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Water Water is precious

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Page 1: Wasser Image rein engl (Page 1) - pergeysc.com · KSB continues to prove itself the best of neighbours. The tried, tested and optimized hydraulics of stan-dard Etanorm and Eta-R water

W a t e r

Water i s prec ious

Page 2: Wasser Image rein engl (Page 1) - pergeysc.com · KSB continues to prove itself the best of neighbours. The tried, tested and optimized hydraulics of stan-dard Etanorm and Eta-R water

... is the source and basis of all life – in our woods, in agriculture, and for

the millions of city dwellers throughout the world.




taste, nor flavour, undefinable, you are tasted without being known. You are not a necessi





e life its


Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Water …


Page 3: Wasser Image rein engl (Page 1) - pergeysc.com · KSB continues to prove itself the best of neighbours. The tried, tested and optimized hydraulics of stan-dard Etanorm and Eta-R water

A s t r e a m o f t h o u g h t s . . .

... 18 % of the world’s agricultural

surface is irrigated – and produces

40 % of the planet’s food

… fresh water makes up only 2.5 %

of the world’s water resources

... and only 0.28 % is available for

human consumption

… 40 % of the planet’s population

have to live with inadequate water


… 50 of KSB’s largest tubular casing

pumps could make the Rhine flow


Water is the elixir of life. It is the essence of our food. It brin

gsprosperity, security, quality of life and joie de vivre. Water makes flowers


d the desert come alive: www.ksb.com

B e n e f i t f r o m o u r s k i l l s

Profit from the know-how of a

world-leading producer and all-

round supplier of pumps, valves,

drive and automation technology,

and complex intelligent systems.

Our automation solutions optimize

and visualize your processes, and

ensure maximum system availabil-

ity. They also significantly reduce

life cycle costs (LCC).

KSB enables you to compare the

LCC of various pump systems. By

choosing the optimum version, you

can then lower the overall costs of

your plant.

As well as cutting expense, our

energy-saving techniques also play

an important role in your plant’s

environmental performance.

We offer tailor-made service – for

every plant operator: safeguard

your system against unscheduled




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System engineering

Fluid systems

Inspection service



Tube well pump


Volute casing pump


Tubular casing pump


Ring-section pump


Symmetric butterfly valve


Volute casing pump


Submersible borehole


ContentsC o m e t o t h e e x p e r t s f o r a l l y o u r n e e d s

Whether as submersible borehole,

multi-stage ring-section or volute

casing pumps, whether in vertical or

horizontal installation, our pumps

are in constant use in wells, pump

stations and water treatment plants.

Wherever water needs to be some-

where else, they master almost any

flow rate or head. Butterfly, globe,

gate and diaphragm valves round

off our extensive range.

Intelligent drives and system solu-

tions for virtually every size and

pressure rating all link up to keep

life flowing.

Every drop counts

Building servicesBuilding services


Power stationsPower stations

Water transportWater transportWater treatmentWater treatment

Water treatmentWater treatment







Ring-section pump


Symmetric butterfly valve

W a t e r e x t r a c t i o n 8/9

W a t e r t r e a t m e n t 10/11

W a t e r t r a n s p o r t 12/13

I r r i g a t i o n 14/15

D e s a l i n a t i o n 16/17

S y s t e m e n g i n e e r i n g 18

S e r v i c e 18

C e r t i f i c a t e s 19

Please consult


for our full range.


Page 5: Wasser Image rein engl (Page 1) - pergeysc.com · KSB continues to prove itself the best of neighbours. The tried, tested and optimized hydraulics of stan-dard Etanorm and Eta-R water

P o l e p o s i t i o n f o r w a t e r t r e a t m e n t :

E u r o p e ’ s l a r g e s t i n f i l t r a t i o n w a t e r

e x t r a c t i o n s t a t i o n

The locals lovingly call her “Big

Catherine“ – the largest of the

round stations that pump up

groundwater from beneath the

River Vistula in Warsaw, Poland.

Stage one of its journey to the

waterworks is the task of KSB’s

AMACAN series. Their 37 m head

at up to 1100 l/s supplies the Polish

capital’s entire Eastern Waterworks

and 30 % of its Central Utilities’

drinking water. Every reliable hour

of every hard-working day.

KSB’s intelligent control system

Hyamaster SPS optimizes pump

operation, minimizes component

wear and keeps energy costs down.

With flow rates of up to 1100 l/s and heads up to 37 m, KSB’s AMACAN series supplies Warsaw’s entire Eastern Waterworks and 30 % of its Central Utilities’ drinking water.

