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pafeler tonight air and cold i W keb it Swctly iraeeai t ifc fe onait iw h THE ALTBA fiOJiTtsu co A3r WASHINGTON THURSDAY FEBRUARY 5 1903 PRICE ONE CENT I Wb Y or F 1 rr s l t U tng Ort tmf 5161 INSURANCE ORDERS READY FOR CONTEST I Action of Superintendent Drake in Case of Royal Arcanurn May Lead to Recourse 10 the Courts Commissioners Have Sus pended the Order Prohib iting Solicitation for Mem- bership Until Drakes Return Members of Irataraki organisations te this city are aiHclt exercised over the c iiesed uawmrranteu action of the Su irrimendent of Insurance Jtr Drake in revoking the license of the Royal Arrarum because it refused to waive its rights under tbe law Mr Drake ms compelled to glre up Ms work o- af count of Illhealth aa l is MOW in FTorida recuperating He Is expected to reiurr to ills office WithIn the ae t few In the meantime upo representations Md before the District Commissioners IT Philip Walker local attorney for the Arcanuni the license has been re n wed When Mr Drake returns it is prttr ble the aid of the courts will be to prevent him Iron interfering farmer with the business of the organ elk i yal ohed 1 1 ii ¬ ¬ ¬ = ration which is reputed to be one or no strongest fraternal orders in the States All Fraternal Orders Interested Wliile the immediate fight is made by t Royal Arcanum the principle in- v vrd affects every fraternal body doing I si ness In the District of Columbia As a consequence the grand officers of- t organisation have been assured ooperation and support of every fraternal order in the pity A number cr have already waived their ifrhs under protest but are prepared tc force tie matter to an issue now Iader the law the Insurance Commi- sfner is allowed a fee of 50 to de- tcrmine whether or not a riniming the privileges of a fraternal is or not ft reality fraternal anzatiOB He is further allowed a fee i i- ex animation e the books of the li always been the desire of the Aiv its officers say to abide sot only by the letter but the spirit of the lav and this they do In HM present instance On the other bEnd We Drake as erted that the amount he is allowed to charge for aJB examination of the books 01 the company is absurdly inadequate and he cannot make a proper examina- tion of the books of the order within the limit allowed A peculiar feature of the situation is that Mr Drake In his communication to Jae officers of the Ar canum asking them to waive the limit of cost of the examination made use of a circular used in Ohio some years ago which save as the limit instead of 200 as the law allows Membership Apjpiic ti Held Up AS a result Mr Drake although they had complied with all of the mectB of the law revoked their licence to do business in this city aad all ap- plications for admission to the order were necessarily held up In District Council alone over twenty applicants for membership were unable to have their applications beted upon The supreme officers of the order directed the local attorney to appeal from the dwslon of the Superintendent of Insurance and the matter was laid before the District Commissioners In reply Mr Walker acting as at torney for the Arcanum was informed that owing to the illness of Mr Drake and his consequent inability to present his side of the the Commissioners would have to defer action on the When the Injury inflicted upon thf order t y the delay was made evident to the Commissioners they issued an or- der temporarily withdrawing the suspen- sion of the permit to do business and there the matter now rests Both sides are now preparing for the contest which is sure to be renewed as soon as Mr Drake returns to city if he persists Jn demanding the waiver of the rights of the order under the law WEATHER INDICATIONS It will be somewhat colder tonight along the Atlantic coast and continue cold in the interior Freezing tempera- ture is probable tonight in the south At ia it ic States and frost in north and central Florida On the middle Atlantic coast high weterly winds will diminish Thursday night on south Atlantic coast t winds will be fresh northerly and o the east Gulf coast fresh north to Storm warnings are displayed the Atlantic coast from Sandy Hook to Kagt port 9 a m 12m 1 p m Sun S Sun rise 7- Lov tfde today i Low tide m- Hiijli tide fc orK wl mm l hem Company 0 r tis C ot Ort ietermlne ito ftDanctat standing 1 Burn dOlt to j require cue t non ii the north- east on TEMPERATURE e u Ji- VIQJ 8UH daY hh 6 Jm TIDE 1AaL1f H Higb tide tip I of- f he a 40 f r- to It baa s re- Quest the sets O a at Slip at iaop tomorrow S ii a in pm ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FRATERNAL ORDERS OPPOSE NEW INSURANCE ORDER Law limits charge for examining books of fraternal orders to 200 Superintendent Drake regards law as ridiculous and demands that fra- ternal orders waive its features The Royal Arcanum has brought the matter to an issue District Commissioners bate sus- pended Mr Drakes order OPPOSED Vatican Urged to Appoint Local Rector ROME Feb 5 Tht propaganda the Vatican have received protests on the part Or the clergy and the laity or the diocese of Los Angeles against the possible appointment of Bishop Conaty retiring rector of the Catholic University of Washington D C as Bishop of the diocese The main objection to the appointment of Bishop Conaty it is said is the pref- erence on the part of the clergy of Los Angeles for a man thoroughly In touch with the needs of the diocese protecting I IlOS ANGElES TO BISHOP GONATY nd ¬ ¬ FAST House Refuses to Strike Clause From Bill 144000 IS APPROPRIATED Improved Postal Facilities Between Washington and New Orleans Conference Ordered By a vote of 120 to 100 the House to- day refused to strike from the Postoflice appropriation hill the provision for a subsidy of 144000 to the Southern Ran way Company for fast mall service be- tween Washington and New Orleans The only other subsidy for mail serv- ice contained in the bill is 5256000 to the Santa Fe for carrying the mail be tween Kansas City and Newton lan which was also retained Mr HUt chairman of the Committee- on Foreign Relations called up the con ference report on the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill It makes a total appropriation of 18G825Q The report was agreed to A conference was ordered on the Sen- ate amendments to the bill providing a general staff for the army Messrs Hull of Iowa Parker of New Jersey and Sulzer of New York being appointed Senate bill providing for the transfer of persons charged with crime to and from the Philippine Islands was passed SUBSiDY FOR SOUTHERN r AIL ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ COMPETITION STIFLED ON GOAL CARRYING ROADS Certain Granted to Each and Differentials Granted in Freight Rates Territory Shortly alter the Fennsylvuni secured control o er the affairs of the and Ohio tHe Chesa- peake aod Ohio