web viewwhichever the wind goes in the benefit of a pocket of food ... not the battleships. and the...

Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014 (v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video) Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ) Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0icS0IQip20 Summary: Messiah on the Street. In My Name Unification through Science The Nobel Peace Prize Worship in Space Why Such a Slow Process? Monkey Business The Twelve Disciples Travel in Space Growth of a Foetus Unconditional Connection Opening the Health Section Back to the Lab Building the Plasma More Tricks for Nano Coating Dr. Yvan’s Story The Oasis Unit A Witness to the Vatican Event 1

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Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0icS0IQip20


Messiah on the Street.

In My Name

Unification through Science

The Nobel Peace Prize

Worship in Space

Why Such a Slow Process?

Monkey Business

The Twelve Disciples

Travel in Space

Growth of a Foetus

Unconditional Connection

Opening the Health Section

Back to the Lab

Building the Plasma

More Tricks for Nano Coating

Dr. Yvan’s Story

The Oasis Unit

A Witness to the Vatican Event

A Master of Nano Coating

Room Temperature Superconductors

The Soul of the Material


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)


Rick: Is it under SSI? Or …?

John: Apparently not … Marko sent you a message --- Yvan’s address – do you have it?

Rick: Sent me a message where? Aaah … Skype, facebook, email or some other way?

John: I don’t know he was just next to me, one moment – aahh… where did you send the message? In skype?

Rick: OK, yeah I got the name here – so Ill add them to the conversation here also with Marko!

2:44 Rick: OK so I sent out the contact request to Yvan. I understand that there will be 2 locations from Italy?

John: We are all in different places

Rick: All in different places! Woohoo, Ok! So ch-ch-ch-ch lets get set up here again – Im going to be starting the Livestream so we don’t have this … camera off … Ok … and we’ve started … Ok that’s got us into live now.

J: So we are only 4 on the skype

R: Aaah … we’ve got Ludmil, Vince, Nicholas, John, myself, and we’re trying to get Yvan hooked up, I’ve sent out the invitation, and we’re also trying to get Marko, I sent the invite to Marko as well I can try him again…

J: Marko can be with me


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

R: Ok great that’ll be better, OK hopefully the people on LS can hear me, so this is the 15th KS workshp already! And I’ve been told were going to have 2 connections from Italy tonight, so we’re just getting those connections set up so we can have then coming in clearly from Italy. Is MK therein the background?

J: NO you have to invite him

R: On his skype?

J: Most probably

R: OK well give that a try … OK he seemed to come in briefly then popped out. Shall I get the SSI back in again?

J That computer is in the lab and there is nobody at the Institute – it wont be useful

R: OK so John and Marko are together – where are you guys now?

J: Well we are home …

R: Chuckle – well that leaves it kinda wide open – we are home on planet Earth – lets put it that way!

J: Yes OK, lol

R: OK and you think we’ll have to connect with Mr. Keshe though his skype number? And is there another connection with Armen and Yvan?

J: Armen won’t be there he has to go for his son coming to Milan, so he wont be there, so you should be adding Yvan – did he answer?

R: Hang on a minute I got a mail so maybe that’ll be the answer there. Lets just find it, hang on … I don’t have him yet … I can’t get Yvan till he gets back with me on my invite..

J: Yes, Marko has contacted him

R: OK I got a message from Mehran ‘We are there’ – I don’t know where there is, so we’ll try and connect there! Aaahh let me see here … skype … aahhmm … ahh … OK I see his skype has lit up now!


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

11:11 MK: Hello Good Morning!

Rick: Hey! Mr. Keshe! How are you today?

MK: Can you hear me?

R: Yes, I can hear you clearly; there is some background noise happening or something..

MK: Yeah, I’m on the street because I cant get the connection in the hotel..


MK: So I’ve become a street …

R: So … it’s become the Messiah on the Street conversation, you might say, aye?

MK: Yeah, the thing is they make the hotels too secure now, not to receive anything but their line, so we had to come out, at least its sunny and warm … what’s our position, are we online? Are we talking?

R: Yes we’re online now on the Livestream and we’re basically ready to begin other than we haven’t connected to Yvan yet, he has to OK my invitation on skype and so on, and the new connect him up. I’m not sure Marko tried to connect but lost the connection so..

MK” Oh it’s ok, he will come online because I spoke with him yesterday afternoon. I think it’s the first time KSs have been spread over 3 or 4 different parts.

R: Yeah it’s been interesting getting everyone into the conversation here, its good. We’ll have to remember to keep our microphones off when we’re not speaking – to try to keep the background noise down, and otherwise we’re pretty much ready to go here, with the 15th KS workshop, so we can officially begin now I think and we are connecting with KSs from several different locations, and with MK as well, and so we will find out about the trip to the Vatican.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

There’s a movie that has presented in the facebook pages about that and some other celebrations that were happening, such as in Bulgaria.

A youtube video introducing Mr. Keshe and his wife at the Vatican along with beloved KSs like Armen and Yvan and Dr. Eliya.

There’s a movie with some people dancing in Bulgaria gathered in the court of Mr. Keshe’s work with the Peace Invitation at the Vatican – so maybe we can hear a little more about that and we’ll also hear about June 30th – an invitation ha gone out to the worlds religious leaders to have a peace Conference at that time, so if we could get more details about that it would be great as well, and any more news from Italy that we can glean, so I’ll hand it over to you Mr. Keshe if you please…

15:38: Good morning, wherever you are, at the moment I’m still staying back in Rome even though the rest of the KSs have gone back up to the Kf in North Italy, or where they live. We are still waiting for a couple of informations from the Vatican in response to the invitation. At this moment, its nearly 3 days we handed the document in, hopefully we’ll receive a response today or tomorrow yes or no, it has to be understood that we did not just give the initiation of the letter and the invitation cards to his Holiness the Pope, but the whole package of the Peace Process, and where Humanity goes, was handed over, and this is the second time the package has been handed to the Vatican, and we hope that we receive a positive move and not necessarily attending the Kf Peace Process. The webmasters are in the process or they have already sent the invitations to the rest of the world’s religious leaders. We’ve been assured that the one that is to be handed to his Eminence the Ayatollah Khameini will be done, or has already been done, hand delivered, as we have access directly to this structure. As you know Iran is a peaceful nation and we hope we receive the support from his eminence the Ayatollah Khameini, the rest of the invitation goes to the Jewish Rabbi leader in Tel Aviv, ahhh… to the other Catholic and Christian leaders around the world, and we have to wait and see.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

We have put a benchmark on the 30th. We don’t expect religious leaders to change program but it gives us a benchmark. We have to see what the response is and how the response will come from different countries and different nationalities. Hopefully before I leave Rome today I will have an answer either way. The whole concept behind this invitation is not to force the religions coming together but it’s to encourage the structure of the unification of the religions in the way that they can change the course of humanity. A lot of people have a misconception about religious ceremonies and religious beliefs of people. It has become more and more apparent how influential the religious organizations are in respect to all applications of life. Even Politicians in Parliament cannot pass a Law if its not passed or accepted by religious leaders in he country. This is something that people think they can pass over, when the politicians pass laws n most of the governments at the end of it it goes to the ethical committees, or how religious people respect the law to the religion.

So – the religious beliefs in every section of the world, it doesn’t matter where you are, they have the final say in affairs of a nation. And this is something a lot of people don’t realize. Without a doubt, 99% of the world s rules regulations laws are final signing is passed by the ethic committee, what we call religions, or how does it fit into something the people can accept, and as I showed to you last week, and I read to you the 2012 communication of the religious leaders even before G8 and G12 meet they are consulted and advised by religious leaders

So – t means at highest levels all the worlds’ presidents, all the world leaders get guidance or confirmation of what they need from the religious leaders. So we have gone to the root of the problem and the root of the solution.

The root of the problem is by dividing man in different faith a lot of people have made a lot of money. Now by unifying it they still make a lot of money for humanity. In the coming lectures in 21st and 22nd on Saturday and Sunday in Italy, we will open new chapter in some sections of the sites which a lot of it will go back to the ethics of the religious leaders, how they perceive it and how they support it or they divide it because without the religious leaders in this world at this moment there’s no solution for humanity. And they know it and they use if for their own benefit, what suits them. Now we have to bring to the Light that your interest or your section of interest does not count but Humanity as a whole counts.

As I said – we don’t expect anybody on the 30th. That was known but it’s a benchmark. We did the World Peace Treaty for the 1st Time – nothing happened. We invited all the ambassadors. We saw the pressures that came on them. When we did for the second time the pressure were less but the success was there. So this is the first round of the invitation, and with science technology we will in one way or another bring the world religious leaders together.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

The explanation is very simple. The day before we go to Rome and the Knowledge Seekers came down, and I’d like to thank them all for being there, and the people who came from different countries. There were about 16 of us round the table at the lunch, because we went for lunch after we handed over the documents – It was very beautiful to see how humanity can come together in a simple way.

I explained, as I said the day before to the KSs, I called them on Sunday and I said to Yvan, Yvan’s reactor number E which is the metal core you are all familiar with in the star formation, has achieved 12Gauss…

Yvan: Good morning – it’s Yvan!

MK: Good morning Yvan. Yvan, we are on line.

Y: OK Great!

MK: So we have achieved 12 Gauss and that’s the first time that reactor achieved this condition in 3D which means X Y and Z-axis without interfering with other reactors. So what does this mean? This means that for the first time we have achieved plasma without putting anything in but creating the condition. We forced, we created a condition on Friday before we leave.

John and Marko and Armen, they all loaded their reactors the way it was supposed to be set and one of the reactors responded and we seen the pattern, I think the Foundation in the research lab soon will achieve the full lift in the star formation now that one reactor has responded.

25:00 so now you have to realize why we made this step to go to Rome. We are achieving huge gains in science and knowledge in past few weeks, Its especially and deliberately been kept away from the front information. As the KSs know how I work, I always explain. Its not the matter of releasing the information, it’s a matter of when you release the information, and how you release the information. We have become good at this, we take advice from diplomatic advisors, which support and advise us, and in so many ways by achieving lift and taking man to space, man will be forced to have one religion one path of God. Because in space we will see the creation we will see the process of creation, and we will understand the truth about the creation.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

So – very soon this form of worship by man will become dilapidated by man himself, due to science and technology, due to the knowledge that the technology brings about. In coming contact with world universal creations we will find out why, how long, how much we have wasted time and lives and energy in what is literally a façade on the structure of the buildings. not in the heart and the soul of the man. Our souls know what is correct, its just the physicality has kept us apart. In a very short time as I always say the religious leaders will follow the science, the new science, what it brings, not for them to be left out to keep their face.

We have given a way out of it with this invitation that they can bring things together, they can bring the beliefs together that we enter a new cycle of life for man in a peaceful way. And if its not done – we know the 30th nobody will turn up, we already have a date for a 2nd one we know they will turn up, but when they turn up for the ones they gonna be there they will not be there as leaders in world peace and unification of the religions, they’ll be there as subordinates because they have to fit into the structure, which the new cycle has brought in and this is for them, we understand the structure, we understand the way it is going to happen.

But as I always say, when you put something out for the first time they say oh this is nothing, but even part of the things which we will announce this Saturday Sunday will force a lot of new ways in humanity. We show some things in structure, we show you some things on how things are going to be. The major point now is not following trying to bring world leaders and religious leaders on the table, this is finished. We put a light onto it on Monday when we delivered the papers. We gave the invitation to world religious leaders and now if we do not get any response, in a way we try to give these people a way out, a graceful way out, but now with the development of the technology and delivery of the technology there is no choice but to follow the unification of man in all structures. In bringing fairness into wealth, fairness into handling of the people, correct behaviour in respect to the creator, and in the same way correct and equal benefit for the whole humanity.

As I always said, the difference between the Kf and other movements and organizations we’ve seen over decades and years, is not that we talk, its that we have the technology, the knowledge, the know how to deliver, and enforce, and create the condition for the change. We’ve seen Greenpeace. All the activities they’ve done over the years. They were supported by the East; they were supported by the West now when the Berlin wall came down. We’ve seen how things can change overnight in the Middle East, we’ve seen how things have changed – Iran being the axis of evil up to a few months ago when I put the hand of peace across the table to the American officials when they requested for the key, now in the past week or 2 weeks we see Iran and America organizing in cooperation to stop the war they started in Iraq. So you see how Political has no Father and no Mother, it swings in the wind. Whichever the wind goes in


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

the benefit of a pocket of food they change. With this technology everything will change because everybody has no need.

O the movement of the Kf, and the science and technology we brought, and on the eve of the visit to his holiness the Pope, is the lining of the old structure is finished. Its no use fighting, we don’t fight, we just inform. Its for them to join in, If they don’t join in we ask our webmasters to give us a rough guide how many times this USB key and the patents have been downloaded. Its run to numbers I cannot even imagine any more, how many people are downloading this thing. Tens and tens of millions of times. People don’t just download, they keep it for the future when they understand the technology, or its not there then they can read it maybe they can help themselves.

Scientist told me recently this has become the guiding line for humanity. Before you had to go to church to get a Bible you had to go to a mosque or wherever to get a Holy Book. Now the book, which is the ethics of the man, because we gave the man every physicality he needs through these patents. All his needs are fulfilled; the only thing it leaves him with is his servitude. How he can serve. Because he can do whatever he likes.

Today by lunchtime I will receive a wadayucallit… a report from the new analysis a new development in the technology which we will announce it on Saturday Sunday. I received an email with a picture yesterday from the people who work with the Foundation in the situation with Fukushima. The gentleman has as I’ve told you been collaborating very closely with respect to the Japanese and they’ve taken the picture with the material from the Kf outside Fukushima plant and the picture says I’m outside the plant. So we are opening doors, we know what is happening but at the same time we cannot loose the sight that we don’t become like the past. 33:37

Hypocrisy cannot take over but it has to be logical, correct, and fair for everyone. This is the problem. This is the change. I was staying in Rome, for certain reasons we explained, when the KSs went back to finalise certain things which is to do with the structure of the Foundation. Why we had to do it is because it is putting an end to the old structure, the whole structure. Italian government officials understand it so we are receiving collaboration to bring an end to an old way, but these things take time, Its not a magic its not we go into the circus and seeing two rings which come back together and they unify.

This needs time, needs understanding, not by us but by the world leaders, religious leaders and mainly by public. Public has to understand what is in position or what is in hand what is to come


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

and what is to change and how we need to adjust. You cannot say everything is fair so everybody can have a car to go on; everybody can have as much food and drink as you like. We have to put a structure into it to bring the balance in – but it takes time – few months – few years. A lot of people want the change today I speak with Eliya who came from Bulgaria to be with us in Vatican and she says we want the change now. If we give the change now, 99.9% of the people don’t understand it, and then they want it and they get it and the mayhem will be more.

It needs time to educate and the education system for it is getting set up it will be – it wont be years and years, it will be a matter of months and time for people to join to understand and to do it. The whole structure has to be correct. I don’t rush; I don’t run around to please people. I do things to the structure that has to be done so man can understand it. If people thought that when we went to Vatican the Pope would jump up and down – yes we will come – this is a fairy tale. You got to understand what this means, what this means giving this invitation, and this is already on the internet – we will release the original copy very soon – a copy of the original once I get back to Desanzano.

The change is huge even in Vatican – you read IN MY NAME, you read ‘Where Does Humanity Go from Now On’, you read the ‘Peace Process,’ the letters that have been released after the last 2 -3 years, this means the end for the guidance of the religious leaders. This is exactly what it means. When a man, when a pope, when a priest accepts that all the religions are one and in the same direction not by name but by reality the way it is in the invitation it means the time if the guidance for the last 2000 years for the past 4000 years, as religious leaders, has come to an end. This means that they have to accept now they are here in the transition time to bring the followers of their path of belief into unifying with others. They cannot put their robes and things down tomorrow and say ‘Yes that’s it! Messiah is Here its time for a change’. They are needed for the transition; they are needed to educate people, what this transition time is. It’s no use to starting a new religion a new sect and a new path. We use the path that is already there to do the job. Its not a time when a new religion comes everybody else is wrong and we found a new way – no!

The path is we are all correct but we have to find a way the way its got to be done, the way it suits humanity, not names. And this is where the change is; it’s what we are taking about. If people think that the Ayatollah Khameini will say, “Oh the Messiah has come, it’s the End! – Or the Pope will say, “This is the End!” – No! We need these people through the channel that has been established over hundreds of years, thousands of years, to guide people the correct way in a smooth peaceful way. We know what we are doing. Its been done before. This is not a test run, but it has to be done the way that men get together they love because they care and not because they have to. Because ‘they have to’ – brings the problems of the past, it’s temporarily.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

They do it because they want to and they care it will become permanent. This is the purpose of this email, this letter.


A lot of people ask me can you explain what it means in the letter of IN MY NAME. Can you talk more about this virtuality. This virtuality comes from equalness and the fairmess between the physicality and your soul – there is no difference. When you understand the levels that your soul exists and you live that life in physicality then you understand the purpose of creation. Now it’s time to give for these what they call religious leaders to understand this process. The problem is not the religions and the names. The problem is the people who saw they can influence and use their power to abuse others. Now we will see in time what the outcome will be.

As I said before, the Knowledge which has been delivered will force the change, not the swords, not the guns, not the battleships. And the religious leader, for them to understand is – it needs a lot of change. I was walking in Rome for 2 or 3 days we have a process which is going on in respect to the Foundation. Wherever we are, wherever we sit, wherever we are in Rome we see nothing but priests and nuns. What is the purpose of these people? They walk, and the only way you know they are different is the clothes they wear. I have seen the same behaviour from them as the rest. So they are no different, but the only difference is – they are supposed to guide to the physicality to reach the level of the soul. But these people have already lost their own way, how can they guide the others, this is the problem. They come to a restaurant, they come to a place a shop – they expect to be treated different, so the cause of the problem already sits in their own behaviour. And this is what we see with all the religious leaders be it any name or path of God you put there. Why by putting clothing on you expect separation and being higher?

And this is what is going to be changed; this is what I explained to some of the Knowledge Seekers and some people recently. When you’re in space the craft is limited, with 200metre or 500metre in diameter. You can’t have a palace in one corner and a ghetto in the other corner. Ghettos are finished, so we are all equal on board this new cycle of the ship. People don’t understand the change but the change has already been set. When you sit on a plane to go from one country to another the guy who’s just scraped some money to go to a another country to save his life for cancer or operation, sits in the same plane, the same gap, in the same box, as the richest man in the world because even sometimes now there is the presidents and the prime ministers fly in commercial flights. So there is no difference, and this is what man hasn’t understood. And in space there is no money, you cant buy someone, you give me 100 million you give me your room and I give you 10million, and you give me your shoes, because everybody is on the same level. This is the world we try to bring with this Peace Process and


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

actions by bringing letters to the world leaders, and then the religious leaders. World leaders are the body, and the religious leaders are the path to the soul, and if you don’t bring them together we don’t succeed, because one influences the other and no nation, as I said all the time from the beginning for years, No Nation, and No Path, will be better than the other, as the whole world becomes One Nation and One Path. This is the problem, this is where the change will come and I hope we achieve it – I don’t hope, I know we achieve it, but it will be in my lifetime, it wont be beyond my life time. We take man to space in the correct way and we take man into space as one. Men of different shapes and colors and beliefs because if we don’t go we already put the seed of division and problem for the future.

I was watching the World Cup – as a lot of people know I’m a football fanatic and the way we support the nations or language support group we comes from in these groups in these things and we start with so many teams and then we support those teams originally because of where we come from or the team we like. As these teams in the second league disappeared some of them we start choosing a new one, because we think if we’re part of this new one we’ll be one of the top guys. And then we go into the second round, third round, and then the number reduces now we support only 6 or 8 because now we have less and less, and then we choose the top 4 to see who’s going to be the best, and every football supporting nation watches all the games as they reduce. And then we watch the final to see who comes… and then we say Brazil or that country – OK they are the champions! This is the way the religions, this is the way the belief, this is the way our work will come as more and more we’ll see the development of the technology the most blues of the past will go away, and then they’ll go away, but this takes time. It doesn’t come by healing one person – as we see how they amalgamate become one we disappear in numbers we become totality, and that’s where the success and the unification will come. We are more or less in the last section; we are in the top 4 fighting for their place as I call it, in the religious world. And once these Four come to put their cards on the table and we become on the same path, then we achieve it.


The point is where we are now and this Peace Invitation by the religious leaders is to finalise and tighten the last screw in the table. This is the last move because after this move there is nothing but Unification through Science, and when you come into Space there are no different religions in space. There’s only one and that’s the worship to the Creator, and when man comes t understand this in a very short time through being able to take into space, and at the same time recognize the people who been amongst us, because they had to take refuge on this planet, then we understand where the problem has been. The problem has been the greed of


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

those who by meager tangibility of properties and money and title have lost the way of the man for themselves for their own benefit.

Sorry to talk a little too much, but I get a lot of emails asking can you explain more where we are going, what’s the reason for this move? And I hope I made it very clear! If I receive a communication from any of the religious leaders we’ll announce it, because if they do it they’ll do it with pride! If they don’t respond that means they are shying away they want to keep the same path, or they don’t know what to respond. It’s not easy for a Pope to put a line on the 2000 years of methods of worship. Meeting with the Kf, Meeting with the KSs, brings a recognition that they cannot accept, where are they gonna go? What they gonna do with Vatican? What are they going to do with all the Churches they built, there’s so many injustices has been done.

Accepting this means undermining the work of 2000 years 1000 years 3000years 6000 years of injustices. And they don’t want to be responsible for. This is where the problem is so, as we say in English, it’s just passing the bucket to the next one. As I said - I had a nearly 5 and a half, 6 hour interview, to Italian television, which will be broadcasted in the near future – by accepting the peace process it means an end to the path of belief and separation by name by these religious leaders. It means an end to their own job – how can somebody sign his own job out? Then he is a brave man and he is a correct man. How can somebody say I resign from this position which I supported all my life?

There are two things, we gonna dog fight it, or we gonna resist it or ignore it. There is no fight in the Kf! We will not fight! We give it free we encourage peace and peaceful actions, because there is no need for hypocrisy of the past.

A lot of people say to me why don’t you release your Book Number 9, The Structure of the Soul? Because if I release The Structure of the Soul, which part of it has been written, a lot of religious leaders today will commit suicide – will disappear, because every man will understand where he stands with respect to himself to his creator and to the rest of the universe. And the beauty of it is; now every man can teach himself. You don’t need a guidance, you don’t need a priest you don’t need a rabbi you don’t need anything else but in this transition point we need the support and the help of these people who the weak listen to till the weak become strong and realize they are equal to the rest.

Weak is not physicality, is in the soul, is in the essence of the connection between the physicality and the soul. And this is where the new teaching for the new cycle of life comes. There will be no Bibles, there will be no Qurans, there will be no books written with new


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

guideline. The new guideline is within the Soul of the man, and its connection with the physicality of the man, and in so many ways I’ve written so many things to put that structure.

There is no punishment, if you don’t bend 10 times you get punished – you go to Hell! There is nothing! – if you don’t eat this food this day it’ll be something wrong! – These are all made by people to bring control. When you change condition you got control, when you got control it means somebody lost. Then there is inequality. This is how the new order is. The judge and the jury sits within the heart of the man and connection with his physicality and his soul. Now you tell me why the Pope would not respond. In responding and attending a meeting in the clothe of the man, then he underlines his position and he resigns from his position as a man who’s been the cause of separation n the name of God by a group of men on this planet. And this is where the changing comes.

We have time! It’s them who have a cycle and time of life, physicality. The process is very simple, but it has to be understood. If it’s not understood it becomes hypocrisy. If it’s understood and it’s explained through the structure that already exists to the other people, then people they know where they are going. You can’t take the head of a religion away and say he says he will resign because the Messiah has come! What’s going to happen to 2 billion followers of Christianity?

Through Vatican. Through Catholic Church, through Orthodox religion, though all passages of different beliefs the public has to be informed in how and where the humanity goes. We don’t abuse humanity, we need that structure. The structure is there, why destroy it? This is why we approach the religious leaders for them to start the process of teaching of the unification and bringing everything in that man is ready to go into space in a correct way.

This is what the object of this invitation is, and don’t expect the world leaders religious leaders to be jumping in, it will be their queue to be there and sign the world peace treaty. First thing is that they have to resign their own position. Then they have to work in the same office in the clothe of a man not in the clothe of structured cloth cut. And this brings a lot of change. When a pope can walk amongst the man in the clothe of a man and inform man the correct way, that’s the time when there is no separation and the man will listen.



Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

We’ve seen so many times the religious leaders, the political leaders, come temporarily together for their own financial benefit and at the end of it they’re given a peace prize – Nobel Peace Prize – that they started something, and then after the prize has gone, we’ve seen it with BenYahu, we’ve seen it with Bush, we’ve seen it with all the people that have won a world peace prize.

But the funniest thing is, the Noble Peace Prize this money comes from killing people! How can people accept a Nobel Prize? When the prize if based on the company which built and still is involved in essence in building dynamite bombs to kill man!

It’s a story – a lot of people don’t know how Nobel Prize came about. Nobel family were the developers and manufacturers of mines, dynamites, and by coincidence the gentleman reads o the opportunity of his brother but the report made a mistake, he wrote the opportunity of the brother who is still alive in the name of the one who is dead. And he said what a horrible man he was how he caused so much death and everything, and he said ‘Oh! Is this how people are going to think bout me, I’m going to make something that people think I’m a good guy!’ So he made the Nobel Prize. So people who receive the Nobel Prize receive blood money and we become so ignorant of this fact! That we are praising murderers by the money, which has caused killing, and we carry that name! What’s Noble about this?

That’s why it has no meaning. If you get a prize from Mandela, or United Nations for your contribution to humanity – that counts! People who are around me they know – I’ve been told and I always say ‘No more Nobel prize, it’s the most shameful prize to be given to a man and a man to accept!’ That’s how far the humanity has gone, so what’s the use? The man who caused and made dynamite, he wanted to help the miners, but he got used to killing men, and they found out he made more money out of it, organizes a prize and gives it to the people. Actually if you look at all the people who got a peace prize, most of them are connected to a lot of killings. No they put a science to it, they put economy to it, but in reality its still blood money. Doesn’t matter who heads it and how its been given. It’s a shame on those people who accept these prizes because they try to ignore the reality how it came.

It’s the same situation now. We work for peace; we work for peace through peaceful application of technology. We will not allow it to happen, it’s a joy to see how some nations are using it in different way – how it can be used in different way, how since we moved out of Belgium the technology, the Kf has taken a different dimension, because by suppressing it, allowed us to build a structure, the base structure. You bring the website down, you bring the Forum down, you bring this down, there are plans to assassinate, these things will not change, because the


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

essence, the knowledge, and the spirit and the soul of the Science, has been passed on to millions of people.

So we hope we see a good news in the coming months, not for the 30th. But we made the first move, we opened the door. It’s for them to walk through it. On one side of the door they wear the robe of the priest the Imam the Rabbis, and once they cross the door they wear the clothe of the man with intention to serve the man, not the clothes and the robe to frighten the man from the position. This is the difference between now and what has been. Transition through understanding, not transition through force and fear.

All the religions of the past have forced us- ‘If you don’t do this is this is the punishment!’ ‘If you don’t pray so much you go to Hell!’ – and we made the definition for Hell. The Hell now has a clear definition. Where you want to be, or your soul wants to be, in respect to the other souls. You are a servant to the service of a soul and that soul accepts nothing but equality and justice. So now you plan your life the same way. The whole structure has to be understood what we are doing and how we are doing it. We delivered the physicality now we deliver the essence of connection with soul. But there is a huge, a big big question mark. ?? Who? and How? – these so called making themselves elite and the religious leaders, will be correct enough with their soul to be able to cross that door?

1:00:43. And once one does the rest will follow, but the problem is, they are watching who is going to do it first, we are back in a dog race. If I come down then the Muslims will come up, and if Muslims come down the Jews will go up, but the thing is they don’t understand that they all become equal. I explained this to some workshops, I cant remember which workshop it was in my talks, about how the Islamic leaders suddenly ran into problem with the Kf. When I explained in one of the workshops, that when we take you into space and the earth rotates, and you are in God knows which galaxy you are – where is your Macca to bend to and to pray to? Unless your Mecca is in your soul and it connects through to the Prophet and through him to the God. You don’t need the point of worship because you cannot find it. Where are you going to be and how are you going to pray in finding your Mecca? Or your Vatican?


So this is what the change is. We take you to space and in space the point of worship is the connection between your own physicality and your soul and correctness with it. And the biggest problem with it is - constantly be aware of the weaknesses of the man. This is the biggest battle. The battle doesn’t come in whose religion or whose faith, the battle comes in when I look at a


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

beautiful woman who belongs to another man. Is it my right? My intention. If I see a child which is hungry at the table, would I put my food in front of it even though I see some of the food comes from my child? That means the other child is not hungry. If I go up the stairs and water falls on the steps I can just walk away Ok someone will clean it, or O go down and I get a tissue and clean it in case someone who walks on the steps can break their back or break their leg, and then their pain is my responsibility. It’s awareness of being correct, awareness of being correct irrespective of who you are, and this takes a lot of training and a lot of understanding.

Then the rest will be done I don’t expect a call from Vatican ‘I’ll be there on Monday the 30th’. I don’t expect a call from Ayatollah Khameini – ‘we’ll be there’. But the seed of equality has set in the brain of the physicality, to bring the soul to physicality, and that’s all our work is. What will happen we will see, but it needs a lot of work, it is not going to happen overnight with one invitation, it’s the same as what we did in Belgium inviting the ambassadors the first time, inviting the world leaders the first time, and then inviting the ambassadors a second time, and step by step building the structure which is there.

The structure takes time because we are humans and unfortunately unless its on CNN or BBC, its not news. But the reality and the fact is everything is news according to what we wanted to be in the news, the news follows, so we deliver it in time. I would like to sincerely thank the entire people who came from different countries to be with us on Monday in the Vatican, and those who did all the work and offered their souls and their prayers to be delivered to the different religious leaders. One day very soon we will see the benefit of it. We will announce things as it happens, we don’t pre-inform as we done before. There will be a number of disclosures this weekend in the Conference in which we will make some tings and put some things in order in respect to the Foundation, and in respect to the World leaders and the religious leaders…

Any questions?


KS: Hullo Mr. Keshe. Thank you for all you are doing for the humanity because I don’t think I can express myself how much or how to thank you. My question is basically wouldn’t it be easier if – you mentioned last week about the Organization can release the Knowledge which would make these religious leaders or religion irrelevant – wouldn’t it be easier to do it that way?


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: Aaaahhhhh – then you create a new mayhem! It will be done in time and in a very slow pace, I already explained part of it this morning. A shock does not help. A lot of people say – if you do it! Then become a magic show. We are doing it, as part of it we did this week when the KSs as part of it I explained this morning but in the course of the coming weeks and months it will be done as a complete cycle. The process to do it in one go will bring such a shock that the humanity is not ready for it. The humanity is not ready for such a huge change in such a short time. That’s why in a way we gone to the religious leaders to facilitate and build the first structure, the first step for that process. You have to understand simple things. This is what I was walking through Vatican and I was talking to people and looking at some of them, you look at all of these priests, you look at all these religious leaders, all the ones who work in these robes, they are given a home, a job, the clothing, shelter, food, at no cost. How many of these do you think they going to say yes tomorrow morning and put them down? Where are they going to find shelter? Where are they going to find a job?

1:08:06 They have no skill. Some of them have been cheating the man, as the Cardinal in England recently that he didn’t know raping a child was a crime. They don’t know nothing about crime, these robe of the priest of holy man. These people are the ones who object to the change and that’s why the change will come as we planned. And its not 1 or 2 of them – its thousands of them, hundreds of thousands of them, different name of the path, clothe of worshipping God. You think they’re gonna put the robe down tomorrow and say ‘Messiah has come!’? The first thing they think is Yes, but who’s going to feed me, where is my clothing going to come from, where is my shelter going to come from. The problem is not just coming and talking and saying yes- the opposition comes from these people – where are they going to get their free lunch? Especially in the economical time. This is the problem. The attacks, the fights, the opposition will come from those who are used to these free lunches and free living n the back of other people’s hard work. Whatever name you want to put on it, all these fancy clothes – you buy a suit it will cost you 200 or 300 euro – dollars. Al these suits are given free. All these homes, electricity, everything is given free – you think they’re gonna give it up? You must be joking! You understand?

KS: Yes sir.

MK: We have to change at a very slow pace that people understand how they’ve been abused but people have their means to understand and the tools to be able not to be abused.

The change is huge but it has to be done in a slow way, because otherwise half of the priests will be slaughtered and half of the priest, not only in Christian and Catholic but in all religions, in how they’ve used man to abuse man so change has to come when the man becomes free


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

physically and through this technology which we delivered so they can provide their own essentials need, not to look in the hand of another man that he can control him, then they can feed themselves. The lecture on Saturday and Sunday in two parts it’ll be very eye opening I explained part of it the way we are gong to do it to Marko, in opening the eye of the man to how we’re doing it, because Marko worked doing the power point and putting it together for Saturday. Then you understand how it works in giving the man confidence to achieve freedom.

A few people have understood I see around the Kf and the people who are around different works, but they haven’t even understood the totality of it and when the man starts understanding the totality of it in the coming days and weeks and months, then we move to the next step. Then even the priest can make his own energy and doesn’t need to be afraid to protect something to have a shelter. Yvan was taking to me a couple of days ago and saying, you know, in the road map you said by September you’ll be able to give people shelter with the Oasis system!

We are on target, we’ll achieve it. But the problem was again like even in the SSI, in the KSs the expectation of achieving went too high, because I was there to guide, but the expectation went too high and there was no fundamental knowledge at the base of the foundation, the KSs come in with a materialistic point of view not understanding the plasma, but they are trying to force one knowledge which is wrong into another. As a guide I have to tolerate I have to accept, but at the same time I have to push for the further knowledge, for them to understand in the long run. Aaahh… we see the same. After a few weeks they think they know everything and they start criticizing their own way – criticism has to be there but with Knowledge, not with the ignorance of the Knowledge.

We are not going to be any different from other Organizations, people come to us with their own needs or position they think they’re going to have. Those who come to serve with pure heart to serve humanity and be there they will stay and they will serve, and they will teach. You will see a flow of KSs coming and going, and again you will see them still start juggling for position, juggling for a job with the Kf.


These things are open to us because we are independent of it, we are aware of it, we sit outside it. We will see all the - whatwecall Monkey Business till all the man become the same. We still find people who look for position, just being close to the Kf – I try to deter this. A lot of ‘you know’ or ‘you don’t know’, I tell you something that a lot of people around us know this.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

A couple of years ago a year before when we used to give a talk in the Kf centre a gentleman came to me and said he’s Professor so and so and he’s got a permission to talk to me. I said “excuse me, have I got a permission to talk to you? Why do you need a permission to talk to me?” He said “That gentleman there said to me if I want to talk to you I have to speak to him to get a permission.” I said “I only said hullo to this man twice in my life! How does he allow himself to be dictating to you now how as a Professor you need to speak to me? I need a permission to speak to you as a scientist!”

This is how people juggle for position, even within the Kf. Just because they say hullo to somebody once now they control other people, I know him better. He won’t be any different till these men get educated that we are all the same. I’ve seen this several times around the Kf - by becoming close they try to get a position and an advantage point, but we are all the same. That’s why I eat and live and work with the KSs I share my knowledge with people freely because I’m aware there is no difference in the level of humanity, we’re all the same, but I realised when you are too approachable with some people they misread your openness, and we try to deter this. The same problems will come to the Kf if you are not aware and on top of it.


I said to my wife yesterday, I said, you know it was 16 of us around the table when we came from the Vatican. Four of them was me and my wife and son and somebody with us, and the rest were 12 people, and among them you could see the sincerity, and why they were there – it was like disciples, with 12 disciples around the table! But this is not should be that way – every single one of you around the world who is working and giving the information – you are disciples of humanity, not a faith, not another Foundation!

This is where you always have to be aware of, and this is where the change will come, when we all live and behave in the same way. In my position I have to accept certain things, certain parameters for protection of my life, but I always emphasise even on that – we should be among people and be with people that they understand how to be. But the time and the situation in nature at the moment, we are kept isolated and we keep ourselves away from harm. But we should be amongst people for people to see there is no difference between the man in the clothe of the man … next question.



Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

KS: If I may?

MK: Carry on

KS: Aaah… a couple of workshops ago you mentioned that when a man goes through the principal our physicality does not have to be destroyed, but sometimes people may have to be put into quarantine because of their own personal reasons. Could you please explain that a little bit?

1:18:44 MK: Aahh… when you go through specific fields and you have a mixture of fields, you have to realign all the fields. It’s like me putting you through a process and your eyes or your legs get left behind, because they have a different field structure. You have to bring everything into same level that you can cross, otherwise there will be pieces of you left behind as you go through. This is exactly what happens because every single cell of your body is a plasma and in each plasma there is a full principal, transition, and matter strength, and sub-matters, and more. All have to change at the same time together to be able to go through. Half of the plasmas in your arm cannot be in the principal strength and the other half in the matter condition. Needs time to adjust and you have to do it, the adjustment – quarantine means holding on to everything which is the same point. It depends on the interaction and the atomic structure as you call it that they all are on the same level.

The one’s which are all matter have a harder time to transfer, its like bone structure is more matter than Gans. The Gans will transfer very quickly but the matters will have a problem, so there is a way the body will change accordingly its for the matter to interact externally. This is one of the thngs the KSs have seen in past few weeks but they never realized it – ah understanding the process – I was explaining to Yvan – I went to the lab the other day and I saw moisture in a specific point structure on the floor of the lab. None of the KSs noticed it – none of them! To them they are so busy with physicality they are not aware of the effect of the physicality. They just walk in and gases have to be there, and matter has to be there and they are in such a hurry. I usually go and open the lab early in the morning to look at the structure before it’s what I call tampered with, before they come in and start changing things, and doing things, because that way I understand what is happening, what is the position, what is going on. We start usually at 10 o’clock, I sometimes go in the lab 3am 4am and I stay there a few minutes, observe everything which is happening, before it’s tampered with before its worked with. Then you understand the real process, then when they come I’m aware of what is happening, I’m aware of what is about to happen. But this is part of the process of learning.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

The KSs have missed up till now, minimum of 3 opportunities to have full lift, through the lack of understanding of the work of the plasma, but that’s part of the process. If I say all this is flow and it’s the same, they built all this Gans material, they built all these things and they haven’t understood what's going on, and the machine systems are there for nearly two months just producing, but the process, the reality, what is implicated, what is applicable, is not understood.

If you understand that even if you just go back in the copper oxide Gans in the salt. That Gans you can take it through the principal because it’s a plasma but the solid copper which is in that water which is producing the Gans is still in the matter state, you cannot transfer it so easily though. Because it has a physical boundage with other electrons and protons inside in different formation so it gets destroyed and opened up in a much more rapid way, you have no centre, so even if you look into your Gans cups, you have a process where at the bottom you collect all these bubbles up, or Gans of CuO or whatever, that Gans is a plasma. For it to go though transition or pricipal state strength is nothing because its part of itself, but doing it with the matter which just physically came off in the same compartment is a different story – so you need to understand, you need a transition time that all the copper is transferred to Gans, then you can take it through, and then thereis a process att the end you can convert the Gans to matter if you need to.

