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Waves 1,2,3 p. 1 Personal Networks Over Time Funded provided by the National Institute on Aging, R01 AG041955 SURVEY INSTRUMENT – WAVES 1, 2 and 3 Reviewed: November1, 2018 Principal Investigator: Claude Fischer Director: Leora Lawton

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Personal Networks Over TimeFunded provided by the National Institute on Aging, R01 AG041955

SURVEY INSTRUMENT – WAVES 1, 2 and 3Reviewed: November1, 2018

Principal Investigator: Claude FischerDirector: Leora Lawton

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Please see the companion documentation for these data:

1. Codebook2. Screener questionnaire3. Study Overview: Sampling, data structure and usage.

Explanatory notes for the questionnaire:

^^^^ Indicates screen breaks. “FTF” Indicates instruction for face-to-face interview; “int:” indicates text that interviewer reads.Green Text indicates skip and other programming instructionsOrange Text indicates notes about the variables.● Indicates name-eliciting questions; names provided are piped to later parts of instrument. See

Sections B and C.


00. Screener and Meta-Data…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3A. Introductory, Marital, Household, Family, Residence, Employment, Etc. …………………………………………………..4B. Network: Most Name-Eliciting Questions (and social activity)………………………………………………………………..…21C. Network: Name Descriptions…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….28D. Network: Describing Subsample of Names………………………………………………………………………………………………..33E. Network: General Network Evaluation……………………………………………………………………………………………………….38F. Most Life Events ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..40G. Physical Health ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….48H. & J. Self-Administered Questionnaire (health behaviors, drugs, depression, etc.)…………………………….……….57I. Internet Use ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....63K. Background Items (Education, Race, Income….) …………………………………………………………………………………………65L. Interviewer Items: Rating Respondent, Interview, Setting, Etc. ………………………………………………………………….77

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00. Screener (Base) Survey and Meta-DataNote: The full screener questionnaire is available as a separate document. These items reflect just those in the data set.

Now we just need to verify your age to see whether you qualify for the study.

1. What month and year were you born? Month_ preload Month: _ _Year_preload Year: _ _ _ _

Text 5: Great, we’re glad you qualify!

I want to assure you that everything you tell me will be held confidentially to the highest level possible.

We just have some questions to ask you so we can determine how you can help us in the study.

sc008 What is your gender?

1 Male2 Female

sc009 Do you have access to the internet in your home?

1 Yes2 No [go to Randomization]9 Don’t know [go to Randomization]

Selected_mode1 face-to-face3 web

Sc010 What kind of computer or computers do you have, is it a [check all that apply]Sc010_a DesktopSc010_b LaptopSc010_c Mobile phone or smart phoneSc010_d I-pad or tabletSc010_e Other: _________ (includes ‘none’)

Sc010b Would you be comfortable answering questions on a computer? 1. Yes2. No

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Informed Consent Section in CASI.

if mode = CASI then consent (consent)

Informed Consent (http://survey.usc.edu/personalnetworks/wave2/InformedConsent.pdf): Our privacy statement and rights of participants can be viewed here (http://survey.usc.edu/personalnetworks/wave2/InformedConsent.pdf).

If you agree with the study's process and objectives then we can continue.1 I agree2 I do not agree

if consent != 1 then noconsentThank you for contacting us about the UCNets study. You may learn more about our project by visiting the UCNets website (http://UCNets.berkeley.edu). Note: if you change your mind about participating, please just contact us by phone at 1-877-932-0614 (9am - 5pm Pacific) or by email at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]). Thank you again for your interest and please just click Next to complete your session.

Exit the surveyEnd of if

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Before we get started we need to verify that we have the correct answers for you when you signed up for the UCNets study.


a1_name (age and birthday confirmation) – not in data set.Are you [preloaded name[]]?1 (YES) Yes2 (NO) No

year_preload (age and birthday confirmation)Were you born in [preloaded birth year[]]?1 (YES) Yes2 (NO) No

if a1_name != YES or a1_year != YES thenthank you

Thank you for your interest, but it seems you are not the person we were hoping to interview. If you think you received this message in error, please just contact us toll-free at 1-877-932-9614 or email us at [email protected].

[INT: please just click the 'Next' button to complete this case and go back to the sample management system.]/

Thank you very much for your participation in this survey. We greatly appreciate your time and responses.

[INT: please just click the 'Next' button to complete this case and return to the sample management system.]]Exit the surveyEnd of if

if devicecheck = 1 then

phonewarningIt appears that you are currently using a mobile device (such as a smart phone) to access this survey. Please note that in order to have the most optimal survey experience, we strongly recommend you use a desktop, laptop, tablet, or similar device.

If you believe you received this message in error or you wish to continue on your mobile device, then please just click the 'Next>>' button. Otherwise, please just log out using the 'Logout and continue' link in the top right corner of the screen and log into the survey again on another device.End of ifif gender = empty thengender (gender)

What is your gender?

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1 (MALE) Male2 (FEMALE) FemaleEnd of if

A main goal of this study is to understand people's social relationships. In this interview, we'll be asking you to tell us about the people you know.

You'll tell us a first name and maybe also the last initial or a nickname, just so we can tell who is who.

Some people you might want to name just once, others several times. All the names will be kept strictly confidential.

Wave 2 and Wave 3: a2a_IntroAs the last time we interviewed you in [[INSERT DATE OF PREVIOUS INTERVIEW]], the main goal of this study is to understand people's social relationships. In this interview, we'll be asking you to tell us about the people you know now.

You'll tell us a first name and maybe also the last initial or a nickname, just so we can tell who is who.Some people you might want to name just once, others several times. Some you may have named in the last interview, too.

All the names will be kept strictly confidential as is possible [the following was deleted in Wave 3 …] as we explained in the Consent form.

Please be sure to give us names or nicknames of specific people, not categories of people - for example, "Bill," but not "my family."

A.2.a. [FTF (Wave 1 only): This study is about relationships, so] we start with some basics. First, are you currently married, widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married? (We will ask about other kinds of relationships shortly.) [Single Select]

1. Married [GO TO A.2.b.]2. Widowed [GO TO A.2.d.]3. Divorced [GO TO A.2.c.]4. Separated [GO TO A.2.c.]5. Never married [GO TO A.3.a.]


A.2.b. [IF A.2.a. = 1 (married)] In what year did you get married? (to this person) [Wave 1 only]

_ _ _ _ year [Four digits: Error check: 1958-2015]

●A.2.b.(1) Please write in [int: tell us] your spouse’s name.

___________________________ [Goes on Name List]

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A.2.b.(2). Did you live with your spouse before you got married? [Wave 1 only]

1. Yes2. No3. [FTF: Volunteered] Other:_________________ (a2b2_other)



A.2.c. [IF A.2.a. = 3 (divorced) OR 4 (separated)] About how many years or months have you been [piped in]? [Wave 1 only]

a2c_c _____ years (if less than 1, enter ____ monthsa2c_months Months divorced/separated.



A.2.d. [IF A.2.a. = 2 (widowed)] About how many years or months ago did your spouse pass away?[Wave 1 only]

A2d (year of spouse death) _____ years A2d_months (if less than 1, enter ____ months



A.2.e. [IF R HAS EVER BEEN MARRIED (A.2.a NE 5).] How many times have you been married [IF R NOW MARRIED:] (including this marriage)?[Wave 1 only]

1. Once2. Twice3. Three times4. 4 or more


A.3.a. [IF R is NOT MARRIED (A.2.a. NE 1):] Is there someone whom you consider a partner or are in a romantic relationship with?

1. YES [GO TO A.3.b.]2. NO [GO TO A.6.]


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●A.3.b. Please [web:] write in [Int:] tell me this person’s name.

___________________________ [Put on Name List]

A.3.c. [IF A.3.a. = 1 (YES)] About how long, in years or months, have you been in that relationship? [Wave 1 only]

_____ years (if less than 1, A3c_months enter ____ months


[Note: no items A.4. or A.5.]

[Intro:] We’d also like to know about your parents.

if wave2_a6 = 2 then go to A.6.a

A.6. Is your mother still alive? [Mother could be biological, adopted, or step – whomever R considers mother.]

1. Yes2. No8. [int: volunteered] Don’t know

A.6.a. In a previous survey, you told us that your mother is no longer alive. About how old were you when your mother passed? [Wave 3 only]RANGE 0..^age_check

Wave 2: if wave1_a7 = 2 OR wave1_a7 = 8 then see skip patterns belowWave 3: if wave2_a7 = 2 then go to A.7.a.

A.7. Is your father still alive? [Father could be biological, adopted, or step – whomever R considers father.]

1. Yes2. No3. [int: volunteered] Don’t know

8. Ref9. NA

a7a [In a previous survey, you told us that your father is no longer alive.] About how old were you when your father passed? [Wave 3 only]

RANGE 0..^age_check


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A.8.a. [IF A.6. = 1 AND A.7. = 1:] Are your parents together?

1. Yes [GO TO A.8.a.2.]2. No [GO TO A.8.d.]

Note: there is no A.8.a_1.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

a.8.a.2. [IF A.8.a. = 1] Do they live within an hour's drive from you?

1. Yes 2. No3. Live with me

[ALL GO TO A.11.a.]


Note: there is no A.8.b or A.8.c.

a.8.d. Does your mother live within an hour's drive from you?

1. Yes 2. No 3, Lives with me

[If A7 ne 1 GO TO a11a. If a7=1 go to a.8.f.]

Note: No a.8.e.

a.8.f. [ IF a.7. = 1 and (A.6. NE 1) OR a8a = 2] Does your father live within an hour's drive from you?

1. Yes2. No 3. Lives with me

[ALL GO TO A.10.]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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A.9. [IF MOTHER NOT WITH FATHER -- (A.6. = 1 AND A.7. NE 1) OR (A.8.a. = 2)] Does your mother have a spouse or partner?

1. Yes2. No8. Don’t know

A9_other (string)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

A.10. [IF FATHER NOT WITH MOTHER -- (A.6. NE 1 AND A.7. = 1) OR (A.8.a. = 2)] Does your father have a spouse or partner?

1. Yes2. No5. Don’t know

A10_other (string)


A.11.a. Did your parents ever get divorced or split up? [Wave 1 only]

1. Yes [Go to A.11.b.]2. No [GO TO A.12.]


A.11.b. [IF YES (A.11.a.=1)] About how old were you at the time that your parents split up? [Int:] – a baby, a child, a teen-ager, or older? [Wave 1 only]

1. Baby 2. Child3. Teen-ager4. Older


●A.12. Now, we ask who lives with you. Please [web:] list [int: name] all the people, besides you, who live with you at least part of the time, counting all the adults and children, if there are any. [IF married or partner:] Be sure to include ____________ <<pipe-in name of spouse (A.2.b.(1)) or romantic tie (A.3.b.), if appropriate.


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CODING: Names appearing here get put on Names List and tagged “in the household.” Each name in this and other Names questions receives a number for the order mentioned by the R.


A.12.a. In the last year or so, has anyone moved in with you and stayed at least a month? [Int: Could include move R made with another new person – e.g., 2 new roommates move in at the same time.]

1. Yes [GO TO A.12.b.] 2. No [GO TO A.13.a.]


A.12.b Who was that (or were they?) Select all that apply. [Int: – a relative, a friend, a paying roommate, or what?] [Int: If answers “relative,” ask what kind]. If more than one person moved in, indicate so by selecting all that apply. Note: a12b is a summary of relationships for all who moved in.

a12bs1 1. Relative: What kind?: ___________________a12bs2 2. Romantic relationshipa12bs3 3. Frienda12bs4 4. Roommatea12bs5 5. Other: What?: ____________________

A12b_relative if a12b = 1. ____________a12b_other if a12b = 5. _____________

A.12.c. Generally speaking, how much did their moving in change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int:] (Volunteered: Other:_________________)

A12c_other if a.12.c = 4

A.12.d. Does that person or persons still live with you?

1. Yes 2. No 3. Other: ___________

A12d_other if a.12.d = 3

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[All Go to A.13.a.]


A.13.a. [EVERYONE IS ASKED] Do you have any pets in your household?

1. Yes [GO TO A.13.b.]2. No [Go TO A.14.a.]


A.13.b. [IF YES TO A.13.a.] What kind of pet – or kinds of pets -- is that? And how many do you have of them? [Int: Multiple responses OK.]

A13bs_1 1. Dog: _____ [1 = yes, 0 = no]A13bs_2 2. Cat: _____ [1/0]A13bs_3 3. Bird: _____ [1/0]A13bs_4 4. Other kind of pet (string): ___________ [Int: number not necessary]

Numeric Count Variables a13b_othera13b_dogsa13b_catsa13b_birds^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

A.14.a. We’d also like to know a bit about family who do not live with you. Do you have a step-mother or step-father, or both, who does not live with you?

1. Yes: a step-mother 2. Yes, a step-father 3. Both a step-mother and step-father 4. No step-parents at all [SKIP TO A.15.a.]5. [Int:] Other answer: _______________

A14a_other: if a.14.a = 5


[There is no A.14.b.]

A.14.c. Does any step-parent live within an hour’s drive from you?

1. Yes 2. No

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A.15.a. Do you have any brothers, step-brothers, or half-brothers who do not live with you? [IF YES] How many?

1. Yes: How many ____ brothers or half-brothers [Go TO A.15.c.]2. No [GO TO A.16.a.]

A15a_2: number of half brothers not living with youA15a_3 Number of brothers not living withA15a_4 Number of step brothers not living with


A.15.c. Does any brother, step-brother, or half-brother live within an hour’s drive from you?

1. Yes 2. No


A.16.a Do you have any sisters, step-sisters, or half-sisters who do not live with you? [IF YES] How many?

1. Yes: ________ [GO TO A.16.c.]1. No [GO TO A.17.a.]

A16a_2: number of half sisters not living with youA16a_3 Number of sisters not living withA16a_4 Number of step sisters not living with


A.16.c. Do any sisters, step-sisters, or half-sisters live within an hour’s drive from you?

1. Yes 2. No

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A.17.a. Do you have any children or step-children under 18 years old who do not live with you? [biological or adopted]

1. Yes [go to A.17.b.]2. No [go to A.18.a]3. [Int:] Other [go to A.18.a]


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A.17.b. [IF YES (A.17.a. = 1):] How many sons and daughters do you have who do not live with you?a17b_sons _____ sons [enter 0 if none]a17b_daughters _____ daughters [enter 0 if none]a17b_stepsons _____ stepsons [enter 0 if none]a17b_stepdaughters _____ stepdaughters [enter 0 if none]


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A.18.a. Do you have any adult children or step-children 18 years old or over who do not live with you? [biological or adopted]

1. Yes [Go to A.18.b.]2 . No [Go to A.19.a.]3. [Int:] Other [Go to A.19.a.]

A18a_other If a.18.a = 3


A.18.b. [IF A18.a. = 1, YES:] How many adult sons and adult daughters do you have who do not live with you?

_____ sons [enter 0 if none] [IF > 0, GO TO A.18.d.] _____ daughters [enter 0 if none] [IF > 0, GO TO A.18.e.]

Numeric Count variablesa18b_sonsa18b_daughtersa18b_stepsonsa18b_stepdaughters

Note: there is no a.18.c.


A.18.d. IF 1 SON:] Does your adult son [IF 2+ SONS:] Do any of your adult sons live within an hour’s drive from you?

1. Yes 2. No

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Note: there is no a.18.e.

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A.18.f. [IF 1 DAUGHTER:] Does your adult daughter [IF 2+ DAUGHTERS:] Do any of your adult daughters live within an hour’s drive from you?

1. Yes 2. No


A.19.a. Now, we are going to ask about where you live. Do you – or your family -- own your (house/apartment) or pay rent?

1. Own2. Pays rent3. [int: volunteered] Other _________________

A19a_other If a.19.a = 3.

A.19.b. About how many years have you lived in _______________ <pipe in town of current residence>? [Wave 1 only]

Enter number: ___________ years [If < 1, enter 0]


A.19.c. And about how many years have you lived in this particular neighborhood? [Wave 1 only]Enter number: ______________ years [If < 1, enter 0] [Check, # here should be LT or EQ to # in A.19.b.]

[IF years < 2 (A.19.c. < 2), GO TO A.19.d.; ELSE GO TO A.19.g.]


A.19.d. [IF years < 2 (A.19.c. < 2)] About how far away was your previous neighborhood from here? [Int: -- within a five minutes’ drive from here or farther?[Wave 1 only]

1. Five minutes’ drive or nearer2. Within an hour’s drive


A.19.e. [IF years < 2 (A.19.c. < 2)] Generally speaking, how much did this last move change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int:] (Volunteered: Other:_________________)

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A19e_other If a.19.e = 4.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

A.19.h Have you moved since the previous interview in [[month, year]]?[Not in Wave 1]1 Yes2. No

If A.19.h = 1

A.19.i. Why did you move? [Not in Wave 1]

a19j How far is where you live now from where you lived at the time of the previous interview? Is it...[Not in Wave 1]

1 In the same neighborhood2 In a different neighborhood but in the same town3 In a different town but still in the Bay Area4 Out of the Bay Area, but still in California5 Out of California6 Other:


In Wave 3: if a19j in [3,4,5] then

A.19.f. [IF years < 2 (A.19.c. < 2)] [OPEN-ENDED:] After this last move, what steps, if any, did you take in order to make new friends? (Like joining a congregation, going to local bars, volunteering, posting online, going out with coworkers.)

if a19f = response then

a19k If you did take any steps, how much did that help you in making new friends? [Int: a lot,somewhat, not much, or not at all]? [Wave 3 only]

1 A lot2 Somewhat3 Not much

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4 Not at all8 I took no steps


A.19.g. [ALL RESPONDENTS] [OPEN-ENDED] If you were moving to a town far away, what steps, if any, would you take in order to make new friends? (Like joining a congregation, going to local bars, volunteering, posting online, going out with coworkers.) [Wave 1 only]

Note: No item A.20



IF R WORKS (A21=1,2) A.22 Hours A.23 Self-employed A.24 Job name A.25 How long [if <2 yrs] A.25.a. Effect [if A21 NE 3, 6, or 7, skip to Sect B]IF R IN SCHOOL (A21=3) A.26 Full or part-time? A.27. How long? [if < 2 yrs] A.27.a. Effect. -- [IF A21 NE 1,2:] A.28. Ever work full/part time? [if yes] A.28.a. Job name [if A21 NE 4,5,6,7, skip to Sect B]IF R UNEMP (A21=4,5) A.29. Job Name A.30. How long? [if < 2 yrs] A.30.a Why job ended A.30.b. Effect [if A21 NE 6,7 skip to Sect B]IF R RETIRED (A.21=6) A.31 Job Name A. 32. How long ago? [if< 2ys] A.32.b. Effect [if A21 NE 7, skip to Sect B]IF R KEEPS HOUSE (A21=7 AND A21 NE = 1,2,4,5,6) A.33. Ever work full/part time? [if yes] A.33.a. Job name? A.33.b.How long ago [if <2 yrs] A.33.c. Effect [Go to Sect B]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Logic is that for Rs giving more than one answer, program cycles through the chosen answers’ sequences, starting with 1 and through 7.

A.21. [Int: SHOW CARD.] Let’s change gears and talk about work. Which of the following best describes your current situation? [Web: You can check more than one answer.] Are you employed full-time, employed part-time, going to school, unemployed and looking for work, or unemployed and not looking for work, retired, taking care at home, or something else? You can give more than one answer.] [More than one can be checked; more than one skip sequence.]

Note: a21 is a summary of all possible answers.a21s1 1. Employed full-time [Go to A.22]

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a21s2 2. Employed part-time [Go to A.22]a21s3 3. Going to school [Go to A.26]a21s4 4. Unemployed and looking for work [Go to A.29]a21s5 5. Unemployed and not looking for work [Go to A.29]a21s6 6. Retired [Go to A.31]a21s7 7. Taking care at home [Go to A.24 IFF A.21 NE 1, 2, 4, 5]a21s8 8. Something else: ____________________ [Go to Section B]


A.22. [IF R EMPLOYED (A21 = 1, 2)] About how many hours a week do you work on the average? (Count hours in all your jobs if you had more than one.)

_______ hours

A.23. [IF R EMPLOYED (A21 = 1, 2)] Are you self-employed, do you work for someone else, or both? (That is for your main job, if you have more than one.)

1. Self-employed2. Work for someone else3. Both

A.24. [IF R EMPLOYED (A21 = 1, 2)] What kind of work do you do? That is, what is your job called? (Your main job, if you have more than one.)

Enter: ____________________________________________________________________

A.25. [IF R EMPLOYED (A21 = 1, 2)] About how many years have you been at your current job? If you have more than one employer, please tell us about the one which you consider to be your primary employer. [Int: years with employer, not in career]

____ years [enter 0 if less than 1]

[IF < 2 years, GO TO A.25.a.; ELSE GO TO NEXT ANSWER TO A.21; IF NO OTHER ANSWER TO A.21 (A.21 = ONLY 7), Go to Section B ]


A.25.a. [IF RECENTLY STARTED JOB (A.25 < 2 years)] Generally speaking, how much did this new job change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int:] (Volunteered: Other:_________________)

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A.26. [IF R IN SCHOOL (A.21 = 3)] Are you going to school full-time or part-time?

1. Full-time 2. Part-time3. [Int:] (Volunteered) Other:_________________

A.27. How many years have you been going to your current school?

_______ years [enter 0 if less than 1]

[IF < 2 years, GO TO A.27.a.; ELSE GO TO A.28.]


A.27.a. [IF RECENTLY STARTED SCHOOL (A.27<2 years)] Generally speaking, how much did starting school change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int:] (Volunteered: Other:_________________)

A27a_other (if a.27.a = 4)


A.28. [IF A.21 = 3 and A.21 NE 1,2,4,5] Did you have a full-time job before going to this school?

1. Yes [Go to A.28.a.]2. No [IF A.21 = 4,5,6,7, GO TO NEXT VALID SERIES; ELSE GO TO SECTION B]

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A.28.a. [IF WORKED (A.28 = 1)] What kind of work did you [mainly] do? That is, what was your job called?

Enter: ________________________________



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A. 29. [IF R UNEMPLOYED (A.21 = 4, 5)] What kind of work did you do just before you became unemployed? That is, what was your job called?

Enter: _____________________________________________________________________

A.30. [IF R UNEMPLOYED (A.21 = 4, 5)] How many months has it been since you became unemployed?

_______ months

A.30.a. [IF R UNEMPLOYED (A.21 = 4, 5)] Why did this job end -- did you quit, were you laid off (or fired), or was the work completed?

1. Quit2. Laid off (or fired)3. Work completed4. [Int:] Volunteered: Other __________________________________________

A30a_other (if a.30.a = 4)

A.30.b. [IF R UNEMPLOYED (A.21 = 4, 5)] Generally speaking, how much did ending this job change your life? [Int.: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int:] (Volunteered: Other:_________________)

A30b_other (if a.30.b = 4)



A.31. [IF R RETIRED (A.21 = 6) AND R NOT ASKED A.28.a. OR A.29] What kind of work did you (mainly) do just before you retired? That is, what was your job called?

Enter: ______________________________

A.32. [IF R RETIRED (A.21 = 6)] About how many years have you been retired?

_______ years [enter 0 if less than 1]

[IF < 2 years, GO TO A.32.a.; ELSE, IF R ALSO HOME KEEPER (A.21 = 7), GO TO A.33;ELSE, IF R NOT HOME KEEPER (A 21 NE 7), GO TO SECTION B.]

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A.32.b Generally speaking, how much did retiring change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int:] (Volunteered: Other:_________________)


A32b_other (if a.32.a = 4)


A.33. [IF R IS ONLY A HOME KEEPER (A.21 = ONLY 7)] About how many years have you been taking care at home full-time?

_______ years [enter 0 if less than 1]

[IF < 2 years, GO TO A.33.b.; ELSE SKIP TO SECTION B].


A.33.b. Generally speaking, how much did becoming full-time at home change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int:] (Volunteered: Other:_________________)

A33b_other (if a.33.b = 4). Note: Dropped from data file as no Respondent used this option.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Note: All ‘Name’ variables are denoted with a purple bullet ●and the elicited data can be found only in the names file, with the exception of the summary variables.

[Web:] Next, we ask you about activities that you might do with other people ([IF married or partnered:] including ________________ <<pipe in name of spouse/romantic>>) and about how often you do them.

[Int:] Next, I am going to ask you about activities that you might do with other people ([IF married or partnered:] including ________________ <<pipe in name of spouse/romantic>>] and about how often you do them – at least once a week, a couple of times a month, about once a month, several times during the year, once a year or less? [Int: SHOW CARD]

B.1.a. About how often do you get together at your or a friend’s or relative’s house for a meal? 1. At least once a week, 2. A couple of times a month, 3. About once a month4. Several times during the year, 5. Once a year or less often.

B.1.b. About how often do you go out to eat at a restaurant with friends or relatives?1. At least once a week, 2. A couple of times a month, 3. About once a month4. Several times during the year, 5. Once a year or less often.

Note: No item B.1.c.

B.1.d. About how often do you go out to concerts, plays, clubs, sports, or other events with friends or relatives?

1. At least once a week, 2. A couple of times a month, 3. About once a month4. Several times during the year, 5. Once a year or less often.


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●B.2.a. Please think about people you typically do these sorts of things with – or other social things as well, such as going shopping, out for drinks, to the park, or just hanging out. Who are the people you usually do these sorts of things with? [IF MARRIED or PARTNERED:] Include _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/romantic>> if appropriate. [Web: If you think of couples, please put each person on a separate line.] [Int:] I can take up to 9 names.. [Int: instruction If R gives names as couples – e.g., Sue-and-John – or group, each person gets a separate entry.]

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B2a_count Number of names

Note: The output from this item and similar items earlier – spouse/partner name; household list – and later is (a) count of names given to the question; (b) each name here would get coded as having been mentioned in this question when listed in the Names File. (The codes say whether the name was listed 1st, 2nd, etc.). So there is a variable for each Name coded 1,2,3… 8 if mentioned, and blank or m.d. if not mentioned.)

[] [Int:] Volunteered. B2a_nas6 Nobody/Never does [GO TO B.3.a.]