roads a plan was adopt ed for the assignment of territory the granting of differentials the pre veation of competition in tb trade and Onto and the Chesapeake and Ohio entered freelY rato competition in the Washington market although the latter bad secured only a limited por- tion of the local business With the purpose of preventing a pos- sible demoralization of the trade through excessive competition a plan was adopted whereby each road got a certain market for the coal mined along its line and such restrictions were im- posed as practically prevented it from entering other territory Under this Senator Quarles Says State hood Is to fight on the omnibus Statehood proposition will come when the Agri cultural appropriation bill comes up in the Sena said Senator Quarlea at the White House offices today Until then the friends and opponents or the original measure will maintain confl dence in ultimate success for their side Senator Quay leader of the omnibus bill supporters was another caller The Pennsylvania Senator conferred with the President on legislative matters but would make no further comment Chief Justice Fuller of the United States Supreme Court was at the White House offices today at noon He said his visit was entirely upon a personal matter Representative Hepburn of Iowa made a short call He believes the Depart- ment of Commerce bill will have clear sailing Charles T Andrews of Albany N Y inspector of normal schools under the Department of Public Instruction paid his respects to the President Commissioner General of Immigration Sargent stopped in at the White House offices for a few moments Civil Service Commissioner Garfield made an early call Judge Ray who resigned his seat in Congress to accept appointment to the the United States court of the Northern District of New York paid his respects PLAKS FOR UNIFICATION OF INDEBTEDNESS OF TURKEY CONSTANTINOPLE Feb Otttinan Bank has submitted two schemes the Porte for the unification of the government debt One provides- no profit for the government and this make its acceptance improbable The other which will yield the a profit immediately proposes the incorporation in the unification of priority loan concluded with the Ottoman Bank in 1890 The scheme will discussed at a council of ministers Jacksonville St Augustine Sccbofcfd Florid Limited the hu iwm t- d tt tniA to all Florid wt r BaJt more and and i thttJ had PRES1DEN1iS VISITORS AT THE WHI1E HOUSE Fight Come- T benchof 5The 0 gov- ernment the JUt Uft f rail- road coal r1oc s leb0t nIcs leseivsss syuwc Ady ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ arrangement the Baltimore and Ohto rate for transporting coal from the mines to Washington was from 25 to 15 cents lower than that authorized from points along the Chesapeake and Ohio The latter rd on the other hand control of the Neir B- and ee H mically reached by water from While cost of hauling to Washing- ton was no greater than to Newport News the difference in the tariff was about the same as the differential grant- ed the Baltimore and Ohio on Washing- ton business One of the Immediate results of this arbitrary action was the Inability of mines along the line of the Chesapeake and Ohio to compete for business in this city KEEP NATIONS FRIENDS Navy Department Opposes Joint Shore Leave The best way to maintain the tra ditional friendship between the British and the American navies according to the views of the United States Navy De partment seems to be to keep the jack ies from getting too intimate The ship of the North Atlantic squad ron as outlined In the Itinerary were to make a stop at St Thomas The State Department learned that ships of Great Britain are to visit there also It seemed quite likely that the British and the American ships would be there at the same time That would mean a pleasant gettingtogether of American and British liberty parties from the various ships The most pleasant fea- tures of this getting together are well understood They are usually promoted by an indulgence In native drinks and a resort subsequently to anything about tho place that Isnt nailed down In- ternational friction follows the great- est soreness naturally being evidenced by the compatrIots of the vanquished bluejackets In order to avoid such friction the Navy Department has ordered that the ships of the American navy shall not stop at St Thomas The same policy is to be pursued In the future wherever the Information as to the whereabouts of our Traditional friends can be ob- tained in time PROPOSED CHANGES IN DISTRICT ALLOWANCES Hearings on the District appropria- tion bill continued today with represen tatives of Howard University before the committee An amendment to the bill was introduced appropriating 5 Xto for grading regulating and macadamizing Chesapeake Street along the southern boundary of Reno subdivision from Wisconsin Avenue to Grant Rond HERDIC AND CAR COLLIDE- A collision at F and Nineteenth Streets northwest between car No 232 of Capital Traction Company and a herdie coach driven by p H Gales about 9 oclock this morning damaged the herdic to the extent of 10 The pasSengers of both were somewhat shaken up but no one was Injured aft Newoort Va Ute BLU8AGKETS APART I the I given practical 1AWI nirkt w1c4heouid The sssdify News ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < INDEX TO TIMES Trust T ins Bond Suit ExSenator Dawes Dead New Railroad for Washington Fight on Insurance Orders 2 Citizens Oppose Clause in Appro priation Bill Macedonia Threatens Peace 3 Movement for Good Roads Remodeled White House 5 Baseball Racing and Other Sports News of Georgetown Events in Alexandria 6 Editorials v Marquise ie Fontenoyv Political Gossip 7 In Societys Realm Between Rival Shipbuild- ers Government Departments 10 In the Financial World 12 Testimonial to Energetic Citizens mm OF MI Bill Introduce Providing for a Building Addition- The work of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing has grown to such extent chat to avoid overtime and night work It will be necessary to have larger quar ters Senator cad Representative Mercer of Nebraska chairmen of the Committees on Public Buildings and Grounds of the respective ly have personally investigated the need with that a bill was Introduced morning in the Senate asking that the necessary appropriation be made to provide for an additional building The estimated cost of the building including site is estimated at 1215000 A report haa been made showing the necessity of the Improvements and that the only way the Seeded space can be provided is erection of another building on grounds to the west of the p building and con- nected by an ound passageway The jfeetof the Treas- ury Ssi tme plan of a building sal the pur- poses of the bureau The site recommended makes it neces- sary to remove the present laundry building and stable and a site will therefore have to b purchased for