water supply engineering sanitation

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Water Supply Engineering Sanitation


  • Master Plumber Review

  • Master Plumber Review

  • Plumbing

    The systems of pipes and fixtures that

    bring water into buildings and carry

    away waterborne wastes

    These pipes are generally concealed

    behind walls, floors & ceiling

    Fixtures such as water closet, lavatories,

    bathtubs are attached to this system and

    are visible in various rooms of homes,

    offices, schools, and other buildings.

  • Plumbing

    NPCP: the art and techniques of installing in buildings the pipes, fixtures and other apparatus for bringing in the water supply, liquids, substances and/or ingredients and removing them and such water, liquid and other carried waste affecting health and sanitationand hazardous to life and property; also the pipes and fixtures after they have been installed, the plumbing system.

  • Plumbing System

    The systems of pipes and fixture and other appurtenances which includes the water supply-liquids, substances and/or ingredients distributing pipes, and those pipes removing them; the fixtures and fixture traps; the soil, waste and vent pipes, the house drain; the house sewer, the storm water drainage, all with their devices, appurtenances and connections within or on a building.

  • Plumbing System

    Water Supply

    Storm / Drainage System

    Vent System

    Sewer / Waste System

    Fire Protection

  • Early Years of Plumbing

    Plumbum (lead)

    a material which at a certain point in the

    history of plumbing was widely used for

    piping and water changes

    replaced by cast iron in the 19th century

    a person who worked in the sanitary field is

    called Plumbarius, during Roman times

    the material that had greatly contributed in

    the field of sanitation is the cause of the

    downfall of the Roman Empire

  • Modern Day of Plumbing

    Sir John Harrington Invented the precursor of the modern day water


    Alexander Cummings After 2 years, reinvented Harringtons water


    Invented S-trap sliding bowl and trap

    Samuel Prossen (777) Applied and received a patent for plunger closet

    Later, closet with a valve at the bottom had been introduced

  • Modern Day of Plumbing

    Thomas Twyford (1185) Revolutionized the water closet design when he

    built the first trapless toilet in one piece

    Unique design because of the material used rather than the common metal and wood contraption

    The internal mechanism is considered as one of the pioneers in the field of sanitary science

    J. G. Jennings (1852) Got a patent for his washout water closet

    Shallow pan with a dish tray and water seal

    Waste is washed through S-trap

  • Modern Day of Plumbing

    Flush meter valve

    Backflow preventer

    Wall-mounted closet

    Reverse trap water closet

    Blowout water closet

  • Master Plumber Review

  • Water

    Most fundamental and basic component of life on earth

    Covered of the earths surface Plays a key role in the metabolic

    breakdown of essential molecules (protein & carbohydrates) called hydrolysis

    Ground water great source for supplying our water

    Susceptible to contamination, once contaminated it takes decade to recover

  • Properties of Water

    Heat Capacity

    Surface Tension


    Dissolving Ability

  • Properties of Water

    Heat Capacity

    Ability to absorb heat without becoming

    much warmer itself

    Water has greater heat capacity than

    any other substances except ammonia

  • Properties of Water

    Surface Tension

    Ability of water to stick to itself and pull

    itself together

    Water has extremely high surface


    Water molecules cling together to

    slightly that it can support heavier than


    Example: dripping tap

  • Properties of Water


    Ability of water to climb upon a surface

    against the pull of gravity

    Dissolving Ability

    Ability to dissolve any substance

    Known to be the Universal Solvent

  • Uses of Water


    Cleansing and Hygiene

    Ceremonial Uses

    Transportation Uses

    Cooling Medium

    Ornamental Element

    Protective Uses

  • Uses of Water


    Much of the human body is water

    The most abundant chemical in our

    body as well as in our diet

    Amount of pure water that we need for drinking and cooking is very small only

    (~3 gal/od)

