water foot printing identifying and addressing water risks in the value chain

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footprintingidentifying & addressing Water

risks in the value chain

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 Abu SABMll plc:  As one o the world’s largest brewing companies, SABMiller has brewing interests

and distribution agreements across six continents. Our wide portolio o brands includes premium

international beers such as Pilsner Urquell, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Miller Genuine Drat and Grolsch

along with leading local brands such as Aguila, Castle, Miller Lite, Snow and Tyskie. Six o our brands

are among the top 50 in the world. In a number o our Arican markets we brew sorghum-based

traditional beers. In 2009 our group revenue was US$25,302 million with earnings beore interest, tax

and amortisation o US$4,129 million and lager production o 210 million hectolitres. We are also one

o the world’s largest bottlers o Coca-Cola products. In addition to our Coca-Cola operations, we produce

and bottle a range o sot drinks including Appletiser. In 2009 we produced 44.3 million hectolitres o 

sot drinks – sparkling drinks, water, ruit juices and malt beverages – making up 17% o total volumes.

SABMiller is a partner o the Water Footprint Network (WFN).

 Abu WWF-UK: WWF is the world’s leading environmental organisation ounded in 1961. WWF-UK 

is one o nearly 50 ofces around the world. Using our unique combination o practical experience,knowledge and credibility, our 300-strong sta work with governments, businesses and communities

both here in the UK and around the world so that people and nature thrive within their air share o the

planet’s natural resources. In 2007/8 WWF-UK spent £42m on our work; most o our income comes rom

our dedicated members and supporters. WWF is a partner o the Water Footprint Network.

While this document has been co-authored and jointly released by SABMiller plc and WWF-UK, this does not imply that

either organisation approves o, or supports, the views and/or activities that the other may have on other issues outside

the scope o this report.


exeCUtive SUMMAry 01

1.0 introdUCtion 02

1.1 The water ootprint network 02

1.2 Objectives o this report 02

2.0 WAter CHALLenGeS & oPPortUnitieS 04

2.1 Why is water dierent? 04

2.2 Water–related business risks 06

2.3 SABMiller’s approach to water management 07

2.4 WWF’s view o water ootprinting 07

3.0 A BACKGroUnd to WAter FootPrintinG 08

4.0 CASe StUdy MetHodoLoGy 10

4.1 Defnitions o water ootprint terms 12

4.2 Considering the dierent aspects o water

ootprint methodology 12

5.0 CASe StUdieS 14

5.1 SAB Ltd – South Arica 14

5.2 Water pricing in South Arica 15

5.3 Plzenský Prazdroj – Czech Republic 16

5.4 Comparison between the South Arican and

Czech Republic water ootprints 17

6.0 ConSiderinG tHe BUSineSS iMPLiCAtionS 21

6.1 Local action plans 21

6.2 Water policy 22

6.3 Business value o water ootprinting 22

7.0 tHe FUtUre For WAter FootPrintS 23

7.1 Methodology improvement 23

7.2 Impact analysis 23

7.3 Looking to the uture 24

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Executive summary

WWF and SABMiller are both pioneers in the use o 

water ootprints to understand ecological and business

risks. Both are partners o the Water Footprint Network

(WFN) and publish this report as a contribution to

improve the use and utility o water ootprints.

The report provides a detailed insight into the learning

o WWF and SABMiller, who worked together withconsultancy URS Corporation to undertake water

ootprints o the beer value chain in South Arica and

the Cech Republic. It discusses what the water oot-

print results in both countries mean or SABMiller’s

businesses and their action plans in response to the

indings. This study looks beyond the basic water

ootprint numbers and considers where the resource

is used and the context o its use – in particular by

considering water use or dierent agricultural crops

in the context o specic water catchments.

The water ootprints or two respective SABMiller

operations in the Cech Republic and South Arica

were very similar in terms o the percentage split

between dierent users in the value chain, with crop

production dominating water usage, averaging over

90% o the ootprint. In terms o actual quantitative

ootprint, the South Arican ootprint at 155 litres o 

water per litre o beer (l/l) was signiicantly higher

than the Cech Republic ootprint at 45l/l. The diering

country temperature (evapo-transpiration) proiles,

greater reliance on irrigated crops in South Arica and

the larger proportion o imported agricultural raw

materials lowing into SAB Ltd, SABMiller’s South

 Arican business, rom countries where crop water

consumption is higher, were the main reasons or the

 volume dierences.

Water footprinting is becoming a popular

Way of understanding the total Water input

to consumer products such as beverages,

food and clothes. Just as the carbon

footprint concept has assisted businesses

 and consumers in understanding the level

of greenhouse gas emissions created by

their activities, so Water footprinting

is creating aWareness of hoW and Where

this precious resource is used.

Water ootprinting is primarily ocused on quantita-

tive water supply issues. However, the example o the

Cech Republic provided in this report also shows that

quality issues can be identiied and addressed using

water ootprinting.

 As this report shows, water ootprints can dier enor-mously between agricultural growth regions depending

on the amount o rainall that a region receives.

There is also signicant complexity in calculating the

impact o one water ootprint versus another on the

environment and on communities. Thereore, whilst

good or consumer awareness, water ootprints are

not yet eective tools or helping consumers choose

between dierent products. Over time, and as meth-

odologies mature and become more standardised,

this may change. For now, the numbers are helping

businesses and other water users to understand more

ully how best to operate within the context o thewater environment.

I water ootprinting is applied well it can be very

useul rom a business perspective, helping identiy the

scale o water use in water-scarce areas and the poten-

tial business risks that arise. The key test o a water

ootprint is whether it helps a business to take better

operational decisions concerning how it manages its

plants, how it works with suppliers and how it engages

with governments, to reduce business risk and improve

environmental sustainability.

To this end, a water ootprint must not only look at thetotal water use in litres o water per unit o product

across the value chain, but must also consider where

that water is used, what proportion that water use

represents o the total resource in that area, and

whether this proportion o water use presents risks to

the environment, to communities, or to business, now

or in the uture. To undertake such a detailed approach

adds complexity to the process, but adds immeasurably

to the water ootprint assessment.

Water ootprinting methodologies are continually being

rened. This report presents a number o innovations

in the methodology which are recommended or consid-

eration by the WFN and others keen to understand the

total water impact o their products’ value chains and

the risks this may present to their business.

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These water ootprints have been undertaken very

recently and are published in a spirit o transparency.

