we can help.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/double-denim/live...you know your business best, and we...

Are you keen to move diversity away from a box ticking exercise and into a transformative tool? Want to gain and retain great employees? Want to connect with the largest market in the world? Too busy doing your main job to get stuck into a diversity strategy? Understand the why, but need help with the how? We can help.

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Post on 14-Aug-2020




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Page 1: We can help.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/double-denim/live...you know your business best, and we listen and assess your needs. 2. Use Double Denim’s pioneering Gender Intelligence

Are you keen to move diversity away from a box ticking exercise and into a transformative tool?

Want to gain and retain great employees?

Want to connect with the largest market in the world?

Too busy doing your main job to get stuck into a diversity strategy?

Understand the why, but need help with the how?

We can help.

Page 2: We can help.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/double-denim/live...you know your business best, and we listen and assess your needs. 2. Use Double Denim’s pioneering Gender Intelligence

Your business and Double Denim

If you are looking for ways to increase and implement gender equality both internally and externally,

Double Denim can help.

As New Zealand’s only Gender Intelligence Consultancy and Creative Agency, we are uniquely placed to help your organisation unlock the largest market in the world, giving your business a competitive and compassionate advantage.

We co-design a strategy to make sure your goals are realised and create action plans that are authentic, engaging and make people want to know more.

Here’s how we can help:1. Gender Intelligence Action Plan2. Gender Mentoring3. How to Workshops4. Impact Campaigns

First up, let’s talk. Tell us everything about what you’re doing and any details which may help us such as timeframes, your expectations, your measures of success and so on.

We ask a lot of questions about the project and your process, and you get to ask questions about ours.

Page 3: We can help.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/double-denim/live...you know your business best, and we listen and assess your needs. 2. Use Double Denim’s pioneering Gender Intelligence

What is Gender Intelligence?

Gender Intelligence is the ability to understand how the differences in the way all genders engage with the world can be used to increase understanding, innovation, collaboration and cooperation in workplaces and personal lives. It recognises and respects the complementary and different strengths men, women and non-binary people have.

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1. Gender Intelligence Action Plan

Our world leading gender insights and our proven creative approach enables us to bring a fresh way of working to your project to ensure its success.

Our process:

1.We start with the assumption that you know your business best, and we listen and assess your needs.

2.Use Double Denim’s pioneering Gender Intelligence Action Plan to take you through a three-step process to discover the opportunities for your business to engage the biggest market out there: women.

3.Lead workshops that are designed to allow space for all genders to create a workplace where everyone’s skill, talents and influence are contributing to your business goals.

4.Design a hard-working strategy to help these opportunities turn into realities. We pride ourselves on delivering authentic campaigns with heart that return high growth for our client’s businesses and organisations.

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Double Denim Process

1. 2. 3.

Audit Insight report Opportunity report

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Gender Audit

We conduct a comprehensive audit of your marketing and communications collateral and channels, internal processes and systems, hiring policies, gender pay gap and the makeup of your existing employees, through the lens of our existing gender research.

This includes:

- Press releases- Speeches- Social media posts- Survey responses- Imagery- Visual branding and collateral- Internal teams

Knowledge is power.

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Gender Insights

Our Gender Insights report focuses on uncovering meaningful opportunities for building internal change, successful product and service development, and great campaigns.

Our personas, developed using our data insights, comprehensively represent the needs and motivations of women in Aotearoa New Zealand. From this, we create a detailed report on how your brand stacks up in your market.

You gain greater awareness around where to make a difference in your decision making, thinking and actions.

Our powerful insights enable you to:

- Connect with consumers on an emotional level and elicit a ‘you understand me’ reaction;- Reexamine existing conventions and challenge the status quo;- Solve real problems that result in the creation of new customers;- Inspire action by giving you a clear target to aim for.

Reduce the data. Increase your insight. Be a smarter business.

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Gender Opportunities Report

In order to remain competitive and ensure sustainable success, our Gender Opportunities Report highlights all of the ways can use Gender Intelligence to achieve your objectives and increase your bottom line.

We uncover opportunities in:

- Marketing and Communications- Campaigns- Product development- Project and programme development- Building internal capability- Training and workshops- Partnership opportunities- Thought leadership

Get solutions. Get Answers. Get Results.

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2. Gender Intelligence Mentoring

Our one-on-one, twelve month mentoring programme is a perfect professional development programme for senior leaders and managers.

We focus on diving deeper into understanding how gender intelligence can help businesses and personal relationships thrive.

Think of us as your “Gender Explainers on Speed Dial”.

