web analytics & privacy best practices for sensitive data industries

Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data Industries Best Practices for Governments, Healthcare, Banking & Telcos.

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Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data IndustriesBest Practices for Governments, Healthcare, Banking & Telcos.

Privacy and security are of paramount importance. Every marketer, analyst and business owner should review prospective analytics tool vendors’ policies

before making a final choice.

Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data Industries

No matter what business you’re in, there are several aspects of Web Analytics you can’t afford to


• Who is the data owner? (It should be your organization and no one else!)

• Does your vendor let you collect personally identifiable information?

• Where is your data held? • How long is your data held for? • Are you allowed to own export analytics data? • Does your solution anonymise collected IP addresses? • Does your analytics vendor let you exclude any data sharing? • What happens to the data after termination of the contract - can

you export it?

Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data Industries

Of course, data privacy is often context related and depends upon legislation.

It can also be industry-specific.

Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data Industries

Typically, federal privacy legislation covers healthcare, finance, children, and student data, while some countries also have strong rules for

employee information.

Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data Industries

We will highlight some of the most critical challenges faced by particular industries.

Government and Public Sector

Privacy statements need to be aligned with the technology used and must reflect the tools deployed and data collected, along with cookie policies.

Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data Industries

Government and Public Sector

Equal treatment of all individuals is a must, as well as preservation of their security and dignity. This means all used technologies must be broadly accepted.

If, for example, a user prefers not to accept cookies, this choice must be respected and access to the service cannot be denied. Alternative tracking

methods, such as log analytics, should be introduced in such cases.

It is recommended to avoid SaaS solutions with evolving terms and conditions and choose a flexible, self-hosted solution that reflects the specific needs of your organization.

In Europe, data subjects must give their consent prior to any data usage conducted by a healthcare organization.


Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data Industries


It is important to educate employees responsible for technological solutions and data in the health sector that little details, such as the direction of data flow, can matter a lot in terms of liability.

The way data is shared, especially with regard to anonymisation, is crucial.

Access and sharing protocols are also stricter than those related to the retail industry, for example. Looking for advanced security log analytics may be the right choice.

As many banks are going through the process of mergers and acquisitions, their back-end technology needs to be aligned to mitigate privacy risks.

Banking and Finance

Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data Industries

Banking and Finance

Implementation of an on-premises analytics tool may be a good alternative due to its flexibility and security.

Note that permissions management in mobile and security updates should probably be on the high-priority risk list.

Technology bundling can make things even more complicated – think of a variety of apps with their own tracking, available on top of the original operating system.


Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data Industries


If telecoms are to play a role in handling digital identity through the use of SIM cards, an ideal set-up should involve flexible, self-hosted tools linked to back-end systems to minimize data privacy risks.

Operators in the telecommunications industry often serve as ISPs as well. That should make them extremely vigilant about the information they collect from their digital properties.

Web Analytics & Privacy for Sensitive Data Industries

If you want to learn more about mitigating data risks, read our free whitepaper

written by renowned European privacy expert

Aurélie Pols: