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 A Celebraon of  Inclusion & Diversity  in Acve Ageing Second Announcement & First Call for Abstr acts Scosh Exhibion and Conference Centre www.wcaa2012.com Co hosted by Congress Alliance Partners Supporter

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 A Celebraon of  Inclusion & Diversity 

 in Acve Ageing

Second Announcement

& First Call for Abstracts

Scosh Exhibion and Conference Centre


Co hosted by Congress Alliance Partners Supporter

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‘A Celebraon of 

Inclusion and Diversity in Acve Ageing’ 

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Local Organising and Scienc Programme Commiees of the 8th World Congress on Acve Ageing,

we are delighted to welcome you to be part of this unique event to celebrate Inclusion and Diversity in Acve Ageing.

Glasgow Caledonian University and the Brish Heart Foundaon Naonal Centre for Physical Acvity and Health have

been selected by the Internaonal Coalion for Aging and Physical Acvity (ICAPA) (formerly ISAPA) to host the 8th

World Congress on Acve Ageing (www.wcaa2012.com). This World Congress is a rst for the UK and will be held in

Glasgow, Scotland, from August 13th to 17th 2012.

Every four years, the scienc community from around the world gathers together in this internaonal scienc

congress to exchange the latest research ndings and clinical developments in the area of Ageing and Physical Acvity.

It also introduces leading edge methods on developing, implemenng, and evaluang physical acvity programmes for

older adults. The 2012 event is targeted towards researchers, praconers, organisaons, and for the rst me, older

adults and the general public who are interested in promong acve and healthy lifestyles for older adults.

The London 2012 Olympic Games and the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games have the potenal to inspire people

of all ages and abilies. By bringing the 8th World Congress on Aging and Physical Acvity to Glasgow we aim to leave a

lasng legacy for the promoon of physical acvity across the age span. Glasgow has one of the lowest life expectancies

in the UK and this Congress will highlight the cultural and ethnic dierences seen in terms of adopon of physically

acve lifestyles. Our Congress Alliance Partners include the Scosh Government and NHS Health Scotland. We are also

working closely with the UK Allied Health Professional Bodies and age related and medical charies and organisaons

to ensure that the programme is of interest to those working in pracce as well as those working in research. With a

cross cung programme of interest to delegates wishing to aend the whole Congress, to strong one day themes for

those interested in aending part of the Congress, we hope that there is something to inspire everyone.

We hope you share our enthusiasm for WCAA 2012 and invite you to join us in Glasgow in August 2012.

Dr Dawn Skelton Chairs: Local Organising Commiee, WCAA 2012 Mr Bob Laventure


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Scienc ProgrammeWCAA 2012 provides a unique opportunity for all those interested in acve ageing. By interweaving pure and applied

research, those who implement research into pracce and those that we are aempng to reach (older people), this is a

truly muldisciplinary approach. Whether you are interested in physiology, psychology, epidemiology or implementaon

science, our Keynote presentaons from renowned experts in the eld will inspire you. Over 100 parallel symposia,praccal workshops, Meet the Expert sessions, alongside scienc and evaluaon posters will hopefully ensure that

whatever your discipline, you will nd answers, or maybe even idenfy gaps and inspire future research. We have a

strong public parcipaon theme, with a huge “Experience Zone” where you can join older people from all walks of 

life in experiencing diverse and more tradional physical acvity and exercise opportunies. On behalf of the Scienc

Commiee, we sincerely hope to see you at WCAA 2012.

Scienc Programme Commiee Chair: Dr Dawn Skelton, Scotland, UK

Call for AbstractsDelegates are invited to submit abstracts for the following:

�An oral presentaon (scienc or praccal implementaon)

�A poster presentaon (scienc or praccal implementaon)

�A symposium

�A workshop

�A Meet the Experts session

The ocial language of the Congress is English. Abstracts not received in English will be rejected. Submission

opens on the 31st August 2011 and your abstract must reach the Congress Secretariat on or before the 31st

January 2012. You can only submit your abstract online at www.wcaa2012.com and you will be guided through

the process so that your abstract can be formaed appropriately for presentaon both online and in print.

You will receive conrmaon of abstract submission automacally. Abstracts will be limited to 2000 characters

(including spaces). On submission of your abstract you will be asked to indicate whether your abstracts ts a one

day theme or a horizontal strand or you will be given the choice to add keywords for the Scienc Commiee to

distribute to the appropriate members. Your abstract must not have appeared in published format previously. 

All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scienc Programme Commiee and you will be informed of their decision by

the 16 March 2012. If your abstract is accepted for presentaon at WCAA 2012 and the corresponding author has not

registered for the Congress by 16 April 2012 your abstract will be withdrawn.

Abstracts will be published in a special supplement of the Journal of Aging and Physical Acvity (Human Kinecs).

Congress day themes and horizontal strandsAlthough the Congress will accept abstracts on any topic concerning older people and exercise/physical acvity, we

parcularly invite you to submit abstracts within our key one day themes or horizontal strands.

Key one-day Congress themes will focus upon prevenon and self management of the condions associated with

old age:

�Well-being, quality of life and cognive funconing

�Falls, fractures and bone health

�Neurological and musculoskeletal condions

�Cardiovascular and respiratory condions

These themes will be complimented by a series of horizontal conference strands which will include:

�The impact of the built and natural environment and technology on physical acvity

�Training and instrucon in exercise leadership and safe and eecve programming�Movaon to take up and adhere to physical acvity

�Measurement of physical acvity and exercise outcomes

�Acve Ageing and health promoon


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WCAA 2012 CommieesWorld Congress Chairs:Dr Dawn Skelton, Reader in Ageing and Health, Glasgow Caledonian University

Bob Laventure, Consultant, Brish Heart Foundaon Naonal Centre for Physical Acvity and Health

Scienc Programme Commiee:Chair: Dr Dawn Skelton, Scotland, UK

A group of internaonally renowned experts have agreed to sit on the Scienc Programme Commiee and the Local

Organising Commiee. For full Informaon on the members of both commiees please visit the Congress website for

more informaon (www.wcaa2012.com).

Preliminary World Congress Programme (at me of prinng)

We are pleased to announce the following Keynote presenters and Symposia (correct at me of going to print). Further

informaon and updates will be available through the Congress Website www.wcaa2012.com.

Keynotes (invited)Professor Tom Kirkwood Longevity and Acvity - Director, Instute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle

University (UK)

Professor David Buchner Exercise Guidelines for Physical Acvity in Older People - University of Illinois (USA)

Professor Waneen Spirduso Acvity, Wellbeing and Quality of Life - Dept. Kinesiology, University of Texas (USA)

Dr Jennifer Etnier Exercise and Prevenon and Management of Demena - University of Greensboro


Dr Dawn Skelton Exercise/PA, Falls and Bone Health - Glasgow Caledonian University (UK)

Colin Milner Promong and Markeng Exercise to Seniors - CEO Internaonal Coalion of AcveAging (USA)

Professor Stephanie Studenski Exercise Management and Prevenon of Neurological and Musculoskeletal

Condions - University of Pisburgh (USA)

Dr Stuart Smith New Technologies to Engage Older Adults in Acvity - Neuroscience Research

Australia (Australia)

Professor Neville Owen Sedentary Behaviour - New Insights - Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Instute,

Melbourne (Australia)

Symposia (invited)�

Sarcopenia and Frailty - Dr Carolyn Greig, The Physiological Society (UK)�American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Strategic Health Iniave on Aging (SHI-Aging) - Prof David

Buchner (USA)

�EGREPA - European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Acvity - Dr Michael Brach (Germany)

�Impact of Built/Natural Environment on parcipaon - Prof Marcus Omerod and Dr Rita Newton (UK)

�Nutrional Intervenons and Exercise on Ageing Muscle and Bone Health - Assoc Prof Darren Candow (Canada)

�Increasing Walking Parcipaon Through Primary Care - Prof Nanee Mutrie (UK)

�Increasing Evidence Based Exercise Through Primary Care - Prof Steve Ilie (UK)

�Chronic Pain, Physical Acvity and Older People - Prof Denis Marn (UK)

�Objecve Physical Acvity Measurement - Dr Malcolm Granat (UK) and Dr Wiebren Zijlstra (Netherlands)

�Longitudinal Physical Acvity Surveys in Scotland - Prof Marion McMurdo (UK)

�The Eects of Ageing and Physical Acvity on those with Spinal Cord Injuries - David Dolbow (USA)

�Movaon to Uptake and Adhere to Exercise - Dr Samuel Nyman (UK)

�Geriatric Olympics - Dr Ted Muilenburg (USA)

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General InformaonCrical Dates:31 August 2011 Abstract submission system opens

30 November 2011 Registraon system opens

31 January 2012 Call for papers deadline

16 March 2012 Abstract acceptance/ rejecon nocaon

16 April 2012 Early registraon deadline

13 - 17 August 2012 WCAA 2012 Congress

Congress VenueThe venue for this presgious Congress, the Scosh Exhibion and Conference Centre (SECC), is located on the banks

of the River Clyde in the heart of Scotland’s largest city, Glasgow, which is one of Europe’s most excing cultural capitals.

Situated alongside the major motorway network, it is less than 20 minutes from the internaonal airport, which has a

regular bus service into the city centre. The SECC also has its own railway staon and therefore is easily accessed from

around the country (www.secc.co.uk).

For further informaon on Glasgow or Scotland please visit www.seeglasgow.com or www.visitscotland.com.

RegistraonDelegates will be able to register for the congress, book accommodaon and ights at www.wcaa2012.com from 30th

November 2011.

Social, Tour and Acvies ProgrammeThere will be an extensive social, tours and acvies programme where delegates will be able to sign up and parcipate

giving the full avour of Scotland and the essence of the Acve Ageing Legacy. More details on these acvites will be

announced on the website on 30th November 2011.

WCAA 2012 Sponsors

  HUR Fitness - Proud WCAA 2012 Planum Sponsor

There are opportunies available for companies and organisaons to support WCAA 2012, for further informaon,

please contact [email protected].

Congress SecretariatWCAA 2012

Congrex UK Ltd

4b, 50 Speirs Wharf 

Port Dundas


G4 9TH


Tel: +44 (0)141 331 0123

Fax: +44 (0)141 331 0234

Email: [email protected]

Please visit the conference website where

informaon will be updated regularly:


 A Celebraon of Inclusion & Diversity in Acve Ageing

Tobermory, Isle of Mull

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