washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1910-03-19 [p...

TIm WASHINGTON TIMES SATURDAY APtCH 19 1910 W oIoIoo1ii i 5 I I Lineup Leaves Him Impotent to Enforce His Will REGULARS FEAR STRAIN ON PARTY Uncle Joes Determination to Die Fighting Stands in Way of Compromise- By JOHN SNURE The backbone of the tremendous power which Speaker Joseph G Can- non has so long wielded has boon broken To all Intents and purposes deposed It does not matter what the action of the House today may be Among both regulars and Insurgents It is recognized that it will be impossible in any event for Mr Cannon longer to run things with a high hand He cannot reward and punish mon at will hereafter nor can he dicta to tho House what legis- lation shall be enacted and what shall not The overwholmlng sentiment in the House is that the Speaker ought not re- main a member of the Rules Commit tee If the House has a chance to ex- press itself on that proposition pure and simple the Speaker will not remain OH the committee From the outset of the revolt against the Speaker there ha never been any doubt of that His Power Broken The only salvation ot the Speaker as very one has recognized from the first has been to muster enough votes to pre- vent his ruling on the Norris resolution being overridden Leaders of the regulars freely admit that with the Sreaker once overruled on this question they would be swamped with votes The Speaker on the Rules Com mite for the reet or this session would main- tain himself there by such a narrow margin that he would not be in a posi- tion to dictate Removed from the com- mittee whether by force or by an agreement his power would sink to but a fraction of what it hen been This is the fourth day of the great struggle in the Hous It will go dJwn to history as ore of the most strenuous of the parliamentary battles ever waged in the Congress of the United States Bitterness Finds Vent White the issue has been it some measure obscured the parliamentary situation andby the bitterness the debate In tleV Invective been hurled back and forth and the bitterness of months and years has been given vent there is just one Eicat question At the bottom of It alt This question is Shall foeman power in the House be allowed to continue or shall the House become the rosily rep- resentative body which the Constitu- tion contemplates CERTAIN TO BREAK BACKBONE OF CANNONS POWER- House 8 b F TRUQGLE p I h- Is has sup- pressed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Under the present organization of the House going back for years through the days of Reed and Henderson ami even farther back the SepsJcer has maintained himself in dominant author over the House ruling it with a rod of Iron largely two One these that he belongs to the Rules Committee and that ominlt tee Is made up of men who do his bid ding Ho Is practically the Rules Com mlttee The Is that he points the committees of the House The Speakers Power Master of the Rules Committee it is In the power of the Bp tk r to say what shaH happen to every resolution W investigation introduced in the House Such resolutions go to the Rules Com- mittee and dr not emerge from It unless the Speaker gives tho word if a special or standing rule Is to be made it is fashioned by the Rules The power of tho Rules Committee with to rules for the considera tion of legislation was well illustrated In the tariff struggle when it restricted ItT re- spect ° ¬ ¬ ¬ EVENTS OF PAST FOUR DAYS BEARING ON FIGHT IN HOUSE WEDNESDAY Combination of Insurgonts and Domocrate ruling that Crumpackers amendment to conaufe bill wits not privileged THURSDAY Regular Republicans again raise issue on Crumpaoker amend- ment and are again defeated Norris introduces resolution for increase of Committoe OH Rules to fifteen members and elimination of Speaker upon thai committee Regular leaders open debate declaring Norris roioJufcijn out of order Regulars filibuster roaring vole on quoation Debate baconted goneraJ Insurgents aiUick Guuiouigm Regular defead Speaker Mr CaRltOn takes Moor and defends himself At 6 oclock p m motion to take rocs defeated and House starts on allnight session Cooper accuses Speaker of removing members from commitlcos they disagreed with him Cannon in reply said he removed all tat Gardner of Maseachttestts for rccakitnutev Summoned by Speaker saW he gave up chairmanship volun tarily because he wanted to a fullfledged Insurgent iHcllcclual attempts made between 11 oclock Thursday night and 2 Friday morning to take a roaaee FRIDAY Representative Dwight Rej ttbiieH wWp at 1230 a m directed- to send Regulars home in order to breik quorum Donwenils demand call of the Howee lids wits orrfcrwJ Prom 1 oclock until 330 a m the sergeantatarms anal four demitieg seek absentees in vain Democratic appoi tae In sorgoastatarms of jfce sent after Republican absentees From 4 a m to 2 p Howe narks tiww white conferences are W At 2 ia following o aierenc ef tending Regular and Insurgent Republicans awl Democrat a rates HwtU 4 p m k ordered by vote of 161 to 151 Whoa House reco veit l at 4 p m the tpieetla ef ifce Speakers ruling OH ue Norris rat utKHi is postpone twttil 1206 Saturday sad the Howe adjewos doC Speak- ers Gardner be three were cloak tea Dt a be- cause js ¬ ¬ ¬ to narrow limits th subjects and schedules on which th was allowed to vote Having the appointment of com- mittees The Speaker can sad does make those In advance piece of legislation and hold back another In making up these committees too h can his frienda and pu ih his enemies It is a tremendous power which is thus put into the hands of the Speaker whc also has all the powers of a member of House Strain on the Party If the is removed from the Rules Committee and the Rules Com- mittee enlarged and elected by the House it win either follow that his pow er to appoint the committees of the House will be taken from him or that he will In the future exercise this power without regard to his personal feelings and more carefully than it has been exercised in th pest The insurgents have reached a point where the are sun Accomplish BOOM measure of liberalisation of the rules Even with Incle Joe winner today the regular leader anon the MMise Republicans see dourly that something must b done to avoid subjecting the party to the tcrrillc strain it has been put to this week They are prepared to give way from the position they have hitherto taken that the rules must be left unchnsed tank HOUSe the committees one th Speaker ¬ ¬ ¬ Public Insistent Evidence IK