· web viewget a parent or sibling to test your words at the end...

Prefixes Spelling Group Your weekly spelling words are listed in the table below. Please do ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ (3 columns) and also select and complete an activity from the grid on the next page, highlighting each activity as you complete it. Get a parent or sibling to test your words at the end of each week. We will leave individual high frequency word lists for now and restart them when we return to school. Week commencing 11 January 2021 Week commencing 18 January 2021 Week commencing 25 January 2021 Week commencing 1 February 2021 Suffix -less Suffix -less Suffix -ness Suffix -er ageless powerless braveness brighter careless seedless childishness farmer endless shameless darkness faster fearless smokeless fairness fighter helpless speechless foolishness lighter homeless thankless kindness neater hopeless tuneless lateness prouder lifeless useless suddenness reader painless wickedness willingness Suffixes Spelling Group Your weekly spelling words are listed in the table below. Please do ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ (3 columns) and also select and complete an activity from the grid on the next page, highlighting each activity as you complete it. Get a parent or sibling to test your words at the end of each week. We will leave individual high frequency word lists for now and restart them when we return to school. Week commencing 11 January 2021 Week commencing 18 January 2021 Week commencing 25 January 2021 Week commencing 1 February 2021 Suffix -ing Suffix -ing -d -d/t/,-ed

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Prefixes Spelling Group

Your weekly spelling words are listed in the table below. Please do ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ (3 columns) and also select and complete an activity from the grid on the next page, highlighting each activity as you complete it.

Get a parent or sibling to test your words at the end of each week.

We will leave individual high frequency word lists for now and restart them when we return to school.

Week commencing

11 January 2021

Week commencing

18 January 2021

Week commencing

25 January 2021

Week commencing

1 February 2021

Suffix -less

Suffix -less

Suffix -ness

Suffix -er




































Suffixes Spelling Group

Your weekly spelling words are listed in the table below. Please do ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ (3 columns) and also select and complete an activity from the grid on the next page, highlighting each activity as you complete it.

Get a parent or sibling to test your words at the end of each week.

We will leave individual high frequency word lists for now and restart them when we return to school.

Week commencing

11 January 2021

Week commencing

18 January 2021

Week commencing

25 January 2021

Week commencing

1 February 2021

Suffix -ing

Suffix -ing



































Alphabet Spelling Group

Your weekly spelling words are listed in the table below. Please do ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ (3 columns) and also select and complete an activity from the grid on the next page, highlighting each activity as you complete it.

Get a parent or sibling to test your words at the end of each week.

We will leave individual high frequency word lists for now and restart them when we return to school.

Week commencing

11 January 2021

Week commencing

18 January 2021

Week commencing

25 January 2021

Week commencing

1 February 2021


































Consonants Spelling Group

Your weekly spelling words are listed in the table below. Please do ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ (3 columns) and also select and complete an activity from the grid on the next page, highlighting each activity as you complete it.

Get a parent or sibling to test your words at the end of each week.

We will leave individual high frequency word lists for now and restart them when we return to school.

Week commencing

11 January 2021

Week commencing

18 January 2021

Week commencing

25 January 2021

Week commencing

1 February 2021


































P4 Spelling Homework Grid – Term 3

Choose 6 of your words and make them using pasta.

Type your words on a WORD document and change the size, font and colour of each word OR do the same but writing the words instead.






Write one or two of your words as an acrostic poem.

The love of my family

Healthy, safe and well

A book to enjoy

No worries

Kind words to brighten my day

Fun with my family

Uplifting friends who care

Lots of great memories.

Spell your words by cheering them like a cheerleader!

“Give me a U, give me a S, give me a E, give me a D, what does it spell? - USED!”

Choose 6 of your words and write a question with each one. Don’t forget the question mark!

Have you read a good book lately?