You don’t need to carry the body of the man across the space, if you carry one atomic structure of the man you can replicate the man physically anywhere in the Universe. It’s the soul that carries the body not the body that carries the soul. This is a misconception in the world of creation. I have explained more to the people who are trying to understand the medical aspects of the technology, how and why we change in the womb of the mother as a foetus to bones and brain.

I explain I start teaching the medical side more and more to the doctors, now we have a permission to open a health centre in one of the European countries by the government they open it and the Health section of the technology becomes official centre for all health applications. Wherever you are in Europe you can go to the at country and receive all the health care that you need through the Kf, we’ll announce it very soon, I have to finalise the last bits and then it’ll be done! Its not from the government side, it’s from the Kf side we have to organize bits.



Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Then you understand how you can change things, how you can go from one position to another how you can change part of like a foetus. A foetus is in DNA that it suddenly out of nowhere this bunch of blood finds bones, finds brain. But in the teaching room we have started showing the structure – how the vibration of the heart of the mother, how the motion of the foetus itself gives itself rise to one position and one core which is called the brain, and one core which holds the structure of internal intestine. That beat of the heart of the mother, if it was not there the foetus does not move in the right motion the right movement that the brain of the structure is set.

A lot of people think it’s the DNA fault with the child that is born with defects. You got to look at the physical structure and the heartbeat of the mother, because that heart beat, that motion of the beat of the heart , is the way the brain gets its structure, the way that first cells of the one comes to be sitting where they are they become a bone. If you just leave the foetus and give it food you will find you have the brain, you have the foetus, but you don’t have the correct assembly.

That rhythm, that motion is needed, and then when you have that first brain, then you start having a soul. And then when the connection comes that the behaviour in the soul of the foetus effects the foetus itself. It’s a lot to teach but it’s a lot to understand before you teach.

Vince: So that’s why the foetus can’t be grown outside of the womb, right now?

MK: In so many ways yes you are correct. If they can replicate the heartbeat of the mother, the motion of the heartbeat, because that heart beat creates a vibration, and that vibration is needed for the structure of the brain to settle and come.

V: Well it’s also a magnetic beat too isn’t it?

MK: Everything. It’s the heart beat of the mother in the physical, we are partially physical huh? That vibration is needed. This is on the table in the lab, in the lecture room upstairs, that a structure has risen inside the Gans powder. We injected the Gans liquid, now a solid structure has risen inside it, and its come because of one reason, because I said in time people will come and do things in the structure of the organization and that structure happened a couple of weeks ago.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

The soul of the KSs changed in the SSI, and in that change came the physical change, and now you see a mountain rise. It’s a little hill rising n the liquid like a mountain in the liquid of the Gans of the material. I hope the KSs can take a picture and show it to you!

The foetus needs the - whatyoucall – magnetic field of the mother’s heart, but it needs the physical motions, which that heartbeat creates. The heartbeat when you hold your wrist you feel it, that little little motion is needed for the structure of the brain to be created. Without it you don’t have a perfect brain. The conversion comes.

In so many ways the doctors have to look for totality, not just what happens to the foetus, and this has never been done, this has never been done. If you try to create a foetus and create life you have to create the total environment of life, not just the material of the life. You have to put in the vibration, you have to put in the cycle of rotation, why even the chid moves in the womb of the mother and the way he moves. And then when the heart of the child, the baby is developed his heart beat completes the full cycle of the brain’s structure, because every shake is just like the people who work with homeopahthy.

Why is homeopathy so close to the cycle of the man’s life, and dose changes? Because it carries the same vibration cycle as the heart beat of the mother to start with. That little vibration you do, you reset the structure, and the structure sits where it should be, that’s why homeopathy works, because he’s shaking it in the beats, you create the same kind of cycle of beats as you do in the mother. This is where the setting comes, not from the magnetic field and the beating. The heat beat of the mother and the heart beat of the man, even when you are independent you grow up and become adults and older, and then you find out you’re going into Alzheimers.

You’ll get the connection between Alzheimers and the heart beat of the man, you’ll find out you find half of the answer in curing the man. When you get older the heart beat slows down. The vibration does not create the same kind of pumping for the brain movement and the motion, so the cells move in different way and all sorts of diseases come with it. If you can keep a heart beat in the right configuration and conformation you can live for millions of years with a correct brain, because the body will recycle itself. These are the things we will teach in time, and this is what I do in the health side, people say you are a magician – no! we give the totality. People who have been through my process understand what we do, and I explain things…

KS: So at what stage does the soul come into the foetus?


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: When the main brain has been created, when the foetus is in control of itself, not the physical part, the physical part has nothing to do with the control of the soul . When the emotional part, which is the central part of the main brain, is developed, then the soul is complete. It doesn’t mean that you are born with 2 legs not there, or having one leg too short you gonna be a different soul – you still have the same soul. That’s exactly where physicality doesn’t come into it. The minute the emotional part of the brain, which is the connection between the soul and the man is created, then as a soul you are complete – then you are responsible – then you are responsible for the soul you have created.

This is what I explained to the KSs – they keep on rotating the reactors in the core, but they don’t understand they have given life to structure inside which is a plasma which has got its own brain, it controls things, and they’ve seen it. The soul is inside that physical streucture which is rotating, and when they understand they can communicate, they can interact with that soul in a different way, then they succeed. Till they don’t unify nothing will happen in that lab because this is not a physicality matter. Why that steel reactor shows all sorts and it works so many ways? You have to look at the soul of the man that controls it. Why other reactors are not performimg? Or are draining? Or are giving things in? I don’t look at which reactor works, I look at the plasma, and the behaviour of the plasma inside it. That’s why I know when its time to fly, when it’s a time to move.


Unconditional connection creates unconditional reaction, and when the people even KSs learn this then we go into the flight position, and I explained to them before, when they learned to be united and unified and wished as their own whole lot, as a part of the humanity, then these systems will fly. As long as you shackle one down to the ground, nothing will happen.

And ask for yourself one question – why one reactor is performing and showing everything which it needs to be done? Look at its operator. Because the connection between the soul and physicality is complete, and they don’t see it, and the KSs don’t understand it. They all look for physical flight, but in reality these systems are flying, have a soul, and all work together because when we pinch a bit of gas in one the others show reaction. So they’re all interconnected like the humanity. They all need to work together to be able to lift. As long as one is out and one operator thinks its mine and I’m going to do it first, its not doing, going nowhere! When it’s all we want, it’s all we want it to go – it takes time, they will realize it, the humanity is the same way.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

It’s the same. Change the operators of the reactors to the religious leaders. To fly, to achieve equality, we all need to work together, in reality and in purity, not just by name. Aaahh, I have to tell you something, I have to leave today at 10 o’clock, I have an important meeting with officials in Rome at 11 o’clock, so if you want to ask anything in the next 10 minutes or so, I have to apologise, you can go back to the KSs, they can talk whatever you want to expand on … is their any other questions?

Rick: OK, yes, thank you very much Mr. Keshe for letting us know about that and so, yeah, we’ll carry on with any questions for MK for the last few minutes.


I do have some question that came up in the forum that someone was asking. He says, in the 5th KS workshop a lot of information was released. He says ‘however Keshe was about to release a bombshell’ … just a second let me read it – ‘release a bombshell, he said, would you like to tell me how to get rid of cancer? – at which point he was interrupted by the KSs questions. He never got to finish his statement, and that is as far as it went…

MK: Listen to the 21st 22nd lecture, you will get your answer!

R: Ok – that’s a good answer for now…

MK: No it’s not an answer, this s what I told you we gonna open a lot of things, but this is one of the things we will open up, because the organization called me and says a lot of people who are coming to the Conference want to know about the health aspects, and in this part we explain a lot of things. A lot of things will be opened up in how we have a full 100% solution for all cancers!

But you have to realize - I was going to say ‘you don’t understand!’ but this is insulting – I have to try and change that - but what people in general have to realize is that if we release such a knowledge of how we handle all cancer, I will not be here and the Kf will be wiped out, because a lot of financial interests are in danger.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

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This is not that we are supporting them, we are trying to be able, the same as we opened the structure of the energy and the Gans to people in a very slow way, we try to open this to world of medicine and science in the same way. Why we have it we don’t disclose because in space we’ll get cancer.

We had to find a solution for it, and even this morinng when I left the room I told my wife we have a full soluton for cancer, every cancer on this planet, but we cannot disclose it. She said “the time is soon, don’t worry, you’ll do it!”

Rick: Hahaha – wise woman!

MK: Oh, she’s very wise!

R: Can you tell me this weekend when you’re – you said the 20th and 21st – was that the dates?

MK: Yeah – we are in a conference in the west of Italy, its been announced ..

R: Will that be broadcast at all?

MK: No we are part of a conference, there are other speakers, but the Kf has been given a 2hour session n Saturday, and a 2hr sesson on Sunday, but it looks like there could be additional session in the evening in one of the two days, that we might add that for a session for the medical application. There is a huge interest in Italy and Western Europe for what we have developed, an there are a number of doctors who are around who want to know.

Very soon, As I explained to Yvan and Eliya, in our meetings when we were having lunch here in Rome on Monday, is that we will start teaching doctors, medical people, directly in large groups in the comoing days and weeks, I asked Eliya to take charge of this and organize it, because normal scientists cannot understand the application of the technology in the medical side, but at the same time we have to teach the medical side the process of the technology that they can the relationship to medical, so as part of this Eliya will sort out, we start teaching a large number of doctors, and we use our new centre in Europe for teaching purposes of the medical. Even if it means I have to fly to this centre once or twice a month to teach doctors and show how to make systems, we start doing it, but everything needs time and its only one body, I cannot be in 200 places!


