washington herald. (washington, dc) 1909-03-06 [p 7]. · aad oajnutiu feciare at 331 daftr...

wisEiiraa m EEBAID SATTODAT KAEOH 6 1909 1i i 1 If p TZ < = = OR MISSISSIPPI BUBBIS BY EMERSONHOUGli The romance of great days the nations hisfory great men in the for tome for country A novel to knoW to own At All Booksellers Ute BcfchsMerl C PnSSshen CHURCH SERVICES TOMORROW Iff WASHINGTON AND ITS VICINITY Notices for these columns should reach The Herald office by 9 p m Friday 40 Bet an in makingthe of and and f FIGHT I = EPISCOPAL SET THOMAS aetr Qrcfe 1103 a mBWw Hudfag peesA SB tie cab JtetlwM is the putt 431 jx cs 3 efcaca R far ncterf- cabg MI Ta Ski vfcfcfa bilk M fte- rnuxirr OHDBOH sa ad o s BW Ret Rteteoi P VTMiiMi reciec Serricca at 730 H- aad OaJnutiu feciare at 331 Daftr fcoeep- tSateriart J23K- MondKT WeiMsdtr FtMty S n a CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Mia aad- v rector Tie nctar- Ji3 pcwch at U a BU Lofem serrteea aot w t 4 oclock e tc7 afteramc CbKcfcaxs- as Bess Bretfecr tend OTte Frisky 8 p as Ber B H ifcKfca D D vffl be the smarter Twwixr ci ad Rev Arthur Kteefcfeg B Friday afett- CHCltCH OF TBS G St kit 13d- aad lift R r R H XcKfe D D ractcr- M 11 a ra 4 ad S p M Ooofeaja The rio Z ad eroafez Serriees during tM ecog Ertcdar at 12 oclock ud 4s p sa aad WedaaaJsy 7SO p a Jolla UII a R A coooe e S- eni emID M tm 5 Tw4j isp aft 1k IC per nIIIc Saadnaspa k hetan S PIP Sentce 5 958 L m aM 3 p 1iIIK M 315 m tie t 1dI nu I week Dim wM beg arts a w J- ervica LeCia Tdai t S- ky thoM a > ST JAMBS CaURCn Eth St war O t se S ay Mcrkw tA 731 59 as4 11 a a 333- aad T3 5 m Sd I 3 SL a Otter diys 7 Friday at T39 B m Oflfcs at 338 a Friday ST MARES CHURCH M ad A sU se Ctesr Rev W L De Tries Ph D aDd Rev B A Ctetfc SCTfecc 39 11 a4 73fc Eec Caaca- BnieoaU D D will preach at Bight METHODIST EPISCOPAL HETROPOLITAX MEMORIAL JL E CHUBCH cocas Afca Marshall place and C at Jea BeM- Shaaneo Trtrirr At U a a Great atterasce- sd Christ At S 9 au SB ideal wan of tfce OU Testaxaeat sad tfee fcSesI ef tifc toraa tie ceBtary frecood asnaeo of series ea Wcca anbood Soday school ad Metropoitoa C 8s 921 a is Ejrworth Leasae at 6tt ix E FOUNDRY 3C B CHURCH Hth acd Ctcrch sts- rif Pet Robert 3 Moore D TeatoE Sea des scbooJ 93B a a PreacMsg at H a n by the Eer Bfafcep W F McDosreH Senics- ong 8 ix s address ty the ReT Bishop W F McDoveH Bpwratk 7 p n AH imited- HAXL1KS M E a d P Ua nw Ret Owrfea B Ge ia jjastoc 920 a a Saa day sdMMZ U a Hi Holy Ccczscaiec 639 p a Epspertk Lease jnfee Berncc 720 R a ject THE PBESIDBKITS PSALM Thwsfer- 7i3l p 10- loottas tosrsri Fut PrfjHs betted to aS ser 3IETHODIST EPISCOPAL SOUTH MT VERNON PLACE M E CHDROH SOUTH CBE 9 and X its w J Howard IVefla jas- tec 931 Scaday achooL H a ia Holy Cen- HsafeB 7 BL a Epwcrth Le e S p a se Theo by the pifitor CONGREGATIONAL MT PLEASAOT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH CSatentia read aM Htfe st mr The pastor ROIl FisWwrs icffi preach at U ad at S- Moraing subject FriTtitty Tersas teAafaxsfer- eoiBC The rafae ef tisaasca 3faste tu- OBartet aad chons cboiz Sooday echool at 930 a zs Joalor at 3 jx o Sentor dearor at 63 pm A weteccse for alL FIRST COKGBEGArnONAL CHURCH cor BW- iaad G its aw Rev Sam H Woodrow D D putar 11 a is and 8 pm rafcBe woniip- Trtni cenaws hgr tae lastor Aa rscrewsed- liag S B ted JcfeM Joa Cfcrysortoo J W Bfechafi aatot 328 a zn Sofiay P a a E LUTHERAN MEKORIAL Tkecas CfeSe Pastor J G BsQer- Scrrkes at U ad 736 Afteacoo eerrice cwtlMia Sdwfli 3 C Society 633- MWprwJ Krrtw TkBTsda- yKELLBB MBMORIAXi Md avs all 9th st E Rev C P WHe pastor PreaddHS U aad 738- Saaday scioaJ 931 Jcaier a E S Istenaedi- aU 633 sIc Ererybody CHRISTIAN 011 S L DL l1 P 1Jl tal I I Be- at D e Lea 9th public idL by the pIr aab jrst of fee riyer En Iie hr qwrtet aM ul c1o led by Dr Po m T die B Cs exat WaIeiy The OUR ithip thig gmt iegs 4 Her- M eat c boot k I wee a = TBEMONT AYE OHBISTIAN OHDBOH Bar fee THtii Genaca by Predsiek D Power U aad 730 S S 931 CL S3t AH welcos- aUXITARIAS ALL SOULS cHURcH ear lUh aad L fits Ulysses G B Pierce saMsUs S1S a rs Ssa cdwel Qua for the OKSpBiarlre Stady of- Be M ad Unity Stady Ch 11 a xa ncea lag jsrke serawo y the raiofeter 7 p BU Ic Peoples Itoioas Udon 8 p n eerriee The cbefc triS reader the foOo r Jag pn a K I Vespen CSifflarf IL tenor iota I IToKat Qfetadfiate IU alto solo He Was Desphcd Haaid IV soprano VT Verdure dad Hajda V bos ttte 0 Lord Correct Me HaaAe VI laSansnate- afctd SUtet Mate BosstaO The poblic it- eordiaHT to aU services SBVESTHDAY ADVENTISTS HJPOSTAKT EVENTS OF THE ROOSEVELT tfosfclitnUoa TriH ba tIN aject aacussed tr Pasta Jam B Sfflto fcs the Memorial Cbocb 12th tsA H ets vr tcHwcrow at 725 n artferited VESPER SERVICE YOUNG WOMENS OHEISTIAK ASSOCIATION 12th tad P eta wr p DL Mrs Alice ec man Parsers Biks e kapviQesc Ms Edith V dason sradeate f Welesley wfR lead sroop OTHER SERVICES iL C A MEETING FOR MEN FITE feet d t tf Mnas Ckiistiaatt SpeaVsr 8 pb A Ncrttoop D D from Mistoon- 3Uieric Teraple Awfitcrfea Sasday Mink 7 330 PL m Teaer Bate W B QnoHietais- PfcflftMiMs comet sete Bfefeona Tetssx FrtO- KsaoaoOm Kt estxa AH asea relcsse EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN SCEESCES- VANGiaJOAL CHRISTIAN S01ESOB CHBUCH Rite Hal 1H G t aw Serrion dir 11 a m td 731 f M llera 3 IMJHT by Bishop OLIVER C SABL setoject ad- TUICMHM rf utigHir tlwisfct EreBfos kcteia by VINFIELI WHITMAN TestaMiaistet lug WedMsdtr at 731 Seals free AH- tarttei XOSSECTARIA5P- EOPLyS CHURCH PytMaa Temple HK 3U- st Seraces at U15 a s Her Geor a WSHs Cruise rf WaiefieH Mass will speak m The ethical MUTC for the indrridaal red society Prof Kewbeiska B I Sty Class at M s n A ocdul Ixntatiea is estatded day special cia Y et Set t S 1 b kaI cIted p- All < f ddo C ScoW The eriv > < > PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OP THE COVENANT CoK cticat a aad N sc- Cbaifes Vcod MWeta- rTjie DeMett Asttut MfattsUr GOUNODS ST CECILIA Girca fey the St Ceefta Q eitet aad Cbocca Mr Ansaad G apr it Dfetctsr Mr Harrey M nay Otgubt Mice Esther Gsaprecbt Mr MeiTffie D Heoeey Teaec- Mt Artier Porter Sunday Evening at oclock Dr Wood xffl preach OR Gods Bereiatieo of- Htesetf te tIM Grits NBW YORK AVE PKESBYTERIAN OHOECH- Ke YOlk ae H ad Otk sis Dr Wallace TTinffi jaator H a SB The feMgarai- psatea 7 p as city s saries Mwfc- 9S9 a SWt school 3 a m alL dean IS y a Eadeatvr Society PIEST The Straajw Sabtattfc HeBaeJete Marshall jl vr D aaSd a XacLrad 11 a a Ter- tteos C5HDRCH OF THB COVENANT CtaBsrtkat a a X 4 ISth its Irs Wood MsSer- T er DnaeU aeistsafe Mtaistec- JUMS McC HMKT afcdater f Feck Oar Mrs u Grt FIIiu 5enM 730 preeti f7 to the led lit the QR1tet ir mo ol the Lads i a de MIIcal hf eir 1IeIceme Ala Die The ride a The a4titIa Sp ect lwioatia Spel ogyae fl- are e = ea Xesr trays of fawwias old tfcisgs to i oclock 8 p rs The faster T pradi w Ge4 rerek- tioa it HfeieU is the sraa- Mwical wrriee T te S Gooeods- Sf C hy the St Cacffla Qatrtet lad Chcrai- Sssday school at 93S a n- Ckristiaa EateiTK awetfes 5 iw K BAPTIST TEMPLE BAPTIST CHU3CH Ifefe ud N eta Dr J J Mrfr paater PrawMag U E Mdfag 7iS p E Truth irtthia- S S 90 a K a EL 6fi p FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH lift sad 0 its E n day school 93D a B Christian Hsdeinxr 7 jt n Preacfcfcff ReT W ilessoo af Pkh eld N J ETC STBANOEBS HOME SHILOH BAPTIST Ctereh L St betweea Kth ad Bth sU aw Rev J iUHoa Waldrea D D juster Benaee- ibf pastec at 11 a ac aad J p K Loss Sm per at deae of ai eocBMaa Yeas B4Ue from S to B33 a a i aeparate x ea BfWe- Bcbod at a m AU RII free A hearty uekJona to aU especkfiy to straBsws NEW CHURCH NEW CHURCH 28th aM Corcsran Its BV The ReT Punk Sewill D D paMtr w preach at U a ra Sodoy soboo E05 8 p m leaare- as GOD AND MAN IN THB BIBLBT hr tie Her PAUL SPBBBY of Brsdttea Mas Stan sers isriUd In peers May Wedaesdan 13- 6a Y P la Chrattaa Psydtetecy AU uekxzae Fridayi is chores 4i5 p m- Lltaay serrice sixKt addre Free IM- Slrary of the wriUngs of Bwedeabots ail tile periodicals sad Htsatcre ef the New Cfeardi ia the vestry Free tracts SB Uu resabde CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHTJBCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST lth and B sts mr Serncesr Senday 30 a m aad 8 pm SchJectt MAN Evnday school H a is Wedaesday ereaias- saeticg S odock Pa csrdkftr iartted AH seats free Free reofej nxn 6K OoJerxio Bid TJXTVERSALIST CHURCH OF OUR FATHER 13th aad L s BV Rev John Van Schakk jr paister U a a- mocaJag service 9iS a SB Snwky acaooL 7 TT Powtra cksa NATIOXAL NEW THOUGHT CENTER SUNDAY SERVICES AT BAUSOHBBS J S- SOnffi ate lit PL a A4rws by T i Gray sabject Deny aeon sietA- Bidg cor F ad Ki PaNIc iartted SPIRITUALISM na 1 Tho IOclL- JJ mTht JUtIc 1IiII X H- X smb led by IIUrtet 331 frea TIMmday at S aklweek a- MT Pace BL n L L sM S Co by the t Qua 933 1 ClaM ere wit Y P a U S Po 11 Ir Mia aDd Wednezday at S 110 m Aa and Trust 4 er aT dock et ecrf Job w t 14 4 The iL at MESSAGES FROM THE SPiRIT WORLD AL fred H Terry trSl hold a a eetins Seaday ereaiag at S ododr assisted Toy Miss Sete C Clark Caaitridga Cectare foBowM by tairit me SIteS ad psidKEietrie