*;w«bsprg -...

*;w«Bsprg & f0| 'SflT * V sesaao •*«*-.i*»i **»f *#»^il* & 0* •^H";'f™<-' « •r JANE P1NCKPCY BENNETT Coj>yri«ht by Americas fiaa* Aato- •» elation, HO. Heat* Charts* wet-*th*tao*V f INM » » oat «%**}« w^« a* eoess* W i t t * e « i sdKttat M k | i # ' Uwigat ~rw awbi"* 4$ * % * t < * i *&-#" o«»'wb«<i b« sta* silking' ttaMik *v ffitptotf aabtre |>* ^e^tlurmgh as ••Hers I» the rtn» y<w g*?» iae; take prj^tfi* *)M»*»e wal ~ He west ft> __ ^ pi^jlggj^,, ponoffle*, txauBliied'a local ' rtirettwr and 'toont* -Ms* vcne of the striding back, and forth, fretldwt^ Tb«p toe <s«li»d JUW *ilc«l'ft* wood ring from her gages sod handed It t o him. Bat Instead of walking. away » high dudgeon he sat do«»}*nd had to an easy chair, rested bl* toad Iwcfc os the cushion, bis elbows on Out «oni, and, holding the ring ID bis Mock ancp bamlT' PPP0 ••••(••sWIWWslBMipsSlii ii^8^ii5#i^ tanaa-em- "-V*V*T J J^yjf iw ft. I 40 not wisb to see yon or e-gajw." She wsa ber cheeks arfamsr licr syes^ffaiJhisg^tWl-stni-amian and watatbows HHtiMw gos-ao, Sbe slipped s solitaire to-j*«a> ufcder tbe nam- ©* •'BatSOW-*.** ' e i p i n a e d tba§'$e> Mem a mode-st bouse, In taken a n tsacf W i>W itoa MB' Would time gentleman catt-tain an of- fer (or Eht place **<lt wood—"IO^IB, hands before Ids eyes, examined it cVltfcailv. She cast a glance at him and ottered an exclamation of anger at bis Indifference. "I most ebauge that," be said to. himself, though aloud. "Can't use tW» one again. I most get toother." "If you are saying all that for my benefit," she said, "yon are baring your trnnb$e,jfor nothing. "I moit applogiM.jtpr having .gfo-en you a stone with a flaw in It I was deceived.'' "I dost see that It makes any differ- ence now." "But the ring can't be used again," "TJsed a g a i s l What do yon* maanf' "Why, I hare promised Sue that if you ever got huffy and returned It ins should bare It." sne d iny sister, "She said that, did abef "Ob, yes; she predicted this." "Oh. she did!" "Yes." "And you're going to give her the ring?" "Ob, no; not this one. 1*11 g e t her a perfect stone. This Is worthless." "I hare not noticed any blemish in It Let me take It * moment.** "No; It was given yon as a token, a seal to a contract That, contract Is broken by its return. Sou have DO more Interest In It than yon haVe In a The o«s-ner, a Uttte nonplused, ftest- tjstea. -If you-x offer fs rwwoabie," totsr- rqpted ffauBliton- "X will glvs yoo an «xtr« tbovmnd," . -C«U teHaorrotr at 10-90, fbes," rs> pfled the owner. SitnUtom did mod tonud mm pre> trnraj tp aaceept £18.000 f w tbe twesi^! ' CTroy#aaa? *awtplreot yjm~i&&i8$ «nP' t»nti<rf'ta»trtdfe*K* ' "------•—'*- AltboDg* thU w a s *-i)t or«>r market naloe. Haanllton att onw dosed, addln* OMfxtra thousand. aeconJUng to prom- toe As.- bow«T«r,. fit ajSerward sola tbe rase £or £35,000, tit coop was on- miaUkable.-LoadoD iDtiastapD, WHISTLER THE FISHTER T M Artls* Alwa/at Tssk HI* fUvsaft* In s risflnstd Wsty. In "Whistler a> I Knew Elm" Wor- ttmer "klerapM. tb* aathor. ass a good! il to ssey about Whittle- tb» tight- e r and h*as quickneast in -rtsenttag an aftrwit. S « la «=ar-»ftil to add that WrUitler - » u always rwflosd In bis methods: *WhU« hm was serert he wa* not ae- tttsUl; brottsL B* neitr treated his • extemlw I n t COSTS* way. Any tsan glass marble. » fv "1 may hare some curiosity, mayn't ir "AD yon like," "Tbert let me see tbe ring. I * wish to know If the man 1 bare.bssai «a> W*-»M*ny—— gaged to had the effrontery, tho mean' ness. to' palm off on me a stone with a flaw In «- M •J 'j^a^*-a-a->as--Bf--^-&-- 1 -ssrsssr^saa! BraSANBCJfUtBRQ'i'N f9^'\*Ws? Y f ^W^yy**^^ fwsjiss, "~ Hit' fSlMSllW ^ . I x u " JC'''"] «*<^ris*t b ^ ^ w ^ r w - i i m^ z jiM^-^tesf.i wtao b7d e » « f ^ r b t o ' f l ^ r t ! t ^ w ^ » - ^ ¥• ^uv u . u <»»u>nu ii"*- «w»wm -uim. tbs», wabWIng«of ray hli«y«l»«. TJitMa^t* 1 to "«»tix *=»>» bow be ma* Jtart ftflid Ones tm cangbt a mtn wltb whom bat » u for* the moment trmged wash- Injg hjs fsftc*. 