these buildings adjacent to the bureau and proposed new building The plate printers Are urging the Sew building In order to keep up with the work it is necessary to work the shifts night and day it if believed Congress will give the appropriation Without op position HOUSE ADOPTS RULE FOR ANTITRUST BILLS Thirteen Hours to Be Given to Debating Two Measures The Committee on Rules today report- ed a resolution for the consideration of the two antitrust bills reported by Mr LittleSeld from the Committee on the Judiciary The first provides for expe- diting the cases now before the courts or which they be brought hereafter in volving the question of trusts and the second Is the antitrust bill which was recently agreed to by the Judiciary Committee and is off red as a substi- tute for the Littlefild publicity bill in- troduced on the first day of the last session I After discussion the rule adopted- It limits debate to thirteen hours ten bours for general debate and three hours for debate under the fiveminute rule MR JOY OF MISSOURI WILL CONTEST Thorough Investigation of Campaign Exonerates John T Hunt Representative Joy of Missouri who was defeated for reelection to the Fiftyeighth Congress has informed the Presides and party leaders that after a close Investigation of the circumstances attending the last campaign he has decided not to undertake a contest for the retention ef the seat Regarding his position now Mr Joy says- I have spent no little money in in vestigating th possibilities of a con test in the Eleventh Missouri district for the Fiftyeighth Congress I am the electloj was unfairly conducted but I am also satisfied my opponent John T Hunt had nothing whatever to do with this unfairness I am also con vinced by this that if all the Illegal votes could be thrown out Mr Hunt would still be elected by a fair majority I shal therefore not con test his election WOMAN THROWN DOWN BY THE WIND The high wind this morning blew with such force around the tall Postofflce Building thAt It lifted Mrs J W Cole- man a clerk in the Dead Letter Office off her feat and threw her to the pave nt with such force to sprain her ankle She was sent to her nome In ThQ ia a cab TO BAYS ISteel 4The 8Contest gThe ELBOW ROOM FOR THE Fair r this bY rU tab was MAKE NO satis- fied that vestigation r two houses the the horses m SupervisIng 5I over the care l 1 ihf epaiett a ketctt for as Plaza ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ALLIES SUSPICIOUS OF DOUBLE DEALIN6 Fearful of Being Played Off by America BONUS FOR FIRST TO AGREE Minister Bowen Gives Stty Current in Foreign Offices Near Caracas RuTHtred A new and somewhat interesting fea- ture has been added to the Venezuelan negotiations by the fact that the rep resentative of one of the allies has made known to Minister Bowen a suspicion entertained by them all that the United State has been attempting to play off one of the allied governments against the other by offering to each In turn special terms in case they could prevail upon the others to come to an agree- ment Mr Bowen bias not only denied this but has furnished the representatives of the allies in Washington documentary evidence that there Is no foundation for the suspicions entertained There will be a meeting between Min- ister Bowen and Ambassadors Herbert and Mayor des Planches and Minister Speck von Sternburg during this after Bocn v London Expects German YoiteFace LONDON Fee 5 According to gos- sip in diplomatic circles the indications point to a possible volteface in the German policy toward Venezuela The Kaiser having committed Bngiand to the present measures now shows a disjposf lion to make a graceful surrender on some of the contested points while the British ministers are still holding out on their original ground Rumored Battle Near Caracas PARIS Feb 5 The Matte today prints a dispatch from Caracas Vene- zuela stating that the troops had left city Tuesday ftSJT meet the rebel forces A battle is probably now in progress U QuietusBattle L I tb ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ P1TTSPIELC Maas Fob i r r United Senator Ds a- ilS morning Mr Bre sad ben unconscious since Monday night last and passed away without surrounded by his fantilr Mr Dawes had been ia fairly good health able to be bout the streets until about a month ago Recently he took a severe cold while out driving This developed Into HA attack of grip and he grew rapidly worse Henry Laurens Dawes was born at Cummlngton Mesa October M 1816 He was graduated from Yale College 18G9 taught school for a short time edited a paper at Greenfield Mass and became a lawyer in 1842 UNITED STATES STEEL BIG BOND liGHT New Jersey Court of Errors Dissolves Injunction TRENTON N J Feb 5 Tie mart of errors and appeals today reversed the decision of Vice Chancellor Emery in the Hodge suit against the United States Steel Corporation The decision removes the permanent injunction secured by the Hedge litigants against the Steel Trust which forbade the conversion of 200 HM 0 worth of preferred stock into bonds decision was unanimous This is the last legal step that can be taken against the conversion and tile work of issuing bonds may now got on uninterrupted LUMBERMEN VISIT THE NATIONS CAPITAL Party Stops Over Here En Route Home From Convention in New York- A party of fifty lumbermen from Ohio arrived here this and are reg- istered at the Ebbitt House They are members of the Union Association of Ohio Lumbermen and have been in New York attending the National Association- of Lumbermen which adjourned yester dayPrank M Smith of Cleveland Ohio is in charge of the party which ar rived over the Baltimore and Ohio rail road After a day of sightseeing here the party will leave tonight over the seme rg harass Buck died and n WINS Thecourts morning lathe Sm 1Z States tit pain fr4 their eye ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEW RAILROAD WITH HEADQUARTERS HERE IMPORTANT UNION OF NEARBY ROADS LINES ALREADY BUILT Charleston Ciendenaln and South ernRoaring Creek and Charleston Coal and Coke LINE TO BE BUILT Tt mile from Otter to Bikini To reach East over trunk lines ANOTHER JERSBf Engineer of Passenger Train Fails to See Signals ELIZABETHAN J Feb 5 wreck occurred on Central Jtnilroad of New Jersey just below the station yesterday morning The Dunel lea passenger train ooand east and in Elizabeth while traveling at ten miles an hour ran into a freight en gine that was crossing the tracks at that point to shunt cars on the Bread way tracks Engineer Peter Harsel who was driving the engine of the pas him and when he struck the freight engine he wrecked the tank and part of the cab besides smashing ia the front of his own engine and throwing the fireman of the freight engine to the ground Injuring him slightly The passengers were thrown into a heap and a number were injured Six freight ears were derailed and two were smashed to splinters