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Contest ID 1018 2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test 1. Which region of Greece contained Athens? A. Attica B. Laconia C. Phocis D. Boetia 2. Which region of Italy contained Barium? A. Apulia B. Bruttium C. Liguria D. Samnium 3. Which region of Italy contained Ravenna? A. Etruria B. Calabria C. Lucania D. Cisalpine Gaul 4. Which region of Italy contained Pompeii? A. Umbria B. Campania C. Latium D. Calabria 5. Which region of Greece contained Delphi? A. Locris B. Doris C. Phocis D. Boeotia 6. Which region of Greece contained Sparta? A. Arcadia B. Laconia C. Messenia D. Thessaly 7. Which region of Greece contained Olympia? A. Achaea B. Locris C. Elis D. Epirus 8. Rome is located in… A. Achaea B. Campania C. Hesperia D. Etruria 9. Which road ran through the Roman Forum? A. Via Appia B. Via Egnatia C. Via Flaminia D. Via Sacra 10. Which road ran from Rome to the Adriatic Sea? A. Via Aurelia B. Via Salaria C. Via Flaminia D. Via Julia Augusta 11. Which road ran from Dyrrachium to Byzantium? A. Via Aemilia B. Via Cassia C. Via Egnatia D. Via Traiana 12. Which of these is west of the Tiber River? A. Mausoleum of Augustus B. Ara Pacis C. Janiculum Hill D. Theatre of Marcellus 13. Which of these is the largest? A. Sicily B. Crete C. Sardinia D. Corsica 14. Which of these is in Athens? A. Pantheon B. Erechtheion C. Column of Phocas D. Lapis Niger 15. What region of the city of Rome contained the Theatre of Pompey? A. Subura B. Forum C. Trastevere D. Campus Martius 16. Which city was the original terminus of the Via Appia? A. Brundisium B. Maleventum C. Beneventum D. Capua 17. In the center of which archipelago would one find Delos? 2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test, Page 1

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Page 1: · Web viewContest ID 1018 2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test 1. Which region of Greece contained Athens? A. AtticaB. LaconiaC. PhocisD. Boetia 2. Which region

Contest ID 10182018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test

1. Which region of Greece contained Athens?A. Attica B. Laconia C. Phocis D. Boetia

2. Which region of Italy contained Barium?A. Apulia B. Bruttium C. Liguria D. Samnium

3. Which region of Italy contained Ravenna?A. Etruria B. Calabria C. Lucania D. Cisalpine Gaul

4. Which region of Italy contained Pompeii?A. Umbria B. Campania C. Latium D. Calabria

5. Which region of Greece contained Delphi?A. Locris B. Doris C. Phocis D. Boeotia

6. Which region of Greece contained Sparta?A. Arcadia B. Laconia C. Messenia D. Thessaly

7. Which region of Greece contained Olympia?A. Achaea B. Locris C. Elis D. Epirus

8. Rome is located in…A. Achaea B. Campania C. Hesperia D. Etruria

9. Which road ran through the Roman Forum?A. Via Appia B. Via Egnatia C. Via Flaminia D. Via Sacra

10. Which road ran from Rome to the Adriatic Sea?A. Via Aurelia B. Via Salaria C. Via Flaminia D. Via Julia Augusta

11. Which road ran from Dyrrachium to Byzantium?A. Via Aemilia B. Via Cassia C. Via Egnatia D. Via Traiana

12. Which of these is west of the Tiber River?A. Mausoleum of Augustus B. Ara PacisC. Janiculum Hill D. Theatre of Marcellus

13. Which of these is the largest?A. Sicily B. Crete C. Sardinia D. Corsica

14. Which of these is in Athens?A. Pantheon B. Erechtheion C. Column of Phocas D. Lapis Niger

15. What region of the city of Rome contained the Theatre of Pompey?A. Subura B. Forum C. Trastevere D. Campus Martius

16. Which city was the original terminus of the Via Appia?A. Brundisium B. Maleventum C. Beneventum D. Capua

17. In the center of which archipelago would one find Delos?A. Cyclades B. Strophades C. Dodecanese D. Aeolian Islands

18. Magna Graecia refers to…A. Northern Greece B. the Peloponnesus C. southern Italy D. western Turkey

19. Which of these is closest to the Colosseum?A. Arch of Titus B. Arch of ConstantineC. Arch of Septimius Severus D. Trajan’s Column

20. Whose forum included the temple of Mars Ultor?A. Nerva’s B. Augustus’s C. Caesar’s D. Trajan’s

21. Whose forum included the temple of Venus Genetrix?A. Nerva’s B. Augustus’s C. Caesar’s D. Trajan’s

2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test, Page 1

Page 2: · Web viewContest ID 1018 2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test 1. Which region of Greece contained Athens? A. AtticaB. LaconiaC. PhocisD. Boetia 2. Which region

