way up magazine

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Editor’s noteKonecranes

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January 2012

A service agreement for all 25 Konecranes cranes and the lift truck is a vital part to the operation of Vestas’ foundry in Xuzhou, East China.

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Cranes take another step forward:

From smart runningTO SMART MAINTE

“Look at the money we invest in R&D. It’s

natural for Konecranes to be at the cutting edge of product and service


Page 5: Way up magazine

News around the world | January 2012

New vision

New products

Major order


Story by Patrick Humphreys Photo by Konecranes


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Story by Juha-Pekka Kervinen Photos by Lucas Schifres

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The service team of Konecranes has participated in the Vestas China crane project from the start. An extensive service agreement guarantees that the lifting equipment vital to production operate without disturbances.

the enormous foundry for a moment in Xuzhou, East China. Incandescent steel molten with cheap night electricity flows into the depths of a mold box in the dusk of dawn.

According to a local museum, iron has been casted here since the times of the Qing dynasty. The timing is broad—the dynasty started in 1644 and ended in 1911.

After a cooling period of two days, the Foundry Worker Huang Hai at Vestas Casting (Xu Zhou) Co., Ltd. factory opens the mold with his work mates. The steel has solidified into a wind turbine hub, almost two meters in diameter.

A hub is the part where the rotor blades are attached.

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The type designation of this hub is V , that is, the

diameter of the rotor blades will be meters (. feet).

One can get an idea of the proportions of such a wind

turbine when one sees the model power plant built next to

the factory. Seen from a close distance, its rotor of only

meters (. feet) in diameter seems to fill the whole sky.

Huang attaches the hub which weighs almost ten

tons to the two hooks of the Konecranes crane moving

at the ceiling level. It helps to turn the piece to different

positions for further processing.

Moving around and also inside the hub, Huang

controls the movements of the crane with the two

joysticks of the remote control which hangs from his belt.

In professional language, the crane has three

directions of movement. Along the rails, or bridge;

crosswise, or trolley; and up/down, or hoist.

Down time downThe foundry in Xuzhou is owned by Vestas Wind

Systems and it manufactures three wind power plant

components. In addition to hubs, steel is molded into

wind turbine foundations and bearing houses.

The products manufactured in Xuzhou are delivered to

the Vestas assembly plant in Tianjin, North China, or to

other factories of the company in the USA and Europe.

The Vestas Tianjin plant has over a hundred industrial

cranes supplied by Konecranes.

They also have a Konecranes service


Vestas manufactures all wind

power plant parts in China. The

heaviest part of a power plant,

that is, the steel tower, is usually

purchased from a local steel

structure manufacturer near the construction site.

The cranes are a vital part of the operation of the

foundry. Each product is molded according to an order.

Meaning that someone is waiting for the timely arrival of

every hub, foundation and bearing house at the assembly


“The production must run without interruptions one

hour after another /,” states Jan Nygaard, Technical

Manager of the plant.

“At other foundries I have seen what a terrible

headache a crane that acts up can be. In no case do I want

to experience such a thing again. That is why we have

concluded a service agreement for all our Konecranes

cranes and the Konecranes lift truck,” says Nygaard.

The Vestas foundry in Xuzhou concluded a two-year

site service agreement with Konecranes in . The

agreement covers regular inspections and services, repairs

planned in advance and those done on needs basis, and


Konecranes has a team of three service engineers, led

by Ma Yong, at the foundry regularly.

“The personnel here at the factory have one less

worry. We guarantee that the cranes are available without

interruptions,” says Ma.

The production capacity of the foundry is tons

per week.

The cranes are divided into three categories of

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importance. For equipment most critical for production,

there are detailed back up plans in case of disturbances.

These cranes are also serviced and inspected more often

than the others.

Right there from the very startThe service team of Konecranes has participated in the

Vestas Xuzhou crane project from the start.

“We want to find the best solution for the customer

from the start. All information concerning the project,

the different lifting equipment and service, is shared,”

says Yang Qi An, Service Manager at the Konecranes

Shanghai company.

