weber bbqs

People fall in love with Weber ® Weber ® Premium Gas Barbecues

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Weber BBQs


Page 1: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Weber® Premium Gas Barbecues

Page 2: Weber BBQs

Weber® Premium Gas Barbecues

“There’s nothing like summer... eating outdoors with the family. We love it.”

Page 3: Weber BBQs

How do our gas barbecues create food with such PRXWKZDWHULQJ�ÁDYRXU"

At the heart of every Weber gas barbecue is a unique burn-er system found on no other barbecue in the world. It’s this unique, revolutionary and patented FlavorizerTM system that distinguishes our barbe-cues from all the others. Spe-cially angled FlavorizerTM bars form a roof over the gas burner tubes so that no meat juice or fat comes in contact with the JDV� ÁDPH�� )ROORZ� RXU� GLUHF-tions and this system allows for healthy fat-free cooking ZLWK� LQFUHGLEOH� ÁDYRXU�� 0HDW�juices sizzle and smoke on the hot bars, yet excess fats fall harmlessly into the dispos-able drip tray below. Not many people know that there is one other feature of our cooking system that separates our bar-becues from all the others. It’s WKH� VFLHQWLÀFDOO\� YHQWHG� KRRG��7KLV� HQKDQFHV�ÁDYRXU� LQ� D�ZD\�that you can’t get when you cook in the open. Cooking with a Weber hood down ensures that the smoke trapped underneath it is circulated all around the meat before leaving the bar-becue. This is how you get that IDPRXV�:HEHU�ÁDYRXU��2Q�WKRVH occasions when you want to create a beautiful roast or ÀQLVK� RII� WKH� SHUIHFW� VWHDN��simply turn off the centre burner(s) directly under the food (this is our indirect barbe-cue cooking) and allow the heat to circulate barbecue smoke evenly all around the meat ... XQEHOLHYDEOH�ÁDYRXU�

Quality. We’ve forged our reputation on it.

Ever since the original Weber kettle set the benchmark in barbecue quality, we’ve had a reputation to protect. We know that people rely on and trust us to build barbecues of extraordinary quality and we are not going to let them down. You see, quality is at the very heart of our company’s cul-ture. That is why we strive to keep all of our manufacturing processes at or above the world’s best practice. These are not barbecues from some backyard factory. Even poor quality barbecues can look JRRG� RQ� WKH� VKRZURRP� ÁRRU��but we know it’s how they look years and years later that really matters. That’s why each Weber barbecue is made from only the highest grade materials that are chosen to weather the elements and stand the test of time. Heavy-JDXJH� VWHHO�� WKH� ÀQHVW� SRU-celain enamel, best-grade aluminium and, of course, quality stainless steel.


The manifold and the stain- less steel burner tubes in our gas barbecues are specially designed so they have a much lower megajoule rating (less gas used per hour) for each burner, yet remarkably, with our cook-ing system they cook faster. As a result you have amazing fuel savings. It’s not just the money, it’s the environment and, of course, you don’t need to get


All our gas barbecues eliminate spitting fats.

1RWKLQJ� ORRNV�ZRUVH� WKDQ�ÀOWK\�fat stains and grease all around the barbecue area. And that’s another reason why our gas barbecues are designed to cook with the hood down. Not only do \RX� JHW� EHWWHU� ÁDYRXU� EXW� \RX�also eliminate the spitting fat problem.

Easier cleaning.

No need to struggle with messy WUD\V�RI�IDW�RU�ÀOWK\�VDQG�WUDSV��Your Weber gas barbecue has a funnel-shaped drawer that slides out so you can easily re-move the fat and grease. At the bottom of the drawer is a disposable aluminium tray that can be removed and replaced in seconds.Cleaning the grills couldn’t be easier. All of our cooking grills are either coated with porce-lain enamel or they’re stainless steel (so they won’t rust). You can wash them in hot, soapy water.

People fall in love with Weber®

No more running out of gas.

Running out of gas in the middle of cooking can be infuriating! With our fool-proof gas bottle gauge on our LP models, this need never happen to you again.The gauge works by measuring the weight of gas left in a 9kg bottle rather than the far less reliable gas pressure method. The lighter the bottle, the less gas you have.

Weber ... Put to the test.

You know something? Before a single barbecue leaves our factory door, a team of people thoroughly test and inspect it, to make sure it meets our rig-orous standards. It’s one of the reasons why the Weber badge on your barbecue is a one word contract that assures you of complete satisfaction.When it comes to design, con- struction, quality and sheer cooking performance, we know no other barbecue comes close to ours. And that’s a fact.

Page 4: Weber BBQs

Weber Spirit Gas Barbecues.

They say that ‘great things come in small packages’ and that’s exactly how we feel about our Spirit gas barbecues. We love them; they are so affordable yet offer so much.Lovely and compact, they’re specially designed to suit the needs of people with small out- door areas. If you’ve got a town- house, an apartment or a small backyard this is the barbecue for you. Enjoy great meals for one, two, or at a squeeze, up to ten people.Believe me, you can cook an im-pressive menu: perfectly grilled VWHDNV��PDJQLÀFHQWO\�EDNHG�ÀVK�or perhaps a beautifully roasted leg of lamb.Available in four models (bot-tled or natural gas), you’re sure WR�ÀQG�RQH�WKDW�\RX·OO�ORYH�

The ultra compact Spirit Classic 210

A two burner model: all black with gleaming porcelain hood.

The Spirit Classic 310

A three burner model: all black with gleaming porcelain hood.

The Spirit Classic 320

A three burner model: all black with gleaming porcelain hood and side burner.

The Spirit Premium 320

A three burner model: all black with gleaming porcelain hood, stainless steel trim and side burner.

The Spirit Classic E-320

The Spirit Classic E-310

The Spirit Classic E-210

The Spirit Premium E-320

Weber® Spirit™ Gas Barbecues

Page 5: Weber BBQs

“Good friends, good food and good times. We love it.”

People fall in love with Weber®

Page 6: Weber BBQs

Features Spirit Classic E-210 Spirit Classic E-310 Spirit Classic E-320 Spirit Premium E-320Stainless steel burners 2 3 3 3 Combined primary burner rating 26,000 BTU 36,000 BTU 36,000 BTU 36,000 BTUCrossoverTM�LJQLWLRQ�V\VWHP� �� �� �� �(OHFWURQLF�LJQLWLRQ�V\VWHP� � � � �3RUFHODLQ�HQDPHOOHG�KRRG� �� �� �� �2 Porcelain enamelled cooking grills � �� �� �

Reversible heavy-duty porcelain coated cast-iron hot-plate �� �� �� �

Porcelain enamelled FlavorizerTM bars �� �� �� �

Side burner 12,000 BTU 12,000 BTU StopWatchTM�(QJLQHHULQJ� �� �� �Fixed commercial-grade thermometer �� �� �� �

5HPRYDEOH�7KHUPRVHW�ZRUN�VXUIDFH� �� ��Enclosed storage area with doors �� �� �� �

+HDY\�JDXJH�VWHHO�ERWWRP�VKHOI� �� �� �� ���7RRO�KROGHUV� �� �� �� ���&RQGLPHQW�EDVNHWV� �� �� ���&UDFN�SURRI�DOO�ZHDWKHU�ZKHHOV� �� �� ���/RFNLQJ�FDVWRU�ZKHHOV� �� �� �� ���&DVWRU�ZKHHOV� � � � �6WDLQOHVV�VWHHO�WULP� � � � �3UHFLVLRQ�IXHO�JDXJH��/3�PRGHO�� �� �� �� �2 metre quick-disconnect hose (NG model) �� �� �� �

'HWDLOHG�RSHUDWLQJ�LQVWUXFWLRQV� �� �� �� �Weber®�6SLULW�FRRNERRN� �� �� �� �Weber®�OLPLWHG����\HDU�ZDUUDQW\� �� �� �� �

Recommended Retail Price LP $799 NG $929 LP $999 NG $1129 LP $1099 NG $1229 LP $1449 NG $1479(All Spirit Classic Natural Gas and Spirit Premium LP and Natural Gas barbecues include delivery andassembly in capital city areas andspecialist dealer regional towns. All other areas p.o.a.)

Optional ExtrasSpirit Classic LP models delivery and assembly in capital city metroareas and specialist dealerregional towns.

$100 $100 $100


Full length heavy-duty cover $99.95 $119.95 $119.95 $119.95Rotisserie $179.95 $179.95 $179.95 $179.95*ULOO�2XW�KDQGOH�OLJKW� ������� ������� ������� ������Smoker box kit (porcelain) N/A $119.95 $119.95 $119.95Smoker box kit (stainless steel) N/A $159.95 $159.95 $159.95

DimensionsHeight - lid open 151cm 160cm 160cm 160cmWidth 131cm 137cm 137cm 137cmDepth 71cm 76cm 76cm 76cmPrimary cooking area 2204cm2 (58cm x 38cm) 2700cm2 (60cm x 45cm) 2700cm2 (60cm x 45cm) 2700cm2 (60cm x 45cm)Warming rack area 696cm2 (58cm x 12cm) 720cm2 (60cm x 12cm) 720cm2 (60cm x 12cm)Total cooking area 2900cm2 3420cm2 3420cm2 2700cm2

ColoursBlack LP K8811024 NG K8911024 LP K8821024 NG K8921024 LP K8831024 NG K8931024 LP K4431024 NG K4531024

Weber® Spirit™ Gas Barbecues

“Master barbecue chef that’s the spirit.”

Page 7: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Features Spirit Classic E-210 Spirit Classic E-310 Spirit Classic E-320 Spirit Premium E-320Stainless steel burners 2 3 3 3 Combined primary burner rating 26,000 BTU 36,000 BTU 36,000 BTU 36,000 BTUCrossoverTM�LJQLWLRQ�V\VWHP� �� �� �� �(OHFWURQLF�LJQLWLRQ�V\VWHP� � � � �3RUFHODLQ�HQDPHOOHG�KRRG� �� �� �� �2 Porcelain enamelled cooking grills � �� �� �

Reversible heavy-duty porcelain coated cast-iron hot-plate �� �� �� �

Porcelain enamelled FlavorizerTM bars �� �� �� �

Side burner 12,000 BTU 12,000 BTU StopWatchTM�(QJLQHHULQJ� �� �� �Fixed commercial-grade thermometer �� �� �� �

5HPRYDEOH�7KHUPRVHW�ZRUN�VXUIDFH� �� ��Enclosed storage area with doors �� �� �� �

+HDY\�JDXJH�VWHHO�ERWWRP�VKHOI� �� �� �� ���7RRO�KROGHUV� �� �� �� ���&RQGLPHQW�EDVNHWV� �� �� ���&UDFN�SURRI�DOO�ZHDWKHU�ZKHHOV� �� �� ���/RFNLQJ�FDVWRU�ZKHHOV� �� �� �� ���&DVWRU�ZKHHOV� � � � �6WDLQOHVV�VWHHO�WULP� � � � �3UHFLVLRQ�IXHO�JDXJH��/3�PRGHO�� �� �� �� �2 metre quick-disconnect hose (NG model) �� �� �� �

'HWDLOHG�RSHUDWLQJ�LQVWUXFWLRQV� �� �� �� �Weber®�6SLULW�FRRNERRN� �� �� �� �Weber®�OLPLWHG����\HDU�ZDUUDQW\� �� �� �� �

Recommended Retail Price LP $799 NG $929 LP $999 NG $1129 LP $1099 NG $1229 LP $1449 NG $1479(All Spirit Classic Natural Gas and Spirit Premium LP and Natural Gas barbecues include delivery andassembly in capital city areas andspecialist dealer regional towns. All other areas p.o.a.)

Optional ExtrasSpirit Classic LP models delivery and assembly in capital city metroareas and specialist dealerregional towns.

$100 $100 $100


Full length heavy-duty cover $99.95 $119.95 $119.95 $119.95Rotisserie $179.95 $179.95 $179.95 $179.95*ULOO�2XW�KDQGOH�OLJKW� ������� ������� ������� ������Smoker box kit (porcelain) N/A $119.95 $119.95 $119.95Smoker box kit (stainless steel) N/A $159.95 $159.95 $159.95

DimensionsHeight - lid open 151cm 160cm 160cm 160cmWidth 131cm 137cm 137cm 137cmDepth 71cm 76cm 76cm 76cmPrimary cooking area 2204cm2 (58cm x 38cm) 2700cm2 (60cm x 45cm) 2700cm2 (60cm x 45cm) 2700cm2 (60cm x 45cm)Warming rack area 696cm2 (58cm x 12cm) 720cm2 (60cm x 12cm) 720cm2 (60cm x 12cm)Total cooking area 2900cm2 3420cm2 3420cm2 2700cm2

ColoursBlack LP K8811024 NG K8911024 LP K8821024 NG K8921024 LP K8831024 NG K8931024 LP K4431024 NG K4531024

Page 8: Weber BBQs

The Weber Genesis E-310

The Weber Genesis E-320

Weber® Genesis™ Gas Barbecues

Weber Genesis Gas Barbecues.

When we were developing the new Genesis gas barbecues at our factory, a bloke in market-ing nick-named it ‘the barbecue in tails’.We reckon he had it pretty right, because at Weber, we’ve never made a classier looking barbecue than this. When R & D came up with the idea to use stainless steel studs in the con-struction of the barbecue we thought they were crazy. How wrong can you be?Amongst our staff at Weber Aus-tralia these Genesis barbecues are undoubtedly the favourite. And it’s not the stainless steel studs.It’s the cooking. Yes it’s the cooking that’s won us all over. And it’s the cooking that makes this barbecue a real stand-out. It’s just a magic cooker!Forget balconies, forget court- yards, this barbecue is the real thing for entertaining ‘bigtime’. It’s the right size barbecue and it’s full of style and class. Avail-able in two models (bottled or QDWXUDO�JDV���\RX·UH�VXUH�WR�ÀQG�one that you’ll love.

The Genesis 310

A large three burner barbecue available in gleaming black por-celain enamel with stainless steel trim.

The Genesis 320

A large three burner barbecue with additional side burner. Available in gleaming black por-celain enamel with stainless steel trim.

Page 9: Weber BBQs

“We’ve had great barbecues before, but nothing like this one.”

People fall in love with Weber®

Page 10: Weber BBQs

Weber® Genesis™ Gas Barbecues

“My friends think I’m a great cook, they don’t know my secret.”

Page 11: Weber BBQs

Features E-310 E-320Stainless steel burners 3 3 Combined primary burner rating 42,000 BTU 42,000 BTUElectronic CrossoverTM ignitionsystem �� �

3RUFHODLQ�HQDPHOOHG�KRRG� �� �2 Porcelain enamelled cast-iron cooking grills �� �

Reversible heavy-duty porcelaincoated cast-iron hot-plate �� �

Porcelain enamelled FlavorizerTM bars �� �

Side burner 12,000 BTUFixed commercial-grade thermometer �� �

(QFORVHG�VWRUDJH�DUHD�� �� �'RXEOH�VNLQQHG�GRRUV� �� ���7RRO�KROGHUV� �� ���FDVWRU�ZKHHOV����ORFNLQJ�� �� �3UHFLVLRQ�IXHO�JDXJH��/3�PRGHO�� �� �2 metre quick-disconnect hose (NG model) �� �

'HWDLOHG�RSHUDWLQJ�LQVWUXFWLRQV� �� �Weber®�*HQHVLV�FRRNERRN� �� �Weber® limited 25 year warranty �� �

Recommended Retail Price LP$1699.00 NG$1729.00 LP$1799.00 NG$1829.00(All Genesis gas barbecues include delivery and assembly in capital city areas and specialist dealer regional towns.All other areas p.o.a.)

Optional ExtrasFull length heavy-duty cover $129.95 $129.95Rotisserie $179.95 $179.95Smoker $179.95 $179.95*ULOO�2XW�+DQGOH�/LJKW� ������� ������

DimensionsHeight - lid open 164cm 164cmWidth 153cm 153cmDepth 76cm 76cmPrimary cooking area 3185cm2 (65cmx49cm) 3185cm2 (65cmx49cm)Warming rack area 720cm2 (60cmx12cm) 720cm2 (60cmx12cm)Total cooking area 3905cm2 3905cm2

ColoursBlack LP K3741024 NG K3841024 LP K3751024 NG K3851024

People fall in love with Weber®

Page 12: Weber BBQs

Weber Summit Gas Barbecues.

7KH� ÀUVW� WLPH� \RX� VHW� H\HV� RQ�a Summit barbecue, you know it’s something very special, it has such a commanding appear-ance. Its brilliant styling and VXSHUE�ÀQLVK�PDNH�RUGLQDU\�JDV�barbecues look exactly that: or-dinary. Some people can feel it when they see commercial qual-ity, and that’s the feeling you get when you lift the hood on one of our Summit barbecues. If you had your own barbecue chef this would be the barbecue he would choose.The entire cooking system is pre-assembled in its own hous-ing and then calibrated and tested by our experts at the factory. The burner system is factory-installed into the cook-ing box. All the chef has to do is turn the Snap-JetTM ignition switch ... then the excitement really begins. Available in three models (bottled or natural gas), \RX·UH�VXUH�WR�ÀQG�RQH�WKDW�\RXU�chef will love.

The Summit E-420A large four burner barbecue with side burner. Available in black porcelain enamel.

The Summit E-470A large four burner barbecue with a side burner, smoker box with its own individual burner, sear burner and rotisserie with infrared burner. Available in black porcelain enamel.

The Summit E-670A large six burner barbecue with a side burner, smoker box with its own individual burner, sear burner and rotisserie with in-frared burner. Available in black porcelain enamel.

The Weber Summit E-420

The Weber Summit E-670

The Weber Summit E-470

Weber® Summit™ Gas Barbecues

Page 13: Weber BBQs

“We love it. Now we never cook inside.”The Summit E-460

A large four burner built-in bar-becue with a smoker box with its own individual burner, sear burner and rotisserie with in-frared burner. Available in black porcelain enamel. (Available 2FW�1RY�������

The Weber Summit E-460

The Weber Summit E-660

The Summit E-460A large four burner built-in bar-becue with a smoker box with its own individual burner, sear burner and rotisserie with in-frared burner. Available in black porcelain enamel. (Available 2FW�1RY�������

Weber Summit Built-in Gas Barbecues.

Page 14: Weber BBQs

Features Summit E-420 Summit E-470 Summit E-460 Summit E-670 Summit E-660Stainless steel burners 4 4 4 6 6Combined primary burner rating 48,800 BTU 48,800 BTU 48,800 BTU 60,000 BTU 60,000 BTUSnap-JetTM individual burner ignition �� �� �� �� �

%ODFN�SRUFHODLQ�HQDPHO�KRRG� �� �� �� �� �6WDLQOHVV�VWHHO�KRRG�KDQGOH� �� �� �� �� �Stainless steel cooking grills - 10mm diam �� �� �� �� �

Reversible heavy-duty porcelain coated cast-iron hot-plate �� �� �� �� �

Heavy-duty stainless steel FlavorizerTM bars �� �� �� �� �

Commercial-grade side burner 12,000 BTU 12,000 BTU 12,000 BTUDedicated stainless steel smokerburner 8,000 BTU 8,000 BTU 8,000 BTU 8,000 BTU

Dedicated sear burner 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU/LJKWHG�FRQWURO�NQREV� � �� �� �� �6WDLQOHVV�VWHHO�VPRNHU�ER[� � �� �� �� �Rear-mounted infra-red rotisserieburner 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU

Spit fork rotisserie withheavy-duty motor �� �� �� �

7XFN�DZD\�URWLVVHULH�PRWRU�EUDFNHW� � �� � ��*ULOO�2XWTM�KDQGOH�OLJKW�V�� �� �� �� �� �Fixed commercial-gradethermometer �� �� �� �� �

'RXEOH�ZDOOHG�EODFN�GRRUV� �� �� �� �� �(QFORVHG�VWRUDJH�DUHD� �� �� �� �� ���7RRO�KROGHUV� �� �� � ����FDVWRU�ZKHHOV����ORFNLQJ�� �� �� � �3UHFLVLRQ�IXHO�JDXJH��/3�PRGHO�� �� �� � �2 Metre quick-disconnecthose (NG model) �� �� �� �� �

'HWDLOHG�RSHUDWLQJ�LQVWUXFWLRQV� �� �� �� �� �Weber®�6XPPLW�FRRNERRN� �� �� �� �� �Weber® limited 25 year warranty

�� �� �� �� �

Recommended Retail PriceLP & NG: $3499 $3999 $4099 $4999 $5099 (All Summit barbecues include delivery and assembly in capital cityareas and specialist dealer regional towns. All other areas p.o.a.)

Optional ExtrasHeavy-duty cover $149.95 $149.95 - $169.95 -Stainless steel Tool Set $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95Stainless steel Grill Pan $44.95 $44.95 $44.95 $44.95 $44.95Digital Meat Thermometer $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.953 Sided Grill Brush (large) $22.95 $22.95 $22.95 $22.95 $22.95Summit drip pans $27.95 $27.95 $27.95 $27.95 $27.95

DimensionsHeight - lid open 145cm 145cm 126cm 145cm 126cmWidth 168cm 168cm 82cm 188cm 102cmDepth 76cm 76cm 79cm 76cm 79cm Primary cooking area 3430cm2 (70cm x 49cm) 3430cm2 (70cm x 49cm) 3430cm2 (70cm x 49cm) 4410cm2 (90cm X 49cm) 4410cm2 (90cm X 49cm)Warming rack area 735cm2 (70cm x 10.5cm) 735cm2 (70cm x 10.5cm) 735cm2 (70cm x 10.5cm) 945cm2 (90cm X 10.5cm) 945cm2 (90cm X 10.5cm)Total cooking area 4165cm2 4165cm2 4165cm2 5355cm2 5355cm2

ColoursBlack LP K1711024 NG K1811024 LP K7171024 NG K7271024 LP K7161024 NG K7261024 LP K7371024 NG K7471024 LP K7361024 NG K7461024 LP K7121024 NG�.�������� � 1*�$YDLODEOH�2FW�1RY������ � � $YDLODEOH�2FW�1RY������ � � 1*�$YDLODEOH�2FW�1RY������ � � $YDLODEOH�2FW�1RY������

Weber® Summit™ Gas Barbecues

“The best restaurant we’ve been to, our place.”

Page 15: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Features Summit E-420 Summit E-470 Summit E-460 Summit E-670 Summit E-660Stainless steel burners 4 4 4 6 6Combined primary burner rating 48,800 BTU 48,800 BTU 48,800 BTU 60,000 BTU 60,000 BTUSnap-JetTM individual burner ignition �� �� �� �� �

%ODFN�SRUFHODLQ�HQDPHO�KRRG� �� �� �� �� �6WDLQOHVV�VWHHO�KRRG�KDQGOH� �� �� �� �� �Stainless steel cooking grills - 10mm diam �� �� �� �� �

Reversible heavy-duty porcelain coated cast-iron hot-plate �� �� �� �� �

Heavy-duty stainless steel FlavorizerTM bars �� �� �� �� �

Commercial-grade side burner 12,000 BTU 12,000 BTU 12,000 BTUDedicated stainless steel smokerburner 8,000 BTU 8,000 BTU 8,000 BTU 8,000 BTU

Dedicated sear burner 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU/LJKWHG�FRQWURO�NQREV� � �� �� �� �6WDLQOHVV�VWHHO�VPRNHU�ER[� � �� �� �� �Rear-mounted infra-red rotisserieburner 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU 10,600 BTU

Spit fork rotisserie withheavy-duty motor �� �� �� �

7XFN�DZD\�URWLVVHULH�PRWRU�EUDFNHW� � �� � ��*ULOO�2XWTM�KDQGOH�OLJKW�V�� �� �� �� �� �Fixed commercial-gradethermometer �� �� �� �� �

'RXEOH�ZDOOHG�EODFN�GRRUV� �� �� �� �� �(QFORVHG�VWRUDJH�DUHD� �� �� �� �� ���7RRO�KROGHUV� �� �� � ����FDVWRU�ZKHHOV����ORFNLQJ�� �� �� � �3UHFLVLRQ�IXHO�JDXJH��/3�PRGHO�� �� �� � �2 Metre quick-disconnecthose (NG model) �� �� �� �� �

'HWDLOHG�RSHUDWLQJ�LQVWUXFWLRQV� �� �� �� �� �Weber®�6XPPLW�FRRNERRN� �� �� �� �� �Weber® limited 25 year warranty

�� �� �� �� �

Recommended Retail PriceLP & NG: $3499 $3999 $4099 $4999 $5099 (All Summit barbecues include delivery and assembly in capital cityareas and specialist dealer regional towns. All other areas p.o.a.)

Optional ExtrasHeavy-duty cover $149.95 $149.95 - $169.95 -Stainless steel Tool Set $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95Stainless steel Grill Pan $44.95 $44.95 $44.95 $44.95 $44.95Digital Meat Thermometer $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.953 Sided Grill Brush (large) $22.95 $22.95 $22.95 $22.95 $22.95Summit drip pans $27.95 $27.95 $27.95 $27.95 $27.95

DimensionsHeight - lid open 145cm 145cm 126cm 145cm 126cmWidth 168cm 168cm 82cm 188cm 102cmDepth 76cm 76cm 79cm 76cm 79cm Primary cooking area 3430cm2 (70cm x 49cm) 3430cm2 (70cm x 49cm) 3430cm2 (70cm x 49cm) 4410cm2 (90cm X 49cm) 4410cm2 (90cm X 49cm)Warming rack area 735cm2 (70cm x 10.5cm) 735cm2 (70cm x 10.5cm) 735cm2 (70cm x 10.5cm) 945cm2 (90cm X 10.5cm) 945cm2 (90cm X 10.5cm)Total cooking area 4165cm2 4165cm2 4165cm2 5355cm2 5355cm2

ColoursBlack LP K1711024 NG K1811024 LP K7171024 NG K7271024 LP K7161024 NG K7261024 LP K7371024 NG K7471024 LP K7361024 NG K7461024 LP K7121024 NG�.�������� � 1*�$YDLODEOH�2FW�1RY������ � � $YDLODEOH�2FW�1RY������ � � 1*�$YDLODEOH�2FW�1RY������ � � $YDLODEOH�2FW�1RY������

Page 16: Weber BBQs

Weber® Gas Barbecue Accessories.Weber make a full range of in-novative well-made accessories that perfectly complement any Weber gas barbecue and add fun, ease and convenience to gas barbecue cooking.

Rotisserie.Delicious spit-roasted food is easy with a Weber rotisserie. Designed for the Weber range of Spirit and Genesis gas bar-becues, it features a heavy duty electric motor and on/off switch.Spirit 9984/8498 RRP $179.95. Genesis 8499 RRP $179.95.

Premium Gas Barbecue Covers.These full-length covers are manufactured in heavy-duty vi-Q\O� ZLWK� D� ÀWWHG� FHQWUH� SDQHO�and long sides. They can with- stand the harsh Australian cli- mate.Spirit 2107550 RRP $99.95.

Spirit 300 series7573 RRP $119.95.

Genesis 300 series7553 RRP $129.95.

Summit 400 series7554 RRP $149.95.

Summit 600 series7555 RRP $169.95.

:HEHU�*ULOO�2XWTM Handle Light.The answer for barbecuing in the dark. Three LED lights il-luminate the cooking surface. :DWHU�DQG�KHDW�UHVLVWDQW��LW�ÀWV�Weber Spirit and Genesis barbe-cues.7516 RRP $54.95.

Smoker Box.1RWKLQJ�EHDWV�WKH�EHDXWLIXO�ÁD-vour imparted by smoke. The addition of a smoker box to your Weber gas barbecue will allow you to smoke succulent hams, ÀVK�RU�SRXOWU\�

Spirit 300 SeriesPorcelain enamelled.9879 RRP $119.95. Stainless Steel.9883 RRP $159.95.

Genesis 300 series.7541 RRP $179.95.

Weber® Gas Barbecue Accessories

Page 17: Weber BBQs

Stainless Steel Skewer Set.Rectangular rather than round, these skewers are designed to hold food in place when the skewer is turned. Elegant yet robust, these heavy gauge skew-ers are perfect for satays and kebabs.6437 RRP $36.95.

Stainless Steel Chef’s Tongs. 6441 RRP $22.95.

FirespiceTM Smoking Woods(QMR\�WKH�IXOO�ÁDYRXU�RI�VPRNHG�KDPV�� SRXOWU\� DQG� ÀVK� ZLWK�hickory, the world’s most popu-lar smoking wood.<RX�MXVW�FDQ·W�EHDW�WKH�ÁDYRXU��Hickory Chips 1.35kg.17053 RRP $11.95

Weber StyleTM Barbecue Tools.The latest design in barbecue tools. Each will perform its spe- FLÀF�WDVN�ZLWK�HDVH��7KHLU�KDQ��dles have built-in comfort grips that give perfect balance ... the moment you pick one of them up you can feel the difference.

People fall in love with Weber®

Stainless Steel Tool Set.Comprises tongs, spatula and barbecue fork.6445 RRP $69.95.

Page 18: Weber BBQs

Roast Holder.Instead of juggling with tongs, the roast holder makes it easy to lift roasts on and off the barbe- cue. Made of heavy-gauge nick- el-plated steel.6407 RRP $29.95.

Salt and Pepper Shakers.Designed to look like miniature kettles, they are a perfect addi- tion to any barbecue.32911 RRP $16.95.

Rib Rack.The heavy gauge, nickel-plat-ed steel rib rack allows you to stand ribs, chops and chicken pieces in an upright position. Creates up to 50% more usable cooking area.6406 RRP $32.95.

Weber® Gas Barbecue Accessories

Stainless Steel Grill Pan.A great idea for cooking oven chips and fries, vegetables or GHOLFDWH� ÀVK� RQ� WKH� EDUEHFXH��6435 RRP $44.95.

Stainless Steel Vegetable Basket.

Deep enough to let you cook large quantities of your favou-rite vegetables.6434 RRP $44.95.

3 Sided Grill Brushes.These grill brushes feature a round head full of metal bris- tles, making it easy to get be-tween the grill bars and other GLIÀFXOW�SODFHV�Large. 6424 RRP $22.95.Small. 6423 RRP $18.95.

Stainless Steel Roast Holder.Style meets function with this new roast holder.6436 RRP $69.95.

Page 19: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Weber StyleTM Digital Thermometers.

Roast-meat lovers should all have a barbecue beeper. The digital meat thermometer beeps to let you know when your roast is cooked to your liking. It doesn’t even need to be near the barbecue; you can carry it around on your belt or leave it somewhere handy.

Here’s how it works.Suppose you’re cooking a roast of tender veal and you like to cook it to medium. Select veal from the meat choices on your digital receiver. Select medium from the cooking options of-fered. Insert the meat probe into the meat inside your barbe- cue. Attached to the probe is a cable that leads to a trans-mitter. The transmitter sends signals to the digital receiver. When the meat is nearly cooked the receiver will beep four times. A short time later, the receiver will give a continuous beep which indicates that your veal is perfectly cooked to me-dium.

Barbecue Mitt.Made of 100% cotton material, WKH�PLWW�KDV�D�VSHFLDO�ÁDPH�UH-tardant coating to protect you from the heat of your barbecue. 8401 RRP $19.95.

Drip Pans.Your choice of small or large heavy-gauge pans especially de-signed for barbecue use. Made to the highest quality without any sharp edges, these versa-tile pans can be cleaned and re- used. Suitable for gas or char-coal barbecues either as drip pans or for cooking vegetables.Small Drip Pans. (10)6415 RRP $11.95.Large Drip Pans. (10)6416 RRP $17.95.Summit Drip Pans. (10)6417 RRP $27.95.

Barbecue Apron.High quality black barbecue apron made from 100% cotton with Weber logo.8403 RRP $24.95.

Poultry Roaster.The poultry roaster is the per- fect cooking accessory for all those people who enjoy that ex-WUD� MXLF\�� ÁDYRXUVRPH� FKLFNHQ��The non-stick tray has a reser-voir for beer, wine, fruit juice, water or spices. When placed on a barbecue, the steam rising from this mixture helps produce IDQWDVWLF� ÁDYRXU�� FRRNLQJ� WKH�chicken to perfection.6408 RRP $59.95.

Weber StyleTM Barbecue Beeper Digital Thermometer.

6438 RRP $69.95.

Page 20: Weber BBQs

Weber-Stephen Products Co. (Aust) Pty. Ltd. Australian Representative R. McDonald Co. Pty. Ltd.

A.C.N. 007 905 384. 104 South Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000. Consumer information phone 1300 301 290 or visit Wholesale enquiries and orders phone (08) 8221 6111


© 2010 Weber-Stephen Products Co. (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Trading as Weber® Barbecues, Weber® Bar-beques, Weber® Shop and Weber® BBQs. WEBER®, WEBERN®, the Kettle Silhouette device®, the shape of the Weber Kettle®, GENESIS®, SUMMIT®�DQG�)/$925,=(5® are registered Australian trade marks.WEBER® QTM, BABY QTM, the QTM device are trade marks; all of Weber-Stephen Products LLC, 200 East Daniels Road, Pallatine, Illinois, 60067 USA. The shape of the Weber® QTM is a registered trade mark of Weber-Stephen Products LLC.Smokey JoeTM, Tuck-N-CarryTM, Go-AnywhereTM, CompactTM, Bar-B-kettleTM��2QH��7RXFKTM, Master-TouchTM, PlatinumTM, PerformerTM, Touch-N-GoTM, Smokey Mountain CookerTM, RanchTM, Slide-asideTM, Weber Wok-TM��5DSLGÀUHTM, Char- BasketTM, CharbinTM, Tuck-awayTM, Stopwatch EngineeringTM, Warm-UpTM, Steam-N-ChipsTM, Gas CatcherTM, SpiritTM, CrossoverTM, Spider StopperTM, FlameCheckTM, FirespiceTM, FireStartersTM, Snap-JetTM, Weber FlameTM, Weber StyleTM��*ULOO�2XWTM and Backyard HeroesTM are trade marks; all of Weber- Stephen Products LLC, 200 East Daniels Road, Pallatine, Illinois, 60067 USA.Weber-Stephen Products LLC is the owner of Australian patent numbers 598709, 609849, 641339, 694686 and 769944 relating to various aspects of Weber’s products. There are Australian patents pending relat-ing to, among other things, certain aspects of the Weber Q barbecue grill.Weber-Stephen Products LLC is the owner of Australian Design Registration numbers 129224, 148993 and 300965.© R. McDonald Co. Pty. Ltd. 2010. This booklet incorporates material which is owned by Weber-Stephen Products LLC, R. McDonald Co. Pty. Ltd. and McDonald-Kirkwood Pty. Ltd.

Page 21: Weber BBQs

Premium Kettle BarbecuesPeople fall in love with Weber®

Page 22: Weber BBQs

The Weber kettle: Australia’s roasting wonder!

In the pursuit of culinary ‘per-fection’ some people spend 5, 10, even 15 thousand dollars WU\LQJ� WR� ÀQG� WKH� YHU\� EHVW cooking equipment. Electric, gas or microwave, when they get it home they discover some-thing amazing. They discover there’s no cooking appliance in the world that can produce a roast to go anywhere near the RXWVWDQGLQJ� ÁDYRXU� DQG� MXLFL-ness of a good old ‘Weber bar-becue roast’.

Over 50 years old and still going strong.

It’s hard to believe the Weber kettle was invented over 50 years ago. There doesn’t seem to be any end to its popularity; its sales come in waves and recently have been escalating again. More and more children of the original Weber kettle pioneers are re-discovering, in fact demanding, the magic of Weber kettle cooking.

Weber® Kettle Barbecues

7KH�:HEHU�NHWWOH�ÁDYRXU�\RX�MXVW�can’t get any other way.

Australians, in search of com-plete outdoor cooking mastery, have voted with their feet. They now have a modern gas barbecue for everyday cooking and a Weber kettle for ‘serious’

barbecue occasions when the quality of food is everything. Word of mouth has seen over a million Weber kettles sold in Australia so far and all because Weber-cooked hams, roasts and poultry have astounded guests ZLWK�D�GHOLFLRXV�ÁDYRXU�WKDW�\RX�


The Australian Barbecue Icon. Why is this so?

We know that our kettle has changed Australian attitudes to-wards barbecuing forever. Back in the 1970s and 80s it was our

Page 23: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Indirect cooking: how it works.

:H� XVH� WZR� ÀUHV� LQVWHDG� RI�one (picture below). The fat from the turkey will drop into the disposable drip tray be-low. This means that you get much healthier, fat-free roasts, ZLWKRXW� DQ\� ÁDUH�XSV�� :H� FDOO�

kettle and its indirect cook-LQJ� V\VWHP� WKDW� ÀUVW� DOORZHG ordinary Australians to roast ZKROH� MRLQWV�RI�PHDW�RXWGRRUV��(YHQ�QRZ��WKH�LQFUHGLEOH�ÁDYRXU�of these barbecue roasts still distinguishes our kettle from all the other barbecues sold

in this country. That’s why so many Weber kettles have been sold and that’s why it’s the only barbecue in Australia to ever attain icon status. Everyone agrees that it’s synonymous with spectacular food and memorable entertaining.

this ‘indirect cooking’ be-cause the food is cooked using natural convection without any ÀUH�GLUHFWO\�XQGHUQHDWK�LW�Apart from the unforgettable ÁDYRXU�� WKH�JUHDW�DGYDQWDJH�RI�using this method of cooking is that you don’t even have to turn the meat. Your barbecue cooks the most extraordinary roast, every-time, all by itself.

Top selling cookbook ensures Weber kettle mastery.

For nearly 20 years we’ve recommended that our kettle owners buy ‘The Complete Australian Barbecue Kettle Cookbook’. We know it en-sures that you will become a master Weber kettle chef. That’s why these days, not only do we recommend the book, we include it with all of our 57cm kettles. It’s our guarantee of your success. It is a remarkable hard- bound cookbook (224 pages, 200 colour photographs, over 400 recipes, complete with useful barbecue tips and troubleshoot-ing). We think there’s probably no better product hand-book in the world. * View independent review at

Page 24: Weber BBQs

Weber® Kettle Family Barbecues

The Weber® One-TouchTM Gold.

The One-Touch Gold has all the features that made the One-Touch Silver world famous but instead of an open ash catch-er it features a special high capacity saucepan-like container that traps the ashes. The ‘Gold’ One-Touch cleaning system has already been assembled in the factory and it’s made from premium grade stainless steel. For those people who need to move their barbecue up or down steps, the One-Touch Gold is ÀWWHG�ZLWK�DQ�H[WUD�KDQGOH�DW�WKH�back to make lifting easier.

The One-Touch Gold Premium.

The One-Touch Gold Premium is the top of the range free-standing kettle. It has all of the features of the One-Touch Gold

Lighting a Weber® Kettle is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

2. Move the baskets over the ÀUHOLJKWHUV

1. Fill the baskets with fuel and OLJKW�WKH�ÀUHOLJKWHUV

3. When the fuel is ready, move the baskets out to the sides and get ready to cook.

The Weber® One-TouchTM Silver.

This is the Weber kettle that everyone knows; it’s the most popular model sold in Australia. The handles and leg couplings are welded to the barbecue (not bolted) before being sealed in porcelain enamel.7KLV�NHWWOH�LV�ÀWWHG�ZLWK�:HEHU·V�patented One-Touch cleaning system manufactured in non-rust aluminium. This clean-ing system operates by simply moving the lever backwards and forwards to remove ashes

The Weber® CompactTM kettle.

The Compact kettle is Weber’s basic barbecue kettle, built for people who have a limited budget. The legs and handles are bolted to the bowl rather WKDQ�ZHOGHG��,W�LV�QRW�ÀWWHG�ZLWK�Weber’s patented One-TouchTM cleaning system and therefore FDQQRW�EH�ÀWWHG�ZLWK�WKH�:HEHU�gas burner system.,W� LV� ÀWWHG� ZLWK� RQH� EROW�RQ handle at the front of the barbecue.

and sweep them into the ash FDWFKHU�� ,W� LV� ÀWWHG� ZLWK� RQH�welded handle at the front of the barbecue. This kettle can be ÀWWHG� ZLWK� :HEHU·V� XQLTXH� JDV�burner system.

The One-Touch Silver Premium.

The One-Touch Silver Premium has all of the features of the One-Touch Silver plus a lid thermom-eter that monitors the cooking temperature inside the kettle.

Page 25: Weber BBQs

plus a lid thermometer and Tuck-Away lid holder. The thermom-eter in the lid monitors the cook-ing temperature inside the kettle and the Tuck-Away lid holder allows the lid to slide back and out of the way when accessing \RXU� URDVW�� ,W� LV� ÀWWHG�ZLWK� RQH�welded handle at the front of the barbecue.

The Weber® PerformerTM.

The ultimate Weber kettle is the

“Weekends are for relaxing and that’s when I let my Weber kettle do the cooking”

People fall in love with Weber®

Performer with Touch-N-GoTM ignition. This enables outdoor chefs to light their charcoal fuel XVLQJ� JDV�� ,QVWHDG� RI� XVLQJ� ÀUH-lighters, a gas burner is located directly under the fuel. You only need to run the gas burner for 10 minutes to ignite the fuel. The barbecue will be ready to cook on in a further 25 to 30 minutes. The Performer’s lid the-mometer monitors the cooking temperature inside the kettle.

The convenient work surface is made of heat resistant thermo-

set resin.Underneath is a pull-out stor-

age bin for items such as smok-ing woods or charcoal.The Performer also features a Tuck-Away lid holder that allows the lid to slide back and out of the way when accessing your roast.The Weber Performer is the ultimate 57cm charcoal kettle.

Page 26: Weber BBQs

Features Weber® Compact Kettle Weber® One-TouchTM Silver Weber® One-TouchTM Silver Premium Weber® One-TouchTM Gold Weber® One-TouchTM Gold Premium Weber® PerformerTM

3RUFHODLQ�HQDPHOOHG�ERZO�DQG�OLG� �� �� �� �� �� �1R�UXVW�DOXPLQLXP�YHQWV� �� �� �� �� �� �Aluminised-steel One-TouchTM

cleaning system �� � Factory-assembled stainless steelOne-TouchTM cleaning system �� �� �

Removable no-rust aluminiumash catcher

�� �� �

Removable high-capacity ashcatcher

�� �� �

Triple-nickel-plated hinged cookinggrill

�� �� �� �� �� �

0ROGHG�UHVLQ�Q\ORQ�KDQGOHV� �*ODVV�UHLQIRUFHG�Q\ORQ�KDQGOHV� � �� �� �� �� �5DSLGÀUHTM�FKDUFRDO�¶9·�JUDWH� �� �� �� �� �� �2 Char-BasketTM charcoal fuel holders

�� �� �� �� �� �

Touch-N-GoTM�JDV�LJQLWLRQ�V\VWHP� � � � � � �%H]HO�OLG�WKHUPRPHWHU� � � �� � �� �Tuck-AwayTM�OLG�KROGHU� � � � � �� �7KHUPRVHW�ZRUN�WDEOH� � � � � � �Weather-protected Char-BinTM

storage container �

+HDY\�GXW\�VWHHO�FDUW�IUDPH� � � � � � �:LUH�ERWWRP�VKHOI� � � � � � ���7RRO�KROGHUV� � � � � � �/RFNLQJ�FDVWRUV� � � � � � �&UDFN�SURRI�DOO�ZHDWKHU�ZKHHOV� �� �� �� �� ���FP�&UDFN�SURRI�DOO�ZHDWKHU�ZKHHOV� � � � � �� ���$OXPLQLXP�GULS�SDQV� �� �� �� �� �� �Weber®���\HDU�OLPLWHG�ZDUUDQW\� �Weber®����\HDU�OLPLWHG�ZDUUDQW\� � �� �� �� �� �.HWWOH�&RRNERRN� �� �� �� �� �� �

Recommended Retail Prices 57cm Black: $199.00 57cm Black: $299.00 57cm Black: $309 57cm Black: $399 57cm Black: $419 57cm Black: $799 57cm Blue or Green: $309.00 Optional Extras Gas burner system N/A $119.95 $119.95 $119.95 $119.95 N/AThermoset worktable N/A $99.95 $99.95 $99.95 N/A N/AWorktable/kettle cover N/A $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 N/A N/ASlide-AsideTM lid holder $44.95 $44.95 $44.95 $44.95 N/A N/AVinyl cover $24.95 $24.95 $24.95 $24.95 $24.95 N/ADeluxe cover $59.95 $59.95 $59.95 $59.95 $59.95 $94.9530cm grill brush $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95Kettle rotisserie $219.00 $219.00 $219.00 $219.00 $219.00 $219.00Weber® StyleTM Digital Thermometer $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95Direct delivery in capital city

$36.30 $36.30 $36.30 $36.30 $36.30 $55.00 metro areasDelivery & assembly in capital city

$66.00 $66.00 $66.00 $66.00 $66.00 $100.00

metro areas includes disposable gas cylinderAll other areas p.o.a. (excludes NT & TAS)

DimensionsSize 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cmHeight 97cm 98cm 98cm 98cm 102cm 102cmWidth 63cm 63cm 63cm 69cm 69cm 128cmDepth 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cmCooking area 2550cm2 2550cm2 2550cm2 2550cm2 2550cm2 2550cm2

ColoursBlack K61597 K741024 K1341524 K751024 K1351024 K1421024Green K747024Blue K748024

Weber® Kettle Family Barbecues

Premium Weber® kettle barbecues.

Weber Specialist dealers have more Weber charcoal barbecues than anyone. They have Weber charcoal barbecues with features you won’t see anywhere else. The Weber One-Touch Silver Premium comes with a lid thermometer to measure the cooking temperature LQVLGH�WKH�NHWWOH��7KH�PDJQLÀFHQW�Weber One-Touch Gold Premium has a lid thermometer, large 20cm wheels and Tuck-away lid holder. Such features would normally only be available on the Weber Per-former.

Page 27: Weber BBQs

Features Weber® Compact Kettle Weber® One-TouchTM Silver Weber® One-TouchTM Silver Premium Weber® One-TouchTM Gold Weber® One-TouchTM Gold Premium Weber® PerformerTM

3RUFHODLQ�HQDPHOOHG�ERZO�DQG�OLG� �� �� �� �� �� �1R�UXVW�DOXPLQLXP�YHQWV� �� �� �� �� �� �Aluminised-steel One-TouchTM

cleaning system �� � Factory-assembled stainless steelOne-TouchTM cleaning system �� �� �

Removable no-rust aluminiumash catcher

�� �� �

Removable high-capacity ashcatcher

�� �� �

Triple-nickel-plated hinged cookinggrill

�� �� �� �� �� �

0ROGHG�UHVLQ�Q\ORQ�KDQGOHV� �*ODVV�UHLQIRUFHG�Q\ORQ�KDQGOHV� � �� �� �� �� �5DSLGÀUHTM�FKDUFRDO�¶9·�JUDWH� �� �� �� �� �� �2 Char-BasketTM charcoal fuel holders

�� �� �� �� �� �

Touch-N-GoTM�JDV�LJQLWLRQ�V\VWHP� � � � � � �%H]HO�OLG�WKHUPRPHWHU� � � �� � �� �Tuck-AwayTM�OLG�KROGHU� � � � � �� �7KHUPRVHW�ZRUN�WDEOH� � � � � � �Weather-protected Char-BinTM

storage container �

+HDY\�GXW\�VWHHO�FDUW�IUDPH� � � � � � �:LUH�ERWWRP�VKHOI� � � � � � ���7RRO�KROGHUV� � � � � � �/RFNLQJ�FDVWRUV� � � � � � �&UDFN�SURRI�DOO�ZHDWKHU�ZKHHOV� �� �� �� �� ���FP�&UDFN�SURRI�DOO�ZHDWKHU�ZKHHOV� � � � � �� ���$OXPLQLXP�GULS�SDQV� �� �� �� �� �� �Weber®���\HDU�OLPLWHG�ZDUUDQW\� �Weber®����\HDU�OLPLWHG�ZDUUDQW\� � �� �� �� �� �.HWWOH�&RRNERRN� �� �� �� �� �� �

Recommended Retail Prices 57cm Black: $199.00 57cm Black: $299.00 57cm Black: $309 57cm Black: $399 57cm Black: $419 57cm Black: $799 57cm Blue or Green: $309.00 Optional Extras Gas burner system N/A $119.95 $119.95 $119.95 $119.95 N/AThermoset worktable N/A $99.95 $99.95 $99.95 N/A N/AWorktable/kettle cover N/A $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 N/A N/ASlide-AsideTM lid holder $44.95 $44.95 $44.95 $44.95 N/A N/AVinyl cover $24.95 $24.95 $24.95 $24.95 $24.95 N/ADeluxe cover $59.95 $59.95 $59.95 $59.95 $59.95 $94.9530cm grill brush $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95Kettle rotisserie $219.00 $219.00 $219.00 $219.00 $219.00 $219.00Weber® StyleTM Digital Thermometer $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95 $69.95Direct delivery in capital city

$36.30 $36.30 $36.30 $36.30 $36.30 $55.00 metro areasDelivery & assembly in capital city

$66.00 $66.00 $66.00 $66.00 $66.00 $100.00

metro areas includes disposable gas cylinderAll other areas p.o.a. (excludes NT & TAS)

DimensionsSize 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cmHeight 97cm 98cm 98cm 98cm 102cm 102cmWidth 63cm 63cm 63cm 69cm 69cm 128cmDepth 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cm 57cmCooking area 2550cm2 2550cm2 2550cm2 2550cm2 2550cm2 2550cm2

ColoursBlack K61597 K741024 K1341524 K751024 K1351024 K1421024Green K747024Blue K748024

People fall in love with Weber®

Page 28: Weber BBQs

Weber® Portable Kettle Barbecues.The Smokey Joe is a miniature version of the IDPRXV�:HEHU�NHWWOH��7KH�LGHDO�ÀUVW�EDUEHFXH�IRU�teenagers or young adults ... people on the move, people having fun.

Weber® Portable Kettle Barbecues

Page 29: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Features Smokey Joe® Go-AnywhereTM


�� �

Weber®����\HDU�OLPLWHG�ZDUUDQW\� �� �

Recommended Retail Price $99.95 $119.95

Optional ExtrasDirect delivery in capital city

$36.30 $36.30metro areas.All other areas p.o.a.

DimensionsHeight 43cm 37cmWidth 36cm 53cmDepth 37cm 31cmCooking area 960cm2 1040cm2

ColourBlack K10024 K121024

Wherever you want to barbe-cue, whenever you want to barbecue - with that great We-EHU�ÁDYRXU��7KDW·V�WKH�LGHD�EH-hind Weber’s range of portable charcoal barbecues.

The Smokey Joe®.

The Smokey Joe is a miniature version of the famous Weber NHWWOH��7KH�LGHDO�ÀUVW�EDUEHFXH�for teenagers or young adults ... people on the move, people having fun. Incredibly, this cute little barbecue has nearly 1,000cm2�RI�FRRNLQJ�DUHD�����MXVW�perfect for two or three people. A beautiful porcelain enamelled ÀQLVK� SUHYHQWV� UXVW� DQG� PDNHV�cleaning easy too. The Smokey

Joe comes with Weber’s 10 year limited warranty.

The Weber® Go-AnywhereTM.

The ultimate in hibachi-style cooking, providing perfectly grilled steaks or satays over glowing charcoal. Unlike tradi-tional hibachis, the lid enables \RX�WR�VPRNH�ÀVK�DQG�FDQ�DOVR�EH angled to act as a windbreak.

The Weber Go-Anywhere has legs that fold up to hold the lid in place when carrying.A beautiful porcelain enamelled ÀQLVK� SUHYHQWV� UXVW� DQG� PDNHV�cleaning easy too. Built to last, it comes with Weber’s 10 year limited warranty.The Weber Go-Anywhere is the ultimate in hibachi-style cooking.

Page 30: Weber BBQs

Weber® Speciality Kettle Barbecues

Page 31: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Features Smokey Mountain CookerTM RanchTM


Triple-nickel-plated hingedFRRNLQJ�JULOO� � �Tuck-AwayTM�OLG�KROGHU� � ���&KDUFRDO�EDVNHWV� � �+HDY\�GXW\�VWHHO�IUDPH� � ���7RRO�KROGHUV� � �&UDFN�SURRI�DOO�ZHDWKHU�ZKHHOV� � �/RFNLQJ�FDVWRUV� � ����$OXPLQLXP�GULS�SDQV� � �3UHPLXP�JUDGH�FRYHU� �Complete Australian BarbecueKettle Cookbook


Recommended Retail Price 47cm: $699.00 96cm: $2299.00

Optional ExtrasDirect delivery in capital city

$36.30metro areas. All other areas p.o.a.Delivery and assembly in

$66.00 includedcapital city metro areas.All other areas p.o.a.

DimensionsHeight 104cm 107cmWidth 48cm 96cmDepth 48cm 114cmCooking area 3470cm2 6900cm2

ColoursBlack K721001 K60020

Weber® RanchTM

The legendary Weber Ranch is the largest barbecue kettle in the world. This kettle will cook for the biggest family or is the LGHDO� LQYHVWPHQW� DQG� SURÀW�earner for clubs and caterers. With 6900cm2 of cooking area, the Ranch cooks crowd-pleasing IHDVWV� ZLWK� WKH� PDJQLÀFHQW :HEHU�ÁDYRXU�Come rain, hail or shine, the Ranch will cook a whole lamb LQ�MXVW�XQGHU�WZR�KRXUV��7KH�DVK�catcher is made of heavy-gauge, porcelain-coated steel and can be lifted out for easy ash disposal and cleaning.

Weber® Smokey Mountain CookerTM

If you want to get serious about smoking, you’ll love Weber’s Smokey Mountain Cooker. Inside, a porcelain-enamelled water pan generates steam to keep the cooking temperature low and even. As a result, the foods are tender, succulent and moist. Smouldering smoke combines ZLWK� WKH� VWHDP� DQG� ÀOWHUV� XS�through the double racks, HQFLUFOLQJ� KDPV�� ÀVK�� SRXOWU\�or sausage to produce beautiful ÁDYRXUV�� 7KH� 6PRNH\� 0RXQWDLQ�Cooker is perfect for home-made bacon. The smoker is made from heavy gauge steel sealed in porcelain enamel that won’t peel, stain or burn. The cookbook includes an easy reference smoker cooking chart and all the information you need to get you started. Also included with the Smokey Mountain Cooker is a premium quality vinyl cover.

Page 32: Weber BBQs

Premium Covers.Want to leave your Weber bar-becue outside? Protect it with a premium cover. This high qual-ity cover is made of heavy-duty vinyl that will resist cracking for years outside.57cm kettle7453 RRP$59.95.PerformerTM (post 2005) 7455 RRP $94.95.Work Table Cover 7454 RRP $69.95.

Weber® Charcoal Barbecue Accessories

Grill and Tool Holder.Keep tools within easy reach with this neat little tool holder. Hang your cooking grill here when lighting your kettle. Fits 57cm kettles.6431 RRP $23.95.

Charcoal Kettle Hotplate.Ideal for cooking eggs, bacon, onion rings or pancakes.

93345 RRP $39.95.

Standard Cover.This standard vinyl cover helps keep your Weber barbecue kettle clean and protected from dirt and dust when stored in the shed. 7451 RRP $24.95.

Gas Burner System.Roast, bake or smoke in your barbecue kettle with gas. This system comes with a stainless steel burner and two heat set- tings to achieve similar temper-atures to charcoal cooking. The :HEHU�JDV�NLW�ZLOO�RQO\�ÀW���FP�‘One-Touch’ kettles and is only for indirect gas cooking (cannot be used with charcoal). Comes with a hose and regulator and 5 year warranty.8506 RRP $119.95.

Weber Wok.The stainless-steel wok is a fabu- lous accessory for your Weber kettle. It’s all action. You can cook the largest of stir-fries or HYHQ�GHHS�IU\�ÀVK�DQG�FKLSV�IRU�D�crowd. It comes with cooking in-structions and Weber’s favourite stir-fry recipes.8412 RRP $99.95.

Kettle Rotisserie.Delicious spit-roasted food is easy with a Weber rotisserie. Designed for the Weber range of 57cm kettle barbecues, it features a heavy duty electric motor with a wooden handle and counter balance for smooth turning.

8493 RRP $219.00.

Weber Non-Stick BreakfastPlate Sheet.

Makes your Breakfast Plate as easy to clean as a non-stick fry-ing pan.93325 RRP $19.95.


The Weber Slide-Aside stainless steel lid holder clips over the lip of your barbecue bowl. No more putting your kettle lid on the ground. Simply slide it aside when you want to get to the food. The Slide-Aside is made of high grade stainless steel and it ÀWV���FP�NHWWOHV�8411 RRP $44.95.

Australian Barbecue Kettle Cookbook.

This beautiful Australian barbe- cue cookbook is hard bound, has 224 pages, 200 colour photo-graphs and over 400 recipes. You can buy this book with con- ÀGHQFH�� HLWKHU� DV� D� JLIW� IRU� D�IULHQG� RU� IRU� \RXU� RZQ� HQMR\��ment.240-10. RRP $44.95.

Weber make a full range of in-novative well-made accessories that perfectly complement any Weber charcoal barbecueand add fun, ease andconvenience to charcoalcooking.

Thermoset Side Table.Perfect for that extra work- space. Fits 57cm kettles (except the Com-pact & Gold Premium kettle).7412 RRP $99.95

Page 33: Weber BBQs

Stainless Steel Skewer Set.Rectangular rather than round, these skewers are designed to hold food in place when the skewer is turned. Elegant yet robust, these heavy gauge skew-ers are perfect for satays and kebabs.6437 RRP $36.95.

Stainless Steel Chef’s Tongs. 6441 RRP $22.95.

Stainless Steel Tool Set.Comprises tongs, spatula and barbecue fork. 6445 RRP $69.95.

People fall in love with Weber®

Weber StyleTM Barbecue Tools.The latest design in barbecue tools. Each will perform its spe- FLÀF�WDVN�ZLWK�HDVH��7KHLU�KDQ��dles have built-in comfort grips that give perfect balance ... the moment you pick one of them up you can feel the difference.

FirespiceTM Smoking Woods(QMR\�WKH�IXOO�ÁDYRXU�RI�VPRNHG�KDPV��SRXOWU\�DQG�ÀVK�ZLWK�KLFN-ory, the world’s most popular smoking wood. Available in both chunks for charcoal barbecues and chips for gas barbecues. You MXVW�FDQ·W�EHDW�WKH�ÁDYRXU�Hickory Chunks 2.27kg.17056 RRP $14.95.Hickory Chips 1.35kg.17053 RRP $11.95.

Page 34: Weber BBQs

Salt and Pepper Shakers.Designed to look like miniature kettles, they are a perfect addi- tion to any barbecue.32911 RRP $16.95.

Rib Rack.The heavy-gauge, nickel-plat-ed steel rib rack allows you to stand ribs, chops and chicken pieces in an upright position. Creates up to 50% more usable cooking area.6406 RRP $32.95.

Weber® Charcoal Barbecue Accessories

3 Sided Grill Brushes.These grill brushes feature a round head full of metal bris- tles, making it easy to get be-tween the grill bars and other GLIÀFXOW�SODFHV�Large. 6424 RRP $22.95.Small. 6423 RRP $18.95.

Stainless Steel Roast Holder.Style meets function with this roast holder.6436 RRP $69.95.

Grill Brush.This grill brush features a hard- wood handle and metal bristles that don’t rust or leave rusty residue on the cooking grill. It includes a bar scraper that aids in removing extra stubbornresidue from charcoalkettle grills.

6421 RRP $15.95.

Roast Holder.,QVWHDG� RI� MXJJOLQJ� ZLWK� WRQJV��the roast holder makes it easy to lift roasts on and off the barbe- cue. Made of heavy-gauge nick- el-plated steel.6407 RRP $29.95.

Stainless Steel Grill Pan (above).

A great idea for cooking oven chips and fries, vegetables or GHOLFDWH� ÀVK� RQ� WKH� EDUEHFXH��6435 RRP $44.95.

Stainless Steel Vegetable Basket (below).

Deep enough to let you cook large quantities of your favou-rite vegetables.6434 RRP $44.95.

Page 35: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Weber StyleTM Digital Thermometer.

Roast-meat lovers should all have a barbecue beeper. The digital meat thermometer beeps to let you know when your roast is cooked to your liking. It doesn’t even need to be near the barbecue; you can carry it around on your belt or leave it somewhere handy.

Here’s how it works.Suppose you’re cooking a roast of tender veal and you like to cook it to medium. Select veal from the meat choices on your digital receiver. Select medium from the cooking options of-fered. Insert the meat probe into the meat inside your barbe- cue. Attached to the probe is a cable that leads to a trans-mitter. The transmitter sends signals to the digital receiver. When the meat is nearly cooked the receiver will beep four times. A short time later, the receiver will give a continuous beep which indicates that your veal is perfectly cooked to me-dium.

Barbecue Mitt.Made of 100% cotton material, WKH�PLWW�KDV�D�VSHFLDO�ÁDPH�UH-tardant coating to protect you from the heat of your barbecue. 8401 RRP $19.95.

Drip Pans.Your choice of small or large heavy-gauge pans especially de-signed for barbecue use. Made to the highest quality without any sharp edges, these versa-tile pans can be cleaned and re- used. Suitable for gas or char-coal barbecues either as drip pans or for cooking vegetables.Small Drip Pans. (10)6415 RRP $11.95.Large Drip Pans. (10)6416 RRP $17.95.

Barbecue Apron.High quality black barbecue apron made from 100% cotton with Weber logo.8403 RRP $24.95.

Weber StyleTM Barbecue Beeper Digital Meat Thermometer.

6438 RRP $69.95.

Poultry Roaster.The poultry roaster is the per- fect cooking accessory for all WKRVH�SHRSOH�ZKR�HQMR\�WKDW�H[-WUD� MXLF\�� ÁDYRXUVRPH� FKLFNHQ��The non-stick tray has a reser-YRLU� IRU�EHHU��ZLQH�� IUXLW� MXLFH��water or spices. When placed on a barbecue, the steam rising from this mixture helps produce IDQWDVWLF� ÁDYRXU�� FRRNLQJ� WKH�chicken to perfection.6408 RRP $59.95.

Page 36: Weber BBQs


Weber-Stephen Products Co. (Aust) Pty. Ltd. Australian Representative R. McDonald Co. Pty. Ltd.

A.C.N. 007 905 384. 104 South Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000. Consumer information phone 1300 301 290 or visit Wholesale enquiries and orders phone (08) 8221 6111

© 2010 Weber-Stephen Products LLC. (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Trading as Weber® Barbecues, Weber® Bar-beques, Weber® Shop and Weber® BBQs. WEBER®, WEBERN®, the Kettle Silhouette device®, the shape of the Weber Kettle®, GENESIS®, SUMMIT® and FLAVORIZER® are registered Australian trade marks.WEBER® QTM, BABY QTM, the QTM device are trade marks; all of Weber-Stephen Products LLC, 200 East Daniels Road, Pallatine, Illinois, 60067 USA. The shape of the Weber® QTM is a registered trade mark of Weber-Stephen Products LLC.Smokey JoeTM, Tuck-N-CarryTM, Go-AnywhereTM, CompactTM, Bar-B-kettleTM, One- TouchTM, Master-TouchTM, PlatinumTM, PerformerTM, Touch-N-GoTM, Smokey Mountain CookerTM, RanchTM, Slide-asideTM, Weber Wok-TM��5DSLGÀUHTM, Char- BasketTM, CharbinTM, Tuck-awayTM, Stopwatch EngineeringTM, Warm-UpTM, Steam-N-ChipsTM, Gas CatcherTM, SpiritTM, CrossoverTM, Spider StopperTM, FlameCheckTM, FirespiceTM, FireStartersTM, Snap-JetTM, Weber FlameTM, Weber StyleTM, Grill-OutTM and Backyard HeroesTM are trade marks; all of Weber- Stephen Products LLC, 200 East Daniels Road, Pallatine, Illinois, 60067 USA.Weber-Stephen Products LLC is the owner of Australian patent numbers 598709, 609849, 641339, 694686 and 769944 relating to various aspects of Weber’s products. There are Australian patents pending relat-ing to, among other things, certain aspects of the Weber Q barbecue grill.Weber-Stephen Products LLC is the owner of Australian Design Registration numbers 129224, 148993 and 300965.© R. McDonald Co. Pty. Ltd. 2010. This booklet incorporates material which is owned by Weber-Stephen Products LLC, R. McDonald Co. Pty. Ltd. and McDonald-Kirkwood Pty. Ltd.

Page 37: Weber BBQs

Weber® Premium Q™ Barbecues

People fall in love with Weber®

Page 38: Weber BBQs

We know our Weber kettle is

acknowledged as Australia’s

roasting wonder, and we believe

our Weber Qs will prove to be

Australia’s barbecuing wonder

... best steak cookers ever!

Why do people love Q so much?

8QEHOLHYDEOH�ÁDYRXU�An Aussie snag is just a snag,

right? And an Aussie steak, well

it’s great, but still just a steak.

Right? Wrong. Cooking on our

Weber Q will transform either of

these simple old favourites into

mouth-watering masterpieces.

<RX·G�EH�KDUG�SUHVVHG�WR�ÀQG�D�VWHDN� DV� MXLF\� DQG� ÁDYRXUVRPH�as those you can produce on

\RXU�RZQ�4��(YHQ�ÀUVW�WLPH�XV-ers will be applauded for their

culinary brilliance because, if

you follow the directions, we

know you can’t help but pro-

duce perfect results every time.

+RZ�GRHV�LW�ZRUN"The cast-iron cooking grill fea-

tures a protective roof section

directly above the Q-shaped gas

burner(s). As a result, you can

enjoy fat-free cooking without

WKRVH� XQFRQWUROODEOH� ÁDUH�XSV��The slots between the grill

bars allow ‘natural convection’

so that air circulates around

the meat, yet the roof section

prevents fats and juices from

IDOOLQJ� RQWR� WKH� JDV� ÁDPH��<RX�superheat the cast-iron grill

so you can brand the ‘perfect

VWHDN·�� \HW� LQVWHDG� RI� ÁDULQJ�up, the fat falls harmlessly away

IURP�WKH�IRRG�DQG�ÀQGV�LWV�ZD\�into a small disposable tray be-

low (this feature is really quite

amazing and that is why our

company decided to patent it).

7R� ZRUN� LWV� ÁDYRXU� PDJLF�� WKH�Q takes advantage of the con-

ducted heat transfer from the

heavy-gauge cast-iron cooking


The Q cooking system has

evolved from the legendary

Weber kettle.

Just about all Australians know

that our Weber kettle produc-

es those famous roasts; roasts

ZLWK� WKDW� IDEXORXV� ÁDYRXU� \RX�just can’t get any other way.