SABMiller is now in the process o engaging with

agricultural suppliers on the insights provided by

these water ootprints and building partnerships, mostnotably with WWF, to address the issue s discussed in

this report. As a result this report should be considered

as a work in progress.

Many WWF reshwater programmes around the world

are ocused on protecting basic ecosystem unctioning

through the maintenance o minimum environmental

lows. These programmes are increasingly being

 Agriculture contributes a high proportion to the overall water ootprint o products rom the ood and beverage industry

Unless water management improves signicantly, we

will ace major challenges in securing enough water

to support the growing world population, to underpin

economic growth and to meet environmental needs.

To date, the track record on managing water sustain-

ably – almost anywhere in the world – is poor. For most

governments water management is not, in practice, a

priority, and societies largely ail to value and govern

their reshwater resources adequately. Thus, despite

signicant strides in legislation and water-eciency

technology in recent years, water scarcity and water

pollution continue to be all too common occurrences.

In parallel, as a result o a better awareness o the

water challenge, there is a rapid increase in private

sector recognition o the importance o water or the

wellbeing o society, the growth o the economy and theprotection o the environment. Numerous reports and

activities around water have emerged, while business

orums such as the UN Global Compact’s CEO Water

Mandate and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have

helped to distil these important debates, and organisa-

tions such as the Water Footprint Network (WFN) and

the Alliance or Water Stewardship (AWS) have been

established to help measure and set standards around

water use.

1.1 Th Wat Footpnt Ntwok

In 2008, WWF and SABMiller became partners o the

WFN, a body established to promote the transition

towards sustainable, air and ecient use by reshwater

resources worldwide by:

. advancing the concept o the ‘water ootprint’,

a spatially and temporally explicit indicator o direct

and indirect water use by consumers and producers;

. increasing the water ootprint awareness o commu-

nities, government bodies and businesses and their

understanding o how consumption o goods and

services and production chains relate to water use

and impacts on reshwater systems; and

.encouraging orms o water governance that

reduce the negative ecological and social impacts

o the water ootprints o communities, countries

and businesses.

Through this organisation numerous companies are

testing the methods o the water ootprint and applying

them to their operations. Over time, these indings

will improve the methods and build up water ootprint

impact assessments or more detailed analysis.

1.2 Ojcts o ths pot

The report provides a detailed insight into the

learning o two water ootprint pioneers, WWF and

SABMiller, who worked together with consultancy URS

Corporation to undertake water ootprints o the beer

 value chain in South Arica and the Cech R epublic.

 A water ootprint is only useul when it inor ms better

decision making. In the context o a business, this

means enabling the business to take a better decision

regarding how it manages it plants, how it works with

suppliers, or how it engages with governments on

policy issues.

The report discusses what the water ootprint results

in South Arica and the Cech Republic mean or

SABMiller’s businesses and their action plans in

response to the ndings. This study looks beyond the

basic water ootprint numbers and considers where the

resource is used and the context o its use – in partic-

ular by considering water use or dierent agricultural

crops in the context o specic water catchments.

very feW activities occur in the World

today that do not rely on freshWater in one

Way or another. Whether this is personal

sustenance, basic hygiene, groWing crops,

producing energy, manufacturing goods or

maintaining ecosystems to keep the earth

in balance – human beings are inextricably

linked to freshWater.

Unless water management improves signicantly,

we will ace major challenges in securing enough

water to support the growing world population,

to underpin economic growth and to meet

environmental needs.

implemented in partnership with governments,

businesses and other stakeholders, and the assess-

ment o water ootprints is integral or the delivery

o these goals.

WWF and SABMiller hope that this report will be a

useul contribution to the growing debate around water


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Figure 1:  ANNuAl reNeWAble WATer AvAilAbiliTy (Wri)

2.0 Waterchallenges &


Figure 2: WATer riSKS

Government risk

Civil soCiety risk












In agriculture the level o rainall has a direct impact

on the need or irrigation. In some developing coun-

tries or example, irrigation can account or over 90%

o water taken rom natural resources. Compare this to

the United Kingdom, where until recently agricultureaccounted or approximately 3% o total water usage2.

As a global average however, approximately 8% o 

water is used domestically, 22% by industry and 70%

by agriculture.

According to the World Resources Institute (WRI)3,

the term ‘Water stress’ is used when there is not

enough water or agricultural, industrial or domestic

needs all to be met. An area is said to experience

water stress when annual per capita renewable resh-

water availability is less than 1,700 cubic meters,

on either an occasional or a persistent basis. ‘ Water

scarcity’ is used when availability alls below 1,000 cubic

meters, which can usually seriously impact economic

development and human health (see Figure 1 on page 5) .

Current estimates indicate that by 2025 water stress

will be a reality or hal the world’s population. This in

turn will mean higher water prices refecting scarcity,

competition or water, and changing water allocations

between the three categories o user group. It will also

require that all companies measure, monitor and reduce

their water use needs and impacts on society and the

environment. Compounding the issue is the act that

most deinitions ail to take adequate account o the

environmental needs or water, in other words they do

not actor in the need or minimum fows to maintain

ecosystems and ecosystem services. This means thatavailability may in act be over-estimated.

2.1 Wh s wat dnt?Water is undoubtedly a complex resource or a number

o reasons. Unlike carbon, another undamental and

interlinked global challenge to manage, the impacts

and issues around water are very local, historically

within the connes o the watersheds and river basins

o speciic geographical locations. However this is

beginning to change through man-made interventions

such as inter-basin transers and, much more signi-

cantly, the movement o virtual (embedded) water

between nations, causing a reliance on water manage-

ment many miles away rom where the virtual water is

eventually consumed.

the distribution of freshWater across

the globe is very uneven in terms of

both space and time. Just nine countries

possess 60% of global freshWater

supplies1. rainfall levels differ not

only betWeen countries, but betWeen

regions of countries, from season to

season and from year to year. climate

change is expected to exacerbate this

variability and increase unpredictability.

1 These are Brail, Russia, China, Canada, Indonesia, U.S, India, Colombia andthe Democratic Republic o Congo


3 WRI, ‘Will there be enough water?’ Revenga, C., EarthTrends, October 2000,www.earthtrends.wri.org

key (cubc p p p ):

No data


 500 – 1,000

 1,000 – 1,700

 1,700 – 4,000

 4,000 – 10,000


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06 07

Connected to this is the variability o water over time.

For example, water availability varies year on year due

to changing meteorological conditions and countries

can vary between the extremes o drought and food.

This variability is likely to increase with the onset

o climate change.