“In Xuzhou, the service team worked together with the

customer’s project team already during the installation and

commissioning of the cranes, thus building a relationship

with the customer,” says Yang.

The service team also trains the factory’s own

personnel to use the cranes. Not one crane has its

own operator, but almost all workers have obtained

a crane license. Each of them can thus operate the

crane when needed.

Most cranes are equipped with a radio operated

remote controller. The operator can then use the

crane while walking on the factory floor.

The heaviest load to be lifted at a foundry is the

mold box which weighs over a hundred tons.

Ever more companies choose the service agreementThe East China regional unit of Konecranes operates in

the six eastern provinces of the country, located around

Shanghai. The area is the wealthiest in the country. The

service unit has more than contract customers in this


“More than half of the cranes serviced under the

agreement are delivered by Konecranes. The rest are

other makes. All the time a bigger part of the buyers of

Konecranes cranes also want to make a service agreement

with us,” says Yang Qi An.

The Vestas foundry is an important reference for

Konecranes. Potential crane customers are often brought

here to get to know Konecranes products and to hear

about the operation of contract service directly from the

service customers.

“Vestas is one of our key customers worldwide and in

China. It is good that our other customers can see here

how the contract service works,” says Yang.

Xuzhou is located by the high-speed train track, the

construction of which was completed between Shanghai

and Beijing just a few months ago. The train which

makes the trip in five hours has considerably improved

the connections of Xuzhou to these two most important

cities of China.

Safety comes firstUncompromising safety thinking is seen everywhere

at the Vestas factory. Jan Nygaard informs the visitors

of safety instructions at the very start, for example, the

meeting place in case of an alarm.

Every person accessing the foundry must wear safety

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shoes, protective clothing, hearing, breathing, and eye

protection, and a helmet.

Many workers also wear other protective gear

according to their work tasks. The workers of the fettling

and grinding area have got a fresh air hose breathing

apparatus which blows filtered air on their face, and a

working light on their helmets.

The safety status is told to a visitor right on the digital

display in the reception lobby. “ days have passed

since last industrial injury.”

An emergency generator is also part of the foundry

security system. It produces enough power for safely

emptying the furnace full of molten steel, and to run

down the other processes for the duration of an outage.

The electricity consumption of the foundry is three

million kilowatt hours per year, half of which is spent on

the night-time melting of steel. The power required for

melting cannot be produced by the emergency generator.

Together with the Vestas representatives, the service

team of Konecranes is all the time developing new

solutions for improving the safety and productivity of the


RailQ and RopeQ into use soonIn Xuzhou, the new rail inspection system RailQ will

soon be taken into use. In it, a robot traveling the rails of

the crane inspects the evenness, straightness, and other

necessary parameters of the rails.

In China, industrial cranes must be inspected

regularly. A crane which passes the inspection acceptably

will receive an operation license from the authorities for

two years at a time.

The RopeQ service, which inspects the wire ropes of

the crane, will also be taken into use soon. RopeQ will

inspect the current condition of the wire ropes, also what

one cannot see visually of the rope, using magnetic flux


heavy duty cranes of the altogether cranes at

the Vestas factory are made as special

order just for this foundry. Their

speeds, safety properties and control

technique are the best possible for the

special task of each. The ton forklift

of the foundry is also delivered by


The Konecranes forklift complements the ceiling

suspended cranes. It is used for moving casts to outdoor

storage areas, or for lifting the casts onto storage shelves,

or from shelves onto a loading vehicle platform for

delivery to a customer.

The shake out of sand molds is one challenging

situation for a crane. The mold box weighing dozens of

tons is lowered onto a shaking surface to remove the sand

used in the previous casting from the mold before the

next casting. The handling of a shaking mold requires

special properties of a crane.

Many heavy cranes come with a sway control

system. When lifted loads are accelerated or decelerated,

load swing is always present. The sway control system

dampens and stops the load swing automatically so that

the operator does not have to do this manually. Through

sway control load handling is more accurate and faster.

Thus sway control helps to improve the safety and

productivity of the process.

Page 12: Way up magazine


he delivery reliability improves, efficiency increases, information becomes transparent, and more is left under the bottom line. A familiar speech from the ERP salespeople and suppliers of

development services. The licenses cost millions and development and deployment work many times over. An improvement in results is indeed needed to make the projects profitable. It takes typically over a year before a working system can be tested—before that, the project team has presented thousands of pages of blue prints, scripts, requirement specifications, system landscapes... Many decision-makers start to lose faith while at the same time, they hear or read about epic failures of ERP projects.

Tens of thousands of ERP projects have been made. Thousands of large ones too. A well implemented ERP system brings huge business benefits. Benefits the sales people promised. The benefits come especially from competent people, not only from the technical system.

Investments must be made on developing competence. When the investment starts to look exaggerated, it is in fact only at a satisfactory level.

First, the project team must learn to deliver a system that meets the requirements of the user. In such projects, the project team is unique and the experience increases by doing. The work must be chunked into smaller system entities which can be presented to the users, that way the team gets feedback for its work before the actual deployments.

The team learns to deliver, and the feedback received is an important part of learning. When the development work is done in small pieces lasting a few months each, the latest version can be even rejected without endangering the entire investment.

The users are faced with a two-fold learning challenge. First, they must learn to request features for processes and information systems which are under development. The initial requests often emerge from the ways the old systems are used. Second, they must learn to use and benefit from the capabilities provided by the new system. Learning through experience and the ability to apply the new into practice might develop slower if changes are big, but still these skills always develop!

This you haven’t thought of before. The long-term benefits of a well implemented ERP system are even greater than what the sellers promised. Due to lack of experience, at the beginning one cannot even dream of all the benefits that will be reached as the competence accumulates! Therefore, concentrate on the development of the competence of the project team and users.

oormrmatatioion oohe d d leliivery reliliababililitity y improves, effifficicienencycy i incncrereasaseses,, ininfofom line. mbecomes transparent, andnd m more is left under the bottomeersrs o off eeA familiar speech from the ERPRP salalesespepeopoplele a andnd s supupplplieie

You have heard this before!

Program Director

Thus the most critical success factor is personnel:

developers and users.

Page 13: Way up magazine

Service life analyses and planning

Repairs and



Predictive Maintenance

New equipment



Story by Patrick Humphreys Photos by Lucas Schifres and Konecranes

The modern aluminum industry was discovered in 1888 by the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), which has been the world’s largest producer ever since. ALCOA Lafayette, in turn, discovered Konecranes and RailQ in the last six years.

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was getting some quotes for a crane rail replacement

project,” says Vern Hendrickson, Project Engineer at

ALCOA’s plant at Lafayette, Indiana.

“Almost at the last moment, someone said ‘Try

Konecranes’ and I said ‘Who?’”

Hendrickson turned to Dave Timble, Key Accounts

Manager at the nearby Konecranes service location in


“That’s when Dave and I first met. He came in with a

bid that convinced me and we’ve been working together

ever since.”

Hearing the differenceALCOA in Lafayette is dealing with the problems of

aging equipment. Some 60 percent of its production

cranes are over 40 years old.

RailQ was the answer, as Vern Hendrickson confirms.

“We used to replace crane wheels fairly frequently.

RailQ told us we needed to replace the crane rail in

several bays and adjust the elevation. Since then we

haven’t needed to replace any wheels. They don’t squeal

on the rail as they did before.”

Hendrickson’s Maintenance Manager Mark Mayes agrees: “After Konecranes started surveying the rails,

squaring the cranes and doing the maintenance, we could

hear the difference just by listening to the sound that the

cranes make when they go down the rails."

“In the past two years there have only been about

three times when I’ve had to use my engineers to get a

crane working again. Previously it was every day. We have

hardly any unscheduled downtime.”