readtass at Scaoidts Hall 51S 9th mr DB J M TEMPLE BUSINESS AND TEST nedtaa vffl hold snad test raeetfcc te spiritual Eesagts Sesday Taesday and ftttty at 8 p ta- Beadinss dafly SI K aw MRS HOLDS SPIRITUAL MEETINGS every SeT Taesday aad Friday sights at S oclock Private readicss datty 125 llth si nw SPIRITUAL SCIENCE SPIBITUAL SOTENOE cHURCH Bet Price meditra MeetJsg Snadays 8 v n Becbi bite Hall 3M B se car B 3d aad Pa ate Fri Tate readiass daily Circka Tees 2 and 8 p MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL HEALING MBS SEATON viU Eire tie strsath keson ia tie series of her ixirate class testractieo ia BeotsI asS spiritual he rg Sasday 4 p au at Sces The Farr g t cot Kth s d I sts wr A 9- PebSo ferited Patieats treated week d ys SOME LIFE AND HEALTH STUDIES BY NAMES HUGH KEELEY Svday Man 7 iJ5 p m 209 East Capitol a ect The sdeatiSc basis cf ortsnfczs Sparfeaa TOMS QaesifeBs aesvend PapSs tassht PaUents treated SECULAR LEAGUE ADDRESS THE EVOLUTION OF jsasC Prof David Becks Soetch samsf debate 3 n ia Pythiaa Testple MB 9tf Bt aw Seats free THEOSOPHY LECTURES BY Prof W J COLVILLE TONIGHT AT S PJYSXS SooUnrest comer 8ti aM K r- MOSIO AM ART AS FACTORS IN HUMAN EVOLCTIOX- Sasday Ua m Tht 5 sy What it fea accora Disked 3 p EL BencraatieB te pecesaty if 8 p as of the fatwe May 8 p m Astral erperieaces MUSICAL IMPROVISATIONS BY C ALFONSO ZELAYA e- Mus lit 6th OBBE MayA m- at It 5th De- GOVBRN HALL moss Stndaz d ScdA1 t S Po SlTc bee a for Jet THE RELIGIOUS WORLDW- HAT THE CHURCH FOLK ARE THINKING ABOUT AND DOING By WILLIAM T ELLIS SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON THE RELIGION OF THE HAND- The International Sunday echool lesson for Mud U is Saw and Dorcas Acts 1310 Here we have a story without a villain Everybody acts handsomely and helpfully The background is peace and progress in the forefront are men and women seen at their best There has been turmoil and excitement in most of the past ten les- sons dramatic incidents have at no time been lacking Now the quarter closes with a peaceful quiet constructive les- son comprising the two Incidents of the healing of Eneas who had been palsied for eight years and the raising to life also by Peter of Dorcas the woman who was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did The lesson of the lesson is twofold and it Ilea on the surface The Gospel of Jesus is attested by Its power to transform fee- bleness Into strength and death into life and the religion of the helping hand Is the immemorial result of accepting Christ as Lord These two teachings are for to- day In other fashion but none the less traly the Gospel is at the present time lifting up the broken In body and spirit and sending them erect and rejoicing as HELP- ING ¬ ¬ ¬ witnesses to the power which still resides in Christianity WHEN CITIES ARE STIRRED The cities of Richmond and Boston have lately been stirred to their depts by the Chapman evangelistic meetings Espe- cially in the conservative old New dty has the impression been pro- found Thousands of persons clamored In vain for admittance to gospel meetings already overcrowded Men and women In all walks of life publicly confessed that they bad been made new creatures by this OMifashioaed Gospel To them and to their friends It seemed as If they had passed from death unto life How the citys many tongues wagged over these wonders of conversion Even so the talk ran at Lydda where Peter healed the paralytic and at Joppa where he restored life to Dorcas These events were of tie divine power which inheres In Chris- tianity Madeover men and women are the anal and irrefutable argument for Ute Gospel The devil is less concerned over the books of Christian apologetics than he is ever the converted sinners who testify to the power that made thorn whole again This fe the sort of thing that sets a com manity by the ears and turns meas hearts to their Maker The company of witnesses of which Eneas and Dorcas were early members has been a steadily increasing one ever since THE HEALING CHURCH Eng- land signs mlraclesaUesta1lons ¬ Dr Hume of India calls a Maker and mender of men aDd boys by the power of the Lord Jesus Ia other words he Is a missionary As I one day rode In a tonga through the cfty of Ahmednagar with him being greeted on every hand by natives of an ranks I realized that his great work bs beep done not by the books he has or by the sermons be has preached In his Oriental church but by his being a friendly helpful neighbor In the relationship of life He Is touching his little speck of India with the helping healing touch of Jesus I am satisfied to accept him and HOOO men and women like him as being In the apostolic because he displays an apostolic character and does apostolic deeds Simon Peter on his missionary tour would have found many a modern missionary a con genial cempanlon The conception of ministry which the early Church held so strongly is agate taking strong bold of the mind of the Church of today The Emmanuel Meve mont and various modifications thereof is permeating all denominations and all sec- tions of country The ministry is stressing wholeness as well as holiness the healer Is looming large in the Christina thought of our day Of course this fascinating theme often evokes ill balanced views and it is fraught with peril to be merely emotional and super fictel None the less through the science of medicine and the practice of faith the Cburea may do for the afflicted what Peter did for Eneas The medical mis- sions which are centers of light and heal- ing alt over the nonChristian world are an Immeasurable expression of Ute Gos peFs power A VOMAK5 CAREER The name of Dorcas has been adopted by thousands of organizations of helpful women Her example is a good one to meditate upon In this day when there is widespread discussion of womans sphere Some of us are uneasy as we see that woman is made the commonest problem of the novel the play tile essay and the lecture The sign Is not a wholesome one For when men begin to regard woman as a curious and com plex social enigma and try to analyze and dissect her they cease to pay her the oldfashioned deference which we like to regard as her unquestioned right The less woman is considered as a question the surer she will be to fulfill her natural destiny If this Sunday school lesson leads older students to recall and rdhs RobertA suc- cession Jesus such him- self writ- ten ordi- nary ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ sert the primary place of woman In the social organization it will have done a service entirely germane to Its original purpose OKIfashioned indeed was Dorcas She had no other thought of a career for her- self than to be helpful up to the limit of her powers She was not a famous church worker nor had she the gift of prophecy Her office was the simple lowly one of helping the needy In humble womanly ways Nobody called her a genius but the poor blessed her upon every remembrance of her name Shr could not teach to edification perhaps but she could demonstrate her faith by her works Many were the new babies whose first wardrobes came from her deft fingers And even the pralseftil lips of the friends who gathered about her bier could not call the roll of all the sick and aged and poor whom she had clothed All the while doubtless Dorcas looked with admiration upon such superior women as Mary of Bethany LltUe did site dream that her swift needle was stitching her own name In letters of fade- less gold upon the worlds brief roll of immortals THE SOLVERS OF THE SOCIAL PROBLEM Echoing in the walling of those Eastern women gathered about the bier of Dorcas I have heard that weird sound more than once and never want to hear it again Is one solution of the social prob- lem These weeping friends seem not to have been professional mourners Their grief sounds too sincere a note for that A good neighbor and friend had died And the world cannot be restrained from rewarding its helpers whether it be a humble Charleston negro whose funeral was attended by a multitude of whites and blacks an unchronlcled East Side rabbi who afforded New York one of Its largest funeral processions New Orleans Margaret or Frances Pasteur voted first place well above Napoleon on his nations roll of honor God SJTM us eH some snail sweet way To set the mId tricking and it Is by the fulfillment of this op ¬ that the unbrotherllness of the world which creates all our social Is to be ameliorated No slsnplier than this none more profound When high and low become Dorcases not forgetting to be kind the longsought so- cial remedy will have been found For the sake of this Dorcas there were swift feet to run to the Apostle Peter for help Possibly nobodys thought extended beyond having the apostle speak at the funeral He came swiftly for he like Dorcas and like his Master lived only to be helpfuL Come to the house of mourn- ing he followed the example of Jesus In a similar case and putting forth all the noisy mourners he knelt to entreat of God this sisters life Then assured that the miracle would be wrought he turned to the silent corpse and tenderly repeated the beautiful