accomutatins that public sentiment demands a change tablets that the House shall be its own ruler that the Speaker shall not control and no set of non around the Speaker shall have the power to run the ma- jority side of the House Since yesterday telegrams have been pouring in on menii rs urging them to overthrow thr Speuker messages today thickened More than ever last night and today the vast political consequences of the present struggle have been realized about the House and for that matter at both ends of the Capitol The oldtime leaders in the House see their power threatened with demolition They are crying for regularity The in- surgent leaders are not frightened with the talk that the Republican party will be broken if the is deposed and driven from the Rules Committee They take the view on the other hand that this is the only way to save the party Some of the insurgents have grown weakkneed and fainthearted as they have got up close to the realization of the thing for which they have fought so It The I ¬ ¬ THE APPROVAL- of the most EMINENT PHYSICIANS- and its WORLDWIDE ACCEPTANCE by the WELLINFORMED BECAUSE ITS COMPONENT PARIS ARE KNOWN MOST WHOLESOME AND f TRULY BENEFICIAL 1NTZ- r FECT HAVE GIVEN TO ELIXIR SENNA THE FIRST POSITION AMONG fAMILY LAXATIVES AND HAVE LED TO ITS GENERAL USAGE i WITH THE MOST UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION- TO GET BENEFIClALEFfECTS MANUFACTURED FORSALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS size ONlY REGULAR PRICE 50 PER BOTTLE TO BE and AlWAYS 6EllUJNE BY THE CAUfORNIA flGSfRUP co r I 1- s long what is known i hunting parlance as buck fever They are timid lest If they throw the Speaker oft the Rules Committee there will be a rescUes of public sentiment ii vl be a martyr hi the eyes of the country So they nave for hours been inclining their esus to the argu- ment that the Speaker usht to be al lowed to yoUr from th committee vol- untarily But th Speakers Wood made him declare time and again that h does not intend to be made the sacri lice on the sitar of insurgency or on the altar of party necessity Time am attain yesterday be told his henchmen that proposed to go down lighting and die in the last ditch All day yesterday there were rumors that Taft was to House members appealing for regular ity These reports were not confirmed In his speech at Rochester however he appealed for party regularity and team work The is such that members are not likelY to listen to anything from the tration until this fight is settled Insurgent Republicans Select Candidate for Governor Victory Predicted CONCORD X H March M New Hampshire progressive Republicans insurgent wing of the party have se- lected their candidate for governor Sn the person of R P Uses of Peterboro announcement was mado today at tho conclusion of a convention in which Sherman E Burroughs of Manchester declined to run Winston Churchill novelist who headed the fight here declares the progressives will surely win and that be the governor He also predicts New representatives in both branches of con green will be of progressive stripe within two years TIte leave th PROGRESSIVE NAMED IN NEW HAMPSHIRE the too railroad domination State f n te ha 0 I against ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Three Republican Members of Rules Committee Exer cise Unparalleled Power ALLIES SEEKING- TO CUT AUTHORITY Personalities of Men Who Enforce Will of Party Leaders Upon Rep resentatives of Interest The Speaker John Dalzell of Pennsylvania Walter I Smith of Iowa Champ Clark of Missouri John J Fitzgerald oC Xew York These five mon are the Committee on Rules as that body is now constituted HfMl of these five the first three the Speaker Dalzell and Smith are the Republicans who do its dork Clark and Fitagerald are the Democrats who under no circumstances can circumvent the wishes and purposes of the other three because the Speaker of the House always has on the committee his two most trusted captains- In no other legislative body in the world does such a small group of men exercise such tremendous power This Committee oa Rules can and does amend the rules of the procedure of UM House permanently or temporarily aa it sees fit so long as the majority party in the House is a harmonious working body Against it the minority is as powerless as a babe The commUte can bring in a special rule so as to pass or defeat any bill it pleases or it- I can vete into the procedure of the House a permanent amendment to the rules- It is only In recent months that it has abandoned the practice of bringing in special rules because the organiza- tion has been afraid that the insur- gents and the Democrats allied could muster enough strength to defeat It In other words the power of the Rules Committee b been weakened by the only thing whloh could weaken it a disintegration of the party machinery It ig the design of the and the Democrats to enlarge the member- ship of the committee so that so much power shall not be put into the hands of three men and so that all parts of the country shall be represented on It Personalities of Interest Because of the power they have wielded for eo long the personalities of the men on the committee are of more nan passing interest- It is a matter of general opinion that Mr Cannons personality as expressed- In the chair and in his conduct of the business of the House te largely re- sponsible for strau ht which he oday discovers himseeif Personally the Speaker fe a good fel low well met vivacious full of jest and joke goodnatured obliged and considerate But when it comes to the Is sweeping in his Measures So long has been accustomed to calling Dalzell and Smith d fixing up ar- bitrary the thing han be come a second nature to him In the business of overriding he has shown himself more and more proficient There have been times when put in special rnles for which there no necessity except that he found neresHty in his wish to speed along this or that measure HP has denoted men In committees because they opposed his wishes and he has taken others entirely out of the membership of committees on which done signal service for the country Ho has always used the Rules Committee to carry out his HOUSE CONTROLLED TRIUMVIRATE I 8ftt j the runntD Hou he measures that a y wishes and Ictatorhab and is ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + ¬ ¬ has often done It in a way that unnec- essarily tiled and irritated the House membership Had he exercised more diplomacy in his methods he would In all probability not be confronted today the of the insurgents- A Paliamentary Standby John Dalzell the next man on the committee Is the parliamentary stand by of the Speaker He is quick and on his feet a ready debater and unusually in expounding rules for his aid of a question At times he rises to eloquence in his to the 7 use to support the ring which Is another name r r the Rules Committee and its henchmen With a long experience in the House and with an unswerving determination to support Cannon and Cannonism he lights in debate and in ment among his fellowmembers to elf it the ap- peals vatt I re- sourceful ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ You can save enough on your butter bill in a year to buy two gowns You can also have a spread for bread thafs just as healthful thats just as keeps longer than butter- It is Swifts Premium Butterine Swifts Premium only by Swift Company U S A Would you like a new gown tastyand ButterineMa- de I 4 swing the right number of votes to the aide In hi speeches he ia incisive quick and often acrid Now and then he his temper under the onslaughts of the Democrats but h never allows his logic to be clouded nor is he ever swept from the vital points at issue He han- dles every special rules that to sent out of Rules Committee Walter I Zenith the third RepuMtcn on the committee is the of debate but he too te thoroughly versed in the complicated the Com- mittee on Rules now and then wants to change or to use for Its own pur- poses With his thick heavy vote make as a speech Dalzell and he generally the arguments of Dalzdl When h loses his temper he is like a wr horse loose and he does net brook interruptions Mentioned for Speaker- So strong a man is he temperamen- tally that is mentioned as the next organization candidate for the Speaker ship because It w generally recognized that Air Cannon cannot again be Speak- er He Is selected t the next Speaker because of lila ability as a pejliamen tarian and an organizer and because rrapnicsJly he te better situated than Dalzei to aspire to the place The two Democrats Clark the minor leader and Fitzgerald are but fig- ureheads onr the Rules ComvniUee They are called into committee meeting after the three Republicans have decided what they are going to d The two Demo- crats can protest and vote In the nega- tive as ong as theV like but they change the voice of the beenen one Of the two Fitzgerald Is an abler parliamentarian than Clark hut this OUt is of no avail in the committee It is merely a qucs Ion of three running the whole show and have been uoingr It to the qveens taste WILL BE ELECTED- Former Republican Now a Democrat May Overthrow Massachusetts Regulars C anon loIre th I tve as 8UD t he J Jot Re- publicans they THINK INSURGENT c i be- an s can- not ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BOSTON Mass March 19 That B gene N Foes who Jmmrsed out of the Republican party ari te running a a Democrat for the C jgressJoaal seat of- the late AV C wilt overtu c the normal Republican majority In Fourteenth district and will be eJec d by not less than 2409 te the prediction here today of Charles S HanUln pr able Democratic candidate for Governor of Massachusetts at he next election The whole Fourteenth district is In- surgent said Hamlia and though Mr FOM te running as a Democrat the people believe be wouH be a better Re publican than W R iiuchaaan his The impression te general that Bwhanan would be simply a spoke in the Cannon wheel Massachusetts wants a man who whatever his politi- cal brand will vote to end the prevent stand pat Republican regime In Wash- ington All over the Fourteenth district the Republicans are turning to Foes He surely will ge to Washington after next Tuesdays election Speakinc at Hfnctem Xas to a big Republican Audience Foes aid I have oent itraerJcally a Vfelong Republican sad my party I Jrged when a candidate for Congress m the Eleventh district the same principles I am urging today I have not changed I stepped aside met year and went over into the Democratic party because I saw that in no other way could I make any protests emphatic That Is my po- sition today It te not a question party but of principle The thoughtful in both parties wee on theta FOURYEAROLD BOY INJURED BY AUTO Love 1 e op- ponent aid wit I f men e ha < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Run down by an automobile at Adams Mill road and Lanfer place fouryear- old Addison Gteseking of 1900 BOtmore street northwest Is suffering today from a fractured leg and cuts about the and face The boy was attempting to cross the street yesterday when Be struck an auto owned by W M Hemway of 523 Sixth street northwest and operated by Charles H tlKman One of the first things a will notice about a Player Pianoi- s tiic almost human touch of the pneumatic fingers in tkis instrument Something about its operation dispels th thought that the music is me- chanical Such is the wonder- ful construction that it retain this sweet pure tone for years and years in fact the longer- it lasts the dearer it becomes- to the owner Sold from fac- tory direct to the home easy terms Full value allowed for your old square or upright piano in exchange- FG Smith Piano Co 1225 Avenue head f r mu- sician lIebstct on pen ns1lVJ nia I r 1 IlL III ass w ¬ > = Dainty Lunches Dinners Etc jj Visit the 11623 HStNW One Place Only Luncheon from 12 to 3 Afternoon Tea 4 to S Dinner 6 to S Table dhote and ala Carte Service Shop anti Order Department 722 17th St N W Cakes Candles Delicacies For TEA CUP INN Said to Fear Effect ofCon test on Insurgentsin Upper Body The Sonata view ef the dramatic stt in the House Is of ewese divided Republican t w rt Republicsn Inane gents and Demoenats do not see the de- velopment from the same lISle Ia one quarter there Is alarm in another there te ehttton equally un- disguised and in still another there te- a feeling of quiet satfafraetiea over the whole psaLter Undoubtedly the Old Guard in the Senate the body of mea led ay Senators Aldrich Lodge Hale Burrows and Galllnger te up in the air over the developments They know only too well that any legislative program must be supported by both houses before It can be a law and they know that the defeat of the Cannon organisation and his loss of power means that their own to enact legislation te weakened know that can Mock repeal legis- lation provided they maintain on the majority but that te only negative power as they see It Trouble Over Control of Senate Already the Senate te having trouble enough over Ha own control over the Senate Already it has been defeated once during this sesnfoa by the combined Democrats and Sense goats This combination amended the postal sayings bank WIt to the ofiCeeC that li should not beeosae a stepping atone for the Aldrich central bask scheme Then again Just at this time the or zanizatton te defeat OB the rail- road regulation hill leas than one week from time debate So alarmed have the leaders become that haw caucused in the hove of amending t Wickersham draft to save the measure from emaerulatirtr S TE OLD SHOWS SOME ALARM dolt r Tbt tIN fa whole bY the mblna1t I GUARD undisguised ¬ ¬ ¬ With sitccessful opposition within their own ranks the organization least ore are feeling far from with the outlook They did not say much today but they looked a good deal Party Wreck S fat Senate Insurgents vigorously assert that U wreck of the Republleaa party was not the object of the present Insur torSion and Tnt not be the result of it They say this reorganteaUon instead of disorganlaattba will come of It alL They insist that the AdminIstration They do insist however that is utterly doomed and admit that they are giving the House inurgent all the support her an Eight or ten of the of thf rnidflle who have voted indepen dent of the Senate organization over arid Let Us Send You Our 100 3Fold Absorption Cure TO TRY FREE JUST FILL OUT THE COUPON We want to send every sufferer from sorption Cure to TRY leglect- vuurself for a ease of Piles cares itaelf and the penalty t n severe Write us now When the treat Theres Relief IB men comes try Every ackmfte il youll be surprised t see how easy it is to use and then If you are fully satisfied with the benefit received send us Oae Dollar Not lefdsla the program 11I in no mote danger now toan It has been PILES I thIs cruel a1ftiction our Si 3fold Ab FREE rue fur delay is of and If keep Your pleased ever Senators Vest 2 Jon t r aaIIli never S HtUit L J not ¬ money Yes de dda and we take year wora Dr Vaa Vlecks 3 foUl Treatateat has cured many thousands of pit iful cases even of 30 and 4 i years standing as wen as all th milder stas No knife nv pain but qniki and lasting lief and cur The above offer W m moans that tvf stand t i con- vince any sufT ror at our own cost that Dr Van Vlecks is th lonesought and true cure for one of the worst curses of the human race Let us convii ce Mall TJiis 189 Coupon s I to Dr Vas leek Co Dept CV12 Jackson Xich with these lines I I plainly ed la Address This Coupon is good for a 1 Treatr ent TO TKY1 PKEE as explained above V You Always Save Yhen You HENRY EVANS New Store 1006 F St Wholesale aitd Retail Druggists THOROUGHLY HIGHCLASS demand for Refrigerat is on in full Dont let the warm weather catch you without one All the boat makes are on show her Rea s nable prices BARBER ROSS 11th and G Sts r I rfd i A p s fC JBUY AT EVANS I i t I f AAAAAAAAAA A A AA A REf II II II Ii I I yeS Name II ¬ ¬ ¬ < LET ME MAKE YOUR SPRING SUIT Fancy fabrics and weaves now shows in all the new shade I MAKE SUITS THAT FIT Renovating and repairing of ladles and gentlemens French and chemical cleaning dyeng altering and pressing Clothes called for anu E GORMAN a CO TAHO2S 2127 Cr St N W Washington D C All Work Vest mhlzsol I deliv- ered GuanL t It j I i ¬ < they COUld con ever just back them was lca wry insurgent in if boi redy to whoop things up W ix one Sen was seen on the liner Democratic View The Democimtlc view of th ou- cotUHet is one of very great satifvcctior The Democratic Senators n1r that the RepubHcaa Jon bjr and Senate be split a en possiMe Tney will willingly etc Inr 1 the dceJdtag voces Tbte is tnelr ol lig r- attttnda One sr two Demorratic Seaatsji In Congress te drunk with Us That te with the power It did have F so arbitrarily that its leaders have h come intolerant of opposition and on the verge some their best blood out of their them drive There is always room fo one more in the party Averaged i Quart Whisky Dally i work properly Wat qfr oVer filed onto the HOWIe a the Seaatoe actj nooa ntey caMe to se the fight tn k p It tontJ7 But there net fight Mor or the l v to a aDd Ho Jllf t n i any breach wtadt am en r a serious view of tile com One of said part IJO long the country a a r now L Drank Heavily kJ to t 110 81 k wfl AJ te L l just ariT lLp was nOn majsilty wag ran the i oenizat sir are Hoe opesed pressed osi them The RsplIcaa own powe has ft governed r I iLrtcd youngwtth birk t t ti w Wai Ak uh atar5sr i piery be oft assable a rrvdraHtsolineJVaiOEr < > < > < GUARANTEED 3 DAYS CURE 1 coald set keep IB te dy cmploraittit Var f it vat t Coja an IB Iwrth v atobfrJfri HS TK yatlf T- trr my U BIT Vrraat to wit t It- en SMS wow b rftae fOaufJi ki Sorr HT T ttewr tnvkte ktra acmv njtr Ua dixnifcji rwnl veaiLBeB ae mmiUjiUtappeMrtcke E J Weadc534 6th AV411 A New YcrJc Spring Suits r Women 990 I The Famous J 423 7th St N W- A Set of Teeth Thrt charge J500 and more for DR BENJ K LEON 939 PA AVE N W Pet 5th and Mh ts Silverbrook Whiskey Is Good The tind particular people drink 75c full quart Eugene Schwab Sires S E ii Liar ra A MATCHLESS LIGHT The SelfLyte Mantle PRICE 35c Guaranteed for two months See nitration in window S S Shedd Bro Co Plumbing Seating Tinning Gas and Electric Pictures Ke- zpodeliBg a Specialty 432 Ninth St N W Phone Main 314315 PERFECT PIATES v Guaranteed And Teeth Kxtracted Painless Remember the Puce 501 14th St NW 2 Opposite the New Wlllard Hotel T DR J NELSON MYERS t P a Teeth Furnished At a Moderate Cost J To make room for f spring goods Our well known 5 S A Sweaters 150 AUERBAGH 7th and H Established X years wt i i 7 i JI z1 t i a sdoiellJ Lrlat eatc lJt 3 JI M Iw1ov II er Mr oJrlJt hau I ye4 t e fVMLL I nre lunc ize t l I 10000 REWARD w OO s r Mi Jtemt t loot Mlero BWa- MJJ M ua TIt s tAe rsloo1tolgr Cure Drinkers WlTEli 8 rtersfrilcaa an T tht J rrfAl peace e n III BOOK FREE pftl yilbte neeu n u SnilJJWaf aJL 1rrSeor to or uu l f 3 I I I- f o- rt T T t r t 0 the r 5400 dEm I I x or Very I t e anti Saxony Wool I I 150 lr j W r wU 5 GjsdO4ibrrutctt12 tIt I dIet a poetin t- r gvot 1flne wui e i a a sick d v yZ tta tr Err- bIlty sboif r L weadri te k method Is goaranted sol C eieeee OCr y- t 5545 se trea1mtesn I otsIciia tour e5si 5IYO tIt cwsTPg S j wmk abz r 5 o as t bztekr bsrpTpIttoo diowpdo Mitsg thM Women rwhu snt1 evt tr bJJ 4 I v o 0 Ina Win paw eessyaew v book ibc all rash bna fr4s dT 55tbtbICYO5 4r w wozW bw pore zzs X sknds nu 0515c esho bresplt t- ova4sL 4 Pho ii i WLLW 4 J a l 400 b ± ± < < < = = = = = = + + + +

