· web viewtema 1: family and communities/ familia y comunidades estructura de la familia: ahijado...

Tema 1: Family and Communities/ Familia y Comunidades Estructura de la familia : Ahijado (godson) ahijada (goddaughter) bisabuelo (greatgrandfather) Bisabuela (greatgrandmother) bisnieta (great-grandaughter) Bisnieto great-grandson) cuñada (sister-in-law) cuñado (brother-in-law) Hermanastra (stepsister) hermanastro (stepbrother) hijastra (stepdaughter) hijastro (stepson) madrina (godmother) padrino (godfather) suegra (mother-in-law) suegro (father-in-law) nuera (daughter-in-law) yerno (son-in-law) casarse (to marry) divorciarse (to divorce) extrañar (to miss) mimar (to spoil/kids) castigar (to punish) malcriar (to spoil rotten) haragán ( lazy) mandón (bossy) tacaño (stingy) abrazar (to hug) tatarabuela (great-great-grandmother) tatarabuelo (great- great-grandfather) tataranieto (great-great-grandson) tataranieta (great- great-granddaughter) compadre(f ellow godfather-used to address the godfather of one’s child. Also “buddy”) comadre (fellow godmother-used to address the godmother of one’s child. Also “buddy”) abnegado (selfless) misericordioso (merciful)

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Tema 1: Family and Communities/ Familia y Comunidades

Estructura de la familia :

Ahijado (godson) ahijada (goddaughter) bisabuelo (greatgrandfather)

Bisabuela (greatgrandmother) bisnieta (great-grandaughter)

Bisnieto great-grandson) cuñada (sister-in-law) cuñado (brother-in-law)

Hermanastra (stepsister) hermanastro (stepbrother) hijastra (stepdaughter)

hijastro (stepson) madrina (godmother) padrino (godfather)

suegra (mother-in-law) suegro (father-in-law)

nuera (daughter-in-law) yerno (son-in-law) casarse (to marry)

divorciarse (to divorce) extrañar (to miss) mimar (to spoil/kids)

castigar (to punish) malcriar (to spoil rotten) haragán ( lazy)

mandón (bossy) tacaño (stingy) abrazar (to hug)

tatarabuela (great-great-grandmother) tatarabuelo (great-great-grandfather)

tataranieto (great-great-grandson) tataranieta (great-great-granddaughter)

compadre(f ellow godfather-used to address the godfather of one’s child. Also “buddy”)

comadre (fellow godmother-used to address the godmother of one’s child. Also “buddy”)

abnegado (selfless) misericordioso (merciful)

universitario (univeristy student) gente mayor (older people)

frívolo (trivial) entrañable (cozy, endearing, loveable)

arraigarse (to put down roots, to settle)

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lazos=vínculos(connections, ties) hogares(homes)

retos(challenges) hipoteca(mortgage)

tasa(rate) soberanía(sovereignty, authority)

bien nacido(well-bred, of gentle birth) sostener(to support)

personas de la tercera edad(the elderly) crío-cría (toddler)

tutela(supervision) inculcar(instill, infuse)

etnia(ethnic group) legado(heritage)


mamadera=biberón(baby bottle) viuda(widow)prometido (fiancé)

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Comunidades Educativas/Ciudadanía Global/Geografía Humana)

Desarrollo(development,growth) equidad(equity, fairness)

Aprendizaje(learning, training) avalado(justified) Aportaciones(contributions)

propuestas(offers) Aranceles (customs tariff, fine) planteamientos(proposal)

gestión (step, negotiation, management) poner de manifiesto(to reveal)

tener en cuenta(to pay attention) sin fines de lucro(non-profit)




provenir(to originate, derive)

destacar(to emphasize, to highlight)

jergas(jargon, slang)

asentamientos(population settlements)


vacunar(to inoculate, to vaccinate)

cuna(crib, birthplace)

remontarse a(to date back to, originate) anfitrión(host/hostess of event)

envenenar(to poison) acudir(to attend)

socio(colleague) realizar(to achieve, to accomplish)

aliado(ally, associate) sacar provecho(to reap the benefit)

parcela(plot of land) lamentarse(lament, regret)

bomberos(fire fighters)