1^tbK)B|^ < SDC*n«nt's broken engagement concerns no one, It belongs toja dead past By your i^numlnf^the ring yon^annnliad. jo«r interest In my past and my future. It doesn't make any difference to yoo whether there Is a flaw In it or not." "Perhaps yoo will condescend, to tell me what yon propose to do iri tt* case." "Of the rtngr* "lea." "1 shall take it back to tM> man of whom 1 bought It nnd ask him for an- other, a perfect stone: that I shall '• aa-ws-iset si'ew^K r «?g8-/¥^iB8JJtriii ; give it to her "• This wna very monn of him. Bhc remembered the day he had given- hfr -tho ring; how bcantlful tho rainbow colors that sparkled from-ltr her thrill of Joy nt posaosslng It not only for it- self, but for w bat it represented. "Since I gave it to you." ho went on brutslly, "I'vo taken In n hundred dol- lars I don't know what to do with I'll add thnt to tho price and get o handsomer stone." "Do you still care enough about td grant me one favor?" "1 will grant you any favor yoo asfc." "Then don't givo tho ring to Sne." "Why not?" "I always liked Sue I know sin- tera-ln-law don't often ngroe. but I bo- llove Sue and 1 would. Tula chnncosi' nil t n a t " ••Well, soptmaing I don't glvo it to ber. who would you prefer should hnvo l t T "" " .*-••,." There was no anstwer to this. "I don't see why you should feel en- mity to Sue for merely predicting that you would get-huffy, Xoia have go{' huffy, haven't you)" "And what girl wouldn't get rraffy at being treated so brutally?" "How brutally?" "Well, for one thing, of course, you know, didn't you asy I looked horrid in that' new bat I bad taken so much pains to bunt np and have trimmed!" "l said fhe-harwas horrW** Wfittt eUcJ" '• ••:»' '.', •/•_.$ She thought « moment. Uion, «-»>.„ "1 don't exactly remember the next thing yon said, but It was xvorje than tbe flrst*• ' ' • < " • < • "Do yon remember, the next-^blnc you sflW* ••' ! ' -^' l'*i - "Why. no. but I'm surt* ft wnsn'r very bad." » vjfot" especially so. Tt was aimply that I was bereft of the slighte-it gen- tlemnnl'y insahet.". "There waa nothing in that" "Nothing whatever-*a- .mew pat of t a p iharp*y over tbe aboolders with ht» cane,- and them bj tS»r> time'tbs votdt ,bt m m "^-"^ £?•£**- **txek :io- >k *om«C-«ptehW4fl6ii 1b#pip«w_ tb«i»..ws*.a^ns«t..wlaloa.r«ti«6ff«# • I»tslnr--throtwh;tbSiilfc>Nlt^#lMs]3 -«A*ieg*«:;l»kt, rf ,4||i*sa*pa»-^«l»#S|iajqtgss«. tbesUght^-^uTidj.^ut-nbiwilthitaBJfe-' :jbi* -Mvimi^-lmi^^^ll^L.^ •wg the proximity .or tbt nmMtifm '$^lmX%m$^ '?-_* •n4;l*|TMbte^W«c^.-dt«tb^^ ; ^«^ -ft^fft*-J>*ay.Tl*t-<i: WNm?***itk **=*-*•: ow -J heard nothlngi-. - i '., ,'A. ]'- ] .Wtt* 1« = l ^ ' « « H » l ^ ' ^ : yf^^1^ HH ; -ttjioolr low to m.*t•<**»•**:#&* M'»kl^ v *^I^Mk1imtlt^. owltss beings, bat never b*for« bad la. >)i^rotd«) aad -tiKtfi&XWm^ "What JU* -bar* In tbe c a s * -ott bssriutlc* -'Wblatls* 6*sMtmrl-tlae*jnfON tsxut* beasd itraight info tbe baain of waJter, a n « while t h * fo« w a s endear- to mt the cause of thw nudWn* Immer i t o o WTUsatkr w a s in tbe smokinr (boa aettiaf tbt men there In » roar with the aacconnt of, bii adrentures 3 s fSf i ^S r 't' if^™^J!Hl«'Jle>af'bj! t h e act o f asijebtjag for m taan who hsdl darsat. to erttJdew his Vansxlan etca^•*^c^•-^If•-yo^Ir/w«a^W!;•ss*«>'S**W' fun. ICenp>sjs. n bs saM. **coasc wltb me." Forconifely the turn had been iMi*^.tto*w#m--*'!*i». •**atd-6i'-%aimd?w- ( w*tt ; ii»4«^w T^^ssmm^mfim^.W. m, r ^i».^Tli«at JPIfi taxed oa ••asaans* STariSlr^--^- Hotwrtbstanding tbit this b i n *bljBt*»i XfysMibad sb<>rd«rUr^ i be*we«tliespJtltttal«3aa( WlUiiBiw^.or bodily •k tnf »ta. -rb*r < ar.af.r r *««t ^^^C^^~- »sj»«-sti»agier tMnp STWIISBI ^ ^ - **' hellews' nothlnir-' svwai;'- nnTess -*#*. casw •Umlnate «rw v pc^Wlltr «*•'*»««' : ..'*, »blld:'«ii il*^fe-ir'v*sis^ealal:^ X am a country doctor • •'gsojrwwir-'' I f&^JEaS^iSm^' * used a horse andfeulry-to wik> ssay ^JIZZ^SsxSznFvZ&z'Z±& M tonnd of Ttalts, tb««i a Mcarcti. \m&& |»^^SrS'1^W«^*af, sutsmobile/ TO«1*» wing » » J ^ ^ S S f mtmWMSMfxm bicycle I was called to see # paHewt SlV^tb^fc^ouM. &£SZ&~"™** one maonllght evetftnitti «s«lr »u**x S s ' S f ehiktaS?3s^fc»^ : msr. Hanging toy.- medicine east 4» ^ £*13~jzS^* '^2^ the haaflJs bars, i «t*«sd «flf-=on"« v »ese* ^iM^feS.^.^.