The wreck delayed traffic several hours It is said that the fog was the cause of the collision I WREGKON f d eDger train did not the signals the 4de against ¬ ¬ DEATH ENDS CAREER OF Peacefully Away at Advanced Age SENATOR c t st1gmW dM sact sert DAWESe- e n btesniari H was in the lower of the State from to 1SBS ex- cept for one year in the senate 1S50 He was a member of the State coasti- tutional convention in 1SS3 attorney for the Western district of Massacfea ietts 1S53 to 1S57 when he was elected to the House of Representatives of the United States He remained in the House until 1S75 and was prominent as chairman of the Committee of Elections of Ways and Means and of Appropria- tions In 1875 he succeeded Charles Sumner as Senator from Massachusetts He founded the system of daily weather reports while in the lower house lisfaed the Fish Commission and was SB authority on the severalty law dividing the Indian lands LK STILL TIED UP Four Unable to Obtain Coal row YORK Feb Teutonic of the White Star Line and the other big transAtlantic liners which should have sailed yesterday morning but could not because of lack of coal were still get away this morning for the same reason Nearly all the passengers who had booked on the various vessels were this morning Many of them had SpOut the night in the cabins Tin Teutonic the American Liner St Pawl the HollandAmerica Liner and La Lorraine of the French Line the delayed vessels may sail before night GROCERS NOT READY TO FIGHT i to Pure Food Bill and Sunday Closing Contrary to the preannouneed plans of several of Its members the Retail Gro cers Association failed to take up the question of the payment commissions by various grocers on business brought them by servants and other at their meeting last night In their hall on Sixth Street Those who had expect- ed to introduce the subject said that hey had not had opportunity to mature their lans In view of this fact they deemed it wise to defer the discussion until their next meeting B P Otterbach president of the as- sociation presided last night The greater portion of the evening wus oc- cupied in the discussion the pure bin which is heartily supported by members of the association and of the Sunday closing movement ho IIi 1848 tab WITH EMPTY BUNKERS BigVessels 5The unable- to on- board Am- sterdam COMMISSIONS Devoted employ of fad Legislature the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ExSenator Davis Unites C C With Two Small Roads to Connect Rich Counties West Virginia With East Construction of 130 Track Now Under Way Cost Will Be 7 ooo OfficeS Already in Washington Washington Is no be the iwsaiinartera of another large railroad system Ex Senator HWHT Q Dwria of Wens v- Va whcrsasJcea his home 5 B city is the heM of the new compaay ad has already catftbtfBhad gemml office at 1S3L7 H the office va eaicd i tJ ic Virginia Central and Plttab recently removed to Baltimore Already J20WOOO has been in- vested and tracts for f7680vO worth of work are be s within the next few n is to be la West Vfeiflfc V will eon with the Italttaasi rail- road as well as the Wabaa ay tem Mr Davis recently purchased tile C jarles ton Cleaaenoln and Southern read ex- tending trout Charleston W Va to O- tter W Va a near Sot ton W Va It is a railroad sixtytenr miles in He owned for some months the Roaring Creek and Charleston road n small line extending from Elide W- Va ten miles into a new coal and tim- ber field also owns the Coal anl Coke read a similar small line connect- ing the Baltimore and Ohio roa l- at Belfugton Va A new road of 1M miles fa length and passing through the richest coal and timber deposits of the ittle Mountain State is to te buik at once work of construction has TJs ikwt Ahset 7 00000- f IS a OOQ for the line TMS will connect the two smaller roads owned by the Davis syndicate form- a line which wiO compete wirJi th Chesapeake and Otto Railroad for all SHisicertti JH goatbwcatern of tot Sane Traveltrs win inei ntve itiv choice of two routes to WavbfngTon and Baltimore the Baltimore nod Ohio road and the Wabash system As yet no arrangements for Traffic have been announced by Mr Davis but system at BlWns and Belingtou The offices of the Charleston Clerkteanin Southern have been removed from Philadelphia and a partial reorganisa non j f the company made TIle officials recently elected are as fellows Henry Q Davis president Arthur vice president C M Handle secretary C E McDermott general snperinUaj at All of these ofiteials make homes in Washington with the single exception of Mr McDermott who has ids berd- 4U rters at Charleston W Va The off- icial personnel of the system will be completed as rapidly aa possible on H Street will be enlarges ihe entire work of constructing the e line of 339 by Presi- dent Davis from this city When the connections are made and this will be at the earliest possib moment the line will be a much short rr route from southern West Virginia Cincinnati and points West than any ether line Not counting the passenger traffic the freight business eves of coal alone will make the line an important factor te delivery of coal in Eastern cities and shipments for export trade President Davis will make Washing o his future home although retaining his voting residence at Elkina He has great confidence in Washington and believes it will b a great eity for manufacturing purposes as well as the seat of The connecting line between the Charleston Clendcantn and Southern road and the Coal and Coke sad Roaring Creek will pass through Braxtoa Up shut Harrison and Randolph counties West Virginia and open up thousands of acres of coal and timber mads A name for new system has not yet been chosen BUSINESS MEN CALL FOR BETTER CAR SERVICE At a meeting of the boad of directors of the Business Mens Association at their rooms in the Bond Building this afternoon the petition of the rest dents along Brightwcod for am improved ear service w s Unanimously indorsed The petition is directed te Senator chairman of the Dig trlet Committee and urges him to us his influence to obtain a through ar mend Street They also indorsed the rofutioe adopted at the meeting f the Bright wood Park Citizens Association pro- testing against the appropriation of money lor grading and paving any struts or aveaaes outside the city limits untIl some cotiBiderabte of existing streeu aad IB the co aty sb l have been jaweft s 01 of Street let c operated Ohio poInt has He V The began and 9f Sf10 taboreTS a- ru i he Is and the part the through lines will connect wiCY hiB a bee Offices l Washington their tHI a large clerical force obtained TIle oftke directed done the govern- ment the Gallinger service least en tdr north tine the Miles Open a lie aertawsss tend eves months flee length with a force haying r 1s the ew Le and t- Ing miles n helm it as Rich pa- per percent- age avon > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < <

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pafeler tonightair and cold i W keb

it Swctly iraeeai t ifcfe onait iw h

THE ALTBA fiOJiTtsu co A3r



Wb Y orF 1rr sl t U tng Ort tmf




Action of SuperintendentDrake in Case of RoyalArcanurn May Lead toRecourse 10 the Courts

Commissioners Have Suspended the Order Prohibiting Solicitation for Mem-

bership Until DrakesReturn

Members of Irataraki organisations tethis city are aiHclt exercised over thec iiesed uawmrranteu action of the Suirrimendent of Insurance Jtr Drakein revoking the license of the RoyalArrarum because it refused to waiveits rights under tbe law Mr Drakems compelled to glre up Ms work o-af count of Illhealth aa l is MOW inFTorida recuperating He Is expected toreiurr to ills office WithIn the ae t few

In the meantime upo representationsMd before the District Commissioners

IT Philip Walker local attorney for theArcanuni the license has been re

n wed When Mr Drake returns it isprttr ble the aid of the courts will be

to prevent him Iron interferingfarmer with the business of the organ


i yal









ration which is reputed to be one orno strongest fraternal orders in the

StatesAll Fraternal Orders Interested

Wliile the immediate fight is made byt Royal Arcanum the principle in-v vrd affects every fraternal body doingI si ness In the District of ColumbiaAs a consequence the grand officers of-

t organisation have been assuredooperation and support of every

fraternal order in the pity A numbercr have already waived theirifrhs under protest but are prepared

tc force tie matter to an issue nowIader the law the Insurance Commi-

sfner is allowed a fee of 50 to de-tcrmine whether or not ariniming the privileges of a fraternal

is or not ft reality fraternalanzatiOB He is further allowed a

fee i i-ex animation e the books of the

li always been the desire of the Aivits officers say to abide sot

only by the letter but the spirit of thelav and this they do In HMpresent instance

On the other bEnd We Drake aserted that the amount he is allowed tocharge for aJB examination of the books01 the company is absurdly inadequateand he cannot make a proper examina-tion of the books of the order within thelimit allowed A peculiar feature ofthe situation is that Mr Drake In hiscommunication to Jae officers of the Arcanum asking them to waive the limitof cost of the examination made use ofa circular used in Ohio some years agowhich save as the limit instead of200 as the law allows

Membership Apjpiic ti Held UpAS a result Mr Drake although they

had complied with all of themectB of the law revoked their licenceto do business in this city aad all ap-

plications for admission to the orderwere necessarily held up In DistrictCouncil alone over twenty applicants formembership were unable to have theirapplications beted upon The supremeofficers of the order directed the localattorney to appeal from the dwslon ofthe Superintendent of Insurance andthe matter was laid before the DistrictCommissioners

In reply Mr Walker acting as attorney for the Arcanum was informedthat owing to the illness of Mr Drakeand his consequent inability to presenthis side of the the Commissionerswould have to defer action on the

When the Injury inflicted uponthf order t y the delay was made evidentto the Commissioners they issued an or-

der temporarily withdrawing the suspen-sion of the permit to do business andthere the matter now rests

Both sides are now preparing for thecontest which is sure to be renewed assoon as Mr Drake returns to cityif he persists Jn demanding the waiverof the rights of the order under the law


It will be somewhat colder tonightalong the Atlantic coast and continuecold in the interior Freezing tempera-ture is probable tonight in the south Atia it ic States and frost in north and

central FloridaOn the middle Atlantic coast highweterly winds will diminish Thursdaynight on south Atlantic coast twinds will be fresh northerly and o

the east Gulf coast fresh north toStorm warnings are displayed the

Atlantic coast from Sandy Hook to Kagtport

9 a m12m

1 p m

Sun SSun rise 7-

Lov tfde today i

Low tide m-Hiijli tide fc orK wl mm




0 r tisC


ietermlne ito ftDanctat standing

1 Burn

dOlt to





non ii




VIQJ 8UHdaY h h 6 J m

TIDE 1AaL1fHHigb tide



of-f he


40f r-

to It






setsO a at

Slip atiaop

tomorrow S ii a in pm









Law limits charge for examiningbooks of fraternal orders to 200

Superintendent Drake regards lawas ridiculous and demands that fra-

ternal orders waive itsfeatures

The Royal Arcanum has broughtthe matter to an issue

District Commissioners bate sus-pended Mr Drakes order


Vatican Urged to AppointLocal Rector

ROME Feb 5 Tht propagandathe Vatican have received protests onthe part Or the clergy and the laity orthe diocese of Los Angeles against thepossible appointment of Bishop Conatyretiring rector of the Catholic Universityof Washington D C as Bishop of thediocese

The main objection to the appointmentof Bishop Conaty it is said is the pref-erence on the part of the clergy of LosAngeles for a man thoroughly In touchwith the needs of the diocese









House Refuses to StrikeClause From Bill


Improved Postal Facilities BetweenWashington and New Orleans

Conference Ordered

By a vote of 120 to 100 the House to-

day refused to strike from the Postofliceappropriation hill the provision for asubsidy of 144000 to the Southern Ranway Company for fast mall service be-

tween Washington and New OrleansThe only other subsidy for mail serv-

ice contained in the bill is 5256000 tothe Santa Fe for carrying the mail between Kansas City and Newton lanwhich was also retained

Mr HUt chairman of the Committee-on Foreign Relations called up the conference report on the diplomatic andconsular appropriation bill It makes atotal appropriation of 18G825Q Thereport was agreed to

A conference was ordered on the Sen-

ate amendments to the bill providing ageneral staff for the army Messrs Hullof Iowa Parker of New Jersey andSulzer of New York being appointed

Senate bill providing for the transferof persons charged with crime to andfrom the Philippine Islands was passed










Certain Granted to Each and DifferentialsGranted in Freight Rates


Shortly alter the Fennsylvunisecured control o er the affairs of

the and Ohio tHe Chesa-peake aod Ohio roads a plan was adopted for the assignment of territory thegranting of differentials the preveation of competition in tb trade

and Onto and the Chesapeake and Ohioentered freelY rato competition in

the Washington market although thelatter bad secured only a limited por-

tion of the local businessWith the purpose of preventing a pos-

sible demoralization of the tradethrough excessive competition a planwas adopted whereby each road got acertain market for the coal mined alongits line and such restrictions were im-

posed as practically prevented it fromentering other territory Under this

Senator Quarles Says Statehood Is to

fight on the omnibus Statehoodproposition will come when the Agricultural appropriation bill comes up inthe Sena said Senator Quarlea atthe White House offices today Untilthen the friends and opponents or theoriginal measure will maintain confldence in ultimate success for theirside

Senator Quay leader of the omnibusbill supporters was another caller ThePennsylvania Senator conferred withthe President on legislative matters butwould make no further comment

Chief Justice Fuller of the UnitedStates Supreme Court was at the WhiteHouse offices today at noon He saidhis visit was entirely upon a personalmatter

Representative Hepburn of Iowa madea short call He believes the Depart-ment of Commerce bill will have clearsailing

Charles T Andrews of Albany N Yinspector of normal schools under theDepartment of Public Instruction paidhis respects to the President

Commissioner General of ImmigrationSargent stopped in at the White Houseoffices for a few moments Civil ServiceCommissioner Garfield made an earlycall Judge Ray who resigned his seatin Congress to accept appointment tothe the United States court ofthe Northern District of New York paidhis respects


CONSTANTINOPLE FebOtttinan Bank has submitted twoschemes the Porte for the unificationof the government debt One provides-no profit for the government and thismake its acceptance improbable

The other which will yield thea profit immediately proposes

the incorporation in the unification ofpriority loan concluded with the

Ottoman Bank in 1890 The scheme willdiscussed at a council of ministers

Jacksonville St AugustineSccbofcfd Florid Limited the hu iwm t-

d tt tniA to all Florid wt r

BaJtmore and


i thttJhad



Fight Come-








f rail-road


s leb0t nIcs leseivsss syuwcAdy









arrangement the Baltimore and Ohtorate for transporting coal from themines to Washington was from 25 to 15

cents lower than that authorized frompoints along the Chesapeake and OhioThe latter rd on the other hand

control of the Neir B-

and ee H mically reached by water from

While cost of hauling to Washing-ton was no greater than to NewportNews the difference in the tariff wasabout the same as the differential grant-ed the Baltimore and Ohio on Washing-ton business

One of the Immediate results of thisarbitrary action was the Inability ofmines along the line of the Chesapeakeand Ohio to compete for business in thiscity


Navy Department OpposesJoint Shore Leave

The best way to maintain the traditional friendship between the Britishand the American navies according tothe views of the United States Navy Department seems to be to keep the jackies from getting too intimate

The ship of the North Atlantic squadron as outlined In the Itinerary wereto make a stop at St Thomas The StateDepartment learned that ships of GreatBritain are to visit there also Itseemed quite likely that the British andthe American ships would be there atthe same time That would mean apleasant gettingtogether of Americanand British liberty parties from thevarious ships The most pleasant fea-tures of this getting together are wellunderstood They are usually promotedby an indulgence In native drinks and aresort subsequently to anything abouttho place that Isnt nailed down In-ternational friction follows the great-est soreness naturally being evidencedby the compatrIots of the vanquishedbluejackets

In order to avoid such friction theNavy Department has ordered that theships of the American navy shall notstop at St Thomas The same policyis to be pursued In the future whereverthe Information as to the whereaboutsof our Traditional friends can be ob-tained in time


Hearings on the District appropria-tion bill continued today with representatives of Howard University before thecommittee An amendment to the billwas introduced appropriating 5 Xto forgrading regulating and macadamizingChesapeake Street along the southernboundary of Reno subdivision fromWisconsin Avenue to Grant Rond

HERDIC AND CAR COLLIDE-A collision at F and Nineteenth

Streets northwest between car No 232of Capital Traction Company and aherdie coach driven by p H Galesabout 9 oclock this morning damagedthe herdic to the extent of 10 ThepasSengers of both were somewhatshaken up but no one was Injured


Newoort VaUte





given practical1AWI nirkt w1c4heouid The sssdify














Trust T ins Bond SuitExSenator Dawes DeadNew Railroad for WashingtonFight on Insurance Orders

2 Citizens Oppose Clause in Appropriation Bill

Macedonia ThreatensPeace

3 Movement for Good RoadsRemodeled White House

5 Baseball Racing and Other SportsNews of Georgetown

Events in Alexandria6 Editorials v

Marquise ie Fontenoyv

Political Gossip

7 In Societys RealmBetween Rival Shipbuild-

ersGovernment Departments

10 In the Financial World12 Testimonial to Energetic Citizens

mm OF MIBill Introduce Providing for

a Building Addition-

The work of the Bureau of Engravingand Printing has grown to such extentchat to avoid overtime and night workIt will be necessary to have larger quarters

Senator cad RepresentativeMercer of Nebraska chairmen of theCommittees on Public Buildings andGrounds of the respectively have personally investigated theneed with that a bill wasIntroduced morning in the Senateasking that the necessary appropriationbe made to provide for an additionalbuilding The estimated cost of thebuilding including site is estimated at1215000

A report haa been made showing thenecessity of the Improvements and thatthe only way the Seeded space can beprovided is erection of anotherbuilding on grounds to thewest of the p building and con-

nected by an ound passagewayThe jfeetof the Treas-ury Ssi tme

plan of a building sal the pur-poses of the bureau

The site recommended makes it neces-sary to remove the present laundrybuilding and stable and a site willtherefore have to b purchased for thesebuildings adjacent to the bureau andproposed new building

The plate printers Are urging the Sewbuilding In order to keep up with thework it is necessary to work the shiftsnight and day it if believed Congresswill give the appropriation Without opposition



Thirteen Hours to Be Given to DebatingTwo Measures

The Committee on Rules today report-ed a resolution for the consideration ofthe two antitrust bills reported by MrLittleSeld from the Committee on theJudiciary The first provides for expe-diting the cases now before the courtsor which they be brought hereafter involving the question of trusts and thesecond Is the antitrust bill which wasrecently agreed to by the JudiciaryCommittee and is off red as a substi-tute for the Littlefild publicity bill in-

troduced on the first day of the lastsession I

After discussion the rule adopted-It limits debate to thirteen hours tenbours for general debate and three hoursfor debate under the fiveminute rule



Thorough Investigation of Campaign

Exonerates John T Hunt

Representative Joy of Missouri whowas defeated for reelection to theFiftyeighth Congress has informed thePresides and party leaders that after aclose Investigation of the circumstancesattending the last campaign he hasdecided not to undertake a contest forthe retention ef the seat Regarding hisposition now Mr Joy says-

I have spent no little money in investigating th possibilities of a contest in the Eleventh Missouri district forthe Fiftyeighth Congress I am

the electloj was unfairly conductedbut I am also satisfied my opponentJohn T Hunt had nothing whatever todo with this unfairness I am also convinced by this that if allthe Illegal votes could be thrown out MrHunt would still be elected by a fairmajority I shal therefore not contest his election


The high wind this morning blew withsuch force around the tall PostofflceBuilding thAt It lifted Mrs J W Cole-man a clerk in the Dead Letter Officeoff her feat and threw her to the pave

nt with such force to sprain herankle She was sent to her nome InThQ ia a cab










rU tab







two houses

thethe horses



5I over thecare l 1 ihf epaiett a ketctt

















> ¬







Fearful of Being PlayedOff by America


Minister Bowen Gives Stty Current inForeign Offices

Near Caracas RuTHtred

A new and somewhat interesting fea-ture has been added to the Venezuelannegotiations by the fact that the representative of one of the allies has madeknown to Minister Bowen a suspicionentertained by them all that the UnitedState has been attempting to play offone of the allied governments againstthe other by offering to each In turnspecial terms in case they could prevailupon the others to come to an agree-ment

Mr Bowen bias not only denied thisbut has furnished the representatives ofthe allies in Washington documentaryevidence that there Is no foundation forthe suspicions entertained

There will be a meeting between Min-

ister Bowen and Ambassadors Herbertand Mayor des Planches and MinisterSpeck von Sternburg during this afterBocn v

London Expects German YoiteFaceLONDON Fee 5 According to gos-

sip in diplomatic circles the indicationspoint to a possible volteface in theGerman policy toward Venezuela TheKaiser having committed Bngiand to thepresent measures now shows a disjposflion to make a graceful surrender onsome of the contested points while theBritish ministers are still holding out ontheir original ground

Rumored Battle Near CaracasPARIS Feb 5 The Matte today

prints a dispatch from Caracas Vene-zuela stating that the troops had left

city Tuesday ftSJT meet the rebelforces A battle is probably now inprogress


QuietusBattle L








P1TTSPIELC Maas Fob i r rUnited Senator Ds a-

ilS morningMr Bre sad ben unconscious

since Monday night last and passedaway without surrounded by hisfantilr

Mr Dawes had been ia fairly goodhealth able to be bout the streetsuntil about a month ago Recently hetook a severe cold while out drivingThis developed Into HA attack of gripand he grew rapidly worse

Henry Laurens Dawes was born atCummlngton Mesa October M 1816 Hewas graduated from Yale College18G9 taught school for a short timeedited a paper at Greenfield Mass andbecame a lawyer in 1842



New Jersey Court of ErrorsDissolves Injunction

TRENTON N J Feb 5 Tie martof errors and appeals today reversed thedecision of Vice Chancellor Emery in theHodge suit against the United StatesSteel Corporation

The decision removes the permanentinjunction secured by the Hedge litigantsagainst the Steel Trust which forbadethe conversion of 200 HM 0 worth ofpreferred stock into bondsdecision was unanimous

This is the last legal step that can betaken against the conversion and tilework of issuing bonds may now got onuninterrupted



Party Stops Over Here En Route HomeFrom Convention in New York-

A party of fifty lumbermen from Ohioarrived here this and are reg-

istered at the Ebbitt House They aremembers of the Union Association ofOhio Lumbermen and have been in NewYork attending the National Association-of Lumbermen which adjourned yesterdayPrank

M Smith of Cleveland Ohiois in charge of the party which arrived over the Baltimore and Ohio railroad After a day of sightseeing herethe party will leave tonight over theseme rg harass Buck







latheSm 1Z



fr4 theireye







LINES ALREADY BUILTCharleston Ciendenaln and South

ernRoaringCreek and Charleston


Tt mile from Otter to BikiniTo reach East over trunk lines



Engineer of Passenger TrainFails to See Signals


wreck occurred on Central Jtnilroadof New Jersey just below thestation yesterday morning The Dunellea passenger train ooand east andin Elizabeth while traveling at tenmiles an hour ran into a freight engine that was crossing the tracks atthat point to shunt cars on the Breadway tracks Engineer Peter Harselwho was driving the engine of the pas

him and when he struck thefreight engine he wrecked the tank andpart of the cab besides smashing ia thefront of his own engine and throwingthe fireman of the freight engine to theground Injuring him slightly