name Gazelle Dorcas straightaway opened her eyes sat up was given Peters hand in assistance and arose and w presented to her aston- ished friends One more sign bad been wrought to accredit the Name and the number of believers multiplied THE LAW AND LIQUOR Terse crwaeaU upon the Christian EbdeaTur topic Sir Mrek M Are Our LJqu r tad Hwf Are Tfcey Bafereed Dent irl3 Whatever ones theories about temper anc his ftrst obligation as a member of the community in which he lives is to rtunlty prob- lems method- Is I u What Laws p ¬ ¬ ¬ help enforce existing laws These laws may at all to his liking never- theless the obligations of good citizen- ship him to see that they are fairly enforced in the interest of all con- cerned Even the saloon keeper may not be unlawfully oppressed Every man must be accorded all his rights under the law One may go so far as to declare that the conservation of the law is of greater importance than the enactment of temperance legislations Lawlessness in promoting which the liquor traffic has un- doubtedly Men a factor is a graver menace to the life of our time than even the curse of intemperance Itself So all who would cast their Influence unre- servedly on tbe side of sobriety and sbo ld be at greatest pains to assure the enforcement of existing laws The frequent appeal to the unwritten law as justification for all sorts of is one of the most dangerous ten- dencies of life in this Western world In a selfgoverning land obnoxious laws may be repealed by due process of legis- lation That to what Is taking place with astonishing rapidity all over the United States Six States have come wholly under prohibitory statutes By the opera tion of local option laws the major por- tion of the population of the country now Jives in dry territory This Is one of Ute most significant signs of the times The mighty band of the law Is throWing benot require ne purity CCC pro- cedure ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ the traffic in strong drink The United States and Canada lend the world in tem- perance legislation If the present trend of society continues we may expect a wholly sober people ere many generations 4 After all has ben said though law is but Ute concrete expression of the public mind Tile fundamental mission of all temperance workers should be to put a mind of sobriety and selfcontrol Into all the people The work of education may not be neglected for the sake of promot- ing legislation The most effective tem perance law is that which reigns in the individual will and as one temperance speaker expressed it closes the which is carried on between a mans own chin and nose In connection with this topic a deal of impractical advice will be given to En deavorers to become thoroughly familiar with the temperance laws in force ia their own communities and throughout the land Now Ute average person is BO lawyer He has better use for his brains than to cumber them with a mass of needless and technical information The organized temperance movement should have experts upon these matters All that may reasonably be asked of the average person interested In temperance- is that he should possess a general knowl edge of the laws which ho is called upon to help enforce In his own community The law of the Other Man is the ancient Scriptural common law upon which all temperance legislation is based SEVENSENTENCE SERMONS- In mortals as in geometry a straight line Is the shortest distance between two points Barrows Many Christians are like the Leaning Tower of far gone front upright as It is possible to s without over Sunday School Times Ver deed the JntrocaKSe Put If Tistps fts wrecks at last To seaetiins nobler we attain All the strength and all the arts of men are measured by and founded upon their reverence for the passion and their guar dianship of the purity of love Carlyle t AH men are commanded by the saint Anon liqu- ors young Pisaas flees As niey ea LoodeHmr C C top- ping wastedwhellitais ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sect tae meat that caaaa eat bit sccw vtaaa eat that want it we bar neat and we can eat See kt the lord be thanVet Btaa No man that Iniparteth his Joys to his friend he Joyeth the more and no man that Imparteth his griefs to his friend but he grieveth the lees Bacon WRITERS MEET Sew Members Admitted and Flick Talks About Oklahoma The League of American Pen Women met on Monday evening last at the study room of the Public Library Miss Eliza- beth A Hyde presiding In the absence- of the president Mrs La Salle Corbell Pickett Two new members were received Miss Zoe B C Mltscher of the Oklahoma City Times and Miss Edda Beemer of the Oklahoma News Mrs Mattie Hamilton Flick of Oklahoma City was present and talked interestingly about the new State of Oklahoma Mrs I H Wilder historian called at- tention to the work of several members the most notable being the prize story- I came not to Judge the world by Miss Elizabeth A Hyde first vice president Miss Jessie A Grlswold presented cards bearing greetings to the league from Mrs Della Hire Mertz of this city now at Miami Fl and from Mrs Pearl Sin clair Safford A reception to visiting members was arrange for last Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 6 at 1347 I street University o Music and Dramatic Art quiis decorated the room tea was served by Mrs Wilder and Mrs Hyde and Mrs Mattie Hamilton Flick gave a most en tertaining talk on Mexico Probably on Deathbed Weds Scranton Pa March 5 Lying on what will probably be his deathbed Adam Sta Jlnsky hss taken Mary Paria as his bride They planned to be married after Lent but about two weeks ago Stalinsky was stabbed la a saloon brawl But but WOMEN Mrs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Catholic Church Notes Very Dr s 2 sttptrfo- of the Marlst College Brookland will sire a in French at the Convent of Perpetual Adoration In V street at 445 oclock tomorrow afternoon A discourse- In French will be preached every Sunday afternoon during Lent in the convent chapeL The first of the series was preached by Dr Grimal last Sunday j Rev Grim sermon Pope Pjus X has granted a plenary In- dulgence to every Catholic woman re- celvjng Holy Communion In St Pauls Church Fifteenth and V streets at the t oclock mass tomorrow morning This special and unusual privilege Is not limited to the members of St Pauls con gregation but can be shared by every woman from any parish who receives Holy Communion at the mass specified in St Pauls Church tomorrow The only condition is that regularly prescribed for obtaining a plenary indulgencespecial prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father Papal Benediction will be bestowed at the conclusion of the mass by Hev Father Thomas A Walsh director of St Paus Senior and Junior Sodalities of the Blessed Virgin Mary Announcement of this great favor from the Holy Father with the right to give the Papal Benediction was cabled from Rome by his eminence Cardinal Merry del Val to Rev Father Walsh In re- sponse to the testimonial pledging filial love and devotion to Pope Plus drafted in the names of SCO members of the Blessed Virgins Sodality of St Pauls Church forwarded recently to Rome by Rev Father Walsh Sermons at the high mas tomorrow w l be preached by Charles W Lyons a J hi St Atoystos Church Rev William T RtteeeH D D In St Patricks Church Rev Walter raHott Rev ¬ ¬ ¬ S P in St Josephs Church and by Rev J A Cowan O P in St Domi nics Church Father Cowan has etae t Washington from Newark N J t assist at the serv- ices in St Dominics Chore the Illness of Rev Father J Lawrence Fin nerty He will ce tKt the duo for the Third Order of SL Dominic held in honor of SL Domtak at 4M oclock to morrow afternoon Th monthly proeeeetea by the children Lady of the Rosary will take place at 1M oclock toworrdw evening Father Finnerty is recovering from the effects of the surgical operation wMck be at Providence Hospital last month Encouraging accounts from his welcomed by numerous friends throughout the city state that the young priest is rapidly regaining strength Lenten discourses tomorrow evening wiH be given by William T Russell- D D at 8 eeteok to SC Patricks Church Rev Joseph P OReilly S J at 7 oclock ia SL Aloysfos Church Rev T J Abridge O P to St Domi i ales Church Rev WHlfant T Fletcher- D D of tbe Cathedral Baltimore in the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Rev Charles I OBrien of ttte Apostolic Mission House ia SL Martins church Rev D J Mountain Buffalo N T St Vincent do Pauls Church Rev William Gibson C during j I otSt Domlnles perish Ja iaouoe ofom physi- cians Re i t under- went ¬ ¬ Scranton Pa ia SL There Church Anaooetia The mission for woman given this week i in St Chorch by the Paulist missionaries Rev Fathers Thomas J JUles H GUlls and John Har nay C S P will dose with instruction by Father Burke Papel Benediction and Benediction of the Bloused Sacrameat afternoon Tie mission for men will commence at the high mass 11 oclock tomorrow when tbe sermon wilt be preached by Rev Father Haraay Father GUlls win preach at 8 oclock tomorrow evening and on Thursday and Saturday evenings Fet Burke will