^ amoottt toaoj to go*-* couple of=*illeaei E M S ^ i n V k s A w S ^ S S ^ ^ i f i S S Th« stjgbt was stHS. a S d''th*tlrwi|*2^ SSLlS^SSS^Sw •oft, l did not need mj* lamp." t mm^v^K^^mmmfm^mm could have.heard dm ««» «b>Mf *^*S^ ; ' miM ^^^££J& the tree* beside tbe *romli "' •. - -•**?•*!'.?, *&mQm:m<'. mmm mine waa In perfect trim. It was nest WM»* 1»K- "TbUsk ef psylssgaahv HitboiA some soviart oh'thts^atf-litWl iH»jn^mk^^j^H^i9m Sight " ! 'i was^tldlnst ItJtli ajy I»c^6aJ*.^^Wtllf^Htw- ; : ^B^|^^»;^^^ >y_ ward il» r*w*ti* wbicli atoott high** 4 *• W^<i*f 'M^'^fe-"-^ 1 ^^''- w» b^reas iffld il»a» dowa $btlq« ^ " ly inw my *£irt s^flerr-i^j-^iB™'-- -•'rws'rit-n^z^ss^W^WW^ sr^dow bafc-rs me. Inclined:'* jlttifpo y^ i_»stf^ftVriirg^'t^Vii•'''•fflinr the rigfit. Suddenlr snothse Ihado-s* " •.. •^^sdtm^m^iu^k^M'ti^^'- esme^into my oeuj : <,i i^r.-^wm* j£mmm.m*mi*m.k - 3 is»*r-'-tbe '-Atlattte ^ Umi^^t' -•"•'• :^ v *lfc^^'*ia^^i;iWrSii^ -'''wsrr«'B»a'o*«a.';Ca»*a : wSs-^'.tts(te my heaA Keeping w*tt|i of t f t t ^ ^ e t following In my wales by Its ahado'wr. When I coraa tiraco m the ground -m distorted humanfigimriding:'.twbeaai not afac test away ^», : sj«-aDrtaa*t ;"x'••v-Kr- it m l-IWhed my. be*J, sxpectlng t » ffi^S?'? let a fellow twTeler. . - ""PW-f^'^wr^.ja^r-..^^ ^ ^ I dropped my eyes ag.m to tha ro*dt. JSSShWfSfflS^iT***^ .ndtb f r«w..th e .h« ( lor. ; ; .:. v,,.?2flMSli togs, ton 'there are no wogd»'tor t*«a» f^ : . ^^tM^.'SS^iSSi .iO*naw.bstt¥<*ore*at , ^3BT,sftu«u»ln% Itudled the shadow .t*l«*.n»liJi< W W ^ i ^ f ^ r ^ ^ l ^ ^ •t»-wiry In Otdf Qcseea. Trie Grce** .were slaiv* owner* wltn ireogeaiic-e. 'AiPntainli»r'work wa»_ d o n e by, «pm)iti!Ko^-^.j^ r i^f^, Z^&mMttH^^'Sfytoim) called thoie* who had been captured In The ie-roafest of fhn Oreeks sa*v no evil in t*bo inatltutioD Aristotle Is quite outapeltcn In his justdflcatlob of}' alo-rerj A certain axuouBt o f wean work bad t o be done, hr-ckiltnedi nud. "mean nattrrcd men*" were intendwl to do It. Tbe slnvea In some at the Greek urates ootnomlwrpa the fr«**roen four • r Svetoone. Manual labor came In ureecc to too pbj«t ^betwe^n it :»n«ihf K«*t -tbp* jW«g mm&m&H#ft**<Wr*V* '' 'east i t • :i'--turned. ^a-t^-iwh^-.io.ih^s JC^ss-Uic-PiitC •* JY, r -v V. 1 .'^?"- ; .'cy.f: other aide of jhs roadL .bul-'eie .ihadatrj »V A'X^-JA -'"''- •„,- - ^••^•f;-' * furued witb..;m*.. .'go'abioliitftifer.'ua'ilS: "'-.-nH" ' -*-'- <f ''*fJa^lg4i•SS^'' , 1 follow, uta^miJg+pfrihfr^ '^^i^^immmmmMc^i^ that-It wuat-cht-A'-lBpltaiw^.iaiaa,' ta^uM^M^m^mmm^ I turned In. my saddle lid IssfcitbSr- »tih* '*» ' : (J**::'«*U|" •ijKsii^PtlaTiitti^ ! «^6^t^»^sj^*fetat^*jasM^ j#ct it> pntom-mfr A «tfnaav-.^q IM a«r ^ ai^:#i*s* a^irsr ,,|f -apaeeat iftrba^'araw-'fpi^ftiffclu^ '" __ '<W>&K ; »bJii^«^*j*%^^^ ^_ : SyTfnh»~t)TO^w^Ti5rT^if^ <julver—not that there wAa.AnyJty-i^diiri^ to-be: aftral,d ; of*;sztA im rmmimm^^^Vi^f-Mi^^.... 1'bvlslb.le. but 1 w«ula"M»_i"|»TOj»nJ^tt4^ ^irnedj If my wheel wabbled it -wao-*^ ^led- if t-gioweo- mm ir»i0w«r*r;flSwh;*'' ^f I went faB'cr It-went faiterv .W?^- 1 lior -n-stime - i t ^ I d ••noi^&ijRif%l^ : kn^^ '' If i'b«^Osii--a<rtlW«ladTsb? P 1 that 1 rolRht have recelv»a some b.roln v . . , .shock, A single minute ,tlrpp o f blood rtMut^l Tb'reaklng throtjRb.a Tjeawol dfeine.bf^lh' -**IW* .._ •.•^Iirproduce.i^trangfr^nj.lfe^l^ tbon«lrt-a-d^am^»t»enrH« ^ » l ^f t ^^5^P^'Af 3W*S*'"""'' an,oacr^ .aiia >we :db" jn,ot jcpjcs-iss-. M suited only for botogs wbff cnajd not { > T -- V i •: -\,-x - ---,--.•*£•• ;—a-it- do tho hlgt»er work Iflrea fwerhenj""ft 0 ? hallucinations, occar; -3W« W ; » worked* for wages-wes* tij atsl?*.-! topled ,t,lmj .oijfv^ot } W ; « totle placedt ouralde the ronntiwrton i' 3 ' 0 "* °* l ' ,ooa ro^bt h-,v« f Irup|n|»« And what *ii« true of to- M waa JP 0 ** W M, 1 ;^ 0 . 0 ^!!^^^^ eqo«ily'true^«^me«rto*th-t?titiier:wi-^ "~ "" "'* i^>-i\^ cleat nationss.»ExchiinKe. . Brfsk-aatriaare a» as Actor. About the' year l5SO'ono at tbe Lon don companies recetrqctun addltlou • in the person *»f a yo^fe--'.tnaife N *bfo w i s not onlj s nkclllfal and asefut actor, But who also,. rxMnetwed the sccoriplish- ment of beloag; able t o adapt older'plays to tbe'tftste-' of-tb^ : aifli»" : '-stfcr^*'veji' proved to h»%» tbe ia^ft>«'»«ltWg toK erabiy good jil-ys birnaelf, tb.ougb older ind jealom- col*«gne»vmiitti! sint *t their hot ,b«Ing attogetbi'j-; ortghiaL This joong adun, wbose. c*pacitle» be- . .. . . ^*|%Maid^p'tuse^^j|eatitip^^ +LiA »n*'--tb» ; tbeaBt«f. wa» lAn»dJ«1hiatt) *^ d -'#lmlAP^--/#r<Sns' «A**Bttitwty of- *rlcaT^|3rt"" , ''' *' •-•^-—•- - • a velvet paw.' r*" There wa* sltence for a few tnlnntes. when she ssjd, 'Tve made up my mind trlBS&v-- v,--j' "Wetty '•''•". \ "1 think I wottfd Uke « myself* "What, with a flaw to i t r "Don't be ailly; tbere»s no flaw to ft." "Ho* do TOO khowr "Because . looked for one wheh yon gave it-to m*. Do yon suppose a la given, an engagement ring maklnir * c a r e ^ tea»t^on of « r * "Iwt-Aarf'a^irareWlWit,"*' It wsjjsjtis ttttfi to be';«rb»Wbsd. / "And,A don't y^mmim&Mimk yon saM>;Slre'di« r " " 'To ((t-%t|tbf«L * 0 see' ft-^upJte^t^-sMi^-'^^^ife *0 : »Ut In that ciwd it Would ba^e'b^n -awl exact'dnp!I,c^«'.':*o<tl1iitt8f'l>ttt<tift' thoothtjr i*as^at : hilb«l;' i ''"' :! i,' . .-,-.; I entered ft;joij|f^ wheie fiirtsr*re1bin| .'trees "cast ;tbielr-"'-o«r%'»ha(t»^w^-.-At» mine, and my fl'tteodaiit • fer^rfflatwfien^l'e^Stt^rF nioori^f-ml«8?^wo^t3f'ifotfft:,- „„ Aia,«." t • • Wis ".d|(p;ni#'»% disaj^'itift ; A f e w ; ; hftridrcd '^wi-di 4 s n e « d the wm« forfiitsi ^ u l d t h e iariaible;b*at' Vswy Comnlicat^i. «• i^JI^;ii«f*e^; neiu*«t ferk;fasier^l rkirWM! turn-; ' - ; totifflfofflmm sigh. Wider sird" wider 4 .ffl*&&/ tance till all doubt as to our Hr. starela 'to the otS6*# <K> OI,=«. ij!tw ,-..,,„ .... ». toM«d^We«,bIa mother', - - t e p f a t b e r • ; « « » J S ' j ^ J S j f SSL** «Ai marneda aec-ond coositt of -ay fatber-al^ ^ n f » * J**™.!™**^ *»*»*] greaMunt. "We're trying to figttreonr to *&» f ,ttosr'Wlin«J-(ttr. ...Jfetbbtf #bajt "wlafioo' that jra'ake-'fiffil M mei and i t .eS.n*^feaoo-MD; ioaa/ajgrexajigi-^ 8b Lonli Tiroes •, "V Ra^laj-^als^'ISs'et'' "Wliatdoes riftber do" wbefl yoti i ..- - - . - , s^ ,,: - - --^^»»k -bltt „anja- ouaifitonaf' amkstii-.oos' aa to flje person 1 would like to have . m »ir hoi ** » ; " ^a% 'leMfkit- aiyai. * . aow: doh*«'1^b|!ir-'*ne. % * other.' "Thesa when "1 go rooni b* k»s=sto trie-, ff asnington fiStkr. bosy last ©fiths 'ii*»- •tlnathe aay'i'oH I was'n«?|6nritiia fbr/ftt 1 fet rhsf frtttt tH&Hiverff* thmg^iMfi not crehfea reiS|»»al'IWe"fd(r'1^ --, -. ,-.,.., ;.. i9 ,., Ouc^ and ffliee'oaly i .s|« i t agfti Tae t>ro rtada'canie- td^stlilf Jt8«,;| fore' f . j r ^ d j % M « M Q ray pa'tiehtf TOe sbitalw;|ojae3':l for a few' m6menisln , '''ai&,biti-<rj!tL_ tnsOonBght. at »»• rwett'* -JtMa&^ttjea tt "Wait' iSsk-BftilSr 0*ern1^gblt'^if^ 5 ' i! ' r*6too*-irJirp^tfeht'& i ^ ^ p i r M . . . ^ twenty years old. • «he *s»|B"«^tt»ftc1 that bad come over ber dnrtii'r In'U atm^t hid been sent'for '6> s e e If, conld brtaiber to cwJK-iooines*: '' "Does sh* rid* 8 Wheel when, wflt? i ' lisksd. . «,. ,• *~f •>• r.*.ts' '• ^rJa-j-tagtlj"* ! • '- -«'- .-,«'. „ Tils * the oad «t my ^ # fwr;*. f yet tssr* i s DO s^lsnatioo fw>tti^l)*, a ^ j L ^ ^ i ^ t^-^&tf'Miiaaa^Bit^BaiaKiiBS^n&^Ba^fjBanBrr^' - 1 * _ " ^-""- - ltsa^HiBBn^a^a^a^aW^a*a^BM!a*Bat ^a^aksa«a-*A) Saasaiet-* ' ~ '*"' Simply because, it *V«s tmciuiiiy, .it^h-ifg^Ja-i^^eht'JiitviieWit':^^ wou» not bo got rid of. (F^ tWWl^t|;i»JgMUh^^ .*!-- bt.t« %fe mm : ^mm -- -- f - ii^^l^ [3- YJ 'j^'ijjV|g'|fcf'-'"^-"'' a '^ A. ,.,.>^.it-»HMi»MKaiMM»*tiK)teaA>-^., UPS" «5e5«BS«*!(<>. y>: i;?* -" ^^w^^"w*a?- * -T •*}f3 JM*flM^Nwif-.»,,# .0*1. *" i--i*' <iB«»a«fc»ss«i*„Jii-«:>j(»g:,'>-..»-s i i m^sitS) .fK" D"^ 3* f '? ? VH : "" f -'^ 5 '1 *-' W -•- J '-^"---- A " P*g**1 "'^M5*. S M e ^ t i * #»*«.i^el!'M _ „,, ., TfflFJHff 1 '*-•-' y -'' i '* "• '•••' ^ " ^ '*^' ,6 ^' ; y ! i#jf4 |"JHfe t.-.'.,. ,'ifi>i-.i.-,i-!-;<ictfej?»j)flT,- 'N^M^&f *^.'{M)y. l > - ^ W - - ^ P l ( # ' 4 ^ w |^»- i - -•'fv* *% ttftoiltet .._._,--, #»'eWi9*ai $*eSB''-fftery v -«ni»% U roow-Brooti " — y^^-*S^a*»M»i* ;f^* •?^it^^^^> , ^'^r^' ,j ^^'H -*-- Ti -~tf 'ilri'"iloswa^t aoMOber y*nr : wenVUnat «,trtrerwary»r ki2j(4*^L, L«^si5#^. £&!&&.&'& J 4,##*-,> i«P**' •* fa» a li-iatai'aWBtf* ^rVwata .iS»SS*^®0W^f#e#!ie^^i^ s;)?pp«*^g^|iij^s|» .*i»i,i!':f5*s*-*..«»*;i'-»-'-«'- J*.*W%»s>iE «