Write a sentence with 6 of your spelling words. Use this colour code: blue for the nouns (naming words) red for all the verbs (action words) and green for all the adjectives (describing words)

Try star-burp spelling – do a star jump for a consonant and a burpie for a vowel to spell all your words.

Choose 6 of your words and write a dictionary definition for each one.

Choose 6 words and write a sentence with each one to include a variety of conjunctions (joining words.)

The little boy had the neatest handwriting although his sister was almost as neat.

Throw or roll a ball back and forth with a partner and say a letter each time to spell the word.

Write all your spelling words using a blue coloured pencil for consonants and a red coloured pencil for vowels.




Choose 6 spelling words and write a sentence with each one to include a variety of contractions, e.g. they are = they’re

If you have a fixed mindset you believe you can’t do things.

Please choose a different activity each week to practise your spelling words. Ask an adult at home to initial and date the box when you have completed each activity. Thank you.

Name ________________

WALT understand the tradition of making New Year resolutions.

I can apply my knowledge of SMART targets to set my own New Year resolutions.

I can record these resolutions under different headings.

My New Year Resolutions



What I would like to SHARE with others.

What I would like to SUCCEED in.

Attracting Birds to your Garden

What do birds eat?

Seed Mixes

There are lots of different bird foods such as mixes for bird feeders, bird tables and for on the ground feeding. Look for good quality bird food – some include fillers such as dried peas, beans, rice or lentils but avoid these as only the big species can eat them dry. Also avoid any mixture with green or pink lumps as these are dog biscuit, which can only be eaten when soaked.  Wheat and barley grains are often included in seed mixtures, but they're really only suitable for pigeons, doves and pheasants, which feed on the ground and rapidly increase in numbers and put off the smaller birds. The better mixtures contain plenty of flaked maize, sunflower seeds and peanut granules.

Fat Balls and Bird Cake

Fat balls and other fat-based food bars are very good winter food. If they are sold in nylon net bags, always remove the bag before putting the fat ball out as the bag can trap and injure birds.

You can make your own bird cake by:Pouring melted fat (suet or lard) onto a mixture of ingredients such as seeds, nuts, dried fruit, oatmeal, cheese and cakeUse about one-third fat to two-thirds mixture. Stir well in a bowl and allow it to set in a container. You could try an empty coconut shell or a plastic cup. You can keep it in the container or turn it out onto your bird table when solid.

Or you can follow the instructions attached to make a pine cone bird feeder.

Left Overs

You can also put out leftovers such as some bread, fruit cake, dried fruit, peanuts (not roasted or salted and remember peanuts can be high in a natural toxin which can kill birds so best to buy specifically for birds) or fruit such as apples and pears. Cooked rice, brown or white (without salt added) is good for all sorts of birds during severe winter weather. Pigeons, doves and pheasants may eat uncooked rice but it probably won’t attract other species.

Any dry breakfast cereal is useful bird food but you need to be careful only to put out small amounts at a time. Also make sure there's drinking water nearby, as cereal quickly turns into pulp once it is wet. Uncooked porridge oats are also fine for a number of birds but you should never cook porridge oats as they could harden around a bird's beak. 

Lard and beef suet on their own are fine as they re-solidify after warming. As they are pure fat, bacteria is less likely. Cooking fat though is bad for birds and should be avoided. It contains harmful bacteria and salt.

Birds can digest dairy products, such as cheese. Mild grated cheese can be a good way of attracting robins and wrens but never give milk to a bird. Milk can give birds serious stomach upsets or even kill them.

Give fresh coconut only, in the shell. Rinse out any of the sweet coconut water from the middle of the coconut first, before hanging it out to stop the build-up of black mildew. Do not use desiccated coconut as it might swell inside a bird and cause death.

Don’t use anything mouldy or salty though, and if you have a dog don’t put out dried fruit as these can be toxic to them.

Where to put bird feeders and tables

Aim for somewhere:

· Quiet – where birds won't be disturbed

· Safe – not too close to bushes where cats could hide in wait, but close enough to shelter that birds can easily dart to and from

· Sheltered from strong winds.