B.3.a. [Int: SHOW CARD] We’d like to know what kinds of organizations you actively participate in. Which of the following kinds are you active in? [web: Check] Tell me] all that apply. [Multiple Select]

B3as1 1. Professional association, business group B3as2 2. Organized sports teamB3as3 3. Neighborhood or block associationB3as4 4. A service organization (like the Rotary, Red Cross, or a food bank)B3as5 5. A religious organization like a church or synagogueB3as6 6. A cultural organization (like a choir or amateur theater)B3as7 7. Another kind of organization: _________________ B3as8 8. None

b3a_other (string for b3a = 7)

B.3.b. Are you active in any informal kinds of groups – such as getting together regularly with a group of people to do things like discuss books, play sports, do bible study, go to the movies, play cards, or meet at a bar?

1. Yes 2. No

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B.4. Sometimes personal matters come up that concern people, like issues about relationships, important things in your life, difficult experiences. Do you ever confide in someone about these sorts of things or do you never confide in someone?

1. Yes 2. No, never confide [SKIP TO B.5.a.]


B.4.a. Who do you confide in about these sorts of things? [IF MARRIED/PARTNERED:] Include _________________ <<pipe in name of spouse/romantic>> if appropriate. [Int:I can take up to 6 names. ]. [These can be different people for different matters.]


b4a_nas6 [] [Int: (volunteered:) Never, Nobody [GO TO B.5.a]b4a_count number of names to confide question

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B.5. When you have to make important decisions – for example, about taking a job, family issues, or health problems – are there any people whose advice you seek out or would seek out in making those decisions? They can be family, friends, or professional advisors.

1. Yes, there are people 2. No people [SKIP TO B.6.a.]


●B.5.a. Whose advice do you or would you seek out? [Int:] I can take up to 6 names.. [These can be different people for different matters.]

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________B5a_nas6 [] [Int: (volunteered:) Never, Nobody [GO TO B.6.a]

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B5a_count number of names to advice question


B.6.a. In the last few months, have any friends, relatives, or acquaintances [IF NOT LIVING ALONE: who do not live with you] given you any practical help like moving furniture, doing repairs, picking up something at the store, looking after a child, giving you a ride, or things like that?

1. Yes [GO TO B.6.b.]2. No [GO TO B.7.a.]


●B.6.b. [IF YES to B.6.a]: Please give us the names of people who have done things like this for you in the last few months? [Int: I can take up to 6 names.]


b6b_nas6 [Int:.volunteered:) Nobody. [GO TO B.7.a.]b6b_count

b6b_household_flag Indicates if anyone mentioned in b6b in household


B.7.a. If you were seriously injured or sick and needed some help for a couple of weeks with things such as preparing meals and getting around, who would you ask? [Web:] Check all that apply. [Int.: Would you ask particular people you know personally for help, ask a group for help, pay for help, or get help some other way? Or would you do more than one of these? ]

B7as1 Ask particular people I know for help B7as2 Ask a group for help: What group would that be? ________________________________

B7as3 Pay for help B7as4 Other: What would that be?:_________________________________

b7a_group: If b7as2 =1 b7a_other If b7as4 =1


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B.7.b. [IF R DOES NOT ANSWER “Ask particular” (if B.7.a. NE 1)] But if you needed to, are there particular people you could ask for help?

1. Yes [GO TO B.7.c.]2. No [GO TO B.8.a.]3. (Int: Volunteered) Maybe [GO TO B.7.c.]

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^●B.7.c. Who would those people be? These can be people you have named before or new people. [Int: I can take up to 6 names.]

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

b7c_nas6 [] (Int: volunteered) Nobody [GO TO B.8.a.]b7c_count number who would help if R sick


●B.8.a. We have been asking about people who help you out in different ways. Now, let’s turn things around. Who are the people that you help out practically, or with advice, or in other kinds of ways at least occasionally? They can be people you’ve already named or new people. [Int:] I can take up to 6 names..

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

b8a_nas6 [] [Int: volunteered:] Nobody [GO TO B.9.a.]b8a_count Number of people R named as receiving help from R


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●B.9.a. There are sometimes people we know who ask a lot of us, who are sometimes demanding or difficult. Who are the people that you sometimes find demanding or difficult? They can be people you’ve already named or new people. [Int:] I can take up to 6 names.


b9a_nas6 [] [Int: volunteered] Nobody [GO TO NEXT SECTION.]b9a_count number of people R names as demandingb9a_na Note: if s6=1 then b9_na should also be 1.


B.10.a. [IF LINE 1 in B.9.a. HAS NAME] [Int: SHOW CARD] What do you usually do when you find ____-________ <<pipe in 1st name from B.9.a.>> difficult? [web: Check all the answers that apply.] [Wave 1 only]

Do you generally do nothing, try to go along with ________ <<pipe in 1st name>>, avoid _________ <<pipe in 1st name>>, try to get ________ <<pipe in 1st name>> to change, or talk to someone else about it, or do something else? Tell me all the answers that apply.] [Wave 1 only]Note: See variable list below for Name 1.

1. Nothing 2. Try to go along with ______ <<pipe in 1st name from B.8.b.>>3. Avoid _____ <<pipe in 1st name from B.8.b.>>4. Try to get _____ <<pipe in 1st name from B.8.b.>> to change 5. Talk to someone else 6. Something else: __________________

IF B.9.a. had only 1 name, Go To section C.]b10_1_s1 Numeric what do when Name1 difficult: Nothingb10_1_s2 Numeric what do when Name1 difficult: Go alongb10_1_s3 Numeric what do when Name1 difficult: Avoidb10_1_s4 Numeric what do when Name1 difficult: Try to changeb10_1_s5 Numeric what do when Name1 difficult: Talk someoneb10_1_s6 Numeric what do when Name1 difficult: Elseb10_1_ String what do when Name1 difficult: Summaryb10_other_1_ String other what do when find difficulty


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B.10.b. [IF LINE 2 in B.9.a. HAS NAME] What do you usually do when you find ____________ <<pipe in 2nd name from B.9.a.>> difficult? [web: Check all the answers that apply.] [Wave 1 only]Note: See variable list below for Name 2.

1. Nothing 2. Try to go along with ______ <<pipe in 2nd name from B.9.a.>>3. Avoid _____ <<pipe in 2nd name from B.9.a.>>4. Try to get _____ <<pipe in 2nd name from B.9.a.>> to change 5. Talk to someone else 6. Something else: __________________

b10_2_s1 Numeric what do when Name2 difficult: Nothingb10_2_s2 Numeric what do when Name2 difficult: Go alongb10_2_s3 Numeric what do when Name2 difficult: Avoidb10_2_s4 Numeric what do when Name2 difficult: Try to changeb10_2_s5 Numeric what do when Name2 difficult: Talk someoneb10_2_s6 Numeric what do when Name2 difficult: Elseb10_2_ String what do when Name2 difficult: Summaryb10_other_2_ String other what do when find difficulty


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Note: By this point, the software has compiled a list of unique names from section A (spouse/partner; members of household) and Section B. It has checked to make sure each name is unique. There is a record line for each name and a variable indicating the specific question(s) which elicited it (and the rank order of its elicitation for each question that elicited it). The questions in Sections C and D provide further variables for each Name record. Those with no names mentioned skip to Section D.

The C variables can be found in the Names file only, with the exception of summary variables.


[Introduction:] You gave us the names of people important to you. Now, we’d like to know some more about each one.

C.1.a. [Web:] People can be connected to each other in a few different ways, even family members. Below is a list of ways that people can be connected to each other. When a name appears, please check all the ways that you are connected with this person these days. You might be connected with some people in more than one way. _____________ <<1st name on Name List through nth name>>

[Int: ] [SHOW CARD. Read off the answer list the first time; do not read answer list afterwards unless R needs help]. People can be connected to each other in a few different ways, even family members. Here is a list of the ways people can be connected. When I read a name to you, please tell me all the different ways that you are connected to that person nowadays.

What are all the ways that you that you are connected to ______________ <<1st name on Name List through nth name>>?


1. Spouse/partner2. In a romantic relationship but not married

Family: 3. My parent 23. My step-parent4. My child24. My step-child5. Brother/sister25 My step-brother/step-sister26 My half-brother/half-sister6. Other relatives, including ex’s (please specify): c1a_relative _______________

Other Connections10. Housemate or roommate11. Neighbor 12. Know at work13. Know at school14. Know at church, synagogue, temple, or mosque

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20. Friend21. Acquaintance 22. Know another way (please specify): c1a_other _____________

Note: Each name in the Names file is a record. Each name has an answer to the descriptions of the name, in this case, for each c1 variable.c1a String All connections to namec1a_1 Numeric Spouse or partnerc1a_2 Numeric Romantic tiec1a_3 Numeric Parentc1a_4 Numeric Child c1a_5 Numeric Brother/sisterc1a_6 Numeric Other relative c1a_10 Numeric Housemate_roommate c1a_11 Numeric Neighbor c1a_12 Numeric Know at work c1a_13 Numeric Know at school c1a_14 Numeric Know at church c1a_20 Numeric Friendc1a_21 Numeric Acquaintance c1a_22 Numeric Know another way c1a_23 Numeric Step-parent c1a_24 Numeric Step-child c1a_25 Numeric Step-brother/step-sister c1a_26 Numeric Half-brother/half-sisterc1a_relative String Text for other relative c1a_other String Text for know another way ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

C. Now we would like you to look at the list of names and just [Int:] read [web:] check off names in answer to several questions. [If you don’t know or not sure about a person, don’t read/check them off.]

c1b_Nsamesex C.1.b. Which of the people on this list are also ____________? <<pipe in R’s gender [male/female]>>

Note: For entire series, c1b through c2h, respondent sees compiled list names from which to read off (or, in web version, to check off), plus options of:

□ All of them□ None of them

which, if picked, prompts the software to check all (or none) of the listed names to that question.Note: These codes apply to Name records in the Names file. For each named alter:

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing


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C1c_under Which of the people on this list are under 17 years old? [Wave 3 only]Note: Program reduces the list by removing names checked off in previous question.

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing

c1c_Nsameage C.1.c_same. Which of the people on this list 1are about ___ <<pipe in R’s age minus 5>> to ___ years old? <<pipe in R’s age plus 5>>

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing


c1c_Nolder C.1.c.older. Which of the people on this list are about ____________ or older? <<pipe in R’s age plus 6>>

Note: Program reduces the list by removing names checked off in previous question.1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing


c2a_Nmet C.2.a. Which of the people on this list did you meet just in the last year or so? [Wave 2 and Wave 3 variant] Which of the people on this list did you meet since the last interview in [[Month, Year]]?

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing


c2b_Nclose C.2.b. Which of the people on this list do you feel especially close to?

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing


c2c_N5minutes C.2.c. Which of the people on this list live in your neighborhood – say, within a 5-minute drive or so? (Don’t include people living with you.)

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked

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8 = not applicable.9 = missing


c2d_N1hour C.2.d. Which of the people on this list live over an hour’s drive away from you?

Note: Program reduces the list by removing names checked off in previous question.1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing


c2e1_Nsamework C.2.e.1. [IF R IS WORKING, TEMPORARILY NOT WORKING, OR RETIRED (A.21.a. = 1, 2, 4, 5, 6):] Which of the people on this list do/did the same kind of work as you do/did?

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing

c2e2_Nsameschool C.2.e.2. [IF R IS NOT WORKER OR RETIRED (A.21.a NE 1, 2, 4, 5, 6) AND R IS STUDENT (A.21.a. = 3)] Which of the people on this list are also going to school?

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing

c2e3_Nalsohome C.2.e.3. [IF R IS ONLY A HOME MAKER (A.21.a = 7; NE 1-6)] Which of the people on this list also take care at home (do not have a job)?

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing


c2e4_Nalsounemp C.2.e. Which of the people on this list are also unemployed?

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing

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c2f_Nsamerel C.2.f. Which of the people on this list are of the same religion as you are? [If you have no religion, then check those whom you know also have no religion]

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing


c2g_Nsamerace C.2.g. Which of the people on this list are from the same racial or ethnic background as you are? [However you define your race or ethnicity for yourself.]

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing


c2h_Ndifpolitics C.2.h. Which of the people on this list hold political opinions that are different from yours? (If you are unsure about their opinions, do not read off the name.)

1 = yesBlank or missing = not checked8 = not applicable.9 = missing

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Note: Please see the full Documentation regarding the algorithm to select the sub-sample. The following paragraph describes the basic algorithm. It was used in the beginning of Wave 1, but, inadvertently, a variant was used for the second half of Wave 1 respondents and all of Wave 2 respondents. All of Wave 3 respondents received this original version.

Here we draw a subsample of up-to-five names for more intensive questioning. The names are drawn from six of the name-eliciting questions (listed below), excluding members of the household who are kin and or the spouse surrogate, but allowing non-kin roommates. The procedure takes the first name that qualifies (not a relative in household; not a partner in household) offered in answer to each of six questions in order. The questions for the names are prioritized as follows: first a name from “discuss personal matters” (B.4.a/c.); then, “help if sick” (B.7c/e.); “social activities” (B.2.a/c.); “seek advice” (B.5.a/c.), “respondent helps” (B.8.a/c.); “gets practical help” (B.6.b/d.). Six questions are provided, but the name selection process stops after five unique names are drawn. Where the first name has already been selected by this procedure (e.g., John was listed 1st in both “discuss personal matters” and “help if sick”), then we take the 2nd name in the second question; where the 1st and 2nd have been taken, take the 3rd name in the third (or fourth) question, etc. If there are no eligible names given in answer to a question (no names are given or all the names answered in that question have either been already selected or are excluded household members), then that the procedure moves on to the next question. The procedure stops once five eligible names have been taken or the last question (“gets practical help”) has been examined. We should get a range of 0 (rarely) to 5 names for this section.