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•*«*-.i*»i **»f *#»^il* & 0* • H";'f™<-'



Coj>yri«ht by Americas f i a a * Aato-•» elation, HO.

Heat* Charts* wet-*th*tao*V f INM » » oat «%**}« w ^ « a* eoess*

W i t t * e « i sdKttat M k | i # ' Uwigat ~rw awbi"* 4$ *%*t<*i *&-#" o«»'wb«<i b« sta* silking' ttaMik *v ffitptotf aabtre |>* ^ e ^ t l u r m g h a s

••Hers I» the rtn» y<w g*?» iae; take prj^tfi* *)M»*»e w a l ~ He west ft> __ ^ pi^jlggj^, , ponoffle*, txauBliied'a local

' rtirettwr and 'toont* -Ms* vcne of the striding back, and forth, fretldwt^ Tb«p toe <s«li»d JUW *ilc«l'ft*

wood ring from her gages sod handed It t o him. Bat Instead of walking. away » high dudgeon he s a t do«»}*nd had to an easy chair, rested bl* toad Iwcfc o s the cushion, bis elbows on Out « o n i , and, holding the ring ID bis Mock ancp bamlT'

PPP0 ••••(••sWIWWslBMipsSlii

i i^8^i i5# i^



J ^ y j f iw

ft. I 40 not wisb to see yon or e-gajw."

She wsa ber cheeks arfamsr licr syes^ffaiJhisg^tWl-stni-amian a n d watatbows HHtiMw gos-ao, Sbe slipped s solitaire to-j*«a> ufcder tbe nam- ©* •'BatSOW-*.**

' e ipinaed tba§'$e> Mem a mode-st bouse, In taken a ntsacf W i>W

itoa MB'

Would time gentleman catt-tain an of­fer (or Eht place **<lt wood—"IO^IB,

hands before Ids eyes, examined it cVltfcailv. She cast a glance a t him and ottered an exclamation of anger at bis Indifference.

"I most ebauge that," be said to. himself, though aloud. "Can't use tW» one again. I most get toother."

"If you are saying all that for my benefit," she said, "yon are baring your trnnb$e,jfor nothing.

"I moit applogiM.jtpr having .gfo-en you a stone with a flaw in I t I was deceived.''

"I dost see that It makes any differ­ence now."

"But the ring can't be used again," "TJsed agaisl What do yon* maanf' "Why, I hare promised Sue that if

you ever got huffy and returned It ins should bare It."

s n e d iny sister, "She said that, did a b e f "Ob, yes; she predicted this." "Oh. she did!" "Yes." "And you're going to give her the

ring?" "Ob, no; not this one. 1*11 get her a

perfect stone. This Is worthless." "I hare not noticed any blemish in

It Let me take It * moment.** "No; It was given yon as a token, a

seal to a contract That, contract Is broken by its return. Sou have DO more Interest In It than yon haVe In a

The o«s-ner, a Uttte nonplused, ftest-tjstea.

-If you-x offer fs rwwoabie," totsr-rqpted ffauBliton- "X will glvs yoo a n «xtr« tbovmnd," .

-C«U teHaorrotr a t 10-90, fbes," rs> pfled the owner.

SitnUtom did mod tonud mm pre> trnraj tp aaceept £18.000 f w tbe twes i^!

' CTroy#aaa? *awtplreot yjm~i&&i8$ « n P ' t»nti<rf'ta»trtdfe*K* ' "------•—'*-

AltboDg* thU w a s *-i)t or«>r market naloe. Haanllton att onw dosed, addln* OMfxtra thousand. aeconJUng to prom-toe As.- bow«T«r,. fit ajSerward sola t b e rase £or £35,000, tit coop was on-miaUkable.-LoadoD iDtiastapD,


T M Artls* Alwa/at Tssk H I * fUvsaft* In s risflnstd Wsty.

In "Whistler a> I Knew Elm" Wor-ttmer "klerapM. tb* aathor. ass a good!

il to ssey about Whittle- tb» tight­er and h*as quickneast in -rtsenttag an aftrwit. S « la «=ar-»ftil to add that WrUitler - » u a lways rwflosd In bis methods:

*WhU« hm was serer t he wa* not ae-tttsUl; brottsL B* neitr treated his • extemlw I n t COSTS* way. Any tsan

glass marble. » fv "1 may hare some curiosity, mayn't

i r "AD yon like," "Tbert let me see tbe ring. I * wish

to know If the man 1 bare.bssai «a> W*-»M*ny—— gaged to had the effrontery, tho mean' ness. to' palm off on me a stone with a flaw In «-M

•J 'j^a^*-a-a->as--Bf--^-&--1



f9^'\*Ws? Yf ^W^yy**^^ fwsjiss,

"~ H i t ' fSlMSllW ^ . I ™ x u " JC'''"]

«*< ris*t b ^ ^ w ^ r w - i i m^z

j i M ^ - ^ t e s f . i

wtao b7d e » « f ^ r b t o ' f l ^ r t ! t ^ w ^ » - ^ ¥• ^ u v u . u <»»u>nu ii"*- «w»wm -uim. tbs», wabWIng«of ray hli«y«l»«. TJitMa t*1

t o "«»tix *=»>» bow be ma* Jtart ftflid

Ones tm cangbt a mtn wltb whom bat » u for* the moment trmged wash-Injg hjs fsftc*. 1^tbK)B|^<SDC*n«nt's

broken engagement concerns no one, It belongs t o j a dead past By your i^numlnf^the ring yon^annnliad. jo«r interest In my past and my future. It doesn't make any difference to yoo whether there Is a flaw In it or not."

"Perhaps yoo will condescend, t o tell me what yon propose to do iri tt* case."

"Of the rtngr* "lea." "1 shall take it back to tM> man of

whom 1 bought It nnd ask him for an­other, a perfect stone: that I shall

'• aa-ws-iset si'ew^Kr«?g8-/¥^iB8JJtriii;

give it to her "• This wna very monn of him. Bhc

remembered the day he had given- hfr -tho ring; how bcantlful tho rainbow

colors that sparkled from-ltr her thrill of Joy nt posaosslng It not only for it­self, but for w bat it represented.