Importantly, water has not only an economic utility

but also signicant social and environmental utilities

which separate it rom a number o other resources

we rely on. This social utility can include meetingbasic human needs, recreational use and may stretch

to signiicant spiritual connotations. Healthy water

ecosystems underpin unctioning economies, through

provisioning services’ such as aquier recharge, sh

supplies and transport routes, ‘regulating services’ or

ecosystem services such as water purication, stream

fow mediation and options or adaptation to climate

change. As such, there are no straightorward or ‘one

sie ts all’ solutions to water problems and each issue

has to be dealt with in the context o its local setting.

Finally the utility o water varies between users and

between countries. Refecting the point above, dierent

users place a dierent economic and social value on

water resources, oten tied to the net availability and

quality o the resources in a given location. Hence

a cubic metre o water in South Arica may have a

very dierent value to a cubic metre o water in the

Cech Republic.

2.2 Wat–atd snss sks

Water-related business risks emanate rom changes to

the resource in terms o quality or quantity. Risks then

maniest themselves in reputational impacts, costs,regulatory changes and ultimately the bottom line.

Water is not only used at the primary manuacturing

site but rather touches the entire value chain with

varying degrees o intensity. Now more than ever, there

is a convincing case to be made or a comprehensive

approach to water management that not only looks at

internal processes but also considers the supply chains

that companies source rom and the communities and

ecosystems these activities interact with.

Being aware o and understanding the water challenges

they ace undoubtedly allows businesses to make better

management decisions and provides the platorm to

engage with a broader set o stakeholders to address

issues outside their direct sphere o infuence. These

challenges include:

W cc

Current physical water scarcity is more oten a actor

o geographic location as opposed to a new global

shortage o water. This is oten exacerbated by poor

water management and allocation which results in

inecient water use, and a lack o water allocated to

 vulnerable communities and environmental needs.

Scarcity can also imply economic water scarcity, where

water resources are available but accessing them is

nancially prohibitive. Looking orward, water short-

ages are likely to spread due to increasing demands

rom a growing global population, unsustainable with-

drawal rates, diiculty in inding new supplies and

changing climatic and precipitation patterns.

Cp w uc

 As water availability declines per capita and existing

resources are required to satisy a broader range o 

needs, competition or water rights can materialise. In

such cases local authorities are required to balance the

needs o domestic, industrial and agricultural consump-

tion together with considering the requirements to

maintain ecosystem services.

Dcg w qu

In a number o regions o the world, the quality o 

reshwater resources is declining rapidly. There are

numerous causes o this, such as discharge rom indus-

trial sites, agricultural run-o, sedimentation due to

land clearance activities, saline intrusion o coastal

aquiers and the reduced ability o watercourses to

assimilate pollutants due to decreased stream fow. This

can lead to greater water treatment costs to meet the

quality requirements required or production o goods.

sc d w d cw bu

Community interaction with water will play an

important role going orward, particularly in regions

where water scarcity is already being elt. The ability

o companies to work in isolation is no longer a valid

proposition as community groups are increasingly

exercising their rights to question water allocation and

actual/perceived abuse o water resources by compa-

nies. Business will be required not only to ensure that

their acilities are being optimally run in terms o water

usage but also to ensure that their activities are trans-

parent to the local community with open channels o 

communication. Figure 2 (page 5) highlights the rela-

tionship between businesses, government and society

to explain where risks emanate.

2.3 SAbM’s appoach to wat manamnt

SABMiller recognises these risks and the importance

o water in their production and supply chains, making

water one o SABMiller’s top sustainable develop-

ment priorities. As a ounding signatory o the United

Nations CEO Water Mandate, SABMiller recognises that

we have a responsibility to promote responsible water

use throughout our operations, and to encourage our

suppliers to do the same. We have invested signicant

management time at local and global level in under-

standing the challenges o water scarcity and quality

and what they may mean or our business, but there is

more to do.

SABMiller has set itsel the demanding target o 

reducing its own operational water use per litre o 

beer by 25% by 2015. This initiative will reduce the

company’s consumption to an average o 3.5 litres o 

water to make a litre o beer. In 2008 this gure was

4.6 litres; the industry average is 5 litres.

SABMiller also recognises that water issues are bynature cross-community and cross boundary, and

cannot thereore be managed simply within the ence

lines o our own operations. Thereore we engage in

local dialogues on water issues, we contribute to public

policy discussions to ensure that governments manage

water resources eciently and sustainably and we aim

to report our use and management o water issues

transparently. Solutions to local water challenges are

usually best provided through partnerships with NGOs,

communities, local governments and other businesses,

and we will strive to build long-term sustainable part-

nerships to tackle local water issues.

Most importantly, the water ootprints d etailed in this

report reveal that the vast majority o water used in the

 value chain o a litre o beer is used in the agricultural

Business will be required to not only ensure that

their acilities are being optimally run in terms o 

water usage but also ensure that their activities

are transparent to the local community with open

channels o communication.

cultivation phase. Whilst this is ultimately the respon-

sibility o the armers themselves, it is a priority to

understand which agricultural areas ace risks o water

scarcity and to work with armers to encourage them

to use water more eciently.

2.4 WWF’s w o wat ootpntn

WWF irst began research in water ootprints back

in 2006. At that time we were ocused on linking

production site impacts with consumer choice, but

quickly became aware o how this could be used not

 just or advocacy but or business audiences. WWF-UK 

launched a UK Water Footprint report in 2008, and

WWF network oces will launch other country studies

in key areas around the world. This work has now

led to innovative partnerships with government and

business audiences to assess and track water use, envi-

ronmental and social impacts and risks along supply

chains. Ultimately many tools will be required, as a

water ootprint by itsel does not provide all answers

or solutions, but provides a better understanding o absolute volumetric needs, the opportunity costs o 

the water used, and the impacts to environments and

people that could become material risks.

For WWF-UK, this work is not seen as the total picture,

but rather as an extremely important irst step in

understanding the role that businesses can play to

support better management o scarce water resources.

For companies it begins to tell an important story o 

dependence and risk, and together we believe we can

bring about the type o changes necessary or delivery

o sustainable and equitable water management.

Figure 3: SAbMiller 5r WATer MODel

The ‘5 Rs’ enable each o our operations around the world to ocus on specic issues upstream, downstream and within our operations:




Pc: Infuence armers to ensureresponsible water use and understandthe watersheds within which we operatebreweries and bottling plants. Whereappropriate replenish water resourcesthrough rainwater harvesting andgroundwater recharge.


