washington herald. (washington, dc) 1910-11-04 [p...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4 1910 I fl rTZ r I WILL GARRY MAIL IN OVER SEA FLIGHT Aviator McCurdy Gets Gov- ernments Permission NAVY TO WATCH Attempt to Fly from Steamship Anffuitc Victoria While Miles at Sen to Xerr York Is At- tracting Great Intercut Torpedo boat Destroyers Will Patrol Course Offlalals ot the Department- the War Department and the Navy Department yesterday showed that their policy 1 anti will be to placo every facUlty in the way of furthering aero- nautical experiments Without a formal request being made Postmaster General Hitchcock directed that permission be given to Aviator J A D McCurdy to carry man In his experimental flight from the steamship Kaiserln Augusts Victoria of the Ham burgAmerican Line tomorrow while fifty miles at sea and deliver it In New York Beckman Winthrop Acting Soerstary of the Navy directed that two torpedo boat destroyers be used during the ex- periment for safety purposes and also as places of vantage for the two naval officers he also detailed to observe the flightS which will it is believed be of considerable value as to tha possibilities of using aeroplanes In connection with war vessels Officers to See Flight Orders were also sent to Now York by the War Department that one or more officers be detailed to witness and report on the feat fer the benefit of aeronautics In the United States army It is probable that these officers will i e MaJ S Reber Chief Signal Officer of tht Department of the mast and Lieut Benjamin D Foulois of the Signal Corps who is now in New York having at- tended the Bolmont Park International meet rapt W I Chambers U S N who has been specially designated to keep touch with aeronautical matters for the navy will observe the experiment on- board one of the torpedo boat destroyers With him will be Lieut Ccmmander L a Van Duzer U S N of the New York Navy Yard In connection with the use of the tor pedoboat destroyers it It understood here that tho HamburgAmarican Line will have several of its tugboats stationed at intervals to patrol the courso of Me Iurdyg flight When thu matter was brought to the attention of Postmaster General Hltch iock by officials of the Postoffice De- partment he at ones became interested and directed Joseph Stewart Second As- sistant Postmaster General to notify the general manager of the HamburgAmeri can Line that there would be no objec- tion providing the mall carried shall no value Will Carry Greeting It wax suggested by postoffice officials that the mall bag carry only letters and cards of greetings from the passengers aboard the vessel This will offer to a so bated few the first opportunity of send lag mail by an aeroplane under the direct supervision of a government The letter sent by Mr Stewart to the an Lines New York of lifts yesterday was as follows Rffcrrtes t the awwwwewneaU through the press to effect tint Aviator McCurdr wilt attempt to fly by acwpteiM to New York City frees the deck if the KaJwin Avswte Victoria which salk from New at 11 a m Saturday with wails for E- Mrl after the Meamcr is fifty miles out U a with Urn a radii bag nauiniflg kttwa- frtoj tk r ieen vkkk be ezpocta to dciirer at trte New York po sad to the inquirras te objcctien wtU be nwde by UM PoHoake- ixiarumiit 1 have to Inform OR ttat tile depart uwwt NMheft no objrctioa to the jwtx lwe indicated The devuUMRt hMiever d lrts that the senders any eUaw rhW may fed iMlitded in the well UK referred to fee dfetiacUjr iafenMd ef the by whfcfc it it rrapeseil to trewpert taid bat to its dratinatieii and the Puateiester General dineU me i ivquett that y w will Wee the mcesury action to Uiat end It was explained by postal officials that the use of aeroplanes for the delivery of mall would not be approved by the department as a permanent institution until it has been shown that It was as safe and as rapid as th present means Malls at present are taken from In coming liners by transfer boats and rushed In ahead of the vessels mail frequently being delivered before tho vessel has reached its dock Glenn Curtis Interested Glenn H CutUse who was in Wash- ington yesterday is greatly interested- in the contemplated flight and axpari ment It was his opinion that next feat to bo tried will be the landing of- aeroplanes on the deck of a steamship MARRIAGE LICENSES iinuMjite SlcMwfcy a anti Hilda C Stairs 31 both rf Ly eMmnr Va Rer A Borth fhariM If Turaer 21 and Jaeebt 21 Her I D rower Wililaw Staler 55 and BTelja Hoohhdmer 19 both of BalUaofe Md Rev Lo k Stern Edward 1J Ctojjgett 50 f lieltlraww Hd and Lillian M KBek a f Cahert CVwely JW 1UT V V Prin W J ilM 22 MM MyrUe H Campbell 21 bOth of Warrantee Va nero lames it TAttle MIred F Bmbrrr SS and Mary B Gaudy 3 f UrwJmlle Md R r James L McUia Harrbwa S Heed 33 SBd Nora BeWndri 45 both of Hasewtcnra ild Rer R W Lowrie William J Volfrey a and Mlntrra 19 both of SpoUiylT nia County Va Rer O MicL xi COIORBD William HarrJwm Edmwida 3 and Dora Vaughn 3 liar SSwJton Miller Eraeit Waltae Benkt a and Ella Sosan Bogcs ML Rot Richart S Robert Holmes 43 asd Lartnia Braxton 4x Rer Miller Ernest R Williams 25 and Annfe M Jackson 23 geT Chapel I Jrhy Thomas Merrt and nerence Jtna 2i BeT M W D Nennen George F Clark 29 and Mamie Whlt etd 29 lice C L K ox Herbert K JacJuoa 3 and Jlaty J3 PrIer 21 Rer James K William Jordan as aad Georgia B Or TM both of Baltimore d net J Milton Waldrw J 24 and Battle B Owens 20 B E Ricks Berlin has 1800 street cars PUt Post tnC ir be- t Ham J DI the YaK UT leg fOr seau th BOa Donald Wilt William Rev tether J Bars Uaatae Shelton 11 Coleman ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > ¬ ¬ ORIENTAL RUGS Of Guaranteed GenuinenessL- ong and intimate association with the best markets of the Far East enables us to secure the finest examples of the skilled Oriental Rug Weavers product This season we much larger assortment of choice Oriental Rugs than ever before Each Rug has been selected by our own expert in the Far Eat each is accompanied by the Sloane guaranty of genuineness Our buying facilities are not equaled by any other Rug im- porter in America From our specials at 12 15 18 22 and 25 each to the finest creations of the Orient we offer values which positively cannot be duplicated elsewhere in this country 1414 H Street N W Phone Main 4909 SLOANE I display a Tij ¬ + WASHINGTON DAY AT HALETHORPE Army and Navy and Diplo- matic Ranks Represented Special to The Washington Herald Baltimore Md Nov will bo army and navy and diplomatic day at the Halethorpe aviiition meet and a large number of the officers of both the arny and navy and members of the diplomatic corps will come ovor from Washington to attend The Washington party will occupy boxes adjoining the judges stand One of the visitors will be Gen Nelson A Miles U a A retired He will motor to the field if the roads arc fit Ho will be asked to make a flight dur ins Ute afternoon Gen James A Allen of tho Signal Corps Gen Leonard Wood Gen Franklin Bell will also b on hand A number of the ambassadors and other diplomats have accepted invita- tions to attend and they will likely be present Admiral Dewey is also ex- pected Count Bernstorff the German Ambassador Baron Hengelmuller von Hangervar of the AustriaHungary Em bas Count Moltke and Baron Mayor doe Planches are also expected The army contingent from Washing ton will consist of the following Gen Nelson A Miles Lieut Gen S B M Young MaJ Gn Leonard Wood MaJ Gen J Franklin Bell MaJ Gait William F Carter Maj Gon Fred erick C Ainsworth MaJ GeL W W Wotherspoon Brig Gen John j John- ston Brig Can Arthur Murray Brig Gen William P Hall Brig Gen E A Garlington Brig Gen George A Davis Brig Gon George A Sharp Brig Gen George H Torney Brig Gon Charles Whipple Brig Gen William H Blxby Brig Gen William Crozier Brig Gen James Alien Cols J W Duncan Frank H Mclntlre Spencer Cosby M N Mc Comb William V Judson E M Weaver H P McCain James T Kerr George Ruhlen J C F Ben Alvord L W V Kennon John P Knight Wal- t r D McCaw D A Frederick Charles M OConnor Jefferson JR Keen Majs G O Squior D H Boughton Charles McK Salzman Capt H O Williams nd Capt John C Scofield NEW DESKS FOR KIDDIES Novel Furniture Placed In Two Schools tin Experiment New desks and chairs made especially for children just past the kindergarten age have been installed in the Franklin and Force schools as an experiment The little desks are about eighteen inches high and may be moved about and placed wherever the teacher desires main object of new chair Is to permit its being placed out of the way when the children play their games and to allow the little ones to guther around teacher when she has a story to tell FOR LAND FRAUDS- Six Men ltnrfireil with Conspiracy o- Dofrmnl Government Spokane Wash Nov 3 Six men were IndIcted today by the Federal grand Jury for conspiracy to defraud the United States government out of more than acres of Alaska coal lands valued at 200000006 The indicted men are Raymond Brown and William L Dunn of Spokane Charlos M Douphton formerly of Spokane but now of Seat- tle exMayor Harry White of Seattle now of Los Angeles Charles McKenzie Seattle capitalist and Donald A of Washington D C and Alaska The charges are that the indicted men had agreements with 181 men who took up claims of acres each in the Karak mining district of Alaska whereby thoy were to get a half interest in these val- uable coal lands Assignees of these claims include many prominent men among whom are ExGov John McGraw of Washington Gov Glllett of Call fornia Henry T Oxnard of New York and exMayor White of Seattle Property Owner Cited to Court 3Tomorrow and Toll n he the COO 160 Thee INDICTED Mc- Kenzie ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ All owners occupants and parties hot Ing liens on the land lying between Flf- Uenth and Sixteenth streets and Florida avenue and Euclid street as a site for the Meridian Hill Park have been cited to show cause on December 9 way con- demnation proceedings may not go for ward Asks 10OOO for Injury William Lynch yesterday filed suit for 10000 damages against the Capital Trac tion Company for alleged personal in jury alleging that he was crossing Sev- enth street and Pennsylvania avenue on Tune 1 last when a car ran him down ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE WASHINGTON HERALD COIUPOJN Masterpieces of Master Painters Present two 2 Dally Coupons benr different dates and one Sunday Coupon with TEN CENTS nt the Circulation Department of The Herald and you will be given a copy of one of these great FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4 1910 If you anal It sent my mall Inmost 15 cents tvvvvtvwvvvvvivi t fAIDOO I must I 1 Washington Ad elI J tf im J J 0 lnaMterpieees Name I > BAND CONCERT TODAY- By flMltn Home nand John 8 M Zimmennann director at Soldierj Home 330 pt m ProgrMBme- M reh Under tho Flas of Victory TOO BIos fantasia Airs of All Ka- tlooa RolIinEon- Rorqanoe Maslca Probita Gaitaldon- SelecUen of the Guard Sulllran Sale for TJccolo la CUardonneret The Goldfinch VHcock- eMialelan Louis Addtoando- ExctrpU A PriMe far Tonight Howafa Ancient danCe 1 Cinquantalne- QabrieWfirla Valet La Lettra de Manen GiUct The Star Banner WEATHER CONDITIONS U fleet of Agriculture Weather Bureau WaaWnstM Thursday Nor 3 19 8 pu m The wiadc te the kite flrsht at Mount Weather Va ThMndftr up to an altiUtde of about two mite were northerly Above that eleraUen south- erly vrtwis prevailed M that the upper kites flew IB a dbectkm esaotly owwsitc to tbote lover down a iltaation act hitherto deTetop l at that station The co 5t teen that morrd northward aa tar as the New coast Thursday night baa incrcaMd- eonaldewiUy during the day and occulw cd the dU play of storm warnings from Hatters to Rut port Me Wind relodtiei from thirty to forty mile per were reported last night as far north a XaatiMket Rain continued in ee t M tl n from Maryland to Sottthera New Cnstaad and mow w reported from Interior Ieajujlr uia sad New York for the temperature foil to a raise tbrousfaout the Middle sad South Atlantic Stale The dUturUce in the Wmt baa sroad vciA the Paint and eattud a en ral rise ia temperature there sad UMM eastward eve the Upper MisMadppt Valley the Western Lake rectoB The o ly prectpitatifm It deidopad CUBe to sectioM of MoaUna and Wyealne The ecdt 6tor i vfHl mote nerth SAtwrd flrer Nora Scotia Friday aad dearinz oondiUow will set Is New BsgUnd Irfelay sad it be eeMer Warmer weather sRi spread eastward orer the Lake rcefea and the Ofcw Valley Friday ad UM cendlttoes will beoose naMUled to the central ralleja followed by rain S Ucd r la the Ohio Val- ley the Upper Lake and the Western Lower Take rt io A U will be colder Friday in the Northwest and solder Saturday in the IUiitc States the Up- per MtMiMippi Valley sad the region 1he winds atoas the Yew KagJiod erast wilt bo high northeasterly ahiftiNZ to aorthvrerterty FWday- on the Middle Atlantic meat high northw Urty- dia nUhieg by Friday night on tile South AUaatie eoast dhalaiahiBg northwester IT OB the East Uulf eoast moderate northedy on the WIt oaist moderate foul to south on the Lover Lakes Hjht variable booominc sowthftrlr by Saturday on the Upper LaRs moderate east to south increasing Friday en Soporiw and Friday nljht on MteWrw and Huron Stesmen departiae Friday for European ports irRI- MLTB briric to high north to northwest wted aad- deaiieg weather to the Greed Banks Locnl TemperAture Mktaisht 45 2 a m 41 4 a nu 4Z C a m 42 S a m 41 W a m 41 12 wise 42 2 p HL 41 4 p a 41 6 p 42 8 p m 39 M p 31 MadnttK 48 Mivtawm 31 Retetire IwaWiU S a a W 2 p m S p m n RatefaH 0 p SB 8 jt m 04X liMN of lauMMae per coat ef pasdMe w sW c iT- empawtmrt same date Mtgjear 9iB- sinteRUB 1- 6TeiaiKiratnres in Oilier Cities Taaperatara in dues t cetber with the ammflt of raivfett for the twmty faMr bears elided at S pm jsstertar are aa fttoro Rain Max Min 8om AfheriUe N a 11 II 31 Atlanta Ua 16 35 W- AiteBtic City S J 4S 40 40 078 llfcaurck N Dak 40 31 Si- Bwtoo Mass SS 48 43 040 Buffalo N Y 38 t- dtkago Ill 42 Ciadaaati Ohio 48- Cheyewe Wyo 61 DsTenport Iowa 4t Ceo 76 Des Moines Iowa 45 Gakeston Tex M S H Helena Mont 41 ft IndiactapoHs lad 42 38- Jaeksouriile Fh 6 56 Kansas City Mo SI M I Little Reek AK M 36 51 IXM An te Cal 65 S r Marquette Mkh M ft Memphis Team M 49 New OrltRV New York h 4i 41 Nor Platte Nebr PO 3Q 66 Omaha Ncbr il 3- Pittlturg P 41 Jl- 1ortlawl Me 48 48 Portland Ore 41 Salt Lake Plait Si Sg St Louis Mo 44 S3 42- St Paw MinD 36 2 San Francisco CaL 6- SpriusaeJd III 4 4 Tacoma Wash K Toledo Ohio 42 3 Vic sburc Miss 40 f International Yeoman rem Sf11n led So marked Std sad will sleD the Upper Lake Gait M ui i tAt Ii other tau II It 011I 30 34 SO S Dearer as G It 56 or 305 46 lA 81 SIi t x4t M tG 4S 038 Si O II St e 33 10 001 40 01 eo i L boar a Ca south acer aver ill l < i a V 12 ft ¬ Title Table Today High tide sW a n and 535 pm low tide 3S a aa vnd 312 p m- Tomerrow HJgn tide 18 Ja m and bill m low tide 4 a m anal 415 p m Condition of the Water Special to The Washinetrn Fem W Va NOT 1 Bath then dear 1 Ocean Stcninnhipii Yew York 3 Arrired Pennsrlrenkx from Hamburg OoMiber S MaureUh train Liverpool Octeber 21 Arrived oat Tetitoaic at Southampton Sailed from foreign porb Adriatic from South- ampton BIRTHS REPORTED WHITE Frank H and Corn Carr girl William T and Dora Lynch girl August and Audrey P Orgel boy William W jr and Alma M Daly boy Clarence W and Margaret J Wearer girL JHllan A and Rraie Seiy girL Thomas H and Susie K Jarboe boy DtmcinC and Pauline McPherson boy COLORED Robert U and Holes 1 Strother rid Udward and Blizabeth Kin boy Heary and Kertlw Dueler girl GaxMn and Mamie Dawkias girl and boy twins DEATHS REPORTED WHITE Edward F Hesry 2 jean 1SS3 H st fcvr Margaret McCarthy 2 years IreTidence HotpitaL Rebecca F Clark years Gwfgetomi heap Andrew J Morris 6j Gort heap Insane Mary Malloy 19 years Tuberculosis Hospital Ann L Shekell 72 years 61 M sw T years 8 Myrtle st ne Geortfa Spates 9 years 701 N J are nw Nathan Soadbeimer 57 years 60t Md aTC sw Laronia Baker 10 months Childrens Hospital COLORED Charles Phillips 33 years Gart Insane Rld nl West n years Cant limp Insane Bknebe Thomas K je rs 1345 ne Arthur E Gibbs 3 3718 Prospect nw4 Jack Johnson 6 months 1064 Ills st nw Infant of Frank aud Katlo Bay B days Nat Homeo Hoop p Herald Harp t tars rot Quill > Cat mouths Aft I Nor Mary > ¬ TAFT CHANGES MIND Plans to Pay the of Panama a Visit i FIRST TIME SINCE PRESIDENT Virginians Call to Urge Appointment- of II Anderson Pauline the New Heachei White House Weighs 1500 PouitdslK t Gift Senator Stcphenaon When President Taft goes down to Central America to the Panama Canal ho is going to break a determina- tion made some tlmo ago and kept faith- fully Mr Taft yesterday accepted an Invita tion extended by C C Arosemena Min- ister from the republic of Panama to visit that republic Col Roosevelt visited the Panama re- public when he went down to see the canal several years ago but President Taft had determined not to set foot out side of United States territory It will be the first time since he became Presi- dent that Mr Taft has gone outside tItle country or left the protection of the American flag with the exception of the time when he crossed the Rio Grande to meet President Diaz ofMcxoo It was understood lust night that the President accepted Mr Arosemenas in vitation partly for the effect that auch an acceptance might have on the pub- lished report that this government con- templated the annexation of the territory of the Panama republic Although the White House refused to dignify this report with a denial the President assured Mr Arosemena that it was without foundation The President authorized me said the Minister aftor leaving tho White House to make a sweeping denial A second delegation of Virginians called on the President to urge the appointment of Henry W Anderson a wellknown Richmond lawyer for Justice of the new Commerce Court The President said he would take matter under considera tion Tile committee Included Jamas Keith Lunsford Lewis United States at- torney at Richmond and Kppa Hunton Would Extend Reservation A committee from the American Scion tific Historic Preservation Society of York President Taft to reservation of the Grand Canyon in Ari- zona so as to make the entire canyon from end to end a government park The President expressed himself ag fully in sympathy with the proposition and sold he would consider the matter Frederick Upham of Chicago assistant treasurer of the Republican National Committee called on the ProsWent Pauline Wayne third the now White House cow reached the Executive Man aba yesterday and in the afternoon w a turned out to graze on the White House ground1 Pauline lg the gift of Senator Isaac Stephenson and came alt the WilY from Marinette Wle Jn charge of J P Torrey manager of Senator Stenhensonx stock farm Paulina weight about LfM pounds and was three years old July X teat is No ilfiiSO in the registration of the fbi steinPriesian Association of America tied Crass Committee President Taft made public the names of several score of prominent men whom he has selected as members of the Fund Committee of the NAtion al Red Cross which Is to begin the rals ing of a suitable endowment fund for that organization Among those named are Robert Bacon Hon Lloyd C Griscom Charles Hallam Keep Felix Warburg and H P David son New York Charles P Taft the Presidents brother John Hays Ham- mond awl former Vice President C W Fairbanks TAFT GETS WALRUS TUSK Citizens of Fairbanks Alaska Send Unique Present A unique present came to the White House yesterday from citizens of Fair- banks Alaska It the tusk f a king walrus and is more than two and hat feet in length and more than ton Inches in circumference- On It are embossed in gold delineations of seenss from life In our northernmost territory A miniature miners cabin showing the most modern method of placer mining and scenes around Mount McKInley also appear Tho Fairbanks citizens who sent the gift accompanied- it with an explanation that the tusk emma from a Bering Sea walrus Y P S C E HEAR LEHHANN Talks to Society at AVnnhlngton heIghts Presbyterian Church Tho Washington Heights Presbyterian Church was the scene last night of the Karl Lehmann Christian Mr Lohmann discussed the rela- tion of the society to the church and ad- vised the older members of the organtza lion to encourage tho younger members and not to expect too much lIe also pointed out the changed cnn ditlons during tha past twentynine years since the Christian Endeavor movement was started address was followed by a general discussion of local Questions A confer once was held with the local workers with regard to Increasing tho efficiency of the local Christian Endeavor union A supper was afterward served by the Vermont Avenue Christian Church branch of the organization- A meeting will be held tonight at the First Presbyterian Church to consider the essentials of a successful Christina Endeavor meeting This will be followed by an address by Mr Lehmann at the orth Carolina Avenue Methodist Pro testant Church before the Methodist Protestant Christian Endeavor Union Mr Lehmann will as a subject for his address A vision of the past present and future Bepu V Cow Inspe t I the asked She En- dowment I a Bs Nana cam- paign use < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SUFFRAGISTS END SESSION IN UPROAR Continued from Tnsc One on present conditions and rights of Ingtonians He charged the President with being king of Washington and emperor of the PhipippJnes In brief addresses Miss Gillette and Mrs Lockwood explained the eand of the Womans Suffrage Association and were followed by Mrs HarrIet Hilton the State president Mrs Hifton told of the campaigns being waged for womans rights in London and said in a measure the methods of the English- women should be adopted She did not urge militancy but the spread of the propaganda by literature and other con- servative means Her address was of considerable interest to the labor men present for she touched on the present strife in Chicago In which prominent society women are taking up the part of the working girl Adams who will represent the local body at the St LouIs meeting- of the American Federation of Labor said he had been instructed to vote for woman suffrage and drew con- tinued applause from the feminine con tingent as well as from tile mono Attorney Darn Reprimanded At this point after another address by Temporary Chairman Therln Attorney- C W Darr was invited to speak Mr Darr provoked a reprimand from the chair by saying I am not acquainted with the arguments the ladles ore using in their campaign The day will come when they shall get their rights but I do not bellovo Congress will grant your petition for universal suffrage at the present time because Youre out of order ruled the chair The chairman then made an extended ad drew on the Inadviaability of bringing up the sex question before tbo petition was presented while air Darr waited When Mr Therin had finished Mr Den offered thanks to the chairman for his beautiful address and Mr Therln thereupon spoke again an ogy If he had in any way offended the speaker Mr Darr got the opportunity between the chairman to urge the cooperation of every one in the Questioned liy Women Chairman Thorln after Mr Darrg re- mark made another address thte time to the an endeavor to ex- plain again just how the campaign could be waged and the petition to worded He was questioned by many of the women some cf whom evidently were confused as to bow they would be directly benefited It was right here that Mr Adams stood up sparred verbally with the chairman and sat down as Mr Theria adjourned the meeting It waj evident that both women and men who attended the meeting intend to make a sincere fight for suffrage in the District There wore some comments u to the hasty conclusion of the meeting It was stated that a big publIc meeting will be held next week when more time will be given the serious discussion of the question and plans SURVIVES BROKEN NECK Theodore AV Pelcrn Ilend Supported by Helmet Straps Theodore Peters fortytwo years old who suffered tbree fractures of the fractures of nearly ovary bone in his body in the collapse of the Quebec can- tilever bridge In iftff and who to be the only man who has survived a breaking of the neck passed through Washington yesterday on his way from Norfolk to New York Peters head is supported by straps fastened to a leather nolroet A pad in the back of the helmet was worn out recently and Peters visited Emergency Hospital yesterday and had Dr Harry S Lewis prepare a now pad Peter told the story of his life which his teen full of adventures strange experiences and SOCIETY NIGHT AT SHOW 3IinH Elizabeth Lay Shows Speed on the Typewriter Society had Its innings at the Na tional Householders and Manufacturers show in Convention Hall last nfgat It was ofltefally doctored society nlfctat and there was a large attendance More than 1J500 seeks of flour were distributed during the day Features of the evening included a exhibition of feed typewriting by Miss Elizabeth Lay who suoceoded in writing 110 words a minute the of a new express wagon with a pat- ented tongue which is humane in its effects upon the horses and the inter- esting exhibit of the sealer of weights and measures of the District of Columbia Tonight will bo IrtehQermmn night and there will be plenty of fun uncorked and many speeches by officers of the United Anion Society the HIbernian and the Irish Homegoing Society BRITISH CABINET CHANGES Viscount Morley Becomes Lord Pres- ident of the Council London Nov 3 Several change In the were officially announced this evening Viscount Morley relinquishes Ute portfolio of secretary of state for In dia and becomes lord praskJsnt of the council succeeding Earl who 1s appointed first of works The Earl of secretary of tate for the colonies succeeds Viscount Mor- ley as secretary for India Right Hon Lewis Harcourt the pres- ent firM commissioner of works who married Mary Ethel Burns of New York Is appointed secretary of state for the colonies Fracture Canned Her Death Rebecca F Clark met death at Georgetown University Hospital Monday morning from a fracture of the pelvis caused by Jumping from a window ac- cording to a coroners verdict rendered yesterday Dr Samuel F Adams testi- fied that Miss Clark had been suffering from mental trouble for more than a year Wash I that DCtlo atc ottertn addresses move- ment womenIn Con dab mishaps exhibi- tion cabinet commissioner Crews her nee mar- velous I3eauchamp ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE HUNTINGTON PIANO Is distinctly a quality instrumenti It will last a lifetime with proper use and care A safe investment for those desiring a musi cal and durable piano at moderate cost t S Is its price to everybody Choice of finely figured UV woods Stool included Monthly payments ac cepted E F DROOP SONS CO 1300 G Street R The Name Typewriter Means the Name Remington Means The development of the Remington- is the history of the ma chine The latest is the com bined writing add- ing and subtract- ing machine Model 11 Remington with Wahl Adding and Subtracting Attachment Absolutely satisfactory service is guaranteed to every pur- chaser of the Remington Remington Typewriter CompanyIncor- porated 1340 New York Avenue N W Remingtonan- d Typewriter writing Remington J I I p T7 r ti devel- opment I ¬ ¬ DIED ANOBRSON On Tuesday November 1 Ins at noon JAMES W L ANDER SON beloved husband of Lucy A Anderson and father of Lurene and Helen Anderson Funeral Friday November 4 at p in from late residence 2519 Measmoro northwest Friends invited BIECKHEADOn Thursday November X 1W at Sl a m at her residence widow of Charles E Birckhead and daughter of Thomas W and G Funeral Saturday afternoon November S at 2 oclock Friends of the family invited Thursday November 3 1S10 at 1 36 su m POGGEN SEEBLOCK wife of Edward Block Funeral Saturday November from her late residence 89S Twentyfirst northwest at S p m Inter ment private at Prospect Hill Come tery CARTEROn November 1 at George Washington University after a lingering illness WALTER S hus- band of Emma W Carter Funeral from the chapel of John R Wright Company Friday November 2M m Interment at Glanwood Cemetery CHRISTIAN On Tuesday November 1 1MO at 1056 p m MARGARET CHRISTIAN the beloved mother of Stafford and Frank Parker Funeral from her late residence 3 G street southwest Friday November 1 at 1 p m to Zion Baptist Church F street between Third and Fourandahalf streets southwest Friends and relatives invited to at tend New York City and Oswego N Y papers please copy this life on Wed- nesday November 2 1910 at resi- dence HS Twentyseventh street northwest CHARLOTTE beloved mother of Mrs Lucy Eagleton Charlie and Helen Creamer Funeral will take place Sunday No- vember 8 at 1 oclock from First Baptist Church corner Twentysev entk street and Dumbarton avenue northwest DANTOn Wednesday November 2 Wl at 11 JO p m MARY L DANT be loved wife ot George W Pant Funeral front late residence 30 Seventh street southwest Saturday morning November 5 at 830 oclock thence to St Dominies Church where requiem high mass will be sung for- th of her soul Relatives and friends invited to attend this life on Thursday morning November 3 1910 at 705 oclock MARY E HICKS beloved wife of the late Warren T Hicks and mother of Clara Mary Maud Estelta Blanch Maggie Anna and Pauline Risks Notice of funeral hereafter Suddenly on Thursday morn lag November i 1910 ALBERTA wife of JoN Ingalte and youngest ehiid of the late Martin and Alice King Notice of funeral later Tuesday November 1 at 7 p mi Miss ALICE E JOHNSTON Funeral from Wrights chapel on Pal day at 10 a m Inter meat private LAURENZITho remains of ANNA M beloved wife of Marco Laurenz who departed this life on May 31 1910 will be removed from the vault and placed in the mausoleum in St Marys Cemetery on Friday November 4 at p in Relatives and friends invited MOLLOYOn Tuesday November 1 1610 MARY B MOLLOY aged eighteen years Funeral Friday November 4 from T R Nalleys undertaking establishment 131 street Friends invited NEWTONDeparted this life on Wadnes 2 1910 at 10 a m at his residence 189 ave- nue southeast JESSE NEWTON Funeral Friday November 4 from his late home at 2 p m Friends and relatives are invited to attend In- terment at Cemetery Fredericksburg papers copy Tuesday November 1 1910 MARY widow of John Quill Funeral will take place from the resi- dence of her son John F Myrtle street northeast on Friday November 4 at 930 a m thence to St Aloysius Church whore mass will be said at 10 a m for the ropose of her soul Relatives and friends to attend SHEKELL this life on Wed- nesday November 2 1910 at tho resi- dence of her son 619 M street south- west Mrs ANN L SHEKELL widow of George A Shekell The funeral will take place Friday November 4 at 230 p m from the residence Interment private A aiifornla Wine of It unsurpassed quality at its prfte 300 a dozen 30c bottle Only at g- I Christian Xanders FAMILY QUALITY HOUSE H n 3rJM buy t Largest Morning Circulation place mO street northwest ELLA A Fowler BLOCKOn beloved 5 street t- at thence CREAMERDeparted her HICKSDeparted Too JOHNSTONOn Penn ylanJu QUILLOn uutUU m fiB URGER Whit n SI i reel o brl eh houses 2 iairst oldest ISle 1910 in- vited iLl ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = SPECIAL NOTICES Barkers Recognized Headquarters for all Kinds MILLWORK Prices the most favorable As estimates demonstrate ETDoor Sash Blinds and nIl other Mtllrrork Hot Bed Saali GEO M BARKER IIUILDING MATERIAL 649 N Y Ave 1517 7th St After You Have Tried MILLERS SELF RA161V S BUCKWHEAT pail tlvaji io- c having SeifraiSing moot dtUaow griddle Wad that have Ute jMrtn hick Buckwheat flaw Strictly port CTAt year grocers No coamumers mpplM B B Earnshaw Bro WHOLESALE GROCERS 11th and X te Individual Bricks 3 flavors L35 gaL Fancy cakes larso assortmont 60c hundred REISINGER 235 G Phone M 27S7 troaWw of err utjra r ptr iKy looked after Exp rie5d roofer yoo Hoof PAinted and pawauteed EHtaaatn- fite Rwnna UIZSSTHW THE BEAUTIFUL NECK The pipeful neck mutt be scolded in a ctnalir form be Situ mootb and well rounded to flu- e se and race of motion Br Deep Bnatfctag Ex- erciM and EesisUce Morcnent treatawrt- CtHisult DR ULEBSAM U IMi L w GET THE HABIT ASK FOR MR JACKS SIGHS 924 D STREET N W I NEVER DISAPIOINT For the Lawyers- We make a tpedaltr ol priatiie Btlrf aad- MotiOB with abotote accuracy aad with a prenptBess aade possible eel by eat ac- eptioBal facilities PRINTBB Byron Adams nth t Pbons M 339 VIAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH NAT ural nonsurgical 400p book free Apply by 916 Colorado Free for women Wednesdays at 230 p m- 24Stf FUNERAL DESIGNS GEO C SHAPFEER- fairttol flanl d rigH TCTJ nMooaHr Is dee PiMMM MM Yam 14th n e U wr FUNERAL FLOWERS Of Ewr DftKrfpUoftModwiWjr Itfecd GUDE Fveenl Foaoal DCM FUNERAL DIRECTORS GEORGE P ZURHORST 301 East Capitol Street W R PUMPHREY SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EUBALMBRS 1522 Fourteenth St nw Chapel Phone North SMI S32 JOSEPH GAAVIERS SONS FUNERAL DIRECTOR BatabtMMd JIM 1730 Pennsylvania avenue Mrtfewctt TaUphow Mate MM J WILLIAM LEE Funeral Director and EabfhMT Livery in eocneetioa CamaiatHam Chapel and ilod Cmuatortum Modest vdtea- 3J Pennsylvania are nw Main 139 JOHN R WRIGHT CO Funeral Direetwx and Kabataaeii in can a eton Usf of vhipel OB pmuitet UK Tt ih it me TeUpbofi Norti 47 Open said sisU THOS A COSTELLO FCXERAI DIRECTOR AND EMIULMER- K H STREET NORTHEAST Fhwe Eat 133 in CaanteOM When Your Servant Leaves Don Worry TELEPHONE AN ADVERTISEMENT TO The Herald Office ONE CENT A WORD Herald Want Ads Fill Your Wants t 1 MIl er it Xklds the I ROOFSRoo- f and cap to erse repaired IRONCLAD cottpiy a S Bld Designs Chapel Liver cia Livery Mat wheat its tbMel14 p fib Telephone e 4 <

