we mary bradshaw, skipton thank skipton craft day · unavailable to attend on the day. hard with...

Skipton Community News HOUSEHOLDER POSTAGE PAID Skipton, Vic, 3361 This Week’s Sponsor Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank you very much . Skipton Craft Day The weather was very kind to those who travelled out to Skipton to attend the Skipton Craft Show at the Mechanics Hall. There were many who came long distances and were very happy when leaving, having had the opportunity to meet with the skilled stall holders who were quite keen to answer the many and varied questions that were asked about how a particular item was made. With bags bulging with special items of various crafts some lucky people will receive delightful gifts that were purchased at the Craft Show. Some of the regular Market Stallholders will be back on the 11th of August so don’t worry if you missed this weekend, come along on the eleventh. See you then. It was very enjoyable to watch the spinning wheel making a fine yarn that will be made into something knitted. The patchwork quilts were set up on the stage to maximise the display of the colourful patterns and the sewing machine whirring away in the background making unique scarves. Myra busily worked on her miniature furnishings will be great to see how it all turns out when finished. With the stop on “plastic bags” at the supermarkets, maybe you might like to come along to future markets to buy a couple of beautifully made shopping bags to have when buying groceries in the future. There were people from Ballarat, Ararat, Derrinallum, Creswick, locals and even from England. Well done to all of the members of the organising committee, the setter-upperers and the cleaner-upperers and the catering teamall volunteers, well done Val, on a job well done. Well done Jan Murphy for all of your work in organising the Craft Show. So many talented and skilled people all in one place together with wonderful crafts displayed. Jan’s task was made a little more difficult with a couple of the people with planned craft demonstrations being unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they hadn’t see for years. Lots of happy chatter. The next Skipton Community Market will be held from 9 am to 1 pm on Saturday the 11 th of August There will be something a little different for visitors in the supper room. See page 5 for further information. Mt MONMOT WALK Sadly the weather on Sunday 29th July wasn’t suitable for the planned walk to the craters on Mt Monmot. Strong winds and the rain had made the track slippery and unsafe. The walk has been rescheduled for Sunday 9th September at 2 pm. Watch the calendar of events for details nearer to the date. The Skipton and District community is invited to walk on Mt Monmot on Sunday 9th September, starting at 2.00pm which will take approximately 3 hours maximum.

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Page 1: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page



Skipton, Vic, 3361

This Week’s Sponsor Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank you very much .

Skipton Craft Day The weather was very kind to those who travelled out to Skipton to attend the Skipton Craft Show at the Mechanics Hall.

There were many who came long distances and were very happy when leaving, having had the opportunity to meet with the skilled stall holders who were quite keen to answer the many and varied questions that were asked about how a particular item was made.

With bags bulging with special items of various crafts some lucky people will receive delightful gifts that were purchased at the Craft Show.

Some of the regular Market Stallholders will be back on the 11th of August so don’t worry if you missed this weekend, come along on the eleventh. See you then.

It was very enjoyable to watch the spinning wheel making a fine yarn that will be made into something knitted.

The patchwork quilts were set up on the stage to maximise the display of the colourful patterns and the sewing machine whirring away in the background making unique scarves.

Myra busily worked on her miniature furnishings will be

great to see how it all turns out when finished.

With the stop on “plastic bags” at the

supermarkets, maybe you might like to come

along to future markets to buy a couple of

beautifully made shopping bags to have when

buying groceries in the future.

There were people from Ballarat, Ararat,

Derrinallum, Creswick, locals and even from England.

Well done to all of the members of the organising

committee, the setter-upperers and the cleaner-upperers

and the catering team—all volunteers, well done Val, on

a job well done.

Well done Jan Murphy for all of your work in organising

the Craft Show. So many talented and skilled people all

in one place together with wonderful crafts displayed.

Jan’s task was made a little more difficult with a couple

of the people with planned craft demonstrations being

unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!!

It all went very well and friends enjoyed

catching up with some they hadn’t see for

years. Lots of happy chatter.

The next Skipton Community Market

will be held from 9 am to 1 pm

on Saturday the 11th

of August

There will be something a little different

for visitors in the supper room.

See page 5 for further information.

Mt MONMOT WALK Sadly the weather on Sunday 29th July wasn’t suitable for the planned walk to the craters on Mt Monmot. Strong winds and the rain had made the track slippery and unsafe.

The walk has been rescheduled for Sunday 9th September at 2 pm.

Watch the calendar of events for

details nearer to the date.

The Skipton and District community

is invited to walk on Mt Monmot

on Sunday 9th September, starting

at 2.00pm which will take

approximately 3 hours maximum.

Page 2: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 2

2018 CHURCH TIMES St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church:

Contact 5349 5553

11:00 am Odd Months

9:00 am Even Months

Anglican Parishes of Beaufort & Skipton:

Contact 5340 3515

Services throughout the year are on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of

the month at 9.00pm.

5th Sundays alternate with Beaufort at 10.30pm.

St. Columba’s Catholic Church, Streatham: No services

St. John’s Uniting Church, Streatham: Services held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays at 10:00 am

Uniting Church Services, Streatham St Johns’

22nd July 10:00 am

12th August 10:00 am


Mass times for Beaufort, Linton, Rokewood,

Skipton, Smythesdale August 4th /5th 6.30pm Smythesdale

9.00am Linton

10.30am Skipton

August 11th /12th 6.30pm Smythesdale

8:30am Beaufort

10.30am Snake Valley


BIBLE THOUGHT The Precepts of God are right, rejoicing the heart;

The Commandments of God are pure,

enlightening the eyes.

Psalm 10, verse 8. ————–—————————————————————-

CORANGAMITE MOBILE LIBRARY Next visits on Friday 10th & 24th August 2018

Lismore: 9:30 am to 12:00 noon;

Skipton: 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm.

Library Outreach Van: Mary 0408 525 538. See the library website

www.corangamitelibrary.vic. Loans can be renewed by phoning: Colac 5231 4613,



Beaufort Road, Skipton.

Transfer Station opens next on

Wed 1st August, Sun 12th August,

Wed 15th August, Sun 26th August..

Hours: from 1 pm to 5 pm.


Public Notices DAY CENTRE 2017

Held every Tuesday from 10 am until 2 pm in the Skipton

Community Room, Skipton Hospital, Blake Street.

Co-ordinator: Sandra Briody Enquiries Jenny on 5340 1101

Tuesday 7th August : 10am

Games & Craft

Tuesday 14th August : 10am

Music with Cath

Tuesday 21st August : 10am

Presentation on Depend Products.

Tuesday 28thAugust : 10am

Mystery Trip


Public Notices OUT & ABOUT GROUP

Wednesday 8th August:

View the Whales in Warrnambool

Departing 9:00 am Booking Sandy or Jenny 53401101


MEN’S CLUB Friday 27th July:

Trip to Ballarat to tour the War Memorials.

Lunch at the Blue Bell Hotel, Departing 10am

All New Members Welcome. Booking Sandy or Jenny 53401101


DO YOU HAVE INFORMATION PLEASE Skipton Mechanics Institute Hall are

MISSING PLATES Approximately 100 White Plates are missing.

ALSO MISSING 12 x White Tablecloths

Sweet Bowls and other plates. If you have any information regarding these missing items please contact Hazel Robson on 5340 2446 or

Barb Pett 5340 2086. Alternatively just return them to the Hall.


Skipton Friends of Vision Australia

A.G.M. After a break from Meetings since April

please come along to support Vision at our Annual Meeting

in the Hall Supper Room Wednesday 1st August

at 2 o’clock. All welcome to join us.

Meeting followed by a cuppa and chat. Thanks. Enquiries – Marg Clark, Marg Fraser.



We have sent 4 bags of “warmies” to the Soup Vans in

Ballarat. Many thanks to all who helped with the scarves,

beanies, mittens and gloves. Every item was a welcome to

those who spend cold nights in Ballarat.

Our last meeting had several apologies. It was a

freezing day, and the power went “off’, so after

lunch we all went home – to find no power


Two members attended the Yule- Cart “Share day” they

reported there was a very good attendance and the two

Speakers were very interesting.

The August Craft is painting; bring your talent ,and a few

rags for wiping the brushes. September Craft is Candlewick .

Page 3: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 3

Page 4: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 4


Page 5: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 5

Shop facelift grants to attract

business APPLICATIONS are open for the 2018-2019 Retail Area

Façade Improvement Program grants to increase the appeal of

businesses across the Shire.

Corangamite Shire will offer grants of up to $3,000, dollar for

dollar, to local businesses and shop owners wanting to

improve the appearance of their shop fronts.

Manager Growth and Engagement Rory Neeson said the

program had received a lot of interest since it began in 2015.

“First impressions count so having a vibrant, inviting shop

front can really help get people through the door of your

business,” Mr. Neeson said.

“By freshening up the shopping strips in our towns, we also

make them attractive places for travelers to stop, rather than

just passing through.

“Encouraging that extra trade is good for the bottom line of

the individual business and has and flow-on benefits for our

small town economies.”

Over the past three years Council has seen over $400,000

invested into more than 70 shop fronts across the Shire.

Grants can be used for:

· Painting the façade

· Cleaning the existing façade

· Removing redundant signage, air conditioning

units and hoardings

· Minor repair, maintenance or reinstatement of

missing elements

· Minor repairs to existing tile or stone accents

· Minor repairs to structural elements and awnings

· Repairs or replacements of verandahs

· Installation of new business signage

· Installation of store lighting visible from the street

Businesses with street frontage in the commercial area of any

of Corangamite Shire’s 12 towns are eligible to apply.

Guidelines and application forms are available at

www.corangamite.vic.gov.au/facade .

Successful applicants will have until 31 May 2019 to

complete proposed works.

Mr. Neeson encouraged interested businesses to contact

Council for help with their application.

"It's important that they discuss their application with Council

before submitting it to make sure they get it right and

maximise their chances of securing funding," he said.

For more information, contact Council on 5593 7100.

Page 6: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 6

Our firm has been providing specialist advice to farming

families for generations. We are experts in:

Asset Protection Structures.

Tax Planning.

Succession Planning

Business Analysis

Providing Key Performance Indicators & Benchmarking

Budgeting and Cash Flow Analysis.

Ask yourself these questions:

Are our assets protected?

Do we know our cash flows?

Have we prepared and documented our budget detailing

future incomes and expenditure?

Do we have a documented proposed exit strategy from our

current business?

Do we have a succession plan?

Our firm will be able to provide you with expert advice and

guidance on all of these matters. Call or email any of our



PAUL HANSEN, JAMES EDGAR, PAUL WHITE and ask to talk to us about a Business Health Check.

BALLARAT: Cnr Dana & Dawson Streets, Ballarat, Vic 3350.

PHONE: (03) 5333 3202. Fax: (03) 5333 3381 POSTAL: 406 Dana Street, Ballarat, Vic. 3350

EMAIL: [email protected]

Tuckers Farm Services Pty Ltd Anything from, Trucks and Tractors to General Farm

Machinery Services and Maintenance

Mobile Mechanic 6 Station Street, Skipton 3361

Alex Tucker

Phone: 0448 802 270 General Mechanical Services

Email: [email protected]

ABN 9832534646 ACN 6205 20961

John Hetherington

Mob. 0434 000 724




Accredited Contractor.

Contact: Anthony Faull

Phone: 0408 523 519

Page 7: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 7

The 2018 Lismore

Art, Craft & Garden Event

will be held

on August 25th &26th 2018. Lismore Community Hall,

10am – 3pm daily.

All sorts of Art, Craft, Baked

products and Garden products

will be up for grabs.

Come for a visit, a chat, a look or

buy - but don’t miss out on this

enjoyable day.

Returning are regular stallholders such as Helen Langley

who will be displaying painting silk during the entirety

of both days and is well worth a look see; the Garden

Club’s Garden Products; Jim Ferguson’s Orchids &

Wood Items, Avalon Nursery, Jewellery, Paintings,

Plants, Fresh Produce, Knitted and Sown Crafts.

The CWA and U3A sites will be back too, as well as

many other friendly, helpful stall holders. Our new sites

include home baked items, wax products and children’s

clothing to name a few.

A BBQ or light lunch is available as is morn/arvo tea. A

great way to spend a day or even 2.

An entry donation of a gold coin would be appreciated.

New site holders are welcome with new items to be sold

inside or out and second-hand items outside only.

While home baked items or some food items are able to

be sold - NO food/drink vendors apply please.

Contact Lorraine on 0407875102 for any inquires you

may have.

Skipton Market News

The next Skipton Community Market will be held on

Saturday the 11th of August and we will have something a

little different for visitors in the supper room.

Yes, there will be the usual soup, sandwiches and dim

sims, but sitting down at the end of the table in our cosy

supper room will be our digital support guru Amr to sort

out any problems or teach you what you want to know.

Bring in your phone, laptop etc and enjoy a session with

Amr. The cost is $10 but will differ for major repairs.

Amr is also available at the Jubilee Centre Tuesdays and

Fridays between 9.30am and 1.30pm.

The market committee would also like to invite a plant

stall holder to join our happy little group -contact market

co-ordinator Jan Murphy on 53402204 if you are


Having trouble with one of these? Want to learn something new on one of

these? Come to the Jubilee Centre

on Tuesdays or Fridays!

Between 9:30am and 1:30pm Amr will be there to sort out any problems

or teach you what you want to know

Cost $10 (Cost will differ for major repairs)

WESTMERE RED CROSS On July 10th seven members enjoyed a “Shared

Lunch” at Hazel Robson’s home. The day was very

cold ,but we were cosy and warm; thanks Hazel! This was

the AGM; all present Office Positions were returned.

President Irene Meek, V. President Nancy Baker, Sec/

Treas. Lorraine Fagg. Zone 4 Rep. Hazel Robson.

The future of Rural Red Cross Units was discussed. Rural

Branches such as ours are no longer able to be ‘active’! We

agreed to continue to visit the local hostel, and collect for

Red Cross Calling.

We are very grateful for the support from the communities

of Skipton, Streatham, Nerrin Nerrin, Hawkesdale Mininera.

We no longer do “Door Knocking” and thank the loyal

supporters. The Skipton Hostel visit is Thursday Aug 23rd.

2.30 pm (at Skipton), 1 plate of A/T please.

The next meeting will be Tuesday October 23rd at Lorraine

and Geoff Faggs’ home.

Page 8: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 8


BEAUFORT 60 Neill St, Beaufort

Ladies & Gents Hairdressing HOURS: Closed Monday

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday (8:30am-5.30pm)

Thursday (9am till late), Saturday (8am-12 Noon)

Gift vouchers available / Waxing and Lash & Brow Tints

Stockist of Redken / Zenz alternative Hair Colour

Phone 5349 2688 for appointments Amber and Monique look forward to seeing you

Hewitt & Whitty Pty

Ltd 112 –114 Montgomery Street


Phone: 5340 2063 For all your farming, agricultural and domestic

supplies including chemical, fencing,

animal health, feed, seed, water & Castrol oil. Charlie Groves 0447 710 374

Adam Slater—Agronomist 0447 691 248

Caine McMahon 0401 426 922

SKIPTON QUARRY 1220 Rokewood Rd

Skipton (9 km East of Skipton)

Crushed Rock

Aggregate & Lightweight Aggregate

On-Site Mobile Quarrying

Email: [email protected] 120 Whitelaw Avenue Delacombe - 5335 8188

03 5340 3566


SheepScan Australia Pty Ltd


Sheep, Cows, Goats

John M Connell Phone: (03) 5340 3525

Mobile: 0408 523 835

72 McIntyre’s Rd Bradvale, 3361, Victoria.

Page 9: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 9

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Skipton Community News Page 10

Vaughan Niblett Fertiliser Supply: Lime, Gypsum, Super. Cartage and


Cartage of Hay, Grain, Wool & General Freight

Windrowing—Canola, Legumes & Cereal Crops

Renovation & Broad acre Cropping

P: 03 5596 3553 M: 0407 300 023 1195 Pittong Road, Mt. Bute via Lismore. Vic 3324

Dr. John Brennan


40 Neill Street, Beaufort, 3373

Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm

Saturday 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Consultation by Appointment - Phone: 5349 2003

Home visits can be arranged for Skipton

from the Beaufort Vet Clinic with no travelling charges applied.


1 Port Fairy Road, Ararat, 3377,

(P.O. Box 104, Ararat, 3377)

Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 6:00 pm

Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Consultation by Appointment—Phone: 5352 1021


R&N Elite Painting Services https://www.facebook.com/RNELITEPAINTINGSERVICES

Rex 0400 802 903 Residential & Commercial

Servicing Skipton, Linton,

and Districts


Quality Products Used ABN 15 619 186 696

R & N Elite Painting Services The jobs you put off we do

Page 11: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 11

local women in leadership opportunities, with a focus on

local sport and recreation settings. Keep an eye out for

details of the launch event we have planned for 12


Sponsored Winners

It is also a delight to announce that Jennifer Mitton of Dereel

and Kaylene Grigsby of Teesdale are the successful

applicants to be sponsored by our Network to attend the

Victorian Rural Women’s Network Forum to be held in

early August. This should be a great opportunity for

networking, making new friends and contacts and building

the resilience of women across Victoria.

Meet our Network Women

The Network thought it may be interesting to provide some

information about our members so we will commence with

our Secretary Jen Blake.

Jen is a farmer living at Barunah Park. She didn’t listen to her

mother and learnt to drive a tractor and to undertake most

aspects of running the property with husband Kevin. Jen is

passionate about listening to and advocating for the needs of

rural people and wants to see younger women become more

involved in our communities. Jen has a pen friend in India

that she started writing to as a fan of the ABC children’s

hour. She has been able to visit Marina several times over

some sixty years and is planning a visit later this year.

Feel free to join us at our next meeting

We look forward to welcoming you at the next meeting of the

GPRWN is Monday 27 August at the Hesse Centre,

Rokewood at 7.30pm.

Golden Plains Rural Women’s

Network Inc It pleasing to inform readers that the Golden Plains

Rural Women’s Network Inc has decided to keep on

keeping on with some renewed vigour and inspiration.

Lobbying for our Shire

It is pleasing to note that part of the Network’s submission

to the Federal Redistribution was recognised with the

portion of the previous Corangamite Electorate that had

been destined to become Wannon was actually retained

within Corangamite and thus retains its community of

interest with business and education districts. The portion

encompasses Barunah Park, Barunah Plains and Wingeel.

This reflects the course of the Wingeel school bus route

that has for many years taken secondary school children to

Geelong from these localities.

Unfortunately, we were not successful with the remainder

of the submission that focussed on areas closer to Ballarat

and surrounds in the Golden Plains Shire.

Changing Our Game

The Network has been successful in securing a small grant

from the Change Our Game Community Activation Grants

program. Our Network in partnership with Golden Plains

Shire Council, aims to develop and deliver a women’s

leadership program.

This program will consist of a series of workshop sessions

with a focus on building the capacity and confidence of

Reminder --- are you interested ??? Community Event “Celebrating our Landscape”.

Photograph, sketch, paint, write or??

Before it changes dramatically.

Time is running out before the first turbines

are erected on the Stockyard Hill Wind Farm.

Our exhibition will be sometime in 2019.

Contact Pat Gabb if you have any questions

Phone Pat on 5340 2177

SPONSORS NEEDED PLEASE SCN SCN is in URGENT need of Sponsors please for

coming editions of SCN up till the end of 2018. I

need 20 please.

Weekly sponsors pay for the cost of distribution of

newsletters for one week, costs SCN $55.00 PER EDITION.

Businesses, Groups and Organisations are invited to become a

sponsor, also Individuals, can be a sponsor or maybe go 50/50

with a friend.

Simply leave your donation in any of “SCN boxes” (at the Post

Office, the Roadhouse or the Supermarket), or you can drop it in,

or send to The Editor SCN at 14 Scott Street Skipton. You can

Page 12: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 12

Chartered Accountants

Trusted advice for over 20 years farm financial advice

taxation + accounting

self managed superannuation funds

succession planning

Phone our Ballarat office on (03) 5331 5440

to speak with Shane Bicknell

Specialising in all

aspects of

building repairs,

concreting, renovations,

extensions etc.

Call Lachlan

Phone: 0409 794 071

transport Pty Ltd

Bulk Cartage

Local and Interstate

Howard Draffin Phone (03) 5344 7253

Mobile 0408 508 948

680 Linton-Naringhil Road, Linton Vic. 3360

ABN: 5297172570

Billy Thornton Mobile Mechanic

Skipton & Ballarat District For all of your mechanical needs

Machinery, Tractors, Trucks

Motorbikes, Utes, Cars

Stationary Engines

Phone: 0439 459 203 [email protected] Find me on Facebook

Servicing Skipton & Districts since 1938

90-98 Montgomery Street,

Skipton, 3361

Phone: 5340 2205 Fax: 5340 2024

Alistair Tippett – Branch Manager 0448 384 963

Timothy Cosgrave – Chemical, Seed & Fertiliser 0429 356 594

Joe Pyke – Merchandise Sales 0447 203 240

Ed Hilsdon - Agronomist 0457 506 537

John McGrath – Wool Area Manager 0417 047 648

Anne Spence – Insurance 0409 826 056

Xavier Shanahan – Livestock 0418 971 940

Barclay Dowling – Livestock 0407 313 156

Darcy Erhardt – Livestock 0437 358 666

Paul Constable – Livestock Lismore 0407 348 992

Adrian Smith—Real Estate 0400 178 945

Page 13: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 13

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Skipton Community News Page 14

Pyrenees Self Storage Racecourse Road, Beaufort.

Storage Units for Rent in Beaufort

3 x 3.5 met, 7 x 3 met, 7 x 3.6 met.

Phone: 5349 2011 Mob: 0418 506 944

NUNNY’S GLASS for all your glass replacement needs,

Mirrors, Tractor Cabs etc.


PHONE: 5344 7238

MOBILE: 0417 052 544

[email protected]

SKIPTON SMALL ANIMAL SERVICE Camperdown Vet Centre offers a small animal service

at Gorst Rural Supplies, Glenelg Hwy, Skipton

every Wednesday 12.30-1.30pm.

large animal service by appointment only

For all appointments or queries please call:

Camperdown Vet Centre

Phone: (03) 55931077 (all hours) www.camperdownvet.com.au

Monday – Friday 8am-5.30pm

Saturday 9am-12noon

Buchholz Electrical Living & Working in the local Lismore & Skipton district

James Buchholz 0448 197 367 Rec 26685

M: E: [email protected]

Industrial, Commercial, Rural & Residential,

Installation & Repairs.

Telephone & Data Installation


Highly skilled, professional and affordable climbing arborist for all of your arboriculture needs including:

· Tree Removal · Pruning, Deadwooding & Thinning · Hedging · Planting · Tree Health · Reports & Consultancy Great rates for Skipton locals, call for a free quote

Toby Tanis Rural & Lifestyle Advisor


For Rural & Lifestyle expertise & advice Specialising in Sales in your Area

needs your property to SELL! Contact the “Experienced Team” for a

QUALIFIED APPRAISAL of your property _____________________________________

326 Sturt Street, Ballarat Central

901 Macarthur Street, Lake Wendouree

Telephone: 5333 7773 Mobile: 0413 842 666

Email: [email protected]

Like us on jensvealpartners.com

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Skipton Community News Page 15

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Skipton Community News Page 16

Allstyle Business Solutions Dedicated to one on one business relationships.

CPA qualified. Registered BAS Agent.

10+ years’ experience.

Phone Nicole: 0400 333 327

Email: [email protected]

Bookkeeping Payroll

BAS Preparation & Lodgement Financial Statements

Tax Return Preparation & Lodgement Cashflow Management & Budgets

Project Management & Job Costing Business Mentoring & Training

Page 17: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 17

Has been a tough year for consistency

with C grade this year due to all the injuries and

unfortunately this was evident against Springbank's class.

B grade again put it up to the opposition and until half

time were in the thick of the action. Springbank then

seemed to get their groove a little more settled and took

the win 27 to 47.

It was a good effort against the much higher placed team

with some great efforts by all. Awards went to Hannah

Smyth, Jaymee Crack and Amy Lodge.

Our a grade girls were going to be up against it taking on

last years grand finalists. The polish of all Springbank's

senior teams with fast, strong and long passes made for a

tough match. We had some positive passages and great

areas of play with 3 junior girls all taking to the court.

The final score was 19 to 56 with awards to Ella McLean,

Paige Follett and Annie Elliott.

With just 2 rounds left we take on Creswick at home next

week. Let's hope we can get a few more wins to finish the

season off!

Go Emuettes.

(Continued from page 19)

All The News From “THE NEST”


Seniors: Glen/Dun 13-15-93 d Rovers 11-7-73

Goals Rovers D Osborne 4,J Underwood 3,T Thewlis 2,

T Stevens 1,J Forbes 1,

Best D Osborne, T Thewlis, D Curran, J Box, B Jackson,

B Nankervis.

Reserves Rovers 15-13-103 d Glen/ Dun 8-8-56

Goals Rovers L Ashmore 7, A McIntyre 2, B Luehman 2,

A Peart 1, C Baker 1, L Baker 1, J Gale 1.

Best A McIntyre, L Ashmore, B Luehman, B Scott, D

Mengler ,T Peart.


The last “Home game” is the 11th August.

We play Lismore/Derrinallum and the tea after the footy is

‘the Pig &Beef Spit” and “Care for Others Day”.

The last “Home and Away Match” is at Tatyoon.

We have the last “Hard Games” still to play before the


Welcome to the 3 new boys in the Club; Levi Jackson

Cameron, son of Abbie and Danny; Noah Craig son of

Georgia Notting and Ben Newson; Angus Curran son of

Sarah and Dan Curran.

All the best to All

Go Rovers!

Page 18: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 18

Canola Cleaning Shed 0488 519 231

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Page 19: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 19

All The News From “THE NEST”


It was a perfect day for football on Saturday. James and the

Under 12s kept up their winnings ways with a strong win

over Springbank.

Skipton 8.8 56 def Springbank 2.0 12. Awards to Thomas

Gairdner, Andy Wills and Nicholas Bodman.

The Under 15s remain undefeated on their way to the finals,

whilst Springbank kept them on their toes during the game,

they ran away with the win in the end.

Skipton 6.9 45 def Springbank 1.2 8. Awards to Lachlan

Maxted, Charlie Savage and Jesse Kennedy.

U/18 Chris and boys had a hard day at the office with

Springbank proving to be a handful. Our boys battled hard

all day but were soundly beaten by a better team on the day.