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Lineup Leaves HimImpotent to Enforce

His Will


Uncle Joes Determination to Die

Fighting Stands in Way

of Compromise-

By JOHN SNUREThe backbone of the tremendous

power which Speaker Joseph G Can-

non has so long wielded has boonbroken To all Intents and purposes

deposedIt does not matter what the action of

the House today may be Among bothregulars and Insurgents It is recognizedthat it will be impossible in any eventfor Mr Cannon longer to run thingswith a high hand He cannot rewardand punish mon at will hereafter norcan he dicta to tho House what legis-

lation shall be enacted and what shallnot

The overwholmlng sentiment in theHouse is that the Speaker ought not re-

main a member of the Rules Committee If the House has a chance to ex-press itself on that proposition pure andsimple the Speaker will not remain OH

the committee From the outset of therevolt against the Speaker there hanever been any doubt of that

His Power BrokenThe only salvation ot the Speaker as

very one has recognized from the firsthas been to muster enough votes to pre-vent his ruling on the Norris resolutionbeing overridden

Leaders of the regulars freely admitthat with the Sreaker once overruled onthis question they would be swampedwith votes

The Speaker on the Rules Com mitefor the reet or this session would main-tain himself there by such a narrowmargin that he would not be in a posi-

tion to dictate Removed from the com-mittee whether by force or by anagreement his power would sink to buta fraction of what it hen been

This is the fourth day of the greatstruggle in the Hous It will go dJwnto history as ore of the most strenuousof the parliamentary battles ever wagedin the Congress of the United States

Bitterness Finds VentWhite the issue has been it some

measure obscured the parliamentarysituation andby the bitterness thedebate In tleV Invective beenhurled back and forth and the

bitterness of months and yearshas been given vent there is just oneEicat question At the bottom of It alt

This question is Shall foeman powerin the House be allowed to continue orshall the House become the rosily rep-resentative body which the Constitu-tion contemplates






















Under the present organization of theHouse going back for years throughthe days of Reed and Henderson amieven farther back the SepsJcer hasmaintained himself in dominant authorover the House ruling it with arod of Iron largely twoOne these that he belongs to theRules Committee and that ominlttee Is made up of men who do his bidding Ho Is practically the Rules Commlttee The Is that hepoints the committees of the House

The Speakers PowerMaster of the Rules Committee it

is In the power of the Bp tk r to saywhat shaH happen to every resolutionW investigation introduced in theHouse

Such resolutions go to the Rules Com-mittee and dr not emerge from It unlessthe Speaker gives tho word if a specialor standing rule Is to be made it isfashioned by the Rules Thepower of tho Rules Committee withto rules for the consideration of legislation was well illustratedIn the tariff struggle when it restricted








WEDNESDAY Combination of Insurgonts and Domocrateruling that Crumpackers amendment to conaufe bill wits not


THURSDAY Regular Republicans again raise issue on Crumpaoker amend-ment and are again defeated

Norris introduces resolution for increase of Committoe OH Rules tofifteen members and elimination of Speaker upon thai committee

Regular leaders open debate declaring Norris roioJufcijn out oforder

Regulars filibuster roaring vole on quoation

Debate baconted goneraJ Insurgents aiUick Guuiouigm Regulardefead Speaker Mr CaRltOn takes Moor and defends himself

At 6 oclock p m motion to take rocs defeated and Housestarts on allnight session

Cooper accuses Speaker of removing members from commitlcosthey disagreed with him Cannon in reply said he removed

all tat Gardner of Maseachttestts for rccakitnutev

Summoned by Speaker saW he gave up chairmanship voluntarily because he wanted to a fullfledged Insurgent

iHcllcclual attempts made between 11 oclock Thursdaynight and 2 Friday morning to take a roaaee

FRIDAY Representative Dwight Rej ttbiieH wWp at 1230 a m directed-to send Regulars home in order to breik quorum

Donwenils demand call of the Howee lids wits orrfcrwJ Prom 1oclock until 330 a m the sergeantatarms anal four demitieg seekabsentees in vain Democratic appoi tae In sorgoastatarms ofjfce sent after Republican absentees

From 4 a m to 2 p Howe narks tiww white conferences areW

At 2 ia following o aierenc ef tending Regular and InsurgentRepublicans awl Democrat a rates HwtU 4 p m k ordered byvote of 161 to 151

Whoa House reco veit l at 4 p m the tpieetla ef ifce Speakersruling OH ue Norris rat utKHi is postpone twttil 1206 Saturdaysad the Howe adjewos

doC Speak-ers


three were











to narrow limits th subjectsand schedules on which th wasallowed to vote

Having the appointment of com-mittees The Speaker can sad doesmake those Inadvance piece of legislation andhold back another

In making up these committees tooh can his frienda and pu ihhis enemies It is a tremendous powerwhich is thus put into the hands of theSpeaker whc also has all the powers ofa member of House

Strain on the PartyIf the is removed from the

Rules Committee and the Rules Com-

mittee enlarged and elected by theHouse it win either follow that his power to appoint the committees of theHouse will be taken from him or thathe will In the future exercise this powerwithout regard to his personal feelingsand more carefully than it has beenexercised in th pest

The insurgents have reached a pointwhere the are sun Accomplish BOOM

measure of liberalisation of the rulesEven with Incle Joe winner todaythe regular leader anon the MMiseRepublicans see dourly that somethingmust b done to avoid subjecting theparty to the tcrrillc strain it has beenput to this week They are preparedto give way from the position theyhave hitherto taken that the rules mustbe left unchnsed









Public InsistentEvidence IK accomutatins that public

sentiment demands a change tabletsthat the House shall be its own rulerthat the Speaker shall not controland no set of non around the Speakershall have the power to run the ma-jority side of the House

Since yesterday telegrams have beenpouring in on menii rs urging them tooverthrow thr Speuker messagestoday thickened

More than ever last night and todaythe vast political consequences of thepresent struggle have been realizedabout the House and for that matterat both ends of the Capitol

The oldtime leaders in the House seetheir power threatened with demolitionThey are crying for regularity The in-surgent leaders are not frightened withthe talk that the Republican party willbe broken if the is deposed anddriven from the Rules Committee

They take the view on the other handthat this is the only way to save theparty

Some of the insurgents have grownweakkneed and fainthearted as theyhave got up close to the realization ofthe thing for which they have fought so






THE APPROVAL-of the most


















long what is known ihunting parlance as buck feverThey are timid lest If they throw the

Speaker oft the Rules Committee therewill be a rescUes of public sentimentii vl be a martyr hi the eyes ofthe country So they nave for hoursbeen inclining their esus to the argu-ment that the Speaker usht to be allowed to yoUr from th committee vol-untarily

But th Speakers Woodmade him declare time and again thath does not intend to be made the sacrilice on the sitar of insurgency or on thealtar of party necessity Time amattain yesterday be told his henchmenthat proposed to go down lightingand die in the last ditch