R EDUCE R E-USER ECYCLErduc: Employ new processes and changebehaviour to reduce water consumption inour plants whilst achieving the same highquality o product.

r-u: Collect waste water streams withinacilities and re-use appropriately.

rcc: Investigate and employ newtechnologies to recycle later or appropriateuse within the plant.


rdbu:Provide local communitieswith clean water through communityinvestment programmes and treat wastewater so it can be used or irrigation orother purposes.


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3.0 A background towater footprinting

environmental footprinting has been

groWing for a number of years, in

particular With the development of value

chain carbon footprint tools in the last

three years.

Many consumer goods businesses, including SABMiller,

have undertaken detailed carbon ootprints o specic

products such as beer, carbonated sot drinks, ruit

uices and potato chips. Given the growing awareness

o water scarcity, water ootprints have been considered

as a natural next step, although there are important


A water ootprint has been deined as: ‘An indicator

o water use that looks at both the direct and indirect

water use o a consumer or producer. The water oot-print o an individual, community or business is dened

as the total volume o reshwater that is used to produce

the goods and services consumed by the individual or

community or produced by the business. Water use is

measured in terms o water volumes consumed (evapo-

rated) and/or polluted per unit o time.’

A water ootprint can be calculated or any well-dened

group o consumers (e.g. an individual, amily, village,

city, province, state or nation) or producers (e.g. a

public organisation, private enterprise or economic

sector). The water ootprint is a geographically explicit

indicator, not only showing volumes o water use and

pollution, but also the locations.’4

The water ootprint concept, developed by Hoekstra and

Chapagain (2002), was introduced as a consumption-

based indicator o water use or products and services.

This provided a better indication o water demand

than suggested by national statistics on water use in

dierent sectors (e.g. agricultural, industry, drinking

water). The water ootprint o a product or service has

two components: use o water resources originating

rom within the country or organisation o produc-

tion (internal) and the use o water related to imported

goods and services (external).

The concept o a water ootprint is closely linked to the

 virtual water concept, introduced by Allan (1996, 1998).

 Virtual water is dened as the volume o water required

to produce a commodity or service. Allan developed

this concept as a way to conceptualise water scarcity inthe Middle-East region, where high imports o virtual

water in ood help to alleviate water scarce resources

within these countries.

 A water ootprint can be applied at dierent scales.

For example, Hoekstra and Chapagain (2002) devel-

oped a method or calculating the water ootprint

o a nation based on the consumption pattern o its

people. Chapagain et al (2005) developed a global water

ootprint or cotton consumption rom crop growth

through garment production, import and export

patterns and waste disposal. Many organisations

have developed an estimate o the water ootprint or

individual items, including beer. The Water Footprint

Network website contains a calculated ootprint

o 300 litres o water or one litre o beer, while

The water ootprint o an individual, community or

business is dened as the total volume o reshwater

that is used to produce the goods and services consumed

by the individual or community or produced by the

business. Water use is measured in terms o water

 volumes consumed (evaporated) and/or polluted per

unit o time.

Cranield University (2008) calculated one litre o 

beer as requiring 200 litres o water. Given this vari-

ance and the degree o estimation used in these

igures, SABMiller decided to undertake detailed

water ootprints or two o its operations to test the


This report raises a number o questions which are

relevant to the debate on broader environmental oot-

print or consumer products. These questions include:

1. What can a ootprint tell us about the impact on

natural ecosystems o manuacturing and consuming

a product?

2. What is the principal value o a ootprint exercise?

To understand value chains better, to reduce busi-

ness risk, or to improve transparency?

3. I a ootprint sends a clear message regarding envi-

ronmental damage or risk, what can practically be

done about it, and who is responsible? And how

much inluence do consumers, manuacturers or

campaign groups have?

4. What are the key variables in a ootprint gure and

how oten do they change? What does this mean or

the provision o reliable data or dierent purposes?

Dry cracked earth near a river level gauging station

© Brent Stirton/Getty Images/WWF-UK 

4 www.waterootprint.org

Rice paddies © Simon de Trey-White/WWF-UK 

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Cp Cu 

The water ootprint is calculated on the raw materials

used, direct water use in growing crops, the water

related to the energy use o arm machinery and irri-

gation systems and the transport o the crops to the

crop processing acilities. The water ootprint does not

include the water used in the manuacture o the arm

machinery, the irrigation equipment or the vehicles

used to transport the crops.

 Cp Pcg

The water ootprint covers the raw materials (including

the importing o crops), the direct water use and the

water related to the energy used in the processing o 

the crops as well as the transportation to the seven

breweries. The water ootprint does not include thewater used in the manuacture o the equipment or

 vehicles used in the processing and transport o the

processed crops.

Bwg d Bg

The water ootprint covers the direct water use, water

in the manuacture o the other raw materials, water in

relation to the recycling o bottles and water related to

packaging (including bottle labelling). The water oot-

print does not include water used in the manuacture o 

any o the equipment in the brewery.

 W Dp

The water ootprint covers the recycling o cans, bottles

and kegs but not the manuacture o the equipment

used in this process.

4.0 Case studymethodology

The key aspects o the calculations were:

  provision o data sets on each stage o the value

chain rom SABMiller and its business partners;

inlling o data gaps through literature review and

internet searches; and

development o a method to calculate direct and

indirect water use, using standard techniques

such as the UN Food and Agricultural method tocalculate crop water requirements and the use o 

liecycle inventories.

The water ootprint starts with the cultivation o the

crops and ollows all the processes through to bottle

recycling. It does not, however, include water use by

consumers (or example, washing out a beer glass)

as this is considered to be relatively minimal in the

context o the overall ootprint and there is very little

existing data to estimate water use in this regard. It

is important to note that the water ootprint covers

only ‘operational’ water use. In other words it does

not include the embedded water used in the creation

o the inrastructure associated with each stage in the

process, such as the manuacture o any machinery

used. The key components are (see Figure 4, page 11) :

the Water footprints in the case studies

that folloW are based on the business

Water footprint accounting methodology

as developed by gerbens-leenes and

hoekstra (2008).

Figure 4: vAlue CHAiN APPrOACH TO WATer FOOTPriNTiNg




 CroP GroWth 





 CroP imPorts

 DireCtWater Use


Figure 5: TyPeS OF WATer














 raW materials


 DireCtWater Use







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4.1 Dfntons o wat ootpnt tms

In the development o a water ootprint three types

o water are assessed: green water, blue water and

grey water. The most up-to-date denitions have been

provided by Gerbens-Leenes and Hoekstra (2008)

as ollows:

The ‘green’ component reers to the water evapo-

rated through crop growth that originates rom

soil moisture (rom rainall). This is relevant toagricultural products (barley, maie and hops or

beer production). The evaporative loss is included as

a component part o the water ootprint because a

signicant proportion o the water would be avail-

able to other water users (e.g. groundwater reserves,

ecological eatures) i the crops were not, in act,

grown. Although the evaporation may be a resource

available to other users, it has been assumed that

such a loss is not available to the area on immedi-

ately downstream o the area in which the crops are

grown and it is, thereore, considered a water use.

Throughout this report we reer to ‘net’ green, which

is the dierence between water taken up by the

natural vegetation o a given area and the crop being

grown (see page 23 or a detailed explanation).

In crop production, the ‘blue’ component reers to

the water evaporated through crop growth that

originates rom surace or groundwater. This is more

easily thought o as the irrigation water that is not

returned to either the surace or groundwater envi-

ronment. For the production o a product (e.g. beer)

this is deined as the amount o water withdrawn

rom groundwater and surace water that does notreturn to the system rom which it came.

The ‘grey’ component reers to the volume o 

polluted water associated with the production o 

goods and services, quantiied as the volume o 

water that is required to dilute pollutants to such

an extent that the quality o the ambient water

remains above agreed water quality standards. For

crop production this would be the volume o dilution

to reduce to agreed standards nitrate and phosphate

(ertiliser) levels and pesticide levels leaching rom

soils. For industrial production this is the dilution o 

efuent quality to agreed standards, although this is

complicated by the use o downstream municipal

treatment plants.

  The distinction between green and blue water is

extremely important, particularly in crop production

given the signicant dierences in the management

o rain-ed agriculture and irrigated agriculture. It

also highlights the various ‘opportunity costs’ o 

water use. Green water generally has a lower oppor-

tunity cost than river and lake water, which has

numerous other utilities in society. Understanding

this prole breakdown is important in areas where

water competition is high, costs are increasing and

rainall is decreasing or where the suitability o crop

growth is under question.

Green and blue water are considered direct consump-

tive use while grey water is an indirect consumption.

Each stage o beer production could have two or three

dierent components o green, blue or grey water.

However, it would be ineasible to attempt to calcu-

late all components or all activities. For some o the

components in the production process (e.g. transpor-

tation, energy consumption, smaller quantities o raw

materials), a virtual water ootprint has been developed

rom literature and internet sources. This virtual (or

‘embedded’) water ootprint is eectively the total o 

green and blue (generally blue). It does not include

grey water.

4.2 Consdn th dnt aspctso wat ootpnt mthodoo

Whilst both case studies detailed below used a consis-

tent methodology to ensure comparability, we also

used each case to test other dimensions o the water

ootprint. The South Arican case study collected water

cost inormation in addition to volumetric igures.This study sought to understand whether price had a

particular infuence on water use. The Cech Republic

case study ocused on volumetric water numbers, but

drew on three years o data rather than just one year. In

this case we were keen to understand how the product

water ootprint changed rom year to year.

The distinction between greenand blue water is extremely

important, particularly in cropproduction given the signicantdifferences in the managementof rain-fed agriculture andirrigated agriculture.

In the development o a water

ootprint three types o water are

assessed: green water, blue water

and grey water.

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5.0 Case studies

5.1 SAb ltd – Soth Aca

The diagram on page 18, developed using the World

Business Council or Sustainable Development

(WBCSD) water tool5, shows the regional nature o the

water scarcity challenge in South Arica. Some regions

will become extremely water scarce by 2025, whilst a

small number will remain abundant or sucient.

In this context, SAB Ltd aces particular challenges

given the widespread nature o its activities. Its opera-

tions in the country produce and distribute around 5.7

billion litres (2.6 billion in beer and 3.1 billion in sot

drinks) o beverages annually rom seven breweries,

seven sot drinks bottling plants and 41 sales and

distribution centres.

The total net water ootprint or SAB Ltd’s beer oper-

ations is 421 billion litres, excluding ‘grey’ water,

equivalent to 155 litres o water or every 1 litre o 

beer (l/l). Due to uncertainties regarding the assump-

tions required to calculate a meaningul grey water

aspect o the ootprint, grey water has been let out o 

this calculation. However, i grey water were added, we

estimate that water consumption would increase to 517

billion litres, or 191l/l.

The local cultivation o the crops is the dominant water

consumer at 84.2%, whilst another 14.1% o the water

ootprint is derived rom the cultivation o imported

crops (see Figure 6 on page 18) . In eect, 98.3% o the

water ootprint is related to the growth o crops.

The green water component, as illustrated in Figure 7 

(page 18) , is the largest proportion and relates to the

use o soil moisture, derived rom rainall, which is

evapo-transpired by the growth o crops such as barley,

maie and hops or beer, plus to a lesser extent the trees

used or paper-based packaging and bottle labels. The

blue water component is water used or irrigation in

agriculture and the brewing o beer at SAB’s acilities,

while the grey water component is an indirect water

use to dilute pollutants rom pesticide and ertiliser

use. The grey water component has the greatest level

o uncertainty.

Water use, as described previously, has very local

connotations and impacts. As such, it was important

that the eects o water consumption, particularly in

the agricultural supply chain, be ully understood in

each geographic region. In order to do this, each crop

type was examined using data rom both local and

international sources6, to understand which crops

consumed the most water and why.Our research has shown that there is great variability

in the way our crops receive water. For example barley

in the Northern Cape region and maie production

in the North West province were the most reliant on

irrigated (blue) water sources, more than 90% in both

cases, since rainall is insuicient to support barley

and maie production. On the other hand, barley

grown in the Southern Cape and maie grown in the

Mpumalanga province were entirely reliant on rain

(green) water.

The availability o this data was an integral part o the

ootprint analysis. However a more important aspect

was understanding where water is used and what pres-

sure this may put on local water resources. To refect

this each o the major crops was mapped against the 19

South Arican water management regions (see Figure 5 

on page 18) and the water use o each crop was consid-

ered within the local resource constraints (all o the

crop, not just the crop bought or SABMiller products).

This provided valuable inormation in terms o the

current and uture sustainability o crop growth.

The importance o local context is illustrated by the

act that despite the high reliance on irrigated water

or maie in the North West, the region has sucient

water resources to support this without detrimental

impacts on local ecosystems or other users. However,

barley grown in the Southern Cape, despite being

rain-ed, is vunerable in the long term due to changing

climatic conditions and population pressures predicted

or the area.