preecfe Monday and Wednesday and Rev Fa- ther Harney on Tuesday and Friday evenings Tuesday evening Lenten sermons will be preached by Rev Jons Dougherty Wilmington Del in SL Pants Church Rev WiiNam Gfbeoa Scraates Pa in St Martins Church Rev Eugene Connolly is giving a course of sermons on Faith at tbe Tuesday evening meetings of the Blessed Virgins Sodality in the Church of the Immacu- late Conception Protaetsat rule of faith will be the subject of next Tues- days discourse aad The Catholic rule of faith will be discussed on Ute followIng Tuesday Rev John Barney C S P of SL Thomas College began this week a course of Wednesday evening sermons hj the Church of the Immaculate Conception with a discourse on The foundation of the church His sermon for next Wednesday will be The one true church Father Harney wit preach Tuesday and Friday evenings- In SL Augustines Wednesday Lenten discourses wiH be given by Rev James A Smyth in SL Patricks Church Jesus our light Rev Dr D J Kennedy O P in SL Dominics Church Christ our judge Rev Thomas A Walsh in SL Paais Church Rev James M GUHs C S P in the Shrine of the Sacred Heart and Rev Thomas aK Rellly O P the Church- of the Ho y Name A pictorial reproduction of the Passion Play at Oboramniergau will be shown by Henry Ellsworth of New York In the auditorium of the Immaculate Conception d I Des I Burke to- morrow I Re evenings TIM H In ¬ ¬ ¬ School for Boys Eighth and N streets afternoon at 3 oclock and again at 7 oclock tomorrow evening The views presented by Mr Ellsworth are from all others and are the only pictures shown to the performers that have been indorsed by them aad been sanctioned by tbe authorities and vil- lagers of Aberaramergau In his reproduction of the Passion Play Mr Ellsworth shows tile performers scenes and tableaux as produced at Oberammer gau Three hundred views will be at each lecture An orchestra will render some of the music played during the presentation of the Passion Play at Oberammergau Rev Edward A Pace Ph D professor- of philosophy ia the Catholic University of America lectured last Monday even ing at Rauscbers on scope and field of psychology With lecture Dr Pace Inaugurated course of six lectures- In psychology to be given under the aus pices of the ladles auxiliary board of Trinity College Mrs Thomas H Carter president with the view to endowing the Anna Hanson Dorsey scholarship for Trinity College which Is to perpetuate a memorial to that distinguished author The second discourse treating of The relation of mind and brain wilt be given by Dr Pace Monday evening next In this discussion Dr Pace will present lead- ing theories concerning the essential fac- tors In mental life Bad their mutual HOUSE BRINGS 3550- Mclvln H Bctts EHeraon Prop erty In Southeast Willlge Gibbs Daniel have sold for James R Ellerson the twostory brick dwelling at 532 Fourteenth E and F streets southeast The house has six rooms fully appointed tile bath nickeled plumbing and is heated by hot air furnace It occupies a lot eighteen by ninety feet and is situated on a terrace It Is understood that 355 was paid for the property It Is the purpose of the purchaser Melvin H Betts to hold the dwelling as an Investment to- morrow I picto- rial pres- ented Is a I de- pendence Buys I street bet- ween I dif- ferent The a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CLOSE AT 9 OCLOCK TONIGHT Visitors to the inauguration were badly disappointed over the weather THERELL BE NO DISAPPOINTMENT ABOUT THESE BARGAINS Forget the former In the pleasure of the latter WASH 250 to kinds Sale prices 100 to Maker went out of business and we got his entire stock Thats the great sensational feature we promised for today It would require too much space to to give are so many different lots and so many different styles in the Durrhas We got the seasons latest Every waist fe new clean fresh perfect in fit finish and workmanship at a great deal less than it is actually worthT- HE 3LATT5RIALS are French Malls Sheer Persian Lawas Checked and Plaid Dirakies Plaid and Striped Madras Chambray and Pure Linen THE STYLES include a wide variety of effects in lingerie models fashionable tailored waists and shirts All have sleeves Some fasten front others In back Therell be R exciting time today In the Waist Section Second Floor Take home with you A Billy Possum 4 lisp Billy Possums are hit of the Inauguration and you should certainly 4 take one home with you as a soeveafcl U Weve plenty in all sizes but call special attention to the Billy Possum at L L- It Is inches taU and is offered in four gray grayaadwWto spot ted and grayandwalte speckled All f with tails and a splendid imitation of the real possum lU Keep step with the new styles in low shoes Every season has its new cuts its new lasts and new features that Astln guish the latest from passe styles You will seed to keep right p to dse ia these new styles If tsp to the term a womaa of lOB THESE ARE THE AUTHENTIC STYLiES FOR 1S 9 WAISTS 1500 850 Everyone the It colorswhite long Other uBIHy size 12 inches to 21 and to J floorToy Section and 1st floor the I i hj j Q V 1 t Possums ranging In Inches priced ap e 493 4Ui I yea liva The 500 Pocahontas low shoes our A A A price iptfMV These are made on the very sn p pleat lasts and patterns They will appeal particularly to the young women who desire smart footweex at a moderate price They include Pumps Ankle Pumps Button Ox fords Blucaer Oxfords Two Three and Four Eyelet Ties Suede Two eyelet Ties These are In gray and tans as well as black and here at a dollar less than elsewhere Our popular Kolonial line receiving daily additions and 3359 The new styles are arriving fast and we are prepared to the wast of almost any taste ia the latest styles as follows ANKLE PUMPS REGULAR PUMPS TWO EYELET TIES FOUREYELST TIES THREE EYELET TIES BLCCHER OX FORDS and in all leathers tans shiny dull and kid Also Button Oxfords with gray or black cloth tore in all sizes 3 I meet V t ¬ Special for today Womens 3 low shoes a j Three styles of 300 Low Shoes will be sold at this special price today ThEY Gun Metal Calf Blucher Oxfords Patent Colt Blucher Oxfords Tan Vici Kid Blucher Oxfords We navE these in all sizes and widths every pair is guaranteed to give satisfactory wear Second 2 pair FloorShoes u o JJ are ° JUNIORS HONOR PARENTS Give Entertainment in Mount Pleasant Representative Hobson Union Sleeting Dr Hubble Speaks In Rhode Island Avenue Church The Mount Pleasant Congregational Ju- nior Endeavorers gave in entertainment and social ia honor f their parents a Monday evening The programme as fol- lows was received heartily Opening ad dress Paul Frizzle piano duet Misses Janet and Doris Little recitation Robert Lynch Victor Kebler Kenneth Collins and Ralph Dubois song Miss Mary Thompson address Mr Fisbbiirn reci- tation Florence Gibbon Mabel KeWer Margaret Flshborn Ruth Graf Coasuote Hawks May Thompson and Anita Bur kett recitation Ruth Kebler song Anita Burkett recitation Bertha Graf song Consuelo Hawks recitation Louise Stein berg song George Bliss recitation Mary Burkett My Country TIs of Thee was sung by all in closing the entertainment and attention was then turned to a social halfhour and refreshments Representative Richmond Pearson Hob son addressed the District Endeavorers in their union meeting last Monday evening Addresses ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ About 259 young people were present Mr Hobsons subject was Patriotism and character building At the Rhode Isiaa Avenue Methodist Protestant Church Christian Endeavor eatlmsiastji was augmented by a rousing oa Friday evening at which Dr H a Rubble formerly fldd secretary for the chrIstina Endeavor la Ohio was one of Ute speakers His theme was The man who can Special music by Coa gross street slid Rhode X aad avenue of t 6 New ftScers were otectei February 21 to serve the H Street Chrfstiaa Young Paeptes Jecidty Chrtetkui Endeavor southwest viz Mr A C Mrs Thrift seo rotary Miss Roaeh treasurer Miss Cora BaN raoa BUYS TRIANGULAR LOT Bclldin Site of 7OOO Square Feet Changes Hands On Lanier Heights Stone Fairfax recently sold the lot ia Ontario rood opposite the Ontario apartment house TIlls property has a frontage of m feet and Is of SatInm- shapo containing nearly IJKH square feet The purchasers of this land are having plans pr oared t improve it this spring To the west of this lead Charles W King Jr is now erecting nine brick residences which contain all modern con- veniences These houses will be com- pleted within the next thirty days meeting juniors was Interesting pert programme President Mow president k 1 an < vice STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 OCLOCK TONIGHT ffl 420 to 426 Seventh St 417 to 425 Eighth St 500 SILK PETTICOATS We have about ISO of these Fine Silk Petticoats In BLACK ONLY which we secured from the Superior Silk Skirt Company of Philadelphia a short time ago These are made of aa elegant of taffeta finished with circular flounce End ten rows of fine tuoks Lengths 40 42 This is an actual 500 value and while they last to day you can buy them at the special price of BRO I 289 I 2 89 fIJ m S ¬

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Post on 07-Apr-2019




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wisEiiraa m EEBAID SATTODAT KAEOH 6 1909




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BY EMERSONHOUGliThe romance of great days thenations hisforygreat men in the for tome

for countryA novel to knoW to own

At All Booksellers Ute BcfchsMerl C PnSSshen


Notices for these columns should reach The Herald office by 9 p m Friday

40 Bet an

inmakingthe of






SET THOMAS aetr Qrcfe1103 a mBWw Hudfag peesA SB tie cab

JtetlwM is the putt431 jx cs 3 efcaca R far ncterf-

cabg MI Ta Ski vfcfcfa bilk M fte-

rnuxirr OHDBOH sa ad o s BW RetRteteoi P VTMiiMi reciec Serricca at 730 H-

aad OaJnutiu feciare at 331 Daftr fcoeep-

tSateriart J23K-

MondKT WeiMsdtr FtMty S n aCHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Mia aad-

v rectorTie nctar-

Ji3 pcwch at U a BU Lofem serrteea aot wt 4 oclock e tc7 afteramc CbKcfcaxs-

as Bess Bretfecrtend OTte Frisky 8 p as Ber B H ifcKfcaD D vffl be the smarter Twwixr ci adRev Arthur Kteefcfeg B Friday afett-

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M 11 a ra 4 ad S p MOoofeajaThe rio

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aad T3 5 m Sd I 3 SL a Otter diys 7

Friday at T39 B m Oflfcs at 338 aFriday

ST MARES CHURCH M ad A sU se CtesrRev W L De Tries Ph D aDd Rev B ACtetfc SCTfecc 39 11 a 4 73fc Eec Caaca-BnieoaU D D will preach at Bight


HETROPOLITAX MEMORIAL JL E CHUBCHcocas Afca Marshall place and C at Jea BeM-

Shaaneo Trtrirr At U a a Great atterasce-sd Christ At S 9 au SB ideal wanof tfce OU Testaxaeat sad tfee fcSesI ef tifc toraa

tie ceBtary frecood asnaeo of series ea Wcca

anbood Soday school ad MetropoitoaC 8s 921 a is Ejrworth Leasae at 6tt ix E

FOUNDRY 3C B CHURCH Hth acd Ctcrch sts-

rif Pet Robert 3 Moore D TeatoE Seades scbooJ 93B a a PreacMsg at H a n bythe Eer Bfafcep W F McDosreH Senics-ong 8 ix s address ty the ReT Bishop W F

McDoveH Bpwratk 7 p n AH imited-

HAXL1KS M E a d P Ua nwRet Owrfea B Ge ia jjastoc 920 a a Saaday sdMMZ U a Hi Holy Ccczscaiec 639

p a Epspertk Lease jnfee Berncc 720 R aject THE PBESIDBKITS PSALM Thwsfer-7i3l p 10-

loottas tosrsri Fut PrfjHs betted to aSser3IETHODIST EPISCOPAL SOUTH

MT VERNON PLACE M E CHDROH SOUTHCBE 9 and X its w J Howard IVefla jas-tec 931 Scaday achooL H a ia Holy Cen-

HsafeB 7 BL a Epwcrth Le e S p a seTheo by the pifitor


MT PLEASAOT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHCSatentia read aM Htfe st mr The pastor

ROIl FisWwrs icffi preach at U ad at S-

Moraing subject FriTtitty Tersas teAafaxsfer-eoiBC The rafae ef tisaasca 3faste tu-

OBartet aad chons cboiz Sooday echool at 930a zs Joalor at 3 jx o Sentordearor at 63 p m A weteccse for alL

FIRST COKGBEGArnONAL CHURCH cor BW-iaad G its aw Rev Sam H Woodrow D Dputar 11 a is and 8 p m rafcBe woniip-Trtni cenaws hgr tae lastor Aa rscrewsed-

liag S B ted JcfeM Joa Cfcrysortoo

J W Bfechafi aatot 328 a zn SofiayP a a E


MEKORIAL Tkecas CfeSe Pastor J G BsQer-

Scrrkes at U a d 736 Afteacoo eerrice

cwtlMia Sdwfli 3 C Society 633-

MWprwJ Krrtw TkBTsda-yKELLBB MBMORIAXi Md avs all 9th st E

Rev C P WHe pastor PreaddHS U aad 738-

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TBEMONT AYE OHBISTIAN OHDBOH Barfee THtii Genaca by Predsiek D Power U aad730 S S 931 CL S3t AH welcos-


ALL SOULS cHURcH ear lUh aad L fitsUlysses G B Pierce saMsUs S1S a rs Ssa

cdwel Qua for the OKSpBiarlre Stady of-

Be M ad Unity Stady Ch 11 a xa ncealag jsrke serawo y the raiofeter 7 p BUIc Peoples Itoioas Udon 8 p n

eerriee The cbefc triS reader the foOo rJag pn a K I Vespen CSifflarf IL tenoriota I IToKat Qfetadfiate IU alto solo

He Was Desphcd Haaid IV sopranoVT Verdure dad Hajda V bos ttte 0

Lord Correct Me HaaAe VI laSansnate-afctd SUtet Mate BosstaO The poblic it-

eordiaHT to aU services


HJPOSTAKT EVENTS OF THE ROOSEVELTtfosfclitnUoa TriH ba tIN aject aacussed trPasta Jam B Sfflto fcs the Memorial Cbocb12th tsA H ets vr tcHwcrow at 725 n


YOUNG WOMENS OHEISTIAK ASSOCIATION12th tad P eta wr p DL Mrs Alice ecman Parsers Biks e kapviQesc Ms Edith

V dason sradeate f Welesley wfR lead sroop


iL C A MEETING FOR MEN FITEfeet d t tf Mnas Ckiistiaatt SpeaVsr8 pb A Ncrttoop D D from Mistoon-3Uieric Teraple Awfitcrfea Sasday Mink 7

330 PL m Teaer Bate W B QnoHietais-PfcflftMiMs comet sete Bfefeona Tetssx FrtO-

KsaoaoOm Kt estxa AH asea relcsse



dir 11 a m td 731 f M llera 3 IMJHT byBishop OLIVER C SABL setoject ad-

TUICMHM rf utigHir tlwisfct EreBfos kcteiaby VINFIELI WHITMAN TestaMiaistetlug WedMsdtr at 731 Seals free AH-


EOPLyS CHURCH PytMaa Temple HK 3U-

st Seraces at U15 a s Her Geor a WSHsCruise rf WaiefieH Mass will speak m Theethical MUTC for the indrridaal red societyProf Kewbeiska B I Sty Class at M s nA ocdul Ixntatiea is estatded







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CHURCH OP THE COVENANTCoK cticat a aad N sc-

Cbaifes Vcod MWeta-rTjie DeMett Asttut MfattsUr

GOUNODS ST CECILIAGirca fey the St Ceefta Q eitet aad Cbocca

Mr Ansaad G apr it DfetctsrMr Harrey M nay OtgubtMice Esther GsaprecbtMr MeiTffie D Heoeey Teaec-Mt Artier Porter

Sunday Evening at oclockDr Wood xffl preach OR Gods Bereiatieo of-

Htesetf te tIM Grits

NBW YORK AVE PKESBYTERIAN OHOECH-Ke YOlk ae H ad Otk sis Dr WallaceTTinffi jaator H a SB The feMgarai-psatea 7 p ascity s saries Mwfc-9S9 a SWt school 3 a m alL deanIS y a Eadeatvr Society

PIEST The Straajw Sabtattfc HeBaeJeteMarshall jl vr D aaSd a XacLrad11 a aTer-tteos

C5HDRCH OF THB COVENANTCtaBsrtkat a a X 4 ISth itsIrs Wood MsSer-T er DnaeU aeistsafe Mtaistec-

JUMS McC HMKT afcdater f Feck Oar

Mrs u Grt FIIiu 5enM


preeti f7 to theled lit the QR1tet irmo

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ea Xesr traysof fawwias old tfcisgs

to i oclock8 p rs The faster T pradi w Ge4 rerek-

tioa it HfeieU is the sraa-Mwical wrriee T te S Gooeods-Sf C hy the St Cacffla Qatrtet lad Chcrai-Sssday school at 93S a n-Ckristiaa EateiTK awetfes 5 iw K


TEMPLE BAPTIST CHU3CH Ifefe ud N etaDr J J Mrfr paater PrawMag U E

Mdfag 7iS p E Truth irtthia-S S 90 a K a EL 6fi p

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH lift sad 0 its E nday school 93D a B Christian Hsdeinxr 7jt n PreacfcfcffReT W ilessoo af Pkh eld N J ETC

STBANOEBS HOME SHILOH BAPTISTCtereh L St betweea Kth ad Bth sU awRev J iUHoa Waldrea D D juster Benaee-ibf pastec at 11 a ac aad J p K Loss Smper at deae of ai eocBMaa Yeas B4Uefrom S to B33 a a i aeparate x ea BfWe-Bcbod at a m AU RII free A heartyuekJona to aU especkfiy to straBsws


NEW CHURCH 28th aM Corcsran Its BV TheReT Punk Sewill D D paMtr w preach atU a ra Sodoy soboo E05 8 p m leaare-as GOD AND MAN IN THB BIBLBT hr tieHer PAUL SPBBBY of Brsdttea Mas Stansers isriUd In peers May Wedaesdan 13-

6a Y P la Chrattaa Psydtetecy AUuekxzae Fridayi is chores 4i5 p m-

Lltaay serrice sixKt addre Free IM-Slrary of the wriUngs of Bwedeabots ail tileperiodicals sad Htsatcre ef the New Cfeardi iathe vestry Free tracts SB Uu resabde


FIRST CHTJBCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST lthand B sts mr Serncesr Senday 30 a m aad8 p m

SchJectt MANEvnday school H a is Wedaesday ereaias-

saeticg S odock Pa csrdkftr iartted AHseats free Free reofej nxn 6K OoJerxio Bid


CHURCH OF OUR FATHER 13th aad L s BVRev John Van Schakk jr paister U a a-mocaJag service 9iS a SB Snwky acaooL 7TT Powtra cksa


SUNDAY SERVICES AT BAUSOHBBS J S-SOnffi ate lit PL a A4rws by T iGray sabject Deny aeon sietA-

Bidg cor F a d Ki PaNIc iartted


n a 1 Tho IOclL-JJ mTht JUtIc 1IiII XH-X smb led by IIUrtet 331


TIMmday at S aklweek

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aDd Wednezday at S 110 m Aa and Trust





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MESSAGES FROM THE SPiRIT WORLD ALfred H Terry trSl hold a a eetins Seaday ereaiagat S ododr assisted Toy Miss Sete C ClarkCaaitridga Cectare foBowM by tairit meSIteS ad psidKEietrie readtass at ScaoidtsHall 51S 9th mr

DB J M TEMPLE BUSINESS AND TESTnedtaa vffl hold snad test raeetfcc te spiritualEesagts Sesday Taesday and ftttty at 8 p ta-


every SeT Taesday aad Friday sights at S

oclock Private readicss datty 125 llth si nw


SPIBITUAL SOTENOE cHURCH BetPrice meditra MeetJsg Snadays 8 v n Becbibite Hall 3M B se car B 3d aad Pa ate FriTate readiass daily Circka Tees 2 and 8 p


MBS SEATON viU Eire tie strsath keson ia tieseries of her ixirate class testractieo ia BeotsI asSspiritual he rg Sasday 4 p au at ScesThe Farr g t cot Kth s d I sts wr A 9-

PebSo ferited Patieats treated week d ys


BY NAMES HUGH KEELEY Svday Man 7iJ5 p m 209 East Capitol a ect ThesdeatiSc basis cf ortsnfczs Sparfeaa TOMSQaesifeBs aesvend PapSs tassht PaUentstreated


ADDRESS THE EVOLUTION OFjsasC Prof David Becks Soetch samsf debate3 n ia Pythiaa Testple MB 9tf Bt aw Seatsfree




SooUnrest comer 8ti aM K r-


Sasday U a m Tht 5 sy What it fea accoraDisked 3 p EL BencraatieB te pecesaty

if 8 p as of the fatweMay 8 p m Astral erperieaces







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Stndaz d ScdA1 t S Po SlTc











The International Sunday echool lesson for MudU is Saw and Dorcas Acts 1310

Here we have a story without a villainEverybody acts handsomely and helpfullyThe background is peace and progress inthe forefront are men and women seen attheir best There has been turmoil andexcitement in most of the past ten les-

sons dramatic incidents have at no timebeen lacking Now the quarter closeswith a peaceful quiet constructive les-

son comprising the two Incidents of thehealing of Eneas who had been palsiedfor eight years and the raising to lifealso by Peter of Dorcas the woman whowas full of good works and almsdeedswhich she did

The lesson of the lesson is twofold andit Ilea on the surface The Gospel of Jesusis attested by Its power to transform fee-

bleness Into strength and death into lifeand the religion of the helping hand Is

the immemorial result of accepting Christas Lord These two teachings are for to-

day In other fashion but none the lesstraly the Gospel is at the present timelifting up the broken In body and spiritand sending them erect and rejoicing as






witnesses to the powerwhich still resides in Christianity


The cities of Richmond and Boston havelately been stirred to their depts by theChapman evangelistic meetings Espe-

cially in the conservative old Newdty has the impression been pro-

found Thousands of persons clamored In

vain for admittance to gospel meetingsalready overcrowded Men and women In

all walks of life publicly confessed thatthey bad been made new creatures by thisOMifashioaed Gospel To them and totheir friends It seemed as If they hadpassed from death unto life

How the citys many tongues waggedover these wonders of conversion Evenso the talk ran at Lydda where Peterhealed the paralytic and at Joppa wherehe restored life to Dorcas These eventswere oftie divine power which inheres In Chris-tianity Madeover men and women arethe anal and irrefutable argument for UteGospel The devil is less concerned overthe books of Christian apologetics than heis ever the converted sinners who testifyto the power that made thorn whole againThis fe the sort of thing that sets a commanity by the ears and turns meashearts to their Maker The company ofwitnesses of which Eneas and Dorcaswere early members has been a steadilyincreasing one ever since




signs mlraclesaUesta1lons


Dr Hume of India callsa Maker and mender of men aDd

boys by the power of the Lord JesusIa other words he Is a missionary AsI one day rode In a tonga through thecfty of Ahmednagar with him beinggreeted on every hand by natives of anranks I realized that his great work bsbeep done not by the books he has

or by the sermons be has preachedIn his Oriental church but by his beinga friendly helpful neighbor In the

relationship of life He Is touchinghis little speck of India with the helpinghealing touch of Jesus I am satisfied toaccept him and HOOO men and womenlike him as being In the apostolic

because he displays an apostoliccharacter and does apostolic deeds SimonPeter on his missionary tour would havefound many a modern missionary a congenial cempanlon

The conception of ministry which theearly Church held so strongly is agatetaking strong bold of the mind of theChurch of today The Emmanuel Mevemont and various modifications thereof ispermeating all denominations and all sec-

tions of country The ministry isstressing wholeness as well as holiness

the healer Is looming large in theChristina thought of our day Of coursethis fascinating theme often evokes illbalanced views and it is fraught withperil to be merely emotional and superfictel None the less through the scienceof medicine and the practice of faiththe Cburea may do for the afflicted whatPeter did for Eneas The medical mis-sions which are centers of light and heal-ing alt over the nonChristian world arean Immeasurable expression of Ute GospeFs power


The name of Dorcas has been adoptedby thousands of organizations of helpfulwomen Her example is a good one tomeditate upon In this day when there is

widespread discussion of womanssphere Some of us are uneasy as we see

that woman is made the commonestproblem of the novel the play tile

essay and the lecture The sign Is nota wholesome one For when men beginto regard woman as a curious and complex social enigma and try to analyzeand dissect her they cease to pay herthe oldfashioned deference which we liketo regard as her unquestioned right Theless woman is considered as a questionthe surer she will be to fulfill her naturaldestiny If this Sunday school lessonleads older students to recall and rdhs














sert the primary place of woman In thesocial organization it will have done aservice entirely germane to Its originalpurpose

OKIfashioned indeed was Dorcas Shehad no other thought of a career for her-

self than to be helpful up to the limit ofher powers She was not a famous

church worker nor had she the gift ofprophecy Her office was the simplelowly one of helping the needy In humblewomanly ways Nobody called her a

genius but the poor blessed her uponevery remembrance of her name Shrcould not teach to edification perhapsbut she could demonstrate her faith byher works Many were the new babieswhose first wardrobes came from herdeft fingers And even the pralseftil lipsof the friends who gathered about herbier could not call the roll of all the sickand aged and poor whom she had clothedAll the while doubtless Dorcas lookedwith admiration upon such superiorwomen as Mary of Bethany LltUe didsite dream that her swift needle wasstitching her own name In letters of fade-less gold upon the worlds brief roll ofimmortalsTHE SOLVERS OF THE SOCIAL PROBLEMEchoing in the walling of those Eastern

women gathered about the bier of DorcasI have heard that weird sound more

than once and never want to hear itagain Is one solution of the social prob-lem These weeping friends seem not tohave been professional mourners Theirgrief sounds too sincere a note for thatA good neighbor and friend had diedAnd the world cannot be restrained fromrewarding its helpers whether it be ahumble Charleston negro whose funeralwas attended by a multitude of whitesand blacks an unchronlcled East Siderabbi who afforded New York one of Itslargest funeral processions New Orleans

Margaret or Frances Pasteur votedfirst place well above Napoleon on hisnations roll of honor

God SJTM us eH some snail sweet wayTo set the mId tricking

and it Is by the fulfillment of this op


that the unbrotherllness of theworld which creates all our social

Is to be ameliorated Noslsnplier than this none more profound

When high and low become Dorcases notforgetting to be kind the longsought so-

cial remedy will have been foundFor the sake of this Dorcas there were

swift feet to run to the Apostle Peter forhelp Possibly nobodys thought extendedbeyond having the apostle speak at thefuneral He came swiftly for he likeDorcas and like his Master lived only tobe helpfuL Come to the house of mourn-

ing he followed the example of Jesus Ina similar case and putting forth all thenoisy mourners he knelt to entreat ofGod this sisters life Then assured thatthe miracle would be wrought he turnedto the silent corpse and tenderly repeatedthe beautiful name Gazelle Dorcasstraightaway opened her eyes sat upwas given Peters hand in assistanceand arose and w presented to her aston-

ished friends One more sign bad beenwrought to accredit the Name and thenumber of believers multiplied

THE LAW AND LIQUORTerse crwaeaU upon the Christian EbdeaTur topic

Sir Mrek M Are Our LJqu r tadHwf Are Tfcey Bafereed Dent irl3

Whatever ones theories about temperanc his ftrst obligation as a member ofthe community in which he lives is to


lems method-Is



What Laws





help enforce existing laws These lawsmay at all to his liking never-

theless the obligations of good citizen-

ship him to see that they arefairly enforced in the interest of all con-

cerned Even the saloon keeper may notbe unlawfully oppressed Every man mustbe accorded all his rights under the lawOne may go so far as to declare thatthe conservation of the law is of greaterimportance than the enactment oftemperance legislations Lawlessness inpromoting which the liquor traffic has un-

doubtedly Men a factor is a gravermenace to the life of our time than eventhe curse of intemperance Itself So allwho would cast their Influence unre-servedly on tbe side of sobriety and

sbo ld be at greatest pains toassure the enforcement of existing laws

The frequent appeal to the unwrittenlaw as justification for all sorts of

is one of the most dangerous ten-dencies of life in this Western world

In a selfgoverning land obnoxious lawsmay be repealed by due process of legis-lation That to what Is taking place withastonishing rapidity all over the UnitedStates Six States have come whollyunder prohibitory statutes By the operation of local option laws the major por-tion of the population of the country nowJives in dry territory This Is one ofUte most significant signs of the timesThe mighty band of the law Is throWing















the traffic in strong drink The UnitedStates and Canada lend the world in tem-perance legislation If the present trendof society continues we may expect awholly sober people ere many generations


After all has ben said though law isbut Ute concrete expression of the publicmind Tile fundamental mission of alltemperance workers should be to put amind of sobriety and selfcontrol Into allthe people The work of education maynot be neglected for the sake of promot-ing legislation The most effective temperance law is that which reigns in theindividual will and as one temperancespeaker expressed it closes the

which is carried on between a mansown chin and nose

In connection with this topic a deal ofimpractical advice will be given to Endeavorers to become thoroughly familiarwith the temperance laws in force ia theirown communities and throughout theland Now Ute average person isBO lawyer He has better use for hisbrains than to cumber them with a massof needless and technical informationThe organized temperance movementshould have experts upon these mattersAll that may reasonably be asked of theaverage person interested In temperance-is that he should possess a general knowledge of the laws which ho is called uponto help enforce In his own community

The law of the Other Man is theancient Scriptural common law uponwhich all temperance legislation is based


In mortals as in geometry a straightline Is the shortest distance between twopoints Barrows

Many Christians are like the LeaningTower of far gone front upright

as It is possible to s withoutover Sunday School Times

Ver deed the JntrocaKSe Put

If Tistps fts wrecks at lastTo seaetiins nobler we attain

All the strength and all the arts of menare measured by and founded upon theirreverence for the passion and their guardianship of the purity of love Carlyle

tAH men are commanded by the saint





As nieyea










Sect tae meat that caaaa eatbit sccw vtaaa eat that want it

we bar neat and we can eatSee kt the lord be thanVet


No man that Iniparteth his Joys to hisfriend he Joyeth the more and no

man that Imparteth his griefs to hisfriend but he grieveth the lees Bacon


Sew Members Admitted andFlick Talks About Oklahoma

The League of American Pen Womenmet on Monday evening last at the studyroom of the Public Library Miss Eliza-

beth A Hyde presiding In the absence-of the president Mrs La Salle CorbellPickett

Two new members were received MissZoe B C Mltscher of the Oklahoma CityTimes and Miss Edda Beemer of theOklahoma News Mrs Mattie HamiltonFlick of Oklahoma City was presentand talked interestingly about the newState of Oklahoma

Mrs I H Wilder historian called at-

tention to the work of several membersthe most notable being the prize story-I came not to Judge the world by Miss

Elizabeth A Hyde first vice presidentMiss Jessie A Grlswold presented cardsbearing greetings to the league from MrsDella Hire Mertz of this city now atMiami Fl and from Mrs Pearl Sinclair Safford

A reception to visiting members wasarrange for last Wednesday afternoonfrom 3 to 6 at 1347 I street University oMusic and Dramatic Artquiis decorated the room tea was servedby Mrs Wilder and Mrs Hyde and MrsMattie Hamilton Flick gave a most entertaining talk on Mexico

Probably on Deathbed WedsScranton Pa March 5 Lying on what

will probably be his deathbed Adam StaJlnsky hss taken Mary Paria as his brideThey planned to be married after Lentbut about two weeks ago Stalinsky wasstabbed la a saloon brawl









Catholic Church NotesVery Dr s 2 sttptrfo-

of the Marlst College Brookland will sirea in French at the Convent ofPerpetual Adoration In V street at 445oclock tomorrow afternoon A discourse-In French will be preached every Sundayafternoon during Lent in the conventchapeL The first of the series waspreached by Dr Grimal last Sunday


Rev Grim


Pope Pjus X has granted a plenary In-

dulgence to every Catholic woman re-

celvjng Holy Communion In St PaulsChurch Fifteenth and V streets at the toclock mass tomorrow morning

This special and unusual privilege Is notlimited to the members of St Pauls congregation but can be shared by everywoman from any parish who receivesHoly Communion at the mass specified inSt Pauls Church tomorrow The onlycondition is that regularly prescribed forobtaining a plenary indulgencespecialprayers for the intentions of the HolyFather

Papal Benediction will be bestowed atthe conclusion of the mass by HevFather Thomas A Walsh director of StPaus Senior and Junior Sodalities of theBlessed Virgin Mary

Announcement of this great favor fromthe Holy Father with the right to givethe Papal Benediction was cabled fromRome by his eminence Cardinal Merrydel Val to Rev Father Walsh In re-sponse to the testimonial pledging filiallove and devotion to Pope Plus drafted inthe names of SCO members of the BlessedVirgins Sodality of St Pauls Churchforwarded recently to Rome by RevFather Walsh

Sermons at the high mas tomorroww l be preached by Charles WLyons a J hi St Atoystos ChurchRev William T RtteeeH D D In StPatricks Church Rev Walter raHott





S P in St Josephs Church and byRev J A Cowan O P in St Dominics Church

Father Cowan has etae t Washingtonfrom Newark N J t assist at the serv-ices in St Dominics Chore theIllness of Rev Father J Lawrence Finnerty He will ce tKt the duo forthe Third Order of SL Dominic held inhonor of SL Domtak at 4M oclock tomorrow afternoon

Th monthly proeeeetea by the children

Lady of the Rosary will take placeat 1M oclock toworrdw evening FatherFinnerty is recovering from the effectsof the surgical operation wMck be

at Providence Hospital last monthEncouraging accounts from his

welcomed by numerous friendsthroughout the city state that the youngpriest is rapidly regaining strength

Lenten discourses tomorrow eveningwiH be given by William T Russell-D D at 8 eeteok to SC PatricksChurch Rev Joseph P OReilly S Jat 7 oclock ia SL Aloysfos ChurchRev T J Abridge O P to St Domi i

ales Church Rev WHlfant T Fletcher-D D of tbe Cathedral Baltimore in theShrine of the Sacred Heart Rev CharlesI OBrien of ttte Apostolic MissionHouse ia SL Martins church Rev DJ Mountain Buffalo N T St Vincentdo Pauls Church Rev William Gibson