The D variables apply only to the names and can be found in the Names file only.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^We next ask further questions about ________, ________, ________, ________, and _____________. <<Pipe in the names selected for this section>> [We chose which particular names in a way to get at the variety of people you have named.]


D.1.b. About how many years have you known ___________.<<piped-in name #1; repeat through subsample name #5 or as many as subsampled >>

____ years

D.1.a. [SHOW CARD] Here is a list of ways that people meet [: Int: Which one of the following ways best describes how you first met _____________?] Read off the answer list the first time; do not read answer list afterwards unless R needs help.] Choose one.

1. Same family by birth (for example, parents, children, siblings, cousins, etc.)2. Same family by marriage (in-laws)3. Grew up in the same neighborhood4. Met in grade school or high school5. Met in college6. Met as neighbors 7. Met at work8. Met in church, synagogue, temple, or mosque9. Met in another group or organization10. Met through a friend11. Met through my spouse or partner12. Met through my child.

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12. Met online, on the Internet13. Other: ____________

D1a_other If d1a = 13 [other].

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^D.1.b. About how many years have you known [selected names]>

If d1c_relationship ne 1 or d1c_relationship ne 2 then ask D.1.c, else go to d.1.f.

D.1.c. Does ____________ have a spouse or partner?

1. Yes2. No8. Don’t know


NOTE: No item D.1.d or D.1.e.

D.1.f. [SHOW CARD:]About how often do you see ____________ in person these days? [Int: -- [Read answer categories only once unless R needs help:] at least once a day, at least once a week, a couple of times a month, several times during the year, once a year or less, or never? ]

1. At least once a day2. At least once a week 3. At least once a month4. Several times during the year5. Once a year or less6. Never

D.1.g. About how often do you talk to ____________ by phone [home phone or cellphone] these days? 1. At least once a day2. At least once a week 3. At least once a month4. Several times during the year5. Once a year or less6. Never

D.1.h. And about how often do you communicate with ____________ by text, e-mail, or other ways online these days?

1. At least once a day2. At least once a week 3. At least once a month4. Several times during the year5. Once a year or less6. Never

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D.1.i. Has ________________ gone through a major life change, such as moving, getting married or divorced, having a child, changing jobs, or gotten seriously ill?

1. Yes [Go to D1.i.a.]2. No

D.1.i.a. Can you tell me what that was?

[BOX ]

NOTE: No item D.1.j.


D.1.k. [SHOW CARD] Suppose _______________ asked you for a big favor -- for example, to move in with you for a couple of weeks, to borrow a lot of money, to have his/her kids stay with you for a few days, or something else like this. Setting aside whether or not you would want to do this favor for _________________, would you feel obligated to say yes if you could? [INT: Would you feel very obligated, moderately obligated, a little obligated, or not feel obligated? [Int: Read answer categories only once unless R needs help.] [Wave 1 only]

1. I would feel very obligated2. I would feel somewhat obligated3. I would feel a little obligated4. I would not feel obligated

D.1.l. How likely is it that ______________ would ask you for a favor like this if he/she needed it? [Int:] -- definitely would, probably would, probably would not, or definitely would not? (Int: Read answer categories only once unless R needs help.) [Wave 1 only]

1. Definitely would2. Probably would3. Probably would not4. Definitely would not


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D.2. Now, we’d like to find out how well these people know each other. We’ll ask, for each pair, if they know one another well, know one another a little, or do not know one another at all.

NOTE: Below, the actual variable name as it appears in the Names file precedes the question’s numbering in the instrument (e.g., N1_N2 is D.2.a) .

N1_N2 D.2.a. [IF N of subsample > 1] How about _____________ <name #1> and __________ <name #2> [Int:] Do they know each other well, know each other a little (say, by first name), or do not know each other at all?

1. Know each other well2. Know each other a little 3. Do not know each other4. [Int:] (Volunteered: other: _________________)

6. Missing: Pairing does not exist because other second name does not exist

Note: a blank or “.” Missing value indicates that the name is not in the subsample or is missing.

N1_N3 D.2.b. [IF N of subsample > 2] What about __________ <name #1> and __________ <name #3> -- know each other well, know each other a little (say, by first name), or do not know each other at all?

[Same response categories]

N1_N4 D.2.c. [IF N of subsample > 3] What about _________ <name #1> and __________ <name #4>?

[Same response categories]


N1_N5 D.2.d. [IF N of subsample > 4] What about _________ <name #1> and __________ <name #5>?

[Same response categories]

N2_N3 D.2.e. [IF N of subsample > 2] What about _________ <name #2> and __________ <name #3>?

[Same response categories]

N2_N4 D.2.f. [IF N of subsample > 3] What about __________ <name #2> and __________ <name #4>?

[Same response categories]


N2_N5 D.2.g. [IF N of subsample > 4] What about_________ <name #2> and __________ <name #5>?

[Same response categories]

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N3_N4 D.2.h. [IF N of subsample > 3] What about _________ <name #3> and __________ <name #4>?

[Same response categories]

N3_N5 D.2.i. [IF N of subsample > 4] What about __________ <name #3> and __________ <name #5>?

[Same response categories]

N4_N5 D.2.j. [IF N of subsample > 4] What about __________ <name #4> and __________ <name #5>?

[Same response categories]


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[INTRODUCTION:] Now, we’d like to ask you a few broader questions about the people you know.

E.1.a. If you had a serious problem, like a life-threatening illness or possibly losing your home, do you feel that you have some relatives that you can rely on to help? – [Int:] definitely have, probably have, might have, or probably don’t have?

1. Definitely have2. Probably have3. Might have4. Probably don’t have

5. [Int:] (Volunteered): Other: ___________

e1a_other If e1a = 5.

if (wave1_e1a = 4 AND e1a != 4) OR (wave1_e1a != 4 AND e1a = 4) OR (abs(wave1_e1a - e1a) > 1) then

E.1.b. [OPEN-ENDED] What is it about your relatives or your connection to them that makes you say that? [Wave 1 all. In Wave 2 only if the condition above holds. Does not appear in Wave 3.]

if (wave2_e1a = 4 AND e1a != 4) OR (wave2_e1a != 4 AND e1a = 4) OR (abs(wave2_e1a - e1a) > 1) [major change in answer between w2 and w3] then e1c (anything changed to rely on relatives)

E.1.c. Last year you said that you [Wave 2 answer on relatives for help with illness[]] relatives to rely on. Has anything changed that led to your changing your answer? [Wave 3 only]


E.2.a. If you had a serious problem, like a life-threatening illness or possibly losing your home, do you feel that you have some friends that you can rely on to help – [Int:] definitely have, probably have, might have, or probably don’t have?

1. Definitely have2. Probably have3. Might have4. Probably don’t have5. [Int:] (Volunteered): Other: ___________

E2a_other if e2a = 5.

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[In Wave 2, ask E.2.b if (wave1_e2a = 4 AND e2a != 4) OR (wave1_e2a != 4 AND e2a = 4) OR (abs(wave1_e2a - e2a) > 1) then]

E.2.b. What is it about your friends or your connection to them that makes you say that? [Wave 1 all. In Wave 2 only if the condition above (major change in answer between w1 and w2) holds. Does not appear in Wave 3.]


e2c Last year you said that you [Wave 2 answer on e2a friends to rely on with illness[]] friends to rely on. Has anything changed that led to your changing your answer? [Wave 3 only]

E.3. Do you sometimes wish you knew more people you could talk with about your personal concerns or do you feel you already know enough people to talk with right now?

1. Wish I knew more2. Know enough already3. [Int:](Volunteered): Other _____________

e3_other If e3 = 3.

E.4. Do you sometimes wish you knew more people you could get together with to have a good time, or do you feel you already know enough people to have a good time with?

1. Wish I knew more2. Know enough already3. [Int:] (Volunteered): Other _____________

E4_other If e4 = 3.

E.5. What about wishing you knew more people who could help you with things like work around the home or shopping for you if you're sick, or do you already know enough people to rely on for help?

1. Wish I knew more2. Know enough already3. [Int:] (Volunteered): Other _____________

E5_other If e5 = 3.

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E.6. We've covered a lot about your social relationships, but is there something you'd like to add? [In Wave 1 this variable is E.6 but E.7 in Waves 2 and 3]

1. Yes: __________________________________________________ [large box]2. No

E6a if e6 = 1[E7a in Waves 2 and 3]

e8 If you needed to get a large sum of money together, is there anyone you could probably ask to lend you some or all of the money? [Waves 2 and 3]

1 (YES) Yes2 (NO) No3 [Int:] Volunteered: Other:

E8_other ______________ [if e8 = 3] [Waves 2 and 3]

If e8 = 1e8a Thinking of the one person most likely to lend you the money, is this someone you named earlier in this or previous surveys? [Wave 3 only]1 (YES) Yes2 (NO) No

●e8b (which person) [Wave 3 only]Who is that person? ____________________________

Before finishing our discussion of your social ties, we ask about people you named in thelast survey but did not name in this one.

Names that were listed in Wave 1 are checked here to find out why they were missing in Wave 2.missingmatches (missing match) [[]]1 I did mention [missing names[]], but gave this name:2 I just forgot to mention [missing names[]]3 [missing names[]] passed away4 There has not been any occasion for us to be in touch5 Our relationship changed:

missing_relationship_changed1 One or both of us moved2 One or both of us went through a major life change, like graduation, parenthood, or retirement3 One or both of us had health issues4 We just drifted apart5 We had disagreements6 Other

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Names that were listed in Wave 1 are checked here regarding their reappearance in Wave 3.nameagain_intro We noticed at least one person who you listed in the first in survey in [[]], did not list in the second survey, [[]], but who you listed again today.

e9 (people know each other well). Earlier we asked you about how well some specific people in your network know each other. Now we asking, general, would you say that most of the people you know each other? [INT: yes, most people know each other; some of the people know each other; or few or none know each other] [Wave 3 only]

1 Yes, most people know each other2 Some of the people know each other3 Few or none know each other

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[Introduction:] We are interested in important things in your life that have happened to you in the last year or so. We may have asked about a couple of them earlier.



F.1.a. [IF R IS WORKING (A.21 = 1, 2)] In roughly the last year [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], have you had any major problems at work? [Waves 2 and 3], have you had any major problems at work? [“Major problems” can be anything from a cut in hours, or overwork, to not getting along with people.]

1. Yes [GO TO F.1.b] 2. No [GO TO F.2.a.]


F.1.b. Generally speaking, how much did these work problems change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

F1b_other If F.1.b = 4.

F.1.c. Are you still having these problems at work?

1. Yes2. No

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^F.1.d. [IF R IS GOING TO SCHOOL (A.21 = 3)] In roughly the last year [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], [Waves 2 and 3] have you had any major problems at school? [“Major problems” can be anything from bad grades to not getting along with people.]

1. Yes [GO TO F.1.e] 2. No [GO TO F.2.a.]

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^F.1.e. Generally speaking, how much did these school problems change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much

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4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

F1e_other If F.1.e = 4.

F.1.f. Are you still having these problems at school?

1. Yes2. No


F.2.a. In roughly the last year or so [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], [Waves 2 and 3], have you had trouble paying your bills?

1. Yes [GO TO F.2.b] 2. No [GO TO F.3.a.]


F.2.b. Generally speaking, how much did your trouble paying bills change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

F2b_other If F.2.b = 4.

F.2.c. Is paying your bills still a problem?

1. Yes2. No


F.3.a. In roughly the last year or so [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], [Waves 2 and 3], have you gotten good economic news – something like a better job, a pay raise, or come into some money?

1. Yes [GO TO F.3.b] 2. No [GO TO F.4.a.]


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F.3.b. Generally speaking, how much did this good economic development change your life? [Int:] -- a lot, some, or not that much? [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________

F3b_other If F.3.b = 4.


F.4.a. In roughly the last year or so [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], [Waves 2 and 3], have you had another important work or economic event happen to you, for good or bad? [Examples: buy a home; spouse/partner got better job; had to take in elderly parent.]

1. Yes [What was that? _______________________; [GO TO F.4.b.] 2. No [GO TO F.5.a.]

F4a_other If F.4.a = 1.


F.4.b. Generally speaking, how much did this work or economic event change your life? [Int:] -- a lot, some, or not that much? [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] _________________

F4b_other If F.4.b = 4.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^F.5.a. [For 21-30-yr-old sample:] In roughly the last year or so [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], [Waves 2 and 3], have you had a child? [For 50-70-yr-old sample:] In roughly the last year or so, have you had a child or a grandchild?

1. Yes, a child [GO TO F.5.b.] 2. Yes, a grandchild [GO TO F.5.b.]3. No [GO TO F.6.a.]


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F.5.b. Generally speaking, how much did the baby’s arrival change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

F5b_other If F.5.b = 4.


F.6.a. [IF R IN 21-30 SAMPLE:] In roughly the last year or so [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], [Waves 2 and 3], did you graduate or leave school?