5.2 Wat pcn n Soth Aca

 A urther aspect o the South Arican analysis was to

consider the cost o water to the value chain, and the

water price dierential between dierent parts o the

beer value chain. The total cost o water to the value

chain is equivalent to around 5.9 South Arican Rand

per hectolitre o beer, i.e. a low proportion o the oper-

ating costs within the entire value chain. The majority

o this cost is or municipal wastewater treatment o 

brewery efuent.

However it is the dierential between water prices

in the value chain that is most interesting. Whilst in

2007 SAB Ltd paid around 0.61 Rand or municipally

supplied water per hundred litres o beer, armers typi-

cally pay 0.014 Rand per hundred litres o beer or

irrigation water or their crops. This is in part a resulto the dierent costs o supply, but more importantly

refects the economic values o the dierent types o 

water, where there is a dierent ‘willingness to pay’

between the commercial armers and industry. Over

time, as climate change leads to greater use o irriga-

tion in South Arica, it is important that water use in

agriculture is priced to lead to a much more ecient

use o a scarce resource.

in 2008, sabmiller undertook its first Water

footprint exercise at its subsidiary, sab

ltd, in south africa, the breWer of castle

and other brands of beer. south africa

Was selected because the country faces

substantial Water-related challenges. many

regions of the country Will be defined as

Water scarce by 2025.

Irrigating sugar cane elds © Martin Harvey/WWF-Canon




5 See www.wbcsd.org 6 Data was sourced rom local armers, local industry bodies and the UNFAO

Beer being loaded or market distribution in South Arica

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5.3 Pnský Padoj – Cch rpc

In 2009 SABMiller conducted a second water ootprint,

examining the beer value chain in the Cech Republic,

where SABMiller owns Plenský Pradroj, comprising

three breweries, two maltings plants and 13 salesand distribution centres. The Cech Republic was

selected because it contributes a signiicant volume

to SABMiller’s overall European beer volume (20%),

its water resources are classiied as being under

stress, and it is home to the iconic international brand

Pilsner Urquell.

A key dierence between this and the South Arica

study is that a longer time horion was consid-

ered, using three years’ data (2006, 2007 and 2008).

This strengthened the methodology by allowing or

variations in water use and eiciency within the

breweries and the supply chain over a longer time-

rame, as well as taking into consideration variable

meteorological conditions over those years.

The net water ootprint calculated or beer produc-

tion, in 2008, in the Cech Republic is 38 billion litres

(excluding grey water), equivalent to 45l o water or

every 1l o beer. With the inclusion o grey water the

water ootprint increases to around 39 b illion litres

or 46l/l.

As in the South Arican example, the most signicant

component o the water ootprint is the local crop culti-vation which accounts or between 70.6% (2008) and

80% (2007) o the net water ootprint. Imported crops

account or 24% (2008) o the net water ootprint.

Thereore crop cultivation (either within the Cech

Republic or outside the Cech Republic) accounts or in

excess o 90% o the total water ootprint.

The net green water component orms by ar the largest

element o the water ootprint, contributing over 90%

o the nal gure (see Figure 9 on page 19) . This is due

to the act that the majority o crops grown are reliant

on rainwater as opposed to irrigation. Blue water

accounted or 6% o the ootprint and is mostly related

to water consumed during the brewing and bottling

process while grey water only represents 2% o the

total and is associated with the crop production phase.

Figure 10 (page 19) also shows that the water ootprint

or the processing, brewing and bottling and waste

disposal elements o the ootprint do not vary signi-

cantly across the three-year period. However, or the

cultivation element o the water ootprint the 2006 and

2007 water ootprints are signicantly greater when

compared with 2008.

This is because the cultivation water ootprint (in this

case, all net green water) is very sensitive to variations

in both rainall and crops yields. The mean annual

rainall or the Cech R epublic is 674mm/annum. In

2006 average rainall was 651mm/annum (3% below

average), and in 2007 the average rainall was 698mm/

annum (3.5% above average). However in 2008, the

average rainall was only 604mm (10% below average).

While this was lower, the crop yields or both barley and

hops increased gradually over the three-year period.

For example, barley crop yields increased rom 3.72

tonnes per hectare in 2006 to 4.67 tonnes per hectare

in 2008, meaning that 2008 had below average rainall

but higher yields, resulting in a lower cultivation water

ootprint compared to other years. Thereore greater

crop yields are considered the dominant actor in net

green water ootprint variability, as yield per hectare

o land was some 30% greater in 2008 than in 2006,

despite lower rainall.

The blue water ootprint is relatively constant and

 varies with the volume o beer produced, as in this casethe blue water ootprint is eectively the direct abstrac-

tion o water associated with beer production, energy

or brewing and to distribute and package the beer. The

blue water ootprint per unit o beer was 2.14, 2.15 and

2.11 or 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively.

The grey water ootprint is more complex and is

inversely related to rainall. That is, the higher the

rainall the lower the ootprint. This is because a

higher rainall across the cultivated area acts to

dilute the nitrate, phosphorous and potassium rom

ertiliser applications that impact groundwater and

surace water.

5.4 Compason twn th Soth Acan andCch rpc wat ootpnts

The results show that in terms o percentage split o 

the total water ootprint across the our key elements

o the beer value chain, the results or South Arica

and the Cech Republic are comparable. Both studies

show that the crop processing, brewing and bottling

and waste elements o the ootprint account or a small

percentage o the total water ootprint, while crop culti-

 vation is in excess o 90% o the ootprint.

In terms o absolute numbers, South Arica is more

than three times the Cech Republic’s ootprint.

This is not as a result o any improved eiciencies

in beer production in the Cech Republic over South

 Arica, but rather o the dierences related to crop

production including:

The evaporative demand or crops in South Arica is

greater than in the Cech Republic due to meteoro-

logical conditions.

There is a considerable reliance on irrigated crops

(i.e. a signiicant added blue water component to

crop production).

Water use per litre beer is much higher or imported

crops, due to the countries o origin o these crops,

or South Arica at 44l/l beer where as or Cech

Republic is 11l/l beer. For the Cech Republic only

5% o total crops used are imported, comprising

small quantities o hops and processed malt: with

the exception o a small amount o hops imported

rom the USA, the majority o crops imported or

the Cech Republic operations are rom Europe.

However, or South Arica 31% o total crops are

imported with 30% o total barley used in the

SAB Ltd maltings being imported rom the USA,

 Argentina and Australia.