Lifeline of the plantIn Mark Mayes’s words, cranes are the lifeline of an

ALCOA plant. “One of the first things I noticed,

when I came here from the Chrysler Corporation in

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Service life analyses and planning

Repairs and



2007 was that when the cranes went down, we stopped


“We have about 50 big overhead cranes on runways and

a lot more small ones. They are how we move everything

in shipping as well as production. We used to have a lot of

plant-wide crane issues. We were constantly changing wheels,

cables, and bearings.”

When ALCOA Lafayette started working with

Konecranes, the RailQ service was done manually.

“When I heard that Konecranes was going to start using

a robot I looked forward to it, and I’m glad it worked as well

as it did. It eliminated somebody climbing down the bays to

check spans and elevations. It has given us good results almost

every time.”

Surveys as a baselineLafayette is a 2½ hour drive from Chicago down Route 52.

The ALCOA plant there produces aluminum extrusions and

dates back to the late 1930s. Vern Hendrickson believes that

some of the problems with crane rail elevations have existed

since that time.

“Until Konecranes came along, we’d never had the

detailed survey that we get now. We’ve strung a tape between

people on each rail many times, but

nothing had ever been done with the

accuracy of the RailQ service.”

As long as annual inspections

continue, ALCOA can now expect

crane wheels to last for a long time. “In

any case I’ll be long gone,” Hendrickson


Hendrickson is a believer in regular

surveys. “I like to have a survey after

we’ve done repair work so that we have

a baseline. We can then compare this

survey with the next survey and see if

anything has changed.”

Better liftingKonecranes now has two maintenance workers permanently

on site at Lafayette. It has also helped with ALCOA

operations, as Mark Mayes explains.

“I’ve had them attend meetings where we sat down with

the production people and explained the operations of a

crane. Some operators even thought that if a crane was out

of square, you could square it up by bumping it or using

emergency stops.”

“The operators now have a lot of faith in maintenance

and in Konecranes. It’s a matter of safety as well as money.

Management at ALCOA has its checkbooks open where

safety is concerned.”

“This is a union shop so you are always going to hear

some comments about using outside workers instead of plant

employees, but most of our guys wouldn’t want Konecranes

to leave. And I’d be scared to operate without them.”

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Story by Patrick Humphreys Photos by Gary Francis / www.velhot.com

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Service life analyses and planning

Repairs and



onecranes has revolutionized crane and runway

geometry surveys in Australia and New

Zealand, says James Dowe, General Manager

for Konecranes services in Australia and New

Zealand. One of the leading steel companies in the

region, BlueScope Steel, is certainly more than satisfied.

“Since we introduced RailQ to Australia in March

, we’ve used it in about inspections around

the country. We’re measuring tolerances down to a few

millimeters. In most cases, local standards demand that

variance between the rails has to be +/- mm,” says

James Dowe.

“Although RailQ is advanced, pricing is very

competitive. We have a pretty sophisticated market here

and our customers understand the value of accurate and

reliable information. They want to make decisions based

on actual data rather than assumptions.”

“An important customer for us is BlueScope Steel

Ltd. We work with them in every state of Australia.

At their Wingfield location in Adelaide, a relationship

of trust was formed between our South Australian

Branch Manager John Jackman and BlueScope Steel’s

Maintenance Manager Peter Terrison,” says James


“When Bluescope Steel was looking to replace one

of their production cranes at the Wingfield plant with a

high-performance SMARTON® crane, it also became the

very first SMARTON® crane that Konecranes delivered

to Australia. Our specialist, Inspector Bron Ryzak

conducted the RailQ survey to assess the suitability of the

rails and whether they were properly aligned before the

crane was installed–they weren’t. Certain columns needed

to be lifted and a new rail was installed.”

BlueScope Steel began life in as the renowned

Broken Hill Proprietary Company of New South Wales.

It later merged with two other pioneers of Australian

steelmaking and today has operations throughout Asia.

In Australia it makes a variety of steel products, mostly

related to construction.

Its plant at Wingfield, Adelaide, was one of the first

new customers when Konecranes was setting up an office

in South Australia.

“Which probably explains why they opened their

office directly across the road from us,” laughs Wingfield

Maintenance Manager Peter Terrison.