N e e d i n t e l l i g e n t d i a g n o s i s ?

M e e t P u m p E x p e r t

PumpExpert is a modular system

that keeps you permanently in the

picture on pump performance. With

“traffic lights” and direct display,

plus easy-to-follow instructions and

clear recommendations. And if you

want a long-term review of opera-

tional data, they are all available in

the internal log. A built-in infrared

connection lets you exchange data

easily with your PDA. And a field-

bus connection to the control

station can be installed at any time.

PumpExpert: The smoothest way to

stay in charge.



Page 6: Wasser Image rein engl (Page 1) - pergeysc.com · KSB continues to prove itself the best of neighbours. The tried, tested and optimized hydraulics of stan-dard Etanorm and Eta-R water

G o o d n e i g h b o u r s f o r o v e r a c e n t u r y :

K S B a n d t h e F r a n k e n t h a l w a t e r w o r k s , G e r m a n y

KSB’s headquarters are in

Frankenthal, in the Palatinate

region of Germany. After geohydro-

logical and chemical investigations

of the groundwater, the town

opened its first waterworks and a

water tower in June 1900. The first

well was just 15 meters deep. Over a

century on, the modern Frankenthal

utilities supply the surrounding area

with drinking water from 240

meters down. But the pump and

valve partner has stayed the same:

KSB continues to prove itself the

best of neighbours. The tried, tested

and optimized hydraulics of stan-

dard Etanorm and Eta-R water

pumps line up with ISORIA valves.

Together, these highly efficient

products ensure continuous, energy-

saving operations – plus the right

water-pressure for every user. And

our service specialists are on hand

round the clock to ensure their

home town always has what it needs

to drink.

The optimized hydraulic systems of our standardized water pump types Etanormand Eta-


her withvalves from our ISORIA range provide the high efficiencies required for cost-saving continuous operation.

S e a l i n g i s b e l i e v i n g

A M R I N G s y s t e m s

Absolute liner tightness is a pre-

requisite for the high reliability of

our AMRI butterfly valves. In our

own laboratories, we develop

special rubber formulations to suit

the most varied requirements.

That’s the KSB “seal” of quality –

with an ISO 9001 certificate to

match. By producing our own

rubber and liners, we ensure the

high quality of our valves right from

the start.

• Low abrasion loss

• Optimized valve operating torque

• Specific formulation to suit

widely-varying fluids



Page 7: Wasser Image rein engl (Page 1) - pergeysc.com · KSB continues to prove itself the best of neighbours. The tried, tested and optimized hydraulics of stan-dard Etanorm and Eta-R water

Getting water to Gaborone is a capital challenge – but Botswana trusts KSB pumps and valves like RDLO, Omega, Eta and MAMMOUTH to make it possible.

M A M M O U T H a n d m o r e f o r a m a m m o t h j o u r n e y :

L e t t i n g a n A f r i c a n c a p i t a l d r i n k

Water for the capital Gaborone

comes from the River Motloutse in

north-eastern Botswana. These vital

supplies need to flow 360 kilo-

meters through the Kalahari desert

and down to the country’s dry

south. This mammoth effort begins

with extraction from the dammed

reservoir. The water then passes

through a whole series of pump and

treatment stations, plus miles and

miles of pipeline. KSB helps make

this long and difficult journey

possible – with numerous RDLO,

Omega and Eta volute casing

pumps, Amarex series submersible

motor pumps and the aptly-named

MAMMOUTH butterfly valves.

Expertise, high-quality products,

perfect coordination and long

operational lives were all good

arguments for giving KSB this

daunting task. And our first-class

service on the spot was yet another.



A v o i d p r e s s u r e s u r g e s

Pressure surges are all kinds of

pressure changes, i. e. pressure

increases and decreases. The result

of pressure surges are dynamic

loads on piping, valves, pipe

fixtures, supports and system com-

ponents. Our experts have the

broad-based knowledge and ex-

perience required to analyse and

control transient flow phenomena.

We will be delighted to send you

our KSB know-how volume 1 con-

cerning pressure surges.

Just give us a call:

Tel. +49 (62 33) 86 38 66,

Torsten Schottler.

Top safety – right from the start.

Page 8: Wasser Image rein engl (Page 1) - pergeysc.com · KSB continues to prove itself the best of neighbours. The tried, tested and optimized hydraulics of stan-dard Etanorm and Eta-R water

P u m p i n g t h e r a i n t o t h e c a n e :

N e w l i f e i n S o u t h A f r i c a n f i e l d s

Got 300 hectares of fallow but

fertile land to spare? KSB can help

make life considerably sweeter.

The South African government

backed a project near Mkuze that

provides a livelihood for 70

families. They now harvest an

impressive 30 – 35,000 tonnes of

sugar cane from previously fallow

fields. The secret? 28 of KSB’s Eta

pumps, ranging from DN 150 to

DN 300. They pump water from the

distant Pongolapoort Dam into an

extensive piping and spray irri-

gation system. 60 new jobs are the


And KSB’s modular design system

from DN 25 to DN 400 keeps

maintenance and spare parts storage

to a minimum.

Water difference: 28 Eta volute casing pumps from DN 150 to DN 300 help farmers grow sugar cane on 300 prev






C o n v i n c i n g t e c h n o l o g y f o r s t a t e -

o f - t h e - a r t p l a n t e n g i n e e r i n g

Our modular product range allows

optimal customizing to the exact

requirements of your plant. A full-

load test of the pumps in the

manufacturing plants guarantees

top operating reliability.

The precise, computer-aided cus-

tomizing of all products to the

corresponding system conditions

cuts energy costs and allows low-

wear operation.

Page 9: Wasser Image rein engl (Page 1) - pergeysc.com · KSB continues to prove itself the best of neighbours. The tried, tested and optimized hydraulics of stan-dard Etanorm and Eta-R water


M S F : T h e m u l t i - s t a g e f l a s h p r o c e s s

The rapid evaporation process for

fresh water production. Seawater is

heated and condensed in a multi-

tude of stages.

• 70 % fresh water fraction

• Ideal for large flow rates

R O : T h e r e v e r s e o s m o s i s p r o c e s s

During this process, seawater is

pumped under very high pressure

through selectively permeable

membranes. The salt present in the

water is extracted.

• 35 - 40 % fresh water fraction

• Modern energy recovery systems

can save more than half the

energy costs

M E D : T h e m u l t i p l e e f f e c t

d i s t i l l a t i o n p r o c e s s

To produce fresh water, seawater is

evaporated and condensed at low

temperatures and pressures in

multiple modules.

• 70 % fresh water fraction

• Provides highly pure water with

less than 10 mg/l of dissolved

solids (TDS)

KSB offers a full range of products

for every method.

T h r e e p r o c e s s e s – o n e g o a l

H o w t h e G a r d e n C i t y l i v e s w i t h o u t c l o u d s :

A l T a w e e l a h , U A E , i s a d e s a l i n a t i o n g i a n t

Abu Dhabi is the cosmopolitan

capital of the United Arab Emirates

(UAE) – and has been dubbed “the

Gulf’s Garden City”. Yet with just

100 mm of rain per year, it is one of

the driest places on earth. Abu

Dhabi owes its drinking water – and

the green delights of over three

million palm-trees and shrubs – to

Al Taweelah. Situated 80 km to the

north, this is the world’s largest

desalination plant.

Which has all got a lot to do with

KSB: 18 of our SEZ tubular casing

pump units keep Al Taweelah

supplied with 19,300 m3/h of

seawater. (That’s 5360 litres every

second). The units each weigh some

51 tonnes and are 18.5 meters tall.

Also at the heart of Al Taweelah are

more than 1300 AMRI butterfly

valves from DN 80 to 2000. And

our service specialists on site keep

everything running, day and night.

Where blue minus whiteeq


en: KSB supplied

the Al Taweelah desalination plant with steam boiler pumps, seawater extraction pumps, circulation pumps for salt solutions and seawater, condensate pumps, water pumps and symmetric butterfly valves.


D u p l e x s t e e l

S t e e l s o m e m o r e y e a r s o f p r o d u c t l i f e

We invest over € 20 million in

Research & Development every

year. In our laboratories, our

product materials are under

constant review. Why? To ensure

the high quality standards you have

come to expect from KSB. Duplex

steel is just one innovation that

significantly increases our products'

operating lives.

The convincing advantages of weld-

ed duplex:

• Cavitation resistant

• No cathodic protection required

• Erosion and corrosion resistant

• Resistant to stress corrosion


Page 10: Wasser Image rein engl (Page 1) - pergeysc.com · KSB continues to prove itself the best of neighbours. The tried, tested and optimized hydraulics of stan-dard Etanorm and Eta-R water

System engineering

C e r t i f i c a t e s

KSB has been meeting the strictest

quality assurance standards for

years – and is ISO 9001 certified.

KSB products’ suitability for

drinking water use is registered with

key certifiers around the world.

These include:


Nr. NW-6201AQ2398

• WRAS: Water Regulations

Advisory Scheme

• BELGAQUA: Fédération Belge

des Distributeurs d'eau ASBL

For current tec

hnical literature, typical tenders and product photos of our pumps and valves please visit www.ksb.com/productcatalogue

W e ’ r e h a p p y t o t a k e r e s p o n s i -

b i l i t y f r o m t h e w o r d g o …

... both for your process as whole,

and for every imaginable task in-

volved in building or revamping a

water transport system. And if you

would like us to, we will plan tailor-

made all-in solutions with drives

and intelligent systems. We can also

take your project right through to

turnkey completion and commis-

sioning. Knowing it’s all in the same

good hands gives you peace of mind

– and lets you concentrate on your

key goals.

ServiceR e g u l a r i n s p e c t i o n s f o r

h i g h s y s t e m a v a i l a b i l i t y

To ensure the smooth operation of

your plant, our service engineers

check, monitor and service all

important plant components

regularly. Based on an inspection

schedule agreed with you, our

experts inspect your pumps and

valves – including non-KSB prod-

ucts – as well as your system with

state-of-the art electronic diagnosis

equipment. And when they're

finished, a function check or test run

is performed.

More than 1400 KSB service

specialists work for you around the

world – 24 hours a day.

• High system availability through

early failure detection

• Excellent operating reliability

because parts are replaced before

they wear out

• All-in-one package – no

coordination work for you

• Early failure avoidance makes for

high savings potential

• Substantial increase in service


• Considerably reduced life cycle

costs (LCC)

• Competent technical advice



is life

Page 11: Wasser Image rein engl (Page 1) - pergeysc.com · KSB continues to prove itself the best of neighbours. The tried, tested and optimized hydraulics of stan-dard Etanorm and Eta-R water

System engineering

C e r t i f i c a t e s

KSB has been meeting the strictest

quality assurance standards for

years – and is ISO 9001 certified.

KSB products’ suitability for

drinking water use is registered with

key certifiers around the world.

These include:


Nr. NW-6201AQ2398

• WRAS: Water Regulations

Advisory Scheme

• BELGAQUA: Fédération Belge

des Distributeurs d'eau ASBL

W a t e r i s l i f e

Earth, sun and water

will bring these seeds to life.

Somebody else

got to these ones first?

Just call +49 (62 33) 86 32 22,

and Eva Meiswinkel

will be delighted to send you

a bag of your own.

For current tec

hnical literature, typical tenders and product photos of our pumps and valves please visit www.ksb.com/productcatalogue

W e ’ r e h a p p y t o t a k e r e s p o n s i -

b i l i t y f r o m t h e w o r d g o …

... both for your process as whole,

and for every imaginable task in-

volved in building or revamping a

water transport system. And if you

would like us to, we will plan tailor-

made all-in solutions with drives

and intelligent systems. We can also

take your project right through to

turnkey completion and commis-

sioning. Knowing it’s all in the same

good hands gives you peace of mind

– and lets you concentrate on your

key goals.

ServiceR e g u l a r i n s p e c t i o n s f o r

h i g h s y s t e m a v a i l a b i l i t y

To ensure the smooth operation of

your plant, our service engineers

check, monitor and service all

important plant components

regularly. Based on an inspection

schedule agreed with you, our

experts inspect your pumps and

valves – including non-KSB prod-

ucts – as well as your system with

state-of-the art electronic diagnosis

equipment. And when they're

finished, a function check or test run

is performed.

More than 1400 KSB service

specialists work for you around the

world – 24 hours a day.

• High system availability through

early failure detection

• Excellent operating reliability

because parts are replaced before

they wear out

• All-in-one package – no

coordination work for you

• Early failure avoidance makes for

high savings potential

• Substantial increase in service


• Considerably reduced life cycle

costs (LCC)

• Competent technical advice


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W e l o o k f o r w a r d t o h e a r i n g f r o m y o u .

Your local KSB representative:

Competence Center Water (pumps)

KSB Aktiengesellschaft

Johann-Klein-Str. 9

67227 Frankenthal (Germany)

Tel. +49 (62 33) 86 22 05

Fax +49 (62 33) 86 34 58

[email protected]

Competence Center Water (valves)


Z.I. de Gagnaire-Fonsèche

24490 La Roche Chalais (France)

Tel. +33 (5) 53 92 45 47

Fax +33 (5) 53 92 44 05

[email protected]