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Cruz Roja(Red Cross)

voluntariado(volunteerism) Servicio de emergencia vial(emergency road service)

Equipos de Socorro(relief teams) la asignatura (the class)

la carrera (the career, the race) la facultad (School of…)

el profesorado (faculty)

la nota (grade) promedio(average)

obligatorio (required, manadatory) la junta (meeting, board )

matricularse (to join, register)

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Redes Sociales/Tradiciones y valores

Dispuesto(prepared,ready) aparición(forthcoming, vision, apparition)

Linternas( lanterns, flashlights) repartir(to distribute)

Arrancar(uproot, break away) afrontar(to confront)

De antemano(before hand) silvestre(wild)

Brotar(to sprout, to gush forth) adinerado(wealthy)

Semana Santa(Holy Week) Pascua Florida(Easter)


amenazas(threats) Perfil(profile, outline) disponer de(to have available)

Surgir(to appear) choque(conflict, crash, violent impact)

Fracasos(failures) desplazados(displaced, homeless)

Intentar(to attempt) engaño(deceit, trickery) Interrogante(doubt)

ermitaño(hermit) Inculcar(to instill) rastrear(to track/trace)

Ensombrecerse(to become somber) capricho(whim, fancy) compostura(composure, repair)

empeñarse(to put forth effort) Trinar(to publish on Twitter)

empeñar(to pawn) Índole(nature, class)

orfebrería(silversmithing) tallar(to carve/to engrave) cuero= piel(leather)

Talabartería(saddler-one who works with leather)

trébol (clover) tumba (grave) amuleto (good-luck charm)

La Misa de Gallo (Midnight Mass) el mal de ojo (the evil eye/curse) la broma(joke)

Los Reyes Magos (The 3 Kings) bruja (witch) Santo Patrón (Patron Saint)

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Tema 2: La ciencia y la tecnología

La innovaciones tecnológicas/ Los efectos de la tecnología en el individuo

Dispositivo (device/gadget) señal (signal)

Pertenencias (possessions) despistes (distractions)

Descarga (information downloads) superarse (to overcome obstacle)

Campos (areas of study, country side) brindar (to offer, to toast at ceremony)

Aportar (to give, contribute) medir (to measure)

costes=costo ( cost) emprendedor (go getter)) barreras (obstacles, barriers)

reembolsar (reimburse)

alcance (range, scope) la alimentación (nourishment)

reclamar (to lay claim, demand) promover (to promote)

difamar (slander) cifrar (to put in code, cipher)

enganche (connection, hook) aquejado (patient, sufferer)

síndrome ( symptom) semáforo (traffic light)

siniestro(disaster, sinister) somnolencia (sleepiness, slumber)

peatón (pedestrian) agotar (to exhaust, to drain)

patrón (boss, sponsor, patron, pattern)

perjudicar (to harm, penalize) a costa de (at the expense of)

ordenador (computer)

informática (data processing) navegar la red (to surf the web) el ordenador portátil (laptop)

el fichero (file, file cabinet) apartado aéreo (post office box) despedir (to fire)

estar hasta la coronilla de (to be fed up with) descomponerse (to break down, not function)

el puesto (the post, position)

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La ciencia y la ética/El cuidado de la salud

El bien (the welfare) lucrative (profitable)

Ajeno (foreign) por principio (at the beginning)

Exculpar (to pardon) disolver (to dissolve)

Calvario (long suffering) vivencias (life experiences)

Supuesto (possible, assumption) reglamentación (regulation)

Sucesos (events) herramienta (tools)

Entorno (habitat, natural surroundings) realizar (to obtain, to achieve)

Gama(series) aporte (contribution)

Autóctono (native, indigenous) despedazar (to tear apart)

Acudir (to attend, to resort to)

Peregrinación (pilgrimage)

Milagrosos (miraculous) crédulo (naïve) Riesgo (risk)

Retrasar (to delay) Impetuoso (impulsive)

Artifice (creator, author) Avalar (to support)

Acoso (harassment) Machaconería (tiresome insistence)

Picaresca (wicked, cheeky) Replegarse (to withdraw)

Cobijar (to give shelter, wrap up) Imponer (impose) quebrar (to break)

Fallecimiento (death) asesorar (consult) Carecer (to lack)

docente(professor, realated toteaching) Instaurar(to establish, install) sano(healthy)

Talla(size or height) libra (pounds) peso (weight)

Pulgada (inches) adelgazar=perder peso (lose weight)

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Medir (to measure) sobrar (be left over, in excess) evitar (to avoid)

Dejar en paz (to let be) hacer caso (to pay attention) engordar (to gain weight)

Padecimientos (ailments) Quirófano (operating room-OR)

Esfuerzos (efforts)

Química (chemistry) clonar(to clone)

Amígdalas (tonsils) cadera (hip)

Codo (elbow) columna vertebral (spinal cord)

Costilla (rib) espalda (back) Garganta (throat)

Hígado (liver) Labio (lips) mandíbula (jaw)

Muñeca (wrist) músculo (muscle)

Muslo (thigh) pecho (chest)

Pulgar (thumb) pulmón (lung)

Riñón (kidney) tendón (tendon)

Tobillo (ankle) vesicular (bladder)

Anestesia (anesthesia)

Inyección (shot)

Receta (prescription or recipe) vacuna (vaccine)

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El acceso a la tecnología/Los fenómenos naturales

Senectud (old age) descomponerse (to worsen(health-to break down)

Aprestarse (to set up) verdugo (torturer)

Derramar (to spill) desprecio (disdain)

Renacuajo (tadpole) cacería (the hunt)

Carcomer (to mortify, to eat up) rumbo a (with a destination of )

Gemir (to whine, moan) colgar (to hang)

Sollozar (to sob) brechas (gaps, holes)

Aulas (classrooms) gratuitos (free of charge)

Fábrica (factory,plant) escaso (scarce, slim)

A menudo (frequently) a través de (by means of , through)

Asequible (obtainable) la banda ancha (the bandwidth in www)

Hierro (iron) bronce (bronze)

Crispar (to annoy) aprendizaje (the learning)

La mortandad (death rate) pàramo (wasteland, barren plain)

Hongo(mushroom, fungi) anoxia (severe lack of oxygen)

Cazar (to hunt) callejòn (alley)

Cordillera (mountain range) recorrer (go all over, go across)

Desentrañar ( get to the bottom of) suscitar (generate)

Ocasionar (to cause, provoke) cuantificar (to quantify)

Aumento (increase) helada (freeze)

Efecto invernadero (global warming) marginar (to isolate)

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Dañino (harmful) pila (batteries)

Atajo (shortcut) rezago (backwardness, falling behind)

Asueto (rest, break, recess) tiniebla (obscurity)

Temblor (earthquake, seism) brújula (compass)

Difuntos (the dead) semilla (seed) Sequía (drought)

sabiduría (wisdom) A ciencia cierta(with certainty)



hectáreas(plot of land=2.47 acres)

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La Belleza y Estética

Definiciones de la belleza/La moda y el diseño

a la moda(in style) algodón(cotton)

antiarrugas(anti-wrinkle) antiedad(anti-aging)

aplicar(to apply, put-on) arreglada(well dressed)

arreglo personal(personal care) arreglar(to fix)

arreglarse(to fix oneself up, to get done) arruga(wrinkle)

artículos de tocador(toiletries) aseo(personal care, cleanliness)

áspero(rough) atrevido(daring)

audaz(audacious, daring) auto estima (self-esteem)

bálsamo(balm) barbilla(chin)

barrito(blackhead) brillar(to shine)

brillo de labios(lip gloss) brocha(brush) capa(layer)

cejas(eyebrows) cera(wax) cicatriz(scar)

tono claro (light in color/tone) colirio(eye drops) colorete(blush)

cosmetóloga(beautician) cortador de uñas(nail clippers) cubrir(to cover)

cuidado(care) cutis(skin-facial)

dama(lady) delineado(outline, outlining)

depilar(to wax, pluck hair) deshidratado(dry)

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deslumbrante(dazzling) despampanante(stunning) disimular(to conceal)

donaire(grace, charm, elegance) embellecer(beautify) embriagador(a) (intoxicating)

embrujar (bewitch) encantador(a) (charming)

envejecimiento (aging) esmalte de uñas (nail polish) espinilla (blackhead, pimple)

esponja(sponge) espuma (foam) estrías(stretch marks)

facciones (feautures(of face) frasco(bottle, jar) la frente(forehead)

frotar(scrub) gallardía(elegance, striking appearance)

garboso(a) (graceful, elegant) Hacer resaltar (to bring out) hechizante (bewitched)

Hidratar (moisturize) hidratante (moisturizer)

Humectante (moisturizer) impecable (flawless)

Juego (set/kit) agrietados (chapped)

Limpieza (cleaning) liso (smooth)

Lozano(healthy looking) lucir (to look good, show off)

Lujoso (luxurious) lunar(mole, beauty mark)

Maltratada (mistreated) mancha (spot, stain, discoloration)

Mascarilla(face mask) mejillas (cheeks)

Mentón (chin) liso (smooth)

Mota de algodón (cotton ball) ojeras (dark circles under eyes)

Pàrpado (eyelid) pecas (freckles)

Pestañas (eyelashes) pincel (brush)

Pinzas (tweezers) polvo (face podwer or dust)

Pómulos (cheek bones) poros (pores)

Resequedad (dryness) retocar (retouch)

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Rímel (mascara) suntuoso (sumptuous, lush)

Varices (varicose vains) vello facial (facial hair)

Tez (skin, skin tone, complexion) rostro (face) Gozar (to enjoy)


Tozano(vigorous) menospreciar(to mistreat)

Clavel(carnation) desdén (disdain)

Heredado (inherited) aportar (to contribute)

Matriarcado(matriarchy) tacón (high heel)

De acuerdo a (according to) plasmar (to capture) Sustraerse (to detach from)

Radicar (to reside) Mozo(a) (young person) afable (friendly)

Agraciado (attractive) desplegarse (to manifest) Sensible (sensitive)

Cotidiano (habitual, common) Polera (camiseta) flequillo (bangs)

Fiable (trustworthy) prenda de vestir (article of clothing)

Casilla (ticket booth, stall) presumir (presume) Discrepar (to oppose)

Vistazo (glance) Ajeno (foreign, not your own)

prestancia (distinction) Rotundamente (absolutely)

capricho(whim, impulse, craving) Deambular (to roam) hallazgo (find)

Propiciar( to favor, to earn) certamen ( contest )

costurera (seamstress) armar (to put together)

Pauta (norm) remanso (tranquil place)

Efímero (finite) huella (tracks, trace)

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El lenguaje y la literatura

Asombro (surprise, astonishment) tórrido (extremely hot, torrid)

Zurdo (left handed) herramienta (tool)

Insigne (famous) el paso (the advancement)

Chismes(gossip) cueva(cave) Surco(groove, furrow)

murciélago(bat) Pasar por alto(to dismiss, omit)

encogerse(to shrink) Patrimonio(heritage)

entramado(structure) Vincular(to connect) carecer(to lack)

Alboroto(uproar, commotion) crujir(to crunch, creak, rustle)

Arrastrar(to drag) desentreñar(unravel, figure out)

Asomarse(to peek, look) privación(lack) Hacer caso(to pay attention)

huerta(vegetable garden) mente(mind) dispuesto(willing and able)

Encerrarse(to isolate oneself) atroz(cruel) Guión(script)

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Las artes visuales y escénicas/arquitectura/Definiciones de la creatividad

Desalojo (evacuation) recto (straight) Girar (doblar)

menudo (small, coin change) Asombro (surprise) inquietud ( concern, anxiety)

Aldea (small town) plasmar (to express, capture)

Sordo(deaf ) desahogo(relief, vent) Eminente(distinguished, eminent)

convenio(agreement) Acreditado(authorized, credited) liberado(freed)

Difundir(to spread, to disseminate) resguardar(to protect)

Ingresar(to join, to enter) estallar(to explode)

Vanguardia(on the cutting-edge) acogido(protected)

Amalgamar(to combine) malabarismo(juggling)

Insólito(rare, incredible) arcano(hidden, obscure)

Juramento(oath) triunfo(triumph)