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R: Chuckle – right on! Now on the weekend , how will the public be able to hear the program there, will it be broadcast ?

MK: I don’t know maybe as KSs we will record it independently or organize skype time, then we organize with you or the KSs if we can do it or they allow it in the conference We are not the organizers we are guests.

R: OK we’ll let people know through the facebook channels and the usual links.

MK: I wish you all the best, and these meetings in Rome are crucial for the Kf in where we sit and how we are. These are political diplomatic moves we have to make and we understand it fully, so I thank you for all your support and hopefully next Thursday we meet – you got to remember next Thu we will finish again by 10 or 1030 because we have a distinguished guest from India, one of the gurus of India is coming to meet us at 12 o’clock as a guest in the centre so he’s arriving with his entourage, there’s about 10 of them, at about 12 o’clock so we have to finish early for their arrival.

R: That sounds wonderful we’ll welcome any news on that entourage. Thank you Mr. Keshe.

MK: We sending the invitation to all the religious leaders, we will post a copy of it in the next few days when we get back and get our systems up, we ask you to send to all the religious leaders, if they are there by the soul then it is good enough!

R: Right – June 30th Peace Invitation

MK: To all the religions. Thank very much indeed. Thank you very much – bye


1:44:44 Rick: OK – well round two coming up – I guess we can open up the conversation to any of the KSs who are with is here, we have John, and Yvan and might be Marko with John there as well. So I guess we should see if there are any questions pending on the livestream – does anyone have any questions relevant to what’s been going on, or something different?

KS: OK I have a question for a KS – off line a little bit maybe…


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R: OK that’s an interesting intro, I say go for it! Is their any particular KS or anyone in general?

KS: I mean anyone anyway, I just kinda wanted to find out – do they wash the copper wire after it’s been nano coated – do they actually wash them with water before they use them for the material production?

John: OK I can answer that question and in fact we don’t have to wash them particularly, the nano coated copper wire is just put in the salt water on one side in the water, and the other electrode can be whatever we’ve been using pure copper as the second material , then we collect the blue material which is a copper oxide compound, and we have a white stuff we’ve collected which is some kind of CO2 zinc or – I don’t have the exact composition, it is in any case a Gans material which has reached a gravitational and magnetic equilibrium in the plasma eeerrrr… of that material itself that appears as more balls or bubbles, and with an equilibrium inside each – that is why we have some circular shapes. If we take some iron the stuff is more the colour of rust which is orange kind of stuff, so there are different materials occurring , but the main aspect of the copper wire being nanao coated is the same at the moment.

We are nano coating other materials which is not always easy for example stainless steel does not work at all, Ive been using some by boiling lye in the stainless steel half sphere has allowed me to have some black surface on the SS but not sure if this is really nano coated, because I still have some conduction. So there are questions with SS, in any case in all the case we don’t actually clean and wash the materials, we just put it in the salt solution for making the Gans. OK welL I hope I have answered the question.

KS: Yes you did, and do you wash the nano material yourself? I mean the Gans … I mean to wash them, to remove some of the hydroxide …

J: Well we don’t wash the material itself especially, once we go though the proves of nano coating the copper wire, we have a process where we dry it and then we can use it in the cells where it will start the process of creating the Gans. At the second stage when we have the Gans material dropping to the bottom of the cells that material can be collected. We start by collecting and by pouring out all the salt solution with the Gans produced onto a box, then refill it with new salt water – that process we changed it to the use of a syringe instead of pouring all the salt water out of the boxes, we just took from the bottom of the cells the material and then collect all together n plastic box, allowing it to deposit, and that process has been done the same way whenever we had the blue gans, white gans, orange gans, each time we use it and we only


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collect one gans at a time even though from different cells. Armen at one moment has been mixing some of the materials.

Anyway each of those Gans material has a different magnetic and grav field, but in any case when we have collected the material and allowed it to deposit, we just take away the old water and after that we’ll be washing the water taking away the salt by adding pure water and repeating the process 2 or 3 times. After that processed by washing with demineralised water. But each time we make a kind of mixture we never have the solution of the gans. Gans stays like it’s a stable material due to the balance GMfield which allows it to be spherical, so when we make the washing each time we have to allow the Gans to deposit on the bottom, take the water, out, add some new water mix it and allow to settle again.

The first process i s washing the Gans and then it can be used afterwards whether for Fukushima use with the salt or water, or if it be used further in small reactors that would be a way to have reactors that will not be filled with Gas. So whatever the pocess of using the gans it will be for its property of GM fields inside itself, and used in a collectove way to have GMfields.

KS: Thankyou. In the last session MK mentioned you are able to create a plasma condition with a nano material – were the issue of atmospheric condition and vacuum involved as well? I mean in this reactor did you also vacuum it make sure there is no …

J: In the coca cola bottle? Is that what you ask?

KS: I’m not sure if he was referring to the coca cola bottle or the dynamic reactor.

J: In the dynamic reactor we do create vacuum if we are using hydrogen to produce a plasma, then we do mae a vacuum inside a dynamic reactor.

KS So the idea of making a reactor, which will be using only nano materials, will not require a vacuum then?

J: Exactly. So the process with the Gas because we use Gas we couldn’t need a lot of material so we start by making vacuum. Most of the reactors, or some of them are nano coated inside. Each visible part has to be nano coated. Some of the reactors are not nano coated everywhere. The stainless steel has only a pin in the centre, which is nano coated – same as the ceramic reactor. But the power reactor is nano coated everywhere inside. The inside of the outer sphere in and out of the inner sphere and the pin with a small sphere in the middle is also nano coated everywhere. The plastic spherical reactor is nano coated everywhere inside. Those are reactors


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that have nano coating that reaches stabilization, and to keep plasma even if the reactor is being stopped.


Rick: OK I have a question about that John, regarding how is it that the plasma can be kept in there. Is it kept on the coating of the nano coating or is it because of the conditons created by the nano coating? – I understand that if you had a plasma that it could reflect the plasma or it could keep the plasma centred away from the walls of the reactor, but what I cannot understand is the part about not vacuuming because you’d think the larger particles left inside the reactor would interfere with any UV rays that might be used in the centre of the reactor because of the ionization of the Hydrogen, so I’m wondering where’s the leak between the walls of the reactor and the centre of the reactor, we know that for example if there’s any oxygen in there or water vapour it would interfere with the UV and block it out and not allow it to travel as well as it could in vacuum condiotn. Getting rid of the oxygen and water vapour from the vacuum would allow more of the plasma condition to occur, fed by the UV which might be occurring frorn the walls of the reactor with the nano particles – can you help me understand that more?

John: I think there are two aspects. One aspect is when the plasma is already there how does it stay there? And the other aspect is the plasma might be there or not, but more plasma has to be built up. I start with the 2nd part, and that’s where you add in the case of Gas reactors, we are adding Hydrogen then we do need the EUV aspect for ionization of atoms, but not the case where you only put Hydrogen into the system in the reactor, and that you have some nano coated material inside, the NC material itself will allow the production of the plasma, without especially having that EUV needed –

Aaaahhh let me explain this way, the hydrogen because it hits the sides of the reactor which are coated with NM, will loose its electron that will open in the nano material because the condition in the nano material is vacuum and GM field that allows the plasma of the electron to open. And that plasma of the electron opening returns and goes back to the proton that has lost its electron, because Hydrogen is an electron and a proton, and the electron being capture by the nano material opens then goes back to the proton and mixes with the proton, opening the proton itself into a plasma, and that plasma will then go to the centre of the reactor, So that process where you have a build up of plasma from hydrogen that is inserted into the reactor, and because you have some nano material that is in contact with the hydrogen, you have build up of plasma.


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The case where you have Helium or Nitrogen as a gas is to allow the release of EUV to help ionization of the hydrogen that will be in the reactor, so it will be a situation which isn’t the same, but the build up of the plasma is always made from the conversion of hydrogen into that ionization and open the plasma of the electron and the proton. So that’s the build up of the plasma.

Now the other part of what you’ve been asking – how the plasma can be kept even though we take away all the gas, that’s because the plasma has – how could I say that – the nano material itself which is used is a plasma, and that’s why the behaviour of the plasma in the proximity of the nano layers is being kept because it’s the same – it’s a plasma also. So in the nano material you have some gaps and some fields, and all that together is the combination of spaces in which you do have the condition of the plasma, and before the plasma I would say is happy with that and will not interfere with matter directly being suppressed with the plasma which is part of the nano materials. So that why if we re-vacuum the system taking out all the gas that could be left, the plasma will stay and get thick with the nano material – doe s this answer your interrogation?

Rick: Well somewhat, I’m still not totally satisfied. For example I can see in my mind’s eye you’ve got this rotating reactor and you’ve got a nano coating on the inside and you’ve got hydrogen that was just produced just say. Now what if you had another gas, oxygen or nitrogen or water vapor or something like that if it was a heavier gas than hydrogen in the reactor, lets say if you’re not vacuumed and you’ve already introduced nitrogen atmosphere, or argon as an insulating layer, wouldn’t that insulating layer then prevent the hydrogen from interacting with the nano layer, or with the plasmas, still interacting through the insulating layer of the argon or nitrogen, or would they act as a catalyst in fact as well –

I’m not seeing how the hydrogen… I’ve always previously been thinking of the hydrogen as being in the very centre of the reactor and it shouldn’t contact the walls of the reactor – and now it’s like it’s interacting with the nano coating on the walls because it needs to interact with the gaps and the holes because it is an actual vacuum type environment in between the layers of the nano layers then it kind of works that way, but it seems like almost 2 conflicting ideas there – you see what I mean?

John: Yes OK the conflicting is not a real conflict in the way that if you have nano material everywhere you can put one gas and the rotation will not interfere in the fact that hydrogen will be everywhere. You have because of the centrifuge, and you add a gas, then you’ll have the hydrogen and that will not go to the sides of the system, but as in some of those reactors we have a central pin which is nano coated, therein is a place, well – lets say for example you put


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argon and you put hydrogen because of the centrifugation of the gas you’ll have spherical bubbles of hydrogen in the centre you’ll have argon in the outer, but you have also the pin that goes into the hydrogen let’s say it’s from the bottom up into the centre, completely nano coated, the contact of the hydrogen with that pin is a contact with nano coating on the pin itself, and when the plasma starts building u hydrogen in the centre will not attach to the pin itself, because the plasma is around it, but there will be a part of the pin in contact with hydrogen and of the plasma builds up it can be seen as a spherical shape around the top of the pin, and that will allow the hydrogen to come a certain distance from the top of the pin, but the surface will be smaller but you still have a contact .

R: Yeah I can see that the way you explain that and also the heavier gases will be away from that centre pin and its a more or less sure atmosphere in the centre with hydrogen and nano material and the bigger chunkier molecules will be thrown to the outer walls and dealt with perhaps?

J: you wont have interference if hydrogen in the side of the sphere which are in fact hidden by the heavier gas.

R: Yes I can see that, I mean it’s a little in conflict with previous ideas about not putting tubes and so forth in the centre of the reactor, but then it was never considered they would be nano coated and more or less disguising themselves or offering an interaction with the plasma which will be useful. Mr. Keshe mentioned for example when I was setting up a reactor with a needle to go into it for feeding gases, he mentioned it would be like putting a needle into a balloon and bursting it, to do that to a plasma, so I’ve been thinking since then that anything sticking in and touching the plasma would be a no-no but now with this concept of the coated pin in the centre that really makers sense in some ways. Now how many reactors have that central pin? Its only two at this point right?

J: Aaahh .. we have only … eeerrrr… a nano coated pin in the ceramic and in the SS reactor. In the central reactor which is a triple system let’s say you have the outer core which is nano coated inside, you have the inner core which is nano coated both sides and then you have a pin with a small sphere in he middle, and they all three are with their own motor. The difference from the inner core and the inner very small sphere is that the very small sphere is receiving the same gas as the inner core. There is only one feeding in the inner core which goes thorugh the very centre snall sphere.


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R: So it wold be the same pressure in the centre sphere and the middle sphere at rhe same time like?

J: Exactly – well the difference is the centrifuge tha allows the direction of pressure because of the centrifugation.

R: Now can you tell me, that centre sphere for example, is that a brass sphere or copper or what would that be? And would you actually nano coat that with an additional nano coating of foil, or would you do the nano coating directly onto the substance such as brass or copper – have you had success nano coating brass. We practiced a bit with that.

J: Well with the centre reactor its copper everywhere and its directly coated copper.

R: And that’s a little copper ball at the end of the rod?

J: Yes exactly – the copper ball and the pin itself is copper they both directly coated. For the SS it’s brass which has been nano coated, the brass pin which has been used on the SS Ive been working on getting it a certain shape, I have in fact had to reduce the diameter of it because that SS sphere has threaded hole in the bottom, and I have to reduce the diameter so the pin could go in that hole, and the pin had a thread at the end that could go in the thread of the hole in the stainless steel, you undersatand? And at the top of the pin I have reduced the shape to make it like a small ball.

R: Is that pin hollow?

J: It’s solid and it’s been nano coated.

R: And what colour is the nano coating?

J: I want to add that this nano coating of the pin was a job for Marko and then I haven’t seen the results afterwards because I was busy with another reactor, so if you want more details about that nano coating you might have to ask him.

R: OK I’m definitely interested in more details about nano coating the brass pin because we have a number of brass objects to nano coat.

J: Before passing the microphone to him Ill just finish with my reactor, or the ceramic reactor and there I made a pin which is in fact copper foil nano coated that has been glued on the pin


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

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introduced inside the ceramic reactor. So you see the nano coating is different in the different reactors, and Ok I can pass it to Marko if he wants to give more details…


Marko: Hullo Rick, there is nothing special regarding the nano coating of the brass, you just have to put it into the caustic. The only difference is that you have to use quite a lot of caustic. The best option is to make like a small hill of the caustic and you put this brass inside the caustic, over it, and this way you get a higher temperature. This way you add boiling water

V: You also add potassium to it?

M: No I didn’t use K, just caustic. In a few workshops before MK explained it was important what kind of caustic you are using – there are different types of caustic.

R: Also did it have some aluminium foil built into it like our Draino, which is caustic plus aluminium foil.

M: No – I used just caustic, a lot of caustic so that the procedure very high temp will appear and give the possibility that atomic structure will be nano coated - so that’s the most important advice – use a lot of caustic.

R: And to keep the heat up for as long as possible, is that the idea? – to keep a cover on and keep it warm?

M: Yeah yeah I just keep a cover on it and I used two containers because so much of caustic I put n one container for a safety reason if one container is damaged you don’t want leakage of caustic on the floor, You always have to be very careful with caustic and I would suggest you are using safety glasses and when you are using the high temp water can get out of the container and hurt you on your face .

R: Yeah and it would not be a good idea to have a container that’s sealed because it builds up pressure and could explode under certain circumstances. OK thanks for the additional info on nano coating – do you do two or three coatings, or processes with the caustic over a day period each time, similar to other experiments, - specifically on the brass – and my question on the brass was what colour did it end up with the nano coating? – did you get that greenish bluish thing or more blackish colour?

M: No it was greenish bluish grey mixture of colours – it was not black

R: And that was over a week or so working with it?


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M: no-no-no, I used only one batch of caustic and it was done in one day also drying, I don’t remember but I think it was few days drying. It was quite quick procedure because we were in a hurry to finish the reactor - if you have time better to do it more slowly.

R: OK thankyou – Ill turn it over to anyone else with more questions.


Y: Hi this is Yvan – I was just thinking to say a few things regarding what Mr. Keshe said earlier, first of all about the heart and creating the organs of the body, I don’t know if you’re familiar with the concept of cymatics where they use sound and usually they put sand on a drum and you see all kinds of amazing shapes forming depending on the frequency of the sound.

R: Our group has seen several movies on that, and was certainly aware of that – yeah it’s interesting.

Y: Yeah that’s just something that is an application of the same principle I would say this came to my mind.


Then the other thing MK was mentioning was the Oasis unit, because before I applied as a KS I was looking for synchronicity to see if it would be a good idea to apply as a KS, and one of the things I did or I sometimes do when I ask for synchronicity, is to take a book, open it on a random page, and then read what my eyes fall on. And in this case I used a book which is


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

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called The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, by Franz Spalding, I don’t know if anyone heard about it? It’s been written in the 1800s but it’s still around and still in print. So this book… it has the story of an American researcher, Spalding, who went to India and parts of China, the Gobi Desert, and he met some initiates or Masters there and he was traveling with them, and the page I opened was when they were in the Gobi desert and they were in a horrible snow storm which might have killed them and this Master that was with them with mind power created a bubble around them which would stop wind, snow, cold, anything from entering where they were.

When I read it I thought – this is the Oasis unit! Because this is what Mr . Keshe describes as part of the possibilities of the Oasis unit on his letter that says 2014 as the year of change for mankind, which he shared on the 1st of January. He says no more tents will be needed in disaster areas and so on.

So when I arrived on the 1st weekend and we got parts to make reactors I got this blue half sphere and Keshe said well this was the original part from the original Oasis unit, and I thought – oh this sounds familiar! So that was what I was thinking in that road map – It also said that September woud be the release of the technology if he thought it would be possible to release it that soon, but that is the stage we are at right now.


Yvan: Apart from that our visit to the Vatican I wanted to say something about – if you’re interested in?

Rick: Definitely! we’re interested in that – we’d like to hear more about – we saw the video that was posted to facebook, the KSs including yourself and we saw a brief pic of the guards in the Vatican accepting something and the document that MK has – but fill us in on some more details if you would…

Yvan: Yeah well first of all in the weeks prior to it I had been folowong the hunger strike of Kevin Galalai – he’s a Canadian also , as far as I heard hes the leader of the Canadian human rights party and he was having a hunger strike on the Piazza de St Peter, St Peter’s square, on that same day . I thought we might see him but he ended his 46 day hunger strike 2 days before we arrived.


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R: Oh Ok, because I saw a news item on it the day before I wondered if there would be some sort of interaction there? Well he was asking the Pope to take a position regarding the world wide genocide by the elite using the world population by reducing fertility and increasing mortality in a hundred different ways. Now he said in his last communiqué when he ended his hunger strike (lost trasnmsission on livestream).

On top of that you had the situation of Kevin Annett has been doing all kinds of things and starting this International tribunal for crimes of Church and State, now there was something which I found interesting was that about a year ago Kevin Annett did some action in front of the Vatican, it could be 2 years ago, it was around the time the previous Pope resigned, and that same day the Vatican was struck – the Dome of the Vatican was struck by lightning – twice in a few seconds!

Now what happened which you probably not aware of is that we were stuck in line so we were right at this place whre you saw the Swiss Guards and they allowed Mr. Keshe to deliver the documents. As soon as he got in a thunderstorm started with heavy heavy rain and lightning – don’t ask me what it means but its something special anyway!

Ahm… yeah that’s about it. There were some other things I was thinking of telling you and I didn’t write it down and I just cannot think of it right now – that’s it for now I guess, unless you have some questions.

Rick: OK thank you for that Yvan – is there anything else about that event that you would like to tell us about there? Or shall we go onto another topic?


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Y: Yes I had a few more things but I just cannot think of anything to tell you right now

R: OK thanks – is there anyone on the Go To meeting who has a question for the KSs that we have on here. Good time to speak up – shall we see if any questions on the ivestream?


Marko: Regarding nano coating if you have any questions about that contact Armen, he is the Master of nano coating he’s done a lot of nano coating – unfortunately today he’s not here, but he done a lot of nano coating

Rick: OK particularly nano questions, go through me, he has a facebook site.

