ways that you have progressed in your knowledge and skills development from your preliminary task to...

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preperation for evaluation question 7


Ways that you have progressed in your knowledge and skills development from your Preliminary Task to your Main Task: Question 7 Title placement leaving space for them when filming and not just placing them in whilst editing, which results in having not enough room for them. COMPOSITION: NEGATIVE SPACE BEING LEFT. White balance giving the camera a reference for white. Camera movement tilting and panning smoothly. Leaving enough Head room, Lead room, Nose room and anticipatory framing. Soundtrack creating a complimentary one, sophisticated where as in your preliminary task where you didnt have any music or sound effects. Camera angles and shots to show status of different characters

Technique or technological practiceProgression from PT to MTUnpacking the technique/ technologyRepresentationLink to Macro Bigger Picture

Title Placement Leaving space for them when filming and not just placing them in whilst editing as this results in not having enough room for them.Didnt really think about composition and negative space when doing PT, all I took into consideration was the placement of the figures.Though the props that I used to incorporate the titles (mise en scene).The design of the titles could possibly reflect personalities of characters.

White BalanceI didnt use the white balance tool in the PT as I didnt know how to use it and only had a vague idea of what it did. In my MT I was able to use it effectively as it balanced out the colour tone in the shots. I was also able to avoid continuity errors.Giving the camera a reference for white. Through white balance I am able to represent the characters emotional state and their opinions on situations.This also helps to link to the bigger picture as it shows what type of mood the specific scene is supposed to be reflecting, this enables the audience to have a better/ more in-depth knowledge of the characters.

Camera MovementIn my MT I was able to put my camera practices to use to create fluid movement and consistency. This also enabled me to have a more developed/ greater continuity level.Creates fluid and consistence movements e.g. panning. Also allows be to follow characters with no sudden/jerky movements.Used to represent a characters emotions/ mental state. E.g. if the camera is moving at a rapid pace this could show that the character is agitated or annoyed.Links to bigger picture by creating atmosphere and setting the mood for each shot and relays how the characters are feeling within the specific scenarios.

SoundtrackIn my PT I didnt use a soundtrack as I hadnt learnt about this yet and was unaware of how to use it correctly. However, in my MT I have incorporated a soundtrack that I have put together myself.Created in Garage Band which allows you to piece together different musical instruments to create a song/tune which you can then import to IMovie to put with your intro.Can represent the mood of characters/ how they are feeling. Can also represent the context the intro is in e.g. light-hearted/ comedy or depressing.Links from micro to macro by creating a continuous emotions and rhythm to the intro.

Camera angles and shotsIn my PT I only knew how to film with using wide shots, medium shots and close ups in an efficient way, however, my execution of these have improved and I now know how to create different angles and how to use composition correctly.Composition refers to how elements of film have been arranged to create certain feelings and have different effects. Angles and shots are created by positioning the camera differently.Anglers and shots can represent characters feelings, relationships and positions in comparison/ towards other characters.Links from micro to macro by creating elements that help to identify the key representative areas.