1. Yes [GO TO F.6.b.]2. No [GO TO F.7.a.]


F.6.b. Generally speaking, how much did graduating or leaving school change your life? [Int:] -- a lot, some, or not that much? [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

F6b_other If F.6.b = 4.


F.7.a. [IF R MARRIED in 2013 or 2014 (A.2.b. = 2013, 2014)] You said that you got married recently. Generally speaking, how much did getting married change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?][Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

F7a_other If F.7.a = 4.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

F.8.a. [IF R RECENTLY DIVORCED/SEPARATED (A.2.c. = 0, 1)] You said that you were recently [IF A.2.a. = 3] divorced [IF A.2.a. = 4] separated. Generally speaking, how much did getting [divorced] [separated] change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

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F8a_other If F.8.a = 4.


F.9.a. [IF R RECENTLY STARTED RELATIONSHIP (A.3.c. < 2 years)] You said that you recently started a romantic relationship. Generally speaking, how much did starting this relationship change your life? [Int:] -- a lot, some, or not that much? [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

F9a_other If F.9.a = 4.


[Wave 1: IF R RECENTLY MARRIED, RECENTLY DIVORCED/SEPARATED, RECENTLY WIDOWED, OR RECENTLY IN NEW RELATIONSHIP -- ([IF A.2.b. EQ 2013, 2014] OR [A.2.c. < 2 years] OR [A.2.d. < 2 years] OR [A.3.b. < 2 years]) – SKIP TO F.11.a.]

[Waves 2 and 3]: if (a2a = 1 AND ((FLCurrentYear - a2b) < 3)) OR ((a2a = 3 or a2a = 4) AND a2c < 2) OR (a2a = 2 AND a2d < 2) OR (a3a = YES and a3c < 2) then, else skip to F.11.a.

F.10.a. In the last year or so [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], [Waves 2 and 3], has there been any important change in [IF R MARRIED (A.2.a. = 1)] your marriage? [IF R IN A RELATIONSHIP (A.3.a. = 1)] your relationship? [ELSE :] any romantic relationship you might have had? [Such as a break-up, getting pregnant, …. ]

1. Yes [GO TO F.10.b.] 2. No [GO TO F.11.a.]


F.10.b. Generally speaking, how much did this development change your life? [Int:] -- a lot, some, or not that much? [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

F10b_other If F.10.b = 4.

if f10a = YES thenGroup of questions presented on the same screen

f10c (what was change). Can you say what that change was? [Wave 3 only]STRING^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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F.11.a. In the last year or so [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], [Waves 2 and 3], did anyone you felt close to you pass away?

1. Yes [GO TO F.11.b.] 2. No [GO TO F.12.a.]


F.11.b. How many people close to you passed away /in the last year or so [Wave 1]/since the last survey [Wave 2 and 3]?

_____ number [IF > 1, SKIP TO F.11.e.]


F.11.c. [IF F.11.b. = 1] Who was that? [Int: – a spouse or partner, a parent, a child, another relative, a friend, or someone else?]

1. Spouse/partner [SKIP TO F.12.a.]2. Parent [SKIP TO F.11.d.]3. Child [SKIP TO F.12.a.]

4. Other relative [GO TO F. 11.d.]5. Friend [GO TO F. 11.d.]6. Someone else: _______________ [GO TO F.11.d.]

f11c_other If f.11.c = 6.


F.11.d. [IF F.11.c. = 2 or 4 or 5 or 6] Generally speaking, how much did their passing change your life? [Int:] -- a lot, some, or not that much? [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

f11d_other If F.11.d = 4.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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F.11.e. [IF F.11.b. > 1 and < 96] Who were they? [Web:] Check all that apply. [Int: – a spouse or partner, a parent, a child, another relative, a friend, or someone else?]


f11es1 1. Spouse/partner [SKIP TO F.12.a.]f11es2 2. Parent [SKIP TO F.12.a.]f11es3 3. Child [SKIP TO F.12.a.]

f11es4 4. Other relative [GO TO F.11.f.]f11es5 5. Friend [GO TO F.11.f.]f11es6 6. Someone else: _______________ [GO TO F.11.f.]

f11e_other If F.11.e = 6.f11e Summary of f11es1,…,6 variables.


F.11.f. [IF F.11.e. = 2 or 4 or 5 or 6 AND F.11.e. NE 1 or 2 or 3] Generally speaking, how much did their passing away change your life? [Int:] -- a lot, some, or not that much? [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

f11f_other If F.11.f = 4.


F.12.a. In the last year or so [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], [Waves 2 and 3], has there been any major break in a relationship between yourself and a relative or close friend?

1. Yes [GO TO F.12.b.] 2. No [GO TO F.13.a.]


F.12.b. Generally speaking, how much did this break change your life? [Int:-- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

f12b_other If F.12.b = 4.

if f12a = YES then

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Group of questions presented on the same screen

f12d (what happened) Can you explain what happened? (If a break happened with more than one person, can you tell us about the most important break?). [Waves 2 and 3]


f12c (still broken) Is this relationship still broken? [Waves 2 and 3]1 Yes2 No


F.13.a. Are there any other important events, both good and bad, that have happened to you /in the last year or so [Wave 1]/Since the last survey in [[]], [Waves 2 and 3] that we have not covered?

1. Yes [GO TO F.13.b.]2. No [SKIP TO NEXT SECTION]


F.13.b. What would that be? [Take up to three]

f13b_1_(1) ___________________________ f13b_2_(2) ___________________________f13b_3_(3) ___________________________


F.13.c. Generally speaking, how much did this -- _____________ <<pipe in event text from F.13.b_1_; F.13.b_2_; and F13b_3_ and go through the sequence for each event>> -- change your life? [Int-- a lot, some, or not that much?]Note: There are 3 events and so there are 3 variables for F.13.c. See variable list below. ALL F13c VARIABLES APPEAR ONLY IN WAVE 1

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered:] Other:_________________)

f13c_1_ How much event 1 changed life.f13c_other_1_ If f13c_1_ = 4.f13c_2_ How much event 2 changed life.f13c_other_2_ If f13c_2_ = 4.f13c_3_ How much event 3 changed life.f13c_other_3_ If f13c_3_ = 4.f13c_number Number of additional events described

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G.1. Much of this study concerns health. Would you say your health is excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?

1. Excellent 2. Very Good3. Good4. Fair5. Poor

g1a (overall health since last survey). Since the last survey in [[]], do you think that your overall health has [Waves 2 and 3]

1 Improved2 Stayed about the same3 Gotten worse

G.2. [Int: SHOW CARD] Let’s turn to any health issues that affected you. Did any of these happen to you in the last year or so? [Web: Check all of the ones that apply.] [; Int: tell me all of the ones that apply.]

[Multiple answers]

g2s1 1. Diagnosed with a serious illness [GO TO G.3.a.]g2s2 2. Disabled by an illness or injury [GO TO G.4.a.]g2s3 3. Hospitalized [GO TO G.5.a.]g2s4 4. Had or have another serious health issue [GO TO G.6.a.]g2s5 5. None – no serious health issues [GO TO G.7.a]


G.3.a.[IF G2s1. = 1] Generally speaking, how much did this serious illness change your life? [Int:] -- a lot, some, or not that much? [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int:] (Volunteered:) Other:_________________)

G3a_Other If g3a = 4.

G.3.b. Is this serious illness still a problem, at least sometimes?

1. Yes2. No3. [Int: Volunteered] Other

G3b_Other If g3b = 3.


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G.4.a. [IF G.2. = 2 AND G.2.NE 1, GO TO G.4.b.] [IF G.2. = 2 AND G.2. = 1: ] Is this disability connected to the serious illness you mentioned before?

1. Yes [GO TO G.5.a.]2. No [GO TO G.4.b.]

G4a_Other If g4a = 4.


G.4.b. [IF G.2. = 2] Generally speaking, how much did this disability change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int: Volunteered) Other:_________________)

G4b_Other If g4b = 4.

G.4.c. Is this disability still a problem, at least sometimes?

1. Yes2. No3. [Int: Volunteered] Other __________________

G4c_Other If g4c = 3.


G.5.a. [IF G.2. = 3 AND G.2.NE 1, NE 2, GO TO G.5.b.] [IF G.2. = 3 AND G.2. = 1 OR 2: ] Was this hospitalization connected to the diagnosis you mentioned before?

1. Yes [GO TO G.6.a.]2. No [GO TO G.5.b.]


G.5.b. [IF G.2. = 3] Generally speaking, how much did this hospitalization change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int:] (Volunteered: Other:_________________)

G5b_Other If g5b = 4.

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G.6.a. [IF G.2. = 4] Can you describe this other health issue? If you have more than one, ask/tell us about the most serious one.

1. Yes: _____________________________2. No [continue to G.6.b.]

G6a_text If g6a = 1.

G.6.b. [IF G.2. = 4 AND G.2.NE 1, NE 2, NE 3, GO TO G.6.c.] [IF G.2. = 4 AND G.2. = 1 OR 2 OR 3:] Was this particular health issue connected to the one you mentioned before?

1. Yes [GO TO G.7.]2. No [GO TO G.6.c.]

G.6.c. [IF G.2. = 4] Generally speaking, how much did this health issue change your life? [Int: -- a lot, some, or not that much?] [Wave 1 only]

1. A lot2. Some3. Not that much4. [Int:] (Volunteered: Other:_________________)

G6c_Other If g6c = 4.

G.6.d. Is this health issue still a problem, at least sometimes?

1. Yes2. No3. [Int:] Other: ______________

G6d_Other If g6d = 3.


G.7. [Int: SHOW CARD] We have a few more health questions. Has a doctor ever told you (not just in the last year or so) that you had any of these conditions? [Int:] Tell me if any of these apply to you. [Web:] Check any that apply to you.

[MULTIPLE ANSWERS; MULTIPLE FOLLOW-UPS]G7s_1 1. High blood pressure or hypertension [IF CHECKED GO TO G.8.a.(1).]G7s_2 2. Diabetes or high blood sugar [IF CHECKED GO TO G.8.b(1).]G7s_3 3. A heart attack, coronary heart disease, angina, congestive heart failure, or another heart problem [IF CHECKED GO TO G.8.c.(1).]G7s_4 4. Asthma or another breathing issue [IF CHECKED GO TO G.8.d.(1).]G7s_5 5. Arthritis or rheumatism [IF CHECKED GO TO G.8.e.(1).]G7s_6 6. Depression or another psychological problem [IF CHECKED GO TO G.8.f.(1).]

G7s_9 9. No -- None of the above [SKIP TO G.9.a.]

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G8a_1. [IF HIGH BLOOD PRESSURES; G.7. = 1.]: In order to lower your blood pressure, are you now taking any medication?

1. Yes2. No

G8a_2. Is your blood pressure pretty much under control or is it still a problem?

1. Under control2. Still a problem3. [Int.:] Volunteered: Other: __________

G8a_2_Other If g8a_2 = 3.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^G.8b_1. [IF DIABETES; G.7. = 2)]: In order to treat or control your diabetes or high blood sugar, are you now taking any medication?

1. Yes2. No3. [Int:] Volunteered:) other: ____________

G8b_1_Other If g8b_1 = 3.

G8b_2. Is your diabetes pretty much under control or is it still a problem?

1. Under control2. Still a problem3. [Int.:] Volunteered): Other ______________

G8b_2_Other If g8b_2 = 3.


G8c_1. [IF HEART, (G.7. = 3)] Are you now taking or carrying medication for your heart problem?

1. Yes2. No

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G8c_2. Is your heart issue pretty much under control or is it still a problem?

1. Under control2. Still a problem3. [Int.:] Volunteered:] Other: _________________

G8c_2_Other If g8c_2 = 3.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^G8d_1. [IF ASTHMA-BREATHING, (G.7. = 4)] Are you now taking any medications or getting any treatment because of your breathing problems?

1. Yes2. No

G8d_2. Is your breathing issue pretty much under control or is it still a problem?

1. Under control2. Still a problem3. [Int.:] Volunteered: Other: _______________

G8d_2_Other If g8d_2 = 3.


G8e_1. [IF ARTHRITIS, (G.7. = 5)] Are you now taking any medications or getting any treatment because of your arthritis or rheumatism?

1. Yes2. No

G8e_2. Is your arthritis or rheumatism pretty much under control or is it still a problem?

1. Under control2. Still a problem3. [Int.:] Volunteered:] Other: _______________

G8e_2_Other If g8e_2 = 3.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^G8f_1. [IF DEPRESS/PSYCHOLOGICAL, (G.7. = 6)] Are you now taking any medications, getting counseling, or receiving any other treatment because of this psychological problem?

1. Yes2. No

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G8f_2. Is this psychological issue pretty much under control or is it still a problem?

1. Under control2. Still a problem3. [Int.:] Volunteered:] Other: _______________

G8f_2_Other If g8f_2 = 3.


G9a. Do you currently have some kind of health insurance coverage? (This would include MediCal or Medicare.)

1. Yes [GO TO G.9.b.]2. No [GO TO G.10.a.]


G9b. [IF YES (G9a = 1):] Which kind of insurance are you mainly covered by? [Web:] Check all that apply. [Int: – insurance through your or a relative’s employer or school, insurance bought privately (including the new Cover California Program), Medicare, Medical, or another insurance? Tell me all that apply.]

