt Belts sad 50c Silk Belts Choice Friday V e Dress Shields Friday Three Pair for 25c w Special Sweet Tal cum Powder In I glass bottles 15c I quality Friday only I Agents for Centemeri Gloves and Dr Jaeger and Ramie Fiber 955 Pa Ave Only S250 for a Blue flame Wick less Oil Heater has 2 burners as shown In cut 1849 FOR MAIlINGS Worth 15c Just one of the many re markable values to be had dur- ing this sale for Floor WBMoses Sons- F Street Cor Htb Poultry Wire 100 square feet by the roll roc 100 square feet it roll is cut B ESPEY Hardware Ave The electrically lighted store or home has an appearance of which makes the one more inviting to customers and the other more rentable and Potomac Electric Power Co Contract Department 213 14lh St HW Times Want Ads Bring Results g the tile most the season An light be cool the 1425 5550 5c t cream 79c 198 IOc 25c Ladles tIcK I gc 400 IO- cW m CO rndtWear Established Cover- ings 45 0 e r lash me Lace Mc Knew L E a Ehnrl 1c NW Ar Y i 74c C f y mull low Pa dis- tinctiveness sal- able ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1906 …...Dr Wiley chief chemist of the Agri culture Department and apostle of pure food had this to say today when asked whether pure olive


J S Hiss morning Leaderat Columbia Club


Favorable Weather and Excellent Condition of Links Lead to Opti-

mistic Predictions

The qualifying round in the annualspring tournament of the Columbia GolfClub began this morning under idealweather conditions

The rain of the last few days together with the work that had beendone in grooming the grounds has madethe course and It Is freely pre-dicted that with the form exhibited oflate by the local players the scoring willbe lower that In any of the precedingtcurnaments o this course

Among the outoftown players whostarted this morning were S L Small ofHampton Roads J S Hiss of the Baltimore Country Club and T M Shan

3D the Hampden Va crack E HUankhead of Budbrook failed to arrive

Mr Hiss LowestAmong the first to turn In scores were

Mr Hiss and E D Carusl the latterof Columbia Mr Hiss started well an lhad he kept up his pace would ha o

made a much lower but at ththis of S3 was much tetterthan thatof Carusi who did the round in 91 MrHiss round was the best of the morn-Ing The other morning scores follow

D S Weaver Columbia OS D KJackson Columbia 107

F D Sullivan Columbia 100 M Eanforth Columbia 92

John L Weaver Columbia 119 I BPratt Columbia 316

E M Talcott Washington D C 92T Pliny Moran Columbia 93

L LJ Harban Columbia 0 S LSmall Hampton Roads 90

S Dalzell Chevy Chase 77 J CDavidson Columbia S7

Mr Thompson Chevy Chase S3 AllanColumbia S4

C D Hills Columbia Ill D H McAlcom Columbia 111

G T Smallwood Columbia 100 JMcB Sterrett Chevy Chase 112

G A Weaver Columbia SO W MGray Chevy 96

H Greene Bannockburn Ill R DDalzell Pittsburg 100

Alex Britton hevy Chase 56 J HClapp Chevy Chase 91

G Beaman Chevy Chase 97 AWinter Washington G C 96

E C Eynon Jr Columbia Ire SGreenwalt Columbia lOS


Capture San Panal Amor and Guay

abin and Execute GeneralMorillo

ST THOMAS D W I Junethentlc advlces say the Santo Domingorevolution is Increasing daily Therevolutionary force numbers 300 InMonte Cristl district 200 in the easterndistrict The latter has captured SanPanal Amor

There is great discontent throughoutthe republic with division and treacheryIn the cabinet The hatred againstAmericans Is increasing the Domini-cans believing they are aiding Cacereswhom the entire population despises

The revolutionists have captured Guayabin and executed General Morillo theassassin of Juan Malllso and ManuelCepln


