The passengers were thrown into aheap and a number were injured Sixfreight ears were derailed and two weresmashed to splinters

The wreck delayed traffic severalhours It is said that the fog was thecause of the collision





eDger train did not the signals






Peacefully Away at Advanced Age


tst1gmW dM sact sert



H was in the lower of theState from to 1SBS ex-cept for one year in the senate 1S50

He was a member of the State coasti-tutional convention in 1SS3 attorneyfor the Western district of Massacfeaietts 1S53 to 1S57 when he was electedto the House of Representatives of theUnited States He remained in theHouse until 1S75 and was prominent aschairman of the Committee of Electionsof Ways and Means and of Appropria-tions

In 1875 he succeeded Charles Sumneras Senator from Massachusetts Hefounded the system of daily weatherreports while in the lower houselisfaed the Fish Commission and was SBauthority on the severalty law dividingthe Indian lands


Four Unable toObtain Coal

row YORK Feb Teutonic ofthe White Star Line and the other bigtransAtlantic liners which should havesailed yesterday morning but could notbecause of lack of coal were still

get away this morning for the samereason

Nearly all the passengers who hadbooked on the various vessels were

this morning Many of them hadSpOut the night in the cabins

Tin Teutonic the American Liner StPawl the HollandAmerica Liner

and La Lorraine of the FrenchLine the delayed vessels may sail beforenight



i to Pure Food Bill andSunday Closing

Contrary to the preannouneed plans ofseveral of Its members the Retail Grocers Association failed to take up thequestion of the payment commissionsby various grocers on business broughtthem by servants and otherat their meeting last night In their hallon Sixth Street Those who had expect-ed to introduce the subject said thathey had not had opportunity to mature

their lans In view of this fact theydeemed it wise to defer the discussionuntil their next meeting

B P Otterbach president of the as-sociation presided last night Thegreater portion of the evening wus oc-cupied in the discussion the purebin which is heartily supported bymembers of the association and of theSunday closing movement













of fad










ExSenator Davis Unites CC With TwoSmall Roads to ConnectRich Counties WestVirginia With East

Construction of 130Track Now Under WayCost Will Be 7 oooOfficeS Already inWashington

Washington Is no be the iwsaiinarteraof another large railroad system ExSenator HWHT Q Dwria of Wens v-

Va whcrsasJcea his home 5 B city isthe heM of the new compaay ad hasalready catftbtfBhad gemml office at1S3L7 H the office vaeaicd i tJ ic Virginia Central andPlttab recently removed toBaltimore

Already J20WOOO has been in-

vested and tracts for f7680vO worthof work are be s within thenext few n is to be

la West Vfeiflfc V will eonwith the Italttaasi rail-

road as well as the Wabaa ay tem MrDavis recently purchased tile C jarleston Cleaaenoln and Southern read ex-

tending trout Charleston W Va to O-tter W Va a near Sot ton W VaIt is a railroad sixtytenr miles in

He owned for some months theRoaring Creek and Charleston road nsmall line extending from Elide W-

Va ten miles into a new coal and tim-ber field also owns the Coal anlCoke read a similar small line connect-ing the Baltimore and Ohio roa l-

at Belfugton Va A new road of1M miles fa length and passing throughthe richest coal and timber deposits ofthe ittle Mountain State is to te buikat once work of construction has

TJs ikwt Ahset 7 00000-

f IS a OOQ for the lineTMS will connect the two smaller roadsowned by the Davis syndicate form-a line which wiO compete wirJi thChesapeake and Otto Railroad for allSHisicertti JH goatbwcatern oftot Sane Traveltrs win inei ntve itivchoice of two routes to WavbfngTon andBaltimore the Baltimore nod Ohio roadand the Wabash system

As yet no arrangements for Traffichave been announced by Mr Davis but

system at BlWns and Belingtou Theoffices of the Charleston ClerkteaninSouthern have been removed fromPhiladelphia and a partial reorganisanon j f the company made TIle officialsrecently elected are as fellows HenryQ Davis president Arthur vicepresident C M Handle secretary C

E McDermott general snperinUaj at

All of these ofiteials make homesin Washington with the single exceptionof Mr McDermott who has ids berd-

4U rters at Charleston W Va The off-

icial personnel of the system will becompleted as rapidly aa possible

on H Street will be enlarges iheentire work of constructing the e

line of 339 by Presi-

dent Davis from this cityWhen the connections are made and

this will be at the earliest possibmoment the line will be a much short rrroute from southern West VirginiaCincinnati and points West than anyether line Not counting the passengertraffic the freight business eves of coalalone will make the line an importantfactor te delivery of coal in Easterncities and shipments for export trade

President Davis will make Washing o

his future home although retaining hisvoting residence at Elkina He has greatconfidence in Washington and believesit will b a great eity for manufacturingpurposes as well as the seat of

The connecting line between theCharleston Clendcantn and Southernroad and the Coal and Coke sad RoaringCreek will pass through Braxtoa Upshut Harrison and Randolph countiesWest Virginia and open up thousandsof acres of coal and timber mads Aname for new system has not yetbeen chosen


At a meeting of the boad of directorsof the Business Mens Associationat their rooms in the Bond Buildingthis afternoon the petition of the restdents along Brightwcod for amimproved ear service w s Unanimouslyindorsed The petition is directed teSenator chairman of the Digtrlet Committee and urges him to ushis influence to obtain a through ar

mend StreetThey also indorsed the rofutioe

adopted at the meeting f the Brightwood Park Citizens Association pro-testing against the appropriation ofmoney lor grading and paving any

struts or aveaaes outside the citylimits untIl some cotiBiderabte

of existing streeu aad IBthe co aty sb l have been jaweft











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the part

the through lines will connect wiCY hiB


Offices l Washingtontheir

tHI alarge clerical force obtained TIle oftke







service least en tdr north













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Ing miles



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percent-age avon