[MULTIPLE ANSWERS]G9bs1 1. Insurance through an employer or school (yours or someone else’s)G9bs2 2. Insurance bought privately (including the new Covered California program, also known as Obamacare)G9bs3 3. MedicareG9bs4 4. MediCal G9bs5 5. Another insurance: ____________________G9bs6 6. [Int: Volunteered] Other answer: __________________

g9b_another If g9b = 5g9b_other if g9b = 6


G.10.a. [Int: SHOW CARD ] We need to understand the difficulties some people may have with various activities. [Web:] Please check whether you have any difficulty doing each of the activities listed here. [Int:] Please tell me whether you have any difficulty doing any of the activities on this list.]


G10as1 1. Difficulty walking several blocksG10as2 2. Difficulty dressing, including putting on shoes and socksG10as3 3. Difficulty bathing or showeringG10as4 4. Difficulty hearing what people are sayingG10as5 5. Difficulty seeing or reading G10as6 6. No difficulty with any of these [SKIP TO G.11.a.]

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G.10.b. [IF R ANSWERS YES TO ANY IN G.10.a.:] Is there a particular person who usually helps you with the things that give you difficulty? [If more than one, ask for the one who helps most or is on day shift]

1. Yes [GO TO G.10.c.]2. No [GO TO G.10.f..]3. [Int:] Volunteered: Sometimes, once in a while, etc. [GO TO G.10.c.]


G.10.c. Is the person who helps you someone you’ve named before? [Int: If more than one, ask for the one who helps most or is on day shift].

1. Yes2. No [SKIP TO G.10.e.]

●G.10.d. Who is that? ________________________ [Name gets code for this question.]

NOTE: G.10.d. appears in names file only, and receives a code where 1=mentioned and 0 = not mentioned.

There is no G.10.e.


G.10.f. [IF R SAYS NO ONE HELPS (G.10.b. = 2):] Do you feel that you need someone’s help with the things that give you difficulty?

1. Yes2. No

[ALL GO TO G.11.a.]


G.11.a. We have a few questions about how you are sleeping. In an average week, about how many nights do you have trouble falling asleep?

______ nights (0 to 7) [Int: code “x or y,” as in “3 or 4,” as x.5]

G.11.b. About how many nights in the week do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night and not easily able to fall back asleep?

______ nights (0 to 7) [Int: code “x or y,” as in “3 or 4,” as x.5]

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G.11.c. About how many days in the week do you feel really rested in the morning?

______ nights (0 to 7) [Int: code “x or y,” as in “3 or 4,” as x.5]

g11d (average hours of actual sleep ). During the past week, how many hours of actual sleep did you get, on an average night? (This may be different than the number of hours you spend in bed). [Waves 2 and 3]

RANGE 1.0..24.0


G12a. [IF R EMPLOYED (A.21.a. = 1,2):] Out of the past 30 days, about how many days did a health problem cause you to miss work? [Int:] – None, about 1 or 2 days, about 3 to 5 days, about 6 to 10 days, or more than 10 days?

G12b. [IF R NOT EMPLOYED (A.21.a. NE 1,2) AND IS IN SCHOOL (A.2q.a. = 3):] Out of the past 30 days, about how many days did a health problem cause you to miss school? [Int:] – None, about 1 or 2 days, about 3 to 5 days, about 6 to 10 days, or more than 10 days?

G12c. [ELSE ON EMPLOYMENT (A.21.a. NE 1, 2, 3:] Out of the past 30 days, about how many days did a health problem cause you to miss an important appointment or activity? [Int:] -- – None, about 1 or 2 days, about 3 to 5 days, about 6 to 10 days, or more than 10 days?

Note: The response options, below, are for G12a, G12b and G12c.

1. None2. About 1 or 2 days3. About 3 to 5 days4. About 6 to 10 days5. More than 10 days

g12d (stressed). What about stress? Stress means a situation in which a person feels tense, restless, nervous, or anxious about things that often trouble him or her. Do you feel this kind of stress these days? [Int: Very much, a lot, some, a little bit, or not at all?] [Waves 2 and 3]

1 Very much2 A lot3 Some4 A little bit5 Not at all

G.13. Is there any other aspect of your health that limits your activity in some way that we haven’t yet discussed?

1. Yes: What is that?: __________________2. No

G13_text If g13 = 1.

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G.13.a. And about how often do you take part in sports or activities that are moderately energetic, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, tennis, biking, team sports, yoga, workouts, heavy gardening or home maintenance, and the like for at least 30 minutes each time? [Int: -- five or more times a week, 3 or 4 times a week, 1 or 2 times a week, a few times a month, or less often than that?]

1. 5+ times a week 2. 3 or 4 times each week3. 1-2 times each week4. a few times a month5. Less often than that


if g13a = response then

g13b (someone doing activities with) [Wave 2 only]Is there someone in particular that you regularly do these kinds of activities with? Someone you do this mostoften with.1 (YES) Yes2 (NO) No

if g13b = YES then

g13c (person who do activities with is named before) [Wave 2 only]Is this person someone you've named before in today's survey?1 (YES) Yes2 (NO) No

if g13c = YES then

●g13d (who activities with)Who is that? [Wave 2 only]STRING

if g13d = response then

if g13d_duplicates = YES then

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Group of questions presented on the same screen

g13d_ask (ask duplicate name person in household) [Wave 2 only][[]]1 (YES) Yes2 (NO) No. [[]]:

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g13d_ask_other (other name for duplicate name person g13d) [Wave 2 only]STRING

End of group of questions


g14a (medical screenings). In the last two years or so, have you had any of these sorts of medical screenings or tests? Name all that apply.[Wave 3 only]

1 General physical checkup (e.g., blood pressure, weight check)2 Cholesterol3 Mammogram4 Pap smear or Pap test5 Colonoscopy6 Mental health evaluation7 Flu or pneumonia shot욀 ۵8 STD or HIV screening9 None

g14b (person encourage to go) Thinking of the last screening or test you had, did any person in particular - besides a doctor or a health professional -encourage you to go in for the testing? [Wave 3 only]

1 Yes2 No

if g14b = 1 then

g14c (person named earlier) Was that person someone you named earlier in this or previous surveys? [Wave 3 only]1 Yes2 No

if g14c = 1 then

●g14d (who encourages) Who is that? [Wave 3 only]STRING

g15a (where get information) Where do you go or who do you ask when you want information about a health issue? [Int: a doctor, a particular person you know, a website, an online group, or do you do something else? Please name all that apply.] [Wave 3 only]

1 Doctor2 A particular person I know3 A website4 An online group5 Do something else:

g15a_other (other where get information) [if q15a = 5]

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H & J. SELF-ADMINSTERED QUESTIONNAIRE (with health behaviors and other sensitive items)

[Intro:] [Web: Some respondents may find the next set of questions a little more personal. Please be assured that ALL your answers are completely confidential. They will not be associated with your name in any way.]

[Int: Sometimes people find it easier to enter their answers to some questions confidentially on the computer instead of saying them to another person. We would like you to now complete a brief questionnaire on your own. Remember that all of your answers are completely confidential. They will not be associated with your name in any way. I won’t be able to see the answers you enter. If there is a question that you don't want to answer, you may skip it. When you've answered the last question in this section, you will see a screen asking you to return the computer to me. Do you have any questions?


H0a. Many people nowadays use online dating sites to meet someone. Did you ever use an online dating site? [like Match.com, eHarmony, Okcupid, PlentyofFish.] [Not in Wave 3]

1. Yes 2. No


H0b . Did you ever have a date with someone you met online? [i.4.a.. = 1] whether on a dating site or otherwise? [Not in Wave 3]

1. Yes [Go to h0c.]2. No [Skip to H.18.]


H0c. [IF YES, (h0b = 1):] Did any of these dates turn into a relationship lasting a couple of months or more? [Not in Wave 3]

1. Yes 2. No

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Note: H18 was moved after testing, hence the apparent out-of-order numbering.

In Wave 2: if wave1_h18 = 3 [‘something else’] then

H.18. How would you describe your sexual orientation? [Not in Wave 3]1. Heterosexual or “straight”2. Homosexual or “gay”3. Something else


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H1. What is your height? [Wave 1 only]

H1_feet ___ Feet and H1_inches ___ Inches

H2. What is your weight?

___ pounds

H3. Has a health-care professional advised you to lose weight in the last year or so?

1. Yes2. No


H4a. Do you smoke cigarettes? [Including e-cigarettes] [Not in Wave 3]

1. Yes [GO TO H.4.b.]2. I used to but I quit [GO TO H.5.a.]3. No [GO TO H.5.a.]


H.4.b. [IF YES (H.4.a. = 1)] About how many cigarettes or packs do you usually smoke a day? [Not in Wave 3]

H4b_cigarettes About_____ cigarettes OR: H4b_packs About_____ packs [mark which measure]


H.5.a. On average, about how many days per week do you have an alcoholic drink? (That would be a beer, a glass of wine, or any drink containing liquor.)

0. Less than once a week1. One day a week2. Two days a week3. Three days a week4. Four days a week5. Five days a week6. Six days a week7. Every day9. I never drink [GO TO H.6.a.]\\


H.5.b. On the days you do drink, about how many drinks do you usually have? One drink is equal

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to 12 ounces of beer (bottle or can), 4 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of whiskey or spirits. (If it varies, give us average; for example, 3 or 4 would be 3.5.)

About ______ drinks


H.5.c. In the past month, on about how many days have you had four or more drinks at one occasion?

About ____ days

H.5.d. When you do drink, is there someone or some people in particular you especially enjoy drinking with?

1. Yes2. No

h5e (how often drink alone) When you do drink, how often do you drink alone? [Wave 3 only]

1 Always2 Usually3 Sometimes4 Hardly ever5 Never


H.6.a. In the last year or so, have you used marijuana?

1. Yes [GO TO H.6.b.]2. No [GO TO H.7.]


H.6.b. [IF YES (H.6.a.=1)] Have you used it for medical reasons, under prescription, or used it for other reasons, or both?

1. Medical, prescribed2. Other3. Both

h6c (marijuana alone) [Wave 3 only]When you have used marijuana, have you typically used it alone rather than with other people?

1 Always alone2 Usually alone3 Sometimes alone4 Hardly ever alone5 Never alone

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h6d (open using marijuana) Are you pretty open about using marijuana or do you try to be more private about using it? [Wave 3 only]

1 Pretty open2 Open with some people3 More private

End of if^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Note: The ‘J’ questions were moved after testing, hence the apparent out-of-order numbering in waves 1 and 2.THE ‘J’ QUESTIONS WERE NOT ASKED WAVE 3.

Now, we’d like to ask you some short questions about how you see yourself. We ask to what extent you agree or disagree with statements describing you.

J.1.a. First, to what extent to do you agree or disagree with the statement, “I see myself as someone who is reserved.”?

1. strongly agree2. agree3. neither agree nor disagree4. disagree5. strongly disagree

J.1.b. I see myself as someone who is outgoing, sociable.

[same response]

J.1.c. I see myself as someone who is generally trusting.

[same response]

J.1.d. I see myself as someone who tends to find fault with others.

[same response]


J.1.e. I see myself as someone who is relaxed, handles stress well.

[same response]

J.1.f. I see myself as someone who has an active imagination.

[same response]

J.1.g. I see myself as someone who has few artistic interests.

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[same response]

J.1.h. I see myself as someone who tends to be lazy.

[same response]


J.1.i. I see myself as someone who does a thorough job.

[same response]

J.1.j. I see myself as someone who gets nervous easily.

[same response]J.1.k. I see myself as someone who is talkative.

[same response]

J.1.l. I see myself as someone who is soft-hearted.

[same response]


J.2. Some people feel they have complete control over the way their lives turn out and other people feel that they have little control over how their lives turn out. Would you say you have a lot of control over how your life turns out, some control, or only a little control?

1. A lot of control2. Some control3. Only a little control

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Note: No H11, H13, H15.

H.10. The next three questions are about how you are feeling. ow many days during the past 7 days have you felt very happy?

___ days


H.12. How many days during the past 7 days have you felt isolated from other people?

___ days

H.14. How many days during the past 7 days have you felt lonely?

___ days

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H.16.a. The next 10 questions are about how you have been feeling during the past 30 days. About how often during the past 30 days did you feel nervous

1. All of the time 2. Most of the time3. Some of the time4. A little of the time5. None of the time

H.16.b. During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel hopeless? [Same Responses]

H.16.c. During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel hopeful about the future?

[Same Responses]

H.16.d. During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel restless or fidgety?

[Same Responses]

H.16.e. During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel irritable or have angry outbursts?

[Same Responses]

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^[Begin Group]

H. 16.f. During the past 30 days, how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up?

[Same Responses]

H.16.g. During the past 30 days, how often did you feel that you enjoyed life?

[Same Responses]

H.16.h. During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel that everything was an effort?

[Same Responses]

H.16.i. During the past 30 days, about how often did you feel worthless?

[Same Responses]

H.16.j. During the past 30 days, about how often have you been bothered by repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?

[Same Responses]End group]

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H.17. During the last year or so, have you ever seriously thought about committing suicide?

1. Yes2. No


h19 (violence growing up) When you were growing up, was anyone in your household violent? [Wave 2 only]

1 (YES) Yes2 (NO) No

h20 (ever hospitalized) When you were growing up, were you ever hospitalized for several days or more because of an injury or a serious illness? [Wave 3 only]

1 Yes2 No

h21 (anyone growing up with drugs or alcohol). When you were growing up, was there anyone in your household who had problems with drugs or alcohol? [Wave 3 only]

1 Yes2 No (Or: not that I knew)


h22 (any adult swear at you) When you were growing up, did any adult in your home swear at you, or insult you, or put you down? [Wave 3 only]

1 Never2 Once or twice3 Sometimes4 Often5 Very often

h23 (what worried about) Finally, we have asked about specific events that have happened to you. We would also like to ask about general concerns you may have. Please check the box if you frequently worry or are concerned about any of the following: [Wave 3 only]

1 Having enough money to cover an emergency expense2 The health of a family member3 Job strain or demands4 Child care5 Health insurance6 Having a stable job or income7 Traffic or your commute to work8 Things going on in the news9 Your neighborhood environment (such as crime, pollution, noise )10 Discrimination against you11 None of the above

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[Closing of the SAQ] [If mode = CAPI] “Please stop here. Thank you for answering these questions. Please give the computer back to the interviewer for the rest of the interview.”^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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I.1. To change topics, do you ever go online – that is, on the internet -- to do things such as stay in touch with people, shop, or catch up on the news [Web]: (besides doing this survey)? [Wave 1 only.]

1. Yes [Go to I.2.a.]2. No [GO TO NEXT SECTION.]


I.2.a. [Int: Show Card] Which of the following methods do you use – at least once a week or so -- to stay in touch with people in your family? [Web:] Check all that apply. [Int: ] Tell me all that you use: Letters or postcards; landline telephone in your home; calling on a cellphone or smartphone; texting on a cellphone or smartphone; e-mail; social media like Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest; IM’ing (instant messaging) or Chat; and video chatting like Skype. [Wave 1 only.]


I2as1 1. Letters or postcardsI2as2 2. A landline telephone in your homeI2as3 3. Calling on a cell phone or smartphoneI2as4 4. Texting on a cell phone or smartphoneI2as5 5. EmailI2as6 6. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or other social mediaI2as7 7. Instant messaging or chatting on Gmail, Facebook, etc.I2as8 8. Video chatting like Skype


I2as9 9. None [SKIP TO I.3.a.]


I.2.b. [IF MORE THAN 4 OR MORE OPTIONS CHECKED IN I.2.a..:] Of the several ways you picked, which three would you say are most important to you for staying in touch with your family? [Wave 1 only.]


I2bs1 1. Letters or postcardsI2bs2 2. A landline telephone in your homeI2bs3 3. Calling on a cellphone or smartphoneI2bs4 4. Texting on a cellphone or smartphoneI2bs5 5. EmailI2bs6 6. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or other social mediaI2bs7 7. Instant messaging or chatting on Gmail, Facebook, etc.I2bs8 8. Video chatting like Skype

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Waves 1,2,3 p. 72

i2c (three methods used to stay in touch family) [Waves 2 and 3]Which of the following methods do you regularly use to stay in touch with people in your family? Check up to three methods that are most important to you for staying in touch with your family.

[Multiple answers – up to three]

1 Letters or postcards2 A landline telephone in your home3 Calling on a cellphone or smartphone4 Texting on a cellphone or smartphone – SMS, WhatsApp, etc.5 Email6 Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or other social media7 Instant messaging or chatting on Facebook, Google Hangouts, etc.8 Video chatting like Skype, Facetime9 None^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I.3.a. [Same Show Card] And which of these methods do you use – at least once a week or so -- to stay in touch with friends? [Web:] Check all that apply. [Int: Tell me all that you use -- Letters or postcards; landline telephone in your home; calling on a cellphone or smartphone; texting on a cellphone or smartphone; e-mail; social media like Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest; IM’ing (instant messaging) or Chat; and video chatting like Skype. [Wave1 only]


I3as1 1. Letters or postcardsI3as2 2. A landline telephone in your homeI3as3 3. Calling on a cellphone or smartphoneI3as4 4. Texting on a cellphone or smartphoneI3as5 5. EmailI3as6 6. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or other social mediaI3as7 7. Instant messaging or chatting on Gmail, Facebook, etc.I3as8 8. Video chatting like Skype


I23as9 9. None


I.3.b. [IF MORE THAN 3 OPTIONS CHECKED IN I.3.a.:] Of the several ways you picked, which three would you say are most important to you for staying in touch with friends? [Wave1 only]


I3bs1 1. Letters or postcardsI3bs2 2. A landline telephone in your homeI3bs3 3. Calling on a cellphone or smartphoneI3bs4 4. Texting on a cellphone or smartphoneI3bs5 5. Email

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Waves 1,2,3 p. 73

I3bs6 6. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or other social mediaI3bs7 7. Instant messaging or chatting on Gmail, Facebook, etc.I3bs8 8. Video chatting like Skype

i3c (three methods used to stay in touch friends) [Waves 2 and 3]And which of these methods do you regularly use to stay in touch with your friends? Check up to three methods that are most important to you for staying in touch with your friends.

[Multiple answers – up to three]

1 Letters or postcards2 A landline telephone in your home3 Calling on a cellphone or smartphone4 Texting on a cellphone or smartphone - SMS, WhatsApp, etc.5 Email6 Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or other social media7 Instant messaging or chatting on Gmail, Facebook, etc.8 Video chatting like Skype, Facetime9 None


i3d (anyone important met online only) Are there some people important in your life that you met and are in touch with only through the internet? [Wave 2 only.]

1 (YES) Yes2 (NO) No

i4a (participate in online discussion group). Do you participate regularly in any online discussion group focused on topics like work or hobbies or health? [Wave 3 only.]

1 Yes2 No

if i4a = 1 thenGroup of questions presented on the same screen

i4b (sort of groups)What sorts of groups do you participate in? [Int: work-related, hobby, health, sports, religion, or something else?]. You can mention more than one. [Wave 3 only.]

1 Work-related2 Hobby3 Health4 Sports5 Religion6 Something else:

i4b_other (other sort of groups) [Wave 3 only.]__________________

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Waves 1,2,3 p. 74

STRINGEnd of group of questions

i4c (ever met online person in reality)Have you ever gotten together in person with anyone you met for the first time online in such a group? [Wave 3 only.]

1 Yes2 No

End of if

i5a (celebrate thanksgiving). Here is our last question about getting together with people: Thinking about the last Thanksgiving holiday, did you celebrate it with a group of people? [Wave 3 only.]

1 Yes2 No

if i5a = 1 then

Group of questions presented on the same screen

i5b (with whom thanksgiving). Was this with mainly your family, mainly your friends, a mix of family and friends, separate celebrations - one with family and one with friends - or something else? [Wave 3 only.]

1 Mainly with family2 Mainly with friends3 A mix of family and friends4 Separate celebrations - one with family and one with friends5 Something else:

i5b_other (other celebrate thanksgiving) [if i5b = 5]

End of group of questionsEnd of if

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Waves 1,2,3 p. 75


[INTRODUCTION:] In this next section, we’d like to learn some more about your background. Some of this may have come up [wave 1,2: before][wave 3: in previous years], but we need to ask to make sure we haven’t missed anything. [Wave 1; bracketed variations in waves 2 and 3]

k_intro In this next section, we'd like to learn some more about your background. Some of this may have come up in previous years, but we need to ask to see what might have changed since the last interview in [[]].[Waves 2 and 3]

K.1. What is the highest year or degree of schooling that you have COMPLETED? [If you are currently enrolled, answer the last year or degree that you finished.] [Int:] [reads categories]

1. Less than 9th grade2. 9th grade to 12th grade, but did not graduate3. High school graduate4. GED or equivalent5. Some college 6. Associate’s degree7. Bachelor’s degree8. Master’s degree9. Higher professional degree (like MD, JD, or PhD)10. Other ______________________

K1_other Other degree/certification completed, if k1 = 10..

k1_oth_recoded0 R did not give Other answer to k13 High school graduate5 Some college6 Associate degree7 Bachelors degree8 Masters degree

K.2. In what year did you complete your highest degree? [Wave 1 only]

_______ (year).



Claude Fischer, 10/07/18,
Looks like you have 2 variations on how to report the other waves here.
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Waves 1,2,3 p. 76

K.3. What is the highest year or degree of schooling that _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> has completed? [If currently enrolled, answer the last year or degree finished.]

1. Less than 9th grade2. 9th grade to 12th grade, but did not graduate3. High school graduate4. GED or equivalent5. Some college 6. Associate’s degree7. Bachelor’s degree8. Master’s degree9. Higher professional degree (like MD, JD, or PhD)10. Other ______________________

K3_other Other degree/certification


K.4.a. Which of the following best describes _______________’s <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> current situation? [Web: You can check more than one answer.] [Int: SHOW CARD.] Is _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> employed full-time, employed part-time, going to school, unemployed and looking for work, or unemployed and not looking for work, retired, taking care at home, or something else? You can give more than one answer.]


K4as1 1. Employed full-time [Go to K.4.b.]K4as2 2. Employed part-time [Go to K.4.b.]K4as3 3. Going to school [Go to K.4.d.]K4as4 4. Unemployed and looking for work [Go to K.4.e.]K4as5 5. Unemployed and not looking for work [Go to K.4.e.]K4as6 6. Retired [Go to K.4.f.]K4as7 7. Taking care at home [Go to K.4.g. IFF K.4.a. NE 1, 2, 4, 5]K4as8 8. Something else: ____________________ [Go to K.5.]

K4a_other Other spouse employment situation


K.4.b. [IF SPO/PART EMPLOYED, K.4.a. = 1 or 2] About how many hours a week does _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> work on average? Count hours in all the jobs if he/she had more than one.

_______ Enter number

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Waves 1,2,3 p. 77

1K.4.c. [IF SPO/PART EMPLOYED, K.4.a. = 1 or 2] Is _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>>self-employed, work for someone else, or both? (That is for his/her main job, if he/she has more than one.)

1. Self-employed2. Work for someone else3. Both4. Other: _______________

k4c_other if k4c = 4.

K.4.d. [IF SPO/PART EMPLOYED, K.4.a. = 1 or 2] What kind of work does _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> do? That is, what is the job called? (The main job, if he/she has more than one.)

Enter: ______________________________


K.4.e. [IF SPO/PART GOING TO SCHOOL; K.4.a. = 3] Is _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> going to school full-time or part-time?

1. Full-time2. Part-time3. Other


K.4.f. [IF SPO/PART UNEMPLOYED (K.4.a. = 4, 5)] What kind of work did _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> do just before he/she became unemployed? That is, what was the job called?

Enter: ______________________________

K.4.f_1 [IF SPO/PART UNEMPLOYED (K.4.a. = 4, 5)] About how many months has it been since _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> became unemployed?

_______ months


K.4.g. [IF SPO/PART RETIRED, K.4.a. = 6] What kind of work did _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> [mainly] do just before he/she retired? That is, what was his/her job called?

Enter: ______________________________

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Waves 1,2,3 p. 78

K.4.g_1 [IF SPO/PART RETIRED, K.4.a. = 6] About how many years has _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> been retired?

Enter number: _____

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1K.4.h_1 [IF SPO/PARTNER IS HOME KEEPER (K.4.a. = 7) AND IS/WAS NOT IN LABOR FORCE (K.4.a. NE 1, 2, 4, 5, 6)] Did _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>>ever have a full-time job?

1. Yes [Go to K.4.g.(1).]2. No [SKIP TO K.5.]

K.4.h_2. About how many years has it been since _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> worked?

_______ years


K.5. Are you of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin? [Wave 1 only.]

1. Yes2. No

K.6. What is your race? [Int:] Is it white, black or African American, American Indian, Asian, or something else? [Wave 1 only.]

K6s1 1. WhiteK6s2 2. Black, African American, ([Int: volunteered]: Negro)K6s3 3. American Indian, (Alaskan Native)K6s4 4. AsianK6s5 5. ([Int:]) Volunteered): Hispanic, LatinoK6s6 6. Other: _________________

K6_other if k6 = 6.


[IF R IS MARRIED (A.2.a. =1) OR PARTNER LIVES IN HOUSEHOLD); ELSE SKIP TO K.9.]:[In Waves 2 and 3, asked only if spouse or partner is different than in previous waves.]

K.7. [IF R IS MARRIED (A.2.a. =1) OR PARTNER LIVES IN HOUSEHOLD] Is _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin?

1. Yes2. No

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Waves 1,2,3 p. 79

K.8. [IF R IS MARRIED (A.2.a. =1) OR PARTNER LIVES IN HOUSEHOLD] What is _______________’s <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> race? [Int:] Is _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>>white, black or African American, American Indian, Asian, or something else?

K8s1 1. WhiteK8s2 2. Black, African American, (Int: volunteered: Negro)K8s3 3. American Indian, (Alaskan Native)K8s4 4. AsianK8s5 5. ([Int:]) (Volunteered): Hispanic, LatinoK8s6 6. Other: _________________

K8_other if k8 = 6.


K.9.a. In what country were you born? [Int: Don’t read.] [Wave 1 only.]

1. U.S.A. [GO TO K.9.b.]2. CANADA3. CHINA (incl. Taiwan)4. EL SALVADOR5. GERMANY6. GUATEMALA7. INDIA8. IRAN9. JAPAN10. KOREA11. MEXICO12. PHILIPPINES13. U.K.14. VIETNAM15. OTHER __________________________


K9a_other if k9a = 15.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

K.9.b. [IF BORN IN THE USA (K.9.a. = 1):] In which state were you born? [Wave 1 only.]

1. AL –Alabama2. AK – Alaska3. AZ – Arizona4. AR – Arkansas5. CA -- California --- etc.; etc. ……51 Washington DC52 Puerto Rico

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Waves 1,2,3 p. 80


K.9.c. How many years, all together, have you lived in California? [Wave 1 only.]

_____ years (enter 0 if < 1)


K.9.d. [IF BORN OUTSIDE USA (A.14.a. NE 1):] What age were you when you permanently moved to the US? [Enter 0 if less than one year old. [Wave 1 only.]

1. CODE AGE: _____ [error check 0 to <A.1>. Age is entered into K9d_age]

96. Have not permanently moved to US [GO TO K.11.]

K9d_age The age when moved to US.

K.9.e. Are you a US citizen? [Wave 1 and Wave 2]

1. Yes [GO TO K.10.a.] 2. No [GO TO K.11.]

3. Other: __________________

K9e_other if k9e = 3.

[IF R NOT A CITIZEN (K.9.a. NE 1 AND K.9.e. NE 1), SKIP TO K.11.]if wave2_k9e = 2 then

k9f (us citizen) Last time, you told us that you were not a U.S. citizen. Are you a U.S citizen now? [Wave 3 only. ]

1 Yes2 No

End of ifif wave2_k9e = 1 OR (wave2_k9e = 2 and k9f = 1) then


K.10.a. [IF R IS CITIZEN (K.9.a. = 1 OR K.9.e. = 1)] Are you a person who manages to vote in most elections, manages to vote in some elections, or usually doesn’t vote?

1. Most elections 2. Some elections 3. Usually doesn’t vote 4. [Int: Volunteered] Other: _____________ [never votes; can’t vote; …]

K10a_other if k10a = 4.


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Waves 1,2,3 p. 81

K.10.b. [EVERYONE GETS ASKED] Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, or something else?

1. Democrat2. Republican3. Something else: __________________

K10b_other if k10b = 3.


[IF R IS MARRIED (A.2.a. =1) OR PARTNER LIVES IN HOUSEHOLD; ELSE SKIP TO K.12.] [In Waves 2 and 3, K11 is asked only if the spouse or partner is different than in the previous wave.]

K.11. [IF R IS MARRIED OR PARTNERED (A.2.a. = 1 OR PARTNER LIVES IN HOUSEHOLD] In what country was _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> born? [Int: don’t read.]

1. U.S.A. 2. CANADA3. CHINA (incl Taiwan)4. EL SALVADOR5. GERMANY6. GUATEMALA7. INDIA8. IRAN9. JAPAN10. KOREA11. MEXICO12. PHILIPPINES13. U.K.14. VIETNAM15. OTHER __________________________

K11_other if k11= 15.


[ALL RESPONDENTS:]K.12. In what country was your father born? [Wave 1 only.]

[Same Responses]

K12_other if k12= 15.


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Waves 1,2,3 p. 82

K.13. In what country was your mother born? [Wave 1 only.]

[Same Responses]

K13_other if k13= 15.

Note: There is no K.14.


K.15. What is your religion, if any? [Int:] Is it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, some other religion, or no religion?

1. Protestant +2. Catholic 3. Jewish 4. Muslim5. Buddhist6. Other: Specify: _________________7. No religion.

K15_other if k15= 6.

K.16. What religion were raised you in, if any? [Int:] Was it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, some other religion, or no religion? [Wave 1 only.]

1. Protestant 2. Catholic 3. Jewish 4. Muslim5. Buddhist6. Other: Specify: _________________7. No religion.

K16_other if k16= 6.


Note: if the spouse or partner is not the same as in the previous wave, then K17 and K18 are asked.

K.17. [IF R IS MARRIED (A.2.a. = 1) OR PARTNER LIVES IN HOUSEHOLD); ELSE GO TO K.19.] What is _______________’s <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> religion, if any? [Int:] Is it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, some other religion, or no religion?

1. Protestant 2. Catholic 3. Jewish 4. Muslim5. Buddhist6. Other: Specify: _________________

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7. No religion. K17_other if k17= 6.

K.18. [IF R IS MARRIED (A.2.a. = 1) OR PARTNER LIVES IN HOUSEHOLD); ELSE GOTO K.19.] What is the religion in which _______________ <<pipe in name of spouse/live-in partner>> was raised, if any? [Int:] Was it Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, some other religion, or no religion?

1. Protestant 2. Catholic 3. Jewish 4. Muslim5. Buddhist6. Other: Specify: _________________7. No religion.

K18_other if k18= 6.

K.19. Do you belong to or are you active in a particular church, synagogue, temple, or other religious organization?

1 Yes2. No 3. [Int: Volunteered] Other answer: ____________________

K19_other if k19= 3.


K.20. In the last year or so, about how often did you attend religious services? [Int:] -- about every week or more, a couple of times a month or so, several times a year, a few times a year or less, or not at all?

1. About every week or more2. A couple of times a month or so3. Several times a year 4. A few times a year or less5. Not at all6. [Int:] Volunteered: Other answer: ____________________

K20_other if k20= 6.



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Waves 1,2,3 p. 84

K.21.a. [IF R IS MARRIED (A.2.a. = 1) OR PARTNER LIVES IN HOUSEHOLD OR THERE IS ANOTHER RELATIVE (>17 years) IN HOUSEHOLD:] Altogether, approximately what was the total income of your household (excluding roommates or boarders) in 2013 [2016 asked in Wave 2 | 2017 asked in Wave 3]before taxes or deductions? [Int.:] Please look at this card [SHOW CARD] and just read me the letter that best applies. (This includes wages, business income, interest or dividends, Social Security, other pensions, alimony or child support, unemployment compensation, public aid welfare, armed forces or veteran's allotment.)

1. A. Under $15,0002. B. $15,000 to $24,9993. C. $25,000 to $34,9994. D. $35,000 to $44,9995. E. $45,000 to $59,9996. F. $60,000 to $74,9997. G. $75,000 to $99,9998. H. $100,000 to $124,9999. I. $ 125,000 to $149,99910. J. $150,000 to $199,99911. K. $200,000 to $299,99912. L. $300,000 to $499,99913. M. $500,000 or more

[GO TO K.22.a.]


K.21.b. [IF K.21.a. = 97 or 98] We understand that you may not be comfortable disclosing your income range. Can you at least tell us whether your total household income in 2013 [2016 Wave 2 | 2017 Wave 3] was lower or higher than about $80,000?

1. Lower2. Higher3. About $80,000


K.22.a. [IF R IS MARRIED (A.2.a. = 1) OR PARTNER LIVES IN HOUSEHOLD OR OTHER ADULT RELATIVE LIVES IN HOUSEHOLD:] What about the income that you personally make? [IF R LIVES WITH NO OTHER ADULTS OR ONLY WITH NONKIN ADULTS:] Altogether, what would you say was approximately your personal income in 2013 [2016 Wave 2 | 2017 Wave 3] before taxes or deductions? [Int:] Please look at this card [SHOW CARD] and just read me the letter that best applies. [MORE INFO: income includes wages, business income, interest or dividends, Social Security, other pensions, alimony or child support, unemployment compensation, public aid welfare, armed forces or veteran's allotment.]

1. A. Under $15,0002. B. $15,000 to $24,9993. C. $25,000 to $34,9994. D. $35,000 to $44,9995. E. $45,000 to $59,999

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6. F. $60,000 to $74,9997. G. $75,000 to $99,9998. H. $100,000 to $124,9999. I. $125,000 to $149,99910. J. $150,000 to $199,99911. K. $200,000 to $299,99912. L. $300,000 to $499,99913. M. $500,000 or more


K.22.b. [IF K.22.a. = 97 or 98]: We understand that you may not be comfortable disclosing your income range. Can you at least tell us whether your own personal income in 2013 [wave 1 | 2016 wave 2 and 2017 wave 3] was higher or lower than about $50,000?

1. Lower2. Higher3. About $50,000

k22c (own rent at 16 years old) [Wave 2 only]Thinking about the time when you were 16 years old, did your family own or rent the home in which you lived, or don’t you know?

1 Owned2 Rented8 Don’t know, not sure

k22d (how income compared at 16 years old) [Wave 2 only]And thinking about that time, compared with families in general then, would you say your family income was1 Far below average2 Below average3 Average4 Above average5 Far above average8 Don't know^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

K.23. We are almost done. Thank you very much for all your cooperation. As agreed, we will interview you again in about a year and a half [Sentence dropped in Wave 3]. We want to make sure we are able to reach you in case we have a follow up question [Sentence added in Wave 3]. In case you move before then and we lose contact with you, please provide us with a phone number and an email of someone else who would know where you might be. [Contact information not in data set.]

Full Name: ____________________________Phone including area code _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ [includes error check]Email: ____________________________ [includes error check]


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Waves 1,2,3 p. 86

K.24. Do you have any plans to move in the next year and a half?

1. Yes2. No8. Don’t Know

K.25. We will be keeping in touch with you between now and the next interview in about a year and a half, for example, to share with you some early results. We would like to know whether you would be open to participating in one or two short interviews between now and then. Would you? [Wave 1 only]

1. Yes2. No3. [Int:] Other (e.g., it depends): _______________

K25_other if k25= 3.

[There is no k.26]

k.27 This concludes the research for our study at this time. We would like to know whether you would be open to participating in any future studies. Would you? [Wave 3 only: counts in parentheses]

1 Yes (877)2 No (14)3 Maybe (69)4 [Int:] Volunteered: Other (e.g., it depends):


k27_other If k27 = 4.


[INT:] This concludes the interview. Thank you very much for your participation.

[INT: please continue by clicking 'Next' only AFTER you have left the interview location]


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The following questions are for the interviewer. Please answer these after you have left the interview location.


in1. Would you say that the respondent was

1. Very cooperative, engaged, forthcoming2. Somewhat cooperative3. Somewhat reluctant, disengaged4. Very reluctant, uncooperative, resistant


in2. Would you say that the respondent

1. Clearly understood just about all the questions2. Basically understood them3. Had some trouble understanding parts of the survey4. Had a lot of trouble understanding the survey

in3. As far as you could tell, was the respondent

1. Always frank and honest2. Mostly frank and honest3. Often guarded and evasive4. Very guarded and evasive

in4. Would you say that the respondent was

1. very comfortable with the survey2. pretty comfortable with it3. Sometimes uncomfortable4. Very uncomfortable

in5. Would you describe the respondent as

1. Slim, or underweight2. Average weight3. Overweight4. Obese

in6. Would you describe the respondent as physically

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Waves 1,2,3 p. 88

1. Very attractive2. Attractive3. Average-looking4. Not very attractive

in7. Would you describe the respondents’ skin color as[Scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is very light and 10 is very dark, based on the following pictoral guide:

in8. Is there anything else you think we should know about the respondent?

[BOX ____________________________ ]


s1. Where was the interview done? (check all that apply if interview moved)

s1s1. Respondent’s home: living room, den, dining rooms1s2. Respondent’s home: kitchens1s3. Respondent’s home: elsewhere insides1s4. Respondent’s home: Outdoors -- front stoop, porch, yard, etc.s1s5. Respondent’s place of employment or schools1s6. A commercial setting (e.g., coffee shop, mall)s1s7. Another public setting (e.g., park, playground, parking lot)s1s8. Other: __________________

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Waves 1,2,3 p. 89

s2. Who else was present during (at least some) of the interview? (Check all that apply)

s2s0. No one elses2s1. Spouse/partners2s2. Child, childrens2s3. Parent(s), grandparent(s)s2s4. Other household member(s)s2s5. Neighbor(s)s2s6. Friend(s)s2s7. Coworker(s)s2s8. Other: ______________

s2_Other if s2s8 = 1.

s3. Interruptions (check all that apply)

s3s1. People dropped by: About how many: ___s3s2. Phone calls: About how many:____s3s3. Text or other online messages: About how many: _____s3s4. Resp. took breaks: About how many: _____s3s5. Other: _______________

s3_people if s3s1 = 1.s3_calls if s3s2 = 1.s3_texts if s3s3 = 1.s3_breaks if s3s4 = 1.s3_other if s3s5 = 1.

s4. Is there anything else we should know about the process of the interview?


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Waves 1,2,3 p. 90


ho1. Description of home:

1. Single-family house2. Duplex or town house3. Apartment in small building4. Apartment in large building5. Trailer6. Other: ______________

H01_Other If h01 = 6.

ho2. Furnishings:

1. Poor, tattered2. Worn, but maintained3. Tasteful, good condition4. Elegant

ho3. Neatness of home

1. Pretty dirty, messy2. Lived-in look, but not dirty3. Tidy and neat4. Spotless, immaculate

ho4. Description of neighborhood:

1. Quite dilapidated, not well-kept2. Modest, but generally well-maintained3. Attractive homes and outdoor areas4. Looks wealthy and exclusive

Iwer Interviewer number (need to work on this one and the it1,…,4 for each wave)


Note: The following questions are not in the wave 1data set.INTERVIEWER TRAITS –[provided by data collection company] it1. Experience: Years doing interviews: _____it2. Ageit3. Genderit4. Ethnicity