washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1909-06-17 [p 9]. · 2017. 12. 26. · the washington...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES THIRMUT JIXE 17 1909 9 L But One More Day Left In Which to Make Guess I I SOLVE THIS PUZZLE AND GET THE PRIZE- A public notice and a Christian name An unruly member An iron vessel and eight ciphers- A shoe aad a rotative Winters harvest and the bovines best A A measure Perpondicular Part of a load part of a stove and part of a fish Part of a calf a necessity Mother earth and a tiny thing muck used but little Lilies do not Penelope did mature age A tree a weapon and a soubriquet- A beverage and a vegetable- A prefix and to go under Two rivers and a beast A cclebuwtod singer and sweet Part of an eminence- A shoemakers tool Part of u boat part of the anatomy- an egg delicious bird minus one otter would make a countryman of foreign land A break and a human failing A vegetable and social functions A perfume and a nuisance Running streams A fruit and a name You have but one more day In which send In your solution to the Mystic Menu The contest elose at 3 oclock tomorrow You cant afford to walt nother minute t you Intend to win one of the prises The answers this week have poured In just as they did last week but It does not indicate that 2 ou have no chants for it is quite pos eible that none o them are correct answers It is the three most nearly lorreet answers that will win and yours may be among these even yet Solutions have bean received from almost every State Qne contestant wrote me The disease has spread even to New York and I have caught the fever Every one seems to have inocu lated with the guaaslng gum and Ute answers continue to show much origin- ality and diversity of opinion Some New Solutions Here are of the new ones A public notice and a Christian name An order bilL An unruly member An iron vessel and eight ciphers Po- tatoes A shoe and a relative Pumpkin Winters harvest and Cabbage and corned beef A measure Feet pis s Plumb Part of the head part of a stove and part of a flail Hare au gratin air grate and fin Part of a calf a necessity Brains Mother earth and a little thtnfe but little valued Lilies do not did mature age A tree a weap6n and a soubriquet Green shell turtle- A beverage and a vegetable Water- cress A prefix and to go under Hoast duck Two rivers and a beastrDaadellon A celebrated singer and a sweet alire Jelly Part of an eminence Pike A shoemakers flab Part of a boat part of aotteiay an egg layer Canvassback dock A bird minus one letter would make a countryman of a Ji nd Turkey A break and a human falling Crw K erA vegetable and social ftmetk 3- I lunch A perfume a Smalt Running tream Brook trout a name Lemonade lem- on and Ada acaa L v HJMLRICK- t F street What do you think Mrs Rearioka solution Tongue Not the Member Here is the test cnntesUnt who says that An unruly wnmliar to not Tongue A notice and a Christian name t Juttan An unruly member Damnon An and eight ciphers Po- tatoes Theres much to gain and nothing to lose giving Tea a trial An absolutely pure tea of the highest sible Your grocer LOCAL MENTIONN- orth Chasapooke Beach Fur fiats Bathing salting etc lllfi 8y nw Regina Cal L C Peaches lac Orange BIoM m Corn Sifted New Potatoes 40e pk J T D Pyles 13 Stores Brings a Glow of Health The bet foods most natural ores and that ta Berens Bakery Rye Bread Is It te wholesome nu The youngsters cant help Uk roc Cans Lakeside Milk 6c at J T D Pytos n stores Fine Lynn Haven Bay Hard Cuba Fresh every ay Delivered at your door 291 Lincoln An Idea Luncheon Dr SchlndJsrs Peanut Oil Butter cw- rrt Q for picnic luncheons and all AH grocers I9a and 3Dc Caverlys plumbing lisle G St N w Spring Oil Cookers Qas Ranges Water Heaters 11612 st C A iluddlmaa Co 031 O st SENDKRAMERS j FLOWERS- To the I GRADUATE KRAMER layer- A to been t e be f toolSole and and 1I 11 Y88li 1 quality ItAdvt I be par e occa Stock 916 PSt Nw t valued a t r same t m- used Penelope t tt northeast of Salad ells roe e yeas e arms it t s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A shoe and a relative Winters harvest and the bovine best Ice cream- A measure Part of a head part of stove and part of a nsh Part of a calf a necessity toer Mother earth a thing much but little valued L41IOB do not Penelope did mature age Spinach A tree a weapon and a soubriquet A beverage and a vegetable Coffee bean A prefix and to go under Bndlve rivers and a beast Dandelion A celebrated singer and a sweet Pattlcake Part of an eminence Staff bread staff of life A shoemakers Part of a boat part of the anatomy- an ogg layer duck A delicious bird minus one letter would make a countryman of a foreign land A break and a human failing Cham- pagne breaking a bottle of A and social functions Po- tato balls A perfume and a fruit and a Jack I R BOYD I 121 Second street northeast Another Guess Still another solution reads A public notice and a Christian name Banana An unruly member An vessel and eight ciphers Pota- toes A shoe and a Winters harvest a d the bovines best Snow pudding A measure Perpendicular Plumb Part of a heed part of a stove and part of a fish roe Part of a calf a necessity loaf Mother earth and a tiny much used but little valued Terrapin Lilies do Penelope did mature age Spinach A tree a weapon and a soubriquet Gumbo soup A beverage and a A prefix and to go under Two a A celebrated singer and a sweet Pat ticake Part of an A shoemakers fish Part of a boat part of the anatomy an egg layer duck A delicious bird minus one letter would make a countryman of a foreign break and a human falling Cracker A vegetable and functions balls A perfume and a nuisance Rhubarb Running streams Distilled water a Charlotte W77 Hoimead Place northwest NEW CUIRASS GOWNS RECALL THE JERSEYS- OF DECADES AGO The frock that has the straight fitted bodice to the lower which Is attached a full skirt is one of the pop ular novelties of the day Redfern invented It and called It the robe Dagobert The cuirass effect was like a cast of close network of dull gold with a skirt of bronze satin From it is evolved the everyday cuirass It is seen in manner of fabrics as women are glad to adopt something entirely new In the of other days pulled snugly down over a a costume was the adoration of the young girt about two decades ago At present only seen In Its elab- orate but there are already ru- mors of ginghams linens cotton fabrics a long fitted bodice that extends to the a pleated or ruffled skirt uSfid toolPunch nuisanceMuskrat streamsCurrants- A nameApple Still relativePumpkIn e vegetablePopcorn beastDandelion eminenceCress toolSole landPheasant- A 8 nameApple malla Turnip tspamgva toil over ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mystic Wardrobe Far in the Lead For Next Contest The Interest in the Mystic Menu has not prevented The Times readers from thinking about next weeks contest ject A Mystic Wardrobe was so far ahead yesterday that Jt looked as though this candidate for election was going to have a veritable landslide the stock of several other subjects has risen considerably A good many votes for Jumbled Flowers which Is a flower puzzle of course came in to day There have also boon a great number of new votes for How can we interest our boys to make them happy and contented at home in the Votes for others also have come in but these two subjects arc the only ones that have quite caught up with A Mystic Wardrobe The contest is a close one You have one more day in which to vote for your preference of subjects The votes will be counted Friday afternoon at 3 oclock Be sure your vote is in before that hour Tht se are the subjects from Which you may make your selection Another mystic menu A mystic wardrobe Hidden of Shakespeare flowers Hidden authors- A love letter In which some of the names are disarranged and which you would have to correctly arrange The b st and most reasonable method for a young lady of refinement to spend her summer vacation What should constitute the wardrobe- of a young lady of good taste but limit ed means upon her summer vacation How can we Interest our boys to make and contented at home in the How to manage a husband Whet subject interests the average woman and why Simple home remedies in the treat ment of the sudden illness of children HOW to retain a husbands love Child labor How can a busy wife and mother make pin money An open debate on woman suffrage INDIAN FURNITURE IS SUMMERS FAD FOR THE BUNGALOWS Indian splint furniture is the latest fad for the summer bungalow This furniture despite Its somewhat bulky and rude appearance is by no means inexpensive for the splint chair backs and seats are mounted in frames oC weathered oak and the strips of gal vanised seel cleverly woven through the splints make the furniture very durable and solid To match these big smartlooking chairs and low seats there are splint topped tables and footstools and splint woven scrap baskets and the very up todate bungalow will have eled walls divided off by uprights of weathered oak A room of this sort recently desired by a clever woman decorator suggested the woodsy appear ance of a mountain Interior There wore hangings of coarse canvas run with colored leather thongs and edged with colored bead fringe Bits of dullcolored pottery stood about and even the lampshade was unconventional being made of raffia in an open pattern over a Japanese rice paper THOSE WITHERING GLANCES I generally read the paper on the way to the said the importantly busy young man to said the old timer before I hardened to the looks of the girl sas City Star l almostnot straphangersKan sub To- day even- ings ed evenings splint pan myself ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Answers to the Inquires From The Times Readers To Become a Journalist A L R I have sent you by mail the information you requested about be- coming a Journalist as the answer In volved the names of professional and business people and firms Legal Assistance Miss K S R The Legal Aid Society in the Columbian building will be glad to give you the Information yon seek Massage Cream- C R A tonic emollient for strength- ening relaxed tissues as well as for whitening and softening the skin to be massaged into the face throat and neck after the bath and which can be used to advantage over the whole body Is this Oil of sweet almonds ounces Oil of bitter grammes Balsam of grammes Benzoin grammes Essence of drops Essence of drops The resins are powdered and tritu rated In the oils Keep at a host for twentyfour hours then decant from the sediment and add the essential oils This preparation Is valuable In correct cutaneous disturbances and used for the nightly will unless Internal Irritations prevett make the skin beautifully soft white and satiny About Your Beau Miriam If as vou say your best beau has become cold and indifferent any anxiety shown by you would but make matters worse To ask for an ex planation would humiliate you and cost you your selfrespect Meet him with an even greater Indifference than he has shown toward Young men are wonderfully astonished when they are to go their unmo lested and under sjch circumstances soon find their own stupid In stead of making any advance Ignore his and if possible encourage the attentions of some man Pique his jealousy a little and GAUZE LISLE STOCKING- IN DIFFERENT SHADES- IS RAGE OF THE SEASON The sheer gauze lisle stocking H the stocking of the season to in sure a welcome it has been made extra long and turned down to the inches This it is thought will overcome its aptness to and tear from the strain It is subjected to by the hose supporters Both silk and lisle are shown in the new taupe shades a long range of bronze tan mustard and