All day yesterday there were rumorsthat Taft was toHouse members appealing for regularity These reports were not confirmed

In his speech at Rochester howeverhe appealed for party regularity andteam work Theis such that members are not likelY tolisten to anything from thetration until this fight is settled

Insurgent Republicans SelectCandidate for Governor

Victory Predicted

CONCORD X H March M NewHampshire progressive Republicansinsurgent wing of the party have se-lected their candidate for governor Snthe person of R P Uses of Peterboro

announcement was mado today attho conclusion of a convention in whichSherman E Burroughs of Manchesterdeclined to run Winston Churchillnovelist who headed the fight heredeclares the progressives will surely winand that be the governor

He also predicts Newrepresentatives in both branches of congreen will be of progressive stripewithin two years

TIte leave





toorailroad domination State













Three Republican Membersof Rules Committee Exercise Unparalleled Power


Personalities of Men Who EnforceWill of Party Leaders Upon Rep

resentatives of Interest

The SpeakerJohn Dalzell of PennsylvaniaWalter I Smith of IowaChamp Clark of MissouriJohn J Fitzgerald oC Xew YorkThese five mon are the Committee on

Rules as that body is now constitutedHfMl of these five the first three theSpeaker Dalzell and Smith are theRepublicans who do its dork Clarkand Fitagerald are the Democrats whounder no circumstances can circumventthe wishes and purposes of the otherthree because the Speaker of the Housealways has on the committee his twomost trusted captains-

In no other legislative body in theworld does such a small group of menexercise such tremendous power ThisCommittee oa Rules can and doesamend the rules of the procedure of UMHouse permanently or temporarily aa itsees fit so long as the majority partyin the House is a harmonious workingbody Against it the minority is aspowerless as a babe The commUtecan bring in a special rule so as topass or defeat any bill it pleases or it-

I can vete into the procedure of theHouse a permanent amendment to therules-

It is only In recent months that it hasabandoned the practice of bringing in

special rules because the organiza-tion has been afraid that the insur-gents and the Democrats allied couldmuster enough strength to defeat It Inother words the power of the RulesCommittee b been weakened by theonly thing whloh could weaken it adisintegration of the party machinery

It ig the design of the andthe Democrats to enlarge the member-ship of the committee so that so muchpower shall not be put into the handsof three men and so that all parts ofthe country shall be represented on It

Personalities of InterestBecause of the power they have

wielded for eo long the personalities ofthe men on the committee are of morenan passing interest-It is a matter of general opinion that

Mr Cannons personality as expressed-In the chair and in his conduct of thebusiness of the House te largely re-sponsible for strau ht which heoday discovers himseeif

Personally the Speaker fe a good fellow well met vivacious full of jestand joke goodnatured obliged andconsiderate But when it comes to

the Issweeping in his Measures So long has

been accustomed to callingDalzell and Smith d fixing up ar-bitrary the thing han become a second nature to him In thebusiness of overriding he has shownhimself more and more proficient

There have been times when putin special rnles for which thereno necessity except that he foundneresHty in his wish to speed alongthis or that measure

HP has denoted men In committeesbecause they opposed his wishes andhe has taken others entirely out of themembership of committees on which

done signal service for thecountry Ho has always used the RulesCommittee to carry out his







runntD Hou he

measures that



wishes and

Ictatorhab and








+ ¬¬

has often done It in a way that unnec-essarily tiled and irritated the Housemembership Had he exercised morediplomacy in his methods he would Inall probability not be confronted today

the of the insurgents-A Paliamentary Standby

John Dalzell the next man on thecommittee Is the parliamentary standby of the Speaker He is quick and

on his feet a ready debaterand unusually in expoundingrules for his aid of a question Attimes he rises to eloquence in his

to the 7 use to support thering which Is another name r r theRules Committee and its henchmenWith a long experience in the Houseand with an unswerving determinationto support Cannon and Cannonism helights in debate and inment among his fellowmembers to

elf it the









You can save enough on your butterbill in a year to buy two gowns

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Would youlike a newgown





swing the right number of votes to theaide

In hi speeches he ia incisive quickand often acrid Now and then hehis temper under the onslaughts of theDemocrats but h never allows hislogic to be clouded nor is he ever sweptfrom the vital points at issue He han-dles every special rules that to sentout of Rules Committee

Walter I Zenith the third RepuMtcnon the committee is the ofdebate but he too te thoroughly versedin the complicated the Com-mittee on Rules now and then wantsto change or to use for Its own pur-poses With his thick heavy vote

make as a speechDalzell and he generallythe arguments of Dalzdl When hloses his temper he is like a wrhorse loose and he does net brookinterruptions

Mentioned for Speaker-So strong a man is he temperamen-

tally that is mentioned as the nextorganization candidate for the Speakership because It w generally recognizedthat Air Cannon cannot again be Speak-er He Is selected t the next Speakerbecause of lila ability as a pejliamentarian and an organizer and becauserrapnicsJly he te better situated than

Dalzei to aspire to the placeThe two Democrats Clark the minor

leader and Fitzgerald are but fig-ureheads onr the Rules ComvniUee Theyare called into committee meeting afterthe three Republicans have decided whatthey are going to d The two Demo-crats can protest and vote In the nega-tive as ong as theV like but they

change the voice of the beenenone

Of the two Fitzgerald Is an ablerparliamentarian than Clark hut thisOUt is of no avail in the committee