Apartar(to separate) presidio(penitentiary, prison) Involucrado(involved)

analfabetismo(illiteracy) Alpendre(roof) allegado(relative)

Pereza(laziness) inmobiliaria(real estate)

Fachada(façade, appearance) bóvedas(vault, dome)

Hueco(hole, opening) vitrina(display cabinet, shop window)

Profano(secular, profane) cosmovisión(worldview) Estreno (premier, first release)

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recinto(enclosure) alberca(swimming pool)

hojear(to skim a reading) burlarse(to make fun of) surgir(to emerge)

Ejecutar(to carry out)

Tema 4: Vida Contemporánea

La educación y las carreras/ el trabajo voluntario

Cajero (cashier) cerrajero (locksmith) Criada=sirvienta (maid)

funcionario (civil servant) Plomero (plumber)

analfabetismo (illiteracy)

Bachillerato (baccalaureate) beca (scholarship)

Derecho (law) letras (liberal arts, humanities)

Matricularse (to register) subvención (grant)

Título (diploma, degree) cabildero (lobbiyst) Clave (key element)

deuda (debt) Fabricante (manufacturer) huelga, paro (strike)

Impuesto sobre la renta (personal income tax)

Junta directiva (board of directors) Subdesarrollado (underveloped)

saldo (salary) Venta al por mayor (wholesale)

venta al por menor (retail) Solicitar (to solicit) domicilio (residence)

Acceder (to consent) amparado (protected)

Constancia (certainty, proof) involucrar (to involve) Deslumbrar ( to dazzle)

pasto (lawn) Vereda (road) amarrar ( to tie)

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Jeque=jefe (boss) porvenir (future) Apuesta (prediction, bet)

anhelo (desire) Vaticinar=pronosticar (to predict)

fuga ( scape) Cohete (rocket) remuneración (pay)

Pauta (norm, pattern) internauta (internet user)

Codiciado (desired) trata humana (human touch)

Alojamiento (housing) sacar adelante (to promote, to support)

Gestor (the administrator) acudir (to go, to turn to)

El entretenimiento y el ocio/Viajes/Estilos de vida

Aduana (customs) excursión (trip)

desfile (parade) Pasear (to go for a walk)

visado (visa, permit) Tutelar (to guide, protect)

chubascos (downpour) Entorno (the environment)

angosto (narrow-roads) Baluartes (defense forts) reposar (to rest)

Desbordar (to spill over) carruaje (horse carriage) Pegar (to unite, to join, to hit)

rebote (bounce) Lastimar (to hurt) jubilado (retired)

Acarrear (to transport) lucir (to show off) Recámara ( bedroom)

columpios (swings) Caño (tube)

suministro (distribution) Cobrar fuerza (to adquire strength)

sostenible (sustainable) Fondear (to anchor)

zarpar (to set sail) Calado (depth-sea )

batir-record (to surpass records) Filudo (Sharp) diáfano (cristal clear)

Propuesta (proposal) apetitoso (delicious) Rebanar (to slice)

cocer (to cook-boil) Colar (to strain-foods)

amargar (to become bitter) Sazonar (to season) bocado (a bite)

el brindis (the toast/ceremony) miel (honey) mondongo(tripes soup)

avisar (to warn) descurtir (to clean/hide) tragar (to swallow)

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relleno(stuffed) sabroso (delicious) bien cocido(well done)

medio crudo (rare) Buen provecho (bon appétit)

hervir (to boíl) bacalao(cod)

trucha (trout) cerveza (beer)

ginebra (gin) ron (rum) vino (wine)

albóndiga (meatball) rábano (raddish) remolacha (beet)

apio (celery) cebolla (onion) ajo (garlic)

ir a parar (to end up in) indagar (to investigate)

Sobremesa (after dinner conversation) remontarse (to go back in time)

Rodaje (filming) pista de baile (dance floor)

tara (deffect) Esforzarse (to make an effort)

gratamente (pleasingly) Farándula (show business)

el trofeo (trophy) medalla (medal) estrenar (to premier)

avanzar (to advance) mejorar (to improve)

salir adelante ( to go on, get ahead)

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Tradiciones y valores sociales/relaciones personales

Soler (to be in the habit) matutino (in the morning)

Enjuto (skinny) hundido (submerged)

Alentar (to encourage) madrugada (middle of night)

Peregrinos (migrant, traveler) los fieles (the faithful)

Inculcar (to instil) capaz (capable)

Seno (the birthplace) acontecimientos (events)

Perdurable (lasting) aporte (contributions)

Ductilidad (flexibility) afligirse (to sadden) Extrañarse (to surprise one self)

disimular (to conceal, disguise) Innoble (despicable)

humillar (to humiliate) A quemarropa (to the point)

atento (courteous) Interlocutor (characters in play)

envolver (to cover, to wrap) la licencia (license)

fijarse (to pay attention to ) la matrícula (id card)

neumático (tire-machine) freno (breaks-machine) pinchada (flat/tire)

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Desafíos Mundiales

Los Temas Económicos/La población y la demografía

La cifra (figure, number) promedio (average) Incremento (increase)

papel (role) Brecha (hole, opening) ampararse (to protect)

Ordeñar (to milk-animals) padecer (to suffer)

Ingresos (income) presupuestos (budget)

Sacarle partido (to take advantage)equilibrado (balanced)

Desligarse (to separate) monto (quantity)

Compromiso (obligation) ejercer (to practice)

Recaudar (to collect, gather) echar=despedir (to fire fromjob)

Arrojar (to throw) oligofrénico (idiot) asaltadores (attacker)

El ejército (army)

Las fuerzas armadas (military) estar de patrulla (to be on guard duty)

Zancadilla (to trip someone, to hinder) netamente (purely, genuinely)

Atropellado (trampled) comportamiento (behavior)

Agudizar (to worsen) nocivo=dañino (harmful)

Encuesta (poll) desterrados (exiles)

Page 21:  · Web viewTema 1: Family and Communities/ Familia y Comunidades Estructura de la familia: Ahijado (godson) ahijada (goddaughter) bisabuelo (greatgrandfather) B isabuela (greatgrandmother)

Remesas (remittance, shipment) limosneros (street beggars)

Gestionar (to administer) albergar (to house)

Alza (increase) mitigar (to diminish, plácate)

Cumbre (summitt) atesorado (accumulated)

Embargar (to seize ) postular (to ask, propose)

Alcanzar (to reach) a pesar de (in spite of )

Refugiados (refugee, fugitive) represalias (reprisals)

Los temas del medio ambiente/el bienestar social

El suelo (ground, floor) creciente (growing) Desechos (waste,garbage)

hoyo (hole) Regar (to wáter) crecer (to grow)

Semillas (seeds) ganado (cattle) Abono (fertilizer)

retroceso (opposite movement) Derretir (to melt)

pendiente (slope(geography), earrings) Amenaza (threat)

preocupante (alarming) Empinado=escarpado (steep) carcomer (to destroy)

Asolar (destroy, ruin) desbordamiento (spill)

Deslave (landslide) abastecer (to provide)

Trepar (to climb) capacitación (training)

Retroceso (step-back) campaña (campaign)

Cumplir (to accomplish, fulfill) pobreza (poverty) Convocar (to summon, convene)

depurado ( pure) Potable (drinkable) red (web, net)

Asentamiento (settlement) subsistir (survive) Valla-pasacalles (road ads)

falencia (fault) Andén=acera (sidewalk) carga (load, weight)

Centro de acogida (welcome center) azar (chance)

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Caducado (expired)

sicario (mercenary, assassin) desperdicio (waste)

pandilla (street gang)

vertedero (garbage dump, road outlet) echar (to throw out) fracasar (to fail)

en lugar de (instead of ) poco a poco (little by little) agravarse (to worsen)

estorbar (bother, disturb) peldaño=escalón (step, level)

empeorarse (to worsen) Recortes (discounts, cuts)

desagüe (drain, waste pipe)

Conciencia Social/Pensamiento filosófico/religión

Angustiar (to upset) milagros(miracle)

Venerar (to worship, hold in high regards) orden (instructions, religious order)

Incapaz (unable) impunidad (impunity)

Maqueta (model-representation) pleitos (arguments)

Armar (to put together) el sindicato (unión, labor unión)

Retorno (gains) ciudadanía (citizens)

Desnutrición (malnutrition) desmayo (fainting)

Esguinces (sprains) mareo, vértigo (dizziness)

Picaduras (bites) ronquidos (snoring)

Salpullido (rash) seropositivo (HIV positive)

Tartamudeo (stuttering) verrugas (warts)

Esclavitud (slavery) paro (stoppage)

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Tema 6: Identidad personal y pública

La autoestima/enajenación y asimilación

Confiar (to trust) confiable (trustworthy) Traición (betrayal)

socios (colleagues) Derrota (failure, loss)

fracasado (loser, failure)

Leal (loyal) cabizbajo (downcast)

Convivencia (coexistence) meta (goal)

Complacer (to please) culpabilidad (guilt)

Aquejado (afflicted) incesante (unceasing)

Inquietante (disturbing) trastorno (upset, disruption, ailment)

Demacrado (emaciated) ubicuo (omnipresent)

Recompensa (reward) altercado (quarrel, argument)

Restringir (to limit) patrocinio (sponsorship)

Vidente (sighted, clairvoyant) sustentarse (to support, sustain)

Aldea (small town) huraño (antisocial)

Choza (hut) guardabosques (forest ranger)

Page 24:  · Web viewTema 1: Family and Communities/ Familia y Comunidades Estructura de la familia: Ahijado (godson) ahijada (goddaughter) bisabuelo (greatgrandfather) B isabuela (greatgrandmother)

Estremecimiento (fear, shiver) forasteros (foreigners, outsiders)

Temporeros (part-timers) aunque (even though) Zaguán (entry, foyer)

terna (group of 3) Demorarse (to delay) tramar(to plot)

Constar (to be certain) arrabal (suburban slum)

Agachado (bow, lie down)

pizcar (to harvest)

Trasladar (to move, transport)

conserje (janitor, porter)

Creencias e intereses personales

Comportamiento (behavior) maneras y modales (manners, etiquette)

Principios (moral ideals) amuleto (good luck charm)

Receta (prescription, récipe) oración (prayer (religión), sentence)

Velas (candles) herradura (horseshoe)

Grano (grains) mojarse (to get wet)

Cuerno de abundancia (cornucopia) cachivaches(knick-knacks)

Jubilación (retirement) apoderarse (to obtain, to gain)

Agudizar=afilar (to sharpen) plumaje (plumage)

Surtidor(supplier) resurgir (to resurrect, reappear)

Apostar (wager, bet) hacer a cero (renew)

Trecho (distance) baquete (entry)

Tramo (stretch, section) orondo (slug, chubby)

Anonadado (astonished) paulatino (slowly)

Colmado (corner convenience store) grama (lawn)

Page 25:  · Web viewTema 1: Family and Communities/ Familia y Comunidades Estructura de la familia: Ahijado (godson) ahijada (goddaughter) bisabuelo (greatgrandfather) B isabuela (greatgrandmother)

Virar (to turn) ayuntamiento (city hall)

Funcionario (government official) manzana (city block)

El balompié (soccer) la cesta (basket)

La caña/anzuelo (fishing rod) empatar (to tie/game)

Hipódromo (racetrack) escalar (to climb) bucear (to dive)

El super tazón (Super Bowl) entrenador (trainer)

Identidad nacional y étnica/ héroes y personajes históricos

Sombras (shadows) amargo(bitter)

Látigo (whip) escoltar (to guard)

Tambor (drum) sueños (dreams)

Lograr (to adquire) por su cuenta (on its own)

Aposento (bedroom) apearse (to climb down)

Vasallo (vassal, underling) cetro (scepter)

Adobado=curtido (tanned animal hide) hada (fairy)

Toparse (to run into) alentar (to encourage)

Intemperie (weather, climate) morada (abode, dwelling)

Husmear (to meddle) forjar (to form)

Ingeniárselas (to come up with) actible (posible)

Ermita (small chapel in remote areas) afinidad (similarity)

Ligar (to connect, unite) precoz (precocious)

Grillos (crickets) racimo (bunch, cluster)

Fecundo (fertile) sembrar (to cultívate)

Espada (sword) teniente (lieutenant)

Logia (Order of Masons) tatuaje (tattoo)

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