But not many people know how

WKLV�ÁDYRXU�LV�FUHDWHG��,W�FRPHV�from the smoke that’s convect-

ed around the roast while it is

being cooked. This is a unique

Weber kettle trait and it’s what

made the Weber kettle a world

famous icon. So it comes as no

surprise that Weber’s research

and development team set

about trying to reproduce this

ÁDYRXU� ZKHQ� GHYHORSLQJ� WKH�Weber Q cooking system. That’s

why the Weber Q (even when

grilling a steak or a snag) is op-

erated with the lid down. Just

like our Weber kettle, all the

barbecue smoke is convected

around the food inside, impart-

LQJ�WKDW�IDEXORXV�ÁDYRXU�WR�\RXU�favourite meals. So the ‘super

EDUEHFXH·�ÁDYRXU� LV�FUHDWHG�E\�branding the meat on hot iron

and the natural convection that

circulates barbecue smoke all


vour that is the hallmark of the

fabulous Weber Q cooking sys-


We were thrilled to get this

email from Mr Peter Rea. We

think it says it all.

“Dear Weber I’m a sixty

year old bloke who has

had a Weber kettle for

over 20 years in regular

use. It looks like crap

but works perfectly. My

sons bought me a Weber

Q for Christmas. Being

a purist and a skeptic,

I thought “gas Weber

won’t work”. Wrong. I’ve

used it nearly every day

since Christmas. About

the only thing I haven’t

cooked is breakfast ‘cos

I haven’t bought the

plate yet. Haven’t had

a failure - the bloody

thing’s marvellous. Even

the booklet is easy

to read and obviously

written by someone who

has actually used one.

If I had a criticism,

it’s that I can’t quite

get through a beer when

cooking a steak.

Well done you lot,

Peter Rea

4·V�QR�PHVV�FRRNLQJ�V\VWHP�Look at anybody’s barbecue

DUHD�DQG�\RX·OO� XVXDOO\�ÀQG� IDW�stains where fat has been spit-

ting from the barbecue to the

patio or paving below. Because

our Q cooks with its lid closed,

barbecue spatter and stains just

don’t happen.

Weber® Premium Q™ Barbecues


Page 39: Weber BBQs


People fall in love with Weber®


Page 40: Weber BBQs



ment or you don’t like the

thought of your money going up

in smoke, we know our Weber Q

is the way to go.

Cooking with the lid down does

much more than just create ‘su-

SHU�EDUEHFXH·�ÁDYRXU�DQG�HOLPL-nate fat-spitting; it saves you

a fortune in gas running costs

too! All our Qs use much less

gas to cook your food. Actually,

they’re complete gas misers.

They all consume less than half

of the gas used by an ordinary

IRXU�EXUQHU� JDV� EDUEHFXH�� ,Q�fact, we estimate that com-

pared with a normal four-burner

barbecue you would save more

than $2.50* every time you use

a Weber Q (Q200). Now that’s


:DUUDQW\�Quality is at the very heart of

our company’s culture. Our We-

ber Qs are made from only the

highest grade materials, chosen

to weather the elements and to

stand the test of time. Outside

they’re a combination of cast

aluminium and thermoset resin.

,QVLGH� WKHUH·V� D� UXVW� UHVLVWDQW�cast-iron grill and all stainless

steel burner(s). This means they

don’t rust and you can leave

them outdoors all year round.

,W·V�WKLV�TXDOLW\�RI�PDWHULDOV�DQG�workmanship that means our

warranty is not even an issue.


trade mark of Weber-Stephen Products Co.

Weber® Premium Q™ Barbecues

:HEHU�)DPLO\�4� The Family Q has

proved to be an

absolute winner

in Australian backyards.

Because of the speed of its

cooking it’s easily able to

cater for big parties, yet

it’s extremely economical.

When it comes to roasting,

we believe this is the pick

of the Qs. We know people

love them because we are

continually suprised by just

how many Family Q owners

go on to purchase a baby Q for their

car, caravan or beach house.

TV has been

making this

barbecue famous all over


ally a hybrid because it’s big

enough for your everyday

barbecue yet you can still

take it with you when

you go away. People

love them and keep

telling their friends how

good they are. Perhaps

that’s why it’s our biggest

seller in the Q range.

:HEHU�EDE\�4�,W·V�QRW�XQWLO�\RX�VHH�D�EDE\�4�URDVWLQJ�D�whole chicken dinner outside a caravan that

you know why the ‘baby’ Q is really the

‘travelling’ Q. At home, in the boot of

your car, out in the bush or down

at the beach, the baby Q gives

\RX�WRWDO�ÁH[LELOW\��(FRQRP\"�<RX�bet. Who would have thought you

could cook over 100 great barbecue

meals from just one 9kg gas bottle.








Page 41: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Page 42: Weber BBQs

Features baby Q (Q 100AU) baby Q (Q 100EAU) Q (Q 200AU) Q (Q 220AU) Family Q (Q 305AU) Family Q (Q 320AU)6WDLQOHVV�VWHHO�4�EXUQHU� �� �� �� �� �� �6WDLQOHVV�VWHHO�FHQWUH�EXUQHU� � � � � �� �BTU-per-hour input 8,500 BTU 8,500 BTU 12,000 BTU 12,000 BTU 21,700 BTU 21,700 BTU

'XUDEOH�FDVW�DOXPLQLXP�OLG�DQG�ERG\� �� �� �� �� �� �Durable cast-aluminium high

lid with thermometer �

Rust resistant

cast-iron cooking grill(s) �

�� �


&RRO�WR�WRXFK�WKHUPRVHW�OLG�KDQGOH� �� �� �� �� �� �2 thermoset swing-out work

surfaces with tool holder(s) �

*ODVV�UHLQIRUFHG�Q\ORQ�IUDPH� �� �� �� �� �� �6WDWLRQDU\�WUROOH\� � � � � �� �5HPRYDEOH�GULS�WUD\� �� �� �� �� �� �Q recipe cookbook with

operating instructions �

Weber®���\HDU�OLPLWHG�ZDUUDQW\� �� �� �� �� �� �$YDLODEOH�LQ�/3*� �� �� �� �� �� �$YDLODEOH�LQ�1*� � � �� �� �� �

Recommended Retail Price LP $289 LP $299 LP $389 NG $419 LP $399 NG $429 LP $689 NG $ 719 LP $699 NG $729

Optional ExtrasMobile Trolley $89.95 $89.95 $89.95 $89.95 - -

Stationary Trolley - - $179.00 $179.00 included included

Stainless Steel Tool Set $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95

Vinyl Cover $24.95 $24.95 $29.95 $29.95 - -

Full Length Cover - - $54.95 $54.95 $59.95 $59.95

Breakfast Plate $27.95 $27.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.95

Non-Stick Breakfast Plate Sheet $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95

Premium Hotplate $69.95 $69.95 $79.95 $79.95 - -

Tailor Made Hotplate - - - - $59.95 $59.95

Small Q Pizza Stone $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95

Large Q Pizza Stone - - $39.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.95

Side Tables $49.95 $49.95 included included included included

Roasting Trivet $29.95 $29.95 $34.95 $34.95 $39.95 $39.95

Direct delivery and assembly






$100in capital city areas and

Weber specialist dealer towns

(all other areas p.o.a.)

DimensionsHeight - lid open 60cm 60cm 64cm 64cm 141cm 141cm

Height - lid shut 35cm 39cm 37cm 40cm 109cm 111cm

Width - folded 69cm 69cm 80cm 80cm 93cm 93cm

Width 69cm 69cm 131cm 131cm 140cm 140cm

Depth - lid open 52cm 52cm 62cm 64cm 74cm 76cm

Cooking Area approx 1200cm2 (43cm X 32cm) approx 1200cm2 (43cm X 32cm) approx 1800cm2 (54cm X 39cm) approx 1800cm2 (54cm X 39cm) approx 2400cm2 (63cm X 45cm) approx 2400cm2 (63cm X 45cm)

Cooking Height 13cm 15cm 14cm 17cm 18cm 20cm

Weight - total 10.5kg 11kg 16kg 16.5kg 34kg 35kg

Weight - cast iron grill 4.5kg 4.5kg 6.5kg 6.5kg - -

Weight - body 6kg 6.5kg 9.5kg 10kg - -

ColourChampagne LP K386024 LP K386524 LP K396024 NG K1446024 LP K566024 NG K1456124 LP K426624 NG K1476624 LP K586024 NG K1476124

Weber® Premium Q™ Barbecues

®® ®

The shape of the Weber® QTM is a registered trademark

Page 43: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Features baby Q (Q 100AU) baby Q (Q 100EAU) Q (Q 200AU) Q (Q 220AU) Family Q (Q 305AU) Family Q (Q 320AU)6WDLQOHVV�VWHHO�4�EXUQHU� �� �� �� �� �� �6WDLQOHVV�VWHHO�FHQWUH�EXUQHU� � � � � �� �BTU-per-hour input 8,500 BTU 8,500 BTU 12,000 BTU 12,000 BTU 21,700 BTU 21,700 BTU

'XUDEOH�FDVW�DOXPLQLXP�OLG�DQG�ERG\� �� �� �� �� �� �Durable cast-aluminium high

lid with thermometer �

Rust resistant

cast-iron cooking grill(s) �

�� �


&RRO�WR�WRXFK�WKHUPRVHW�OLG�KDQGOH� �� �� �� �� �� �2 thermoset swing-out work

surfaces with tool holder(s) �

*ODVV�UHLQIRUFHG�Q\ORQ�IUDPH� �� �� �� �� �� �6WDWLRQDU\�WUROOH\� � � � � �� �5HPRYDEOH�GULS�WUD\� �� �� �� �� �� �Q recipe cookbook with

operating instructions �

Weber®���\HDU�OLPLWHG�ZDUUDQW\� �� �� �� �� �� �$YDLODEOH�LQ�/3*� �� �� �� �� �� �$YDLODEOH�LQ�1*� � � �� �� �� �

Recommended Retail Price LP $289 LP $299 LP $389 NG $419 LP $399 NG $429 LP $689 NG $ 719 LP $699 NG $729

Optional ExtrasMobile Trolley $89.95 $89.95 $89.95 $89.95 - -

Stationary Trolley - - $179.00 $179.00 included included

Stainless Steel Tool Set $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95

Vinyl Cover $24.95 $24.95 $29.95 $29.95 - -

Full Length Cover - - $54.95 $54.95 $59.95 $59.95

Breakfast Plate $27.95 $27.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.95

Non-Stick Breakfast Plate Sheet $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95

Premium Hotplate $69.95 $69.95 $79.95 $79.95 - -

Tailor Made Hotplate - - - - $59.95 $59.95

Small Q Pizza Stone $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95 $29.95

Large Q Pizza Stone - - $39.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.95

Side Tables $49.95 $49.95 included included included included

Roasting Trivet $29.95 $29.95 $34.95 $34.95 $39.95 $39.95

Direct delivery and assembly






$100in capital city areas and

Weber specialist dealer towns

(all other areas p.o.a.)

DimensionsHeight - lid open 60cm 60cm 64cm 64cm 141cm 141cm

Height - lid shut 35cm 39cm 37cm 40cm 109cm 111cm

Width - folded 69cm 69cm 80cm 80cm 93cm 93cm

Width 69cm 69cm 131cm 131cm 140cm 140cm

Depth - lid open 52cm 52cm 62cm 64cm 74cm 76cm

Cooking Area approx 1200cm2 (43cm X 32cm) approx 1200cm2 (43cm X 32cm) approx 1800cm2 (54cm X 39cm) approx 1800cm2 (54cm X 39cm) approx 2400cm2 (63cm X 45cm) approx 2400cm2 (63cm X 45cm)

Cooking Height 13cm 15cm 14cm 17cm 18cm 20cm

Weight - total 10.5kg 11kg 16kg 16.5kg 34kg 35kg

Weight - cast iron grill 4.5kg 4.5kg 6.5kg 6.5kg - -

Weight - body 6kg 6.5kg 9.5kg 10kg - -

ColourChampagne LP K386024 LP K386524 LP K396024 NG K1446024 LP K566024 NG K1456124 LP K426624 NG K1476624 LP K586024 NG K1476124



Page 44: Weber BBQs

Weber QTM Breakfast Plate.

Perfect for bacon, eggs, sau-

sages and pancakes. Great for

camping or a champagne break-


Large (34cm x 25cm)

93395 RRP $39.95.

Small (25cm x 17cm)

981445 RRP $27.95.

Tailor-made Hotplate.


ber® Family QTM barbecues this

porcelain coated surface gives

great cooking results and is rust


Weber® Family QTM (Q305AU/320AU)

6506 RRP $59.95.

Vinyl Cover.

Keep your Weber QTM or baby QTM


Weber® QTM (Q200AU/220AU)

6551 RRP $29.95.

Weber® baby QTM (Q100AU/120AU)

6550 RRP $24.95.

Premium Trolley Cover.

These full-length covers are

manufactured in heavy-duty vi-

nyl and designed to withstand

the harsh Australian climate.

Weber® QTM (Q200AU/220AU)

6552 RRP $54.95.

Weber® Family QTM Q305AU/320AU)

6553 RRP $59.95.

Mobile Trolley.

,Q�WKH�XSULJKW�SRVLWLRQ�LW·V�MXVW�WKH�ULJKW�KHLJKW�IRU�FRRNLQJ��LQ�WKH�folded position it creates a mobile trolley; and in the collapsed posi-

tion it’s easy to transport or store.

Weber® QTM (Q100AU/100EAU/200AU/220AU) 6548 RRP $89.95.

Stationary Trolley.

A stylish permanent trolley for your Weber QTM. Make your barbecue

the centre of attention on your patio.

Weber® QTM (Q200AU/220AU) 8460 RRP $179.00.

Weber QTM Handle Light.

Three LED lights illuminate the

cooking surface of your Weber

QTM making cooking even easier.

Weber Q Handle light.


6503 RRP $49.95.

Weber QTM Non-Stick Breakfast

Plate Sheet

Makes your Breakfast Plate as

easy to clean as a non-stick fry-

ing pan.

93325 RRP $19.95.

Weber® Q™ Accessories



Premium Hotplate.

The porcelain coated surface

gives great cooking results and

is rust resistant. The stainless

steel handles can lift the hot-

plate from the barbecue to the

table ensuring your food stays

hot until it is served.

Weber® QTM (Q200AU/220AU)

6505 RRP $79.95.

Weber® baby QTM (Q100AU/100EAU)

6504 RRP $69.95.

Weber® baby QTM Side Tables.

Weber® baby QTM (Q100AU/100EAU)

6502 RRP $49.95.

Page 45: Weber BBQs

Stainless Steel Chef’s Tongs.

6441 RRP $22.95.

Australia’s Own Weber® QTM


This is the second barbecue

book that Ross McDonald and

Margaret Kirkwood have put to-

gether. Those of you who own a

copy of ‘The Complete Austra-

lian Barbecue Kettle Cookbook’

will know the superb quality of

their work. The QTM cookbook

is the sort of book that would

make the perfect gift for some-

one who ‘loves’ their Weber QTM.

,Q� LW�WKH\�VKRZ�\RX�KRZ�WR�XVH�each of the Weber QTM models,

so that you can enjoy mouth-

watering breakfasts, lunches,

dinners and desserts for years

and years to come. Australia’s

Own Cookbook for the Weber


250-10 RRP $32.95.

Stainless Steel Tool Set.

Dishwasher proof tongs and

spatula are for use with all

Weber Q models. A special fea-

ture for Weber Q owners is the

way they clip under the folding

side-tables, so that they can be

stored away under the lid when

not in use.

6511 RRP $29.95.

Stainless Steel Skewer Set.

Rectangular rather than round, these

skewers are designed to hold food in

place when the skewer is turned. Elegant

yet robust, these heavy gauge skewers

are perfect for satays and kebabs.

6437 RRP $36.95.

People fall in love with Weber®

Weber® QTM Stainless Steel

Grill Pans.

A great idea for cooking oven

chips and fries, vegetables or

GHOLFDWH� ÀVK� RQ� WKH� EDUEHFXH� Weber® baby QTM (23cm x 19cm).


Available October 2011.

91133 RRP $29.95.

Weber® QTM (29.5cm x 21cm).



Available October 2011.

91134 RRP $34.95.

Weber® QTM (44.5cm x 30.5cm).


6435 RRP $44.95.

Stainless Steel Tool Set.

Comprises tongs, spatula and

barbecue fork.

6445 RRP $69.95.

Weber® QTM

3 metre bayonet hose.

Connect your Weber® QTM to cara-

van gas bottles.


HR10010 RRP $69.95.

Page 46: Weber BBQs

Salt and Pepper Shakers.

Designed to look like miniature

kettles, they are a perfect addi-

tion to any barbecue.

32911 RRP $16.95.

Weber® Q™ Accessories

3 Sided Grill Brushes.

These grill brushes feature a

round head full of metal bris-

tles, making it easy to get be-

tween the grill bars and other

GLIÀFXOW�SODFHV�Large. 6424 RRP $22.95.

Small. 6423 RRP $18.95.

Roasting Trivet.

Enjoy juicier, more succulent roasts. The Weber roasting trivet cre-

ates natural convection, allowing super-heated air to circulate all

around the meat.

Family QTM Trivet. (39cm x 30cm). 93335 RRP $39.95.

QTM Trivet. (36cm x 23cm). 93375 RRP $34.95.

baby QTM Trivet. (30cm x 20cm). 93385 RRP $29.95.

Q Pizza Stones.

Weber Q pizza stone with easy-serve

pizza tray. Turn your Weber Q into a

pizza oven and enjoy fantastic gour-

met pizzas in your own backyard.

Large pizza stone and tray.

91125 RRP $39.95.

Large easy-serve pizza tray.

17039 RRP $14.95.

Small pizza stone and tray.

91124 RRP $29.95.

Small easy-serve pizza tray.

17038 RRP $9.95.

Rib Rack.

The heavy gauge, nickel-plated steel rib rack allows you to stand

ribs, chops and chicken pieces in an upright position. Creates up to

50% more usable cooking area.

6406 RRP $32.95.

Stainless Steel

Vegetable Basket.

Deep enough to let you cook

large quantities of your favou-

rite vegetables.

6434 RRP $44.95.

Page 47: Weber BBQs

People fall in love with Weber®

Weber StyleTM

Digital Thermometer.

Roast-meat lovers should all

have a barbecue beeper. The

digital meat thermometer

beeps to let you know when

your roast is cooked to your

OLNLQJ�� ,W� GRHVQ·W� HYHQ� QHHG� WR�be near the barbecue; you can

carry it around on your belt or

leave it somewhere handy.

Here’s how it works.

Suppose you’re cooking a roast

of tender veal and you like to

cook it to medium. Select veal

from the meat choices on your

digital receiver. Select medium

from the cooking options of-

IHUHG�� ,QVHUW� WKH� PHDW� SUREH�into the meat inside your barbe-

cue. Attached to the probe is

a cable that leads to a trans-

mitter. The transmitter sends

signals to the digital receiver.

When the meat is nearly cooked

the receiver will beep four

times. A short time later, the

receiver will give a continuous

beep which indicates that your

veal is perfectly cooked to me-


Weber StyleTM Barbecue Beeper

Digital Thermometer.

6438 RRP $69.95.

Barbecue Mitt.

Made of 100% cotton material.


tardant coating to protect you

from the heat of your barbecue.

8401 RRP $19.95.

Drip Pans.

Your choice of small or large

heavy-gauge pans especially de-

signed for barbecue use. Made

to the highest quality without

any sharp edges. These versa-

tile pans can be cleaned and re-

used. Suitable for gas or char-

coal barbecues either as drip

pans or for cooking vegetables.

Small Drip Pans. (10)

6415 RRP $11.95.

Large Drip Pans. (10)

6416 RRP $17.95.

Barbecue Apron.

High quality black barbecue

apron made from 100% cotton

with Weber logo.

8403 RRP $24.95.

Page 48: Weber BBQs


©2011 Weber-Stephen Products Co. (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Trading as Weber® Barbecues, Weber® Barbeques,

Weber® Shop and Weber® BBQs. WEBER®, WEBERN®, the Kettle Silhouette device®, the shape of the We-

ber Kettle®��*(1(6,6®��6800,7®�DQG�)/$925,=(5® are registered Australian trade marks.

WEBER® QTM, BABY QTM, the QTM device are trade marks; all of Weber-Stephen Products LLC, 200 East

'DQLHOV�5RDG��3DOODWLQH��,OOLQRLV��������86$��7KH�VKDSH�RI�WKH�:HEHU® QTM is a registered trade mark of

Weber-Stephen Products LLC.

Smokey JoeTM, Tuck-N-CarryTM, Go-AnywhereTM, CompactTM, Bar-B-kettleTM, One- TouchTM, Master-TouchTM,

PlatinumTM, PerformerTM, Touch-N-GoTM, Smokey Mountain CookerTM, RanchTM, Slide-asideTM, Weber Wok-

TM��5DSLGÀUHTM, Char- BasketTM, CharbinTM, Tuck-awayTM, Stopwatch EngineeringTM, Warm-UpTM, Steam-N-

ChipsTM, Gas CatcherTM, SpiritTM, CrossoverTM, Spider StopperTM, FlameCheckTM, FirespiceTM, FireStartersTM,

Snap-JetTM, Weber FlameTM, Weber StyleTM, Grill-OutTM and Backyard HeroesTM are trade marks; all of

Weber-Stephen Products LLC������(DVW�'DQLHOV�5RDG��3DOODWLQH��,OOLQRLV��������86$�

Weber-Stephen Products LLC is the owner of Australian patent numbers 598709, 609849, 641339, 694686

and 769944 relating to various aspects of Weber’s products. There are Australian patents pending relat-

ing to, among other things, certain aspects of the Weber Q barbecue grill.

Weber-Stephen Products LLC is the owner of Australian Design Registration numbers 129224, 148993

and 300965.

© R. McDonald Co. Pty. Ltd. 2010. This booklet incorporates material which is owned by Weber-Stephen

Products LLC, R. McDonald Co. Pty. Ltd. and McDonald-Kirkwood Pty. Ltd.

Weber-Stephen Products Co. (Aust) Pty. Ltd.

Australian Representative R. McDonald Co. Pty. Ltd.

A.C.N. 007 905 384.

104 South Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000.

Consumer information phone 1300 301 290 or visit

Wholesale enquiries and orders phone (08) 8221 6111