"Since I gave it to you." ho went on brutslly, "I'vo taken In n hundred dol­lars I don't know what to do with I'll add thnt to tho price and get o handsomer stone."

"Do you still care enough about td grant me one favor?"

"1 will grant you any favor yoo asfc." "Then don't givo tho ring to Sne." "Why not?" "I always liked Sue I know sin-

tera-ln-law don't often ngroe. but I bo-llove Sue and 1 would. Tula chnncosi' nil tnat"

••Well, soptmaing I don't glvo it to ber. who would you prefer should hnvo l t T "" " . * - • • , . "

There was no anstwer to this. "I don't see why you should feel en­

mity to Sue for merely predicting that you would get-huffy, Xoia have go{' huffy, haven't you)"

"And what girl wouldn't get rraffy at being treated so brutally?"

"How brutally?" "Well, for one thing, of course, you

know, didn't you asy I looked horrid in that' new bat I bad taken so much pains t o bunt np and have trimmed!"

"l said fhe-harwas horrW** Wfittt eUcJ" '• ••:»' '.', •/•_.$

She thought « moment. Uion, «-»>.„ "1 don't exactly remember the next thing yon said, but It was xvorje than tbe flrst*• ' ' • < " • < •

"Do yon remember, the next-^blnc you sflW* ••' ! ' -^' l'*i -

"Why. no. but I'm surt* ft wnsn'r very bad."

» vjfot" especially so. Tt was aimply that I was bereft of the slighte-it gen-tlemnnl'y insahet.".

"There waa nothing in that" "Nothing whatever-*a- .mew pat of

t a p iharp*y over tbe aboolders with ht» cane,- and them bj tS»r> time'tbs

votdt ,bt m m " ^ - " ^ £ ? • £ * * - **txek :io- >k *om«C-«ptehW4fl6ii 1b#pip«w_ tb«i»..ws*.a^ns«t..wlaloa.r«ti«6ff«#

• I»tslnr--throtwh;tbSiilfc>Nlt^#lMs]3 -«A*ieg*«:;l»kt,rf,4||i*sa*pa»- «l»#S|iajqtgss«. tbesUght^-^uTidj.^ut-nbiwilthitaBJfe-' :jbi* -Mvimi^-lmi^^^ll^L.^ •wg the proximity . o r tbt nmMtifm '$^lmX%m$^ '?-_* „ •n4; l* |TMbte^W«c^. -dt«tb^^ ; ^«^ -ft^fft*-J>*ay.Tl*t-<i: WNm?***itk **=*-*•: ow -J heard nothlngi-. - • i '., ,'A. ]'- ] .Wtt* 1« = l ^ ' « « H » l ^ ' ^ : y f ^ ^ 1 ^ H H ;

-ttjioolr low to m.*t•<**»•**:#&* M'»kl^v*^I^Mk1imtlt^. owltss beings, bat never b*for« bad la. >)i^rotd«) aad -tiKtfi&XWm^

"What JU* -bar* In tbe c a s * - o t t bssriutlc* -'Wblatls* 6*sMtmrl-tlae*jnfON tsxut* beasd itraight info tbe baain of waJter, a n « while t h * fo« was endear-

to mt the cause of thw nudWn* Immer i t o o WTUsatkr was in tbe smokinr ( b o a aettiaf tbt m e n there In » roar w i t h the aacconnt of, bii adrentures

3 s f S f i ^ S r ' t ' if^™^J!Hl«'Jle>af'bj! t h e act of asijebtjag for m taan who hsdl darsat. to erttJdew his Vansxlan etca^•*^c^•-^If•-yo^Ir/w«a^W!;•ss*«>'S**W' fun. ICenp>sjs.n bs saM. **coasc wltb me." Forconifely t h e turn had been

iMi*^.tto*w#m--*'!*i». •**atd-6i'-%aimd?w-(w*tt;ii»4« w T^^ssmm^mfim^.W. m,



JPIfi taxed oa ••asaans* STar iS lr^- -^-

Hotwrtbstanding tbit this b i n *bljBt*»i XfysMibad

sb<>rd«rUr ibe*we«tliespJtltttal«3aa( WlUi iB iw^ .or bodily •ktnf»ta. -rb*r<ar.af.rr*««t ^^^C^^~-

»sj»«-sti»agier tMnp S T W I I S B I ^ ^ - * * ' hellews' nothlnir-' svwai;'- nnTess -*#*. casw •Umlnate «rwvpc^Wlltr «*•'*»««' •:..'*, »blld:'«ii il*^fe-ir'v*sis^ealal:^

X am a country doctor • •'gsojrwwir-'' I f&^JEaS^iSm^' * used a horse and feulry- to wik> ssay JIZZ^SsxSznFvZ&z'Z±& M tonnd of Ttalts, tb««i a Mcarcti. \m&& | » ^ ^ S r S ' 1 ^ W « ^ * a f , sutsmobile/ TO«1*» wing » » J ^ ^ S S f mtmWMSMfxm bicycle I was called to see # paHewt SlV^tb^fc^ouM. &£SZ&~"™** one maonllght evetftnitti «s«lr »u**x S s ' S f ehiktaS?3s^fc»^:

msr. Hanging toy.- medicine east 4» ^ £*13~jzS^* '^2^ the haaflJs bars, i «t*«sd «flf-=on"«v»ese* ^ i M ^ f e S . ^ . ^ . ^ amoottt toaoj to go*-* couple of=*illeaei EMS^inVksAwS^SS^^ifiSS Th« stjgbt was stHS. a S d' ' th* t l rwi | *2^ *» SSLlS^SSS^Sw •oft, l did not need mj* lamp." t mm^v^K^^mmmfm^mm could have.heard dm ««» «b>Mf * ^ * S ^ ; ' miM^^^££J& the tree* beside tbe *romli "' •. - -•**?•*!'.?, *&mQm:m<'. mmm

mine waa In perfect trim. It was nest WM»* 1»K- "TbUsk ef psylssgaahv HitboiA some soviart oh'thts^atf-litWl iH»jn^mk^^j^H^i9m Sight "!'i was tldlnst ItJtli ajy I»c^6aJ*. ^Wtllf Htw-;

:^B | ^»; ^^ >y_ ward il» r*w*ti* wbicli atoott high**4 *• W^<i*f 'M^'^fe-"-^1^^''-w» b^reas iffld il»a» dowa $btlq« ^ " ly inw my *£irt s^flerr-i^j-^iB™'-- -•'rws'rit-n^z^ss^W^WW^ sr dow bafc-rs me. Inclined:'* jlttifpo y^ i_»stf^ftVriirg^'t^Vii•'''•fflinr the rigfit. Suddenlr snothse Ihado-s* " •.. •^^sdtm^m^iu^k^M'ti^^'-esme into my oeuj:<,i i^r.-^wm* j£mmm.m*mi*m.k - 3 is»*r-'-tbe '-Atlattte ^

Umi^^t' -•"•'•

:^ v*lfc^^'*ia^^i; iWrSii^ -'''wsrr«'B»a'o*«a.';Ca»*a:wSs-^'.tts(te

my heaA Keeping w*tt|i of tftt^^et following In my wales by Its ahado'wr. When I coraa tiraco m the ground-m distorted human figim riding:'.t wbeaai not afac test away ^»,:sj«-aDrtaa*t ;"x'••v-Kr-it m l-IWhed my. be*J, sxpectlng t » ffi^S?'? let a fellow twTeler. . - ""PW-f^'^wr^.ja^r-..^^ ^ ^

I dropped my eyes ag.m to tha ro*dt. J S S S h W f S f f l S ^ i T * * * ^ .ndtbfr«w..the.h«(lor. ;;.:. v , , . ? 2 f l M S l i

togs, ton 'there are no wogd»'tor t*«a» f ^ : . ^^tM^.'SS^iSSi

.iO*naw.bstt¥<*ore*at, 3BT,sftu«u»ln% Itudled the shadow .t*l«*.n»liJi< W W ^ i ^ f ^ r ^ ^ l ^ ^

•t»-wiry In Otdf Qcseea. Trie Grce** .were slaiv* owner* wltn ireogeaiic-e. 'AiPntainli»r'work wa»_

done by, «pm)iti!Ko^-^.j^ri^f^, Z^&mMttH^^'Sfytoim) called thoie* who had been captured In

The ie-roafest of fhn Oreeks sa*v no evil in t*bo inatltutioD Aristotle Is quite outapeltcn In his justdflcatlob of}' alo-rerj A certain axuouBt o f wean work bad t o be done, hr-ckiltnedi nud. "mean nattrrcd men*" were intendwl to do It. Tbe slnvea In some at the Greek urates ootnomlwrpa the fr«**roen four • r S v e t o o n e . Manual labor came In ureecc to too

pbj«t betwe n i t :»n«ihf K«*t -tbp* jW«g mm&m&H#ft**<Wr*V* '' 'east i t • :i'--turned. a-t^-iwh^-.io.ih^s JC ss-Uic-PiitC •* JY, r-v V.1.' ?"- ; .'cy.f: • other aide of jhs roadL .bul-'eie .ihadatrj »V A'X^-JA -'"''- •„,- - •• •f;-' * furued witb..;m*.. .'go'abioliitftifer.'ua'ilS: "'-.-nH"' -*-'-<f''*fJa lg4i•SS '',•1

follow, uta^miJg+pfrihfr^ '^^i^^immmmmMc^i^ that-It wuat-cht-A'-lBpltaiw^.iaiaa,' ta^uM^M^m^mmm^ I turned In. my saddle lid IssfcitbSr- »tih* '*» ':(J**::'«*U|" •ijKsii PtlaTiitti

! « ^ 6 ^ t ^ » ^ s j ^ * f e t a t ^ * j a s M ^

j#ct it> pntom-mfr A «tfnaav-. q IM a«r ^ ai^:#i*s* a irsr ,,|f -apaeeat iftrba^'araw-'fpi^ftiffclu^ '"

__ '<W>&K;»bJii^«^*j*%^^^ ^_ :SyTfnh»~t)TO^w^Ti5rT^if^

<julver—not that there wAa.AnyJty-i^di ir i^ to-be: aftral,d;of*;sztA i m rmmimm^^^Vi^f-Mi^^.... 1'bvlslb.le. but 1 w«ula"M»_i"|»TOj»nJ^tt4^

^irnedj If my wheel wabbled i t -wao-*^ ^led- if t-gioweo- mm ir»i0w«r*r;flSwh;*''

f I went faB'cr It-went faiterv .W?^-1

lior -n-stime - i t^Id ••noi^&ijRif%l^:kn^^ ''

If i'b«^Osii--a<rtlW«ladTsb? P1 that 1 rolRht have recelv»a some b.roln v . . ,

.shock, A single minute ,tlrpp o f blood rtMut l Tb'reaklng throtjRb.a Tjeawol dfeine.bf^lh' -**IW*

. ._ •.•^Iirproduce.i^trangfr^nj.lfe^l^ tbon«lrt-a-d^am^»t»enrH« ^ » l ^ f t ^ ^ 5 ^ P ^ ' A f 3W*S*'"""''

an,oacr^ .aiia >we :db" jn,ot jcpjcs-iss-. M suited only for botogs wbff cnajd not { > T --V i •: -\,-x - ---,--.•*£•• ;—a-it-do tho hlgt»er work Iflrea fwerhenj""ft0? hallucinations, occar; -3W« W ;

» worked* for wages-wes* tij a t s l ? * . - ! topled ,t,lmj .oijfv^ot } W ; « totle placedt ouralde the ronntiwrton i'3'0"* °* l ' , o o a ro^bt h-,v« fIrup|n|»« And what *i i« true of to- M waa JP0** W M , 1 ; ^ 0 . 0 ^ ! ! ^ ^ ^ ^ eqo«ily'true^«^me«rto*th-t?titiier:wi-^ "~ "" "'*

i ^ > - i \ ^

cleat nationss.»ExchiinKe. .

Brfsk-aatriaare a» as Actor. About the' year l5SO'ono at tbe Lon

don companies recetrqctun addltlou • in the person *»f a yo^fe--'.tnaifeN*bfo wis not onlj s nkclllfal and asefut actor, But who also,. rxMnetwed the sccoriplish-ment of beloag; able t o adapt older'plays to tbe'tftste-' of-tb^:aifli»":'-stfcr^*'veji' proved to h»%» tbe ia^ft>«'»«ltWg toK erabiy good jil-ys birnaelf, tb.ougb older ind jealom- col*«gne»vmiitti! sint *t their hot ,b«Ing attogetbi'j-; ortghiaL This joong adun, wbose. c*pacitle» be-

. .. . . ^ * | % M a i d ^ p ' t u s e ^ ^ j | e a t i t i p ^ ^ +LiA »n*'--tb»;tbeaBt«f. wa» lAn»dJ«1hiatt) *^ d - '# lmlAP^-- /#r<Sns ' «A**Bttitwty of-

*rlcaT^|3rt"",''' *' • - •^-—•- - •

a velvet paw.' r*" There wa* sltence for a few tnlnntes.

when she ssjd, 'Tve made up my mind

trlBS&v-- v , - - j ' "Wetty ' • ' ' • " .