22. Whose forum included a bibliotheca and a market?A. Nerva’s B. Augustus’s C. Caesar’s D. Trajan’s

23. Whose forum was known as the Forum Transitorium?A. Nerva’s B. Augustus’s C. Caesar’s D. Trajan’s

24. Which of these is farthest east?A. Byzantium B. Halicarnassus C. Tyre D. Alexandria

25. Which of these is farthest north?A. Himera B. Eryx C. Rhegium D. Mylae

26. Which of these is farthest south?A. Baiae B. Stabiae C. Nola D. Puteoli

27. Which of these was farthest east? A. Cilicia B. Pontus C. Paphlagonia D. Colchis

28. Which island is farthest west?A. Cythera B. Thera C. Aegina D. Thasos

29. Which of these is farthest north?A. Mt. Olympus B. Mt. Dicte C. Mt. Ida D. Mons Graupius

30. Which of these was farthest north?A. Pons Mulvius B. Pons Aelius C. Pons Cestius D. Pons Sublicius

31. Which of these is farthest north?A. Hadrian’s Wall B. Antonine Wall C. Limes Germanicus D. Servian Wall

32. Which of these is farthest from the others?A. Siwah B. Alexandria C. Memphis D. Bagradas

33. The ancient name of which of these modern towns gave its name to the Roman province in which it was located?

A. Lyon B. Milan C. Nafplio D. London34. On which river would a Roman have found the city of Lutetia?

A. Ebro B. Sequana C. Alpheus D. Padus35. Which of these was begun as a Roman fortification?

A. Manchester B. Bath C. Marseilles D. Berlin36. Which tiny island near Miletus was the site of battles in 494 and 201 BC?

A. Antikythera B. Cos C. Lade D. Seriphos37. Which of these once served as the capital of Macedonia before Pella?

A. Adrianople B. Amphipolis C. Thessaloniki D. Aigai38. Where could one have found a great temple of Artemis, the Artemision?

A. Samos B. Mytilene C. Ephesus D. Alexandria39. Traveling from Iolcus to Colchis, which would you sail through first?

A. Bosporus B. Dardanelles C. Sea of Marmara D. Black Sea40. Walking from the Arch of Titus to the Arch of Septimius Severus, which is on the left?

A. Capitoline Hill B. House of the Vestal VirginsC. Temple of Antoninus & Faustina D. Basilica Aemilia

41. In which province could an ancient Roman find Nicomedia?A. Asia B. Bithynia C. Cappadocia D. Galatia

42. The Pont du Gard was part of the aqueduct leading water to which ancient town?A. Nemausus B. Nicaea C. Nicomedia D. Naupactus

43. Which of these can be found along Hadrian’s Wall?A. Decelea B. Vindolanda C. Volubilis D. Vindobona

2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test, Page 2

Page 3: · Web viewContest ID 1018 2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test 1. Which region of Greece contained Athens? A. AtticaB. LaconiaC. PhocisD. Boetia 2. Which region

44. The Piazza Navona in Rome lies on the former site of what Roman structure?A. Circus of Nero B. Pompey’s Theatre C. Stadium of Domitian D. Domus Aurea

45. Which of these is on the Capitoline Hill?A. Tarpeian Rock B. Arch of Titus C. arx D. T. of Venus & Rome

46. Which of these is closest to Troy?A. Mt. Ida B. Mt. Aetna C. Mt. Ossa D. Mt. Dicte

47. Which of these is nearest to Euboea?A. Aulis B. Actium C. Pylos D. Mt. Athos

48. Which of these is on Euboea?A. Thermopylae B. Mt. Pelion C. Tiryns D. Chalcis

49. Thebes was originally known as…A. Cadmeia B. Pherae C. Acrocorinth D. Lindos

50. On which island was the tunnel of Eupalinos?A. Euboea B. Crete C. Samos D. Rhodes

51. Which of these is located on the Black Sea?A. Tibur B. Tomi C. Tigranocerta D. Tyre

52. In which modern country can you find the ancient Oea?A. Turkey B. Spain C. Iraq D. Libya

53. Which of these can be found on Capri?A. Villa Jovis B. Hadrian’s Villa C. House of the Faun D. House of the Vettii

54. Which of these is nearest to Sicily?A. Utica B. Ischia C. Lipari D. Sybaris

55. The ruins of which of these can be found on the modern island of Mallorca?A. Metapontum B. Pollentia C. Melita D. Caralis

Select the equivalent modern or ancient place name.

56. modern Ireland = ancient ____________A. Helvetia B. Ister C. Hibernia D. Caledonia

57. modern Milan =ancient ____________A. Genava B. Genua C. Ancona D. Mediolanum

58. modern Zaragoza = ancient ____________A. Caesaraugusta B. Colonia Aggripina C. Hispalis D. Toletum

59. modern Trier = ancient ____________A. Thapsus B. Augusta Treverorum C. Tamesis D. Tiryns

60. modern Black Sea = ancient ____________A. Mare Rubrum B. Pontus Euxinus C. Sinus Arabicus D. Mare Nostrum

61. ancient Dacia = modern ___________________A. Belgium B. Algeria C. Albania D. Romania

62. ancient Aspalathos = modern ___________________A. Vienna B. Algiers C. Split D. Budapest

63. ancient Eboracum = modern ___________________A. York B. Cannes C. Lyon D. Bern

64. ancient Aelia Capitolina = modern ___________________A. Jerusalem B. Istanbul C. Damascus D. Lisbon

2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test, Page 3

Page 4: · Web viewContest ID 1018 2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test 1. Which region of Greece contained Athens? A. AtticaB. LaconiaC. PhocisD. Boetia 2. Which region

65. ancient Gades = modern ___________________A. Seville B. Gibraltar C. Cartagena D. Cádiz

Match each colony to its metropolis.

66. CarthageA. Corinth B. Tyre C. Mytilene D. Sparta

67. TarasA. Mytilene B. Athens C. Tyre D. Sparta

68. MassaliaA. Thebes B. Mytilene C. Phocaea D. Megara

69. CorcyraA. Corinth B. Megara C. Miletus D. Phocaea

70. EpidamnosA. Athens B. Thebes C. Corcyra D. Pylos

In this section, assume you can fly straight over water, not by road. Pick the primary direction.

71. In which direction would one travel to go from Perusia to Saguntum?A. north B. south C. east D. west

72. In which direction would one travel to go from Elis to Halicarnassus?A. north B. south C. east D. west

73. In which direction would one travel to go from Aquileia to Croton?A. north B. south C. east D. west

74. In which direction would one travel to go from Ilerda to Camulodunum?A. north B. south C. east D. west

75. In which direction would one travel to go from Lycia to Bithynia?A. north B. south C. east D. west

76. In which direction would one travel to go from Crete to Euboea?A. north B. south C. east D. west

77 In which direction would one travel to go from Cyrene to Masada?A. north B. south C. east D. west

78. In which direction would one travel to go from Amphipolis to Chalcis?A. north B. south C. east D. west

79. In which direction would one travel to go from Lampsacus to Cyzicus?A. north B. south C. east D. west

80. In which direction would one travel to go from Ravenna to Genua?A. north B. south C. east D. west

Questions 81-90 refer to the map of Ancient Greece.

81. AthensA. 19 B. 20 C. 24 D. 27

82. CorinthA. 18 B. 22 C. 23 D. 31

2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test, Page 4

Page 5: · Web viewContest ID 1018 2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test 1. Which region of Greece contained Athens? A. AtticaB. LaconiaC. PhocisD. Boetia 2. Which region

83. CreteA. F B. J C. L D. N

84. Mt. OlympusA. c B. e C. f D. g

85. NaxosA. R B. T C. U D. V

86. TenedosA. O B. P C. S D. X

87. Which of these is a city in Lydia?A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

88. Mt. AthosA. a B. c C. f D. g

89. Which of these is closest to Sphacteria?A. 14 B. 17 C. 28 D. 31

90. Which of these islands is in the Saronic Gulf?A. I B. M C. O D. X

Questions 91-100 refer to the map of the Roman Empire.

91. Which province was known as Raetia?A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

92. The Garumna River runs through which province?A. 9 B. 12 C. 30 D. 32

93. In which province would one find Sarmizegethusa?A. 7 B. 10 C. 16 D. 19

94. Which province was known as Pannonia Superior?A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 9

95. Which province contained cities known as Thebes and Naucratis? A. 22 B. 37 C. 39 D. 45

96. In which province would one find Sinope?A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 15

97. Which province was known as Gallia Lugdunensis?A. 30 B. 31 C. 32 D. 33

98. Which province contained the mythological home of Aeolus?A. 29 B. 38 C. 44 D. 45

99. Which region borders the Lower Rhine?A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

100. Which of these is named after a river that runs through it? A. 23 B. 27 C. 31 D. 36

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Page 7: · Web viewContest ID 1018 2018 NJCL Ancient Geography Test 1. Which region of Greece contained Athens? A. AtticaB. LaconiaC. PhocisD. Boetia 2. Which region

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