“RailQ’s performance was actually rather better than

we had expected because the data was more detailed.

That first survey would probably have taken us a whole

weekend using another system. With RailQ the whole

job was over and done with in about four hours,”

Terrison says.

“In fact it cost us no time at all because we scheduled

it in production downtime. Since then we’ve used RailQ

at two of our sites, testing rail alignment and crane

structure. It isn’t significantly more expensive than a

traditional survey."

“In fact, it’s probably cheaper when you take labor

and time into account. RailQ makes survey systems based

on lasers or wires look antiquated and inaccurate."

“We’ve built up a very good working relationship with

the Konecranes people in Australia in the past three years.

We think their products are very professional. If we start

looking for more cranes in the future, I think they would

be the first company that we’d turn to.”

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Story by Marjatta Pietilä Illustration by Vesa Lehtimäki

In mobile machines every piece of equipment is a user interface which either allows or prevents interaction between the user and the system. In improving human access, including both operating and maintenance of the machine, ergonomics plays an important role.

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I and—at the end of the day—the business success of the employer.

Easy access to the cabin, good visibility from the cabin, suitable temperature, good air conditioning, proper lighting and minimized exposure to noise and vibration create the basic elements for good work conditions. But it is equally important that the cabin dimensions allow for good working postures, easy access to the control equipment, computer displays and other instruments.

The design’s functionality depends on how easy it is to learn to use, how quickly the user can efficiently perform the required tasks, how errors can be avoided and recovered, and how much work satisfaction the easy usability of the design allows. Under the domain of the cognitive ergonomics these issues have an effect on the user’s experience of the workload, work stress, the command of professional skills and ability to perform on the level that satisfies both the user himself/herself and the employer.

Scientific tools for designers“Today operators of mobile machines are keenly aware of how the physical configuration of the cabin affects their productivity and therefore their profit. Because of this, manufacturers desire to produce machines that are more comfortable and functional from a user standpoint.

The ergonomics of a product can create a competitive advantage for a mobile machine manufacturer.

Customer choices can be driven by their perception of the comfort and usability of a machine,” says Judy Vance, Joseph C. and Elizabeth A. Anderlik Professor of Engineering from the Virtual

Applications Center at Iowa State University.Professors Vance’s research focuses on investigating

the application of virtual reality techniques to engineering design. This method allows the designers to evaluate the design in a 3D space in order to

generate the final design.“We use virtual reality to assess how operators interact

with machines. This allows the designer to investigate multiple configurations in the virtual environment that would not be possible if each configuration needed to be built as a physical prototype. We use large screen stereo projection systems with optical position trackers and surround sound. Because of the large screen projection, we can present the operator station in full scale. The position

is derived from the Greek words ergon and nomos. Ergon refers to work and nomos to laws. According to the International Ergonomics Association, IEA, ergonomics is a scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of the interaction of humans and other elements of the system and it focuses on maximizing human well-being and overall system performance.

In designing cabins for mobile machines the domain of physical ergonomics within the discipline of ergonomics plays an important role. When the operator of the machine spends the whole day in the cabin, the

work environment and work conditions have to be designed to allow maximum performance for the operator. Ergonomics and usability go hand in hand with employee health, work

satisfaction, efficiency, and productivity,

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trackers allow us to track the user’s head position and modify the image as if he/she were looking in a certain direction. Position trackers also allow us to track the user’s hand so that he/she can interact with the workstation components,” Vance explains.

According to Vance, some modifications, changes or new designs for improved ergonomics include features that are relatively easy and inexpensive to implement, but others require significant investments. The trade-off that the designers face is which features will be profitable in the end—whether the buyers seek profits by cutting costs or focus on improved productivity in a more sustainable way.

Better designs by early customer engagement“Usually the mobile machine producers use external cabin designers and subcontractors for their cabin manufacture. Successful cabin design for mobile machines starts from recognizing the user needs. Usually an old cabin model is used as the basis for the design work. In such a case the client already knows the benefits and the disadvantages of the old model and can give clear instructions on the features that need to be improved,” tells Professor Asko Ellman from Tampere University of Technology, Finland.