cham- pagne tints as well as shades to match all the fashionable coors in dress silks which include wistaria reseda Tore catawba and all the dull soft shades that in millinery are known as tapestry While very thin plain stockings are the acme of smartness lace or nose are shown in no end of attractive patterns Seme ars made with lace ankles and the por tion plain but the majority soem to be of the allover openwork variety GIFT FOR HOSTESS- The canny provident woman Is now picking pretty unusual things as she runs across them with- a to being supplied with acceptable little for the various who A book here a bit of Hn genie there a charming piece of pottery a sliver photograph frame and the like will be much appreciated later the wan as by the donor who has them all ready to into trunk or suitcase without the lastminute wor- ry of thought and almonds10 tolu2 lemon2 cajeput2 war j and otter their through the sum- mer recipientsas t open- work ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ if he really cares for you he will be glad to make the advances himself Dont let him feel too sure of you and when you meet him act as you have always done Record looyard Dash Parker Trent The generally accepted fastest for the lOGyanl sprint Is 935 seconds made bjr rthur Duffel of Georgetown University at Berkley Oval New York January 31 1902 The record of 935 seconds mad by Dan Kelly at Spokane Wash January 2 1903 has seen officially but is doubted because of Kellys subsequent performances A record of 8 25 seconds for Minoru Fujii of Tokio University made in Japan on November li 1902 on the grass was sworn to by tile univor- sity officials but is not seriously re garded in thia country A Rec tor was 9 25 seconds at the University of Virginia on May 9 1908 but was the wind Lieut R E Walker of South Africa did seconds in England on 4 1008 but the course had a decided down grade Institution For Children XT G address is Miss Gun drys School Falls Churoh Va Fancy Work Exchange Mrs Womans Exchange for fancy work Is on avenue between H and I streets northwest posite the Arlington Hotel The book you about regarding different foods pad their values can be had at any reliable book store Silver Wedding Invitations Mrs F O invitations to your silver wedding should be engraved in silver a stationer will supply the proper form and submit to you samples for your selection I presume letter that you want an evening re ception The hours from 8 or from 83ft to IL Plik and silver make a charming ccmbinatlon I should use masses of pink roses have sliver candlesticks with pink candles on the table with silver wedding bells for favors USING SAFETY PIN AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR TAPE BODKIN A safety pin makes a capital substi- tute for a bodkin when running a tape in a casing In fact it is sometimes superior to a bod tin for the purpose for the point of a bodkin is apt to pierce thin materials and its eye often becomes unthreaded The plan is to put the tape on the pin and then to use the closed pin at a bodkin DELICIOUS SPONGE CAKE The following recipe for a light soft sponge cake with but four eggs was passed along the line by a capital New England housemother As it differs slightly in proportions from any other sponge cake recipes that have print and gives exceptional satisfac- tion It Is worth making a note on Any amateur can use it with success One cup sugar beaten well with four yolks and three tablespoonfuls of cold water one cup flour one teaspoon- ful of baking powder sifted four whites of eggs beaten stiff juice of half a lemon or any flavoring preferred Have a pan of water cake in the oven Bake ten minutes in hot oven reduce the heat onehilf and bake forth five minutes longer Dont open the oven door until cake is done by the clock It cannot burn ow ing to the water In the pest 9 25 WThe CThe our mat appeared- In egg th tune The to t io ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ New Store Will Close at 530 P M Daily Until Further Notice June embracing the practical sorts for general summer va cation use and many dainty pretty fluffy garments adaptable for wear with thin summer gowns at the seashore and other summer resorts Special attention is called to the splendid new assortment at There are Gowns Long and Short Skirts Drawers Corset Covers and Combination Suits of soft nainsooks and lightweight cambrics and mus Tins and they are uniformly wellmade correctly sized and most carefully finished The materials are thoroughly reliable and the trimmings taste fully applied consist of dainty laces embroideries hemstitching tucks beading and ribbon Among others we mention the following excellent values Cowas of muslin cambric and nainsook with high Jow Ve and square neck variously trimmed with embroideries Jaces beading and ribbon 50c each Values 75c and 100 Drawers of muslin cambric and nainsook trimmed with wide full ruffle of embroidery or lace and tucks 50c a pair Values 75c and 100 Corset Covers of soft nainsook with fitted or full front variously trimmed with embroideries laces beading and ribbon 50c each Value 75c v Third floor Eleventh st Skirts of soft cambric trimmed with tucked lawn flounce finished with lace or embroidery rufiles SOc each Values 75c and 100 Short Skirts of fine cambric trimmed ruffles of embroidery or lace and tucks 50c each Value 75c Combination Suits corset cover and drawers or corset coyer and short skirt trimmed with embroidery besting and ribbon 50c each Value SI00 WOODWARD SI kOTHHOP c j Woodward Lothrop YorkWashingtonParis l oc Special Sale of Muslin Undergarments TOMORROW Friday there will be a special display and sale of Womens j0e a Garment Values 75c and p with f i 3 a 6 P T 1 j Womens 1TM1 X100 ¬ ¬ ¬ HINTS AND HELPS FOR SEWING ROOM The widest obtainable tape mjOces a neat patch over a small rent in un dergarments repairs worn