We work with you to develop a unique programme that responds to your needs. We provide a safe and open space for you to ask all the questions you need answers for, from helping you put a gender lens on internal procedures and product development, to unpacking the patriarchy. We will help you to work out ways to close the gender pay gap: by bouncing ideas around and figuring out what active listening actually means, we help uncover and overcome your own bias – in this programme there are no dumb questions.

We match you with someone from our large network of mentors to facilitate a life changing experience.

We provide a detailed set of resources, a regular monthly two hour meeting (face-to-face or on Skype) and unlimited email support during work hours.

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3. Workshops

We all know a diverse and inclusive workplace is great for business, but nailing the ‘how’ is the hard part.

Double Denim’s approach focusses on learning how to recognise, value and leverage every individual in a team for your business’s collective advantage.

Our aim is to give you the skills to have truly blended conversations at all levels in your organisation. We move your business beyond quotas, and show you how to understand and appreciate the talents that everyone brings to the table.

We work with the Australian-based company The Happiness Concierge, and the New Zealand based company Barbarian Productions to deliver these workshops.

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In our workshops we focus on:- how men can use their skills, talents and influence to change cultural norms and stereotypes, and to make the workplace a better space for everyone;- ways of making space for different opinions;- share tips on ‘what to say when’;- set accountability goals.- what to do when you are confronted by internalised sexism in the workplace;- share tips on ‘what to say when’;- how to give constructive criticism and stay in your job;- set accountability goals.- creating ways of working together that focus on recognising and implementing the skills and talents of the whole team to support the competitive advantage of the organisation;- set accountability goals.

Double Denim representatives meet with you each month for an hour-long lunchtime session to help you and your organisation stay accountable and ace your competitive advantage.

In the wake of #metoo and #timesup many people are wondering how to be a champion for change, or even what all the fuss is about.

Being able to identify where the problems are, and having the language and skills to implement transformational change in a non-threatening manner, is what this workshop is all about.

Each workshop starts with an excerpt from Barbarian Productions show ‘Soft n Hard.’ This is presented in a funny and thought provoking way.

Diversity + Creativity = Profitability Workshop

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In this workshop we focus on building gender equality in internal teams and understanding how to recognise and encourage best practice.

A two and a half hour workshop where we focus on understanding the ‘why,’ share the ‘what,’ get focussed on the ‘how,’ and set clear objectives to implement the ‘when’.

The workshop’s broad outline looks like this: - Check in – what is this business doing well/not doing well in regards to gender diversity?- Discussion of the financial impact of good gender inclusivity programs;- Address biases via content, for instance the Twitter account @manwhohasitall;- Workshop ways in which everyone can monitor their own gender biases and support each other in the learning journey;- Discussion focusing on the idea that mistakes are okay, but to recognise mistakes and apologise;- Nominate commitments and someone to hold you accountable.

This workshop helps your business retain staff, builds your company profile in a positive way, and increases your bottom line.

This workshop is for all genders.

Ace Your Leadership and Build Tremendous Teams Workshop

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4. Impact Campaigns

We start with ‘why,’ add in ‘who,’ to create a brand that looks amazing but most importantly, knows exactly what it is and why it exists. We figure out how to convey the value of your product so your audience can understand it – how it works, what it feels like, and why they need it in their lives.

- We start with where you’re at now and define your brand vision, values, promise and story and how they relate to gender.- Using our pioneering audience research we’ll dig into the motivations and habits of your potential customers and create a set of useful personas.- We’ll develop all the things to make you look great: a logo, font, and colours, and give you a set of guidelines on how to use them.

We design impact campaigns that get everyone talking for all the right reasons.

- We’ll create an Impact Campaign concept so compelling the media will be calling you. - We’ll write all the words you need to tell everyone about your campaign, from the key messages and emails, messaging guides and speech notes, to product statements, web copy and internal messages. - We’ll create strategic media relations for important third party endorsement. - We’ll sort the timings for all planned activity, set the measurement benchmarks and mitigate any risks or concerns.

The Building Blocks:

The Impact Plan:

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Double Denim is an independent consulting firm specialising in gender intelligence.

We combine world leading gender insights with a proven creative approach to build gender equality in internal teams, and to help businesses gain access to the twenty five trillion dollar female economy.

We develop strategies and action plans to help businesses thrive.

Our team of professionals specialise in gender intelligence training, marketing, communications and events, business and product development, and social and behaviour change strategies.

Our training programmes consist of half-day workshops, one-on-one coaching, and ongoing facilitated monthly onsite accountability sessions.

At Double Denim we find opportunities for your organisation to move diversity beyond a ‘box ticking exercise’ and into a transformative business tool.

We give you our total commitment and bring energy and inspiration to your project.

We make sure we all have fun doing it!

We look forward to working with you. Double Denim.

Contact details: Angela Meyer021 405 [email protected]

Anna Dean021 152 [email protected]