Ellman has a background in model based design of complex mechatronic systems and leads a group of researchers focusing on Virtual Design. The research ranges from the methods and technologies of Virtual Design to novel applications and their impact on practical business uses.

“In our virtual reality laboratories located at the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland, we create virtual cabins. This method allows the customers and end-users to take part in the design work of the cabin almost from start. The cabins produced by three-dimensional visualization, are of the natural size and nearly identical to real cabins, and they give the customers and end-user a clear picture of the cabin and its functionality,” Ellman explains.

According to Ellman the customer focused design allows the developer to get a user experience for example on the visibility from the cabin, control function, ergonomics, and safety at an early stage of the design work, when the shortcomings are still easy to correct. The virtual testing tool increases customer satisfaction and reduces the time required for the development phase. When the virtual model satisfies all parties a prototype can be produced for physical evaluation and testing.

“Product modifications are often needed for different markets. Preferences in Africa may differ from those in Europe. For example in markets with high illiteracy rate, symbols are preferred over writing,” Ellman points out.

Konecranes strives for

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Judy M. Vance

better ergonomics

Asko Ellman

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Story by Mauri Kaarre Photos by Mikko Huotari

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High productivity and efficiency backed by Konecranes’ container positioning system helped South Asia Gateway Terminals (SAGT) in Sri Lanka to handle 1.9 million TEUs in 2010. An excellent figure for a terminal with a designed capacity of 1.1 million TEUs, don’t you agree?

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t is a hot and humid August morning, approaching

eight. The monsoon season with the rain is far

behind. As a distant memory of it, partly cloudy

weather is forecast for Colombo, the usually oh so

sunny commercial capital of Sri Lanka (formerly

known as Ceylon before 1972) Colombo, only +28

degrees Celsius.

The multitude of people walking to work, and the

tricycle tuk tuk taxis which weave their way through

lines of buses are typical of the morning rush near the

World Trade Center in the immediate vicinity of Port of


The Indian Ocean and the sea of cranes rising at

the container freight terminal in the harbor loom in the

horizon. Some of the crane booms are up in accordance

with the safety policies, as if to remind the vessels that

they can come here. Some of the crane booms are

down, meaning that the cranes are at work loading and

unloading vessels. The container freight

terminal never sleeps.

The Port of Colombo with its

state owned Jaya and Unity Container

Terminals and Sri Lankas’s first modern

private container terminal, South Asia

Gateway Terminals (SAGT), is rated

amongst the top container ports in the

world. SAGT took over the historic

Queen Elizabeth Quay in the Port of Colombo in 1999

on a 30-year Build-Own-Transfer (BOT) concession.

Sri Lanka, an island nation in South Asia, located

about 31 kilometers (19.3 miles) off the southern coast

of India, is a strategically brilliant naval link on the

main East-West shipping route, linking the Far East

with Africa, Europe, and the East Coast of the US,

providing ideal connections to the trade in the Indian


Famous for the production and export of tea,

coconuts and rubber, Sri Lanka boasts a progressive and

modern industrial economy and the highest per capita

income in South Asia.

The natural beauty of Sri Lanka’s tropical forests,

beaches and landscape, as well as its rich cultural heritage,

boost the island state’s transformation into an ever more

popular tourist attraction. Especially after the civil war in

the country ended a couple of years ago.

IT makes things happenAccording to Upul Jinadasa, SAGT’s General Manager,

Information Technology, his role is to identify the right

technology and solutions. After the identifying part he

implements and supports the chosen conclusions.

“Our main focus as a port is to maintain world

class service levels. The right IT solutions will play an

important role in making things happen,” Jinadasa says.

“Earlier we had 28 RTGs that came with PDS based

on transponders. Basically, the system didn’t work no

matter how we tried to fix it. We needed a good solution

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fast. So we turned to Konecranes and had their container

positioning information system installed in one of our

RTGs as a pilot test in late 2006. It worked perfectly. In

2007 we installed their system in our 31 RTGs and 70


Jinadasa is very pleased with Konecranes’ system.