petticoat bands when a now buttonhole Is re quired the same with skirt bands You will find when sowing fine silk that quite often the seams are inclin j ed to pucker when silk thread is rho sewing is made much smoother if cotton thread of the same color and fge Is used in the bobbin with silk thread above Do not dampen such seams when pressing sit times water and the stain cannot be removed- A goodlooking yoke can be made from wash net by trimming It with row after row of narrow braid either the same color or In a contrasting tone This braided to match the yoke For handy needle case provide A strip of ribbon three inches wide and twelve Inches line with cash mere or fine flannel and stiffen with thread double eleven needles f silk and darn ribbon When needed a needle can be draw out all ready for use THE DOCTOR KNOWS BEST A physician was summoned to L very sick man who was very much pre occupied with troubles of his own On arriving at the sick mans bed he said wife Your husband Is In the last throes Every movement shows that the end is nearing At this mo ment the sick mans head fell over the pillow when the doctor said The end come your husband is dead In a shrill thin voice the sick man said Talnt so Maria At once the wife laid her hand on his head and remarked Dont disturb yourself Rufus the doctor knows best Philadelphia Record I used Is easily done launderIng The braId can be spaced or It can be set In grOUPS ot two and three with a wider space When used as a gulmpe the net sleeves a an of canvas or crInoline FinIsh the edges with a pretty fancy stitch to conceal the seam dif terent colors ing run them In the cashmere side with long even the tile of the Fold and tie With I on should be with as ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ Capital Is Market For Two Products Of Texas Farmer Washington would not seem at first to be an Inviting market to the Texas fanner yet tomato and onion growers- In the Lone Star State are beginning- to compete seriously with Carolina Georgia and Florida farmers In selling these two products The presence to day in the local market of a large shipment of Texas tomatoes served to bring this competition sharply Into view Inquiry elicited the information that the Texas farmer now regards Washington- more favorably than he did In former years While the Texas tomatoes shipped here as a matter of fact do not the sales of the famous Norfolk and Eastern Branch tomatoes yet they do cut into the sales of those from the Carolinas Georgia and Florida They are not nearly so sweet and as our varieties nor do they grow 10 such size If they were In tho market at the same with Norfolk and Branch tomatoes would be a drug on the commission mans hands The Texas grower probably realizes this and he Is to be early bird and catoh the worm ATTENTION NEEDED FOR YOUR MOTHER- Did you ever put your arms around your dear old mother who has loved and cared for you and tell her that you love her and are grateful for tho tears she has shed and the prayers she has offered for you She may think that you love her with out you assuring her that you do but It costs you but little effort to tell her and your words may bring more joy and sunshine to her than yon ever dream of Some young men will pay 2 for a livery rig to ride thrae hours with a 75 cent girl and tell her all the nice things can think of that are true and dont spend 5 cents or five minutes in a year to show their mother that they care anything for her Orrville Ohio threat- en ¬ ¬ ¬ Lansburdi Bro 420 to 426 7th St 417 to 425 8th S- tAn Exceptional Bargain Skirt Length of Fancy Mohair Worth 300 for Sicilian with neat white hairline stripe fashionable and splen did for seashore or mountain wear Only 25 lengths- to be distributed Worth 3 The entire skirt length Sj ftQ tomorrow is only White and Colored Divided Into Three Lots as Follows 5c 7lc Worth from 12 c to SOc a yard j These are in lengths from 2 to 8 yards suitable for waists skirts kimonos gowns and childrens rear The kinds are too numerous for us to try to enumerate We will display them on three large tables in our Wash Goods Section 8th Street Annex Vfe invite you to come early and see for yourself the greatest bargains j yet offered at giveaway prices for firstclass merchandise 39c for Silks That Are Worth Remnants of Fancy Satinfinished Foulards 27inch AllSflfcij Rough Pongee Fancy and Plain Colored Taffetas Louisines Messalines Peau de Cygnes in lengths from 1 to dress terns of 12 yards Some good lengths of black taffeta Values QQ to 1 For Friday only a yard k 69c Chiffons and at 19c I 1000 yards of remnants of Allsilk Chiffon and Mousseline fa- a very good range of shades also some good lengths of Smooth Pongee Values to 69c Friday per yard 1 C I the summer months we will give compl- imentary tickets to a Moving Picture Theater Extra Specials Suit Department 20 Lace and Ribbon Dresses 1498 Womens White Princess Dresses of lace and ribbon lined throughout with white lawn slip finished with lace Worth 20 Special 1150 Linen Coat Suits at 790 Womens Natural Color Linen Suits coat and skirt trimmed with cluny lace Worth 1150 Spe- cial T v 10 Serge Coats at 590 Womens White Serge Coats tlmmed with black silk collar and cuffs and black jet buttons Worth 10 Special Friday Sale Boys Clothing A true Friday offering in our Boys Clothing Dept Third Floor In order to reduce stock we are offering 1200 Russian and Sailor Wash Suits at the following sacrifice I 69 Each length contains 31 yards 50inch Navy Blue Mohair Wash c 100 I I reJr aax 9 NoticeDuring 14 118 790 e 590 e 6oods Remnants f Mousselines ¬ ¬ Our 65c values to morrow All 1 and 125 values tomorrow Positively all glSo val ues tomorrow e 44e 89 C 69c ¬ Imported Fabrics 175 values M l 4 3 The best Galatea and Mad ras 200 values QJ tpmorrow Hr Our Linen 250 dvj Q values U 1 tomorrow to- morrow e < ¬ < >