M: He can explain about steaming process and also quick process where you put nano material just for very quickly into the caustic then you put it under the water then you just leave it to dry, sometimes its not so good, but he has experience with it and can give more info

J: I would already ask if you need to have a steam process, you put on the floor of your box a lot of caustic, you put the lid on top of it, and the grid – mesh or something – should not be on the bottom but higher. And when you put the water it has to be as hot as possible boiling, you just pour, but be very careful because that boiling process allows a lot of droplets to jump everywhere, so you have to be ready for a cover on the box and a little opening at the side, and you put the boiling water in the hole you left. And you should not be too high, you put the mesh and on the mesh the material and then you pour keeping the level as close as possible, and you immediately close it and put some weight on the top so it keeps completely closed. So that’s the process which you have to go for that rapid coating.

Rick: Good description John – appreciate that


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J: And for instant coating it’s just about the same – it’s a variation of either you make a second process to cover that process and it can be done in such a way that you rapidly see the black color on the copper – if its copper you’re nano coating. … am I alone???

R: No you’re Ok we all have our mikes off, Ghee had a question about that procedure – he was saying – is faster better?– some people might say slower is better , and other times it’s the shock at first with high temp and lots of vapour is a better way to get it going – right?

J: You put in conditions and the heat process which is a part of the condition, allows the first layer of the copper to start, and then the process of allowing the oxide to build up. is because the heat allows the surface to stop moving and go up. So – Is the 1st process better than the 2nd process? – well they go in the same way in any case, it’s just the way you want the nano coatng to be made. In fact the more heat you give, the more bigger size of the fields and the gaps you create. But it depends also on the material you want to coat. Marko has explained that with brass you need a very hot process, and with SS its even worse, I don’t know if I have even reached nano material, I’ve had it going black but we haven’t gone further to see if we could have sustained results. Not understood yet. But depending on the material you want to coat, how you want to go and the size of the nano coating, you have to go in one processor another, but mainly your experience will help you understand. So I think the one or the other process is good, as soon as you have a complete nano coating of the surface what is important is the results There is not one method that is better you have to have good nano coating, and I cannot day much more at this moment. Armen loves doing things, he cannot keep still at any moment, he never likes to wait. He has been shown how to go far, that’s the way he is doing things, he works and the way he does things.

R: OK I’ve got an interesting question in the livestream – it goes – if we use 200 millivolts for the process and there’s high resistance, my question is, nano coated copper should be a super conductor, why is it showing us high resistance? Is the nano copper a super conductor in these initial conditions, and if so why does it show high resistance?

J: You have two aspects which are important – longitudinal copper is a super conductor, but in the transverse section each layer is insulated from the next one so you have high conductivity in the longitudinal but resistance in the transverse. So when you put the copper in solution there is a transfer of the electricity, that’s in fact what allows the copper form underneath to pop out from the coating into the Gans state which is completely G and M equilibrium that you have in the


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Gans state. So if you measure how resistance – that doesn’t surprise me – that will alow the pop-up of the Gans material out of the nano coated copper.

Marek adds that the nano coating is not perfect, an electron microscope photograph shows they are fill of small crystals – and it depends on what procedure has been used, and depending on the procedure you have different aspects on the surface of your material, better sometimes – well we have no complete answer at any level but we see the process happening and it’s a process in the production of Gans …

Rick: Dave asks has anyone confirmed the makeup of the Gans materials? – I guess he means through lab tests and so on. Is there any new info in terns of the actual chemistry or more likely the nano structure of the material – what actually is it? Is it copper oxide for example? There’s several kinds of copper oxides and carbonates and hydroxides and so on, so wonderng if there is any more data on that.

J: It’s mostly copper oxide by ma understanding. Aaahhh… more data should be interesting to have but we have a connection Marko has had in Slovenia has given some data because the person has the opportunity to make electron microscopy o some of the materials, but I don’t have any precise resuts except those ones Marko had – the pictures – not full analysis but pictures made and there was some data, but I remember they were also some CO3 mentioned, I should maybe pass to Marko.

M: Yeah there were two measurements, one with electron microscopy and another with infrared spectroscopy, one was Gans material and one was nano material on the copper. And these pics were published on facebook and with reports of how it was done with electron microscope, also x-ray spectroscopy or something. But this was more than 1 month ago, I can try to find it, right now difficult but maybe later in the facebook page or somethung. So all these details at the moment I don’t remember.

More conversation about the temperature and the effects on the gaps, in the way of making nano coating materials. If lower temp used the nano would have smaller gaps, but high temp bigger gaps. In some ways yes but if you use hot water it gets boiing, and water with caustic makes a very big heat – higher heat the bigger size of the nano material. If you leave it in for a day it will be slower, and gaps smaller, but it will collect a whole spectrum of light, it has to collect all the spectra.


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

John talking about another interesting fact about the nano materials – nano coating wires without even taking the plastic off the multi strand wire – you just tae the plastic off at each end, and those ends in the cola bottle, and in the cola bottle the caustic, and the whole wire in the plastic itself is completely coated!! Jut put the two ends of the wire in the condition with caustic then every single wire in the multi strand is coated – and this can be verified by having a multimeter – in fact because the nano is insulator n the transverse plane, all the wires are insulated from each other!

Rick talking about how this relates to copper wires burning out in utilities – often very black converted into the oxide, thus bringing more insulation and speeding up the process of burn out

John – boiling water is about 100 degrees but with caustic 130 maybe. The propagation of the nano layers happens under the plastic, and on all the threads of the wire. Each wire is kind of like a tube whch allows liquid to go through. They saw salt water going through and dripping out of the wire very slowly – the caustic goes through the wire almost ike capillary type action, and because of the plastic all those wires are in the same condition. The process goes on for a coupel of weeks or so to make sure the wires are nano coated inside. The nano coating conducts fields, not electricity, and it is the fields that push the electrons to move and those we are trying to understand better with all the reactors.


Rick talking about room temp superconductors, and research showing that in the nano layers there are certain conditions that starts a n avalanche process with the voltage going though the layers. Superconductor action just for a moment – this has something to do with the fact that you have to spend tome with these things and eventually a lightning bolt goes through, and bingo the plasma lights up, and it doesn’t take big voltage to go through these layers, but they’re so close together and on a vacuum condition, which allows voltage to move very easily, vacuum layer, and a condition where you create an avalanche – of electrons I think, not sure. John saying it creates a Bose-Einstein pair in superconductors, that behaviour occurs in those layers.

R: So if these layers became superconductor for brief moments of time and you could patch the moments in a way they would be more coherent, that super conductor coating would be more or less the perfect plasma maintainer, or it would hold the plasma away from the walls, reflected back to the centre of the reactor – does that make sense? Talking about the property of the field being instant connection and communication. Mainstream scientists will measure a nano material and find a copper oxide, but in a very small amount of time that particle can change to


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

something else, and its in that fento-second reactions, that’s when the superconductor property applies, now they’re able to look at these fento-seconds, and they are finding these transitional material down at the nano level.

Rick: These nano matrial are bing used in sensors to pick up microscopic amounts of elements, essentially our bodies as a sensing apparatus are adapted to use these particles at the information level – they’re all ready, we just have to tune into them so that exchange can take place.


Yvan: If I can add basically what we are doing is pulling out the atomic structure of copper or zinc into the top layer of the material, and in a way you bring the soul of the material to the top layer, and in that way making interaction between it and the environment that much easier, living in a plasma, we have plasma as well. Is it easy interaction by allowing the fields to communicate. That’s how we should be.

R: yeah that’s a good way to explain it that’s nice. Well we should wrap things up so it doesn’t get too long for those editing it – me – ha-ha!

Marko remembering those who are working in the background like Ludmil and Mr. Chow – much appreciation and big thank you to all of you!

Rick putting in a word for his team, and the people who come out and hang with him like Ghee, and Paul the biochemist who is driving taxi – the biophysicists are driving taxis in Canada! They have a lot of fun.

And a new reactor of the week brought by Ghee, an interesting concept , a reactor that rotates without a motor, for example if they want to record the sounds of the plasma, not compressed air, it’s a wind up reactor. Sounds crazy but the first phonograph from Mr Edison was wind-up, so Ghee has an Edison wind-up phongraph guts - it can revolve at 78 rpm for about 10 minutes, at ten to one we shoold get 780 rpm for one of our reactors for 10 minutes. Here’s the plan; the idea is that you run your reactors with the electric motors for 2-3 months, then for the actual


Transcript from 15 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 19, 2014

(v1 2016-04-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

testing of the fields you let the motor take a rest, and you have to wind it 3 times in a half hour and you can do your testing during that time when everything else is quiet.

John suggesting another way – a pendulum – you know like the big clocks and a ratchet mechanism, heavy weights, a grandfather clock system –

Rick: Yes with a properly tuned reactor you should be able to get it running in 10 minutes if it’s balanced, once you’ve got the plasma Gans in there and the starter material ready to go, then it should be an easy – a few dozen times to crank then the reactor is self turning and it does not need any motor at that point- more ideas about how to get motor out of the way – even a long belt about a metre or 2 metre away – still some interference with the motor for many meters, eg the am radio station getting effected in the lab, a lot of humming and static noises from the DC motors.

John points out that in space we have to contain the plasma without having any container, Rick imaging the plasma shooting around the inside of the ship. Yvan saying the pin can be used as holding point. John saying the feelings and emotions will produce a container for the plasma. Rick saying Keshe was saying how we can build a field around ourselves with the emotional body and the connection to the soul. The sun also moves without a container. This is what MK mentioned a week or so ago, plasma itself can create it’s own container, the plasma creates the outer layer of the sun which we perceieve, anyway we have to stop because we have to go, Rick saying we should save some for next time.

Rick: OK guys, thank you very much for your inspiring words, and so ends the 15th KS workshop. Thank you once again everybody on Livestream, Go-to, skype, all over the world for participating, and bye bye

James: Hey Vince, are you going to put it on Google right away?