  • Uses of Water

    Cleansing and Hygiene

    Water is nearly ideal medium for the

    dissolution and transport of organic


    Water high heat storage capacity makes

    the attainment of comfortable

    temperatures for bathing easy

    Much larger quantities of water are used

    for cleaning than for nourishment

  • Uses of Water

    Ceremonial Uses

    Water acquired a ceremonial significance that remains particularly evident in religious services


    Vessel containing water at the entrance of Catholic churches

    Pools in the forecourt of mosques

    Full immersion baptismal fonts at the altars of some Protestant churches

  • Uses of Water

    Transportation Uses

    Water as transportational medium

    Waterways had been developed to allow

    the passage of water vessels and to be

    able to transport large quantities of

    goods as well as people

  • Uses of Water

    Cooling Medium

    water can store heat readily, removed

    large quantities of heat when it


    Water is used in some devices that need

    the removal of heat easily and efficiently


    Water used in cooling air-condition unit

  • Uses of Water

    Ornamental Element

    In almost any landscaping application,

    indoor or outdoor, water becomes a

    center of interest

    Our association of water with nourishing,

    cleansing, and cooling make water a

    very powerful design element a fact

    recognized by landscape designers

    throughout the history

  • Uses of Water

    Protective Uses

    Water is essential element of fire protection

    The vast quantities of water potentially required for fire fighting must be delivered quickly; the result is pipes of enormous sizes regulated by very large valve

    Despite its size and guarantee of at least partial exposure in public places, a fire protection water supply system is rarely treated as a visually integral design element

  • Water Quality

    Physical Characteristics

    Chemical Characteristics

    Biological Characteristics

    Radiological Characteristics

  • Physical Characteristics



    Taste and Odor



  • Physical Characteristics


    Caused by the presence of suspended materials (clay, silt, other inorganic materials, planktons, or finely divided organic materials)


    Often caused by dissolved organic matter, from decaying vegetation.

    Color changes usually do not threaten health but often are psychologically undesirable.

  • Physical Characteristics

    Taste and Odor

    Caused by organic compounds, inorganic

    salts, or dissolved gases.

    This condition can be treated only after a

    chemical analysis has identified which

    source is responsible


    In general, water supplied between 50 and

    60 F (10 and 16 C) is preferred

  • Physical Characteristics


    Caused by concentration of detergents

    The foam itself does not pose a serious

    health threat, but it may indicate the

    other more pollutant associated with

    waste are also present

  • Chemical Characteristics



    Toxic Substances

  • Chemical Characteristics

    Ground water particularly to chemical alteration because as it moves downward from the surface it slowly dissolves some mineral contained in rocks and soils.

    Chemical Analysis Possible presence of harmful substances

    The potential for corrosion within the water supply system

    The tendency for water to stain fixture and clothing

  • Chemical Characteristics


    Caused by bicarbonates, carbonate or

    hydroxide components

    Testing for these components of waters alkalinity is a key to which treatments to


  • Chemical Characteristics


    A relative term, hard water inhibits the cleaning action of soap and detergents, and it deposit scale on the inside of hot water pipes and cooking utensils, thus wasting fuel and making utensils unusable

    Caused by Calcium & Magnesium salts

    Classified as: Temporary (Carbonate)

    Permanent (Bicarbonate)

  • Chemical Characteristics


    Measure of waters hydrogen ion concentration, as well as relative acidity or alkalinity

    ph = 7 (neutral)

    ph < 7 (acidic)

    ph > 7 (basic)

    Water at natural state: ph = 5.5 9.0

  • Chemical Characteristics

    Toxic Substances

    Arsenic (As)

    Barium (Ba)

    Cadmium (Cd)

    Cyanides (Cn)

    Fluoride (F)

    Lead (Pb)

    Selenium (Se)

    Siver (Ag)

  • Biological Characteristics




    Potable water should be kept as free as possible from disease-producing

    organisms (bacteria, protozoa & virus)

  • Biological Characteristics


    Coliform Group (E. Coli) present in fecal matter of humans as well as those

    of birds & other animals



  • Radiological Characteristics

    The mining of radioactive materials and

    the use of such materials in the industry

    and power plants have produced

    radiological pollution in some water


    Since radiological effects are

    cumulative, concentrations of

    radioactive material should be low

  • Water Sources

    Surface Water




    Impounding Reservoir


    Ground Water


  • Water Sources

    Surface Water

    A mixture of surface run-off and groundwater

    Surface sources include rivers, lakes, ponds

    and impounding reservoir

  • Water Sources

    Ground Water

    That portion of the rainwater which has

    percolated into the earth to form

    underground deposits called aquifer.

    Aquifer water-bearing soil formation

    As a source of water can be extracted in

    many different ways.

  • Ground Water

    Wells Holes in the earth from which a fluid may be

    withdrawn using manual or mechanical means such as draw bucket, pumps, etc.

    Water Wells Water that flows into well is ground water

    This water comes from rain that is absorbed into the ground and is slowly filtered through the different layers of the ground and into the ground-water reservoir (or Aquifer)

    The top of the zone is known as the water table the level at which water stands in a well that is not being pumped.

  • Types of Wells

    Dug Wells

    Driven Wells

    Bored Wells

    Drilled Wells

  • Types of Wells

    Dug Wells

    These can be constructed with hand

    tools or power tools

    It can be dug to a depth of about 15

    meters (50 feet) and can have the

    greater diameter that a space may allow

  • Types of Wells

    Driven Wells

    These are the simplest and usually the

    least expensive

    A steel drive-well point is fitted on one end

    of the pipe section and driven into the earth

    The drive point is usually 1 - 2 inches

    (32 51 mm) in diameter

    The point may be driven into the ground to

    a depth of up to 15 meters (50 feet)

  • Types of Wells

    Bored Wells

    These are dug with earth augers

    Usually less than 30 meters (100 feet)deep

    They are used when earth to be bored is boulder free and will not cave in

    Diameter ranges from 2 30 inches

    The well is lined with metal, vitrified tile or concrete

  • Types of Wells

    Drilled Wells

    These require more elaborate equipment of several types, depending on the geology of the site

    They measure up to 300 meters (984 feet)

    Percussion Method Involves raising & dropping of a heavy drill bit and


    Having thus pulverized, the earth being drilled in mixed with water to form slurry, which is periodically removed

    As drilling proceeds, a casing is also lowered (except when drilling through rocks)

  • Types of Wells

    Drilled Wells (cont.)

    Rotary Drilling Method (hydraulic/pneumatic)

    Utilize cutting bit at the lower end of the drill pipe

    Drilling fluid is constantly pumped to the cutting bit to aid in the removal of particles of earth, which are then brought to the surface

    After the drill pipe withdrawn, a casing is lowered into position

  • Types of Wells

    Drilled Wells (cont.)

    Down-The-Hole Method

    A pneumatic hammer is combined with the

    percussion effect of the rotary drill bit

  • Water Supply Facilities

    Level I Farthest user is not more than 250 meters from

    the point source

    At least 20 liters/capita/day

    Level II Farthest house is not more than 25 meters from

    the communal faucet system

    At least 60 liters/capita/day

    Level III The house has service connection from the


    At least 100 liters/capita/day

  • Levels of Service

    Level I

    A protected well or a developed spring with

    an outlet but without a distribution system

    Generally adaptable for rural areas where

    houses are thinly scattered

    A level facility normally serves an average of

    15 households

  • Levels of Service

    Level II

    A system composed of a source, a reservoir,

    a piped distribution network and communal


    Usually, 1 faucet serves 4 6 households

    Generally suitable for rural and urban

    fringed areas where houses are clustered

    densely to justify a simple pipe system

  • Levels of Service

    Level III

    A system with a source, a reservoir, a piped

    distribution network and household taps

    Generally suitable for densely populated

    urban areas

  • Definitions

    Pure Water

    Natural Water

    Purified Water

    Contaminated Water

    Polluted Water

    Hard Water

    Soft Water

    Gray Water

    Black Water

    Storm Water

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