Skipton 1.0 6 def by Springbank 12.12 144. Awards to

Campbell Corbett.

Reserves: A good day for the reserves as they played in

beautiful sunshine getting on top early and pulling away to

win comfortably. Steve praised the team after the full time

siren for effort and team work. Good job lads.

Skipton 10.11 71 def Springbank 3.4 22. Awards to S

Robson and J Robson.

Seniors: The game was evenly contested early with both

teams attacking the ball hard. Springbank got away from us

during the second quarter kicking 6 goals.

We pegged them back late but the margin was to great. They

ran away winners in the end. Bad luck boys.

Skipton 55 def by Springbank 72.

Awards to Hamish Young and Mark Hoare.

This Saturday we have our last home game at the Emu Nest,

make sure you call in to watch a game or catch up with

everyone for a drink and dinner at the end of the day.

Go Emus.


It was a tough day on the netball court for our Skipton girls

when we took on Springbank at home last Saturday.

Our youngest girls remain undefeated as our under 13b girls

again put their best foot forward to take a big win 17 to

3. Great team play with tight pressure on the opposition and

accurate shooting were highlights.

Hannah meek and Lillian Barr received today's awards.

Springbank then seemed to grow significantly is size and

stature as our under 13 a team came up against height in the

goal ring. Tess Bingham and Destiny Frisby tried hard to

receive the awards in the 20 to 32 goal loss.

The under 15 girls seemed to have it even harder and had

trouble creating turnovers and holding onto their own centres

was difficult due to Springbank's ability to intercept.

In the end we went down 14 to 48 with Kate Gowans and

Ceilidh Sheehan deserving the awards.

It was a little closer in the under 17 game with the score line

13 to 31 in a good game to watch. All girls were available

this week and each played a role, giving their all in the fast

paced game.

Awards went to Josie Castles and Sophie Daniela.

Erin Robertson was back again for the injury riddled c grade

side this week and along with ruby Bingham from the under

17s, took the awards in the 16 to 61 goal loss.

(Continued on page 17)

Page 20: We Mary Bradshaw, Skipton Thank Skipton Craft Day · unavailable to attend on the day. Hard with winter-ills!! It all went very well and friends enjoyed catching up with some they

Skipton Community News Page 20

Meetings & Coming Events

Wednesday 1st August: SKIPTON FRIENDS OF VISION AUSTRALIA After a break from Meetings since April please come along to support Vision at our Annual Meeting in the Hall Supper Room at 2 o’clock. All welcome to join us – meeting followed by a cuppa and chat. Thanks...Enquiries – Marg Clark, Marg Fraser. ——————————————————————————— Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd August: The RURAL WOMEN’S FORUM will take place at RACV Goldfields Resort, Creswick just north of Ballarat, on , 2018. Numbers are strictly limited and will be allocated on a ‘first in’ basis. All details last edition of SCN ———————————————————————————-Thursday 2nd: August: SKIPTON PROGRESS ASSOCIATION meets in the Skipton Mechanics Hall, in the Supper Room for their regular monthly meeting. 7.30 p.m. for a brisk meeting. All welcome, supper and discussion follows. Contact President on 5340 2043 for further information for contact or just come along. ——————————————————————————-

Saturday 4th August: CHFL SKIPTON FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB V. Creswick at Home. Come support The Emus.

———————————————————————- Sunday 5th August: SKIPTON HISTORICL SOCIETY ANNUAL

GENERAL M.EETING will be held at the former Police House in Stewart Park, at 2:00 pm. Guest Speaker: Carmel Molloy on her thoughts in Johannesburg. All welcome. ————————————————————

Tuesday 7th August: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SKIPTON POOL COMMITTEE will be held at the Football Club Rooms to elect a Committee of Management for the forthcoming year. Meeting will start at 7 pm. Further details from 5597 1000. ——————————————————————————— Saturday 11th August: SKIPTON MARKET 9 a.m. to 1pm. Will be held in SKIPTON MECHANICS HALL, Great place to meet friends and enjoy a light lunch in the Supper Room. Soup, Sandwiches, ‘Something Sweet”, Dim Sims etc. Fresh produce, home-made Jams, Sauces, Cakes, Hand Made

Cards, Jewellery, & many more stalls. Most Stalls are under cover in the Hall. Contact Market Co-ordinator Jan Murphy on 5340 2204 to arrange for a stall, or to book your community event or barbeque. ————————————————————-

Saturday 11th August: CHFL SKIPTON FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB V. Carngham Linton Away. Come support The Emus. ————————————————–——————-———-

Monday 13th August: STREATHAM GARDEN CLUB will meet at 10 am. at the Lake Bolac Sunday School. The main business is the “Share Day” with Skipton Garden Club on Sept 10th. ——————————————————————————— Thursday 16th August: SKIPTON GARDEN CLUB regular meeting,

and planning for our Winter Open Meeting, 10.00 a.m. at home of the Secretary Lilla, 31 Lyons Street, Skipton, All welcome, bring swaps if you’ve been clearing the decks. Please phone Lilla on 5340 2043

for further details or contact. —————————————————————

Sunday 19th August.: SKIPTON’S COURT HOUSE MUSEUM AND THE OLD POLICE HOUSE on Montgomery Street will be open for visitors from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. All welcome, to ask questions, look at our collections. Skipton and District Historical Society will open regularly now on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Ring Bob on 0414 766 979 or Secretary Mary on 5340 2186 for contact. ———————————————–———————————

Thursday 23rd August. BE PREPARED FOR FIRE: PLANNING AND PLANTING A FIRE RETARDANT GARDEN: Skipton Garden Club’s Winter Open Meeting with CFA’s Jill Burgess and Horticulturalist John Harrison. All welcome to the Skipton Mechanics Hall, Anderson Street, 10.30 a.m. start, $7.50 entry and all welcome to a light luncheon to follow. Raffle, PLANT SALES, important information and guidance, PLEASE let us know if you are coming, essential for a seat and for catering, Phone Lila on 5340 2043 , and for further details watch SCN. ——————————————————————————— Saturday and Sunday, 25th and 26th August: LISMORE ARTS AND CRAFTS AND GARDEN EVENT. Lismore Community Centre, Seymour Street, Lismore, 10.00a .m. to 3.00 p.m. both days. Entry by gold coin donation. Craft and cooking, plants and garden sales, displays and competition. Stalls still available (Lorraine on 0407 875 102), morning and afternoon tea, BBQ lunch. Come along for some weekend fun. ——————————————————————————-

Sunday 26th August: CC CREATORS & CRAFT MARKET BANNOCKBURN will be held in Bannockburn 10 am to 2 pm. Contact Noeline on 0427 923 934with queries. Advert page 15 ——————————————————————————-

Tuesday 28 August, CORANGAMITE SHIRE COUNCIL Meeting commencing at 7 pm, Killara Centre, Camperdown ————————————————–——————————

Sunday 9th September: INVITATION TO ALL WALKERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS of The Skipton and District Community to walk on Mt Monmot starting at 2.00pm which will take approximately 3 hours maximum. Park off the road near the entrance to the sewage ponds. All ages are welcome but you need to be dressed for the weather and solid footwear as it is rough walking with the scoria rocks to negotiate. BYO drinks and food in a backpack and don’t forget your camera !!! If it is too rainy the walk will be postponed with this decision being made on the day of the walk. NO DOGS ALLOWED ON THE WALK If you have any queries please contact Pat Gabb , 53402177 . ——————————————————————————— Friday, September 14th: Camperdown Theatre Company presents “South Pacific” at the Theatre Royal in Camperdown. 7.30pm. Tickets on Sale at Laffs 163 Manifold St Camperdown. Phone 5593 1469 (cash, cheque, credit card) Or online at www.camperdowntheatrecompany.com.au (credit card only). Admission: Adults: $30, Student (16+)/Concession: $25. Child

FROM THE EDITOR: The calendar of events is updated regularly as details are know. Your articles welcome. Contact: Editor Kathy Sproules at 14 Scott St Skipton, or by telephone 03 5340 2340, fax 03 5340 2434.

SCN email address: [email protected] If I’m not at home please leave a message. RATES on back page of local Telephone Directory—$50.00 full page; $25.00 Half Page; $12.50 quarter page Smaller $10.00/$5.00 DISTRIBUTION OF SCN IS ON WEDNESDAY OF EACH WEEK (No newsletter in school holidays) Please Note: Deadline for articles for inclusion in SCN is on Friday afternoon at 4 pm. {Please observe too many people The Collection boxes are cleared at this time—anything after this is too late. { still ignore the deadlines set. NEED MORE DETAILS?? Check the Skipton Website regularly as it is updated regularly www.skiptonaustralia.org DISCLAIMER: All information in SCN is derived from sources believed to be accurate and current as at the time of publication. Views expressed are not necessarily endorsed or approved by the Progress Association. Anonymous contributions will not be published. The Editor SCN reserves the right to withhold any items which are considered to be inappropriate for this publication.

For more information about Skipton visit the Domain Website: www.skiptonaustralia.org