“Thanks to it our container inventory is very accurate.

If there are problems with the location of containers both

the planning and productivity go wrong. And you cannot

have a successful terminal without proper planning.”

“We have four critical factors that build our success.

We have world class systems, modern equipment in IT

and engineering, the best processes, and last but not least,

a very good staff,” Jinadasa says.

Accurate records ruleThe accurate container records, once again, play a key

role also for Laksiri Nonis, SAGT’s General Manager


“My goal is to minimize the traffic and prevent any

congestion in the terminal area allowing a smooth and

efficient operation. This is a compact terminal so we

closely monitor everything and make sure we get the

maximum utilization of the container yard,” says Nonis.

“It not only makes a huge difference to the customer

but also to us if a box is staying in the yard longer than

Page 26: Way up magazine

it is supposed to. So, the sooner we get the transshipment

connection on its way, the better.”

“Containers are stored in the yard by linking the

container number to the yard location and we are very

much dependent on that information. We cannot run

without technology, so we wanted to make sure we got

a reliable system with a good back-up. If everything

stopped, just for a few minutes because of power failure

or so, it would have a big impact on the terminal’s


Intelligence instead of ironMikko Sampo, General Manager, Konecranes YardIT,

has 27 years background in machine automation and

service. He oversaw the system deal and says

that terminals nowadays tend to increase

productivity and efficiency by purchasing

IT solutions.

“Now we focus more on intelligence,”

Sampo states.

“Another equally important thing is

that with the help of our remote connection

service team based in Hyvinkää, Finland,

the support agreement made with SAGT

and its engineering team at the site, and

with the local spare part arrangement we

can guarantee the functioning of the system

under all conditions,” Sampo says.

And just to make everything perfect, all

the positions are updated to the Terminal

Operation System (TOS) database even if

the crane operator accidentally tries to put

the box in a wrong place.

“Then the whistles are blown, that is, the system

sounds an alarm, which is transmitted to operators, and

the guy in the control tower. The result: 100 percent

accurate inventory of the container yard,” Sampo explains.

According to him, the operation of the Konecranes

IT solution is ingenious in its simplicity.

”The crane operator stacks the container and leaves

it in place. The system then intakes a signal from the

crane PLC (twistlock activity) and satellites. Based on

the information the container location’s X,Y and Z

coordinates are defined and reported directly to the TOS

software database.”

“And what’s best is that the crane operator does not

need to do anything, he can fully concentrate on his

container handling tasks, because reporting to TOS is

fully automatic. So this is also an important safety issue.

In the case of SAGT, we installed the system in other

manufacturers’ machines–our system is usable in all types

of container handling equipment.”

The view from Crane Operator Viraj Priyadarshana’s

crane cabin high up at 40 meters (131.2 feet) is just

majestic. Air conditioning blows smoothly and the

Indian Ocean is wide open. Not bad, some people really

work at the top.

“A very easy handling system. Now I can just

concentrate on my real work and focus on achieving

the productivity targets,” says Priyadarshana who’s been

handling containers for four years at SAGT.

Transshipment is the name of the businessErwin Haaze, CEO of SAGT says their business consists

of 80 percent of transshipment container traffic with

around 70 percent coming from Indian origin. The

terminal’s volumes have been increasing steadily during

the last years.

“We are fully booked berth wise. We have ten cranes

on a 940-meter berth and we hit almost 2 million TEUs

in 2010, and 2011 was the best year ever. It has been a

tremendous performance by the SAGT team and shows

the commitment and dedication of our staff as well as

the potential that is available in Sri Lanka! This year

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we are also doing well, but the closer you get to the maximum

throughput, the more challenging it is,” Haaze says.