Retail Association Will Defeud Its Members


Chemist Lynch Working to Prove Thatthe Pure Product Can Be Secur

ed by Local Dealers

The prosecution of many prominentdruggists of Washington for an allegedviolation of law in selling adulteratedolive oil came up for consideration at aspecial meeting of the District Association of Retail Druggists this morning atSOS I street northwest By practically-a unanimous vote It was decided thatthe association should defend In everyway possible the cases of such members as have been charged with violations of this law

Dr A C Taylor the president calledthe meeting to order at 1030 oclock andat some length discussed the matter forwhich the druggists were called together There was little dissent fromthe opinion that retail druggists of thiscity should as a unit defend thoseupon whom warrants have been servedon no other ground than what the druggists term a technicality

Criticises Health DepartmentSeveral members during the course of

their remarks took occasion to hammerthe District Health Department for Itsaction in furnishing information whichwas the basis for the warrants servedupon the druggists The associationby a large vote decided upon the

of an expert chemist whocould make an analysis of questionablegoods and whose salary would be paidfrom the funds of the association

As the outcome of the Health Departments campaign against adulteratedolive oil which has already resulted InPolice Court prosecution of several retailors District Chemist Lynch is com-pleting an anlysis of 114 samples of thisoil purchased In several sections of thecity and expects soon to have evidence

many more violators of the provision of the pure food law covering thesale of this article

Chemist Lynch at WorkIn view of the statement reported to

have come from the olive oil dealers under tho scrutiny of the Health Department to tho effect that pure olive oilwas impossible to obtain In this city orIn fact in other parts of the countryChemist Lynch Is at present directingall his attention toward proving that nogood ground for this contention existsHe holds that while much of the oliveoil offered for sale by local and foreigndealers Is adulterated and misbrandedthe pure article can nevertheless bepurchased In many places

Dr Wileys ViewsDr Wiley chief chemist of the Agri

culture Department and apostle of purefood had this to say today when askedwhether pure olive oil was obtainable

There Is absolutely pure olive oiland the article that gets condemned Inthis country Is In fact a preparation ofdomestic manufacture misbranded with

indicating that It is imported DrWarren the food commissioner rf Penn-sylvania has found I suppose twentyfive cases in which he has proved thisof socalled olive oils I dont knowanything about any cases In the District havent started or been consultedabout them but assume that theyrepresent a similar state of affairs tothat discovered by Dr Warren





















enning Meeting Will HaveEight Events


One Machine Cannot Chase ItselfAround Track and Get the Trophy

Motorcycle Race

Entry blanks for the automobile j

races at Benning on June 16 are nowbeing distributed Answers should be

to Louis S JulIen treasurer ofWashington Automobile Racing As

oclatlon 817 Fourteenth street northwestThere are seven auto events and one

motor cycles on the programtrophies will be awarded first and

men In the auto races and therebe three prizes for the motor

No prizes will be awardedthere Is a walkover and If there

not three starters there will be noprize Entries close June 14

These races will be the most pretenof the kind ever undertaken

and as they are to bein the hands of the autoistsana dealers and not as an adjunct toother enterprise there Is a muchprospect than ever before oflarge competitors and close

EventsThe events are as followsThree gasolene runabouts

at 1000 or loss stock carsequipment

Three gasolene touringlisting at 1500 or less stock cars

equipmentFive gasolene touring carsat 3 00 or less stock carsequipmentFive For gasolene touring carsat 4500 or less cars regular equipment-Five miles Free for all stock carsregular equipment

steam cars stockwith regularThree members of Auto

Club of Washington any stockwith regular owner mustcar limited to club members whoin no way connected with the salesautomobilesThree miles Open for motorcycles

MADRID Jun Spanish cabiheaded by Premier Moret resigned

OLDEST LITERARY MANStuurman a bushman who lives In

the Prieska district of Cape ColonySouth Africa is believed by scientistswho have seen him to the oldestliving human being It is known absothat over seventy years ago hea very old man He has a son whoIs oer ninety According to the wonderful creatures own story he Is 140years old He has a secondwho has passed the century mark

CASTOR IAFor Infants and ChildrenKind You Have Always Bought

Bears theSignature of
































30th BIRTHDAY SHOE FRIDAYA Sensational Bargain Event-

Our 30th BIRTHDAY SALE as we expected Is proving the most popular attractionof our entire business 3 stores overflowing with timely and most sensationalpricecuts should make tomorrow our BannerFriday-

The 7th Street Store tables will be regular GOLD MINES

BirthdaySpecials at all3 stores

Mens 200 to 300 1Shoes at

Two tablefuls of white and gray Oxfords andlaced shoes also tennis oxfords with leather andrubber welted soles tan black vie and patentleather high and low sizes


Brozen sizes includingabout 35 pairs of our

Wlmodausls Oxfordsand other 2 to 3 blacktan and patent leatherblucher and oxford tiesand fancy evening slip-pers

60 pairs 3 red an5green Sea Isle duckGibson ties all

Childrens andInfants White

Canvas Oxfords and

69cBoys Girls

100 and 5L25 Slip-pers and Oxford Tiesboys 100 White CanvasShoes Infants 1 to 150Suedes kid and patentleather fancy footwearbroken sizes

Quick WhiteDressingInfants cute little

Shoes and Slip-pers with softsoles IV-

Childs Black Kidand White Canvas Oxfords up to isizes 11 Uu

Little Grls and Boys150 big eyelet

tan and Patent Colt

00White Linen Pumps andBlucher Ties plain tipped or embroideredfronts 14U

Womens 250 gradeBlucher or Oxford Tieskid gun metal or patent colt turnor welt soles lOU

Mens good 3


150 and 2 gradefancy colored kid snakeskin suede and otherodd effects In prettyluxurious Boudoir Slippers sizes

89cBoys and Girls

25 150 and 200Beaded Indian Moccasins to womens size5 also broker sizes Inkid patent leather tanand canvas Ox

ords Roman Sandalsand Strap Slippers

blucher or button kid

colt the popularand other SOswell shapes t JJ

50 striking 4 and 5Womens Shoes ineluding one style of the

Bend Eesy low shoesIn best gun metal calfwhite calf vlcl kid patent kid and coltpumps Chris


Silk RibbonTies

Boys and Girls bestwearing black whiteand brown A ACtennis rr

Mens Womens Boysand Girls 5150 gradewhite duck ox H CCfords

girls and boysGun Metal Calf and

Boys and Girls 52 0grade tan and black orpatent colt swell Blucher Oxfords S1to size 5 O

Mens 250 high andlow Shoes S stylishsummer sortsIn 3 goodleathers lVU

Womens 250 and 3

5250 Oxwhite Sea Isle duckand tan 20fashionable SOsorts JU

All our Mens 350 and4 high and low Shoesexcept TRIWEARS

In gun metal calf tancalf and vlci patentkid or colt blucherlaced or button rM verystylish shapes 50

WM HAHN 63 Reliable Shoe Houses

Cor Seventh and K Sts

19141916 Pa233 Pa Ave Southeast



Sh R t 7th Streetoe emnan S Sure Only

30 7C 12



30coPVornens 200 to Sandals In Blucher 51 Patent Colt eyeletsizes TIes Blucher300 TIes Womens Ties


and low Shoes laced Shoes including all ourmetal or patent fords vici kid demicalf85C

150Ie Low

ties sailorsetc at-

l COSAvebL j



bigbroken 20 140
















Colleagues From House andSenate Witness Last U


the home that was the shrine ofhis tenderest affections In the presence

his loved ones his associates In theSenate to whoso service he had givenhis life and his talents of distinguished-men from the State to which he had

honor influence and power andof those upon whom he confered the

pledge of his friendshipservices for Arthur Iue Gor

late a Senator of the UnitedStates were held today

Following the services at the familyIn K street the romaine were

removed to Oak Hill Cemetery and Inreceiving vault there were laid tem

to restFor the services there was not a single

The service proper was read byRev Dr Wallace Radcliffe pastor

the New York Avenue PresbyterianChurch who delivered also a brief address The Rev Dr F G Powers

of the Vermont Avenue Christianmade the prayer and pro-

nounced the benediction Then the bodywas borne out from the residence pre-ceded by the honorary pallbearers and

between the lines of the delegations from the Senate and House ofRepresentatives-

Dr RadcllftVs address paid high tribto the virtues and services of SenaGorman

The services were as simple as Mrhimself would had them

conformed as well to the unassumcharacter of the man as to the letand spirit of his specifIc instructionsThe parlors of K street mansiona company of distinguished men

rested in front drawingfronted and surrounded by flowResting upon the wall at the headthe casket was the floral offering

tribute of Senator assoIn the great clustering

of roses and orchids handfloral pieces were on every side







rrnda es













Ninety Thousand Dollarsf Has Already Been Paid

Into Fund

There was paid into the D A KHall fund last year 90000 ac

cording to the report of the treasurergeneral D A R Mrs Mary S FDavis read at the meeting of MemorialContinental Hill committee yesterdayafternoon Besides this amount there

pledges In stand for over 11000Payments have been out on nccount of the hall In the last yearmountIng to 61000 including the 4000

due on the front pavilionswhich will be paid as soon as the contract time expiredThe cash balance of the ContinentalHall fund in bank Is 61000It was voted to Immediately proceedwith the back pavilionsthus completing the square Afterwork accomplished the permanentheating will be InstalledA valuable gift was the presentation

L four pace autograph letterfrom Governor Johnson of Marylandwho nominated George Washington forCommanderinchief of the Americanforces to Samuel Chase the famousMaryland lawyer of the revolution Theletter not only deals with the defensesof Maryland but mentions many of thewar leaders of the period In the Maryland line by namE thus becomingprecious geneaoloxical MrsDonald McLean stated that the letterwould be framed and hung in MemorialContinental Hall


GENEVA Switzerland Junemovement is on foot for an In

ternational conference to discuss meas-ures for dealing with anarchists

The attitudo of America England andSwitzerland in the matter is most im-portant as these are the only countrieswhere anarchists receive any protection




or still




by A J Robinson or York Iof

7A dip-lomatic




Mrs Noncity










By the will of Robert Portner todayfiled for probate dated December 101S01 the iVidow Anna Portner Isto have the entire household furnitureof the residence nit Vermont avenueand the personal property at thetry place at Manassas Va for theterm her natural life The bulk ofthe estate Is to be held by the AmericanSecurity and Trust Company for a termor thirty years They are named astrustee and executor

The sum of 55000 fo set aside to beunder the supervision of the

board of directors of the National Bankof Manassas Va to be used as a charitable fund for the alleviation of thepoor of that city also 5609 to be usedby the city council for the improvement-of the streets

Manasse lodge of Manasnas is givenS5900 for the erection of a hall

The stock of the Robert Portner Brewing Company is to be divided equallyamong the children The Income fromthe remainder of the estate is to bgiven to the widow and children for theterm of thirty years or until the deathof Mrs Portner At the expiration orthe trust the estate Is to be dividedequally among the children



PANAMA June 7 Passengers and officers of the Pacific Mall Cityof Para aaaert that while at C orlntothey saw the American ship Empire takeon coal with the knowledge of theNicaraguan government and tobombard San Jose Guatemala Therevolutionists aboard were commandedby General Castillo

SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOESMiens FootEase a powder It cures

painful smarting nervous fet and instaxtly takes out of corns andbunions Aliens FootEase makes tight ornew 3 It Is a certain curefor sweating miles swollen tired achJnc Try It today Sold by all druggists and stores By mail for 2Sc instamps Dont accept any substitute ForFREE trial package also Free Sample ofFOOTEASE Sanitary ainvention address Allen S Obnst d Le Roy







Y It



stingshoe feel easy








I SaJcs FridaySpecialsT-

he best store news that can be told is thebargain news and you can always look for suchnews in our announcements of Fridays sales

Mens 3 and 350 Trousers

300 pairs of Mens Outing Trousers in flannels homespuns and cassimeres to go on saletomorrow at a substantially reduced price Wellmade trousers and well patterned fabrics

Boys Wear at Special PricesWeve selected the small lots of Boys wearables to

be closed out tomorrow and have made prices lowto assure their clearance

18 Kilt Suits made of washable fabricsin plain white brown linen and fancy ef-

fects Sizes 3 to 6 years Slightly soiledfrom handling

5 White Pique and Brown Linen Reeferswith embroidered emblems Sizes 2i to 5years

Slightly Soiled from Q rHandling Reduced to

Boys Sailor Suits made of washablefabrics In plain white and fancy effectsSizes 5 6 and 7 years

Formerly 50c 69c and75c Reduced to

About 100 pairs of Boys Wash PantsLong Sailor styles and regular knee pantsIn plain white and fancy patterns

Formerly 25c 50c and75c Reduced to

50 Boys Doublebreasted Knee PantsSuits in plain colors and also fancy mix-tures Sizes 8 to 16 years

Broken lots of 250 6 fBoys Doublebreasted Norfolk and

Novelty Suits with regular and Knickerbocker trousers Sizes 7 to 16 years

Broken lots 450 5 6 T 7 r6 Suits Reduced to p J-

Roys Stir Waists in main white andfancy materials Some with costars attached others without collars Sues 5 to 13years

Regular 50c WaistsReduced to L

Boys Hafs The very latest novelty isthe Johnny Jones Hat Its made up ofwashable materials in different colors Verydurable and very effective

The regular price is 75cSpecial tomorrow

MENS FURNISHINGS SPECIALSBro-ken lines of 100 Negligee


Odd lots of 25c Shirts and Draw

Broken lines of 25c Half HoseTomorrow 2 pairs for

Broken lines of S3 Star Neg Tjfligee Shirts







1 7 5Formerly 245 345 and 95c 3 ones Reduced to4 Reduced to

3C tit


I 9 C C

55 c 2 5 G


iuk tlnmpnuyJ






1J 4J





Strictly Reliable Qualities

Leading Cloak Suit and Furnishing House of Washington


All Small Lots of SpringSuits at Half Price

These includecreationc ofweight fabrics and willuseful for wear In taeIngs at seashore or

2500 Suits2850 Suits3250 Suits3850 Suits




Small lots of lightweight PanamaWalking Skirts at Bargain Prices56 0 Skirts S375850 Skirts875 Skirts 5575

S100O Skirts 56501350 Skirts S80OLightweight Black Cloth Coats

Small lots only to go at Half PriceTwo 1650 White Linen SaltsS5OO

Mens White andColored BorderHandkerchiefsand Ladies andChildrens Alllinen Handkerchiefs Friday

Lot of 15c Em-broidered Stocksslightly soiled

lOcOdds and ends intine whiteand ecru Lacesthat sold for 2Scand 50c a yardFriday

lOc ydOdds and ends in3Sc Lisle Glovestans and brownsonly Friday

23cExtra specialvalu in LadlesBlack Lace LisleHose at

trimmed DrawersFriday

Two 5 Silk Petticoats Friday

Bargain table 1and 169 WhiteLingerie WaistsFriday

SUooSmall lots of 758 and J10 Silk

Waists Friday400

Small Jots of 5115 5175 andi50 Corsets


Ladles 525 Allsilk UmbrellasFriday

Lot of ate GiltBelts sad 50c SilkBelts ChoiceFriday

V e Dress ShieldsFridayThree Pair

for 25c

w SpecialSweet Talcum Powder In Iglass bottles 15c Iquality Fridayonly I

Agents for Centemeri Gloves andDr Jaeger and Ramie Fiber

955 Pa Ave

Only S250 for a Blueflame Wick

less Oil Heater has 2 burners asshown In cut



MAIlINGSWorth 15c

Just one of the many remarkable values to be had dur-ing this sale for Floor

WBMoses Sons-F Street Cor Htb

Poultry Wire

100 square feetby the roll roc100 square feet itroll is cut

B ESPEY HardwareAve

The electrically lighted store orhome has an appearance of

which makes the onemore inviting to customers andthe other more rentable and

Potomac Electric Power CoContract Department 213 14lh St HW

Times Want Ads Bring Results



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