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1909-06-17 [p 9]. · 2017. 12. 26. · THE WASHINGTON TIMES THIRMUT JIXE 17 1909 9 L But One More Day Left In Which to Make Guess I I SOLVE



But One More Day LeftIn Which to Make Guess





A public notice and a Christianname

An unruly memberAn iron vessel and eight ciphers-A shoe aad a rotativeWinters harvest and the bovines

best AA measurePerpondicularPart of a load part of a stove and

part of a fishPart of a calf a necessityMother earth and a tiny thing muck

used but littleLilies do not Penelope did mature

ageA tree a weapon and a soubriquet-A beverage and a vegetable-A prefix and to go underTwo rivers and a beastA cclebuwtod singer and sweetPart of an eminence-

A shoemakers toolPart of u boat part of the anatomy-

an eggdelicious bird minus one otter

would make a countryman of

foreign landA break and a human failingA vegetable and social functionsA perfume and a nuisanceRunning streamsA fruit and a name

You have but one more day In whichsend In your solution to the Mystic

Menu The contest elose at 3 oclocktomorrow You cant afford to waltnother minute t you Intend to winone of the prises The answers thisweek have poured In just as they didlast week but It does not indicate that2 ou have no chants for it is quite poseible that none o them are correctanswers It is the three most nearlylorreet answers that will win andyours may be among these even yet

Solutions have bean received fromalmost every State Qne contestantwrote me The disease has spread evento New York and I have caught thefever

Every one seems to have inoculated with the guaaslng gum and Uteanswers continue to show much origin-ality and diversity of opinionSomeNew Solutions

Here are of the new onesA public notice and a Christian nameAn order bilLAn unruly memberAn iron vessel and eight ciphers Po-

tatoesA shoe and a relative PumpkinWinters harvest and

Cabbage and corned beefA measure Feet pis s

PlumbPart of the head part of a stove

and part of a flail Hare au gratinair grate and finPart of a calf a necessity BrainsMother earth and a little thtnfe

but little valuedLilies do not did mature

ageA tree a weap6n and a soubriquet

Green shell turtle-A beverage and a vegetable Water-

cressA prefix and to go under Hoast

duckTwo rivers and a beastrDaadellonA celebrated singer and a sweetalire JellyPart of an eminence PikeA shoemakers flabPart of a boat part of aotteiay

an egg layer Canvassback dockA bird minus one letter

would make a countryman of aJ i nd Turkey

A break and a human falling Crw K

erA vegetable and social ftmetk 3-

I lunchA perfume a SmaltRunning tream Brook trout

a name Lemonade lem-on and Adaacaa L v HJMLRICK-

t F streetWhat do you think Mrs Rearioka

solutionTongueNot the Member

Here is the test cnntesUnt whosays that An unruly wnmliar to not

TongueA notice and a Christian namet JuttanAn unruly member DamnonAn and eight ciphers Po-

tatoesTheres much to gain and nothing to

lose giving Tea a trial Anabsolutely pure tea of the highestsible Your grocer


orth Chasapooke Beach Furfiats Bathing salting etc lllfi 8y nw

Regina Cal L C Peaches lacOrange BIoM m Corn SiftedNew Potatoes 40e pk J T D

Pyles 13 Stores

Brings a Glow of HealthThe bet foods most natural

ores and that ta Berens BakeryRye Bread Is It te wholesome nu

The youngsters cant help Uk

roc Cans Lakeside Milk 6c atJ T D Pytos n stores

Fine Lynn Haven Bay Hard CubaFresh every ay Delivered at yourdoor 291 Lincoln

An Idea LuncheonDr SchlndJsrs Peanut Oil Butter cw-

rrt Q for picnicluncheons and all AHgrocers I9a and 3Dc

Caverlys plumbing lisle G St N w

SpringOil Cookers Qas Ranges Water Heaters11612 st C A iluddlmaa Co 031 O st


j FLOWERS-To the






t ebe



andand 1I


Y88li 1

quality ItAdvt


be par eocca


916 PSt Nw















yeas e














A shoe and a relativeWinters harvest and the bovine bestIce cream-A measurePart of a head part of stove and

part of a nshPart of a calf a necessity toerMother earth a thing much

but little valuedL41IOB do not Penelope did matureage SpinachA tree a weapon and a soubriquetA beverage and a vegetable Coffee

beanA prefix and to go under Bndlve

rivers and a beast DandelionA celebrated singer and a sweet

PattlcakePart of an eminence Staff bread

staff of lifeA shoemakersPart of a boat part of the anatomy-

an ogg layer duckA delicious bird minus one letter

would make a countryman of a foreignland

A break and a human failing Cham-pagne breaking a bottle of

A and social functions Po-tato balls

A perfume and afruit and a Jack

I R BOYDI 121 Second street northeast

Another GuessStill another solution readsA public notice and a Christian name

BananaAn unruly memberAn vessel and eight ciphers Pota-

toesA shoe and aWinters harvest a d the bovines bestSnow puddingA measurePerpendicular PlumbPart of a heed part of a stove andpart of a fish roePart of a calf a necessity loafMother earth and a tiny much

used but little valued TerrapinLilies do Penelope did matureage SpinachA tree a weapon and a soubriquet

Gumbo soupA beverage and aA prefix and to go underTwo aA celebrated singer and a sweet PatticakePart of an

A shoemakers fishPart of a boat part of the anatomy

an egg layer duckA delicious bird minus one letterwould make a countryman of a foreign

break and a human falling CrackerA vegetable and functionsballs

A perfume and a nuisance RhubarbRunning streams Distilled watera CharlotteW77 Hoimead Place northwest


OF DECADES AGOThe frock that has the straight fitted

bodice to the lower which Isattached a full skirt is one of the popular novelties of the day

Redfern invented It and called It therobe Dagobert The cuirass effect waslike a cast of close network ofdull gold with a skirt of bronze

satin From it is evolved theeveryday cuirass It is seen inmanner of fabrics as women areglad to adopt something entirely newIn the ofother days pulled snugly down over a

a costume wasthe adoration of the young girt abouttwo decades ago

At present only seen In Its elab-orate but there are already ru-mors of ginghams linens cottonfabrics a long fitted bodicethat extends to the a pleatedor ruffled skirt




A nameApple



















Mystic WardrobeFar in the Lead

For Next ContestThe Interest in the Mystic Menu has

not prevented The Times readers fromthinking about next weeks contestject A Mystic Wardrobe was so farahead yesterday that Jt looked asthough this candidate for election wasgoing to have a veritable landslide

the stock of several other subjectshas risen considerably A good manyvotes for Jumbled Flowers which Isa flower puzzle of course came in today There have also boon a greatnumber of new votes for How can weinterest our boys to make them happyand contented at home in the

Votes for others also have come inbut these two subjects arc the onlyones that have quitecaught up with A Mystic WardrobeThe contest is a close one You haveone more day in which to vote for yourpreference of subjects The votes willbe counted Friday afternoon at 3

oclock Be sure your vote is in beforethat hour Tht se are the subjects fromWhich you may make your selection

Another mystic menuA mystic wardrobeHidden of Shakespeare

flowersHidden authors-A love letter In which some of the

names are disarranged and whichyou would have to correctly arrange

The b st and most reasonable methodfor a young lady of refinement to spendher summer vacation

What should constitute the wardrobe-of a young lady of good taste but limited means upon her summer vacation

How can we Interest our boys to makeand contented at home in

theHow to manage a husbandWhet subject interests the average

woman and whySimple home remedies in the treat

ment of the sudden illness of childrenHOW to retain a husbands loveChild laborHow can a busy wife and mother

make pin moneyAn open debate on woman suffrage




Indian splint furniture is the latest fadfor the summer bungalow

This furniture despite Its somewhatbulky and rude appearance is by nomeans inexpensive for the splint chairbacks and seats are mounted in framesoC weathered oak and the strips of galvanised seel cleverly woven throughthe splints make the furniture verydurable and solid

To match these big smartlookingchairs and low seats there are splinttopped tables and footstools and splintwoven scrap baskets and the very uptodate bungalow will haveeled walls divided off by uprights ofweathered oak A room of this sortrecently desired by a clever womandecorator suggested the woodsy appearance of a mountain Interior Therewore hangings of coarse canvas runwith colored leather thongs and edgedwith colored bead fringe

Bits of dullcolored potterystood about and even the lampshadewas unconventional being made ofraffia in an open pattern over aJapanese rice paper

THOSE WITHERING GLANCESI generally read the paper on theway to the said the

importantly busy young manto said the old

timer before I hardened to thelooks of the girlsas City Star









splint pan











Answers to the InquiresFrom The Times Readers

To Become a JournalistA L R I have sent you by mail the

information you requested about be-coming a Journalist as the answer Involved the names of professional andbusiness people and firms

Legal AssistanceMiss K S R The Legal Aid Society

in the Columbian building will be gladto give you the Information yon seek

Massage Cream-C R A tonic emollient for strength-

ening relaxed tissues as well as forwhitening and softening the skin to bemassaged into the face throat andneck after the bath and which can beused to advantage over the whole bodyIs this

Oil of sweet almonds ouncesOil of bitter grammesBalsam of grammesBenzoin grammesEssence of dropsEssence of dropsThe resins are powdered and triturated In the oils Keep at a hostfor twentyfour hours then decant from

the sediment and add the essential oilsThis preparation Is valuable In correctcutaneous disturbances and usedfor the nightly will unlessInternal Irritations prevett make theskin beautifully soft white and satinyAbout Your Beau

Miriam If as vou say your bestbeau has become cold and indifferentany anxiety shown by you would butmake matters worse To ask for an explanation would humiliate you and costyou your selfrespect Meet him withan even greater Indifference than hehas shown toward Young menare wonderfully astonished when theyare to go their unmolested and under sjch circumstancessoon find their own stupid Instead of making any advance Ignorehis and if possible encouragethe attentions of some manPique his jealousy a little and