The statistics are impressive. From 2006 to 2010, with exeption

of the year 2009 in which SAGT still managed to achieve a

marginal increase in throughput (1.3 percent) despite the economic

turmoil, SAGT has realized year to year increases of 15.8 percent,

11.6 percent and 12.6 percent, doubling the throughput achieved

in 2005. Productivity wise the trend showed similar developments

leading to productivity levels averaging 27 crane moves per hour

on all vessels including the smaller feeders with regularly hitting

30+ crane moves per hour.

Haaze says also the busier SAGT gets, the more they need to

focus on strategies and make sure that all the primary structures

are in order.

“Installing Konecranes’ container positioning system in our

cranes was one of those good strategic decisions. We will also have

two new cranes with further outreach and higher lifting capacity

by the end of this year so that we can work more efficiently on the

bigger vessels. It’s all about the customer service,” Haaze says.

Gaining transshipment hub statusCEO Haaze’s mission is simply that SAGT need to perform in a

way that it remains the preferred number one terminal in South


“To achieve this, reliability is the key. When our customers

come to the terminal they already know they can leave in a

reasonable time period which we indicate to them right from the


“Geographically the Port of Colombo has an advantage over

the other ports for setting up a real transhipment hub in the area.

We have everything here, including all the big shipping lines and

feeder network. We also have an excellent stability and good labor


Haaze also adds that SAGT is carefully making the whole

platform ready in case SAGT decides to make use of any

expansion opportunities in the future.

As part of the Colombo South Harbor Development Project

initiated by the Sri Lankan Ports Authority, the construction of the

new South Harbor adjacent to the Port of Colombo is currently

underway in order to meet the increasing need for greater capacity.

The new facility will provide four more container terminals and

can accommodate the next generation of container vessels.

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In the harbor with leafy mango trees

Story and photos by Mikko Huotari

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Safety, reliability and productivity to ports with


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Superior workspace for crane drivers

Introducing the new Konecranes cabin

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Story and photos by Vesa Eskola

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What on earth does Konecranes have in common with a vineyard in Spain?

Amid the gently sloping hills–covered by orange trees, grapevines, and centuries old olive trees–is nested a very modern vinery, SAT Mas de Rander. The ultra modern design of the production buildings stands out.

The 20 hectare vineyard is run by Juan Domingo Tàrrega. The whole production is organic. Several grape varieties are used: Cabernet Sauvignon, Grenache, Merlot, some Muscats and Syrah. Wine is sold of course in Spain but also exported to other European countries. Soon also the Chinese and Japanese wine lovers will be able to enjoy the red nectar from Mas de Rander.

We are standing with Juan Domingo Tarrega under a two ton crane. Not a typical tool you would expect to see in a vineyard.

“We use the crane to move grapes from the grape mill to the fermentation tanks. This helps us give our wine a special character. Traditionally, this task is done by pumps, but that way most of the grapes get broken. We do things a bit differently.”

The idea might be an original one, but everything also came together almost by accident.

“The engineer in charge of the project asked for offers from different crane manufacturers. When he had all the information he came to me: ‘One proposal, due to its design, could save you a lot of money. It wouldn’t just do the required tasks, it would also help you to erect the cellar, tanks, and platforms’.”

Juan Domingo Tarrega got very interested.“After that it was quite simple really. We sat down

with Konecranes representative, David Caro, and saw almost immediately that we had the perfect solution.”

He also agrees they were a bit lucky.“The truth is, we were very lucky. All the people

involved did their best to make the most out of our traditional cellar with a unique, subtle, and modern touch.”

Well, the settings certainly aren’t from a traditional vineyard. The two ton crane is also very busy during the wine season.

“The crane helps us to perform high precision tasks safely and reliably. It also helps us to work faster. The crane is actually one of the mechanical tools we use the most. Because of the crane we don’t have to use expensive conveyor belts. In our experience, we think that with the help of the crane we are one of the most advanced vineries in Spain.”

SAT Mas de Rander produces about 250,000 bottles of wine annually. The majority

of those wines are reds (225,000 bottles), the rest are sweet wines and a special mixture known as “mistela”, where a little bit of brandy is added to the wine. The result is a kind of Sherry.

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