IotSt Domlnles perish Ja iaouoe ofom







Scranton Pa ia SL There ChurchAnaooetia

The mission for woman given this week i

in St Chorch by the Paulistmissionaries Rev Fathers Thomas J

JUles H GUlls and John Harnay C S P will dose with instructionby Father Burke Papel Benediction andBenediction of the Bloused Sacrameat

afternoonTie mission for men will commence at

the high mass 11 oclock tomorrowwhen tbe sermon wilt be preached byRev Father Haraay Father GUlls winpreach at 8 oclock tomorrow eveningand on Thursday and Saturday evenings

Fet Burke will preecfe Mondayand Wednesday and Rev Fa-ther Harney on Tuesday and Fridayevenings

Tuesday evening Lenten sermons willbe preached by Rev Jons DoughertyWilmington Del in SL Pants ChurchRev WiiNam Gfbeoa Scraates Pa inSt Martins Church

Rev Eugene Connolly is giving a courseof sermons on Faith at tbe Tuesdayevening meetings of the Blessed VirginsSodality in the Church of the Immacu-late Conception Protaetsat rule offaith will be the subject of next Tues-days discourse aad The Catholic rule offaith will be discussed on Ute followIngTuesday

Rev John Barney C S P of SLThomas College began this week a courseof Wednesday evening sermons hj theChurch of the Immaculate Conceptionwith a discourse on The foundation ofthe church

His sermon for next Wednesday will beThe one true church Father Harney

wit preach Tuesday and Friday evenings-In SL Augustines

Wednesday Lenten discourseswiH be given by Rev James A Smyth inSL Patricks Church Jesus our lightRev Dr D J Kennedy O P in SLDominics Church Christ our judgeRev Thomas A Walsh in SL PaaisChurch Rev James M GUHs C S P inthe Shrine of the Sacred Heart and RevThomas aK Rellly O P the Church-of the Ho y Name

A pictorial reproduction of the PassionPlay at Oboramniergau will be shown by

Henry Ellsworth of New York In theauditorium of the Immaculate Conception


Des I











School for Boys Eighth and N streetsafternoon at 3 oclock and again

at 7 oclock tomorrow evening Theviews presented by Mr Ellsworth are

from all others and are the onlypictures shown to the performers thathave been indorsed by them aad beensanctioned by tbe authorities and vil-

lagers of Aberaramergau In hisreproduction of the Passion Play Mr

Ellsworth shows tile performers scenesand tableaux as produced at Oberammergau Three hundred views will be

at each lecture An orchestra willrender some of the music played duringthe presentation of the Passion Play atOberammergau

Rev Edward A Pace Ph D professor-of philosophy ia the Catholic Universityof America lectured last Monday evening at Rauscbers on scope and fieldof psychology With lecture DrPace Inaugurated course of six lectures-In psychology to be given under the auspices of the ladles auxiliary board ofTrinity College Mrs Thomas H Carterpresident with the view to endowing theAnna Hanson Dorsey scholarship forTrinity College which Is to perpetuate amemorial to that distinguished authorThe second discourse treating of Therelation of mind and brain wilt be givenby Dr Pace Monday evening next Inthis discussion Dr Pace will present lead-ing theories concerning the essential fac-tors In mental life Bad their mutual


Mclvln H Bctts EHeraon Property In Southeast

Willlge Gibbs Daniel have sold forJames R Ellerson the twostory brickdwelling at 532 Fourteenth

E and F streets southeast Thehouse has six rooms fully appointed tilebath nickeled plumbing and is heated byhot air furnace It occupies a lot eighteenby ninety feet and is situated on a terraceIt Is understood that 355 was paid forthe property It Is the purpose of thepurchaser Melvin H Betts to hold thedwelling as an Investment












street bet-ween












Visitors to the inauguration were badly disappointed overthe weather THERELL BE NO DISAPPOINTMENT ABOUT THESEBARGAINS Forget the former In the pleasure of the latter

WASH250 to kinds

Sale prices

100 toMaker went out of business and we got his entire stockThats the great sensational feature we promised for today It would

require too much space to to give are so many differentlots and so many different styles in the Durrhas

We got the seasons latest Every waist fe new cleanfresh perfect in fit finish and workmanship

at a great deal less thanit is actually worthT-

HE 3LATT5RIALS are French Malls Sheer Persian Lawas Checkedand Plaid Dirakies Plaid and Striped Madras Chambray and Pure Linen

THE STYLES include a wide variety of effects in lingerie modelsfashionable tailored waists and shirts All have sleeves Somefasten front others In back Therell be R exciting time today In theWaist Section Second Floor

Take home with you

A Billy Possum 4

lispBilly Possums are hit of the

Inauguration and you should certainly 4

take one home with you as a soeveafcl U

Weve plenty in all sizes but call specialattention to the Billy Possum at L L-

It Is inches taU and is offered in fourgray grayaadwWto spot

ted and grayandwalte speckled All fwith tails and a splendid imitationof the real possum lU

Keep step with thenew styles inlow shoes

Every season has its new cuts itsnew lasts and new features that Astlnguish the latest from passe stylesYou will seed to keep right p to dse iathese new styles If tsp to the terma womaa of lOBTHESE ARE THE AUTHENTIC STYLiES

FOR 1S 9







Other uBIHy size12 inches to 21 and to

JfloorToy Section and 1st floor









Possums ranging InInches priced ap e

4934Ui I

yea liva

The 500 Pocahontas lowshoes our A AAprice iptfMVThese are made on the very sn p

pleat lasts and patterns They willappeal particularly to the youngwomen who desire smart footweexat a moderate price They includePumps Ankle Pumps Button Ox

fords Blucaer Oxfords Two Threeand Four Eyelet Ties Suede Twoeyelet Ties These are In gray andtans as well as black and here at adollar less than elsewhere

Our popular Kolonial linereceiving daily additions

and 3359The new styles are arriving fast

and we are prepared to thewast of almost any taste ia the

latest styles as followsANKLE PUMPS REGULAR


Also Button Oxfords with gray orblack cloth tore in all sizes

3 Imeet




Special for todayWomens 3 low shoes a j

Three styles of 300 Low Shoes will be sold at this specialprice today ThEY Gun Metal Calf Blucher Oxfords

Patent Colt Blucher Oxfords Tan Vici Kid Blucher OxfordsWe navE these in all sizes and widths every pair is guaranteed to

give satisfactory wear Second



u o




Give Entertainment inMount Pleasant

Representative HobsonUnion Sleeting Dr Hubble SpeaksIn Rhode Island Avenue Church

The Mount Pleasant Congregational Ju-

nior Endeavorers gave in entertainmentand social ia honor f their parents aMonday evening The programme as fol-

lows was received heartily Opening address Paul Frizzle piano duet Misses

Janet and Doris Little recitation RobertLynch Victor Kebler Kenneth Collinsand Ralph Dubois song Miss MaryThompson address Mr Fisbbiirn reci-

tation Florence Gibbon Mabel KeWerMargaret Flshborn Ruth Graf CoasuoteHawks May Thompson and Anita Burkett recitation Ruth Kebler song AnitaBurkett recitation Bertha Graf songConsuelo Hawks recitation Louise Steinberg song George Bliss recitation MaryBurkett My Country TIs of Thee wassung by all in closing the entertainmentand attention was then turned to a socialhalfhour and refreshments

Representative Richmond Pearson Hobson addressed the District Endeavorers intheir union meeting last Monday evening







About 259 young people were present MrHobsons subject was Patriotism andcharacter building

At the Rhode Isiaa Avenue MethodistProtestant Church Christian Endeavoreatlmsiastji was augmented by a rousing

oa Friday evening at which DrH a Rubble formerly fldd secretaryfor the chrIstina Endeavor la Ohio wasone of Ute speakers His theme was Theman who can Special music by Coagross street slid Rhode X aad avenue

of t 6

New ftScers were otectei February 21

to serve the H Street Chrfstiaa YoungPaeptes Jecidty Chrtetkui Endeavorsouthwest viz Mr A C

Mrs Thrift seorotary Miss Roaeh treasurer Miss CoraBaN raoa


Bclldin Site of 7OOO Square FeetChanges Hands On Lanier HeightsStone Fairfax recently sold the lot

ia Ontario rood opposite the Ontarioapartment house TIlls property has afrontage of m feet and Is of SatInm-shapo containing nearly IJKH square feetThe purchasers of this land are havingplans pr oared t improve it thisspring To the west of this lead CharlesW King Jr is now erecting nine brickresidences which contain all modern con-

veniences These houses will be com-pleted within the next thirty days


juniors was Interesting pertprogramme

PresidentMow president







420 to 426 Seventh St 417 to 425 Eighth St


We have about ISO of these Fine Silk Petticoats In BLACK ONLYwhich we secured from the Superior Silk Skirt Company of Philadelphiaa short time ago These are made of aa elegant of taffeta finishedwith circular flounce End ten rows of fine tuoks Lengths40 42 This is an actual 500 value and while they last today you can buy them at the special price of


289I2 89fIJ