The blue water component o the crop processing

stage or the Cech Republic is anticipated to be

underestimated due to the lack o ‘real’ data and the

number o assumptions made. This has been identi-

ed as an area or ollow-up and clarication as part

o the project action plans.

The water ootprint/litre beer or packaging is 2l/lor South Arica compared to <1l/l or the Cech

Republic operations. For South Arica 91% o all

nished product is packed in bottles, however or

the Cech Republic only 47% o nished product is

packed in bottles. O all packaging materials used by

SABMiller, paper has the highest water ootprint at

10 litres per A4 sheet (WFN) and an assumption has

been made that each bottle has an associated paper

label. Thereore, due to the high ‘virtual’ water o 

paper the water ootprint o a glass bottle (and

associated paper label) is higher compared to other

packaging types.

45 litres

CzeCH rePubliC: CAlCulATeD WATer FOOTPriNT FOrONe liTre OF beer

155 litres


ONe liTre OF beer

Water treatment at a brewery

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South Africa Czech Republic



Brewing &














2008 2007 2006

Figure 7: SPliT beTWeeN NeT greeN, blue ANDgrey WATer FOr SAb lTD (DATA 2007)

Figure 6: WATer uSAge ACrOSS THe vAlue CHAiN(DATA 2007)

Figure 5: CrOP grOWiNg regiONS ACrOSS SOuTH AFriCAiNSeT MAP: ANNuAl reNeWAble WATer SuPPly Per PerSON (PrOJeCTiON FOr 2025)

Figure 8: CrOP grOWiNg regiONS ACrOSS THe CzeCH rePubliCiNSeT MAP: ANNuAl reNeWAble WATer SuPPly Per PerSON (PrOJeCTiON FOr 2025)

Figure 10: NeT WATer FOOTPriNTS (HeCTOliTreS),CzeCH rePubliC (DATA 2006-2008)










Castle laGer:South Arica’s

iconic beer brand.


* includes crop imports

 84.2% Cp cu(local)

 14.1% Cp cu(imports)

1.4% Bwg & bg

0.2% Cp pcg

0.1% W dp

47.13% n g w

34.26% Bu w

18.61% G w

Figure 9: SPliT beTWeeN NeT greeN, blue AND greyWATer, CzeCH rePubliC (DATA 2008)

91.7% n g w

5.92% Bu w

2.38% G w

 Exteremely scarce


















One o SABMiller’s

our international

beer brands.

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6.0 Consideringthe business

implicationsto help interpret the results of the

Water footprints for south africa and

the czech republic, full-day Workshops

Were held in each country. the Workshops

included senior managers from the

procurement, operations and corporate

 affairs functions of the local subsidiaries,

 as Well as senior managers at the

global level.

Local and global WWF sta also attended, as did other

local water policy experts to bring a speciic policy

context to the conversations and results. The ull

dataset was shared with all participants to provide

a ully transparent process and to ensure that the

beneit o the expert views rom WWF and others

was maximised.

6.1 loca acton pans

The workshops considered the results o the water

ootprints in the context o ecological risks and needs,

business risks and needs and the broader water policy

context. The ootprints were used to develop a matrix o 

water risk or each business covering blue water, green

water and grey water, and in response to develop local

action plans to mitigate these risks.

SAB Ltd in South Arica is already working with WWF

and the South Arican government’s Working or Water

Programme to pilot the ‘water neutral’ concept in two

water-scarce regions where it has breweries. The initia-

tive, launched in 2008, is believed to be the world’s rst

ully quantitative water neutral scheme.

The scheme allows SAB Ltd to voluntarily monitor

and reduce its operational water consumption

and then oset the residual by investing in projects

that clear alien vegetation. This in turn releases

equivalent volumes o water back into natural aquatic


In terms o agricultural water use, highlighted as the

biggest risk area in the South Arican water ootprint,

WWF South Arica has an existing project ocused

on a toolkit or sustainable agriculture practices or

sugar cane growth. SAB Ltd is considering whether

this toolkit can be tailored to barley arming and what

 value it would add to pilot this approach with barley

armers. SAB Ltd already employs agricultural exten-

sion workers who engage with armers on issues such

as yield management and water eciency.

In the Cech Republic, SABMiller is considering proj-

ects to initiate in order to understand the risk o climate

change on water availability and how this may impact

crop growth in the uture. In addition it is reviewing

how legislative risks may impact its crop growing

areas, with particular reerence to groundwater, nitrate

limits, and engaging with suppliers in the process.

The aggregate volumes provided an overall picture

o green and blue water used in our value chains and

presented a picture o risk and opportunity costs. The

South Arican water ootprint in particular highlighted

that the crop water use within the context o available

resources was the most important element. However,

even this number needs to be treated with care, because

there is no simple answer to what is an acceptable,

SAB Ltd already employsagricultural extension workers

who engage with farmers onissues such as yield managementand water efciency.


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22 23

7.1 Mthodoo mpomnt

The two studies highlighted a number o areas where

the water ootprinting methodology needs to be


g wat

Both studies highlighted the weak point o how the

grey water ootprint is translated into clear business

risk. Its inclusion in the ootprint is important in

accounting or the impact o pollution on reshwater

resources – with the water ootprint methodology

dening it as ‘the volume o polluted water associated

with the production o goods and services, quantied as

the volume o water that is required to dilute pollutantsto such an extent that the quality o the ambient water

remains above agreed water quality standards.’

There are two main issues relating to the inclusion o 

grey water:

the current methodology does not ully account or

the environment’s ability to assimilate a certain

quantity o pollution; and

there are certain areas o the value chain, e.g. crop

production, where it is extremely dicult to obtain

actual quantitative data on wastewater. This is due

to the act that there is a wide range o variability

that can occur at ield level which, depending on

environmental and soil actors, can yield signii-

cantly dierent results even within the same eld.


 As such WWF and SABMiller are committed to working

within the WFN to help share experiences and learning,

in order to help deine the scope o the grey water

element. This will help to make it both meaningul and

accurate to a degree that action plans can be put in

place, where necessary, to address the issue.

gn s. nt n wat

In this study, green water has been disaggregated to

‘net’ green water. The green water component is e ec-

tively the evaporative loss o rainwater taken into crop

roots through soil moisture. Although the growth

o crops increases evaporation, there would remain a

substantial evaporative demand rom the land were the

crops not cultivated, or example through naturally

occurring vegetation. A ‘net’ green water ootprint is

dened as the dierence between the crop evaporation

and the natural evaporation, providing a more mean-

ingul result or companies such as SABMiller. However,

it does pose new questions which this study was unable

to answer. For example, i the naturally occurring vege-

tation has a higher evaporative demand than the cropsplanted, does this in eect provide a water negative

input into the overall water ootprint? Again, these are

issues to be decided within technical discussions with

partners and the WFN.

7.2 impact anass

While a great deal o work is currently underway to

incorporate impact categories and mapping into the

water ootprint analysis, the existing methodology

gives little provision or guidance on analysing the

impacts o water usage in the value chain. Unlike

carbon ootprinting, where the sie o the carbon

ootprint is a critical element in determining impact,

the critical element o a water ootprint is in the

detail o where water is used in relation to local

7.0 The future forwater footprints

Water footprint methods are evolving

rapidly, and numerous country, product and

business studies are pushing the methods

toWards agreed and harmonised accounting.

the Water footprint netWork is steering

these activities and has strong partner and

external support for its Work.

Malted barley, a key ingredient in the brewing process

air or ecient use o water or a particular purpose.

These questions always need to be answered in the

context o local economic, social and environmental

needs, government priorities, available technologies

and the structure o the agriculture industry.

6.2 Wat poc

The policy overlay in South Arica was the most

telling, and provides a clear example o the benets o 

obtaining a clear understanding o the likely risks and

opportunities around water use both at acility level

and in the broader value chain. Four key policy issues

were identied during the course o the South Arican

study and these include:

W c d uc pc

The South Arican Water Act is perhaps one o themost progressive o its kind, providing speciic allo-

cations to protect the ecological integrity o water

bodies and ensuring sucient availability or domestic

consumption beore industrial water users are allocated

water rights.

To manage this process a comprehensive catchment

management strategy has been established in the

country which governs licensing, water use eciency

and determination o illegal water use.

W u fcc

O particular relevance to the drive or eiciency is

the government’s drive or geographic-specic, water

conservation/demand management. The result o this

is that there is a high likelihood o licensing and allo-

cation being based on water use eciency and a more

ocused look at water reuse and recycling.

W u cg d c

This relates to where water rights/licenses are withheld

or certain types o activity considered to have a detri-

mental impact on water resources and the monitoring

and enorcement o these directives. An important

impact o this is the move towards reducing the amounto water available to agriculture or example, in avour

o other water users.

ecc u d pcg

Finally the use o economic instruments to manage

water will become more apparent in the uture. This will

include ull cost pricing in relation to water inrastruc-

ture development, water charges related to eciency

o use o the resource and reviewing the structure o 

the polluter pays principle insoar as waste discharges

are concerned.

These elements o water policy can potentially signi-

cantly impact on the management and utilisation o 

water resources. By having a rm grasp on the relevant

policy rameworks, local managers are able to make

inormed investment decisions.

6.3 bsnss a o wat ootpntn

For SABMiller, water ootprinting inorms three impor-

tant areas relating to business planning and decision

making. First, it provides a good overview o the water

use in the value chain. It answers the important ques-

tion o how much water is being used and the physical

locality o the water use.

Second, it provides the strategic inormation requiredto assess the risk associated with the water use. Risk in

this context reers not only to physical availability but

also, importantly, to regulatory risk such as uture allo-

cation and pricing. This inormation allows SABMiller

not only to inorm own operations’ business models but

predict its likely its impacts on its supply chain.

Finally it equips senior managers with a knowledge set

that enables them to access the broader issues around

water management. This equips them to engage

proactively with stakeholders and establish partner-

ships, where necessary, to address problems outside

o SABMiller’s breweries that are likely ultimately to

provide benets or its operations.

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Barley crops nearing the point o harvest

pressures and scarcity. As we have discussed beore,

water presents some unique challenges in this regard,

and the complexity o attributing impact to individual

users is not straight orward. The local nature o water

also places the water ootprint in extremely diverse

contexts, making impact assessments dicult. For now,

it is useul or companies to use risk maps or the value

chain to assess where the ootprint ‘lands’ in relation to

scarcity issues on the ground. Other maps could alsobe overlaid with the analysis depending on the local

water-related issues and potential risks to the user.

Through both case studies, SABMiller was able to gain

important insights into the long-term sustainability

o water supply at acility level but also o potential

impacts along its agricultural supply chain. The latter

provided the details or the company to establish

detailed, prioritised action plans going orward as

opposed to the stand-alone ootprint number.

7.3 lookn to th t Advocacy or water ootprints will continue, and more

people will be made aware o the complex and signi-

cant role o water in our lives and economies. For WWF

and SABMiller, this work is the bedrock on which

meaningul actions are taken. ‘Measure to manage’ is

a phrase that businesses know well, and with agreed

and tested methods there is a chance to build strong

standards or water users, to dene meaningul inter-

 ventions to address water ootprints and risk, and to do

so in a coordinated ashion.

Indeed there are already robust discussions about what

water disclosure or companies will look like, and thereis broad agreement that water ootprint assessment, the

 volumes o direct water use and most importantly the

impacts o water use will play a large role in this. New

tools or assessing water ootprints are being devel-

oped within the WFN, giving any water user a chance

to estimate supply chain and operational volumes,

impacts and risks. Further research is underway within

academic institutions and businesses to advance the

water ootprint methods. I the conusion that gripped

the carbon ootprint debate with numerous accounting

methods and unilateral activities is to be avoided,

uture work must be shared and debated under theumbrella o the WFN.

In terms o water ootprinting and the consumer

interace, water ootprinting is a useul tool to build

awareness around the water used in the value chain to

produce the products we consume. However, the use o 

consumer labelling at this point o the methodology’s

evolution will be at best counterproductive and at worst

misleading. This is due to the underlying complexity o 

determining a company’s water ootprint and the level

o detail that lies behind the number, in terms o local

environmental, economic and social impacts.

The business uture around water hinges on an ability

to understand, measure and engage. The complex

challenges surrounding water in the 21st century will

only grow in the coming years and companies must

be prepared to engage outside their own ence line

and traditional comort one to ensure the long-term viability o this critical resource.

In terms o water ootprinting and the consumer

interace, water ootprinting is a useul tool to build

awareness around the water used in the value chain

to produce the products we consume.

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SABMll PlcSABMiller HouseChurch Street WestWokingSurrey GU21 6HSEngland

+44 (0)1483 264 000www.sabmiller.com

WWF–UKPanda HouseWeyside ParkGodalmingSurrey GU7 1XREngland

+44 (0)1483 426 444www.ww.org.uk

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