fedbidspeed.com · web viewhow you will do a search with bidspeed is you will enter a word or words...

The filter with Bidspeed is unlike regular search engines. For instance with a regular search, you normally start with a question and then are given several answers. With Bidspeed you start with all of the answers and then filter down to the specific answer you are looking for. In order to properly conduct a filter you should have already set up your My Account profile.

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Post on 14-Mar-2020




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Page 1: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

The filter with Bidspeed is unlike regular search engines. For instance with a regular search, you normally start with a question and then are given several answers. With Bidspeed you start with all of the answers and then filter down to the specific answer you are looking for. In order to properly conduct a filter you should have already set up your My Account profile.

Page 2: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

Bidspeed FiltersSo because with Bidspeed you start with all the answers and then filter down to the specific answer you are looking for, a search with opportunities on FedBizOpps will begin as follows:

When you first log into your Bidspeed account you will see the following, click on search for FedBizOpps

Or if you are already logged into your Bidspeed account you would click on Search in the Bidspeed heading, and then click on FBO Opportunities form the drop down menu:

Once you begin a search within Bidspeed for FedBizOpps Opportunities, you will start with all of the results for that day as shown below:

Show all

As the example shows this initial search resulted in 481, 653 opportunities within FedBizOpps for this particular day. This is the same result as clicking on Show All. Bidspeed will begin by showing you all of the opportunities within FedBizOpps for that day. Now what you will do is filter this search down to key 5-15 specific opportunities which interest you.

Page 3: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

How to do a Search with Bidspeed?

How you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below:


If you would like a list of possible items to search for in each field, click on the small floating funnels that appear when you click in a field.

For example with Class Code you would find the funnel as shown below:

Once the funnel is clicked on, a list of possible searches for each field will appear as shown below for Class Code options:

Page 4: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

If you would like to add more categories to your columns click on “customize” and then choose Additional Fields…

Once you click on Additional Fields… a table of options called Optional Fields will be displayed from which you can choose additional optional field search criteria.

Apply Filter

Once you have chosen the criteria you would like to search for and typed those words into the boxes at the top of each column. Then hit apply filter as shown below:

Page 5: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

Save Current Filter Once you find a filter you like which provides opportunities you are interested in. What you will do is save this filter for future searches with Bidspeed.To save a filter you will first apply the filter and then save it by clicking on filters, and then choosing Save Current Filters as shown below:

You will then Name the filter and give it a brief Description. The important step here is to click on share. If you would like to share this filter with the other account users of your Bidspeed account check the share box. If you do not click on share this filter will only be saved on your Bidspeed account and not shared with the other members of your Bidspeed account.

Page 6: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

Once you have saved your filter you will be able to access it on your Dashboard by clicking on the Home heading:

In your Dashboard, you can access your saved filters by looking down the right column and clicking on My Saved Filters. Then if you would like to run your filter, simply click on the Run button to the left of each saved filter as shown below:

How to be Automatically Notified of Any Changes in Filters Saved (Search Agents)

The Search Agent option on your Bidspeed Dashboard allows you to be automatically notified of any changes in additional opportunities for the filters you have saved. You will be emailed of any new opportunities in FedBizOpps which meet the criteria of the filter you have saved and added to your Search Agent. You will first need to have Saved Filters.

To do this first log into your Bidspeed Home tab and then click on Dashboard, as shown:

Page 7: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

On the left hand side of your Bidspeed Dashboard you will see Search Agents as shown click on the >>New option:

Once you choose you will need to fill out the table below:

Owner: The first option you will chose for your Search Agent is the Owner of this particular search agent. This will be chosen between any of the users of your Bidspeed account. Simply click on the drop down arrow as shown above, and choose from any of your Bidspeed account users.

Filter: Next you will choose which saved filter you would like to become a Search Agent, simply click on the drop down arrow as shown below and pick the saved filter you would like to be notified of, if any new opportunities occur in FedBizOpps:

Frequency: Is how often do you want to be notified by email of additions to your saved filters, on a daily or weekly basis. The majority of our clients use the frequency of daily.

Page 8: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

How to filter if you are a Small Business If your company is a small business we advise you to filter by three fields if you are using FedBizOpps Opportunities:

1. Class Code2. Active 3. Sources Sought

We will walk you thru doing a typical filter of this kind. Begin by logging into your Bidspeed account and clicking on the Search heading and then clicking on FBO Opportunities:

1. Class Code We will start the filter by choosing a class code. For this example I will be using the Class Code D- Information Technology Services, including Telecommunications ServicesAs shown:

If you need a class code click on the funnel and choose the Class Code which defines your product or service you are looking opportunites for:

Page 9: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

Then apply the filter as shown:

Once you apply a filter such as a Case Code you will see the number of opportunities decrease as shown below with the before and after effect of applying a Case Code filter:

Before the Filter is Applied

After the Case Code Filter is Applied

As shown below after a Case Code filter is applied only opportunities which fall under that Case Code category such as Information Technology Services will be shown.

Page 10: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

2. Active Opportunities

Now we will apply the filter of only showing us active opportunities which are available only in the future and not in the past. As shown below.

After both filters of Case Code and Active Solicitations Only are applied to the search the amount of opportunities will decrease even more. Such as shown below after both filters are applied the amount of opportunities decreased from 482,513 to 786:

Because 786 opportunities are still to many to analyze we will decrease the amount of opportunities by even more by applying another filter as well.

3. Sources Sought A sources sought is a synopsis posted by a government agency that states they are looking for possible businesses who can fulfill a project requirements. It is only a request for sources of a project neither an actual request for work nor a request for a proposal. By answering a Sources Sought you are saying you are capable of doing the job.

We always tell our clients that the best opportunity for small businesses to compete with larger companies is by replying to Sources Sought.

Page 11: fedbidspeed.com · Web viewHow you will do a search with Bidspeed is you will enter a word or words you are looking for in the box at the top of each column, as shown below: ... After

To apply a Sources Sought to your filter, simply click on the filters drop down menu and then choose Sources Sought Only, once chosen it will be automatically applied you do not need to hit apply filter.

After applying these three filters, Class Code, Active Solicitations, and Sources Sought your amount of opportunities will drastically decrease to a manageable number as shown below: