· web viewshow number of words on fingers as you say each...

Monday 8 th June Weekly Skill: I can tell other what I enjoy and I am good at Good Morning Everybody! We are missing you all very much and hope that you are all staying safe and well. We really hope you enjoyed Sports Day on Friday. Only a few more weeks left so let's do the best we can for the last month! 9.30am-10:30am: Literacy Tasks Spelling L.I We are learning the digraph au. Watch the video below to learn the special friends that make the au sound. Write the long date in your jotter - Monday 8 th June Use your Fred fingers to read the words below. Use your Fred fingers to read and spell the multi-syllabic words below. Then try and write the words in your jotter using your read, say, cover, write, check strategy. Get your magnifying glasses out and spot the words. Write the words you find in your jotter.

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Page 1:  · Web viewshow number of words on fingers as you say each word. state number of words in sentence. discuss punctuation. If required, model

Monday 8th June

Weekly Skill: I can tell other what I enjoy and I am good at

Good Morning Everybody! We are missing you all very much and hope that you are all staying safe and well. We really hope you enjoyed Sports Day on Friday. Only a few more weeks left so let's do the best we can for the last month!

9.30am-10:30am: Literacy Tasks


L.I We are learning the digraph au.

Watch the video below to learn the special friends that make the au sound.

Write the long date in your jotter - Monday 8th June 

Use your Fred fingers to read the words below.

Use your Fred fingers to read and spell the multi-syllabic words below. Then try and write the words in your jotter using your read, say, cover, write, check strategy.

Get your magnifying glasses out and spot the words. Write the words you find in your jotter.

Page 2:  · Web viewshow number of words on fingers as you say each word. state number of words in sentence. discuss punctuation. If required, model


L.I We are learning to decode and blend phonemes and use letter sounds to read new words

Log onto Oxford Owl (password on your pack) first and then click the link for your group below to find your reading book.

The title of the story What do you think it might be about from the title? What is the illustration of? (Remember the illustrator is the person who draws

the pictures!) Does the illustration help you to predict what the story will be about? Is the book Fiction (not based on real life) or non-fiction (Based on real life)? Practise your speedy sounds Practise your green and red words



Page 3:  · Web viewshow number of words on fingers as you say each word. state number of words in sentence. discuss punctuation. If required, model

Black Panthers:




Dictation. - You may email your dictation to the school office for feedback on your writing.

***Say sentence Child repeats                          My Turn, Your Turn (MTYT) until child can remember the sentence easily As you say it –

o put emphasis on different words each timeo say sentence in different voices e.g. whispero show number of words on fingers as you say each wordo state number of words in sentenceo discuss punctuation

If required, model sentence on white board/ paper. Hide sentence. Say sentence once more. MTYT Child writes sentence, reads it back to check for errors****

Avengers: The ship has hit the rocks! (Watch out for your punctuation in this sentence).

Black Panthers: She put water on the seeds to help them grow.


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L.I We are learning about the weather in Spanish.

10:45-11.45am: Numeracy and Maths Task

Only do your own group’s tasks! You are either a Circle, Square or Triangle.

Mental Starter

Practise counting in 5s to 50.

L.I I am revising my number bonds to 10

You can find this page in your Numeracy Booklet.

Written Task

Squares / Triangles

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L.I I can use different strategies to solve addition sums.

Watch the video below before you begin.

Choose a strategy to solve the problem (count on, jump strategy, near doubles)








L.I I can partition visual patterns to 8.

Watch the video to refresh your memory.

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Topic Maths:

L.I. I can count 1p coins.

Watch the video and complete the task.

Write the number of coins in each Piggy Bank in your jotter.

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Play this Game to practise counting money. Click on Couting-Single coins to 10p. If you want a challenge, try couting - 1p to 10p.

11.45-12.15: RE

Gospel: Matthew 10:26-33

Jesus said: “So do not be afraid of people. Whatever is now covered up will be uncovered, and every secret will be made known. What I am telling you in the dark you must repeat in broad daylight, and what you have heard in private you must announce from the housetops. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather be afraid of God, who can destroy both body and soul in hell. For only a penny you can buy two sparrows, yet not one

Page 8:  · Web viewshow number of words on fingers as you say each word. state number of words in sentence. discuss punctuation. If required, model

sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent. As for you, even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows!

“For those who declare publicly that they belong to me, I will do the same before my Father in heaven. But if anyone rejects me publicly, I will reject him before my Father in heaven.”

Gospel reflection: What do you remember from today’s reading? Jesus’ friends are afraid and don’t know what to do. They feel that they aren’t very important and that God may not look after them. Jesus looks at the world around him and sees that God is watching over everything. When you look at the world, what else can you see that might remind you of God’s love for us all?

Can you remember some of the things Jesus said, that it would be good for us to tell other people? He said we should try to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. God loves us all and so we are called to take care of one another, to love one another, no matter where in the world that we are. We are also called to protect and care for the earth, so that everyone can share in the good things that God has given us.

1:00-1:50pm: Topic Task:


1:30-2:10: PE

2:10-2:30: Play based Task

Creative Play

Make your own bubbles.

What you will need:

a jar of water Washing up liquid

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a shallow tray / baking tray straws


1. Mix the water and the washing-up liquid in the jar and pour onto the tray very carefully.

2. Take a straw, place into the liquid and begin to gently blow. (Make sure you don’t suck or you will end up with a mouthful of soapy water!)


If you like you could create a picture with the bubbles.

1. Mix a little bit of paint, water and washing-up liquid in a jar and pour into the tray.

2. Take the straw and gently blow (making sure you don’t suck!!)3. Move the straw around to create bubbles on the tray.4. Once the tray is full of bubbles, place a sheet on top of the tray and gently

press it down.5. Carefully lift the paper off and see the print the bubbles have created.

2:30-3:15 Expressive Arts task – Art

ADVANCE NOTICE! – next week we will be using a cardboard box for Art, about the size of a shoe box or a little smaller (wider than a cereal box). Try to find or save one from recycling.

We are learning to make digital Pop Art using repeated images.

Page 10:  · Web viewshow number of words on fingers as you say each word. state number of words in sentence. discuss punctuation. If required, model

Andy Warhol was a super famous ‘Pop Artist’. ‘Pop Art’ is bright art that ‘pops out’ of the page, it also features ‘popular’ images such as cartoon characters, celebrities and food items.

The image below of the actress Marilyn Monroe is one of Warhol’s most famous. He repeated the same image again and again with different colours. On the right is one that I made using a picture of my cat! You can watch a little video here to see how I made mine. Here is the website link that I used.

For our older or more confident digital artists:

This website has some more advance features you can try and experiment with to make Pop Art images Copy them into a Word document to get the repeating effect.

Miss Sealy