It is merely a qucs Ion of threerunning the whole show and

have been uoingr It to the qveenstaste


Former Republican Now aDemocrat May OverthrowMassachusetts Regulars




tve as8UD




















BOSTON Mass March 19 That Bgene N Foes who Jmmrsed out of theRepublican party ari te running a aDemocrat for the C jgressJoaal seat of-the late AV C wilt overtu cthe normal Republican majority InFourteenth district and will be eJec dby not less than 2409 te the predictionhere today of Charles S HanUln prable Democratic candidate for Governorof Massachusetts at he next election

The whole Fourteenth district is In-

surgent said Hamlia and thoughMr FOM te running as a Democrat thepeople believe be wouH be a better Republican than W R iiuchaaan his

The impression te general thatBwhanan would be simply a spoke inthe Cannon wheel Massachusettswants a man who whatever his politi-cal brand will vote to end the preventstand pat Republican regime In Wash-ington All over the Fourteenth districtthe Republicans are turning to FoesHe surely will ge to Washington afternext Tuesdays election

Speakinc at Hfnctem Xas to abig Republican Audience Foes aid

I have oent itraerJcally a VfelongRepublican sad my party I Jrgedwhen a candidate for Congress m theEleventh district the same principlesI am urging today I have not changedI stepped aside met year and went overinto the Democratic party because Isaw that in no other way could I makeany protests emphatic That Is my po-

sition today It te not a questionparty but of principle The thoughtful

in both parties wee on theta


Love1 e















Run down by an automobile at AdamsMill road and Lanfer place fouryear-old Addison Gteseking of 1900 BOtmorestreet northwest Is suffering today froma fractured leg and cuts about theand face

The boy was attempting to cross thestreet yesterday when Bestruck an auto owned by W MHemway of 523 Sixth street northwestand operated by Charles H tlKman

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Full value allowed for yourold square or upright piano inexchange-

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f rmu-





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Said to Fear Effect ofContest on Insurgentsin

Upper Body

The Sonata view ef the dramatic sttin the House Is of ewese divided

Republican t w rt Republicsn Inanegents and Demoenats do not see the de-velopment from the same lISle Iaone quarter there Is alarmin another there te ehttton equally un-disguised and in still another there te-

a feeling of quiet satfafraetiea over thewhole psaLter

Undoubtedly the Old Guard in theSenate the body of mea led ay SenatorsAldrich Lodge Hale Burrows andGalllnger te up in the air over thedevelopments They know only too wellthat any legislative program must besupported by both houses before It canbe a law and they know that the defeatof the Cannon organisation and his lossof power means that their own toenact legislation te weakenedknow that can Mock repeal legis-lation provided they maintainon the majority but that te onlynegative power as they see It

Trouble Over Control of SenateAlready the Senate te

having trouble enough over Ha owncontrol over the Senate Already it hasbeen defeated once during this sesnfoaby the combined Democrats and Sensegoats This combination amended thepostal sayings bank WIt to the ofiCeeC

that li should not beeosae a steppingatone for the Aldrich central baskscheme

Then again Just at this time the orzanizatton te defeat OB the rail-road regulation hill leas than one weekfrom time debate So alarmedhave the leaders become that hawcaucused in the hove of amending tWickersham draft to savethe measure from emaerulatirtr







wholebY the mblna1t





With sitccessful opposition within theirown ranks the organization leastore are feeling far from withthe outlook They did not say muchtoday but they looked a good dealParty Wreck S fat

Senate Insurgents vigorously assertthat U wreck of the Republleaa partywas not the object of the present InsurtorSion and Tnt not be the result of itThey say this reorganteaUon instead ofdisorganlaattba will come of It alL Theyinsist that the AdminIstration

They do insisthowever that is utterlydoomed and admit that they are givingthe House inurgent all the supporther an

Eight or ten of the of thfrnidflle who have voted independent of the Senate organization over arid

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they COUld con

ever just back them was lcawry insurgent in if boiredy to whoop things up W ixone Senwas seen on the linerDemocratic View

The Democimtlc view of th ou-cotUHet is one of very great satifvcctiorThe Democratic Senators n1rthat the RepubHcaa Jon bjr

and Senate be split a enpossiMe Tney will willingly etc Inr1

the dceJdtag voces Tbte is tnelr ol lig r-

attttndaOne sr two Demorratic Seaatsji

In Congress te drunk with UsThat te with the power It did have F

so arbitrarily that its leaders have hcome intolerant of opposition andon the verge sometheir best blood out of theirthem drive There is always room foone more in the party

Averaged i Quart Whisky Dally

iwork properly Wat qfr

oVer filed onto the HOWIe athe Seaatoe actjnooa ntey caMe to se the fighttn k p IttontJ7 But there net fight Moror the l vto a aDd Ho




any breach wtadt am en

ra serious view of tile com

One of said part

IJO long the country a

a rnowL

Drank Heavily

kJ to t 110 81k wfl AJ te L



ariTlLpwasnOn majsilty wag ran






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wU 5GjsdO4ibrrutctt12tIt I dIet a poetin t-r gvot 1flne wui e i a a

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L weadritek

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