The sheer gauze lisle stocking Hthe stocking of the season to insure a welcome it has beenmade extra long and turned down tothe inches This it isthought will overcome its aptness to

and tear from the strain It issubjected to by the hose supportersBoth silk and lisle are shownin the new taupe shades a long range

of bronze tan mustard and cham-pagne tints as well as shades tomatch all the fashionable coors indress silks which include wistariareseda Tore catawba and all the dullsoft shades that in millinery areknown as tapestry

While very thin plain stockings arethe acme of smartness lace or

nose are shown in no end ofattractive patterns Seme ars madewith lace ankles and the portion plain but the majority soem tobe of the allover openwork variety

GIFT FOR HOSTESS-The canny provident woman Is

now picking pretty unusualthings as she runs across them with-a to being supplied with acceptablelittle for the various who

A book here a bit of Hngenie there a charming piece of potterya sliver photograph frame and the likewill be much appreciated later the

wan as by the donor whohas them all ready to into trunk orsuitcase without the lastminute wor-ry of thought and





otter their through the sum-mer
















if he really cares for you he will beglad to make the advances himselfDont let him feel too sure of youand when you meet him act as you havealways done

Record looyard DashParker Trent The generally accepted

fastest for the lOGyanl sprint Is935 seconds made bjr rthur Duffelof Georgetown University at BerkleyOval New York January 31 1902 Therecord of 935 seconds mad by DanKelly at Spokane Wash January 21903 has seen officially but isdoubted because of Kellys subsequentperformances A record of 8 25 secondsfor Minoru Fujii of Tokio Universitymade in Japan on November li 1902 onthe grass was sworn to by tile univor-sity officials but is not seriously regarded in thia country A Rector was 9 25 seconds atthe University of Virginia on May 91908 but was the windLieut R E Walker of South Africadid seconds in England on4 1008 but the course had a decideddown grade

Institution For ChildrenXT G address is Miss Gun

drys School Falls Churoh VaFancy Work Exchange

Mrs Womans Exchangefor fancy work Is on avenuebetween H and I streets northwestposite the Arlington Hotel The bookyou about regarding differentfoods pad their values can behad at any reliable book storeSilver Wedding Invitations

Mrs F O invitations to yoursilver wedding should be engraved insilver a stationer will supply the properform and submit to you samples foryour selection I presumeletter that you want an evening reception The hours from 8or from 83ft to IL Plik and silvermake a charming ccmbinatlon Ishould use masses of pink roses havesliver candlesticks with pink candleson the table with silver wedding bellsfor favors



A safety pin makes a capital substi-tute for a bodkin when running a tapein a casing In fact it is sometimessuperior to a bod tin for the purposefor the point of a bodkin is apt topierce thin materials and its eye oftenbecomes unthreaded The plan is toput the tape on the pin and then to usethe closed pin at a bodkin

DELICIOUS SPONGE CAKEThe following recipe for a light soft

sponge cake with but four eggs waspassed along the line by a capital NewEngland housemother As it differsslightly in proportions from any othersponge cake recipes that have

print and gives exceptional satisfac-tion It Is worth making a note onAny amateur can use it with successOne cup sugar beaten well with four

yolks and three tablespoonfuls ofcold water one cup flour one teaspoon-ful of baking powder sifted fourwhites of eggs beaten stiff juice of halfa lemon or any flavoring preferredHave a pan of water cake inthe oven Bake ten minutes in hotoven reduce the heat onehilf andbake forth five minutes longer Dontopen the oven door until cake isdone by the clock It cannot burn owing to the water In the pest

9 25











t io








Store Will Close at 530 P M Daily Until Further Notice


embracing the practical sorts for general summer vacation use and many dainty pretty fluffy garments adaptable for wear withthin summer gowns at the seashore and other summer resorts

Special attention is called to the splendid new assortment at

There are Gowns Long and Short Skirts Drawers Corset Covers andCombination Suits of soft nainsooks and lightweight cambrics and musTins and they are uniformly wellmade correctly sized and most carefullyfinished The materials are thoroughly reliable and the trimmings tastefully applied consist of dainty laces embroideries hemstitching tucksbeading and ribbon

Among others we mention the following excellent valuesCowas of muslin cambric and nainsook with high Jow Ve and

square neck variously trimmed with embroideries Jaces beading andribbon

50c each Values 75c and 100Drawers of muslin cambric and nainsook trimmed with wide full

ruffle of embroidery or lace and tucks50c a pair Values 75c and 100

Corset Covers of soft nainsook with fitted or full front variouslytrimmed with embroideries laces beading and ribbon

50c each Value 75c vThird floor Eleventh st

Skirts of soft cambric trimmed with tucked lawn flouncefinished with lace or embroidery rufiles

SOc each Values 75c and 100Short Skirts of fine cambric trimmed ruffles of embroidery

or lace and tucks50c each Value 75c

Combination Suits corset cover and drawers or corset coyer andshort skirt trimmed with embroidery besting and ribbon

50c each Value SI00


c j

Woodward LothropYorkWashingtonParis



Special Sale of

Muslin UndergarmentsTOMORROW Friday there will be a special display and sale of Womens

j0e a Garment Values 75c and





3 a

6 P T










The widest obtainable tape mjOcesa neat patch over a small rent in undergarments repairs worn petticoatbands when a now buttonhole Is required the same with skirt bands