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-11-04 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1910-11-04/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · George F Clark 29 and Mamie Whlt etd 29 ... THE WASHINGTON


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Aviator McCurdy Gets Gov-

ernments Permission


Attempt to Fly from SteamshipAnffuitc Victoria WhileMiles at Sen to Xerr York Is At-

tracting Great Intercut Torpedoboat Destroyers Will Patrol Course

Offlalals ot the Department-the War Department and the NavyDepartment yesterday showed that theirpolicy 1 anti will be to placo everyfacUlty in the way of furthering aero-

nautical experimentsWithout a formal request being made

Postmaster General Hitchcock directedthat permission be given to Aviator JA D McCurdy to carry man In hisexperimental flight from the steamshipKaiserln Augusts Victoria of the HamburgAmerican Line tomorrow whilefifty miles at sea and deliver it In NewYork

Beckman Winthrop Acting Soerstaryof the Navy directed that two torpedoboat destroyers be used during the ex-periment for safety purposes and alsoas places of vantage for the two navalofficers he also detailed to observe theflightS which will it is believed be ofconsiderable value as to tha possibilitiesof using aeroplanes In connection withwar vessels

Officers to See FlightOrders were also sent to Now York

by the War Department that one ormore officers be detailed to witness andreport on the feat fer the benefit ofaeronautics In the United States army

It is probable that these officers willi e MaJ S Reber Chief Signal Officer oftht Department of the mast and LieutBenjamin D Foulois of the Signal Corpswho is now in New York having at-

tended the Bolmont Park Internationalmeet

rapt W I Chambers U S N whohas been specially designated to keeptouch with aeronautical matters for thenavy will observe the experiment on-

board one of the torpedo boat destroyersWith him will be Lieut Ccmmander L aVan Duzer U S N of the New YorkNavy Yard

In connection with the use of the torpedoboat destroyers it It understoodhere that tho HamburgAmarican Linewill have several of its tugboats stationedat intervals to patrol the courso of MeIurdyg flight

When thu matter was brought to theattention of Postmaster General Hltchiock by officials of the Postoffice De-partment he at ones became interestedand directed Joseph Stewart Second As-

sistant Postmaster General to notify thegeneral manager of the HamburgAmerican Line that there would be no objec-tion providing the mall carried shall

no valueWill Carry Greeting

It wax suggested by postoffice officialsthat the mall bag carry only letters andcards of greetings from the passengersaboard the vessel This will offer to a sobated few the first opportunity of sendlag mail by an aeroplane under the directsupervision of a government

The letter sent by Mr Stewart to thean Lines New York of

lifts yesterday was as followsRffcrrtes t the awwwwewneaU through the press

to effect tint Aviator McCurdr wilt attempt tofly by acwpteiM to New York City frees the deckif the KaJwin Avswte Victoria which salk fromNew at 11 a m Saturday with wails for E-Mrl after the Meamcr is fifty miles out U a

with Urn a radii bag nauiniflg kttwa-frtoj tk r ieen vkkk be ezpocta to dciirer attrte New York po sad to the inquirras te

objcctien wtU be nwde by UM PoHoake-ixiarumiit 1 have to Inform OR ttat tile departuwwt NMheft no objrctioa to the jwtx lwe indicated

The devuUMRt hMiever d lrts that the sendersany eUaw rhW may fed iMlitded in the well

UK referred to fee dfetiacUjr iafenMd ef theby whfcfc it it rrapeseil to trewpert taid bat to itsdratinatieii and the Puateiester General dineU mei ivquett that y w will Wee the mcesury action toUiat end

It was explained by postal officials thatthe use of aeroplanes for the deliveryof mall would not be approved by thedepartment as a permanent institutionuntil it has been shown that It was assafe and as rapid as th present means

Malls at present are taken from Incoming liners by transfer boats andrushed In ahead of the vessels mailfrequently being delivered before thovessel has reached its dock

Glenn Curtis InterestedGlenn H CutUse who was in Wash-

ington yesterday is greatly interested-in the contemplated flight and axpariment It was his opinion that nextfeat to bo tried will be the landing of-aeroplanes on the deck of a steamship


iinuMjite SlcMwfcy a anti Hilda C Stairs 31both rf Ly eMmnr Va Rer A Borth

fhariM If Turaer 21 and Jaeebt 21 HerI D rower

Wililaw Staler 55 and BTelja Hoohhdmer 19both of BalUaofe Md Rev Lo k Stern

Edward 1J Ctojjgett 50 f lieltlraww Hd andLillian M KBek a f Cahert CVwely JW 1UT


Prin W J ilM 22 MM MyrUe H Campbell21 bOth of Warrantee Va nero lames it TAttle

MIred F Bmbrrr SS and Mary B Gaudy 3 fUrwJmlle Md R r James L McUia

Harrbwa S Heed 33 SBd Nora BeWndri 45 bothof Hasewtcnra ild Rer R W Lowrie

William J Volfrey a and Mlntrra 19both of SpoUiylT nia County Va Rer OMicL xi

COIORBDWilliam HarrJwm Edmwida 3 and Dora Vaughn

3 liar SSwJton MillerEraeit Waltae Benkt a and Ella Sosan Bogcs

ML Rot Richart SRobert Holmes 43 asd Lartnia Braxton 4x Rer

MillerErnest R Williams 25 and Annfe M Jackson 23

geT Chapel I JrhyThomas Merrt and nerence Jtna 2i BeT

M W D NennenGeorge F Clark 29 and Mamie Whlt etd 29

lice C L K oxHerbert K JacJuoa 3 and Jlaty J3 PrIer 21

Rer James KWilliam Jordan as aad Georgia B Or TM

both of Baltimore d net J Milton WaldrwJ 24 and Battle B Owens20 B E Ricks

Berlin has 1800 street cars


Post tnC



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ORIENTAL RUGSOf Guaranteed GenuinenessL-

ong and intimate association with the best markets of theFar East enables us to secure the finest examples of the skilledOriental Rug Weavers product

This season we much larger assortment of choiceOriental Rugs than ever before Each Rug has been selected byour own expert in the Far Eat each is accompanied by theSloane guaranty of genuineness