\ "1 think I wottfd Uke « myself* "What, with a flaw to i t r "Don't be ailly; tbere»s no flaw to ft." "Ho* do TOO k h o w r "Because . looked for one wheh yon

gave it-to m*. Do yon suppose a la given, an engagement ring maklnir * c a r e ^ tea»t^on of « r *

"Iwt-Aarf'a^irareWlWit,"*' It wsjjsjtis ttttfi to be';«rb»Wbsd. /

"And,A don't y^mmim&Mimk yon saM>;Slre'di«r" "

'To ((t-%t|tbf«L

* 0 see' ft-^upJte^t^-sMi^-'^^^ife *0: »Ut In that ciwd it Would ba^e'b^n -awl exact'dnp!I,c^«'.':*o<tl1iitt8f'l>ttt<tift' thoothtjr i*as^at:hilb«l;'i''"':!i,' . .-,-.;

I entered ft;joij|f^ wheie fiirtsr*re1bin| .'trees "cast ;tbielr-"'-o«r%'»ha(t»^w -.-At» mine, and my fl'tteodaiit • fer^rfflatwfien^l'e^Stt^rF nioori^f-ml«8?^wo^t3f'ifotfft:,- „„ Aia,«." t • • Wis ".d|(p;ni#'»% disaj^'itift

; A f e w ; ; hftridrcd '^wi-di4 s n e « d the wm« forfiitsi ^ u l d t h e iariaible;b*at'

Vswy Comnlicat^i. «•


neiu*«t m« ferk;fasier^l rkirWM!

turn-;'-; to tifflfofflmm sigh. Wider sird" wider4 .ffl*&&/ tance till all doubt as t o our Hr. starela 'to the otS6*# <K> O I , = « . i j ! t w , - . . , , „ ....».

toM«d^We«,bIa mother', - - t e p f a t b e r • ; « « » J S ' j ^ J S j f S S L * * «Ai marneda aec-ond coositt of -ay fatber-al^ ^ n f » * J * * ™ . ! ™ * * ^ * » * » * ] greaMunt. "We're trying to figttreonr to *&» f ,ttosr'Wlin«J-(ttr. ...Jfetbbtf #bajt "wlafioo' that jra'ake-'fiffil M mei and i t .eS.n*^feaoo-MD; ioaa/ajgrexajigi- 8b Lonli Tiroes •,

" V Ra^laj-^als^'ISs'et'' "Wliatdoes riftber do" wbefl yoti

i . . - - - . - , s^ ,,: - - -- »»k -bltt „anja- ouaifitonaf' amkstii-.oos' aa to flje person 1 would like to have .m»ir hoi ** » ;"

^a% 'leMfkit- aiyai. * . aow: doh*«'1^b|!ir-'*ne.%* other.' "Thesa when "1 go rooni b* k»s=sto trie-, ff asnington fiStkr.

bosy last

©fiths ' i i * » -


aay'i 'oH I

was'n«?|6nritiia fbr/ftt 1 fet rhsf frtttt tH&Hiverff* thmg^iMfi not crehfea reiS|»»al'IWe"fd(r'1^ --, -. , - . , . . , ;..i9,.,

Ouc^ and ffliee'oaly i .s|« i t agfti Tae t>ro rtada'canie- td^stlilf Jt8«,;| fore' f . j r ^ d j % M « M Q ray pa'tiehtf TOe sbitalw;|ojae3':l for a few' m6menisln,'''ai&,biti-<rj!tL_ tnsOonBght. at »»• rwett'* -JtMa&^ttjea tt "Wait' iSsk-BftilSr 0*ern1^gblt'^if^5'i!'

r*6too*-irJirp^tfeht'& i ^ ^ p i r M . . . ^ twenty years old. • «he *s»|B"«^tt»ftc1 that bad come over ber dnrtii'r In'U atm^t h i d been sent'for '6> s e e If, conld brtaiber to cwJK-iooines*: ''

"Does s h * rid* 8 Wheel when, wflt?i' l i s k s d . . « , . ,• *~f •>• r.*.ts' '•

^rJa-j-tagtlj"* ! • '- -«'- .-,«'. „ T i l s * the oad « t m y ^ # fwr;*. f yet tssr* i s DO s^ l snat ioo fw>tti^l)*, a ^ j L ^ ^ i ^ t^-^&tf'Miiaaa^Bit^BaiaKiiBS^n&^Ba^fjBanBrr^' -1* _ " -""- -

ltsa^HiBBn^a^a^a^aW^a*a^BM!a*Bat ^a^aksa«a-*A)

Saasaiet-* ' ~ '*"'

Simply because, it *V«s tmciuiiiy, .it^h-ifg^Ja-i^^eht'JiitviieWit':^^ wou» not bo got rid of. (F^ tWWl^t|;i»JgMUh^^

.*!-- bt.t« %fe mm :^mm -- --f-


[3- YJ'j^'ijjV|g'|fcf'-'"^-"''a'^ A.


UPS" «5e5«BS«*!(<>.


i ;?* - "

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m^sitS) .fK" D " ^ 3* f'? ? VH : "" f-' 5'1 *-'

W - • - J ' - ^ " - - - - A "



S M e ^ t i * #»*«.i el!'M _ „,, ., TfflFJHff1'*-•-'y-''i'* "• '•••' ^ " ^ '*^',6^';y!i#jf4

|"JHfe t.-.'.,. ,'ifi>i-.i.-,i-!-;<ictfej?»j)flT,- ' N ^ M ^ & f

* .'{M)y. l > - ^ W - - ^ P l ( # ' 4 ^ w | ^ » - i -

-•'fv* *% ttftoiltet

. . _ . _ , - - , #»'eWi9*ai $*eSB''-ffteryv-«ni»% U roow-Brooti " —


; f ^ *

•?^it^^^^> ,^'^r^' , j^^'H -*-- Ti -~tf

'ilri'"iloswa^t aoMOber y*nr: wenVUnat «,trtrerwary»r

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