You will find when sowing fine silkthat quite often the seams are inclin jed to pucker when silk thread isrho sewing is made much smootherif cotton thread of the same color andfge Is used in the bobbin with silkthread above Do not dampen suchseams when pressing sittimes water and the staincannot be removed-

A goodlooking yoke can be madefrom wash net by trimming It withrow after row of narrow braid eitherthe same color or In a contrastingtone This

braided to match the yokeFor handy needle case provide Astrip of ribbon three inches wide andtwelve Inches line with cashmere or fine flannel and stiffen with

thread double eleven needlesf silk and darn

ribbon When needed a needle canbe draw out all ready for use

THE DOCTOR KNOWS BESTA physician was summoned to L verysick man who was very much preoccupied with troubles of his own Onarriving at the sick mans bed he saidwife Your husband Is In thelast throes Every movement showsthat the end is nearing At this moment the sick mans head fell over thepillow when the doctor said The endcome your husband is deadIn a shrill thin voice the sick man

saidTalnt so Maria

At once the wife laid her hand on hishead and remarked Dont disturbyourself Rufus the doctor knows bestPhiladelphia Record



Is easily donelaunderIng The braId can bespaced or It can be set IngrOUPS ot two and three with a widerspace When used as agulmpe the net sleeves


an of canvas or crInolineFinIsh the edges with a pretty fancystitch to conceal the seamdifterent colorsing run them In the cashmere sidewith long even the tileof the Fold and tie With



should be








Capital Is MarketFor Two Products

Of Texas Farmer

Washington would not seem at firstto be an Inviting market to the Texasfanner yet tomato and onion growers-In the Lone Star State are beginning-to compete seriously with CarolinaGeorgia and Florida farmers In sellingthese two products The presence today in the local market of a largeshipment of Texas tomatoes served tobring this competition sharply Into viewInquiry elicited the information that theTexas farmer now regards Washington-more favorably than he did In formeryears

While the Texas tomatoes shippedhere as a matter of fact do not

the sales of the famous Norfolk andEastern Branch tomatoes yet they docut into the sales of those from theCarolinas Georgia and Florida Theyare not nearly so sweet andas our varieties nor dothey grow 10 such size If they wereIn tho market at the same with

Norfolk and Branch tomatoeswould be a drug on the commissionmans hands

The Texas grower probably realizesthis and he Is to be earlybird and catoh the worm


Did you ever put your arms aroundyour dear old mother who has lovedand cared for you and tell her thatyou love her and are grateful for thotears she has shed and the prayers shehas offered for you

She may think that you love her without you assuring her that you do butIt costs you but little effort to tell herand your words may bring more joyand sunshine to her than yon everdream ofSome young men will pay 2 for alivery rig to ride thrae hours with a 75cent girl and tell her all the nice thingscan think of that are true anddont spend 5 cents or five minutes in ayear to show their mother that theycare anything for her Orrville Ohio





Lansburdi Bro420 to 426 7th St 417 to 425 8th S-

tAn Exceptional BargainSkirt Length of FancyMohair Worth 300 forSicilian with neat white hairline stripe fashionable and splendid for seashore or mountain wear Only 25 lengths-to be distributed Worth 3 The entire skirt length Sj ftQtomorrow is only

White and Colored

Divided Into Three Lots as Follows

5c 7lcWorth from 12 c to SOc a yard j

These are in lengths from 2 to 8 yards suitable for waistsskirts kimonos gowns and childrens rear The kinds are toonumerous for us to try to enumerate We will display them onthree large tables in our Wash Goods Section 8th Street Annex Vfeinvite you to come early and see for yourself the greatest bargains jyet offered at giveaway prices for firstclass merchandise

39c for Silks That Are WorthRemnants of Fancy Satinfinished Foulards 27inch AllSflfcij

Rough Pongee Fancy and Plain Colored Taffetas LouisinesMessalines Peau de Cygnes in lengths from 1 to dressterns of 12 yards Some good lengths of black taffeta Values QQto 1 For Friday only a yard k

69c Chiffons and at 19c I

1000 yards of remnants of Allsilk Chiffon and Mousseline fa-a very good range of shades also some good lengths ofSmooth Pongee Values to 69c Friday per yard 1 C I

the summer months we will give compl-imentary tickets to a Moving Picture Theater

Extra Specials

Suit Department20 Lace and Ribbon Dresses 1498Womens White Princess Dresses of lace

and ribbon lined throughout with white lawnslip finished with lace Worth 20 Special

1150 Linen Coat Suits at 790Womens Natural Color Linen Suits coat and

skirt trimmed with cluny lace Worth 1150 Spe-cial T


10 Serge Coats at 590Womens White Serge Coats tlmmed with

black silk collar and cuffs and black jet buttonsWorth 10 Special

Friday Sale Boys ClothingA true Friday offering in our Boys Clothing Dept Third

Floor In order to reduce stock we are offering 1200 Russian andSailor Wash Suits at the following sacrifice

I 69Each length contains 31 yards 50inch Navy Blue Mohair





reJr aax


14 118


e 590


6oods Remnants





Our 65c values to


All 1 and 125 values


Positively all glSo values tomorrow

e 44e

89 C


¬ Imported Fabrics175 values M l

4 3The best Galatea and Mad

ras 200 values QJtpmorrow Hr

Our Linen 250 dvj Qvalues U




morrow e<


< >