Our buying facilities are not equaled by any other Rug im-porter in America From our specials at 12 15 18 22and 25 each to the finest creations of the Orient we offervalues which positively cannot be duplicated elsewhere in thiscountry

1414 H Street N W Phone Main 4909


display a





Army and Navy and Diplo-

matic Ranks Represented

Special to The Washington HeraldBaltimore Md Nov will

bo army and navy and diplomatic day atthe Halethorpe aviiition meet and alarge number of the officers of both thearny and navy and members of thediplomatic corps will come ovor fromWashington to attend The Washingtonparty will occupy boxes adjoining thejudges stand

One of the visitors will be Gen NelsonA Miles U a A retired He willmotor to the field if the roads arc fitHo will be asked to make a flight durins Ute afternoon Gen James A Allenof tho Signal Corps Gen Leonard Wood

Gen Franklin Bell will also b onhand

A number of the ambassadors andother diplomats have accepted invita-tions to attend and they will likely bepresent Admiral Dewey is also ex-pected Count Bernstorff the GermanAmbassador Baron Hengelmuller vonHangervar of the AustriaHungary Embas Count Moltke and Baron Mayordoe Planches are also expected

The army contingent from Washington will consist of the following

Gen Nelson A Miles LieutGen S B M Young MaJ Gn LeonardWood MaJ Gen J Franklin Bell MaJGait William F Carter Maj Gon Frederick C Ainsworth MaJ GeL W WWotherspoon Brig Gen John j John-ston Brig Can Arthur Murray BrigGen William P Hall Brig Gen E AGarlington Brig Gen George A DavisBrig Gon George A Sharp Brig GenGeorge H Torney Brig Gon CharlesWhipple Brig Gen William H BlxbyBrig Gen William Crozier Brig GenJames Alien Cols J W Duncan FrankH Mclntlre Spencer Cosby M N McComb William V Judson E M WeaverH P McCain James T Kerr GeorgeRuhlen J C F Ben AlvordL W V Kennon John P Knight Wal-t r D McCaw D A Frederick CharlesM OConnor Jefferson JR Keen MajsG O Squior D H Boughton CharlesMcK Salzman Capt H O Williams

nd Capt John C Scofield


Novel Furniture Placed In TwoSchools tin Experiment

New desks and chairs made especiallyfor children just past the kindergartenage have been installed in the Franklinand Force schools as an experiment

The little desks are about eighteeninches high and may be moved aboutand placed wherever the teacher desires

main object of new chair Is topermit its being placed out of the waywhen the children play their games andto allow the little ones to guther around

teacher when she has a story to tell


Six Men ltnrfireil with Conspiracy o-

Dofrmnl GovernmentSpokane Wash Nov 3 Six men were

IndIcted today by the Federal grandJury for conspiracy to defraud theUnited States government out of morethan acres of Alaska coal landsvalued at 200000006 The indicted menare Raymond Brown and William LDunn of Spokane Charlos M Douphtonformerly of Spokane but now of Seat-tle exMayor Harry White of Seattlenow of Los Angeles Charles McKenzieSeattle capitalist and Donald A

of Washington D C andAlaska

The charges are that the indicted menhad agreements with 181 men who tookup claims of acres each in the Karakmining district of Alaska whereby thoywere to get a half interest in these val-uable coal lands Assignees of theseclaims include many prominent menamong whom are ExGov John McGrawof Washington Gov Glllett of Callfornia Henry T Oxnard of New Yorkand exMayor White of Seattle

Property Owner Cited to Court



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All owners occupants and parties hotIng liens on the land lying between Flf-Uenth and Sixteenth streets and Floridaavenue and Euclid street as a site forthe Meridian Hill Park have been citedto show cause on December 9 way con-demnation proceedings may not go forward

Asks 10OOO for InjuryWilliam Lynch yesterday filed suit for

10000 damages against the Capital Traction Company for alleged personal injury alleging that he was crossing Sev-enth street and Pennsylvania avenue onTune 1 last when a car ran him down







COIUPOJNMasterpieces of Master Painters

Present two 2 Dally Coupons benr different dates and oneSunday Coupon with TEN CENTS nt the Circulation Department of

The Herald and you will be given a copy of one of these great

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4 1910If you anal It sent my mall Inmost 15 cents




ImustI 1


Ad elI










By flMltn Home nand John 8 MZimmennann director at Soldierj Home330 pt m ProgrMBme-

M reh Under tho Flas of Victory

TOO BIosfantasia Airs of All Ka-

tlooa RolIinEon-Rorqanoe Maslca Probita Gaitaldon-SelecUen of the Guard SulllranSale for TJccolo la CUardonneret

The Goldfinch VHcock-eMialelan Louis Addtoando-

ExctrpU A PriMe far TonightHowafa

Ancient danCe 1 Cinquantalne-

QabrieWfirlaValet La Lettra de Manen GiUct

The Star Banner


U fleet of Agriculture Weather BureauWaaWnstM Thursday Nor 3 19 8 pu m

The wiadc te the kite flrsht at Mount WeatherVa ThMndftr up to an altiUtde of about twomite were northerly Above that eleraUen south-erly vrtwis prevailed M that the upper kites flewIB a dbectkm esaotly owwsitc to tbote lover downa iltaation act hitherto deTetop l at that station

The co 5t teen that morrd northward aa tar asthe New coast Thursday night baa incrcaMd-eonaldewiUy during the day and occulw cd the dUplay of storm warnings from Hatters to Rutport Me Wind relodtiei from thirty to forty mileper were reported last night as far north aXaatiMket Rain continued in ee t M tl n fromMaryland to Sottthera New Cnstaad and moww reported from Interior Ieajujlr uia sad NewYork for the temperature foil to a raisetbrousfaout the Middle sad South Atlantic Stale

The dUturUce in the Wmt baa sroadvciA the Paint and eattud a en ralrise ia temperature there sad UMM eastward evethe Upper MisMadppt Valley the Western LakerectoB The o ly prectpitatifm It deidopad CUBeto sectioM of MoaUna and Wyealne

The ecdt 6tor i vfHl mote nerth SAtwrd flrerNora Scotia Friday aad dearinz oondiUow willset Is New BsgUnd Irfelay sad it beeeMer

Warmer weather sRi spread eastward orer theLake rcefea and the Ofcw Valley Friday ad UMcendlttoes will beoose naMUled to the centralralleja followed by rain S Ucd r la the Ohio Val-ley the Upper Lake and the Western Lower Takert io A U will be colder Friday in the Northwestand solder Saturday in the IUiitc States the Up-per MtMiMippi Valley sad the region

1he winds atoas the Yew KagJiod erast wilt bohigh northeasterly ahiftiNZ to aorthvrerterty FWday-on the Middle Atlantic meat high northw Urty-dia nUhieg by Friday night on tile South AUaatieeoast dhalaiahiBg northwester IT OB the East Uulfeoast moderate northedy on the WIt oaistmoderate foul to south on the Lover Lakes Hjhtvariable booominc sowthftrlr by Saturday on theUpper LaRs moderate east to south increasingFriday en Soporiw and Friday nljht on MteWrwand Huron

Stesmen departiae Friday for European ports irRI-MLTB briric to high north to northwest wted aad-

deaiieg weather to the Greed Banks

Locnl TemperAtureMktaisht 45 2 a m 41 4 a nu 4Z C a m 42

S a m 41 W a m 41 12 wise 42 2 p HL 414 p a 41 6 p 42 8 p m 39 M p 31MadnttK 48 Mivtawm 31

Retetire IwaWiU S a a W 2 p m S pm n RatefaH 0 p SB 8 jt m 04X liMNof lauMMae per coat ef pasdMe w sW c iT-

empawtmrt same date Mtgjear 9iB-

sinteRUB 1-

6TeiaiKiratnres in Oilier CitiesTaaperatara in dues t cetber with the

ammflt of raivfett for the twmty faMr bears elidedat S p m jsstertar are aa fttoro

RainMax Min 8om

AfheriUe N a 11 II 31

Atlanta Ua 16 35 W-

AiteBtic City S J 4S 40 40 078llfcaurck N Dak 40 31 Si-

Bwtoo Mass SS 48 43 040Buffalo N Y 38 t-

dtkago Ill 42

Ciadaaati Ohio 48-

Cheyewe Wyo 61DsTenport Iowa 4t

Ceo 76Des Moines Iowa 45

Gakeston Tex M S HHelena Mont 41 ftIndiactapoHs lad 42 38-

Jaeksouriile Fh 6 56Kansas City Mo SI M ILittle Reek AK M 36 51IXM An te Cal 65 S rMarquette Mkh M ftMemphis Team M 49New OrltRVNew York h 4i 41

Nor Platte Nebr PO 3Q 66Omaha Ncbr il 3-Pittlturg P 41 Jl-

1ortlawl Me 48 48Portland Ore 41Salt Lake Plait Si Sg

St Louis Mo 44 S3 42-

St Paw MinD 36 2San Francisco CaL 6-

SpriusaeJd III 4 4

Tacoma Wash KToledo Ohio 42 3Vic sburc Miss 40





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willsleD the

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Title TableToday High tide sW a n and 535 pm low

tide 3S a aa vnd 312 p m-

Tomerrow HJgn tide 18 J a m and bill mlow tide 4 a m anal 415 p m

Condition of the WaterSpecial to The Washinetrn

Fem W Va NOT 1 Bath then dear

1 Ocean StcninnhipiiYew York 3 Arrired Pennsrlrenkx from

Hamburg OoMiber S MaureUh train LiverpoolOcteber 21

Arrived oat Tetitoaic at SouthamptonSailed from foreign porb Adriatic from South-



WHITEFrank H and Corn Carr girlWilliam T and Dora Lynch girlAugust and Audrey P Orgel boyWilliam W jr and Alma M Daly boyClarence W and Margaret J Wearer girLJHllan A and Rraie Seiy girLThomas H and Susie K Jarboe boyDtmcinC and Pauline McPherson boy

COLOREDRobert U and Holes 1 Strother ridUdward and Blizabeth Kin boyHeary and Kertlw Dueler girlGaxMn and Mamie Dawkias girl and boy twins


WHITEEdward F Hesry 2 jean 1SS3 H st fcvrMargaret McCarthy 2 years IreTidence HotpitaLRebecca F Clark years Gwfgetomi heapAndrew J Morris 6j Gort heap InsaneMary Malloy 19 years Tuberculosis HospitalAnn L Shekell 72 years 61 M sw

T years 8 Myrtle st neGeortfa Spates 9 years 701 N J are nwNathan Soadbeimer 57 years 60t Md aTC swLaronia Baker 10 months Childrens Hospital

COLOREDCharles Phillips 33 years Gart InsaneRld nl West n years Cant limp InsaneBknebe Thomas K je rs 1345 neArthur E Gibbs 3 3718 Prospect nw4Jack Johnson 6 months 1064 Ills st nwInfant of Frank aud Katlo Bay B days Nat

Homeo Hoop



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Catmouths Aft







Plans to Pay theof Panama a Visit



Virginians Call to Urge Appointment-of II Anderson Pauline theNew Heachei White HouseWeighs 1500 PouitdslK t GiftSenator Stcphenaon

When President Taft goes down toCentral America to the PanamaCanal ho is going to break a determina-tion made some tlmo ago and kept faith-fully

Mr Taft yesterday accepted an Invitation extended by C C Arosemena Min-

ister from the republic of Panama tovisit that republic

Col Roosevelt visited the Panama re-public when he went down to see thecanal several years ago but PresidentTaft had determined not to set foot outside of United States territory It willbe the first time since he became Presi-dent that Mr Taft has gone outside tItlecountry or left the protection of theAmerican flag with the exception of thetime when he crossed the Rio Grande tomeet President Diaz ofMcxoo

It was understood lust night that thePresident accepted Mr Arosemenas invitation partly for the effect that auchan acceptance might have on the pub-lished report that this government con-templated the annexation of the territoryof the Panama republic

Although the White House refused todignify this report with a denial thePresident assured Mr Arosemena that itwas without foundation The Presidentauthorized me said the Minister aftorleaving tho White House to make asweeping denial

A second delegation of Virginians calledon the President to urge the appointmentof Henry W Anderson a wellknownRichmond lawyer for Justice of the newCommerce Court The President said hewould take matter under consideration Tile committee Included JamasKeith Lunsford Lewis United States at-torney at Richmond and Kppa Hunton

Would Extend ReservationA committee from the American Scion

tific Historic Preservation Society ofYork President Taft toreservation of the Grand Canyon in Ari-

zona so as to make the entire canyonfrom end to end a government park ThePresident expressed himself ag fully insympathy with the proposition and soldhe would consider the matter

Frederick Upham of Chicago assistanttreasurer of the Republican NationalCommittee called on the ProsWent

Pauline Wayne third the now WhiteHouse cow reached the Executive Manaba yesterday and in the afternoon w a

turned out to graze on the White Houseground1 Pauline lg the gift of SenatorIsaac Stephenson and came alt the WilYfrom Marinette Wle Jn charge of J PTorrey manager of Senator Stenhensonxstock farm

Paulina weight about LfM pounds andwas three years old July X teat isNo ilfiiSO in the registration of the fbisteinPriesian Association of America

tied Crass CommitteePresident Taft made public the names

of several score of prominent men whomhe has selected as members of the

Fund Committee of the NAtional Red Cross which Is to begin the ralsing of a suitable endowment fund for thatorganization

Among those named are Robert BaconHon Lloyd C Griscom Charles HallamKeep Felix Warburg and H P Davidson New York Charles P Taft thePresidents brother John Hays Ham-mond awl former Vice President C WFairbanks


Citizens of Fairbanks Alaska SendUnique Present

A unique present came to the WhiteHouse yesterday from citizens of Fair-banks Alaska It the tusk f a kingwalrus and is more than two and hatfeet in length and more than ton Inchesin circumference-

On It are embossed in gold delineationsof seenss from life In our northernmostterritory A miniature miners cabinshowing the most modern method ofplacer mining and scenes around MountMcKInley also appear Tho Fairbankscitizens who sent the gift accompanied-it with an explanation that the tuskemma from a Bering Sea walrus


Talks to Society at AVnnhlngtonheIghts Presbyterian Church

Tho Washington Heights PresbyterianChurch was the scene last night of theKarl Lehmann Christian

Mr Lohmann discussed the rela-tion of the society to the church and ad-vised the older members of the organtzalion to encourage tho younger membersand not to expect too much

lIe also pointed out the changed cnnditlons during tha past twentynine yearssince the Christian Endeavor movementwas started

address was followed by a generaldiscussion of local Questions A conferonce was held with the local workers withregard to Increasing tho efficiency of thelocal Christian Endeavor union A supperwas afterward served by the VermontAvenue Christian Church branch of theorganization-

A meeting will be held tonight at theFirst Presbyterian Church to considerthe essentials of a successful ChristinaEndeavor meeting This will be followedby an address by Mr Lehmann at the

orth Carolina Avenue Methodist Protestant Church before the MethodistProtestant Christian Endeavor UnionMr Lehmann will as a subject forhis address A vision of the past presentand future




Inspe t































Continued from Tnsc One

on present conditions and rights ofIngtonians He charged the Presidentwith being king of Washington andemperor of the PhipippJnes

In brief addresses Miss Gillette andMrs Lockwood explained the eand ofthe Womans Suffrage Association andwere followed by Mrs HarrIet Hiltonthe State president Mrs Hifton toldof the campaigns being waged forwomans rights in London and saidin a measure the methods of the English-women should be adopted She did noturge militancy but the spread of thepropaganda by literature and other con-

servative means Her address was ofconsiderable interest to the labor menpresent for she touched on the presentstrife in Chicago In which prominentsociety women are taking up the part ofthe working girl

Adams who will representthe local body at the St LouIs meeting-of the American Federation of Laborsaid he had been instructed to votefor woman suffrage and drew con-

tinued applause from the feminine contingent as well as from tile mono

Attorney Darn ReprimandedAt this point after another address by

Temporary Chairman Therln Attorney-C W Darr was invited to speak MrDarr provoked a reprimand from thechair by saying I am not acquaintedwith the arguments the ladles ore usingin their campaign The day will comewhen they shall get their rights but Ido not bellovo Congress will grant yourpetition for universal suffrage at thepresent time because

Youre out of order ruled the chairThe chairman then made an extended addrew on the Inadviaability of bringingup the sex question before tbo petitionwas presented while air Darr waited

When Mr Therin had finished Mr Denoffered thanks to the chairman for his

beautiful address and Mr Therlnthereupon spoke again anogy If he had in any way offended thespeaker Mr Darr got the opportunitybetween the chairman to urgethe cooperation of every one in the

Questioned liy WomenChairman Thorln after Mr Darrg re-

mark made another address thte timeto the an endeavor to ex-plain again just how the campaign couldbe waged and the petition toworded He was questioned by many ofthe women some cf whom evidentlywere confused as to bow they would bedirectly benefited

It was right here that Mr Adams stoodup sparred verbally with the chairmanand sat down as Mr Theria adjournedthe meeting

It waj evident that both women andmen who attended the meeting intend tomake a sincere fight for suffrage in theDistrict There wore some comments uto the hasty conclusion of the meetingIt was stated that a big publIc meetingwill be held next week when more timewill be given the serious discussion ofthe question and plans


Theodore AV Pelcrn Ilend Supportedby Helmet Straps

Theodore Peters fortytwo years oldwho suffered tbree fractures of thefractures of nearly ovary bone in hisbody in the collapse of the Quebec can-tilever bridge In iftff and who tobe the only man who has survived abreaking of the neck passed throughWashington yesterday on his way fromNorfolk to New York

Peters head is supported by strapsfastened to a leather nolroet A pad inthe back of the helmet was worn outrecently and Peters visited EmergencyHospital yesterday and had Dr Harry SLewis prepare a now pad Peter toldthe story of his life which his teen fullof adventures strange experiences and


3IinH Elizabeth Lay Shows Speed onthe Typewriter

Society had Its innings at the National Householders and Manufacturersshow in Convention Hall last nfgat Itwas ofltefally doctored society nlfctatand there was a large attendance Morethan 1J500 seeks of flour were distributedduring the day

Features of the evening included aexhibition of feed typewriting

by Miss Elizabeth Lay who suoceodedin writing 110 words a minute the

of a new express wagon with a pat-ented tongue which is humane in itseffects upon the horses and the inter-esting exhibit of the sealer of weightsand measures of the District of Columbia

Tonight will bo IrtehQermmn nightand there will be plenty of fun uncorkedand many speeches by officers of theUnited Anion Society the HIbernianand the Irish Homegoing Society


Viscount Morley Becomes Lord Pres-ident of the Council

London Nov 3 Several change In thewere officially announced this

evening Viscount Morley relinquishesUte portfolio of secretary of state for India and becomes lord praskJsnt of thecouncil succeeding Earlwho 1s appointed first ofworks

The Earl of secretary of tatefor the colonies succeeds Viscount Mor-ley as secretary for India

Right Hon Lewis Harcourt the pres-ent firM commissioner of works whomarried Mary Ethel Burns of New YorkIs appointed secretary of state for thecolonies

Fracture Canned Her DeathRebecca F Clark met death at

Georgetown University Hospital Mondaymorning from a fracture of the pelviscaused by Jumping from a window ac-cording to a coroners verdict renderedyesterday Dr Samuel F Adams testi-fied that Miss Clark had been sufferingfrom mental trouble for more than ayear




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DIEDANOBRSON On Tuesday November 1

Ins at noon JAMES W L ANDERSON beloved husband of Lucy AAnderson and father of Lurene

and Helen AndersonFuneral Friday November 4 at p in

from late residence 2519 Measmoronorthwest Friends invited

BIECKHEADOn Thursday NovemberX 1W at Sl a m at her residencewidow of Charles E Birckhead anddaughter of Thomas W and

GFuneral Saturday afternoon November

S at 2 oclock Friends of the familyinvited

Thursday November 3 1S10at 1 36 su m POGGENSEEBLOCK wife of EdwardBlock

Funeral Saturday November fromher late residence 89S Twentyfirst

northwest at S p m Interment private at Prospect Hill Cometery

CARTEROn November 1

at George Washington Universityafter a lingering illness

WALTER S hus-band of Emma W Carter

Funeral from the chapel of John RWright Company Friday November

2M m Interment at GlanwoodCemetery

CHRISTIAN On Tuesday November 11MO at 1056 p m MARGARETCHRISTIAN the beloved mother ofStafford and Frank Parker

Funeral from her late residence 3 Gstreet southwest Friday November1 at 1 p m to Zion BaptistChurch F street between Third andFourandahalf streets southwestFriends and relatives invited to attend New York City and OswegoN Y papers please copy

this life on Wed-nesday November 2 1910 at resi-dence HS Twentyseventh streetnorthwest CHARLOTTE belovedmother of Mrs Lucy EagletonCharlie and Helen Creamer

Funeral will take place Sunday No-vember 8 at 1 oclock from FirstBaptist Church corner Twentyseventk street and Dumbarton avenuenorthwest

DANTOn Wednesday November 2 Wlat 11 JO p m MARY L DANT beloved wife ot George W Pant

Funeral front late residence 30

Seventh street southwest Saturdaymorning November 5 at 830 oclockthence to St Dominies Church whererequiem high mass will be sung for-th of her soul Relatives andfriends invited to attend

this life on Thursdaymorning November 3 1910 at 705oclock MARY E HICKS belovedwife of the late Warren T Hicks andmother of Clara Mary Maud EsteltaBlanch Maggie Anna and PaulineRisks

Notice of funeral hereafterSuddenly on Thursday morn

lag November i 1910 ALBERTAwife of JoN Ingalte and

youngest ehiid of the late Martin andAlice King

Notice of funeral laterTuesday November 1

at 7 p mi Miss ALICE EJOHNSTON

Funeral from Wrights chapel on Palday at 10 a m Intermeat private

LAURENZITho remains of ANNA Mbeloved wife of Marco Laurenz whodeparted this life on May 31 1910will be removed from the vault andplaced in the mausoleum in St MarysCemetery on Friday November 4 at

p in Relatives and friends invitedMOLLOYOn Tuesday November 1 1610

MARY B MOLLOY aged eighteenyears

Funeral Friday November 4 from TR Nalleys undertaking establishment131 street Friendsinvited

NEWTONDeparted this life on Wadnes2 1910 at 10 a m at

his residence 189 ave-nue southeast JESSE NEWTON

Funeral Friday November 4 from hislate home at 2 p m Friends andrelatives are invited to attend In-terment at CemeteryFredericksburg papers copy

Tuesday November 1 1910MARY widow of John Quill

Funeral will take place from the resi-dence of her son John FMyrtle street northeast on FridayNovember 4 at 930 a m thence toSt Aloysius Church whore mass willbe said at 10 a m for the ropose ofher soul Relatives and friends

to attendSHEKELL this life on Wed-

nesday November 2 1910 at tho resi-dence of her son 619 M street south-west Mrs ANN L SHEKELLwidow of George A Shekell

The funeral will take place FridayNovember 4 at 230 p m from theresidence Interment private

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For the Lawyers-We make a tpedaltr ol priatiie Btlrf aad-

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GEO C SHAPFEER-fairttol flanl d rigH TCTJ nMooaHr Is dee

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GEORGE P ZURHORST301 East Capitol Street


1522 Fourteenth St nwChapel Phone North SMI



BatabtMMd JIM1730 Pennsylvania avenue Mrtfewctt

TaUphow Mate MM

J WILLIAM LEE Funeral Directorand EabfhMT Livery in eocneetioa CamaiatHam

Chapel and ilod Cmuatortum Modest vdtea-3J Pennsylvania are nw Main 139

JOHN R WRIGHT COFuneral Direetwx and Kabataaeii in cana eton Usf of vhipel OB pmuitet UK Tt ih itme TeUpbofi Norti 47 Open said sisU


K H STREET NORTHEASTFhwe Eat 133 in CaanteOM

When Your Servant

Leaves Don Worry


The Herald Office


Herald Want Ads Fill Your Wants


1MIl erit Xklds the


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IRONCLAD cottpiy
