Remember, wherever you put your feeder, make sure you can see it when you’re indoors so you can get the most pleasure from it! Also, it can take a little bit of time for the birds to get used to a new feeder, so don’t be disappointed if not many birds visit to begin with.

Remember the water

Birds like a drink too. You don't even need a traditional bird bath:

· Try a dinner plate or breakfast bowl – anything shallow that holds water will do

· Large plant pot trays work well 

· Add a shallow or sloping area to a pond

· Use a water feature or fountain.

And remember to:

· Keep it clean

· Put out fresh water every day

· Pour warm water onto any ice that forms.

Keep it clean

It’s very important to keep bird feeders clean to stop a build-up of bacteria that can spread diseases and infections among garden birds.

· Wear gloves and use warm soapy water

· Scrub feeders inside and out using a strong, long bristled brush. Do this in a bucket, not in your kitchen sink!

· Use a mild disinfectant

· Make sure the feeder is properly dry before refilling it with food.

Once you have read about how to safely attract birds to your garden and have followed some of the advice given, look at the RSPB website and find out more about the Big Garden Birdwatch and how you can take part in this important survey between 29-31 January 2021.

Circles Mental Maths

MONDAY 11.1.21

1. 1/8 of 56

2. How many 100s in 4000?

3. Round 3521 to the nearest 100

4. How much greater is (8x6) than (7x5)?

5. Increase ½ a litre by 600ml

6. How many halves in 4 wholes?

7. How many hours in 150 minutes?

8. What is the area of a rectangle with sides of lengths 9cm and 16cm?

9. John bought 3 comics costing 24p each. Find the change from £1.

10. 1300 people attended a school fayre. If 800 were children, how many adults were there?

11. By how many metres is 1 ¾ km shorter than 2000m?

12. Take 200 from 4080.

13. Find the product of 8 and 8

14. How many months in ¼ of a year?

15. 1/6 of 30

16. 5 - 1 ¾

17. (6x3) + (7x9)

18. Add 1/6 of 54 to ¼ of 16

19. This year Alan will be 52. In which year was he born?

20. How many right angles are there in a turn from North to South?

Circles Mental Maths

TUESDAY 12.1.21

1. 1/3 of 27

2. £5 - ? = £3.10

3. Find the difference in cost between 4 small tins of oranges at 30p per tin and 2 large tins at 55p per tin.

4. 2784 – 780=

5. Robert’s favourite TV programme started at 3.45pm and finished 1 ½ hours later. At what time did it finish?

6. Find the difference between 1/8 of 72 and 1/9 of 72

7. Round 751 to the nearest 100.

8. Find the cost of 4m of cloth at £0.75 per metre

9. What fraction of 56 is 7p?

10. 39 divided by 9

11. If 100g of chocolate cost 80p, how much will 250g cost?

12. The perimeter of a square is 32cm. What is its area?

13. What is the number after 15,999

14. What is the product of 8 and 50?

15. How many vertices has a cube?

16. 3872km = ____km ____m

17. (6x5) + (4x9)

18. 705-46

19. How many sweets each weighing 5g are there in a box containing ½ kg?

20. Find the change from £1 after buying 7 sweets costing 6p each.

Triangles & Squares Mental Maths

MONDAY 11.1.21

1. 1/8 of 56

2. How many 100s in 400?

3. Round 521 to the nearest 10

4. How much greater is (8x6) than (7x5)?

5. 10 13 17 18 Find the total of the odd numbers.

6. 15 plus 18

7. 42 divided by 6 = 10- ____

8. What is the area of a rectangle with sides of lengths 8 cm and 6 cm?

9. John bought 2 comics costing 24p each. Find the change from £1.

10. 800 people attended a school fayre. If 650 were children, how many adults were there?

11. Find the cost of 1 badge if 10 badges cost 80p.

12. Take 200 from 4680.

13. James is 9. How old will he be in 8 years time?

14. How many months in a year?

15. Tim had 28p. He gave a quarter of his money to Jack. How much did Jack get?

16. What is the sum of the even numbers between 3 and 9?

17. (6x3) + (5x4)

18. How many minutes from 11.05am to 11.45am?

19. 7 x 4 = 30 - ____

20. How many right angles are there in a turn from North to East?

Triangles & Squares Mental Maths

TUESDAY 12.1.21

1. A strip 18cm long is cut in half. How long is one of the pieces?

2. Six sweets are taken from a box of 25. How many are left?

3. John has 12p. How much more does he need to buy 4 boxes at 5p each?

4. 2784 – 780=

5. Robert’s favourite TV programme started at 3.15pm and finished 1 hour later. At what time did it finish?

6. Find the difference between 35 and 16

7. Round 751 to the nearest 10.

8. What is the tenth letter of the alphabet?

9. Increase 17 by 8.

10. 24 divided by 4

11. If 100g of chocolate cost 80p, how much will 200g cost?

12. The perimeter of a square is 40 cm. What is its area?

13. What is the number after 1079?

14. Three times the value of a coin is 15p. What is the value of the coin?

15. How many vertices has a cube?

16. ½ of 14

17. (3x5) + (4x9) =

18. Write the eighth month of the year.

19. Divide 18 by 3

20. Which 4 coins together equal 18p?

Mental Maths for Rectangles

MONDAY 11.1.21

1. 20 – 11 =

2. 2 x 4 =

3. Round 24 to the nearest 10

4. 9 + 7 = 6 + ___

5. 10 13 17 18 Circle the odd numbers.

6. 15 plus 18

7. 2 x 7 =

8. James is 9. How old will he be in 8 years time?

9. How many months in a year?

10. What is the sum of the even numbers between 3 and 9?

Mental Maths for Rectangles

TUESDAY 12.1.21

1. A strip 18cm long is cut in half. How long is one of the pieces?

2. 6 sweets are taken from a box of 25. How many are left?

3. 2 X 8 =

4. 20 – 13 =

5. 2 x 9 =

6. Find the difference between 9 and 16

7. Round 63 to the nearest 10.

8. What is the 10th letter of the alphabet?

9. 18 + 13 =

10. Write the number after 109

P4 Spelling Homework Grid – Term 3

Choose 6 of your words and make them using pasta.

Type your words on a WORD document and change the size, font and colour of each word OR do the same but writing the words instead.






Write one or two of your words as an acrostic poem.

The love of my family

Healthy, safe and well

A book to enjoy

No worries

Kind words to brighten my day

Fun with my family

Uplifting friends who care

Lots of great memories.

Spell your words by cheering them like a cheerleader!

“Give me a U, give me a S, give me a E, give me a D, what does it spell? - USED!”

Choose 6 of your words and write a question with each one. Don’t forget the question mark!

Have you read a good book lately?


Write a sentence with 6 of your spelling words. Use this colour code: blue for the nouns (naming words) red for all the verbs (action words) and green for all the adjectives (describing words)

Try star-burp spelling – do a star jump for a consonant and a burpie for a vowel to spell all your words.

Choose 6 of your words and write a dictionary definition for each one.

Choose 6 words and write a sentence with each one to include a variety of conjunctions (joining words.)

The little boy had the neatest handwriting although his sister was almost as neat.

Throw or roll a ball back and forth with a partner and say a letter each time to spell the word.

Write all your spelling words using a blue coloured pencil for consonants and a red coloured pencil for vowels.




Choose 6 spelling words and write a sentence with each one to include a variety of contractions, e.g. they are = they’re

If you have a fixed mindset you believe you can’t do things.

Please choose a different activity each week to practise your spelling words. Ask an adult at home to initial and date the box when you have completed each activity. Thank you.

Name ________________